theresajanday-blog · 2 years
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Card from this morning’s telegram group qigong session preparing for the new moon today working with the body trust your instincts it will guide you the things you love and enjoy naturally come easy or what you are meant to be doing if there is a battle or conflict within listen listen to the body listen to your emotions observe there is wisdom in you allow yourself to be guided the challenge can be the transformation remember the butterfly would not fly if it didn’t fight its cocoon I trust my guides and feel the importance between now and May to work with the Earth and with my body moving it daily putting into it things that feel right There was a strong sense also of earth and water and to stop us getting stuck in the mud so to speak working daily with the Earth shifting eating what we’re called to eat moving our body allowing emotions to be processed creating drainage in our soil readiness seeing darkness Earth the soil zero point the seed in preparation pushed by the pressures of the Earth to break through to the light to the clarity like pinpricks of stars as our shoots naturally flow naturally lift the water of our emotion seeping down into the Earth flowing draining Naturally feeding the growth directed and channelled into the new story the pattern we dictate the world that we want The change evolving the ashes replenishing the darkness in the element envelopment of the Earth and density so the shoots can grow seeds germinate Blessings #soulspeak #saturdaysoul Theresa Janday #LoveAuthenticMe #TheresaJandayArtistAndDesigner #TreeHeartHeartDesignAuthentic #speakingfrommysoul #speakingfrommyheart #SpiritFox #Oraclecard #ancestorsspeak https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc-Vms6MFQB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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risingjayworld · 4 years
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Peace is a state of mind, this is what we know but peace is a state of heart too we don't know. It's a state when we feel our soul connected to our mind but the satisfaction and happiness is felt in our heart. If you haven't felt that happiness and satisfaction in your heart that means you haven't achieved your goal yet. You have to keep pushing and keep working more. It is said to be the most difficult task but it is also the most adventurous task too. This task will show you who you really are and who you are supposed to be and where you are leading your path. So we should meet the need with some good efforts. #myjourney #mystory #travelphotography #travelstories #travelblogger #explorer #learner #mythoughts #speakingfromexperience #speakingfrommyheart #picoftheday #trimbakeshwar #nashik #maharashtra #incredibleindia #photography #throwback #followforfollowback #followers #followme #myjourney #travelphotography (at Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAkzRicFNR0/?igshid=kamvk5w05j8d
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scubaxsenpai · 4 years
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Secrets "I never gave up on you!" As the fighting come to screeching halt. You grab your things to go while I sit in an empty room. You moved on, as for me your secrets never left my heart. You seem happy; until, you read rumors that's sounded the same in your new relationship. Heart open like a book ever since I took those pages out. Moments saved for you was eased for the chance to enter a new world. Left with broken promises and a message that read "Your not going to call!" Active broadcasting your private life on your social feed. One night stands fills a empty bed, but not that empty space; nevertheless, you wanted to fill a void. I get around to texting you but my mind wouldn't allow me to send. The regret on your lips, as you found out the truth. Which read "He didn't cheat on me, so why did you tell me he did!" Broken promises, fragile friendship, now you sit in an empty room, and I'll grab my love for you and leave. #poem #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetryofinstagram #healingprocess #spokenword #spokenwordpoetry #wordscouldntexpress #speakingfrommyheart #startingover #upallnight #morequestionsthananswers #storywithoutatitle https://www.instagram.com/p/B5XUAUQnX9v/?igshid=jjrb808vuz2k
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houseoftakura · 5 years
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Our #founderinchief was recently featured on @voyagehouston talking about how she handles life's downturns. #lemonade #Repost @annettenjau • • • • • Sometimes I feel like a complete failure because where I am in life is not where I expected to be. That feeling at times overwhelms me and paralyzes my drive to succeed (as one defines success for herself or himself personally). Thank you @voyagehouston for allowing me to share my perspective on how to push through these times. (LINK IN BIO). . . #perspective #voyagehouston #voyagehoustonmagazine #empoweryou #thistooshallpass #speakingfrommyheart #speaklife #mycuprunnethover #houston #htx #houstontx #transparency #entrepreneurlife #motivationdaily #inspirationdaily #winning #goals #whatdrivesyou #empoweredwomen #womenetrepreneurs #girlboss #womenofafrica #leadersofafrica (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/houseoftakura/p/BssoAEflqDa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y3pc7xr0ckpk
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anna-luberg · 10 years
Skazka o Dobre
Немного лет назад в этот день родился маленький Единорог, с душой большой и любящей, сделанный из солнца, смеха и добра.
