#srsly tho using my real name to refer to me is the best way to trigger my fight or flight response
trampledore · 10 months
Rhaenys' decision to join Rhaenyra's side was arguably the most logical choice and in line with her character/motivations
I'll be partly referring to a recent post by @squgs HOTD and Ambiguity. They discuss a really interesting point and I didn't want to hijack their post by addressing a minor detail that they used as an example. But it also wouldn't leave me alone, since it's been bothering me for a while how a lot of people seem to interpret Rhaenys' motivations and actions in episode 10 (and 9). Apparently, House Velaryon backing Rhaenyra seems confusing to some (which I agree it might). Obviously everyone can have their own opinions and interpretations of the characters, but I am passionate about mine and need to make my case somewhere where I don't offend anyone accidentally. So I'll just write down my thoughts here. (This is just me ranting for fun, don't take it too srsly pls)
I agree that the Velaryons taking Rhaenyra's side instead of remaining neutral doesn't seem to make a lot of sense if you look at what happened in the show and their conviction that Rhaenyra is responsible for Laenor's death. BUT, I've wasted a lot of time thinking about it, and I do think joining Team Black was their best shot.
I do believe that her wish to see a Queen on the Iron Throne and protecting her grandchildren are her main reasons for joining Rhaenyra.
Moreover, I think that she believes that an alliance with Rhaenyra ensures she keeps what she has and furthers the goals of House Velaryon as well as her own (more than, say, joining Team Green would)
Firstly, I'd like to address why I would rule out Alicent's offer in episode 9. It seems like a good way to go if Rhaenys wants Baela to inherit Driftmark, IF Rhaenys believes that Alicent is to be trusted and actually has the power to back it up. If she thinks that Rhaenyra has the better chance of coming out on top in the end, then she would only make herself a traitor by agreeing to this deal. Then there is also the fact that she would turn directly against her remaining family members. Corlys made his wishes clear before he left, naming Lucerys heir and by that putting them indirectly on Rhaenyra's side - there was no way to be sure at the time that he would actually die, or, if he survived, go along with this deal between Rhaenys and Alicent; Baela expressed her loyalty for Rhaenyra too (in the deleted scene, and probably made her standpoint clear before at some point) and might not even agree to go along with it. So putting all her eggs into Alicent's basket might not work out in Rhaenys' favour, and even tho it might prolong the negotiations for peace between the factions, it would definitely not hold back Daemon and Rhaenyra indefinitely imo. They have enough dragons to risk it even without Meleys and the Velaryon fleet. They are completely convinced that Rhaenyra is the rightful claimant to the throne after all. They won't just give up and resign themselves to the situation. In any case, with or without an escalation, Driftmark is closest to Dragonstone and I don't see them forgiving Rhaenys for siding with Alicent. They would fly over there and take that inheritance away from Baela in a heartbeat and just install someone else on the Driftwood throne. I don't see the Greens being able to stop that from happening, and Rhaenys probably knows that. Apart from the possibility of Rhaenys getting the heir for Driftmark that she wants, I see no gain in joining Team Green, especially since the Velaryons clearly consider them traitors; view Aegon's coronation as usurping the throne and have to assume that Team Green would actively try to kill Rhaenyra's sons.
Secondly, I also believe that Rhaenys' main motivation is to keep her family safe and ensure her house's survival. I am convinced that she cares about the boys, not only Baela and Rhaena. We didn't get any real scenes with them, but what I saw in the background in episode 7 is enough for me to believe that she at the very least doesn't want them to get hurt. They are also members of House Velaryon as far as most of Westeros (including Coryls) is concerned and additionally, they are betrothed to Baela and Rhaena. By making sure that they survive to take over the Iron Throne and the Driftwood throne, she is ensuring her granddaughters' futures (futures that they also both seem to want). She may not have the same ambitions as Corlys, but she probably also wouldn't pass up that opportunity. So: even if she didn't care about the boys, it is in her interest that they survive. Joining Rhaenyra is the way to protect them.
