#stormgeist legacy
stormgeistlegacy · 4 years
World building is my passion so I cooked up a couple legends and myths. If anyone’s interested it’ll be continued after the cut.
Why Kymeria Cannot Dream
When Father/Mother created Kalypto, Malthia and Airen, they were not human. They were embodiments of their elements.
Kalypto, goddess of the seas and open water, was a merfolk, and she protected the creatures of the ocean, the cycle of life and death in the waters.
Malthia, goddess of the land, was a satyr, and she protected the many creatures of the land with no intelligence to protect themselves, the plants and the rising mountains and rolling plains.
Airen, goddess of the sky, was an angel, with wings that sheltered the flying creatures and the many storms and calms and the vastness of the open air.
But Father/Mother created another daughter, in the image of his most intelligent species, humans. She was the goddess of dreams and prophecy and learning and inspiration and she guarded her fledgling species and pushed them to grow with dreams of hope and power.
The daughters made their father/mother's world flourish, and grow and they were content to sit and watch them care for their creation.
When the first new god ascended, a human paragon of death, none of the sisters were worried. It was a lesser power to theirs and it was one of their dreaming sister's children, and there really were no safeguards to keep the creatures from expanding until they covered all of the world.
But more, and more humans became like them and this began to go to their heads. The sisters of the elements cautioned their youngest sister, but the dreamer left their cries unheard as she watched her flock grow with tenderness.
The elemental sisters watched for many centuries, until humans had all but taken over the land and the sea, and their newfound technology was aiming for the sky. They tried once more to convince their sister that she must curb their relentless growth, but she stood firm.
Her father/mother had told her that these were her children, her wards, and she was the one who let them dream of conquest and adventure and creativity. She would not curb their growth, explosive as it may be.
So the three eldest sisters conferred, and with a heavy heart they began to urge their peoples to cull the human population for them.
The first war of Kymeria broke out then, humans at war with the planet itself. But humans had ingenuity and dreams and hopes and technology on their side and they fared better than the eldest sisters could have feared.
So they brought their wrath upon the humans in person, drowning cities of glowing lights and golems and magic, hunting entire races to extinction, storming over fields and crops needed to sustain themselves.
The dreamer was heartbroken, and frightened for her children and she turned to their best and brightest, their paragons, risen to the point of being nearly as powerful as she was. She asked them to help her, to stop her sisters, and some of them did.
Ahuul, the paragon of madness and the keeper of dark souls, brought doubt and fear to their enemies as he released the many irredeemable souls he now guarded.
Idris, the paragon of deception and power, sowed seeds of betrayal and left many of the human's enemies fighting amongst themselves.
Xibor, the paragon of war and vengeance fought tirelessly beside the humans and gave them a shining example of confidence and victory that bolstered them further.
Asmer, the paragon of time and decay and change, gave the humans sorely needed time to regroup and plan and destroyed much of the food sources of their enemies.
And the dreamer, though these were her sisters, could not but be proud. She locked her sisters in everlasting sleep and the war was, after decades, finally over.
Father/Mother, loved the dreamer, as she was their youngest and most curious, but they also loved their first borns and their defeat, and death-like states were unbearable.
So they stepped in, knowing that had they stepped in sooner their precious daughters would once more be present. They carefully placed the goddesses into the sky, their light shining down upon Kymeria, even in the darkness of night. They took the dreamer, and though they loved her dearly, they rent her of her human appearance and scattered her amongst the stars, stripping her of her name and the memories the humans had of her.
They knew the humans had already learned what they needed from their daughter, but without her dreams and hopes it would be many millennia before they regained their former glory.
Then they retreated, because looking at this world, its peoples scattered and unsure, they could not bear the lack of their daughters. Then they meditated deep within the heart of the sun and waited for the day their eldest daughters would wake from their slumber and their youngest's punishment to be rescinded.
From that day on, no matter how they tried, humans could no longer dream.
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stormgeistlegacy · 3 years
A really sloppy sketch of my MC Coldshine being berated by his sister Riverbreak for being okay with their little brother joining the military.
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stormgeistlegacy · 3 years
Posting mobile right now, so I'll put a cut soon as I get to a computer. But check out the first chapter of my Urban Fantasy [wip] Coexistence.
Viper was a small boy, his teen figure looking lanky and coltish even with his slight height. It irked him when compared with other boys his age, but, he reflected as he squeezed through a gap in the fire escape stairs, it certainly worked to his advantage.
Behind him, sirens blared and he winced. He tugged his backpack through the gap and reflected on how he'd gotten in the position he found himself in.
It had only been a bit of graffiti, probably a bit too anti-police heavy, but still only graffiti. Until that piece of shit had shown up.
What kind of mage saw black veins and immediately started throwing fireballs?
He left the last few feet to the back alley and grit his teeth at the tugs on the burns on his shoulder. He put the pain to the back of his mind and took off running.
A shout followed him and the night lit up with light.
"Fuck!" He dove forward and felt himself skid on pavement, dirt and grit digging into his palm and heat searing over his back.
He pushed himself back to his feet and started running again, noting faint pain in his knee. Just great.
His breath was coming in short bursts and his chest felt tight. It wasn't the time for an attack. He just needed to lose the pyromaniac chasing him, then he could have all the asthma attacks his body wanted.
He choked out a glob of saliva and pushed harder.
