#some rooms on the first floor do have the flashing lights for accessibility purposes
certifieddilfenjoyer · 5 months
An eye for beskar Part II Moff Gideon x!GN Reader
There's gonna be one more part, I really enjoy this story lmao
The space shuttle takes you both on board a light Imperial cruiser, where, just as Moff Gideon promised, you are being escorted to a facility somewhere on the lower deck, where you are supposed to cooperate with the engineers. It's not an easy job, not just because of the task itself, but also the people you are ordered to work with. You are given a clean, simple room with an access to a bathroom and a toilet, the Imperial remnants also give you a desaturated blue uniform and make sure you are nicely fed. It is most definitely not the way all of the prisoners are treated, but despite all the good things, you are still kept under surveillance.
At first, the few people that are focused on improving the design of the Dark Troopers, don't really pay attention to your advice or guidance. You decide to ignore it, but as more time passes by you start to notice how even though they are educated, they lack some of the experience you've gotten just by sheer curiosity – assembling, disassembling, repairing and inspecting the vehicles and devices that were in your closest proximity. You were always interested by the way things work and you had an internal need of finding out how an engineer constructing even the simplest devices came up with the specific designs and ideas.
Even though you are doing all you can to get the attention of the engineer team leader to talk him through some of the inconveniences you have noticed in the current droid design, you are purposely being ignored. It is not a secret that you don't really have any kind of respect within the team.
After around a week of being forced into Imperial labor, you are instructed to board a space shuttle with some people from your team. The shuttle takes you down onto some planet you have never seen before, where a field test of the Dark Troopers is supposed to take place.
When you land in a hangar of an Imperial base, you are immediately instructed to follow one of the Stormtroopers. The soldier takes you to a room where all you can see is a Dark Trooper unit, surrounded by a long wall mirror on the left side from the entrance. You turn on your heel to ask a question to the Stormtrooper, only to realize that he already stepped outside of the area.
A cold shiver runs up your spine as you immediately connect the dots. As if confirming your thoughts, the wall mirror on the left fades away and reveals an audience consisting of a few engineers, including the team leader as well as some officers you have never seen before and Moff Gideon.
Your shoulders fall to your sides and you frown at the team leader, as he leans in closer to a microphone.
'We have decided to run a Dark Trooper unit field test,' he announces and you raise an eyebrow at him. 'Because you insisted on introducing some changes to the core design of the battle droid, we agreed that a presentation would be required to back up your ridiculous ideas.'
A wave of anger washes through you, but the second the Dark Trooper's red sensor flashes, your fury changes into fear.
The room is completely empty. There is nothing in here, but grey walls, a plain floor and a high ceiling. Nothing to defend yourself with, nothing that could've served as a potential cover.
Suddenly, the droid takes a step towards you and another one right after that. He is walking straight at you and the interval between his steps has most definitely decreased since the last time you faced the droid. You push yourself away from the entrance door and immediately start walking to the side, trying to keep a safe distance between you and the droid.
'Prisoner, running away is not going to exploit the robot's weak points,' you can hear the engineer's voice from the speaker.
'Yea, fuck off!' You snap under your nose, with your eyes focused on the primary source of the danger.
The droid dashes away, propelling itself forward with the jetpack on his back. You dodge in the last second, but the moved takes you by a total surprise and you lose your balance, landing on your bottom. You try to roll away but the robot catches your ankle and picks you up just to throw you a few meters away from it. You manage to land safely and get up to your feet, your heart pumping blood at an insane rate.
'YOU DID CHANGE IT!' You shout at the engineer and knock at the glass wall. 'It’s not the same robot as before!'
You hear a step directly behind you and you dodge down, then hear a loud thump as the droid strikes the glass above you. You grab it's hips and pull yourself towards the droid, sliding behind its back. The droid swing its left arm behind, trying to strike you, but you adjust yourself to the side, making sure to stay in its dead zone. It tries the same trick just like before, but you easily avoid the strike.
You managed to find a flaw and exploited it, but it doesn't give you much except a little time for a breather. You try to grab the jetpack, but the droid continues to turn around, trying to strike you, so you have to move around it accordingly. Eventually, you manage to hook your fingers under the jetpack and realize that it will not come off. Instead, you use it as a handle and mount the droid's back and watch it struggle reaching to you. It swings its arms a few times, but then switches the right forearm into the firing mode. Your eyes widen as the barrel is pointed right in your face. Your instincts make you dive down and when the first shot escapes the barrel, you are hidden behind the droid's back.
Surprisingly, the weight of your body as well as the overall confusion you caused in the robots visual and sensor system, makes it land a few shots inside its head. The blaster fire deflects and hits the nearby mirror wall, leaving a smoking mark on it. You glance at the audience constantly observing your best efforts to survive and make eye contact with Moff Gideon, piercing you through with his gaze.
You grit your teeth with anger at his sight, then notice that the droid's neck has been damaged. You push your fingers inside of it and grab a few power cables you are able to recognize, then pull them with all of your might. The droid stops shooting and swings his left arm at you and actually manages to grab your collar. A flash of terror runs through your body, making your hair stand up, but before you are thrown to the floor, you lean forward and tear the cables away with your teeth.
It was a major risk, but the droid stops. You quickly free yourself from its grasp and fiddle with the cables for a little bit as the engineer screams something at you from the other side of the window. You put your legs around the droid and grab its jetpack, making yourself comfortable. Then, knowing exactly what kind of weapon you now possess, you look at the people on the other side of the glass.
All of them, besides Moff Gideon stand up and take a few steps away from the glass. The man stares at you and comfortably adjust himself in the chair.
You push the droid's arm to point the barrel at the glass, then connect two wires together, making the droid shoot mindlessly. The window is clearly blaster fire-proof, but the shots leave a mark which covers the vision of the audience. You keep redirecting the arm around, until all you can see and smell is the smoke from the blaster fire. Then, you hop down from the droid's back and look around the room, as it continues shooting at the window.
You quickly notice an air vent, at the top of the ceiling and roughly estimate if you will be able to reach it. Without a moment of hesitation, you deactivate the droid's blaster fire and find a cable connection which triggers it to move forward. You adjust the robot as best as you can, then carefully put your right knee on its shoulder. The balancing is extremely difficult, but before you make any further moves, you can hear a loud sizzling sound and then the glass shattering on the grey metallic floor. You slide away from the droid and kick its arm to point the gun at the direction of a hole which has been cut inside the glass wall.
Through the smoke, you catch a glimpse of the glowing sword that Moff Gideon used to threaten you. It makes your survival instinct kick in once again and you activate the blaster fire, but all of the shots seem to disappear as a silhouette of a man emerges from behind the smoky glass. For a split second you think that the Imperials sent another Dark Trooper your way, but you notice that the movements are way too smooth. You are now fighting with a human and something tells you exactly who it is.
You can feel your stomach drop to the floor and before you manage to react properly, the glowing sword slices the droid's arm off. You dash away before the piece of metal hits the floor and watch the man walk around the deactivated droid, closing the gap between you and him.
You back away immediately, until your back hits the furthest wall. Before you realize, your forearms try to cover your head, but a gloved hand reaches straight for your throat. The man easily lifts you up above his head and you quickly realize that the weapon he is holding might not be your biggest concern.
'I must say, I am impressed,' he says through the helmet, his voice modulated by the synthesizer.
He deactivates the weapon and lowers you, so you can support your weight on your tippy-toes. You greedily gasp for the air and grasp his armored forearm, trying to free yourself from his iron hold.
'Let me go,' you say quietly, as he reaches to his helmet and takes it off.
'You really think I would after something like that?'
'You never planned to anyway,' you spit out through gritted teeth and kick your feet, attempting to stand on your entire sole. 'I am a man of my word,' he responds and lowers you further, but never let's go of the hold.
'Then let me go! I tested your droids, I kept my word!'
'Testing is not just a one singular test,' he replies with a smirk, which makes you absolutely infuriated.
You swing your hand towards his face, trying to poke your fingers into his stupidly pretty eyes, but he catches you by the wrist. His smug look only gets worse, so you swing your leg, trying to kick his side, knocking the sword to the floor. He smashes you into a wall, knocking the air out of your lungs.
'You are so entertaining,' he comments in a low voice, pressing his armored body into yours.
'Let me go!' You wiggle around, attempting to free yourself without any effect.
He grabs your jaw and pushes his thumb on your mouth.
'There is a fine line between me being entertained and losing patience,' he warns and you stare at him furiously. You open your mouth and bite onto his leather glove, making him hiss. He let's go of you and you try to move away from him, but he grabs the fabric of your uniform and easily pulls you closer. You can hear him drop his helmet to the floor and in the next second you feel his elbow around your head. 'You want to behave like a wild animal? Fine. I will start treating you like one.'
He begins to drag you towards the door from which you entered the room. As you constantly struggle with his grasp, you realize that he wasn't joking. His hold on you suddenly got stronger and no matter how much effort you put into freeing yourself, he keeps walking completely uninterrupted. You decide to save up your energy and you try to reach the ground with your feet to keep up with his steps instead of being dragged, but he no longer seems to be paying attention.
He stops in front of the door and soon after it opens, revealing three Stormtroopers. Gideon pushes you towards one of them and the strength difference between the boss and his soldiers actually allows you to put up a small fight. The man in the armor looks at you with cold gaze and grabs you by the hair.
'What's it going to be, feline?' he asks you, tightening his fist, squeezing your hair painfully. 'I'm giving you one last chance. Will you complete your initial task-'
'Go to hell, Gideon,' you interrupt him and watch him tighten his jaw.
His cold eyes pierce right through your soul and even though you can witness a clear display of his quiet fury, his gaze suddenly takes a different turn. Your heart sinks inside your chest as you realize how lustful he is in that moment. He slowly breathes out and his eyes drop to your lips. Before you realize where he was looking at, he hands you over to the Stormtroopers and you have no more fighting spirit in you. You are paralyzed from head to tippy toe, feeling your heart pound heavily inside your chest.
'Put a collar on this one,' he says quietly and turns to the opposite direction to which Stormtroopers drag you to.
Your head is spinning and you are barely able to register anything besides the iron hold of the soldiers on the both sides of you. As if emerging from a fog, an Imperial officer materializes in front of you and injects something in your neck. Your vision spins around and makes you nauseous.
'Stop resisting it,' one of the soldiers tells you and the last thing you remember is seeing the entrance to the hangar.
When you wake up, your throat feels dry and your back hurts. You are leaning on a wall in a corner of a small and dimmed room. You have no way of telling how long have you been sleeping, because there are no windows in the cell to even tell the time. You push yourself away from the wall and crawl towards the door, then stand up and look outside. There is no one in front of the cell.
Instinctively, you reach to your neck and notice a tight fabric. You can't possible see what it is, but it feels like a leather collar. You kneel where you were standing and feel your face heat up with embarrassment. You lean on the doorframe and hug your knees, when suddenly you hear the footsteps approaching.
You move away from the door and sit on your bottom, feeling a bit weak from the washed off drugs to stand up.
The footsteps stop in front of the door and from the small gap below the entrance, you can see a shadow of a person dancing on the floor. A small window in the middle of the door slides open and you are given a decent-looking meal and a cup of water.
'What about the bathroom?' you ask the guard.
'Approach the wall on your left, the door will open.'
With that, he is gone. You grab the plate and eat a few plain broccolis served with dry rice. You chug it all down, thinking about Gideon, unconsciously scratching your skin around the collar as you do so. You remind yourself of the Stormtroopers dragging you away and putting you to sleep to transport you somewhere.
Are you on the cruiser?
You place the plate on the floor and approach the nearest wall, while sipping your water from a soft cup. You calm down your breath and notice a specific vibrations and buzzing coming from somewhere below or behind you.
'It is the ship, then,' you think to yourself and look at the bathroom wall, just to approach it a few seconds later.
The guard didn't lie, you watch as the wall splits open and reveals a completely open shower cabin and a toilet with a small sink on top of the water container used for flushing. After inspecting the bathroom, you strip down and step into the shower and before you even manage to think about how to turn it on, a cold, slightly scented with some cleaning chemicals water starts spilling on top of your head.
You bite your lip, trying not to shout and quickly wash your entire body, but the more time you spent, the more enjoyable the shower seems, so you allow your mind to wander and come up with three different strategies. One - scout the entire cell for a possible escape route, two - wait a few days to see if the situation will change in any way..
Or three…
You step outside of the shower and brush the water drops out of your body.
As you think about the third route, you find yourself subconsciously reaching towards your collar. Next chapter
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eggs-love-loki · 3 years
Fire alarm got set off, had to go outside in my pjs and fuzzy pink robe with my teddy bear 🙃
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deathbyjoong · 3 years
ATEEZ Honeymoon HCs
Summary: I wrote a few thousand words on what I thought a honeymoon would be like with each member of ATEEZ. I hope you all enjoy ✨
Many many thanks to @bfyunho​ for beta-ing and generally being my favorite person 💕
Warnings: fluff and smut. 18+ ONLY!
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Y’all already KNOW that a honeymoon with Seonghwa is just gonna be two weeks of him exercising his duality
Constant love-making? Absolutely. But also! Lots of interesting things to do and many opportunities to make memories
Where’s he gonna do that? A large resort suite all to yourselves in Mediterranean ItalyIt’s warm, sensual, fun, perfect--everything you ever wanted
Days spent wandering the town, swimming, finding museums and restaurants
Seonghwa insists on taking selfies at every single location--he wants to know every single one of these moments long after his memory has failed him
Sunbathing on a private sailboat on the Amalfi Coast, soaking in the vitamin D 
The ship’s captain finds a beautiful, unoccupied spot in a shallow cove, and drops anchor
He then heads into the cabin of the boat to give you and your husband some privacy
Seonghwa sits on a lounge chair behind you, rubbing sunscreen on your shoulders
He’s letting his hands move just as slowly and sensually across your skin as he wants, taking his time in listening to your breath hitch in your throat
Eventually ducking his head down to press his lips to a spot on your neck he hasn’t covered yet, while his thumbs still rub circles on your shoulders
Giving all his attention to that one area, biting lightly then sucking the skin to soothe it
You lean your head back, giving him all the access he could want, and a soft sigh escapes your parted lips
His hair tickles your shoulder, but Seonghwa doesn’t linger long before he’s turning you to face him so he can kiss you properly
He’s got the ties of your swimsuit undone in seconds, and you throw your legs over Seonghwa’s hips as soon as it’s off
You grind yourself on him, abusing his swim shorts in your pursuit of a little friction
Hwa grips you by the waist, firmly but not enough to hurt. Just enough to get you close--enough to help you rise and fall on him
Something occurs to you, and you break the kiss to breathlessly murmur in his ear
“You need sunscreen, too. You’re gonna burn.”
Hwa chuckles, dangerously low, flashing his teeth as he reaches down with one hand and picks up the bottle he’d set on the deck
“My wife is so considerate,” he coos, handing it to you
You take it, rolling your eyes. But Seonghwa’s arms tighten around you once more, and you’re brought close to the tent in his shorts again
“Will you put some on me too, then?” He looks up at you with puppy dog eyes that are completely betrayed by his pupils, blown wide
You squeeze some of the lotion into your hands and let the bottle fall down as you spread it over his shoulders
You’re consumed by his kiss again, gripping his shoulders, arms, neck, wherever you can reach
His skin rubs slick against yours because of the sunscreen, and all you can taste is the salt on Seonghwa’s lips as he does away with his shorts and finally pushes into you
It doesn’t take more than ten minutes of soft moans, grinding, and his mouth against your neck for you to come, head thrown back and facing the sun
Your husband isn’t long after, burying his face in the crook of your shoulder as he loses himself in you
When you’ve come down from your high, Seonghwa stands slowly and pulls you with him
“Let’s go swimming.”
You spend the rest of the afternoon wading in the shallow waters of the cove, soaking in the sun and kicking up the white sand with your toes
When the sun starts to slide down the sky, setting everything aglow with orange and gold, Seonghwa stands behind you and holds his lips to the back of your head
His arms are around you, and your joined form sways gently with the waves until the sun falls away completely
When you get back to the resort, you both shower off and Seonghwa presents you with a beautiful dress to wear to dinner
He wines and dines you every single night, even making an effort to learn some Italian to more easily place your orders and interact with locals
And each night, he lifts his glass and toasts, “To you, Mrs. Park.”
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It took exactly zero convincing for you to get Hongjoong to agree to Paris
He loved the idea right away, because it’s a city known for its art and fashion
You reserve a penthouse room in the heart of Paris, with floor to ceiling windows and sheer white curtains
The two of you arrive in Paris decked out in the most impeccable airport fashion, ready to paint the city red
Unfortunately, the jet lag hits you both a little harder than expected
So you spend the rest of the first day sleeping and eating in bed, to the backdrop of sultry French soul music playing over the radio
The next morning, you wake up just as the sun is beginning to peek over the rooftops
It sends gold rays through the blue light of the morning
You slept with the windows cracked, and the soft breeze blows through the curtains
He’s sleeping next to you, and you curl up against him, perfectly content to get a few more minutes of sleep
His t-shirt smells like him--like home-- and you smile to yourself
But something less wholesome is going on his head
Hongjoong’s eyebrows tilt and his lips part as he whimpers in his sleep
It’s an expression you recognize, although he’s only ever made it while he’s very much awake
Usually as you take him, nails grazing down his stomach, watching his head fall back against the pillows
You have to wonder if that’s what he’s dreaming about, but you’re not about to sit by and let the dream version of you have all the fun
Throwing a leg over his hips, you rest your hands on Joong’s chest and slowly kiss his neck
He moans softly, eyes opening as he wakes
His hands find your hips, pulling you against the growing hardness in his sweatpants, and there’s a sheepish smirk on his face
“Sounded like a good dream,” you whisper against his lips
Hongjoong smiles in the dim light, his eyes flicking to your mouth
“It was,” he replies
His hand is creeping up your back, fingers purposely snagging on your t-shirt
“But nothing compared to this, and nothing compared to you,” he says, and kisses you firmly
You’re not usually one for morning sex, but this lazy love is exquisite in its own way
It’s all slow touches and kisses that are soft but not lacking in passion
Hongjoong shifts to be on top of you and your noses bump, causing both of you to giggle a bit
Joong hides his face in your neck, but takes the opportunity to place a few kisses there
The pair of you take your time in climbing the mountain, but you reach the peak at the same time, hands clasped and legs tangled
You tilt your head a little to watch his face as he comes because the sight of him, and the sounds he’s making, are nothing short of gorgeous
Following an equally slow comedown, you shower off together and clamber back into bed for another couple hours of sleep
When you’re both a bit more rested, you set out on foot to explore the city
Munching on croissants with Hongjoong at an outdoor cafe, and sipping espressos before setting off again
You stop at a small flower stand, and Joong buys you a handful of roses
As you walk on, he has his hands in his pockets, and you loop your arm through his
The content smile playing on his lips gives you a high, and you bask in the moment
The following day, you drive to the Musee du Louvre, and stay until closing time
Joong looks at the art, and you look at him, admiring your own masterpiece
You’re thankful you ended up here because it gives you a perfect, constant view of his profile, from his starry eyes to the tip of his nose to his lovely mouth
He catches you staring at him, and blushes while trying to suppress a smile
You do another day trip to the palace and gardens at Versailles, holding hands as you stroll through the ornate, golden halls and endless paths adorned by flowers
And, of course, it’s not a trip to Paris, or a trip with Hongjoong, if there isn’t shopping for clothes at some point
You pick outfits out for each other in the city’s best boutiques de vetements, from sleek luxury retailers to some of the more underrated shops in the art district
The two of you end up having to buy another suitcase for all the clothes you bring back, but this turn of events is shocking to no one
It’s the most fun you could have on a vacation, and your only consolation for having to go home at the end of the week is getting to start the best adventure of all
Being married to your best friend
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You’ve always wanted to visit Austria
What better occasion than your honeymoon to spend a week in Salzburg?
It’s all wonderful-- the music, scenery, history, and dancing!
It’s a series of beautiful moments from the very start of your trip
You and Yunho watch Harry Potter together on the plane there, sharing earbuds and mouthing the spells together
At one point, Yunho moves the armrest so the two of you can comfortably hold hands
You doze off together, heads resting against each other, and are only awoken by the captain announcing that you’ve landed
You were worried about jet lag, but your Energizer bunny husband has an abundance of contagious excitement
You drop your bags at the hotel, change clothes, and immediately set off on your first adventure
It’s a sunny, breezy day and the sweet aroma of flowers on balconies is everywhere
You’re strolling hand in hand down a cobblestone road in the historic district of the town when you and Yunho hear the music at the same time
You’re drawn like magnets to the sound of a small band playing on the sidewalk
Yunho pulls you in for a dance, just like you knew he would, one grasping yours and the other pulling you close by the waist
As he swings you in circles, you think to yourself, this is why you married him
His carefree nature, spontaneity, and the joy his spirit radiates
And the laughter in your ears that’s just as much music as the instruments being played on the corner of the street
Though you don’t know the steps, and you’re pretty sure Yunho is making them up on the spot, you never once stumble over each other
He ends the dance by twirling you around, tickled pink at how much fun you’re both having
Next, you find a little outdoor cafe, and insist on feeding him yourself
Yunho is blushing and acting like he thinks it’s ridiculous, but when you finally give up, he picks up the fork and hands it back to you with a sheepish smile
You giggle and scoop up a piece of the chocolate cake you’re sharing, watching his cheeks turn pink as he accepts it
By the time the cake is finished, you’ve got a bit of chocolate icing on the corner of your mouth
Instead of just pointing it out to you, Yunho becomes Yunhoe
There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes as he reaches across the little table and swipes his thumb across your lip
You thought he was just being cute, until he brings his hand back to his mouth and sucks the icing off his thumb
As you watch with a smirk, Yunho gives you a look that makes it clear he’s doing the math in his head of how quickly you can get back to the hotel room
He throws a handful of Euros on the table (more than the bill would’ve been) and grabs your hand
Twenty minutes later, you stumble backwards out of the elevator, arms thrown around Yunho’s shoulders
His mouth is hot over yours, and you have to laugh at yourself for not even making it one day before jumping each other
But hey-- what are honeymoons for, right?
He breaks your kiss only to swipe the key card at the room door, but his lips are right back on yours as soon as he can
Yunho picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist, and blindly pushes the door open behind you
You’re not sure whose idea it was, or if either of you even thought about it, but you end up bent over the balcony railing, your lower half shielded from pedestrians below only by flower boxes
Yunho’s got one hand around your waist, and the other hand braced on the railing
He’s groaning softly between kisses against the side of your neck, thrusting into you from behind
At one point his hand drifts from your waist to press into your clit, causing your head to fall back against his shoulder
Yunho puts a hand over your mouth to stifle the moans that you can’t keep in
You come shortly after with a muffled cry into his palm, and Yunho bites into your shoulder as gently as he can to muffle his own noise when he comes a moment later
You take a few moments to come down before Yunho walks you inside to clean off
You collapse onto the bed together for a much-needed nap, dozing off peacefully in your favorite place in the world-- your husband’s arms
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You had to reason with Yeosang just a little to get him to agree to go to Greece for your honeymoon
But once he realized why you picked it out of all places, he came around
It offers food, sunshine, fresh air, and many adventures in a place made for exploring
Getting excited on the plane ride in, giggling with each other and looking out the window at the islands like a couple of excited kids
You go searching for the best views in Santorini, climbing through the endless maze of steps between white and blue buildings
So many selfies--Yeosang smiling shyly with his cheek pressed to the side of your head
After a while, he really starts to relax and have fun, and his smiles in your pictures get wider and wider
One day is devoted entirely to walking through the market in town, buying random food items just because they smell good and holding them out for the other to try
At one point Yeosang slips away while you’re not paying attention
Trying not to panic, you look around, feeling like a child who’s lost their mom at a supermarket
Just as you’re starting to lose your breath, Yeosang catches you by the waist
You knew it was him just by his touch, but you still look to his face for the reassurance that he’s there
There’s a glint in his eye that implies he’s amused by your concern at losing him, but he tells you it’s okay, and shows you where he went:
A bright bouquet of flowers no doubt native to the island is bursting from his hands in marvelous yellows, pinks, and whites
You recognize Asphodels, but the rest are beautiful, nameless mysteries
They almost get crushed between your bodies as you throw your arms around Sangie and kiss him in full public view
No one seems to mind it though-- it appears as though love is in the air on this day, carried by the light sea breeze and lit by the sun
Yeosang smiles into the kiss before reminding you to be careful of your flowers
You take them from him with a grin, but when you’re on your way home, the smile turns into a pout
“Sang?” “Yeah?” “My feet hurt.”
Yeosang fakes a dramatic sigh, but it’s not another second before he’s crouching in front of you, holding his arms out behind him
You gleefully climb on, and Yeosang carries you the rest of the short walk to your AirBnB
He’ll never say it out loud, but his favorite thing in the world is feeling your arms around his shoulders
Just like on your wedding day, just like now, just like he wants every day for the rest of his life
Another day, the two of you are hiking through some of the more rural parts of Santorini, and happen upon a beautiful wild olive grove near a cliff face
You come back the next morning with a blanket and some snacks, and spend the entire day in the shade
Admiring him as you sit by the seaside, because he looks so stunning among the greens and blues and yellows
It’s not your fault he looks that good
Maybe he looks a little too good
Maybe you make a mess of your picnic blanket after grabbing your husband and pulling him on top of you
Once Yeosang looks around and ascertains that there’s absolutely no one around, he’s all game
His hands are bunching the skirt up around your hips, his mouth greedy and searching your neck for any spot that’ll make you whimper when he sucks into it
Your spot in paradise turns into rapture as his fingers meet your core, massaging you until you start to dig your nails into his shoulder
You’ve got one hand on his bicep and the other in his hair when he takes you in one smooth motion, finding his rhythm like he never dropped it in the first place
You come apart beneath him, and beneath the softly rustling leaves of the olive trees
The two of you fall asleep shortly after, completely relaxed in each other’s arms
Holding hands on your walks through the town at night, underneath the twinkle lights
You’ve married your best friend, and this is the best beginning to your lives together that you could ever imagine
Happiness settles around you like a light blanket, and you hope it stays forever
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Don’t ask me why, but a glass igloo hotel in Iceland seems perfect
It’s cozy but not too small, and it’s the picture of quiet luxury
The glass walls and ceiling give you a beautiful view of the wide Icelandic sky, which is clear as crystal after a fresh snowfall
There’s a fireplace against one wall, with a fuzzy rug in front of it and many, many pillows
You spend the first evening snuggled up there with San, sipping hot chocolate and talking about every random thing you can think of
He keeps finding reasons to say “my wife”, getting all giggly every time he does
After you fall asleep, another storm rolls through, dropping an extra foot of powdery snow all around you
You and San are oblivious, however, because you’re both fast asleep under several layers of blankets
Safe and warm in your little nest, you nuzzle your face into San’s neck, and he tightens his arms around you in his sleep
Because being with you, and keeping you close, comes as naturally to him as breathing
When you wake up, you see the wonderland outside and it’s not even a discussion-- you and Sannie are outside as fast as you can put on your clothes
You play in the snow together, and his adorable laugh echoes around you every time he beans you with a snowball
Chasing each other around like little kids, giggling and kicking up the snow
San catches you by the waist and spins you around, making sure to never drop you
You wrestle around a bit but eventually end up making snow angels together
When you stand up to admire your outlines in the snow, San pulls you close and presses his face into your hair
Putting an arm around his waist, you brush some of the snow off his jacket
He catches your hand, and holds it to his chest, where you can feel his heart pounding
“Never forget that this beats for you, okay?”
You almost cry, but opt to pull San to you and press kisses all over his face instead
He just giggles and accepts every single peck on his quickly-heating cheeks
Later that day, you make your way to the hot springs nearby, running as fast as you can to the water’s edge after dropping your coats
It’s a rush to the senses, slipping into the hot spring and away from the frigid air
San is behind you, gripping your hand tightly
You find a ledge that’s been carved into the rock underwater, and make yourselves comfortable on it
San leans back, eyes closed, and you can see the puffs of his breath coming slower and slower as he fully relaxes
You lean back against his arm, enjoying the feeling of his skin and the soft water pooling around you
You end up throwing your legs over his thighs and curling into his side
His arm goes around your shoulders, and you feel every bit of worry leave your body
You’re heavy with relaxation, but you feel lighter than ever
That evening, you’re watching a movie and sipping spiked hot chocolate when a flash of green lights up the igloo
Gasping, you stand up to stare skywards, mouth open
San turns off the movie and moves next to you, taking your hand and squeezing it lightly
You watch the Northern Lights in silence as they ripple across the sky in vivid purples, blues, and greens
A few minutes into the show, you glance over at San to see his eyes glittering with all the colors
He looks so beautiful, holding entire galaxies, and he doesn’t even realize it
When the lights begin to fade down, you reach over and pull San to you
He knew what you wanted from the first millisecond of touch
He responds in kind, tugging you as close to him as he can and making quick work of both your shirts
Chests pressed together and breathing ragged, you let yourselves fall back onto the rug
Arms and legs tangle as you make love beneath the glass ceiling, and the auroras begin to flicker again, making everything that much more beautiful
Falling asleep in each others’ arms, not only for the warmth, but because you love him more than anything in the world
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It’s a lesser known honeymoon destination, with fewer people than some of the more popular spots in Europe or the Caribbean
You have your own bungalow on the beach, with room service twice a day and spa services as well
Getting massages and face masks with Mingi? Yes. Doing so in matching fluffy white robes? Double yes.
Going on a safari adventure to see the lemurs!
