#spirit song tarot
cutegirlbl0gger · 2 days
New Tarot Deck!
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luciddownloading · 5 months
Tarot Reading: What Makes You Shine? ☀️
Hello, all. I felt inspired to do this reading today. Let's take a look at what makes you shine. What are the best qualities you have that people love, that people admire or are inspired by or want to emulate?
I am going to do this one a little differently. The first section of each pile will take a look at what this special energy is and then the second section will tell you how you can embrace it or maximize it.
Pick the image below that you feel most drawn to. Today's theme is shades because you should aim to shine brightly enough that any haters need to put on their sunglasses. 😁 As I always say, feel free to choose more than one. There may be more messages for you here than just one pile can give. (I am not taking reversals today, btw)
Also, know that, with readings like this, you may not exactly be the person described yet but Spirit could be bringing it to your attention so you know this is the potential version of you that you will or can manifest. If you listen to your intuition/gut, you will know if it resonates or not.
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What Makes You Shine?
The Wheel of Fortune
clarified by: The Hierophant, Six of Pentacles
Pile 1, the Divine has your back! That's the first thing popping out here to me. What makes you shine is that you kind of seem to be one of God's favorites (God doesn't have favorites, of course. But, if He did...). But, this can also be a bit misleading to some. You definitely have high high's but you are more than familiar with low low's. I don't think the majority of people know about your low moments, though. They don't see the times of depression, stress, burnout, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed that you either have dealt with or still do. They just look at you and think, maybe a bit dismissively, "They just have it all!"
Well, the reason for your good fortune is that you are very, very spiritually connected. You definitely have intuitive/psychic gifts, whether you embrace them or not. I am getting mediumship for some of you. You also just have a direct line to Spirit. It's like you have Spirit's number and can text them whenever you want. And you're never left on read. The thing that makes you seem so blessed is that you exude such divine and high-vibrational energy. This deep connection to Spirit does get you through the hardest of times. I feel called to tell you that you are ALWAYS blessed, even when things are difficult in life. You may not realize it but you have an incredible way of moving through really tough circumstances and remaining firmly intact. Things that would break other people are easily bounced back from by you. Kind of like, "Well, that was crazy. So, anyway..." This is part of what makes people believe that you are so fortunate.
It's not that you're hard as stone or something. More so, you are just so in tune with the guidance of Spirit, your Guides and your Higher Self that you are able to clear a path for yourself through difficulties. Your Guides love you very, very much. Everyone's Guides love them. That's the point lol. But, yours are very especially loving and protective. They are helping you ALL the time, talking to you all the time, and you may not even realize it. As protective as they are, they are also kind of "hands off" or quick to give you space because they want you to trust and know your own power. It's kind of like when parents do little subtle things to help their children while letting the child think they're doing it all by themselves because that builds characters. For many of you, these Guides were parental figures in this life or a past life. Or a mentor of sorts.
You also emanate very powerful "mentor" energy. You shine because of how incredibly generous you are with your energy, your wisdom, your spiritual insights. I am sure people come to you for help all the time and the message here is to set boundaries with that. Don't feel so pressured to help others that you don't take the time to help yourself. What makes you special is what a guiding figure you are to others and what a blessing you are. You're like a "good luck charm" in human form. You may have personal placements in the Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius (Taurus is especially emphasized here)
How To Embrace/Strengthen This Quality
Three of Swords
Two of Pentacles
Five of Wands
back of the deck: Eight of Pentacles
Pile 1, I am getting the message that a lot of you are being called to be spiritual practitioners. As in, being a professional astrologer, Tarot reader, energy healer, etc. Whatever your heart is calling you to do! If you have been wanting to head in this direction but have been uncertain, this may be the sign you need! Even if it's not something you do forever, there does seem to be an element of fate, in regards to you doing spiritual work. It will truly allow you to bless and help others, to be the guide that you're meant to be. It will also be a way of opening up or developing your psychic abilities. There is a major urge from your Guides to do so and you might unconsciously use them through divination in ways that you don't fully understand. Becoming conscious of that is your journey.
You didn't reach your spiritual wisdom overnight. It took long, hard work, probably years and years. I think this is also telling you that your spiritual journey will NOT be easy but it will absolutely pay off. You are being guided to remember that being spiritual is not all sunshine and rainbows. It takes application, grit, discipline, and a willingness to take accountability. I also think it will be very hard for you to balance your spiritual and practical life. For many of you, you will endure many struggles in an attempt to adjust to the so-called "real world" and this will just bring you closer and closer to your truth.
But, you are here to battle it out with the limiting beliefs that this world has imposed on you. This can get very intense and manifest through material/financial struggles and even conflicts with others. But, this is how your light comes in. You will serve as a beautiful example of how to beat that nasty inner voice as well as the equally nasty voices of the world and obtain remarkable success and prosperity. You will be incredibly inspiring to others and someone that people can really look up to. You have to walk the walk in addition to talking the talk. But, you possess the integrity to do so.
Channeled Song: Eye of the Tiger by Survivor (even the band's name is fitting lol. You are a survivor, Pile 1, and don't forget it)
What Makes You Shine?
Queen of Pentacles
clarified by: King of Cups, Knight of Pentacles
Pile 2, I get a very kind, very calm energy from you. You guys are exceptionally grounded and a real calm in the midst of any storm. What makes you shine is this soothing, nurturing quality you possess. You most likely have a strong Earth emphasis (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) in your chart but there's also a significant Water influence here (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). So, you know how to be sensitive and empathic while also keeping a level head and staying sensible. There's also an emphasis on boundaries here. You aren't at your best when people pleasing but when knowing how to take care of yourself and then care for others. You have either learned that or will learn it.
This energy just feels like a lush, beautiful garden. You seem to have a more feminine energy to you. And you're like a beautiful flower. Flowers are very important to many of you. Your first or middle name may be a flower (Rose, Lily, etc) or you may just have an obsession with flowers or gardening. Floral-print clothing, too, is what I am getting. Which also makes me think of The Devil Wears Prada. "Florals? For spring? How groundbreaking." That movie may have significance to you. I can see you being similar to Anne Hathaway's character, Andy. She initially hates fashion, which is seen as something more feminine, but eventually blossoms and discovers how stylish and elegant she is capable of being.
Beyond fashion, I think it may have taken you some time in life to grow into your femininity. Maybe the older you get, the more you like traditionally feminine pursuits or ways of being. I think you were probably more masculine when you were younger yet still with a sensitive side. But, now, like a flower, you are blooming into your truer self. You definitely could be a late bloomer, even in terms of career or finances. Like Andy, you could be uncertain or awkward while climbing the professional ladder but you will make it to the top. With status and abundance.
I also have to say that you have a very strong impact on masculine energies in your life. You might attract a lot of "big teddy bear" types or gentle giants who just want to take care of you and support you. Or you could have a refining effect on certain masculines who express their yang energy in more primitive or toxic ways. Especially in love. Your elegance shines through and you are such a catch that these love interests realize they have to straighten up and fly right when dealing with you. In the process, they get more in touch with their heart space.
How To Strengthen/Embrace This Quality
Four of Cups
Eight of Pentacles
The Star
back of the deck: The Lovers
Interesting! Pile 2, we're going to do a little detour here. Your Guides really want to bring a potential romantic relationship to your attention. And I think it is someone who fits the profile of what I was just saying. They always had the potential to be the King of Cups (whether male or female because, remember, these cards are energies, not specific genders). But, they weren't able to really achieve this growth until they fell for you. However, you weren't out here trying to play Build A Boo and "fix" them. (And if you were, you definitely learned your lesson about that) They are doing this out of their own free will.
They see you as most people do: a very special, very magical person. You give me fairy or elf vibes, tbh, and a lot of people see you that way. I think all you have to do to embrace your light is just exist. Just be your ethereal self. You are this beautiful mix of earthy and otherworldly, which is part of why you are able to bless others with your energy. That lovely fairy dust of yours stays stuck on people, even if you leave their life, and acts as a sort of magic spell to get them to see their full potential and the ways they can actualize it.
All you have to do is focus on you and your abundance, your success. People will feel very inspired to follow your lead, especially if they are at some crossroads in life. As for this potential romantic interest, I think they feel deep regret for whatever may have happened here and are putting in a lot of effort and work into becoming the partner you need them to be. Whether or not you're open to them is up to you but the opportunity is there. And when they come in, it will be with a very different energy than before.
Channeled Song: Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo
What Makes You Shine?
The Hanged Man
clarified by: Nine of Pentacles, The Empress
Pile 3, what makes you shine is how incredibly drawn to you people are. This pile is most certainly giving me "baddie" energy, regardless of your gender. You are not only gorgeous and sensual but so many people see you as out of their league. In fact, the frustrating thing is that your attractiveness is so intimidating to some love interests that they just end up doing... nothing. If you don't think anyone has a crush on you, think again. There are plenty of people who do. They're just too scared to say anything.
But, there really is no reason for them to be. I am getting such Cher Horowitz vibes from you (the main character from Clueless, obviously). She was so pretty and well-dressed and popular but also a real sweetheart. Someone as hot as you could be totally stuck-up or let it all go to their head. But, one of the most appealing things about you is that you have a heart of gold. Your kindness and loving spirit only makes you even more attractive. Yet, you also get incredibly frustrated because so many people can't see past the surface to who you really are. You hate being viewed superficially and often find the gap between your self-perception and others' perception of you very jarring or bewildering.
The message from your Guides, though, is that you could stand to shift that self-perception some. You often times don't see either your beauty or your social currency because you're not focused on those things. You have deeper values. While your Guides don't want you to lose your kindness or depth of character, they also want you to know that it's okay to be pretty. They want you to know that you are beloved and much more popular than you think. You are being called to accentuate your physical appearance more (and enjoy the benefits of that) and to openly receive the love and admiration people have for you.
And don't take it personally when some only see "the surface". While some will show that limited kind of thinking, I think you will pleasantly surprise many with your multiple facets. A lot of you are artistic in some way and gain HUGE satisfaction from your creativity. If not, you may just be more sophisticated in your thinking or your tastes/hobbies than you let on. You could still even be a visual art lover or enjoy classical music or literature. People are constantly thrown for a loop that someone as attractive as you is also so talented, intelligent, fascinating, etc. Anyone who thinks they can put you in a little box due to your exterior will learn otherwise. You may have chart placements in the signs of Pisces or Libra or the Earth element (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). I am specifically getting Venus in Virgo, too, for a few of you.
How To Strengthen/Embrace This Quality
Four of Cups
Six of Pentacles
back of the deck: Four of Swords
Pile 3, you are being called to really pay attention to how people treat you. The thing I am getting is that you may deal with envy and unfairness from others that you are completely blind to. Because you may lack a clear sense of your social currency, you may not realize that certain people around you are jealous or competitive. And even if you do, you might just think, "Jealous of what?" In addition to that, being treated in this way can be quite wounding or exhausting. Maybe you just endured a friend break-up or you're still reeling from one where your so-called friend was secretly envious of you or toxic due to perceiving you as "better" than them.
It is important to not be blind to these social dynamics because you can easily attract them. It's also important to let the secret fans hate and continue being your beautiful, radiant self. I think the task for you right now is to focus on healing, especially if you had to deal with an undercover hater recently or in the past. Spend some quality time with yourself and be the best friend that you could have. Also, ask yourself what kind of qualities you want in a friendship. And don't settle for less than that! Things may have been a bit grey or dissatisfying lately. But, many of you are on the cusp of manifesting the kind of friendship you really need. You just have to heal your wounds surrounding "outshining" someone else. A true friend will want you to be your fullest self and won't be threatened.
I think that's how you are toward others and you deserve the same level of kindness, sincerity and generosity you give out. And you should hold off on letting people in until you find that. Also, don't dwell on regrets, if you had a toxic friendship that made you shrink yourself a bit. Just see it as a lesson learned and not to be repeated! There's not a lot coming through about romance, though. Just relationships, in general. But, in love, I think you need to watch out for those who are so overly enamored with you that they put you on a pedestal and can't see you fully/accurately. You need a partner, honey, not a fan. I think there is, though, a relationship coming in with someone who is more equipped to see and establish themselves as your equal. And it could leave someone else who was too intimidated to come forward with a lot of regret.
Channeled Song: Sauce by Ella Mai
What Makes You Shine?
The Devil
clarified by: Judgement, Queen of Cups
Pile 4, you have definitely had your fair share of dark days. What makes you shine is the way your spirit has endured as well as evolved throughout these trials and tribulations. You might have suffered from addiction in the past or had to survive a very toxic family/upbringing. An abusive relationship or two may even be part of your story. But, in spite of everything, you persisted. You were able to come out on the other side of it, healed, with a clearer awareness of yourself and of life.
I feel as if you aren't the type to blame the world for your problems and this is where part of your greatness stems from. You know how to take accountability. So, whatever you have "recovered" from, you owned your part in it, which gave you the ability to better yourself. In fact, I am getting the sense that you may be TOO hard on yourself at times and this is also something people can clearly see. You might be very self-deprecating or self-critical. But, while you're busy beating yourself up, you fail to see just how much you mean to others. Unfortunately, I think you were judged so harshly by people in your early years that it's really stuck with you. But, you either have learned or are learning that the story doesn't have to end there.
You might have planets in the sign of Capricorn or in the Water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Scorpio is especially highlighted. I am getting two pictures here. Some of you have a very tough exterior (or like to think you do) but are really so sweet and soft and sensitive on the inside. And some of you may be very troubled and quite wild but you have a pure heart. It's kind of giving me Drew Barrymore vibes, in how she dealt with all these issues early in life but remained very kind and loving through it all. If there are any really lighthearted rom-coms or comedies that you enjoy, you're being called to watch them. You're either being asked by your Guides to lighten up and laugh more because you've been taking life way too seriously or to have a good cry over a movie like Jerry Maguire or something (although this isn't me recommending that one because I will remind you that you need no one to complete you lol!) But, either way, you currently have a lot of inner tension that needs releasing.
