#teh rooster
drunkroosters · 2 years
I haven’t consumed rt/ah content consistently since 2017/18 ish but it has aparently been foretold that every six months a new, absolutely horrendous story is unveiled and I am summoned to my high school tumblr account like its fucking homecoming
except its the most pedophilic, racist, misogyinst, transphobic, homophobic, failure of a homecoming possible
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hanakoforever · 3 years
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ursifors · 2 years
alright so hembo came back just to... say he's leaving... again? i'm gonna tear apart what he says in his video because honestly most of it is so fucking ridiculous i can't believe he just acts like this.
under a readmore because this shit was so much longer than it needed to be even with the parts i'm not mentioning.
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[ID: I had a month to think this over and I've decided to bring the videos back, but I still plan to leave the community behind for many reasons. If you still want to hold onto your hate, then this video is not for you and I hope you find peace someday. Nothing anyone says here will stop me from leaving, I've done more than enough for others throughout the years. My time is better spent helping others.]
the first thing i noticed about this passage, which is the opening to his video, is that he says "nothing anyone says here will stop me from leaving" - it struck me as a bit funny because his tone, like he really truly believes anyone in this community is going to get on their knees and beg him to stay. bro WE shoved you out we don't WANT you to come back. also the way he says "i've done more than enough for others. but also my time is better spent helping others." i can't stop laughing he didn't proof read this at all did he.
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[ID: I'm only doing this for the people who enjoyed the 6 years of effort. I volunteered about 10,000 hours of my free time helping others through laughter. The same kind of laughter that cheered me up and allowed me forget my troubles when I needed it most. ONce this video is uploaded. I'll take my time adding back any deleted videos if applicable. For those wondering why Ryan Haywood appears in older videos. It's cause I never had the time to go back and edit him out of 5 years worth of videos. But now I refuse to edit anything for the community again. Someone else can do it if they want to. I think most people forget that rooster teeth hasn't edited Ryan out either. So I don't know why anyone expects a single freelance editor to re-work years of content again when teh company has paid editors that did not.]
holy jesus fucking hell. first of all, why does he literally act like he is the only person out there who edits clips of content he didn't make together when i can literally name like 5 other channels off the top of my head who do the same. second of all, hembo, people expected you to edit out ryan BECAUSE this shit was what you did in your free time. the paid editors at rt kind of have their hands full, you know, editing the new fucking content they are constantly making. i wish they could work on going back through old content but thats YEARS of content and they are all working on the new stuff coming out daily. you however, could have easily posted "hey im gonna go back and edit out RH no new compilation videos for awhile bc this is important" for fuck sakes u were editing content that isnt even yours in your free time you're not some kind of god to the community get over yourself.
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[ID: There were a few people who brought up another common what-about-ism as they made every possible excuse for justifying stealing just to protect their own. "What about all the times Geoff was a piece of shit in the past?" And my thought was okay? I have a lot more memories of him acknowledging he was an idiot than him making excuses for the stuff he did.]
wow that's super convenient of you to remember all the times geoff acknowledged what a dumb kid he was and not punish him at all for crimes he committed in the past! i wonder if we watch the same content because i mostly seem to just remember geoff laughing and saying "here is this insane thing i did as a kid which i am telling now as a story because i find it hilarious that i did this" and not really ever saying "i'm telling this story because i have grown as a person and would never do a crime ever as an adult." don't get me wrong i love geoff but hembo is so desperate to excuse any of the white cishet men of rtah for doing far far worse things and recounting them with glee it's actually pathetic.
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[ID: I'm not sorry for making the "controversial video". Because I've got nothing to apologize for. I called out Ky for sounding like an asshole and I'm going to think you're an asshole if you unapologetically steal. The fact that she says she did it more than once leads me to think that she's okay with it. She then said it was "very funny" so again, you're an asshole.]
honestly it's pretty apparent with everything he's said that hembo truly just hates ky and is looking for a reason to justify it to everyone else. i literally cannot wrap my mind around the fact that every ah member has at one point or another said "hey i did this terrible thing when i was younger isn't it so hilarious" but of course hembo would never condemn anyone else... i wonder why? hmmmm. dear hembo stealing from giant corporations and the government is never wrong god bless ♡ also love that he's not sorry for trying to start some kind of purist crusade against ky with the platform he had (don't quote me on this but didn't he literally have more followers than her on twitter at the time of posting that video... yikes man! ur nuts!)
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[ID: Some focused on the crime being a victimless crime. True, the store will survive, most employees wont give a shit, and the amount stolen was probably insignificant, but I'm still going to think you're an asshole. I don't care if you stole a beer or a piece of gum. What bothered me was her childish attitude. Admittedly, I overreacted, but I'd also say that the community response was a bit of an overreaction too. More on that later.]
while i'm glad he can admit he overreacted he immediately follows it with basically "but also so did everyone else and i didn't do anything wrong ♡" dude shut the fuck up. honestly this entire video is just him being like "i'm leaving don't beg me to return it won't work and also i wasn't wrong and i still hate ky" annoying ass just leave already.
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[ID: The community is way too hostile and toxic towards anyone they don't like. Even towards the people who had legitimate criticism like audio levels. The community tore those commenters to shreds for daring to complain. I saw the company response was to make a shirt design of a blown-out audio wave that the community tried to provide as proof. I saw people state the website was crashin ga lot when they launched a new version and the community response was along the lines of "then leave if it's so bad."]
see this is interesting to me because while i do agree that SOME of the time people can get overzealous with telling others to fuck off, you have to take a step back and look at why. people who were saying "whoa boy i think ky's mic is a touch loud! any way we can fix her audio set up?" well that's fine! that's polite! and actually constructive! but that is not what most people were doing. most people were saying "i hate ky she ruins videos she's too loud i hate screaming despite being an achievement hunter fan who loves michael wah wah boo hoo" so of course the community clapped back to that????? like what is so hard to understand about constructive comments vs straight up hate?
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[ID: It seems like the community is always ready to jump on any chance to dogpile on anyone who dares to say something they don't agree with. So I'm not surprised at how many people were pissed off beyond reason. That reaction was predictable, but I still found it a little sad to see how many people made excuse for stealing. I remember one excuse is the $100 charge that a university may charge for stolen goods.I probably got charged the same during my time in college. I still wouldn't use that as an excuse to steal 25 muffins or some shit.]
good for you hembo can everyone please give a fucking standing ovation to our perfect little angel who would never ever STEAL, the worse sin of all! shocked he didn't say ky should get a hand cut off because that's how they used to punish thieves back in the day since this man's way of thinking is fucking archaic. so glad he didnt ever feel stuck between a rock and a hard place as a starving college student since he wouldn't ever steal food he probably would have rathered died then take an innocent giant corporation's candy bars :(
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[ID: I judged Ky for her words and actions. I judged her for who she is, not what she is. I even offered a way to make things right. It's wasn't hard. Just say that it's wrong to steal, something so basic. She could still admit this now, but that's for her to decide if it's worth saying. I think at the time she posted a generic "I'm not perfect" and "I will always reflect and try to do better." Which I found funny cause it still ignored her stealing story with a fortune cookie style catch all statement about self reflection. Is it really that hard to address something stupid you said in the past?]
this. this right here. this paragraph basically boils it all down to what his real intentions and feelings are. he judged ky for something she did as a broke college student, and then for the way she decided to tell the story. despite not upholding any other ah member to the same insane standard. despite not knowing shit about ky's personal life. despite ky literally not owing him anything. and then ky went above and beyond and did make a statement about still learning and growing as a person. but that wasn't good enough for him, but i don't think anything would have been. no matter how ky had reacted to this entire shitfest, i truly believe hembo would have found some way to belittle her regardless. because he doesn't like her. plain and simple.
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[ID: For those jumping to conclusions and want to make this about race or gender, I know you're wrong. I've been discriminated against and felt alone my entire life. I know what racism looks like, sounds like, and feels like. If you disagree then don't worry, I'm still leaving and we'll both agree that the other's opinion is wrong and none of this will matter over time anyways. I don't understand why people had such strong opinions when most of you don't even know my background or name.]
i'm white so i consulted @kingpattillo, who is black, about this passage.
me: mostly i just wanted to say that in my opinion this doesn't hold up because he may know what racism specifically towards asian people looks like as that's what he faces but he does not know what racism towards black people is like because he doesn't experience it. and that he's trying to act like he can't be racist against black people just because he himself isnt white or whatever.
erlande: ah, so it's my turn to tear him apart, huh? yeah, give me a minute, because his take is uh. oof there may be typos, and it's almost 3am, so excuse me is anything is unclear
the one thing he said that i agree with is the racism he mentioned experiencing is unjustifiable. no doubt about that. every person of color has negative experiences in everyday life because of their skin, and therefore, can relate to each other because of some of those said experiences. you know, overlap and shit.
however, ky is specifically black and a woman, and hembo can't relate to that because he is neither of those things, so he can't fully understand what ky specifically goes through. he can empathize to an extent, but the reason why i, and many, MANY other black fans and members of AH, are so pissed off at him is because of the hypocrisy and inconsistency with his comments
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[ID: I didn't have any sense of community growing up. I was born in a small town with no other asians and got bullied a lot, but that never stopped me from trying to be a good person. When I started looking into careers. My parents weren't supportive of my decisions. My very first dream was to be a hero. I know helping others gives me a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Just seeing others happy makes me happy in return. So I ran the idea to my parents that I wanted to be a fire fighter or police officer. They both screamed at me no. They explained that they didn't come into this country to have their son die or be killed. Thinking about that now, I can understand their concern. I'd probably be one of the first ones to put myself in a dangerous situation if it meant saving a life. Instead of dying a hero they wanted me to be safe and happy.
I thought it would hurt to just leave 6 years of work behind, but I felt like a weight was lifted after closing ll the doors. Mot of the community didn't know much about me to begin with o it made the disconnect even easier. I've got more important work to do in animal care and it fulfills my very first dream, to be a hero. The amount of effort and care I put directly impacts the lives of the animals I help and in it also impacts the lives of the people they touch. I can see how much I'm helping others rather than rehashing Youtube videos for strangers.]
fucking shocker the guy who lost his fucking marbles and destroyed his reputation in this community overnight because of his absolute hatred of stealing and how a black woman stole one time, wanted to be a cop. also has an insane hero complex. idk why he even included this like waxing poetic about how good of a person you are doesn't actually MAKE you a good person you freak.
it kind of blows my mind that he genuinely thought he was doing something like so amazing for the community just by making compilation videos like i'm not bashing the practice i love watching those kind of videos but. he's acting like he's the fucking second coming of christ for doing so and it's so WEIRD? also huge red flag to me that he doesn't seem to have any actual friends in the community? like idk if this is just me but leaving this community would be hard for and on me because i have so many friends i made here and losing that common interest would suck ass. but he's just like yeah its sooooo easy to leave and go help animals goodbye. like genuinely what a racist weirdoooo.
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meyerlansky · 7 years
You don't like Ryan? Can I ask why?
HA you can ask anything you want but i can’t guarantee you’ll like my answer :P anyway, tl;dr: a combination of his shitty GamerBro perspectives on nintendo products and simple oversaturation thanks to his stans
for a very very long time ryan was one of my top three AH dudes [no one will ever unseat michael as Fave Boi, but until jeremy joined, ryan was my second fave] but in the last yeeear? two years? he’s really started rubbing me the wrong way, mostly because he has the same “it’s all about The Gamerz” commentary on nintendo as every other head-up-his-ass UR NOT A REEEAL GAMER dude i have to deal with every single time i try to talk about video games in meatspace. nintendo has made more than a few missteps in their recent years, yeah, but lately he takes a really vindictive glee in shitting on the company and its fans and i Do Not Like It—do not fucking get me started on him taking over the BotW let’s watch for michael, and pretty much every comment he made to mica during the E3 streams infuriated me because it was always a variation on “nintendo sucks and you’re stupid for being excited for their new releases” and he’s just. smug and nasty and i-told-you-so superior any time something he personally doesn’t care for isn’t PERFECT and it shits me up a wall even when it’s not nintendo he’s being shitty about, but nintendo’s his favorite target lately and as a big ninendo supporter it bothers me. a lot.
and the other part of it is hooow many of his fans are rabid about wanting his dick attention and how i can’t follow a single ah blog anymore without hearing about how hawt he is. which, that’s just how youtube fandom works these days, it’s whatever, but the way he plays it up on his streams [or did when i watched them, which… would be why i stopped watching them] and his snapchat and now his instagram??? it’s… really uncomfortable on his part imo and it’s made his fanbase reeeally intolerable for me.
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ebaeschnbliah · 4 years
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Twins? … It’s never twins! … But there's always two of us! Two of us against the rest of the world!
There is something about the number 2 in Sherlock BBC, which is impossible not to see after the course of thirteen episodes. And a lot has already been written about it by various people. ‘Two’ and several names which are also meant to express a number of ‘two’ - like double, couple, pair, twins - turn up time and again throughout the whole story.
