#spent an hour pulling kittens out of mine and my parents cars and another two taking them to my friends friends farm thing and then spent
orionlancasterr · 3 years
I fucking hate being busy
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soemthingsparkly · 3 years
okay i have a headcanon about how luke and alex find out how bad reggie's home life really is. Because reggie wouldn't tell them bc he's embarrassed and doesn't want to burden them with it. But they notice reggie's quirks and how he NEVER invites them to his house. and then one day as they are picking reggie up in alex's beat up truck luke is dying for the bathroom so he asks reggie to let him in, and him and alex are witnesses to a screaming match inside and reggie's parents insulting him
Thank you for sharing, anon! <3
I’m not sure if this was exactly what you had in mind, but I’ve always felt like Reggie’s parents had a ‘be pleasant when in public’ kind of stance on their family disputes. Behind closed doors, however... 
--- “I gotta go, Alex,” Luke says, in the passenger seat of Alex’s second-hand Chevrolet pick up. 
His dad had surprised him with the beaten up truck last Spring, for his sixteenth. It was in desperate need of some TLC, but the two of them had spent plenty of long summer evenings together, crouched over the open hood, examining the engine and fixing it up. 
“See, Al, look here,” his dad had said in early September, when the warm summer air carried a bite of fall. “This, here, is why the air-con won’t run. The coolant is leaking over here, see?” He’d directed Alex’s gaze over to the back of the engine, where a tangle of steel pipes seemed to be leaking some kind of fluid.
“Coolant... Sure. I see it.” Alex had nodded along, even though he had no idea which part the man seemed to be referring to directly.
“Shouldn’t be too much trouble. We’ll just need to get a new valve. I’ll speak to the boys in the shop tomorrow.”
And then he had clapped a hand on Alex’s shoulder and gave him a gentle shake. Alex had smiled. “Sounds good,” he’d said.
The guys at the shop ordered the part the same day Alex decided to tell his parents how he felt about other boys.
He’s still not sure if the part ever arrived. 
He rubs his finger against his lips.
“Alex, did you hear me?” Luke says again. 
“Yeah, dude, I hear you. We’re almost there, just hold it,” Alex says, knocking the indicator to turn left onto Reggie’s street. 
He glances over to Luke, who’s face is all screwed up in over-dramatic agony. The boy presses his fist to his mouth and shakes his head. “I can’t wait till we get to town, Al.”
“See, Al, look here,” his dad had said.
Alex clicks his tongue. “Come on, don’t be such a baby. You went at mine like an hour ago. Did you get a kitten bladder transfusion in the meantime or something?”
Luke turns to Alex with urgency. “You think Reggie will let me use his bathroom?”
Alex’s eyebrows knit. “He doesn’t even let us pull up outside, I don’t think he’s gonna actually let you inside his house.”
“Alex, please.” 
Alex pulls his attention from the road momentarily and regrets it almost immediately. He doesn’t know what it is about Luke’s big brown puppy dog eyes that gets to him, but he’s such a sucker for them.
Alex groans and takes another turn, which takes them further into the neighbourhood. He spots Reggie’s house at the end of the end of the street.
Luke is already unbuckling his seatbelt. “Oh my god, sweet freedom,” he says, before throwing himself out of the still moving car. Alex panics and hits the break, causing Luke to lose his footing as he trips on the outer step. He hits the asphalt but is back on his feet in a heart beat. 
He throws a short, but scathing, look in Alex’s direction before he jogs towards Reggie’s house. Alex curses and whacks on the parking break, before yanking his keys out of the ignition and chasing after him. 
“Reg,” Luke calls, slamming the heel of his palm against the burgundy door. “Reg, please, it’s an emergency.”
Alex reaches him and grabs his arm, pulling him away from the front door. “Dude, have some decorum, jeez.”
“Alex, I’m going to get a urine infection and then I’m going to die,” Luke says, thrusting his hands onto his hips. “And that will be on–”
Both boys flinch at the sound of glass shattering inside. They look at each other and Luke seems to forget about his fantasy urine infection for a moment as his brows knit in concern. 
“What was that?” Luke asks.
“Did that come from inside?” Alex finds himself stepping back.
The door is torn open and they are met by a man in his late fifties with sagging cheeks and a thinning crop of grey hair. He’s panting and there's blood on his fingers. Alex blinks and swallows his fear. 
“What?” The man demands, looking back and forth between the two of them. “Well? You selling cookies or something, what do you want?”
“I–I thought–”
“Dad,” Reggie says, appearing at the man’s elbow. His face falls when he sees Alex and Luke, standing on the porch. He wets his red lips, his brows tilted with nerves.
Alex finds himself flooded with a harrowing sense of familiarity. 
“What are you guys doing here?” Reggie asks, his voice at half volume. “I said I’d meet you down the street.”
Luke bites on his lower lip.
“Um, would it be okay if I used your bathroom?” Luke asks, eyes flicking to Reggie’s father. “If that’s okay.”
Reggie’s eyelids flutter and he glances at his father. 
“Uh, yeah, yeah, sure,” he says, putting out a hand and beckoning Luke to follow him. 
Luke steps around Reggie’s dad, who continues to linger in the doorway, forcing him to squeeze through. 
Alex watches as his friends disappear down a hallway and realises he’s now alone with Reggie’s dad. He shoves his white-knuckled fists into his pockets as he attempts a friendly smile. 
“Hi, I’m Alex, by the way.”
The man sniffs, before turning back into the house. 
“Reg,” he barks and the boy appears from the hall, hands clasped at his front, teeth worrying his lower lip. The man clicks his fingers towards another door and stalks that way. 
Reggie looks once at Alex as he follows the man in. 
Before the door can swing shut behind him, Alex catches a glimpse of four fat fingers on Reggie’s neck, pushing him forward and causing him to stumble. 
And then he’s out of sight and Alex feels a tightness in his chest. It’s only a minute before Luke returns from the bathroom, looking pale. Alex nods. 
They're both witnessing the same horror.
They linger on the porch, but five minutes go by and Reggie is nowhere to be seen.