The thing you need to know is that your story is going to, one day, be the thing that gets other people through. People who had a hard time hanging on or believing in themselves, as you did. You are going to have to experience a huge personal awakening and transformation that will then serve as an example for others who need freedom from their own demons. You have so much good to contribute to the world. Please don't focus on your flaws, your weaknesses, your past mistakes. All of that has just been a necessary part of journey. But, it doesn't have to define you.
How To Strengthen/Embrace This Quality
King of Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles
Seven of Cups
back of the deck: Six of Swords
Pile 4, it is crucial that you figure out who you really want to be and manifest that version of yourself. You struggle to think highly of yourself and this stands in your way far more than you think. I get the feeling that a lot of Earth Suns chose this pile (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) but you don't have to have that particular energy. You are just being asked to firmly ground yourself and in ways that extend beyond work. You might actually overcompensate with work and use as it a buffer for your real feelings or problems. Instead, you must embrace a level, centered, mature version of you with plenty of self-respect in addition to the respect of those around you.
Some of you may have especially troubled relationships with your father figure that prevents you from feeling stable and secure. There could be a profound fear of becoming your father or a belief that you already are your father. But, you are an individual! It's very likely that you were either put down by this parent or compared a lot to them in an uncomfortable way. This isn't the story you have to tell yourself! You can flip the script and be whoever you want to be. But, it takes maturity, self-confidence and self-awareness to do this. Give yourself the time needed to build up that healthy self-image. It is a slow, gradual but worthwhile process.
Your Guides want to communicate with you very badly and I feel like you're not very in touch with them. Your spiritual life, in general, may need bolstering. You could spend so much time trying to escape from reality and live in a fantasy world that you find it hard to really sit with the truth of your soul. Something I feel called to say is that a hyperactive imagination or maladaptive daydreaming is often a sign of someone who is clairvoyant. But, until you're able to accept this gift, you can sublimate it into those habits/ways of being. I also think your Guides are always sending you signs and synchs but you may be dismissing them as "coincidences" or overanalyzing them. They want you to know that you are never alone and that they are patiently, lovingly waiting until you are ready to be open to them.
Channeled Song: Serve the Servants by Nirvana
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momentousnobody · 7 days
Beautiful Witch
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lunar-witches · 7 months
🌟 Types of Divination 🌟
🃏 Tarot Reading: Ah, the classic! Shuffle those cards, lay 'em out, and let the symbols tell your story. It's like a psychic storytime with beautifully illustrated cards.
🔮 Crystal Ball Gazing: Channel your inner fortune teller and gaze into the shimmering depths of a crystal ball. See visions, symbols, or just a really fancy paperweight – your call!
☕ Tea Leaf Reading: Sip your cuppa, but don't toss those leaves! The way they settle in your cup can unveil the mysteries of the universe. Get ready to decipher some leafy hieroglyphics.
🖐️ Palmistry (Chiromancy): Study the lines, mounts, and shapes on your palm. Each crease tells a story about your life path, personality, and potential. It's like reading a roadmap to your destiny right on your hand!
🕊️ Feather Divination: Feathers are more than just fashionable accessories for birds! They can carry messages from the spirit world. Find one, meditate on it, and decode its wisdom.
🌀 Runes Casting: Norse warriors used them, and now you can too! Grab some ancient runestones, cast them, and let the runic symbols weave tales of your destiny.
🕯️ Candle Scrying: Light a candle, focus on the flame, and let your visions come to life within the flickering glow.
🌿 Pendulum Magic: Swing that pendulum and ask it some yes-or-no questions. Allow the pendulum to swing freely and always keep your hand still to allow the energy to truly answer you questions.
🌗 Numerology: Numbers, man! They're everywhere, and they've got a lot to say. Discover your life path, destiny, and soul numbers.
🔍 Scrying Mirrors: Stare into the abyss... or, well, a special mirror! Gaze deep, and let the answers reveal themselves.
🌊 Water Scrying: Gaze into the reflective surface of water – be it a pond, a lake, or even a scrying bowl. Watch as ripples reveal the unseen.
🐚 Shell Divination: Channel your inner mermaid! Listen to the whispers of seashells and let them reveal their secrets. You can also collect a handful of different shells and cast them. Their placement, pattern, etc, can reveal important details!
🗝️ Key Casting (Cleidomancy): Gather a collection of old keys, close your eyes, and toss them onto a cloth. The position and arrangement of the keys will unveil symbolic messages or answers to your questions. It's like unlocking the secrets of the cosmos, one key at a time.
🎶 Music Divination (Alectryomancy): Play some tunes and let the lyrics, melodies, or even random song selections speak to you. The songs that resonate can offer messages or insights about your current situation. Let the music be your mystical DJ!
With this ever-growing list of divination methods, you'll have a magical tool for every occasion. Trust your intuition and let your inner seeker explore the mystical world of divination. Happy divining, cosmic explorers! 🔮🌠
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ghostlyferrettarot · 1 month
•PAC: 🗝 Why are others curious about you?🐈‍⬛
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•Pile 1 •Pile 2 •Pile 3
❗️This is a collective reading, take what resonates and leave the rest❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) (Open)
🪷If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!🪷
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🌸Pile 1: Four of wands, Seven of Cups, The Chariot.
Hi pile 1! People are curious about your personal life and activities. In the eyes of others you are seen as someone who has it all, although it may not be the case. People wonder how you do it, how you go through life with such a confidance and ambition; i see that you are a hard working person, you have the eyes on the prize pile 1. You may have perfectionist tendencies and be hard on yourself. The others wonder about your goals and plans, you seem as someone who is a force to be reckon with, al least this is the vibe that others pick up from you. You may be intimidating but this is because you know who you are and you are not afraid to take up space. I pick up a lot of envy from others, so please trust you intuitions when it comes to people; a lot of nossy energy too so probably others want to know about your personal life as well, i pick up a family member who is always on your back trying to get infomation about your life, don't worry about it tho your guides are always you and say to trust your gut feelings first✨️
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🌸Pile 2: The empress, the Ace of cups, Three of swords.
Hi pile 2! I see that you've been working on your femenine energy and it shows! People are curious about your energy and aura. There's something so enchanting about you, it's so natural in you and people wonder how you do it. You may be in a glow up journey and this is something that other's notice, you are glowing pile 2!
I see that some people want to imitate your energy, they may be envious of you. Others see you as someone really charismatic and easygoing, you may have people approaching you or growing closer to you really quickly, this may be confusing to you pile 2 but it's because they feel at peace by your energy. I see that some of you may be into esoteric stuff; people also wonder about this aspect of you, about how in touch you feel with yourself, nature and spirit in general. I also see fairys so maybe you work or they would like to work with you.
You have a really beautiful energy pile 2 and you are doing an amazing job!
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🌸Pile 3: Queen of cups, Nine of wands, Three of pentacles.
Hi pile 3! I see that you may be someone who is very careful with the people they let in their life. Other's wonder about this, about you in general pile 3, they wonder how they can get to know you and be ypur friend. I am hearing "exclusive" so others probably see you as someone who has a leader type of energy, other's probably look up to you in some way. Maybe you carry a lot of responsabilities pile 3 but you make it seem easy, i just heard Le sserafim song "Easy" haha so that may be important or something that your guides want you to listen. Others see you as someone misterious but those who know your enegy are the privileged ones. I see that you may have a close circle of friends but they are loyal and are the ones that know the real you. Others probably wonder how to be a part of your life too, there's something about you that sparkles a lot of curiosity on others, sometimes this peopleay even project their insecurities in you but don't worry about it, it has nothing to do with you pile 3; you are divinely protected by your guides!
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🌸Thank you for reading and tell me if it resonated🌸
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harmoonix · 4 months
🍂𝓝𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓱 𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓭🍂
🍁 (Astrology Observations) ❄️
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𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐲
🍂 Capricorn Placements (Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Mercury) can indicate ageless beauty, your beauty comes with the time and patience
🍂 Sun in the 10th house natives can put their main focus in careers/job/future and sometimes they can forget about their family/friends/relatives, need a balance here
🍂 Scorpio Women are very different from Scorpio Men, like people tend to put them in the same box thinking they're both the same because they share the same sun sign
🍂 I don't know why some astrologers don't like cusps (they have beef with the birth chart I guess) if you have a Placidus chart rather a whole sign chart, cusps are important for Placidus
🍂 Moon in the 1st house/Moon aspecting the ascendant makes the native very soft/kind and generous, they have gorgeous eyes too
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🍂 Mercury in Fire/Air Signs may like loud music, something like R&B or Rap/Trap, club music
🍂 On the other side Mercury in Earth/Water may like soft music especially if there are romantic songs, for example Love you like a love song is such a Pisces Mercury song
🍁In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you❄️
🍂 Sagittarius Mercury or Mercury in the 9th house may like to listen to songs in other/foreign languages from other cultures/ethnicities. They may like traditional songs aswell
🍂 Mercury aspecting Venus/Moon can have a very comforting voice, very soft and sometimes they can be shy in their voice
🍂 Mercury in Scorpio/Scorpio in the 3rd house/Mercury aspecting Pluto > You can feel free to talk everything with them, literally they will jump from every topic to another topic
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🍂 Pluto in the 9th house can make the native to have a philosophical opinion about their own religion/belief system
🍂 Jupiter Retrogade can indicate not acknowledging your own luck/benefits/opportunities, is like you are blinded from them
🍂 Sun aspecting Juno [3] they will shine in every relationship they are in. They may also show a big support in their partners
🍂 Groom(5129) /Briede(10929) in the 4th house can sometimes indicate marrying someone from your childhood (maybe a friend/maybe someone you didn't expect to marry from your Childhood)
🍂 Pluto or Saturn in the 4th house can indicate an continuously changing home mood/behavior, and sometimes tensionate moments too
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🍂 11th house ruler in the 5th house can indicate romance between friends, and is not always you who is in romance but you can have friends who can get in a relationship after some time
🍂 4th house ruler in the 8th house can have ancestors who may practiced occult/magic/tarot maybe? there is a big interest for the taboo things here from your family
Every inch of me is trembling🍁
🍁But not from the cold
Something is familiar❄️
❄️Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold
🍂 6th house ruler in the 12th house can have a pretty chaotic sleep schedule/may sleep a lot or may sleep less at points, they're with one eye in the spirit realm and with one eye in the human world
🍂 I cannot imagine Libra/Taurus/Pisces and Leo Moons getting in relationships with non romantic people, babes please...romance is everything for you...don't settle for less
🍂 Mars in Pisces/Mars in the 12th house can experience weird dreams or nightmares, sometimes they can have vivid dreams
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🍂 Neptune in the 3rd house natives are very intelligent/spiritual/clever, they're very kind at first glance and always ready to discover new things
🍂 Uranus chart ruler can bring you unexpected desires in life, like you never know what's coming next with Uranus, a desire or a wish
I have always been a fortress🍁
🍁Cold secrets deep inside
You have❄️ secrets, too
But you don't have❄️to hide
🍂 Aries/Aquarius/Scorpio Risings can really show on their faces when they don't like someone, and is not about being rude is that they have a prominent facial figure to express that
🍂 Moon in the 11th house/Moon in Aquarius "Friends stick together" the are this vibe 100%, I love how friendly they are and their attachment to their friends
🍂 Having a Virgo Moon/Moon in the 6th house is also an indicator having a very nurturing/healing/purifying energy around you like a shield
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🍂 Girls if you wanna do synastry chart with your crushes and you don't know their birth time, is enough to know their birth date because it shows the placements of the planets at least, so if you have Virgo in the 8th house and your crush is a Virgo Sun/Moon... love - hate war
🍂 Moon - Sun aspects have a great analytical mind, maybe it is from their ambient style of analyzing and feeling the same things at once
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🍂 North Node opposite the Moon, it indicates that you have emotional patterns from a past life that don't serve you. And that you can fall into moods/moments that are difficult to get out from
🍂 Also if you have North Node opposite the Moon your mother in this life was also a mother figure in your past life (shock 😲). It says that it can be damaging in one or both lifetimes (idk if I should cry or not)
🍂 If you have Saturn square north node in your chart you can often have the feeling of taking the responsibility/accountability for other people, in a way you live for others but not for yourself
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🍁🍂❄️ I hope you all have a great great greattttt day full of blessings !!❄️🍁🍂
Have a blessed day to all of you who read my notes, Harmmonix ♥️🍁
Off topic but I have to admit Frozen 2 was one of Disney's biggest masterpiece, the native language, the songs, the storyline, the goosebumps everything is on point. There are rumors of Frozen 3 coming in 2025 and so my eyes are ready to cry again at this masterpiece (The Nordic culture 😍)
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thementalshawty · 4 months
PAC Who Is Your FS? Pt.1
Hey I am back with another PAC but I’m going to do something a little different this time. I will be doing 6 piles but they will be in a 2 parter because I want the energy of the 6 to be separated. So at the end of the day you can read this one and get the gist and the sec on part is confirmation or even extra information, the others can and will find their answers in one of the piles in either part one or two. This is a general reading so with that you know the deal, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. So Picc an Emoji and let’s begin now.
Disclaimer: Tarot is not final but is a mere suggestion, don’t you depend on the opinion or suggestions of anyone to make your own decisions and judgement calls.
