bumblebeebranding · 2 years
In today’s digital age, customers expect quick, one-to-one conversations with companies – instant answers to questions, immediate responses to support requests, and personalized product recommendations.
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findingathena0 · 1 month
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Brand Development : Build A Strong Brand With Finding Athena Brand development refers to the process of creating, establishing, and evolving a brand identity for a product, service, organization, or individual. It involves crafting a unique identity and positioning in the minds of consumers to differentiate the brand from competitors and create value for customers.
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meldaaaanh · 2 months
Doaku di jumat sore ini... pengen punya rumah sendiri ya Allah yg starategis lokasinya baik lingkungannya dekat dg masjid, lalu diberikan hadiah positif hamil, dan di angkat derajat suami asn kemenag dan aku kerja
Lahaula walaa quwwata illa billah
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isi-boneka · 5 months
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DIPERCAYA SEJAK 2008,0812 - 8053 - 3554,perusahaan bonekaKLIK Wa wa.me/6281280533554-plush bahan apa-boneka panda terbuat dari bahan apa-starategi perusahaan boneka-perusahaan penjualan boneka-istana boneka perusahaan apaBonekaku berdiri sejak tahun 2008. Ratusan model boneka dan bantal pernahdiproduksi di sini. Dari sebuah kampung bernama Ciketing Udik, jutaan bonekasudah terkirim ke seluruh Indonesia dari Medan sampai Merauke bahkanhingga ke luar negeri.No.41RT, Jl. Bogor-Bekasi No.001, RW.007, Ciketing Udik, Gebang, Bekasi, West Java 17151Web: bonekaku.co.idIG: instagram.com/bonekaku_storeTokped: tokopedia.link/eXxJHpqBttbGmaps: maps.app.goo.gl/ZHHzVSvSmwzF1vPQAShopee: shopee.co.id/sonyachaterina?smtt=0.378950088-1663677221.9Hubungi admin: 0822-9816-2257
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adshofar · 7 months
미얀마 경제를 담당하는 중국, 태국 기업 증가
[애드쇼파르] 최근 서구 사회를 중심으로 진행되는 제재 조치가 증가하면서 중국과 태국 기업들이 미얀마 인프라 투자부터 소비재까지 다양하게 사업을 확장하고 있다고 한다. Institute for Starategy and Policy-Myanmar에 따르면, 미얀마는 국가비상사태이후 2023년 3월까지 54억 달러의 외국인 투자를 달성하였으며 이중 홍콩을 포함한 중국이 55%인 30억 달러를 차지하고 있다고 한다. 2023년 8월 30일 미얀마 외무부장관 Than Swe는 주미얀마 중국대사관 첸하이 대사를 만나 미얀마-중국 공동 프로젝트 가속화 방안에 대해 논의한 바 있다. 현재 양국 관료들은 중국 본토에서 미얀마를 거쳐 인도양으로 진출할 수 있는 중국-미얀마 경제회랑 건설을 구상하고 있으며 중국…
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sekwardoy-blog · 9 months
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POLRES CIREBON KOTA,-Dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan anggota Polri dalam Bidang Kehumasan,Bidhumas Polda Jabar memberikan Pelatihan Peningkatan Kemampuan Tugas Anggota Polri dengan Tema "IN HOUSE TRAINING".
Kegiatan di laksanakan di Aula Sanika Satyawada Polres Cirebon Kota yang di Pimpin Langsung Oleh Kabid Humas Polda Jabar Kombes Pol Ibrahin Tompo S.Ik.,M.Si. Senin (17.07.23)
Kapolres Cirebon Kota Akbp M. Rano Hadiyanto S.Ik.,M.M menyampaikan dalam sambutannya kami siap dalam menerima materi dari Staf Ahli Kapolda Bapak Dede Farhan Aulawi dan Bapak Kabid humas Polda Jabar,semoga dalam meterinya bisa bermanfaat dan di aplikasikan dalam melaksanakan tugas Kepolisian untuk menjadi lebih baik lagi dalam menghadapi perkembangan situasi saat ini. Ucap Akbp Rano
Kabid Humas Polda Jabar Kombes Pol Ibrahim Tompo S.Ik.,M.Si dalam sabutannya menyampaikan bahwa dalam kegiatan ini adalah sebagai bentuk Memberikan bimbingan dan arahan ke Polres-polres sebagai Upaya untuk membekali Personil utamanya Perwira dan petugas yang mengemban bidang kehumasan.
"Seperti istilah yang saat ini sedang ramai dengan nama Postrad (fenomena yang terjadi sekarang yang menimbulkan ambigo).Hadapi situasi saat ini,maka kita Pahami situasi, prediksi situasi, mengetahui dan pahami prosedur yang ada." Tutur Kabid Humas
Masyarakat saat ini sudah cerdas dan miliki pemikiran yang luas, dengan demikian kita (Polri) harus memikirkan apa yang dipikirkan masyarakat dan harus bisa memprediksi. Apapun itu kita harus bisa menghadapinya sebagai anggota Polri. Pungkasnya
3 kunci hal agar kita berhasil yaitu Teknis, taktis dan starategis. Dan diharapkan kita menjadi seorang yang taktis dan membaca situasi yang berkembang. Jelasnya.
Kasubsi Penmas Polres Cirebon Kota menambahkan dalam kegiata in house training di hadiri Oleh Kapolres Cirebon Kota Akbp M. Rano Hadiyanto S.Ik.,M.M,Wakapolres Cirebon Kota Kompol Ahmat Troy Aprio S.H.,S.Ik,Para Pju,Kapolsek Jajaran,Perwira serta Brigadir Polres Cirebon Kota. Tutup Ipda Charis Efendi,S.H
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hi-cook · 1 year
Ketahui cara melatih anak agar suka mengonsumsi sayur. Asupan nutrisi yang baik bagi anak dapat membantu perkembangan dan pertumbuhan secara maksimal
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annisahburuginting · 2 years
UU Perlindungan Data Pribadi Harus hadir
‘‘UU perlindungan data pribadi harus hadir dalam sistem hukum di Indonesia sebagai payung hukum yang kuat dan komprehensif demi memberikan perlindungan data pribadi masyarakat indonesia.