“I think we should wait in the truck,” Alex says softly to Luke, who looks back over his shoulder, into the house, before agreeing with a short nod. 
They wait. Luke sits in the middle of the backseat, elbows on his knees, fingers to his lips. Alex chews on his thumb nail. 
Eventually, the passenger door clunks opens and Reggie climbs inside. The clap of the door being pulled shut again resonates throughout the cab. 
And then the three of them sit in thick silence.
Finally, Alex lets out a breath. “Reg, do you wanna–”
“Yeah,” Reggie says, to Alex’s surprise. 
He reaches over his shoulder for the seatbelt and buckles in. “I’m totally starving, I’d definitely be up for getting food. What about that new pizzeria place in town? I heard they put mango on their pizzas. Mango?” he snorts and chuckles, before turning to look out the window. “Wild.”
Do you wanna talk about it?
From the backseat, Luke sighs. 
Alex presses his lips together. “Alright, that sounds good to me.”
They pull out and Alex feels Reggie shrink beside him. They get half way to the main strip before Alex catches Luke’s eye in the rearview and decides to pull over again. 
He turns the engine off. 
Reggie doesn’t say anything. 
Luke reaches forward between the seats and puts a hand on the crook of Reggie’s elbow. “Hey,” he says, gently. “We’re sorry, Reg. We didn’t realise.”
Reggie attempts to laugh but sniffs instead. He runs his knuckles beneath his nose. “You weren’t supposed to see that. Super awkward.”
“Did we...” Alex begins, turning in his seat. “Did we make it worse?”
Reggie doesn’t say anything, but he starts picking at calluses on his palm. Luke reaches further forward and covers his hand with his own. “Dude, stop.”
The bassist stils and Luke slips his fingers in the spaces between Reggie’s and curls them into a fist. 
“You never told us,” Alex says, watching their hands. 
Reggie swallows, drops his head back, but doesn’t say anything. 
“You can talk to us about it. We’ve always been honest with each other.” Luke glances to Alex. “We’ve always supported each other, you know that.”
Alex is blinded by the memory of his parents’ faces when he told them how he felt about other boys. 
He’d cried on Luke’s shoulder that night and slept in his bed for three more nights after that - only getting up to use the bathroom and eat the occasional meal. On the third night, Luke had forced him out from beneath the duvet, in order to change the sheets. 
On the fourth night, Reggie joined them, too, and they squeezed together into Luke’s double bed, the two boys pressed up on either side of him. Reggie’s arm had fallen over his waist, while Luke’s leg was hooked around the back of his knee.
The following morning, Reggie had directed them to a garage, where they were able to get a new heating valve. Alex had cried when the mechanic told him it was fixed. Why had it been so easy?
“We’re family, Reg,” Luke says, now, bringing Alex back to the present. “You, me, Alex. We’re us.”
Alex smiles and puts his hand in, too. 
“And you don’t have to talk about it, if you don’t want to,” Luke begins. “But–”
“But we’re here if you do,” Alex finishes and Luke smiles at him. Alex tightens his grip on Luke’s hand. 
Reggie squeezes his eyes shut and nods. He pulls his hand out of the stack to run his fingers under his eyes. “Can we get pizza, now?” he asks, digging the heel of his palm into his eye socket. 
Alex smirks and starts the engine. Luke rolls backwards and puts his foot up on the centre console.
I’m not sure what just happened but now I know how to check the heating valve in an engine, so that’s a win, right? <3
Tag list: @spookyghostalex @rightontheborderz
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superkatesi · 6 years
What Happens in Suffolk Stays in Suffolk
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Title: What happens in Suffolk stays in Suffolk // Ed Sheeran Fanfiction, mature content
Authors: @famousconfessions and @superkatesi
Rating: NC-17
Author’s Note: Another chapter of our story with @famousconfessions . Warning: lots of smut and teasing. Enjoy it and leave your feedback.❤️
I actually hated long car rides... but not today. Because for once I wasn't alone. Ed sat right next to me, driving, singing, talking to me and just keeping me entertained on the almost 3 hour- long car ride to his hometown Suffolk. Still, I'd rather stayed on this sofa with him, cuddling and maybe going in for round two, but that had to wait. Of course, he wouldn't miss his dad’s birthday party and I definitely understood that. I loved his family as much as mine so I knew how important parties like these were to him. Plus, we got to catch up on the drive to his parents house. He told me everything about his tour, I told him what happened at home and at my job while he was gone. But right now it was quiet, well, except for Ed humming along the song on the radio and I just watched him. I still couldn't believe that he was back... I was definitely the luckiest girl in the whole world. “Whattt?”, he suddenly asked, looking at me and smiling. “Nothing! Am I not allowed to look at you? I mean, I need to make use of the fact that you're here because that's not all too often”, I teased, sticking my tongue out. “When did you become so cheeky? Looks like you need a good spanking, huh?”, he looked at me for a second before putting his eyes back on the road and I swallowed hard. I knew he was joking but fuck... what a thought. It made me want to jump on him again but, well... bad timing. Probably, I should not think about something like that because we'd spend the weekend at his parents house and we should keep our hands off each other...
