#sorry if it’s tmi but
wegc · 3 months
guys if i had a dick i would go crazy like i don't think i'd be able to stop jerking off it's literally so easy u just go up and down and boom u cum AN D U CAN ACTUALLY SEE THE CUM !!!!! i also think i'd be hard all the time um
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mysicklove · 4 months
mans tried to finger me and i was dry as a rock. 😔😔😔😔 literally had to pull him away bc it hurt LMAOAOAOAAOAO
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kathaynesart · 4 months
Will Leo and the others take over the Resistance in future chapters? Cause right now it seems that the Bishop guy is running it so far, right?
I honestly can't wait for some more updates! Your art is amazing and your story telling and writing skills are through the roof! Also! I hope you have a good week and that everything in your life is perfect! Make sure to get rest, eat, and focus on yourself! ❤️❤️
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Thank you so much! You are so kind!
If you mean the Central Park Colony, technically no, they neve take over. The Resistance (the Liberty Colony) and the Central Park Colony are two different things! A lot of this information is subtly inferred and might be difficult to notice so here are some known facts:
Central Park Colony:
2022 - 2030
Located: under Central Park
last colony and stronghold of the USA
was an underground facility created by the EPF (Earth Protection Force, aka shady anti-alien/mutant department) in case of invasion
Run by the remnants of the US Government and EPF
large colony comprised of humans (yokai and mutants too but they're mostly kept in quarantine camps)
destroyed by the Krang in 2030 aka "The Day the Sky Bled Red" killing off a vast majority of the humans, EPF, and political figures in power
Liberty Colony (aka The Resistance):
2030 - 2044
Located: under Statue of Liberty
comprised of human, yokai, and mutant refugees from the Central Park colony after it fell (mostly civilians).
much smaller than Central Park Colony, but everyone there is treated much more fairly and work together
Lead by Master Leonardo, Commander O'neil, and several others
destroyed in the beginning of the movie
So no, Leonardo never takes over the Central Park Colony that the Holiday Special is happening in. However, where he is in the "present timeline" of Replica he is already the Leader of the Resistance. Not going to lie, it was kind of forced onto him, poor guy. Hope that helps!
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cowardlycowboys · 6 months
wanna go back to doing what I love which is fucking myself
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blqckthorne · 8 months
ok i want to talk a little bit about Cassandra Clare and the use of incest as a plot device because i always see stuff, mostly on tik tok, talking about how CC keeps continuously writing incest into her stories and about how weird it is. but the thing is, she only ever writes it to depict how thoroughly the adults in these kids lives abuse and manipulate their kids. 
like in tmi with jace, sebastian, and valentine: valentine told jace that him and clary were siblings because valentine saw that for once in jaces life, jace might choose someone over him. so he lied and said jace has demon blood and was clary’s brother so that jace would think that he was dirty and vile and disgusting and wrong. that clary was good and pure and angelic and jace was evil and demonic, because how could he be anything else when he was in love with his sister, so he might as well join up with valentine. with sebastian, sebastian was so desperate for his fathers love and approval that even after valentine died, he wanted his love so he tried so hard to be like jace. he thought that loving clary would be the thing to fix him, because it was the thing that “fixed” jace. and jace had their fathers love. so did sebastian really have feelings for clary? probably not. but he couldn’t see any other difference between him and jace and how they were brought up other than jaces love for clary, so why wouldn’t he try loving clary too?
in tlh with grace, jesse, and tatiana: tatiana only ever viewed grace as a possession not a daughter, shown through the fact that she continuously used grace to further her own agenda and disregarded any and everything grace ever really cared about, including graces familial relationship with jesse. tatiana was willing to marry grace off to jesse the moment it suited her, regardless of the fact that grace always viewed both tatiana and jesse as family. because tatiana never viewed grace as family. grace was only every a possession, and tatiana bought and used her like one.
none of these depictions of incest are actually romantic. CC is not saying “oh haha brother/sister relationships so sexy” she’s using it to show just how terrible and fucked up these parents are that they would use their children and make them feel like shit in this way. she uses it to show abuse and manipulation and evilness, not to promote sibling fucking.
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moodyvoid · 5 months
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fun fact: I was born with teeth and bit tf outta my moms tiddy
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akq96618 · 27 days
[ king ohger oc ]
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i think i should make a proper post abt them, so here it is!