P1: 🍩
P2: 🍉
P3: 🥘
FS 1:
Animal that represents your FS: Crow Spirit. I feel like your FS off top is taboo, well for some of you here I’m hearing witches and warlocks as spouses in this pile, or maybe some of you are? Something about counting crows idk if they do that but I know that they definitely associate with crows in some way? They Cocreate with their spirit guides whether it’s aware to them or not. I told you some of them are witches and warlocks or are very powerful manifesters. They’re hella creative and they may have a Loud yell or call. They may have bird like features some of them. Something in them is Sharp? Like a sharp nose or a sharp stare??? Numbers: 1,7,8 & 17 may have some importance
Auset describing Your FS: Hapi Water Spirit. Numbers 1,3,4 and 13 could be of importance. I feel for some of you, your FS are water signs, mainly Scorpio and Pisces. They’re the type of person that needs to work energetically and with thought before making any moves. They’re definitely a planner and I’m hearing analyzer. This person wants nooooooo fuck ups! NONE HONEY!!! Baboons may have something to do with them too?? They need to visualize the moves for themselves before they do it. I’m telling you this is my alchemical pile right here, very very magical spouses, maybe you guys delve in magic too or should try it. If not you definitely them!
Describing Your FS (Oracle): Here & Now. Numbers 3,2,5 & 32 could have some significance. Some of your spouses are 32, I heard that not all but for some. They are not one to worry about the future or worry about the past, I heard they gotta plan for that already, they are just worried about executing the plan for today. They’re a very live in the moment and present kind of people. I see that they’re the type of person to get caught up sometimes and forget that though, cos being the planner that they are they do have worries about the future I feel in the past they weren’t as prepared and that shit caused them so much struggle and so from that day they wanna be prepared. This is a person who has plan b-Z if A doesn’t work. They are always present though, even when they worry about the future or the past they manage to always bring themselves back to the present cos they don’t wanna miss a thing. (Ha now I’m hearing that song by Aerosmith).
Your FS (Tarot): 9oPentacles, 6oSwords,Justice. You already know numbers 9,6,11,& 2 may have some importance to them. I feel that your FS are very accomplished, I feel it’s fairly new, they just acquired their success and blessings, they worked their goddamn asses for it! They aren’t a lazy person, they hate procrastinating but I feel they may do it sometimes which is why I feel they worked their asses off to get where and what they needed and it’s finally starting to pay off for them, matter of fact every single one of these cards sort of represent that, instead of telling me who they are it’s almost telling me what they’re going through, or what they’ve been going through and I think it’s because it’s a transformative time for them, they will be ascending and a lot of things that could describe them may be falling off so maybe your guides don’t want to fully share their personality because they’re experiencing their own experiences that’s showing them who they really are. I feel like they may like birds, crows, hawks Ravens etc. spiritually and materially they have just been blessed and they are enjoying every minute of it! They’re not missing a single second for the world! They have gone through way too much shit for them to not be anything other than present for this. They are FINALLY coming out of a dark place in their lives, they were in some drama mama! Some straight up chaos and that shit was so unhealthy it began to shut them down I’m hearing for some the others sort of just reacted angrily and it was so toxic they became spiritually and physically sick. I feel that they got some help to come in, and they were helped out by someone who moved them away from their toxic environment. I feel your FS are like that and I feel it’s cos they are compassionate, they know and understand struggle and they hate to see it. They could be a Libra due to the justice card of have Libra placements. They are the mediators of their group, I don’t see them having many friends, a selective few maybe some acquaintances that they laugh and joke around with but other than that nobody really close to them, I’m getting Lone Wolf and ranger type of vibes from this pile. They are someone who’s going to stand up for what they feel is true and fair and equal! They cherish and crave mutuality, if it’s imbalanced they not a fan. They honor equality and respect for all! They see everyone the same they don’t do favoritism and hatred towards anyone. They suffered. Some of your FS are Black, White, Some Asian/Korean/ Hispanic even too. I feel especially if you’re looking for women those ethnic backgrounds apply. Your FS has an ugly side tho, when unfairness or anything they feel is wrong or unjust comes out they are unmerciful. They can be ruthless if needed. Long hair for some, curly fros for others, black and brown hair colors I’m seeing. Gentleman and gentlewomen. Very soft but sharp features. True knights. Diplomatic and tactful, Hella charming. Playboys and women, they know how to bag a person! They’re very good looking, handsome, stunning, I’m even seeing gorgeous to some of you. It’s a very classy kind of beauty. Innocent and beautiful. They are quick to help out anyone they feel needs them and they’re not the type to swoop in and save the day assuming that needs to happen, they will always approach and ask “you need some help?” “Can I help you?” Perfect customer service representative honestly. They’re very sweet and kindhearted. Great smiles. They may be gardeners some of them, they like organic shit, they may not eat meat, or anything that has chemicals and toxic ingredients in food. They are very sensitive about what they put into their bodies. Smokers for some? (Weed not cigarettes or anything else). This person is a catch, a true victorious winner and they will treat you amazingly. Earth and Air placements especially Libra and Taurus! This person is Venus personified! Congrats! They’re hella seductive! I’m trying to find something bad on them honestly but it’s not working. They just fuccin rocc! Acts of Service is their love language.
I feel that. Congrats p1 you deserve it.
Animal that represents your FS: Bee Spirit. So I’m seeing that 7 could have some significance, as well as the colors Yellow and Black, which leads me to think that some of your FS are mixed races. They’re very hardworking and some of them are the queen bees lol. They have been striving towards something and sweet results are about to roll in for them. I feel like they’re very goal oriented, tunnel vision. This is my workaholic pile I feel, they are workhorses some of them, others are spoiled by others. They have stingers but only use them if they absolutely must. They work like a well oiled machine, no rest. They are around the clock nonstop movers and shakers and they’re about to be rewarded if they aren’t already.
Auset Describing Your FS: Set. Numbers 3,7, 10, 1 & 37 could have some importance to your FS. Set is the god of chaos and war, dirt and sandstorms. I feel your FS have dealt with a lot of challenges and they have some negative traits that you will not like, I’m getting Aries vibes from this. The color red is coming to my head, something about rage. They may have anger issues, they are a jealous person. Some of your FS are bitter from all the challenges they went through, life gave them shit and they kind of internalized it and became dreadful, survival mode on lock, they are so paranoid, they may have or had beef with a sibling. They could have jealous family members. Some of them could have just been dealing with some shit. They can be the youngest sibling or the issue is with the younger sibling. People are intimidated by them. Their demeanor is don’t fucc with me and people heed that shit. They could be 37 some of them, or 10 years older or younger than some of you? They’ve seen some ugly shit in their lives in love, family, career etc. I’m seeing drug addiction for either them or someone they loved and they dealt with that shit. This person is strong but it tainted them in the process I feel.
Describing Your FS (Oracle): Treasure Island. The number 9 could be of some importance to your FS. I feel like they’re the type to see the beauty in things others may not. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, they may have that mindset. They’re beginning to see the results of their own actions, they’ve been moving slow towards this goal that they’re about to receive. This person is a treasure and you’ll definitely see them that way! Great at manifesting, they’re right now working with the law of attraction. They just received a financial windfall from out of nowhere to them. They’re very abundant right now or they’re definitely about to be.
Your FS (Tarot): The Empress, 3oSwordsRx, & The HermitRx. I see that the number 3, 9, & 7 are frequent in this reading so I feel like those numbers in particular are very important to your FS. They can be a Virgo or a Pisces. They’re very intelligent and intuitive. Your FS is beautiful you’ll be blown away by their beauty. Especially if it’s a woman too! They can have braids or locs some of them. They’re very sweet and loving, nurturing and parental. They could have kids. They may love moon bathing some of them, or they should. They are of the world; hella creative and open to whatever the universe/god is bringing them. They are always coming up with new ideas and projects they are the type of people to have plenty of hobbies, a jack of all trades. They are very blended in their energies, and elements. I feel whatever they went through shaped them and helped them become whole but I just think that they can’t see it. They are the type to not know the magnitude of how much they rule!! They may shit on themselves heavily! They are the type to be there for everyone except themselves. They put themselves on the backburner. They are so amazing but they are the type to wallow in their pain and own ignorance. They don’t want to face what happened to them or they don’t want to take accountability for their part in it, so maybe they had an outburst but they will always come up with excuses for it. They are jaded over this pain, I feel it makes so much impact with how they live, move and make decisions. They are so strong but they are so blinded by this pain or by this anger, they really see nothing but that. It overpowers everything that they are and do. They need to do some shadow work. They procrastinate when it comes to it, they may avoid those feelings because they don’t want to relive that hurt but what they don’t realize is that they’re replaying this pain on a loop subliminally in their minds so they’re technically always reliving that pain! That’s why they’re so jaded, it’s like getting sick of a song but you’re leaving it on replay. They need to get out of their head. They’re in isolation, this person I feel has little to absolutely no friends. They were in some kind of abusive relationship. I don’t really wanna get into that. If they don’t have kids, they’re very fertile!! They barely go out, a homebody and I feel to a scary point and I don’t wanna get deeper into that cos it’s reminding me of myself and what I am having to break out of and baby that shit is no joke and putting that business on here without knowing them personally is just fucked up so I won’t. They have been through some shit but they are beautiful person, their heart is being pulled in so many directions and it’s so hard for them to catch a break and they are dealing with it in a toxic way for them and they need to face their demons. I feel they just need someone to talk too, but I have a feeling this person is locked tighter than a bank vault after a robbery. They aren’t into letting anyone see them, not even themselves, Ugh my heart goes out to them. Words of affirmation I feel is their love language. Fear avoidant attachment style, they’re Virgo like, the highs and lows of the sign honestly, I feel like some are Pisces and some are Virgos. Very feminine energy. They want love but they’re afraid of rejection and getting hurt cos that’s all they know, so they’re afraid to dream bigger and want better for themselves.
Animal that represents your FS: Pig Spirit🐽: The numbers 4,7,11,2,& 47 may have some importance. This is the kind of person who is quick on their feet, they give me air energy. They’re very intelligent. They’re not a messy person even tho they have messy moments. They’re fun loving and just want to enjoy themselves while they’re still on this earth. Happy go lucky type of people. They believe that pigs can fly, they dream big but they’re not delusional they understand the concept between reality and fantasy but they have a great imagination and they have big goals and aspirations for themselves. They wanna own the moon one day. They wanna fly the highest they can possibly get. They live on cloud 9!
Auset Describing your FS: Anubis. 3. He’s one of my guides!!!! I love Anubis he’s amazing! Your FS is such a great person! They’re very wise and give amazing advice. They take care of everyone, no favoritism with them, they treat everyone fairly, they judge by action, they feel like your hearts intention is based on how you move. You can protect on them to guide you whenever you need it, anyone who needs help, they are the one to call. So reliable and trustworthy, they may have a lot of people depend on them. Helping them transition from one state to the next. They can even be a therapist some of them, or the dr Phil/oprah of their group. They stand up for what they believe in and who they believe in. They’re a great protector. You will feel so safe, they feel like everyone should feel that way, “has the RIGHT to feel safe.” I heard that. Guard dog lover, they aren’t jealous but they won’t let just anyone get near you. They could’ve been abandoned by their parents (maternal esp if you’re looking for guy). They believe in healing of the soul by living out their passions. They believe that freedom to be yourselves is the best medicine. They want to get to know people for who they are at a soul core level. I feel they have GREAT FRIENDS. Certain LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 energy here, they created their own family! They love caring for others, they feel it’s part of their purpose, some nurses and doctors here. Therapist just doctors or medicators of some kind.
Describing your FS (oracle): A Leg Up. 3,4,7, & 34 could have some significance to your FS. They can be 34 some of them. I feel like they are the type of person to definitely lift others up, they aren’t selfish or greedy about shit, they will share their plate, cos they’re confident in their position. They themselves have received leg ups in life from people and they’re just passing on that energy. They’re not a jealous person at all they’re about progression. Sagittarius energy HEAVY! Sag and Aqua energy HEAVY! They’re very free loving. They’re very authoritative and they know how to delegate, they know how to both give and receive help. They’re not hyper independent they believe in teamwork! I love your FS! They’re my favorite! Shhhhhh don’t tell!
Describing your FS (Tarot): PageoSwords, 6oWands,& Judgement. They’re hella inquisitive and always asking about everything, they love to learn, very Gemini energy. They love to gossip with their friends, I also think that they’re the topic of gossip. Reading is everything to them. You’ll always catch their face in a book. Great conversationalist. Young at heart. Playful. They know how to multitask and juggle many things at a time. Their mind is always racing and they can’t turn it off. They’re a student of the world! They want to learn everything. The type who’s learning how to speak different languages. 6,2,& 20 may have some importance to them, some of your FS in this pile is 20. Some of you????? If that’s the case this is confirmation that you chose the right pile! I am seeing that your FS for some 2-3 maybe are celebrities like well known celebrities! No K-pop I don’t sense that here but I’m seeing some notoriety and some household names being here. The rest your FS is known in their field. Wildly successful and part of that has to do with their success story, how they came up and what they went through their hustle to mask it out of the “hood” or bad circumstances so to speak, they have brown hair, long, wavy, curly and straight, it varies I’m seeing. They are hella influential and inspirational to a lot of people, they’re extremely popular. An important person I’m hearing VIP. The it boy/girl. Everyone wants them, everyone wants to be them. They’re not cocky though, they’re all smiles and laughs, very joyous, I’m hearing for the celebrities, once you meet them and get to know them a little you’ll understand why they got fame. They’re so fun to be around. Fun and bubbly personality. They have loud voice. They’re very in demand. They know how to control a room. How to perform. They’re hella entertaining and I think they’re funny cos I’m feeling the urge to laugh and giggle. They may laugh a lot or giggle. You will find that cute. They’re not all about themselves, I see confidence but I also see that they’re a bit insecure too. They dress nice. They dress and look expensive. This is my glam and glitzy but humble pile. They’re such a fuccin joy. And they’re themselves regardless of what’s happening or who’s around. They are the essence of them and that shit is untouchable. They feel like people should see who they are, to love them and experience them to a full extent. They do enjoy the spotlight on them but I’m hearing they deserve it. They’re so litty. They remind me of me! I’m still feeling giggly and giddy, I feel this is how people feel around them (especially them celebs.). They are accepting too, they don’t judge, they’ve faced a lot of backlash and judgement from being who they are so this is the smack in their faces to your FS, their whole image can be about fuck society and their standards etc. I’m getting rocker energy from this pile so some of them can be famous rockers? I was getting the older numbers like 47, so some of you may have a FS in their 40’s, so what??? You’re all over 18 & you will know this person is your person, I feel this connection between you guys is that of a spiritual one. You can feel their spirit, it’s strong! Their presence is very powerful! This person is electric and everyone loves them! Nothing bad to say about this pile! Not really!
