#so they were happy to use naturalistic greek philosophy
The God of America is Nature's God and the God of Nature is Satan.
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 379
Seeing religion and science or scientific studies as two conflicting disciplines is a product of the Western attitude towards religion and science. In order to understand the background of the historical conflicts between science and Christianity in the West, we should first discuss the main reasons why sciences have developed in the West in recent centuries.
Christianity and changing Western way of thinking
When, after years of struggle and the lives of thousands of martyrs, Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire, it found itself in a climate where epicurean and naturalistic attitudes prevailed and human knowledge was sanctified.
The teaching of Jesus, which would later to be called Christianity, won the victory in its struggle with the Roman Empire but unfortunately at the expense of losing its original identity and purity. Besides, deviating from being a middle way as a God-revealed religion, theoretically, it restricted itself to love and condemned nature as a veil separating man from God. Also, influenced by Near Eastern religions like Mithraism and Manichaeism, it turned to be a completely mystical religion. However, the earth or nature is seen in Islam and, of course, in God-revealed religions, as a realm where God’s Most Beautiful Names are manifested, a realm on which minds should reflect in order to reach God Almighty, and which is itself a reflection of Paradise.
Certainly, it was the Church which, having announced itself as the body of Christ enjoying his authority, shaped Christianity in the mould explained above and later campaigned to seize, besides its spiritual, the worldly power also. In the centuries during which the West was under the dominion of the Church, a magnificent civilization flourished in the Muslim East. As a result of the West’s contact with this civilization through the Crusades and by way of Andalusia, the West had also the opportunity to learn about antiquity. Greek philosophy, especially Aristotelianism, Roman naturalism and also Greek epicurism and hedonism found their way to the Western thinking. When this Western awakening to antiquity through the translations from Arabic and by way of the Muslim centers of learning in Andalusia and Sicily, was united with Western envy of the prosperity of the Muslim East, the ground was prepared for the Renaissance.
Western ways of thinking changed greatly. The ‘iron wall’ between Western attitude and Islam which the Church had built up over centuries, caused this change to evolve against religion. Having teared that it would lose its worldly power, the Church severely resisted this change. The corrupted Bible was no longer able to answer the questions that arose in inquiring minds about creation and the order of the universe. The Old Testament had been lost long centuries before during the Assyrian invasion of Jerusalem. The texts to hand were written down by Jewish scholars, who certainly had in mind the problems of the Jewish community at that time. None of the Gospels, which had been chosen out of hundreds and accepted as canonical, was the original one which God sent to Jesus, upon him be peace. Besides, none of them was written by the apostles or disciples of Jesus. So, the symbolical language of Divine Scriptures-symbolical because they addressed every level of understanding at all times and in all places-was lost. As a result, for example, in the description of creation, the Old Testament mentions seven days like the days of the world. It says: ‘And there was evening, and there was morning-the first day.’ Whereas, the conception of a day of morning and evening belongs to us, who live on earth. The Qur’an also mentions days and that God created the universe in six days. But it never mentions mornings and evenings and presents ‘day’ as a relative period whose measure is not known to us. For example, in the verses: The angels and spirit ascend to Him in a day whereof the span is fifty thousand years (70.4), and They will bid you hasten on the Doom, and God fails not His promise, but a Day with God is a thousand years of what you reckon (22.47), and He directs the affair from the heaven unto the earth; then it ascends unto Him in a Day, whereof the measure is a thousand years of what you reckon (32.5).
The failure of Christianity and the Bible to answer the questions put by inquiring Western minds caused the direction of scientific developments to be opposed to religion. However, the great scientists such as Galileo or Bacon and others were not irreligious at all. They favoured a new interpretation of the Bible. Certain scientists and theologians tried to do that. For example, Roger Bacon was in favour of experimental methods in scientific investigations but he also defended the notion that one could attain knowledge of heavenly things through spiritual experience. Thomas Acquinas, whom some introduce as the Christian counterpart of Imam Ghazzali of the Muslim East, tried to reconcile Christianity with Aristotelianism. Another theologian. Nicolas de Cusa, opposed the astronomy of Ptolemy but emphasized the profound meaning of the limitless universe whose center is everywhere and peripheries nowhere. Nevertheless, the efforts of such theologians and scientists to reconcile Christianity with science were not enough to prevent science finally breaking with religion. This was partly due to the severe opposition of the Church to scientific developments for fear of losing its power, and partly because of the Western awakening to a material life.
Truly, as Professor Tawney says, quoted by Small is Beautiful by Schumacher, in the medieval period, people usually aimed at eternal happiness in economic activities and enterprises. They feared economic motives that appeared in the form of strong desires. A man had the right to gain enough money to lead a life according to his social status but to try to gain more meant greed for money and was a grave sin. Wealth and property had to be obtained through lawful ways and circulate among as many people as possible. However, the Renaissance changed social or even moral standards prevalent in the Middle Ages, or, we might say, changes in those standards gave birth to the Renaissance. Even a superficial glance at the arts of the period suffices to reveal this fundamental change from the moral and spiritual to the material. For example, sculpture-in the view of Sokorin, the product of the desire to escape death and the mental ‘diesase’ of representing mortals in the shape of young, immortal deities-used the female body to model passionate desires and pleasures, deceit, sexuality and physical beauty. In Renaissance art, Virgin Mary was no longer an image of modesty and chastity, inspiring respect and compassion; instead, she began to be painted as a woman with physical charms. The David of Michelangelo is a powerful, muscular youth, an image representing bodily perfection.
The man of the Renaissance desired to be like Odysseus, well-built, comely, intelligent, powerful and skilful in oratory. He was convinced that to become like Odysseus was possible through knowledge. Nevertheless, as will be seen in the following verses, ‘God’ of the Bible was jealous of man and had forbidden him to eat of the fruit of knowledge:
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.
And the Lord God said, “(by eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil), the man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live for ever.” So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.
These verses of the Bible which would certainly be antipathetic to the feelings of a typical man of the Renaissance and remind him of the Greek deities who forbade man the sacred fire. Therefore, what fired the imagination of the Renaissance man was to become a Prometheus, who rebelled against the gods and stole the sacred fire from them. This change of attitude towards religion and life is one of the foremost points to emphasize if we are to understand the conflict between science and religion in the West.
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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Catholic Physics - Reflections of a Catholic Scientist - Part 101 - Truth Cannot Contradict Truth - Part 1
With Images:
The Catholic Church: Midwife to Science
If we want to understand the relation between what science tells us about the world and Catholic teaching we must first see how the Church has dealt with science. As my wife, a student of medieval history, would put it: “History tells you most of what you need to know about a subject.
Optics Sketch from Roger Bacon’s Notebook (Late 13th Century) from Wikimedia Commons (Caption for linked image)
“The history of science alone can keep the physicist from the mad ambitions of dogmatism as well as the despair of pyrrhonian scepticism.”
Pierre Duhem, “The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory”
SECTION 1: Prologue–The Greek World
There are science-fiction stories, alternate history variety, in which science developed in Greek and Hellenistic civilizations. That it did not, is surprising. Certainly the great minds were there.
