#supernatural tarot cards
alligatorpie1945 · 2 months
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Im making Supernatural Tarot Cards! (Out of order)
The Judgement Card represents "as a time of resurrection and awakening, a time when a period of our life comes to an absolute end making way for dynamic new beginnings."
And what better describes Cas, his whole arc is "waking up" and leaving what he has always known. That decision impacts him for the rest of the show. He starts to use his own judgement and free will. Walking into the future on his own.
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ritartist42 · 3 months
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spn themed tarot cards, i made these for a friend, maybe i will finish the deck sometime..
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mymagicgrandpa · 2 months
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Chapter 19's tarot card is the Four of Wands!
The Four of Wands is a card of bliss, celebration and festivities. Now is a time to appreciate the good things, and a social event is a great way to do it! Weddings, birthdays, festivals, all are possibilities with this card, and you should spend time with your friends at whatever event this is.
You may have been working hard to achieve things, so now you can take a break and revel in it, really appreciate it! Maybe you've been working on a project, and you've gotten past an important part of it or even finished it. You've earned a good pat on the back. You've found security, so let yourself be happy.
The card can be an indication that you are coming home to your loved ones where you have support and care. Or perhaps you're not coming home, but are instead moving to a new home where you should settle in and enjoy yourself!
Reversed this card can mean a more personal celebration, something you're proud of yourself for but not exactly something you're wanting to share with others. This is fine, you deserve self praise. It might be good to consider celebrating with others when you're ready.
You may have found more harmony and stability within yourself, inner peace for example. Maybe you've figured out your purpose in life, or overcome a personal emotional hurdle.
Unfortunately the reversed card can also mean a shaky foundation with friends and family. Things might be tense with those you care about for whatever reason. If not the people you know, it could be that there is instability in your life in general such as some kind of awkward transition. It is important you get through this, no matter how uncomfortable it may make you.
My Magic Grandpa is a paranormal fantasy adventure that takes place in the 90s, please check it out and spread the word if you like it
Want to have a more phone friendly viewing of the comic? Check out mymagicgrandpa.net or look for My Magic Grandpa on Tapas or Webtoons!
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
What Situation Requires You To Trust Your Intuition? - Pick A Card - High Priestess Edition
Readings are under the read more.  Video version is also included in source link.
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Pile 1/Modern Witch
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 6 of Pentacles.  This has to deal with reciprocation.  A lot with getting back as much as you are giving in a situation.  For the majority of you, I feel like this is connected to respect and/or appreciation from others in your life.  
The second card to come out for this pile was Everything Is Fine, which is one of two 10 of Swords in this deck.  This is associated with painful endings.  I don’t feel like these endings have occurred for most of you yet, but you may know that they are needed.  I feel like you are likely trying to carry on as though everything is fine, even when it isn’t.
The third card to come out for this pile was the Page of Cups.  This is associated with emotional communication.  I feel like this is you knowing that you need to express your emotions and needs more, especially in regards to relationships in your life where you feel like you aren’t appreciated and/or respected - which is the main message your intuition is likely trying to get you to notice.  
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Law Of Attraction.  This is generally thought of with romantic relationships, but it applies to more than just that.  I feel like the most important part of this card for this pile was the invest wisely aspect, since that relates strongly to that 6 of Pentacles and wanting to get back as much as you are giving to situations.
The second oracle card to come out was Joker - Things Are Never As They Seem.  This may suggest that there’s more than meets the eye in a situation, which you likely already feel with the topic of this read.  I feel like you may not have fully pinpointed what is wrong though just yet and are in the process of doing so.
Pile 2/Supernatural
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 7 of Pentagrams, which is basically the 7 of Pentacles in this deck.  This is associated at looking things that are worth investing time into for long-term results.  These things often require patience, since the results aren’t seen quickly.  This can be a variety of things, including relationships.  For the majority of you, I feel it is more of a personal idea that you are considering pursuing.  Kinda like trying to start your own business or going into a certain field.