You and Mingi pile into the backseat of an open-air Jeep and a driver takes you around one of the wildlife refuges
You two have the time of your lives looking at all the animals, grabbing each other and pointing when you see a new one
He’s smiling so big the entire time, and his happiness is contagious
You both sleep in late every day just because you can--no alarms, just birds twittering and sunlight filtering through the blinds
Waking up in each other’s arms, nestled under a layer of soft blankets
All you have to do is open your eyes, and Mingi is right there, sleeping soundly with the corners of his mouth turned up
His hair is tousled and he looks so peaceful
That is, until you try to get up to make breakfast, and he refuses to let you get out of bed
He doesn’t even wake up; just throws one arm around you and hugs you tight, humming in his sleep with a little pout on his lips
You can’t help but smile, and relent to his cute charm
An hour or so later, when both of you wake up, Mingi kisses you all over your face
It’s the best way to say “good morning” in his opinion, and you’re pretty sure he’s right
Another day, you do a guided hike through Amber Mountain National Park
There are even more lemurs, and many other animals
The air is so clean you can’t even believe it, and peace seeps into you with each step further into the lush, green wilderness
You stop to swim in an emerald pool at the foot of a small waterfall, and your guide steps away to give you a moment of privacy
You get close to Mingi, resting your hands on his shoulders and pressing your forehead to his
The water flows softly around you, but Mingi is your rock--steadfast and comfortable to you always
He kisses you sweetly, and you feel any tension he might have had leaving his body with each deep inhale
Your favorite moment from the trip, however, has to be your journey to the Avenue of the Baobabs
The Baobab trees have long been a legendary symbol of the African wilds, but seeing them up close in reality is its own level of breathtaking
Nothing could have prepared you for just how massive the Baobabs are, towering above the horizon as you approach in your tour Jeep
You’re dropped off at the beginning of the path that winds through hundreds of the giant trees, and told to meet back there in a couple of hours
Mingi pulls you down the trail excitedly, telling you that if he had to be a tree, he would be one of these
You snap your favorite photo ever that afternoon
It’s a picture of Mingi, grinning widely, hugging a Baobab (or trying to, since that particular tree had a diameter of about fifteen feet)
He looks so happy, almost childlike, and the joy just radiates off of him
That picture gets framed the second you return from your trip, and it’s also the lockscreen on your phone
Although your days are spent visiting every destination on the island, your evenings are a much-needed quiet time to recharge
You and Mingi snuggle up for a movie some nights, and other nights you drink on the porch and listen to the sounds of the jungle
Sometimes you get distracted from the movie or the scenery, and kiss Mingi a whole bunch instead
He’s more than willing to pull you close, and even carry you off, when you whisper something sinful in his ear
But no matter what you get up to, his love and sweetness are in every touch
Whether you’re out and about, or enjoying a quiet moment to yourselves, his arm is around you always, and you never have to ask twice for extra kisses
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A beach resort in Turks and Caicos seems like the perfect place to go with Wooyoung
Hear me out-- it’s got music and tourists that are just as loud as he is
Crystal clear, bright blue waters greet you as the two of you hitch a ride from the airport
All the windows in the cab are down, because it’s sunny and just the right kind of warm
Salty sea air fills your lungs and the wind breezes through your hair
You’re given complementary rum punch when you check in, and it’s the perfect start to your trip
You and Wooyoung drop your bags off at the room and immediately change into your swimsuits
The resort backs right up to the beach, so you run out in your sandals, hand in hand as you make a beeline toward the water
The sand is hot beneath your feet, but you don’t even notice because you’re so excited and the water! is so! blue!
You crash into the surf seconds later, the warm water swirling around your legs
You wade through the water until you’re chest deep, then kick up your feet and float on your back
There are no breakers, nor boats allowed, in the calm waters of the bay, so you float in the soft blue for a little bit, content to just let the tide wash you back to shore in whatever timeline it sees fit
You reach out at the line between sea and sky, meeting the skin of Wooyoung’s arm
He’s still standing, staring in wonder at the paradise around you, but he takes your hand without thinking
He’s your anchor, letting you float without drifting away
You spend the next several hours going back and forth between the sea and the sand, finding beach chairs to lounge on while you lay in the sun
As the sun starts to fall in the sky, you decide to head back to the room to shower off and get dressed for a fancy dinner
You’re minding your business, rinsing the shampoo out of your hair, when the bathroom door opens and Wooyoung pokes his face inside
“Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all. It’ll save water,” you respond, smiling
Woo sheds his swimshorts and joins you, slipping in as fast as he can to keep the steam inside the glass door of the shower
You massage shampoo into his hair, enjoying his little hums of appreciation
He rinses it out while you wash your body, and you stand behind him as he washes off too
His back is to you and you openly stare at the water running down his back
You feel heavy, relaxed, from spending all day in the sun, but there’s one thing that could make this afternoon even better
Once all the soap is off of him, you step forward and kiss the spot between his shoulder blades
Never a stranger to your unspoken wishes, Wooyoung leans his head back as you kiss your way up to his shoulder
When you can’t reach any more, he turns and kisses you, hard
He’s got one hand snaked around your waist and the other holding your face to his
Your arms are around his shoulders in a heartbeat, and he backs you against the tile
It’s cold, but the warm water is still running between your bodies, giving you shivers
Wooyoung breaks the kiss only to kneel in front of you, throwing your leg over his shoulder
He brings you to the edge with his mouth, then stands again, keeping your leg hitched over his hip
When he fucks you, you’re worried that people are going to see the scratches on his shoulders the next day at the beach
But eventually, you can’t be bothered to think about it, and you lose yourself in his touch instead
You come apart shortly after, chests heaving and skin pressed to wet skin
A little while later, you’re toasting one another over dinner
The restaurant offers many amazing local delicacies, and Wooyoung insists on hand-feeding you at least half of them throughout your trip
There’s live music every night at the resort’s restaurant & bar, and Wooyoung doesn’t think twice about pulling you with him to the dancefloor
You’re not overly confident in your dancing skills, but Woo pulls you close and shows you some simple steps as other couples join around you
After a couple of songs, you’re able to get into the groove of the funky music that the island loves so much
Wooyoung’s smile is all you need to know you’re moving the right way, and you dance to a few more songs before going back to the bar counter for more fruity drinks
The two of you continue to get tipsy, then walk to the beach and make out in the sand like a couple of teenagers
You’re both giggling between kisses, digging your toes into the sand, and existing purely in the moment
Everything is sweet, from the taste of pineapple on his tongue to the heady aroma of plumeria blooms in the trees
Every day is a beach day in this place. You’ve never had this much fun, splashing and playing in the water, laughing nonstop
One afternoon, Wooyoung is passed out on a beach chair under an umbrella, lulled to sleep by the day’s warmth and the sounds of the ocean
After taking a picture of him to giggle at later, you get an idea
The air is fragrant with the sweet smell of the thousands of flowering bushes that are planted throughout the resort’s grounds
Nobody would miss a few of those flowers, would they? If you were to, say, pluck some and decorate your husband with them?
You slip away from the chairs and your sleeping Woo to gather a few blooms from the nearest row of landscaping, returning with sweet-smelling handfuls of them
You giggle to yourself, putting the flowers all around Wooyoung’s head like a little halo of yellows, whites, and pinks
He doesn’t even notice them until he wakes up, gets back in the water, and sees a bunch of petals in the surf around him
You laugh and take photos of all of it
Being on a catamaran at sunset, sitting side by side with your head on his shoulder
The sky is painted in vivid oranges and reds, and Woo’s hand rests on your thigh, his breathing slow and even next to you
The wind is a bit cool on your wet skin, but the sun still delivers warmth, and you inhale the smell of saltwater on Wooyoung’s skin
He turns his face slightly to kiss the top of your head, and you smile knowing that his love for you comes without him even having to think about it
As the boat smoothly cuts through the water, you feel completely at peace
You’re exactly where you’re meant to be, and it’s hard to think about your life turning out any other way than this moment, with this man
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Buenos Aires, Argentina
Incredible local food, soccer matches, constant music, breathtaking city scenery--it’s a neotropical dream
First of all, Jongho is amazing to travel with
Being the eldest of his family, he’s well-prepared with a bag full of snacks, meds, toiletries, headphones, and neck pillows for both of you
He looks so cute on the flight, snuggled up in his complimentary blanket and neck pillow
He’s pouting in his sleep and you take several photos just because
When you get to the hotel room, he bravely offers to carry your luggage up the stairs for you
But he makes you wait at the bottom of the stairs so that he can come back and scoop you into his arms
Because he insists on carrying you bridal-style at every opportunity, starting with your arrival to the room
It’s a suite on the second floor, with its own balcony overlooking the main walkway below
You can look out over shops and restaurants and bars, all the nightlife in one place
You change out of your airport clothes, then venture out to grab some drinks and go shopping-- the boys had bullied Jongho into promising that he’d bring back gifts
The two of you are buzzing by the time night falls, but your feet are sore from walking and you’re exhausted from the flight
So you grab some food to-go from one of the restaurants and take it back to the room
You chow through dinner with the balcony doors open, allowing the music and chatter of the streets to carry in on the soft, warm breeze
Going into food comas immediately after eating, you and Jongho pass out on top of the covers, facing each other with hands clasped in the middle
You wake up to brilliant sunlight and Jongho’s arm thrown over you
He’s your life-size teddy bear, and you snuggle closer to him for warmth and comfort
When you both get up and around, you surprise Jongho with tickets to this year’s Superclasico-- only the biggest soccer match in Buenos Aires!
Jongho tries to play it cool, but you can tell he’s absolutely giddy at getting to attend a sports game while he’s here
He loves soccer, after all, and he can’t stop smiling the entire way to the stadium
He practically drags you by the hand to your seats, which are so close to the field that you can hear the footballers yelling to each other
Jongho doesn’t sit down a single time during the game, shouting excitedly in Korean even though he doesn’t know anything about these teams or who to root for
He’s just glad to be there, and it’s an absolutely fantastic match
On your short walk home, he’s got so much energy from being amped up by the game that he stops you on the sidewalk and tells you to get on his back
You blush profusely, but who are you to say no? Besides, you love seeing him be this carefree
The two of you stick out like a sore thumb in the streets of Argentina since you’re giggling like crazy and he’s singing to you in a language that definitely isn’t local
You indulge in some amazing street food before going back to the hotel and getting ready for the evening
He got tickets to a theater show, and it gives you an opportunity to get all dressed up
Your husband looks so handsome in his casual suit, and when you walk out in your dress, he’s holding roses
The show is wonderful, and you’re both part of the standing ovation it receives
You throw off your shoes when you get home, but there’s so much excitement outside that the night is hardly over
Standing on your balcony, listening to singing in the streets and bars below, with Jongho’s arms around you from behind
This man clearly did his research before coming here, because he actually knows some of the songs in Spanish and you bet your ass he serenades you as musicians pass by below
There are fireworks some nights for no apparent reason other than that the city exists to be a technicolor celebration of life
There is no better place to start this marriage, and no better person to be married to
317 notes · View notes
Meant To Be (ii)
Pairing: Hotch x F!Reader
Summary: Over a year after your first interaction with the BAU, it is finally time for your first day as an official team member. Even with all the excitement of the day, the biggest thing you look forward to is seeing Aaron Hotchner again. However, your perfect first day quickly turns out to be not at all what you had imagined. 
Warnings: None, some angst? 
Word Count: 5,585
A/N: Just know that I promise things are going to get better lol.
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For the first time in your life the sound of your alarm is a very welcome one as it rouses you from your light slumber. The whole room is filled with light as the sun streams through the cracked blinds. You had been in this apartment for two months now. It had taken some getting used to but it was starting to feel like home. That was very important to you seeing as Quantico was where you were going to be for the foreseeable future. It took you no time at all to sit up in bed, throwing off your blanket. When you got up to start getting ready, everything was exactly where it was supposed to be. Your clothes draped over the chair at the end of the bed, your go-bag on top of the dresser, and your entry paperwork out on the kitchen table. As always, you had thought out every minute detail. You are determined to make sure that your first day at the BAU is perfect. It had taken excruciatingly hard work and dedication to get to where you are now. Nothing and no one is going to spoil it for you.
After getting dressed in record time you grab your go-bag off the dresser and head out to the living room. You set it on the table next to your paperwork and make your way into the kitchen. Scrambled eggs and toast sound like a good way to start the morning so you get out a skillet and a few eggs. Before you even have a chance to turn on the burner the sound of your phone going off in your bedroom causes you to run back in to check it. As you pull it off the charger you immediately smile widely at the name that flashes on your screen.
“Hey there Miss FBI Agent. God, that sounds good doesn’t it? FBI agent. Or maybe BAU agent. Didn’t I hear you say SSA once? What does that mean? Is it good? It sounds pretty powerful.” 
“It means Supervisory Special Agent. And anything you call me that means I’m not hallucinating this whole thing is fine with me.”
“I like that. SSA Y/N L/N. Sounds official. Which is exactly what you are as of today! How are you feeling right now?”
“Excited. Prepared. Kind of like I’m on top of the world.” 
“As you should! It’s been a long journey to get here, you deserve to enjoy every step. I still can’t believe my little sister is in the FBI.” 
Your sister has been your biggest support system for as long as you can remember. No matter what path you choose, you know she will always have your back. It had been heartbreaking to leave her when you moved but you knew it would be worthwhile in the end. Today is when it finally pays off. She has called you almost every day so even though you are states apart, she is never truly absent. Hearing her voice now, getting the chance to share this moment with her, is more important to you than you know how to express.
“I can’t believe that you’re awake before noon.” This earns a scoff.
“I will have you know that I set an alarm for 5:30 so I would be awake in time to tell you good morning before you head off to work.” 
“That’s very sweet of you. I’m really glad you called.”
“Hey, there’s no way in hell I was gonna miss your first day!” 
“I appreciate that. It means a lot to have your support.”
“Of course! I will always give it freely. Besides, this is too cool not to talk about. You get to catch bad guys. You now have special government access. Plus you can basically read minds. You’re a real life superhero. How totally awesome is that?”
“Oh, I know. Why do you think I wanted the job? I’m glad you’re able to see its merits. Most people find it very morbid. Or boring.” 
“Well most people aren’t us.” Glancing over at the clock, you can’t help a small sigh from leaving your chest. Your sister of course catches on. “Do you have to go?” 
“Yeah. I only have about 15 minutes. Thank you so much for calling though! I always look forward to hearing from you.”
“Well I don’t have any patients today and I expect you to call me later tonight so we can talk about everything, okay?”
“Okay, it’s a plan. I love you.” 
“I love you too. Have a great first day.” You hang up quickly, making your way back into the kitchen to put away what you had gotten out. Instead you pull out a few granola bars to eat on the way. Even though this isn’t quite what you had planned you don’t mind one bit. Talking to your sister is more important. You briefly wonder if she took today off just so she could be there for you or if it is just a coincidence. If it was on purpose, you wouldn’t be surprised. It had always been kind of funny to you what careers both of you had chosen. She is a therapist. You are a profiler. While the two do have distinct differences there are also a lot of striking similarities. It’s just funny how life works out sometimes. Never what you expect. 
You head into the bedroom to grab your go-bag, making sure everything you need is in there. Picking up the paperwork from the table, you head out the door and downstairs to your car. After loading your things up, you turn on the radio to the most uplifting station you can find. This is the kind of morning where nothing less than radiant positivity is welcomed. It’s the first day of your new life and you are going to make the most of it, even if it kills you. 
The drive seems to go by in an instant and soon you find yourself in the parking lot of the BAU headquarters. There is still confidence bubbling inside of you but seeing the building right there in front of you causes the nerves to kick in as well. It seems so much bigger to you now. With a deep breath, you realize you need a little boost from your good luck charm. The small compartment on top of your dashboard opens with a click and you pull out the piece of paper inside. It feels good to have in your hands and you read the name at the top over and over again. Aaron Hotchner. His business card had stayed in your car all these years and whenever you felt nervous or unsteady, you pulled it out and for some reason it always calmed you. You were grateful to have it now more than ever. 
Feeling renewed, you set the card back in its cubby and get out of the car. Things in hand, you stride right up to the front doors and let yourself inside. Once inside the main lobby you head over to the front desk, where a man asks for your ID. Reaching into the front pocket of your go bag you pull out the badge you had collected weeks in advance. A feeling of power washes over you when he clears you, much like a year and a half ago when you had stepped inside the Fort Worth precinct. However, it was a much more intense feeling now. 
The journey towards the main offices of the BAU feels like a dream. The elevator carries you to the right floor and you float towards the glass doors that lead into your new workspace. Inside, it is bright and full of life. People move past you with such fluidity that it seems almost like a dance and baby, you are ready to tango.
Soon your attention is being commanded by a friendly voice you recognize very quickly. “Well, look who it is!”
Morgan makes his way towards you, a wide grin on his face. He looks just how you remember. You are glad the first person to greet you is someone you know. Now standing in front of you, he raises his arms and his expression changes as he silently asks for your permission. With a nod, you reach out as well as he pulls you in for a hug. 
“It’s nice to see you again sweetheart. I was starting to wonder if you were ever gonna show up.” Laughing lightly at this, you feel yourself relaxing. “Look at you, all professional. How does it feel?” 
“Completely liberating. It feels like it took me a lifetime to get here and now that I am, I can’t wait to get started.” 
“Well, you’re gonna get your chance sooner than you think. We just got a case this morning. They called us in a little early to debrief us. We’ll fill you in on the jet. It’s go time baby.” He lightly pats your arm with a smile as he leads you over to where the rest of the team is, all sat at their desks. Spencer and JJ you recognize but there’s one face that you haven’t seen before. “Look who finally made it.”
JJ stands quickly to give you a hug, patting your back. “Leave her alone. She was doing a lot of hard work to get here. She doesn’t deserve to be teased in her first ten minutes on the job.” She says to Morgan, shooting him a playful glare. “Welcome. We’re really excited to have you here. You’re going to make a wonderful addition to the team. If you ever need anything just let me know, okay?” 
“I will. Promise. Thanks.” Spencer is the next to stand, extending his hand to you. Taking it in your own, you nod respectfully. You don’t linger, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 
“Hi. Sorry, I’m not much of a hugger.” 
“Oh, no need to be sorry. I definitely get it. It’s nice to see you again. I know we didn’t really get a chance to talk the last time we saw each other but I’m hoping to change that now that we’re coworkers.” 
“Of course. I would like that.” There is still a slight awkwardness in the way he smiles but not nearly as much so as when you first met him. He’s the only one of the three that you don’t feel much of a connection with but you are determined to change that. These were your peers now. Your new family. It was important to you that you get to know all of them. It was jarring at first seeing how familiar they are with you already but it doesn’t take long for you to become comfortable as well. However you quickly remember that there is one person you still haven’t met. Turning to her, you extend your hand. 
“Hello. I’m Y/N L/N.” She shakes your hand.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Emily Prentiss. These guys seem to have the advantage here. How do you all know each other?” 
“Oh, I shadowed them about a year and a half ago now while I was still a student. Today is my first day as a member of the team.” 
“That’s wonderful! Well, I’m excited to get to know you as well.” She offers a welcoming smile, one you appreciate. As you look around the bullpen you take note of the fact that Elle is nowhere to be found. At the moment you feel it isn’t your place to bring this up, so you simply smile at the people who are with you now. 
“So, I hear we’ve got a case.” You begin, desperately wanting to learn everything you can now so you can fully prepare yourself.
“Yeah,” JJ answers. “It’s a string of high level armed robberies in Los Angeles. Nobody has been able to identify or apprehend any of the unsubs. There are five of them. All of the robberies were almost identical except for the last one. Someone was shot and killed. That’s when the authorities invited us to work the case.” 
“Sounds like fun, huh?” Derek chimes in, jabbing you with his elbow. 
“I don’t know if fun is the right word. Interesting sounds better, I think. I’m ready to get started though.” 
“Yeah, I see that,” He gestures to your go-bag. “Good thing you’re all packed. That was a smart choice. They don’t always tell you to bring a bag on the first day. You’re all over it though.” 
“Well, you only get one shot at a first impression. I wanted to be seen as professional. Plus I am very rarely unprepared for things.” 
“Good. That’s a pretty good philosophy to hang onto, especially in this profession. The more prepared you are going into it, the better equipped you are to handle the stressors of the job. There’s a lot of tough things you’re gonna have to deal with but if you charge head first with a clear sense of where you’re going and what you’re doing, it’ll take a lot of the anxiety out of it.” You listen intently as he speaks with a tone of sincerity you have not yet heard from him. When he sees you staring at him, he chuckles. “First tip is free but next time I’m gonna charge you. Good advice like that doesn’t come cheap.” 
“Okay, good to know.” You laugh, looking towards the others with a smile. “How about you guys? Any free tips for the newbie?” 
“Yeah,” Emily chimes in. “Don’t listen to anything Morgan says.” This causes him to roll his eyes jokingly. “Although here’s a real piece of advice. No matter what happens, no matter how hard the job gets, don’t forget who you are. Don’t let this work compromise your beliefs and your morals. There are going to be times when you rethink what you know but don’t let the awful things you see harden you and turn you into someone you’re not. I can already see that you have a real light and kindness about you. Never let the bad people take that away from you or else they win.” Hearing this, your expression softens. For only having known you for a few minutes, Emily already seems to have bonded with you. Enough to give you such important advice. Her words linger in your head for a moment.
“I’ll definitely remember that.” JJ places a hand on your arm. 
“Can I add something?” You nod eagerly, wanting to soak up all of the knowledge that you possibly can from these people. “My advice would be to talk to your loved ones as often as you can. Trust me, you’ll definitely want to after some of the stuff that we see. Talking to someone outside of work and grounding yourself in those relationships will help keep you sane. You’re going to be really grateful for a strong support system later on.” 
“Luckily I do have a really strong support system in my sister. She basically raised me. She’s my best friend. It was hard to leave her but I know she still supports my decision.” 
“That’s so great. I’m really glad you have someone like that.” You nod, feeling a small tinge of sadness when you think about how much you wish she was here with you. However, it passes quickly when Morgan puts his hand on your shoulder as a sign of comfort. The gesture is simple but calming, almost as if he’s telling you that he is a part of your support system now too. You know the people surrounding you will have your back. That thought lifts your spirits immeasurably. 
“What about you? I’m sure I could get some good advice from a genius.” You say to Spencer after clearing your throat. 
He chuckles lightly and thinks for a moment. “I guess I would say don’t let your age stop you from reaching your potential. You and I are the same age so I think I know to some extent how nerve wracking all this must be. Just know that even though you are young you have a lot of skills and abilities to bring to the table. Chase after what you want and soak up everything you can now. I’m obviously a strong believer in the collection of knowledge so the more you learn the better off you’ll be later. And you have as much right to be here as anyone else. You’ve done the work so believe in your own skills.” The three of you watch him for a moment and he looks between you. “But, hey, what do I know.” His joke makes you laugh.
“No, that’s really good advice. Thank you.” Before you have a chance to say anything else, a voice from behind causes all of you to stop.
“What’s all the commotion out here?” Turning around quickly you see an older man with dark hair standing on the walkway that wraps around the bullpen. His eyebrows are raised as he begins making his way towards you. Upon seeing him you put on your best professional face but the others seem to stay relaxed as he walks over to you. Once he’s standing next to you he offers you his hand. “Hello.” You take it quickly, shaking hands with him as you maintain eye contact. Unsure of who this man is, you are afraid to make a bad impression. As you look into his eyes there is something so strikingly familiar about him but you aren’t quite sure what it is. “Who might you be?” 
“Sorry, sir. I am Y/N L/N. Today is my first day as a member of the BAU. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” His dark expression immediately lightens as he gives you a small smile. 
“Ah. It’s nice to meet you as well. Sorry to scare you. I just have to keep these trouble makers in line from time to time.” Seeing him smile causes you to grin as well, beginning to relax again.
“Of course. It’s not a problem at all sir.” 
“Well I’m David Rossi. Welcome to the BAU, I guess would be an appropriate introduction. I promise I’m not always so scary.” 
“Just most of the time.” Derek adds, causing David to give him a look.
“Please ignore him. I like to think I’m a nice man. I don’t want to scare you off on your first day.” At this you can’t help but laugh. 
“Oh trust me sir, you won’t. I’ve worked really hard to get here. There’s no getting rid of me now.” This causes him to laugh. 
“That’s a good attitude to have. It’ll get you pretty far in this career. Keep working, keep putting the bad people away. It may take a while but it’s a gratifying feeling. In the meantime, just keep your chin up and you’ll be just fine. You seem like a bright kid.” 
“Thank you, sir. I appreciate that.” 
“Please, you can call me Rossi. Everyone else does.” 
“Okay. Rossi. Thanks.” With a warm smile he pats your arm. 
“If you want a prime example of working hard to get ahead, look at Hotch. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that man not at work. That’s why he’s the boss.” Derek says. His words make your breath hitch. Just the mention of his name makes you nervous. It’s been such a long time since you’ve seen him and you only spent time together for one day but even so he has been such a huge inspiration to you. And seemingly for good reason. You already know that Hotchner is going to be the man to impress around here but you don’t mind that much.
“Speaking of, have you spoken with Hotch yet today?” Rossi asks. 
“No. I actually have some paperwork that I need to give to him before we leave, clearing me to travel and all of that. Could I possibly see him now?” You try not to sound too desperately hopeful.
“Yeah, of course. His office is right up there.” Rossi points to a door across the room. With a deep breath you nod in gratitude and then begin making the walk over to his office. It seems like an endless journey as you remind yourself over and over again that he’s just a person and you don’t need to be so afraid. Or nervous. Excited? Infatuated? Whatever the feeling is, it’s overwhelming. Once you’re outside his door, you close your eyes and breath before knocking. His voice is clear coming from the other side as he tells you to come in. 
Opening the door cautiously, you step inside with paperwork in hand. Hotch is sitting at his desk filling something out, not looking up.
“Good morning sir.” Upon hearing your voice he looks quickly up at you. His eyes are just as dark and intense as you dreamed, fixated completely on you. The two of you maintain eye contact for a moment and the world is nothing but him. Suddenly realizing what you’re doing you force yourself to snap out of it, reminding yourself that this man is your boss and you’re acting like a lunatic. 
“Good morning.” He says simply, not moving as he watches you intently. Willing yourself to gather up all of your confidence, you walk over to stand right in front of his desk. 
“It’s really lovely to see you again. Being here is like a dream. At the BAU, I mean. I’ve been looking forward to it for so long, I almost can’t believe that I’m here. Now that I am though, I’m ready to work. I plan to earn your trust now just like I did the last time we worked together. I won’t let you down.” With a sudden flush of embarrassment, you grip the papers tightly. You have only been in his office for a few seconds and already you have completely exploded in excitement. Taking another breath, you calm yourself. “Sorry sir. I’m just very excited to be here. If you couldn’t tell.” 
There is another moment of silence as Hotch’s eyes stay locked on yours, scrutinizing your expression with calm intensity. For a second you can almost see him thinking, as though he’s working something out in his head though you aren’t quite sure what that is. After a moment he stands up, putting you both on equal footing. Everything about him commands your focus and attention. A quiet prayer hangs on your lips as you wait for him to say your name again after all this time. Just once is all you need and then you’d be happy. No more daydreams, no more delusions, no more distractions. Just once and you can do your job. If only he’d quit staring at you so deeply and tell you exactly what you want to hear.
“I do appreciate your heartfelt words ma’am but I’m afraid I’m at a loss. I’m not sure I know who you are.” With that your heart drops. Of all the things he could have possibly said, this was the most disappointing. It’s such a small sentence but it is a mighty blow.
“I’m sorry?” You inquire, hoping that maybe you misunderstood.
“I’m really very sorry ma’am but I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not sure we’ve ever met.” Nope, you had understood what he was saying perfectly much to your dismay.
“My name is Y/N L/N sir. We did meet a little over a year ago now. You came to my hometown to work on a case and I spent the day shadowing you. I was a student at the time. Today is my first day here as a team member.” Hotch says nothing in response for a time, his expression exposing what seems to be a deep sense of regret. 
“I apologize. We go through a lot of cases, it’s difficult for me to keep track of all the people that come and go in my life.” That is all you need to hear to shut down any further fantasizing. You had come and gone from his life a long time ago. Frankly you feel foolish for indulging these thoughts anyway. It was one day a year ago. There is nothing to look into. He is your boss now, not some high school crush. This is a professional environment. This would be for the better anyway. At least those are the sorts of things you tell yourself. “I really don’t mean any offense. It’s nice to meet you. Needless to say we’ll get to know each other now since we’ll be working together. Welcome to the team.” He tries to soften his expression but there is still a severity to it that doesn’t ease the knot in your stomach. 
“It’s really my fault, sir. I shouldn’t have expected you to remember me. It was a long time ago and you’re a very busy man. No offense taken. I’m excited to work with you.” Trying to change the subject, you extend your paperwork towards him. “Here’s all of my entry paperwork. It gives me authorization to travel, my medical and professional history is there as well. All I need is your signature and I will be clear to begin working.” Looking through it quickly he nods before signing each of the necessary lines. He hands it back to you and you nod awkwardly before deciding to merely head towards the door. “Thank you sir. I’ll take this to the front desk really quickly and I’ll be good to work this latest case. I’ve already brought a go-bag.” 
“Oh, you won’t be needing a go-bag.” This stops you in your tracks.
“I won’t?” You ask, turning to face him. 
“No, you won’t. You’re not travelling with us for the case.” Every dream you’d had about your first day at the BAU is crumbling around you with every word that comes out of his mouth. 
“Can I ask why, sir?” Leaning down to open a cabinet, he pulls out his own go-bag and unzips it to check its contents. This simple act of dismissal is enough to make you feel an inch tall. 
“It’s only your first day, I don’t hardly know anything about you. I don’t feel comfortable taking an agent into the field that is practically a stranger to me and to the rest of my team. It will only compromise your safety and the safety of others. When I get back, we’ll have a discussion and see where you’re at when the next case rolls around.”
“But sir,” For a second your own words ring in your head. You’re the boss. No explanation necessary. You are not the kind of person that questions authority. You never have been and you thought you never would be but hearing your new boss say this to you makes your blood boil for some reason. It’s like Spencer said. You have as much right to be here as anyone else and you have not gone through seven years of grueling work to be put on the sidelines from day one. “I have studied and trained for a long time. I put in the work, the same as the rest of you and that’s why I’m here. I didn’t just show up on accident, it’s because I’m good at what I do. I have all the paperwork and I am prepared to put in the effort on this case.” His movements have stopped now and his eyes stay locked on yours, unable to look away as you speak. Once you’re finished he breaks away and sighs deeply. 
“I am not disputing any of that but I am responsible for the safety of my team and now that includes you. It would make me feel much better if I could talk with you before sending you to the front lines. I’m on your side here even if it doesn’t seem like it. But at the end of the day I am your boss and I have final say. The answer is no. I want to like you, Y/N. Don’t give me reason to distrust you on your first day.” 
“Yes sir,” Is all you are able to mutter as you feel yourself deflate. “I didn’t mean any disrespect.” The shift in your demeanor must have been palpable because his expression suddenly softens and a hint of a smile ghosts over his lips as he walks over to you. 
“I know you didn’t. I’m sorry to disappoint you but you’ll have your chance soon enough.” With that, he grabs his bag and walks out of the office. In no more than ten minutes all of your big hopes and dreams for your perfect first day at the BAU were crushed. Everything has been happening so fast that it still seems like it might not be real. It’s all you can do to walk back out into the bullpen. Derek is the first one to notice your mood shift. 
“What happened?” With a forced smile you shake your head.
“I’m not going to be joining you guys. The boss doesn’t feel comfortable letting me into the field just yet. I guess it makes sense.” Hearing this, Derek, JJ, and Spencer all three share a confused look.
“It actually doesn’t make that much sense. If you’ve got the paperwork, you are clear to go in the field. Everything should be in order. I’m not sure why he would wanna keep you behind. You’ll learn more in the field than you will sitting here.” Emily and JJ nod in agreement and you shrug off his questioning.
“It is what it is. I’ll just have to make the most out of it.” You quiet down but he can see that there is still something upsetting you.
“Okay, come on. What else happened?” The expression on his face is one of determination as he stares you down, waiting for an answer. 
“It’s nothing really. It’s just that he didn’t remember me and I was a little disappointed. That’s all. It’s not really a big deal.” 
“No, that is definitely a big deal. Hotch is not a forgetful man. Especially when it comes to people. If he worked one on one with you a year ago and he knew you were going to be a future member of his team, he would have paid especially close attention to you. That just definitely doesn’t seem right to me.” As much as you agreed with him you decided now wasn’t the time to push the issue. 
“Well, I’m sure he just had a lot on his mind. It doesn’t matter. Anyway, good luck guys. I’ll see you when you get back.” The look on Derek’s face indicates that he wants to continue the conversation but he doesn’t. The three of them grab their go-bags and head to the door. Following them you smile when Derek gives you a side hug.