Foremost among these great minds was Aristotle, a philosopher, and naturalist; the term “physics” comes from the title of his book “Lectures on Nature” (“Phusike Akroasis”) and although, as Bertrand Russell said about this work and also “On the Heavens”, “there is hardly a sentence in either that is not contradicted by modern science”, it set the stage for logical, rational study of the world around us. Where it fell short was relying not on empirical testing of propositions that seemed self-evident, for example: the heavier the body, the faster it would fall to the earth; an object needed a force to keep it moving or it would stop.
Archimedes Moving the Earth with a Lever from Wikimedia Commons (Caption for linked image)
The Greek Hellenistic world also had its share of great minds. Eratosthenes calculated the size of the earth (accurate to within 200 miles) using trigonometry and sundials at different locations. Archimedes discovered the principle of buoyancy (whence “Eureka”) and set forth quantitative principles for the lever and the screw. He used approximation methods that foreshadowed the calculus to calculate the area and volumes of non-polygon shapes. Hero of Alexandria invented many ingenious engines and formulated a fundamental principle of optics, that light would take the shortest path within a medium.
Why didn’t science come forth from all these inventions and discoveries? Although many bore the marks of genius, they did not correspond to a unified scheme, a core of fundamental theory that is necessary for science. We’ll see in the next section what was done in Medieval Christendom to give a unified scientific picture of the world.
Apollonius: Conic Sections (Caption for linked images)
Hellenistic Math and Science (Caption for linked image)
SECTION 2: St. Augustine–A Theologian for Our Times
“Happy those who feast on wisdom and savor her knowledge, She will nourish and refresh them.” – Hymn for the Office of Readings, 28 August.
St. Augustine and the Fires of Wisdom, Philippe de DeChampaigne (1645) - from Wikimedia Commons (Caption for linked image)
St. Augustine of Hippo lived in the last days of the Roman Empire. He died during the siege of his city by the Vandals. His Confessions should be (indeed are) required reading for all who want to understand what Catholicism is all about. I focus in this chapter on the strikingly modern positions he has taken on topics such as the literal truth of the Old Testament, creation, evolution, and the infinitude of God.
St. Augustine held that God created the universe from nothing. Two fundamental (and surprisingly modern) notions were introduced by Augustine: based on Sirach 18:
1. Creation was instantaneous (6 days were a metaphorical device).
2. Not all animal forms were present initially at creation—for some, the potential or seed to develop later in a different form was given initially.
St. Augustine argued that time began with the creation. He also stressed that one should not use Scripture to contradict what reason and experience (“Science”) tells us about the world:
“Often a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other parts of the world, about the motions and orbits of the stars and even their sizes and distances…and this knowledge he holds with certainty from reason and experience. It is thus offensive and disgraceful for an unbeliever to hear a Christian talk nonsense about such things, claiming that what he is saying is based in Scripture. We should do all that we can to avoid such an embarrassing situation, lest the unbeliever see only ignorance in the Christian and laugh to scorn.” – De Genesi ad litteram; the Literal Meaning of Genesis, an unfinished work.
Besides being ahead of his time in his ideas about creation, St. Augustine had profound and advanced ideas about the nature of God and infinity. Adam Drozdek (Associate Professor of Computer Science at Duquesne University) has written a fine article about this, Beyond Infinity: Augustine and Cantor, which I’ll try to summarize below:
“There are three important aspects of Augustine’s discussion of the problem of infinity. First, infinity is an inborn concept which enables any knowledge. Second, infinity can be found in the purest form in mathematics, and thus mathematics is the best tool of acquiring knowledge about God. Third, God is neither finite nor infinite and his greatness surpasses even the infinite. [emphasis added] Augustine is original in combining these three aspects in his philosophy; some of them can be found in other philosophers and theologians, but also in mathematicians.” – Adam Drozdek, “Beyond Infinity: Augustine and Cantor”
Augustine anticipates later developments in mathematics, the mathematics of infinity put forth in set theory, orders of infinity as proposed by the nineteenth Century mathematician George Cantor.
“All infinity is in some ineffable way made finite to God,” – St. Augustine, “De Civ. Dei (The City of God)”
That is to say, God can understand all orders of infinity from aleph-0 to aleph-n; God is more, is greater than infinity.
SECTION 3: The Medieval Church, Midwife and Nursemaid to Science
Some (perhaps many) atheists and materialists would say that science arose in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, fully mature, like Botticelli’s Venus arising from the ocean. According to them it arose then because Europe had shaken off the limiting bonds of Catholic doctrine.  
Pierre Duhem’s historical studies of science show that this is not so. Rather, Duhem dates the birth of science as 1277, the year the Bishop of Paris, Etienne Tempier, condemned a number of errors from astrology and from the Peripatetic philosophers (those following Aristotle).  The condemned articles contended that the earth could not move, that worlds other than earth could not exist, that empty space (a vacuum) was impossible, and proposed principles of motion that were shown later to be false.
Bishop Tempier condemned the articles not because of scientific errors, but because they apparently limited God’s power.  Once these Peripatetic dicta were declared non-binding, scholars – almost all of them clerics – were able to explore new ways to explain the world around us, ways that would grow into the scientific method.  
For cosmology — the science of the earth’s place in the universe — to come about, the following errors had to be corrected:
•That the earth could not move;
•That the earth was at the center of the universe;
•That different physical laws applied to the earth and to the planets;
•Aristotle’s theory of gravity.
According to Aristotle, gravity manifested itself in the following ways: heavy elements wanted to move to the center of the earth; the heavier the element (the more massive), the faster it would move; the lighter elements, air and fire, would move away from the center of the earth.
For dynamics — the science of motion — to move forward the following error had to be corrected:
“[Aristotle] held that the projectile was moved by the fluid medium, whether air or water, through which it passed and this, by virtue of the vibration brought about in the fluid at the moment of throwing, and spread through it [the vibration through the medium].”  -Pierre Duhem, “History of Physics before Einstein“
When Aristotle’s ideas were no longer regarded as the Ten Commandments of science, cosmology and dynamics could then develop into science as we know it today.
The development of cosmology culminated in the Copernican Revolution, the idea that the earth was no longer the center of the universe but revolved around the sun.  But there was much work preliminary to that – the notion did not spring full-blown to Copernicus. To explore this history in depth, please read Duhem’s “History of Physics before Einstein” (linked above).
(NOTE: Please see Section 5, section for material on fundamental physics of motion; link is above.)
Even though Pierre Duhem regards the Edicts of Paris as marking the birth of science, there were important contributions before that time. Listed below are a few of those who started up the engine of science—you’ll note that several of them lived before 1277 and that they were all clerics. A more complete history of the advances in mathematics, astronomy and physics achieved during the Medieval Ages is given in Pierre Duhem’s masterwork linked above.
•Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln • (1175-1253) introduced a principle fundamental to the practice of science: from particular observations a general law can be derived; then this law can be tested by additional observations of particulars—“resolution and composition”,
•Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great), (1200-1280) is the patron saint of scientists. He was the teacher of St. Thomas Aquinas, and made important contributions in zoology, mineralogy in addition to his important work in theology and philosophy.
•William of Ockham (1285-1350) introduced one of the prime principles of science, “Ockham’s Razor”. This states that one does not multiply hypotheses needlessly to explain a phenomenon. In other words, the simplest explanation that fully explains is the best.
