#studyblr mexico
marinebioblr · 14 days
Oceanic manta rays are the largest species of ray in the world, with a wingspan of up to 26 feet. Despite their immense size, they are completely harmless to divers - they have no barbs to speak of, unlike stingrays, and spend their time filtering the water for plankton with the help of their cephalic lobes (the big paddles on each side of their mouths). Socorran mantas have grown very used to divers, and often seek out our bubble curtains seemingly because they feel good and may help clear away parasites!
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princessmacabre · 5 months
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My heroine and Icon.
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michaelgetsalife · 8 months
Duolingo (Free with optional pay in-app purchases)
Babbel (Not free) (offers latin spanish and spain spanish)
HelloTalk (sign up and talk with native speakers)
Physical flash/index cards
SmartCards+ (Card app, similar to Anki) (iOS only)
Anki (card app)
SpanishPod101 Word of the Day
SpanishPod101 Vocab List
SpanishPod101 Dictionary
Master-list of Language Cartoons
My Spotify Playlist (Centers on Latin American Spanish bands but there are others!)
PatOni (Mexican gamer, does a lot of minecraft, music, has a clear voice)
EddieVR (Mexican gamer, Not primarily Spanish, does a lot of English but he bounces between them.)
Vegeta777 (Popular Spanish Gamer from Spain but lives in Andorra)
Dreaming Spanish (Does a lot of beginner friendly videos, has video games, history, fun videos and discusses the language)
Spanish After Hours (Spaniard who teaches Spanish)
Rivers (Gamer from Mexico)
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lemiaule · 3 months
My history of Mexican anthropology teacher is a Hispanic defender, in Mexico, in a major that tries to understand and celebrate the rich culture that has existed in our territory since thousands of years 🙃 when we have in recent years tried to rescue our origins and decolonize ourselves
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minsstem · 6 months
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06/10/23 friday~
...should i straight up do weekly posts? bc i really cannot keep a schedule, huh
anyway, in the 3 days that i did not post, i had 2 exams. one was pretty easy and i passed with a 7.1, and the other one was hell on earth, and i passed with a 6.1. our teacher really said "fuck them. i'm gonna make them suffer"
AND TODAY i had 2 exams. and the teacher came 30 MINUTES LATE to the first one. we have a fixed amount of time to do the exam, so you can guess why it is a problem. we started it before the teacher came in, so it was kind of a ✨examen comunitario✨. also one kid broke a chair by sitting down on it, it was fun
and then biostats. i could finish everything in time, but most of my classmates didn't. so yeah :]
and so we have 8/9 midterms done. i'm only missing mandarin tomorrow. i hope it's easy.
somehow did my midterms, despite everything. i barely studied for either of them tho :)
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gardeenias · 1 year
Thank you October for healing me and making me feel at home
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Tuesday 01/11/22 🍂🦋☕🍁
It was my favorite month in the year, I drank a lot of cinnamon tea, walked in the city after the rain and visited museums, It was so much fun, I love autumn
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effelier · 1 year
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prince876 · 2 years
An Exhaustive Guide on How To Take a Mental Health Day Off
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Everyone deals with varying levels of stress. It can get challenging to function and manage everything if you have a lot on your plate. Research shows that mental health can significantly impact academic life.
Burnout can leave one feeling exhausted, irritable, empty, and unable to cope with daily life demands. It may lead to one experiencing a variety of mental and physical health symptoms as well. If one doesn’t address burnout and fatigue, it can make it very difficult for individuals to perform well in their daily lives and lead to declining productivity. Naturally, we all ask for leave for sick days for physical health, but the practice of taking leave for addressing our mental health is more of a grey area.
Have you taken a day off for your mental health?
Sometimes taking a mental health day — a day off that’s geared towards stress relief, self-work, and burnout prevention — is the best thing you can do for yourself and gain that lost energy back. One day might not solve serious underlying problems that lead to burnout, yet it can provide a much-needed break to rest and come back with greater energy levels and a less-stressed perspective.