A summary and some musings on the topic below the cut ...
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The two beginnings
First of all, Sherlock BBC is a story with two starting episodes, which in itself isn’t unusual. And yet, if one takes a closer look, there are some things - just minor details - that seem to be a little bit strange after all. The two points of beginning are:
THE UNAIRED PILOT - a 60 min episode called ‘A study in pink’  
A STUDY IN PINK - the 90 min official first episode of S1
An extension of 30 min naturally leads to differences, as does a change in directing. The unaired PILOT was directed by Mary Rose Helen Giedroyc, Lady Bowyer-Smyth, known as Coky Giedroyc. The BBC decided not to broadcast the episode because they wished to change the length to 90 minutes. The PILOT was released on the DVD of the first series, and it proved to be slightly different from the final 90 min version, directed by Paul McGuigan.
However … there are certain changes between PILOT and ASIP which seem … odd. Most of all though, some seem quite unnecessary. 
Angelo went to prison for car-jacking in PILOT ... for house-breaking in ASIP.
Sherlock can identify (by looking at the hands) a retired plumber in PILOT … an airline pilot in ASIP.  (plumber/water, pilot/air … an interesting change)
Northumberland Terrace in PILOT changes into Northumberland Street in ASIP.
The barking dog can be first heard at the end of PILOT and at the beginning of ASIP.
Sherlock and John meet at 221b for the first time on January 14th in PILOT … on January 29th in ASIP (according to John’s blog). The victim prior to the lady in pink dies on January 27th (stated on screen).
The visual appearance changes from natural, vivid colours in PILOT ... to pale and cold colours in ASIP. Especially Sherlock looks like a marble statue in some scenes.
The attraction between Sherlock and John is a much stronger one in PILOT than in ASIP. The PILOT episode isn’t called ‘gay pilot’ for nothing. 
Virtually all the scenes from PILOT which have been taken over to ASIP are shot mirrored. The brilliant video Mirror Mirror Mirror by @kateis-cakeis shows this in detail. 
If anyone is interested, @callie-ariane  did a wonderful script comparison of PILOT and ASIP, side by side, on a download PDF here. This comparison reveals that the biggest parts that have been changed for ASIP are: 
the addition of a fifth victim
a short description of the victims
the visual introduction of Mycroft
the (very early) intoduction of Jim Moriarty compared to canon
the transfer of the showdown between Sherlock and Jeff Hope, from the Baker Street 221b living room to the Roland-Kerr Further Education College 
All of these are understandable decisions. Even the different visual appearance can be easily explained by the work of another director …. though regarding Sherlock BBC, an amendment like this would largely depend on the creators themselves, I guess.
What’s really odd though are all those little, seemingly unnecessary changes listed above. What makes the difference between car-jacking and house-breaking … between terrace and street … between plumber and pilot … between January 14th and 29th? And the mirrored shooting of almost all the reused scenes. Doesn’t this need a rewriting of all the shooting scripts in question? This seems to be a load of unnecessary extra work for an extension of 30 min ..  Anyway, be it coincidence or purpose, there are a lot more ‘2s’ interwoven in this story.
Playing with contrasts happens regularly … red&blue, fire&water, burning&drowning, high above&deep down, no-one&anyone, big&small, consulting criminal&consulting detective ...
Playing with the meaning and double meaning of names and words is also quite common in Sherlock BBC … John/Hamish, sister/nun, brother/monk, beech/beach, rooster/cock, cock/penis, game/game, Underground/underground  ...
A choice between two possibilities happens several times …. good bottle or bad bottle, saint or sinner, James or John, forwards or backwards ...
Two twin-houses
Roland-Kerr Further Education College is the place where Jeff Hope takes Sherlock for his ‘good bottle-bad bottle’ game near the end of ASIP. The Cardiff Univerity main-building had been used as film-set and for this scene the building was altered and mirrored to give the appearance of two identical buildings.  (Cardiff University (x) (x) (x)
Twenty-three and twenty-four Leinster Gardens ... the empty houses ... appear in HLV. They are Sherlock’s property and Mary’s face is projected on them when Sherlock compaires her to a facade. Originally, there was only one ‘empty house’ in canon, situated opposite 221b Baker Street. Strangely, the place from which John shoots Hope in PILOT would conform to the empty house from canon.   (Empty houses  The impossible house) 
Two high security facilities … with several levels below ground, are visited by Sherlock
Baskerville, the military compound where the fear inducing HOUND aerosol is created. Skulls and crossed bones are displayed on the danger signs. 
Sherrinford, the special prison where Eurus, the sister turned into a ghost story, is locked up behind elephant glass. Two ‘pirates’ enter the island. 
Two landladies rent a flat to a male couple
Mrs Hudson rents a flat to Sherlock and John and asks them if they will be needing two bedrooms.
Mrs Turner, next door, rents a flat to a married couple. Mrs Turner appears in ACDs story ‘Scandal in Bohemia’ as landlady of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson.
Two skulls reside in the 221b livingroom. The inflexible bone skull on the mantlepiece next to the statue of the ancient Chinese bowman and the changeable blue skull painting on the wall behind the sofa next to the equally changeable yellow smiley. 
Two palaces with partly similar looking interior …. Buckingham Palace and Sherlock’s mind palace  (x)
The secret code in TBB is written in ancient cyphers which always come in pairs. The numbers are references to specific pages of a book and to specific words on those pages. 
Two neat plans and two rehearsals
The flight of the dead - code 007 Bond Air from ASIB & the similar project of the plane crash in Dusseldorf prior.
The attempted murder of Major Sholto - room number 207 from TSOT & the rehearsal of it involving Private Bainbridge prior.
Two '00′ (double oh) can be heard related to the ‘neat’ plans  (x)
In ASIB the number ‘double oh seven’ uttered by Mycroft, refers to the plane he intends to use for the ‘flight of the dead’. 
In TSOT the number on Sholto’s door reads 207 - ‘two oh seven' - Mary calls it.  
Doppelganger bodies appear conveniently and seemingly out of nowhere to cover up the fake deaths of Sherlock, Irene and Emelia.
Janus Cars … is the car hire company; assiciated with Jim Moriarty, who helpes clients to fake their death. In ancient Rome Janus was the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, and endings. He usually is depicted with two faces, since he looks to the future and to the past. 
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And there is also the not very subtle sexual double meaning hiding in plain sight behind the name of this car hire company ... J-anus C-ars … which basically are two different names for roughly the same area. :)
Two explosions hit 221 Baker Street. The first one, in TGG, comes from the outside. The second one, in TFP, comes from the inside.
Two countdowns from 10 to 1 happen ere someone is in danger to die. 
The first one happens in TGG related to the fake Vermeer painting and the kidnapped child who wears a vest full of explosives. It’s he fourth cold case Sherlock has to solve. 
The second one happens in TFP when Sherlock aims a gun at himself. It’s the fourth task Eurus has set up for him in Sherrinford in which he should choose between Mycroft and John.
Two ‘falls’ from great heigth come to pass in two episodes:
In TRF Sherlock throws himself down from Bart’s roof - to save his friends - after Jim Moriarty shot himself in the head.
In TAB Sherlock throws himself down a waterfall - without being forced - and follows Jim Moriarty into the abyss, flying and smiling.
Two reddish balloons represent ‘quite the guy’ John Watson in two episodes - TEH and TST.
Two roosters/cocks appear in two episodes which also contain two serial killers with certain similarities. In ASIP the cock is linked to John Watson. In TLD the cock is linked to Culverton Smith. (x)
Felines and canines appear in two different versions. One is harmless, like cats and dogs. One is dangerous, like lion and monster hound. (x)
Two pet animals of two children are taken away by a family member. Sherlock misses his dog Redbeard. Kirsty misses her rabbit Bluebell. (x)
Redbeard and Yellowbeard are the names little Victor and little Sherlock invented for themselves when they played pirates. 
Two occurrences define Sherlock’s personality - Carl Powers and Victor Trevor: 
‘It’s where I began’ … that’s how Sherlock describes the Carl Powers case about a drowned boy and his missing shoes.
‘Every choice you ever made; every path you’ve ever taken – the man you are today ... is your memory of Eurus’ … that’s how Mycroft descirbes the Eurus case about a drowned boy and a missing dog.
Two serial killers appear, who deem themselves nice. They like to talk to their victims and have quite noticeable teeth. Jefferson Hope in ASIP & Culverton Smith in TLD.
Two stillborn children play a role …. Rachel Wilson, her first name turns out to be the password of the pink ladies pink phone and Mary Morstan, whose identity was stolen by the woman who later becomes John’ s wife.
AMO & AMMO ... two almost identical words for love and explosives
Codename ‘AMO’ … is used by two different characters. Legally by Lady Smallwood & illegally by Vivian Norbury. 
Two times Rosamund Mary …. the same name for mother and daughter
Two times Charles
Carl Powers, from TGG, is the boy who had a fit in the water and drowned. 
Charlie Welsborough, from TST, is the boy who had a fit in a car and burned.
Two times Faith … Culverton Smith’s daughter, mirror for John, is envisiond by Sherlock as two different persons. (x)
Two variations of the name James … Jim (short for James) Moriarty & John Hamish (Scotish for James) Watson.
Musgrave and Trevor …  Reginald Musgrave and Victor Trevor are original characters who appear in two canon stories (Musgrave Ritual & Gloria Scott) which are the only ones linked to Sherlock’s time at university. TFP combines those stories and connects them to a trauma Sherlock might have experienced in his childhood.. 
Two problematic sisters
John and Sherlock, each ot the two men has a ‘problematic’ sister. John’s sister Harry is an alcoholic and Sherlock’s sister Eurus is locked up since childhood in a high security facility because she is a dangerous genius. 
Eurus is revealed on screen only by the end of the (for now) penultimate episode. Harry has still no visual appearance at all.
There is hardly any contact between the siblings during the majority of the story. They ‘don’t get on’ with each other or are completely forgotten at all. 
Harry is listed as potential pressure point for John by Magnussen, while Eurus is a potential pressure point for Sherlock, used by Mycroft. 
Both sisters are called by male names
Both sisters are mistaken for brothers by Sherlock as well as John, when they are first mentioned in their presence.
These are enough similarities between those mysterious sisters to  call it quite strange, I think. Mycroft’s advice for Sherlock comes to mind: 
SHERLOCK: For one person to be in both groups ... could be a coincidence. MYCROFT: Oh, Sherlock. What do we say about coincidence? SHERLOCK: The universe is rarely so lazy.
As much as Harry and Eurus seem to have in common, there’s one big difference. While Eurus lives her lonely life mostly behind elephant glass, Harry had been married with Clara for some time. But three months before John and Sherlock meet, the women split up and got a divorce. 
A Catherine hiding in plain sight
As @shylockgnomes​ pointed out in her post about the 'High incidence of Katherines’ in Sherlock BBC, the name Clara basically has the same meaning as Catherine … bright, clear, clean, pure. Clara seems to be a Catherine hiding in plain sight, one might say. 
Catherine is of Greek origin and became later, in the early Christian era, associated with the Greek ‘katharos’ … meaning ‘pure’. Earlier derivations list as possible roots for Catherine the name of the goddess Hekate and the Greek name Hekaterine ... meaning ‘each of the two’. 
And this is the point where especially one possible meaning behind the name Catherine ... ‘each of the two’ … becomes highly interesting for a story packed full of pairs, couples, double ohs and twins. 
Each of the two - what might this mean?
Does it refer to two autonomous characters like Sherlock and John or does it refer to two different versions of one and the same character. What if we are dealing with two John’s in this story (alongside with two Sherlock’s)? Two of a kind for each of the two ... but not twins. 
John Watson seems to be the character everything else circles around inside Sherlock’s mind palace. But there is a great difference between the John Watson of the PILOT and the one in ASIP. While PILOT-John seems to have not much problems to show his romantic interrest in Sherlock, the same character is much more restrained in ASIP. This attitude grows constantly over the course of the story, until it reaches an absolute low point in TLD. John claims again and again, in almost each episode, that he’s not gay. He downgrades Sherlock’s introduction of him from ‘friend’ to ‘colleague’. He tries to teach Sherlock the appropriate interaction with other people and the correct social behaviour … even when it is quite clear that Sherlock doesn’t like it. He jokes about some of Sherlock’s special characteristics with mutual friends and even tells him to ‘be not himself’ and demands that Sherlock should ‘hold himself to a higher standard’ because of the people who read the stories. And alongside those repeated verbal rebukes there’s also a constant increase of physical violence. 
For more than a century the friendship and love between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson is known to be among the most famous in literature. It hardly ever happens that the one appears without the other. Not one of the many adaptations I ever watched, depicts the ‘good doctor’ as someone who behaves like John Watson in Sherlock BBC. This John Watson becomes more and more out of character as the story runs along. Sometimes it’s almost as if this man isn’t THE John Watson at all. 
