#stat rosa pristina nomine
therepublicofletters · 2 months
Love having people mansplain fifteenth century Italian politics to me after I’ve been elbow deep in the archive all day
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jesawyer · 11 months
A big thanks to you and your team for making Pentiment, it's an amazing game and it'll be with me for a long time I think, especially the personal and emotional character writing.
I'm curious about what was the inspiration behind, and creative motivation for including, the motif of the labyrinth. The church's painting of the Virgin Mary with the labyrinth seems striking in particular, especially because I don't remember ever coming across a strong association with labyrinths in Christian imagery.
Thank you. I'm glad it was so impactful.
Labyrinths have a long association with Christianity going back to the 4th century, when one was placed in a cathedral in Chlef (now in Algeria). This is known as the St. Reparata or St. Reparatus Labyrinth.
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The Chartres Labyrinth was built around 1200.
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Christian labyrinths are meant to be walked while contemplating. The path twists and turns, but there is only one way to go. They also all clearly take inspiration from labyrinths of the classical world even if their purpose and origins are effectively lost to those who see them.
As Beatrice says to Andreas (paraphrased), the foundations of our memories become buried and invisible. And she is paraphrasing and abbreviating Plato speaking to Solon in Timaeus,
whatever happened either in your country or in ours, or in any other region of which we are informed-if there were any actions noble or great or in any other way remarkable, they have all been written down by us of old, and are preserved in our temples. Whereas just when you and other nations are beginning to be provided with letters and the other requisites of civilized life, after the usual interval, the stream from heaven, like a pestilence, comes pouring down, and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education; and so you have to begin all over again like children, and know nothing of what happened in ancient times, either among us or among yourselves. As for those genealogies of yours which you just now recounted to us, Solon, they are no better than the tales of children. In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones;
I also wanted the association with the labyrinth from The Name of the Rose, which in turn was inspired by the Reims Labyrinth.
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The Reims Labyrinth was constructed in the late 13th century but was destroyed in the 18th century by superstitious priests. It was through the discovery of drawings that modern scholars were able to recreate and project the path of the labyrinth onto the cathedral floor.
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The cover of the 1st Italian edition (and therefore, first edition overall) of Il Nome della Rosa prominently incorporated the drawing of the Reims Labyrinth.
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Note the map of the Aedificium:
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The final lines of The Name of the Rose are:
Stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus.
The original rose remains only in name, we hold those names stripped.
This refers to a specific object in the story, but more broadly symbolizes historical records, art objects, and other artifacts lost to time. The Reims Labyrinth remains only in drawings, stories, and light projected on the ground where it once stood; the labyrinth itself was destroyed.
Nomen est; res non est. - The name exists; the thing does not.
As a side note, France uses the Reims Labyrinth as its symbol for historical monuments - an important reminder of how fragile their existence can be.
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kulakligimdakihayat · 6 months
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"Stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus."
-Umberto Eco
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pristina-nomine · 1 year
Fa freddo nello scriptorium, il pollice mi duole. Lascio questa scrittura, non so per chi, non so più intorno a che cosa: stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus.
- Umberto Eco, Il nome della rosa
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Sorry can’t go out tonight the little monks in my book have to remind me how stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus.
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yessferatu · 2 years
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THE NAME OF THE ROSE (1986), dir. Jean-Jacques Annaud
The novel The Name of The Rose by Umberto Eco ends with the phrase: "stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus." Eco explains this himself in Postcript to The Name of the Rose:
Since the publication of The Name of the Rose I have received a number of letters from readers who want to know the meaning of the final Latin hexameter, and why this hexameter inspired the book's title. I answer that the verse is from De contemptu mundi by Bernard of Morlay, a twelfth-century Benedictine, whose poem is a variation on the "ubi sunt" theme (most familiar in Villon's later "Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan"). But to the usual topos (the great of yesteryear, the once-famous cities, the lovely princesses: everything disappears into the void), Bernard adds that all these departed things leave (only, or at least) pure names behind them. I remember that Abelard used the example of the sentence "Nulla rosa est" to demonstrate how language can speak of both the nonexistent and the destroyed. And having said this, I leave the reader to arrive at his own conclusions. (x)
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anaconda-japan · 10 days
僕は20年近く、この謎が常に頭の片隅にあった。しかし、ついに2000年を過ぎたころ、ウンベルト・エーコが、アメリカのアンカーのこの詩の意味は何なのかという質問に対して答えた記事をネットで発見する。 このラテン語の詩の原文はこれだ。 「Stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus」 エーコはこの質問に、これはちょっとした悪戯だった答える。 Rosa(薔薇)をRoma(ローマ)に変えてみなさい。この詩は、12世紀、ある詩人がローマについて書いたものがオリジナルで、当時のローマの状況を憂えたものだ。 「過ぎにしローマはただ名前のみ、虚しきその名が今に残れり」 ローマは共和制から、ローマ・カトリックの強権的な支配になって再び栄えているように見えるが、中身は全く異なるものになってしまった…と。
「薔薇は神の名付けたる名前なり、汝の薔薇は名もなき薔薇」薔薇の名前 ワンコさんの映画レビュー(感想・評価) | 映画「薔薇の名前」レビュー | 映画.com
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marie-daniel · 22 days
Stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus.
