#so i really look forward to learning new things about another sector i’m also interested in
vanilla-vivillon · 3 years
Part two of Zoyalai kid as promised
Here’s part one- https://dablackdahlia.tumblr.com/post/650586205772201984/the-black-dahlia
Massive row spoilers
Prince Mycanae Juris Nazyalensky( My Kuh Nay Uh) was turning one years old
It was suprising how quickly he grew up
To Nikolai at least
For Zoya, who adored her son couldn’t wait for him to get older
For one thing while the baby didn’t cry to much at night (whitch was a blessing from the saints)
He couldn’t be Grisha tested
Most ravkans were tested around the age of seven though it varies
Myca was far to young
It was decided when he turned four he would be tested
And so the country was forced to wait four long years
Three more years to go Zoya thought to herself
Myca was an easy baby
That was what his doctors said
He barely if ever cried in the night and was sociable enough
Unlike Genya and David’s son Forrest Kostyk who from all of Zoyas interactions and everything Genya and David mentioned he was a nightmare
Constantly screaming
Hates to eat everything
And now that His teeth were a big enough size he started biting
She had gotten lucky
But Nikolai and her started talking about having more kids
And Zoya found she wanted more aswell
Nikolais pitch however would be far to amusing for her to not listen to
“Come on Zoya only children are the freaks in the playground!” Nikolai said gesturing incredulously
They just gotten Myca put to bed and were having much needed glasses of wine
He needed his rest for his birthday tomorrow
Even though they could’ve had many nannies take care of him that night, neither of them wanted that
Nikolai grew up like that and he wasn’t as close to his mother because of it.
Not to mention the old king was scarce most of his early upbringing
Zoya didn’t want that for Myca either
Of course with all of there duties they had to get some help but they always, always, made sure they put him to bed in the room across from there’s
“Nikolai I’m an only child” zoya retorted
“Touché, but what if something were to happen that Myca couldn’t become king? We would need another option!” Nikolai threw back
Nikolai having another realization
“Plus, it would’ve really helped me growing up to have a good sibling”
This was something Zoya thought about aswell
As a girl she wished for a baby sister
And so did her mother
Sabina had four miscarriages
The last one was the worst
She was safely in the third trimester when it happened
Sabina was distraught for weeks
And when she finally came to, she was different
And a couple years later marching Zoya down an aisle
“You know I’m already convinced Nikolai right?” Zoya laughed tired of this charade
Before Myca was born Zoya thought she’d have one
One child
One heir
But she had changed her mind and wanted more
Nikolai showed her a dazzling smile “perfect” he said with a kiss
Zoyas second pregnancy was different
Her morning sickness wasn’t as bad as her first
But a new thing has arrived
She was consuming unhealthy amounts of Ravkan chocolates
But nonetheless the baby’s due date was July eighth
The date came and passed
But it was nothing to be worried about
There was a lot of moments where they were like “this Is it, the babies coming” then nope
Zoya was 43 weeks pregnant
The baby would be post term
Nikolai would say this is a sign that this child was going to Be late for everything
A difference when Myca was born on the exact due date
But in the middle of the night July twenty second Zoya went into Labor
There second child was Prince Nazariy (Nah-Zuh-ree) Dominik Nazyalensky
He had Brown skin almost darker then Zoya’s and black hair
But it was his eyes that captivated people
He had sectoral heterochromia
His Blue eyes like his Mothers had parts of brown (example below)
Tumblr media
They decided on his middle name after Nikolais friend Dominick after some rigorous debate
Zoya wanted to continue with Saint middle names
Nikolai argued Juris was a personal friend
In the end with Nikolais charisma he won
His name Nazariy was actually found in a simple baby book
While Mycanae was in old ravkan and they liked the nickname Myca
They were much more lax with there second son
They eventually decided to have four kids but wanted to wait until Myca would get tested before having there next two children
Time skip three years because your girl can’t detail everything
Myca was four years old and today was the day
He was dressed in his best clothes
What would happen is he would go up in front of the entirety of the Ravkan nobility and other ambassadors and such and would get tested
Zoyas power still couldn’t sense anything in him or Nazariy, but a couple months prior Forrest Kostyk was revealed to be an Alkemi
It seemed that when the grisha first used there ability it activates something and typically Zoya could sense it
Because now Zoya could see Forrest as an Alkemi easily
So while she couldn’t sense anything in her sons that didn’t mean there was nothing there
Zoya and Nikolai had finally gotten most of the details finished and it was them, Nazariy and Myca, and the triumvirate working out some details in the meeting room
Well, Nazariy was pretending he was a squaller by blowing on some paper
And Myca was clearly trying to convince him that wasn’t how it worked
It seemed Myca hadn’t quite grasped his two year old little brother couldn’t care less about what he thought
A fact that would never change over the years
“I don’t understand why we don’t just test him right here right now?” Adrik insisted for the ninth time “less risk”
“And then what if he turns out to be Grisha but presented before the nobility nothing happens? The grisha test only works when they just start out” Tamar responded
“It could still work in front of the nobility” Adrik insisted
“And if all else fails we can just tell him to summon a gust” Tolya added
Tolya was fiercely protective of the boys
It probably started when a couple months ago Myca showed a vague interest in his favorite Poet and the friendship bloomed
“Tolya most summoners can’t summon until days of practice” Leoni interjected “Plus, we’ve made plans on all outcomes and it’s to late to change them now, look on the bright si-”
“Nazariy spit that out!” Zoya interupted
Apparently the little hellhound put one of David’s nails in his mouth
Nazariy, learning his mother wasn’t to be trifled with quickly on, spit it out
Back to the conversation they started on a topic healthy debated
“There’s no way the kid is Grisha!” Adrik started on
“But Adrik he hasn’t gotten sick. And Grisha dont get sick to!” Leoni countered
This back and forth started since Zoya announced her pregnancy
It was a headache really
But when she turned towards the three boys who had come to mean the world to her it was all worth it
Nikolai was with the boys and was apparently taking on Nazariy’s side claiming him blowing on the paper was just as credible as Mommy’s lightning
Myca fought back and claimed any otkaxatsya could do that
It was something happening more often
Myca makes an offhand statement and Nikolai fighting the other side
It was adorable really how Mycas eyes would light up and debate with his father
Plus it would make him think more critically and would make a good king out of him
Not to mention how it really helped Nikolai and him bond
Nikolai and him had some trouble sometimes
Myca doesn’t usually respond to jokes
It seemed after his silly and rambunctious troublemaker of a brother was born he decided he would have to be serious enough for the both of them
Or at least as serious as a four year old could be
But rigourous debate on whether or not green looked good on Nazariy was something they both seemed to enjoy
And as much as Zoya wished she could watch forever it was time
Time to see if her baby boy had certain talents
Myca was scared
He was behind the door waiting to be presented before his mother, father, brother, who would all be seated on the thrones, and of course the rest of the nobility
‘People like you Myca!’ Nikolai would insist ‘there’s nothing to worry about no matter what happens!’