‘When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains must be the truth’ … that’s a main principle of Sherlock Holmes. If this John Watson is so very much OOC, perhaps this is so, because he isn’t THE John Watson? 
Viewing all the characters on Sherlock’s mind stage as aspects, as certain opinions he has on various matters, and not as autonomous real-life people, it could be entirely possible that Sherlock tries to analyze his attitude towards a romantic/sexual relationship by creating different ‘editions’ of John Watson. The special attempt of a genius brain to fathom out his own feelings, desires and fears. If so, are there any indications in this story that more than one John Watson is present? 
Two times John?
As mentioned in this post, there exists a scene in PILOT in which John appears twice in one single shot. It happens during the taxi ride to the crime scene of the pink lady, when Sherlock explains his first deductions about John to John. In one of the flashbacks John can be seen entering the lab while he is already inside, offering Sherlock his phone. 
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Recently I discovered that a similar shot exists in ASIP as well. It’s also in one of the flashbacks during the taxi ride to the crime scene of the pink lady, when Sherlock explains his first deductions about John to John. ‘Wounded in action, suntan – Afghanistan or Iraq’ … that’s the exact point when it happens. This time though the appearance of the ‘second John’ is rather colourful. One might even say … rainbowy. :)
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Hope and Faith
The Lying Detecive is the (for now) penultimate episode of the story and very closely connected to A Study in Pink. Each of the two episodes is about a serial killer who deems himself 'verging on nice’, loves to talk to his victims and displays quite noticeable teeth. 
Jeff Hope from ASIP has two bottles to offer, good pills and bad pills full of ‘chemistry’, from which Sherlock is expected to choose one.  
Culverton Smith from TLD has a daughter called Faith. With her bad leg and the cane, she’s very obviously a mirror for John. The included flashback to John limping away from the pink lady’s crime scene and also the scene in which Faith’s gun gets thrown into the Thames (like John’s in PILOT), underpins the mirroring even more. Faith is displayed as two similar looking but entirely different persons. 
As it turns out later, one of the two Faith’s is actually Eurus, Sherlock’s 'other one’, his sister who gets mistaken for a brother (like John’s sister Harry). Eurus represents Sherlock’s emotional side … especially with regards to his feelings for John … hence Faith’s display as John’s mirror with cane and limp.
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TBB and the theory of two John’s
The Blind Banker has proven again and again that this episode is the user manual for Sherlock BBC. If there are indeed two different John’s - respectively Sherlock’s - put into this story, TBB should confirm this theory. Are there two John’s/Sherlock’s included in TBB? Yes, surprisinly, there are. 
In this episode John as well as Sherlock are presented as double mirrors. Due to several random and minor incidents, General Shan mistakes John for Sherlock. 
Debit card, name of S. Holmes.
A cheque for five thousand pounds made out in the name of Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
Tickets from the theatre, collected by you, name of Holmes.
We heard it from your own mouth. “I am Sherlock Holmes and I always work alone …”
And so, in General Shan’s view, John becomes Sherlock and Sarah - the ‘pretty doctor companion’ - turns into John. Basically, in every scene in which those three characters interact with each other, there are indeed two John’s and two Sherlock’s present ‘on stage’. It seems the theory that both main characters are represented in two slightly different versions is not that farfetched after all.
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That’s not the John Watson I know 
There’s this short dialogue from ASIP, the first official episode of Sherlock BBC, (it doesn’t show up in PILOT) ... could it be another piece of evidence that there’s more than one John Watson in this story. Is this a classical case of ‘we told you, but did you listen’?
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Two Johns? Two differnt aspects represented by the same character? One positive, one negative? Like Jeff Hope’s good and bad bottles? And also two Sherlock’s?
The concept of an inflexible, unchangeable relationship between ‘eternal’ just-friends, the same as it has been for over a century. A version that will slowly kill Sherlock internally until he ends in the solitude of the Sussex Downs all alone with his bees? Again ...
And the other concept …  a finally changed 'new’ friend, a different John, who falls in love with Sherlock Holmes at first sight and never leaves him again? And a Sherlock Holmes who gives in to the softer emotions and his neglected ‘transport’. A man who finally drops his facade to accept love, romance and sex in his life?
The detective and his doctor who, at long last, leave their crime scene and have dinner with each other (fulfill their desire) at a lovely Chinese (emotional) restaurant. :)))
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More about pairs:  Things coming in pairs   Couples & Pairs   Double oh 7 - Bond Air is go
I leave you to your own deductions. Thanks @callie-ariane​ for the scripts. 
December, 2019
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borderlore · 5 years
Customization Skins Drop Guide: “Jack” the Doppelganger
Continued in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! was the ability to customize the player’s character with a variety of Skins and Heads. With numerous Heads and Skins to choose from, it should be an obvious answer that not all of these are immediately obtainable by the player. A large majority of both are found by looting, killing, and completing Challenges. From having to fight Raid Bosses to turning in Missions, this guide is meant to inform the player on who to kill, where to loot, and which Challenges to complete in order to further customize their favorite Vault Hunters to their liking.
Blood Moon
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Space Dead
Rank: 3
Red Eye
Drop Source: Corporal Bob
Enemy Location: Hyperion Hub of Heroism
Blood on the Lapel
Drop Source: RedBelly
Enemy Location: Crisis Scar
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “A New Direction”
The Mission “A New Direction” must be turned in to farm RedBelly.
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Marshal Martial
Rank: 3
Blood Money
Drop Source: Powersuit Noob
Enemy Location: Lunar Launching Station
Mission Location: Lunar Launching Station
Mission: “Red, Then Dead”
The Mission “Red, Then Dead” must be turned in to farm Powersuit Noob.
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “Grinders”
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Barrel of Laughs
Rank: 3
The Monster
Drop Source: Tiny Destroyer
Enemy Location: Research and Development
Mission Location: Research and Development
Mission: “Lab 19″
The Mission “Lab 19″ must be turned in to farm the Tiny Destroyer.
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Nova Say Die
Rank: 3
Green-Eyed Jack
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: A Chunk of Purest Green
Rank: 3
True Blue
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Up Unt At Zem
Rank: 5
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Abandoned Training Facility
Mission: “DAHL Combat Training: Round 4″
The Shock Drop Slaughter Pit is required to access the Abandoned Training Facility.
Blue in the Face
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Battle Star
Rank: 5
The Pale
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Research and Development
Mission: “Fresh Air”
The Bold
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Drive For Miles
Rank: 3
It POPS Better
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Outlands Canyon
Mission: “Boomshakalaka”
Coward in the Making
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Master Chef
Mission: 3
Buzz Buzz
Drop Source: Boomer
Enemy Location: Outlands Spur
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “Nothing Is Never an Option”
The Mission “Nothing Is Never an Option” must be turned in to farm Boomer.
Yell It Out
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Splat’n’Slide
Rank: 3
Drop Source: X-STLK-23
Enemy Location: Research and Development
Mission Location: Research and Development
Mission: “Science and Violence”
The Mission “Science and Violence” must be turned in to farm X-STLK-23.
Red Yellow Dead Fellow
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Crash & Burn
Rank: 3
Vitamin Kill
Drop Source: Not Cute Badass Tork
Enemy Location: Stanton’s Liver
Mission Location: Triton Flats
Mission: “All the Little Creatures”
The Mission “All the Little Creatures” must be turned in to farm the Not Cute Badass Tork.
Drop Source: Iwajira
Enemy Location: Serenity’s Waste
Peel the Flesh
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Slayer of Titans
Rank: 3
Drop Source: Rooster Booster
Enemy Location: Stanton’s Liver
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “Grinders”
The Mission “Grinders” must be turned in to farm Rooster Booster.
Aquatic Adventures
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Home Nade Cookin’
Rank: 5
Leader of Men
Drop Source: Badass Tork
Enemy Locations: Stanton’s Liver, Outlands Canyon, Sub-Level 13, Titan Industrial Facility, & Research and Development
Cyan Ya Dig It
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: There Can Be Only… Me
Rank: 5
Jack Ice
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Over The Moon
Rank: 3
Drop Source: Giant Shuggurath of Ice
Enemy Location: Triton Flats
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “Bunch of Ice Holes”
The Mission “Bunch of Ice Holes” must be turned in to farm the Giant Shuggurath of Ice.
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Big MIRV
Rank: 3
King Jack
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Scrounging Around
Rank: 3
Violet and Violent
Drop Source: Deadlift
Enemy Location: Regolith Range
Mission Location: Serenity’s Waste
Mission: “Marooned”
The Mission “Marooned” must be turned in to farm Deadlift.
Purple Darkness
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Regolith Range
Mission: “Last Requests”
Dark Machinations
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Veins of Helios
Mission: “Trouble with Space Hurps”
Pale Shooter
Drop Source: The Bosun
Enemy Location: Pity’s Fall
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “Intelligences of the Artificial Persuasion”
The Mission “Intelligences of the Artificial Persuasion” must be turned in to farm The Bosun.
Neon Badass
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: The Happiest Colour
Rank: 5
Pretty as a Picture
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: More Where That Came From
Rank: 3
Flushed With Cash
Drop Source: Colonel Zarpedon & The Empyrean Sentinel
Enemy Locations: Eye of Helios & Eleseer
Mission Locations: Lunar Launching Station
Mission: “Eye to Eye” & “The Beginning of the End”
Colonel Zarpedon will not respawn after killing her.
The Mission “The Beginning of the End” must be turned in to farm The Empyrean Sentinel.
Loud Bright and Deadly
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Home Nade Cookin’
Rank: 3
Scav Rustbukkit
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Scav Oxidyze
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Boomstick Boogie
Rank: 3
Scav Skorch
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Projectile Proliferation
Rank: 5
Dahl Fatigues
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Dahl NCO
Drop Source: Felicity Rampant
Enemy Location: Titan Robot Production Plant
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “Let’s Build a Robot Army”
The Mission “Let’s Build a Robot Army” must be turned in to farm Felicity Rampant.
Dahl Stencil
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Crouch Potato
Rank: 5
Hyperion Boldness
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Hyperion Courage
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Spray Job
Rank: 3
Hyperion Defender
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Penetrating Wound
Rank: 5
Jakobs Values
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Jakobs Ideals
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Trigger Happy
Rank: 3
Jakobs Quality
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Gunslinger
Rank: 5
Spirit by Maliwan
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Sophistication by Maliwan
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Pew Pew
Rank: 3
Solace by Maliwan
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Some Like it Hot
Rank: 5
Tediore Economical
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Tediore After Market
Drop Source: Slot Machines
Slot Combination: 777
Tediore Top Shelf
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Throw Me the Money
Rank: 5
Torgue Nitrous
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Torgue Blast Point
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Assault With a Deadly Weapon
Rank: 3
Torgue Shock Front
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Missile Magnet
Rank: 5
Vladof Worker
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Vladof Hammer
Drop Source: Challenge Reward & Slot Machines
Challenge: Sharp Shooter
Rank: 3
Slot Combination: 777
Vladof Comradeship
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Ammo Eater
Rank: 5
Snick-It Whites
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Vorago Solitude
Mission: “The Don”
DLC Skins:
Eridian Loaned
Drop Source: Mission Reward & Guardian Pondors
Mission Location: The Holodome
Enemy Location: The Holodome
Mission: “Digistructed Madness: Round 1″
The Holodome is only available in The Holodome Onslaught.
Smooth CEO
Drop Source: Teh Earworm
Enemy Location: Cluster 99002 0V3RL00K
Mission Location: The Nexus
Mission: “You Can Stop the Music”
The Mission “You Can Stop the Music” must be turned in to farm Teh Earworm.
The Nexus is only available in Claptastic Voyage.
Your Royalness
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Claptomaniac
Rank: 3
The Challenge Claptomaniac is only available in Claptastic Voyage.
Workin’ Duds
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: 99 Problems and a Glitch Ain’t One
Rank: 5
The Challenge 99 Problems and a Glitch Ain’t One is only available in Claptastic Voyage.
Flowers for the Widows
Drop Source: The Sponx
Enemy Location: Subconscious
Mission Location: Subconscious
Mission: “The Temple of Boom”
The Mission “The Temple of Boom” must be turned in to farm The Sponx.
The Subconscious is only available in Claptastic Voyage.
Dirk Claymore
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Motherlessboard
Mission: “Corrosion of Dignity”
The Motherlessboard is only available in Claptastic Voyage.
It’s Party Time!
Drop Source: LootBug.awesome
Enemy Locations: Motherlessboard, Cluster 00773 P4ND0R4, Cluster 99002 0V3RL00K, & Subconscious
The LootBug.awesome is only available in Claptastic Voyage.
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
Okay, I managed to find out what the price of the limited edition Blazblue Cross Tag Battle will be in Japan.
According to what I’ve heard: it’ll be about 5800 yen.
