#sparky talks pjo
saiyan98 · 2 years
Reminiscence (Leo X Calypso with Estelle)
A/N: This one is a unique story I thought of after knowing the ToA Spoilers and thought of a good fanfic I will make later. More about that at the end.
Estelle Blofis is visiting the Valdez family. In the meantime, she helps out with Leo or Calypso with their work and would also play with the kids. One day, she asked how both Leo and Calypso got together. Calypso reminisce about the time she and Leo met on her island.
Disclaimer: The following is a Non-profit fanbase series. PJO, HOO and TOA are owned by Rick Riordan and Disney Hyperion. Please support the Official Release.
"So, you and Leo been together for a long time, right?" Estelle asked.
Estelle Blofis, half-sister of Percy Jackson, came to visit the Valdez, asking Leo for help on a project she's working on back in New York. Of course, she knows the whole demigod deal from her brother and sister-in-law, Annabeth. So she went to one of the best mechanic she knows.
While Leo was working on her request, Estelle went and help Calypso on her diner; cleaning, taking orders, etc. The diner gotten less busy and gave both Estelle and Calypso time to talk. Thus led to her question.
"We have," Calypso answered. "About some time before you were born."
"That long?"
Calypso nodded.
"We had a rough year after that, but I never regret meeting him. He gave me so much that I don't even know HOW to repay him." Calypso chuckled a bit. "Yet, marrying him, having children and a business together seems to be everything he ever wanted."
Estelle smiled. She always wondered how someone like Leo Valdez was able to get a beautiful girl like Calypso to fall for him. Heck she's not just any girl, she's THE Calypso. The goddess trapped in Ogygia, cursed to fall for every hero. Many would say she's a witch, a seducer, a monster. But you say that to her family (Leo and his friends), they'd make you regret that.
"How did you two meet?" Estelle asked.
Calypso sighed. "Where do I even begin?"
The two sat at the counter bar while Calypso got her thoughts together.
"So you know my story, correct? The whole 'trapped in an island, forever cursed to fall for heroes'?"
Estelle nodded.
"Well, to answer your question. First, you have to know the time I met your brother."
"You met Percy before?!" Estelle asked.
"Yes, I have. And, like every other hero, I had fallen for him."
"Really? Percy? Leo I can understand. But Percy? My bro is a lot of things. A warrior, a family man, a bit funny; but a hero worthy for THE Calypso? I don't think so."
Calypso laughs, Estelle just loves to tease on her brother. But she knows just how big his heart is.
"Anyways," Calypso continues. "Percy was wounded and I healed him. He was scared at first, but eventually relaxed around me. And you know my story, I fell in love and asked him to stay."
"And he reject you?"
Calypso nodded.
"Damn, family thanksgiving must've been awkward for you two."
The Valdez would come and visit The Jackson family household in California for the annual Thanksgiving dinner party.
"It's all water under the bridge, don't forget that we're also the godparents of Luke."
"Oh yeah," Estelle remembers. "I'm glad."
"Yeah; anyways, Percy even manage to make the gods to agree on letting minor gods like me, free. Though, unfortunately, they never got the chance; which led to Leo falling to my island."
Stella laughs. "I'm sorry, falling?"
"Yeah, he LITERALLY fell to my island, crashed on my dinner table and created a huge crater. And boy was I mad with him."
The two laughs at the memory. Suddenly, a young toddler boy walked down the stairs.
"Mommy, daddy said he needs help looking for something."
Calypso sighed. "I'll finish the story later. First, I got to help my husband with his work. Watch over the diner for a bit? Shouldn't be too long."
Estelle nodded. As Calypso leaves to the garage, she looks at the toddler.
"So Jason, how's my favorite little sparky boy doing?"
Jason smiled. "I've been very good at my drawings. Wanna see?"
"Okay, bring them down and we'll see if we can get the customers to love them."
Leo and Calypso closed their shop for the day and went to the kitchen for family dinner. Zoe also came back from school and was talking about her day nonstop.
"Oh, by the way," Estelled said. "Leo, is it true that you destroyed Calypso's dinner table at her island?"
Leo sighed.
"You're still mad about that?"
"It was a nice dinner table! And you destroyed it!" Calypso yelled.
"And I could've died too!"
"A price I'm willing to make."
Estelle and Calypso laughed.
"What? Was the dinner table THAT important?"
The kids started laughing too and eventually, Leo joined.
"Estelle was asking about how we met," Calypso answered for Leo.
"Ah, well," Leo smirked. "She hated my guts at first, but eventually, I made her fall for me with my good looks and jokes."
Estelle laughed harder.
"Okay, THAT was your best joke."
Everyone except Leo laughed.
After everyone ate their food, they all hang at the living room and just relax.
"Back to the story though," Calypso continued her story.
