#stupid stupid gay spies
justarandombrit · 3 months
I see one clip from Spies Are Forever and that's it, it's all I'm thinking about for the rest of the week
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steveshairychest · 2 years
We all know the Harrington's have a pool and what do rich people love to do? Hire people to do things for them. House keepers, gardeners... pool boys. Do you see where I'm going with this? Pool boy Eddie.
It's not a lot of money but every cent counts. He cleaned the Harrington's pool on Sundays, usually the day after their moronic son Steve has thrown a party. He's bumped into Steve a few times at school, they've scowled and swapped a few punches here and there but that's it. They've never spoken before. So, it's a little shocking when he comes out to dangle his feet in the pool while Eddie is cleaning it, he normally spied Steve watching him from inside but he's never come out here while Eddie was working.
"Uh, you're kind of in the way, Steve." What he really wanted to do was push him in and hit him upside the head with his pool net but he settled on being civil. "You can swim when I'm done."
Steve doesn't move. He pulled out a cigarette and offered one to Eddie. "Take a break?"
Eddie's didn't know what to do. Is he trying to get him to slack off so that he can tell his parents? Is he gonna shove him into the pool? "I don't know- "
Steve shook the cigarette up at him, "Just take it." So, he did. He put the pool net down, never taking his eyes off Steve, and then sat down beside him to take the cigarette. "Light?" Eddie shook his head and pulled his own light out. Knowing Steve, he'd probably accidentally set Eddie's hair on fire.
They sat in silence for a solid 5 minutes, both of their legs dangled in the cold pool water. Eddie glanced at Steve, trying to figure out what on earth is going on, only to jump in surprise when he found him already staring. "What?" Eddie asked.
Steve opened his mouth then closed it again quite a few times, like the words were stuck in his throat. Eddie sighed and took a long drag of his cigarette, trying not to let his nerves shine through. "Spit it out, Harrington. Are your parents firing me?" He titled his head back to blow the smoke away from Steve.
"No, no, you still have a job." He stubbed his cigarette out and flicked the butt somewhere behind him. Eddie scowled at the action. "I was actually wanting to ask you something... personal."
Oh, God. Eddie prepared himself for the worst, he was ready to dive straight into the pool the second Steve said something stupid.
Steve cleared his throat and sat up straight, his hands had a death grip on the edge of the pool. "Uh, how did you, uh.. know you .. were- " He leaned close and whispered the last word. " - gay?"
Eddie blinked once, twice. "Because I had a crush on you in middle school. That's how I knew." He probably shouldn't have said that, should've maybe said: 'because I think boys are cool.' He inhaled and then exhaled smoke right into Steve's shocked face. "Don't worry, it passed."
Of all things he expected Steve to ask, that wasn't it.
"What passed?" Steve watched Eddie stand up and stub his cigarette out in the ashtry on the table.
"My crush on you." Eddie smiled down at him, it was a tight lipped smile, and left him there, sitting on the edge of the pool to work out whatever he was going through.
He didn't get paid enough to be Steve Harrington's friend.
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definitely-not-an-alb · 2 months
ooh, how do you think molly would grift essek?
Alright. Let’s grift Essek.
First I need to note that any objection along the line of ‘Essek is too intelligent to fall for grifts’ is unnecessary, because whatever you think of Essek’s specific characterisation, assuming you are to intelligent to fall for a grift is one of the major ways people fall for them, in a ‘renowned high pressure social group researcher proclaiming on twitter that Sissy Porn is real and dangerous’ kinda way (look it up it’s some hysterical terf bs).
Gonna use that joke as a sidenote that if I am conflating grifts and high pressure social groups in this, it’s ‘cause as far as I care the difference is how self-aware the people running the show are. Watch any MLM-Doku (and I think we can all agree MLMs are grifts) and you’ll inevitably get to the part about weird aspiration culture bs and group pressure. It’s all one soup.
With that out of the way, let’s establish a baseline: What’s Molly’s reason for grifting Essek? Probably money and also the fun of it/being bored. Considering Kingsley abandoned his perfectly fine shipping company job to run off to be pirate king, I don’t think ‘Molly keeps grifting long after the M9 have become financially stable for shits and giggles and because Jester enjoys it’ is too outlandish a projection. Additionally, I don’t think Molly is great with impulse control nor this whole thing where current actions cause future consequences.
Now; why would Essek fall for a grift. Grifting relies on the dupe wanting something more than having good sense about it. Most people want money, so most girfts are structured around greed, but we know money is no object to Essek (though this does make him a juicy target – what he would barely miss might make a good haul for any grifter). We do know he is primarily motivated by knowledge instead, as well as a desire to be recognized as intelligent and exceptional. Additionally, we know he needs (in the character development sense) The Power of Friendship. Lastly, I think it’s fair to say he subconsciously longs for excitement (happy, fulfilled bureaucrats don’t become heretic spies; nor do they befriend a gang of mercenaries; implicitly, Essek is happier living the life of a wayward refugee-adventurer wizard than that of an Evil Gay Vizier Court Wizard or whatever papers a Shadowhand stamps nine-to-five.).
Being a paranoid bastard makes him a harder target, though the fact that we know he has fallen for someone’s bs before (I’m counting the spectacularly bad decision that is him allying with the Assembly as falling for a grift here. That’s a stupid decision to make!) makes him an easier target. Being so socially isolated makes him an easier victim, too, though his general rejection of people and clear discomfort with social interactions makes him an unlikely target for something like a romance scam. Essek’s relationship to tolerating bullshit is a weird one; on the one hand, he does put up with Jester’s (and the rest of the Nein’s) shenanigans, on the other he clearly knows how to and dares to tell someone to fuck off, and there’s that time he just ditches everyone via teleport (hilarious). So boundaries-wise, he could go either way. Lastly, I’d argue he’s at least somewhat impulsive or at least not risk averse. Always remember we are looking at an NPC next to Sword’n’Sorcery Adventurers – Essek might look cautious next to ruin-trawling wizards, but compare him to Gundula, 55, who works in Insurance and just clicked on a phishing link to claim her Totally Real Oilve Garden Gift Card, and you’ll see what I mean – most people are too risk-averse and unimpulsive to, again, commit treason via international conspiracy and then run off without a moment’s notice to dig around a cursed-ass ruin to save the world from a Cronenbergian nightmare.
Conclusion: He’s rich, he’s bored, he loves pretending to be a spy or grand discoverer, he wants to buy your dodgy foreign papers and incredible discoveries about the Luxon so, so badly and he has absolutely no one left in his life who’ll tell him it’s a bad idea.
So, for example, Molly could Voynich him. All he needs is a battered notebook and some writing supplies, whatever knowledge of what wizards’ and alchemists’ and spies’ scribbles look like he can easily pick up from traveling with the Nein and an opportunity to ask Essek to have a look at this encoded notebook he’s been lugging around all over the continent with him, why, he was at this party in Zadash and everyone else was some boring old pompous wizard (such a bore!) so he pickpocketed one of them, just for the fun of it, but, well, turns out neither Caleb nor Beau can make head nor tails of the weird sign code it’s written in (how tragic, if only someone happened to be so much cleverer than both of them!) and if Essek wants to have a look Molly would be more than happy to lighten his pack. For a small pittance, of course.
What’s small change to Essek is probably pretty nice to have for Molly, even by that level and especially if we’re mostly doing this for the fun of it. Essek gets to fall face first into his desire to show up Caleb, Beau and potentially an unknown Assembly member with his clearly superior decoding, espionage and wizardly skills and gain Secret Knowledge, maybe even Assembly Secrets on top of that.
Arguably, this one does rely very heavily on the fact that it’s hard to prove a negative, or in this case, hard to prove a barely-literate conman’s scribbles are just that. Do keep in mind Essek doesn’t know Molly is a habitual conman, but even so, it’s not a fantastic con (Essek isn’t dumb and knows his arcana after all and Molly doesn’t, or at least not enough to make a proper Voynich).
You could make it a better Voynich by getting Caleb in on it, but instead let’s pep it and turn it into a proper Real Stradivari by changing the hints that this manuscript might be legit to being alchemy-related and adding in a shill. Let’s go with Jester, because she’s down to clown, can lie and has a way with Essek’s boundaries.
