#social construct
fixing-bad-posts · 8 months
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[Image description: A tumblr reply, edited blackout-poetry style to read, "a social construct can be wrong".]
a social construct can be wrong
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blueteller · 1 year
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(Just Cale being Cale, casually defying societal expectations since 2018 😂)
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By: Daisy Stephens
Published: Jul 24, 2022
The Black Trowel Collective, a group of American archaeologists, claimed there are suggestions that many historical cultures had more than two genders and so archaeologists should be "wary of projecting our modern sex and gender identity categories onto past individuals".
The group claimed scientists have a "long history of imposing modern patriarchal gender and sexual norms onto the past".
"Human gender is highly variable and... human beings have historically been comfortable with a range of genders beyond modern 'masculine' and 'feminine' binaries," the group wrote in a blog post.
The Daily Mail claims that some academics are beginning to label ancient human skeletons as 'non-binary' or 'gender neutral'.
The idea has been criticised by historian Jeremy Black, who said gender is key to understanding history.
"It is an absurd proposition as the difference between genders, just as the difference between religious, social and national groups, are key motors in history," he told the Daily Mail.
"This very ideological approach to knowledge means that we're in danger of making knowledge itself simply a matter of political preference."
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Life continues to imitate parody. 🤡
"projecting our modern sex and gender identity categories onto past individuals"
Current gender woo is the invention and imposition of bored, modern first-world academic elites, which makes this absurdly ironic.
"we're in danger of making knowledge itself simply a matter of political preference."
This is literally the postmodern, social constructivist belief and objective.
No one ever needs to respond to this deranged ideology with anything other than "no."
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iamjadehawk · 8 months
creationists in my notes, being as always boldly and tragicomically bad at reality
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EDIT: a super basic primer on social constructs, because why not: https://www.yourdictionary.com/articles/social-construct-examples
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converse-and-mnms · 6 months
i think a cannon ace experience should be not understanding why u would ever not “wait until marriage”
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gaaaaaaaayypr · 11 days
Third wave feminism is destroying America, children, women, men, and western civilization.
But let's keep doing it...
Trump 2024!!!
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insaniquariumfish · 4 months
A significant portion of people nowadays do not have even a basic understanding of what gender is or what the phrase “gender is a social construct” actually means, and this lack of understanding is poisoning all discourse on the subject of sex and gender as well as semantically mangling the language that we use to discuss these things.
“Man,” “woman,” “male,” and “female” are not genders. “Masculinity” and “femininity” are genders. People are not assigned male or female at birth. People are assigned masculinity or femininity at birth. The state of existing as a man or woman is not determined by gender and has nothing to do with gender. Gender is everything that is culturally associated with men and women besides the state of being a man or woman itself. Gender is “boys don’t cry” and “girls wear dresses.” Gender is not “boys are male and girls are female.” That is sex, which is a biological category, and not a social category, like gender is. A gender is not something you can identify your way into being, because gender is a social phenomenon that is socially constructed and socially imposed, and therefore has nothing to do with your personal internal thoughts, feelings, or desires. Gender is an act you perform, not an identity you feel. How gender applies to you is something that the people around you determine for you, because that is how social constructs work. You are only a feminine/masculine person if the people around you perceive you to be feminine/masculine. Whether you are male or female, on the other hand, has absolutely nothing to do with how you are perceived by others, or even by yourself. You are the sex that you are even if people mistake you for being the other sex, just like an amputee is still an amputee even if people can’t tell that their leg is prosthetic.
Gender is not objectively real, because it is based in subjective and arbitrary social norms that differ depending on culture and time period. No one is innately a gender by virtue of some psychological or neurological property present at birth, any more than they are innately a criminal or a geek or a celebrity or any other social category by virtue of some psychological or neurological property present at birth. Sex is objectively real. You would still be the sex that you are even if no one alive, including you, understood the concept of sex or had the means to determine it, just like you would still be the height that you are even if no one understood the concept of height or had the means to measure it. Meanwhile, you would not have a gender if there was no one who understood the concept of gender, because gender exists only as a concept, and a highly subjective one that is constantly in a state of being redefined, at that, and gender does not describe or indicate any property of objective reality.