That also brings me to the question, why she didn't fight for her own claim, but then decided to fight for Rhaenyra's, even though she couldn't really stand her at this point in time. Simply put, her chances back in the day were much worse than Rhaenyra's. At the time of the Great Council (and Jaehearys' death) she only had one dragon and very few supporters. Rhaenyra has a whole bunch of dragons, more support, the lords actually swore fealty to her at one point and she was appointed by the previous king, which means more loyal lords might stand with her even if they had preferred a male heir otherwise. Rhaenyra has a claim that can be backed up with a lot of arguments and force, while Rhaenys was a woman AND rejected by Jaehaerys. Of course she could have tried to fight for the throne anyway, but that would have been so much more risky and probably doomed to fail, especially with no other members of House Targaryen backing her up. She would have risked the lives of her family and herself to take a throne that she might not be able to hold in the end anyway (Daemon and all the lords who voted against her would have had something to say about that even if Viserys himself didn't care that much). So, arguably, Rhaenyra has a better chance of success (at least that's how I see the situation) and I am convinced that Rhaenys wants some form of justice for the slight against her. She might see Rhaenyra as a way to change "the order of things" after all.
And finally, while Rhaenys obviously doesn't trust Rhaenyra and Daemon, she also has no more reason to trust Alicent and Aegon. In her eyes war seems to be an inevitability, but while Aegon hasn't exactly shown a lot of virtues so far, Rhaenyra seems to prove herself reasonably capable at the moment. So why not back the arguably better ruler for the kingdom? I do think that it also would have made sense for the Velaryons to simply remain neutral and wait out the war, but her deciding the way she did also isn't unreasonable. Especially when the support of House Velaryon might just cause the scales to tip in Rhaenyra's favour (which would be way more in their interest than the Greens winning). Not to forget: Corlys actually swore obeisance to Rhaenyra, so accepting her as Queen would actually be the honourable thing to do.
And then there is the fact that she seemingly is now tired of standing at the side lines, unable to do anything. She clearly wants to take action and have more influence on what is happening around her. So taking a side and becoming an active part in the war might be her way to do it. Whether it's smart in the long run is another question entirely.
My point is that her reasons for wanting to join Team Black do actually make a lot of sense even if one might think that her disagreements with Rhaenyra and Daemon are too great. If House Velaryon stayed out of the war, they would risk their grandchildren's deaths that might have been prevented if only they had helped when they could. All five of them are closely connected to Rhaenyra and Daemon and have no intention of just leaving; if they remained on Dragonstone and then died, House Velaryon would have no future. From Corlys' and Rhaenys' perspectives, there is probably nothing worse than that, even if for different reasons. Staying neutral for no other reason than a (completely justified) grudge, could possibly cost them more than joining the war would.
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sindumpster · 3 years
I was just looking at your Twitter and saw you said your first name starts with S and your last name an E? Now i'm curious- w h a t i s i t ? 👀
You need a lvl 50 friendship to unlock this info.
Forreal tho if I was comfortable with my name being out there, then it already would be easily accessible. It’s similar to the reason I’m fine saying what state I live in, but I will not tell you the name of the town. You’re just gonna have to settle with my initials.
If you want something to call me, use “Wiggy”. It’s more personal, comfortable, and it’s something I picked. You’re really not missing out by not knowing my irl assigned string of syllables that I didn’t get to pick, has a vague meaning that has little to do with me and doesn’t even have the correct gender spelling, and requires money and effort to change due to laws + an organization system someone made up (and changing it would prolly offend/confuse parts of my family). And also just so you’re aware b/c I’m not gonna fault you for innocent curiosity, but by coming on anon you’re asking me to post my legal name publicly, which puts me at risk of complete strangers using it to stalk or doxx me. So this is generally not a good way to ask people online.
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tumblunni · 5 years
...i have never been less hype and i hate it
i feel really guilty for not being happy when i mean these games are very pretty and all but all of it just seems to not be grabbing my happy when i got myself SO HYPED for the unlikelihood of something better
like man COME ON
come on man
almost 13!
sinnoh was fuckin due for a remake back when sun and moon got announced
ive been getting hype and dissappointed at every single goddamn announcement nintendo’s ever made for the last 4 years or so and it never happens and yet they keep teasing it why are there so many official tweets teasing sinnoh if its not fuckin happening im starting to lose hope that it will happen EVER
twelve. fucking. years.
like man we’re almost due for a goddamn unova remake by now!