Here are some tips that can help you take a mental health day and make the most out of your day off:
Deciding What You Need the Most
If one is fatigued, the body will be screaming that it needs to rest and sleep. It could be because of deadlines, or one just feels that he/she can’t face another day of hard work. It not only requires a day off but also requires some fun. However, if you’re feeling confused, you may not be as aware of your needs.
Take a minute and introspect: Would it benefit if you take some time off? Would a day off with friends recharge you? Do you need to spend some quality time with yourself alone? Or do you need a day of doing nothing?
How To Spend Your Mental Health Day
Just like you’d treat any sick day, indulge in the things that would make you feel better. It is a day for yourself. Don’t confuse it with a ‘running errands day.’ Design a mental health day for self-care so that you feel refreshed. Just make sure whatever is being done makes you feel more at ease and relaxed.
You can take time out and binge watch some Netflix series or movies, or indulge in your favourite hobby like drawing, painting, cooking, baking, reading a good book, or go out with friends for a coffee or dinner, spend time with family, go for a walk. You can also spend time decluttering, organizing and cleaning if that is therapeutic for you!
The key is to spend valuable time doing an activity that you find relaxing and rejuvenating.
Decide whether you need to make some fundamental changes
Sometimes, self-care is realising that you need to make changes to your lifestyle. Take the day off to restructure and sort things out. You won’t be able to eliminate all the ongoing stressors in a day. Still, you might be capable enough to make a significant change in various domains, which would create an enduring impact in the long term.
You can start to eliminate stress by:
Figuring out what is wrong by reflecting and analysing
Creating a list of things that drain energy and how changes can be brought into that sphere of life
Formulating to-do lists and planning in advance
Reflecting on all your strengths and coping mechanisms that you already have or need to develop
Things to Avoid on Your Mental Health Day
Spending your day in self-care does not mean spending time in loneliness. It is a day to help you refresh and recharge. Even if you want to stay home and sleep all day, make sure that it is for the right reasons and you are not just doing it to avoid people.
Things one should avoid:
Indulging in smoking or drinking
Overeating or binge eating junk and unhealthy foods
Ruminating or crying
Spend all day on the phone, reading posts on social media or memes
Being socially distan
It is essential to fill your Mental Health day with activities that boost your physical and mental wellness.
Reflect on the Day
Once you’ve spent the day on yourself, set aside some time to reflect on the day’s events, make it a habit to practice the GLAD technique.
GLAD is a gratitude exercise that will improve the mood and help you with an added dose of positivity. It strengthens one’s ability to be grateful for what life has in store for you. It is:
Achievement or accomplishment
It puts you in a better emotional place right before bed and prepares you for the next hectic day.
Don’t expect to be able to decide about all of this in a single go. If you want to make a radical change in your life, use the mental day off as a chance to do long-term planning, evaluation, and get ready to work on those changes for long-term impact. It may feel awkward at first to do things like spending a day with your loved ones or doing your hobby that you’d otherwise spend working. But these activities can go a long way toward helping you feel better, relaxed, and revived.
A mental health day can be beneficial on occasion, but in the current times, we must also strive to make mental health a priority every day. Gaining a detailed report into the areas you need to work on is a fundamental step on the journey of mental wellness. You can avail yourself of the option of self-management tools or book a session with a therapist for more support without compromising on your confidentiality.
Seo keywords: Stress, Rejuvenating, Mental health day off, Rest day, Burnout, Self-care, Grateful, Restructure, mental well being, mental wellness, gratitude, Me time, quality of life, preventing illness
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shyheracule · 3 months
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People of Mexico 🇲🇽
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hanguging · 1 year
20221214 연습: 국가에 대한 어휘
멕시코 국기는 세 가지 색을 가지고 있습니다: 녹색은 독립을, 흰색은 종교를, 빨간색은 모든 멕시코 사람들 사이의 연합을 나타냅니다.
