#squid merman
inkly-heart · 11 months
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zachdoesfanart · 7 months
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Another scene from @andy-the-8th's magnificent fic series Creatures that Defy Logic on AO3, featuring Cody and his mom seeing a mating dance between giant squid.
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danganronpa-mm-au · 8 months
What if Teruteru was a vampire squid, and has similar qualities to Ursula from The Little Mermaid? Like he has the ability to shapeshift into a human?
Midge (they/them)
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You can't mention Ursula and expect me to NOT use the line
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Pen and Emo Pen as sea creatures
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Pen and emo Pen (II-deas With Fan AU) as sea creatures as a gift for penipenimermaids!
Pen is a merman, while emo Pen is part squid.
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prawns-potion-brews · 9 months
Guess who got a glowup...
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This is just a mere example of what I want my mercreatures’ updated designs to look like from the muted skin to the translucent torso, and I’m kind of digging it?..
Not to mention, Prawn looks even less recognizable from his former roots, which is a good thing. I kind of want to migrate him into a full oc. I wonder what his new full name should be..if he should have one. I kind of like the idea of mercreatures being named after objects and whatnot on the other hand, it’d be so silly.
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captain-mako · 2 months
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Fish-uary Days 19, 20, and 21: Arctic (Harbor Seal), Indian (Chagos Anemone Fish), and Atlantic Oceans (Atlantic Flyingfish)
I imagine these three to be royalty of the sea, along with Deep Blue for the Pacific Ocean. The one in the middle is actually the design I made for the dwarf planet Sedna, as she was named after the Inuit mother of the sea of the same name.
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Fish-uary Days 22 and 23: Favorite (Flapjack Octopus) and Bioluminescence (Firefly Squid)
The Dumbo Octopus here is named Norbu, based on the squishmallow plushie I own of the same name.
I don't have the energy to finish Fish-uary at the moment. I might finish the challenge in March, but don't hold your breath on it. I don't like making promises as I'm not exactly one to keep ones like that. I will be making art, but I like to draw what I want.
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kaneidae · 1 year
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Sold: Koi, Robot, Nessie, Whalefall, Betta, Pike, Capricorn, Gar
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idril-la-wiccan · 11 months
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Mermay 2023 - 4th Week and last three days
Day 22 - Zodiac
Well, with a prompt like this one, it was a little too easy to go with the Aquarius for Mermay. But... the thing is I have a certain attachement for this astrological sign in particular.
Day 23 - Tradition
And here is "Mahu", the dumbo octopus merfolk from day 21, once more ! I had vaguely alluded to it, but "Mahu" won't be their name, even if this is what I had planned initially. I'll explain why.
You've probably noticed that all of the merfolks I made for Out of the Abyss are strongly inspired by polynesian cultures, the most obvious ones being Hawaiian and Maori. And "Mahu" is in itself a concept of the Hawaiian culture : a third gender of which the name translates litteraly to "in the middle". Mahu people had an important role in Hawaiian society. They taught spiritual and social traditions, which included, among other things, teaching the hula.
And so, for me to have the idea of naming them "Mahu" to begin with, you've probably figured out that it's because this is what they are, traditionally speaking. But as I thought about it, I realised naming them by what they are would be like naming a cat, well, "Cat". It's a bit dumb.
Basically, I want to give them a new name. I'll certainly keep a two syllables name to at least keep things simple.
Hmm... In fact, maybe I could find them a name that has something to do with traditions ?
Day 24 - Zaddy
I made this character on the spot as I wasn't really inspired by the prompt. But I think I managed well with it nonetheless.
Day 25 - Food
No matter his form, Humphrey will always be a big glutton. (Even if, thankfully, he doesn't have the same voracity as when he used to be an actual whale.)
Day 26 - Jewel
"Shiny... For me... ?"
Day 27 - Halle Bailey
Ok, I'm not gonna speak on the matter of the Disney remakes as I believe everybody knows and that everybody roughly agrees about it.