The second card to come out was the 2 of Bones, which is basically the 2 of Wands in this deck.  This is associated with making personal choices.  In this case, I feel like the choice is related about whether or not you want to pursue an idea and if said idea would pay off in the long-run.  I feel like this choice is what you are called to trust your intuition about, which is likely easier said than done (at least for my personality lol).
The third card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Blades, which is basically the Ace of Swords in this deck.  This is associated with ideas and thoughts.  Basically, I feel like this is the idea that you are considering pursuing.  
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Focus On Service.  This card is associated with people that enjoy helping others.  This may suggest that you’re considering pursuing something that you feel will let you help others.  There’s also a reminder of this card to make sure to maintain boundaries, since helping is good but you don’t want to end up being taken advantage of.  
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Intimacy - Open Up And Get Close.  There are a few ways I feel this could apply.  The first is that connections with others is strongly associated with the choice that you are considering.  Like, the choice could be something that results in connections and needing to open up to others to form those connections.  The other is that you could be advised to open up to others close to you for their advice on the choice you’re considering and their potential support for whatever option you choose to pursue.  Just remember to keep in mind that the choice is yours.
Pile 3/Garbage Pail Kids
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 10 of Coins.  This is associated with financial stability and stability in the family.  It’s a great place to be at, but doesn’t come easy.
The second card to come out for this pile was the 10 of Wands.  This is associated with being worn out due to all of the responsibilities that you are carrying.  I feel like a lot of these responsibilities are connected to you trying to maintain that 10 of Coins too much on your own without relying on the others involved.  This could be a temporary situation, such as a health issue with a family member that has led you to take on more than usual.
The third card to come out for this pile was The World.  This is associated with something coming to an end.  This is generally positive and is something that leaves you feeling accomplished in some way.  This pile is definitely heading towards the end of some kind of cycle with this card and the other two cards both being 10s.  I feel like your intuition may be trying to guide you on how to finish a possibly difficult cycle up.
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Relationship.  This is a lot about remembering to take care of yourself because a neglected/worn out/frustrated you isn’t helpful to the relationships in your life, even if you are wearing yourself out to try to help those you care about.
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Humility - Bow Down.  Basically, I feel like this card is suggesting some humility as you acknowledge what your limits are.  Unfortunately, we all have our limits and it isn’t always easy to admit when things are getting to be too much.  I do feel like this is something that you need to do or you’re going to end up being burned out, if you aren’t already.
Pile 4/Rider-Waite
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Cups.  This has to with happiness and contentment.  This is a more personal happiness rather than the 10 of Cups which is happiness with others.  I feel like this is something that you have been working on and that you have begun becoming more happy/content with things in your life.
The second card to come out for this pile was the Knight of Wands.  This is associated with being spontaneous.  I feel like this is you trying to take more chances and explore more opportunities.  A lot with just trying to be more carefree rather than super stressed.  I think your intuition is trying to push you towards this a bit.
The third card to come out for this pile was the King of Swords.  This is a logical individual who thinks before they act.  I feel like this is your typical nature.  This likely makes the Knight of Wands aspects a bit difficult for you since you prefer to think things through quite a bit before taking chances.  For a few of you, it could be vice versa with you generally being more like the Knight of Wands and your intuition encouraging you to act a bit more like the King of Swords at times.  
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Steady Progress.  Basically, you have been and are continuing to make slow, steady progress.  I feel like the progress you’ve been making is connected to that 9 of Cups and your happiness.
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Guilt - Turn Off The Alarm.  I think this is something that you’ve been working on or need to work on.  Basically, trying to release any feelings of guilt that you’ve been carrying with you.  These don’t even have to necessarily be from things you’ve done.  Perhaps this includes making some apologies, but a lot of taking steps to not carry such heavy feelings with you.
Pile 5/Mystical Manga
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 9 of Wands.  This is associated with perseverance and standing your ground.  There can be repetitive battles/challenges with this card.  This is likely beginning to wear you out, but you’re still persevering through whatever comes your way.