So this time around, we aren’t asking Essek outright to buy our bogus notes – instead Molly gives him the whole spiel, hands him the notebook, fucks off with as little time to actually look at it as possible before Jester enters the scene to ask what THAT is and go oh it’s about ALCHEMY well, that DOES look like the signs she saw around Yezza’s house, pretty suuuure, oh, do you think it might be Yezza’s? Do you think Yezza might want it? Do you think she should ask Molly to sell it to her so she can give it to Yezza as a present to be nice because she’s such a nice friend who does nice things?
Honestly, the money part is optional if this is wholly about making Essek look up to see if the ceiling does indeed say gullible (and if Jester is involved, it might well do so! Always better to check, with her!), but a proper Violin Drop concludes with the Grifter returning to take their worthless thing back only to be asked to sell by the victim, who thinks the grifter doesn’t know what worth he has. If it was real, offering to buy the notebook would mean Essek outsmarted a minimum of three people (Beau and Caleb can’t crack the code, Molly is too dumb and illiterate to know valuable research notes from the morning paper) and gets his hands on potentially unknown-to-him luxon-related secrets! Alas, it’s not real, as he will realize soon.
So these are two (related) ways to scam Essek. But there’s a third one I want to mention one that is a lot of cinematic fun and I didn’t know had a name until Wikipedia told me no one does it irl (boo! That’s no fun!). It takes a lot of prep, math, and a lot of people and combines Essek’s obsession with the Luxon’s secrets and Molly’s penchant for passing himself off as psychic.
Molly would need something people in Rosohna bet on, like some kind of sport, preferably one with only two results and places people do said betting on said sport in groups. I’m assuming this exists on account of gambling and sports being culturally pretty universal concepts that love to go together.
Anyway. Imagine you’re Essek Thelyss, and one day a bunch of weirdos show up in court with a piece of the god you’re atheistically-heretically obsessed with. A few weeks later, you, having your ears to the ground about new developments regarding said not-god-pieces, hear one of the weirdos has made a name for himself as a outright oracle, correctly predicting the outcome of Fantasy-Dodgeball (Rosohnas’ favourite sport) perfectly six weeks running. He swears it’s because proximity to the Luxon amplified his inborn and long-trained psychic powers to predict the future.
Now, this is obviously bullshit. Except if Essek, being regrettably acquainted with the weirdos, were to ask, Molly would certainly confirm that sure, he has mystic powers and certainly they were amplified by the Luxon and predicting sport results is a hobby of his wherever they go, does Essek want to see? and lead Essek to a bar where every regular can swear on whatever he likes that Molly has correctly predicted the results of Fantasy-Dodgeball since the first week of being in Rosohna, in fact since before he himself knew the rules or track-record of any of the teams. Not only that, but there’s a second bar full of people Molly can introduce him too. And if he wants, he can certainly come back for a drink in one of them again next week when Molly has done it once more. Just call on Molly, he’ll tell you the time and date to meet some true believers, not all of whom can possibly be his shills.
(And, incidentally, barely worth mentioning, really, since Molly’s psychic blessings from the Luxon are so accurate, he has Exciting Business Opportunities for anyone willing to place more than their weekly betting budget in his trust, and he’d love for Essek to take a look at his powers. For a small compensation of his time, of course.)
Of course Molly can’t predict the results of Fantasy-Dodgeball. Instead, the first week of downtime in Rosohna, he found out what people like to bet on in Rosohna and where, picked one or two places in each district, go there and make predictions with a fifty-fifty split, then eliminate each watering hole where he was wrong each week, slowly cutting his audience back to only people who are getting to know him as That Outlander Who Always Knows The Results of Fantasy-Dodgeball, all the while escalating the story from him being just some dude betting and drinking with the guys to the whole Chosen By The Luxon thing. Considering this is a double-scam involving a faith aspect, he might very well still cash in in places he’s been wrong once only since victims of faith-based scams are very likely to overlook inconsistencies in their scammer’s stories or promised results. By the time Essek gets involved Molly’d be down to one or two places of true believers coming to him for ‘always accurate’ tips and a bunch of other people all over Rosohna he might get some money off based on the faith-aspect. And now perhaps one intrigued high-ranking government official who’s more than willing to overlook the hereticism inherent to the whole thing and is instead very likely to fall in the academic glue-trap of trying to disprove something clearly bogus that you do kind of want to believe in because like.
Wouldn’t it be cool? If the Luxon had more awesome powers? And one of them happened to fall in Essek’s hands, with no oversight and no need to cooperate with someone like Trent or Ludinus? Would he not want it to be real?
Anyway. The real answer to this question is: Enlist Beau to send bogus stuffed bills to Essek’s secretary. Bureaucrat on bureaucrat violence, let’s go.
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plexiglasssheets · 4 months
Cross faction mingling
sniper x spy
CW: brief mentions of drinking
kinda have to read my last one but you can kinda get it with out
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This on my last sniperspy post got me thinking
but him having like such reluctance and denial of his feelings for him. But who gives a fuck if he's gay, its because its sniper. And the fact its sniper on the other team? He feels like he's failed his mission of being the most aloof prick ever.
When he sneaks into the sniper nest during battles theres just a moment of hesitation, he just wants to have a little look at him. He had to admit he's was rather handsome when he cleans himself up. The second that it hit his brain on what he just thought, he back stabbed him.
But he did linger in there for a moment, He really thought that.
Come to the next neutral day, some of the others go to a bar, he knows their engineer and the other spy had become odd pals. So it wasn't completely crazy if he wanted to befriend? No. Become acquainted with him .
He would go to the bar with the team, and approach the sniper and under the guise of giving him much 'needed' pointers for his 2 step. Perfect plan.
He approached the sniper, no amount of manners was dropped even in such a casual setting. Being the gentleman he is he bought him a drink, then went Very into detail on how he could better his dancing.
Sniper sat and listened taking small sips of the whiskey the French man bought him, he was being gentlemen back, nothing else.
He listens, he pulls out his cigarettes from his pocket, offering one in return for the whiskey. Sniper knows how those spies are, and understands if he didn’t want a non fancy imported drug store cigarette. But spy surprises him, he takes it. Only to not be rude of course.
But spy is running out of things to tell him to improve himself on so he says he needs to leave. Sniper understands but ends the night with a little offer if you could even call it that. More of an open invitation.
If his dancing was so bad, why not come to his camper to show him how to next time. Any time after work his door was wide open for him. Sniper return to his team, spy returned to his base for the night. Mind plague with sniper and his stupid offer.
He decided he needed to go, he couldn’t let sniper have such poor skills. It would be worse if he let his horrible skill ruin a dance floor again. Far worse then what ever trouble could come from cross faction mingling. But that didn’t cross his mind that night.
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Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum Propaganda Post
the epitome of gaslight gatekeep girlboss, made her own kingdom from biomass and rules it as kind of a dictator, this is called out in-narrative. She once made a task force of elite soldiers and when she came to the conclusion they were too violent she literally just killed them all and moved on. Convinced a king to keep his daughter socially isolated all of her life because she thought she'd be too dangerous, and then in that same kingdom nerely started a war because she just HAD to deface their sacred relics out of fear that they'd be turned into weapons.
She's a borderline dictator who fashioned herself a kingdom entirely populated by her own bioengineered citizens. Her first appearance features her experimenting on corpses. She had to care for herself and her brother in a post apocalyptic wasteland immediately after being spawned from a hive mind. She made a family for herself and they betrayed her and now she trusts nobody. She crushed her robot police force into a cube because they were too brutal. She spies on literally everybody. She's been tired for a very long time. She loses control of her kingdom after losing an election because she's too focused on the comet thats about to crash into the world and regains control after the new princess flees when vampires attack. She does everything out of genuine belief she is doing the right thing. She stops spying on people. She's trying to colonise space because she's paranoid the world is going to end. She's constantly aware of every threat to her kingdoma nd her people and wants nothing more than to protect them. She went to war with her own uncle. She's made of candy. She's even a lesbian.
She built her kingdom from the ground up herself after the family she created betrayed her. She's accomplished this though a lot of war crimes and scientific affronts to God. No, seriously. She created life on a whim and discards it just as easily, her experiments are sentient and yet she holds to remorse against killing them en mass, trapping them in a sort of psychic limbo, or straight up abandoning them. She loves to play with life. But she actually does care about her citizens, who she keeps intentionally stupid in order to keep control. She also holds control by spying on everyone, having cameras in kingdoms that aren't even her own, and gps trackers on all her people. She will sabotage and meddle in the affairs of other kingdoms so her own can prosper. She's called a dictator and a fascist on multiple occasions. She pushes the people in her life away to focus on this. And she's gay.