Using Currency Converter, I have found out it is about 52 dollars here in the US. (52.35 dollars to be exact)
Now I know this seems bad with the DLC...Thing is, the limited edition box comes with an all in one DLC code. ... Yeah, 52 dollars for a rooster of 40. That’s pretty good for normal Fighting Games...
However, a certain youtube video I watched pointed something out: That this is an anime fighting game which never have huge roosters.
So I decided to look up one for myself.
I found the second Senran Kagura game (Unless you are into heavy anime fanservice, don’t look it up): It’s base rooster was 14 (15 if you had a save of the previous game) with about 11 DLC characters.
To move things a little closer, I looked up the Blazblue series.
The first roster was 12 characters...Yeah.
And it took them up to Continum Shift Extend to have 20 characters without DLC. Mind you, that would be the FOURTH game in the series.
... Yeah now I feel bad for getting on Arcsys’ back. The only times that an anime fighting game had over 20 base characters is when it’s either one of the Big Three, their predecessor Dragon Ball or a Jump Star game. AKA games that WOULD sell well due to a already large fanbase.
Although Cross Tag is a crossover game for multiple fanbases, the actual fanbase for the game isn’t very big.
The biggest fanbase would have to Persona. And thing is, Persona didn’t get really known until Persona 5 here in the states. And since Persona 4 is the one being represented (with the added issue of Yu being pimped out more times than the Bablyonian Whore), the fanbase might not buy this. Especially since Person 5 fans can save money for Dancing Star Night or Persona Q2.
The second biggest is Arcsys’ own fanbase of Blazblue. But they might be a bit territorial with their series crossing over with the others. Add on the fcat that Guilty Gear fans are usually Blazblue fans and vice versa, both sides have been clamoring for a crossover game and Guilty Gear isn’t on here: Yeah, even Arcsys’ own fanbase might not buy the game entirely.
The third would have to be RWBY...which is quite an issue. This is because RWBY fans wouldn’t necessarily be gamers nor would they necessarily have the gaming consoles to play it on. Even then, some of them may not like fighting games. And I’ve read RWBY is more popular in Japan than in America so...yeah.
And then Under Night in Birth....I never even heard of this game before Cross Tag battle. And from what I’ve heard, the game isn’t too well known.
So yeah, Arcsys is actually putting a lot of work into this game and in all probability, we can probably get the DLC for cheap or even free. Even if not, this is still a lot of work for a niche market. So I think we should give them some space here.
EDIT: The price listed abive is actually the price for the physical game: Dumbass who said otherwise didn’t know what he was talking about and I was stupid enough to believe him.
News for teh DLC has been released and I made another post about it here: https://knightofbalance-13.tumblr.com/post/170085875485/blazblue-cross-tag-battle-dlc-update
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rnjrsupportsquad · 6 years
I really hope that rooster teeth has jaune give Oscar cold shoulder cause of Ozpin being in him and not just have jaune accept the fact that Ozpin gets a get out of death card and used Pyrrha
See I really hope they dont. Jaune knows (or really I should say I hope he knows) that Oscar had absolutely no choice in teh matter of Ozpin jamming himself in Oscar’s brain. I feel like/hope that he will SYMPATHISE with Oscar and try to help him all he can rather than shut him out. Will he make slip-ups and be really snarky to Oz and as a result Oscar, probably but I would be surprised and disappointed if he held it against Oscar, a 14-year-old boy. Jause isn't heartless and if he does act that way im sure that RRN will kick his ass. Hell i know i will 
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: Luxurious Hanging Plate Rack
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Shop Wayfair for the best decorative plate rack. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big . Add this stunning Lotus Elephants Ceramic Plate to your kitchen decor while enhancing your overall look. Overall: 1 H x 6.5 W x 6.5 D; Overall. Whether this hangs on the wall or sits gracefully on a counter, this rustic style wood plate rack features three storage tiers and a . The antique-inspired metal whale wall hanging with hooks is an amazing piece for any fan of the sea! breathtaking wrought iron plate rack contemporary best image hanging holder metal wall holders. metal hanging plate holders license holder frames wall mounted rack decorative,hanging license plate holder hangers fancy single racks. . Rack atthepicketfence.com. How to Make a Wall Plate Rack atthepicketfence.com Diy Plate Rack, Plate Rack from Pinterest Stunning Christmas Country Home Tour 7 Farmhouse Kitchens, Cottage Kitchens, Farmhouse Style, Industrial. Dish Rack For Kitchen Cabinet With Articles Nz Tag Glamour Plate And Uk Racks Shelves Wall Shelf Units Choosing The Right . 65 Ideas Of Using Open Kitchen Wall Shelves Shelterness throughout Incredible shelves kitchen cabinets. Building Wooden Plate Rack Wall Mounted PDF Download Plans CA US. . This amazing summer cottage overlooking Cape Cod Bay was designed by Dennis, Massachusetts-based REEF Cape Cods Home Builder, who made s Peter Henderson Furniture Custom Plate Rack Wooden Dish Rack, Wooden Drying Rack, Kitchen Drying . Large bespoke polished concrete worktop cast in situ with no joins Tap The Link Now For More Awesome Fun and Function. This wall mounted Solid Pine Plate Rack is a great kitchen addition to make them regularly used items more accessible. It has been Hand Crafted by . Verified Purchase. Delighted with the plate rack it will look amazing in my cottage kitchen. Results 1 48 of 191 Free Shipping on many items across the worlds largest range of Wood Plate Racks & Hangers. Find the perfect . 2 Stained Wood Banister Plate Display Racks Spindle Shelf Wall Mounted Hanging. 2 sections of 4 foot long . For sale are a pair of stunning and classic plate holders. $350.00. Material:.
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Introducing Sinkin Dish Drying Rack Sinkin is an in-sink dish drying rack that rests in the bottom of your kitchen sink (or on . positioned directly over the sink, where it holds scrubbers and sponges and includes a bar for hanging dishcloths. Amazon.com InterDesign Axis Kitchen Dish Drainer Rack for Drying Glasses, Silverware, Bowls, Plates Satin/Clear . Hung the intact one hanging on the outside of the dish rack wall and the broken one placed on the inside. Otherwise, Ive had no problems and am quite . With two suction cups it stays put (after I cleaned the tile where I attached it), and the look is really nice. Very. Surpahs Over the Sink Multipurpose Roll-Up Dish Drying Rack (Warm Gray, Large) $25.00. In Stock. Sold by Surpahs and . 20 Pack S Shaped Hanging Hooks 3.5 Hangers for Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom and Office 4.6 out of 5 stars 205. Peter Henderson Furniture Custom Plate Rack Wooden Dish Rack, Wooden Drying Rack, Kitchen Drying. Read it Wooden plate rack open wall shelf for plates, bowls and cups. . Oak worktops and shelving along with slate tiles. Perfect for. 2017/08/13 Above: A kitchen by Spanish firm Quintana Partners has a simple wooden dish drying rack mounted over the sink. See a roundup of our favorite kitchens by the firm at Kitchen of the Week: Embracing the Old with Quintana. Williams Sonoma has sold all its wooden, wall-mounted, folding dish racks. . see description Ikea Grundtal Dish Drainer, Stainless Steel * Key features * Can be hung on GRUNDTAL rail to free up Smart Tiles Subway White 10.95 in. Welcome to the worlds Greatest plate rack, dish drying rack, kitchen rack, wall shelves & shelf rack. Stainless steel Painted white walls and a white ceramic tile backsplash already help this small kitchen live large. In a budget-friendly. Browse our range of dishwasher accessories online at IKEA, including dish drainers & cutlery drainers. Shop online and in-store. Online shopping for Home & Kitchen from a great selection of Dish Racks, Utensil Holders, Egg Baskets & Holders, Wine Racks, Spice Racks, Cutlery Racks & more at everyday low prices. . Luxafare Plastic 3 in 1 Kitchen Sink Dish Drainer Drying Rack(Multicolor, 44x24x14cm) . Home Creations 30 x 32 inch Wall Mount Kitchen Dish Rack/Kitchen Utensils Rack/Modern Kitchen Storage.
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Whether this hangs on the wall or sits gracefully on a counter, this rustic style wood plate rack features three storage tiers and a . Save cabinet and drawer space in the kitchen with this must-have hanging rack, featuring moveable hooks to hang cookware and Display your pots and pans with the beautiful pot rack. . for your kitchen. Dish rack utensil holder. 1 x Dish Rack. Slots for plates or pot lids. You can display your beautiful plate in your kitc. . 2 Stained Wood Banister Plate Display Racks Spindle Shelf Wall Mounted Hanging. $57.00. 3 bids. Custom made from Etsy/ Kitchen Window Plate rack shelf wood dish cabinet for plates mugs tea cups bowls. Find this Pin . See more. kitchen shelves ideas Google Wall Mounted Dish Rack, Plate Rack Wall, Wooden Cottage White, Cream, Ivory Lovely plate rack perfect for extra storage in small kitchens! Crates stained a nice rustic driftwood color possibly with battery powered LED lights inside. we might be able to use . Flat Plate RackIf a cabinet or bakers rack juts into your kitchens traffic pattern, try this country-chic idea. Smartly hung rails. Discover ideas about Cabinet Plate Rack. Wooden Plate Shelf Plans DIY blueprints Plate shelf plans Diy Kitchens Kitchens Storage Consider adding an open plate rack You are . Nice Wooden Plate Rack Wall Mounted with cutting boards. See more ideas about Kitchen cupboards, Kitchen racks and Plate rack wall. . Follow. plate rack 95$ not so much but i need one Redo Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Brabourne Farm: Simply Pretty Kitchens- I like the plate storage. May 25, 2018- DIY plate rack cabinet. . Love the inclusion of chicken wire in this serenely pretty shabby country chic kitchen. decorating before and after . Plate Rack Wall, Diy Plate Rack, Plate Hangers, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Rack. More colors. Plate Rack, Plate Shelf, Hanging Plate Shelf, Farm House Plate Rack, Wall Plate Holder, Wall Plate Rack, Wall Mounted, Wall Plate Shelf. TheRetiredWoodworker . vintage handmade lovely wood dinner plate rack stand 1970s. Buy products related to decorative plate racks and see what customers say about decorative plate racks on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible . These plates are beautiful and add a great deal to my kitchen remodel.
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Found the dish rack that is beautiful too Dish Racks, Kitchen Cupboards, Diy Kitchen. More information. More information . in so it can receive stemware. Some nails or cuphooks to hang cups.sand a bit, and then hang the shelf on the wall! The plate racks where you see teh plates from the sides, can be more decorative if you hang something under them or put something on the top (Since the . Traditional wooden plate rack for simple, minimal, plastic-free storage in the kitchen. 158. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.158 total votes. Rev-A-Shelfs stemware holders are constructed of heavy gauge wire and feature a rear mounting plate for either face frame or frameless cabinet construction. Perfect for a kitchen or bar application. Board owner. Follow. Galla Petite Plate Rack Plate Holder, Plate Racks, Rooster Plates, Red Kitchen Accessories Shabby Chic Cream Kitchen Plate Rack at Divine Interiors and Gifts We have a red plate rack, now hang it where ? Plate rack. Resultado de imagen para plate rack and cupboard Cabinet Plate Rack, Plate Racks In Kitchen . This wall hanging plate rack has a top row for 12 large plates, lower row for 12 smaller plates, and a lower shelf for mugs, bowls, small. Aug 10, 2018- Explore Patricia Harrisons board Wall hanging hutch / plate shelf on Pinterest. See more ideas . Kitchen Cupboard Plate Racks Kitchen Design Ideas With Plate Rack Kitchen Cabinet Decorating. Image detail for . No Minimalist Here: French Country Decor my mom would love this French Country Wall. Dish rack plate racks kitchen storage counter cabinet shelf small pantry insert sun lit window open display shelving Hanging Plate Rack, Compact 25w Farmhouse Plate Rack,Holds 12 Plates , Country Kitchen Wall Rack, Handmade. You searched for: hanging plate rack! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what youre looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of. 2 The best designed and most stylish dish racks and dish drainers available right now for any budget! . flowing into the sink. If youre a wine lover youll appreciate the built-in wine glass holder, which lets you safely hang up to four glasses by the stem in a separate area. . Designed in Japan, its fairly compact but holds a lot, and is a great style pick for contemporary, .