He skid around a corner and slammed to another body, sending him sprawling. A sort of silence spread over him as he struggled to get his breath back and remember to get up and run.
"Woah, kid, what's the hurry? You okay?" He gasped a long breath at the words and blinked up at the form over him.
It was a girl, tall, dark skinned, hair in a pair of fuzzy pigtails.
Running footsteps coming from the alley behind him had him scrambling up, snatching his dropped backpack and darting past the girl.
Light lit up the street again, more orange than any of the sparse street lights and he slammed himself into the wall of the building next to him, ducking his head in a mockery of protection.
The heat didn't reach him though and he glanced back.
The girl was holding the fireball in her hand, arm outstretched and back towards him.
"Yo man, he's a kid, what's the deal?"
He choked on what little breath he had left. Who just stopped and helped HIM of all people?
"He's a rotten black mage! Now get out of the way!"
The girl glanced back at him and he tensed to run. He could avoid the first fire mage. But two of them?
He involuntarily hacked out a cough, and realized with a mounting horror that he COULDNT BREATHE. He staggered farther away hand frantically searching his pockets for his inhaler.
"What?" He pat his pocket with increasing urgency. It wasn't there. It wasn't there! "No- fuck you, get lost or I'll show you what a real mage can do!"
More light lit up the street but he couldn't focus on that. He needed his inhaler.
Had he dropped it in the scramble? He managed a shallow breath that only seemed to intensify the suffocating feeling.
More shouting. He couldn't focus. His hands shook and he pulled open his backpack and dug his hands inside, his raw palm stinging with the motion.
He managed another step and his injured knee gave. He tumbled to his knees, dropping his backpack, and heaved heavy phlegm choked breaths onto the sidewalk.
He only realized time had passed when his breathing began to come easier, the phlegm beginning to clear from his lungs. A hand was on his back and he tensed jerking away as much as he could when he felt sore muscles protesting.
"Hey, hey it's okay. He's gone. Let me heal you. Do you have an inhaler?"
The girl then. He shook his head, not raising it.
"Dropped" he managed. He coughed again.
"Shit I'm bad at this. My girlfriend lives near by, she's a fantastic green mage." He raised his head slightly at the implied invitation.
" What? Why?" He croaked. Why him? She'd shouted down a trigger happy red mage for him. Now she wanted to heal him?
"Uh, because you're like thirteen and she's a healer?"
He didn't refute the age mistake. Even if he'd had the breath to do so it was a common mistake.
He tried to get his feet under him to stand but his knee screamed at him. Clearly his adrenal glands thought he'd had enough adrenaline for the night and quit on him.
"Can't... stand. " He managed. "Be fine."
A snort and her hands shifted position. Right she'd been touching him the whole time. His skin crawled slightly. The feeling intensified as she pulled him up onto his knees.
He sucked in a breath at the jarring of his knee.
"Yeah no, run off once you've seen a healer." Then she pulled him unsteady to his feet. He swayed, ineffectualy batting at her hands. He was so dizzy and still couldn't breathe deeply.
In a disorienting motion he was swept off his feet. It took him far longer than he wanted to admit to realize that he had been picked up. He wasn't THAT light was he?
He struggled. "Backpack!" It wasn't the most eloquent of rebuttals but he was disoriented, fight him.
"I've got your backpack. Calm down. We're like a block away."
He stopped struggling, realizing that some who could pick him up and was confident enough to walk a block carrying him probably wouldn't be shaken off so easily.
Instead he focused on his breathing. Whoever she was, even with her self proclaimed sub par green magic, she'd managed to quell the asthma attack. He still had to breathe shallowly to avoid it flaring up, but it was better than nothing.
Other than the discomforting feeling of hands on his body the walk was comfortable enough. He was able to suck in enough breath that he wasn't suffocating, but not enough that it didn't leave him light headed.
He imagined this was what being drunk felt like.
"Soph!" The shout was loud with his head almost next to her mouth and he grimaced.
"Dakota?" The voice sounded confused, and tired, as though she'd just woken.
"Help me out, there's a kid with some nasty cuts and what sounds like asthma."
Succinct he supposed, regulating his breathing carefully as the thought of another person touching him raised his discomfort to rising panic.
He didn't see it when the newest girl showed up, but he heard her footsteps, and also what sounded like bubbling water.
"A kid? Dakota." She sounded a little exasperated. "Come on. Bring him to the bed room."
He was jostled again, and hissed as the girl holding him- Dakota?- tightened her grip on a burn on his side. The grip loosened slightly.
"Alright, put him here." The room was dark still but he could see another person crossing the room towards what was presumably a light switch when Dakota laid him down on the bed.
Light flooded the room and he squinted his eyes. He saw blonde hair but didn't have the energy to make out any facial features other than light skin.
A gasp. "Oh- oh you poor dear." A hand touched his forehead and he finched away. "Shh, it's okay. Calm down. You're not in any danger. Relax."
The words did nothing to comfort him, but the hand returned and he felt darkness at the corners of his eyes.
Was she knocking him out?
He knew no more.
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stormgeistlegacy · 2 years
"You literally choked me this morning."
"Lethia and Zenith's humans punch each other to show affection." Ahish countered, voice overly casual. Ahish never sounded casual.
"Are you trying to say you choke me to show affection?"
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