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
Might add more to this later but self proclaimed radical feminists ideas of how abolishing gender works is so completely far off. And trans people, especially nonbinary people, people with xenogenders, and our supporters, are doing a lot better job of working towards that then they are. Because the first step to getting rid of a widespread social construct that has been heavily implanted in people for centuries, is testing the limits of it and expanding the boundaries of what has been considered the "right" way to engage with the social construct or exist inside of it. You cannot go from step one to the last step of 'this social construct no longer exists, it's being abolished!', it simply does not work in practice. There are middle steps. And with gender, supporting trans people help accomplishes those middle steps. Because the rigid boxes of gender being kept around hurts us at higher rates because of how we don't fit into it "correctly". Gnc and intersex people are other groups more heavily affected. Gnc people for having the 'audacity' to not go along with rigid gender roles. Intersex people for not looking like or having people's constructed idea of what their gender should look like or their body should be like. Trans people for having the 'audacity' to not agree with the box they where shoved into that didn't fit them. You cannot stretch the limits of gender, let alone stretch it enough that it becomes obstinate enough to be considered abolished, while pushing aside, fighting against, or attacking the main groups whose existence challenges these limits society put in place.
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ASPD is a prefect example how psychology and mental health industry is bullshit.
One of the main criteria for ASPD is a consent disregard for the rights of others. But what is a right? Who gets to decide what a right is? A right is just something someone feel entitled to. Men right activist, father rights, private property rights are things used to oppress people that claim to be rights. A "right" is just something people feel entitled to which may or may not be helpful to society. Even rights which are for the most part good, like freedom of speach can be used to advocate for genocide. The freedom of Assocation can be used by queerphobic parents to disown their queer children. Private property (liberal definition) rights can be used to justify artificial poverty. In other words people with ASPD do not buy into the entitlements of others.
under this logic all men have ASPD because of the patarachy. All white people have ASPD because of white supremacy. All ableist (both neurotypical and neurodivergent) have ASPD. So why are these groups of people who have a history of civil right violations not label as ASPD. Because they do so in a socially acceptable way. Sexism and Racism is still social acceptable to a degree even after many decades of social justice activism.
the basing morality in and of it self is inherently problematic as you are being dependent on a biological function to decide who is moral and admoral. there are many reasons why someone might not feel guilt or remorse. The chief amongst these is dehumanization, racism, sexism, queerphobia, ableism, ageism, classism is all rooted in dehumanization. as a result, a lot of abusers engage in similar behaviors as cluster Bs. This comparison is only on surface level. Abusers get away with abuse because their behavior are protected by society, the verry same society that condition them to be abusers. Are jails are filled with narcissist and sociopaths because they do not have neuronormative privilege. When they act "abusive" they do so in ways that are not socially acceptable. meanwhile rapist, child molesters, killer cops, imperalist soldier get away with their brutality.``
The status Quo doesn't want to admit that the patarachy exist, so when a man become a serial killers they claim they have ASPD refusing to admit that people with ASPD are not immune to the patarachy. If the patarachy did not influence people to become serial killer a equal amount of men and women would be a serial killer and they would kill for the same reasons. Tough ASPD may influence why the serial killer's behavior the ASPD is not the root cause. The role of the medical model of disability as will all forms of oppression is deradicalizations. Just as the ruling class and the privilege class redirected attention away by blaming the jews, immigrants or othger margalized people the medical model redirect attention away by blaming "mentally ill people"
This brings me to my next point neurotypes are social constructs. They are the interpation of human biology that involves the brain. These interpations is done so for the neruonormative gaze. We decide them by comparing neurodivergent people to a standard of health that is also socially constructed. Alot of time people are deemed "disabled" or "mentally ill" because they are not compatible with the status qou, as status qou that is also socially constructed, but also socially constructed for the benefit of the ruling class at the expense of everyone else.
but.... but.... alot of these people are neurodivergent. Neurodivergent people can benefit from the oppression of other neurodivergents who is not the same support level as them and neurotype as them. Being neurodivergent is not a magical pill that make you anti ableist. A neurotypical is just the highest possible amount of neuronormative privilege possible. Alot of neuronormative privilege is required to get a college degree and to become a psychologist or a neuroscientist so even if the mental health professional is neurodivergent they still have a respectable degree of neuronormative privilege.