The second card to come out for this pile was the 5 of Cups.  This is associated with disappointments and processing negative emotions.  I feel like a lot of the negativity that you are dealing with is a result of the issues that you’re dealing with from that 9 of Wands.  
The third card to come out for this pile was The Fool.  This is associated with starting new things.  I feel like this isn’t something you’re doing yet, since you’re focusing on healing from current/recent past experiences.  I feel like your intuition will likely let you know when you are ready to move on to something new.
The first oracle card to come out for this pile was Fresh Air.  This has a lot to do with spending time outside to calm yourself.  A lot of you may enjoy spending time in nature/outdoors and find that it helps to calm you.  This may not be that easy depending on weather (it’s cold here - it just snowed again today).  
The second oracle card to come out for this pile was Imagination - Get The Big Picture.  I feel like this is encouraging you to imagine for the future, kinda like the 7 of Cups.  I feel like this will help you be ready when it’s time for you to begin your next chapter as the Fool.
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cookinguptales · 1 month
Thank you so much for the tarot reading you did for me a little while back 💜 i'm sorry it's taken me so long to say that! i do rather think you have prophetic gifts, by the way- it was spookily accurate and helped me a lot 🔮
No problem! I'm glad it was helpful to you!
I do tend to get at least one message like this every time I do a tarot night for my followers, and like... you are totally entitled to that belief! What do I know about psychic phenomena and prophecy anyway? lmao. Maybe I am psychic.
But personally, I believe that tarot has a high likelihood of speaking to us no matter what, if just because the archetypal nature of the cards means that they're dealing with problems that we all struggle with. We all have self-doubt, we all have complicated relationships with money, we all crave love of some kind. We all have trauma in our past and we all want to believe that this time, things could be okay.
One of the reasons I like tarot cards is because they are inanimate objects that we imbue with meaning. They were just playing cards, y'know? We're the ones that gave them power over us, and we did that by filling them with our own stories. We placed a mirror in those cards, and while mirrors can be used for scrying, they can also just be used to take a good hard look at ourselves.
If I say "oh, you've had money troubles in the past," who doesn't that apply to? Maybe I'm thinking about me, when we were homeless for a while when I was a kid. Maybe someone else is thinking about the money they lost to gambling last week. Maybe someone else, someone wildly wealthy, is thinking about a stock market crash that brought their five mansions down to two. Maybe a final person has just never had quite enough to make ends meet. God knows that describes a lot of people.
I like tarot because we can all look at the same spread and see something different. I see a story to tell to the best of my ability, and that's how I do readings. But for the people getting those readings, they're often looking into little mirrors and seeing how they reflect their own personal experiences.
Because, you know, we all see different things in the same mirror! That's how tarot works, I think. Maybe some people are a little better at reading things in that mirror and interpreting what they see there, but we all see something new and different and deeply, deeply personal when we look at those cards.
Love that for us.
#that's what I eventually ended up studying in college btw#the way people construct personalized belief systems and vernacular religion#I got into religious studies to make sense of the world after I got out of an abusive religious background#and people always ask me what religion I am now#and I always say... y'know... I don't know what I believe#I don't know if magic exists or ESP or the supernatural or any number of deities#I don't know if I fully believe anything anymore#but I do believe in the power of stories#how we tell them and why we tell them and the parts of us that we mix into them to bolster their power#stories can ease a broken heart or they can be used to launch a war#they can create a belief system or tear one apart#we tell stories to make meaning out of the senselessness around us but we use them to CREATE meaning too#and sometimes the meaning that we create can last for centuries#they can make a little pack of playing cards into something that I was forbidden to touch when I was a child#that I was too scared to even be in the room with until I was in college#and the stories I tell myself instead can reframe those cards as something lovely I can collect#that help me make sense of the world in all kinds of ways#by helping me understand the emotions at the root of our experiences#and the stories we tell to give voice to them#and make them material; a thing we can finally touch#idk I'm rambling a bit but! those are my thoughts on the matter!!#replies#tarot#tarot shenanigans
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sapphyreopal5 · 8 months
Hi there, I have just found your blog and I have found it very interesting.