"Leo crashed on my island and I got mad. And, as always, Leo was being himself and I was very irritated. Especially since it was later after I met Percy. And believe me, I was furious. I thought that Leo was just another joke for the gods. Forcing me to fall in love for someone like Leo."
"Hey!" Leo said as he was playing with Jason while Zoe was doing her homework.
"Oh quiet you," Calypso laughed. "We tried to get the raft to show up so that he can leave. Unfortunately, it never showed."
"Because you had to fall in love, right?"
Calypso nodded.
"At first, we thought that the magic was broken. So I got really mad and stormed out; Leo though, went straight to work and starting build his escape. I did my best to avoid him, but he was just so loud with his workshop. I was yell at him, when I noticed something."
"What?" Estelle asked.
"Leo fixed my fountain, my curtains AND my gardening tools."
"Oh really?"
"Hey! I just love fixing things. I couldn't help myself," Leo interrupted.
"Anyways, I decided to bring some food and clothes to him. And I regretted that day since."
Estelle chuckled. "So that was the moment your life changed."
"It was the start, yeah. Eventually, I started helping Leo with getting resources for him and his trip, help with the wirings and give him clothes and food too. He even joked about us owning a shop together. Eventually, he started making jokes. Terrible jokes by the way."
"Not true, you laughed at them."
"Shut up, Leo!"
Leo smiled while playing with the kids. Zoe was able to finish her homework and joined in on the fun.
"Later on, we were able to finish his navigation device. Afterwards, we had a picnic to celebrate. I asked Leo if it'll work. You know what he said?"
"What?" Estelle asked.
"He said, 'getting out will be easy. But coming back is gonna be tricky'."
"I was shocked when he said that. I tried to deny him and told it was impossible. But Leo..."
She looks at Leo, watching him smiling and laughing while playing with the kids. Their kids.
"Leo was too stubborn to forget me. It was at that moment, the raft arrives."
Estelle was quiet as she continues.
"I told Leo to go and set the navigation. Though I think he was shocked when it arrived. I think he was just as in love as I was. Though, I kept trying to deny it. Anyways, just before Leo left. He said he'll come back, I told him, 'don't give me an empty promise'. And guess what he said. He said, 'well about a full promise'."
Calypso sighed.
"I couldn't take it anymore, so I straight up kissed him. Managing to shut him up, pushed him towards the sea... and I cried."
"...wow..." Estelle was speechless. Calypso was strong, she was willing to push the one man who was willing to love her back so that he can save the world.
"Believe me, more than anything, I want him to stay. But, he had to save the world. He was a hero."
"But then, he came back. Right?"
Calypso smiled.
"Yeah, he did. Apparently, he died on his quest. Yet he was able to cheat death and came back for me."
Estelle squealed. "That's so romantic! Leo LITERALLY died for you?!"
Calypso nodded. "Yeah, and now, I was given much more than my freedom."
"And what's that?"
Estelle was still looking at Leo and noticed that the three stooges were on the ground, napping.
"I was given a home."
Estelle smiled.
"Well... I'm glad you're free, Calypso. When I read about your story in school, I felt sad that you had to suffer such loneliness and heartbreak for so long."
"Well, I never would've been with here without Leo. And even Percy too."
"Can I ask something?"
"What's up?"
"...Leo told me once that you guys had a rough couple of years after you came back. He said he was NOT boyfriend material. Why did you stay?"
"...Well... despite all his flaws, he always does his best to fix things. And that included... my heart. He may have annoyed me to death, but I still love him. But... even though he can fix anything, he never could fix himself. Especially since..."
Calypso nodded.
Jason was a touchy subject for Leo. He was his best friend, his brother, his role model. Losing him nearly broke him.
"So... how did you managed?"
"I gave him space. I went to Band Camp while he went to Camp Jupiter."
"Did it work?"
"To be honest... I don't know, but I can say that it was the worst summer I ever had. A day doesn't go by when I worry for Leo. Heck, I even wondered if Leo found someone better than me. I mean, I may be a goddess, but I was always that 'second best'. I had nightmares... nightmares of Leo dumping me and dating someone else." She sighed. "But... when I came home. Leo was there. He came to me and hugged me tightly and said, 'welcome home'."
Calypso smiled, stopping herself from crying on the memories.
"It was that moment I knew. I knew I need to help Leo. Because..."
"Because he was home," Estelle finished.
"Yes... Leo Valdez was home. A broken, sarcastic, idiotic home. But MY home. My Leo Valdez." She walks up toward Leo and stroked his cheek lovingly. "My hero."
Estelle smiles as Calypso tries to wake up Leo and tells him to take the kids to bed. Estelle also promise to play with the kids tomorrow since the diner and the garage are close on Saturdays and Sundays. So the family will be able to relax the whole day.