No, here, the subject is Miss Bailey. I think no one can deny it, her voice is magnificent. And no matter the state of the movie, if she took pleasure in playing Ariel's role, then I am gald for her. And I also wish her a good continuation in her career.
Day 28 - Sailor
Alright, I might be cheating a bit with this prompt here. But the idea had been floating in my head for a while now and I finally had an excuse to put it on paper.
I don't know if I was the only one to have this idea, but I saw no one imagine the Captain Caviar ending up with a merman form as a result from being cursed by Black Pearl.
And yet, I saw many people draw him as a merman, so I'm surprised I haven't already seen this idea roam around...
Day 29 - Barbie
I loved the Barbie movies when I was a kid, especially the Fairytopia series. Here, I drew Elina, main character of this movie series, who takes on a mermaid form for a good part of the movie "Mermaidia".
Day 30 - Blue
I had mentionned this on day 21, but I'll have to reiterate it for this prompt. Leviathan is a blue whale merman.
It's in fact for this same reason he's the tallest amongst his peers : blue whales are the biggest mammals known in the world. Even Humphrey, a little humpback whale merman in comparison, is no match.
Well, perhaps that under his original form, Humphrey could have surpassed Leviathan.
Day 31 - Good night
I never would have guessed that I needed to see Dino-sour be a father figure to a half dinosaur baby cookie in my life.
Yes, the previous sentence makes no sense out of context.
I no longer play Ovenbreak ever since... well, ever since even before what happened with Yogurca (the less we talk about it, the better), but I'm still trying to follow the stories on YouTube. And honestly, I think that Pond Dino is the best thing to have happened to the "Rise of the Blue Dragon" update. I get how their design bothers some (it's rather overloaded, let's admit it), but... Just...
Baby... <3
Baby that sleeps like an otter. <3
*~ Third week ||
Like my art ? You can commission me !
Buy me a coffee ?
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merumely · 2 years
I'm joining the mer vanwagon and drew some vampire squid Alu ✨✨✨ there's more coming cause i can't get enough of this 🧛‍♂️🦑
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scoutypb · 6 months
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Sketches during movies cauz i need to do something with my hands
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crispychikanyayaya · 8 months
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Calamari men because i am tired of Mermaids. I told myself it would be nice to draw a mer-man but then again what about all the other creatures? Like, where are the Underwater snail-men and the Lobster-men. Mermen are all fish you know? A little diveristy in this fish soup please ಠ_ಠ
Originally i posted this over on my Insta, ChristinaDrawz, please follow me there, and decided i might make a series of all these sea-men.
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traggalicious · 11 months
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pythons-art · 2 years
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You caught him basking
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fwipination · 2 years
Mermay 29
Dr. Osbin Williams is a frightening sight to most of his human patients, but thats because all his regulars are nightmares. He needed to be something a little monstrous to fit in.
Plus, he knows lots of kraken and they are really very sweet and misunderstood creatures.
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kartinechka · 2 years
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Inktober Day 17: Salty 🧜‍♂️ #inktober #inktober2022 #ink #inktoberprompts #salty #merman #art #pen #artwork #mermaid #day17 #17 #squid #october #octopus https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj1wjh4ONb6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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idril-la-wiccan · 11 months
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Mermay 2023 - 4ème semaine et trois derniers jours
Jour 22 - Zodiaque
Bon, avec un thème pareil, c'était un peu facile choisir le Verseau pour Mermay. Mais bon... J'ai un attachement particulier pour ce signe astrologique.
Jour 23 - Tradition
Et re-voici "Mahu", le poulpe dumbo du jour 21 ! Je l'avais vaguement évoqué, mais "Mahu" ne sera pas son nom, même si je l'avais prévu tel quel au départ. Je vais expliquer pourquoi.
Vous l'aurez remarqué, toutes les sirènes que j'ai faites en lien avec Out of the Abyss sont fortement inspirées des cultures polynésiennes, les plus évidentes étant Hawaïenne et Maori. Et "Mahu" est en soit un concept de la culture Hawaïenne : un troisième genre dont le nom se traduit littéralement par "Au millieu". Les Mahu avaient un rôle important dans la société Hawaïenne, ils enseignaient les traditions spirituelles et sociales, ce qui incluait entre autre l'enseignement du hula.