Created an entire civilization from scratch because she was lonely, then surveillance stated the hell out of them. Also did like a bunch of other morally questionable things but the surveillance state is the only one I can remember off the top of my head and I can't be bothered to look anything up right now. Despite this, she's a supporting protaganist who helps the heroes at least as much as she fucks things up for them. All This has lead to the most ice-cold video essay take that she's "THE REAL VILLAIN OF THE SHOW" no, you fucking idiot, she's a Morally Gray Girlboss
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amazingmsme · 2 months
thinking about Curt getting absolutely destroyed in a mock interrogation by his sadistic ass partner rn. Curt will not back down to something so “childish” and Owen is not letting him up easy, that’s for sure. Poor guy is not getting out of this one but no one said he was having a bad time either lol
I just like to think of them having fun and being silly (albeit kinda intense, that’s just their vibe tho lmao). Hope ur doing well!
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Still can’t fucking believe our first impression of these guys comes from a mock interrogation that ended with tickling. They’re fucking iconic, none of us are on their level. We WISH we were, but we aren’t
I stand by my claim that Curt only “caved” so quickly is because there was someone else in the room & he still had to finish the job, so they couldn’t play around as much as they’d like
The stars aligned perfectly so we could have a canon tickle interrogation scene with the gay spies. (Ok but I’m giving all of them the hard side eye because yeah this scene maybe a coincidence, but tickle me wiggly??? Is there something they’re trying to tell us??? Dear god do they know???) it’s so cute & silly & way more flustering than it has any right to be! Like the way he slowly pulled the feather out from his jacket, bitch do that again & see what happens! I will just blush & curl into a ball
But that is literally canon, Curt doesn’t want to break under Owen’s torture anyway, so he absolutely refuses to give him the satisfaction of making him crack from something as stupid & silly as tickling. Like the longest he’s lasted is around 4 or 5 hours ok the man is STUBBORN! & Owen loves taking his sweet ass time with Curt, & he really shows no mercy. Downright ruthless bastard & that’s the way we like him!
Hng I really should write more interrogation fics with them, they go hard
& I’m doing good, thanks for asking! Hope you’re doing good too!
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thedevilsrain · 5 months
Loving your blog on eroica, your art is beautiful btw.
It's nice to see you talking abt the problematic political stuff the manga deals with, i read for the drama and gay ness and how the tropes are well executed. May i know your most fav and least fav arc and why??
thanks so much i'm so glad! i actually started reading it for the gay stuff as well but it awakened my seven year hyperfixation on the cold war
i've actually answered this before but now i've read these chapters more + i have a new Least Favorite Arc. so lets go
so, i don't know how much of a consensus this is, but my favorite arc is definitely the alaskan front, full stop. i also love eau de cologne and the free shooter/der freischultz
but i think that alaskan front captures FEWL's essence perfectly - the comedy is great, the characterization is at its' best, the art is gorgeous - the perfect balance between aoike's shojo artstyle and all the gun and machinery - and every character has a chance to shine, from agent Z, to the forgotten mr. jones, to mischa and to, of course, dorian and klaus.
plenty of my favorite panels and scenes come from this arc alone. one of my favorite scenes in the manga is one where eroica and his team manage to outsmart the KGB and even NATO, to the point that when dorian tells eberbach he had the KGB hospitalized (through giving them laxatives), he doesn't believe him
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there's also some classic moments, like klaus saying his love of nescafe (just 'instant' here lol) for the first time, mr. bonham calling eberbach nato old man (or nato geezer lol), and whatever the hell this third picture is
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i just find it great, all around. it struggles with pacing, as most of these longer eroica chapters do lol, but it still manages to be entertaining as you're building the web of spies in your head, and watching the funny interactions throught. this too is one of my favorite scenes ever. absolute great ride 🌹❤️🐗
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now! my least favorite. this i won't expect to be a consensus, but it's seven days in september. readmore cos it turned out too long. here's some dorians from the alaskan front as a mental preparation
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so right from the start, seven days follows midnight collector, the story about dorian's past interluded with im trying to steal the man in purple and another painting (i should mention that while the story about klaus' backstory doesn't have dorian, the major has a whole subplot in dorian's chapter), and as the arc proceeds, it starts a recurring theme of eroica's story being cut short/overshadowed by whatever's going on with the major.
i would only find this mildly annoying, if it weren't for the fact that the stories can become slow at best and boring at worst without dorian's more campy and, let me just say it, gay energy
this arc also starts another recurring thing for FEWL: very long and convoluted arcs. by the second half of seven days, we have: major and eroica crashing a plane in a convent, mischa and his KGB guys and salim and his misogyny and a brief appearance by lawrence and the SIS. they've already traveled three countries, and honestly by here i was already lost. it just gets to a point of too much information where the only thing keeping you going is the gags
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(we can get into salim another day lol)
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another thing that begins to suffer in this arc is the characterization. it's prolly somewhere around this arc that you might start to think 'wow, it's been a long time since eroica and the major have had a soft moment', and it's all downhill from here. there is such a focus on keeping eberbach as an asshole with zero development that their characterization actually begins to sufer -- klaus is more and more unbearable, and dorian is more and more stupid.
in this arc, there's a scene where, after dorian fails to get klaus drunk (story for another day) and klaus is the one that gets him drunk instead, he does a striptease, before klaus takes him to a bathroom. klaus tells him he hates him and threatens to beat him when he's asleep, but when dorian actually blacks out, klaus buttons up his jacket around him so that he isn't half-naked in a bathroom.
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but! the scene is then completely ruined because shortly afterwards klaus and mischa (the bear cub) literally WATERBOARD dorian when he's still blackout drunk, in a scene that's actually hard for me to read
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and again, it's really all downhill from here. seventh seal is another arc i really dislike, bc it follows this trend of eberbach manipulating and tricking dorian, and dorian's affection towards him stops being this funny if unlikely thing, and starts being more... sad lol
i had to get that one out of my system BUT. this is Not The Worst Yet! this arc features the single WORST scene in the ENTIRE manga and i will not be taking criticism about this
mischa, knowing the major's dad was a... tank commander... in the german army. in ww2, brings klaus to the el alamein desert, where a nazi generla or whatever lost a battle to the allies, with the intent of humiliating him. and it actually WORKS -- and once mischa obviously loses to eberbach in the end, it's supposed to be this moment of... reinvidication, almost? klaus says he doesn't care, but mentions how it hurt his pride, you know?
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i find this one actually gross to read JFGJLKJGLGF its so incredibly bad either way you read it -- the major is offended mischa would remind him the germans lost the war, or mischa, a mischa, clinging to the past when the russians won the battle, but now in the current day the germans are better.
by this point you'd think we'd be over the 'major's dad was a soldier in ww2' thing or at least consider it an obvious Bad Thing -- but here's aoike, in 1982, still coyly playing up how germans are good and noble and all that
there's plenty other pretty bad eroica chapters -- insha'allah with its' messy orientalism and.. child brothel, midnight collector's messy handling of dorian's trauma, the seventh seal having dorian 'trick' a man in drag, the panda's maze everything etc. but seven days in september still remains at the top of me for having a moment where eroica actually stopped being fun, a moment where i actually had to stop to think about the author's politics and how they end up being cast over the story.
anyway read the alaskan front lol
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Stranger things incorrect quote generator (feat. Ronance with Murray, The Babysitters, Ronance and their kids and sadly no random stuff this time)
Pt 7
Ronance with Murray
*playing twister*
Murray: Right hand red.
Nancy: *ends up on top of Robin*
Robin: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Murray: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
(Murray making them canon ✊👑)
Murray, at Nancy: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Robin, from the kitchen: Would you like to stay forever!?!
(I kinda want Murray to adopt Robin, so that he can teach her Russian)
Robin: I didn't drink that much last night.
Murray: You were flirting with Nancy.
Robin: So what? They're my partner.
Murray: You asked if they were single.
Murray: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
(like am I the only one thinking that? With him adopting Robin)
Robin: Are you a painting?