I was wondering if you could do a reading on Drake Rodger, particularly his relationship to Jensen. Tbh I find it slightly creepy and he seems to be trying to emulate the relationship he and Jared had in the early years of supernatural but the big difference is he is now a middle aged man and Drake is not.
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Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. I also want to say thank you for complimenting my blog, I'm glad you enjoy reading and I hope you continue to do so :) I find your question interesting given the timing you sent this in given there's a convention coming up this weekend that I am attending in Charlotte, NC where both of them will be at! So, with this being said I was told by Loki to only shuffle my deck once, which is quite interesting and is a new occurrence on my part. First I'm gonna talk about the associated keywords with each of these cards and then throw in the interpretation work. This is a bit of a long read so please bear with me, I hope you find this answer insightful and a pleasurable read nonetheless.
In the tarot, the keywords associated with The Moon card include intuition, illusion, dreams, vagueness, instability, deception, anxiety, fear, misconception, subconscious, and insecurity. The 3 of Wands indicates progress, expansion, foresight, overseas opportunities, or possibly playing small, lack of foresight, unexpected delays. The 4 of Wands often can signify celebration, excitement, homecoming, family unity (or instead and frankly more fitting in this case) an unhappy family, cancellations, and feeling unwelcome. The King of Wands in the tarot often represents a natural born leader, an entrepreneur, and a visionary or possibly on the contrary impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations. The 4 of Pentacles tends to mean either saving money, security, conservatism, scarcity, control or in this case, over-spending, greed, and self-protection. The 4 of Swords connotes to rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation, or on the opposite end of things exhaustion, burn-out, deep contemplation, or stagnation. Of course, the 8 of Pentacles often indicates apprenticeship, repetitive tasks, mastery, skill development, self-development, perfectionism, and possibly misdirected activity.
The card with what I believe to be the most significant one and indicates the overall tone of this reading is The Moon. If you noticed in this particular post when I was initially discussing the keywords for each card I used words and phrases like "or", "on the contrary", "instead", etc. when I mentioned what the keywords for each of the cards are as opposed to just mentioning so called relevant keywords. I chose to do this for this post because a lot of the card combinations based on typical interpretations of such tend to be more positive. In this case however, there was a lot of deception going on with the creation of The Winchesters from start to finish, behind the scenes and on social media which The Moon card confirms.
I think many of the readers here are going to be quite familiar with the so called "Prequel Gate" that happened which started seemingly when Jared Padalecki made a post on Twitter saying "Dude. Happy for you. Wish I heard about this some way other than Twitter. I’m excited to watch, but bummed that Sam Winchester had no involvement whatsoever." and when people thought he was kidding, he responded with "No. It’s not. This is the first I’ve heard about it. I’m gutted." Also, when the show was introduced it was supposed to be "an epic love story". Instead, the big climax of the show and the highly anticipated tidbit ended up being the return of Dean Winchester on the screen. I feel a relevant movie to bring up is Bewitched with Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell starring, which is the movie where the remake of Bewitched is being filmed. As a synopsis, the show gets really poor ratings initially, as Jack Wyatt (Will Ferrell) made Darrin get most of the lines initially and the so called unknown girl Isabel Bigalow (Nicole Kidman) as Samantha got barely any lines. It's when Isabel calls Jack out on why the show was getting poor ratings and threatened to quit is when Jack comes to his senses and when he finally listens, the show ends up getting better ratings. See why I also included a photo of the movie's cover below?