Myca thought he was trying to alleviate the pressure but it wasn’t working
Suddenly his que to come In was called and he walked in
Head held high and posture immaculate he waltzed through the door
The person who was testing him was the Baron of Banewood
An old man who hated nonsense, children, and Prince Nazariy since he was both of those things
He came forward and after some very boring speeches that Myca couldn’t bring himself to listen to until the Baron told him to stick out his hand
Myca complied and the baron produced a very big pin
Guess everyone wanted to be really sure he was Grisha or not
His eyes wandered to his family
Theyre faces looked calculatingly impassive
He knew it was a front
They needed to seem stable for the people
Nazariy who was standing next to the throne was having difficulties standing still
Myca felt bad for him
Half of being royalty is sitting still looking pretty
He trained his eyes back on his parents and saw his father give him a small wink
I got this, I’m prepared for the result, I can do this
As the pin was stabbed into his skin Myca felt it
That calling
That thing begging to come out whenever he saw his Mother doing something grand
Or when he really wanted his brother to leave him alone
And Myca let it overcome him
When he opened his eyes he could see the Baron knocked over and a small breeze
A firm hand clamped his shoulder
“Congratulations Mycanae” Tolya started dragging him away from the scene where the nobility were discussing the scene “Your a Squaller”
Hey so part two of the Zoyalai kid as promised. This was originally gonna be longer but then It became a 230 word monster and i cut it down and will save the rest for part three
35 likes and I’ll make part three
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royalnugget42 · 3 years
3RD Life x Steven Universe
Green Pearl. It was irregular for an emerald to have a Pearl, but this emerald was one of the best of them. Such a rare gem, and with a more decorated past than any but the diamond commanders. It seemed only fitting that she be gifted a Pearl as reward for years of service to the Diamond authority.
Of course, she didn’t really spend much time with said Pearl. More often than not, she was out fighting insurrections or attending ceremonial battles in the arenas. It didn’t leave much for her Pearl to do really. That’s where the trouble started.
Green Pearl, or just Green, as he liked to call himself, was not a very well behaved gem. The first instance of this being his constant use of he and him. It was a habit he’d picked up from one of the more distant colonies, something that the organic lifeforms apparently used. He just couldn’t get enough of it, and though he didn’t correct his Emerald, that didn’t stop him from correcting everyone else.
He was bored so often. With nothing to do but stand around and hold things and sing songs every now and then. He liked singing, but Emerald didn’t ask him to often, so most days he spent thinking up ways to perform his usual acts of petty mischief. Because Green Pearl absolutely loved to prank people.
Usually these pranks consisted of sneaking up on unsuspecting gems and scaring them. Sometimes he’d make a loud noise, sometimes he’d announce the presence of his Emerald, and sometimes he’d sneak up to just say hello. Something he loved to do was give them strange random items that he’d collected and stored in his gem. He had fabric scraps, balloons, dirt, some flowers, and his favorite, something Emerald had called a tree branch. This he never gave away, choosing instead to poke other gems with it from a distance.
It annoyed other gems of course, but for a Pearl he spent so much time with soldiers who either laughed it off or just ignored him, that he faced little to no punishment most of the time. At most one of the soldiers could call Emerald over, and she’d just sigh and put him in her chambers for awhile.
He was still in there plotting his next practical jokes when she returned, talking loudly into her communicator.
“Yes of course, my diamond. I will of course be present to observe.”
Immediately he hopped up from where he was seated, hands outstretched for anything she needed him to hold. She ignored him, finishing what sounded like a very important conversation.
“Yes my diamond. Thank you for this honor, I am so unutterably flattered. Emerald, out.”
She waited for her diamond, yellow diamond, to hang up, and passed the communicator off to Green. He dutifully stored it in his gem, eagerly awaiting what he assumed was important news.
“There’s to be another tournament, and I will be attending to oversee the event and evaluate the battle. Begin preparations to leave for sector 3,” she instructed.
“Right away, my emerald.”
“Oh and Pearl?”
He frowned slightly, at not being called Green, but replied, “Yes, my emerald?”
“Please, for your sake if not for mine, do try to behave yourself. This will be a very important event, and I’d rather not deal with any of your little pranks.”
Without waiting for a response, she left the room, slamming the door behind her.
Little pranks. It was all he could do to pass the time, though, and other gems fighting each other wasn’t nearly as exciting as they made it seem. It was all respectful dueling and perfectly choreographed movement. At the end of the day it was all staged. It wasn’t a test of skill or instinct, or reflex, just memorization. It bored him to death. They could at least add a few explosions.
Behave yourself. Stay still. Don’t bother the agates, don’t upset the hessonites, don’t ever disobey your emerald. It seemed like at every turn he was ignored and told to sit still and make as little noise as possible. Maybe he should try to behave, just once, but the more he thought about it the more it irked him. No, he would simply have to do the opposite. Maybe if they wouldn’t add explosives to the fight, he’d just have to bring some of his own. He smiled, and brought some of his more secret items out of his gem.
Not much can be said about the actual event other than the fact that it was utterly boring until Green managed to sneak away to prepare his joke. Of course, it wasn’t supposed to actually cause any real damage, just some colorful lights and loud noises. Really, that Sardonyx Agate was so oblivious that it was hardly his fault his form was destroyed.
But of course Green took the blame, and there he sat in a room listening to one of the other agates complain and berate him. His punishment was apparently a demotion. He would serve not as an Emerald’s Pearl, but as the Pearl to the Sardonyx he had inadvertently damaged. It was fair enough, he supposed, he just wished he could have at least told off Emerald if he was going to be punished. In for a penny in for a pond right?
But no, he just had to wait quietly for his agate to reform, and then he’d help with whatever it was that an agate does. Maybe it would at least be more interesting working for someone who hated him, but he doubted it. Most likely his agate would just ignore him like everyone else.