Nancy: What-?
Robin: Because I want to pin you to a wall.
(Murray is proud but also not proud of Robin's flirting skills)
Robin: Why doesn’t Nancy find me sexy when I bite my lip?
Murray: What do you look like when you bite your lip?
Robin: *bites lip*
Murray: ...Have you considered biting your bottom lip instead?
(he would be the dad you could talk about anything really)
Robin: It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close.
Nancy, blushing: Okay.
Murray: It's fucking summer
(Honestly, he found it impressive but stupid)
Murray: So, what is Robin to you?
Nancy: The reason I wake up every morning.
Murray: ...That’s adorable.
Robin earlier that morning, barging into Nancy′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
(Murray asking that question, is so perfect for the Robin adoption AU)
Murray: Who do we know that has handcuffs?
Robin: Well Nancy and I-
Nancy: *elbows Robin*
Robin: ...wouldn't know.
(well Damn)
Murray, bursting into the room: You two are having sex!
Robin, not looking up from their book: Really? Nancy, why didn’t you tell me? I would have put my book down.
(That was him when he had his Hopper phase, but well they are older teens)
Murray: Ooh, somebody has a crush
Robin: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Nancy I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them.
*Later that night*
Robin, very much awake: Uh oh.
(Murray just helping Robin with her love life)
Robin: How do you know how to kiss? Like who teaches you?
Nancy: Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now.
Nancy: Would you like me to tutor you?
Murray: That was smooth.
(It was, Robin would be a stuttering mess)
Murray: Did you take out Nancy as I requested?
Robin: Nancy has been taken out, yes.
Murray: You have my grat-
Robin: It was a great restaurant.
Robin: We had a romantic candlelit dinner.
Robin: Nancy proposed afterwards- we’re filing the wedding papers.
(Murray and Robin being Russians spies AU)
Murray: And now for a gay update with Robin and Nancy.
Nancy: Getting gayer.
Murray: Thank you, Nancy.
(They are getting gayer every second)
Robin: *yawns*
Nancy: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring.
Robin: Then you must be exhuasted.
Murray: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
(Single Dad Murray finally being fed up that they are flirting all the time)
Robin: Is there anyone here who’s actually straight?
Nancy: *raises hand*
Murray: *puts their hand down*
(He knows what you are, Nancy)
Robin: Did Nancy just tell me they loved me for the first time?
Murray: Yeah, they did.
Robin: And did I just do finger guns back?
Murray: Yeah, you did.
(Father-Daughter bonding. Also oof)
Murray: This totally sucks, man.
Nancy: This is horrible.
Murray: Yeah, I know, I mean look at today’s news.
Nancy: No, it’s not that, it’s Robin.
Nancy: It’s just like, I can’t get them out of my head and every time I look at them I have this pains in my chest, and I just know it’s their fault, that bitch!
(Nancy doesn't know that Murray adopted Robin, also I'm not sure how he would reacted to the 'that bitch' part)
Murray: Hey, Nancy, are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
Nancy: Yeah.
Murray: And you, Robin?
Robin: Umm... yes?
Murray: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Robin: Did they just-
(Nancy probably thought she was gonna be invited to dinner or smth, but she got something better)
[The Babysitters]
Argyle: Hey Nancy, can you give me the opposite of these words?
Argyle: Always, Coming, From, Take, Me, Down.
Nancy: Never, Going, To, Give, You-
Nancy: The fucking satisfaction.
(He tried, he tried, but you can't Rickroll her)
Nancy: *holds a gun out to Eddie*
Eddie: I-I don't believe in guns.
Nancy: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
(I feel like Eddie fits the best here? Idk why)
Eddie: I’m in love with you.
Steve: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.
Eddie: I know.
Steve: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
(Fruity Four or Six smth... I forgot the name when you add Jargyle, definitely had a prank war)
*the TV is freaking out*
Jonathan: Don’t worry, you have to treat an electronic like you treat a patient on life support.
*unplugs the TV, then plugs it back in again. nothing changes*
Jonathan: Yeah, that didn’t work with my grandma either.
(And I oop-)
Steve: We both look very handsome tonight.
Eddie: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."
Steve: I couldn't take that chance.
(I feel like eitherway it would fit)
Jonathan: *looks at Argyle*
Jonathan: Baby boy. Baby.
Jonathan: *looks at Steve*
Jonathan: Evil.
(I just liked the Baby boy. Baby. Part for Argyle, no Steve hate lol)
Jonathan They couldn't find their way out of a paper bag.
Argyle: That's not true! I found my way out of a paper bag yesterday!
(good job Argyle! 😃)
Robin: Why is Jonathan crying on the floor?
Nancy: They're drunk.
Robin: And?
Nancy: They saw a picture of Argyle's spouse.
Robin: But they're Argyle's spouse.
Nancy: I know.
(jargyle 😌)
Steve: *standing on a balcony and sneezes*
Robin: *standing on the roof* Bless you.
Steve: God?!
(She would honestly do this for weeks, but in different ways)
Eddie: Y’know, maybe things aren’t so bad. I’m here. I got the nice ocean breeze. Just alone with my thoughts.
Robin: Hey, Eddie.
(Robin when she dies in S5 (which she probably hopefully won't) and going to the same place as Eddie 🙂)
Jonathan, in a horrible German accent: Bill Nye is on break, I'm Bill Nein.
Robin: Can I go to the bathroom?
Jonathan, in the same horrible German accent: Nein!
(I just loved this quote, because I'm German lol, and how can one have a horrible accent with 'Nein', it's just 9 in English lol)
Jonathan, at Steve: You're my significant other.
Steve: Yeah I am!
Jonathan, at Robin: You're my child.
Robin: Yes boss.
Jonathan, at Eddie: You're my bitch.
Eddie: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Jonathan, at Argyle: My bestie.
Argyle: Naturally.
Jonathan, Nancy: HA, GAY!
Nancy: Fuck you.
(Stonathan ig, but I find the Nancy part funny 😂 Jargyle are canonly Besties rn so perfect 💅, idk what to say about the other parts)
Steve: We’re having a moment, aren’t we?
Nancy: If by 'a moment' you mean me not wanting to strangle you for the first time since your speech, then I guess we are.
(do I need to explain 🤨)
Eddie: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
(They boy who died, come to live 👃)
Nancy: Where are you going?
Robin: Hell, eventually.
(reminds me of that person who accidentally came out that way, which was iconic btw)
Robin: You don't need my blessing to go kiss Jonathan. In fact, I was pretty sure you were already kissing Jonathan!
Steve: Nope.
Robin: In that case, as the archbishop of Steve's fully awakened gaydom, I give you my blessing to immediately leave and rectify that as soon as possible! Go now, my child, and kiss Jonathan right on the lips!!!
(Stonathan ig. But I love that Robin is the archbishop of Steve's fully awakened gaydom)
Nancy: *angrily presses Robin against a wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY?!
Robin: ...
Robin: Are we about to kiss-
(um no... Why?)
Steve: So how’s the food Eddie made?
Jonathan: It's great! Compliments to them.
Steve: *goes to the kitchen*
Steve: You're adorable.
Eddie: *blushes*
(this quote is so cute to me)
Jonathan: I put the pun in punishment.
Eddie: I put the top in unstoppable.
Steve: I put the cute in execute.
Robin: I put the sexy in dyslexia.
Nancy: I put the ass in class.
Argyle: I put the D in Jonathan.
(I-... Damn Argyle... Also Robin 😎)
Jonathan: Steve and I got married!!
Eddie: Don't share your personal problems with everyone.
(Either he jealous or teasing people who date Steve)
Argyle: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Steve and Robin's convo?
Eddie: Me. I'm in the laundry basket.
Nancy: I'm in the washing machine.
Jonathan: I'm in the closet.
Eddie: We accept you Jonathan. <3
Jonathan: No I'm literally in the closet.
Eddie: Love is love. <3
(it should have been the bathroom)
Steve: Fine! Judge all you want but...
Steve, points at Nancy: Married a lesbian. (It's Robin)
Steve, points at Jonathan: Left a man at the altar.
Steve, points at Argyle: Fell in love with a gay ice dancer.
Steve, points at Robin: Threw a girl’s wooden leg in a fire.
Steve, points at Eddie: Lives in a box!