“We’ll all go get a drink when we get back. I promise.” You nod. 
“I’ll hold you to that.” Before he can walk out the doors with the others you stop him. “Hey. Thanks. I know we still don’t know each other that well but I appreciate you making me feel welcome.” 
“No problem, kid. You’re one of us now. We have to protect our own.” With one last smile he disappears through the main doors. Stepping out after him you stop when you see Hotch standing right outside the doors. With a small breath you walk over to him. 
“You’ll be working with our technical analyst, Penelope Garcia. Go down to the bottom floor. Her office will be the third door on the right when you get off the elevator. She’ll introduce herself. She’s very friendly. We’ll speak when I get back.” With that, he too disappears. 
In little more than thirty minutes, your perfect day is ruined before it has even really begun. Thoughts spin inside your head faster than you can comprehend. It feels like your fault for letting your expectations get so high. There is no way of erasing it. No matter how many good days you have from here on out, your first day at the BAU will always be a sad memory. It hadn’t been all bad of course. It had been nice to talk with the other team members for the short time that you had. However, that feeling was quickly ruined by your interaction with Hotchner. He was one of the main reasons you were so excited to begin working. You were sure that he would have some inspirational words of advice for you but all he had done was make you feel belittled. There was no way of taking that back. Now you were side lined for your very first case and it was completely out of your control. You really wish you had your good luck charm right about now. Something tells you you’re going to need it now more than ever. The Hotch that exists within that business card is the one you want to linger in your memories. The respectful and professional agent who had made you feel so respected and appreciated. That is the Hotch you need right now but that isn’t the man you’d spoken with today. That is what broke your heart more than anything. With one last longing look at the main doors you gather yourself up and head down to meet Penelope Garcia. 
Tags:  @talesfromtheguild @lannister-slings-and-arrows @gamingaquarius @gryffindorwriter @nopeforyou @sheerfreesia007 @roxypeanut​ @ssahotchie​ @ohpedromypedro @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @readsalot73 @the-mechanical-angel @races-erster @maxlordd @pascalisthepunkest @paintballkid711 @hotchafterhours @h0tchner @ssahotchswife @ssahotchhner @technotic-prophecy @klinenovakwinchester @hotch-stufff​
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Love Cuts Deep
Chapter 4- You Cannot Cage A Wolf
Bucky Barnes x (f)reader Series Rewrite (Civil War, Infinity War/Endgame, TFATWS)
Summary: Fuck the police and Ironman for that matter, now how the hell are you and Bucky going to manage getting out of this mess?
Warning: violence no duh, bucky going through it, bit o angst, things getting hectic
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To say you were pissed would be the understatement of the century, again, you were locked in a cage of steel and glass. Surrounded by enemies who’d rather see you dead, but maybe you deserved it. 
The Romanian combat police had locked you and Bucky into separate concealed glass confinements before loading the two of you into one long metal truck. Purposely facing the tiny prisons face to face with one another so that you would have full access to witnessing the discomfort and irritation on each other’s faces while armed officers sat to either side.
Well you’re not sure if it was exactly intentional, but still, at least you could make sure Bucky was okay and him you.
Your hands and legs are guarded by thick metal as your shoulders and upper arms keep firmly held by a small cage of steel; your body forced to sit for hours on end as the security trucks drive you both all the way to Berlin, Germany. A fucking 18 hour field trip by vehicle, at least you got some pee breaks.
Staring angrily at Bucky’s hand, you wish nothing more then to break out of here and fucking gut the assholes responsible for your unlawful imprisonments, Bucky did absolutely nothing to T’Challa and why the hell would they think you’re involved with his fathers death? It doesn’t make any sense. Not at all.
Why would anyone want the two of you for that matter?
Suddenly the truck jostles and stirs before stopping completely as you start to feel the shift of the vehicle reversing into something, your eyes immediately look up to find Bucky who’s already focused on you. His eyes are sad and full of pain for how they’ve treated you like an animal, caged you like a wild cat, more so then what they’ve done to himself. He never wanted you to deal with any shit like this again, not after the traumatic history Hydra had befallen on you for so many years. You don’t deserve this.
Returning a small smile, you give him a playful wink of reassurance before your glass and metal prison is rolled backwards and away from Bucky. Your fists clench in vexation and enmity for the current shit situation you happen to be sucked into, you feel like a beast at a goddamn freak show. Soon you’re rolled into a yawning chasmal underground parking garage of sorts, as flashing emergency lights from police cruisers blink annoyingly from your left while their riders park. 
This must be some government building here in Berlin, you think, eyes wandering around at the secured cavernous glass and metal interior. Sliding clear doors make the entrance way to your far left wall, while further into the spacious room is a large wall of cement, more doors in various areas and a large staircase ascending into a giant balcony onto the next floor up.
Bucky’s cell is placed next to yours by another forklift as he glances at Steve drearily, while you throw nothing but an irritated scowl at the back of Steve just as Sam and T’Challa exit the black security van. Guards dressed in black attire close by. They soon make a swift yet cautious admission over to greet some short salt and peppered haired man in a dull grey suit, a blonde woman also with an equal amount of security by his side. Three armed guards in the back and three behind Steve. 
What the hell are these people so afraid of? And why is any of this happening?
You can’t quit tell what’s being said from the concealed limitation of your moveable prison to where these assumingly high end important government officials are placed. It’s incredibly frustrating that you could just about scream, but now where would that get you? Probably smacked by some electrical shocking stick, those bastards, you think bitterly.
Soon the group appears to make some agreement before the shorter grey haired man nods an approval of invitation and with that does Steve, Sam, and T’Challa follow the short man and blonde woman farther away. All you or Bucky are able to witness before the doors to the new hallway you’re currently being pushed into closes, is the group walking for some glass doors that show a long hallway.
Then the giant metal doors slam shut in your face. 
The forklift holding onto your portable prison cell ascends down the hallway as armed guards keep watch from both sides, walking in step with the pace of the lift as a set of eight in total surround yours and Bucky’s confinements. A minute later they bring your steel box into a windowless cement room, turning you to face the exit, your cells are rolled separately across some caution tape before all comes to a halt. Finally.
Your eyes follow the movements of regular security guards as they take long thick wires from the side of the stone walls, plugging them into your prisons as the lights inside flicker for a brief moment, stabilizing in a second. One guard gives you a wary yet curious glance before snapping his head down when your fearsome glare just about smacks him in the face, quickly after that, everyone leaves before shutting the sliding metal doors that hide you both from the outside world.
Waiting a moment, your eyes dance suspiciously across the room, “Y/N.” Calls Bucky, causing you to snap your attention over to him.
“What?” You mumble somberly, gaze trailing all over his stoically pensive expression, he’s without a doubt not pleased to be here. Though having you next to him makes things more bearable. 
“Can you breath alright?” He asks worriedly, due to the thick plastic half face mask that prevents you from properly communicating with anyone, guess the Romanian police didn’t appreciate you calling them bastards. Among other things.
“Yeah.” You mumble out once again before pulling up on the metal clasps to no avail, what is this even made out of, “They got us pretty good, Buck. This might be a bit of a challenge to get out of...”
“You think we’re getting out of these things?”
“Well.......I’m being optimistic....so, uh.....there’s always a chance.”
The smallest of smile reveals itself for a flash of a second as Bucky forgets where you are and just welcomes your never ending humor, “You think they’re watching us?”
“Without a doubt. If I could flip them off I would.” You chuckle as your eyes trail up to the tiny dark sphere in your prison, yeah that’s definitely a camera. “Dickheads.” You mutter to whoever is listening.
“What do you think they’re going to do to us?” Wonders Bucky after a long moment of silence.
Taking a heavy breath you lean your head back, “Oh I don’t know. They’ll probably put me down like an old dog and then you’ll get broken out of jail by the Captain America himself.......you’ll probably be fine.”
Shaking his head, he looks over at your relatively bored face, “What if we’re not.”
Sensing his growing anxiety for your future placement, you turn to face him, “Then I’ll......uh........break us out of here?” You muse with an unsure shrug, well the best you can with the steel hugging your shoulders.
“Not all of us can take multiple bullets and survive.” Deadpans Bucky as you frown, he’s got you there.
“Okay uh.....let me think for a second.......uh, alright I got it..” You chirp enthusiastically before your face falls just as quickly as you let out a defeated, “...fuck never mind I don’t want murder charges.”
Bucky could have laughed, “I think we’d need to be more stealthy, and anyways there’s to many cameras.”
“Yeah.” You mutter dully, “Too many goddamn cameras.”
After about twenty minutes of mindlessly sitting in your cell while Bucky sits equally as bored from his own space a couple feet next to you, a man of relative height and stature walks into the large windowless cement room, a black book shaped travel bag hanging from his shoulder. He smiles in greeting at the two of you, though you can tell behind those glasses of his it’s anything but friendly. It’s strange, the way that his dark eyes reveal no true form of kindness or pleasantries. 
Who the hell is this now?
The dark blondes beady umber irises flicker curiously from Bucky to you and back to Bucky again, a sort of childlike wonder flashing through them as he steps closer to the nearby desk.
“Hello, Mr. Barnes.” Nods the man in an almost Sokovian like accent, kinda sounds like you, greeting set on Bucky before he sends you a devious grin, “Miss. Valerious.” He nods, inquisitive eyes studying your stoic face of pure daggers as you breath steadily in your muzzle, “I’ve been sent by the United Nations to evaluate your partner here, so you needn’t worry, your time is not with me. But I ask if you please give me my time with him, that is all.” Assures the strange man as he focuses his attention back on Bucky again; eh, not like you have much of a choice.
“Do you mind if I sit?” Asks the dark eyed man as Bucky simply stares, suspicious and bored out of his mind; you naturally roll your scrutinizing leer as the man seats himself next to a table farther away in front of you two.
Guess he’s not leaving anytime soon.
“You’re first name is James?” Wonders the man though you can tell he already knows the answer; with pursed lips does he shrug innocently, “I’m not here to judge you. I just want to ask a few questions. Do you know where you are James?”
Bucky keeps silent, and all you want to do is smack that annoying blondes glasses right off of his face, “I can’t help if you don’t talk to me, James.”
“My name is Bucky.” Begrudgingly mumbles your irritated companion, while your brows set hard in puzzlement for where this conversation is going.
Writing something down in his notes, the man nods, “Tell me something Bucky. You’ve seen a great deal, haven’t you?”
Bucky glares, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“You fear that if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop.” Mutters the blonde man as you scoff, his dark eyes instantly snap over to you.
“Come over here and I’ll show you something terrifying.” You threaten, though your voice is mumbled and husky through the damn mask covering your mouth from properly speaking. He hands you a fake smile in reply, appearing to enjoy your menacing presage nonetheless.
Dark eyes set back onto Bucky, he hums, “Don’t worry. We only have to talk about one.” You watch in curiosity as he looks down at his touchpad screen, a satisfied little grin appearing onto his thin lips when suddenly the lights go dark, sending the room into pitch blackness. 
Though your sight shifts to dull grays and blues to counter this with your enhanced vision. A second later the dim emergency lights glow from up above giving the room a dull blue tint. While a red one blinks off and on repetitively in the shadowed room. The fuck?
“What the hell is this?” Grumbles Bucky as your eyes trail warily and alert over to the man as he draws his chair back to stand, though he remains seated. 
“Why don’t we discuss your home? Not Romania. Certainly not Brooklyn, no.” Taking a faded red book out of his traveling bag, your eyes squint in suspicion as you notice a large black star printed on the front while he continues, “Your real home.”
oh, fuck
Turning to face Bucky, you’re alarmed to witness as his face appears conflicted and anxious; he’s afraid, soon the man rises to his feet before opening up the book and begins walking towards Bucky’s cell. A smile on his face as he begins speaking in Russian, “Longing.”
“No.” Mutters your lover as he blinks hard before staring hopelessly up at the ceiling.
“Stop.” Protests Bucky as he turns to throw you a pleading look, you frown, not sure what’s happening but you know it can’t be good. Hydra never did anything like this to you, no trigger words, just good old childhood manipulation and the occasional beating if you didn’t comply.
“Seventeen.” Speaks the man as Bucky’s face darkens with anger.
“Stop.” He growls furiously as heavy breaths push at his chest with building adrenaline.
“Daybreak.” A frustrated ragged scream emits from Bucky’s lips as his fists clench and muscles tighten, the man smirks as he gets closer to Bucky’s cage.
“Stop it!” You cry desperately while Bucky yells before ripping the metal from his left hand and breaking the metal clasp on his right, an animalistic growl sounding from deep within his throat as panic sets rooted into your stomach, “Fuck off!” You scream frantically, “I’ll gut you like a goddamn fish!”
Giving a pernicious grin, he ignores you, “Furnace.”
You watch in horror as Bucky emits a roaring cry of desperate anger as he begins pounding furiously against the glass. Coming back to your senses you ignore the mess happening next to you as your muscles contract and strain against the tight metal clasps caging your forearms, shoulders, and legs to the chair.
You listen to more heavy pounding on glass as a hopeless ragged cry of futile rage rips forth from your throat in an anguished attempt at breaking free. Pulling your arms upward, your flesh strains viciously against the tough metal clasps while you struggle to free yourself. A moment later the metal clasps begin to groan and creak as they loosen accordingly, your strength forcing them into compliance.
A thin sheet of sweat emits from the side of your face while you yell in frustration at the weight of the locks against your wrists, Bucky pounds furiously, soon metal fist starts cracking though thick glass as you finally rip the metal clasps from off of your right arm, “Fuck off!” You roar threateningly, eyes wild and raging like a bursting dragons flame unto a hopeless stick village, the man simply shifts his gaze back down to the book.
He ignores you; heart beating a mile a minute, you unsheathe your right claws only to free your left hand from the abrasive metal lock as he continues to pound his fist against the slowly breaking glass door. Raising your hands to the back of your lower head, you forcefully rip the thick plastic muzzle from off of your face with a distinctive cracking sound emitting from the strong material.
“Nine.” Speaks the dark eyed blonde as he walks in between the two of your cells, appearing unafraid of your threats from earlier even as he witnesses you breaking free from the steel clasps on your legs now.
“Freight car.”
Instantly your head snaps up to watch as Bucky’s glass door flies violently across the room and onto the harsh ground below; your breath hitches as all goes silent. The mans back is to you as he calmly walks over to Bucky who’s crouched onto the floor like a predator ready to strike, a second later he slowly rises to his feet. Though all life is gone from his dark pools of inky blue, he’s not your Bucky anymore.
“Soldier?” Whispers the dark eyed man in wonder, confident that his plan has effectively worked, whatever the fuck kind of plan in question.
Eyes wide, you swallow thickly as Bucky stares at the door, face noticeably covered in sweat, his eyes stare forward like a beast waiting to kill. He’s nothing but a vessel for chaotic destruction.
Breathing heavily, Bucky speaks in Russian, “Ready to comply.”
Suddenly the frustration in you boils over into pure animalistic rage for what this fucker has done to him, screaming bitterly, you punch the glass, slicing three thin lines straight through the material. The blonde one gives you a wary glance before addressing the Winter Soldier, “Mission report. December 16, 1991.”
“Bucky, don’t tell him shit!” You cry frantically in Russian, hoping that the Winter Soldier consuming him might hear something familiar in your desperation; whatever this man wants, you know full well what happened that night which means his motives are anything but friendly. If that wasn’t already apparent.
Bucky blinks, eyes shifting to the new ringmaster in control.
It’s no use, he’s not there, it’s what Hydra had made of him and now he must obey; Bucky ignores as you pound and scream for him to stop, to shut the hell up and come back to you but it’s all in vain. He tells the bastard everything in a matter of seconds as your face falls.
Heart pounding with adrenaline, you slash a clean line that rips right through the bolts of the door in wild fury, it sparks against your Adamantuim claws while creaking in protest as you finally kick it open. The huge door clatters and clashes to the ground as you step out of the glass prison and onto the cement flooring of the large windowless room. Red emergency lights flashing behind you as they make your tense form appear as sort of a clawed beast rising from straight out of hell.
The dark eyed man warily turns to you, when a sudden childlike excitement dances across his features as he takes a cautious step back, a small thrilled smirk pulling at his lips. The mans obsidian pools flicker over to Bucky who keeps a steady death stare with the wall ahead, the man nods in approval for his painstaking work before trailing his eyes over to you, “Soldier. Kill the Hellcat.” Smirks the man as your eyes shift reluctantly from himself to Bucky. 
oh shit, you think miserably as your heart feels like its just sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Swallowing thickly, tears threaten to spill as your body shakes with racing adrenaline, your breaths noticeably heavier as you willingly begin retracting your claws. 
The familiar metal sinks painfully back into your skin as you stare them down distastefully. Frowning deeply, you slowly pull your hands up into fists, readying your stance for the fight that’s inevitably about to come.
Making a sickened face, you swallow nervously as Bucky takes a step forward with eyes set like a wolf to his prey. Reluctantly your feet move an apprehensive step closer, “Fuck.” You mutter under your breath as Bucky makes the first move. 
God why does your head hurt so damn much? Is the room spinning?
When you come to, the lights are still blinking an obnoxious red as you lay sprawled out across the cement floor, a puddle of blood trailing in a couple of dark-red thin lines from beneath your head to the yellow hazard stickers placed on the ground.
The air smells of blood and sweat as you suck in a deep breath before moving to sit up, at least the headache is gone, your eyes trail warily across the empty room as you touch the back of your head to get an understanding of what the hell happened here.
You can’t remember a thing.
A warm wetness greets your finger tips to no surprise, pulling them away, you study the murky crimson liquid staining your fingertips before your mind heals completely, your brain matter fusing back accordingly. Bits of the missing puzzle pieces soon form a coherent picture as you sit back in shock from the violent happenings that resulted in you bloody on the ground. 
 The man commanded Bucky to kill you.
The two of you indeed fought, but knowing that if you wanted to win you’d have to kill him yourself; Bucky kept his life as you let the Winter Soldier end yours. After dodging fist after fist thrown at you by Bucky, you finally gave in and let him pin you to the ground before he grabbed your face with his metal hand, smashing your skull against the cement floor in one dangerous deafening blow. Then it was over and...
Where even is he?
Picking yourself up, you quickly wander into the nearest opening only to be greeted by a multitude of unconscious guards, walking further down, you furrow your brows at the heavily dented elevator door where it appears that someone had been forced through. Touching the bent metal you sniff the air, it smells of Bucky and Steve. They couldn’t have been here less then thirty seconds ago.
Shifting to the right, you book it down the hallway to the sounds of strained grunts and fists hitting flesh. Soon you’ve found yourself at the edge of a large excessively windowed room, presumably the food court of sorts in this excessively ginormous place.
In the center is Bucky who’s absolutely beating the shit out of everyone making frugal attempts at stopping him. Your eyes observe Tony who’s positioned a good distance away as he breaths heavily from the floor, eyes wide in shock while he cradles one of his arms. The blonde haired woman from earlier appears in pain as she lays on her back, a broken table underneath her as the Black Widow squeezes Bucky’s neck with her thighs.
Natasha uses her elbows as a battering ram against his skull while he walks with her over to the closest table before slamming her roughly against the metal; he glares fiercely down at the Black Widow before using his titanium fist to choke the life out of her as she struggles against his weight.
Stepping into the huge room, your boots pound against the flooring as you deliver a powerful kick to Bucky’s strong waist, he tumbles across the thin carpeting before jumping to his feet in an instant. Natasha regains her lungs in a choked gasp as you throw a fist at Bucky’s chest, deflecting it, you use this new side lined momentum to duck under his approaching blow as you slide on the flooring, missing a fatal hit to your face by mere inches.
No more face shots please.
He whips around from the near miss, charging you once again; preparing for the worst of the Winter Soldier, your shoulders line up with his approaching body as your eyes calculate his next move. But when he readies his arm to punch, you slide to the side before swiftly twisting your body around to face him once more, all done within less then two seconds.
Watching his head turn left in confusion, you kick his back harshly onto the ground with the power enough to rival that of a lioness before huffing in frustration as he surges to his feet; you immediately halt in your tracks when out of nowhere T’Challa kicks Bucky across the floor. Soon the two men dance like two skilled warriors before Bucky takes the upper hand and whips the prince over the carpeted floor.
Blinking in bewilderment, you watch as he races up the stairs; the Winter Soldier doing his absolute best to get the fuck out of there, knowing he’s outnumbered by two and wary of getting his shit rocked by you again. Though he’s not even fully aware why you’re attacking him since his mind is back at Hydra and last he remembers you where on their side, and presumably bleeding out in another room.
Breathing heavily, you turn to share an awkward moment of uncertain eye contact with the prince of Wakanda before he throws you a half restrained dirty look, sprinting up the stairs after Bucky.
You’re able to take one step before a raspy voice snaps your attention over to a table, it’s Natasha, “Y/N.” She gasps through strained breaths.
Clenching your fists you leave those two to work it out as you swiftly approach the ex-assassin, “What?!” You snap.
Forcing herself into a seated position, she gingerly touches her bruising throat, “Guess you where right.” She chuckles painfully.
“Right about what?” You bark with a frown, eyes flickering over to Bucky and T’Challa as they throw jabs on the stairway landing.
“Last we met. You said I’d be lucky if we never met again. Guess you where right.”
“You’re an ex-assassin how lucky did you really expect to be?” You retort before taking a step for the ascending stairs when a hand takes your wrist.
“You have to stop him.” Urges Natasha, “No one here’s an equal force, you’re the Hellcat Y/N, you have to stop him no matter the cost.”
Throwing her an irritated glare at hearing your Hydra code name yet again, you growl like a wounded beast, “I’m not killing anyone!”
“You might not have a choice.” Challenges the red head with a pleading yet stern display, understanding that Bucky means more to you then just simple companionship.
“There’s always a choice!” You grumble angrily, heart pounding a mile a minute as you huff before turning for the stairs only to meet a disheveled and deeply confused prince, he’s sweating and looks rather conflicted as his dark eyes scan frantically around the room for any sign of Bucky.
Suddenly his eyes land on you, freezing in place, your mind swirls with what to do next; you’re a wanted criminal in plain sight and for some reason this prince wants Bucky and presumably you, dead.
Shifting your panicked gaze over to Nat, you shake your head before turning to T’Challa as you scowl like an angry brute, “If you touch me, I’ll gut you.” And with that heavy threat do you swiftly turn on your heels and race out the closest door and into the nearest hallway. Leaving Natasha and prince T’Challa with their lives.
Now where did Bucky go?
Running past door after door while the emergency lights annoyingly scream their bright red colors in caution of extreme danger, though you and Bucky are technically the “extreme danger”. Soon you take a hard right turn and immediately slam into the firm chest of Steve as he books it down the hallway for some door hanging open at the far end.
Falling into the closest wall, you don’t have time to wait on the pain emitting from your arm as he mutters a quick apology as the six foot two American hauls ass for the exit door. Recovering in no time, you press a bloody handprint against the wall before turning after Steve. Funny, you don’t ever remember cutting yourself on anything. Doesn’t matter.
Bursting open the cracked door, bright blinding rays of sunlight glare annoyingly in your eyes while your pupils adjust to the new terrain, soon your eyes catch the dramatic scene unfolding in front of you farther down on the helicopter landing area.
Perplexed, you stand in astonishment as Bucky attempts to take off in the chopper while Steve fruitfully leaps mid-air before tightly grasping onto the aircraft’s landing skids.
He pulls down hard, face straining in intense efforts to keep Bucky from escaping and heading into God-knows-where. Legs moving quickly, you race up the small flight of stairs leading onto the huge landing pad as Steve struggles fiercely to hold it down.
But before you’re able to aid in putting an end to Bucky’s fruitful efforts, he slams the chopper into the cement; causing you to leap backwards for fear of getting your guts sliced open by the blades. You’re helpless to watch as Steve narrowly misses becoming a decapitated corpse as the blades crash violently against the ground.
Chunks of stone and steel go flying in all directions as you shield your face from the debris. But as the dust settles, you peer from over your forearm to watch as Bucky’s metal arm bursts through the glass only to immediately grasp around Steve’s neck.
“Fuck.” Slips silently from out of your lips as you take a couple cautious steps forward while moving reluctantly towards the shit show; how has the last 20 hours gone so goddamn terribly?
Creeeek. Sounds the destroyed helicopter as it suddenly begins a slow ascend over the platform edge, where a large river awaits with open arms to presumably swallow whole the broken aircraft. Now in a panicked sprint, you race over the rubble as the last of the chopper, Bucky, and Steve are seen before they plummet to the waters below.
“No!” You cry helplessly as you reach the peak of the landing, nothing beneath you except for the broken tail of the chopper and a plethora of air bubbles.
Tagged: @diegos-butt @minigranger @bibliophilewednesday @holyhumorliteraturelight @lilacs-lavender @a-girl-who-loves-disney @starkssnarks @vikingqueen28 @bizarrebibitch @atomicpersonacheesecake @jmstz @staygoldsquatchling02 @marvelbros-oneshots @shawnartmendes​ @iamasimpingh0e
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bastillia · 4 years
Innocuous (NSFW)
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Read on Ao3
Summary: You’re a medical officer aboard the Steadfast, and you’ve found yourself caring for a gravely injured Kylo Ren. He seems to require some unconventional treatment.
Rating: Extremely Explicit
Words: 7.5k
Content warnings: Somewhat graphic depictions of injury, wound/bloodplay, burnplay, oral bloodplay, oral sex (f recieving), orgasm denial/delay, choking, inappropriate use of the Force (and of a medical device oops), rough sex, extremely minimal aftercare, Kylo Ren is a nasty fucking boy, LISTEN this gets a lil dark ok, so just please consider before clicking ok tysm
A/N: I scrapped and restarted this whole thing at least twice, but we finally got there my friends. Is this over the top? Maybe. Do I have a single regret? No. Please heed the content warnings, you may have a bad day if you don’t. This is pure unadulterated filth. Enjoy!
Strips of fluorescent light ribbed the vacant hall, white beams streaking reflections across the glossy black floor like a frozen lane of hyperspace as the urgent click of your boots perturbed the calm. The corridors of the Steadfast were all but barren this time of cycle, only disturbed by the occasional patrol of noc shift troopers trudging mechanically in unison. Devoid of the usual bustle of footsteps and orders, the static hum from the ship’s walls washed the air with a bassy din of ambient noise that might be calming, were your heartbeat not adding an anxious percussion to the silence.
You really had no reason to be awake, you should have taken your sleeping aid hours ago, but the endless scroll of patient files on your datapad had kept you up just long enough to see the alarm flash. Hardly a momentary blip, but the peculiarity of it was what propelled you from your quarters and heated your step with urgency now. Medical Bay: Intake - Officer’s Ward, it had flashed, and then disappeared just as quickly.
Tapping the access pad that led to the sequestered corridor, you waited for the door to slide open and slipped through. Needles crawled up your spine as your gaze shifted around the familiar yet eerily still hallway, which was making you nervous now for absolutely no reason. Each private room should be empty, you knew you hadn’t checked any officers in for overnight care, and you could recite your inpatient registry as if it were etched into the backs of your eyelids. Droids didn’t typically throw faulty alarms -- maybe your eyes had simply deceived you after a long and fucking exhausting day of post-mission damage control in the med bay. Echoes of that exhaustion now placed a terror within each shadowed room that you passed, something that your brain was convinced would surely jump out at you.
You stopped dead as you reached the final door, half-hoping this one was your imagination. He was still. Too still. Limbs sprawling over the edges of the cot, with haphazard bandages crossing his bare torso aimlessly. They were visibly soaked through with blood, contrasting the blanched sheen of sweat-drenched skin, a black mop of hair askew over the pillow.
A violent spike of dread lanced down your spine. You darted into the room, your medical instincts hot-starting and roaring in your eardrums as you alighted upon him with gentle precision. Two fingers flashed to the pulse point at his neck, depressing the slick, hot skin there as your frantic eyes fell to the broad rise of his chest. Pulse. Breathing. Both too shallow and fast, but present, thank the stars.
You released the held breath that was starting to burn your lungs. The alarm. What had sent it? You glanced around. Monitor wires lay scattered over the floor around the metal feet of the bed, not a single one connected. A fizzling noise behind you nearly snapped your neck as you whipped around. A nurse droid lay lifeless, crumpled and sparking against the far wall.
You turned slowly back to the unconscious Supreme Leader, fear trickling coldly down your veins in a moment of consideration. He’d wanted to be alone.
Your mind suddenly supplied you with an image of yourself in place of the droid, bones crunched like scrap metal against the wall, eyes glazed, life flickering and dying in the fried wires of your veins. How easy it would be -- effortless, even -- For him to crush the life out of you with little more than a flick of his wrist. How… maybe that knowledge made you tingle, just a little.
You derailed that train of thought with a sharp shake of your head as your eyes flicked across his battered torso and up the column of his neck, settling on the tranquility of his face. Bruised and bloody as it was, he looked… peaceful. Freckles and moles dusting his skin like starry kisses to soothe the ache of battle. His features, always chiseled from the sternest isoform of marble, now softened in sleep. Suspended in a paradoxical state of youthful serenity even as his body worked in overdrive just to tether him to life. He was… just a man. And he was absolutely beautiful.
Maybe you stared at him, just a little longer than you should, before committing to your courage and snatching an antiseptic cloth. If one of you was going to die, at least you were the more replaceable option. And this was what you’d signed up for, wasn’t it? To serve the First Order, even perhaps at the expense of your life. For… the greater good, or something. Yeah. Higher purpose and all that. You were a good medic, and good medics were selfless. It definitely wasn’t because you, perhaps, didn’t mind entertaining the thought of those large hands around your neck, squeezing...
Fucking focus.
Expertly, delicately, you began to peel back the blood-soaked evidence of his attempt to self-bandage, baring the flesh of his torso. Stars, he was magnificent. Glistening skin lay taut over lean muscle, a finely-tuned war machine sculpted by years of hard training, evident even in the depths of sleep. The subtle ripple of his muscles expanding and contracting with each breath spread that insistent tingle through your lower belly as you meticulously swiped the blood and sweat from his body.
Your hands danced to the pace of your heartbeat. Quick and steady, as you tossed the cloth and fitted a needle onto a syringe tip. A light pinch of his skin here, so that he wouldn't feel the prick of the shot there. Pure habit, not that a small needle stick would hold a candle to his injuries in terms of pain. But you didn’t really want him waking up just yet. You pushed the plunger down to administer a microdose of bacta. Just enough to hotwire the healing process, without dulling sensation.
You'd mused privately to yourself on more than one occasion, that you thought he liked to feel the pain. Whether it was a show of control, or an exercise in self-punishment, you couldn’t say. But you'd learned early on, working here, never to bring a pain suppressant around the former Commander.
Maybe no one else had ever picked up on that, because it seemed you were the only person he ever allowed near him with a bandage. You didn't mind. Nor did you mind the way his eyes always followed you quietly as you worked, as you'd gently cleanse his wounds from the battles and conquests that he fearlessly led as the new Supreme Leader of the First Order. You certainly liked him better than the last one. You thought maybe Ren even liked the way your fingers would subtly worship his figure with every quiet and efficient pass of gauze. Maybe he knew where those fingers ended up later. Sick bastard. A smirk tugged the corner of your lip.