It didn’t take long for the reformation to be complete. Green supposed it was a better punishment than being shattered or rejuvenated, but he had to grit his teeth for what would pass through them when the light started shining.
As soon as the agate reformed, Green went into his prepared speech.
“My agate, I’m glad to see you have reformed.”
Sardonyx just looked confused, which was understandable. A Pearl being assigned to an agate, well, it was probably something that very rarely happened, which of course served to make the appointment even more embarrassing.
“I see you are confused, allow me to introduce myself,” he said with a humble bow. “Your physical form was destroyed by some mischief that I caused at the tournament. Therefore, I have come to offer my deepest apologies for my transgression, as well as my service. I am Green Pearl, but you may call me Green if you so choose.”
All in all it was a masterful speech. He had spent a while working out the exact phrasing, and to practice sounding genuine in his regret.
“Well, I am a little surprised, but I accept your service, and your apology.”
“Thank you, my agate,” he said, breathing a small sigh of relief. The Sardonyx wasn’t angry then. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. “I assure you, it will not happen again. I look forward to serving you.”
Green waited quietly for a response, or a dismissal, or something, but when he looked up he saw his Sardonyx staring intently at him.
“Um...my agate?”
Then suddenly his agate laughed. And laughed and laughed. Green started to join in nervously, unsure of what was so funny.
“Oh you nearly had me,” Sardonyx said, still chuckling. “You’re an excellent liar, Green.”
Had he said something wrong? Had something in his manner been incorrect? He had practiced so much. No one could tell when he was lying, not even Emerald! Perhaps this was a test of some kind?
“I...I assure you, I meant every word. I-If you are still upset I understand, but please, I really am sorry!”
“Relax, relax. I’m not upset. You don’t need to lie to me, though. You shouldn’t apologize if you don’t mean it,” Sardonyx said matter of factly, as if he wasn’t accusing Green of something he could be destroyed for.
“Wh-why? Why won’t you just believe me?”
“Are you angry?”
“Yes of course I–“ he cut himself off before worse words could be spoken. He didn’t want to be shattered. I’m the agonizing moment after he made his mistake, before anyone realized what had happened he had come to that conclusion. He didn’t want to be broken.
But if he was going to be shattered anyway, he might as well say what he was really thinking for once.
“You know what? Fine. You want the truth? I’m not sorry, I never have been, for anything that I’ve done. It was your own fault you weren’t paying enough attention to avoid the fireworks and still, even if you were standing directly in the line of fire, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. The look on your face when you got spooked was worth it, it was hilarious.”
Sardonyx looked up as though preparing to interject, but Green just cut the agate off.
“And frankly I added better entertainment than anyone else at that awful tournament! Do you know how agonizing it is to sit there clapping politely for a victory you already know is predetermined? There’s nothing interesting about it. And for the record, when you do have me shattered, feel free to call me Green, because that’s my real name, and use he and him when you refer to me, and–“
“Whoa whoa whoa, why would I have you shattered? This is great!”
Ok, now that was a weird turn to take. Either this agate was especially cruel, and willing to drag it out, or they were being genuine.
“Why...why is it great? I just insulted you, my Emerald, and plenty of other gems.”
“Because I don’t even have to get you one my side about this! You’re already very anti Diamond I bet, and what did you ask me to call you? Green? And you use he and him instead of she and her? That’s so genius, it sounds so much better, wherever did you learn that?”
“Um...thanks...I guess? I just sort of picked it up. Seemed to annoy people so I kept it. You can also use his for when something belongs to you.” Green was very confused now but he wasn’t going to question it. What was the phrase one of the soldiers taught him? Don’t look a gift horse in the towel?
“Yeah, ‘He walked. He is an agate. His Pearl taught him something new.’ Oh that is fantastic, can I use he and him, too?” The Sardonyx was beaming, like he had been given a new toy.
“Sure, I’m...uh...not in charge of you. So…”
“Great. My name is Scar by the way, so you can drop the whole ‘my agate’ thing.”
“Uh...why Scar?” Green asked, growing more curious and less scared by the second.
He replied, “Oh it’s sort of a joke. I have a stripe that looks like a Scar on my chest, so some of the others started calling me Scardonyx, and then it just got shortened to Scar.”
Now that was intriguing. “Others? What do you mean others?” Green asked excitedly.
“Oh just you wait, they’re gonna love you! We already have a Pearl with us, we call her Moon, but she took so much longer to really open up to us. Come on!”
“I’m still confused, where are we going?”
Scar turned around, smiling blindingly bright. Green could see in his eyes that this was someone like him. This agate knew how he felt. Suddenly, for the first time in his life, Green was not alone.
“To freedom, Green. We’re going to freedom.”
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Sharing Is Caring - Gar Logan x Reader Soulmate AU
Words: 2.3k
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“Hiya I love your writing and it’s cute that you call us angels hehehe! May I request 18 with beast boy in teen titans where a new titan (fem! reader) joins and they finally touch during a battle or something and the sparks go off? based of the AU you did with familiar green!” (18. I think you might be my soulmate)
I’m so happy you like the AU and I love BB so this is perfect! Also yes - I do call y’all angels because you’re always making me so happy and fulfilled so thank you for the amazing request angel I hope you like it <3 Also I there’s lots of Teen Titans universes so I went with the Titans from right after Justice League vs. Teen Titans before D.A. goes and rips my heart up haha. Let me have me moment.
“Welcome to the Titans y/h/n!” Kori greeted you, reaching out a hand. You clasped it, feeling her energy radiate but you closed yourself off from pulling her powers. “TT she doesn’t look all that powerful” a short, domino mask clad, child teen starred at you. “Shush Damian let her get settled in then she can show off her talents” Nightwing chided Damian who crossed his arms staring at you. “I think a new team member is sick! Welcome y/h/n!” a green colored boy grinned ear to ear. “Uh hi, is there somewhere I can put my stuff?” you trusted Nightwing, Dick as he had recently told you. 
Martian Manhunter had found you on an away mission. Some form of test subject you were a confusing mash between human dna and white martian, unable to shift on your own, who ever’s experiment you were had weaponized martian dna turning you into a parasite. You realized this during your training, and learned to control the leeching, even discovering a way to share the powers of others without harming them. Eventually on your next birthday you pretended your powers had disappeared. Seeing as only you could now activate your powers your captor rendered you useless, a weapon with no more bullets. At that he gave you to alien traffickers, who had little use for a human girl. Then, working tirelessly on a planet of some random sector the green martian stormed you, sensing the white martian blood. Fast forward through a terrifying fight and explanation, you had been brought to earth and dropped in the hands of Nightwing. He promised you a team and finally, a family. 