•Jean Buridan (1300-1358) is probably more renowned for his analogy, “Buridan’s Ass”, than for his seminal contributions to the physics of motion: the idea of impetus (what we now call “momentum”) and inertia. Contrary to Aristotle, he maintained that a body would continue moving unless slowed down by friction, such as air resistance. He argued that a thrown body was set into motion by the arm of the thrower, and that the “impetus” of the moving body depended on how heavy it was (its mass) and its speed of motion. These were ideas taken up later by Galileo and Newton.
•Nicolas Oresme (1322-1382) was eminent (as were most Medieval Scholastics) in many fields—astronomy, mathematics, physics, philosophy and theology. He anticipated Galileo by almost a hundred years in proving the mean speed theorem geometrically: the distance covered under uniform acceleration is given by multiplying the average speed by the time.
The work in physics and cosmology set the stage for Galileo–his important contribution was to introduce experimental tests of mathematical hypotheses. He used inclined plane experiments (I did these in my first year physics lab at Caltech) to formulate mathematical laws of motion about velocity and acceleration; he confirmed the Copernican hypothesis, that the earth revolved around the sun, by telescopic observations (see below). Thus, In the physics of motion–dynamics–he refined the idea of uniform acceleration. It should be noted that Galileo’s ideas about dynamics did not yet reach the stage taught today in first year physics classes,
“He then taught that the motion of a freely falling body was uniformly accelerated; in favour of this law, he contented himself with appealing to its simplicity without considering the continual increase of impetus under the influence of gravity. Gravity creates, in equal periods, a new and uniform impetus which, added to that already acquired, causes the total impetus to increase in arithmetical progression according to the time occupied in the fall; hence the velocity of the falling body.” – Pierre Duhem, History of Physics before Einstein
The picture below illustrates the well-known anecdote: Galileo tested his ideas about gravity and acceleration by dropping a light body (hollow circle) and a heavy body (filled in circle) from the Leaning Tower of Pisa. This was a “thought experiment” of his, not carried out, So we see that although Galileo achieved much in setting physics as a science, he still followed in the tradition of his predecessors.  The relation of acceleration to force had to wait for Newton’s Law, Force= mass x acceleration or F = ma.
Galileo’s Thought Experiment: Heavy and Light Balls fall at the same rate - Adapted from Wikimedia Commons. (Caption for linked image)
Although Galileo made a huge step forward by his use of the telescope contributions to astronomy, he did build on the work of his predecessors. . He argued that the light and shadow patterns on the moon showed that it had mountains. He demonstrated the the planet Jupiter had satellites, and from the differing phases of Venus as it circled the sun, that the sun was the center of the solar system, and the earth orbited the sun. He also demonstrated that the sun had spots that moved with the rotation of the sun.
One point we should emphasize: despite his trials with Church hierarchy (see Section 4), Galileo was a true believer in God as author of a divine order that we could understand through science and mathematics:
“The laws of nature are written by the hand of God in the language of mathematics.” – Galileo Galilei (Il Saggiatore, 1623)
Why did this development of physics and cosmology occur begin and grow in Medieval Christendom, but not in the ancient Hellenistic worlds or other civilizations?  Excellent answers have been given in some detail by Fr. Stanley Jaki and Dr. Stacy Trasancos, but I want to add my own opinion.
•First, there was a world view, founded on Judaeo-Christian theology, that God was good and created a universe that was good and meant to be intelligible to mankind.
•Second, as Pierre Duhem pointed out, the Medieval scholars were freed in 1277 from erroneous restrictions they would have had to follow if Aristotle’s principles were to be a compulsory base for theories.
•Third, in the earliest part of this growth they were priests;  this meant that they had time to do scholarly work (as do academics today) and did not have to worry about earning a living from non-scholarly pursuits.
•Fourth, perhaps underlaying all the above, those in the Church were highly motivated to learn—to relate the world around them to that which Revelation and Faith had given them to believe. The term “scholastic” for these Medieval priests was apt indeed.
Finally, I want to emphasize again: there was a continuity of development from the 13th century to Galileo. Although his pioneering development of the experimental method to confirm mathematically expressed theoretical ideas laid the foundations for modern science, science did not spring fully new from Galileo’s work. He built on the work of his predecessors.
From a series of articles written by: Bob Kurland - a Catholic Scientist
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naturecpw · 7 years
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The Benefits Of Being A Naturalist
1. The Benefits Of Being A Naturalist By: Nathan Young @nvyoung
2. Disclaimer You will not find any NSFW photos in this presentation. If you are looking for lewd photos, go somewhere else!
3. Why Naturalism?
4. Why Naturalism? Naturalism is a philosophy that encourages you to embrace your body and to learn more about what it can do; it should not be a philosophy that limits you. The human body was God's final and greatest earthly creation. Being nude is a wholesome way of life, and an acceptable state of dress which was never condemned by God in the Bible. Nudism is about the feeling of the air, water, and sun on the skin and the comfort of not being restricted in any clothing. Clothing hides our bodies, and allows us to bury any shame or criticism we have of them deep in our subconscious mind. Time spent in the company of others of all body types without clothing helps normalize our views of our bodies and the bodies of others and gives us a more realistic perspective on how we look. The more aware we are of our bodies, the more likely we are to keep a healthy and active lifestyle. None of us have the, so called, "perfect body". We are all normal everyday people. Naturists come in all shapes, sizes, races, ages, and physical conditions.
5. The History Of Naturalism History reveals many cultures that were not clothes-minded. Spartans were basically bare and their victories in pan-Hellenic sports competitions enticed all neighboring Greeks to exercise nude, creating the word “gymnasium” (Greek gymnos = naked). Romans mingled in magnificent bathhouses, enjoying dense communal nudity as they drank, dined, defecated, bathed, read books, argued politics, and watched theater. Adamists — naked heretics — performed stripped-down church services in North Africa, Bohemia, the Netherlands, and England. Pre-Hitler Germans were avid adherents of Freikorperkultur (“Free Body Culture”) with 70,000 attending co-ed Nacktkultur schools. Today, there’s naked Japanese in hot springs, naked Finns in saunas, “sky-clad” Jain monks in India, plus millions of nudists worldwide going to “Nakation” camps, beaches, and resorts.
6. Naturalism And Christianity Adam and Eve entered the world naked and unashamed - naked and pure-minded. And no descendant of theirs has ever entered it otherwise. All have entered it naked, unashamed, and clean in mind. They entered it modest. They had to acquire immodesty in the soiled mind, there was no other way to get it. Nudism is about health. It is about recognizing that "clothes *DO NOT* make the man" (God does!). It is about being practical and realistic. It is about getting back to basics and keeping it simple. It is about letting the body function as designed. It is about recognizing the design as normal and good, and not something to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It is about seeing ourselves and others with a pure heart and mind, and teaching others to do the same. (It actually takes greater moral integrity and stronger character to live the life. Those who only think dirty thoughts, or feel shameful or uncomfortable when nude or seeing others nude, show that they do not have a pure heart.) It is about a mindset or attitude of honesty, trust, and complete openness before God and others. It is about walking in the truth and in the light. It is about acceptance. It is about relationships; how we see and relate to ourselves, how we see and relate to others, and how we want others to see and relate to us. In the end, it is about returning to God's original design in the Garden, God's idea, God's ideal, God's best. For many people, it is a form of worship and an expression of the redemptive work of Christ, declaring to "the rulers and authorities" and all creation how the Lord "made A Public display of them" when He "triumphed over them. It is about all of these things and more.