His arm was hanging over the edge of the cot, a cautery pen still held loosely in his bloodied fingers. You sighed, removing the device, and picked his arm up to lay it neatly by his side. The weight of it caught your breath in your chest, the solid and heavy cord of muscle dwarfing your hands.
You quickly shook away the distraction, seating yourself on the bedside stool and turning to your most immediate concern: The deep, ripped laceration that bled from his lower abdomen. Vibroblade, you’d wager. It was oozing around the half-cauterized flesh, ugly and red from where he'd clearly begun to try and solder himself shut. You gently placed the cauterizer on the bedside stand. A crude tactic, and not one you would settle for, you decided as you retrieved a sterile suture pouch instead. Preparing another antiseptic cloth and gauze for the blood, you hovered back over the wound.
A realization started to echo along the tunnel of your focus, and the walls crashed away with a thump of your heart as you stared at Ren's flank beneath you, where his breathing had notably deepened and steadied. Your hands froze as your eyes shifted up the planes of his torso, cold spines gouging your chest as you reached his face. His eyes were open, fixed calmly upon your own stare, a flush restored to his full, pouted lips. Ice shattered in your veins.
"S-supreme Leader, I-” You dropped your materials onto the mattress, “You- you want to b-be alone, I'll j-just-" you were stammering, pushing your seat back, brain vibrating with panic. This was it. You escaped now, or you were joining the droid.
You made it about halfway to standing when a hand cinched on your wrist, arresting your movement. Your breath halted as you snapped back around, your heartbeat slamming in your throat.
Something boiled up behind his irises then, trapped so fiercely under the tempered surface of his eyes that his jaw locked tight and his chin quivered slightly with the strain of it. Your brain began to scramble. The look held an unmistakable need, a plea that said, so deafening in its silence, Stay.
You carefully held his gaze as you began to sink back down onto the small seat beside the bed. Your hand was trembling under his grip, every drop of air evaporating in your lungs as his pleading eyes burned through you. You slowly let yourself sit until your weight rested fully on the stool again.
Ren’s body slackened, releasing the air back into the room, and his head dropped back onto the thin pillow in a flutter of raven locks. His eyes drifted shut as a breath rolled through his nose and deep into his chest.
His grip had eased around your wrist, enough for your brain to now register the pleasant warmth of his enormous hand as it softly enveloped the lower part of your forearm. The sensation dumbfounded you for a moment as you stared between your arm and your Supreme Leader's face. The muscles in his brow twitched over his closed eyes as several more controlled breaths seemed to forcibly banish something from his body.
You came back to yourself as a trickle of dark blood drew your gaze back down to his abdomen, where it painted a river over bruised flesh before falling down his side to soak crimson sunbursts into the white sheet. You cautiously twisted your wrist free, and he let his hand drop softly back to the sheet without resistance. Hesitantly, you ran a hand across his skin, next to the gaping wound, inspecting the separated flesh. Firm muscles bunched under your touch, tugging at the ragged edges and inspiring another pulse of fresh red. You studied his face as his lashes lifted open again to meet your eyes. It took you a moment to find your breath.
"I... need to close this," you breathed, tracing a featherlight and completely instinctive touch of reassurance over his intact skin near the wound. He chewed the inside of his lip.
"Do it."
Your belly fluttered at the low command, his eyes never wavering from your gaze. You swallowed. Standing slowly to bend over his abdomen, you studied the open section of the wound. The edges were relatively clean, and it didn't look like the blade had made it deep enough to hit anything vital. The bleeding was nasty though, despite your meticulous cleaning job. His skin here would naturally be taut over firm abdominal muscles, a high tension area, you noted. You’d need to place dermal sutures if you wanted them to hold. Your brow knitted in preemptive sympathy.
“This is going to hurt.” You muttered.
Well, perhaps that was obvious. But stitching up conscious patients was not exactly your area of expertise, so maybe in a way, you were preparing yourself more than him. You were surprised at how well you managed to withhold the tremor from your hands as you quickly cleaned the wound again. It steeled your resolve slightly.
You tossed the soaked gauze, and plucked a curved needle and sinewy thread from the sterile bag. You readied your hand over the cleansed wound and flashed your gaze up to Kylo Ren’s eyes, waiting for... well, you didn’t know. Any kind of final approval or declination, maybe. He said nothing, but his eyes burned you steadily as his jaw locked in place, making the tightness in your chest flutter and twist. Swallowing, you turned back to the half-closed gash. You quickly threaded the first set-back stitch with nimble precision, and tugged the edges closed.
Ren’s muscles locked up with a full-body grunt, and a broad hand shot up from where it lay on the bed to grip the inside curve of your thigh. A jolt leapt through your body, setting your heart at a wild pace. Surely that was just a reflex. Surely he would let go. Blinking, you tried to find the voice in your chest.
"You… you have to r-relax." It came out more breathless than you intended as you fumbled only slightly with tying and cutting the thread. You paused to steady yourself, ignoring how warm your skin felt under his hand. A deep breath rolled through the Supreme Leader, and to your utmost shock, his core slackened obediently.
His hand did not leave your thigh. You took a breath and forced yourself to continue, fingers curling to pierce and thread the next suture through the tender, deep layer of skin. A lower, longer vibration left Ren’s nose as his large fingers gripped tighter into the soft pillow of your flesh. Your breath came shallow as your brain ignited, trying not to file that noise away under the category of pleasure. No. Stop that. You refused to indulge the thought, or the warmth that it shot through your lower body, as you refocused on your work.
You fixed your eyes firmly on your target, not letting yourself meet his gaze again. The next few sutures were accompanied by sounds from Ren that you diligently ignored. If you acknowledged what they sounded like, your focus would be obliterated. It already half was. But the growing hum at the apex of your thighs could not be indulged, could not break your concentration, even if it was just above where his hand… Oh.
His thumb traced the slowest line along the crease of your groin.
It was impossible not to notice the stiffness that was beginning to tent his pants, close to where your face hovered over his lower abdomen. A shiver caressed your spine at the sight, as all of the heat in your body began to gravitate to the heartbeat in your cunt. You swallowed thickly. Stars help you, the sight of him. Supreme Leader Kylo fucking Ren, laying underneath you, his cock getting hard as you caused him excruciating pain. And you… you fucking... liked it.
His hand shifted then, sliding upwards to press a single, precise stroke along the concealed line of your heat. “Oh-” The soft moan came unwillingly from the bottom of your chest, and you braced one hand out on the mattress as your knees turned to liquid. Your body responded so automatically that it made your head spin, your thighs shifting wider, inviting his touch. You could have passed out when he curled his hand to pet another slow stripe over your clothed slit. 
Panting now, you lifted a pleading stare to meet his eyes. They were hooded black vats of desire, and your heart dropped right through your cervix as they drank you in. Your face tingled hot. Your brain wobbled along the line between finishing your task, and the primal need that was erupting through your belly. Either way, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him to stop.
“Supreme Le-”
"Off." He interrupted lowly, pinching at the fabric of your pants. You weren't sure why you obeyed so fucking immediately, but before you could think, your thumbs were hooking into your waistband, and then you were stepping out of your boots, trousers, and underwear, kicking them carelessly across the floor. The tails of your white coat tickled your exposed skin as you positioned yourself back over his wound, wet cunt bared and leaking down your thighs. Cheeks burning with a heat that reached all the way down to your chest, you pointedly avoided his eyes. You tried to steady your hands, and you swore you could feel his gaze stoking a wildfire at your core. You swallowed, staring detachedly at your fingers.
No, the medic instinct in you wouldn’t allow you to leave your work half finished. If you had the wherewithal to think about it, you might have concluded that he knew this, but that didn’t mean he would hold back in making it as difficult as possible for you now that you were, well, in this state. Taking a breath, you threaded another stitch. This time he shamelessly groaned, and his fingers slipped easily through the silky heat of your slit. You gasped, almost doubling over again as you tied off the suture.
You finally looked at him. His nostrils were flared and his throat bobbed, as he watched his own long fingers collect the wetness that leaked from your core. Pleasure and shame waged war across your skin, and your knees went weak as he met your eyes again.
“Keep going,” he stated calmly, gesturing with only his eyes towards the wound that was now nearly shut.
“Fuck,” you whispered, eliciting a hiss of breath from the Supreme Leader as his fingers passed in a slow arc around the top of your stiff clit.
How you managed it, you had no idea, but in very little time you were looping the last thread over itself, tightening it, and cutting. You blinked, looking back along the neat line of sutures as Ren continued idly stroking at your slit, sending shocks down to your toes.
“D-done.” You stammered as you shuffled your supplies together and started to step back.
With a flash of rippling muscle, Ren sat up and captured the back of your neck, pulling you in just inches from the strong curve of his nose. Your materials clattered to the floor as your legs nearly buckled from the sudden weight of his proximity, his gaze pitching you in an inky black tide of lust.
“Gentle little thing,” he pondered, running a thumb under your jaw. Your lungs simply didn’t function any more, you decided, as heat chased the air from the bottom of your bronchioles and out into the space between you. “I’ve wondered about you.”
Your voice hiccuped dumbly in your chest. “Ab-bout me, S-supreme Lead- oh.” Your question hung unfinished from your slack jaw as the pad of his finger shifted wetly across your clit, shooting a liquid flame up your spine that burst in your brain.
“Mm,” he supplied in acknowledgement, his lust-blackened gaze all but swallowing you whole. “Such a pretty thing...” Heat flowered in your cheeks again. “So unassuming.” He slid two fingers down your slick folds towards your entrance, and the delicate stem of a whimper crawled from your throat.
“You want to let go.” He stated in a deep, near-whisper. “Don’t lie to yourself, officer, I can feel your need for it.” You shuddered. Absolutely you wanted to let go. You wanted to do a lot of things, but mostly anything that would elicit those sounds that he was making before, while you punctured his dermis with a curved fucking needle.
“Yes, Supreme Leader.” Your voice seemed far away in your own ears.
The hand around the back of your neck curled slowly until it tightened into the hair follicles at your nape, and the pinpricks sent a thrilling voltage through your nerves that made you gasp.
"Just as I thought," he hummed, the smallest hint at a smirk twitching on the corner of his mouth. “Your desires are far from innocuous.” The lust that thickened his voice had you clenching.
He held your hair tightly, the pain scraping down your spine and feeding heat into the coiling, writhing need that hummed above your thighs. He began to lean back and pull you with him, until you had to shuffle your knee onto the mattress to keep from falling. His hand abandoned the wet heat between your legs, and a solid arm slid impatiently around your waist instead, pulling your hips firmly over him until you straddled his lap on the generous cot.
The feeling of his clothed, straining cock nestling against your folds chased a whine over your lips, and Ren caught it in its tracks, drinking down the sound as his plush lips claimed your open mouth. Fire exploded through your body and your hands flew to his chest, sliding up over hot, bruised skin until your nails were dragging up his neck and into the inky softness of his hair. A deep growl quaked in his chest and his tongue slid greedily across the roof of your mouth, coaxing your jaw wider for him.
You felt his hands slide to grasp the lapels of your coat and yank them over your shoulders. With a thrill of excitement, you threw your arms back to allow him to shuck the garment roughly from your body. Your shirt followed over your head, forcing you to surface from the depths of the kiss with a vulgar wet sound. The second you were free, his massive hand trapped your wrists behind your back, and you gasped at the sudden feeling of immobility. Kylo Ren pinned you under his dark gaze, pulling your arms to arch your back and press your tits up towards him, his eyes devouring the bareness of you that he displayed for himself.
Then he lunged. His hot mouth latched into your neck and worked down to your chest, his strong grip arching you further until his lips pursed around your pebbled nipple. Your jaw fell open in a gasp as he slid his tongue across the bud and drew it between his teeth, pinching just hard enough to leave it aching, and mirrored the action on your other breast. He hummed as he moved back up to lick wet, open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, sliding along your skin until you felt hot breath flood the sensitive hollow of your ear.
“I wonder how you taste, pretty thing.”
The sound that left you was fucking obscene, his words dissolving every bone in your body. You instinctually ground down on his swollen cock, seeking pressure lest your cunt actually rupture with need.
He began to lay back, his hands releasing your wrists, and your strained muscles flooded with relief. Clutching your thighs, he pulled your hips insistently to follow his face back to the head of the cot. A nervous tremor wracked you as he guided your thighs over his shoulders, the realization crashing over you all at once. You were about to sit on the face of the most dangerous man in the fucking galaxy. He closed his eyes and pressed his nose to your mons, inhaling deeply and releasing a growling moan that vibrated right up your body.
A deep magenta bruise flowered his temple and cheekbone, decorating the seam where the flesh of your thigh now ended and his face began. Your core clenched in anxious anticipation, and he turned his face to sink his teeth into the tender flesh of your thigh. Remnants of fear were still paralyzing your chest, but the bolt of pain that flashed up your body pierced through it and into your brain for a moment of blissful clarity. You moaned as you suddenly registered just how much pulsing heat was settling inside your walls, aching now to be soothed by his tongue. He ran his hands down your sides and gripped your hips, and he leveled a dark look up at you that liquefied your bones.
"Please…" you began to whisper.
In a flash, he took your hands and pinned them to the small of your back, then thrust his warm, flat tongue against your cunt with a low groan. Your mouth fell open in a silent cry as he licked a wide stroke up the length of your slit, parting your folds and dragging the flat of his tongue across your swollen nub. Tingling pleasure erupted through your lower body, the feeling of him warm and divine and utterly unbelievable. He moved slowly, almost lazily, lost in the taste and scent of you as he began to work that beautiful mouth over every inch of your cunt.
You shifted your hips in desperation, trying to ride his face and gain more friction on the ache that was coiling in your clit, but he locked your arms up roughly, immobilizing you with one of his huge hands around both of your wrists. You whined and he resumed his torturous pace, lapping at you indulgently, rolling his nose across your clit, building a hot pressure in your core that cried painfully for release.
When his lips finally pursed around your bud, his tongue sliding across it in a way that shot light behind your retinas, it was enough to send you reeling. “Oh, fuck-” you groaned as you felt your orgasm start to pull up tight and hot, your body desperately grasping at its relief.  But then it was plateauing, ebbing, as he slowed and slid his silky tongue away from that epicenter of pleasure.
“No, pl-please, please--” you wailed as you felt your impending orgasm slip away down your spine.
Ignoring you, Ren closed his eyes and swallowed with a grunt, sucking down the arousal that had gushed from your entrance, and you felt it travel through his whole body as he went rigid. He shuddered in consummate pleasure then, and your brain suddenly shifted from grieving your denied orgasm to wondering where his other hand might be. You imagined it wrapped around his own cock, and the thought tightened heat around your spine.
You craned a glance over your shoulder, but the sight that met you paralyzed your brain. His cock was free of his trousers, beautifully hard and leaking a bead of precum onto his stomach, untouched. His fingers were instead plunged into the neat line of sutures that studded his low abdomen, fresh crimson welling around his pressure-whitened fingertips as his body trembled. A protest shot instinctively through your chest. 
Two huge hands hooked over your thighs, smearing you with red, and yanked your ass back onto the warm, broad expanse of his chest, cutting off your objection with a breathy yelp. You had little time to bemoan the absence of his mouth at your center before your world was spinning, as Ren flipped you underneath him in a shockingly strong, fluid motion that inverted your senses.
You flailed an arm behind you for balance, but before you could get your bearings, he was hauling you effortlessly down the thin mattress by your hips. A squeak escaped you as your shoulders met linen, and then you were wailing as he devoured you again, his eager tongue sliding hot and heavily down your folds. 
He groaned and slipped two blood-drenched fingers into you, pumping and scissoring them slowly as he massaged your clit with his mouth. Shock and pleasure quaked in equal magnitude through your body, every instinct clashing in a spectacular array as your brain fought against itself. You wanted to be horrified, sickened even, but every nerve ending was screaming in nothing but wretched liberation.
In a wash of euphoria, you submitted to it, let your fingers find and lock into his sweat-dampened hair, let yourself sigh and clench around his warm, wet digits as they stroked against something devastating inside of you. He built you up like this again, higher, tighter, but before you could reach the apex of that perfect ache, just when you were whimpering with the promise of shattering into bliss, something began to coil around your spine. An invisible force -- the Force -- squeezing dark numbness down every nerve below your lumbar spine.
No, no, fuck. Tears rushed to your eyes and you choked out a sob, as you trembled in excruciating bereavement. Your wrists were wrenched to your side and tacked to the bed with that same invisible power while Ren continued to indulge himself in your numb cunt, sucking and lapping steadily at your wet heat. Your insides blazed with need and neglect as you watched him slide his fingers out of you and into his mouth, humming in satisfaction as he savored the mixture of his blood and your slick. That was it. You couldn’t keep quiet.
“Kylo, please-”
His eyes locked onto yours, lips still pursed around his fingers. You did not mean to call him that. You quailed suddenly, in your state of helplessness, at the sight of the large man as he began to crawl over you. He kicked off his trousers, looming until you were caged underneath his powerful body and staring helplessly up into the wicked excitement that roiled in his irises.
“Poor, poor thing,” He taunted as an electric current of sensation shot back down your legs, causing you to yelp. His hips rocked to part your slit with the velvety weight of his cock, his swollen and weeping head dragging moisture across your clit as it tingled with renewed feeling.
“So desperate to cum that you’d forget all respect for me.” The words dripped from his lips to pour over your neck as he nipped above your clavicle, seeping into your blood and heating it tenfold. He felt heavy and inviting and perfect, and you clutched your nails sharply into his sides as a crippling wave of need crashed down your spine. He hissed in a breath, letting it out in a nearly inaudible “Fuck.”
A tear spilled down your cheekbone. He was right, you were absolutely fucking desperate, coiled painfully tight after being ripped back from the edge twice. This was his particular brand of mutual torture, denying your release and losing himself in his pain. You needed to do something, anything, to fracture that infuriating, adamantine control. Anything to break the endless cycle of torment.
Your eyes were drawn down to a river of crimson that streaked into the valley of his hip, welling from the fresh spring of your sutures. A writhing, dark desire slithered up your brain stem, burning with some foreign audacity, and it moved your hand almost on its own. Fuck it, you could play this game, too. 
“Please, Supreme Leader,” You corrected yourself, letting your voice thicken through your tears to a noxious sweetness. “I’ll do anything.” 
Your palm slid to his low abdomen, collecting the warm blood with your thumb and sliding it back up towards the neatly closed wound. You slowly ran your slick digit along the raw edge, your breath catching in your chest as you flicked your gaze back to his eyes, just inches in front of yours. His lips hung open slightly, in disbelief, in want, it was impossible to say. But his pupils were blown wide and hungry as he stilled, the smallest twitch of his eye daring you, pleading you, to continue.
“Anything…” you emphasized in a whisper, holding his stare through your damp lashes as you pressed your thumb into the bruised, inflamed skin, crushing your finger straight into the raw nerves. You dug down, down, watching his lips slowly pull into a wild snarl of pain, his thick cock twitching against your folds as a ragged groan tore through his teeth. You were panting now, watching his eyes as they filled with liquid black fire, unblinking, burning through you.
Heart pounding, you pressed further, building a pinpoint of pressure over the closed wound until you felt the fine strand of a suture give way under the pad of your thumb, popping open with a soft shift of flesh. A choked roar ripped itself from Ren’s chest as his hand came down on your throat. His eyes were glazed with a terrifying need, inches from yours, strands of hair beginning to mat on his face as sweat decorated his skin.
His hips began to sink heavily. The head of his cock pushed past your folds, pressing insistently at the tight heat of your entrance. You whimpered, pulse racing under his grip, and braced your hand involuntarily against his abdomen as your walls began to stretch, the wet sting reverberating up your spine. Your eyes shot to his, pleading, but found them fiendish.
"You’re going to take all of me, pretty thing." His voice was barely above a ragged whisper, caged behind rusted bars of restraint that were slowly splintering across his eyes as he broke you open. “And you’re going to cum around my fucking cock when I tell you to.”
It was all you could do to simply whimper and nod, his words paired with the intense stretch effectively wiping your brain blank now. And the stretch kept coming, endlessly, filling you completely, until you thought you might crack in half. When he finally sheathed himself, his body flattened down heavily on top of you, pinning your hips wide open. You couldn’t move your hand, his sheer mass was crushing your thumb inside the wet, raised flesh of the wound as you felt it leak warmly around the base. A sound caught in Ren’s throat, and a shudder wracked his whole body.
He laid there for only a moment, crushing the air from your lungs, bathing in the pain, before he lifted his torso and began to thrust. Still slowly, still so controlled, breath rolling hot and rabid down your neck. You pulled your thumb from beneath his skin with a sickening squelch. Trembling, a morbid urge had you bringing the hand up to your mouth.
You moved to flick your tongue out over the warm, coppery liquid that was now coating your thumb and beginning to run down your forearm. In an instant, Ren snatched your wrist and pinned it beside your head. Something utterly feral played across his eyes that made your stomach squirm.
He panted through his teeth, eyes drifting across your face to the hand that he had pinned down. “You want a taste, whore?” His tone was somewhere between incredulous and eager, only fueling your desire to pry further at the seams of his restraint. You bit your bottom lip, lifting a pleading look into his eyes, and nodded with a whimper.
“Yes, please, ple-- Ah!” He slammed his cock into your cervix, making you cry out.
He snatched your wrist up with a grunt and enveloped your thumb with the heat of his mouth, swirling his strong, silky tongue around your knuckle to collect the liquid. Your head spun as he drew his lips up and off of your digit, slamming your wrist back down to the mattress and crushing his mouth to yours. His tongue pushed ravenously past the guard of your teeth, and your palette lit up with the sharp mix of metallic blood and the remnants of your cunt on his lips.
It was deafening, the rush that cascaded between your ears and crashed down your body at the visceral taste, the sensation of his hot tongue swiping across yours, passing the grotesque mixture back and forth. You moaned into his mouth and he shuddered, gripping your jaw muscles to force your mouth open as he drew away, resuming the rhythm of his thrusts. He spat a thick emulsion of blood and saliva into your open mouth before releasing your face, shoving your jaw closed with the heel of his palm. From this angle he could see your neck ripple as you swallowed, and the sight had him deepening his thrusts with a low groan.
Yes, yes, finally. His cock stroked fire along your walls, the sensation of fullness making your eyes roll into your skull. Drunk from deprivation, you wanted more. You blindly reached down the contour of his obliques and drove your thumb back into his wound, finding the slight firmness of another suture and digging into his flesh until you felt a sinewy pop. Kylo Ren roared, his hips stuttering as his body locked up in a rippling wave of tension. Eyes wild, he gripped your throat again, yanking you roughly as your eyes flew open and met his.
“Fucking filthy slut.”
He slammed into you at a merciless pace, hurtling you past any possibility of orgasm and straight into overstimulation as your body burned around him. Your vision swam, your ears beginning to ring as he pounded you relentlessly. Blood struggled to reach your brain under his grip, building a pressure in your skull that made your face vibrate.
He slowed his pace suddenly, and heat sparked to the tips of your nerves again, alighting on every inch of your quivering skin and fuck, you were close. Oh, fuckfuckfuc--
“Cum. Cum for me. Fuck!”
Ren wildly snatched the cautery pen from where you left it on the bed stand, lit it, and plunged the glowing tines straight into the flesh of your thigh. White hot pain fractured your vision, locked every muscle down tight with a scream you couldn’t hear as your orgasm eviscerated you.
Breath stuttered back into your lungs in hazy, broken sobs. Euphoric pain was weeping from your nerves, flowing across your skin to rival the tears that now ran free and hot down your face while razorblades of pleasure still flayed your veins open. The ringing in your ears finally began to give way to low grunts breaking over the fragmented tide of your sobs.
“Good girl, g-ood, fuck-- shh... pretty fucking thing.” Ren’s deep murmurs faded into your eardrums, the words slurring and thickening through his teeth as he pried the tool from your sizzling flesh. He set it aside, pace unrelenting, and dragged a hand over your cheek. Sticky blood mixed with your tears as his fingers fastened into the flesh of your face. He watched your eyes come back into focus, his own glazed in primal rapture.
He propelled a few more slamming thrusts into the depths of you as the death throes of your orgasm withered on your skin. And then you were empty, gasping, and he was flipping you over so easily you didn’t know which way was up any more. Your breath was muffled by a pillow, and you turned your face just in time for a massive, dirty hand to come down on your cheekbone.
He crushed your face into the fabric, wrestling your hips upwards with his other forearm until your knees reluctantly shifted up to support them. You whimpered at the pressure on your skull and the throbbing pain that radiated from your thigh, but the sound deepened in your chest when you felt the blunt head of his cock graze along your swollen lips. Stars, you needed him to fill you in any way, your emptiness now entwining with your pain to send a cry of grief through your shuddering bones that could only be soothed by that voice, those hands, that perfectly thick cock in any part of you. Overcome, you moaned for it.
“Fuck,” he rasped, dragging his tip back and forth over your clit, adding skittering jolts to the ache that might as well be burning away your peritoneum like paper, causing your organs to pour out over the floor in gruesome mercy. He slid his hand back along the curve of your spine, releasing your face, and you gasped in the acrid taste of copper. His palms smothered your ass, fingers splaying wide and squeezing, pulling your cheeks up and apart for his view. It was filthy, the eroticism of it, but shame was a faraway song in the tempest of your need, barely heard as you clutched the sheets and arched in presentation for him. You heard a hissing intake of breath, which he let out in a slew of unintelligible filth as the fat head of his cock slowly split you again.
Even after just moments of vacancy you had to readjust to the size of him, but the stretch was utterly demulcent this time as he gradually sheathed himself in your aching walls until his head was grinding down against your cervix. Your eyes flew wide with a gasp as you clawed the sheet, streaking it redder, willing your body to relax around the merciless presence of his cock. He pumped his hips once, slowly, powerfully, and your eyes rolled back again as your muscles turned to warm jelly.
“Kylo…” You barely heard yourself moan out, and you had no idea whether he heard you either, as a loud groan suddenly kicked up his pace and the decibels of his rambling.
“Ffffuuck, feel sofuckinggood, so tight…. fucking perfect little cunt…”
You could die, you could actually fucking die from how it felt to lose yourself in this, how possessed you were by the repulsive freedom of it, of him, spitting filthy nothings into the thick air while you entwined yourselves in the dirty rut of shameless pleasure and pain.
You felt hot liquid trickle into the seam between your flesh and Ren’s with the next few smacks of his hips against your ass. His pace faltered, and he fell over you like a snarling carnivore, palms slamming down on the backs of your hands and pinning them beside your head. His breath tickled hot in your ear, and you shuddered, clenching around him.
“I’m going to make you cum again.” He snarled, before yanking you back sharply by your hair until you were nearly upright on your knees, your shoulder blades meeting the warmth of his chest. You caught a flash of blood-coated fingers as they reached around you and began to rub hot, wet circles over your clit.
“Like the filthy fucking whore you are. That I- fuck- knew you were.”
Your muscles gave out as he spoke, your body supported only by his overbearing strength, as euphoria wrapped your nerve endings in white flame. You were keening, though you could hardly hear yourself, as the pressure on your clit started to pull a second orgasm outward from your bones.
His hips pounded ruthlessly against your ass as he brutally fucked you, the force of it knocking air from your lungs with every impact. A glow began to erupt from your spine with the next few passes of his fingers over your clit, and then you were cumming, hard, sailing into an abyss of ecstasy that swallowed your sight. When you resurfaced he was roaring, his arm a vice around your ribs, his cock slamming deep and slow inside of your quaking walls and pulsing with his release. 
Ren collapsed on top of you, flattening you into the mattress. Dizziness swam through your blood, intensified by his weight crushing your lungs. He felt warm, sated, absolutely sublime as your spent hole fluttered around his cock, the sensation of his damp breaths on your shoulder easily overriding your need for oxygen. You were perfectly content to lay like this until you blacked out, if that’s what it would take to keep him there.
But then he was rolling off of you, a soft groan rumbling through his body as the cold air of the room kissed the sweat on your spine. It sobered you like an ice bath and you shifted away from him, suddenly feeling the weight of a needed distance between yourself and the Supreme Leader. You dropped your legs to the floor to stand, and pain ricocheted up your body from your thigh. You winced as your leg buckled in a blatant refusal to support your weight, catching yourself on the edge of the bed frame.
You instead sank back onto the small stool, and felt it become slick with cum as you grabbed wads of gauze from a drawer in the bed stand. Blood was gushing from his abdomen again, joining the sheen of bright red that mottled most of his skin as well as the sheets, and you began to work mechanically to staunch the flow once more. Kylo shifted onto his back and let you do it, his eyes falling shut as panting breaths oscillated through his chest. You were filthy, you registered, as you looked down at the red-brown crust of half dried blood that was smeared on your hands and all the way up your forearms.
You gently dabbed at his skin, slowly cleansing the mess and wrangling the bleeding back under your practiced control. The edges of your skin practically cried out in neglect, the dull pain that thrummed through your body begging to be soothed by even the smallest of tender touches that you didn’t dare ask for. The pain seemed to catch up to him as well now. He breathed through it, but you saw it lock up in his exhales, in the tense pull of his brow over his dark lashes. You let the pass of his skin under your palms soothe you both until his bare skin glowed clean and the bleeding was no more than a steady trickle.
Staring at his comparatively clean body under your blood-crusted hands, you suddenly felt disgustingly exposed in your nakedness. You stooped quickly to grab the leg of your pants where they lay on the floor, but Ren’s hand gripped your arm roughly, yanking your elbow back onto the stained mattress.
"Oh, pretty thing.” He growled. “We're not finished, yet."
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ssa-pretty-boy · 4 years
Love and Thunder
Summary: When a thunderstorm rolls in and the power goes out what will Spencer and his girlfriend do to pass the time?
Word Count: 4.4k
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: smuttttttt - fingering, unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT KIDS), penetrative sex
The smell of coming rain had been in the air for days. So when dark clouds rolled in, threatening to open up at any given moment, no one really gave it a second thought.  But as the day progressed the normal hustle and bustle of the city grew into something more palpable, its people trying to get indoors before the torrential down pour that was sure to come. 
Spencer Reid was no exception. Though there was something about a good thunderstorm that he found extremely relaxing, he didn’t want to be caught outside in one. Like the rest of the city’s inhabitants he was speed walking down the concrete sidewalks, eternally grateful that his apartment was only a couple of blocks away from his metro stop. 
He managed to make it into the lobby of his building just as the first drops of rain started to sprinkle down. With a grateful sigh, he shucked off his rain coat as he watched the droplets slide down the glass door. The drizzle was slow and lazy, honestly more like a fine mist than true rain. Maybe this was just going to be an average summer rain shower after all.
Taking the stairs two at a time up to the fourth floor, he made it to the last landing with an astonishing amount of grace. For someone who was as uncoordinated as Spencer tended to be, it was a surprise even to himself he made it without so much as stumbling. He unlocked the door and was greeted with the sound of pots and pans clinking together coming from the kitchen. Rounding the corner into his tiny kitchen he saw Y/N at the stove, stirring what smelt like pasta sauce with one hand and holding an open book up to her face with the other. She was mouthing the words as she read and Spencer smiled, he found it incredibly endearing and told her as much as he left his satchel and raincoat on the small table tucked into the corner of the room.