“Yeah I’ll take you to your room” Dick smiled, placing a hand on the small of your back - that’s when you realized he was powerless. Human touch was comforting, you didn’t have to suppress the desire to share, or steal human’s abilities, it was refreshing. As the two of you walked through the tower Dick explained about each person on your team while he gave you a tour. You had learned that Raven was quiet but trustworthy, Blue Beetle was uber powerful but kind of a loose cannon - you wondered if you could test your powers on his, next was Robin who was the newest but was cold yet secretly cared, according to Dick at least, then there was Cyborg who came and went, and finally Beast Boy who was apparently the easiest to get along with, even though he was green. It was a lot to take in while also trying to memorize the floor plan of the seemingly never ending tower. Finally you arrived at your room and began setting it up. You didn’t have much as you were new to earth, but you had a few rocks from the planet you were working on and some new furniture and clothing Dick had bought you before you arrived. 
Putting the finishing touches on you room you heard a knock at the door. As you approached it slid open to reveal a cheery green boy. “Hi! Nightwing told me to give you your new suit! It’s totally cool look!” he pushed a suit into your hands with a smile as he continued talking. “It’s like my suit! Super stretchy and stuff because of your powers. What exactly are your powers cuz this suit kinda has it all? Fireproof, waterproof, light weight, maneuverable, but it doesn’t have any cool gadgets like Robin’s so that means you have to have powers!” he rambled on while you took in his appearance. He looked confident and kind, like was happy to be in his own skin regardless of the color, he had light freckles that peppered across his nose and he had the prettiest eyes, they were a delicate light brown with golden flecks, they were mesmerizing; and they were staring right at you.
“Uh hello? Earth to hero?” you flushed as Beast Boy had caught you staring. “Oh sorry thanks this is great! Uh do I have to wear it all the time or?” you still hadn’t quite picked up on the way life was around the tower. “No, not unless you want to! Also y/h/n is cool but some of us, me included have real names too! So as you already know Beast Boy, Garfield. Please to meet you!” He stuck out a hand but retracted it when he realized you had moved back into your room to put away your suit. “Oh okay! I’ve always wanted a real name!” you called from halfway inside your closet. Pausing to think of the perfect name that really represented who you wanted to be on earth you decided. “Y/n” you called out to Garfield who still stood in your doorway. “Cool name! Y/n - I like it! Well, I think you have to get settled in but catch you later for training y/n!” he bounded down the hall, lucky for you he was quick enough he didn’t catch the blush dancing across your face everytime he said “y/n”. 
Your room looked good as you headed towards the kitchen, excited to try whatever real humans ate. “Y/n! I hope you don’t mind but Gar filled us in on your name and it’s pretty cool!” Blue Beetle waved at you from the kitchen. Sitting down at the kitchen island you peered over to see what he was making. “Hungry? Gar and I are eating grilled cheese. I can make you one?” you nodded, fascinated with the way the bread browned on the pan. As he slid you your plate you saw a green dog running towards the kitchen. Terrified you stood up, ready to take on the creature, hoping Blue Beetle wouldn’t mind sharing a little juice. The dog noticed your alarm as it shifted into Garfield. “Woah y/n sorry, you probably don’t really know all about us yet! Dude thanks for the meal Jaime!” Gar slid into a chair a couple seats over and he began digging in. The grilled cheese was delicious, after giving your compliments to the chef the three of you began talking about your lives. You learned a ton about Jaime and Gar, really happy that they were so welcoming. “So what are your guys powers? Besides turning into a dog and all” you smirked at Gar who stuck his tongue out at you. A familiar voice interrupted you, “actually y/h/n I think it’s better of you come see for yourself! Up for a little training?” you turned to see Dick who stood next to Raven and Robin. 
“So to help y/n understand her new team mates lets do a little one on one!” the others looked bored while you couldn’t help but be excited. Jaime and Robin were chosen first. It blew your mind to watch blue colored metal envelop Jaime’s body. Damian was also shockingly talented, you assumed he was powerless like Dick because of the heritage and the fact that his suit had a tool belt as Gar had said. The two danced around the practice area, bantering about the weakness of the other and what not the entire time. Damian soon had Blue Beetle pinned down and even though you knew he could go further, Jaime pulled out of the fight. 
Next was Raven and Nightwing because apparently Dick demanded a “rematch” from last time. Raven’s powers were by far the most amazing. Your jaw dropped as black light seemed to lift any object at her will, including Dick. What you didn’t expect was that the powerless defeated their opponent again. It was so exciting. All that was left was you and Beast Boy. Before you could begin you realized you needed to explain your powers to the team. “Okay wait! I’m gonna need some help for my battle” the others look surprised but Dick nodded, encouraging you to explain. 
“Okay so basically I’m half human half martian. I know it sounds super scary but technically the experiment with my dna was a failure. I control my own powers even though I really have none. As you probably know martians are shape shifters right? They take the form of creatures along with other mind bending powers. What the scientists did with me was basically taking away the creativity and giving me more control. See, I started with the ability to steal the powers of other creatures, like a parasite. I hated the feeling of snatching the life force of other creatures so I essentially taught myself to share. Because of the martian blood I can set up a link between me and another hero where I mirror their power without draining it, like a sharing is caring kinda thing. I was hoping one of you would let me try it?” You finished sheepishly. Dick and Damian shrugged knowing they couldn’t help and Raven was the first to say no. “Y/n I’d be interested in the future but I don’t think I can trust you right now, the power I possess is difficult and confusing and I don’t want us to get hurt” you agreed, after hearing snippets from Gar and Jaime you completely agreed. “Well I’ll let you!” Starfire grinned and you couldn’t help but get excited to show off. 
Taking her hand you established a link, she blinked a couple of times, explaining how it felt like there was an invisible loop between the two of you, but she was completely fine. You could feel her powers radiating heat and energy. After just a few seconds you tested the powers out, throwing blasts of green energy from your hands. “Oh yes you can fly can’t you!” you grinned as you began levitating. The whole team was amazed. “Alright Gar let’s go. But fair warning if I can get a hand on you I might just use some of those shape shifting abilities” you winked. 