Alrighty my dearies! That’s it for part one of who’s your FS! Thank you for taking this ride with me and stay tuned for good ole part two coming soon!
Hope you have clarity!
Now Spread Love and Light!
EeeP Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 👋🏽
Heka 🕊️🏆
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diana-thyme · 1 year
SUPER Low Energy Witchcraft
I’ve been seeing a lot of low energy witchcraft posts, but every one I read isn’t really low energy. When I think ‘low energy,’ I think something I can do on my lowest of low days. Days I can’t get out of bed or even think sometimes. So here it is. The SUPER Low Energy Witchcraft Guide.
Sigils sites. I have found this one to be very good. They’ll make a sigil for you so you don’t have to.
Pinterest boards. Making spells or manifesting using Pinterest boards is one of my favorite things to do.
Spotify playlists. Similar to the Pinterest board idea, use songs to create spells or manifest certain things.
Emoji spells. Use emojis to make spells, making sure they’re packed with intent.
Hang out with your tarot deck. Or any divination tool, for that matter. Just having it near you counts.
Talking to spirits and deities. Tell them about something you plan to do for them, a ritual you’d like help with, ask for help getting through the lows, etc. Or just talk to them. It doesn’t matter about what, talking improves relationships.
Read. Read books you were planning on reading. Definitely do not ever go on Z-Library for free books. Never. /s You do have limits on downloading and it’s relatively hard to figure out on mobile, but if you can get your tablet or computer up and running, it’ll work perfectly.
Scroll through Tumblr. Or Reddit. Or Pinterest. Or even Tik Tok. Scroll through the witch tags, scroll through the tags of and deities you might worship/work with. Or just look at pretty plants. Think about what they can help you with.
Make a shopping list. If you need to restock any herbs or candles, note it down.
Just light a candle or two. Simple as that.
Make a pouch or enchant a piece of jewelry or whatever you want to do to help you recover from your lows before they happen. Touch them or hold them or even just think of them when you want.
Similar to above, enchant any aids (mobility aids, medication, pain relievers, heating pads and ice packs, etc.) to help you recover faster.
If you can, think about your practice, what you want to change, what you 100% wouldn’t change, how it relates to others’ crafts, etc.
Meditate. I’m not talking about some 30 minute guided meditation sitting upright, because I have trouble with them on my lows. I’m talking about staring blankly into space or practicing mindfulness or something like that. You don’t have to do it for long, either. Take a few minutes to chill.
If you can, open your windows. Or curtains. Or blinds. Let it clear out your space.
Enchant your water or foods to help with your symptoms. Draw a sigil with anything (oil, sharpie, air, etc.) on your bottles and above your food to aid in your recovery.
Wash your face and/or hands to cleanse yourself for the day.
Have a ‘worry stone.’ Take a crystal or rock or other stone and rub it when you’re anxious. Or, enchant it to remove negative energies and rub it when your pain is at the worst. The very least it will do is distract you.
Simply rest. Resting and taking some time to recover is the best practice.
Obviously this isn’t a large list, but I cannot emphasize the ‘simply rest’ part enough. As practitioners, we tend to want to do more when we’re sitting bored in bed. But remember, safety first. The quicker you recover, the quicker you can get back to your craft.
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starryknight-tarot · 10 months
𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓸 𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮?
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pile 1 -- > pile 2 -- > pile 3
pile 4 -- > pile 5 -- > pile 6
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hello beautiful souls ✨ welcome back to another tarot reading! Today we will going into what makes you so attractive. Feel free to pick more than one pile if you are called. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. Make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. The artist for picture is @tnk_gr on instagram in case anyone was wondering
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Pile 1
Cards: Queen of Pentacles, The Wheel of Fortune, Five of Pentacles rx, Knight of Cups rx, Four of Wands, The Hermit rx, Ten of Wands rx, The Tower rx
Back of the deck: Two of Pentacles
While I was shuffling the cards for you Pile 1, I kept on hearing the same two phrases. "Looks like they have their shit together" and "Breathtaking when they walk into a room" which I can see both from the cards. What makes you so attractive Pile 1 is your gentle and caring nature. You are a natural at conversation and can whoo anyone in your presence. You radiate natural glow that makes people jealous. People are naturally attracted to you with your positive energy. You give off the energy of the shy main protagonist of a k-drama that everyone wants to be friends with. You could be an ENFJ or INFJ. People find it very attractive how generous you are and how you seem genuinely happy to assist people who need help. Especially the people close to you get to watch as you selflessly do everything in your power to help. I want to say to be careful of people who would take advantage of this beautiful trait but I am getting that some of you may already know this and you might already be very careful with who you share your energy with. People notice that you look very well dressed. You could wear expensive brands or at least people think you dress very fancy. Some of you might be influencers or have a large social media presence. People just like to watch you be yourself. You are very charming in a unique way Pile 1. You are very cute Pile 1, especially when you just woke up. You could be very clingy in the mornings. I am hearing some of you may have very soft delicate hands, you could like getting your nails done and they always look really pretty. I heard people like watching you succeeded so people are rooting for you Pile 1.
Advice Cards:
The issue at hand is about reflection. What is the mirror showing you?
Make your presence felt
It is important to ask for help
Seek to understand from a place of connection rather than separation
Align body, mind, and spirit. Know that you are whole
Take a lighter approach and smile about all facets in your life. A smile reflects a heart at peace
Channeled Song:
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Pile 2
Cards: Four of Wands, Queen of Cups, Ten of Cups, Three of Cups, The Sun, Eight of Pentacles rx, The Lovers, Two of Wands
Back of the deck: The World
Woah Pile 2, this energy feels very strong and overwhelmingly positive. For some of you, I am getting that you could be famous(ooh la la). I am hearing you could be a model, dancer, or singer. A little similar to pile 1, so you could have also felt called to that pile. You are very fun to be around Pile 2. You seem very extroverted and out-going. I am hearing that you are a lot of people's sunshine. People find you to be hilarious and love spending time with you. People find your overall personality very attracting and are just drawn to you. I am getting that people often see themselves being with you, you have a lot of secret admirers. I heard people see you as a rare breath of fresh air. People love hanging out with you and feeling connected through being around you. It's really attractive when you are just genuinely enjoying yourself. You could like going to clubs or parties. You have a very funny or distinctive laugh that is very addicting. Your voice could also be very smoothing and attractive. I heard smooth like honey lol. But I also feel like some of you may be very loud individuals and people really like that about you. I also heard you have very clear skin and just a very fresh appearance. It is very attractive how trustworthy you are Pile 2. You are seem as a friend that people know they can rely on and loyal to your friends even if you just became friends with them. You also have very nice hair, it looks healthy and smooth even if you have dyed it. I am hearing some of you have very nice legs. You could look really attractive in moments when most people look bad like when you fall over or when you are eating. You have a lot of people watching you Pile 2 and all the comments are positive.
Advice Cards:
Reflect on one of your blessings
Release all attachments that do not serve you
Practice the pause
Pay attention to your breathing, It is reflecting your life
Look closely at what is going on around you
Your spirits wings are unfolding, It is time to take flight!
Channeled Song:
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Pile 3
Cards: Justice rx, Ace of Pentacles rx, Page of Swords, Temperance, Three of Pentacles, Nine of Swords, Ten of Swords, King of Cups rx
Back of the deck: Three of Cups
You are a very powerful soul Pile 3. Your fearless and unstoppable aura makes you extremely attractive. You have unwavering confidence that is immediately noted the moment people make eye contact with you. I feel like you make people nervous just looking at them. You give me very strong femme fatale vibes and it is so hot. You put fear into people's souls in the best way that makes them blush uncontrollably in seconds. You could have gone through a lot of bullshit in the past that has made you determined to never let anyone get to you. I keep hearing a quote from the show Bridgerton that I feel like really relates to this pile. "I was afraid even of my own reflection, I entered a room and attempted to dissolve into the shadows. Instead, I made myself frighting. I sharpen my wit, my wardrobe, and my eye, and I made myself the most terrifying creature in any room I entered."(Lady Dunbury is a complete badass girl boss and I aspire to be like her everyday). You have taken the hard experiences of your past and instead of letting it make you weaker, you used it to your advantage and learned how to grow stronger. This is so attractive. You give off a badass energy that people aspire to be. You could like to wear makeup and it always looks amazing. Especially a dark red lip and bold eyeliner. I am also hearing you look good in tight clothes or clothes that outline your figure. There is a mystery that makes you so attracting to everyone around you. I am not getting that you are the type to keep many people around you but the close friends you do have you would KILL for and you are extremely loyal to which I think people take notice of. Everyone wants to get to know you on a personal level but that's a privilege you only grant to very special people. You also give off the vibe of someone that could defend your self. I heard they don't wanna be on the other side of your fist lmao. But people find that SO hot Pile 3. You get the kind of comments people write about their favorite celebrity on twitter like hit me with your car or you could slap me in the face and I would say thank you lol. But I am also hearing that you maybe have a kind of tomboyish(or just boyish) charm that only people close to you get to see and they find it adorable. You are overall a complete badass that is people can't help but make people a blushing mess in your presence.
Advice Cards:
You are birthing a new self
You are moving beyond your old form. Congratulation!
Hold your life from a sacred viewpoint. Witness the universal picture
Deep, deep down, something needs attention
A rite of passage allows you to move forward into new realms
In harmony with your inner self, you are free to do or be whatever you choose
Allow for old memories to come up and be released
Channeled Song:
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Pile 4
Cards: Eight of Cups, The High Priestess rx, The Tower rx, King of Cups rx, Knight of Pentacles, Page of Swords, King of Coins, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Cups (Don't tell the other piles you got an extra card lol)
Back of the deck: Seven of Pentacles
You have a very childish charm Pile 4. People can't help but laugh when they are around you. You may be very clumsy or say silly things that can't help but put a smile on people's faces. People find you so cute and loveable. It's very attractive how you seem to never give up, even if the odds are against you. I keep seeing you playing chess with someone and you are so clearly losing but you have absolute certainty that you will win despite everything. But then you do win and everyone is surprised but it teaches them that you are not a force to be reckoned with and it really adds to your charm. The people are eating it up Pile 4. You could also be very good with kids and enjoy the less serious parts of life which people find really refreshing. I feel like some people may judge you for being childish but you don't even let it get to you everyone loves that about you. You give off cute bimbo/himbo energy that I think really makes an impression on people. Even after you have left the room, you remain on people's minds. You also have a very strong ambition that makes you shine and stand out from the crowd. I am hearing you may have very large eyes, eyes that sparkle brighter than the brightest star in the sky. People get lost in your eyes Pile 4. I heard that you look really pretty crying. You have a very innocent and youthful glow to you that makes you all the more cute. You also have a lot of hidden talents that you share in random moments. You have hidden lore that always come in handy and wows the people around you. Overall you have a very charming and lovingly goofy personality that makes you very attractive.
Advice Cards:
You are intended to succeed. Align your actions with your highest dreams
Stand your ground
It is time to take appropriate action
Your acts of love, kindness, and unlimited forgiveness bestow grace upon you
Considerable and consistent effort may now be required
You are ready to receive your fortune. Be miracle minded!
Channeled Song:
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Pile 5
Cards: Death, Seven of Swords, Nine of Cups, Queen of Cups, Two of Cups, Two of Wands, Three of Pentacles rx, Knight of Swords rx
Back of the deck: The Devil
I am getting very strong siren vibes from this pile. I feel like you could get anyone to do anything you asked Pile 5. It's almost as if there is an invisible force making everyone fall in love with you. Your smile is very warming and welcoming and I'm hearing that you give the best hugs. You look like you came straight out of a fairy tale, your looks are almost incomparable. I am getting that you might have had a big glow up and now everyone is literally in love with you. Everyone thinks you are their soulmate Pile 5. I am getting that you have very strong duality, almost every style suits you. And to add the cherry on top, you are so humble about it. You might not have even realised that people feel this way about you but OH MY GOODNESS are people swoon over you. I just heard you make the straightest people gay lol. You have people tied around your finger Pile 5. With the Devil at the back of the deck, people are obsessed with you pile 5. They think about you 24/7, tossing and turning with you on your mind at night. I am getting that you have a cheerful and elegant aura that just draws people in. You may be soft spoken but speak in a way that just gets people listening. I am hearing some people find everything you do attractive. Beware of creepers Pile 5. I am getting the same vibes as character from a show called Komi Can't Communicate. In the show, she is too afraid to speak to people but she wants to be friends with everyone, however this is super easy for her since everyone is absolutely obsessed with her and would do anything for her. You are a very warm personality that people can't seem to get enough of.
Advice Cards:
Release all that keeps you in the past. Forgive and liberate yourself!
Give up resistance in your current situation
Your child self needs your attention
This challenge is intended to promote your growth
The issue at hand is about reflection. What is the mirror showing you?