Ни на кого не похожий, бесхитростный чудак постоянно попадал в тысячу и одну дурацкую историю, обламывал свой рог и расстраивался.. Но его кристальному сердцу была чужда злоба: обиды он быстро забывал и его рог спустя время отрастал.
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Так и шел в табуне этот диковинный зверь, светился и мелодично звенел копытцами - кто-то улыбался глядя на него, кто-то морщился. "Ну, что же тут такого, на всех ведь не угодишь" - думал малыш.
А время шло, наш Единорог вырос. И, следуя традициям родного стада, он отправился служить на скотный двор, в конюшню. То место было ничем не примечательно, кроме того, что стояло оно на берегу полноводной и бурливой реки.
На скотном дворе все было Единорогу в новинку, и это новое было, в целом, неплохо: сильные и прекрасные жеребцы с лоснящимися задами, пыльные тучные свиньи и мягкие задумчивые овечки. А еще там сытно кормили и для каждого всегда находилось дело.
Веселый Единорог хватался за все и сразу, преисполненный надежд и энтузиазма. Все бы ничего, кроме того, что спустя недолгое время стал Единорог хиреть - его нежное сияние  угасло, светлая шкурка поистрепалась, копытца не звенели мелодичное "динь-динь", а рог пришлось добровольно дать спилить, потому что он был ужасно уродлив. И имя он сменил на просто Пони - коротко, ясно и понятно. Конечно, он и сам чувствовал, что происходит что-то не то, но желание быть принятым, нужным, да и просто стремление помочь играли с ним злую игру. Все самые неподъемные телеги, капризные наездники, раздававшие удары хлестого кнута и косые неодобрительные взгляды ленивых кобыл, были ежедневным рационом бедного Пони.  Ох, не об этом он мечтал...  Мечты его не имели определенных форм, но все они были волшебными, разноцветными и очень красивыми. Может быть, он изобрел бы такие ароматные духи, от которых бы сразу легче и веселей дышалось или пел бы такие песни, от которых все плакали, потом смеялись, а потом полюбили бы весь-весь мир, как любил его маленький Пони. Такие печальные мысли посещали его отяжелевшую голову, трудяжка сидел на берегу реки и ронял крупные слезы в воду. Усталый пони и не заметил, как погрузился в сон. А снилось ему ровно то место, где он заснул: грозовое небо, низким и тяжелым куполом висело над горизонтом, река текла размеренно и вечно. Он вглядывался в сизую пелену над рекой, искал взором противоположный берег в первых нитях дождя и не находил - широка река, конца ей не видно. И все же пони решил войти в воду и плыть, плыть сколько хватит сил: дальше от проклятой конюшни, несправедливых обид и одинаковых лошадей. От страха ноги подкашивались, дождь лил сплошной стеной и сердце его сжалось от непонятной тоски. "Увидеть бы хоть лучик солнца в этом мраке бури, - взмолился  Пони - может сразу бы силы появились!". И случилось чудо: Солнце услышало, протиснулось сквозь черноту туч сначала лучиком, а потом пронзило небосвод целой полосой солнечного света. В мокром воздухе появилась радуга, удивительно широкая и яркая. От нее веяло тем самым теплом и солнечным запахом, который был так мил нашему маленькому герою. Радуга была столь реальна, что Пони даже захотелось до нее дотронуться. Дрожащим копытцем он прикоснулся к радуге и, к своему изумлению, почувствовал, что она плотная и мягкая, как зефир! Недолго думая, Пони осторожно наступил на нее и пошел медленно, потом быстрее, потом побежал, поскакал, понесся по разноцветной дуге, конца которой не было видно.
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- "Спасибо, Солнце!" - кивнул рогом Пони, и, звеня копытцами, вскоре пропал вдали... Куда делся тот Пони, осталось тайной. На скотном дворе его больше не видели, но по сей день ходят по земле рассказы о чудесном Единороге, приходящем на помощь несчастным и дарящем людям частичку своей солнечной души.
Посвящается моей Маричке, маленькому человеку, которого много.