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Buy products related to hanging dish rack products and see what customers say about hanging dish rack products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. GEYUEYA Home high-end quality. Stainless steel wall mounted dish drying rack, hung on rail to free up space on the worktop. Convenient to use. You can put dinner plates, coffee cups, tableware on the dish drainer, let them dry. Make your. DIY dish drying rack by bullbaker not to place in front of window but no horizontal divider allows to dry platers too see description Ikea Grundtal Dish Drainer, Stainless Steel * Key features * Can be hung on GRUNDTAL rail to free up. see description Ikea Grundtal Dish Drainer, Stainless Steel * Key features * Can be hung on GRUNDTAL rail to free up space on the worktop FREE Delivery Across UAE. . Stainless Steel Dish Drying Rack Drainer Counter Sink Space Movable Drain Board #EsyLife Kitchen Ideas Discover concepts and inspiration for Studio Apartment Kitchen so as to add to your individual dwelling.. . dish drying rack. wall mounted dish drying rack Wall Mounted Dish Rack, Dish Drainers, Plate Racks, . going to try to make this wall-mounted dish-drying rack. Wall Mounted . several wall mounted dish rack options/inspirations. mindy. shelf pins on sale at reasonable prices, buy 304 stainless steel dish rack wall rack wall-mounted bowl rack chopsticks cage drain rack shelf from mobile site on . 15 Small Bathroom Storage Ideas Wall Storage Solutions and Inspirations. shelf pins on sale at reasonable prices, buy 304 stainless steel dish rack wall rack wall-mounted bowl rack chopsticks Splendid IKEA kitchen design inspiration mood board // DIY // Brushed brass, grey and white The post IKEA kitchen. 2017/08/13 Spotted (and admired) lately: kitchens with wall-mounted dish racks. Here are our favorites. For sourcing ideas, go to 10 Easy Pieces: Wall-Mounted Plate R. Shop The Container Stores dish racks collection & get free shipping on orders of $75 or more + free in-store pickup every day. Find everything you need to organize your home, office and life, & the best of our dish racks solutions at ContainerStore.com. . Fold-Away Wall-Mounted Clothes Drying Rack. $39.99. 4.68 out of 5. View Details Custom Closets Design Center Projects & .
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24204 items Dish Rack for sale at Lazada Philippines Sink Accessories Prices 2018 Best Brands Latest Specs . Philippines. Home Living Dish Racks Sink Accessories Portable Kitchen SinkCorner Storage Rack Sponge Holder Wall. 12342 items Beautiful Room Save Space Towel Stand Rack Kitchen Bathroom Faucet Drain Storage Holder Clip-on Soap Dish + Towel . 1pc Stainless Steel Towel Bar Holder Over The Kitchen Cabinet Cupboard Door Hanging Rack Storage. 3 Layer Tier Chrome Alloy Dish Drainer Cutlery Holder Rack Drip Tray Kitchen Tool Description: Type:Kitchen Racks/ Holders/ Stands Material:Chrome-plated Alloy Color:Silver Size:approx.42*25*49cm (1cm=10mm=0.39inch) Measurement. good quality kitchen dish drainer drying rack #organizer# Buy Kitchen dish drainer drying rack organizer. Get the best Dish Racks price in the Philippines Shop Dish Racks with our discounts & offers. Fintorp Dish Drainer (Black-Galvanished). Back to All . Description. Can be hung on the wall or placed on the worktop. Removable tray underneath; collects water from the drainer. Product . Helping you create beautiful homes. We carry a. Arrived: Butorp Storage Unit (Black) 995.00 Arrived: Morgonte Plate/Bowl Set of 3 (Multicolour) 1,199.00 Arrived: Variera Kitchen Utensil Rack (White) 995.00 Out of stock Behovd Vacuum Flask (Beige-Red) 790.00 Out of stock. Results 1 60 of 221 Dish Racks : Give your kitchen an organizational upgrade with these stylish dish racks. Free Shipping on orders over $45 at Overstock.com Your Online Kitchen Storage Store! Get 5% in rewards with Club O! Surrey Kitchen Trolly Matte Ivory. 2,170.00 3,100.00 82422-04 LIBBY 4TIER . Nola Kitchen Trolley Green. 1,015.00 1,450.00 LLR-62A MAGNUS 5 . Magnus 5 Tier Adjustable Metal Rack. 5,500.00 LE59773 3LAYER PLASTIC.
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Buy products related to hanging dish rack products and see what customers say about hanging dish rack products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Shop GEYUEYA Home at the Amazon Storage & Organization store. Free Shipping on eligible items. Everyday low prices, save up to 50%. Amazon.com NEX Dish Drying Rack Stainless Steel Dish Storage with Chopstick Holder Rrustless(Single-layer) Shop our stainless steel dish racks to find the best one for your kitchen today. . with select Vault sinks, this utility shelf is easily positioned directly over the sink, where it holds scrubbers and sponges and includes a bar for hanging dishcloths. Love this idea. Kitchen remodel this summer! sideways plate rack I think this is how kitchen cupboards should be designed when used for dishes. Find this Pin . Whats special about this [dish rack], is that its got these cute little containers at the bottom of the rack that houses herbs. Essentially . love this modern wood hanging dish drying rack Trautes Heim, Plate Storage, . Generic Dish Drying Rack 304 Stainless Steel Professional 2 Tier Dish Drying Drainer Rack Large Capacity. Price. $21.72. Product Title . EEEKit Stainless Steel Over-the-Sink Flexible Roll-up Dish Drying Dryer Drainer Rack. Average. Avoid messy counters with the time-saving dish racks and dish drainers found at bedbathandbeyond.com. Compact designs ensure that your kitchen stays organize without sacrificing efficiency. Products 1 24 of 135 Shop BedBathandBeyond.com for everything even a draining mat! . Compare. Cuisinart Stainless Steel Pot Rack Hooks (Set of 6). Add to Idea . Old Dutch International 12-Hook Oval Hanging Pot Rack in Matte Black. High and Dry This concept, long popular in Europe, elevates the sink-side dish-drying rack to a whole new level. stainless steel/kitchen cabinet/wall mounted dish rack / China Kitchen Furniture for sale Place of Origin:Guangdong China (Mainland) Brand Name:YC or OEM Model Material:Metal Adjustable pads, removable hooks, special water pans for chopsticks, modern.
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Roll over image to zoom in . Stainless steel wall mounted dish drying rack, hung on rail to free up space on the worktop. Probrico Wall Mounted Dish Drainer Rack Stainless Steel 23.6 inch Dish Drying Rack Plates Bowls Storage. Probrico. Buy products related to hanging dish rack products and see what customers say about hanging dish rack products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Jan 21, 2018- Explore Cheryl Ms board Over Sink Dry Rack Ideas on Pinterest. See more ideas about Kitchen . See more. from amazon.com sits in cupboard over sink. dish drying rack tiskikaappi Finnish More Wall Mounted Dish Rack. hanging dish drying rack Kitchen Rack Kitchen Rack, Kitchen Storage, Kitchen Sinks, . By finding inexpensive kitchen storage ideas, making things accessible and getting rid of all the things you do not use you may become the organization. Hanging Over Sink Solution/Hidden Inside Cabinets: Drip Dry Cabinet Dish Rack Illustrations. Cheap rack, Buy Quality rack kitchen directly from China rack enclosure Suppliers: wall-mounted stainless steel dish rack shelf chopsticks tube. . a Kitchen Make Over. 12 Amazing and Cheap Ideas for a Kitchen Make Over #DIY #home #kitchendecor To grow window sill herbs === Repupose Over The Sink Shelf ~ Hang upside down over the kitchen window to use as a plant shelf. Kitchen Designs IKEA dish rack over sink Dish Racks, Fun House, Apartment Kitchen, Small Kitchens Drip Dry: 13 Kitchens with Wall-Mounted Dish Racks GRUNDTAL Spotlight white IKEA // cheap under-cabinet lighting ($25 for. This dual wash-and-dry station is designed to protect countertops and securely fit over your sink to drain kitchenware and produce. No more stains, messy countertops, or leaving items on dish towels! Water drips off dishes and directly into the. 2017/08/13 Above: A kitchen by Spanish firm Quintana Partners has a simple wooden dish drying rack mounted over the sink. See a roundup of our favorite kitchens by the firm at Kitchen of the Week: Embracing the Old with Quintana.
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DIY over the sink dish rack with a window. . hanging dish drying rack Kitchen Rack Kitchen Rack, Kitchen Storage, Kitchen Sinks, Kitchen . Small kitchen Kitchen Decor, Kitchen Design, Cute Kitchen, New Kitchen, Kitchen Sink Kitchen. Jan 21, 2018- Explore Cheryl Ms board Over Sink Dry Rack Ideas on Pinterest. See more ideas about . sits in cupboard over sink. dish drying rack tiskikaappi Finnish More Wall Mounted Dish Rack. Wall Mounted Dish racks. See more. I had the bottom of a standard wall cabinet cut out and installed 2 ikea drying. Hanging Over Sink Solution/Hidden Inside Cabinets: Drip Dry Cabinet Dish Rack Illustrations. Kitchen RenoDiy KitchenKitchen over sink dish drain. See more. I had the bottom of a standard wall cabinet cut out and installed 2 ikea drying. Its a dish rack thats integrated into a bottomless cabinet above the sink, so that the step of drying wet dishes is skipped completely, and are Instant Pretty: Store Your Dish Drying Rack On a Floral Tray (Itll Collect Drips, Too!) . love this modern wood hanging dish drying rack Trautes Heim, Plate Storage, Plate Racks. Surpahs Over the Sink Multipurpose Roll-Up Dish Drying Rack (Warm Gray, Large). by Surpahs. $25.00 25 Prime. More Buying . Roll-up Dish Drying Rack Foldable Stainless Steel Over Sink Rack Kitchen Drainer Rack (. See Size Options. Amazon.com SANNO Dish Rack Over Sink, Adjustable Arms Holder Utensil Drainer Functional Drying Organizer for Vegetable and Fruit, Kitchen organizer Strainer Dish . Im pretty sure youre going to love it. . It works both either hanging using the expanding holders or on the sink itself since it has some padded footing. Buy products related to hanging dish rack products and see what customers say about hanging dish rack products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. No modern kitchen is complete without the multipurpose Over The Sink Roll Up Dish Rack. . sinks, this utility shelf is easily positioned directly over the sink, where it holds scrubbers and sponges and includes a bar for hanging dishcloths. 2016/04/21 Hang one on the wall by your kitchen sink and store your dish soap and sponges inside. . kitchen sponge storage solution: light blue silicone sponge holder from aliexpress . The steps are pretty simple: Find a piece of wood you love, give it a good stain, drill a few hose clamps into the wood, attach the.
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Online shopping for Hanging Planters from a great selection at Patio, Lawn & Garden Store. . HOMENOTE Macrame Hanging Planter Wall Plant Hanger Flower Pot Holder with Beautiful Butterfly Pattern for Boho. See Size Options. Discover the best Hanging Planters in Best Sellers. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon STRING(nav-sa-patio-lawn-garden) Best Sellers. 2018/05/10 We rounded up our favorite stylish indoor hanging planters so you can hang with your plant babies all day. . Its ideal for small- to medium-sized plants with leaves that wont cover the nice planter design, such as sparser. 2018/05/13 Indoor hanging planters are back! Theyre an interesting way to display houseplants in any room and theres an array of styles to choose from. 29/11/2018- Explora el tablero de Susan Interiano HANGING PLANTERS en Pinterest. Ver ms ideas sobre Hanging . porcelain and leather hanging planters Nice kitchen. homey home design: Chalkboard Thanks. Encuentra este Pin y. Beautiful hanging planters. . easy gardening. Hanging planters, garden planters, container gardening, popular pin, DIY container gardening,. Read it . Hanging Pots, Hanging Herbs, Hanging Plants Outdoor, Outdoor Wall Planters, Diy. Find hanging planters youll love and enjoy free shipping over $49 at Wayfair! . to grow your delicate air plants or experiment with other small plants. It is easy to hang with a brown leather strap and makes a good addition inside or outside. You searched for: hanging planter! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what youre looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of.
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/luxurious-hanging-plate-rack
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skeptic42 · 7 years
Did Jesus Exists? 21 Aug 17
So, I’ve gotten about 40 pages into the book.  Bart is very inflammatory toward mythicists.  By page 5, he resorts to ad hominim by calling them conspiracy theorists.
“Still, as is clear from the avalanche of sometimes outraged posting on all the relevant Internet sites, there is simply no way to convince conspiracy theorists that the evidence for their position is too thin...”
As a skeptic, conspiracy theorists is not really something I would call myself.  Denial?  Not really.  I don’t think there is a conspiracy theory, like a group of guys in a dark room, high up in the Vatican, or Illuminati that concocted a story to dupe all of humanity.  It could make for some great fiction though.  I do however think people suffer from mis-information and environmental influences and have filed jesus’ existence into the “things we just know” category, along with microwaves heat food by vibrating water molecules and Ouija boards are possessed by demons or spirits.
Okay, so this is only the introduction.  By the end, there is no ambiguity in his view of mythicists, and he doesn’t give them the free pass, nor respect, he gives to christians who disagree with him.  He also appears to confuse skepticism with denial, relying more on a definition version of the word than as properly practiced by skeptics. It would be as if I took him as an academic and compared him to someone that is narrowly focused on trivial aspects of learning.