The two of you began, using Starfire’s abilities you went on offense, soaring after Beast Boy as he shifted between creatures. Throwing bolts of energy at him you managed to land a hit on him when he was a hawk, he tumbled to the ground but shifted into a cat, landing on all fours. This went on for a few minutes until you saw the opportunity to grab his shoulder and pull some of his energy. Soaring down you kicked him down, pinning him beneath you, reaching for his shoulder. When you touched him, sparks like you’d never felt before erupted. You bounded backwards, quite literally shocked. Beast Boy shifted. back to his normal form, rubbing his shoulder with confusion. 
“I- that’s never happened before. The electricity was - do you have those powers too?” You couldn’t understand what had happened until Damian walked up to you. “TT - Y/n you’re human are you not?” you nodded. Damian turned to stalk over to Garfield, “and so are you Garfield, even though you are quite green” the rest of the titans let out some form of an “oh my god” or “no way” or “only here” and you stood up, still confused. “I don’t get it. Is he a special human that shocks me? That has never happened before why does it make sense to you?!” you stared at the team as their heads all turned to Beast Boy. He got up, closing the distance between the two of you. “Well you probably didn’t learn this on your planet but here, humans have soulmates and when they touched - ” Gar moved his hand to your cheek and the same sparks danced on your skin, you leaned into the touch, the warmth was perfection, something felt right, you looked up at Gar who continued. “when soulmates touch they feel sparks, that’s how you know it’s them and well, I think you might be my soulmate.” he finished. You looked at the others for confirmation. After a couple nods you looked back at Gar.
“But I’m not all human. Shouldn’t I not have a soulmate? I read about it in magazines since I’ve been here but I wrote it off as a human only kinda deal?” Beast Boy shrugged, “hey I’m not all human either, I thought I’d be missing out as well. Fate works in funny ways I guess” you smiled, you had read that soulmates were perfect for each other in every way, coming to Earth seemed scary but knowing you had a forever friend made it seem a lot better.
“I think we can call it quits on practice” Dick started. “The new soulmates probably have a lot of catching up to do, seeing as they’ll kinda be together forever” Damian groaned, saying something about the disgusting idea of soulmates and how he thought he’d probably never have one, Raven quietly agreed. Jaime told the two of you he’d catch up later as he walked off with Dick and Kori. 
Now just the two of you, you reached up to Gar’s face, letting the unfamiliar feeling crackle and pop with electricity. “This is not how I expected my first day to go” you admitted, still trying to wrap your head around the days events. Gar looked at you, his eyes softening, “trust me y/n I did not think today would be like this either. But I did think you were totally cute even before I found out you’re already mine” you laughed, but couldn’t help the butterflies that were now dancing in your stomach. Craving more of the warmth you closed the distance between the two of you, not ready for anything more than a hug just yet, you wrapped your arms around his torso while his tightened around your waist. The books were right, the feeling of your soulmate’s touch was addicting, perfect in every way, you could definitely get used to the idea of feeling this all the time. Pulling away Gar clasped your hand in his and winked at you, “now that you’re my soulmate you can share my powers anytime mamas” you rolled your eyes, but were pretty excited to know what it felt like to take a real cat nap. “I think I might have to take you up on that Greenie” you grinned, resting your head on his shoulder as Gar led you up towards your rooms for some well deserved rest. Finding your soulmate was definitely a great start to your time with the Titans, you couldn’t help but wonder what would be next. 
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simplybakugou · 4 years
Off the Deep End
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↝ In a world of supernatural and all powerful quirks, Bakugou is baffled when he has to help a mermaid save her kingdom against his arch nemesis.
PROMPT: “You’re a what now?!”
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⋆ PAIRING: prohero!bakugou x mermaid!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing ⋆ WORD COUNT: 6011
A/N: Here’s my submission for the @bnhabookclub​ mermay event! I may or may not have made Monoma the villain because it was funny to me I swear that I don’t hate him lmao. Also I’m sorry if this is probably the worst thing you’ve ever read lol
Tagging: @sipsteainanxiety​ shay thank you for your sweet words during our sprints. I hope you enjoy this :)
✐posted 5.31.2020✐
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“I can’t believe I’m listening to your bullshit right now,” Bakugou grumbled into his phone over the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks, looking around the dock. 
“Dude, Sero and I are telling you that there’s something really weird happening around there!” Kaminari urged on the other line, the panic evident in his voice. “I read that so many people patrolled in that area and they said that something fishy’s going on. Just check it out for me?”
Bakugou laughed. “Are you too fucking scared to check it out yourself?”
“No!” Kaminari blurted in annoyance. “It’s just… electricity and water aren’t a good combination.”
“Sounds like a fucking excuse to me but whatever. I’ll see what you’re whining about.” Bakugou hung up shortly after, shoving the device into his back pocket as he walked along the wooden panels. He scanned the area, not seeing anything out of the ordinary or anything to be frightful for. That idiot’s complaining for nothin’...
The only peculiar thing about this sector was that usually docks and ports would have various boats attached to it but this had nothing, just a wooden walkway staring right into the mouth of the ocean. Bakugou shrugged, assuming that his friends were blindly believing blatantly idiotic rumors. He wouldn’t be surprised if this was a prank they were trying to pull either as the pair would often mess around with him and attempt to send him off on wild goose chases.
With that thought in mind, Bakugou walked off into the opposite direction, making his way towards his car so he could get back to his agency until the sound of laughter stopped him in his tracks, one that sounded like bells ringing and echoing in the air. He spun around, eyes averting in all directions to try and locate the source of the melodic laughter. The area was abandoned and the sun beaming in the sky would reveal anyone roaming around easily. That was why Bakugou was even more baffled when the sound repeated, loud enough to be heard over the collision of the splashing waves. 
Not thinking twice, Bakugou approached the source of the sound, believing that this was what Kaminari and Sero were so afraid of. He got to the end of the dock, his feet on the edge as he attempted to search for the mysterious voice once more.
“What the fuck am I even doing here?” Bakugou grumbled to himself, deciding to head back after failing to find the voice and once again annoyed with himself for even coming here in the first place.
“Whoa, I didn’t think people actually came on this side of the portside anymore,” a voice quipped just as Bakugou was walking away.
He turned around, taking a few steps back as he gasped to see a person in the water, smiling up at him. “The fuck you think you’re doing?! It’s too dangerous to be in the water!”