(seems accurate enough)
Argyle: Here comes the lightning!
Argyle, whispering: You've got to imagine it coming out my fingertips, wherein I am an almighty wizard.
Eddie: Ok, currently imagining that. Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all.
(They would have loved each other)
Robin: Blue M&Ms are the best.
Robin: What about it? They are.
Nancy: They're all chocolate inside, the colors don't mean anything.
Argyle: I like the yellow ones.
(How dare you yell at Arygle 😑)
Robin: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Steve's birthday invitations.
Jonathan: Well, what are they supposed to say?
Robin: "Steve's birthday".
Jonathan: So, what do they say instead?
Robin: "Steve’s bi".
Jonathan: Works out either way.
Jonathan: I feel like doing something stupid.
Argyle: I’m stupid, do me.
(Wel you said it yourself Jonathan, do something stupid)
Argyle: If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple "thank you" is all I need.
Argyle: Not all this "how did you get into my house" business.
(Thank you)
Argyle: Do you want to know your gay name?
Jonathan: My... my gay name?
Argyle: Yeah, it's your first name-
Jonathan: Haha. Very funny Argyle-
Argyle: *gets down on one knee* And my last name.
Jonathan: Oh- oh my god.
(Jargyle ❤️✨)
Argyle: Look, Jonathan! It's the good Kush!
Jonathan: It's the dollar store, how good can it be?
(I can hear them say that)
Robin: That's ridiculous, Nancy doesn't have a crush on me.
Jonathan: Yes they do.
Argyle: Yes they do.
Nancy: Yes I do.
(You heard it here first folks, Nancy has a crush on Robin)
Nancy: *makes Robin a cup of tea but puts salt in it*
Robin: *sips tea*
Robin: *finishes tea*
Nancy: Didn't it taste bad?
Robin: Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all.
Nancy, tearing up: Oh, okay.
(Nancy wanted to prank Robin, it failed successfully tho)
Jonathan: You remind me of the ocean.
Nancy: Because I'm deep and mysterious?
Jonathan: No, because you're full of salt and you scare people.
("That I'll never love a boy, the way I love the ocean" is so much more fitting now, thank you Jonathan)
Robin: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Steve: You and me!
Robin: *tearing up* Ok.
(They are such an iconic duo 🙏✨)
Jonathan: Is there a cactus where your heart should be?
Eddie: What’s up your ass this morning!
Steve: *walks in* ...Hey.
Eddie: Hmm… nevermind.
Jonathan: WAIT NO!
(Well Damn)
Robin: I'm yet to properly begin my history notes BUT!!!! I got 100% on a quiz about european countries so who's the REAL winner here.
(You are, Robin 😌)
Nancy: Okay, what does A stand for?
Robin: Arson.
Nancy: Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for?
Robin: Barson.
Steve: *laughter*
Nancy: What stands for C?
Robin: Commit arson.
Steve: Oooo.
Nancy: D!
Robin: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson.
Steve: *more laughter*
(I love this one so much)
[Ronance and their kids]
Max: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Robin’*
Will: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’*
(She would write notes)
Nancy: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… Robin and I are dating.
Robin, Will, Erica, and Max: *gasp*
Nancy: Robin, why are you surprised?!
(Erica probably knew, Max hat her suspicion and Will didn't believe other gay people exist)
*Nancy and Max looking at a locked gate into a park*
Nancy: Aw. :(
Max: You know what they say.
Nancy: Please don’t-
Max: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate*
Nancy: Frick-
(yes >:3)
Erica: Are we really going to let Robin keep Will?
Nancy: We kept Max.
(They are collecting the Gays)
*In the chip aisle at Walmart, doing a late-night grocery run.*
Will: *Minding their own business, looking for tortilla chips.*
Will: *Finds tortilla chips.*
Erica , to Lucas: See, they know what they're here for. They know what they're doing. Be more like them. Make a decision, Lucas!
(siblings ✨)
Robin: Just a minute. I need to go take out the trash.
Will: Oh. We're going out?
Robin: Wh...
(That's when Robin told a very long speech about why Will is amazing and everyone should love him)
Lucas: Onion rings are vegetable donuts.
Robin, used to Lucas being dumb: Sure...
Lucas: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Robin: Okay?
Lucas: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.
Lucas: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio-
Robin: Jesus, that one is a little-
Will, interested: No, no, Lucas, keep going.
(Robin be acting like she wouldn't say the same stuff)
Max: Do you know the ABCs of first aid?
Robin: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.
(the Soccer thing)
Will: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Lucas: Cannibalism.
Will: *confused chewing noises*
(the Byers are Cinnamon rolls who could kill you)
Nancy: What are your three best qualities?
Lucas: I’m hot, I have soft hair, and sometimes I cry because I love my friends.
(Lucas Apprication 🥺🙏✨)
Erica : Deep down, I'm sure I was always pretty okay with you.
Robin: Thanks, Erica!
Erica : It wasn't a compliment, numbnuts.
(it was just the facts)
Nancy: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.
Nancy: *upends the bottle*
(I can hear the sound)
Nancy: I think I need a hug...
Will: Good thing I'm hug shaped!
*45 minutes later*
Nancy: You... you can let go now.
Will: No, I absolutely cannot.
(everyone needs a will hug)
Will: ARE YOU-
Erica : Fucking.
Erica : Fucking.
Will: IDIOT!
Nancy: …What was that?
Erica : Lucas banned Will from swearing, so I’m helping them out.
(Erica would definitely do that, but Will also had to pay her to do it, she a business lady)
Max: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Nancy: Several traffic violations.
Lucas: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Erica : Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Robin: Also, that’s not our car.
(Max Appreciation 🥺✨🙏)
Robin: Are you having another depressive episode?
Max: A depressive episode?
Max: I'm having a depressive series and we're just on season one.
(imma just let this stand here)
Lucas: Uh, Nancy? Max is in the pool and I don't think they're waterproof.
Nancy: What?
Erica : I think they meant, Max is drowning.
Nancy: WHAT?!
Max: *is drowning*
Max: I can't swim, dumbass— *sinks*
Robin: MAX!
(well I guess Sadie's characters sank)
Robin: So oxygen went on a date with potassium, it went... OK.
Erica : I thought oxygen was dating magnesium, OMG.
Robin: Actually oxygen first asked nitrogen out, but nitrogen was all like NO.
Lucas: I thought oxygen had that double bond with the hydrogen twins.
Max: Looks like someone's a HO.
Erica : NaBrO.
Nancy: I'm done with all of you!
(I love this quote very much 🥺 Also, Erica being a nerd 👀)
Lucas: Do you know that we are made out of atoms?
Lucas: And atoms never touch each other.
Lucas: So in my defense, officer. I did not punch this kid.
(the kid was Jason)
*the squad is at a dinner party but someone has been murdered*
Erica : You’re acting pretty carefree for someone who’s life’s at stake. Who’s to say you aren’t the killer?
Robin: It’s a murder, not a tax audit. I’ll be fine.
Lucas: What about Max? Nobody ever suspects Max!
Max: Well what about Nancy? They have a gun!
Nancy: Erica has a knife.
Erica : Yeah, for fun, not for murder! *stabs Lucas in the arm*
(Sibling love. Nancy and guns 🥺)
Max: Hey, let’s mess with Robin, guys!
Lucas: Hey, Robin, your momma so fat-
Robin: My mom committed multiple war crimes and is now locked in solitary confinement in a Bolivian prison.
Erica : Well, uh- your dad-
Robin: My father left when I was two to be captured and consequentially sacrificed by a group of feral ferrets.
Lucas: The fuck-
Nancy: Well then...
Max: Stop, Nancy!
Nancy: Your grandparents so-
Robin: My grandmother floated into the sky like a balloon with too much helium when my grandfather spontaneously combusted.
Robin: You cannot best me, mortals.
(Gasp, we finally have some info about her family)
Max, after having a nosebleed: Welp. Time to wash the blood off my hands.
(the Vecna Symptoms 👀)
Lucas: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Max a little bit.
Will, holding Lucas's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Lucas: No, that's our joint tombstone.
Will: My mistake.
(just a little)
Robin: I am in charge of this disaster!
Max: I have a name, you know.
(then max got a speech about how she is loved while still being a disaster, because Robin is also a disaster)
Robin: Wow, this parking is as straight as I am.