Y/N laughed, glancing up over the top of her book with a warm smile as he came over to her. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and settled his chin on the top of her head. “Wasn’t expecting you home yet.”
The book forgotten, she tossed it to the counter and leaned back into him, tilting her head up to place a soft kiss on the underside of his jaw. “I was just extra help today so I got cut loose early because of the storm.”
He hummed again, certainly not complaining that his girlfriend was home. “What are you making?”
She took the wooden spoon out of the pot and held it up to Spencer’s mouth for him to taste, smiling when he groaned and nodded his approval. “My mom sent me a new recipe for a creole Alfredo sauce. Everything else is ready so I just have to it throw in and let it simmer for a few minutes. Why don’t you go wash up and I’ll start setting the table.”
When Spencer and Y/N were in each other’s company, they had a habit of blocking out the rest of the world. Spencer had always thought it sounded lame and cheesy when he heard couples say such things but when he met Y/N he understood it instantly. They were just so comfortable around each other, so…compatible, that nothing else mattered to them as long as the other was happy. Especially when they were in the comfort of their own home. 
They had been so wrapped up in each other, in fact, that they failed to notice the changing atmosphere outside. It wasn’t until they settled into bed for the night, when Spencer finally flipped on the TV and mindlessly turned to the weather channel in hopes of seeing a sunny forecast for the following day, that he realized just how intense this storm was going to get. So much for that picnic in the park with Derek, Savannah, and Hank they’d so been looking forward to. Spencer studied the swirling diagram of colors, noting that area which he and his girlfriend called home was already far into the red and it didn’t look like they would be in the green any time soon.
A flash of lightening brought his attention away from the television and towards the window on Y/N’s side of the bed. Pushing the thick duvet back, Spencer climbed from the warmth of the bed and padded towards the window. He reached out with a little hesitance and pulled the curtains back, eyes widening at what he saw on the other side of the glass. Several of the small trees lining the street had been blown over, the street itself in front of the building was flooded, and a few blocks away it looked as though the power had gone out. 
“It’s nasty out there,” he mumbled more to himself than Y/N. She was so preoccupied with painting her toenails, a shade of deep red that Spencer secretly found incredibly sexy, that she hadn’t even noticed him get out of bed to walk over to the window. 
“Is it?” She wasn’t really paying him any mind as she finished painting her left pink toe, the very tip of her tongue sticking out between her lips in concatenation as she did so.
He mumbled a soft ‘yeah’ as he sat down in front of her. Grinning at him, Y/N leaned back against the headboard of the bed and screwed the cap back onto her nail polish before tossing it into the small canvas bag sitting on her bedside table. 
“You like?” The question was rhetorical, she knew how much he liked the color on her and maybe she picked out specially for that reason. She lifted her foot just in front of his face and wiggled her toes to show off the color of the polish. 
Smirking at her, Spencer grabbed ahold of her ankle and pulled her down the bed closer to him, laughing at the squeal that the action got from her. Holding her foot up to his mouth, he pressed a kiss to each toe before slowly beginning to kiss up her foot to her calve then her thigh, all the way up to her waiting lips. “I fucking love it.” 
He let put a playful growl as he dove into the crook of her neck and began to place sloppy wet kisses all over the exposed skin, his fingers ghosting over her sides to start tickling her relentlessly. Her giggles ringing out through the small bedroom were like the most beautiful music he’d ever heard. Their playful fun was cut short though by a bright flash of lightening that washed the room in a bluish hue, both of their head snapping towards the window. Holding his breath, Spencer began to count in anticipation for the clap of thunder that was sure to come. 
There was the deafening crack of thunder he had been waiting on. It sounded like it was directly over head, the very walls of the building seeming to quake. Y/N let out a squeak, clutching onto Spencer’s biceps for dear life as she hid her face in his chest. 
Trying to lighten the mood however he could, he laughed and and pulled back to look at her face. “It’s alright, sweet girl. Just a little thunder and lightning, nothing to be scared of. Well, there’s no need to be afraid of thunder, anyway, seeing as though its really just a sound caused by the lightning. Lightning, on the other hand, can be quite dangerous if-”
With a playful swat to his chest, she silenced him. “As much as I usually love your facts and tangents, that one really didn’t help. Like at all. You know how I am about bad weather! It just freaks me out a little." She admitted the last bit sheepishly, no matter how many times he assured her she had no reason to be embarrassed by her fear of storms, she still hated to admit it. Everyone is afraid of something, he always told her. 
Brown eyes flashing, he looked down at her with a smirk before leaning back back down and pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth before working his way to her jaw.
“Well then, why don’t we do something to take you mind off of it, hm?” He was kissing her throat again as he suggested it, pressing the words into the column of her neck with wet, open mouthed kisses. Her head was already swimming, thoughts foggy as his mouth trailed lower, pulling at the collar of her shirt to get access to her collar bones now. The only response she was able to supply him with was a mumbled “mhm” and a shuddering gasp as his cold hands slipped under her T-shirt to find her bare chest, much more purposeful than the playful tickling had been. His thumbs ghosted over her nipples and she arched into touch, moaning when he pinched the hardening peaks between his thumbs and forefingers.
Just as he pulled the old Caltech shirt off of her, the lamps on either side of the bed along with the TV began to flicker. “Shit,” he cursed as he rolled off of her. “The power is probably about to go.”
Spencer stood from the bed and grabbed his phone from the bedside table just as the electricity flickered off entirely. Switching on the flashlight that was built into his phone, he shone it into Y/N’s face. She squinted into the light, holding up her hands to shield her eyes from the blinding brightness. “I’m going to go get some candles and a lighter. Stay in here, bubs.” 
Quickly making his way down the dark hallway, Spencer headed for the hoard of scented candles he knew Y/N had stashed in the linen closet. He scanned the shelves, and spied the decorative basket tucked into the corner of the top shelf. Honestly, he didn’t even want to know how Y/N had managed to get up there. Even for as tall as he was, he had to stand on his tip-toes to reach it.
He pulled the basket down and rummaged through it, crinkling his nose at a few of the names… Pink Sand, Midnight Cashmere, Home Sweet Home. Why did they all have to have weird names? Why couldn’t they just be named what they were supposed to smell like? Eventually he gave up on trying to find normal ones, just deciding to take the entire basket before going to the kitchen to retrieve a lighter from the junk drawer under the microwave. 
Once back in their bedroom, Spencer began to scatter the candles all over the small space, lighting them as he went. Before long the entire room was aglow with a soft, flickering light. After finally lighting the last few, he tossed the lighter down onto the dresser before going to flop onto the bed next to Y/N. 
Still half naked, she was sitting up with her knees pulled her to chest and staring absentmindedly out of the window. She was too busy worrying her bottom lip between her teeth and watching the rain slap against the glass to pay the slightest bit of attention to Spencer. So he turned onto his side and took the opportunity to watch her.
Right arm propping his head up, he shamelessly let his eyes rake over her from the top of her head all the way to the tips her toes. On their fifth date, he’d noted that candle light made her look ten times as gorgeous as she already was. The tiny flickering flames illuminated her features in ways a light bulb or even the sun failed do. Every date night he had planned since usually involved a lot of candles for that very reason. 
Not being able to resist the temptation any longer, Spencer reached up and cupped her cheek in his hand. Y/N turned her face into his palm and pressed a kiss to the center of it. Their eyes locked and Spencer swore he felt his heart swell in his chest as she stared down at him with what could only be called adoration. It was funny how time seemed to stop completely when she looked at him like that. Like he hung the stars and the moon in the sky just for her. It made him feel like he could fly. 
She moved to lie down facing him, so close that their noses were just centimeters apart, and ran her hands up his arms to his shoulders. The muscles of his arms tensed in the wake of her touch and she batted her lashes up him, feigning total innocence at her actions as his pupils blew wide. Her hands slid back down his chest, her nails pressing into him just hard enough to leave faint red lines in their wake. “I think we were doing something a minute ago.”
“Yeah, I think we were.” His words were husky as he cupped her cheeks in his hands again and leaned in to kiss her. Winding her arms around his neck, she pulled him on top of her and he fell to rest perfectly between her thighs.
One of his hands slipped into her hair and gripped tightly at the roots, snapping her head back so that he could have even more access to her throat and jaw. A wanton moan accompanied the sharp sting of her nails raking over his shoulders when he bit down hard enough to bruise. He bit and sucked relentlessly at her pulse point, fully intending to give her a rather spectacular hickey to sport the next day at work. When he pulled away to inspect his work he smirked at the mark, his thumb brushing over it with just enough pressure to have her whimpering.
Becoming desperate for some sort of relief from the growing tension between her legs, she started grinding herself down onto Spencer’s thigh. The cocky bastard was smirking down at her as his iron grip forced her hips back down onto the mattress. She was already so blissed out she didn’t even realize his hands had left her neck and hair. “Be patient, princess.”
The use of the pet name had her eyes fluttering shut, the asshole knew the effect it had on her and used it to his advantage every change he got. Kissing her swollen lips once more, he pulled away and sat back on his calves to drink in the sight of her; pupils blown wide, lips red and swollen. When she looked like this, all flustered just from his touches and kisses, Spencer could barely control himself. Before going to crawl back over her, he grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and quickly tugged it over his head before tossing it to join her’s on the floor. 
Y/N sat up on her knees, meeting him in the middle of the bed, to kiss him. It was feverish and sloppy, their teeth clashing and nipping at each other’s lips. Both were breathless when they finally parted, heads swimming from the lack of oxygen.  
Placing a firm hand on her chest, Spencer pushed her back to lie back down on the bed. Hovering over her again, he dipped his head down to her chest and took her one of her nipples into his mouth. Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as he bit down and tugged at it. He released her after a moment and laved over the bite marks with his tongue before he moved to her other breast. She arched up into his touch, hands tangling in his hair as he continued to lavish her chest with attention. 
“I love your tits,” he told her shamelessly, placing a kiss on each raw nipple before licking up the valley between them.
Despite the filthiness of the words and actions, she snorted out a laugh and shoved his head away from her chest. He was laughing as he pulled away, “I do though!”
“I know you do. And I love your cock but I would really love if it were inside me right now.” She reached down and started palming him through his pajama pants to emphasize her point.
“Remember what I said about having p-patience?” He choked on the words as she gripped him tighter, his head dropping forward onto her shoulder as he shuddered. When he lifted his head back up his cheeks were flushed and his pupils had blown so wide there was only a thin ring of honey brown surrounding them.
He sat back and hooked his fingers into the waist band of her sleep shorts and underwear and jerked them down her legs. When she was completely naked under him, he cupped her sex and practically growled,“I want to play a little first.” 
The words alone were enough to have her moaning and bucking up into his hand, aching for some sort of friction. Spencer ran his middle finger up her slit, gathering her arousal on the digit before bringing it up to her mouth. Without having to be told, she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, taking his finger in her mouth and moaning at the taste of herself as she sucked it clean. 
She released him with a soft ‘pop’ and he instantly brought his hand back down to her core. He ran the same finger up her slit again, ghosting over her clit with a few slow, lazy circles this time. Y/N gasped, her hands flying to Spencer’s biceps as he slowly slid the offending digit into her and began to pump it in and out of her. 
She moaned out, arching her back off the bed as he started to pick up the pace, curling it up to perfectly stroke against her front wall each time. “More.” It came out as more of a breathless moan than an actual word but Spencer understood her none the less. “Gimme another one, Spence.”
“So fucking needy, aren’t you?” Despite the comment he complied with her request  instantly. She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe as he slipped another long, nimble finger into her aching heat, not even bothering to give her a chance to acclimate to the slight stretch. Spencer’s fingers were fucking into her at a relentless pace, still curling them at just the right angle to have her seeing stars. She had asked for more and damn if he wasn’t delivering.
She was slack jawed as her eyes were rolled back in her head and god damn he had never been happier to have an eidetic memory. The look on her face was going to be what got him off when he was in those cold, lonely hotel rooms across the country. 
“Ah god,” she was panting now, her chest heaving as she chased after her high. “Please don’t stop. Please. Please. Please, Spence.”
He added his thumb to her clit and started pressing small, tight circles to the swollen bundle of nerves. A lewd moan ripped from her throat as her hips bucked up into his hand, much to Spencer’s amusement. With a deep chuckle, he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Please what, princess? Use your words.”
A delicious warmth started to settle in her belly as she clenched around around his fingers and Spencer had to bite down on the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning at the tightness. “Please let me cum. Please,” she was begging, her voice raw and breathless. And he would be lying through his fucking teeth if he said it didn’t go straight to his cock. He hummed and sped up his fingers, still making sure to curl upward with each thrust. 
Stars flashed in front of her eyes as that warmth in her belly burst into a full blown flame, the fire licking up her body from her toes all the way to her head. Her nails dug into Spencer’s tensed biceps as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her, milking her high for all it was worth. Even as the pleasure started to ebb, he kept up his ministrations to the point where her mewling moans turned into whimpers. She was spasming around his fingers, her walls gripping so tightly around him that he couldn’t help the bucking of his hips into the mattress below them.
“S-Spencer,” she moaned, her hands finally finding his and trying to shove him away. She could already feel another orgasm building, riding the tails of the aftershocks from the first. 
“C’mon,” he purred. “You can do it, baby. Give me another one.”
Her skin felt like it was on fire as her toe curling second orgasm hit her. She was trembling as Spencer worked her through it, his fingers slowing and eventually pulling away from her aching pussy altogether. Another lewd moan was the only sound she could manage at the loss of contact.
“You did so good, princess,” he mumbled as he pressed sweet kisses to the side of her face while she came back down to earth. “You took my fingers so well. Think you can handle my cock now, baby?”
Bleary eyes fluttered open to look up at him and she nodded slowly. Spencer smirked down at her and made quick work of wiggling out of his pajama pants. Y/N reached down to take him in her hand but he swatted her away. His cock was aching and he knew if she took him in her very capable hands he wouldn’t last long at all. “Trust me baby, I’m good to go.”
Grabbing her by her forearm, Spencer hauled her up to sit on her knees before climbing back on the bed behind her. Still fucked out and pliable, she didn’t fight it when he put a firm hand between her shoulder blades and pushed her face down into the mattress. With one hand firmly planted on her hip and the other gripping his dick, he lined himself up with her entrance and slowly pushed in. 
Every nerve ending in her body felt like it was a live wire; everywhere he touched he left fire in his wake. She was a mewling mess beneath him as he set a slow but purposeful pace, pulling out almost completely before slamming back into her. There were sure to be finger shaped bruises along her hips in the morning but she didn’t care, couldn’t care as he started pounding into her like his only purpose in life was to fuck her into sweet, sweet oblivion.
“Fuck,” he panted, “you feel so fucking good, baby. So tight and warm.”
The sound of skin slapping and Y/N moans filled the room as he settled into a quick and brutal rhythm, his hips snapping forward even harder. One of his hands slid up her back and gripped onto the back of her neck, hauling her back to rest against his chest. Her mouth dropped open in a silent scream, her eyes screwing shut at the deeper angle the position allowed. He was so deep and she swore she could feel him in her belly when he took her this way. 
“Nu-huh,” he breathed in her ear, thrusts not faltering in the slightest. The hand on the back of her neck came to grip her jaw and turn her head towards the mirror resting on the dresser directly across from the bed. “I want you to watch yourself get wrecked.”
Her eyes fluttered open and looked at her reflection in the mirror, moaning at what she saw staring back at her. The hand he had on her hip slid around her and dipped down to spread her open so they could better see where he was fucking into her. 
“Touch yourself for me,” he told her, his voice husky and commanding. She did as she was told, sticking her fingers in her mouth first to wet them with her tongue before bringing them down to her clit and swirling them in small, quick circles. With a particularly sharp thrust Y/N was cumming again, crying out as her vision went completely white this time around. 
Her walls clamped down around his cock like a vice and Spencer’s head dropped to her shoulder as he groaned, his thrusts starting to get sloppy. “S-Shit. I’m right behind you, baby, just hold on.”
A couple of thrusts later he was cumming, groaning out a string of curses as he spilled into her. His arms around her waist were the only thing keeping her upright as they caught their breath. As gently as he could manage, he pulled out of her and her lie down before collapsing to the mattress beside her.
After a few minutes of basking in their afterglow, Spencer pressed a kiss to the crown of Y/N’s head before he got out of the bed to get a washcloth to clean her up. As he turned off the faucet he realized there was a sudden lack of howling wind and pouring rain. Making his way back into the bedroom, he peeked out the window before returning to bed.
“It stopped storming,” he mused as he gently brought the warm washcloth up between Y/N’s legs.
She winced at the sensation but was otherwise quiet for a moment before admitting, “Honestly, I had forgotten it was even storming in the first place.”
Mission accomplished then, Spencer thought to himself with a soft chuckle as he tossed the washcloth in the hamper next to the dresser. He settled back down on the bed with her, pulling her back to him. He had just about drifted off to sleep when Y/N started to giggle uncontrollably. He peaked an eye open to look down at her as her shoulders started to shake from the fit of laughter.  
“God, the neighbors probably thought we were making a porno.” She was still laughing as she said it but knew fully well that the elderly couple next door probably did hear them. And would no doubt make comments about it the next time they ran into each other in the stairwell. 
A wicked grin took over his face as he looked down at her and laughed, “Now there’s an idea.”
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chuuulip · 4 years
In My Bones
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader (Vampire AU)
Warning: 18+, Steve being a tease, Oral (female receiving) NSFW, PWP,  
Words: 2043
Summary: You haven't seen your vampire boyfriend for a month, and by that, a night in a club might alleviate your loneliness, even just for a while.
Prompt: This fic used multiple prompts as followed:
I’m gonna rip these panties off and shove my tongue between your sweet lips
I know how this goes. First you buy me a drink, then you tell me how pretty I look, and then at the end of the night, you ask for my number 
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A.N: This is for @the-ce-horniest-book-club​ and @the-mcu-horniest-book-club​  as well as @drabblewithfrannybarnes​. I’m feeling an early Halloweenesque so I pulled back my vampire boyfriend Steve (He might appeared again on Halloween!). This story is kind of a continuation from "In my veins" but I think you don't need to read it to read this. This piece isn’t beta and if there’s a grammar mistake, that will be on me 😉 I just want to do some short smut things, lol happy reading!​
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 You stared down on your reflection in the dim bathroom. Makeup looks bolder than what you used too, but you didn't care. Your cat-eye eyeliner and your hair were on point. Soft lips were repainted with the red shade lipstick that suited you, not to mention extra blush to the cheeks. Tired of the piled up homework and grading you do in the past week. Not to mention the absence of constant skin to skin contact from your boyfriend made you dare yourself to go out with your friends tonight.
Feel satisfied with your look, you smoothened the black silk dress and exited the room. The sound of the music graced your ears when you were back on the dance floor. It's been what? couple hours since you arrived here with four other of your friends, but you can't find them anywhere. Likely either caught some hot guys or been seen by one. You strutted your way to the bar, body swayed lazily to keep up with the beat. When you decided on what drink you would have, a loud baritone voice interrupted you.
Turn your body to the side you were greeted by a tall and muscular man. His wide shoulder felt as if it meddled into your personal space. Flashes of light illuminated his blue eyes. The stubble decorated his face accentuated the strong jaw that God graced him with. Flickered your eyes back to him, you saw his pupils dilated. As if to try to adapt to the low-level light when all the lasers rotated and synchronized with the music.
Try to compose your cool; you tilted your chin up and faced him. "I know how this goes." With all the noise, you close the space between you and bite your lower lips. "First, you buy me a drink, then you tell me how pretty I look, and then, at the end of the night, you ask for my number." Your red painted fingers trailed its way from the collar, down to the lapel's, and ended it in the zipper of his leather jacket.
The man gave you a lopsided grin. You can see his thick long lashes fluttered up as his eyes sparkled with mischief. "First of all, I have your favorite drink in hand." he grabbed the glass of booze that looked like it glowed in the dark and gave it to you.
"Second...how am I not supposed to tell you that you are pretty, because you definitely are." you bring the glass to your lips and drink the liquid inside. "Lastly, before the end of the night, I'm not gonna ask you for your number because I already have it." he grinned at you triumphantly, teeth all white, and canines showed up a little bit.
You pouted at your boyfriends and put the glass back on the table, whine in displeased, "you are no fun, Stevie."
He closed any space between the both of you. His chuckle shifted his fake attempt to flirt as if you were a stranger. "What? You want me to fake it till the end?"
"Hmm… I just missed you so much I can't help but do that when I saw you."
"I missed you too, baby girl." Steve closed his eyes as he rested his forehead down to yours. He inhaled deeply as if the smells of your body vaporized from his senses since last week. "You smell so good tonight, fuck." His big hand was stationed on your hips. He purposely spread his fingers and moved it back on your ass cheeks, kneaded it.
You let out a surprised moan as your fingers instinctively hold on to the lapels of his jacket. You weren't exaggerated things, but since you dated your infamous big, handsome and blonde vampire boyfriend named Steve, you've been experienced the dry spell. In the past three months, he graced you with something tho, mostly, the heavy petting. It's not that you hate it, really. Steve wasn't any regular man you usually met. Men who just want to go do gymnastics in bed after the first date. He's sweet and attentive. But sometimes you need more than just the fake vibration that rushed to your body through the plastic toy that you kept in your nightstand.
"Steve…" you have been pretty needy lately, and Steve's absence didn't help. Although you haven't slept together yet, he's a constant presence in your life these couple of months.
"Hmm...yes?" Steve's right hand ran up to your spine and rested at the base of your neck. His blue-eyed momentarily flashed, turned it into amber color, and switched it back again to blue. He landed his soft lips to you, and you accepted it eagerly. Your hands sneaked at his back to his shoulders, trying to pull him down to meet you. The soft kiss turned into something filthier as Steve demanded access inside your mouth. His left hand still held your ass as he let you know the evidence inside his jeans.
Withdraw yourself from the temptation that's Steve, your hazy eyes meet him. "Stevie…, please don't torture me, would you? Don't make me horny and then just leave me to my vibrator." You pouted at him, but you can't help grinded yourself on his hard-on.
Steve chuckled and led your leaned back temporarily at the bar table. His left fingers sneaked under your dress and crawled up. Your eyes widened in surprise as Steve's fingers played with the lace of your panty. "Steve…," you warned him. Your eyes look around as if you were afraid you get caught in the act of indecency. Though you weren't the only one.
"I'm gonna... " his fingers roamed over your clothed core, making you let out a soft moan. "— rip these panties off and shove my tongue between your sweet lips."
His words made your inner wall clenched involuntarily between nothing. He never expressed that before nor he ever touched you down there beyond the shield of your panty. "St—Steve…,"
"After that, I'm gonna suck your blood and drink that sweet nectar from your inner thigh." Good God why he's extremely hot and possessive today. Not that you hate it, really.
Steve kiss the side of your neck. Lips nipped tentatively at the vein there, made you let out a gasp.
"Hey, both of you get a room." Sam Wilson, the club owner that's also a good friend of Steve, appeared behind the bar.
You were startled in embarrassment. Pat your palms against Steve's back to get his attention.
"Sam!" you answered him a bit breathless, but apparently Steve didn't budge from his neck kissing. You let out a yelp as Steve lifted you up like you weight nothing and carried you over the shoulder. He gave you a smacked over your ass and turned his body to face Sam with a big grin.
"Sorry, Sam, doesn't plan to get carried away down here. See you, man."
"Have fun, you two." the familiar voice replied with a cheerful noise. When Steve turned away and led you further away from Sam, you crane your neck up to see Sam gave you two thumbs up and a big grin.
With a quick stride, Steve opened the VIP room upstairs and locked it. He let your stilettos land on a concrete marble floor gently. Steve looked at you with hunger in his eyes as he slowly backed down to the leather chaise lounge in the room. There's a small stage complete with a metal pole in the center. He's not asked you to do a striptease, wouldn't he?
You never really pay attention to any stripper in the club nor that you're good at dancing, but no harm in trying, right? Steve lifted his left eyebrow as he saw you walk to the mini stage. Awkwardly, you try to move your body to the music outside. Slithered your body to the pole. The colorful light from the disco ball glowed as if it beats. Gave you the upper hand to look more alluring.
As if transfixed with Steve's word earlier, you pulled down your lace thong. You can clearly see the bulge behind Steve's jeans. God, how you wish Steve let you near that crotch of his. You turned your body, so Steve has a good look at your body. Teased him just a little bit with your skin as you hunched your black silk dress up your thigh. You did it again, but now you hunched it up to your hips. You were welcomed by the loud growl from Steve as he has a clear view of your supple ass. God, you're really wet right now. If Steve didn't do anything anytime soon, you wouldn't leave this room until you come.
"Fuck, come here, baby. Sit on my face." You turned your body to find Steve laid his back on the chair. "I want to taste you so bad." His words alone raised goosebumps on your skin. Without thinking any longer, you found your way to the chaise lounge, climbed on it—knees situated on both sides as Steve's head position in between.
Steve nimble fingers rolled your silk dress up to your hips. He traced his tongue over his lips at the sight of your wet core.
You looked down on him in your somewhat awkward position, "Stevie, are you sure? I will not forgive you if y—Ohhh—." You let out a surprised yelp and followed by a loud moan as Steve grabbed your thigh down and flicked his tongue on your wet folds. The coarser of his hair sent extra tingled on your sensitive skin.
He made your wet core sit on his mouth while he gave it a kiss. Not your usual smooches, but the one that's so filthy, saliva involved in it. Whatever he was doing in the past week finally opened the gate of opportunity for you. The prospect that Steve didn't afraid to touch you like a lover should.
"Uhhh—," your hands try to steady your upper body on the wall as Steve's relentless tongue gave you a languid lap. From the center of your folds up to your bundle of nerves. Over and over again, teased you. It easily riled you up as this was the first time Steve did things beyond playing with your tits or traced his fingers on your clothed core.
Your right hand instantly grabbed onto Steve's hair as his tongue entered your pussy. His hands spread your cheeks as he encouraged you to hump your wet core onto his mouth.
Every fiber of your body felt like its burn as his tongue fucked you so good. Steve used his fingers and made a slow but persistent circle on your clit. Heightened something that rapidly built-in your lower belly.
Steve held you still as he changed positions. With a several and insistent flicked and sucked to your clit, your inner wall spasmed uncontrollably in an instant. Your left hand covered your scream as your right one held a balance on Steve's hair. Your body arched like a bow, but Steve didn't stop. He let you ride him while your juices flooded his hungry mouth.
Your upper body rested on the upper head of the chaise lounges while Steve's still down there, lapped every bit of your juices.
Steve slipped off under your body and let you sat properly. He spread your legs and trailed his fingers on your swollen pussy. It excites him when it's quivered under his touch. "Such a sweet pussy you have, baby girl." He bent down and gave your clit a quick suck, made your body tremble, and a loud moan erupted out of you.
"Now for the final meal." Steve's blue eyes switched to his amber color one. You cupped his face and dragged it up so you can kiss him. The remnant of your cum still lingered on Steve's lips, something that you wanted to taste more often.
You withdraw from Steve and trail your fingers on his lips. His fangs showed up as he was ready for another feast. Your beautiful vampire boyfriend. With hazy eyes, you whispered words like the good girlfriend that you are, "my body is ready, Stevie."
As always, comment and reblog are really appreciated ❤️. Let me know what you think about this.
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canonconspiracy · 3 years
The Millennium Rose (Teaser)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Fanfiction By: @rmorningstar21​
Pairing: Yami Yugi/Atem x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Minor violence, loneliness (?), nothing gets more violent than the series itself - Rated T.
Posted on AO3 (rmorningstar21) as The Millenium Rose; Posted on Wattpad (rmorningstar21) as The Cursed Millennium Rose, and The Struggling Millennium Rose - Third book for Wattpad coming soon as “The Rejuvenated Millennium Rose”. 
AN: Okay, so I will be the first to admit that my The Millennium Rose series is an older series of mine - one of the first chapter stories I truly got invested in.  It’s been on hiatus for quite some time, but that hiatus will be coming to an end soon. For those of you who haven’t stumbled upon this on either platform, I wanted to share a little teaser (first chapter) of my series.  This follows from Season 1 onwards..  Reader and Atem are married before Pharaoh Atem is sealed in the Millennium Puzzle. I was going to end this one after the Battle City Finals, but due to popular request, posting will begin after my current commission chapter story is up.  I typically age up, but was started prior to doing so.  Due to the rating, I haven’t changed that.  Wanted to keep it accessible for all readers.
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A chill crawled up your spine, stinging with each centimeter it moved, grasping your hands tightly to your arms to attempt to shield yourself.  Though you were not sure exactly what you were shielding yourself from, albeit the pain or the darkness that was engulfing your body. As you felt the darkness falling hard upon you, like a weighted blanket that you could not hold, a faint light laid on the floor, illuminating each twisting maze as you stepped.  Each time you walked further through the maze, you could feel the pain increasing, beginning to make your steps more and more tedious. You attempted to call out, to call for his name in the dark, with no avail. Your mouth opened, but as the air escaped your lungs, your voice did not ring. It was almost like choking - the pain that strode into your lungs from your throat - but you could not utter a single word.
Hours passed as you circled the maze, walking in each and every stone cold direction, the pain of the chills slowly seething your skin.  Your surroundings were blackness, and yet you seemed to walk in a labyrinth, swearing that you had turned this way prior, been in each and every spot before, again and again.  Inaudible cries of pain burned in your throat as you continued to walk on, your legs growing tired, lungs constricting. Hopelessness swelled in your chest as you continued on and on, silent tears beginning to fall from your tired eyes.  
Your tired, crying eyes met a figure, merely ten feet away from where you were walking in what seemed like a room.   For a moment you froze, studying the figure, but as you were met with lilac orbs, you took your exhausted legs and ran towards the figure.  The small glimmer of hope taunted you, showing you the man that kept your legs going on your weighted journey, lonesome darkness entangling down to your very soul.  Hope swelled in your chest as you ran, but as you did the room began to get further away, his lilac orbs seeming to grow smaller and smaller away from your vision. Still your feet patted forward until there was no ground beneath you.
As the ground had disappeared, you had begun your journey downward.  Hastily the gravity took your body, plummeting into a deep abyss. Tears once again rained from your eyes.  Your heart dropped as you did, and you tried so hard to scream, feeling it scratching at your throat, constricting it.
He was gone, and you had failed to reach him.
You awoke with soaked cheeks and labored breaths, before glancing around and realizing that you were not in that labyrinth any longer.  Another nightmare, you thought to yourself, though every day you lived the nightmares that you slept with.  I miss him.   Ironically, your nightmares had held your memory intact over time, reminding you of the reason you kept on fighting day in and day out in this monotonous world.  Though you would never be able to forget his handsome face, his lilac orbs burned into your skull. As your y/e/c eyes scanned the room, it was simply a relatively plain room surrounding you, little trinkets upon your dresser in the form of plush monsters, and your deck sitting comfortably next to a kuriboh plush that you had grown to adore.  Attempting to steady your breath, you wiped your face free of the salty sadness and glanced at the time flashing upon your alarm clock, your eyes still holding a light redness from when you had been crying in your sleep. Springing to your feet, you nearly fell over, steadying yourself on the side of your bed before further action. Your head was woozy with the newfound movement, the room slowly coming back to you as your dizzy spell passed you.
