Rhodey: What do you want me to look up?
Tony: Can you be cremated with your spouse?
Rhodey: Not with your spouse.
Tony: IN your spouse?
Rhodey: NO!
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stxphxn-strange · 3 years
Rhodey: What are you doing?
Tony: Stephen asked me to look after his plants for the day while he runs errands with Peter, so I’m guarding them with my life.
Rhodey: But—
Tony: I have the greenest of green thumbs. I put the ‘clue’ in succulent. I am So Capable.
Stephen, via text: James don’t you dare tell him he’s watering fake flowers
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stxphxn-strange · 3 years
Stephen: Hey did Pepper tell you what she wanted from the store?
Tony: I haven’t seen her today so I’m not sure, why?
Stephen: Well Christine wrote “gf pasta” on the shopping list and I don’t know what brand Pepper likes. Christine didn’t tell me.
Tony: Hm, yeah I wouldn’t know.
Rhodey: Guys... that means GLUTEN FREE pasta.
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Tony: Caffeine no longer gives me the rush I need to finish work.
Tony: So instead, I have Stephen, Rhodey, and Pepper periodically text me “We need to talk” to give me the right amount of fear and adrenaline to keep me going.
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Stephen: James, Tony wants to ask you something, and it would mean a lot to both of us if you said yes.
Rhodey: (internally) Would I have a threesome with Tony and Stephen? Well, it’s certainly flattering and I don’t think they’d tell anyone...
Tony: Will you be my best man?
Rhodey: Oh.
Tony: Huh?
Rhodey: I mean, yeah! Of course!
Stephen: Great! Also, do you want to have a threesome?
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stxphxn-strange · 3 years
Tony: Stephen says that the next time Steve bothers me, I should ask him "what's a sardine to a shrimp?" to make him shut up.
Rhodey: What does that mean?
Tony: I have no clue, and to be honest I don't think Stephen knows either.
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Rhodey: Fellas, is it gay?
Tony: It is.
Stephen: It better be.
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stxphxn-strange · 3 years
Stephen: Okay, where does it hurt?
Tony: Just... all over. I don’t want to do anything... I’m dying...
Stephen, on WebMD: No, that’s not how it works. You have to point to a specific part of the body.
Rhodey, outside of the room: Abour 40 times a year Tony gets really sick but has no symptoms. Stephen is always gravely concerned.
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Pepper: Good morning, gays. What wisdom do you bring today?
Stephen: Time isn’t real.
Rhodey: Men are hot.
Tony: Frozen pizza is better to eat than unfrozen.
Pepper: Thank you, gays.
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stxphxn-strange · 4 years
Tony: Have you ever just randomly cried because you've been holding shit in for too long?
Stephen: Every week. At least three times a week.
Rhodey: ... I was going to suggest more fiber in y'all diet.
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stxphxn-strange · 3 years
Tony: Is the dishwasher running?
Stephen: No... looks like it’s standing still, maybe checking its phone to see how many steps it got on its run.
Rhodey: It can’t be that many, I’ve never seen it move faster than a jog.
Tony: ... I’m breaking up with both of you.
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stxphxn-strange · 4 years
Tony, entering with a plate of steaks: Who wants some man meat?
Stephen: I do. I want some man meat!
Rhodey, with a neutral expression: Tony, Stephen would like your man meat.
Tony: Then my man meat he shall have.
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strangeironhusbands be like: stephen and rhodey calling tony short or any of the two of them ganging up on the third so like stephen and rhodey bantering against tony and tony being like "why are yall ganging up on me" and stephen just "you liked it when we ganged up on you last night *wink wink*" and rhodey being like "i need to protect yall" but they all protect each other and do chaotic shit, lots of stupid dares, does this even make sense? i just love stephen/rhodey/tony bye
strangeironhusbands is god tier shipping levels
83 notes · View notes
stxphxn-strange · 4 years
Stephen, singing: I want to see my little boy!
Rhodey, holding Tony in the air: Here he comes.
Stephen, singing: I want to see my little boy!
254 notes · View notes
stxphxn-strange · 4 years
Villain!Stephen, to Rhodey: I’m like dropping hints to Tony that I want shrimp shaped throw pillows.
Stephen, to Tony: I want shrimp shaped throw pillows.
217 notes · View notes
stxphxn-strange · 4 years
Tony: Hey babe do you wanna terraform my animal crossing island with me?🥺
Stephen: It would be my honor🥰
Rhodey: Why do you ACT like this you’ve been married for eight (8) years!
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