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The location of the King of Wands (man on the elephant) being below the 4 of Wands (a crown) is interesting because we know that Jensen has a crown tattoo on his lower inner arm by his hand (which funnily enough was a topic of interest due to a photo edit "oopsies" some people saw on Twitter and here on Tumblr). Both of these cards showing up in the orientation they are is very interesting and definitely points to Jensen as I'll discuss here why. This particular quote stands out to me and sounds very relevant to Jensen regarding The King of Wands: "The King of Wands represents pure fire energy in its masculine form. Unlike the other Wands court cards, the King is not so interested in creation and creativity, or in dreaming up ideas and implementing them himself. Instead, he is more inclined to take an idea and then enlist others to help him actualise it." Also another interesting tidbit I saw from this same site about the King of Wands: "At times, the reversed King of Wands can be aggressive and even arrogant in the pursuit of his goals. Be mindful that as you strive towards your dream, you are not putting others off-side, dis-empowering them or taking their contributions for granted. You need their support one hundred percent of the way."
If you watch this interview of Jensen and Danneel discussing The Winchesters back in October 2022, around the 2:03 marker Jensen says "we've got touchstones that have been laid out in the mothership you know our lore. Maybe we can hit those markers in a way that isn't expected", which correlates with that quote I mentioned above I got from Biddy Tarot regarding the King of Wands talking about being more inclined to take an idea and enlisting others to make it happen. It's also interesting to notate that in this interview, Jensen is wearing velvet, which was often worn by aristocrats in Middle Aged Europe. Velvet has a long history that dates back to Ancient China and Egypt where it was also seen as a luxury and sign of royalty and still is seen as such today.
As I mentioned earlier, Jensen even has a crown tattoo on his lower right arm by his hand that he got the same year he was crowned king in Mardi Gras back in 2019 (The W on the crown apparently stands for Winchesters). It appears him, Jared and John getting this tattoo is a "seers hint" that was missed regarding The Winchesters (don't worry, we all apparently have missed some). Interestingly so, there are 3 cards in this reading with the number 4 (2019 was 4 years ago when all 3 of them got this tattoo) that are diagonal from one another. Oh and the Charlotte convention starts in 3 days this upcoming Friday (I however will be going Saturday and Sunday, or starting 4 days from now). Jensen said also he, John and Jared now call themselves "The Three Kings". Jensen at least prior to the cancellation of The Winchesters perceived himself as a "king". I do believe the King of Wands card quote above stated that the "King of Wands can be aggressive and even arrogant in the pursuit of his dreams", which is 100% fitting in this case. Ironically, the 4 of Wands as I mentioned earlier can foretell of cancellations. If only Jensen had a bit more foresight as the 3 of Wands suggests he lacked.
It seems in his arrogant approach as a so called "veteran" actor in taking away the spotlight from Drake, Meg, Jojo and the rest of the "apprentice" actors he ironically killed his and his wife's project. Perhaps he should've followed Jack Wyatt's approach and listened when fans asked legitimate questions and expressed genuine concerns about the storyline of the show. Instead Jensen chose the path of not listening to anyone else and even said something along the lines of "if people don't like the show, were they ever fans to begin with?"
So... to answer your bottom line question about Drake and Jensen's overall relationship. This reading 100% states Drake needs to trust his own instincts more. It also indicates that Drake was side-blinded quite a few times by Jensen and perhaps is not really seeing the entire picture. Clearly Drake sees Jensen as someone to look up to and seek career advice from because "he's a good actor with a lot of experience and knowledge in the entertainment industry". A father figure so to speak, and perhaps sees the rest of the cast of The Winchesters as "a family" and is part of the extended "spn family". However, Jensen quite frankly has talked a big game since he left Supernatural which can be seen in the clothing he chooses to wear and even in the things he's said as aforementioned in this post. Frankly, his career is not on such a high note currently. It seems the failure of The Winchesters may have served as a bit of a reality check for Jensen. Not sure if you agree with me here but lately I believe Jensen's been starting to look a little thin, pale, exhausted, and downright depressed.
As for Drake, he clearly is an ambitious, handsome young man who genuinely wants to succeed in the entertainment industry. He may not have been quite the same as JDM's John Winchester, and was criticized for not having the right personality or look to play young John. Casting Drake as John Winchester yet Jensen expecting a Sam Winchester tie to Drake and therefore placing high expectations on him is perhaps indicated in the King of Wands card. I sense Drake has been contemplating on his time on the set of The Winchesters in a more nostalgic way and is in a bit of a recuperation period, which I think is reflected in his reblogging this post on Twitter. It sees he was quite thrown off guard and shocked about the announcement of Jensen and Danneel's Chaos Machine Productions entering a deal with Amazon and Jensen. Jensen has withheld a lot of things from Drake I suspect but also has given some good advice to Drake at the same time based on what he said in an interview Drake did in April.