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Another Log for the Fire
Many of us have reasons why we're so driven. We have experiences in our lives that stick with us through each and every decision we make. Every decision that makes us better in what we do. It could be in sports, our professional lives or just life in general. We have those reasons to keep fighting and keep going and to prove to whomever that we will win in whatever game we may be playing. That pain we feel may hurt us so bad that we fear ever retouching the matter for which the pain resulted from. That fear is very real. But it's our choice to accept it as fear and walk away or to realize that fear is a figment of our imagination and to fight through it. That is in our power. We have to understand that fear will not stop us from experiencing pain, but it will definitely inhibit us from reaching our maximum capacity. A capacity for greatness. Are you willing to give up that chance to reach your capacity for greatness due to your giving in to fear. Most of us think fear will also keep us out of harms way. Yes. But not completely. You must understand that the human body and mind is a complex system of highways and byways of nerves and in the brain, neurons that create electrical impulses for us to remove ourselves from harm and pain. So, trust your body and let it do it what it's supposed to do. If you do that, fear is eliminated from your mind altogether, now imagine the potential in your life from doing that. Keep that in mind, when I get back to my reasoning for this blog entry. Each person have experiences in their lives that stays or rather haunts them throughout there lives. In my life, for example, this happens to be my family. My family is the cause of so much pain in my life. My wife and kids, whom I've dubbed my new family, are my savior and helped me come to the realization that I will share with you in a moment. My birth family treated me like crap all my life. I've been physically, emotionally, and mentally abused my whole life. I still carry scars with me to this day. But am I sad about what's happened? Sure. Am I pissed? Of course. But understand that I am angry and that's what makes me most happy. Why, because a healthy anger is OK for someone who uses it in the right way. Controlled anger is a powerful thing. It creates a motivation when you feel empty on reasons to get up and go get that run. It's helps you remember those beatings you got as a kid and pushes you to throw up that iron that helped you hit your max when you felt sore and weak. Trust me when I tell you that it works. And now, look what you've done, my friends; you've turned the unfortunate events of your life into a fuel source in helping you keep doing what you need to do so that you can ultimately meet your goals. I'm doing it and I will continue to do it for the rest of my life. When I'm running and I feel out of breath, my legs are burning and my lungs are on fire; it's cold and wet - my first thought is to give up. But I programmed my mind to think about the beatings my mom used to give me and the verbal abuse I used to take. And you know what happens next? I'm going....and I keep going...and going..... You see? It works. So when you find yourself down and out; unmotivated and feeling defeated. Think back at those times when you felt pain and know that everything you do to make yourself better will push you further away from the realities of that pain. Use that pain. Add that log onto that fire inside. As long as that fire is stoked, the fire inside will never go out. One.
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scubaxsenpai · 5 years
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Today is the day i ask her out.... No more feeling nervous! "Will you go out with me!?" Ummm I'm sorry but I don't date black guys and your too much of a nice guy for me. She replied "With your head always in the clouds you'll lose sight on what's around you." Sitting on top of a hill under a tree I met a lady with a hat, beautiful dress and was playing music. Stun by the sight of her beauty I couldn't approach her until..... "Hey young man would you mind helping me?" Nervously I walked towards her as she began to play her music I sat in front of her in aww. That was the start of me cloud watch, as my mind would wonder off. My imagination would help form animals in the clouds; until on this day something change. On this hill my troubles started to fade. We laughed, we singed and even though my voice was amazing she didn't judge. The sun set before I could ask for her name she asked "Why was you crying before!" Stunned by the tears fallen from my face I couldn't answer. She placed her hands over my shoulder and gave me a hug then told me.... "Love you want to experience is too strong for the is world and you will received that blessing later in life, so don't give up we will meet again my name is....." "Yo Steve aye yo Steve wake up class is over we have to go aye bro you good!?" Yea.... Yea I got alot on my mind I'll see you later! #poetry #poetrycommunity #spokenword #spokenwordpoetry #speakingfromexperience #speakingfrommyheart #cameramanintraining #photooftheday #cloudyday #cloudywillpassandgone #loveortobeloved #lovedlockdown #neverstopdreaming https://www.instagram.com/p/B1N_35OHQpk/?igshid=16zxuv5f2hkxh
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