7. Naturalism And Christianity Naturalism is a cultural and political movement that practices, advocates, and defends the rights of the human body and the basic human right to be naked in private and in public. At the heart of our desire to be naked is a deep subconsciousness impulse to be spiritually whole, to be a valid and real person which can be achieved only in being as God made us or through divine communication. For many, the ultimate reality of the human body is something shameful, something to be indulged in some perverse fantasy. Yet some Christians believe that after death, a person must stand naked before God and be judged, something of a major trauma for those afraid to be seen naked. If God made us in his/her own image, clothing is to the body maybe offensive to God. Being naked in nature is the act of being totally unconstrained by clothing and being at one with heaven and earth.
8. The Benefits of Naturalism
9. Naturalism Gives You Freedom The sense of freedom when you remove the ‘entrapments of civilization’ is fantastic. It is simply more comfortable to be free of clothing. The sheer joy of diving into water without a clinging costume has to be experienced to be understood. Having the wind blow across all your body is a sensuous feeling which is enhanced by the warmth of the sun. You have no clothing restricting your movement, which makes playing sport easier and instead, your body is as it should be – free! The naturist lifestyle allows you to experience the true ‘freedom’ of exposing your whole body to nature’s elements. It is a lifestyle choice, and you will find, after you have experienced and dispelled all the myths surrounding it, you can live a normal life naked in a safe environment. It’s about being ok with yourself and accepting of others who are nude. Not hiding what we naturally look like and excusing it with shame. If you’ve ever slept naked, gone skinny dipping in a cool mountain lake, or taken advantage of the high fence around your backyard to get a full body tan then you have already experienced some of the joys and freedoms of Nudism, or Naturism.
10. Naturalism And Being Equal Clothes indicate the wearers status, position in society, wealth, etc. and usually involve a considerable degree of pretence. The clothes we wear are an expression of who we are. Clothes give status not just relative to one's peers but also in relation to the natural world. They allow humans to regard themselves as better than the other occupants of this world. When one goes naked in a social setting all that posturing is left behind. In contrast with a bar, night club, or anywhere else you might meet a stranger, new relationships (be it friendship or something else) built from a nudist lifestyle are built on personal qualities, personality, and friendship instead of personal appearance. To bring this point home, we take a look at a man walking down the city street. If he were wearing a suit and tie, carrying a briefcase we would assume he was a busy businessman headed to the office. If we were to take the same man and dress him in a torn pair of jeans, a plaid jacket with a stain on it, and a carrying a cardboard box – we would assume he was a lazy or homeless person. In this scenario, we demonstrate our social prejudice toward appearance. A nudist event removes this prejudice and allows people to socialize without preconceived notions about who they are. Plus, pro-nudity students “were significantly more accepting of other religious groups and gays and lesbians” when compared to the anti-nudity students. They were also “less prejudiced towards ethnically dissimilar others.” If you want to learn to accept and like your whole body, relate better to other people, get out from under current social pressure for bodily perfection, adopt a very relaxing attitude of mind, or bring up your children to be confident young people assured and happy with their bodies, then take up the naturist approach to life.
11. Naturalism And Sexuality Even for adults coming to natural social nakedness later in life it can create a major lift in their spirits to treat their body as an integrated whole rather than as something containing parts which are 'dirty'. Men are often taught as boys that their penises are naughty and nasty and that the associated natural functions are something of which to be ashamed. Men often feel sensitive about the size or shape of their penis without realizing that among men there is a large range of normality. Women are often made to feel inferior because, for example, they perceive their breasts as being too big, or too small, or somehow differently shaped than other women's; yet very few woman have actually seen more than a few other unadorned female breasts and are thus unaware of the great variation there is in breast size and shape. Similarly it is thus a liberating experience for men and women to mix socially together naked where no more notice is taken of genitals, than of ears, hair, etc. One of the greatest benefits of naturism is that it allows men and women to interact as people without the socially imposed barriers that go with the textile world. Naturist men and women regard each other first as people. Once our culture's artificial mystique about the other half of humanity is taken away people cease to regard bodies of the other gender as sex objects and relate to them as part of a total person. Being naked with other people shows a sense of openness and trust not usually experienced with current 'textile' cultural barriers. 12. Naturalism And Sexuality Accepting their own bodies as they are is especially beneficial for women and men who today are under constant pressure to live up to the ideal body image as conveyed in glossy magazines, and are made to feel inferior if their bodies are not the size ten of catwalk models. Human bodies come in all shapes and sizes, yet how many people today, other than those in the medical professions, have seen a representative range of naked human bodies. Thus when they come to the naturist environment women and men become immediately aware that many of their self-perceived bodily imperfections are nothing more than examples of the normal range of human diversity and they have nothing about which to feel inferior. This is a liberating experience and immediately lifts off a great weight of social pressure. Naturists come in all shapes and sizes, fat and thin, short and tall, unblemished and scarred, and they are all accepted as normal human beings. Rather than treating the genitals as part of the whole body with their own function children are taught that there is something nasty about the parts between their legs. This can lead to all sorts of sexual dysfunction in later life. A study by psychologists concluded that children who has seen their parents naked were more comfortable with physical contact and affection, had higher self-esteem, and showed increased acceptance of and comfort with their own bodies and sexuality. Clothing hides and creates mystery, anxiety, and ignorance about natural body processes such as pregnancy, adolescence, and ageing. Seeing other people going through these stages in life is valuable to children. The more aware we are of our bodies, the more likely we are to keep a healthy and active lifestyle. But we will also be less judgmental of others who don’t have the stereotypical and hyped “perfect” body. Being nude will help a society built around shame that the naked body does not equate to the sexual body. 13. Naturalism And Vitamin D The body naturally produces vitamin D when exposed to the sun. In addition to promoting cell growth, calcium absorption, and immune function, sun exposure prevents a huge number of health problems. And your body looks good without tan lines. Despite negative publicity on the risk of skin cancer from too much sun exposure, it is sun burn that leads to skin cancer not sun exposure. Naturism is more about doing normal, everyday activities, without the encumbrance of clothing when it is actually not required than lying about in the sun to get an all over suntan. The area of skin covered by a bathing suit doesn’t really make much difference when out in the sun – the same precautions have to be taken naked or in clothes and sun protection is always advisable when out in the sun, especially between 10 am and 3 pm in the summer months. There is a lot of literature on the benefits of the sun on the body due to the production of vitamin D in response to sun exposure. The most natural way to get vitamin D is by exposing your bare skin to sunlight and the recommended ‘dose’ of sunlight on the total body, required to maintain adequate vitamin D levels, is considered by many specialists to be half the time it takes to burn per day. Not only does it feel good, but the sun has been documented to be beneficial in the prevention of a large number of diseases, from rickets to some forms of cancer (including melanoma), arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, asthma, and cardiovascular disease. Studies also show that human skin needs a healthy amount of sunlight in order to ward off major skin problems; as with everything however, proper precautions should be taken to avoid skin damage such as sunburn. Finally, in proportion to the general population, people that generally enjoy a textile free lifestyle tend to be more active later in life than their counterparts. 