What is to be done, You may ask? neurodivergents must seize control of the psych industry away from those who want to benefit from neuronormative privilege and weaponize it against those who want to benefit from neuronormative privilege. People who do not accept neurodivergent trait will be pathologized. We will subject them to the same trauma that neurodivergent was violently subjected to. where therapy was weaponized against neurodivergents and used as a excuse to maintain the status Quo. we will seize control of this industry and use it to oppress ableist. Instead of expecting neurodivergent to mask ableist will be expected to learn coping skills, cognitive behavior skills to reduce distressed cause by ableism. Gone will be the days in which ableist infantilize themselves by hiding behind a therapist and psych meds.
What if this system destroys the mental health of an ableist. If you're in a self defense saturation do you care if you defending yourself result in grave bodily injury of your attacker. Do slaves during a slave revolt care about the mental health of their master family or employees. Do feminist care about the mental health of there rapist. Oppressors forfeit there right by violating the justified rights of others. There has not been a single major civil right earned that did not involve violence and trauma. The peaceful protest of the liberal is a lie. When people with neuronormative privilege rape disabled women like it goes out of style, sit by and do nothing as killer cop gun disabled people down in streets, though certian neurotype in jail, the bourgeoise drive disabled people into extreme poverty, imperialist engage in wars that destory the mental health of the global south and homelessness how dare you care about the mental health of ableist. How dare you expect mentally ill people to care about the mental health of their oppressors.
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skeletorg · 9 months
my bfa student film about the failures in taxonomy
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colombinna · 2 months
A lot of people learned the term 'social construct' and ran with it without taking even an hour to actually study and understand what it means. Just because something is a social construct it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it only means that it's malleable and not rooted in anything biological, making it changeable and influenced by social contexts.
Take a simple example: Money is a social construct. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist and it doesn't hold a massive sway of influence over the lives of people in societies where money is present (just how it doesn't mean it isn't influenced by the societies where it's present in return). And while yes, it would be ideal for everyone to have equal access to it or even for it to be deemed unnecessary and completely abolished, it doesn't mean either of these things are happening or are anywhere near of happening in the world we live in right now - thus, we need to take it into account, with all the implications it brings depending on the context its inserted in, and we need to take into consideration all of those implications and the influences it has both present and historically.
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existennialmemes · 4 months
Sorry, I'm not Real, I'm just a
✨Social Construct✨
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"So, I'm gonna get into trans and mental delusion and everything, cause it's been called that before. When I was in my early 20s I lived in Olympia, Washington, and I had a girlfriend at the time, and she told me 'you are a boy.' And I was like 'ummm... I'm not so sure about that.' But she pressed it and pressed it enough. She's like 'look at the way you dress, look at your mannerisms, look at the way you talk." I'm like 'mmm...' [..]
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But she was damned convinced. 'Yeah, you're a guy.' So, I went with it, wrote this page essay that she wanted me to write as to why you are. I started binding. I went with this stupid different name. I still remember it, it's dumb. And, you know, went with that little acceptance. Yeah. And I was in my early 20s. Once I broke up with her, got away from those friends, I wanted nothing to do with that, and I immediately stopped. I was so glad, I am who I am today. Thank god. Oh, my gosh. Really enjoy just being me. I look at the younger generation today and what they're doing to kids, and how easy it is for their minds, and to just swap that. And it is, it's like a mental delusion. Because I was a full-ass grown adult, convinced by one person, their friends supported me, and it was like *snaps* instant. Fine. Okay. And if I hadn't have gone away from that, I have no idea what would have happened. I really, I don't. So, do I think it's a mental delusion? Yeah, I do. Are there people who are trans and some people... you know what, fine. Fine, fine, fine. But I really do feel like it's not okay, especially for the younger kids. Especially. It's not okay. They're way too young. If that happened to me in my early 20s and I was convinced that quick, imagine these younger kids, with just like a single teacher telling them 'you are not a boy, you're a girl.' Or the other way around."
This is how you make straight kids out of gay kids.
Gender ideologists, fundamentalist Xians, and the fundamentalist Islamic government of Iran agree that gay people need to be made straight.
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entropy-sea-system · 6 months
People don't seem to realise that sexual and other social things are also social constructs, its not just romance thats a social construct. So much of existence IS a social construct by design because literally a lot of things are really the ideas we've built around things, that doesn't make it less real but if you call romance a construct, for fucks sake, don't assume that things like sexual stuff and friendship and family, etc. are somehow not also social constructs or are somehow "biologically" present !! Just because you feel like your involvement in sex and other nonromantic things is "biological" doesn't make that the truth, and its bioessentialist to pretend otherwise.