Release all attachments that do not serve you
You are wiser than you think
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 6
Cards: Three of Cups, King of Swords, King of Pentacles, Two of Swords rx, Four of Pentacles, Ten of Swords, Ace of Cups, Death rx
Back of the deck: Ace of Pentacles
Pile 6, you give off a very cool vibe. I feel like you may be into sports or use a skateboard. I heard beautifully tanned skin but that might not be for everyone. What makes you so attractive is your devotion to the people around. You are like everyone's girlfriend/boyfriend/partner in the way that people feel like they can rely on you, trust you with their deepest darkest secrets and protect them at all costs. You are the type to stand up when nobody else would and that is really admirable. You are the type to say the most romantic, poetic shit anyone has ever heard and then shrug it off like it was nothing. So hot Pile 6. I also feel like you are always being your most authentic, real self. You are very in tune with your emotions and are willing to accept when you make a mistake. You may have a very toned muscular body that you aren't afraid to show off. I am getting that you are the type to check in with the people around you and make sure they are ok and healthy which makes people so grateful to have you in their life. You manage to make every conversation interesting and something everyone will talk and joke about years later. You are someone that shows a lot of passion in your life and puts effort into making yourself the best at what you do. I am also hearing that you have a quick wit that people adore. You're wise and very book smart which impresses everyone around you with your endless knowledge. You can also fit into many friend groups, you have a wide variety of interests and it helps you get along with lots of people. Your ability to make friends with anyone and take care of the people around is very attractive. You are brave and bold and it has everyone fawning over you.
Advice Cards:
A rite of passage allows you to move forward into new realms
Love is the answer to your current situation
No better time to exist than right now
Look closely at what is going on around you
You are intended to succeed. Align your actions with your highest dreams
It is time to challenge old beliefs
Boldly imagine what you can do and be
Channeled Song:
Thanks for tuning in₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
ps I recommend everyone listens to Natty's Sugarcoat since I was listening to it the entire time I was working on this reading and I felt like it suited a lot of piles :)
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redwineandtarot · 1 year
Who is your future spouse?
hi! today's pac is about your fs. these are general messages about them. take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. i would love to hear your feedbacks <3
decks used: ethereal visions illuminated tarot deck, the spirit animal oracle deck, moonology oracle cards, the soul's journey lesson cards
note: i am not talking about gender when i say feminine or masculine energies. masculine and feminine energies are just energies. anyone can have feminine or masculine energies regardless of their gender.
🥀paid readings🥀
Disclaimer:My readings do NOT replace any professional advice. Use your own judgment while making decisions. You have your own free will. Take everything I say light-heartedly. All of my readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.
pick a pile
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pile 1-2-3
i do not own these pictures
pile 1
I see that your fs is someone ambitious and ready to fight for what they believe in. They have high hopes for themselves. They can sometimes be a bit too argumentative but mostly I am seeing this as defending what they hold near their fire (i was gonna say heart but i felt like saying fire). They can even fight their closest ones to defend their beliefs. They’ve got a lot of passion. They can see the beauty in things. They mostly have a masculine energy.
I see that while they are mostly in their masculine energy, they still can bring out their feminine energy and be very nurturing. They also have their gentle side inside them. Especially towards the people and things they love. They may have big eyes or very prominent eyes in some way. They may have experienced a big event while they were 18 that still affects them in some way.
They have a lot of gratitude for the things they have achieved so far. They have this balanced energy: while they have this fiery spirit, they can remain calm in situations that they need to stay calm. Again they see the beauty in things and are grateful for having the life they have. They are more on the optimistic side. 
from their higher self to you
Pile 1, are you more of a pessimistic person? Your fs is saying you need to release this pessimistic way of looking at life. Lol they are now saying it's okay if you don't, when they meet you they will help look on the bright side of things. But if you start now it’s mostly for your benefit, they say.
random things: clean and chic, suits
10th house, cancer, mercury
songs: charmer - stray kids (they are a charmer for sure lol), good thing - zedd, kehlani
pile 2
Pile 2, while i was shuffling the cards were going crazy! They may be in a chaotic situation right now. Like having a tower moment in some sort of.
They are on their head a lot. They worry a lot. Maybe it’s just their energy right now and not in general but I am seeing them, like, scattered(?). Like I said, even getting cards for them was hard and it was just chaotic. They have a stubborn energy. They are a go-getter. They are slow at making decisions but once they do it's hard for people to make them turn back. Even when it's better for them to turn back. They are a logical person for sure. And this can be for their detriment sometimes. They may suffer from some kind of mental illness, especially anxiety.
They are curious and independent.  Like they are so careful(?)  about their independence. This might make them seem like they are “not-available” to people. They probably had to learn to be this way in their childhood. They have a cold demeanor but inside they want to open their heart for that special someone. Please be loving to them pile 2, they are a softie inside. You might help them learn to appreciate their long lost softer side.
They might feel lonely even though they have lots of people that love them. I also see that they have an international friend group. Idk if they are always like this but especially right now they feel lonely. They are going through some tough things so probably that's why their energy is also showing up like this. Like they have lost themselves? They try to stand up again pile 2 and sure they will.
They've got a lot to say but feel like they can't share it with anyone. Like they didn't want me to go and tried to keep me with them.
from their higher self to you
It was again hard to get a card. I guess they didn't want you to see them at their worst. 
Their message for you is… Pile 2 they are so sweet, they are encouraging you to go after your dreams. They are like “I am in this way but l don't want this to affect pile 2, they are meant to shine”. They see you as their moon and want you to be confident in your dreams, they believe in you <3
dark aesthetic, dark hair, ginger hair
8th house, scorpio, venus
songs: into it - chase atlantic, i’ll dream of you again - harry connick, jr.
pile 3
Similar to pile 2’s fs, they are going through something right now. But their energy is a lot lighter? Like they have spilled some cups but they have gotten over it. They are already restarting and thinking about what comes next. I think in general they are like this: they overcome hardships fastly. Like they grieve over it, they let them feel their emotions and then they start to look at what's ahead again. It’s random but they may have a powerful(?) family in some sort of way. The scale would be different for everyone but it might be money, respect etc. I also see that they have balanced feminine-masculine energies.
They are attractive physically. Like a lot. When they enter a room, all eyes are on them. They might also have leo placements. But they know their worth. That’s probably why they overcome hardships so fast. And that’s also the reason why they are so determined. Their heart is open, they are emotionally intelligent. And they might have strong intuition in some sort of way.
People envy them a lot. They seem like they have everything together? Like their family is powerful, they know their worth etc. People might gossip about them a lot. So be careful pile 3, there may be false rumors about them. People might think they may have had it easy but it is not true. They also have had their hardships. They appreciate different cultures and different points of views.
from their higher self to you
“You are good enough like the way you are. While change is good, love, you must appreciate the way you are right now.” “I find you physically and emotionally so attractive. You are beautiful my love.” “Don’t hide yourself from me.” They admire your energy a lot, pile 3! They insist on saying that they appreciate you the way you are.
6th house, sagittarius, venus
songs: stand still - sabrina claudio, i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys
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dreamlovetarot · 8 months
☁️「𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑓𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑」🏹
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left to right: pile 1, pile 2, pile 3
Welcome, 𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟,
as we embark upon a journey through the veils of time. In this celestial reading, we shall unveil the whispers of what your destined beloved shall hold most dear in you. Embrace this ethereal dance with an open heart, and may the stars above sprinkle their magic upon your path.
𝐼𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠, 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠,
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝒆𝒇𝒇𝒚 ⁓
Enchanting Disclaimer: Let it be known that Tarot's realm, found within these pages, is one of whimsical entertainment. What transpires is my personal interpretation, a delicate thread weaving through the cards' tapestry. Each portrayal, though bathed in speculation, seeks to capture your imagination. As you tread the starlit path of this reading, the harmony between your heart's song and its melodies shall guide you. Tarot's allure, an ethereal waltz, rests upon the tendrils of choice, where your intuition casts its own spell.
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꒰ 🪼 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑒 01
The cards of your destiny: 7 of cups, child: orphan, the sentinel, the twins
Within the realm of your being, an enchanting tapestry unfolds. Your future spouse is drawn to the radiance of your imaginative spirit, finding allure in the way you perceive the world. Your ability to discern opportunity in even the most intricate patterns of life, and your unwavering understanding of choice, create a symphony of admiration.
Your essence weaves dreams into reality, infusing purpose into each step you take. There's a delicate magic in your willingness to dream without restraint, to paint your life with the hues of possibility. This mystical aura you carry isn't tinged with negativity, but rather a sparkling optimism that kindles fascination.
Yet, beyond the ephemeral, your independence shines like a distant star, guiding you to gather knowledge on your own terms. You're a self-sufficient learner, a wanderer across the cosmos of wisdom, and your partner cherishes this self-reliance.
In your stride, your beloved sees a warrior spirit. Your unwavering faith in yourself and your capacity to conquer any challenge bestows you with an aura of courage and resolve. This inner certainty sets you on a path of endless possibilities, a journey your partner deeply admires.
The Twins card whispers of your multi-dimensional nature. You're a puzzle with pieces that delightfully don't always fit together. Your unpredictability paints your journey with intrigue, offering a constant sense of discovery to your partner's heart.
This fusion of dreaminess and autonomy creates a unique alchemy. You master the art of emotional balance, a dance between grounding and flight. Your independence is the armor that shields you, and your dreams are the wings that let you soar.
In this cosmic dance, you embody a spectrum of hues, and your beloved admires everything about your essence, encompassing green, beige, and even the occasional red flag. You are an enigma with layers that continue to captivate. As you navigate your journey, remember the charm that emanates from your fusion of dreams and self-reliance, as it is casting a spell that keeps your partner forever captivated.
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꒰ 🪼 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑒 02
The cards of your destiny: the moon, angel, the aspirant, the runaway
In the tapestry of your future, your beloved finds fascination in your intuitive nature and your profound self-awareness. Your thoughts, akin to twinkling stars, intrigue their curiosity. They are drawn to your emotional transparency, where you fearlessly share your worries and anxieties, offering a glimpse into the depths of your soul.
What truly enchants your future partner is your selflessness, a trait that shines with a brilliance of its own. Your willingness to extend your help without seeking anything in return casts a radiant glow upon your being. You embody a magical essence that radiates empathy and compassion, pulling them into your orbit.
But you're more than an angelic presence; you're a dreamer with aspirations that stretch toward the cosmos. Your ambition and tenacity in pursuing your dreams are evident. Even in the face of challenges, you approach them with open dialogue and a spirit that marches forward undeterred.
The Runaway card, cloaked in mystery, adds a layer of intrigue to your essence. While you're resolute in facing difficulties, there's also a yearning for personal freedom. Your desire to keep certain parts of yourself hidden imparts an air of enigma. This doesn't hinder your ability to connect; rather, it adds a layer of complexity that draws others in.
In your journey, you may momentarily retreat from challenges, but your determination never wavers. Your reliability shines through, especially in supporting others through their tribulations. Your partner is captivated by the unique harmony you embody, a symphony of strength, compassion, and an alluring aura that casts a spell upon their heart
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꒰ 🪼 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑒 03
The cards of your destiny: ace of wands, warrior, the heir, the enchanter
Within the enchanting dance of your destined union, your future partner is captivated by the radiant bloom of your creativity. You are a wellspring of inspiration, a vessel brimming with untold possibilities. Like a star yearning to blaze brighter, you embrace growth and new horizons, ensuring that every moment shared is a tapestry of exploration.
In your presence, the strength of galaxies twinkles. Your spouse admires your unwavering fortitude and adeptness, where discipline and unyielding determination harmonize effortlessly. An aura of power surrounds you, untainted by the trappings of ego, allowing you to navigate both your internal landscape and external connections with an elegant grace.
Your self-awareness casts a gentle glow, illuminating both your strengths and vulnerabilities. The Heir card alludes to concealed potential, a treasure trove of abilities awaiting discovery even by you. This interplay between modesty and untapped gifts weaves an enchanting allure that draws your partner closer.
Occasionally, hesitation may cast its delicate shadow upon you. Doubts may cloud your perception of your talents, questioning whether you truly measure up or possess the necessary capability. This humility, coupled with a touch of uncertainty, forms an irresistible magnetism that pulls your partner into your orbit.
In your essence resides the art of transformation, a symphony of alchemy. Your mastery lies in transmuting the mundane into the extraordinary, crafting new dimensions from the threads of everyday life. This isn't manipulation in the conventional sense, but a kind of enchantment that breathes fresh life into situations, relationships, and your artistic pursuits.
Be it as a designer, an artist, or a weaver of light, your innate talent to manipulate and shape scenes entrances your future partner. They're captivated by your ability to reshape perspectives, inviting others to see the world anew through your unique vision.
In their eyes, you shine like constellations in the velvet sky, a mosaic of brilliance. Your creativity, your potential, and your artistic flair are celebrated and cherished. They stand as your most ardent supporter, unwavering in their belief in you. In their gaze, your essence swirls like stardust, a mesmerizing fusion of potential and artistic magic.
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© dreamlovetarot 2023 — where every right is held in delicate embrace 🤍 I kindly ask you not to appropriate, replicate, alter, or disseminate my ethereal content.
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theoccultz · 1 year
What others notice about you ,that you are unaware of ?
#Dark reading
can be triggering,as we are talking about the subconscious thoughts of others
Your energy and how you come across, energy field is very interesting so i decided to make one with this theme.
General tarot *in depth *reading.
Let me know if it resonates (:
Pics not mine credits to their rightful owners
Smile . Thunder. String.
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Pile Smile :1010
3 of pentacles (r),Six of swords , judgement, justice(r),2of swords (r).
>Spirit animal -cheetah
People feel like you are meant to make things happen you could be seen as a good team worker who have resources they notice how others wants to be associated with you this pile has this energy :i may be silent but do not mess: people are cautious about you they feel like they need to keep an eye like you may be silent but you can expose their secrets i feel like you may look a little bit dull or have prominent eyes and long thick hairs ? People also feel like you are highly educated and respected so it will be hard to spread rumors abt you as they may seem stupid after they try to do so because you have people defending you like they do not believe anything about you easily
They feel like you are the type of person who works alone or is kind of aloof from others they dont feel like you want to interact with them and it makes them a little bit curious and sad i feel like people dont know you but they have heard of you like personally you wouldn't open up easily people could see you a little bit sad too like it fucks their mind , people see that you can switch up on them .