Nancy: I know I should be focused on the fact that you just came out, but HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PARKING!
(If that's not how Robin comes out in S5 to Nancy, I don't want it)
Erica: Lucas, I need some advice.
Lucas: You need advice from ME?
Erica: Yeah, frightening, isn't it?
(I wonder why)
Robin, throwing their head into Nancy's lap: Tell me I'm pretty!
Nancy, lovingly stroking their hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
Nancy: I hate to tell you this, but one of you was adopted.
Erica & Max:
Erica: Only one...?
(This is funny)
Lucas: Can I ask a dumb question?
Erica: Better than anyone I know.
(I love them)
Will, holding a gun: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true WHOEVERS CONTROLLING MY SIM I JUST WANNA TALK.
(it's the duffers. And also, Give👏Will👏A👏Gun👏)
Will: What’s the straightest thing you’ve ever done?
Erica: *sighs*
Erica: I killed a man.
(Damn, I didn't know you could act straight like that, how far were you in the closet?)
Lucas: We all have our demons.
Lucas, grabbing Erica: This one’s mine.
(I love this, i love them)
Erica: Everyone knows that Santa is an invention designed by the big five corporations to sell tinsel and video games to an unsuspecting public.
Robin: The whole “childhood wonder” stage just blew right past you, didn’t it?
(Erica is too smart for that shit)
Lucas: Where are your parents?
Robin: What are parents?
Lucas: That’s just about the saddest thing I ever heard get said.
(Lucas S3 trying to start a conversation, when Robin was sitting next to Max by the ambulance or smth and he was standing in front of them)
Lucas: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
Max: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
Will: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Robin: I joined you in the dumb stuff.
(seems accurate)
Hope you liked it.
Now I just need to mention the Murray adopts Robin AU again, because it just gives be those good vibes
Also anyone have a Ronance fic where Robin is a Russian Spy?
Anyway, lots of love ✨🥺❤️🙏
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skellinore · 1 year
"Family Photo!"
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My favourite bois!
I love them so much.
My pride and joy.
–Trender/Alexander, the fashionable one, who talks so fancy you have to be a millionaire to understand them.
–Trender/Alexander is also twins with Markus, Alexander is older than him by a couple of seconds.
–Alexander gets mistaken for Slender's twin a lot, while Markus and Splendor get mistaken for twins as well.
–Trender is aceflux/gay/aromantic. Goes by they/them pronouns.
–Alexander also has a slight British accent? But not so much, it's light. Either or they use their French accent.
–Trender also runs a huge fashion company up on Earth and Hell, called Sinner's Delight. Alex is so competitive, even killing the opposing competition that dare try to out top their company, nothing is below them, even blackmailing and hiring spies and hitmen.
–Alexander is fine with murder, just as long as the blood doesn't get on their clothes, same as Slender, while Splendor and Markus hate killing people.
–Slender/Wilhelm the 3rd, the serious one, nothing gets past it. Very intelligent and resourceful.
–Slender hates their real name, has had it change, but his brother's use his real name to annoy them.
–Slender is twins with Splendor! Splendor is older by a couple of minutes, but Splendor likes to state that Slender is the oldest.
–Slenderman hates, no loathes humans, so the Slender Mansion does not exist in my AU. (It's also because I don't like the Slender Mansion AU, my Slender would fucking rip and tear Sally apart with no remorse, he just loathes humanity.)
–Slendy has an Italian accent he uses this one the most, rather than its German accent.
–Slender is pansexual/demisexual. Goes by they/them/he/him/it pronouns.
–Spends most of his time protecting forest all around the world, killing anyone who dares cuts down any tree, anyone who dares harm the land.
–Their family doesn't know about its relationship between him and Zalgo, honestly, it's mostly a stupid bet the two of them made, to see who could keep their relationship a secret from both of their families the longest. They're married.
–Splendor/Sonny, the sunshine brother, very optimistic about everything and everyone, likes to act innocent, but is just as knowledgeable as his younger brothers.
–Splendor is actually one without an accent, but whenever his twin, Slender is around, Sonny will try and mimic them.
–Sonny is a pansexual/demisexual. They're genderfluid.
–Sonny works with angels, despite he, himself being a demon, loves humans. Protects them, even if sometimes it almost kills him.
–Splendor travel more frequently than his other three siblings. Mostly because his job demands it.
–When Sonny has spare time, Splendor puts on shows of entainment, not like that, nerds. He's a ring leader, displays shows of great magic, tricks, trained animals, and things you've never seen before.
–Splendor is actually possessive of his brothers, often manipulating his siblings to spend more time with him rather than their friends and dates.
–Markus/Sonnet, the flirty and adventurous one, very respectful and funny, the best one out of all of them who is the best with speaking with humans and demons alike.
–Markus Sinclair is his full real name, while Trender's real name is Alexander DeWitt, then Sonny Summers, and last but not least, Wilhelm Dixon the 3rd. The reason they all have different last names is because Faceless Demons have house symbols and titles that tell other beings what family they belong to.
–Markus and Alexander are the only ones who have normal human jobs. Markus works as a detective/cop and in his "past lives" worked as a mobster, SWAT, and served in the first World War. Markus just likes helping people, don't ask him about his mob days.
–Markus loves writing poems, hence his nickname; Sonnet. A sonnet is a love poem. Oh right, Sonnet is very popular with the Succubus' and Siren's, while Slender is popular with Zalgo's family and other Faceless Demons, Splendor is popular with Angels, and Trender is popular with faeries and mermaids.
–Markus is bisexual/aceflux/polyamorous. Goes by he/him/daddy pronouns.
–Sonnet is a feminist, and believes in equal justice for everybody, he's kinda like Batman, but without the edginess.
–Markus and his siblings are Faceless Demons, and most of their kind don't really have a concept on gender, so most of their kind kinda wear whatever they want, it's mostly him and Sonny that wear "girly" clothing.
–Markus has either a Russian or Italian accent.
Faceless Demons don't have females or males per se, most of their kind only go by they/them/it pronouns, but most species have pronouns, so some of them have alternative pronouns to make it easier for the other species to understand.
Meaning that there's no Faceless Demon that has boobs or hair, only their species can actually tell themselves apart, but to other demons they might mistake their friend for another Faceless Demon.
I also want to add that Markus Sinclair is my own version of Offenderman, if that wasn't obvious already, he downs that respect everyone juice, big fan of consent. >:3c
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bookgeekgrrl · 9 months
My media this week (23-29 Jul 2023)
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🥰 The Rift (seapigeon) - 53K, modern college no powers AU - there's witchcraft and ghosts and curses and art student steve and science nerd bucky and it was all very good!
😍 Six Kids and a Winnebago series (Oddree13) - 91K, omegaverse Steddie - this series is a thoroughly delightful domestic omegaverse(lite) set post s4 - excellent characterizations, great sense of time/place & really fantastic music references
🥰 Longing and Belonging (enjambament) - 44K, geraskier - governess!Jaskier, lots of great family stuff with Ciri & Yen [reread, a definite fave]
😍 if I'm gonna get back to you someday (napricot) - 46K, post Endgame fixit with "a clusterfuck of Steves" from different multiverses - so many good emotions!
😊 Roommate Wanted (Lihhelsing, tinkerbclla) - 66K, modern Steddie roommates-to-lovers, part epistolary with a dash of identity porn
💖💖 +110K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
the premature awakening of Bucky Barnes [at the hands of stupid, sexy, Post-run Steve] (MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward)) - MCU: stucky, 3K - modern no powers stucky, several months on in the relationship between stripper!Bucky & architecht Steve [reread]
Galatea (saltandbyrne) - Inception: Arthur/Eames, 16K - a very good and delightfully melancholic modern myth telling
Shelter Case (Coragyps) - Suits: Mike/Harvey, 7K - futuristic dark dystopian omegaverse [reread]
Let Me Keep You (LeeHan) - MCU: stucky, 4K - Steve's oral fixation PWP  [reread]
D20: Adventuring Party - s1, e15-18
D20: A Crown of Candy - s5, e15-17
Good Omens - s2, e1-6
What Next: TBD Plus - Why Tech Lays Women Off First
⭐ Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Julia Gets Wise with Jane Fonda
Fire Island: The Tea - Thomás Matos
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1991: "Mind Playing Tricks on Me" by Geto Boys
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1993: "Hip Hop Hooray" by Naughty by Nature
Hot and Bothered - Live from Pemberley: The 2005 Movie (with Helen Zaltzman and Jenny Owen Youngs)
Re: Dracula - July 24: There Will be Some Trouble
Rachel Maddow Presents: Déjà News - Episode 6: “Hello America, this is Addis Ababa.”