(thx a lot to @ponopyonq for reading my rambles about them, i keep doubting myself to post them but i got encouraged by you ;-; ily bro)
Selen (Selen Idmonarak ne Brasieri Hastie)
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-Son of Gira and Jeramie -his name based from Selenopidae (wall crab spiders), i love how it's eyes described as 'resemble the moon'
-calls jeramie by papa and gira by toto (shorts of otou-san, but as he grow up he called gira by otou-san)
-everyone's friend <3
-spent most of his time at shugoddam, but sometimes he visited bugnarak cave.
-loves reading encyclopedia, esp. about animals and insects
-his bugnarak hand can't shoot spiderweb, but he's agile and good at climbing
-also good at hiding (either his feelings or hiding for hide and seek-)
-jeramie's bedtime story is his favorite, especially story of the ohsama sentai
-his close friends are buun (as his right hand) and diabolica (pao's oc!!!)
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brief idea of selen here!
Takane (Takane Dybowski-Hastie)
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-Daughter of Racles and Suzume
-her name based from takane-ruri kuwagata (platycerus sue imura)
-Older twin
-truly women of toufu
-nobody knows what's inside her mind (except Mitsuba)
-she has no interest on being king or succesor
-she pursued medical studies at ishabana instead
-calls everyone by '-chan' (selen---ren-chan, mitsuba---micchan, rion--ricchan)
-friends with Rion. Since they shared the same interest on fashion
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Mitsuba (Mitsuba Dybowski-Hastie )
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-Son of Racles and Suzume
-His name based from Mitsubachi (honeybee)
-Younger twin
-admires his father and sometimes help his job as chikyuu's 'tool'
-mitsuba and takane calls racles by otou-sama and suzume by okaa-sama
-loves to eat, but never gained a lot of weight
-kaguragi's student, maybe soon to be succesor
-really excel at talking and persuade others, esp. after being kagu's student
-Selen is like a little brother to him, not just his cousin
-pretty chill and not as energetic as his twin sister, but he'll show his scary side to those who disrespect his family (including those who badmouthed selen and giramie)
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brief ideas of hastie-dybowski twins here!
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-Yanma's pupil -go by they/them
-their name based from coenagrion puella (azure damselfly)
-around the same age as dybowski-hastie twins
-for some reasons, the Nkosopaz raised them since they're 6 yrs old and Yanma took them as his pupil
-their relationship with yanma is kinda like yanma and gin. Sometimes they'd fight, but Rion respect him a lot, actually
-closest to shiokara and usuba
-only use honorifics to shiokara
-actually they don't really care abt their gender, ("what's important is being the coolest ever and aiming to the top!!!!" -rion, perhaps)
-even if with no shugod soul, they create their own shugod for transportation (it's a damselfly, ofc)
-had a crush on mitsuba-
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lol they're fun to draw
also last one, their dynamic chart! (?)
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layla-carstairs · 6 months
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Simon (Lewis) Lovelace - The Mortal Instruments
“You thought he was cute, didn’t you?”
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amygdalae · 3 months
Can it be full soul baring honesty hour. The bat did fly in while I was cranking it
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cladestruction · 26 days
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cool ass drawing i made for a dtiys on ig. thought maaaybe you guys might like looking at it and stuff. yeah
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here without the club lights. and yeah i'm a sucker for adding grain to the drawing hehe
the dtiys is from @/vvronsky on instagram, followers dtiys! check him out! his art is very very cool!
tmi: it's been a couple of days and op still hasn't seen my entry apparently? and i'm getting a bit anxious bc of it :( i've noticed they don't take long when posting other people's entries so,,, and i've tagged them properly and all! i would insist just in case they haven't been notified or something but uuuh i don't want to bother him by being too intense either :((( makes me think if he saw something wrong with my drawing or something? don't know. anyway have a good day y'all xo
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 12 days
i've never even seen the show First is from and yet i love your First x Chase Young ship so i have to ask. If anything did HAPPEN between the two of them what sort of emotions would they be dealing with afterwards?
Wow, this is such an unexpectedly nice compliment for me? Cause it means, you are a Chase/XS fan, who saw my crack ship and went 'I don't know what's going on, but I enjoy your silly little ship, funny crossover shipper.' and you know what? It's very nice and made me happy. ;) Thank you!
And well who said nothing ever happened between them lol IF anything happened between those two (be it emotional or physical ;3), their default way of dealing it would be DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL, in similar but also in slightly different ways.