We stopped by a nice little coffeeshop in the middle of nowhere. We needed to stretch our legs and get some caffeine after an hour and a half of our trip. “Do you want me to grab something for you, love?”, Ed asked me, while putting on in his dark blue cap and fixing his round glasses. “Maybe a muffin? Honestly, I’m not very hungry”, I answered checking my email. “A muffin?”, I heard a boyish grin in his voice : “You are my little muffin”, he exclaimed and kissed my nose. Ed got off the car and went coffee-hunting. I looked at him while he was going away...: “This man drives me crazy. No matter what...His love is a huge cotton candy cloud and I want to spend my life lying on it ”. I looked in the mirror: “Damn, my dark circles are getting bigger and bigger”. On the one hand, I was hoping to get my beauty sleep at Ed’s parents house, on the other one, I was dying to spend my night teasing this boy’s body and savor our moments. “Get out of the car, kitten. I’ve got something yummy for you”. I didn’t have another option but to leave the car. I saw him holding a bag containing a giant chocolate muffin. I felt like a child back then. Ed was sipping on coffee and I noticed him lighting a cigarette. Though he gave up smoking, when he’s in Suffolk, he dives into the memories of his childhood and teen years, his ups and downs. And a cigarette or two isn’t an exception while staying here. He was staring at the sky, he looked like the happiest human being on Earth. I came up to him and gave him the biggest squeeze in the world. “I love you, Teddy”, I murmured. He smelled like coffee with cinnamon, fresh pastry, tobacco and there was something incredibly attracting about this smell. “I love you too”, he answered, without looking at me but I felt a warm smile in his voice. “It’s time to go. We don’t want to be late and skip all the cocktails, do we?”, he winked at me and headed to the car. “To be honest, I'd rather go back home right now and-”... “Don't say it”, he cut me off, still smiling and I couldn't help but smile back at him. He knew exactly what I wanted to say and now I knew that he felt the exact same way. I wasn't the only one who would've rather stayed on the sofa... or in the bed. Or the shower. Or the bathtub. Or the kitchen table. Anywhere. It didn't matter. But this screamed for some teasing, even if I would torture myself with it. It was just so much fun. I shrugged my shoulders, tried to look as innocent as I possibly could, before I got back in the car. We had another 1 1/2 hours in front of us and I was kinda glad about that, because that meant another 1 1/2 hours of having Ed all to myself. I knew I had to share him with his family once we'd arrive and that was fine, but... at the same time I didn't want to share him. This boy drove me crazy and being away from him had made it even worse.
“By the way... will Ellie be there?”, Ellie was his great cousin, I think, and I didn't like her at all, because all she did was trying to get her hands on him and I was having none of that. I was fine sharing him with his parents, but not with that bod. “Huh? Don't know, love, why?”, god he was so oblivious. Maybe it was because he didn't consider himself attractive, so most of the time he didn't notice when someone was flirting with him, but I saw her intentions from the moment I've met her. “Nevermind”, maybe she wasn't even invited and wouldn't be a problem. At least, I hoped so.
The rest of the drive was uneventful, we just talked some more and it was getting harder and harder not to touch him. When we finally pulled up on the driveway of his parents house I couldn't help but pull him in for a passionate kiss, as soon as he parked the car. In an instant, I felt his hands on my thigh and the other one on my neck, pulling me closer to him. Fuck, this kiss made me feel things and got my body to go crazy again, but then he let go of me. He licked his lips, smiling, before saying: “We should really get in, baby girl. Think about the cocktails”, he winked at me and I was once again shaking my head at his teasing self. Right now I didn't care about fucking cocktails at all, but we needed to be responsible adults. I sighed, taking a deep breath, before getting out of the car... and a second later the family reunion began.
We entered the house in which Ed’s grown up. There was definitely something nostalgic about it. His parents are the sweetest and the most supportive people in the world. His mum was making last preparations in the kitchen, dad was talking to Matt, but the majority of the guests were already in the garden. “Hey mate, I was hoping that you got lost somewhere, so I can get all the beer”, Matt giggled and pulled Ed in for a hug. “Not this time, mug”, Ed chuckled and pinched Matt’s arm slightly. We talked altogether for a while but it was the moment to go, everybody was dying to get this party started . It was the coziest dinner in the world. We spent that evening talking, drinking, dancing and singing. When it got dark Ed turned on the garden lights and it seemed as if we were surrounded by hundreds of fireflies. Everybody was so chill and talkative. After finishing my wild dance to “Happy” by Pharrell with one of his aunties, I got another cocktail and jumped on Ed’s lap. “Are you having fun, babe?”, he smiled and wrapped his hands around my waist. Instead of answering I started wiggling my hips along the beat of a new song. “Someone is getting naughty tonight, huh?”, he whispered in my ear. At that moment I felt his hands travelling from my waist to my hips and thighs. All the guests were so engrossed into the celebration that no one paid attention to our little game. My hips kept making these delicious movements that couldn’t left him indifferent. I started feeling his growing interest through his denim and the fabric of my summer floral dress. “Want to run away with you, love”, he kept murmuring. But I had a plan, I took something from the pocket of my dress and hid it in the chest pocket of his plaid. He looked at me puzzled but without uttering a single word I jumped from his lap and went straight forward to the greenhouse. I few seconds later I heard his steps following me. “Smart boy, he got the signal and probably found my panties in his pocket”, I thought to myself.
“I've been gone for to long, haven't I?”, I heard his voice and biting my lip I turned around to face him. I couldn't hide the cheeky smile that spread across my face but that was gone the second I saw him standing there. He looked serious, but I saw that glow in his eyes that told me he wasn't angry or anything... but he was definitely into playing along to that game I've started. My panties were in his hand, hanging from his fingers and now he couldn't help but smile. “I think you've lost something... but I guess you don't want them back, do you, love?”, his raspy voice gave me goosebumps and it made me want to rip his clothes off right now. But instead, I shook my head and watched as he shoved the fabric in the back pocket of his jeans. “Good! So, are you gonna be a good girl, now?”, he asked, taking a few steps towards me. He now stood right in front of me, I could feel the warmth of his body, my back squeezed into the work bench behind me... but he didn't touch me and that really drove me crazy. I just stood there, looking into his deep blue eyes, taking steady breaths... when he suddenly grabbed me and turned me around. I gasped, because I didn't expect that to happen which turned into a loud moan, when I felt him press into me. There was way too much fabric between us but it was enough to make me want more. My hands grabbed the work bench for support, as he moved against me, his hands finding their way under my dress, up my thighs and finally between my legs. For a second I thought I'd drop to my knees, because they sure felt like jelly. I was weak, he was my fucking kryptonite. “Ohh, Teddy”, was all I could get out, leaning into him. My heart was pounding in my chest, my body felt like it was electrified as his fingers found my soft spot. It just felt so good that I completely lost myself in the sensation when he suddenly stopped. He pressed a kiss to my cheek, whispered: “Later, babe” into my ear and stepped away. My gaze met his, he winked at me and then left the greenhouse. He did NOT just do that.