14. Naturalism And Your Skin Clothing impedes the functions of the skin, our largest organ. The skin is a barrier to invasion by microbes. We sweat to keep us cool by evaporation. Clothing slows down that process. With clothing the by-products of the skins processes build up in contact with the skin and this can cause irritation. The skin has quite a developed system for keeping us warm, and undue use of clothing impedes that process. Studies have shown that tight clothing can slow down lymphatic fluid flows and aid the advancement of disease. One study showed that bra wearing for more than 12 hours a day leads to much higher rates of breast cancer. Although it is obviously not necessary to go naked to avoid the problems of tight clothing the naturist attitude is that we should use clothes and not be used by them. Exposure of the skin to sunlight helps the body produce vitamin D, an essential vitamin especially in the development of children. Another health benefit is de-toxing one's body. The human body has thousands of pores all over our body. These pores are meant to absorb good vital and needed vitamins and to allow the release of bad or used toxins from our system. If the human body is 90% covered 80 – 90% of the time, how does the body release toxins? This can not be done efficiently or effectively. People believe clothing absorbing sweat is good, but it's not. Sweat is meant to cool the body when needed. When allowing clothing to wick away the cooling sweat, the body does not cool properly. Medical studies confirm, people who are practicing nudists 75% or more of the time, are healthier and their bodies retain less harmful toxins. Naturists expose themselves to the sun gradually and frequently so they do not get the severe sunburns of people in a midsummer rush to get a suntan. Naturists have been aware for a long time about the dangers of excessive exposure to the sun, especially the dangers of getting sunburnt. So they have been taking 'sunsmart' precautions for years. Most naturists wear sunhats when outdoors, they slip on a shirt if in danger of getting burnt, and they certainly use sunscreen. 15. Naturalism And Mental Health Being naked outdoors on a sunny day isn’t sexual, but it is sensual – a delight to your senses – creating a feeling of well-being. Researchers are now discovering that vitamin D may play an important role in mental health and in depression. We all know how invigorating the sun can be and how depressed we can feel in the winter, during days and days of cloud and rain…it even has a name SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Naturalism allows us to feel the breeze over the whole body and the cool grass under our feet. Add swimming without clammy suits into the mix, and you get a total stimulation of the tactile (touch) senses. In today’s world, where stress seems to be ‘part of the deal’, a visit to a naturist club can let you totally unwind. They often use the expression ‘shed your stresses with your clothes’ and that is totally true – once you get through the gate and dispense with your clothes, all your stresses can be felt draining away as nature’s elements caress your whole body. Naturists know they lead a much healthier life, physically and mentally due to the euphoria which creates a sense of well-being that can only be experienced to understand it. 16. Naturalism And Overall Health When you put a plaster cast on a broken arm the skin starves for Vitamin D. When you cover everything but your face, neck, and hands you are obliterating the symbiosis of the planet. Something else you may not have known is that nudism actually aids in the development of your brain and stimulates neuron growth simply because your range of motion is not hampered by clothing. Humans developed hairlessness long ago to reduce parasite loads, but when you wear garments it can be a breeding ground for fungi and bacterium causing yeast infections, rotting toenails, and UTIs……gross. Not to mention men’s snug pants raise testicle temperature lowering sperm count and fertility. Clothing actually tends to restrict the movement of the body; denying full range of motion. Clothing also tends to restrict the body’s natural method of temperature control when exerting energy which causes more sweating. Many health conditions such as Sickle cell anemia, arthritis, breast cancer, prostate cancer, other cancers, osteoporosis, MS, ALS, and heart disease are greatly improved or prevented completely by receiving appropriate levels of vitamin D via natural sunlight. Human beings evolved living outside, wearing minimal clothing during the summer, exposed to many hours of sunshine for several months of the year. This was our main source for healthy levels of vitamin D in our bodies. Vitamin D also prevents osteomalacia and rickets. Osteomalacia, which causes weakness of the muscular system and brittle bones, is most prevalent among adults with vitamin D deficiency. Rickets is a skeletal deformity mostly seen in children with vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D regulates blood pressure, reduces stress and tension, relieves body aches and pains by reducing muscle spasms, reduces respiratory infections, helps in differentiation of the cells, aids in insulin secretion, helps fight depression and schizophrenia, improves overall skin health by reducing wrinkles, makes skin soft, strong, and smooth, and improves cardiovascular strength by providing a protective lining for the blood vessels. Vitamin D also — improves blood flow and detoxifies the lymph system, prevents dermatitis, and helps improve learning difficulties and bipolarism. As you can see, naturalism is one of the best ways to stay healthy! 17. Naturalism And Being Barefoot Another part of being nude is going barefoot, did you know that going shoeless can boost your brain against Alzheimer’s? The sole sensation entices your brain into growing extra efficient neuron connections. Going shoeless is now recognized as an anti-Alzheimer’s, brain-boosting activity because the sole sensation entices your brain into growing extra, efficient neuron connections. Skipping shoes increases brain flexibility and youthfulness, and many podiatrists now advise going barefoot as much as possible. Clothes act as a barrier between nature and ourselves, they stop the flow of our vital life-force energy and symbolically bind us to society and all the constraints that it represents. When we are naked, our skin (the largest organ of the body) becomes an instrument of perception of the physical world, on a par with our eyes, ears, nose, and tongue. Our bare skin gives us access to a whole additional dimension of the real world. Not all the sensations we can feel in any of those modalities are pleasant, of course. The best thing to wear for walking is nothing at all. You get out to experience nature, right? Well get out there as natural as you can. Feel the sun and breezes on the largest sensory organ on the human body . . . the skin. People can enjoy walking clothed, but nude walkers know firsthand that doing so naked makes the experience quantitatively and qualitatively superior in every way. A solo nude walk in a remote forest is a spiritual experience. It renews your soul and fills you with joy. You will love everything about walking nude – the feeling, the exercise, and the beauty.
18. Naturalism And Body Acceptance Being nude is fun, healthy, and good for the soul. It promotes body acceptance and awareness, age acceptance, freedom, self-esteem, self-confidence, and celebrates one of God’s greatest creations. Naturally, nudity keeps the body from the restrictions of clothing, which shift and compress our bodies, and exposes the body to the air and sun, which has numerous health benefits. People raised in a nudist environment grow up with healthy attitudes about the body and easily understand the changes in their bodies. Instead of preaching shame about body parts and functions, the naturist movement instills respect for the body. They will understand better the ramifications of jumping too soon into adult behaviors and will be less apt to turn the body of another into an object of desire. This respect for humanity will carry through a lifetime. As the body ages, one will more readily accept the natural changes the human form undergoes through adulthood and into old age. Being accepted for who you are, not how you dress, your shape or size, or your walk in life. None of us have the, so called, "perfect body". We are all normal everyday people. The media and advertising that we are constantly bombarded with, has created a stigmatism, of what people should look like. They constantly tell and show us how women and men should look. But how many people do you know that look like the people in the ads on TV or in magazines? Not that many. You will not be judged or looked at differently for how you look. Naturists come in all shapes, sizes, races, ages, and physical conditions.