Chase Young is a man who seemingly doesn't do softer emotions. Any possible feelings and reactions who could be attributed to him actually caring about First Ninja, are re-labeled in his head into him doing all of this because he is trying to manipulate First on his side (and he totally still is, but he also now wants to feed that man, talk with him during long evenings and perhaps take a nap with him, you know, disgusting cute domestic stuff amidst oh i dunno- taking over the world and being evil together. >;))
First Ninja on the other hand, is very much aware that for things to go this far means that he is absolutely having emotions about Chase. But he is also in denial, because how can he betray all of his moral standing and beliefs, if he starting to care about someone like Chase Young? So he shoves it so far deep, he is in denial about denial, and turns completely blind to anything even resembling them being something more than opponents who tentavely respect one another.
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thevirgincherry · 1 month
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me but I don’t have job idk
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wikitpowers · 1 month
this is isabelle lightwood confirmed
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We deserved to see Brent Spiner in a dress more than once, actually.
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Other theories I have about the conclusion to the Meursault arc, in no particular order and in varying degrees of conviction and likelihood:
Dazai believes he is not going to make it out of the prison and in fact thinks he is going to die. He says that he will make sure Sigma gets out but doesn't mention himself. Says his goal isn't to escape but to kill Dostoevsky. He's also being weirdly open about his emotions. Mind you, I think it would be odd if he were to actually die in this arc given that it doesn't make a lot of sense to me character-wise but. Idk.
Dostoevsky is not going to die this arc. Look, we still know nothing about him! I feel he's a much bigger threat than Fukuchi and that we're just barely scratching the surface with him. We know nothing about his ability, nothing about the V connection, nothing about what he's been setting up for apparently longer than most of the younger cast have been active. It can't end like this for him. In fact, he's the only one I'm adamant won't be killed in this arc.
Gogol is the true wildcard and may end up as a spanner in the works - he says he wants Dostoevsky dead but when Dazai or Chuuya or both gain the upper hand, he sways events to give Fyodor an advantage while brushing it off with "it's more interesting and entertaining like this". The real reason is that he doesn't actually want him dead at all. At the same time, I wonder if he might find Sigma and try to work with him to get the info he wanted. I seem to recall he wanted information on what Fyodor's ability was. Gogol is on no one's side. Let him be chaotic.
Sigma will manage to extract the information from Fyodor - as he cannot kill ability users with his own ability. Based on that one theory that Crime and Punishment only works on non-ability users, hence why Fyodor tricked Ace into killing himself and shot Catgirl with a gun. I wonder if Sigma, spurred on by a new burst of confidence, will take some initiative, figure it out (he's quite intelligent, actually, so I wouldn't put it past him), and get the information he needs.
Chuuya deflected the bullet shot at Catgirl so that it drew blood but did not kill her. Or Catgirl froze time long enough to make a plan with Chuuya. (*sob* i just don't want her to be dead)
They are able to use the info Sigma got to send it back to the Agency, thus wrapping up the DoA arc. However, Dostoevsky has gotten away, which means the four of them - Dazai, Sigma, Chuuya and Catgirl - need to go on a chaotic manhunt/road trip to find him. Chuuya is driving. He is livid at Dazai and is giving him the silent treatment while turning on the radio in the car with music he knows will annoy him. Dazai is shoved in the backseat between Sigma and Catgirl, pouting. Catgirl is revealed to be a kleptomaniac who keeps stealing stuff from them and all the places they stop at. She's not even supposed to be there she just enjoys the drama and the vibes. And poor Sigma does not want this at all but he has some moments where he and Chuuya get to talk and that's somewhat civil. Maybe they end up recruiting Adam for assistance. This makes no sense. :)
Gogol saves Dostoevsky because he doesn't really want him dead. This sends him into a crisis where he becomes more and more volatile and unpredictable. Terrible road-trip #2 electric boogaloo. Gogol keeps trying to kill him and becomes erratic, poisoning his drink, brandishing a knife, holding him at gunpoint. He tries to strangle him but cannot follow through. Fyodor does not care because for as long as Gogol's attachment exists, Fyodor is in control. Gogol knows that for as long as his attachment exists, he can never be free. I am aware this sounds like a screwed up fanfic premise. I want angst. :)
Dostoevsky put something in place for Chuuya on the off-chance that he managed to escape the brainwashing. There's no real evidence for this other than I think it makes some sense that Fyodor would have an emergency measure in place. Perhaps access to misleading information that might make him question things? Idk. Fyodor plays the long game. I want some real effects on the cast.
Got anything to add? :D
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