I cant help but notice how others see so much possibilities but they are unable to pick one they feel like you have different characters and you only stay with people who are closed of ?patient or introverted like you ? People are kind of insecure around you its like they are not confident enough to approach to make a talk so they project onto you ,you may have mars in ascendant,or jupiter square moon that makes your energy and your achievements hidden from the outside world , people want to be in your good books ?
People also feel like you can humble them , hurt them if they say anything wrong that might dissapoint you its like they want your validation you might be the type of person who's kind of a mystery and you shine when its time to show your abilities like the only intern who can make the deal happen even though you dont have much experience.... but its your skills that you play with ,we didnt get the magician here ,energy is quite leaning towards it. You have that clarity and directions to guide others and one wrong step ;could get you angry ? People feel like maybe you ignore others lmao....You may study or analyse others ? Hmm like you know their business yet they are unaware of yours so it makes them to think you may be involved but keep it hidden from others ;that you know what they talk about,what damagies they did to others?they feel like you can expose them lol others are very quick to draw judgements but its all surface level here .
My take:I remember that anime( classroom assasination) that blue haired guy yeah exactly that character if i associate you with one .
Chanelled song:
Pile Thunder:222
Wheel of fortune , knight of cups (r),the world ,king of cups ,2 of cups
Spirit animal:Kangaroo
People think you are sweet and helpful they think you may get hurt easily or you wear your heart on your sleeves ,its like you cant hide what you feel whether you are annoyed whether you feel joyful .Your energy is very peaceful even though i can see you might have hard time to make a decision ,others see you as "lucky" and "cute" they might be a little envious abt it tho,dont overshare anything about yourself.
People see as clumsy ,you'll be the first to lend your shoulders to someone without expecting anything in return-they feel like you are connected to your inner child ,they also feel like you are a chatter box lol ,you are still learning and growing so theres this energy like people want to protect you and they want to make your day better ,they can see others expect a lot from you, i dont know if you are social worker or not but older people feel very drawn to your energy they feel like you can understand them that you look out for them? and that is magic for me personally .....because its hard to match other generation energy and on top of that they feel like you understand them ,they feel like you know how to enjoy life and have fun,if someone betrays you karma comes and bite their ass *its legit what i heard*people see that you a courageous and fearless
I feel like they think you have a good balance of your emotions and you take accountability about it as well people feel like you are the justice type of a person who could do no wrong neither can afford seeing someone in that state , people feel protected in your presence like you can cut a bitch in half if they mess with you ,they also feel like you are anxious or indecisve at times like you need support oh my goodness pile 2. People naturally love you ,you dont have to work hard for their love its good that you know your worth. You may also teach ?you may be open-minded towards others .you look young? Its giving me young blood vibes here
People see you as someone who works hard , someone with a different sense of fashion and interest they feel like you have a dad humour they feel like you can be happy with yourself and that you dont need others ,you are giving and a hard to read kind of person they dont know what step will you take next yet they trust you they feel kind of annoyed when you keep things to yourself *thats so sweet*
Hmm the darkside of this pile could be obsession if i'm being honest tbh if others wants to keep you to themselves then they may get aggresive ,attached , demand yoir time or over protective in that case just cut em off you have inner strength and you can do it, just cut off weirdos and dont trust others easily wait until they prove themselves.
My take: this was light-hearted and sweet af i was getting simp energy as well ,very appreciative comments like people are protective over you just know it ××
If i had to associate you with a character its tinker bell -looks fragile is street smart .
Song i channelled:
Pile String:5458
Ace of wands (r),Nine of wands ,page of pentacles,the empress,5 of wands
Spirit animal-Leopard
The empress speaks for itself -
Oh the big di*k energy look pile #3 no one's fucking with you lets be honest here people notice you and you know it very well ,others can feel your presence,they might stare at you a lot because everyone wants to be in the trend like they wanna know what others are looking at, its like you keep others on the edge.
I juat see you minding your own business but you can be nasty if others wrong you , people notice how you are not afraid to stand up for yourself and correct back ,fire rules your energy , people can see you are action oriented you aren't afraid to step up your game or even leave others behind who's not doing their job properly,you may be the type of person who calls out "nonsense " you dont care whether its a person in power you just know one thing and thats equality ,i feel like people see you as a leader you might feel like people are dependent on you or others choose you mostly for project & stuff its because they know you'll get it done
People feel like you are devils advocate it might be risky to get closer to you but the risk is worth it TBH i see people in background for this pile your energy is loud and up in the face so thats intimidating others prefer to keep their distance theres a lot of envy pile 3 i dont care what you think but you are known if you are aware or not ,you have a lot of people who wants to get closer to you ,they think you know it from the amount of attention you get even if you are an introvert its just the energy which is overwhelming and excitement kind of .
I was getting ring vibe a little bit sassy ,likes to do things for yourself,go out to restaurants alone uff.... idk why others feel like you can start a fight or jump in one 😭☠️they feel like you have principles which you stick by ;you may be a sports person I'm getting recrds !!! Others see you as someone who expresses what they feel either verbally or with expressions like they know this person is annoyed or chill depending on their mood ,feel like people might sugarcoat when they talk to you because they dont want to upset you ?! Weird...
People feel like you have got it all and you are extremely giving to your lovers? you are a great partner who values individuality,you can put your ego aside and apologise you are a sincere person who's willing to make things right i feel like your love language may be physical touch or gift giving, people feel abundant in your energy like a good buddy who they can confide in , have awkward moments together , Others feel like its better when they get to know you as the illusions of projection shatters ,you are someone who's peaceful within yourself and others wish to be like you ,you might travel a lot ?
My take: oh what an energy i feel energized
You might have chiron in 1st house,leo venus ,sun square pluto , Taurus mars,north.node trine saturn ,cancer moon ?! I dont feel like its a chaotic energy at all ,you might talk or type fast that was random lolz .
If i had to associate you with a character it will be that red guy from cars .
Thanks for reading!! Have a good day .
#read more
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mysticheathenn · 24 days
What Will Make You Financially Abundant?
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is for my Patreon All Tiers. This pick-a-card reading is all about what will bring financial stability and abundance into your life.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help. Tarot should be used as entertainment and not a for sure answer to your problems but as a guide, a sense of hope, and amusement.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
Extended Patreon Includes:
What do you need to let go of to bring this to fruition?
What will this abundance bring or gift me?
Extra Messages
Patreon Link
Ko-Fi Donations
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Pile l:
What will bring you Financial abundance? Tarot: 4 of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, Strength, 4 of Cups, King of Swords, Ace of Swords
Following your truth. I know you are probably looking for a straight answer like me saying your current career, a sugar daddy, or the lottery but pile l you are what will bring financial abundance to you. A lot of you are constantly sleeping on the many ideas that spirit has given you because you are either too scared to take the leap, don't believe you are good enough, your idea isn't good enough, or you believe it's already been done before. Either way, you are the key to bringing in this abundance into your life by acting on the ideas that come to you no matter how ridiculous or "bland" they may seem. You are basically sleeping on your own potential and what you can bring into your life. Some of you are even hold yourself back by having a scarcity mindset, not believing that you can bring in financial stability or abundance. Stand in your power or for a few of you stand in your purpose that keeps knocking at your door that you keep ignoring because of fear. This reminds me of a pile in my previous reading. I believe it was pile 3 from my "What Do You Still Need to Heal From?" Reading. Wake up. Smell the coffee and get to work. Stop putting off your ideas. Stop ignoring your ideas. Stop ignoring the path that keeps popping up in your life for you to take. This reminds me of the scene from Barbie where she didn't want to find out why she was "malfunctioning" but she had to find out because if she doesn't she would end up like weird Barbie. This is you pile l...if you don't walk the path you were meant to walk, listen to your ideas, and release this scarcity mindset...you will continue to struggle. Patreon Post Link
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Pile ll:
What will bring you Financial abundance? Tarot: 10 of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, 3 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles, 4 of Cups, 2 of Cups, King of Wands
Sugar Daddy by Qveen Herby is playing in my head as I try to listen for your message pile ll. For some of you this is between a wealthy benefactor or you marrying rich. Especially with the 2 of cups being a card mostly related to romance but it can be used for business opportunities. Another song playing in my head is Finer Things by FEYI. This is my materialistic pile that wants the tips and trips to the island - Money Honey by Lady Gaga. You are all about living a luxurious lifestyle one way or another. You may resonate with wanting a soft life than constantly always being in your masculine energy and bossing everyone around. For some of you, you don't want to work because you believe that you were meant to be some CEO, NFL, NBA, or Tech's spoiled Girlfriend, and others, you want to have the option to work. Maybe you want a small side business like most Trophy Wives living in Beverly Hills where they have a side business to keep them busy instead of always shopping. I can already see you sitting at a cafe, or a spa trip, and international trips with your closest friends. You're surrounded by your spoiled girlfriend friends living the good life sipping champagne while receiving just because gifts from your lover and even push presents for those who want to be a stay-at-home wife. A push present is where you get a gift for your hard work in carrying a child. This pile reminds me of the TLC special that used to run called The Secrets of a Trophy Wife with Jennifer Stano and Layla Milani (I love both of them, especially Layla) her husband absolutely adores her and that's what you want pile ll. (Click the show name for the show trailer of what I was talking about). You want that soft life where you are adored, pampered, and living life of luxury filled with beautiful things and love. Patreon Post Link
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Pile lll:
What will bring you Financial abundance? Tarot: The Fool, High Priestess, The Sun, 4 of Wands, 10 of Wands, The Hermit (reversed), 2 of Wands (reversed)
This is more my spiritual, philanthropy, and humanitarian pile. What will bring you financial abundance is walking in your purpose where you were meant to help others in some shape or form. This could be you working in the medical field, being a lawyer, a spiritual guru, life or spiritual coach, tarot reader, dietician/herbalist, whatever it is you were meant to make your abundance by being of service to other people. I feel some of you know this but you don't want to answer the call because of fear or because of the amount of hard work that comes along with doing this kind of thing. Yes it is taxing some days on the soul but overall all this is what you were meant to do, help others. Bring awareness to certain things in life that will get people talking. I don't want any of you to think the list of occupations is only it, it can also be a techer or whatever else occupation where you are making a difference for the future and in others lives. But it is something that will be hard work to the point some days you will question if it worth it because of how much you have to do in order to bring in this success but you will always be reminded in some form that it is definitely worth it and to keep going. Patreon Post Link
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Pile lV:
What will bring you Financial abundance? Tarot: Ace of Swords, Ace of Cups, 3 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, 6 of Swords
This pile is a mixture of walking away from your current job for something better, following a business venture, or even just doing freelancing (Etsy, Fiverr, Upwork, etc). I don't know what you are up to pile lv all I know is that you are unsatisfied with where you are currently because of either a toxic workplace or knowing that you can make more money elsewhere but aren't sure where to start. Here is your sign to leave and go where you are meant to go. Again this is a general reading and everyone has a different job. Leaving your job for a better environment and higher pay is one thing but for most of you I feel you want to open your own business, or just freelance your work or maybe even work from home is what I am hearing for a few of you. Either way, this idea you have is completely doable it just involves you leaving where you are currently at. Some of you aren't scared you just aren't too sure about the future and just need a push to get there while others of you are waiting for a sign or a more solid reason to leave because you listen too much to other people who wouldn't understand why you left because of XYZ and I am here to tell you to just do you. You do not need to answer to other people on why you left a job to pursue something better. Not every wave was meant to be chased or followed and this goes for where you are currently especially since you are miserable where you are now. Patreon Post Link
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay safe and be blessed
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astrologylunadream · 7 months
Channeled Messages From Your Person💌🔥💟 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream🤗 I'm here to give you a reading on what your person want's to say to you!💖 hope you find your message🌸💫
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌸💞
Pile 1🎀
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Pile 2🍋
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Pile 3🍒
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Pile 4🍾
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💌
Pile 1🎀
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Sign energy: Earth, Silence, Wounds, Spirit, Concert, Leo, Cancer, Earth, Uranus, Libra, 👼😟💁‍♀️😴
💞Your person's energy: Okay my lovely pile 1's your person is very kind and compassionate, they are such a sweetheart.☺ Your person has a very pretty energy they are so creative and inspiring! Might have leo, cancer or libra placements as well as earth placements (capricorn, taurus, virgo) or aquarius as well. This could be a singer or performer or go to concerts often, they're into things like fashion and music. I'm getting a no contact situation right now, this is someone you really want to hug right now.🥺💗 A very spiritual person too, they are so unique. They make you happy and they heal you so much, but this silence between you is making you both very sad and lonely. One of you might have ghosted the other omg noo you guys are definitely not communicating the best right now. You two adore eachother and you just want to see the other smile, This person has really cute hair and they have a more feminine energy to them (even if male). They have a sparkle in their eyes that makes you feel so safe and at home, you feel like you can trust them and you're emotionally attached to your person.💓
💌Messages from your person: I'm mature now, I can't believe it, You can tell me anything, Don't show interest in me, You really think I would choose you? Close your eyes, You might get scared, I'm going to steal your heart. (Pile 1's person is romantic omg) Extra cards: Outfit, Open, Slow, 12th house, Believe, Jupiter, Venus, Libra, Cancer, 9th house (Your person wants to tell you they have so much love for you omg like they dream of you so often and you're the one for them💗 They wanna take care of you and they are accepting your love with open arms😍)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the bow emoji~🎀 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2🍋
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Sign energy: Need, Song, Myth, Sacrifice, Unheard, Juno, Gemini, Earth, South node, Uranus, 🍋💤🤭🤐
💞Your person's energy: Okay so your person is so set on you pile 2, like they are so loyal and you have a wondeful bond. This is most likely a no contact between you two like you guys really want eachother but it's complicated😫 This is someone you became close to, could be a friend situation. This connection is somewhat sporadic and unpredictable for the both of you. Your person would risk it all for you because they see you as their other half, you're like a best friend and partner to them.💓 I'm getting that this person isn't big on labeling relationships, they could have wanted to keep things casual hence the reason for this no contact period. This could be someone you used to talk to a lot but now you guys don't talk anymore, I'm getting such an awkward silence between you two. Like someone's really sleeping on this connection omg. You guys may have a past where one of you turned down the other's confession, but I only see that for some of you. Things could have gone sour between you two, and so you don't know what to say. One or both of you are the type to send playlists to the other and you may share a favorite songs and genres, one of you might have stopped replying to the other for whatever reason. They miss you so much and they need you, they worry they messed things up for you both and they keep thinking of the past.😔 You want to be with this person.