50 MPH - 7 MPH / A Crash Course in Jan De Bont (with Bilge Ebiri)
⭐ Endless Thread - Best of Summer: The Loudest Sound
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Mapping the Gay Guides
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Spaces for Spies
Switched on Pop - Barbie and the plasticity of pop
Shedunnit - Cricket and Crime
Re: Dracula - July 26: Just Starting for Home
Ologies with Alie Ward - Sciuridology (SQUIRRELS) with Karen Munroe
Stuff The British Stole - The Fever Tree Hunt
The Waves Plus - How a Drag Queen Recreated the American Dream
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Knight’s Spider Web Farm
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Amazon Night Hikes
Our Opinions Are Correct - Encore Episode: We're in the wrong timeline, with Connie Willis and R.F. Kuang
99% Invisible #546 - The Country of the Blind
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1981: "Rapture" by Blondie
⭐ Decoder Ring Plus - A Brief History of Making Out
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Zelda: A Beep to the Past
Dear Prudence Plus - My Boyfriend Hid His Hobby From Me—Civil War Reenactments. Help!
⭐ Into It - Country Music’s Race Problem
What Next: TBD Plus - Washington vs. A.I.
Rivals: Music's Greatest Feuds - Robbie Robertson vs. Levon Helm: Broken Band
Re: Dracula - July 28: Four Days in Hell
Re: Dracula - July 29: Another Tragedy
Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: Don’t Believe Me, Just Watch
⭐ Strong Songs - "Killing Me Softly With His Song," as sung by Lauryn Hill, Roberta Flack, & Lori Lieberman
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - WWDTM: Randall Park
Fire Island: The Tea - Bambi Sue: Dredging Up the Past
Presenting The Who
People Just Wanna Have Fun [Kool & The Gang] {2023}
The Beach Boys Radio • Popular
"One Thing Leads To Another" [The Fixx] Radio
Dream Theater
Presenting Bruno Mars
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septemberlikestea · 7 days
since its steam fps fest please consider deceive inc (which is on a big ol sale). its about stupid gay spies.
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jesuisici33 · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
tagged by @alyxmastershipper @decafdino and @hippolotamus
takes place after this snippet
kinda hate it kinda need second opinions
During the first few months of Michelle's first becoming captain, she was on a call to help save someone who happened to be in witness protection for a high profile case for the Texas Rangers led by his dad. Unfortunately, the witness ended up dying. And Gabriel Reyes was pissed off. Since Michelle was the captain of the scene, she ended up being blamed for the witness' passing. Despite him being shot four times - once in the head - Gabriel still claimed Michelle should've done more to save him. Michelle argued that no, she did everything she could, it's just that sometimes there isn't anything to stop death. 
Thus started the feud. 
No one likes a faerie feud.  Especially faeries.
Constant petty gifts to each other. The passive aggressiveness was never ending. A faerie feud meant that the two faeries (and their families) were in a war over who could out-petty each other with the most demeaning gifts. Gabriel will send her cheap tequila. Michelle will send Gabriel pamphlets on how to express his feelings in a positive manner. Gabriel will send Michelle simple guides on how to season food. Michelle will send Gabriel a bottle of expensive tequila, and in confusion Gabriel took a shot only to find it was filled with water. 
And in the mess of it all, was Carlos and Iris. 
Both fresh out of high school - Iris more so than Carlos - they had themselves to deal with the feud. Both of them still best friends before and throughout this whole debacle. Because faerie law required that since Gabriel and Michelle were at war that meant all the Reyes and Blakes were at war, they made sure to meet up together in secret. They were modern day Romeo and Juliet. If Romeo was gay and best friends with Juliet. 
“This whole thing is stupid,” Iris says to him one day. They were at their old spot underneath the football bleachers. Neither of them were particularly athletic in high school, but they liked to sneak out here during boring classes sometimes. “Any idea when this is going to end?”
Carlos shook his head. “Dad’s stubborn. You know it’s not gonna end anytime soon. Michelle could always wave a white flag. She’s more level headed.”
Iris rolls her eyes. “You’re kidding me, right? Remember that one time at the ranch when we tried to get Duchess to follow the trail but instead she wanted to trot around in the grass? That’s Michelle.” 
Carlos leans his head against the metal railings. He’s more familiar with Iris than he is with Michelle. Only meeting her a handful of times. Both her and Iris’ mom knew he was gay before his own parents. He felt more comfortable coming out to people who seem to have no judgment or barriers like the Blakes than the Reyes do. His parents…he loves them. He does. But him being gay, he knows that changes things. However it turns out it made no difference. For no better or worse. 
Then this fucking feud started. 
“So what? We have to live with this now? Us sneaking around to hang out like spies?” 
Iris’ eyes lit up. “Ooh, I like the sound of that! Could be fun. Agent Blake and Agent Reyes.”
Carlos gives her a wry smile. One that Iris meets. Both of them know it’s a temporary solution. 
“Or,” Iris jumps in front of him, getting his full attention. “We could get married.”
“Carlos, whenever us faeries get married, in-laws can’t fight. Think about it. We won’t do the naming bond, that’s out of the question. I don’t want your name.” Carlos bristles at that. Part of him is insulted that she wouldn’t want to have his name, the other relieved. He loves Iris, but giving her his name? To have him at her mercy for the rest of his life? He shudders to think of it. “But you’re finally eighteen, there’s no reason we can’t go to the courthouse and just-” she shrugs. “Get it done and over with.”
“Iris, you really know how to sweep a guy off his feet, you know that?”
Rolling her eyes, she punches him not-so-lightly in the shoulder. “Come on, man. Would you really rather deal with another tacky neon work tie or another information pamphlet on the best family therapists?” Carlos turned away, his face shuttering off. That last one was a low blow from Michelle. He knows she meant well with the gift. It’s just that the Reyes aren’t ones to talk about things like that. He remembers when her gift was delivered in their mail. Gabriel took one look at it before ripping it up and throwing it in the trash. The only reason Carlos knew what it was is because he was the one who got the mail. 
"So? Let's go do it! Once they see the marriage certificate they have to stop the feud!”
And so after a few more minutes of Iris' conjoling, they were husband and wife.
tagging @rmd-writes @apothecarose @mammameesh @actual-sleeping-beauty @wandering-night19 @obsessedwithdavrick @tyfinn @whenshewrites @alrightbuckaroo
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nitewrighter · 9 months
How about some info about fankid relationships we dont see much? Like Gyo and the Amari twins please?
Ooh fun! Well again, a thing to keep in mind is that Guillaume is like, four years older than the twins, but since he was the Oldest Boy on the Watchpoint they did follow him around, and because they were, like everyone else, younger than him, he wasn't super fond of being followed around by 'babies.' They did grow on him, though. They were useful for basically distracting Rei from following him around because she would take it on herself to boss them around because she was slightly older than them, but also they would embarrass him in front of Annie because it was clear nothing ruffled his feathers faster and that was funny to them. So your basic young kid dynamics, with things kind of balancing out as they got older and Rei just ended up hanging out with Annie more. Guillaume did end up getting closer to Samir than he thought he would because they're both on similar wavelengths of being kind of reserved, serious kids, though Guillaume was definitely entering a more sullen phase when he left for boarding school.
Actually during Gyo's last year in boarding school Samir had been asking about the boarding school for years (Because even if Annie and Rei were frequently decrying it as a 'school for rich jerks' he saw a lot of mystery and romance in all the pamphlets). Samir finally convinced both his moms and Gyo's parents (and the Boarding school staff) to let him shadow Gyo at the school. And Gyo was finally coming out of his awkward phase at this point, so basically just imagine teenage, vampire prince, Baby John Wick-looking Guillaume being trailed around by this sober, staring, skinny little brown boy for a week. A lot of people asked him if Samir was his sidekick, and Samir was convinced that Guillaume's big, spooky, super-old school was full of mysteries to be solved and he was always either annoyingly right at Guillaume's side and asking his friends a lot of embarrassing questions, or wandering off getting into god-knows what kind of trouble. Guillaume had to retrieve Samir from the undercroft, from the attic, from the groundskeeper's equipment shed, from the girl's dorm (which he ended up in by complete accident), from a dumbwaiter shaft, and from an actual secret passage in the walls ("Samir, get out of the walls! You're freaking people out!"). The school staff told Satya and Pharah in no uncertain terms that Samir was not Académie du Sainte Alchoin material and both Satya and Pharah were like "oh noooo he had his heart set on it. :( :( :(" (there was no way in fuck they could have afforded actually sending Samir there anyway).