He left me standing there with my aching body. That second, when he touched the right button .... I wanted him to put these amazing fingers deep inside of me and fuck me to death. I wanted to scream and see fireworks in front of my eyes. But there I was, standing all alone. That’s not fucking right. I was going to make him beg for mercy. I went back to the dance floor. Ed was bouncing to his favorite songs and rapping along. What a look...Teddy was all sweaty with chest hair peaking through his flannel, his curls plastered to his forehead. I wanted to ride him so badly, I wanted to inhale his boyish smell and give him the most passionate kiss on Earth. I felt like my juices were running down my thighs cause I was still with no panties and craving for more. I started dancing and with every movement I got closer to him, my eyes met his and I gave him the most sensual look I was able to. “Hi, Teddy”, I can recognize that voice from thousands.. it was his cousin — Ellie. I didn’t like her much and it was mutual. She put her filthy arms around his neck and started moving her body along. What the fuck was going on?? I couldn’t stand it and went for another drink. It was intolerable for me to watch someone putting their hands on my man. I was ready to burn this town. But I had something more interesting in mind.
Who the fuck did she think she was? She knew that we were together but she didn’t seem to respect that at all. I didn’t have anything against other girls talking to him. Not at all. But I couldn’t stand it when they were all over him, touching him, thinking they could really get anywhere. I trusted Ed completely, but I didn’t trust these girls, especially not Ellie. Ed and I have been together for three years and she didn’t give up until now.
I bit my lip, chugging down another shot of Tequila and watching how her hands were trailing down his chest, her hips moving against his and I felt a tight knot in my stomach. She made me furious. And why the fuck didn’t he push her away? Why did he let her do that? I was fucking jealous and maybe that’s exactly what he wanted... or maybe he was just too drunk to realize what she was doing to him.
I grabbed another drink from the table, a glass of vodka-red bull, and made my way to the dance floor. It was still full, Suffolk people knew how to party, so I used the situation and pretended to be pushed when I got to Ellie and Ed. I dumped my drink all over Ellies shirt and started acting as if I was really sorry. “Ellie! Oh my god, I’m sooo sorry. Someone pushed me. Oh that gorgeous shirt is probably ruined now”, I cooed, pushing her away from him. “You should probably try to wash up and keep your hands off my man”, I wasn’t that friendly anymore now.
I’m an independent woman. I respected other girls but this time was completely different. And Ed, where was he looking at? He was ready to let this girl kiss him or whatever... I didn’t understand it! There were several waves of anger...I couldn’t stand it anymore and I decided to leave. I grabbed one of Ed’s cigarettes and one more shot of tequila. I went infront of the greenhouse where a couple of minutes ago we were ready to eat each other. I’m weak, I burst into tears. If he behaved like this in front of me, what was going on during the tour, after his gigs, when there were thousands of girls ready to do everything he wanted. Am I selfish? Am I possessive? Tear drops were rolling down my cheeks, I hated smoking but I wanted to harm myself.. I’m so pathetic... It was the end. I didn’t want to start a fight with Ellie or Ed. I was ready to leave. “I’m sorry”, he was standing there with his head down. I didn’t answer. I’ve turned away. “I couldn’t live like this. That’s enough, Ed. I’m done.”, I was devastated but trying to stay calm. “Darling, it was just a moment. Nothing like this has ever happened before. Do you want me to leave you? One word and I’ll do it without any hesitation”. I heard his voice trembling. I looked at him...it was dark but I swear, I saw tears in his eyes, his face was distorted with pain. “Yeah, just fuck off!”, I hissed at him but to be honest... I didn’t really mean it. Yes, I was mad at him but I didn’t want him to leave, especially since I could see that he cared about what happened. Maybe I overreacted. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the fact that I still missed him, even though he was here. God, I was so fucking childish. But I was so in love. “Okay...No! No, you know what? God, I just hate that fucking skank! And it just... I can't stand seeing her all over you like that. I'm not trying to be the annoying, jealous girlfriend here, really... but it was too much”, I said, wiping a tear from my cheek, as I looked at him. I felt bad seeing him like that, I hated to see him unhappy or sad and I was kinda surprised that this right here hit him like that. “I'm sorry. I didn't think. I... I promise it's not like that on tour. I'm hardly ever partying and even if I am, you know, I'm with my mates and there's just one thing on my mind. You. I swear!”, I believed him. I really did, but the images of him with Ellie didn't want to leave me. “I'm stupid and drunk and I know I don't deserve you. I mean... look at me...” Wait... what? I suddenly felt like a piece of shit for making a scene like that. Of course, he should've made clear that Ellie crossed a line, but he was drunk and I knew he didn't do that to hurt me. Not intentionally. “Stop! God, I'm an idiot", I sighed and walked up to him, taking his face in my hands. My thumbs brushed his cheeks and for a moment I just looked into his eyes. “Don't ever say that again, okay? It's not true. You're beautiful, inside and out... I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.”