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lanuovaalleanza · 8 months
Non so perché ho sentito l'esigenza di scrivere la triste storia della vicenda della #Piattaforma Regionale per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti tossico-nocivi. Fu una vicenda che segnò negativamente tante vite e che distrusse per sempre l'armonia e l'innocenza bucolica del nostro comune. Fu un evento che mise la parola fine ai felici e spensierati anni 80: da allora #morsanoaltagliamento non fu mai più lo stesso di prima.
Probabilmente, ho scritto di questa vicenda per un'esigenza di purificazione spirituale, per liberarmi da un peso che per molti decenni mi aveva oppresso il cuore.
Feci errori di gioventù (come lo spintone al Consigliere Comunale Leandro Tonutti), ma grazie a Dio mi mantenni lontano dagli eccessi fanatici di ambedue le fazioni.
Provai a salvare la dignità della #DC locale: un compito certamente al di sopra delle mie forze e della mia limitata Intelligenza.
Fu un disgregarsi improvviso di quel stile di vita basato sul Cristianesimo Democratico, che aveva retto per 50 anni. Non so se, mentre quel mondo di disfaceva, sono riuscito a conservare la mia vocazione, la mia identità-nel-cambiamento, la mia identità cristiana, il mio <nome>... Lascio queste righe, non so per chi... Sono stanco, molto stanco...
Stat Rosa Pristina nomine; nomina nuda tememus.
Christianus ex Aquileia.
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therepublicofletters · 7 months
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Obsessed with the extreme practicality of St. Anthony Abbot writing an extremely contemporary looking letter in this altarpiece by Piero di Cosimo (1489-90)
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folliafluida · 9 months
« Stat Rosa pristina nomine
Nomina nuda tenemus »
Proteggo e ricordo il Tuo nome
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latente-flickr · 1 year
Stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus. #🌹 #vintegelens #nikkor200mmf4 #fujixseries
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jeanmartain · 2 years
Me internaré deprisa en ese desierto vastísimo, perfectamente llano e inconmensurable, donde el corazón piadoso sucumbe colmado de beatitud. Me hundiré en la tiniebla divina, en un silencio mudo y en una unión inefable, y en ese hundimiento se perderá toda igualdad y toda desigualdad, y en ese abismo mi espíritu se perderá a sí mismo, y ya no conocerá lo igual ni lo desigual, ni ninguna otra cosa: y se olvidarán todas las diferencias, estaré en el fundamento simple, en el desierto silencioso donde nunca ha existido la diversidad, en la intimidad donde nadie se encuentra en su propio sitio. Caeré en la divinidad silenciosa y deshabitada donde no hay obra ni imagen.
Hace frío en el scriptorium, me duele el pulgar. Dejo este texto, no sé para quién, este texto, que ya no sé de qué habla: stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus.
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tinymuddypaws · 2 years
Stat rosa pristina nomine; nomina nuda tenemus.
( Latin hexametre , free translation: And what is left of the rose is only its name...)
  ‘’...all these departed things leave (only, or at least) 
      pure names behind them...
      how language can speak of both the nonexistent and the destroyed.’’
   - Bernard of Morlay -commenting in ‘‘De contemptu mundi’’
‘‘ And having said this, I leave the reader to arrive at his own conclusions. ‘‘
Postscript by Umberto Eco for his book ‘’The Name of the Rose’’
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Perché poi è capitato che il tuo nome sia anche un aggettivo fra i più comuni e mi fa male come le sentenze dei tribunali rivoluzionari e dunque devo evitarlo quando scrivo articoli e usare sinonimi tipo evidente, palese, ovvia che a un certo punto finiscono e poi sembrano manieristici come la veterolingua di Fusaro, e credimi non è bello; e poi è anche il nome di certe offerte che mi manda il mio gestore elettrico, io apro la bolletta e c’è scritto il tuo nome e se vuoi aderire chiama il numero verde e sì, cristo sì, voglio aderire, datemi tutta la luce che sia da centrali nucleari o combustibili fossili e provochi lo scioglimento di tutti i ghiacci, scoppiate le stelle date fuoco al cielo;
e poi a volte c’è il tuo nome nelle canzoni e io lo so e allora dico Alexa, avanti ma a volte Alexa non fa in tempo e lo sento lo stesso e allora dico Alexa, perché? e lei: posso aiutarti solo con domande specifiche. E non ricordo se te l’ho mai detto e forse non ci crederai, ma anni prima di conoscerti S. mi ha chiesto come avrei chiamato una figlia, e io ho detto il tuo nome. 
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