19. Naturalism And Self-Esteem Along with the increase in euphoria created by exposing the whole body to nature’s elements, naturism helps to increase confidence and self esteem. Once people shed their clothes they regard each other as equal individuals and pay little heed to status symbols – people are accepted as themselves and they can truly relax. The naturist philosophy encourages the acceptance of all people, no matter who they are or what they look like – what your body looks like becomes irrelevant ‘you are you’, and we are basically all the same underneath. Many people, women especially, think that their body isn’t good enough to show to others. However they needn’t worry – there are all shapes and sizes, colors and creed in the general population and the same exists in a naturist environment but everyone is accepted without prejudice. Some have experienced surgery, childbirth, or have scars from accidents, but social nakedness quickly shows you that you are accepted for who you are not what you look like – there is no need to worry about how your body compares with someone else’s. You will gain more confidence and feel totally ‘comfortable in your skin’. Clothing hides our bodies, and allows us to bury any shame or criticism we have of them deep in our subconscious mind. Time spent in the company of others of all body types without clothing helps normalize our views of our bodies and the bodies of others and give us a more realistic perspective on how we look. Shame can be released and we can come closer to the true joy of existing in the body we have for this life. Although newcomers to Nudism often worry about feeling self-conscious, in truth most self-consciousness melts away almost instantaneously and is replaced by self-acceptance and unprecedented feelings of relaxation.
20. Naturalism And Nature Some people feel more connected with nature when naked. For example, gardening naked is a great way to feel invigorated, liberated and at one with nature. The touch of plants against the skin and the feeling of grass under your feet awakens the tactile senses and the birds seem to accept you more as part of the surroundings when you are naked. Clothes cut us off from many of the tactile feelings of the natural world. We cease to feel the air and sun on our skin. We cease to feel the rain, the brush of foliage as we go through bush, the ceaseless communion with the wind. Unending wearing of clothes puts us out of contact with the physical world in which we live and on which we depend. We become cerebral beings who lose contact with our bodies. In fact it seems many people would like to dispense with their bodies and live only at the mental level. It seems to come as a shock to these people that they have bodies with natural functions that place demands upon them and change with age. As a contrast naturism places us firmly in the physical world and puts us in touch with the elements on which we depend for life. You again become a whole person and find your true place in the world. This is a spiritual experience. It is joyful to stand in the rain unadorned, feel the warm summer breeze caress all your skin, or walk through the bush naked.
21. Naturalism And The Environment Many people believe that nudism (or naturalism) is a way of life. Many do it for the environmental effects but also as a way to save money. But, as we know this way of living is not always socially acceptable which is the main reason a lot of people decide not to go nude. However, if everyone did we could help the environment in a huge way. If everyone went without clothes for at least once or twice a week we, as humans would leave a much smaller footprint on this earth and maybe even require one less earth. Naturalists are people who live naked everyday. They like to think of themselves as one with nature, they live in the woods and build homes with natural resources. Not all people believe in the use of factories or wearing the clothing produced by them; naturalists are a prime. They use what resources they can find to help save money and live a greener life. If we wore less clothing we would not have to shop as often. This helps the environment because that means fewer cars on the road driving to retailers. Clothes are a huge money and time-suck with shopping, laundry, closets, dressers, and gazillions of hours wasted wondering what so-and-so looks like with their garments removed. The global markets for swimsuits alone is expected to reach $17.6 billion annually by 2015; our carbon footprint would shrink like a wool sweater if fabric was no longer manufactured. With this new knowledge of nudism in regards to your health, you will have a different outlook on life and take less medicines. This also positively effects the environment because most medicines end up in landfills and take long periods of time to decompose. Meaning, you will be healthier and take less medicine. Also, by being more self confident, and supposedly better educated, naturalists are more likely to get better jobs, making more money, and have a better quality of life.
22. Naturalism And Your Inner Spirit Another beneficial factor of going nude is the ability to become self aware and confident in your own skin. Choosing to be naked on a daily basis or every so often boosts ones self-confidence. It breaks down the walls of stereotypes and pressure put upon us each day to be “perfect”. When you’re nude you have no one to impress, not even yourself. Doing things like Yoga or Tai Chi in the nude connects you to your inner spirit more closely. Without the restrictions of clothing, you can experience all the movements your body can do. And feel all of your muscles moving and working. Doing spiritual exercises in the nude is like nature at it’s pure finest. And you will feel better and more connected to nature and the spirit around you.
23. Naturalism And Children Pediatricians agree that infants thrive with a daily dose of “naked time” because the unhampered range of motion aids brain development, and stimulating neuron growth. Naturism is great for kids. Children who have grown up in a naturist environment have a better understanding and acceptance of all body shapes and sizes and how they develop. They grow up familiar with people of all ages and free of the usual curiosity about the human body and naturism gives children a healthy attitude to people of the opposite sex. Children are natural naturists and are usually too busy playing or making new friends to worry about the general lack of clothing. Studies have also found that children raised in nudist homes tend to be more socially developed (and often more intelligent) than those raised in “textile” families. The physiological effects of nudity on children are negligible at worst. In fact, children tend to take to nudity much easier and faster than their adult counterparts. In cases where children are raised in nude environments, they tend to see other people as the whole person without staking any more issue with a person’s private area than their elbow or ear.
24. They grow up very well adjust and whole as any child that has been raised in a textile world. Children from these environments tend to have higher self-awareness and higher self-esteem than their counterparts due to the lack of shame placed on appearance. Studies actually show that a percentage of children, boys in particular, that benefit greatly in their adult relationships because they failed to objectify women as a child. Children raised in nudism grow up with greater self esteem, and less likely to confuse nudity with sex. They grow up without bodily shame, have a greater understanding of human anatomy, and understand that the body is not something to be ashamed of, and it becomes less of a taboo to experiment with. Thus, they have fewer instances of teen pregnancy, std's, and criminal behavior. Children also are the most natural on naturists; they only learn that the body is something to be ashamed of and covered up from their parents, who tell them to cover up. Children also seem to be very well protected in a naturist atmosphere. They are not only there with their parents, but have around them their peers and adults that see nudity in a healthy and non-sexual way. Naturalism And Children
25. Naturalism And Teens Research has discovered that nudists have significantly higher body self-acceptance. Another study concluded that teens at a New York nudist camp were “extraordinarily well-adjusted, happy, and thoughtful.” It’s also excellent for teens to grow up free of shame about the human body. Teens growing up in a naturalist environment go through a lot, from puberty to thinking about their adult futures. Most teens will begin to feel bad about new features on their bodies when they go through puberty, so if they begin to dress up, don’t feel bad. Eventually, teens grow to accept their new bodies and features and begins to be naturalists once again. It is perfectly normal for teens to wear clothes and not be naked while going through their puberty stages. Don’t force a teen to be naked if they are not 100%. But encourage teens and praise their bodies while they go through this stage of life. Most teens in a naturalist family only takes a little bit of time wearing clothes before they are back being naturalists once again.
26. Naturalism And Families Remember the ‘good old days’ when Mom, Dad, and the kids all went out together on the weekends? Naturism is so good for quality ‘family time’ together. Studies have indicated that children raised in nudist homes are less inclined to become burdens to society. They are less likely to become involved in early sexual or drug experimentation or to commit crimes against society. This is partially because they are not as materially oriented and because they are already familiar with the looks and workings of the opposite sex. In general, nudity allows them to be more open and honest in their family life, which is expressed in how they relate to others in general. Nudists save money by not having to bail their children out of jail, take them to the doctors to treat sexually transmitted diseases, or help them raise unwanted grandchildren (as frequently). If all families raised their children with the same attitudes as nudists, we would all be able to save money by having to pay less in taxes to support fewer children of unwanted pregnancies, drug addicts, juvenile delinquents, vandalism, etc.