Making your way to your small, gray walled bathroom, you threw your prior clothes aside and hopped into a quick shower.  Hastily you scrubbed yourself with your f/s body gel, not getting enough time to even enjoy the kisses of the warm water that drenched over your frigid body.  In less than five minutes time, you were already dressed, hair dried, and grabbing at your black messenger bag that laid next to the door. You tucked your deck safely into your bag before gentle fingers reached to touch lightly upon your golden wristband.  For a moment, you allow your eyes to close, thinking of your wristband. It held the symbol to keep your life intact as well as cursed, leaving you to deal with the merits and disappointments of this life. Then as your eyes were still closed, those lilac eyes showed in your mind, reminding you of the reason you keep on with this silly charade, hoping that one day everything will change.
Practically jogging out the door, you made your way to your new life once again.  Domino High School, as you read upon the sign, looked bustling and boring from the eyes of a woman who had attended countless high school’s over time.  The crowds had shown that it was definitely a more lively school than the last you had attended, though not as lively as the one you had attended prior.  Maybe if you did not forever look 16, you would not have to attend so many boring lectures in your life, but you had attended plenty in your time, across the globe.  Each curriculum merely had minor changes to it, if any, and you had to purposely get things wrong from time to time to not seem out of the ordinary. The world changed and grew around you, while you stayed the same, the same h/c h/l, and young y/e/c orbs.  The only thing that had changed over time was your skin, which had lightened from your Egyptian tan to a pale ivory, just as everyone else looked around you. It was just another boring day in monotony for you, but there was a presence around that had kept you on your toes as you entered your newfound high school.  You could feel something was different in the world now, which had rose excitement and fear in your young body.
You were coming out of your geometry class, holding your books tightly to your chest and walking quickly to your locker before lunch, your eyes at your feet as you walked.  As you did so, you were lost in thought, and before you knew it, you whacked directly into something solitary, causing you to stumble backwards, staring up in a moment of terror.  What you had found was that you ended up slamming directly into another student, and blush began rising in your cheeks from the embarrassment. It was needless to say that the boy looked unpleasant with his round face that seemed to hold a permanent scowl.  The boy looked as if he were maybe 17, largely boned, while you had a very tiny frame, yet he glared angrily at you as if you had pushed him off of a cliff. On the other hand, you were the one with the books scattered all over the ground, and the impact had caused your tailbone to whack the floor, causing a sharp, yet temporary pain.
“I’m so sorry!” you said frantically, grabbing your books quickly and pulling yourself to your feet.  You bowed slightly in respect and began to rush off before you felt a pull at the back of your uniform.  Seconds later, you were pinned against the wall, staring up at the unpleasant boy you had angered, his face looking even more unpleasant than previously.  It was as if the anger building in him was surfacing due to what you would assume was a slight inconvenience.
“Don’t think just because you’re new you can get away with that,” he growled, pressing harder against your shoulder.  
Just my luck that I run into the school bully on my first day here, you thought to yourself, your heart pounding in your chest.  This was not particularly an uncommon occurrence for you, seeing as you had attended plenty of high schools over the last couple thousand years, but nevertheless, you were still a relatively scrawny girl with a 16 year old body.  Old souls still did not have super strength, after all. Though you could likely send him to the shadow realm, doing something so rash on your first day would have been a mistake that you would have to live with for the rest of the time you could attend school there, and you shied away from that idea.  “I didn’t mean to harm you,” you said cowering back, pain beginning to build in the shoulder he was pressing on. “I-I it’ll never happen again.” You attempted your best fake smile, and yet it dropped almost immediately as the rage fueled his face, watching it scrunch even more.
The boy drew his free hand back, and was about to send it directly into your face.  You could see the build up, and your eyes squeezed shut tightly. After a few moments without impact, you opened your eyes back up to see the boy being held back by another student.  “You shouldn’t hit a lady,” the slender boy said with the relatively pointed hair, all coming up at the top. As you finally were fully registering what was going on, you saw that the boy was holding the bully’s fist, twisting it slightly.  “And if you don’t let go of her, we are going to have problems, buddy.”  
The school bully that was about to attack you cowardly ran away, letting go of your shoulder, and letting your body slump to the floor.  You could hear a few people talking to the boy that had just saved you, but you were too busy trying to control your breathing, and attempting to ignore the pain that seared through your shoulder.  After a few moments, you noticed a hand outstretched to you, paired with a gentle smile on the boy’s face whom had just saved you. With your good arm you had taken it, letting him bring you to your feet.  
“Uh, thank you, so very much,” you said bowing slightly, a formal gesture that you had not broken over so many years.  You smiled softly at the boy, holding your books tightly to you, despite the pain that you felt still radiating through your shoulder.  There was no doubt that the bully had at least left a bruise upon your shoulder from the pressure he was using, and though he was a coward to the boy that had saved you, he likely would have slammed a fist directly into your face.
“You’re new here, aren’t you?” the boy said with a genuine smile.  
You had nodded at his words, meekly saying, “I just moved here.”  In actuality, of course you had just moved there, but you knew that every school was basically the same.  Each school that you had run into, you had your share of those issues. Sometimes there were kind strangers willing to help, occasionally you had friends that had your back, and then sometimes you would have to deal with a swift fist hitting you somewhere.  Bullies were a common occurrence for high schools, and that was one of the few things that made you regret not aging.
“I’m Tristan, and these are my friends.”  He gestured back to the group you assumed you were hearing while you were still on the floor.  
“I’m Tea,” a girl with short brunette hair said with a kind smile.
A boy with a Brooklyn accent and blonde hair said next, “I’m Joey.”
And the last boy could have given you a heart attack standing right there.  He said, “I’m Yugi,” but as you noticed the spiked multi color hair on his head, the first thing you thought of was him.  Your heart skipped a beat, though the boy was definitely smaller than the one that you longed so desperately for. The differences were subtle, and yet you could see each one.  His stature, for one, and for two, the shaping of his eyes was much more child-like than him, though they held the same lilac color. Yugi had a shy, yet kind smile upon his face, and continued with, “Would you like to come with us to lunch?”
For a moment, you bit your lip, unsure of what to say.  As you weighed your options, you studied the group, though your eyes were mainly set upon the boy who called himself Yugi.  He was so much like him, and yet not. If he was a reincarnation of him, would that be even possible? As your y/e/c orbs raked over the peculiar group, you noticed something odd hanging from the short boy’s neck.  Just as your item held your wrist was Egyptian, you could clearly see that what he had was an artifact, a very familiar one for that matter. Thinking, you glanced to your wrist, and back to it, and it dawned upon you, making you nod quickly.  “I-I would love to, thank you,” you said rushed, realizing that you had been standing there in awe and silence. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
As you walked with the group, you couldn’t help but keep looking over at the Millennium Puzzle adorning the young boy’s neck.  Maybe, you wondered to yourself, but attempted to shake the thought of as you stood in line with the group and got lunch with them all.  Even if it was, would he remember me?  
When the group had gotten their lunches, you sat beside Tea and Yugi while Tristan and Joey sat across from you three.  Through your peripheral vision, you would occasionally catch small glances of Yugi, particularly of the millennium item adorning his neck.  Excitement was rising in your chest, even paired with a small bit of hope that you could be right. If the prophecy was truly real, then you would be right.  What ifs ran through your mind as you thought more and more about it, though you attempted to keep regular conversation going on with the group when necessary.  They seemed like kind people, and even if somehow you were wrong, you picked the right group to hang out with for this attended school.
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10. Shine
Joey gets annoyed with the Cameraman, who may or may not be trying to kill him and is ‘innocently’ insisting that his flash is messed up and he needs to do maintenance on himself. In the meantime, the animator is dealing with inconvenient shining lights. (Set in the AU where Joey gets perfect toons from his freshly killed employees and STILL isn’t happy, the ungrateful bitch.)
Joey expected that the Cameraman would be a fussy and annoying toon to deal with since the day he popped out of the Ink Machine, but he was expecting a cinema snob who would heckle his animators and writers, he was expecting petty thefts and minor property damage caused by laser beams, he was even expecting the camera headed creature to use that mix of intelligence and bad luck of his to build some crazy machine that would blow up metaphorically in everybody’s faces.
He was NOT expecting the toon to be so quiet that people rarely noticed him if he wasn’t actively making his presence apparent. He was kinda expecting the people watching, the toon was a sentient camera after all, people watching is kinda their purpose in existence most of the time. But he didn’t expect the creature to have such a dark sense of humor or the morbid amount of knowledge of human anatomy that he did, and most importantly of all, the man did not expect the toon’s murder attempts.
Joey screamed as a bright beam of shining light blinded him in what was supposed to be a dark room. His heart got stuck in his throat as he heard his cane clink and clatter down the staircase and he fumbled for the wall, cursing as he couldn’t find it. The animator even heard the former projectionist’s scolding as if the man was saying it to him directly;
“Yous really should get a railing or somethin’ for these damn stairs! Or at least fix ‘em up! I swear those things are gonna be the death of somebody…”
The animator found no wall, nor did he manage to will a railing into existence, but he sure did find the little twerp who almost killed him.
As he grabbed the head of the would-be assassin, the little toon played a horrifying, monstrous, and mechanical sounding shriek that would sound at home coming from the antagonist in a horror movie as he flailed and clawed the stairs for dear life, then the creature’s frantic voice came in through the speaker on his belt.
Of course he was making excuses again, he always did that when he got caught. And he kept blaming his attempts on his ‘malfunctioning flash.’ as if Joey was some kind of idiot that would give the mechanical toon access to tools it could use to give himself something deadlier than a laser beam.
“Cameraman, I’ve told you enough times that while I want to be nice and fair, I can’t accept blatant assassination attempts.”
“But wouldn’t I try to push you or something while you were staggering?!”
The animator grabbed the small toon’s torso with his other hand, if the stairwell was well lit, the animator would see the camera’s lens semi-close in a way that made it look like an eye with a dilating pupil.
“Now don’t be like this, you know this hurts me as much as it hurts you…”
With a sharp tug on both the head and body, the Cameraman’s head popped off as easily as popping the lid off of a can of some delicious Briar label bacon soup™ Just the way the little devil likes it™️
The body fell to the floor as limp and lifeless as a doll, at first, Joey was worried that the Cameraman was right about making a mistake. But he let out a sigh of relief when he heard the shuffling of the headless body picking itself back up, which the camera ‘helpfully’ illuminated with its flash and didn’t give Joey a heart attack at all, no sir.
He then waved the still terrified looking camera in front of the body that was grasping at where his head used to be.
“You’ll get this back in the morning IF you behave for the rest of the night, do you understand?”
The speaker on the body sheepishly crackled as he slumped in shame, or what Joey thought was shame at the moment while the camera itself was making a lot of frantic sounding clicking, whirring, and beeping noises.
Joey sighed and grabbed the headless toon’s hand.
“C’mon, now, let’s get you back to your room...”
The body nor the head did not answer as Joey led him back up the stairs in complete darkness, occasionally being illuminated by the shine of the Cameraman’s flash.
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notyetneedcoffee · 3 years
Soul Seer, pt. 14
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Loki Master List
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: 18+ NSFW, Naughty Times!
Author’s Note: Takes place right after Avengers 1, with time travel elements and hints of Infinity Wars. Does NOT follow cannon after Avengers.
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 You dropped your bag on the bed and wondered over to the window. The green meadow and vast forest beyond should have been a welcome site after the devastation of New York or the craziness of DC. Everyone kept saying it would be okay. This was for the best. Still, the hollow pit in your stomach would not go away.
The construction you’d driven through to get to the residence couldn’t be seen from the windows. The soundproofing must be impeccable, too, because you couldn’t hear any of the earth movers or heavy machinery. The windows didn’t open. They were solid black from the outside, but looking out they were nearly invisible.
Stark pulled out all the stops on your new home. Expensive furnishings, lush materials, and Stark Tech filled the apartment. Looking around, you admitted to yourself it was more than you ever could have asked for. You’d never had a bedroom so large. Off the sitting room, a library held books stacked to the ceiling. You even loved the colors.
It still felt empty.
A chime filled the room, followed by the voice of Jarvis. “Miss, Captain Rogers is at the door.”
“Please let him in.”
“Y/N,” Steve called out.
“Just looking around.” You answered, stepping out of the library to meet him in the sitting room.
“You okay?” Steve came closer, rubbing your shoulders.
Swallowing back tears, you tried to offer a smile.
“Hey,” he pulled you into a warm hug. “I know. Everything is different now. Give it some time, it will be okay. Really.” Steve felt you take a breath, ready to give the same argument you’d given a dozen times before. “You trust us, right? We’re not going to let anything bad happen.”
“She’s a smart woman, Captain. Do not make promises you cannot keep. You will try not to let anything bad happen.” Loki’s smooth voice came through the door.  
“Loki!” You broke free and dashed into his arms. Your feet came up off the floor as he hefted you close, burying his face in the side of your neck. The feeling of his strong hold anchored you. His presence settled over you like a favorite blanket. It made you melt and gave you strength at the same time.
He set you lightly on your feet as his fingers combed over your hair, cool hand coming to rest on the back of your neck. Loki pressed his lips to your forehead. “It’s only been a few days, my pet. Have you really missed me so?”
You looked up into his smiling face. A frown drew your brows together. “Not getting to see you after that,” you shivered, “performance pissed me off. It wasn’t fair.”
“It was imperative you leave with the agents.” Loki stroked your face. “I wish you had not insisted on being there at all. Even if was not real, it was not a pleasant sight.”
“Sure felt real on my end.” Steve grumbled, even though the corner of his mouth tipped up.
“You agreed, Captain. It had to appear to be a genuine fight, especially to those who provided care to you after the fact.” Loki faced Steve, easily tucking you under his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
“I know. I know.” Steve rolled his eyes. “You still pack a painful punch.”
Loki smiled. “As do you, Captain.”
“Well, thanks. I guess.” He chuckled. “Tony has made certain that only the team and Pepper have free access to this building. You’ll receive notice when and where the cleaning or service crews will be around. They are escorted and under surveillance by Jarvis at all times. So, feel free to wander the building. Training facilities and the gym is on the first floor. There’s lounges and entertainment rooms on two, the labs take up all the subfloors, and we all have units on the top three floors.”
“I believe Stark even placed an observatory on the roof.” Loki looked down at your face. “The stars are more visible here than in the city.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Y/N,” Steve buried his hands in his pockets. “Give it a few months and you’ll be able to make contact with your family and friends again. No one will make you break contact, and Tony will make sure you’re kept informed. We just have to protect you from the people that know how much of Loki’s knowledge you have.”
You sighed. “I understand, Steve. I really do.” Looking around, you leaned into Loki a little more. He felt like home. He made this space work. “And I appreciate everything the team is doing, especially you. This takes breaking the rules to a whole new level.”
Loki laughed. “For someone who toes the line, you certainly knew exactly what needed to be done to fake my death.”
Steve’s ear turned pink. “Well, I figure you’re already abiding by the rules of your sovereignty and you will do way more good helping us than sitting in a steel box somewhere. Sometimes doing the right thing doesn’t follow the rules.”
Loki extended a hand. “Thank you for taking care of Y/N in my absence.”
“Anytime.” Steve shook his hand. “I’m, ah, going to head out. Everyone is getting settled in, so we won’t be starting work until after lunch tomorrow.”
“I will see you then.” Loki nodded.
“Thanks, Steve.” You smiled.
As soon as the door closed, Loki’s hands cupped your face as his eyes studied you. “You’ve been weeping, little one.”
“I fell asleep in the car.” You answered honestly. “I dreamt of you dying again.”
“I wish you had not come.” He whispered before his lips covered yours in a soft kiss.
“Show me.” You grasped his wrists. “Show me how you did it. Maybe then I will see it for what it was instead of what the adrenaline imprinted on my memory.”
His forehead touched yours. You never could accurately explain how Loki shared his knowledge. It wasn’t like seeing something new or recalling a memory. You just suddenly knew. It was like having a latent memory triggered by the sight or sound of something. You just knew.
Entering the inquiry, Loki had been himself. One of the SHIELD agents was a magical projection. He indeed fought with the others, though he purposely used flashier magic and moved with less grace. Just before the worst of the battle, Loki bumped into his projection and with a flash, they traded places.
Steve could have fought off the specter-Loki had he wanted. Instead, he faked his effort and succumbed to the choking. As planned, Natasha swept in and killed the specter. The true Loki, stood behind you to keep you calm.
He remained with the team that escorted the ‘body’ to lock down. You were swept away with the team that checked in on the Senators and their people. The bitter taste of impotent anger flooded your senses as you realized how Loki stood passively by as a group of key politicians gawked and scoffed at what they thought was his mutilated corpse.
“Fools.” You spat and rolled your eyes. “They ran like cowards at the first sign of danger. How dare they preen over your body? They wouldn’t last two seconds against you.”
A low rumble vibrated from Loki’s chest. His fingers dug into your hips as his open mouth left a wet kiss and playful bite on your neck. “Mmm,” Loki purred against your skin as he pulled your body hard against his evident need. “You defending my prowess is quite enticing.”
Your fingers wound into his thick hair, tugging his face closer to yours. His large hands lifted you from your feet, fingers digging into the meat of your ass. He moaned when your tongue laved over his lower lip. You whispered, “I will always defend you. You are mine.”
You yelped as Loki tossed you away from him, only to gasp as your suddenly bare ass bounced on the soft sheets of the bed. Just as your jaw snapped shut, he stalked through the portal at you. As his knee sunk into the mattress, the clothes evaporated from his body. The raw hunger in his eyes, caused more than your mouth to water.
Loki captured your ankle in one hand, pulling it up to his mouth. Wet kisses, playful bites, and delicious licks had you quivering before he reached your inner thigh. You laid back, clawing at the sheets as he pushed your legs further apart.
“Mmm, my pet.” His fingers slipped through your wetness, spreading slickness over your sensitive flesh. “So responsive for me.” His talented cool tongue circled your clit before lapping up your juices. “So luscious.”
“Loki…” Your sigh turning to a sudden gasp as Loki’s hand held you down and his mouth latched on to your clit. Fire shot through your veins. Your body writhed, but he held you firm. Somehow, the impossibly strong force of his hand holding you down just pushed your excitement higher. His magic tongue danced over sensitive flesh, lighting your nerve on fire. Loki hummed, low and rich, rocking your body with the vibration.
“Oh fuck!” Tension coiled low in your belly. Loki did not let up, determined to pull ecstasy from you as fast as possible. Two long fingers slipped into you, stroking firmly against the perfect spot. Your back arched. A wicked smile spread across his sex damp face. Fingers pumped harder. A wave broke, washing you in heat, as you came over his hand. “Loki!”
His thick chuckle filled your ears as your body quivered. Loki crawled up your body, raining kisses along your flesh. “I could not wait, pet.” Loki growled against your ear. “I needed to taste your honey.” His cock pressed into you, filling you. “Needed to hear you scream my name.” He hitched your knees up, fucking into you deep. “Yes,” he groaned, “to feel you around me.”
Whining, your finger dug into his shoulders, holding on. Loki set a powerful, fast pace. The crisp forest, clean male and distinctly Loki smell filled your head. The low rumble of his groans brushed you ear. He surrounded you, filled you. So intense. Your breath mixed with his, noses brushing along each other’s.
Loki felt your body coil, felt the heat flush your skin. His hips snapped and you cried out. He pushed your further, barely holding back his own release. Your thighs shook as he dug his fingers into your flesh. His deep timbre rumbled over your cheek, tickling your ear, “Come for me.”  
Fire raced down your body, hitting you hard and stealing your breath. Loki moaned, chasing your release with his own. You melted, every bit of tension, every bit pain, washed away leaving you floating despite Loki’s weight pressing you to the mattress.
You stayed wrapped around him, relishing in his body around you, in you, anchoring you.
Loki held you tight, uncertain whether the need to remain close was his own or if it came from you. Either way, he relaxed into the feeling, allowing himself a moment of need. There would be enough work, enough worries, later. For this moment, he could allow you both to forget it all.
@1800-fight-me,  @abschaffer2 , @alexakeyloveloki , @archy3001 , @asgardianthot , @asiaaisa77 , @badassbaker , @bangtan-serendipity , @beautifullungs , @buchanansebba , @buckybarneshairpullingkink , @buckybarnesplumwhore , @buckybarnesplumwhore , @daughterofthenight117 , @dawnlaufeyson , @dsakita , @everything-is-awesomesauce , @fangasm202 , @geeksareunique , @girlmadeofivory , @girlmadeofivory , @imma-new-soul , @jesseswartzwelder , @jillilama-blog , @kalesrebellion , @kermittheshipper , @kiki5283 , @kneel-before-queen-loki , @lbouvet , @lovely-lollipops-blog , @messenough , @michelehansel , @mindtravelsx , @morganhoran1671 , @myownviperroom , @night-cereus , @notyourtypicalrose , @osric-the-l3m0n-l0v3-demon , @person-born-winchester , @rainbowkisses31 , @readermia , @rinthehufflepuff , @rogerrhqpsody , @rynabarnesrogers-reading , @sammghgecko , @scarlettsoldier , @sebbysstangirl , @sex-cee-seabasss , @sexyvixen7, @smokeandnailz , @tahiri-veyla , @theladybiers , @theneuropsychwriter , @the-omni-princess , @the-reading-octopus , @thorfanficwriter , @ultracolorfulnerdcollection , @ultrarebelheart , @unadulteratedwizardlove , @vanillabunn21 , @vintageroses1014516 , @vodka-and-some-sass , @wwe-fanfiction-queen , @neverending-space , @saiyanprincessswanie , @a--1--1--3​ , @peter-pan-hoe​ 
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aggresivelyfriendly · 3 years
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Hello babes!!! OMG, today has been a long week! A wonderful, dream big come true week! HARRY IS SOLO ON THE COVER OF VOGUE! Also, I have a new installment of Tryst for you all based on this 👆photo! Without further ado, I give you...
It's the pose that does it.
She's been so,  mon dieu she hates the moral judgment of the word. But it remains the right one here, in any language. Soo good, since she decided he couldn't give her what she needed, or maybe wasn't ready to, or didn't see her like that. Nothing more than a flying fuck when he got itchy on the road and she was available to scratch.
But here she was, with his encompassing form around her back and his arm causally slung across her collarbone and she could barely keep her lip from between her teeth to smile.
Smile for the camera, Helene. He'd whispered in her ear and she was thankful for their blustery setting the clothing covering her chill bumps.
All day, She'd been trying to keep dry and get some candid shots to go into the vault. Sometimes she wondered why they paid her to take so many images, most of them, a greater preportion than usual, just lived in her computer or Jeff's computer never to be used.
Would they ever release them? To the utter delight and meltdowns of this man's rabid fans.
She gets it, Helene does. What they see in him, she sees it herself often. And she sees more, his dick has made her soul smile on more than one occasion. It didn't start with these libidinous thoughts, it wasn't one of those moments where he was a living lighthouse or hedonism personified. It's the first scene with the imaginary fish and he's having a bit or trouble. He's also cold and wet. Which are two sensations he doesn't love, but seems to include in every damn piece of art he makes. He's throwing the little bean bag onto the rock and it's not meant to be gentle exactly, but he seems irritated, not concerned as you would be for a suicidal fish when you yourself are suicidal. His character at least. Thank god. But his physical discomfort is intruding on his ability to act right now; he's barely holding on. He loses his balance while frustrated and falls into the water, cursing.
Helene will not laugh.
She hides her giggles while they change him. He got his Gucci denim outfit uncomfortably wet. Why would you chose that outfit to go to a watery death? She is overthinking. As always.
He's ready to go again, fresh Gucci down to his drawers, and by the 10th take, he's in the swing.
When Harry nails it, He gives the director and Helene the biggest grin and she's charmed. The lights have turned on and the fog has lifted. He shines.
He is finished with this set up and Helene has just put her gear away. Harry brushes past her to get around a rock and presses an affectionate kiss to the easily accessible top of her head.
"Thanks for coming, Tiny. Know it's cold."
Helene smiles at him, and somebody else with a camera, someone not her, clicks their picture.
It's always weird when she is the subject. She's pretty sure she has more photos with Harry, selfies at least than with any boyfriend she has had, in her life, which flashes before her eyes, with a highlight reel of her beneath Harry, while he turns her around towards the camera.
The arm that was across her scapula, turns her like a top and her stomach flutters with the motion. His motion. His arm has come across her clavicle, like it did in LA, and she comes together like the place in between those bones, a shallow place where her heartbeat is thumping visibly.
She's thrumming.
Not that there is a damn thing she can do about it. He can do about it. Anybody can, they have so much work to do.
The quiver in her chest and bones and betwixt her legs stays with her all day. Through lunch with all the people she's missed on their break, around the lunch Harry's had cooked for them, with all the little flourishes he likes. All the different food needs accommodated, hospitality on show. It's a wonderful midday after a bitter morning, the sun's even peaked through. The whole group brims with happinesss. Helene and her table included, she laughs and kisses Molly's cheek, she's so cute.
She stays away from Harry though, through at least theee set ups, one not involving him where she could see his intention to hover and smell her pent scent. So, she puts distance, physically between them all day, especially when they move on to the shoot at the docks.
She's taking far away shots. It was easier to control the pulse at her center when he was in the loose jumpsuit. Now in the tight sweater vest, where he looks like some movie star from a bygone era, she's struggling.
It's sending her. Fly her to the moon.
So she keeps her distance and captures him from afar. She'd been doing so well.
Still is! She reminds herself.
The day is long because of her longing, but Helene makes it through.
"You coming to the pub." She jumps a bit at his breath near her ear, her hair is stirred by its breeze. She's surprised, she can usually feel his approach 10 paces off.
"No, need my bed." She begs off. She's begging he doesn't press, with those puppy dog eyes and dimples he knows how to wield.
"Really?" He pouts. "Need your company." He insists.
Oh, he's reached for the big ammunition, he's used everything in his arsenal, he's even touching her arm. He turns her again and she knows she going to say yes before he bites his lip and says, "please."
"Qui." She exhales. She'd like to qualify the sigh as resigned, but it's full of breath and melodic.
"Yes!" He presses a kiss to her forehead and squeezes her before he wanders off to gather troops.
So much for distance.
The pub is lovely, if their wine selection a bit limited. She can see why Harry picked this for his fictional island. He has excellent taste and this is so picturesque and any number of stories, real and imagined, could be contained in its Walls.
He tastes excellent.
He's across the room holding court. He's a little drunk, and he's just thrown his head back and she can remember the shape of his Adam's Apple on her tongue, and the taste. God the taste of his skin, especially after a show. Her lips would be raw from the salt afterwards, and dual thirsts would greet her in the morning light. Water with something more mineral from his skin.
Helene gulps her wine and tries to tune back in to the English around her. The mix of accents and the still difficult language is enough for her to have to get her mind out of the gutter intentionally to follow along.
Not the gutter, Harry's room.
She's squinting and translating something someone has said in her head and wondering how many times somebody has refilled her glass when another intoxicant fills her senses.
Harry's hand is on top of her head and then sliding down the back of her hair. It's exactly like he does when his dick is in her mouth. But he's usually not grinning like that.
"Tiny!" He's  so jovial when drunk. "This seat taken?"
There is no seat. It's the end of the booth, there is a small amount of brown leather, and Harry wedges himself onto it and picks up her legs, uncrosses them and lays them over his own to make space. He's solved his own problem and worsened hers.
She quirks a brow at him and he just kisses it like it's totally normal she's basically on his lap among all their colleagues. Only in this group he's made close as family would this not look risqué. Only with him. She's thinks only Sarah and Mitch know about them. Know that the 'know' each other. And they aren't on this shoot.
Nobody is looking at them funny, so she had better stop staring at him.
She tears her eyes away, like the wrapper of a condom, and goes back to translating.
It's useless when he starts running his nails along her thighs. She puts her hand on his to stop him, but he just grips her thigh instead.
It is not a step in the right direction. It's only leads one direction for her thoughts. To the way his huge hands look on her tiny body. The way his palm can cover her whole stomach and his fingers reach her honey pot still. She has photographic evidence. Between that thought and the wine, she needs to leave.
"Where are you going?" He looks very sweet, except the glint in his eye. She narrows hers at him.
"My room."
"Already?" He pouts.
"I can't really leave yet."
"I didn't ask you to."
He tilts his chin. "Maybe not out loud." He whispers just under her breath.
She exhales.
"Will you wait up for me?" He looks up through his lashes.
She can't even answer but her head moves up and down like a teabag into hot water in the morning.
She's boiling.
He grins. And leans up to kiss her cheek. "What room?" He murmurs. She knows he could find out if he wanted, but it would also alert the front desk, which might make it to the media, or worse, a fan with Twitter.
"24" she whispers through the veil of her hair. Pulls away from his tractor beam eyes and smiles at the table. Gives a few hugs and a big wave.
The inn is small, quaint. She's on the second floor, which is the top floor, waiting. Helene's kept her clothes on. The same outfit she has had on all day. Jeans, loose, and a t shirt, her dad trainers. Should she change? She tries to remember what Harry had on at the pub. He had changed a fair few times throughout the day.
She think he was wearing a hoodie, his name emobossed on the breast in some language or another, Gaelic?, and loose light jeans. Dirty vans adorning his feet.
She hopes she ends the night in his jumper, or wakes up and slipes it over her shoulders.
The hours slip away and her eyes have kettlebells attached to them. She's just about to take care of single girl tasks, washing her face and putting on the extra lock when the knock comes.
"I was about to go to bed without you." She leans against the door jamb. She's not purposely jutting her hip.  She's not!
"Ahh," he teases, touches the smudges below her droopy eyes and pulls her blonde hair. "You tired."
"Qui, it's been a long day." She breathes.
"What?" He laughs and pushes her into the room with his hips, "your call time was hours after mine!" He flashes his big green eyes.
"Maybe, but I don't have your stamina." She counters. Harry the athlete raises a brow at her statement.
"I've never had a problem with your endurance."
He let's that lie there, and she can tell both of their mind's are roving over memories of late nights turned into early morning mapping flesh.
"No, I suppose you are right." She goes easy when he pulls her forward and his mouth slides against her like a skeleton key into a waiting lock. She expects the kiss to escalate, but maybe they are both a little tired, exhausted from a long day, while longing for an extended night. His kiss remains deep, full of tingling tongue touches, but doesn't get faster, her back doesn't hit the wall, and there are no stops where she is pressed against or onto furniture.
He has some embedded geography of hotel rooms, because he navigates the suite like the globetrotter he is. They are both fully dressed, and the squeezes and rubs over the fabric are exciting, reminiscent of juvenile contained eagerness. When her knees hit the back of the mattress, Helene decides the adults need to take over and hikes the tucked in button down up and over his head, forgoing the buttons.
The black ink on his golden skin is a trail familiar to her fingers tips and she follows it down, down to the leaves framing his joyful path. She can feel the pressure of his erection on the slide mechanism of his trousers and against the strained teeth tethered together on his zipper. If it wasnt metal, it would unzip itself against the force. She sighs when she pulls him out. His dick makes her so proud every time. She can't imagine what it's like to carry it around.
No wonder he is so self confident, the word cocksure occurs to her and she giggles.