like man fucking kanto got TWO REMAKES already
its not just im nostalgic its that i want desperately for the generation i love to get any goddamn recognition at all. fuckin gold and silver were already beloved as the best generation even before their remake. ruby and sapphire got some unfair hate for the no transfer between games thing but that died immediately after the first remake happened. neither of them were in this unique situation where they were fuckin DEAD ON ARRIVAL and waiting TWELVE YEARS for resuscitation!
sinnoh failed ENTIRELY not on its lack of appeal as a generation but because of goddamn CONSOLE LIMITATIONS
it was slow, it was buggy, it had buddy green brown palettes, the wifi didnt work. all problems with it being an experimental first ds game by the company. it was fuckin HATED as the WORST GENERATION for so many years and it wasnt its goddamn fault and like seriously its only even become TOLERATED again because of this ‘sinnoh confirmed’ meme that NINTENDO FUCKIN REFERENCES AS IF THEYRE GONNA ACTUALLY DO IT ANY TIME IN THE NEXT DAMN DECADE
fuck i was more hyped for lets go than i am for this. like a second kanto remake was the thing i hated the most but at least it seemed original enough with the goofy new minigame for catching and loads of nice reveals like the return of following pokemon and stuff. this trailer didnt really say anything except hey its a new region hey the starters look generic as fuck. nothing to mitigate the dissappointment
and i feel AWFUL cos i know rationally that this is a great pretty game and nothing about it is actually bad yet and my only complaint is that i only like one out of three starters when i felt the same way about sinnoh itself. its just that feeling ‘meh its probably okay’ isnt what i hoped for. i hoped even if it wasnt what i wanted itd be something else equally as hype? just ‘meh’ has turned into ‘oh god no’ cos man ive been up for 48 hours getting hype for this shit why the fuck am i unable to not get hype even though i KNOW every goddamn time its a dissappointment and it has been for years and it will continue to be every goddamn time
like the highlight of the video was ‘oh an underground area maybe at least theyll bring back the sinnoh underground minigame in another country’
also.. uhh.. bags? i like the protagonist designs a lot and im happy to have the hiker bags cos srsly if i was in pokemon world i would absolutely want to go 100% ham in all ways possible AS YOU CAN SEE BY HOW I CONSTANTLY GET MYSELF TOO HYPED AND ALWAYS DISSAPPOINT MYSELF
and GOD i know im being predictable and i know that probably when i let the grumpiness wear off and get a few hours of sleep i’ll rewatch this and actually be able to notice all the lil details and get properly hype about things and probably by then we’ll know what country its meant to be based on and more info and stuff. like LOL i almost had a heart attack when there was some generally industrial looking stuff and a big ben esque clock tower like im sorry no i REALLY dont want poke-britain even though im british. its like the most cliche generic idea for a region and following on from a great region that gave representation to a nation historically mistreated by britain and america im kinda like hey can we not. like britain region was everyone’s immediate idea for the next ‘white region’ after unova happened and i was still dissappointed that we got france after that and pleasantly surprised that theyd even THINK of doing a non-white western country like hawaii! and it was really great and had loads of stuff based on hawaiian culture and even taught you some hawaiian words and local foods and stuff!! i dont wanna learn about my own country through the sanitized false ‘child friendly’ idea of us being all knights and stuff AS IF IT WAS A GOOD THING. So yeah im not sure what other european country this might be, the outfits make me say possibly holland? but im just real glad that someone other than britain gets to be ‘sword and shield’ and the only british representation we get is thematic elements being used for the design of team plasma’s uniforms. yes thank you we were fuckin colonialist pigs please never glorify our military ever again in any fiction. please never put a sword anywhere near fiction britain unless youre ready to talk about how many indigenous cultures we slaughtered. SORRY IM KINDA GOING OFF ON ONE!! im not like ‘never put my country in pokemon ever’ but if theres any form of specifically HISTORICAL CONTENT in the pokemon version then HOO BOY it would need to be handled carefully and the name sword and shield does not bode well for that so FUCK YES please be holland, please be the other place that has a lot of picturesque farm scenery and also better hiking and also literally everything. it cant be britain cos if it was britain we’d definately have a fuckin sheep or somethin for a starter. srsly tho i am very confused by the big ben looking place, am i just bad at geography and dont know about a similar clock tower in holland that is also associated with red brick industrial buildings and mines? i hope so! either that or maybe its like a combination region of multiple european countries? but thatd be weird since france got to be its own thing. tho honestly i would like it if britain got COMPLETELY ignored except to be one single town that contains the underground minigame, lol
please be holland i love you holland please save me from my rambling awful post WHY THE FUCK am i getting so bad at recognising geography oh yeh cos i havent slept in ages
i love the big bags and the rabbit starter is something ive wanted since i was a lil kid. those are two positives. holland is a third. and its super pretty. okay. i can see all the positive things individually but still somehow my net reaction is a meh because i got too hyped for the wrong thing and also kinda got jumpscared by almost maybe britain I AM SO GLAD IT IS NOT
theory: pokemon world is so idealized and wonderful and beyond us in technology and equality and etc because britain never existed in this universe.