You were taken aback by his sudden concern, your lips curling upwards in amusement. “Now this is odd. It’s not everyday a human is worried about me.”
“What are you--” Bakugou stopped as he saw you dove underwater, causing Bakugou to toss his shoes and phone to the side. Even if he was off duty for his job, he was still a hero and he wouldn’t let anyone drown themselves, no matter how stupid they were for doing so.
Just as he was about to begrudgingly jump into the water, your head popped back up, even more amused than you were before. A human was willing to risk his life to save you. Bakugou sighed, irritated that he was even entertaining you or that you were pleased by this in the first place. “You think this is funny? Just get out of the fucking water, you’re wasting my time.”
You laughed, the sound ringing in Bakugou’s ears. “I’m sorry, maybe this will make more sense if I do this.”
Before Bakugou could question what you were doing this time, you swam over to the edge of the dock, hoisting yourself up over one of the many ginormous boulders lodged into the side. Bakugou nearly choked at the sight before him, feeling like his eyes were deceiving him.
But it was not a deception. There you were, sitting atop the boulder, with two shells covering your chest and the rest of your upper body adorned with miniature seashells. Your lower half was inhuman as a large tail, iridescent hues of blue and purple sheen covering it. 
“As you can see I���m not human, so you don’t have to worry about me,” you said, grinning from ear-to-ear, completely beguiled by his flabbergasted expression. It was always funny whenever humans reacted this way to seeing you, although it had been years since you’d last seen a human. “I’m a mermaid.”
“Y-You’re a what now?!” Bakugou asked, absolutely bewildered. When Kaminari had informed him about odd occurrences happening in this dock in the past, Bakugou suspected anything but a mermaid to appear.
You maneuvered down the boulder using your arms, settling back in the water and swimming closer to the dock to get a better look at Bakugou. He took a step back, flustered by how intense your staring was. “W-What? Why’re you giving me that weird ass look?”
You chuckled, resting your head in your hands. “The last times humans showed up in this part, they came because they wanted to see the ‘legend’ of the mermaids that live here. And everytime I had to deal with those humans, I had to scare them off so that my people could live in peace. This is the first time someone has come here without any ill intentions.”
Bakugou took a small step forward, looking down to verify once more that your tail was real and not a figment of his imagination. You giggled, lifting your tail up slightly above the water. “It’s real. You weren’t imagining anything.”
Bakugou felt disconcerted by this whole situation, unable to comprehend what to do or how to go about this. He knew he had to return to work soon but he didn’t know how to just walk away from this knowing that you were a full fledged mermaid. You rose a brow at him. “You’re not going to go to your friends and have them come down here, are you? Because I’m really not looking to have a fight with anyone.”
Bakugou shook his head slowly. “It’s none of their business to come down here. I just came ‘cause my friend’s a fucking pussy and was nagging me to check out this area.”
You smiled, grateful and also a little surprised that a human had no desire to exploit you and your species’ existence. “I appreciate it. You know… you’re not that bad. I’ve always despised you humans for everything that you’ve done, but I think you’re pretty okay.”
Bakugou scoffed, looking off to the side. “Whatever.”
You laughed at his reaction, looking up at him and taking in his features. He looked nothing like any human you’d ever seen. His hair was spiky, not budging against the rhythm of the wind beating against it. His eyes were the brightest, most intense shade of scarlet red, making you feel intimidated just by one look. And yet he was handsome, too. 
“You’re really pretty, you know that?” You said bluntly. 
Bakugou’s eyes widened, his cheeks inflamed. “Shut up! Just mind your business and do whatever fish shit you do. I’m leaving.”
You watched as he stomped off, ten times more amused than you were before. He was interesting to say the least, and you were hoping that he would keep his word and not bring any unwanted attention to your existence. But somehow, you felt like you could trust this beautiful stranger.
Since that day, Bakugou felt himself physically and mentally drawn to the dock. He started out by stopping by occasionally, curious to see you once more. Your mere existence intrigued him, although he would never admit it. Slowly with time, his visits became more frequent and you began catching him in his act. So you joined him, talking to the only human you’d ever met that was curious about you solely because he wanted to get to know you.
And you wanted to know more about him, often finding yourself waiting by the boulders for his visits. And the more you two met, the more you learned about one another. It was your first time meeting a pro hero, understanding why Bakugou felt obligated to help you when first meeting you.
And Bakugou learned about you and your kingdom. You were a princess of an underwater kingdom called Coara, guarding your kingdom from prying and nosy humans, many of whom were scientists who would go as far as wanting to dissect you and your people if they had gotten their grubby hands on you. Bakugou frowned whenever he heard the anger in your voice when voicing your opinion on how aggravated and fed up you had been with such pestering people. 
You were interesting to say the least. Most people’s first impressions of Bakugou were mostly negative, people often complaining about his abrasiveness or that he was too rude for their liking. But not to you. Even the way he spoke to you was intriguing for you, you finding yourself into him even more than you already were.
But the more you thought about him and were around him, the more you felt unsettled by your new friendship. All your life you had worked to gain this peace that had finally remained. You warned yourself that humans were bad news, vowing to reprimand anyone who so much as approached this area. And yet you wanted to be around Bakugou more and more, feeling disappointed if he didn’t show up on certain days due to his demanding occupation.
And just like any other day, you waited by the boulders, growing impatient as the sun had begun to set, casting an orange hue over the sea. “He’s late…” you muttered to yourself, returning back underwater for the remainder of the night.
Although Bakugou had informed you previously that his job had irregular working times, meaning it was never certain that he was free on certain days, you felt annoyed with him. In fact, for the past few days he hadn’t shown up at your usual spot. Since he never had any way of contacting you, as you were a mermaid and had no reason to be acquainted with human-made technological devices like cell phones, Bakugou was never able to tell you when he wouldn’t be able to see you. If he were being completely honest, he still couldn’t believe that he was regularly meeting with a mermaid in the first place. 
So for his lack of visits, you decided to take matters into your own hands.
“I really don’t think this is a good idea, Y/N,” one of your closest friends urged, looking around the dock as it had been quite some time since she had even bothered to go above the surface from the safety of her underwater home.
You waved her off. “It’s fine, Alicia. As long as no one else finds out about this, which is why I trust that you won’t say a word about this to the others.”
Alicia scoffed. “Of course not, Your Highness.”
You gave her a look as she laughed at you teasingly. “You know you’re the only one allowed to not call me that because it weirds me out when you say it.”