💌Messages from your person: Can't we just see eachother? Get it together, No one has to know what we are, I don't want to pressure you, I can feel your love, I need comfort, I made a mistake, Please don't leave me, (Aww🥺) Extra cards: Valentine, Desert, Adventure, Clothes, Accident, Sagittarius, Water, Scorpio, 9th house, Saturn
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the lemon emoji~🍋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 3🍒
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Sign energy: Pleasure, Adventure, Center, Hurt, Chest, Eros, Virgo, 4th house, 12th house, 2nd house, ❌🤦‍♂️💜🤭
💞Your person's energy: Omg welcome my lovely pile 3 this one is getting interesting already.😆 So your person is really attractive to you like you just can't keep your heart rate down, especially when you're fantasizing of them~ Your person is a thrill seeking yet very comforting individual, they have this charm about them because they seem so hot and then so sweet at the same time.🥰 The color purple could be significant to you or them. This is someone you dream of, some of you get swept away fantasizeing of a happy family and stable life with this person. You think they're so sweet lol lemme tell you pile 3 your person is a riot🎉 They are so fun-loving and passionate with everything they do, and this person is also the life of the party like so many people like them. They may always be the center of attention or mostly your attention, you dream of this person a lot.💕 For signs we have virgo, cancer, pisces and taurus energy, could have virgo 4th house placement so gemini rising which makes sense because they are very charismatic and witty. Just know they turn you on really easily especially their chest area, omg this person may have inner conflict about you like they care so much about you that it scares them. You may have tried to push them and this connection away, but you still care for each other deeply. They put you first and care for your needs, and secretly want to give you pain and pleasure in the best way but they won't force you. They most likely keep this to themselves because they don't want to scare you.🥺 They would hate for things to end, because they're so emotionally attached to you.💓
💌Messages from your person: Are you in love with them? We're more than just friends, What do you think of me? You should smile more, I hate this, This is all your fault, You're my soulmate, I want to hate you, Extra cards: Feelings, Work place, Activity, Performance, Tease, Libra, 3rd house, Water, Earth, Leo
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the cherry emoji~🍒 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 4🍾
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Sign energy: Frozen, Future, 6th house, Libra, Neck, Eros, 6th house, Air, 7th house, 2nd house, 😚✍☔🛑
💞Your person's energy: This is a very strict energy, there's definitely a pause on their responses to you right now. This could definitely be a coworker or someone you have to remain professional with, but the awkward tension is making things harder for the both of you.😫 They have a very put together look about them, they may dress fancy or indulge in expensive care. They could come off as cold or nonresponsive at times but you guys they're putting on a poker face😚 and they are prone to overthinking.💭 Your person worries about your future with them, and they may be the type to buy your trust back to rebuild or secure your relationship. That or they might expect some sort of compensation for their time lol. They are very intelligent and mindful, while also maintaining respectful and well mannered. This could very well be a writer or that could be significant to their work. They have a beautiful way with words and how they think, almost like a poet🌷 This person could act mature for their age, could be older and the neck could be prominent. I sense your person wears turtlenecks often, very well groomed and organized. But don't think they don't get turned on by you because they do😂❤ They seem almost uninterested until you see what's in their minds. Pile 4 your person is quietly hella attracted to you and the little things you do make their nervous system overheat like an oven omg they gotta start fanning themselves because they get so nervous🥵
💌Messages from your person: I won't judge you, You owe me, I can't believe it, How could you? Is this just a game to you? You want it? I'm not on your level, The past is in the past (Omfg let it go reference anyone?? I pulled the frozen oracle card and now this??😂😂) Extra cards: Swim, Dragon, Purple, Pet, Drive, Uranus, 1st house, Mercury, Capricorn, Moon, (Omg you're their property now🙈💋🔥)
Thank you so much my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the champagne emoji~🍾 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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moooncats · 29 days
✿ Pick A Card : Your Toxic Traits ₍₍ (̨̡ ‾᷄ᗣ‾᷅ )̧̢ ₎₎ ✿
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✿ Pile 1 ✿
Popular Loner
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Detatched as fuuuuck. 💀 Oof pile 1, I'm hearing you convey the same energy as an Aquarius/Libra. You don't have to be that particular sign, but you do display simmilar traits. With that pile 1, you are very smart and you know that in some situations your words may cut like a knife... and yet you still full send them lmfao. This pile is goofy af, on top of that you are very hard to get a hold of. Deadass I'm seeing you tend to fall off the face of the planet, then randomly reactivate your social media's and positing again to see who missed you or whats buzzing. 🐝 ✨️ I'm hearing "Whats the tea 🍵?¿" Your card Pile 1 was the Queen of Swords. Althought it may seem like a favorful card, this is actually far from the truth. You are so in touch with your logic based brain that you are failing when it comes to connecting to your own emotions. They are turned off so you can percieve things as they actually are and continue to stay on the high pedstal that you put yourself on. Pile 1, I'm seeing here that so many people want to collaborate with you, but you love them at a distance. You rarely do anything else that isn't hanging out with your family doing errands, or working and stacking up silently. This may also be my piles who work from home. You prefer to be secluded in your own energy and most don't know that much about you. You may also be very "vocal" when it comes to your social media. This can lead to "trolling" or "fights" that happen. Pile 1 lets be honest, you like to stir the pot lmfao. Messsyyyy.
✿ Advice From Spirit ✿
Your Angel guides and spirits think you'll grow out of this phase. So that's good news right there pile 1. You may be on the Younger side, or have a youthful way of thinking. Honestly, you as a person is very likable. You tend to gravitate people towards you just from vibes alone, and people love that about you. I'm hearing, "You need to rationalize better, and use honesty in your everyday life with straightfowardness". With this type of living, your encounters will become enriched with trust from your own judgment and maintain integrity in your day to day life. I'm also hearing "Be there for people more, open up your boundaries and live life day by day, be present". Once you genuinely want to spend time with more people, you will reach the point of your life where you can be of guidance to others. Just like how the Queen of Swords was. Less Arguments, and more Growth. 🌱 (:
Channeled Songs:
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✿ Pile 2 ✿
Fight Club
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Why do you feel the need to even have to fight if you'll always come out right in the end? Like whats the use... I'm seeing someone who likes to get receipts, facts, everythinggggg before they start to go psycho mode and yell at people to defend their own ideals. Pile 2, your card was 5 of Swords. I'm hearing Smack a Bitch by Rico Nasty.
Especially when she say's "Don't work at MAC, but I'll beat a bitch's face". Bwahahaha Pile 2 you are fighters let's go! It reminds me of something my gamer girl friend always says "Violence is always the answer". While it may seem true to you; ya do know that sometimes it's better to let things settle and silence is always an answer as well? Why must you add more flames into the conversation just to set everything and everyone on fire? Contemplate on that thought pile 2 lmfao. You may think that you're very defensive and you wouldn't hurt a fly but babyyyy Tarot ain't lying here Lmao. Lemme call you out (with love ofc haha ♡). Pile 2 you are seen as a hot pan. Filled with oil and if one spec of water touches you, you'll go ape shit hahah. People around you have learned to just keep you happy and fed so you don't go all aggro on them. They know you hold grudges secretly until you kinda just dgaf then full send all those emotions that were held deep inside. Honey, you have to do some shadow work before you make everyone around you run. Trust me being lonely is not a flex. As human beings, we need to be surrounded by each other to function properly.
✿ Advice From Spirit ✿
Please look within yourself and ask for help from your loved ones. I'm hearing "We just want to know that you are okay". Giiiiirl, soooo many people are trying to reach out to you- yet you give them the cold shoulder and take on all this pain as your own... it is not. You are amazing, wonderful, LOVED. You have people around you who want to help, let them pile 2. I'm seeing that they are your soul tribe, and they will help you through the grief and pain you are going through. Your Angel Guides and Spirits want you to gain Fortitude during these times, it is great to be resillient and compassionate during these times. They also want me to bring up shadow work. It will help you a lot on your jouney here on earth. Please start journaling all those past trauma's so they can heal and you can be more level headed and yourself. (: Heres a hug pile 2, you'll get through it one day. ♡
Channeled Songs:
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✿ Pile 3 ✿
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You are it baby. Honey, You're a star did you know that?
All eyes are on you. You may have already known that from a young age, but I'm seeing here that you tend to dim your light so others can shine more. Why do you do that? Stars are meant to be seen. You are supposed to be guiding people, but instead you're making others guide randoms and they have nothing in common? Lmfao I'm seeing you being extremely friendly to everyone and when one bad person says something wrong about you, your whole friend group is broken up cause you trusted too easily and you made someone else their star. Giiiiirl get it together. You are deadass the main character without even trying, yet you feel insecurities that aren't even there. Seriously who says one star is better than the other? They are all equally beautiful. And like a snowflake, no two are like the other. Your card was The Star pile 3. ⭐️✨️ You are constantly putting bad eggs on the pedastal while you reduce yourself down to less than that of dirt. It's so sad to hear and see pile 3. People can clearly see that you are insecure, and you like to hold feelings like jealousy because you feel a sense of incomplete. Oof that was really deep pile 3, please let me know if I hit a nerve. This is coming from love I promise. ♡♡♡
✿ Advice From Spirit ✿
Pile 3, never let your dreams die. You know that you are on the right path when you are following it with clear conscice intentions. Your spirit already knows what to do. Just tap into your intuition and follow it. Embrace your unique talents and always let them shine brightly. Have faith in the universe and you will forever shine brightly like a star in the night sky. ♡ Please start listening to empowering songs that will make you feel amazing and great. I added in two from my playlist for you pile 3. Please make sure to read the lyrics and use it as a daily affirmation. You will 100% feel the difference in 2 weeks max. ♡
Channeled Songs:
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Mahalo for reading this! If you enjoyed it please leave a like and comment down below. Comments always make my day honestly. ♡ I hope what I said did not offend people. It was advice sent from spirit with love. ♡ You are all amazing, wonderful, rad individuals! (: Remember to drink and stay hydrated baby bats! 🦇 ^-^ Moooncats out! 🚀⭐️✨️
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icanseethefuture333 · 8 months
PAC: Urgent messages from your shadow self 🕷🕸🖤
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Please leave a tip if you can $$$
Trigger warning: These tarot cards contain graphic content (gore, syringes, etc.) and in this pac there is mentions of trauma, substance abuse, inner child wounds, etc. The tone of the words will also sound blunt because the shadow self is brutally honest. Viewer discretion is advised.
Pile 1:
Beautiful Liar by Beyoncé & Shakira
Special by Ashnikko
Black Swan by BTS
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Four of Fire, Two of Air, & Daughter of Air.
(Clarified by Adjustment)
Your shadow self wants to urge you to find balance within yourself and your life. Perhaps you are someone who is constantly juggling with tasks, hobbies, or responsibilities. You are being a "jack of all trades, but a master of none". You don't know how to multitask and yet you are still trying to do it - why? You are overwhelming yourself. Take smaller steps vs trying to finish everything all at once. You are making yourself sink into this hole of frustation on your own. In the future, you will just make things more difficult if you persist in this charade of yours. Your shadow self is giving you a kick in the butt because you rely too much on charm when you mess up or to get away shit. Also your "white lies" could turn into big lies. If you needed a job per say, this behavior could have you looked down and be seen as unprofessional. There's a lot of visuals regarding the circus. Such as the acrobats or fire tamers. You are talented and witty. Use your wits to find ways to accomplish your goals. I am also being reminded of the scene from Mulan where she unsheaths her swords and you can see her reflection. Perhaps you have a duality to yourself that you are unaware of. You need to look into the lightness and darkness of your soul. What are your light or shadow attributes? Your strengths or weaknesses? Think of what they are and write it down, then create a plan. Once you have decided what to do or how you can make better decisions. You will start to make progress in your journey. The girl is walking on a tightrope with a stick and bowls(?) on her head. This could mean you literally need to "tighten up" which is an expression of handling your business basically. There is birds flying behind her. Your spirit guides and higher self are supporting you as you walk towards your destiny. Be patient and grounded. You will feel proud of yourself in the end and feel grateful you learned this lesson. (Clarifying song: Libra by The Deli) You could be someone with Libra placements or you need to surround yourself with people that are this sign. This could also mean embodying the traits of Libra. They are known for their balance, diplomacy, fairness, friendliness, & charm.
Pile 2:
Assassin by Au/Ra
Cellophane by FKA Twigs
Go To Sleep by Bearson ft. Kailee Morgue
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Five of Water (reversed), Seven of Air, & Son of Earth
(Clarified by The Magus (reversed).)