holland stabbed it with a sword
the end
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the-v-gan · 7 years
Tagged by @marksonislovely (thanksssss mommmm ♡)
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20ppl… THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phonecall: Home 3. Text message: my friendu @blurguppy 4. Song you listened to: GOT7 ‘Go higher’ (you can imagine me turning up on the bus as i travel to school) 5. Time you cried: the two nights before (I watched Fly in Seoul Final and the boys was just so emotional and my heart just) 6. Dated someone twice: nope (i am a virgin at dating, so don’t even ask) 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no (i am also a virgin at this) 8. Been cheated on: ehhhhhh if friends are considered, yes. (I SWEAR) 9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: ?? (what is this even) 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope (also virgin at this omg i need a life)
12-14: Red, white, blue
15. Made new friends: yeahhhhhhh
16. Fallen out of love: Fell in love instead (with 7 boys) (where all my ahgases at)
17. Laughed until you cried: always
18. Found out someone was talking about you: nope (no shade pls)- WAIT THERE WAS
19. Met someone who changed you: yessie  ♡
20. Found out who your friends are: yes, in a good way
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope (i am a child ok someone teach me on how to live a life) (and my facebook is prolly ded)
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: ehhhhh idk haaaaaaaaa once again what facebook
23. Do you have any pets: no (I want a golden retriever and all the types of dogs omg♡)
24. Do you want to change your name: nope nope nope (even though my friend has brought back that spongebob joke)
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: dinner with my fam; received gifts from friends omg they are the sweetest
26. What time did you wake up: what is wake up, more like wake me up inside (i cant wake up)
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: drawing mark’s ceci photos until my eyes felt like it was falling out
28. Name something you can’t wait for: graduation (??) (i want my diploma)
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: an hour agoooooooo 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: hmmmmm maybe my sweat glands (am i answering this right) because my skin is raining 24/7 i swear its hot all the time out here.
31. What are you listening right now: listening to the sound of the air conditioner in the quiet lab (and i heard footsteps in here) (this place isnt haunted right)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no, but I have talked to someone called Jerry (tom holland talk to me pls)
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: when someone gets butthurt so easily and is gets salty about it like what even 
34. Most visited Website: tumblr is bae
35. i don’t know what the question was haha + 36. same + 37. same -no idea what this is but anyway+38 same (i’ll just go in order by number ha) what?😂 (what is this what is this what is this ok i should move on)
38. Haircolor: brown black-ish (i have been on this earth for 18 years and i still dk what color is my hair)
39. Long or short hair: medium (ah ha not even in the options of this question)
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes (always, on all the hot boys) (in kpop) (ok srsly, yes)
41. What do you like about yourself: i love that i love food and I can draw (does that count ok idk lalalalala) (draw all my baes wooohooooooooo)
42. Piercings: one on each ear
43. Bloodtype: A
44. Nickname: Squrriel (i freaking swear this bobsponge joke)
45. Relationship status: single ladies all the single ladies
46. Zodiac: LEO LEO LEO LEO 
47. Pronouns: he, she
48. Favorite TV Show: 13 reasons why and if anime counts, attack on titan (s3 next year yayyyyyy) and if kdrama counts, Weight-lifting fairy Kim Bokju (i ship)
49. Tattoos: nope nope
50. Right or left hand: rightie ♡
51. Surgery: nope nope (unless my birth was counted) (ok maybe not, natural birth babyyyyyyyyy)
52. Piercing: errrrrrr my ears (?) (i answered that?)  refer to 42
53. Sport: i am an unhealthy artist who sits on her ass all day
55. Vacation: been to hongkong, malaysia, thailand and taiwannnnnn (i wanna go to oppa-land aka S.Korea aka where my baes are at)