She grinned, throwing her arm over your shoulder. “That’s because we’ve been stuck to the hip since day one! I’d do anything for you.”
You smiled softly, looking around the area once more to confirm that no one was watching or listening in. Then you reached over to the dock, pulling yourself up with the help of Alicia pushing the rear of your tail. Twisting your body around you sat back, flexing your tail above water.
“No turning back now!” You exclaimed, placing your hands on your tail and activating your quirk. As you were a mermaid, you still were born with quirks like humans. Similar to how some animals have intellectual type quirk that allow them to communicate with humans, you still had a quirk. Your quirk was Legs, giving you the ability to provide yourself and others with human legs at your command. You could also take them away at will and this quirk only benefited those who didn’t already have legs. It was an odd quirk but it was yours. It was often used in the past, back when the people of Coara were interested in human life, and you and your mother had the same quirk. It was tradition that the first daughter of the royal family inherited this quirk as a means to make amends with the humans. But since you had taken the throne, the selfish science oriented humans had no intention of keeping an alliance as they only wanted to probe and dissect you and your people for their own benefits. It had been years since the last scientist had caused trouble, leaving you and your kingdom with a short period of peace.
And you had every intention of keeping the peace.
Using your quirk, your fingertips created an amber glow, adorning your lustrous tail into two legs. You groaned, stretching your new limbs out in the air. “It’s been a while since I’ve had these. I need to stretch them out.”
Alicia chuckled, retrieving the mound of seaweed she had collected per your request. Her quirk gave her the ability to make cloth and clothing out of any form of vegetation and plants. She needed to utilize her quirk as you couldn’t just waltz around the city with only a shell bra covering your chest and nothing covering your lower body.
“It’s pretty hot out now so I made something more freeing for you to wear,” Alicia said, handing your clothes. You quickly changed into them, slipping on your underwear, top, and shorts. She even made a pair of simple sandals out of coral and branches. In no time, you were ready to head out into the city.
“You really like him, huh?” Alicia asked, staring up at you as you rose to your feet. 
You rolled your eyes at her. “We’re friends. He’s the first person I’ve met since I was a child, roaming around the human world by my mother’s side, that has shown genuine compassion and interest in our people.”
Alicia sighed. She knew that this was more than a newfound friendship, however, you were too blinded to understand how you truly felt about Bakugou yourself. Even he didn’t know how he felt about you. “Just be careful. Please.”
You smiled, crouching down in front of her. “It’ll be alright. Trust me. I just want to see him for just a second and I’ll return as soon as possible!”
“Alright. Tell your boyfriend I said ‘hi’!” Alicia called out teasingly, earning a glare from you as you strode off towards the city.
It took about twenty minutes for you to find your way into the city as it had been quite some time since your last visit. Nevertheless you made your way through, stopping and asking bystanders for directions to Bakugou’s agency.
On the other hand, Bakugou obviously didn’t suspect a thing. He was patrolling around the sector as he usually did, keeping an eye out for peculiar events. Kirishima joined him that day, walking beside him as the two men strode through the city. 
“It’s not everyday that we’re asked to patrol together,” Kirishima commented, waving to a fan who was quite excited for his favorite hero to be out and about in public.
“Makes my life easier so I can leave early,” Bakugou responded as the two turned the corner.
Kirishima glanced over at him. “Why, you got someone you’ve been dying to see?”
Bakugou was startled, regaining his composure to not give any hints. How did he know? “The fuck are you talking about? I’m not seeing anyone.”
“Come on, ever since Kaminari and Sero made you go to that weird place you always seem too busy to hang out with us.” Kirishima looked over at Bakugou as he seemed irritated. He didn’t want anyone to find out about your existence, understanding that you and your people’s lives would be put in danger. And he didn’t know what he would do with himself if he were responsible for anything that could happen to you.
Before Kirishima could prod any further into the matter, the two heroes stopped in their tracks, Bakugou personally getting ever more agitated than he already was at the sight of Monoma standing in their path.
“Monoma, I didn’t know you were in town,” Kirishima said.
Monoma smirked. “I’ve been around. More importantly, looks like Mr. Number One here is going to fall down in the rankings soon enough.”
Bakugou didn’t bother responding, ignoring him and walking right past him, causing Monoma to be taken aback. He turned around, staring Bakugou down. “You’re not even concerned with what I just said?”
Bakugou turned his head around, glaring at Monoma. “I don’t give a single flying fuck about whatever it is you’re running your trap for. I’ve got better things to do than hear you spew out some weird ass bullshit.”
Kirishima stifled his laughter, catching up to Bakugou with a few strides. Monoma’s agency had tried for years now to help Monoma reach his way up to the rankings, only able to reach the number two spot and falling short from Bakugou himself. Bakugou was simply the indisputable best, no matter how hard Monoma tried to dethrone him from the rankings.
And this absolutely infuriated him.
Monoma huffed, annoyed with the blonde who had gotten on his nerves since their days back in U.A. “I guess the rumors are true. You’ve changed these last few months. I wonder why that is…”
Bakugou stopped walking, now a few feet away from Monoma. He didn’t like the way he spoke, his words indicating that he was keeping something from him. For the final time he turned his head, staring daggers in Monoma's direction. “Keep worrying about falling from the rankings instead of being up my ass all the fucking time, dipshit.”
Bakugou kept moving, Kirishima keeping up with his pace as the pair made their way back to Bakugou’s agency. Kirishima chuckled. “Man, I’ve never really liked Monoma but he’s been pretty obsessed with you ever since you were named number one. It’s a little weird if you ask me.”
“I can barely remember that fucker’s name. I really don’t give a shit about what he does, so long as he’s not bothering me,” Bakugou mumbled as the two of them waited by the stoplight at the intersection in front of the agency. The light finally changed to green and Bakugou and Kirishima crossed the street, opening the giant glass doors to the building. Kirishima went over to the receptionists, filing any reports they had to complete.
“Ground Zero, there’s someone here who wanted to see you,” one of the receptionists said. “She’s waiting in the office.”
“Alright,” Bakugou said, mentally agitated as he didn’t want to deal with anyone right now. Nevertheless, he made his way down the hall and into his office, prepared to meet an annoying official working for the government or a crazed reporter that somehow was able to break into his agency. But he was pleasantly surprised to see a woman’s back facing him as he entered his office.
“What is this about?” Bakugou asked the woman curtly.