Tsk tsk. You're self sabotaging. What's going on, pile 2? I feel like you're trying to get over past disappointments but things keep crumbling and falling apart in your very eyes. You could be dealing with depression right now or you're avoiding the world because of this fear of yours. You could be laying in bed a lot or sleeping more than usual to cope. Some of you could have gotten rejected by someone you really liked and are thinking the worse as if it's the end of your love life. There's over 8 billion people in the world, it's not the end unless you act like it is. There could be so much abundance ahead of you if you would just stopped being so inconsistent and indecisive. Reflect as to why you're afraid, why are you self sabotaging, why are letting your life past you by when there's a whole world out there ready to be explored? (Clairifying song: NO PROBLEM by Nayeon ft Felix of Stray Kids) Whatever you dealt with is not happening to you right now. You survived baby. Sometimes it's good to be single because you can focus on putting that love towards your own heart. Try to focus on having fun vs finding the "one". You'd be surprised by how many people will be knocking at your door when you realize how much of a catch you are. Also stop comparing yourself to people on social media. Learn to see past people's illusions and understand they only post the positives of what's going on their life because they're scared of being vulnerable or seen as a failure. You are gonna do just fine if you focus on your own happiness.
Pile 3:
Dëserve It by Yeat
I'm Not Sorry by imagine Dragons
Element. by Kendrick Lamar
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Three of Earth, Eight of Water, & The Universe
(Clarified by The Fool)
You usin' work and self achievements to cope huh? You're always working so hard to accomplish things, but have you ever took a minute to realize that you are already accomplished even if you don't succeed? (Clarifying song: No L's by Smino) Why do you always need to win? What's so bad about losing? Loss can be scary, but it can teach us valuable lessons in life as well. You fear of being seen unsuccessful, a failure. You don't want to be the gossip in your town, at your job, or family functions. Everything you do, you just work and work. You not addressing the problems in your life. What are you working for? You have money, you have trophies, you have awards, you have a long list of achievements, you have your own place, but that is not healing you. Your valuables are just things. They are not fulfilling you emotionally or mentally. For some of you, you need to stop being a doormat just for the sake of a paycheck or being provided for. This could be someone at your job, school, etc, who is stressing you. Your shadow self wants to tell you to not let anyone make you act out of character but it also gives you permission to put a bitch in check and in their place if needed to. Start setting boundaries. You need to start treating yourself with love and care as if you were a baby. You deserve to be taken care of. Nurture your soul. Nurture your heart. Nurture your mind. If you're not protecting yourself then what is the point? Don't fall into the system of being a worker bee or give into hustling and grinding culture, to the point it's gonna harm your health.
Pile 4:
Team by Iggy Azalea
Player by Tinashe
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Ace of Water, Mother of Water, & Eight of Earth
(Clarified by The Star)
Okay so I had to reshuffle for this pile because I didn't take a picture of the first cards I got so I had to redo this, so this is the last spread I finished out of all the other piles. What's interesting is that since it's getting dark I had to turn on my led mirror and use it as a lamp. It was illuminating a light onto The Star card, which I find interesting. A wish fulfillment is on its way. You guys could be manifesting something or reciting affirmations in the mirror. In the song, Stunna Girl keeps saying "I'm a stunner girl" repeatedly, stunner means to be "a strikingly beautiful or impressive person or thing". Stunna Girl has also went viral and become more popular after appearing on the show "Baddies West". You could be growing into your confidence soon and learning to love yourself unconditionally and unapologetically. You could even become more popular or go viral on social media. For some of you, you are healing generational trauma for your female ancestors. They are so proud of you! Or you could come from a family with a lot of powerful, strong, independent women. In a patriarchal society, a woman who is outspoken, knows her worth, and is self assured, is looked down upon because they are less easy to humble and manipulate. Insecure men could paint you as a "bitch" or that you look "mid", to try to humble you when that is just lies. You need to know that you're a bad bitch and that you deserve the best. Your shadow self wants you to stand tf UP! Stop giving a fuck about what other people want you to do or think of you. Make them uncomfortable with your glow up. The women in your family worked and yourself as well have worked too god damn hard for you to sit on your ass and wallow in your tears. You are smart enough, you are strong enough, you are pretty enough, you are ENOUGH. Straighten up your spine and fix your posture. Walk into the room as if you own it. I don't care if you just rolled out of bed with a pair of stained sweatpants and dirty Chuck Taylor's on, you better rock it as if it's designer. Your shadow self will back hand your ass harder than Maddy slapped Cassie from Euphoria if you keep getting in your head and overthinking about shit that's not even that serious. Also, you can have anybody you want, if somebody is stressing you out - Drop their ass and move on. You deserve to be treated like royalty. Stop settling for dust! For some of you, this message could be specific, but your mother is very proud of you or you will be set free from a mother wound. You need to read a book (48 Laws of Power and The Art of Seduction for example) or head to the books if you are a student. Also in your love life, you will not be getting played anymore, but you will be the player (not talking about breaking people's hearts or cheating, calm down Karen 😮‍💨). You will stop chasing love interests and they will be chasing you. Secure attachment for the win 💪🏽. (Clarifying song: Eat It Up by Kaliii ft. BIA). Eat this shit up, pile 4. All this is yours. You are gonna be living your best life soon. NSFW message but some of you will also feel more pleasure in your sex life and will feel more confident about demanding what you want in the bedroom. People will live to please you. There is a lot of fertility here, so be careful if you are able to get pregnant.
Pile 5:
For The Record by Sophiya
Up All Night by Drake ft. Nicki Minaj
Energy by Beyoncé ft. BEAM
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Father of Fire, Four of Air (reversed), & Nine of Water (reversed)
(Clarified by Seven of Fire)
You have a lot of passion, pile 5, but you seem to get burnt out easily when it comes to trying to achieve your desires. There is a goal that you are reaching towards that you so desperately wish to achieve to the point its keeping you up at night and causing you to feel restless. Some of you could smoke, you need to cut that down or quit all togerher because it is making your nerves really bad or making you even more anxious (could cause you to age physically faster as well). Some of you could have been ghosted by someone you fell in love with pretty quickly. Possible love bombing? There is a lot of highs and lows in this relationship. Is this a friends with benefits situation? You could have a crush on someone but you are too afraid to state your feelings, so you use your sex appeal to keep them around. You need to voice what you are wanting out of this relationship because this flame will only last so long if you keep going this way. (Clarifying song: My Strange Addiction by Billie Ellish) there is so much about "fire", "lighters", "matches", "fuses", and "smoke" being mentioned in this pile. Are you guys pyromaniacs 😂? I would hope not, if you are please seek help for that lol. If not, you guys could be drawn to the "fire" as in things that intentionally just burn you in the end. It's almost as if you get off to this toxic behavior but then when it ends, you act unstable. You need to find the courage to stop engaging in behaviors that are bad for your mental, emotional, or physical health. Also be brave when expressing your needs in a relationship, if they agree then maybe you can work it out, if not, then it's time to leave. Some of you also could have an anxious attachment or have a fear of abandonment due to a absent father. You need to do shadow work or talk with a therapist to heal that. Learn to find emotional fulfillment and security within yourself.
Pile 6:
Skinnydipped by Banks
Don't Recall by KARD
Sober by Mahalia
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Are you overcoming an addiction, Pile 6? Or wanting to go sober? Either way, I commend you for the strength in wanting to do so, since I know that isn't easy. This could also mean your shadow self wants you to quit doing drugs or drinking alcohol because it is making you act manic. I feel like you were treated harshly growing up or you were left with the "vultures". You could have been neglected growing up and had to learn to survive. You could of used maldaptive daydreaming to cope. Your fantasies gave you comfort in a time of stress and turmoil. I'm so sorry for that, pile 6, but you have to understand you no one is out to get to you. You can choose a new story for yourself. You dont have to be a victim anymore. You are free to start a new life for yourself. Some of you came from abusive households or were put in the system at a young age (either you were adopted or was in foster care). You could have lived in multiple places or went from house to house as a child. Did you run away as a kid? Why were you running, sweetheart? You can stop running now, take a new route. Just peacefully go towards your new journey. There is no need to rush. (Clarifying song by Come Down by Anderson .Paak & They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y) by Pete Rock & C.L Smooth) October is significant for some of you. There is going to be growth and prosperity in your life. You need to take time to nurture yourself and practice some self care. I heard "sprout" so you need to look inwards and have a conversation with your inner child. Can you remember your childhood? Do your memories seem blurry or you can't recall anything that happened? Be kind to yourself and be patient. I know it can seem nerve wracking at first but overtime you will be grateful you did it. Think of your younger self as this seed, if no one watered the plant, gave it sunlight or natural light, or fed it with fertilizer, then you can be the first to make that seed grow. Tend to your garden. This will help you build character and gain optimism. You will start to think "Hey, you know what? Maybe life isn't so bad. Maybe I can be a somebody!" And you will :) ♡ You could also be feeling very nostalgic or reminisce your youth. People could also see your growth and remember as a kid, they are going to be surprised how successful you've become to overcome your hardships. Also try to seek the professional help of a therapist or counselor if you try to unpack childhood trauma, or if you can't remember your past, it can be a sign your brain is possibly blocking you out from remembering something traumatic. Be safe and take care, pile 6 🙏🏽
Pile 7:
Run by SAAY
Monster by EXO
Just A Girl by No Doubt
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Nine of Fire, Five of Air, & The Empress (reversed).
(Clarifidd by Son of Water)
Oh my 😃! Wow pile 7, do you hold a grudge against the entire male population or a masculine in mind, it seems? You are acting mad bitter. I feel you have the tendecy to be a misandrist out of the trauma from your past. You feel angry that men can get away with their wrong doings while women are forced to suffer. Ironically, you are still attracted to them. You could be struggling with your divine feminine energy. You are also resenting what it means to be a "feminine". You wish to create this on your own terms. Are you apart of the LGBTQ? or consider yourself a feminist? Maybe even both? If you are someone who is a man or identifies with masculine energy, it could mean you behave feminine in a negative way (as in you "nag" or are too "sensitive"). This also reminds me of Jules in season 2 of Euphoria when she cut her hair, started wearing black, and began to feel comfortable in her androgynous style. Some of you guys are really mixed up emotionally and mentally. Like no offense, I take that back, your shadow self wants to say "full offense" - you are acting crazy. Slow down, take a deep breath, and let it go. You are valid in your pain and your emotions, but you cannot let this world make you bitter. You can't inflict pain onto other people just because you were hurt. You are not a monster, you are not the person who hurt you. Do better and be better than them. (Clarifying song: Close Your Eyes by Kim Petras & The Hills (remix) by The Weeknd ft. Nicki Minaj) I am being reminded of the scene from Doja Cat's Streets music video when she was like this spider crawling on it's web, catching their "prey" (the love interest). You are like a black widow. Beautiful to admire from afar, but dangerous to interact with up close. There is someone who is head over heels for you. You could like this person or are pushing them away out of fear. You could be the type of person who warns people before they fall in love with you (Watch the movie "It's A Thin Line Beyween Love & Hate"). You could have even sworn to never love again (Your shadow self: "bffr" 💀). You need to harness this hatred, anger, and darkness for a better cause. Use your pain as a passion to transform yourself and become someone magnificent. Like a spider, you are resourceful. Use your sources and use your intelligence to begin this new transformation. You're lashing out of fear. You're pushing people away because of your trauma. You deserve to be treated tenderly, you're not some scary creature. You are actually so empathetic, intuitive, creative, sensual, and enticing. A mystery that people want to unravel. You are a going to be a femme fatale in it's purest form.
Pile 8:
By Any Means by Jorja Smith
Feelings by Tinashe
Human by Sevdaliza
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Five of Fire, Nine of Air, & The Moon
(Clarified by The Hierophant)
Pile 8, why are you ripping yourself apart to fit into society's pressures and demands? When will you realize that you are beautiful in your own way? I remember when Kendrick Lamar said: "If a flower bloomed in a dark room would you trust it?". Not every flower grows in the sunlight or the spring or the summer. Some grow during the harsh, cold weather of the winters or when everything falls in autumn. You are in competition with no one but yourself and you are not going to win this game if you treat yourself like shit. If you wanna be a winner, then you need to start acting like one vs acting like a sore loser. When things go wrong, you are so unnecessarily rude and hard on yourself. Why is that? Ask yourself these things next time you catch yourself thinking that way. You're not anything of the mean things you say about yourself or what people have said to you. You struggle with your insecurities and cling to what gives you comfort even though you know you want better than this, you want better than what you are currently doing. Why do you stick to the same routine everyday even though you know you want change? Sometimes you have to be uncomfortable so you can be comfortable. You may compare your beauty to other people but you need to realize no one is perfect. You are human, as the song goes. A human with "flaws, veins, scars". Embrace your imperfections. You don't want to look back at your past and regret you never took action on anything because you weren't "pretty" enough. Look past your appearance and look inside. (Life Goes On by BTS) What are you are clinging to, pile 8? Are you holding onto something? You're holding sanding at this point and it's slipping through your fingers, you are stuck in this hour glass, wishing to be released. Time keeps ticking and life passes you by. Break free from the perceptions of time and start living your life to the fullest without limitations, doubts, and fears. Life has its up and downs but you have to learn to find hope in dark times. Seek help from your shadow self or the universe when you are in need of faith. Trust the divine that things will always work out for you, no matter what.
Pile 9:
Let It Out by Rico Nasty
UCKERS by Shygirl
Ghetto Gatsby by Brent Faiyaz ft. Alicia Keys
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Two of Love, Three of Air, & Eight of Water
(Clairifed by Ace of Air)
Time to end it with a bang 🤬🥊💥! Did you just go through a break up, pile 9? Whether it was with a friend or partner. You are internalizing a lot that happened from this relationship, honestly, you interalize everything. Your shadow self wants you to let out whatever you're feeling. Scream, shout, yell, etc. It is time to stop turning the other cheek and speak up. You also need to confront something or someone who hurt you. (Clarifying song: Fingers by Zayn & Roman's Revenge by Nicki Minaj ft. Eminem) Ugh this person is so LAMEEE 😒🙄 Once you finally get over this connection, they will want to come back and talk to you about what happened. You or this person could have been writing text messages but never sending them. This conversation will be your chance to gain clarity and communicate about how you felt in your relationship. This will help you move on and also allow you to learn to stand up for yourself.
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