56. Pair of trainers: what does this question mean ok someone help 
57. Eating: I love home cooked food, preserved foods, outside food (i love food)
58. Drinking: water is bae
59. I’m about to: go buy food (after i answering everything) (when will this end)
61. Waiting for: this to end (my stomach is screaming at me)
62. Want: happiness to the world and health to my fam and friends
63. Get married: waiting for one of my 7 husbands to accept my proposal ok but srsly, yes i hope.
64. Career: unemployed; futurn intern who needs cash now (hire me pls) 
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs (i havent done this kissing thing omg)
66. Lips or eyes: eyes 
67. Shorter or taller: taller for bae but anything fits
68. Older or younger: age is just a number (its actually a word haaaaaa)
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms (btw have yall seen mark tuan’s arms omg i died and revive and died again)
71. Sensetive or loud: loudddddd (no sensitive omg i cant take that)
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship (duh)
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
74. Kissed a stranger: no no no (why)
75. Drank hard liquor: nope (i am alrdy going to be 19 and i havent done shit)
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i have been wearing them (my glasses) for more than a decade, i would slap myself if i lost them
77. Turned someone down: i got no one to turn down (cries into the abyss) 
78. Sex in the first date: nooooooooo what this even i havent even kissed anyone whatttttt
79. Broken someones heart: errrrrrr idk (maybe that boy in preschool) (he was shorter than me and was butthurt) (but it was just tru)
80. Had your heart broken: yes (irl and also by all the korean boys who are snatching my hearts ok stahp yall)
81. Been arrested: um not arrested but got arrested into the got7 fandom haaaaaaaaaa guilty
82. Cried when someone died: yup
83. Fallen for a friend: hmmmmmmm no yes
84. Yourself: errrrrrrr most times
85. Miracles: YES
86. Love at first sight: yes (still waiting for this to happen irl)
87. Santa Claus: I believed in santa because i thought my dad was santa 
88. Kiss in the first date: no (once again i have never tried this)
89. Angels: yes
90. Current best friends name: grace
91. Eyecolor: dark-brown
92. Favorite movie: i am a trash for good movies esp horror (even tho i get scared all the time and ask myself why all the time)
Tagging: @umma-jy @wang7gae @marksseunie @bxmbxmn @blurguppy @emiipopo @the-assgoblin (i need more tumblr friends omg help)
do it if you wanttttttt (so that i can readdddd)
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laylienn · 7 years
as quick as you can: top 5 mutuals and why - then put this in someone else's inbox anonymously to spread the love! ❤
Omg as quick as I can top 5 mutuals?! this is inconceivable bc i really appreciate all my mutuals so I’ll just tag all of you :3
sorry this will be a long post…
@menakaren eres mi Mena mochi con quién puedo fangirlear todo el día, gracias por siempre taggearme y mandarme posts que me matan…te amo ♡
@detectivetrabula Lizyeol forevah! you are so sweet and i love to read your true life stories (so pls tell me more) ♡
@fluffybaekhyunee Sehiri volviste a cambiar de url! gracias por ser tan amable y llenar mi dash de KaiSoo jiji ♡
@sebaekkk I E> U little Baek, you are an inexhaustible source of energy! i’m so glad I met you and that your tags are always so extra~ and very educational XD ♡
@jongdaekilledme Dobrila! :3 you are a really good friend and I miss you!! but it’s okay bc i know you are busy busy with school just how it should be so get the best grades!! ♡
@jongin-trash Chelsea you sweet girl, thank you for showing me how you died and always have the best content in your blog, i love you lotto ♡
@ksoosoo Phuong! i love how you always reblog everything I tag you in and talk in your tags so nicely, you are a good one with words and are always making me feel so good (also your #🍵  are life) ♡
@whenxoxosmilesunshines Ashley, your blog is goals…and your tag talking about Sehunnie is the best XD always scaring yourself but very sincere and you are so nice, willing to help everyone and to answer to every question politely, thank you for all your gifs full of good content and your friendship ♡
@creepydyo Pınar thank you for being forever in angst about ot12 with me and appreciate Telegram as i do (omg, i really do love it) also by reading at your tags somehow you remind me of Ksoo the most and i love that!! ♡