And now you're asking, "But Nite, why was there a secret passage in the school?" And the answer is "The passage was constructed by the school's founder, Etienne Beaufoy, pretty much exclusively to accommodate for secret gay sex trysts with Guillaume's ancestor, Sylvain Guillard." The passage was used by servants, spies, and assassins over the years before the estate was eventually turned into a school, but the original purpose was, as it turns out is the case with a surprising number of secret passages, gay sex. Guillaume was able to solve the mystery himself shortly before returning home to the Watchpoint, and he was like "Oh yeah, spies and assassins were definitely using that passage" to Samir, not mentioning the original purpose of the passage. The passage later got offhandedly mentioned while Widowmaker was in the room and she went, "Oh, Sylvain's passage is still there?." And Samir's like "What do you mean Sylvain's passage?"
Basically as a team dynamic when Gyo's finally on the team, though, he gets along pretty well with the twins. He's also warmed up significantly to Rajeev, who's always trying to get him to crack a smile, with dumb jokes during missions. Gyo and Rajeev are also definitely gym buddies, with Rajeev miraculously managing to convince Gyo to take a stupid amount of flexing photos. Rajeev's also not above ribbing him in front of Annie--old habits die hard like that--but it's more endearing now.
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eniyioyun · 5 months
Undertale Chara Headcanos
*Gay and asexual. (He/They)
*He is older than Frisk and Asriel and smaller than Kris.
*He has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and neurological disease.
*When he is angry, he cannot control himself at all, he cannot control himself in the same way in a different way.
*He can use magic and his magic is illusion (zikadraws from tumblr)
*He can put himself at risk with illusion and use it to surprise his enemy. While he doesn't realize that the illusion is real, he makes the finishing blow with his knife.
*He went up the mountain to commit suicide.
*You can meet Asriel and other monsters, make friends with them, and use them to help them. He found peace with help.
*He hated a bad family and values, the evil, selfishness and stupidity of humanity, and was filled with revenge.
*Actually, albino.
*He has red eyes from birth, so he was declared "devil" in the village where he grew up.
*They environment saw him as a man because he behaved masculinely, but his fulfillment of these was interrupted by the fact that he did not belong to any gender. She was also subjected to hate and bullying because she was attracted to men. No one accepted him as he was. Until he meets Asriel, who will be his half-brother.
*He has a very dramatic and unfortunate sense of humor. He loves puns, dark humor, scaring people, and elaborate jokes.
*Half Greek and half German.
*He has a German accent (reddit @Dragon_X627279)
*Addicted to everything sharp. And Toriel's snail pies.
*His hobbies are knitting, eating chocolate, collecting weapons and reading books.
*When something bothers him, he becomes sullen and doesn't say anything.
*He likes to do make-up, especially when he catches Asriel and forces him to do make-up.
*He is flirty with men, so many men thought she was a girl. He just flirts FOR FUN, as much as a CHILD can flirt.
*Apart from the Dreemur family, his favorite monsters are Gaster and Sans. He loves looking at their work. He is also a fan of Gerson.
*Gaster taught him sign language, he always talked to him in sign language.
*He also learned the Wingdings alphabet, but only used it for important matters.
*The main reason he learned the Wingdings alphabet was to read the secret research notes written by Gaster and Sans.
*Caught by Gaster while reading his research notes in the middle of the night. He thought he would be very angry, but Gaster patted his head and showed him the real experiments.
*He was surprised when he and Frisk met Gaster again. He was especially disappointed with the scars on his face and how they disappeared so quickly.
*Thanks to Sans, his inner nerd came out, he enjoys listening to their scientific nonsense. They are both great students.
*There were times when he and Sans would fight for fun, neither of them could beat the other, but when they got to the point of killing each other, they would stop and do tear-inducing victory dances.
*Like Toriel, she constantly laughs at Sans' jokes.
*When he met Sans, he was very excited, lively, energetic and curious, at first he had a hard time keeping up with him, but later it was Asriel who had a hard time keeping up with the two of them.
*When he met Frisk and Sans, he was very happy that his sense of humor had not changed, but he was sad that his old energetic and lively self was replaced by a lazy Sans, and he hated that his friend's life energy was depleted. .
*Gerson taught him various martial arts.
*When Chara used these defensive arts to attack and intimidate, Gerson hit her with a stick.
*As a result, Chara tried to scare him like crazy with an illusion, but Gerson wasn't afraid at all.
*Chara must be the person who admires Gerson the most after Undyne.
*Gerson's encounter with Frisk disappointed him for the third time. He was no longer a hero... So he declared Undyne as his new admirable figure.
*Chara is a very smart child, she has an advanced intelligence for her age and that's why she is so crazy.
*He likes to talk to his spirit knife, he believes it talks to them too. He only showed it to Asriel. Asriel saw this as a game and liked to talk with the knife. Chara was telling them what the knife said.
* He belittles poor and weak people. At first she judged Asriel for being weak and tried to make him tougher but then she accepted that he was just cute.
*He can stand on his own two feet, is very self-confident and can sometimes be a bully. *He is not a very good person. He is not thoughtful or kind, tends to be rude and indifferent, has annoying and dangerous habits, and is generally a "freak" but is always himself. Nobody changed it, it won't change for nobody and nobody will change it
*After his death, his soul was corrupted and he became "the actor's name". Whatever the "player's name" was, it was.
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If there is a character you want headcanon, write it!
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Midnight stupid story time.
So some Russian spies tried for 3 years to finally sneak some bugs into the US Pacific Fleet Commander’s office and the first audio they have received is the Admiral having gay sex with some “Maverick” guy.
And the Russians be like, OK then, let the gays do the job for us to corrupt America from inside.
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jacqcrisis · 1 year
So just how much of the restaurant staff is aware of Caleb's thing with Zeke? Is it all of them? I bet it's all of them.
The front of house staff don't, save for Ashley, who cottoned on to everything a while ago, and Jade, who's been present for Wednesday after-clean out bullshitting sessions, and has witnessed first hand the special attention Zeke pays to Caleb and how flustered Caleb gets when he gets said attention. Additionally, there's a camera at the back door that also gets the door to the supply closet. Jade knows and they've had some talks (informally and over beer).
As for the cooks, well, imagine you're working in the kitchen at Marjorie's where you have a coworker who the servers and bartenders avoid like it's written into their contracts. Save for the one young woman who lives near him, they will go out of their way to not speak or even look at this coworker, going so far as to call you over instead if a mistake in an order has been made. It's annoying, and has lasted through several 'diversity and inclusion' trainings, but your coworker doesn't seem much bothered and honestly uses it as an excuse to be kind of a little shit that you all find pretty funny.
And you know this coworker pretty well. He's a great guy; funny, hard-working, a little weird, very gay, extremely chill, hangs out with you and the other cooks all the time, and a night drinking and shooting the shit just isn't the same without this quirky dude and his quirky sense of humor. He's your and the other cooks' funky little buddy who you're all very proud of for how far he's come since he rolled into town after getting out of prison.
Now imagine the boy band looking ass bartender who started working at your restaurant several months ago literally talks to your coworker all the time, to a point that he's pulling the dude from doing his job as they shittily hide the fact that they're flirting. On top of that, your coworker is mysteriously now busy every Tuesday night, isn't staying to close, and is hopping in the car with this bartender. Additionally, you might have spied some kind of naked photo of the bartender on your coworker's phone when he checked his texts in his downtime at least three times now.
Even if Moe wasn't the gossip queen of Majorie's, the cooks would have to be mostly blind to not notice Zeke making stupid doe-eyed faces whenever Caleb's being chatty through the window. Also, most of them are werewolves. They can smell it.
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