I felt like a moron at that moment...but his tears...It was impossible to resist his lips. It was the purest pleasure. I bit his upper lip and tasted his tongue. I felt his regret on my lips. I know that he’s not like this, he’s my one and only. I’m ready to catch a grenade for him, I’m ready to do anything in the world for him. This sweet, indulging kiss lasted forever. Suddenly, I felt his hand grabbing one of my ass cheeks shyly. I moaned a bit encouraging him to go for it. All of the worries were gone. My fingers were playing with his scruff and his delicious curls. One sec and I’m up in the air wrapping my legs around his torso. His fingers were kneading my flesh and I was ready to dissolve in him. “Wait, love”, he said impatiently, : “We need to hide somewhere”, his voice sounded so raspy and sexy. He put me on the ground and we went to a bench in the darkest corner of the garden. I heard my heart beating and there was a feeling of excitement and sin. Suddenly, I found myself sitting on him. Somehow he managed to lower his jeans and started stroking his sweet cock. “Come on, love. We don’t want to be exposed , do we?”, he smirked and licked his pinkish lips. “I couldn't care less... let them see us, I don't care. Maybe Ellie will come to watch, so she can finally understand that you belong to me”, I mumbled, with a cheeky grin on my lips. As long as his parents wouldn't see what we were about to do here, I was totally okay with it. I watched him for a second, jerking himself off and fuck, that sight was extremely hot. It was mesmerizing seeing him touching himself, the way he grabbed his cock, the way he closed his eyes and sighed with pleasure. But then I stopped him because I was dying to make him feel good now. Maybe I wanted to make it up to him that I flipped out earlier... and I just needed to touch him. I replaced my hand with his, trailing my fingertips and nails down his length, before I kissed his lips. My thumb flicked over his shaft as I heard him moan into our passionate kiss. There just wasn't anything better than to make him feel this way... My lips soon found their way to his neck and I started to unbutton his plaid, my lips following my fingers, down his torso and I stopped right before his twitching cock. Hmm... it's been way too long since the last time I got a taste of that. I kissed my way around it, until I finally twirled my tongue around the top. He took a sharp breath and I felt him tense up, but that didn't stop me. I looked up at him as I licked his delicious length from the bottom all the way to the top, before taking him in completely, eagerly sucking his cock. I was starving. I needed to feel his plush head with a drop of precum and his shaft with intertwined veins in my mouth. I missed it.. I missed his deep moans, his tensed muscles and his hands in my hair. I was bobbing my head up and down, there was no way back. I heard music and people singing along but I heard Ed’s throaty groaning, as well. I put my fingers round this magic tool and started tugging it while kissing the most sensitive part of his body. “I’m close..ahhh..love..”, his words echoed in my ears. Honestly, I’d like to let this boy release and feel his body twitching but... I didn’t forget about him teasing me with his fingers. So I stopped, gave him the most fuckable look, fixed my dress and went to the house. Dear God, I hope, you forgive my mean soul. Later on, I was going to take this man to heaven but right now he deserved a lesson. Amen. I turned and beckoned him. It was time to finish this party and to finish my ginger boy off.
I felt kinda bad to play with him like that but he had it coming. He knew I would get my revenge when he left me in that fucking greenhouse... I looked back again, seeing him get up as I walked into the house. It was quiet, everyone was partying outside and I took my time climbing up the stairs, looking at the photos on the wall. There were a lot of family photos, Ed's parents, his brother, him as a kid and as a teen, the whole family together, the two brothers... there were also a few pictures of him on stage or holding different awards. I couldn't help but smile and feel proud of my boy, he was so talented and although he was so successful he was still a normal guy. Well... he was a fucking tease, but I could handle that.
I ended up in his room, which made me smile because the walls were still painted in a bright orange and the scribblings were also still there. It seemed like his parents didn't want to erase those memories and it was kinda cute. "Cute" was also the right word to describe the tiny bed, but hey, I loved to cuddle up to my boyfriend, so, sleeping in there shouldn't be a problem. If we would sleep at all... “There you are”, I heard a deep voice behind me and a second later I felt his presence behind me. I could feel his warm breath on my skin and it made me shiver. But I wasn't going to cave in just now and let him take the lead again. I still wasn't done. “Can we end this fucking game now?”, he sounded so impatient and I loved it. I chuckled, turned around to him and pushed him to the bed, where he laid down. He had his jeans back on and I could tell that it probably must've been painful for him... you could see that bulge from a mile away. “Why? I like playing with you. It's fun, innit?”, I shrugged my shoulders, before climbing on top of him, instantly starting to grind against him, because even I could barely take this anymore. I just wanted him to fuck me senseless.
“Fuck, no, it's not”, he hissed as he put his hands on my thighs, pulling up my dress and moving against me. “I can't take it anymore, love. I wanted to fuck you again since we got in my car. And then you started this thing and... for fucks sake”, he stopped his movements, grabbed me and all of a sudden we were standing again, in the same position as earlier in the greenhouse. He didn't even take the time to take off my dress or his clothes, I just heard him nestling on his belt and a second later I felt him inside of me. I gasped for air and a loud moan escaped my lips, as I held onto the bedsheets. This was pretty unexpected, but oh so good. “I’m going to get you off this time, love.. You’re gonna come so hard on this thirsty cock...”, he said in-between his heavy breathes. “I knew that you’d love this lil game.. you.. Sheeran”, I articulated while trying to keep our eye contact. “I bet, you still have my panties in your pocket, huh?”, I smirked at him and at that moment I felt his rock-hard cock hitting my most desperate wall. I couldn’t talk anymore, my speech turned into one deep moan. “They are, love, they are... ahhhh...”, he moaned when I tightened my pussy around him. “Teddy, I want you to come inside of me, want it to run down my thighs... want to feel you releasing in this wet girl”, I was bitting on his shoulder in order not to scream and I knew that these words would drive him wild. I was literally in the air, only his hands and his pleasure tool held me at the moment. I was about to crumble into thousands of pieces when I felt him stopped moving and just stood like this inside of me. I started contracting my walls and this pleasure of him stretching me out and not making a single move made me twisting as if I was on fire. “That’s my girl....Let your puss feel it...contract and relax... contract and relax...”, he kept giving me instructions while kissing my jaw line. I obeyed and began following his words. There was something incredibly hot about it. I knew that I wouldn’t last long. My muscles started tightening without any effort and I felt it coming. It was like a tsunami, there was just a black hole of sheer pleasure, I even heard myself moaning, bouncing and trembling on his throbbing flesh. Somewhere faraway, on the other side of this fuck road I heard his moan: “I can’t hold anymore, kitten...Gonna explode...deep... in this tight puss...”. His twitching cock brought me to another level of heaven-like pleasure and I melted in his arms.
