#supremely interesting that when she talks about playing Philippa she talks about her colleagues and Philippa's connections with others
onaperduamedee · 3 years
"I think all the training, whatever you have learned before... That's why I say every day I looked at my cast and I learn from them, because there's so much I don't know. Because you have to bring something new. It's like with Georgiou, she's such a special character. How do I bring her to life?
And I have to thank my writers and showrunners because from the good Georgiou, where she was like the epitome of compassion and heroism, everything good about a mentor... That's what you want, if you've ever wanted a teacher, that's the person. She was strict, but at the same time, she did it with love and she taught you well."
— Michelle Yeoh on embodying Captain Georgiou, in Star Trek: The Pod Directive, “The Incomparable Michelle Yeoh”
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