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I know this was a longer answer and such but I hope that you found this insightful and interesting. Thank you again for this ask!
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thebeautyofspn · 1 year
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1x12 Faith
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waldrea-art · 1 year
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Dean - Trapped - Two of Swords (reversed)
Sam - Fallen - Queen of Cups (reversed) Cas - Lost - The Star (reversed)
Team Free Will | Supernatural
more spn fanart more tarot art
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binch-i-might-be · 6 months
sometimes I'm just sitting here and suddenly I remember that my normal ass ordinary fully regular father revealed to us during a night of drinking that he is a PSYCHIC MEDIUM. who used to do tarot readings and PREDICTED A MEDICAL ISSUE OF HIS FRIEND'S SISTER WITHOUT EVER MEETING THE GIRL. HELLO
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stillwinchester · 1 year
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spn tarot card 1/?
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a-devious-route · 1 year
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(( icons ))
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alligatorpie1945 · 2 months
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Im making Supernatural Tarot Cards! (Out of order) Part 2
Okay this one is a weird one but hear me out.
The Hanged Man Card represents "Breaking old patterns, Circumspection, Letting go, Metamorphosis, Suspension."
Crowley went from a Crossroads Demon, to King of Hell, to friend of the Winchesters. Hs story ended with him sacrificing everything for the boys. His entire thing is breaking away from his nature and becoming an anti hero at the end.
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hcworldofpsychics · 2 months
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mymagicgrandpa · 4 months
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Chapter 18's tarot card is the Nine of Swords!
The Nine of Swords indicates you're being plagued with worry, anxiety, and nightmares. Negative thoughts won't stop repeating in your head and you may even be losing sleep over it because it's just that overwhelming. Your obsession with these thoughts only makes them worse until they'll be spiraling out of control.
You need to be careful that you don't allow your worries to cause the very fears you're stuck cycling on to occur, because sometimes in the greatest attempts to avoid your fears, you end up manifesting them instead.
A lot of this overwhelming fear is really just in your head as you think up the worst possible outcomes and scenarios. You need to take a step back and re-examine your anxieties, and try to see the other side of things. Look for the good, and the things that can go right, outweigh the unlikeliness of things going wrong, and try to tell yourself that it's probably not as bad as you think it is.
It may be a good time to seek help, as facing these anxieties alone will make things more difficult. Confide in friends, family, or a mental health professional so that you can get the assurance and guidance you need to overcome these dark and terrifying thoughts. Even just opening up to some strangers in an appropriate setting like a mental health forum or a blog can prove helpful if you can talk to the right people.
Reversed the card is quite similar to its upright position. Your thoughts cause a lot of inner turmoil and you're probably making things much worse than they actually are. You're practically frozen with fear, unable to move forward or take the next step you need to take, paralyzing you from doing whatever needs to be done. You're probably keeping this to yourself, but finding someone to confide in and open up to can really help you overcome these thoughts.
The reversed card can also indicate you're being much too hard on yourself. You're letting your doubts take over and you're not giving yourself enough credit or self care. You need to question why you're feeling this way and if it's really warranted to be so tough on yourself.
Lastly, it could be saying you've already worked through these difficult emotions, and maybe you've figured out the cause and how to overcome it. You're already on your way to recovery and you're doing a good job of keeping your worries in check.
My Magic Grandpa is a paranormal fantasy adventure that takes place in the 90s, please check it out and spread the word if you like it
Want to have a more phone friendly viewing of the comic? Check out mymagicgrandpa.net or look for My Magic Grandpa on Tapas or Webtoons!
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
Pick A Death Card Tarot Reading
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Readings are under the read more.