I was glad he held me, because otherwise I'd probably dropped to the floor. My knees were made of jelly once again, especially when I heard his deep growl, that told me he was right there... at the same tame I felt his hot seed inside of me. It made me moan once again and my eyes fell shut, my head dropped to his shoulder, as he made a few last, deep, lazy thrusts. I flinched because it was so intense and I had the feeling that I was more sensitive because of all the teasing that had happened before. “You're amazing, love”, his voice was so quiet and soft and full of love that I feared my heart would explode any second. I couldn't be mad at him for long and today proofed that again. I just smiled at him, as he made me lie down on the bed. A second later he was beside me, pulling me in for a hug. My back was pressed to his chest and I could feel his heart race. He placed a few kisses on my neck and my shoulder and suddenly his hands were between my legs again, his fingers rubbing small, slow circles around my clit. I quivered again and started whimpering because it was almost more than I could take. “I hope no one heard us... otherwise it's gonna be quite awkward at the breakfast table tomorrow”, he mumbled, not stopping the movement of his fingers. “I bet, you could still keep going, huh?”, I was already panting again, moving against his hand to get some more friction. “I guess that's a yes”. “I... I don't trust... you anymore”, I managed to get out, because after all of this today I wouldn't have been surprised if he would've stopped any second again to leave me high and dry. But right now I didn’t see any danger of him leaving me. So I arched my back and spread my legs wider in order he could reach all of the folds and enjoy this messy view. “Love, you look so beautiful right now”, he whispered underneath his breath. I smiled while pushing my pelvis to meet his fingers again. This man knows how to act. These little circles turned into pressing my push button and sliding two fingers deep down inside. He took his time, he enjoyed himself. His fingers are well trained and he knows how play with my overheated body. I was watching him...his lips parted, his eyes fixed on the fingers going all the way down. I felt my lower belly clenching: “Teddy, I want it faster and... can you add another finger?”, I murmured. “Of course, baby girl”, he cooed. Now I was sure that he wouldn’t leave me here all by myself. He started increasing his pace and kissing my thighs. Right now I was on the edge and just couldn’t but keep moaning and ride this wave. “I get you, love...Want you to come so bad”, he said softly. I fell to pieces all over his fingers, I was lying senseless on his old bed. He licked his fingers with a look full of satisfaction and pride: “You’re my sweet girl. I love you ”. “I love you, Teddy”, I answered rubbing my eyes and yawning. It was a long day full of adventures.
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gukyi · 6 years
cool cats (and dogs, too) | myg
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⇒ summary: yoongi has one (1) dog, and he loves her very much. yoongi also has one (1) daughter, and she loves cats more than anything. sometimes apples fall pretty far from the tree. 
⇒ {dad!au}
⇒ pairing: yoongi x female reader
⇒ word count: 2k
⇒ genre: fluff
⇒ warnings: animals?
⇒ a/n: for sir yoongi’s birthday! i had this idea in my head randomly and thought it would make a cute drabble. also shoutout to that Cool Cat™ in the banner. i’d die for him.
Yoongi loves his daughter more than anything else in the world, but the increasing amount of cat-themed artwork that is hanging around their tiny apartment right next to the heart of the city makes him feel like a traitor. At least Holly doesn’t know what the hell is on all of the things tacked to their refrigerator door, or she’d go into a fit.
People tell Yoongi that his daughter takes after him in many ways. She has the same gummy smile, accentuated by the empty space in her bottom teeth, the first of many. Or, she pouts the same way when she doesn’t get what she wants, an expression Yoongi finds himself weak to every time he is subjected to it. And she loves listening to music, always asks Yoongi to put on her favorite CD (Abbey Road by the Beatles) whenever they’re in the car. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree but his daughter has come so close to the roots that they’re practically the same person.
But the one thing that his daughter doesn’t take after him in? Animals.
Yoongi does not think he has seen a bigger cat-lover than his daughter, and it’s appalling. She has cat bedsheets, a cat backpack, cat-shaped pencil sharpeners and erasers. The walls of their flat are littered with cats drawn on lined notebook paper and little peel-off cat stickers (because Yoongi knows he is too lazy to try and scrape off real sticker remnants). Her bedroom floor is decorated with various stuffed cats, ranging from the smallest kittens to the fiercest lions.
And poor Holly is trapped in the middle of it, Yoongi’s faithful pup who does not understand the horror that is his daughter’s bedroom, can not comprehend what all of the pictures on the wallpaper mean. Holly is the second love of Yoongi’s life, the only other constant in his rocky existence.
It’s not that his daughter, Chorong, hates Holly, or anything. It’s just that every time he takes her into a pet store to pick up Holly’s food, she drags him to the cages where the cats are, ogles them and begs him to adopt one to take home (which Yoongi knows Holly would hate). And she’s constantly babbling about how Holly is so much work to take care of, and even at only five-years-old, she is already aware that cats don’t need to be potty-trained like people and dogs, and that they bathe themselves. And she tells him that Holly deserves a friend because it gets awfully lonely in their little home when she is at kindergarten and he’s at work, and a cat would be the perfect solution to the predicament.
Yoongi was already unprepared to the fullest extent when Chorong came along, stomping all over his previously delicately-laid-out life plans and decorating his life with color. Even five years later, he still thinks he is entirely unqualified to be taking care of a little human despite him trying his best. But this? This sends him back to square one, for nowhere in any of the twelve parenting books Yoongi owns does it detail what to do when your daughter is a cat person and you are a dog person.
Guess this one’s on him to figure out.
Yoongi regrets taking this detour after picking his daughter up from extended-day at kindergarten.
His work had dragged on longer than he anticipated, an occurrence he fears will start to become more common. He really hates leaving his daughter alone for so long—she is already beginning to realize that when he doesn’t come to pick her up at the normal time, she just needs to go to the classroom where extended-day is held without being told—and can’t bear the thought of her simply getting used to him not being around. Her mother had left when she was three days old, so Yoongi is all she has.
By the time he picked her up, the sidewalk that was once open for them to walk on as a shortcut to their apartment had been boarded up, metal fencing surrounding it and forcing the two of them to find another way home. Yoongi doesn’t know much about this city to begin with, so he is relying on only Siri to lead him home.
Chorong is happily blabbing on about the arts and crafts activity they did, where they got to decorate ladybugs with sequins and sparkles and glitter as part of their unit on insects. Chorong proudly declares that she is the only person in her class that isn’t afraid of spiders (“even the boys are too scared!”), another trait she got from her father who spent the entirety of his university years taking the spiders that haunted his shared apartment outside.