27. Naturalism And Families Many people that participate in naturist activities do so as a family. It is not uncommon to see several generations enjoying nudism together. Families that participate in nudism together seem to develop stronger family ties and values. Families who practice naturalism also raise kids who understand their bodies. Kids have complete acceptance of their bodies. They know the proper names for their anatomy and use them accordingly. There is no fear or embarrassment about seeing a person without clothes. Talk with your children about being comfortable with nudity at home, your children will grow up understanding that being nude & being seen nude at home isn't something uncool, horrible, and utterly embarrassing. Allow your children - from birth - to see you in ordinary nude situations (e.g.- dressing, bathing or showering, using the toilet) or any activity where nudity is a natural part. By being comfortable with your own body you will naturally convey the message to your children that nudity really is okay and not something to fear. This, in turn, will help children associate nakedness to routine activity instead of exclusively naughty activity, helping illicit forms of nakedness to lose their appeal later in life.
28. Naturalism And Animals People who practice naturalism are often also friendly to all types of pets and animals as well. Think about it, every species of animals on planet Earth is naked and does not wear clothes. Animals usually have fur or a coat to cover their skin. Humans does not have fur and only skin. This fact is true, humans is the only species on Earth that often wears clothing and does not practice naturalism most of the time. Once you try naturalism, you will see what every animal species on Earth already knows, that being nude is no big deal, and is a benefit to yourself and other animal species including humans. Plus, people practicing naturalism are also animal lovers and often helps out other animals who are in need.
29. Naturalism And Exercising No matter if you hike naked, canoe naked, bicycle naked, ride horses naked, run naked, walk naked, play volleyball naked, play badminton naked, play ping-pong and chess naked, swim naked, lifting weights naked, dance naked, naked bowling, or other activates naked. Exercising naked makes your body more fit, and with no clothes, your pores can release more toxins. Having no restriction of clothing makes your exercise routine easier. Naturalism is not only for the slim and trim or muscular. Evidence shows the slightly overweight to "obese" nudist have experienced dramatic weight loss due to an increase of activity largely explained by becoming secure with their appearance resulting in the confidence to socialize more.
30. Naturalism And Swimming Swimming is a natural recreational activity for nudists as it allows them to be in the water and to feel the water next to their skin. They do not have to worry about swimsuits that bite or chafe, and when they get out of the water, they are only dealing with the weight of the water, not the weight of soaked spandex. Imagine swimming in the pool without that uncomfortable bathing suit, then getting out of the pool without that wet, soggy suit clinging to your skin. Then lying in the sun and getting a tan without those unsightly tan lines. As you walk around, you are dried off naturally by the sun and breezes, what a wonderful feeling. Plus, being nude under a waterfall in nature is one of the best feelings ever.
31. Naturalism And Having Fun In a nutshell, nude recreation is no different from any other type of recreation. Nudists do not stop enjoying the activities that they previously loved simply because they do not have clothes on, and as more people consider this lifestyle for themselves, they realize that clothes do not really add much to the experience! Think about your favorite types of recreation, and think about how they can be enhanced by removing your clothing. Wearing clothes when we don't need them is like wearing a blindfold over our eyes or earplugs in our ears. We miss so much - the warmth of sunlight, the coolness of fog or a waterfall's mist, the caress of the breezes, mud between our toes, a summer rain funneling down our flanks. This feeling is often carried off into everyday life, in the textile world. You will probably begin to feel better about yourself altogether. In some cases job performance may increase, you may do better in school, and find it easier to get along with others. You will enjoy feeling totally free. The feeling of the air, sun, breeze on your body. Nowhere else can you feel totally free, without the constraints of clothing.
32. Naturalism And Other People Nudism is often referred to as the “Great Equalizer”. When people are naked around other people, it is difficult to tell if a person is the president of a bank, or a school janitor. Consequently, nudists tend to be far less “class-conscious”. Nudists are typically less likely to want to keep up with the Joneses, realizing that not only do clothes not really make the man, but neither do homes, cars, boats etc. . Naturists are some of the friendliest and open people on earth. When our clothes come off, social barriers also come down. People open up, and begin communicating with others, that they may have never considered talking to in a clothed situation. No longer can you tell what a person does for a living, their economic status, or their walk in life, simply by how they dress. Doctors, lawyers, construction workers, educators, even clergy are now all on an equal basis. Just think, if you are at any clothed activity, who would you be likely to talk to, based on other people's appearance? After you've answered that question, now think about this. Which type of world would you rather live in? One where people are afraid to communicate with others based on pre-conceived ideas of what a person is like by how they are dressed? Or one where everybody is accepted for who they are, their personality, and how they treat others?
33. 1 Communal Showering More and more schools are eliminating the need for showering after sports and PE. But, there are several benefits to requiring students to shower with no clothing. One, it makes the classroom environment easier to learn without smelly students. Two, it teaches students that all males or females have the same body features, and you should not be ashamed of your own body. And three, it teaches students about body acceptance, and your body and other people’s bodies are a natural thing. Communal showering would make the school environment better than what we see today like bullying, academic problems, and other school problems.
34. Get Started With Naturalism
35. Start In The Bathroom 1 You take a shower or a bath without clothes. For a lot of people this is the only moment of nudity of the day. Well, take one more step. Once you step out of the shower or the bathtub, stay naked to do what you have to do: brush your teeth, comb your hair, apply some make up, shave, etc. 36. Sleep Without Clothes 2 If you are used to pajamas or boxer shorts, try to sleep without. Add an extra blanket if you feel cold and enjoy the pleasure of feeling the sheets on your skin. Ensure you use your best sheets, either cotton with high quality thread or satin. You need to feel good slipping in your bed and getting this unique feeling of the sheets on your skin. Sleeping without clothes makes your sleep experience better.
37. Walking Inside Your Home 3 If you are comfortable nude in your bathroom and have spent a good time sleeping nude, you may move from your bedroom to your bathroom. Get up naked and walk to your bathroom, do what you have to do and go back to your room to get dressed.
38. Watching TV Or Reading 4 Why not strip off before going to bed. If you intend to watch some TV or read a book before going to bed, strip off. Do this ritual: take a shower, brush your teeth, and get comfortable on your couch to watch your favorite program or read your favorite book. Once you are ready to go to bed, you just have to move to your bedroom and slip in your bed, in your best pajama, your skin.
39. Doing Housework 5 If you are used to doing your chores on Saturday or Sunday morning, start a nude day: wake up, get your breakfast, take your morning shower, and continue your day naked, starting with your chores without restrictive clothing.
40. Cooking Meals 6 Preparing a meal is great done in the nude. Of course, if you are frying, put on an apron, getting hot oil on your skin is not a pleasant experience. So, put on some good music and start cooking. Being naked makes you more aware of your environment. After a couple of minutes, you forget you are naked, because it becomes an integral part of who you are.