Rancangan Undang-Undang perlindungan Data Prubadi (RUU PDP) memiliki peranan amat penting di negara ini,terutama dalam memproteksi data-data starategi publik.jadi memang harus segera disahkan.
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beritanews · 2 years
Hanura Sulsel Optimis Tambah Kursi di DPRD Provinsi 2024 
BERITA.NEWS,Makassar– Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD) Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat (Hanura) Sulsel mulai siapkan starategi jitu hadapi pesta demokrasi pemilihan umum (Pemilu) 2024. Ketua DPD Hanura Sulsel Amsal Sampetondok mengatakan mengatakan pihaknya menargetkan untuk legislatif Provinsi amankan 7 kursi legislatif dari 11 Dapil. Saat ini, Partai Hanura Sulsel hanya menempatkan 1 wakilnya duduk di…
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Tribal Council #12 - S.T.A.R.S.
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Welcome S.T.A.R.S. to the twelfth tribal council of the game.
Ariel: At this stage in the game, is it about how people worked together in the past? Or is it about working with people you think you can beat at Final Tribal Council?
For me it is about working with people I can trust. That is the most important thing for me. So right now, my starategy is just to trust the people I am working with and hope that it will help me survive this round.
Ava: With this twist in mind, is it better to go for the expected or unexpected move?
I guess it depends. This twist is hard to navigate with lots of moving parts which makes it difficult to navigate. For it to work people need to be united in a decision and follow through. Might make it difficult to do something “unexpected” that way.
Clefford: Is it better to play your advantages now since no one will know about them? Or is it better to keep any advantage you may have and make people think you played it?
Sure things is, I don't have any advantage now. But if people have an advantage and considering on playing it, play it for the right time and right people.
Dom: With three more votes left, everyone must have some idea of what their ideal Final 3 would look like. Are there any obvious Final 3 deals? Or has everyone done a good job at keeping their secrets hidden?
I don't think there's any one obvious final three deal. I think most are focusing on just getting to 4 first to solidify their place.
MJ: Since you will not know how the votes went, is this a round where betrayal can be more easily done?
I think this is the round where everyone should vote with their heads and not Just for voting sake. The numbers are really reducing.
Zukiswa: Should you take goats to the end where you know that you can beat them? Or should you bring people with strong games to prove that you played the best game at Final Tribal Council?
I do not suffer goats very well. Everyone I've aligned with is no goat. I've been lied to and blindsided in this game by people I play with. To the ones I've worked with, there is mutual respect when roads go parallel...and cooperation when they meet again. Nothing personal, no hard feelings.
So, no I would never want to sit next to a goat. I would want to play with people that have played a strong game despite different strategies and social games.
The person voted out and the seventh member of the jury was...
Ava’s Last Words: this has been my fav game of survivor. let's see who can outwit y'all
Immunity post shortly.
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Misalignment between goals and execution costs a lot to organizations. Is poor planning corroding your results and leading to missed numbers with poor customer experience, lost revenue, and low employee morale?
As a leader, you wouldn’t want your business unit to look like it.
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Are you a tenacious business owner or entrepreneur? & trying multiple strategies to hack your growth? If yes! We can help you develop a DIY Marketing Strategy that helps you understand the market in-depth and narrates easy to follow steps for execution.
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bhargav371 · 3 years
This is the best ever marketing strategy to be followed by all???
There are two ways to do the marketing which every top entrepreneur follows!!👇
What are they?🤔
Are they surface marketing and Deep Marketing!!!
Yeah, you got it right :) ✔
But how do you know that!! If you had known that then you might have read the article of Deepak Kanakaraju Sir😇.
If you don’t know let me tell you in brief :)
Surface Marketing: Surface Marketing tries to get your attention through Interruptions like an ad in the middle while watching IPL, or an ad while watching a YouTube video that interrupts you in the middle.
But how many of us pay attention to those ads which we get in the middle of the video?
Very Little!!😪
Yes exactly. Because 100’s of Brands are running ads in front of you and you will definitely don’t remember the names of those many.
So by this, we understood that surface marketing is not the best choice to choose. 💯💯.
Then what is Deep Marketing!!🤔🤔.
Deep Marketing is something that connects you to the customer on a deeper level 😍.
Deep marketing is done through the personal brand.
Deep Marketing is done by building TRUST.
But How to do this Deep Marketing??🤔
It seems to be interesting to hear.😃
Ok, this is the best way of marketing!!
It is deep Marketing
Deep marketing is done from the personal brand.
Ok, Now how to get started with deep marketing? 🤔
Step 1: Start writing High-quality content.
Step 2: Get to know the requirement of your audience and Draw their Attention by providing high-quality content of what they are looking for.
Step 3: Start building TRUST with that content.
Step 4: And finally that trust will make you a transaction.
The strategy followed here is CATT.
C = Content
A = Attention
T = Trust
T = Transaction
Start following this in your Business or Companies to grow. It really helps you a lot.
Cheers 👍
Hope this gives you some value😇.
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thasminlove · 4 years
@ all my trans/non binary followers/mutuals, and any allies who want to share, there’s been a text message service set up to send us daily texts validating our gender identities during the quarantine. A lot of trans people are stuck at home with people they’re not out to or who don’t support them, and this is a way to help you feel more valid and supported. Love to you all 💖
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inkrefuge · 4 years
The Social Savannah
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