citizenoftmrrwlnd · 3 months
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stimboard for : spiderman noir (spiderverse) including records, photography, and spiderwebs
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gw3n-stacy · 11 months
Swing into the Spiderverse (aka all Spider people) kin server!
This server is for anyone 18+ who is kin with someone from a Spider(person) source! Any source is allowed, from tv shows, to movies, to even the comics! As long as you're kin with some variation of a Spiderperson, and you're 18+, you're more than welcome here!!
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
Why did I only just have the realization that Deadpool wasn't always Deadpool. There was a time before his stupid (/affectionate) rip off of a suit and trauma. Literally what the fuck.
- Spider-Man, who is flabbergasted
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calling-for-kins · 2 months
Hey! My name’s Peter Parker, I’m from most general Spider-Man sources, but mainly the Insomniac (PS4/5) and TASM universe(s)! I’m looking for any sourcemates, but anyone else who’d like to talk is free to interact:)
My only request is to not be a blank blog (like be active / don't be a blank blog). But other than that, I don’t really have any boundaries or anything:)
To find me, I'll be over at @insomniac-pbparker, or interact with this post and I’ll come say hi:)
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pahishylje · 8 months
Mä selailin vanhoja lapsuuskuviani. Ihan albumin päästä löytyi mun seurastani joku aivan tuntematon poika. Mä katson sitä kuvaa ja tajuan: mä muistan ton pojan! Joku avainmuisto herää syvältä mun alitajunnasta.
Mun vanhemmat ei tiedä edes sen nimeä. Seinäjoen synnytyssairaala, elokuu 2005. Mun pikkusisko on syntynyt edeltävänä päivänä.
Mä olin vähän päälle yksivuotias, tää poika näytti olevan ehkä 5-7. Sillä oli päällään punaiset polvishortsit, sininen Superman-paita ja ruskeat sandaalit.
Toi poika on yksi ensimmäisiä ihmisiä, ensimmäisistä kokemuksista, joista mulla on minkäänlaisia muistikuvia. Sen kanssa leikkiminen on ensimmäinen kokemus joka mulla on siitä universaalista kokemuksessta, kun lapsi tapaa vanhempiensa raahaamana jossain random nurkassa toisen lapsen. Ne ei edes esittäydy toisilleen. Ne leikkii keskenään ehkä kaksikymmentä minuuttia, mutta se tuntuu tuntikausilta.
Meillä oli jotain leluja, liian pieniä mun ikäiselle lapselle. Pikkuautoja? Jotain sellaista. Se puhui jostain supersankarista. Varmaan Supermanistä. Spidermankin taidettiin mainita.
Vieressä on kuva, jossa mun mummu ohjastaa hellästi mun kättä, antaa mun koskettaa mun siskoa. Mä en muista sitä ensimmäistä kertaa, kun mä tapasin mun pikkusiskon. Nukkuvan, lähes elottoman vauvan joka ei vielä ollut kunnolla ihminen. Ei ainakaan sellainen ihminen, jonka kanssa yksivuotias voisi tehdä mitään kiinnostavaa.
Sen pojan mä muistan. Se on ensimmäinen asia, jonka mä todella muistan, sen pojan kanssa leikkimisen. Mä selaan koko albumin alusta loppuun, se on lähes kronologisessa järjestyksessä, mun elämäni ensimmäinen vuosi. Vasta toiseksi viimeisellä sivulla mä näen tämän pojan leikkimässä kanssani ja totean ensimmäistä kertaa ääneen, innokkaasti; mä muistan ton pojan!
Mikähän sen pojan nimi on, kuka se on? Nykyään tuo lapsi olisi kai noin 24-26 vuotias.
Toivottavasti se voi hyvin.
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winter-kins · 2 years
heyo! love the blog theme!! could i request some neopronouns for a (non-canon) spiderman kin? emoji pronouns are fine :]]!! thank ya!
-pk parker 🗯
Feel free to alter how you see fit!
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eternallyother · 2 years
heyo! could i get some positivity for a non-canon spider-man who has been feeling like they don’t fit anywhere and are excluded? also i see that you guys have a lot of requests already, so don’t overwork urself n’ take breaks! thank you :]
Hey Spidey, sorry it’s taken me so long to get to this. I know it can be a bit difficult finding your place with a non canon kin but just know that the kin community is a wonderful group and that everyone here will always welcome you with open arms no matter how different you may be. I’m sure you’ll find people to connect with, maybe even some other unheard of spiders.
-Mod Jinx
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canoncalled · 4 years
Hi, I’m Peter Parker from Marvel (a jumble from all media) and I’m looking for anyone really, avengers or otherwise! I’m 22, so please be at least 17 or older! Just message me at honorary-spiderboy or interact with this post <3
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honorary-spiderboy · 4 years
Ah, also I should probably reintroduce myself. Disregard my about, it’s outdated and I can’t change it on mobile.
I’m a 22 year old, he/him or they/them, just graduated from college with my BA in wildlife biology, I go by Peter or any semblance of the name...I’m just a bored kid trying to make it out here haha. I’m open to anyone messaging me, btw, and honestly I’d be flattered if someone did. Okay that’s it bye.
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yea i still have my spidey-sense but y’all call it “anxiety” and “over-sensitivity to certain stimuli” — #💖🕷❤️
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kinnie-thots-flags · 5 years
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Spidermankin and Lokikin flags for you MCU kinnies out there!
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arakiiid · 5 years
Hi! I’m a fictive of Peter Parker from, well, duh, Spiderman! I’m not sure about my exact ‘canon/source’ and don’t really care all that much. I don’t expect anyone to share my memories exactly. I just want some familiar people to talk to! So if you are anyone from MCU or X-Men and want to talk, please hit me up! There are also a few other MCU/X-Men fictives/kinnies in the system so feel free to send me/us a message any time!
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helpforkin · 5 years
Masc fashion for a Spider Noir please?
Beanie - $9.99
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Hoodie - $20.00
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Jeans - $39.99
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Sneakers - $15.60
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- Mod Bri.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
Wade would never ever let me live it down if he ever found out how lame pathetic i was being about him, good god. I haven't even really consumed any spiderman+pool media but by god my brain idly went "spideypool is kind've a fun dynamic" and then something SNAPPED and it forced me to FINALLY kinfirm Peter Parker. I'm so irate about it. I had shit going on! I'm sure! can i please remember any of that over a wacko crush I had on the psychotic ex merc who never left me alone/my best friend.
i'm being bitchy because what I want to say is another [name] classic love letter about how he was so much more to me than what he thought he was. but im MAD at him for living rent free in my head so he doesn't get to hear it! . today. maybe someday. cause he deserves it, and it's not his fault im a little loser. but I'm mad. this is HUMILIATING Wilson! not because its you (I'm very happy i got to know you, frankly.) but because you made me realize i kin some fanfic canon ass bullshit, get out of my head. shinji chair image.
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kin-care-for-brits · 6 years
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We just watched Spider-man: Homecoming and I couldn’t not make some Homecoming themed pride icons for y’all! 
-Mod Shep
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For an MCU Peter Parker who was bi and loved photography and art, with lots of yellow!
~Mod Asteroid
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