And then, as Yoongi is telling her that she is the bravest person he knows, she stops. Chorong has a habit of getting distracted fairly easily, yet another inherited characteristic, so Yoongi finds himself getting used to the abrupt pauses and stops as they walk around the city.
“Look, Daddy!”
Yoongi leans down so that he matches her little height, made littler by all of the things in this city that tower over her, and lets his eyes trace from her arm to her pointer finger. When he finally looks properly at what she’s staring at, his brows furrow.
“A cat café!” She cries excitedly, already clasping her fingers together in applause. Yoongi grimaces. “Daddy, can we go inside?” She begs, tugging on her father’s arm in desperation.
Yoongi knows that voice. It’s the voice that Yoongi always caves in to, always finds himself falling weak to, despite the stern tone in his voice as he attempts to tell his daughter “no”.
Yoongi is going to apologize to Holly until the universe collapses in on itself.
Chorong tugs him towards the door, standing on her tiptoes to reach for the handle. Yoongi makes to open the door for her but she pushes him off, already feisty even only at five years of age, wrenching open the door proudly as Yoongi places his hand on the frame to keep it open for her.
“Welcome to the Choco Kitty Cafe,” the woman at the front says, smiling happily at Chorong as she gazes around the quaint cafe. There’s cat memorabilia all over the place, decorating the walls and the floors and everything in between, and Yoongi swears he hears the faint meowing of cats from the next room over. “Just the two of you?” The woman asks, swiping away at the iPad in front of her.
“Yes,” Yoongi nods, already making the pull his wallet from his back pocket. Oh, the things he does for his daughter. He makes sure to keep a close eye on Chorong, knowing how she has a habit of disappearing from his line of sight in favor of something largely more interesting than her father.
“An hour?”
Yoongi looks down to his daughter, who is playing with the lucky cat on the table beside her, paw waving back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
“Yes, an hour,” Yoongi says, and maybe he shouldn’t be wasting away his time surrounded by animals that are notorious for disliking him, maybe he should be working on some of the work he still has left for his boring day job, but the smile on Chorong’s face makes this all the more bearable.
He follows her as she leads him into the room with all of the cats, relatively empty as a result of the time of day. Yoongi counts; there’s eight cats in total, sitting on cushions and towers and shelves, prancing around or eating or sleeping. Chorong looks like she’s in heaven, so overwhelmed at the mere sight of so many of her favorite domesticated pets that she doesn’t know what to do with herself.
Yoongi takes a seat in the corner, letting his body rest after a long day, watching his daughter with a resigned sort of fondness as she jumps from cat to cat, desperate to spread her love equally to all of them. He supposes that some sacrifices are worth making. Chorong can’t contain her excitement—every time a cat sniffs her hand or lets her pet her she shouts, “Daddy! Daddy! Look at this!”—and Yoongi will look at her, send her a thumbs up as he attempts to avoid any sort of contact with the animals. Thankfully, it doesn’t look like they’ve taken too much of a liking to him, either.
“Want tea, sir?”
A voice interrupts his train of thought, and Yoongi whips his head around to find you standing in the doorway to the café part of this cat café, holding a kettle in your hand. You look at him with a warm glow, smiling despite the visible bags under your eyes and the tired slouch of your shoulders.
“Ah, no thank you,” Yoongi says, shaking his head. “It makes me sleepy.”
“I hear you,” you reply distantly, nodding. “Half the time I just want to curl up on the pillows and sleep with the cats.”
Yoongi chuckles to himself, trying not to spend too much time looking at you or the way your lips curl up in a grin or the little sparkles in your eyes. The only person he need love in his life is Chorong. Or at least, that’s what he thinks.
“Is she your daughter?” You ask, motioning to Chorong as she coddles a bright orange cat, one that reminds him of the one from the Harry Potter franchise. You don’t sit down out of respect for his personal space, though Yoongi finds that he wouldn’t mind the company.
He scoots over, the universal sign for “stop standing like a fool and join me on this comfortable cushion”, and nods. “All mine.”
“She’s cute,” you say, taking a tentative seat. “Dragged you in here, didn’t she?”
Yoongi finds himself enamored with how easily you can read him, like you’ve already known him for years. “I’m not… a cat person.”
The declaration makes you gasp in shock, a hand coming up and placed on your chest in mock offense. Your brows furrow and you begin to pout, lower lip coming out the same way that it does when Chorong is begging for whatever it is she wants.
“You’re not a cat person?” You ask, mouth open wide. “How could someone not be a cat person?”
“They don’t like me, I don’t like them,” Yoongi explains. “I like dogs. They’re better.”
“I take personal offense to that statement,” you say. “It seems your daughter would agree with me.”
“There are things that she and I don’t really match up on.”
“But cats are so wonderful! All they do is sleep and eat and look cuddly and shower you in affection,” you say longingly, a hand leaning down past the edge of the seat as a cat brushes by, sniffing your outstretched fingers with a satisfied purr as it rubs its chin against them. “How can you go wrong?”
“Dogs do all that and more,” Yoongi begins to playfully argue, a blush blooming on his cheeks as you pout his way.
You stand up firmly, blatantly attempting to resist the smirk that’s growing wider on your face. “This means war, Mr. Dog Person,” you decide, hands on your hips. “I’ll teach you to love cats. Just you wait.”
On the way back, Chorong is joyfully skipping down the pavement, hand resting in her father’s safe grip. The entire walk to their home, she goes on about each of the different cats, citing you as the “nice lady who told me their names and their favorite things to do” and making Yoongi’s heart swell just a little more.
It’s strange for him, really, to already be thinking about a future with you. For five years now, it’s been him and Chorong against all of the forces of the universe, ready to take on anything that comes their way, but now, Yoongi thinks he might have to rewrite a couple chapters. His conversations with you have been brief and meaningless, but, for the first time, Yoongi wants to know a little more.
“Daddy?” Chorong asks as they step into the elevator, her father letting her press the seventh floor button.