@sehuntiful Kaya the most over protective Sehun stan i follow :3 thank you for being so passionate about him and for that long post about why he is awesome, I keep it with me always! ♡
@yixings2017 Cat you are way to funny, i love your humor and your scenarios and all your posts? and also thank you for always support exo but giving priority to the mitochondria, water, fuel and visual of exo, Yixing ♡ 
@bbhsthighs Nicole you are the sweetest! you are always making me laugh with your tags, how does all of that comes to you XD? also thank you for fangirling w  me everytime i htu and tagging me in your selfies bc you are so gorgeous ♡
@mintear I just have to repeat myself…YOUR ART IS AMAZING!!!!!!! wow!!!! i’m your fan E> all your artworks look really soft and so real, just WOW ♡
@mylordae omg…Esin idk what to say to you bc we just shout to each other everytime the other posts anything that deserve a shout out XD and tho it’s so random i love our chat filled with memes and just us screaming and shouting :3 ily ♡
@djsehun Kaylee i love your tags, you are so relatable XD and i hope you are eating mexican food every now and then hihi ♡
@yixingsfurrygf Gabby you were the best SS! and your love for Yixing is so pure and i love it ♡
@taemcin omg bless you for loving EXO as well as BTS, i really enjoy both of your blogs :3 ♡
@mochibaeks Jelly!!!!! i love your tags bc they are not just talk, they are poetry! and even tho you say i shouldnt say thank you…THANK YOU lol, also thank you for helping me when i wanted to watch WFKBJ :3 ♡
@chanyeolsoo Ale! gracias por ser tan linda y platicar conmigo de nuestros multiples traumas además por felicitarme en mi cumple! y oh por Dios…AHHH NO PUEDO ESPERAR MÁS NOTICIAS, ME MUERO! espero que podamos encontrarnos en un futuro ;D ♡
@sehunnified Bhavya i love your blog and how you are always so sincere and straightforward but also really cute, thank you for tagging me! and always reblogging the posts i tag you in :3 also i hope your flight will be all good and you get to enjoy the party! ♡
@bbhzyx i love how your blog is filled with a lot of different shows and references (i never get bored whenever i visit your blog) but also you are always there for the important stuff of each fandom! wow!! i hope you are doing just fine :3 ♡
@tvventyfour omg…I can’t control myself from reblogging all your blog! srsly your blog is filled with faves and *shy shy* someday let’s talk ♡
@kim-kaaa Ren I 👽  U…asdfsadf thank you for taking my slander and hate in the coolest way and being so soft for Nini and so salty and extra for everyone else also your blog is so funny and random and i love it! (hey! you have to be here in April 27th)
@star-gaxing Suzie :3 I’m really glad i got to know you and finding out you are such a nice person, thank you for being so happy and authentic and for us tagging the other in the most random things ever but somehow it all makes sense to us XDDD ily!! ♡
@chootys pls i love your moodboards!! and tho we´ve never talked know that i like your blog and enjoy your tags…you so extra :D i love it! (pls don´t ever leave the tumblrz!!) ♡
@r-velvets hihi we just became mutuals for a very weird reason and lol it was so cute! thanks for being patient with me and just straightforward, hope i helped…also, you and bread are my fave otp ever!! i can’t wait for any updates in your relationship lol
@soofflay :3 I DON’T EVEN KNOW YOUR NAME! sorry :((((( but i think we just got directly to talking (and i mean, it’s okay with me but i’ll have to do something about it) but pls know i really love to talk to you and i hope we can keep on doing it ♡
@nerdtasticawkwardpenguin Jessi you are such a good friend! Always tagging me in the best posts :3 and tho I think we are way to shy and don't talk much I really really enjoy chatting w you :) thanks so much for your friendship and all the best ksoo content! ♡
also, thank you all: @tikkileeexo @byunbaeklr @byuny-baek @ksooslipring @niminii @xkawaiiselenax @misskpopforever @besternatexo @kaixpcy @veryberrykyungsoo @swngyeol @curlyhaired-cunt @chenbootysoo @okaybaekhyun @american-exo-l @inlovewithkook @stunningsoo @hoseom @seokgay @exoyeol bc even when we had never talked i appreciate your posts, reblogs, likes and existence on my dash :3 ♡ you all make the tumblrz the best place and the one app that consumes my whole battery :’)
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