Et donc, pour que j'ai l'idée de le nommé "Mahu" pour commencer, vous vous doutez bien que c'est ce qu'ille est traditionnellement parlant. Mais je me suis dit que le nommer par ce qu'ille est reviendrait à nommer un chat, eh bien, "Chat". C'est un peu bête.
Bref, j'ai envie de lui donner un nouveau nom. Je garderai certainement un nom en deux syllabes histoire de garder les choses simple.
Hmm... Peut-être que je pourrai lui trouver un nom en lien avec les traditions, justement ?
Jour 24 - Zaddy
J'ai fait ce personnage sur le tas car j'étais pas inspirer par le thème. Mais je crois que je m'en suis bien sortit avec malgré tout.
(Au passage, Zaddy désignes les hommes, tout particulièrement ceux d'âge mure ou plus, qui sont attirant, charismatique, et ont un bon sens de la mode.)
Jour 25 - Nourriture
Qu'importe sa forme, Humphrey sera toujours un éternel glouton. (même si, heureusement, il n'a pas la même voracité que quand il était une vraie baleine.)
Jour 26 - Joyau
"Brillant... Pour moi... ?"
Jour 27 - Halle Bailey
Bon, je vais pas m'étendre sur le sujet des remakes Disney, tout le monde sais et tout le monde est globalement d'accord sur ce point.
Non, là, le sujet est Miss Bailey. Personne ne pourra le nier, sa voix est magnifique. Et quelque soit l'état du film, si elle a pris plaisir à jouer le rôle d'Ariel, alors je suis ravie pour elle. Je lui souhaite également une bonne continuation dans sa carrière.
Jour 28 - Matelot
D'accord, je triche peut-être un peu avec ce thème là, mais c'est une idée qui me tournait dans la tête depuis un long moment et j'ai enfin eu une excuse pour la plancher sur papier.
Je ne sais pas si je suis là seule à avoir eu cette idée, mais je n'ai vu personne imaginer le Capitaine Caviar se retrouvant avec une forme de triton car Perle Noire l'a maudit.
Pourtant, j'en ai vu des gens qui l'ont dessiné en triton, alors ça me surprend de ne pas avoir déjà vu l'idée rôder ailleurs...
Jour 29 - Barbie
J’adorais les films Barbie quand j'étais petite, surtout la série des Fairytopia. J'ai ici dessiné Elina, personnage principale de cette série de films, qui prends une forme de sirène pour une bonne partie du film Mermaidia.
Jour 30 - Bleu
Je l'ai mentionné lors du jour 21, mais je vais devoir le réitérer pour ce thème. Léviathan est un triton-baleine bleu.
C'est d'ailleurs pour cette même raison qu'il est le plus grand parmi tout ses congénères : les baleines bleu sont les plus grand mammifères connus au monde. Même Humphrey, un petit triton-baleine à bosse en comparaison, ne fait littéralement pas la taille.
Enfin, peut-être que sous sa forme d'origine, Humphrey aurait-pu surpasser Léviathan.
Jour 31 - Bonne nuit
Je n'aurais jamais deviné que j'avais besoin dans ma vie de voir Dino-sour être une figure paternelle pour un bébé cookie à moitié dinosaure.
Oui, la phrase précédente ne fait aucun sens hors contexte.
Je ne joue plus à Ovenbreak depuis... même avant ce qu'il c'est passé avec Yogurca (le moins on en parle, le mieux c'est), mais j'essaie tout de même de suivre les histoires sur YouTube. Et honnêtement, je trouve que Pond-Dino est la meilleur chose qui soit arrivé à la mise à jour "Rise of the Blue Dragon". Je comprends que son design gène certains (il est assez surcharger, il faut l'admettre), mais... Juste...
Bébé... <3
Bébé qui dort comme une loutre. <3
*~ Troisième semaine ||
Vous aimez mon art ? Passez-moi commande !
Achetez-moi un petit Ko-fi ?
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