41. Go Gardening 7 Now that you are hundred percent comfortable naked inside your house, if you have a garden, your next step is to go outside and enjoy the feeling of the wind and the sun on your bare skin. This is one of the finest enjoyments in life. Go and walk on the grass barefoot. You will find veggies, herbs, and flowers enjoying the sun (or the rain), as well as your skin.
42. Go To A Nude Beach 8 Now that you are comfortable with being naked outside, you are ready to visit your local nude beach and get in the middle of other naturists. On a nude beach, nobody cares about who you are and how you look, because everybody is naked. You may fear meeting somebody you know. Well, there are chances this someone will be naked as well and if he or she has been a nudist for a long time, will welcome you among the nudist community.
43. Go To A Nudist Resort 9 Spending a day at the beach is great to get the feeling of being naked in the middle of others. You are now fully ready to spend a couple of days without wearing any clothes. This is an exhilarating feeling to be able to walk around, chat, dine, have a drink, play games, just nude! Nudist resorts are great places full of friendly people. Go and do some research on the web before. Check if it’s affiliated to the local/national nudist/naturist federation. This is a guarantee of quality and respect of the nudist spirit. Then call to chat how things happen for newbies. Generally greeters in nudist resorts are really, really nice. Book for one or two nights and jump. There are chances you will never ever go back to clothed resorts and you will find any possible opportunities to get naked.
44. Go Naked Hiking 10 The last and final step of the naked journey is going out in nature to enjoy nature the best way: entirely naked. By discussing with fellow nudists in the resort you will now be visiting regularly, you will find people who are hiking naked. Find the right group and the right date, and jump on the bandwagon of naked hiking. Walking with friends naked, possibly meeting textile and resisting the temptations to dress, and getting comfortable being outside completely naked is when you can feel you are a complete naturalist.
45. Throw A Clothing Optional Party 11 Once you are a seasoned naturalist, you are ready to do parties at home with your nudist people. So invite your friends to a clothing optional party. This could be a barbecue for instance in the summer. It’s great to share your nudism in your own place. The great thing about clothing optional parties is you do not need to wonder what you are going to wear. Just your own skin! Have fun!
46. Reasons Why People Try Naturalism
47. 1 Reasons Why People Try Naturalism •All it is, is skin. •Am natural. •Because it feels good. •Because it’s natural. •Clothes are not as comfortable. •Comfort and freedom. •Comfort, friends, family. •Exuberating. •Freedom. •Freedom with friends. •Freedom with family. •Freedom and good times. •God created us to live nude. •Had God meant for us to be nudists, we would have been born without clothing! •Happiness. •Healthy Mind & Healthy Body. •I adore nature in raw. •I feel sixty years younger. •I like being nude. •I like to be nude. •I was born nude. Weren’t you? •I was born this way. •I was born nude! •Its how I was raised. •Its natural for me.
48. 1 Reasons Why People Try Naturalism •It’s so much more comfortable. •Just like to be nude! •Liberating! •Love the feeling being nude. •Makes life better! •Makes me feel good. •Mother Earth. •My bum loves the sun. •Nothing feels like more. •Nudity Equals Peaceful ,Beautiful, Freedom. •Only purpose for clothes is when it’s cold I’d rather be nude like how its meant to be. •Our Societies bull. •Perspective. •Sheds societies bill be free. •Straining Skin nerves sensory overload! •Sun good, clothes bad. •Sunlight, cool breezes, and water. •Sunshine all over my skin. •To be nude without shame. •To connect to nature naturally. •Unique, relaxing, and fun. •Warm sun and breeze. •We’re all equal when nude. •Why not? •Wind, sun on my skin.
49. Bullet Points On The Benefits Of Naturalism •The most natural way to get vitamin D is by exposing your bare skin to sunlight and the recommended ‘dose’ of sunlight on the total body, required to maintain adequate vitamin D levels. •Naturism allows us to feel the breeze over the whole body and the cool grass under our feet. Plus it can improve our mental health and prevent depression. Walking barefoot also helps to improve our health. •Along with the increase in euphoria created by exposing the whole body to nature’s elements, naturism helps to increase confidence and self esteem. You can truly relax, release stress, and be comfortable in your own skin. •Naturism is great for kids. Children who have grown up in a naturist environment have a better understanding and acceptance of all body shapes and sizes and how they develop. They grow up familiar with people of all ages and are free of the usual curiosity about the human body and naturism gives children a healthy attitude to people of the opposite sex. Naturalism is great for couples as well. •Naturalism helps control and reduces stress. •Naturalism increases self-confidence and the ability to overcome groundless fears. •Naturalism encourages greater honesty and openness with others. •Naturalism reduces dependence on artificial symbols of status and success. •Naturalism fosterers greater acceptance of the bodies and personalities of oneself and others. •Naturalism provides the experience of feeling greater freedom and heightened integration with the natural world. •Naturalism leads to a fuller experience of life beyond the mere attainment of selfish desires for approval and physical gratification. •Clothing impedes the functions of the skin, our largest organ. The skin is a barrier to invasion by microbes. We sweat to keep us cool by evaporation. Clothing slows down that process. Naturalism allows your skin, the largest organ on your body, to open its pores and allows your skin to release toxins. •People practicing naturalism save money by washing less clothes, using less air conditioning, and other products.
50. In Closing Love your body. Every fold, every curve, every hairy bit, every crack, and crevice. Do not allow society to tell you what your body “should” look like. Do not fall into the trap of weighing your happiness on the pound. Your body is your home. It grows, it changes, it fluctuates, it carries the emotions of the day. Understand it is strong, it bends, it folds, it rolls, it brings life. Love your body in all of it’s beautiful glory. Nudity brings a significant handicap on one’s ability to manipulate their own body image. If people were less able to change how they look then they would be less likely to search for the things society has defined as “flaws,” leading to less shame, more acceptance, and happiness with one’s body and less graffiti on mirrors. Naturists, by their very nature, are very respectful of others, friendly people. They enjoy doing the same things as does anyone else, just without the constraint of clothing. They are welcoming on newcomers, and hope you'll join them to find out what you've been missing.
51. GeekAlabama.com Facebook.com/GeekAlabama @GeekAlabama Plus.Google.Com/+GeekAlabama Presentation Brought To You By: Presentation Infographic Created Created By: By: Nathan Young SlideShare.net/NathanYoung Facebook.com/nvyoung Twitter.com/nvyoung Gplus.to/nvyoung Pinterest.com/nvyoung About.me/nvyoung RebelMouse.com/nvyoung [email protected] Linkedin.com/in/nvyoung Instagram.com/nvyoung44 Keek.com/nvyoung Youtube.256-452-1565 com/barcncpt44
52. About Nathan Young Thanks for checking me out; Nathan Young is an experienced writer, blogger, photographer, and videographer who blogs at Geek Alabama. Nathan is a big Road, Weather, and News Junkie Geek and is a great person to be around who is funny and informative. Nathan is an accomplished media person who regularly covers topics on Geek Alabama and gets numerous requests to cover things from businesses, products, TV shows, movies, books, games, food, events, conventions, concerts, and other reviews. He is open to speaking, covering products or events, and representing your brand. The most interesting fact about me, I draw roads! #Aspie proud! #ASD
53. Enjoy other awesome presentations! View this presentation, other presentations, infographics, and other great stuff from Nathan Young at: Slideshare.net/NathanYoung
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