“Hmm?” Yoongi responds mindlessly.
“Do you like the lady at the cat cafe?” She asks innocently, looking up at him with her brown eyes wide.
“What do you mean, Chorong-ah?” Yoongi inquires, a little frightened and a little impressed with how easily she was able to pick that up. Is he really that transparent?
“I mean, do you like like her? Because you always told me that when you smile it’s because you like something. Like like something,” Chorong says pointedly, her five-year-old logic sending his heart reeling.
Yoongi’s grip grows tighter on his daughter’s hand as he thinks of what lies ahead. The thought excites him. Perhaps your relationship won’t work, perhaps there will be too many bumps in the road, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try. You make him want to learn to love the things that the universe throws his way.
He thinks he might need to start taking that detour more often.
⇒ hmu with feedback or just talk to me here!
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My life started like most do, born in a hospital, my Father’s joy and my Mother’s nightmare. I was late, mom had postpartum depression, she did not want to hold me.  So I bonded with my Aunt Ann, one of my Mother’s many sisters who lived near us.  Everything my Mother could not provide, came from my Aunt. We lived in an apartment on the north side of Chicago.  2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 1 space heater.  When it got cold out I froze, my room was so far from the heater. 
 I had a dog briefly. but he didn’t like me.  When I was five we got cats, two Seal Point Siamese kittens.  My best friends, Si passed away early, he had feline leukemia. Amie lived to a very old age of 18.  whenever my Dad lost his temper with me, she was my comfort.  
My Father was a mixed up man, sometimes he was so sweet and other times he was a monster.  He didn’t drink or use drugs.  He overate.  I guess his childhood sucked, so he made mine the same, but he would try to stop himself.  I would get a beating for bad grades, missing chores or just cause I walked in when he was mad.  He constantly told me I was useless, stupid and that he could not love me because of that.  That last part hurt the most.  Kids need to know that there is a chance their parents love them.  Need to hear the words.  But to hear him says, he didn’t love me, broke something inside me that would never heal.  
I worked hard everyday hoping I could redeem myself, trying to figure out what I did wrong so I could fix it.  What could a 5 year possibly do that would warrant such a statement from a parent.  I would never really fix that relationship, but 20 years later I would at least understand why.
I joined the Navy after high school, I thought boot camp would be a breeze after 13 years of Daddy.  I was right, there was nothing that CC (company commander) could say or do that would break me after all the love and support Daddy gave me (ha ha).  I think my CC was confused at first, other girls broke down and cried or just looked defeated, but I kept a blank face, no tears.  Emotions and tear were signs of defiance to my dad and got me smacked harder. 
Bootcamp lasted 8 weeks, under the hot sun of Orlando FL.  After bootcamp they sent all of us home for a week.  Dad seemed proud, Mom was worried and my Aunt Ann was just happy to see me safe and sound.  She thought I might have trouble.  Ha, I was made for this.
From that short week vacation, I moved forward to my training school.  Meridian Mississippi.  Oh goody more heat.  School was another 8 weeks, training for StoreKeeper.  No, not a shop keeper with a broom sweeping out a store front.  We kept inventory, handled the check book and ordered supplies.  If you wanted TP (toilet paper) you came to me.  I handled other stuff too, nothing exciting.  I should tell you a short story about in time in Meridian.  The military does not hire grounds keepers, we make the base’s pretty all by ourselves.  One afternoon we had lawn duty.  The Chief passed out mowers, clippers, hedge trimmers, rakes and so for.  By the time he got to me, nothing left, no tools.  And just like a smart ass, I said well I guess I will just head back to barracks and chill.  BIG mistake, chief had a great sense of humor as he handed me a pair of scissors, you know like from your kitchen, darn.  I spent several hours cutting grass with those scissors, my hands ached, but I was working the entire time in the shade.  So maybe not that bad.
There was another incident that really sticks in my memory, it was very scary and my first taste of the real world.  Military life is for any race, color or creed. we did see any color but Navy Blue.  One day we decided to rent a car and go to the local mall.  we rented a car and headed to the mall.  We were only half way there when the flashing lights and siren sounded. we pulled over.  we were all in uniform.  Officer tells me friend who was driving us to get out, lay down on the ground and stay silent.  We (three girls) asked what was wrong, were we speeding, the car is rented from base...The officer choose that moment to scream at us to shut the f up.
Nightmare continues, he asked my friend if he stole the car, where did he get the uniform, why was he traveling with white girls, my friend was black.  I was now seeing first hand something that i thought only happened in movies.  Racial profiling.  Black man driving a nice car in that state most be bad news or something.  I honestly thought my friend would be hurt, this officer was crazy.  We were in the middle of nowhere.  I was scared shitless and i am sure my friend was too. 
I am not a religious person, I got faith but I don't visit god very often.  But I took a chance he might still hear me.  Afterall superman wasn't’ likely to show up and save the day, right.  Instead another car pulled up behind the officers car.  The voice was firm, strong and commanding.  The strong voice said “what is going on here, why are one of my trainees on the ground”.  “Did you call this into base”,  “answer me now”.  The officer didn’t like this man and to this day I have no idea who he was.  But he was some commander on base and he had seen this scenario play out before. The officer told my friend to get up, get in the car and go back where he came from.  Not sure if he meant that day or in general.  
I felt so bad, I apologized to my friend, this was all my fault, it was my idea to go off base.  I never imagined this would happen, never thought is was even a possibility. My friend said it was not my fault and he was use to this....seriously, Fudge.  How does a person get “use to this”.  this should never be normal.
After we graduated from our training school, we went our separate ways, I had orders for the east coast and he had orders for the west.  I think about that day, wonder where he is, if he is ok, does he have family now...you know the usual.
I went from Meridian Mississippi, to Norfolk VA.  More heat, i am just so lucky.  In case you have not noticed, i am a snow loving girl.  Give me a blizzard, 20 degrees and i am a happy person.  Heat makes me sticky, and crabby.  Besides there is only so much clothing to remove before you are naked and still hot and sweaty.  In the cold you can layer up or cuddle :).
To be continued....
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