The next day, Estelle was at the backyard with the kids, playing alongside with Festus as he swinging the kids on his tail. Festus loves the kids. Calypso was in the kitchen, making snacks and drinks for the family. Leo was helping her with the drinks since he was finish helping on Estelle's project.
"Alright everyone!" Leo said. "Snacks are ready!"
The kids and Estelle stopped playing and went toward the two with the snacks and drinks. Relaxing, Leo spoke, "By the way, Stella. I finished that project of yours. I'll show it to you tonight when the kids are asleep. Hopefully it'll help you out in New York."
Leo winked and smiled.
Estelle looks around at her family.
A goddess and a mechanic, falling in love in the weirdest way; having two such active kids, playing with their giant mechanic dragon. Laughing... having a peaceful life.
"Something wrong, Stella?" Calypso asked.
Estelle shook her head.
"No... I'm just happy. I'm happy for you and Leo. You both got your happily ever after."
A/N: Hope you enjoyed that scene. It's actually a direct sequel to the previous one-shot. Next chapter will be about a Calypso and Annabeth friendship. Still got to finish the TOA series, only finished Book one but... after hearing about Jason... I just stopped. I don't like it... but I have to finish the series. I still prefer BoO ending, but I guess not every hero gets a happy ending. Anyways, here's a bonus scene. It's based on an idea of a fanfic trilogy I'm going to make. Titles will be announced at the end.
After Calypso took the kids to bed, Leo and Estelle headed toward the garage.
"So it's done?" Estelle asked.
"Yeah, it took a few months but I managed to finish it."
Suddenly, the garage floor was opening. Underneath Leo's garage was his workshop. In there, he was building devices and technology to protect his family against monsters and villains. However, that doesn't stop from helping his friends on some latest techs.
"Calypso made the design, but I was able to put in the materials. I even added in it's very own T.A.L.O.S system. Should help you during your... 'patrols'."
At the center of the room, was a display of a suit. It wasn't Leo's Ultima suit.
It Estelle's.
"Wow," She said.
"Made with Celestial Bronze, Royal Gold, marked with Ancient Runes from the Norse Mythology and Symbols from Egypt. And, along with Calypso's magic, it's practically indestructible against most physical damage. But, please don't overboard."
Estelle laughed at the last part.
"That's ironic, coming from you."
Leo chuckled.
"Yeah, well... I hate to see you get hurt out there."
She nodded. "Thank you, Leo. This suit will DEFINITELY help me out on my night runs. Does it also have the features I requested?"
"Yeah, I got the list here. Instructions as well. T.A.L.O.S can help you out with it, so don't stress out on it."
Estelle looks back at the suit and smiled.
"Better head to bed, got to head to the airport in the morning. Hopefully the suit doesn't get shown in security. That wouldn't be fu-"
"Can I ask you something?" Leo interrupted. She nodded to the question.
"Do you... ever regret your decision? About the cure?"
Estelle eyes widen when he asked. She was quiet for a moment, then looked at her left wrist. On it was a mark.
"There was a time I did. I thought, this was gonna hurt my friends, my family... and eventually get me killed."
"So... what changed your mind?"
Estelle looks toward Leo's desk and noticed a picture frame. She took her hand out and suddenly, the mark glowed and started creating a cylinder-like aura around her arms. She then closed her middle and ring finger towards her palm.
A web fluid flew out the room and landed on the frame.
Estelle then yanked the frame toward her and catches it mid-air.
The frame was the same one Leo looked a couple days ago.
"He did."
Leo knew who she was referring to.
"I hardly knew him. Yet, he went so far for his friends. He knew he wouldn't make it out alive... and yet..."
"He was a hero... and so much more," Leo finished.
Estelle gave the frame back to him and gave a sad smile.
"After hearing so much about him. About my brother and his friends saving the world less than MY age... I realized that this mark..."
She then looks back at the suit.
The Spider suit.
"It's more than a curse...
...It's a tool...
...A gift...
...A Responsibility..."
Estelle and The Mark of Arachne
Book 1: The Trident of Poseidon (Origin of Estelle becoming Spider-girl)
Book 2: Legend of the Kitsune (Like Spider-Man Far from home but in Japan)
Book 3: The Web Dimensions (Do I need to explain?)
A/N: Yep. I'm planning a Spider-Man/Percy Jackson Series with Estelle Blofis as the MC. It'll have several reference to the other Spider-Man's. Plot line too, but only mildly. And no, Estelle's backstory will NOT be the same as Peter Parker.
Ain't doing that to my boy, Percy Jackson.
Oh! And several other characters will be returning too. The Kanes; Leo and Calypso; Magnus Chase (Still need to finish that series but I'm sure he's alive...ish. Right?) and more.
Will be a while though to get the writing done. School and work; along with several other fanfics I'm working on. Plus this one-shot series too. Speaking of, if you guys have any suggestions or ideas, let me know.
Until next update.
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