"Are you laughing at me?" He looks down and she's charmed, for all his assuredness, he's still vulnerable. It's why he is so endearing.
"Non," she's got him naked and guides him back to the head aboard. He looks more tired than her suddenly, he had a bigger day, job. She'll keep up the inversion of the evening, she can recall no other time together where she had clothes on while he was naked. "I was just think how much I appreciate your dick."
"And it made you laugh?" Oh he's still a little offended.
Helene will have to make it up to him. She ruts against his lap and takes stock.
He's half mast. Which is a rare state for him, in her experience. She nuzzles into his lap and laps from his base to tip. She can feel the plumping under her tongue and decides that's not quite adequate.
She can fit him all the way like this. It won't last, so she takes advantage and mentally pats herself on the back as she seems to expand her capacity as he swells. Once she can't muzzle her nose into his patch of hair anymore she pulls off with a gasp and looks up to his panting face.
"I wasn't laughing at you," she nods towards his bobbing shafts. "In my head, I thought how I'm proud of your dick, and decided it was the wrong word. But the right feeling." Helene put him back in her mouth with her tongue extended out, and stroked him from her throat to the squirming tip.
He's chuckling now and she smiles with her eyes at him. "You're proud of my dick?" His dimples are the size of salad plates.
"Qui, aren't you?" She flashes her brows while She straddles his lap. She's not sure she's satisfied her mouth hunger for him, but they have all night.
"Well...." He blushes, which makes her giggle. She's fully naked on his bare dick and he's blushing.
"Know you are." She whispers in his ear. "You have every reason to be."
"Mmmhmmm." He could be responding to her statement or her rocking over his lap. If one of them tilted just so....
"You've been cocky!" She emphasizes that by moving her hips to an almost position. "Enough before."
He looks just a touch frustrated.
"Should I show you how proud I am?" She slips the tip in, just the tip. Not quite to the popping point. It's a tantalizing suspension, just rocking while his eyelashes flutter. "Show you why you deserve to be cocky?"
"Mmmmm," he hums, vision now between their legs, mesmerized. "Please." He breathes and looks at her.
"Do we need a condom?" She's not sure how active he's been.
"Not for me." He grabs her hips and tries to push her down, as tantalizing as the pop of a champagne bottle, the moment of jubilant anticipation.
"Better safe than sorry!" she dismounts and grabs a skin. He breathes a breath like he is frustrated.
"Oh, Cherie, ne t'inquiète pas!" She teases and strokes firmly, guiding his foreskin over the sensitive tip. "We're only beginning." He helps her roll it down and lifts her thighs to press against the headboard on either side of him. She's glad it's padded. Harry's done waiting, or being gentle and shy. She can't even acknowledge the pop of their joining she loves, she's too busy catching up to the rough thrust of his pelvis up and into her own. "Merde!"
"Mmmmhmmmm." He hums and catches her lips with his own, a net to butterflies. It's soft, slow and sensual, in opposition to the bruising hold he has on her hips. He can handle her with one of his big hands. The other has found its place on her sensitive nipples. This escalated so fast she thinks the ending will follow the beginning with no middle to enjoy. She was hoping to fuck him slow.
Her hands slide down the headboard, it's coarse beneath her hands in comparison to the hair that fills her hands in the next moment. She pulls his neck back a little roughly. "Wait."
"For?" He keeps working her over his dick and it's compelling, and she loves it, but he's showing her why her makes her proud, and that wasn't tonight's lesson.
"I want to come."
"Good, that's what I want to." He hits her spot unerringly. And she's nearly convinced.
"No, non, on your tongue." She has to forcibly take herself off him. She lifts her knees and places her hands on his shoulders to hoist herself up. It's a favorable arrangement, her legs as long as his torso. "Allez." She suggests and his answer is a smile and the extension of his tongue right up her slit.
Helene has to grab the headboard to stay upright. She knew she was on the way. But how close she was to her journey is even clearer when his hands draw her ass cheeks apart and he's spreading her wetness over both holes while manipulating her clit with his tongue.
When he fits his mouth over her hood, creates suction and licks while fitting two fingers inside her separated by just inches of skin accessing both holes, she clenches without prologue. "Fuck." She rides his face until her orgasm has ridden out its welcome and he pulls his fragrant hand out to aid its twin in holding her steady until she's clutching the headboard and coming against his tongue again. Her wriggling at the over sensitivity only aiding his quest for number two.
She slides down his body slow and she's done, until she remembers her intention when his dripping shaft, wet with her and leaking a few drops for himself, prods her ass. She was gonna run this show, swing her hips like a pendulum so he'd enter a trance like state while inside her, the suspended animation of ecstasy. Helene needed to come so she would be calm enough to do it. To hypnotize him, slow and sweet.
She just needs to control the tempo, bang out a rhythmic unhurried beat on his hips.
It only takes a minor shift in alignment to throw them off their orbit. Send his mercury into retrograde with her pussy. She slides over the tip with ease, she's wet enough that she doesn't even have to work him in like normal. Though it still prickles her nerves with that familiar addictive burn she's only had with him and a few others. Those that pushed her boundaries. She's a globetrotter when she fucks Harry though. Her exhale would be loud if his groan wasn't louder.
"Fuck, Helene!" He looks down again and she decides now that she has given him dinner, he needs a show. Time to mesmerize him.She flexes her pelvis, rounding back and holds the headboard hard to find her beat. It's a slow jam, all the flavor of a samba. She's got a circle like a Ferris wheel and he's stuttering her name like he's afraid of heights but loving the ride.
"Again." Helene demands, her head against his forehead.
"What?" Harry's staring at her motion hard, distracted. Helene stops, she wants his attention, his eyes, his mouth, his dick, every inch of him focused on her, including those inside her. She rides the circle to the top, just his tip inside, and hovers. No other passengers are getting on, she just wants him to admire the view. She clenches and knows he can see it when he shivers.
Helene uses her nose to nudge his gaze up. He looks up, down, up, again. She pulls out enough to nearly unseat him and his fingers dig into her hips. "What?"  He repeats.
"My ñame." She looks him in the eye and presses her panting mouth to his while she slides all the way down, his pubic hair against her swollen clit. "Say my name."
He breathes it out, like a prayer, "Helene!" While she takes them to the top again. "Helene!" He shouts in exhalations when she slams down to his pelvis harder. "Helene!" She swings back up slow, and drops like they've found themselves on a rollercoaster.
By now her name is a chant, "Helene, Helene, helene, fuck Helene!" He's squeezing and staring and licking her lips sloppily and she can tell he doesn't know if he should stop her, try to help her along so they can get off together, or just cum.
He looks desperate to finish.
So she stops, and he looks frantic. "Baby, please!"
Helene shrugs, kisses him and grinds herself against him inside on her spot and outside on begging pleasure zone until she's almost there. She squeezes him rhythmically to keep him ready.
She's almost there. They can hop off this ride together now. So she starts the ascent to the top again, slow circles until he's panting and chanting again, and then it's a free fall ride for them both.
Helene loses her stomach and screams his name in harmony with his chorus of hers.
Their sweaty foreheads rest together, until he is chuckling.
"Quoi?" She catches her breath enough to ask.
"I was just thinking, I definitely won't need a photo to remember this one!"
She feels proud, but she knows there is an image he's forgetting, one that will remind her of this Scottish adventure forever.
Months later, they've found themselves together, like together together, when she comes across it. She posts it, with a longing thank you.
When Harry gets home from set, he's smiling like a Cheshire Cat. "You trying to tell me something?" He shoves his phone at her with the open Instagram.
Helene shrugs. She's feeling proud, even prouder than she felt a year ago.
And she wants to show him.
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darthvashtique93 · 2 years
Return of the Hawk
Chapter 4
Shayera stared at Bruce, green eyes round and wide, lips slightly parted in surprise. She had to have misheard him. "What?" she managed to ask in confusion, fighting the urge to close her eyes and lean into his hand. When was the last time someone had treated her with such…tenderness? It was strange…and weird. "Bruce," Shayera shook her head once.
"You need some rest," Bruce said, abruptly pulling away from her, the moment now broken. "We both do," he added, clearing his throat as he did so. Shayera nodded in agreement, the hardened mask of indifference returning to her face. She backed up further into the bed as Bruce turned off the light. He paused in the doorway before leaving the room. Shayera was able to see him perfectly. "You okay?" Bruce asked gruffly.
"Yes," Shayera answered, burrowing beneath the covers. "Thank you." Bruce nodded once and left the room, closing the door behind him.
The two heroes rode the lift in silence, both lost their own thoughts. Well…Shayera assumed Batman was lost in his own thought. They'd barely spoken at breakfast. She didn't see him at lunch. Dinner was morbid with Shayera treating it as if it was her last meal. She then sat alone in the hotel room until he returned.
Now, she was here. This was the last place she thought she'd ever return to. But she could sort of see the irony. The ones she was supposed to betray were handing her over to the ones she did betray. Everything really was coming full circle.
The lift finally came to a stop. This was it. Shayera shuffled nervously from one foot to the other. She was going to see her ex-teammates for the first time in two years. Oh joy, she thought to herself sarcastically as she stood behind Batman, handcuffed.
The doors finally opened. She followed Batman off the lift, and into the main hall where not only her teammates were waiting, but also four weaponless Thanagarians. She immediately recognized two of them. There was her ex-fiancée, Katar. And the stern one with hateful frown was her younger sister, Issi. The other two very tall and very muscular Thanagarians she did not recognize, though, she didn't have to guess what their purpose was.
Although all four wore masks, nothing could hide the disgust and sneers from their faces. The hate in their eyes were almost as bad as Diana's and John's. Almost. Shayera took a quick glance at the other ex-teammates of hers. Flash looked torn. Superman looked a little regretful; and J'ohnn, well, no one ever knew what J'ohnn was thinking. But for the first time ever, Shayera let the walls in her mind down giving J'ohnn full access to her thoughts. The twitch of his lip was the only reaction he gave showing his surprise at such a gesture. Batman stood to the side as Shayera walked to stand in front of Issi. "Issi. Katar."
"Well, if it isn't the traitorous bitch herself," Issi spoke in the Thanagar tongue. "We lost a lot of good soldiers because of you."
"We lost a lot of good soldiers because of this stupid war with the Gordanians. It's gone on long enough," Shayera replied in kind.
"We?" Issi spoke, this time in English. "There is no 'we'." She motioned to the two huge Thanagarians who immediately stepped forward, each holding one of her arms in a painful grip, forcing Shayera all the way to the floor. What were they doing? She then felt Issi take a fistful of hair and slam her head against the floor, hard. A wave of panic overtook Shayera. She knew exactly what was going on. But…they were going to do it here – in front of her ex-teammates? Oh, the humiliation. "What are you doing?" she heard Flash ask as she felt Katar's hands on her wings. "I'm sorry," she heard Katar whisper softly.
"Do it," she heard Issi give the command. Shayera clenched her teeth, bracing herself for the pain. A sickening crack filled the room, and Shayera released a bloodcurdling scream. "What are you doing!" she heard the panic in Flash's voice. She tried to break away from the hands holding her down, but she couldn't. Another crack followed by another heart wrenching scream. Tears poured down her face. She couldn't take the pain anymore.
In the back of her mind, Shayera was barely able to register yelling and screaming coming from the leaguers. Suddenly, the pressure on her back, arms, and legs disappeared. She lay on her stomach, her body convulsing, blood coming from her mouth and nose. Her vision was blurry. But from what she could make out, Superman had Katar pinned against a wall. Wonder Woman and Issi were engaged in hand-to-hand combat. She didn't know where the other two Thanagarian guards were, but she could only assume they were engaging Flash and Green Lantern in a fight of their own.
She blinked once. This time Batman was kneeling over her, staring at her through his cowl. His lips were moving, but she had no idea what he was saying. She could feel J'ohnn in her mind, trying to sooth her. A cold, gloved hand rested on her head while the word, Sleep, was whispered in her mind repeatedly. The last thing she saw before she let blackness overtake her, was Batman's lips forming her name.
She was unconscious. Good, Batman sighed as he left his hand gently wresting under her head. He wanted to move her, but her wings were hanging on by a thread, barely attached to her body. Also, how much blood did Thanagarians have in their body? He was kneeling in at least two quarts of blood, but the red stuff was still pouring from her body. "I put her to sleep," J'ohnn said from beside him. He sounded as worried as Batman felt. "She was in too much pain," the Martian began to explain.
"No, I get it," Batman interrupted him. "We need to stop the bleeding…and her wings…" Batman released an annoyed breath. He needed to think, but he couldn't get any thinking done with the other founding leaguers yelling and fighting. So, he did the most un-Batman, un-Bruce Wayne thing he could do in the situation. He shouted. "ENOUGH!" Everyone froze as his voice echoed loudly throughout the hall. His teammates stopped their fighting and stared at him in shock. "Did Batman just…yell?" Flash asked, dropping the body of an unconscious guard.
"I think so," Green Lantern answered in a low voice, releasing a Thanagarian guard from the giant, green, birdcage. Superman released Katar, while Wonder Woman and Issi separated. "What is the meaning of this?" the female lieutenant demanded. Batman ignored her. "I'll take her to the infirmary," the Martian Manhunter said, gingerly picking Shayera up before phasing through the floor with her. "I said," the female lieutenant took a menacing step towards Batman, "what is the meaning of this?"
"You tell us," Flash replied angrily.
"We agreed to hand Shayera over to you," Wonder Woman stated shakily, "we did not agree for her to be tortured."
"Exactly what else did you plan to do with her?" Green Lantern demanded.
"Why does it matter to you?" Issi spat at him. "She is viperae. A traitor."
"Yeah, yeah," Flash waved her off. "If she hadn't betrayed you, all humans would most likely still be enslaved or dead."
"Oh please," Katar said while popping his shoulder back into place, "she is a traitor to you, just like she is to us."
"She's our friend!" Flash argued.
Issi scoffed. "You willingly handed her over to us knowing full well she would be punished."
"We didn't think you would do…that," Wonder Woman said.
"Please don't insult our intelligence, Princess," Katar sneered. "You of all people know the punishment for betraying one's people on Thanagar. You're not an idiot! Don't pretend to be one!"
"What else did you have in store for her?" Superman asked, his eyes glowing red. A method of intimidation most affective with 90% of the universe proved massively ineffective with the Thanagarians. "That's none of your concern," Issi said stepping up to the angry Kryptonian.
"You were going to take her wings and then abandon her on a planet," Batman finally spoke.
"How did you know that?" Flash asked. Batman ignored him. "Which planet?" Batman asked. He was met with silence. "She comes with us," Katar said.
"No, she is not," Batman argued calmly, his voice remaining monotone.
"We had a deal."
"One that is now null and void thanks to your antics here today," Superman said.
"We're keeping," Batman said, turning away from them.
"No," Issi replied. "She must come with us."
"Why?" Superman asked as it seemed that Batman was done with…everyone. "It shouldn't matter. You've left her here for two years. Why is she so important now?" Issi and Katar stared at each other communicating silently. Katar gave a slight nod. "She's to be handed over to the Gordanians as part of our peace pact," Issi answered.
"What!" Green Lantern yelled in shock, "are you insane? Do you know what they'll do to her?"
"Not our problem," was Issi's flippant response.
"Handing her over to your enemy," Flash said.
"Shayera made herself the enemy when she disobeyed orders," Katar said. "This is her punishment." Batman continued walking. The rest of the league could figure this out. Right now, there was a Thanagarian who was presumably on her deathbed. He needed to be there. He just hoped they wouldn't have to take her wings.
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jacksgreysays · 3 years
Could/Should/Did- team seven meeting in modern au
A/N: So I am mega late on this, but I was getting very strong Friendship Is A (Mutual) Con vibes and it doesn’t quite go with the ask box event’s premise but I thought it was fun anyway? Ahhhh, I am so rusty in writing D:
it could have gone like this:
Shikako scans the crowd with a furrowed brow, seeking without finding. She's not frowning just yet, but she looks close to it, and that's not exactly a good look for a party with as many important people as this.
"What's wrong?" Ino asks her in a low murmur and hidden behind a perfect smile because she, at least, knows the importance of maintaining appearances.
"I'm not sure," Shikako admits, she goes to pull on her braid--her go to for fidgeting--only to remember that her hair has been put in a fancier up do. She settles for interlacing her fingers in a brief moment of self comfort before she pulls them apart.
"Relax, Shikako," Ino assures her. She pulls two flutes of bubbly off a tray carried by a waiter--standard uniform barely making up for his wild blonde hair--and hands one over to Shikako. "This party is for you."
At this, Shikako frowns, but automatically takes a drink. "No, it's for my security system. Which defeats the purpose of making a security system or at the very least makes whatever it's protecting a lot less secure." After all, the best way to keep something safe from thieves is if nobody knows it even exists. Having a party celebrating a security system is practically the same thing as having neon signs pointing at a safe saying 'Valuables In Here!'
Not to mention giving all these random people access? Anyone could sneak in during this event and make an attempt.
Ino rolls her eyes. "Don't be so paranoid, Shikako. You should be networking now. If these people are wealthy enough to be invited, you know they're wealthy enough to have secrets that need to be protected."
"And I'm the one who should be protecting those secrets?" Shikako asks dryly even as her eyes scan and scan and scan the crowd. She doesn't even know what she's looking for, who she's looking for, just that she feels like something is wrong.
"Or their wealth, at least," Ino says, before her eyes catch on a vaguely familiar figure. "Ooh, looks like the Uchiha family could send someone after all. If you'll excuse me," she adds before abandoning Shikako for a beautiful boy.
This isn't the first time it's happened so Shikako stays put, awkwardly drinking the champagne, certain something will happen but not what or how.
it should have gone like this:
Usually, Sasuke tries not to bring his family into his... occupation.
Inferiority complex aside, it's not exactly difficult. His parents are absurdly proud of Itachi, one of the world's top medical diagnosticians, for all that it doesn't relate directly to taking over running the Uchiha's various businesses and ventures. They weren't exactly pleased when Sasuke ran off to join the military, but their closed mouth smiles in public meant he could get away with it.
And in the after, when he waves off their inquiries with words like 'crisis consultant' and 'NDA' and 'international incidents', they continued their closed mouth smiles and nodded and looked away.
So for the most part, yes, Sasuke keeps his family away from the realities of his job. But that doesn't mean the family name isn't occasionally useful for said job.
Getting into an exclusive party for the elite of the city at the last second being one such convenient occasion.
Or, at least, it would be convenient if it weren't for the--what feels like--hundreds of random people swarming him. Someone or other keeps asking him questions, people laughing no matter how bland his answers, and a drink somehow manages to find its way into his hands no matter how quickly he tries to discretely get rid of it without actually drinking it. Some scruffy asshole of a waiter, glee sparkling in his blue eyes, hands an entire tray of drinks over to the eager mob thus prolonging Sasuke's suffering.
By the time he extricates himself--without any violence, otherwise it would have gone much faster--a woman in a green dress is fiddling with her phone in front of the vault's access panel. Sasuke weighs the pros and cons of engaging her in conversation. Flirting might get her to do what he wants, but it may also give her the wrong idea and backfire on him horribly. Intimidation would probably be more effective, but who knows how important she might be? It's why, yet again, his usual method of controlled violence won't work here.
He approaches her, mouth open to say--
The lights go out.
but it actually went like this:
By the time Naruto manages to ditch the tray of champagne flutes and the basic uniform of the caterers staff that got him into this fancy shindig, he's almost seven whole minutes behind on getting into the vault.
No problem, he'll wing it.
He slips into the vents easily, line dropping him from the party floor all the way down to the building's foundations. There's something weird about the building, he could sense it even when he was doing recon last week, the dimensions of the hallways and rooms just slightly off.
The vault isn't a vault. Or, at least, it isn't just a vault. 
Popping out of one ventilation system, he scrambles over to the other--the one that isn't connected to the rest of the building. The one that leads to the bunker which the vault doubles as.
This ventilation shaft is a little harder to maneuver--motion sensors every four feet, how paranoid--but Naruto's not the best at what he does by giving up!
The lights going out don't really stop him, there's only one direction he can go at this point, but as he unscrews the grate into the bunker they flash back on, blinding him for a moment.
It's enough to distract him, enough to delay him--he's a little too slow to shuffle backwards into the vent. He's not the only one in the bunker-vault and the lady in green meets his eyes with a confused almost smile on her face. Not so much of a set back, maybe.
The sudden arm reaching in, grabbing him by the harness, and bodily yanking him out? That's the bigger problem.
"You," says the rich asshole that Naruto turned into his distraction.
"Me," Naruto says back, grin wide and obnoxious.
"We," the lady in green cuts in, emphasizing the word, "Are all in trouble."
"What do you mean?" Naruto asks, unfortunately at the same time as the rich asshole who still has an iron grip on his climbing harness. He is a master escape artist, but the climbing harness is designed to stay on no matter what extreme acrobatics he puts it through.
"Someone else got here before we did."
and what happened elsewhere:
Kakashi's grin is hidden, but it shows in his eye. "Amateurs," he says, fond, watching the feed of the three kids, "How adorable."
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frostsinth · 4 years
Deals with Demons - Pt. 2
Prologue | Part 1 | MasterList
Hey! Just hit 200 followers. So have another part to the demon story as a thank you! CONTENT WARNING: This part is 18+, but not for smut. There is some graphic violence and pretty psychological nasty shit in here. I mean, he is a demon after all. So please read with that in mind. The worst is at the end, so please feel free to skip to the next part if you need to. Part 3 has another... ahem, “feeding”...
Your comments and love give me life! I read every single reblog/reply! Thank you to my regular followers! And a big “Welcome” to my new ones!
“A deal with a demon is not so easily broken by either party,” He assured me, “I cannot forge another until ours is complete. Until then,” He squeezed me against him, “I am yours to command.”
My breath caught in my throat, but I nodded curtly. I placed my palms on his chest and pushed myself back. “Fine. Then open the door.”
With a  flick of his hand, an interdimensional portal similar to the one I had first passed through split the air before us. My eyes widened at the effortlessness of his magic; it had taken nearly all the strength of our ten most senior members to open the one I had used the first time.
I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, but otherwise did not hesitate to step through. He followed hardly a breath behind, ducking his great horned head to fit through the doorway.
We emerged in the ceremony room, with its high arched stone ceilings and windowless walls. I looked about cautiously, but it was empty. And dark, save for the light from Abhilash’s flickering flames. The door closed behind us on the altar, and I slowly stepped down from the raised platform to the stone floor.
“Ahh,” The demon sighed heavily, stretching and flicking his tail. “It feels good to be back on this plane.” I checked over my shoulder and saw him licking his lips. “So much…. opportunity.”
I didn’t feel like he wanted any particular response, so I turned my attention back to the room we had entered. I felt hot anger stir inside me as I looked about the abandoned chambers. The Mothers had sent me to what they had assumed would be my death. Then they simply left. Without a second thought; without any remorse. No prayer group or wake in gratitude for my sacrifice. No vigil. No sermon. Simply abandoned the room and sealed it shut. Hiding away their shame. And they would return only in another ten years, with the next sacrificial lamb for slaughter. Their tender words of comfort seemed like hollow lies now.
But had I ever expected them to be anything more?
I started to walk forward, towards the doorway, my bare feet slapping softly on the cool stones. I stopped suddenly at the sound, looking down at my naked form.
“Shit.” I swore silently, looking about again. But the room was completely empty.
“What troubles you, lamb?” Came Abhilash’s purring, rasping voice from behind me.
I turned to consider the demon, and found his huge form hardly dwarfed by the large chambers. I felt a short wave of shyness at the sight of him. At the memory of his touch, I felt my cheeks flush. Another small part of me was tickled to see him standing there, at the foot of the altar that had once led to his prison. I was eager to see the holy Mothers’ faces when they saw him.
I wasn’t nearly as eager to be seen as I was presently, and I sighed, running one hand through my hair and crossing the other over my chest. Quite the impression I would leave on the Sisters dressed only in what the gods had given me on the day of my birth.
“I left my robes behind,” I told him, “And can hardly skirt around the halls naked, looking for something to wear. That’s not the image I want to start with.”
He chuckled, stepping closer and tucking his large fingers under my chin. “Then put something on.” He said simply.
I stiffened at his touch, but looked up at him, frowning a little. Wondering just how much the demon remembered about the mortal realm. 
“What exactly am I supposed to put on? There’s nothing here.”
His grin split his lips slightly, showing a flash of his pearly white teeth beneath. “There is you,” He pointed out, “And your new power.” His thumb traced the point of my chin. “Remember, little lamb; you are limited only by your own imagination.”
My eyes must have widened slightly in surprise, because he chuckled again. I pushed his hand away, turning and looking about to hide my irritation. Trying to figure out exactly what his words meant. Only limited by my imagination? I knew no spells, had never used magic before. How did one even begin to pull something out of thin air?
His words echoing in my mind, I closed my eyes. I pictured a dress; a simple white dress, that draped loosely from my shoulders down to my ankles. I imagined what it would feel like, how it would brush my skin, how it would move when I moved.
There was a slight tingling sensation, and I could hear the rush of my blood in my ears. Followed by a soft whoosh like air passing through a window. When I opened my eyes and looked down… the dress I had seen in my mind’s eye now covered my body.
My mouth dropped open, then morphed into a huge smile. I touched the fabric, pinching it between my fingers. It was soft, and silky, just as I had imagined it. Dropping the hem, I brought my hands up, turning them over, studying them. They tingled as I stared at them. I hesitated, then focused again, imagining sparks dancing between my fingertips. Without delay, little zaps of electricity passed between my digits. I yelped, shaking my hands in surprise. Then I laughed, grinning like a fool.
“You are a natural,” Mused Abhilash, and when I turned back to look at him, he had a knowing smirk on his face. “Now, what else will you do with your newfound power?”
I looked back at my hands, thinking. Turning it over in my head. What would I do? There were so many possibilities! So many things I wanted. So many things once denied to me. But what first? I could hardly decide. I almost danced on my toes in eagerness.
In the distance, I heard the soft toll of the midnight bell. It jerked me away from my thoughts, and surprised me. I had left in the morning, before dawn’s light had hit the steeples. Had it really been almost a full day since I had been sent through the portal? But the sound of the bells also twanged a deep rooted anger inside me. It bubbled and boiled in my gut, steaming into a hatred and rage that threatened to consume me. I took one menacing step back towards the door, feeling my blood rushing in my ears again.
The Mother Superior! And all the other Mothers. How they had preened and prodded at me all my life. How they had tried to take my spirit and mold it to their will. They had caged me, berated and belittled me. Tried to force me into their beliefs, and their rules. Played games with my mind and emotions. And when that failed, resorted to more physical methods of reinforcement and punishment. They had kept me chained to this place for no reason other than their own selfish purposes. And when I had become too unruly? When it seemed they could not break me? They had orchestrated my conscription into the role of sacrificial maiden.
My anger at my mistreatment burned hot inside me, and I let it simmer through my veins. I felt the magic tingle at my fingertips, and looked down at them. Wondering how satisfying it would be to crush my oppressors between them.
The weight of a huge hand slipped over my shoulder, surprising me. But before I could react, the demon spun me to face him and bent down, pressing his lips against mine. My eyebrows shot up, but I didn’t move. He ran his hand over my jaw, burying it in my hair as he pressed into a deeper kiss. His touch burned, though not with heat. It was an odd sensation, and it sent sparks zipping underneath my skin. I felt an alien eagerness tickling at the edge of my senses; felt it pressing against my own consciousness like a thin tendril of smoke. I couldn’t quite comprehend it, but I knew it was there. Knew that it was not a part of me.
My vision spun, darkness tinging the edges, and I felt the same weightlessness I had before back in the dimensional pocket. My eyes closed of their own accord, and I surrendered to his touch, his long tongue burrowing into my mouth, his lips working eagerly against mine.
It only lasted for what felt like a few moments, but when he finally drew back, I had to blink stars from my eyes. I swayed slightly before I settled back onto the balls of my feet once more. As if remembering how to stand again. I blinked a few more times, then frowned, looking up at him.
“Apologies, lamb,” He said with a wicked grin, “Your rage… it was just too tempting to pass up.”
I pushed his hand away again. “You fed on me?”
“As I am wont to do,” he replied, still grinning, “You are at my beck and call, no?”
I shook my still swirling head, spinning around to put him at my back again. “Keep your end of the deal, and I’ll keep mine,” I muttered, and took a few purposeful steps towards the door to the chambers. His kiss had left me frazzled, and it took me a moment to regain my previous train of thought.  “...I have decided what I want first.”
“And what, praytell, is that?” He purred, following behind me.
I unlocked the door and shoved it open. “I want the Abbey.”
“The Abbey?” He echoed, still no more than a step behind me as I walked out into the hallway beyond the ceremonial chambers. “What do you want with it?”
The hallway was actually a long bridge, with stone railings on either side and a triangular roof overhead. It was worn, and in disrepair. After all, they only needed to access the chambers on the side of the peak once every ten years. I paused, looking down at the temple below. The Abbey was small, but grandiose, built from pale grey stones with dusty red clay shingles for its roofs. There was a main building, several stories high and rounded in the middle with a square base, and several smaller out buildings as well as pointed steeples for bell towers. There was more than the eye could see, as the temple was built into the cliff face, looking as if the mountain itself had begun to swallow it back up. A high stone wall was built around the outside of the small green courtyard, and there was only one narrow path that led to it from the outside world.
“I will make it my castle.” I told him, tapping one finger against the stone railing. “My personal home in the mountains, though-” I looked at him out of the corner of my eye “-There appears to be an infestation in my new house.”
He chuckled darkly, coming to stand directly behind me. There was barely enough space for air to pass between our bodies, and I felt myself quiver a little at the thought of his touch.
“My, that is unfortunate,” He hissed, and his tail flicked like a whip beside us. “Would you like me to take care of it, little lamb?”
“Don’t call me that.” I grumbled, tapping the railing again. Thinking. The bitterness in my chest gripped at my throat. “Bring me the Mothers. Especially the Mother Superior. The rest of the Sisters will be given a choice; worship and serve me, or meet their death.”
“Hmm. Sounds fun.” I could hear his grin in his rough voice. “And then what?”
I walked down the long hallway, lit solely by Abhilash’s fires, kicking aside loose stones with my bare feet. My anger bubbled in my chest again, and I gritted my teeth.
“Then I want to repaint this temple with their blood,” I breathed, “I want to hear their screams, I want them to beg me for mercy.”
“Will you grant it?” He purred eagerly into my ear, closer than I had thought he could possibly be.
I narrowed my eyes, glancing out over the railing again. “Did they ever grant it to me?”
His laughter echoed around us, peppering the otherwise still and silent night air with its wickedness.
“Your wish is my command.” The demon bowed low, his sharp teeth gnashing in excitement.
“I will be in the Inner Sanctum,” I told him, “Bring them there. Oh, and Abhilash?” I waited until he turned to look at me again. “...Make a show of it.”
I hadn’t thought it possible for his grin to grow wider, but it did. He licked his lips greedily and his beady black eyes seemed to glow. Once more, the demon bowed to me. Then turned, disappearing into a puff of black smoke.
As I was descending the stone walkway carved into the mountainside, I heard the screaming start. My own grin tasted positively wicked indeed.