Just because you feel people can't "convincingly" define romance in a way that's sufficiently distinct from other things to your liking, doesn't make it the ONLY interpersonal emotion and action that is socially constructed !! Im allosexual, arospec, and atertiary, and trust me, literally all forms of social emotions and relationships etc. are socially constructed. Its not just romance (which, yes, can count as social because surprise! it involves interaction or perception of other people !!) , and not everyone actually has a social drive or a sex drive, for example, so its not like those things are "universal" or a "biological reality of being human" to begin with.
Also, there are biological components to literally ALL emotions and relationship types because how the brain and body works IS biology. I just mean to say that these are categorised and named and expounded upon as social constructs but obviously, will have biological components merely because how the brain and body processes emotions and interactions IS technically part of biology - and varies for different people. If you think only sex actually involves bodies think again, because there is sometimes still touch involved in other relationship types (and sexual actions don't always involve touch to begin with) and beyond that, literally every emotion causes effects in the body because thats just how brains work.
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goblinfaggot · 8 months
If sexuality is a social construct, doesn't that imply it's a choice? Doesn't that erase our history? Doesn't that erase people like me who knew from a very young age they were gay despite living in homophobic countries? Doesn't that imply that right wingers are right when they say they can correct homosexuality?
Short answer: no.
Longer answer: a lot of people seem to mistake 'socially constructed' for being somehow unreal or not meaningful, but pretty much any abstract concept is a social construct. Think the other misunderstanding is to see the construct as the same thing as what it represents, rather than a sort of metaphor for how we interact with it in society. There have always been people with penises who are attracted to other people with penises, and people with vulvae who are attracted to other people with vulvae (and all sorts of other people attracted to all sorts of other people with various genitals etc), but it's relatively recently that that has been understood in terms of "homosexuality".
I've been thinking about this a bit recently in terms of trans history, and the claim "we've always been here". Think it's murky to say that, as the social constructs of transexuality and transgenderism are even more recent than homo/heterosexuality. There are heaps of people and roles in history that would probably be considered trans in a modern context, but the way those people described themselves and related to sex and gender was also necessarily something different to being trans because the concept (the generalised metaphor for a particular range of experiences) didn't exist yet.
So when we're talking about sexuality as a social construct it's the framework of homosexuality, heterosexuality, etc that we're talking about and not the existence of people being attracted to people like themselves or whatever sex acts they do.
In terms of whether it's a choice, I don't think it being socially constructed makes it more or less a choice than it being some unmediated fated truth. I think the question of choice is a sidetrack that plays into right wing rhetoric that wants to remove homosexuality and ultimately sexuality at all. As you suggest, if it's a choice then you can surely make a different choice! But if it is innate then all they can do is pity you for your affliction (strong hint of original sin there). The 'born this way' narrative kind of concedes the moral point, when we could be arguing instead that it doesn't matter whether it's a choice or not (or what precedent there is), there's nothing wrong with being gay (or trans etc).
Can you change your sexuality? Maybe. You can definitely change how you express it, which is effectively the same thing for conservatives. And it can definitely move around a lot naturally.
Should you have to change your sexuality? No. It is not a problem to be fixed.
On a side note, the popular constructions of sexuality have never been adequate to describe human sexuality (and have never meant to; the point is to define what is normative so that control can be exerted over the abnormal), and it's fascinating to look at how sexuality and gender and language have worked in the past. Early 20th century queer writing is wild for this, with oftentimes homosexuality being attributed only to the person being penetrated, and sometimes feminine pronouns will be assigned to them. To some extent we've recreated that with top/bottom concepts, and a lot of how we discuss sexuality and gender is very restrictive and focused on being morally correct rather than actually describing our experience. There's lots of trans people from the 80s for example who will identify with a bunch of different apparently contradictory things that a lot of modern queers might baulk at, but that's just how language works/fails to work.
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technopathicsociopath · 9 months
Y’know what? Fuck gender! Let’s all just abolish gender! How many genders are there? 0! No more gender! If gender’s a social construct, let’s treat it like one!
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