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Pile 1/Rider-Waite
The first card to come out was the 3 of Cups.  This card is strongly associated with socializing and communicating with friends/family.
The second card to come out was the 4 of Wands reversed.  This card is associated with issues in significant connections in your life.  These issues are likely connected to communication and/or boundaries with the other cards that came out.
The third card to come out was the 4 of Swords.  This is associated with taking a step back to clear your mind before taking action.  Basically, I feel this is what you are doing before choosing how to deal with any issues you may be having with someone in your life.
The oracle card for this pile was Boundaries: Stay In Your Own Business.  Basically, I feel like boundaries are something that you are focusing on, or need to focus on.  This can be in regards to establishing your own boundaries, as well as respecting other’s boundaries.
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Pile 2/Miss Cleo’s
The first card to come out was the 9 of Coins reversed.  This card is associated with some financial instability and some issues with independence, such as feeling like you may be too reliant on another for financial reasons.
The second card to come out was the King of Swords reversed.  This card is associated with a cold and detached individual.  Basically, someone that gives no regards to another’s emotions.  Kinda bitter and angry basically, maybe a bit passive-aggressive.  
The third card to come out was the Page of Staffs reversed.  This card can be associated with speaking carelessly.  Basically, no filter and perhaps saying things that shouldn’t be said, possibly out of anger or a lack of caring with that King of Swords reversed.
The oracle card for this pile was Contentment: Be Satisfied.  Basically, try to find stuff to be satisfied with rather than things to be angry with.  Not an easy thing to do, but better for you than carrying a bunch of anger and negativity.
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Pile 3/Medieval Cat
Probably the most positive reading/pile out of the 5 :)
The first card to come out was the 10 of Cups.  This is a card associated with happiness and things going well with the connections in your life.  
The second card to come out was the Queen of Wands.  This is a card associated with confidence in one’s self.  Basically, someone that knows their value and knows how to get what they want and need.
The third card to come out was the 3 of Cups.  This is a card associated with socializing and hanging out with people close to you.  Basically, I feel like this is just you connecting with the people close to you, which is helping you have/maintain that 10 of Cups.
The oracle card for this pile was Faith: You Have All You Need Right Now.  Basically, I feel like this is intended as reassurance to you that you’re doing well and have what you need.  
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Pile 4/Chubby Bun
The first card to come out was the Page of Cups.  This is associated with expressing your emotions.  Some of you may be communicating your emotions more, while others are you are using some kind of creative outlet to release your emotions.
The second card to come out was the 4 of Swords reversed.  This can be associated with feelings of restlessness.  I feel this is basically you feeling like you need to say something that you’ve been holding on to for too long.
The third card to come out was the Page of Wands.  This is associated with spontaneous communication.  Basically, not letting yourself overthink your words to the point that you don’t say them or really have a plan of what to say.  
The oracle card for this pile was Dreaming: Dream Big.  Basically, try to believe that the best outcome is possible for you.
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Pile 5/Supernatural
The first card to come out was The Magician.  This is associated with confidently using your skills to achieve what you want and/or need.
The second card to come out was the 4 of Pentagrams, which is basically the 4 of Pentacles in this deck.  This card is strongly associated with trying to gain/maintain some kind of stability, often financial.  Basically, pursuing something new that you enjoy that will also provide you with stability seems to be the main message of this pile.
The third card to come out was The Fools.  This card is associated with starting new things.  Interesting, this pile got the first two cards of the Major Arcana, so it does seem like this new chapter is likely already being started.  
The oracle card for this pile was Passion: Do What You Love.  Basically, I feel like this is saying that this new thing that you’re pursuing is something that you enjoy, or that you should try doing something that you enjoy.
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bi-forest-fire · 4 months
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This is exactly what dean and sam hate to see. I'm gonna get it lol.will update on who's who
Disclaimer: I haven't seen the show all the way through. What I know is what I've absorbed through fanfics, posts, videos, peoples head cannons, and the occasional episode I've seen.
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