I walked down the long center aisle of the Inner Sanctum, breathing deeply the familiar scent of incense burning on the large altar before the massive windows that took up the back wall. The screams from the rest of the Abbey were a distant echo here, but I could still enjoy them as I moved towards the altar. Moonlight filtered through the glass, settling the huge room into a silvery glow; the smoke from the incense making it seem almost mystical. Ethereal.
Lies. I thought to myself bitterly, glaring at the pews set up facing the raised, open faced pulpit. How many times had the Mother Superior stood atop there, preaching down to the huddled sisters? How many lives had she twisted with her words?
I came to stand at the foot of it, the golden altar behind and at its base glittering. I scowled, feeling a bubbling rage in my chest at the sight. My blood felt hot, and I raised up my hands before me. Perhaps it was my imagination, but I swore I could feel them pulsing in time with each beat of my heart. As if I could see my own blood moving beneath the skin. I suddenly recalled the flames Abhilash wore, and imagined such a fire from my own hands.
At first, it was just a flicker, but as I focused, it grew. And grew. Engulfing my hands and licking up my wrists. But it didn’t burn or sting. It felt nice, like a silk scarf skimming over my hands as a wind played through it. I grinned, watching it for a moment. Then I looked around.
The pew nearest me was the first victim, and it flew backwards a few feet from the force of the fireball, splintering and shattering into a million blazing pieces. I fired another at the pew on my other side, then swept my hands in a wave. Willing the rest of the wooden pews to be forced back from the center of the grand chamber with a loud, sickening crash. They snapped and burned at the edges, surrounding the stone passageways that lined the Sanctum. Throwing the huge stone pillars into a brilliant orange glow.
I considered that, then turned back to the golden altar and raised pulpit. I scowled deeper at it, and imagined an entirely different setting; a throne. A golden seat at the top of beautifully carved stairs of dark polished wood. I felt my blazing hands tingle, and flicked my wrist at the pulpit. The flames shot out, licking up and around the altar. Melting. Twisting. Deforming the images and idols there. Reforming it into the vision in my mind’s eye.
It wasn’t quite what I had imagined. Not quite so sleek, nor imposing as a grand throne for a King’s hall. But I found I liked the way the heat twisted and warped the wood and metals, creating instead a masterpiece out of jagged edges. I grinned at it, willing the flames to recede to its edges. They melted back obediently to my will, and I almost laughed out loud. My heart raced and my face was starting to hurt from how much I was smiling.
I decided I loved the way the new dais looked, raised slightly above the long center aisle. The gold seemed to melt off the edges like old candle wax, and the stairs were a little less polished and more charred. But I walked up them, considering the huge golden seat I had formed merely by the strength of my will. It seemed more like a bench, with almost no back to speak of, but still with grand arms formed from warped gold. Set before the huge windows behind it, bathed in the glow of the fires of the burning pews? Now that looked ethereal. Mighty. And frightening.
There was the sudden smell of sulfur amid the burning ash filling the room, and I turned to look down at the aisle behind me. Abhilash stood there, considering my handiwork, a wicked grin on his face.
He bowed deeply, his great horned head almost sweeping the floor. “I come bearing gifts.” He told me, and yanked a magical black iron chain that seemed to shed ash with each movement.
The women attached to the chains gasped, staggering forward. Some fell to their knees, others fell into each other. All were disheveled, mostly in sleeping gowns, with their hair in disarray and splatters of blood covering them. Their eyes were wide as they looked about, gasping and whispering prayers. A few even cried.
But my eyes fell on the center most woman, who’s long, tapered nose was wrinkled up to her brow. She too was in her nightgown, with soot and blood staining the white cloth. Her hair was clumped to one side, with wild strands shooting this way and that. Not her usually poised visage. When she saw me, her eyes widened in sudden recognition.
“YOU!” She snapped, then twisted in her chains. “How dare you! You wicked, wicked child!” She yanked at her chains again, and even took a step forward. “I should have thrown you out when I had the chance! Blasphemy! Sacrilege!”
I scowled, turning as gracefully as I could manage, and settled myself comfortably on the bench. I rolled my fingers on the cooling golden arm, letting my nails tap a quiet rhythm amid the crackling of the fires. Abhilash stood beside the gaggle, looking more than a little amused.
“Perhaps you should be nicer,” I began, crossing one knee over the top of the other, “to the person who decides your fate in this world.”
Her eyes went so wide I thought they might burst out of their sockets. She spun to the demon, pointing at me with one long finger. “Demon! I command you! Kill the girl! Take her as the sacrifice she was meant to be!”
Abhilash crossed his arms over his broad chest and gave her a wide, toothy grin. Her face went a little pale, and she spun back. Glaring at me with her brow knotted. Then she looked over her shoulder at the cowering Mothers.
“Take them!” She offered, turning back to the demon. “Take them as payment! Do what you wish with them, but honor your agreement with me, Demon!”
The Mothers screamed and wailed at the Superior’s words. Some cried out to her directly, some dropped to their knees in prayer. Some were simply dumbfounded to silence.
I traced the bumpy gold beneath my fingertips, smirking. “Unfortunately, Mother Superior,” I chimed in, my lips twitching as I resisted the urge to smile, “Your agreement was broken once the demon crossed over to this plane. Or should I say, your cage?”
She looked at me, then at him. His grin grew by a few more sharp teeth. Shaking her head, she stomped one foot angrily.
“No! You can not do this to me! I am a Prophet of the Gods! I am Their will on earth!”
I couldn’t help but laugh, so hard that I had to wipe a tear from the corner of my eye. “Perhaps you have been pretending for so long, Mother, that you have begun to believe your own lies.” I stood slowly, turning to address the rest of the women behind her. “Now you see!” I told them. “Now you see your Mother Superior for who she truly is. An impostor. A selfish old hag who plays with the same dark arts she preaches against. A hypocrite and a liar.”
“NO!” She shouted, and flung herself forward as if to strike me down. 
But Abhilash merely raised his hand and the chains tightened, jerking her back. She lost her balance and fell to her knees at the foot of the stairs. She glared up at me, teeth clenched.
“I have only done what I must! To save this world! To make it a better place for all within it!” She snarled. “You know naught what you do, child! Releasing this evil into the world!”
I looked down at her, my eyes narrowed. Anger was building in my chest again as she spit and spat her lies at me. Even at the very end, she sought to control me. Sought to force me beneath her heel like she had done so many others.
When she saw my face, saw the coldness icing my veins as I looked down at her, I saw her hesitate. She looked back over her shoulders at the Mothers. Then back up at me. Her jaw squared, and she straightened herself as best she could.
“What will you do with me, Theodosia?” She asked, her voice soft, “I, who took you in when no one else would. I, who fed and kept and dressed you? Who tried to instill faith in you so you would never be alone?”
“Who cast me as fodder for demons for daring to speak out against you.” I returned, tucking my hands together before me as if I were not a seething pit of hatred inside. But then I paused, cocking my head to the side. “I will do nothing to you.” I waited until her shoulder slumped a little in relief, then let a coy smile slip across my lips. “Nothing you have not done to me.”
Her eyes went wide again, and I saw her quivering slightly. Behind her, the other Mothers had fallen into a huddle. Clinging to each other. Whispering prayers and whimpering softly. I considered the Mother Superior, then turned to Abhilash.
“Are you hungry?” I asked him pointedly.
His sharp teeth split his face in two, and his long tongue lolled out. “I am always hungry.”
The Mothers squealed quietly, staggering backwards at his words. I had to admit, he looked quite intimidating. Towering over us all at nearly 8 feet tall, with his broad shoulders and head engulfed in flames. He tilted his great horned head to the side, blinking his four black eyes in succession. Sending the women into a twittering mess.
I turned back to the Mother Superior, looking down at her. “Then I shall bestow upon you the same honor you once gave me; you shall feed the demon who I have made my own deal with.”
Her face drained of blood, and she looked frantically around. She spun, reaching out towards the other Mothers.
“Help! Help me!” She begged, clasping her chained hands together.
They screamed and staggered backwards. Struggling to get as far away from the doomed woman as possible. I looked over to Abhilash, who glanced at me out of the corner of his eye. I nodded to him, and with a growl, he quickly prowled over to the foot of the stairs. The Mother Superior tried to run, but he caught her by one leg and easily hoisted her into the air. The screams of the other women became deafening, drowning out the Mother Superiors own pleas as the demon’s jaw unhinged. His flames seemed to grow, spreading down his arms and over his back. Up his spine and legs from the tip of his tail. Blazing like a bonfire. Licking up towards the high steepled ceiling. Blinding the room to his might. Spewing thick, lung choking black smoke.
But I was unaffected by the light and smoke. I had a perfect vision of him as his form warped and twisted, as his pointed teeth gnashed and his jaw widened. He managed to fit her down in one huge bite. Well, most of her.
His jaw snapped shut with a huge, audible crack like thunder. Blood splattered across the room as a few errant body parts dropped from his maw. The remaining Women screamed even louder, their throats ripping for the force of their shrieks. What little strength they had left fled them, and they became a quivering heap of sobs and cries on the floor. 
I stared at the mess on the ground, unsure what I felt at that moment. My rage had subsided at the sight of the carnage. But it didn’t make me feel quite as ill as perhaps it should have. Instead, I felt a strange numbness settling over me as the demon’s flames subsided back to their normal flickering core and his jaw slowly rehinged. He licked his long tongue in a circle around his face, smacking his lips together in delight.
“Do you not see!” Screeched one of the Mothers. I glanced over at her, still lost in myself. “Do you not see what you have done, child!” 
I recognized her as one of the Mothers who had coached me on my impending encounter prior to the ritual. I felt a scowl forming on my lips as she stood shakily, pointing one quivering finger at me.
“You must never make deals with demons! Your soul is lost! Your own suffering shall come on swift wings!” She dropped to her knees, wailing and shaking her head. “You have let evil into your soul, poor child! And your torment will be endless!” Her quivering gaze turned to Abhilash, and she began to shake from head to toe. “You cannot trust a demon! They speak nothing but lies! They cannot be bound to any mortal! You should have listened to us, Theodosia Greystorm! You should have not let yourself be tempted by sin!”
I didn’t answer for a moment, considering what to do with the remainder of the Mothers. Certainly something had to be done with them. But I found I couldn’t quite find the same pleasure at the idea of another such display. For the moment at least. I didn’t look at the demon as I slowly moved down the steps.
“Put them in your old cage.” I told him, my voice flat. “We will deal with them later… if they are still alive when I decide to do so.”
“As you wish.” He purred, and I saw him bowing his head slightly out of the corner of my eye.
UPDATE: Part Three is HERE
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maribatlife · 4 years
Lost Boys Pt 1
Apparently I never posted this over here. Whoops! Enjoy some Adrien and Damian Found Family
Like Father Like Son: Damian starts Adopting at a Young age Nature vs Nurture: Bat Fam Edition "I’m fully aware of your adopting habits, this one is suitable and I will call him brother and he shall be my brother." - Damian al Ghul Wayne (probably)
Inspired by Lost Boys by Ruth B
Damian had heard about his father's unfortunate habit of adopting unsuitable heirs, however he never understood it. Why choose someone so obviously unworthy to continue on his legacy. It would change when he met his father. Batman would finally have a worthy heir and the others could be dismissed.
Currently he was in Paris, waiting for his mother to finish a mission. While she was busy, he was scouting out escape routes. No matter what anyone might say, he was in no way exploring the city. He was Damian Al Ghul and he was an accomplished assassin; he did not explore. There was an added difficulty with Paris' Akuma problem, he was more than up to the challenge. The heroes of Paris' were currently dealing with an akumatized baby on the other side of the city.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw a black steak drop into a nearby alleyway. He crept closer, not making a sound in the empty street. In the alley stood Chat Noir, then in a flash of green light the cat hero disappeared and in his place was the model you couldn't escape in Paris and a floating blob.
"Cheese, I need cheese." The blob whined.
Agreste fished some cheese out of his pocket. "Eat quickly Plagg. I need to get back before anyone notices I'm gone."
"Kid, don't rush me. You have to appreciate the cheese. Plus, you might want to worry about the kid that just discovered your identity."
"Wha~, oh Ladybug is going to kill me," he said finally spotting Damian.
"Probably," Plagg added helpfully. "Tikki's chosen are usually goody-goodies."
"Tt, like I care about your identity Agreste." The blob, now identified as "Plagg", flew into his face. Upon closer inspection it looked like a cat.
"Listen closely kid, I'm thousands of years old. You become a threat to my kitten, you'll find out what happened to the dinosaurs firsthand. Got it?"
"I am the heir of the Demon's Head. Is that supposed to scare me?"
"Wait, why are you alone in Paris? Where are your parents?" Adrien interrupted.
In the background Plagg muttered, "So that old man is still alive. Need to talk to Sugar cube about that."
"Mother is… finishing some business and then we are leaving Paris."
"But you're left alone a lot? With a parent that only cares about how you perform in public?" At Damian's hesitant nod, Adrien smiled. "Same," he paused as if weighing the potential consequences of the next words. "Want to do normal kid stuff with me? Honestly, my dad probably won't notice and you're already out sooooooo…."
Damian quickly analyzed the benefits. His father was well known and had a prolific public life. If he could blend in with "normal kid stuff", while it might be tedious now, it would benefit him in the long run. "That is acceptable, Mother will call with a rendezvous point when she is ready."
"Okay first rule of being normal kids, use less words. Talking with proper grammar all the time is 'not cool'." The last bit was punctuated by air quotes. "Also, what's your name?"
Ah, a test. He had this. "Damian."
" 'kay Dami," catching Damian's glare he hurriedly continued. "Nicknames are important in friendships. They show trust and affection. We're going to meet my friend Nino to hang." As they walked down the street Adrien conveyed other bits of wisdom like "There's a whole group of food that you eat with your hands, using a fork and knife with those is considered weird," and "some people give hugs to show how much they care about you."
Damian half wished he could write these tips down. After all, everyone in the league had lived in the world and it was second nature to them.
"Yo my dude, what's up?" A boy with a red cap jogged up to them.
"Not much." Adrien gave the other boy a first bump. "This is Damian," be shot Nino a significant look. "His mom's like my dad."
"Hey little dude, welcome to Normal Kid land." He held his fist out towards Damian.
Damian quickly realized it was not an attack, but a greeting ritual and he bumped his fist against Nino's with only the slightest hesitation.
"Alright my dudes, let's go pick up the girls and get this chill sesh going."
Adrien turned to Damian as they walked towards Rue Gotlieb. "Every time we can hang out, we rotate who decides the activity. This time it's Marinette's turn, right Nino?"
"Yup Dudette's deciding and word on the street is there's a UMS 3 tournament happening at an arcade nearby. So, it's either going to be that or the new fashion exhibit at the Louvre."
They arrived at the bakery just in time to see Nathalie's car pull away and hear a screech of "Oh my God." They entered the apartment upstairs only to see Alya kneeling before Marinette.
"Girl you have to calm down."
"Alya do you understand how big this is? I have to start designing now. Oh, what will I wear?" Not noticing the boys entering the room she rushed to her sketchbook. "Okay, it's black tie formal." She started flipping the pages. "Sun dress, day dress, semi-formal, too casual."
The boys moved over towards Alya. "Babe, what's going on?"
"Adrien's dad just invited Marinette to accompany Adrien to the donor and VIP party for the new exhibit at the Louvre."
"Oh yeah," Adrien sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "I think Nathalie mentioned that to me."
"Sunshine," Alya said with her hands on her hips. "As my girl's bff I need advance notice of these things to avoid this." She gestured towards Marinette who was still frantically flipping through her sketchbook.
"Why do I have nothing black tie?" Marinette moaned.
During all of this Damian had made his way over to where Marinette was frantically going through her designs. "This one." He said with a commanding tone. "Make it longer and extend the embroidery on one side of the skirt.
Marinette screeched and clutched the sketchbook to her chest, while Damian looked on unimpressed.
"That was not necessary. You need to be more aware of your surroundings." Damian glanced at Adrien. "So, these are your… friends," the unfamiliar word heavy on his tongue. "What purpose do they serve?"
Adrien shot a panicked look towards Alya and Nino, when Marinette stepped in. "Friends don't need to serve a purpose. They support you when you're not feeling your best and you do the same for them. Friends are really just siblings that you choose for yourself.”
Damian was busy contemplating that thought when his phone beeped once, twice and then fell silent. Glancing at it he realized that Mother had finished her business and sent him the coordinates for their rendezvous point. He quickly left and it was only on the flight back to Namba Parat that he noticed the slip of paper in his pocket. Sneaking a glance he noticed a string of numbers and an email with a hastily scrawled note at the bottom that read “So we can keep in touch. -A.A.”
A few years had passed since that fateful day in Paris. Damian had been diligent in cultivating the relationship with Agreste. The biggest change came a few months after they met. It had been one of the few times Damian managed to get access to a web camera and slip away from his watchers for a few hours. He had quickly sent a video call request to Agreste. It had been the first time since they met in Paris and when the connection settled, he had used the title that only dwelled in the recesses of his mind. “Gēgē, I have been informed that I will be studying in London for the time being.” When he realized what he had called Agreste, he was quick to end the call. But his gēgē had not let him dwell on it and acknowledged the honor that came with the title.
Now, Damian stood in the shadows of the rooftop where Mother was confronting his father. As he surveyed the crowd before him, two fingers worried at that old worn piece of paper. The number it originally held was long faded from it's surface but forever imprinted in his mind. With a jolt he returned to the task he had been given. It would not do to miss Mother's signal and give Father a poor impression of his diligence, he thought. Father had only brought along his current Robin with him. That was fine. He could easily defeat him, and there was Mother's signal.
He strode forward with all the confidence he didn't feel. This was the easy part. All he had to do was defeat the charlatan in combat and claim his rightful place as his father's heir. Before he had time to prepare what he was going to say he was at Mother's side, her steadying hand on his shoulder. "Father," so far it was going well, "I thought you would be taller."
"Robin," his father's voice came out in a low growl. “Bring your brother to the Batmobile. I need a word with Talia."
Damian stalked past the impostor. Of course, Father would not have them fight there. There were too many potential witnesses. His face twisted into a grimace. Mother would never tolerate a beginner mistake like the one he just made. Father must be disappointed in him already.
He climbed into the black car Drake motioned to. He would correct his father's perception of him. He had to. Failure has never been an option for an al Ghul. Drake was talking to a Penny-One, who remotely enabled the vehicle's autopilot back to the "Cave".
The "Batmobile" parked just as two motorcycles roared into the cavern. One carried the familiar figure of Batman. The other, a bright red bike, carried another one of Damian's alleged brothers, according to the information Mother had given him. There was something about him, an important piece of information that Damian couldn't remember. Then Todd spotted him and hurled his helmet as hard as he could onto the cave floor with a sharp crack.
"Damnit Bruce! Another one?!" He roared as green started to tinge the blue of his eyes.
That was it. This was the one Grandfather permitted to use the Lazarus pool.
"Jason, Damian is my son."
"I thought we were all your sons you consarn sarding hypocrite."
"Jay-lad, I meant Damian is my biological son. With Talia."
Damian had used the momentary distraction of Todd losing his temper, -tt- amateur, to swipe Todd's phone. He raced into a sectioned off area of the cave. Not noticing his father's first ward descending into the cave. Dick quickly moved to calm Jason down. "Jay-bird, I get you're upset with Bruce, but we've got a bigger problem."
"And what would that be, dickhead?"
"Who's missing their phone? 'Cos the kid just ran into the changing room with one."
They all barreled after Damian, stopping just outside the door.
Inside Damian was listening to the ring of the phone, willing Adrien to pick up with every ounce of his body.
"Gēgē, it's me."
"Dami, what's wrong?"
"I think I messed up." He paused, "Mother decided that I was ready to meet Father. To assume my rightful position as his heir." Adrien hummed and that was all the encouragement Damian needed. "I insulted him when I greeted him." He admitted. "Todd was angry about my existence and Drake is my competition. Grayson does not appear to be here. How can I possibly gain Father's approval now?"
"Dami, you're a good kid and no matter what happens you have me," he paused. "And I'm sure Mari would love for you to be her little brother. But why not try bonding with them over their interests. But if worst comes to worst, remember what Mari said friends are?"
"Yes, thank you, gēgē." Damian quickly deleted all traces of his phone call, before moving to rejoin his father and the rest. He opened the door only to see his father completely filling the frame.
"You have a brother?" He demanded.
"Due to your habits, father, I have a multitude."
"Who were you talking to?" He demanded again. “Your mother didn’t mention another child of ours.”
“That is none of your business.” Damian shot back, as his alleged brothers’ heads moved back and forth between the pair, looking like the strays they were. It appeared that Grayson had joined them while he was on the phone.
"Bruce, it’s been a long night for everyone.” Grayson started
“That is quite right Master Dick. This can all be discussed over breakfast tomorrow morning.” Pennyworth announced as he walked down the stairs to the cave. “Young Master Damian, if you would return Master Jason’s phone, I will show you to your room now.”
“That is acceptable, Pennyworth.” He handed the phone back to Jason and left the room after Pennyworth.
As soon as they were gone, “Jason, give the phone to Tim. Tim, trace who Damian just called, start looking for any connections to the League of Shadows.”
Fifteen minutes later Tim had to be the bearer of bad news. “Sorry Bruce, but according to the phone, no calls have been made on it all day. The only way we’ll find out who he was talking to anytime soon is if he tells us.”
“HA,” Jason barked out. “B, finally has a kid just as paranoid as him.”
“Damnit!” Bruce’s fist hit the table. “I need to know.”
“Bruce, why is it so important? It was his brother.” Dick questioned
“What if it was code? This could all be a part of Talia’s plot.”
“So, we keep an eye on the twerp. It’s not the end of the world.” Jason started to leave the cave.
The next morning, Damian descended for breakfast. Unfortunately, Father’s band of orphans had already assembled at the table. In addition to the group he had expected, a woman sat next to Father, laughing at something Grayson had said.
After he finished eating, the umbrage of questioning started.
“Who’s your brother?”
“It is not important to you; I am your only blood child.”
“Where does he live?”
“France,” Damian acquiesced. France was a large country, the odds of Father finding Gēgē were minimal.
“How is he connected to the League?”
Damian hesitated, if he did not answer this question, Father could ask Mother about Gēgē, which would endanger him. “He isn’t.” Damian used the resulting confusion to slip away.
He had been wandering the grounds for a few hours when Grayson found him.
After a while of walking in silence together, Grayson spoke. “So how’d you meet your brother?”
“Mother had a mission in France. She decided to test me on how well I could blend in. Gēgē found me while I was waiting for her to finish. He insisted on keeping in contact when I had to leave.”
“Any questions for me?”
“Who was the woman at breakfast?”
“Selina, she’s B’s fiancee. Why didn’t you want to tell B about your brother?”
“I’ve had to keep him secret for years from Mother and Grandfather. What does Father expect from me?”
“That’s complicated. Do you mean what does he expect right now, or what does he hope for from you?”
“B hasn’t said what he expects from you. I think he’s nervous about why your mom brought you here, now. But his hopes for you are the same as the rest of us. That you adapt to this change well and are happy here. Eventually, he’s hoping you trust him, but I think it’s a little soon for that.” They fell into silence again as Damian contemplated that answer. Eventually, Dick spoke again trying to steer the conversation into neutral territory. “What do you like to do?” Damian shot him a puzzled look. “In your spare time? What do you like to do?”
“I draw. When will Father set the trial by combat?”
“The what?”
“The trial by combat against Drake. For the position of Robin. It will be soon, correct?”
“Why would you fight Tim? That’s not how Robin works. When Tim is ready to become a solo hero, he will pass down the title.”
“I am Father’s rightful heir. It is my duty to fight by his side.”
“I’m pretty sure B doesn’t expect that.”
“-tt-,” Damian walked in silence back to the house with Grayson.
When they got inside, they separated. Damian headed back towards his room. Dick, however, walked like a man on a mission. “Alfred, do you know where Bruce is?”
“I believe Master Bruce went to the cave.”
“Thanks.” Taking the stairs two at a time, he rushed down to the cave. “Seriously, Bruce? You find out you have a son and instead of getting to know him, you’re down here doing the paranoid Bat routine?”
“Dick, this is important. Who knows what Talia is plotting? I can’t give him too much information.”
Tim looked at Dick and then at Bruce and quickly decided to make his exit.
“He has a name B. And maybe if you actually, I don’t know, talked to Damian, you could figure this out faster.” A bing came from the computer and Dick moved to investigate. “Really, a DNA check?” He picked up the file folder. “Well congrats Bruce, it’s a boy.” He threw the file into Bruce’s chest and stormed back up the stairs.
Just before Damian entered his room, that woman approached him. “Hey, Damian, right? I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself earlier. I’m Selina Kyle.”
“Yes, Father’s latest paramour.”
She chuckled but before she could respond Drake stormed by. “What’s wrong Tim?”
“Dick and Bruce are at it again. I’m getting out of the blast zone.”
“Well, why don’t we all go out shopping? Damian, I’m sure you need to pick some stuff up.”
“-tt- That will do.”
As Dick stormed out of the cave, the group of three pulled out of the manor driveway.
“Dick, Chum, I’m just trying to be careful. He already knows everyone’s identity, and maybe he’s not a part of Talia’s plot but I can’t just accept that. Talia doesn’t do anything without a reason.”
“Fine, but you could at least talk to him.”
“Talk to, not interrogate him. I bet I know more about his brother than you do.”
“We played 20 questions. Damian met his brother while Talia was on a mission in France. His brother insisted on keeping in touch, and Damian believes that Talia and Ra’s didn’t know about this brother.”
“Why wouldn’t he tell me this?”
“Because he doesn’t know you.” Dick was exasperated. “You didn’t even introduce Selina to him.”
“I didn’t?”
“No, B you didn’t. I get that it’s important for you to make sure we’re safe but you have to remember that he’s 10. His life has just been completely uprooted. On another note…”
“Jason, you really need to let him know you don’t hate him.”
“I could never!”
“I know that, and you know that, but does Jay know that?”
At the mall Damian had selected some civilian attire, thanks to a surprise shopping trip with his Gēgē and Mari he learnt how to shop for clothes. That woman was well suited to help him pick out clothes. Then Drake dragged them into a nearby technology store. “What are we here for?”
“Well, you’re going to need a phone, Babs and I’ll make sure it’s secure tonight,” Drake started. “Plus, a laptop, for school, game systems, so you know what the other kids are talking about- “
“Wait,” Damian interrupted. “Father is going to send me to school. With children?!” He was incredulous and aghast.
“Well, yeah,” Drake replied. “It’s the law.”
“I am so far beyond whatever those incompetents could possibly teach. I have a Doctorate!”
“Then B will say it’s for social skills. Point is you’re going to have to go and the laptop will let you Skype your brother.”
“Alright, but I will fight Father about school.”
“Been there, tried that, have the commemorative Mug.” Drake continued as he peered at specifications. “One of the first things you’ll learn about Bruce, is that us appearing to be well-adjusted people is very important to him. If it helps think of school as being undercover. You need to convince people that you’re a typical 10-year-old, not someone who has a PhD.” With that Drake selected a laptop and moved on to grab a Switch system and some Pokémon games.
As they left the store, she asked, “Need anything else, Kitten?”
Damian hesitated. Should he trust them with this? “If there is an art store…” he trailed off.
“Sure Kitten,” Kyle said. “What type? Drawing, painting, knitting? Whatcha like?”
“Primarily drawing and oil painting.”
“Well if you ever want to try knitting…”
“Selina stop trying to induct another person into your knitting cult. You already got Jay, isn’t that enough?”
“Nope,” they walked into the craft store. “Kitten, I’ll be in the yarn section, just grab what you want.”
“You don’t even like the yarn here!” Drake shouted after her.
Selina ignored him as she walked off. Damian looked at him questioningly as he grabbed sketch pads and canvases. “Why did you not go with her?”
“She’s going to be over there for a while. Plus, I’ve spent tons of time with Selina, I haven’t spent time with you.”
“Why would you want to? I am a threat to your position. Unless, this is to learn my weaknesses. I see you possess a superior sense of strategy than I had originally suspected Drake.”
“Wha-No, why? You’re my new brother, I want to know more about you.”
Damian headed off to find Kyle with Drake tailing after him. “You can admit to the ruse. I have found you out.”
“You’ve found nothing.”
“Being disingenuous is unbecoming. I have discovered your scheme.”
“Damian, I literally just want to get to know my younger brother but go off I guess.”
Damian’s confusion from that statement only grew as they found Selina with a cart full of yarn.
“We left you alone for 5 minutes.”
“I have zero impulse control. I don’t know how you keep forgetting this.” She replied plucking Damian’s choices from his hands and adding it to the cart.
They drove back, only to be greeted by a very confused Bruce as Selina carried bags filled with yarn into the house. “Come on Baby Bat, you need to know where the craft room is.”
“What happened?” Bruce asked Tim.
“We took Damian shopping; I think we bonded but apparently he thinks I have some scheme to defeat him in a fight. Don’t know what that’s about, but I need coffee.” Tim replied going into the kitchen.
That night was the start of regularly scheduled calls between Damian and Adrien. Damian took extreme precautions to keep the calls private. They where never the same night of the week or the same time of evening, and while he locked the door to his room, he never called from there. Despite bets to the opposite, Jason was the first to find Damian while he was on a call.
“Yo, Gremlin, whatcha up to?”
“None of your business, Todd.”
“Dami, is that one of your brothers?” Came an unfamiliar voice.
“-tt-, it is no one important.”
“Aw, Gremlin, I thought we were closer than that.” He captured Damian in a headlock and got a good look at the screen. “Oh, you’re that teen model…” He snapped trying to remember the name.
“Adrien.” Adrien supplied.
“Yeah, that’s it! You’re the Gremlin’s brother?”
“Todd, remove your hands before I remove them for you.”
“Touchy, touchy Baby Bat.” Damian snarled at him, while Jason pulled out his phone and took a selfie with the computer and Damian.
“Delete that Todd.”
“No can do, you know how the others are. I won and now I have proof.”
“TODD,” Damian screamed, as Jason ran back to the house.
After that, all the Wayne boys made consistent interruptions in Damian’s calls. Grayson was the most frequent. Drake was second and the most annoying, constantly pestering Adrien with questions, that varied from how often he sees his father to how many hours he worked modeling for his father’s brand.
“Hey Dami, why does your brother keep asking all those questions?” Adrien asked one day.
“It is Drake, I try not to delve into his potential thought process.”
“Well, Damian, that sounds like a you problem.” Drake shot back as he continued to type on his laptop.
“Anyways, Dami school got out early today.”
“Oh, what was the reason this time?”
“Mr. Pigeon again. Poor Mr. Ramier, all he wants is to feed the pigeons.”
“Wait, what?” Drake interrupted again.
“Drake, Gēgē is trying to tell me about his day and complain about Hawkmoth. Stop interrupting.”
“Who’s Hawkmoth?”
“Wait,” Adrien interrupted, “You don’t know about Hawkmoth? Paris’ supervillain? Attacks at least 4 times a week for the past 4 years? His Akumas are always defeated by Ladybug and Chat Noir? None of this rings a bell?”
“No,” Drake said slowly.
“Ugh,” Damian rolled his eyes. “Here research away to your heart’s content and let me talk to Gēgē!”
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