Speaking of academia, he commits an appeal to authority.  He does throwin the caveat, “That in itself is not proof, of course,” (emphasis in original).  Then goes on to give reasons why experts are to be trusted.  Would you want someone besides a dentist to work on your teeth?  Would you get someone besides a builder to build your house?  Of course not, but dentists have screwed up and builders have screwed over clients (happened to me twice, so now I do my own work).  It’s very clear that Bart only believes in authority.  If you are not learned as he, then you cannot say anything of any worth unless first spouted by an accepted expert.  This reminds me of a composer my music theory teacher told us about in college, he wrote music, but because he didn’t have a degree in music, he was not taken seriously.  No one considered what he did to be music.  Frustrated, he went and got a degree. Upon receiving it he declared,
“Birds do not sing, they only make noise, because they do not have a degree.”
I’m paraphrasing, but I’d love to find the original quote.  You get the idea.
Bart reminds me in a way of Reza Aslan, who goes on and on about the degrees he doesn’t have.  Reza puts a lot of stock into the white towers of academia, with himself as the princess locked in the highest tower.
In the field of science, something Bart mentions, but not what I’m about to say, mistakes have been made.  People have declared things that have proven not to be true, i.e. cold fusion, and believed things despite the evidence, i.e. plate tectonics (Einstein didn’t believe it), dinosaurs were killed by a meteorite hitting the earth.  Science is self correcting, something that is lacking in biblical history.  Bart only mentions that science produces the same results over and over through experimentation.  There’s a lot more to science than that, but I’m not going to be overly critical of Bart for this.
Now, along with my search for a used copy, I came across Frank Zindler’s Bart Ehrman and the Quest of the Historical Jesus of Nazareth.  I’ve never heard of Frank Zindler before this point.  So, I bought it as a counter to Did Jesus Exists?, and plan to read any relevant parts that address what Bart Erhman talks about.  I have read some of it while waiting for Bart’s book to arrive.  It’s interesting.
Apparently, Frank was in communication with Bart prior to the publication of his book.  It contains an email chain between the two, and Frank lays out some pretty compelling things.  Bart doesn’t really respond so much, then just drops the line of communication several times.
Frank Zindler is not a NT scholar.
In chapter 1, An Introduction to the Mythical View of Jesus, he dedicates an entire paragraph (pg. 18) to Frank Zindler.  Having read what Frank sent him, Bart goes on to then use Timothy Freke and Peter Gangy, The Jesus Mysteries: Was the “Original Jesus” a Pagan God? as an example of mythicist view.  He pulls several quotes and corrects what is wrong with them.  It is interesting, I will admit that I was under the misconception that the books of the bible were determined by the Coucil of Nicea in 325.  They weren’t.  It was mostly settled by that point, only being canonized later.  In another instance, while he is technically correct in saying that Constantine didn’t make christianity the state religion and that he only legalized it, Constantine did however lend the power of the state to enforce and reflect christian attitudes.  Not only did he legalize christianity, he returned all confiscated property.  He waiting to get baptized until just before his death to ensure he was as sin free as he could be going into heaven.  His tolerance of other religions turned into suppression.  It was the state religion in all but name.  To say otherwise is being pedantic and disingenuous.  It would be like saying a boy died from an acute anaphylactic reaction triggered by an acute reaction to immunoglobin E binding with mast cells, instead of “The peanut killed the boy.”  (Apologies for messing up a medical description of peanut allergies.)
So, Bart has picked some bad examples, and used them as a straw man argument for all of mythicism.  He derided the parallels between Osiris being raised from the dead and jesus being raised from the dead.  Why because there is no evidence to Freke and Gangy’s claim that Osiris was born on the 25th of December in front of 3 shepherds.  He doesn’t use a more educated person’s arguments or evidence to represent what he wants to tear down.  It reminds me of Gru, celebrating his successes, like stealing the Eifel Tower, but the one in Vegas and not Paris.  Bart also derides Acharya S. calling her “research” suing nonscholarly books and outright accuses her of fabricating things.  I can’t say that she has or hasn’t.  I haven’t read her work.  But she did respond to one of Bart’s mockery of her work:
“‘Peter’ is not only ‘the rock’ but also ‘the cock,’ or penis, as the work is used as slang to this day.” Here Acharya shows (her own?) hand drawing of a man with a rooster head but with an erect penis instead of a nose, with this description: “Bronze sculture hidden in the Vatican treasure of the Cock, symbol of St. Peter” (295) [There is o penis-nosed statue of Peter the cock in teh Vatican or anywhere else except in book like this, which love to make things up.]
Apparently it does appear to exist and may have been exhibited some time during the mid 20th century.  I’ll have to go back and re-read that section, I don’t have the book at hand.
I’ll break off here.  It already doesn’t appear that Bart Ehrman is doing a very good job of starting off his book.  He does say some correct things though, coming up in a later post.
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my naim is rooster
an in teh day
i lik to go outseid
and play
i liek my boots
i think there neat
butt there just two big
for my got damn feet
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-16 00 CELEBRITY now
Queen Elizabeth II Blesses Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Marriage--But Do We Detect Shade?
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Demi Lovato Celebrates 6 Years of Sobriety: How She Used Her Lowest Moments to Uplift Millions
Kathie Lee Gifford on Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby: "I Don't Judge Them"
What Did Scully Whisper to Mulder on The X-Files?
Hollywood Life
Kris Jenner, Christie Brinkley & More Stars Flash Bras & Wear Bikinis Proving 60+ Is Sexy — PICS
Zayn Malik Continues To Flaunt Gigi Hadid Tattoo After Split: See Sexy New Shirtless Pic
‘My Dead Ex’ First Look: You’ll Fall For This Adorable Zombie Love Story — Watch
Jennifer Lopez Scales Skyscapers In Gorgeous Ball Gowns For ‘BAZAAR’ — See Insane Pics
Kendall Jenner Gushes Over The Best Part Of Being An Aunt To All Her Sisters’ ‘Cute’ Kids — Watch
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Desiigner Caught Taking A PIZZ On Someone’s House!! (PICS)
Comedian Sinbad Appears To Be SNITCHING On Russell Simmons . . . Says ‘MORE WOMEN’ Are Gonna Come Out With RAPE Claims!!!
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Matt Lauer Slashes Asking Price of Hamptons Mansion Again to $12.75 Million: See Inside
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borderlore · 5 years
Customization Skins Drop Guide: Aurelia the Baroness
Continued in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! was the ability to customize the player’s character with a variety of Skins and Heads. With numerous Heads and Skins to choose from, it should be an obvious answer that not all of these are immediately obtainable by the player. A large majority of both are found by looting, killing, and completing Challenges. From having to fight Raid Bosses to turning in Missions, this guide is meant to inform the player on who to kill, where to loot, and which Challenges to complete in order to further customize their favorite Vault Hunters to their liking.
Rouge Rider
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Space Dead
Rank: 3
For Dinner Parties
Drop Source: Corporal Bob
Enemy Location: Hyperion Hub of Heroism
Sang Froid
Drop Source: RedBelly
Enemy Location: Crisis Scar
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “A New Direction”
The Mission “A New Direction” must be turned in to farm RedBelly.
For Charity Galas
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Marshal Martial
Rank: 3
For Throwing Rocks at Peasants
Drop Source: Powersuit Noob
Enemy Location: Lunar Launching Station
Mission Location: Lunar Launching Station
Mission: “Red, Then Dead”
The Mission “Red, Then Dead” must be turned in to farm Powersuit Noob.
Greed is Lovely
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “Grinders”
The Root of All Awesome
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Barrel of Laughs
Rank: 3
Bloody Money
Drop Source: Tiny Destroyer
Enemy Location: Research and Development
Mission Location: Research and Development
Mission: “Lab 19″
The Mission “Lab 19″ must be turned in to farm the Tiny Destroyer.
Cash is Adorable
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Nova Say Die
Rank: 3
Mistress Money
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: A Chunk of Purest Green
Rank: 3
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Up Unt At Zem
Rank: 5
Bold and Blutiful
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Abandoned Training Facility
Mission: “DAHL Combat Training: Round 4″
The Shock Drop Slaughter Pit is required to access the Abandoned Training Facility.
Styles from the East
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Battle Star
Rank: 5
Ironic Blue Collar
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Research and Development
Mission: “Fresh Air”
Quaint Color
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Drive For Miles
Rank: 3
She Has Arrived
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Outlands Canyon
Mission: “Boomshakalaka”
The Golden Girl
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Master Chef
Mission: 3
Auric Ninja
Drop Source: Boomer
Enemy Location: Outlands Spur
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “Nothing Is Never an Option”
The Mission “Nothing Is Never an Option” must be turned in to farm Boomer.
You Sicken Me
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Splat’n’Slide
Rank: 3
For Funerals
Drop Source: X-STLK-23
Enemy Location: Research and Development
Mission Location: Research and Development
Mission: “Science and Violence”
The Mission “Science and Violence” must be turned in to farm X-STLK-23.
This Looks Expensive
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Crash & Burn
Rank: 3
Legendary Lady
Drop Source: Not Cute Badass Tork
Enemy Location: Stanton’s Liver
Mission Location: Triton Flats
Mission: “All the Little Creatures”
The Mission “All the Little Creatures” must be turned in to farm the Not Cute Badass Tork.
Weapon of the Aristocracy
Drop Source: Iwajira
Enemy Location: Serenity’s Waste
Absolutely Nauseating
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Slayer of Titans
Rank: 3
This One is a Bit Gauche
Drop Source: Rooster Booster
Enemy Location: Stanton’s Liver
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “Grinders”
The Mission “Grinders” must be turned in to farm Rooster Booster.
Bargain Bin Skin
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Home Nade Cookin’
Rank: 5
Cyan is for Peasants
Drop Source: Badass Tork
Enemy Locations: Stanton’s Liver, Outlands Canyon, Sub-Level 13, Titan Industrial Facility, & Research and Development
The Color of Poverty
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: There Can Be Only… Me
Rank: 5
Pale as a Pauper
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Over The Moon
Rank: 3
I Despise This Color
Drop Source: Giant Shuggurath of Ice
Enemy Location: Triton Flats
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “Bunch of Ice Holes”
The Mission “Bunch of Ice Holes” must be turned in to farm the Giant Shuggurath of Ice.
Mauve Mistress
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Big MIRV
Rank: 3
My Favourite Color
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Scrounging Around
Rank: 3
I am Basically Royalty
Drop Source: Deadlift
Enemy Location: Regolith Range
Mission Location: Serenity’s Waste
Mission: “Marooned”
The Mission “Marooned” must be turned in to farm Deadlift.
Evening Wear
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Regolith Range
Mission: “Last Requests”
Noire Couture
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Veins of Helios
Mission: “Trouble with Space Hurps”
Welcome to Bright Veil
Drop Source: The Bosun
Enemy Location: Pity’s Fall
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “Intelligences of the Artificial Persuasion”
The Mission “Intelligences of the Artificial Persuasion” must be turned in to farm The Bosun.
How I Long to Kill One
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: The Happiest Colour
Rank: 5
Rose Clair
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: More Where That Came From
Rank: 3
The Hottest New Look
Drop Source: Colonel Zarpedon & The Empyrean Sentinel
Enemy Locations: Eye of Helios & Eleseer
Mission Locations: Lunar Launching Station
Mission: “Eye to Eye” & “The Beginning of the End”
Colonel Zarpedon will not respawn after killing her.
The Mission “The Beginning of the End” must be turned in to farm The Empyrean Sentinel.
Fashion From Overseas
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Home Nade Cookin’
Rank: 3
Scav Rustbukkit
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Scav Oxidyze
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Boomstick Boogie
Rank: 3
Scav Skorch
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Projectile Proliferation
Rank: 5
Dahl Fatigues
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Dahl NCO
Drop Source: Felicity Rampant
Enemy Location: Titan Robot Production Plant
Mission Location: Concordia
Mission: “Let’s Build a Robot Army”
The Mission “Let’s Build a Robot Army” must be turned in to farm Felicity Rampant.
Dahl Stencil
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Crouch Potato
Rank: 5
Hyperion Boldness
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Hyperion Courage
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Spray Job
Rank: 3
Hyperion Defender
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Penetrating Wound
Rank: 5
Jakobs Values
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Jakobs Ideals
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Trigger Happy
Rank: 3
Jakobs Quality
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Gunslinger
Rank: 5
Spirit by Maliwan
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Sophistication by Maliwan
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Pew Pew
Rank: 3
Solace by Maliwan
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Some Like it Hot
Rank: 5
Tediore Economical
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Tediore After Market
Drop Source: Slot Machines
Slot Combination: 777
Tediore Top Shelf
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Throw Me the Money
Rank: 5
Torgue Nitrous
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Torgue Blast Point
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Assault With a Deadly Weapon
Rank: 3
Torgue Shock Front
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Missile Magnet
Rank: 5
Vladof Worker
Drop Source: Item of the Day/Vending Machines
Vladof Hammer
Drop Source: Challenge Reward & Slot Machines
Challenge: Sharp Shooter
Rank: 3
Slot Combination: 777
Vladof Comradeship
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Ammo Eater
Rank: 5
Snick-It Whites
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Vorago Solitude
Mission: “The Don”
DLC Skins:
Eridian Bought
Drop Source: Mission Reward & Guardian Pondors
Mission Location: The Holodome
Enemy Location: The Holodome
Mission: “Digistructed Madness: Round 1″
The Holodome is only available in The Holodome Onslaught. 