국기 중앙에 상징하는 문장을 볼 수 있습니다.
전설에 따르면 뱀을 먹는 독수리 덕분에 아즈텍인들이 그들의 도시를 어디서 찾을 수 있는지 알아냈습니다. 그래서 멕시코의 상징하는 문장에서 뱀을 먹는 독수리를 볼 수 있습니다.
종교가 나라에서 매우 지배적인 주제인 반면 '신이 준 선물'이 없는 것 같아요.
저는 멕시코의 가장 큰 선물은 우리 사람들이라고 생각합니다. 나라는 완벽하지 않지만 사회는 불가능한 기준을 가지고 있지 않으며 멕시코 사람들은 사랑하는 사람들과 시간을 우선시합니다. 멕시코 사람들은 항상 친절하고, 따뜻하고, 환영합니다.
그것이 정말 중요한 것이라고 생각합니다.
연습: 국가에 대한 어휘
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tlahtoli-machtiani · 2 years
🏵🌻🏵🌻 🏵🌻🏵 ¡Panolti!
Nehuatl caxtillantlahtolli machtiani cah Mexico, ihuan nictlasohtla in nahuatlahtolli ihuan in xochitl in cuicatl, ¡huehue ihuan yancuic!
Nican isuamoxtli tlahcuiloli, tlasotlahlishuan 💗
I am a Hispanic Literature student in Mexico, and I love the nahuatl language and poetry, old and new!
Here [are] my notebook texts, with love 💗
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psypawlogy · 1 year
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Back to College Study Challenge
Hello! I think I'm going to start getting into Studyblr challenges again. Maybe I'll restart the 100 Days of Productivity Challenge too? Anyway, class started about a month ago, but I'm starting this challenge anyway. I kept trying to get myself to start it earlier; it just didn't work out. So here we go!
Day 1: Did you enjoy your vacation? How was it?
My vacation, a road trip across the US to visit friends in Virginia, went pretty well! I got to see some friends I haven't seen in a while, and we all played a lot of Magic the Gathering and watched a lot of anime. I was struggling with dissociation quite a bit during the trip, but I think I was able to stay present for a decent amount of it. We ate some good food--food that we don't have access to after moving to New Mexico.
When I wasn't on the trip, I spent some time working on my streaming side project, which is always enjoyable. I wish I had more time to work on it now, but here we are with the start of school and everything. I'm trying to stream about three days a week these days.
Also, I wanted to post pictures from the trip, but it turns out I don't really have any. So I ended up taking some new ones today that aren't related at all! Oh well!
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effelier · 1 year
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studyingwithale · 4 years
Los saluda un fantasma
It’s been a while...
¡Hola a todos! ¿Cómo les ha ido?
Creo que tengo muchas cosas que actualizar, puesto que deje de publicar para enfocarme un poco más en mis estudios pero quiero retomar un poquito de inspirarlos y compartir un poco más de mi vida, aunque será mas bien como un hobby porque debo enfocarme en mis metas...
So... Qué hay de nuevo se preguntaran, pues bueno, ¡Ya termine la universidad! Así es, ya soy Nutrióloga, aunque bueno, me falta titularme pero estoy en ese proceso que el covid ha retrasado, pero si, 10 de 10 terminado (ire actualizando la info de mi pagina) 
¿Ahora qué sigue? Adivinen quien se esta preparando al estilo Elle Woods para ser admitida en la Especialidad de Nutrición Clínica, literal me siento como si estuviera viviendo mi propia película de Legalmente Rubia, estudio todo el día y toda la noche pero valdrá la pena, los mantendré actualizados.
Cuentenme ustedes como han estado, como les ha ido en su vida academica y personal, pueden mandarme mensajes a mi ask siempre estaré dispuesta a hablar con ustedes y motivarlos💗
¡Los quiere!
Ale xoxo
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medieval-tales · 4 years
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i'm not ready to star the week, i'm still sick 😷
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