Mourning Hue
Drop Source: Teh Earworm
Enemy Location: Cluster 99002 0V3RL00K
Mission Location: The Nexus
Mission: “You Can Stop the Music”
The Mission “You Can Stop the Music” must be turned in to farm Teh Earworm.
The Nexus is only available in Claptastic Voyage.
Fit for a Queen
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: Claptomaniac
Rank: 3
The Challenge Claptomaniac is only available in Claptastic Voyage.
Ice Hunting
Drop Source: Challenge Reward
Challenge: 99 Problems and a Glitch Ain’t One
Rank: 5
The Challenge 99 Problems and a Glitch Ain’t One is only available in Claptastic Voyage.
Sunday Afternoon
Drop Source: The Sponx
Enemy Location: Subconscious
Mission Location: Subconscious
Mission: “The Temple of Boom”
The Mission “The Temple of Boom” must be turned in to farm The Sponx.
The Subconscious is only available in Claptastic Voyage.
Traditional Tartan
Drop Source: Mission Reward
Mission Location: Motherlessboard
Mission: “Corrosion of Dignity”
The Motherlessboard is only available in Claptastic Voyage.
Playfully Gaudy
Drop Source: LootBug.awesome
Enemy Locations: Motherlessboard, Cluster 00773 P4ND0R4, Cluster 99002 0V3RL00K, & Subconscious
The LootBug.awesome is only available in Claptastic Voyage.
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scarletonthetile · 7 years
Tumblr media
Back from guesting at Seishun Con! :) only wore Tapu Fini for the weekend but enjoyed helping judge the costume contest! ♡☆♡☆ Planning to do a short stream later tonight to open ALL TEH YEAR OF THE ROOSTER LOOT BOXES!! I better get Mei's Luna skin...keep an eye out for the announcement! Wearing @honeycolor_official Vassen Snowy Violet lenses ♡ #selfie #cosplay #seishuncon #seishuncon2017 #tapufini #pokemon #gijinka #originaldesign #costume #makeup #circlelenses #honeycolor #vassen #atlanta #violet
2 notes · View notes
arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Luxurious Hanging Plate Rack
Shop Wayfair for the best decorative plate rack. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big . Add this stunning Lotus Elephants Ceramic Plate to your kitchen decor while enhancing your overall look. Overall: 1 H x 6.5 W x 6.5 D; Overall. Whether this hangs on the wall or sits gracefully on a counter, this rustic style wood plate rack features three storage tiers and a . The antique-inspired metal whale wall hanging with hooks is an amazing piece for any fan of the sea! breathtaking wrought iron plate rack contemporary best image hanging holder metal wall holders. metal hanging plate holders license holder frames wall mounted rack decorative,hanging license plate holder hangers fancy single racks. . Rack atthepicketfence.com. How to Make a Wall Plate Rack atthepicketfence.com Diy Plate Rack, Plate Rack from Pinterest Stunning Christmas Country Home Tour 7 Farmhouse Kitchens, Cottage Kitchens, Farmhouse Style, Industrial. Dish Rack For Kitchen Cabinet With Articles Nz Tag Glamour Plate And Uk Racks Shelves Wall Shelf Units Choosing The Right . 65 Ideas Of Using Open Kitchen Wall Shelves Shelterness throughout Incredible shelves kitchen cabinets. Building Wooden Plate Rack Wall Mounted PDF Download Plans CA US. . This amazing summer cottage overlooking Cape Cod Bay was designed by Dennis, Massachusetts-based REEF Cape Cods Home Builder, who made s Peter Henderson Furniture Custom Plate Rack Wooden Dish Rack, Wooden Drying Rack, Kitchen Drying . Large bespoke polished concrete worktop cast in situ with no joins Tap The Link Now For More Awesome Fun and Function. This wall mounted Solid Pine Plate Rack is a great kitchen addition to make them regularly used items more accessible. It has been Hand Crafted by . Verified Purchase. Delighted with the plate rack it will look amazing in my cottage kitchen. Results 1 48 of 191 Free Shipping on many items across the worlds largest range of Wood Plate Racks & Hangers. Find the perfect . 2 Stained Wood Banister Plate Display Racks Spindle Shelf Wall Mounted Hanging. 2 sections of 4 foot long . For sale are a pair of stunning and classic plate holders. $350.00. Material:.
. Plate Rack Wall. decorative plate rack for wall wall plate rack wood building a plate rack with dowels wall mounted decorative plate holder Vintage style kitchen ware We sell at plate rack like this one at Willow & Stone. Pallets Reciclaje. . plate rack plans . Building Wooden Plate Rack Wall Mounted PDF Download Plans CA US. . 3 Different Wall-Mounted Dish Racks: Whats Your Style? . Wooden Plate Rack, Plate Racks, Antique Plates, Vintage Plates, Antique Books,. . for: wood plate rack! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. . Hanging Wall Bookshelf, Wood Wall Hanging Plate Rack and Country Shelf. AppletreeWoodcrafts. Steal This Look: A Classic English Kitchen for an Oscar-Winning Costume Designer Remodelista. Traditional Wooden Plate Rack: Remodelista teak oil coating helps it be water resistent. Wooden Plate Wall-Mounted Dish Rack. Find great deals on eBay for Wood Plate Rack in Plate Display Racks and Hangers. Shop with confidence. . 2 Stained Wood Banister Plate Display Racks Spindle Shelf Wall Mounted Hanging. $57.00. 3 bids. 2 sections of 4 foot long banister. Results 1 48 of 191 2 Stained Wood Banister Plate Display Racks Spindle Shelf Wall Mounted Hanging. 2 sections of 4 foot Vintage Expandable Accordion Wooden Cup 10-Tin Capped Peg Hanging Rack 12 1/2. Vintage Expandable. Kitchen Plate Rack Shelf, Antique Chalk White Wooden . Pretty Shabby Chic Vintage Plate Rack Shelving Unit Farrow & Ball Antique White Collection only from London SE9 . Antique Style Oak Wall Mounted Plate rack/Display Unit. 22.00. Find great deals on eBay for Wooden Plate Rack in Kitchen Racks and Holders. . 41007b Kitchen Plate Rack buttermilk, Wooden, Wall Mounted or Freestanding . Hand made vintage wooden kitchen plate rack to be wall mounted vgc. Wall Mounted Wooden Plate Rack Large: Russian Birch Hand Made Plate rack I have made these for many years now and have had . Uncle Joess Wooden Chest Champagne in Light Brown in Vintage Style Shabby Chic Size L,
Introducing Sinkin Dish Drying Rack Sinkin is an in-sink dish drying rack that rests in the bottom of your kitchen sink (or on . positioned directly over the sink, where it holds scrubbers and sponges and includes a bar for hanging dishcloths. Amazon.com InterDesign Axis Kitchen Dish Drainer Rack for Drying Glasses, Silverware, Bowls, Plates Satin/Clear . Hung the intact one hanging on the outside of the dish rack wall and the broken one placed on the inside. Otherwise, Ive had no problems and am quite . With two suction cups it stays put (after I cleaned the tile where I attached it), and the look is really nice. Very. Surpahs Over the Sink Multipurpose Roll-Up Dish Drying Rack (Warm Gray, Large) $25.00. In Stock. Sold by Surpahs and . 20 Pack S Shaped Hanging Hooks 3.5 Hangers for Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom and Office 4.6 out of 5 stars 205. Peter Henderson Furniture Custom Plate Rack Wooden Dish Rack, Wooden Drying Rack, Kitchen Drying. Read it Wooden plate rack open wall shelf for plates, bowls and cups. . Oak worktops and shelving along with slate tiles. Perfect for. 2017/08/13 Above: A kitchen by Spanish firm Quintana Partners has a simple wooden dish drying rack mounted over the sink. See a roundup of our favorite kitchens by the firm at Kitchen of the Week: Embracing the Old with Quintana. Williams Sonoma has sold all its wooden, wall-mounted, folding dish racks. . see description Ikea Grundtal Dish Drainer, Stainless Steel * Key features * Can be hung on GRUNDTAL rail to free up Smart Tiles Subway White 10.95 in. Welcome to the worlds Greatest plate rack, dish drying rack, kitchen rack, wall shelves & shelf rack. Stainless steel Painted white walls and a white ceramic tile backsplash already help this small kitchen live large. In a budget-friendly. Browse our range of dishwasher accessories online at IKEA, including dish drainers & cutlery drainers. Shop online and in-store. Online shopping for Home & Kitchen from a great selection of Dish Racks, Utensil Holders, Egg Baskets & Holders, Wine Racks, Spice Racks, Cutlery Racks & more at everyday low prices. . Luxafare Plastic 3 in 1 Kitchen Sink Dish Drainer Drying Rack(Multicolor, 44x24x14cm) . Home Creations 30 x 32 inch Wall Mount Kitchen Dish Rack/Kitchen Utensils Rack/Modern Kitchen Storage.
Whether this hangs on the wall or sits gracefully on a counter, this rustic style wood plate rack features three storage tiers and a . Save cabinet and drawer space in the kitchen with this must-have hanging rack, featuring moveable hooks to hang cookware and Display your pots and pans with the beautiful pot rack. . for your kitchen. Dish rack utensil holder. 1 x Dish Rack. Slots for plates or pot lids. You can display your beautiful plate in your kitc. . 2 Stained Wood Banister Plate Display Racks Spindle Shelf Wall Mounted Hanging. $57.00. 3 bids. Custom made from Etsy/ Kitchen Window Plate rack shelf wood dish cabinet for plates mugs tea cups bowls. Find this Pin . See more. kitchen shelves ideas Google Wall Mounted Dish Rack, Plate Rack Wall, Wooden Cottage White, Cream, Ivory Lovely plate rack perfect for extra storage in small kitchens! Crates stained a nice rustic driftwood color possibly with battery powered LED lights inside. we might be able to use . Flat Plate RackIf a cabinet or bakers rack juts into your kitchens traffic pattern, try this country-chic idea. Smartly hung rails. Discover ideas about Cabinet Plate Rack. Wooden Plate Shelf Plans DIY blueprints Plate shelf plans Diy Kitchens Kitchens Storage Consider adding an open plate rack You are . Nice Wooden Plate Rack Wall Mounted with cutting boards. See more ideas about Kitchen cupboards, Kitchen racks and Plate rack wall. . Follow. plate rack 95$ not so much but i need one Redo Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Brabourne Farm: Simply Pretty Kitchens- I like the plate storage. May 25, 2018- DIY plate rack cabinet. . Love the inclusion of chicken wire in this serenely pretty shabby country chic kitchen. decorating before and after . Plate Rack Wall, Diy Plate Rack, Plate Hangers, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Rack. More colors. Plate Rack, Plate Shelf, Hanging Plate Shelf, Farm House Plate Rack, Wall Plate Holder, Wall Plate Rack, Wall Mounted, Wall Plate Shelf. TheRetiredWoodworker . vintage handmade lovely wood dinner plate rack stand 1970s. Buy products related to decorative plate racks and see what customers say about decorative plate racks on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible . These plates are beautiful and add a great deal to my kitchen remodel.
Found the dish rack that is beautiful too Dish Racks, Kitchen Cupboards, Diy Kitchen. More information. More information . in so it can receive stemware. Some nails or cuphooks to hang cups.sand a bit, and then hang the shelf on the wall! The plate racks where you see teh plates from the sides, can be more decorative if you hang something under them or put something on the top (Since the . Traditional wooden plate rack for simple, minimal, plastic-free storage in the kitchen. 158. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.158 total votes. Rev-A-Shelfs stemware holders are constructed of heavy gauge wire and feature a rear mounting plate for either face frame or frameless cabinet construction. Perfect for a kitchen or bar application. Board owner. Follow. Galla Petite Plate Rack Plate Holder, Plate Racks, Rooster Plates, Red Kitchen Accessories Shabby Chic Cream Kitchen Plate Rack at Divine Interiors and Gifts We have a red plate rack, now hang it where ? Plate rack. Resultado de imagen para plate rack and cupboard Cabinet Plate Rack, Plate Racks In Kitchen . This wall hanging plate rack has a top row for 12 large plates, lower row for 12 smaller plates, and a lower shelf for mugs, bowls, small. Aug 10, 2018- Explore Patricia Harrisons board Wall hanging hutch / plate shelf on Pinterest. See more ideas . Kitchen Cupboard Plate Racks Kitchen Design Ideas With Plate Rack Kitchen Cabinet Decorating. Image detail for . No Minimalist Here: French Country Decor my mom would love this French Country Wall. Dish rack plate racks kitchen storage counter cabinet shelf small pantry insert sun lit window open display shelving Hanging Plate Rack, Compact 25w Farmhouse Plate Rack,Holds 12 Plates , Country Kitchen Wall Rack, Handmade. You searched for: hanging plate rack! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what youre looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of. 2 The best designed and most stylish dish racks and dish drainers available right now for any budget! . flowing into the sink. If youre a wine lover youll appreciate the built-in wine glass holder, which lets you safely hang up to four glasses by the stem in a separate area. . Designed in Japan, its fairly compact but holds a lot, and is a great style pick for contemporary, .
Buy products related to hanging dish rack products and see what customers say about hanging dish rack products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. GEYUEYA Home high-end quality. Stainless steel wall mounted dish drying rack, hung on rail to free up space on the worktop. Convenient to use. You can put dinner plates, coffee cups, tableware on the dish drainer, let them dry. Make your. DIY dish drying rack by bullbaker not to place in front of window but no horizontal divider allows to dry platers too see description Ikea Grundtal Dish Drainer, Stainless Steel * Key features * Can be hung on GRUNDTAL rail to free up. see description Ikea Grundtal Dish Drainer, Stainless Steel * Key features * Can be hung on GRUNDTAL rail to free up space on the worktop FREE Delivery Across UAE. . Stainless Steel Dish Drying Rack Drainer Counter Sink Space Movable Drain Board #EsyLife Kitchen Ideas Discover concepts and inspiration for Studio Apartment Kitchen so as to add to your individual dwelling.. . dish drying rack. wall mounted dish drying rack Wall Mounted Dish Rack, Dish Drainers, Plate Racks, . going to try to make this wall-mounted dish-drying rack. Wall Mounted . several wall mounted dish rack options/inspirations. mindy. shelf pins on sale at reasonable prices, buy 304 stainless steel dish rack wall rack wall-mounted bowl rack chopsticks cage drain rack shelf from mobile site on . 15 Small Bathroom Storage Ideas Wall Storage Solutions and Inspirations. shelf pins on sale at reasonable prices, buy 304 stainless steel dish rack wall rack wall-mounted bowl rack chopsticks Splendid IKEA kitchen design inspiration mood board // DIY // Brushed brass, grey and white The post IKEA kitchen. 2017/08/13 Spotted (and admired) lately: kitchens with wall-mounted dish racks. Here are our favorites. For sourcing ideas, go to 10 Easy Pieces: Wall-Mounted Plate R. Shop The Container Stores dish racks collection & get free shipping on orders of $75 or more + free in-store pickup every day. Find everything you need to organize your home, office and life, & the best of our dish racks solutions at ContainerStore.com. . Fold-Away Wall-Mounted Clothes Drying Rack. $39.99. 4.68 out of 5. View Details Custom Closets Design Center Projects & .
24204 items Dish Rack for sale at Lazada Philippines Sink Accessories Prices 2018 Best Brands Latest Specs . Philippines. Home Living Dish Racks Sink Accessories Portable Kitchen SinkCorner Storage Rack Sponge Holder Wall. 12342 items Beautiful Room Save Space Towel Stand Rack Kitchen Bathroom Faucet Drain Storage Holder Clip-on Soap Dish + Towel . 1pc Stainless Steel Towel Bar Holder Over The Kitchen Cabinet Cupboard Door Hanging Rack Storage. 3 Layer Tier Chrome Alloy Dish Drainer Cutlery Holder Rack Drip Tray Kitchen Tool Description: Type:Kitchen Racks/ Holders/ Stands Material:Chrome-plated Alloy Color:Silver Size:approx.42*25*49cm (1cm=10mm=0.39inch) Measurement. good quality kitchen dish drainer drying rack #organizer# Buy Kitchen dish drainer drying rack organizer. Get the best Dish Racks price in the Philippines Shop Dish Racks with our discounts & offers. Fintorp Dish Drainer (Black-Galvanished). Back to All . Description. Can be hung on the wall or placed on the worktop. Removable tray underneath; collects water from the drainer. Product . Helping you create beautiful homes. We carry a. Arrived: Butorp Storage Unit (Black) 995.00 Arrived: Morgonte Plate/Bowl Set of 3 (Multicolour) 1,199.00 Arrived: Variera Kitchen Utensil Rack (White) 995.00 Out of stock Behovd Vacuum Flask (Beige-Red) 790.00 Out of stock. Results 1 60 of 221 Dish Racks : Give your kitchen an organizational upgrade with these stylish dish racks. Free Shipping on orders over $45 at Overstock.com Your Online Kitchen Storage Store! Get 5% in rewards with Club O! Surrey Kitchen Trolly Matte Ivory. 2,170.00 3,100.00 82422-04 LIBBY 4TIER . Nola Kitchen Trolley Green. 1,015.00 1,450.00 LLR-62A MAGNUS 5 . Magnus 5 Tier Adjustable Metal Rack. 5,500.00 LE59773 3LAYER PLASTIC.
Buy products related to hanging dish rack products and see what customers say about hanging dish rack products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Shop GEYUEYA Home at the Amazon Storage & Organization store. Free Shipping on eligible items. Everyday low prices, save up to 50%. Amazon.com NEX Dish Drying Rack Stainless Steel Dish Storage with Chopstick Holder Rrustless(Single-layer) Shop our stainless steel dish racks to find the best one for your kitchen today. . with select Vault sinks, this utility shelf is easily positioned directly over the sink, where it holds scrubbers and sponges and includes a bar for hanging dishcloths. Love this idea. Kitchen remodel this summer! sideways plate rack I think this is how kitchen cupboards should be designed when used for dishes. Find this Pin . Whats special about this [dish rack], is that its got these cute little containers at the bottom of the rack that houses herbs. Essentially . love this modern wood hanging dish drying rack Trautes Heim, Plate Storage, . Generic Dish Drying Rack 304 Stainless Steel Professional 2 Tier Dish Drying Drainer Rack Large Capacity. Price. $21.72. Product Title . EEEKit Stainless Steel Over-the-Sink Flexible Roll-up Dish Drying Dryer Drainer Rack. Average. Avoid messy counters with the time-saving dish racks and dish drainers found at bedbathandbeyond.com. Compact designs ensure that your kitchen stays organize without sacrificing efficiency. Products 1 24 of 135 Shop BedBathandBeyond.com for everything even a draining mat! . Compare. Cuisinart Stainless Steel Pot Rack Hooks (Set of 6). Add to Idea . Old Dutch International 12-Hook Oval Hanging Pot Rack in Matte Black. High and Dry This concept, long popular in Europe, elevates the sink-side dish-drying rack to a whole new level. stainless steel/kitchen cabinet/wall mounted dish rack / China Kitchen Furniture for sale Place of Origin:Guangdong China (Mainland) Brand Name:YC or OEM Model Material:Metal Adjustable pads, removable hooks, special water pans for chopsticks, modern.
Roll over image to zoom in . Stainless steel wall mounted dish drying rack, hung on rail to free up space on the worktop. Probrico Wall Mounted Dish Drainer Rack Stainless Steel 23.6 inch Dish Drying Rack Plates Bowls Storage. Probrico. Buy products related to hanging dish rack products and see what customers say about hanging dish rack products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Jan 21, 2018- Explore Cheryl Ms board Over Sink Dry Rack Ideas on Pinterest. See more ideas about Kitchen . See more. from amazon.com sits in cupboard over sink. dish drying rack tiskikaappi Finnish More Wall Mounted Dish Rack. hanging dish drying rack Kitchen Rack Kitchen Rack, Kitchen Storage, Kitchen Sinks, . By finding inexpensive kitchen storage ideas, making things accessible and getting rid of all the things you do not use you may become the organization. Hanging Over Sink Solution/Hidden Inside Cabinets: Drip Dry Cabinet Dish Rack Illustrations. Cheap rack, Buy Quality rack kitchen directly from China rack enclosure Suppliers: wall-mounted stainless steel dish rack shelf chopsticks tube. . a Kitchen Make Over. 12 Amazing and Cheap Ideas for a Kitchen Make Over #DIY #home #kitchendecor To grow window sill herbs === Repupose Over The Sink Shelf ~ Hang upside down over the kitchen window to use as a plant shelf. Kitchen Designs IKEA dish rack over sink Dish Racks, Fun House, Apartment Kitchen, Small Kitchens Drip Dry: 13 Kitchens with Wall-Mounted Dish Racks GRUNDTAL Spotlight white IKEA // cheap under-cabinet lighting ($25 for. This dual wash-and-dry station is designed to protect countertops and securely fit over your sink to drain kitchenware and produce. No more stains, messy countertops, or leaving items on dish towels! Water drips off dishes and directly into the. 2017/08/13 Above: A kitchen by Spanish firm Quintana Partners has a simple wooden dish drying rack mounted over the sink. See a roundup of our favorite kitchens by the firm at Kitchen of the Week: Embracing the Old with Quintana.
DIY over the sink dish rack with a window. . hanging dish drying rack Kitchen Rack Kitchen Rack, Kitchen Storage, Kitchen Sinks, Kitchen . Small kitchen Kitchen Decor, Kitchen Design, Cute Kitchen, New Kitchen, Kitchen Sink Kitchen. Jan 21, 2018- Explore Cheryl Ms board Over Sink Dry Rack Ideas on Pinterest. See more ideas about . sits in cupboard over sink. dish drying rack tiskikaappi Finnish More Wall Mounted Dish Rack. Wall Mounted Dish racks. See more. I had the bottom of a standard wall cabinet cut out and installed 2 ikea drying. Hanging Over Sink Solution/Hidden Inside Cabinets: Drip Dry Cabinet Dish Rack Illustrations. Kitchen RenoDiy KitchenKitchen over sink dish drain. See more. I had the bottom of a standard wall cabinet cut out and installed 2 ikea drying. Its a dish rack thats integrated into a bottomless cabinet above the sink, so that the step of drying wet dishes is skipped completely, and are Instant Pretty: Store Your Dish Drying Rack On a Floral Tray (Itll Collect Drips, Too!) . love this modern wood hanging dish drying rack Trautes Heim, Plate Storage, Plate Racks. Surpahs Over the Sink Multipurpose Roll-Up Dish Drying Rack (Warm Gray, Large). by Surpahs. $25.00 25 Prime. More Buying . Roll-up Dish Drying Rack Foldable Stainless Steel Over Sink Rack Kitchen Drainer Rack (. See Size Options. Amazon.com SANNO Dish Rack Over Sink, Adjustable Arms Holder Utensil Drainer Functional Drying Organizer for Vegetable and Fruit, Kitchen organizer Strainer Dish . Im pretty sure youre going to love it. . It works both either hanging using the expanding holders or on the sink itself since it has some padded footing. Buy products related to hanging dish rack products and see what customers say about hanging dish rack products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. No modern kitchen is complete without the multipurpose Over The Sink Roll Up Dish Rack. . sinks, this utility shelf is easily positioned directly over the sink, where it holds scrubbers and sponges and includes a bar for hanging dishcloths. 2016/04/21 Hang one on the wall by your kitchen sink and store your dish soap and sponges inside. . kitchen sponge storage solution: light blue silicone sponge holder from aliexpress . The steps are pretty simple: Find a piece of wood you love, give it a good stain, drill a few hose clamps into the wood, attach the.
Online shopping for Hanging Planters from a great selection at Patio, Lawn & Garden Store. . HOMENOTE Macrame Hanging Planter Wall Plant Hanger Flower Pot Holder with Beautiful Butterfly Pattern for Boho. See Size Options. Discover the best Hanging Planters in Best Sellers. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon STRING(nav-sa-patio-lawn-garden) Best Sellers. 2018/05/10 We rounded up our favorite stylish indoor hanging planters so you can hang with your plant babies all day. . Its ideal for small- to medium-sized plants with leaves that wont cover the nice planter design, such as sparser. 2018/05/13 Indoor hanging planters are back! Theyre an interesting way to display houseplants in any room and theres an array of styles to choose from. 29/11/2018- Explora el tablero de Susan Interiano HANGING PLANTERS en Pinterest. Ver ms ideas sobre Hanging . porcelain and leather hanging planters Nice kitchen. homey home design: Chalkboard Thanks. Encuentra este Pin y. Beautiful hanging planters. . easy gardening. Hanging planters, garden planters, container gardening, popular pin, DIY container gardening,. Read it . Hanging Pots, Hanging Herbs, Hanging Plants Outdoor, Outdoor Wall Planters, Diy. Find hanging planters youll love and enjoy free shipping over $49 at Wayfair! . to grow your delicate air plants or experiment with other small plants. It is easy to hang with a brown leather strap and makes a good addition inside or outside. You searched for: hanging planter! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what youre looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of.
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/luxurious-hanging-plate-rack
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