You turned around, causing Bakugou to nearly stop breathing. He didn’t know how, but you looked even more stunning standing in front of him than you did in your mermaid form. Your hair was slightly damp, the locks curling upwards. But your skin was practically gleaming against the light in the room, your smile sealing the deal that could cause Bakugou’s heart to palpitate irregularly in no time.
Just as he thought you couldn’t amaze him more, you did tenfold. “H-How the…”
You laughed, amused like you always were with the way he tended to be speechless by your mere presence. “Surprised to see me? I thought I’d pay a visit.”
Bakugou was absolutely bewildered, eyes widened and mouth agape with incredulity. “But you’re a fucking mermaid? Where’s your tail? How are you standing? What--”
“I have a quirk that lets me turn my tail into legs,” you stated blankly. “It’s nothing too special, my family has had a long line of inheritance with this quirk and I decided to use it since it’s been a while.”
“And why did you come? I was gonna stop by today,” Bakugou asked, waiting and wanting to hear you say what he wanted to hear.
You paused momentarily, your (E/C) eyes boring into his vermillion ones. You visually travelled down his figure, taking in his hero costume that you hadn’t seen previously. His biceps bulged out, his stature taller than what you had expected. He was even more handsome standing before than he was sitting beside you.
Bakugou felt himself blush under your obvious staring as you didn’t want to mask what you were doing or how you were feeling. You looked back into his eyes. “I missed you, Bakugou. I can’t explain why, but I missed you. And I couldn’t stand waiting idly by for you to come to me. So here I am.”
Before Bakugou could be even more flustered than he already was, the door to his office opened wide, a certain dark-haired man swinging his arm around Bakugou. “It’s been a while, man! Where have you been?” Sero exclaimed excitedly. Kirishima stood behind him at the door and the two men finally acknowledged you, shocked to see such a stunning woman in Bakugou’s office. Sero had stopped by as Kirishima had texted him, letting him know that he and Bakugou were back in the agency. But they were both pleasantly surprised by your presence.
Sero looked over at Bakugou, recognizing the light pink tinted on his cheeks as he smirked, putting two and two together. “Man, so this is what you’ve been doing recently!”
Bakugou glared at him, shaking Sero off him. As he knew two of his closest friends well enough to understand that they would pester you and bombard you with thousands of questions, he took matters into his own hands by grabbing your forearm and leading you out of the office.
Ignoring Kirishima and Sero’s shouts behind him as well as the stares he received from his receptionists, Bakugou led you out of the building and back to the streets. You looked down at where Bakugou was holding you, his hand still warm under his gloves. It was the first time a human had touched you.
Once he could confirm that his friends weren’t behind him following him, Bakugou let go of you, keeping his distance but still walking beside you. He looked off to the side, not wanting you to see his inflamed face. “I’ll walk you back to the dock. It’s not safe for you here.”
You smiled at him. “I appreciate your concern but you don’t have to worry about me. I’ve been amongst humans like this before.”
“Just… let me do this for you, alright?” Bakugou urged gently.
Regardless you nodded, smiling to yourself. Humans were more interesting than they had seemed before, or at least Bakugou was in a league of his own. You wanted to know everything about him, you wanted to constantly be around him, and he was all that was on your mind lately. You were slowly understanding that what you were feeling for him was crossing the line from friendship to something more and it frightened you. All your life you had known humans to be vile, selfish creatures who would do anything for their own gain. But here you were walking beside the most considerate man you’d ever met, exceeding the mermen of your kingdom in both looks and personality. 
But as much as you liked him, you didn’t want to pry any further. He was still a human and you were a ruler of a kingdom. You had decided to end things here, savoring and basking in the moment as much as you could until you had to finally cut all ties with Bakugou. And you knew when that moment would arrive, you wouldn’t be able to recover for a while. You had spent almost every evening with him on that dock, your special place with him, talking for hours upon hours. You liked how flustered he would get whenever you complimented his looks or how proud he seemed when he spoke about his occupation and passion. You could hear him talk, even if he was just cursing someone out, all day long. But soon enough, you would never hear from him again.
You shook your head, wanting to rid your mind of such saddening thoughts, deciding to change the subject instead. “Is it okay to leave your friends like that?”
“They’ll live. Your secret is more important right now,” Bakugou said, not realizing how touched you had been by his words. He truly had every intention of keeping your identity a secret and the more you were around him, the more you were falling for him. This was slowly becoming a dangerous situation, but you didn’t care, not in the moment at least. 
You looked down at your feet as the two of you made your way back to the dock, the amount of people around you decreasing as you got closer. And the closer you got, the more despondent you became as you realized this was the last moment you would have with him.
“What’s wrong?” Bakugou asked, snapping you away from your thoughts.
You looked up at him abruptly, his scarlet eyes penetrating right through your soul and being. You smiled reassuringly. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” Bakugou looked over at you, deciding to drop the subject once the two of you finally reached the dock.  
As you grew closer, a blonde man who you didn’t recognize stood on the dock, looking around the area. He was particularly looking down into the water, directly above your kingdom. You felt your heart stop as you began to become frantic that your home was found.
Bakugou extended his arm in front of you, ceasing your footsteps as you moved to confront the man. “Don’t go. You’ll get in danger. I’ll deal with him.” You looked at Bakugou, who had an expression you had never seen. He was calm and yet his nostrils were flared. You knew he was livid. 
Bakugou trudged towards the man, infuriated to see Monoma poking his nose where he didn’t belong. “The fuck do you think you’re doing here?”
Monoma smirked, looking beyond Bakugou’s shoulder to see you, staring you up and down and intently at your legs. You felt disgusted by his gaze, wanting to jump back into the water as soon as possible.
Monoma flicked his gaze back to Bakugou. “The rumors are that you’ve got a girlfriend which is why you’ve been slacking off recently. So I followed you over here a few days ago to see that you’ve got a mermaid by your side now. Even more interesting…” His voice trailed off and he smirked at you as you grimaced under his stare. “She looks exactly like a human.”
He let out a bellowing laugh, exasperating Bakugou even more than he already did with his presence alone. “It’d be a shame if more people found out about this…”
Bakugou didn’t hesitate or think twice to grab Monoma by the collar, his fingers curling against the fabric as uncontrollable sparks emerged from both hands. “If you even think about opening your trap up about this I’ll rip you apart limb from fucking limb.”
Although Monoma wouldn’t admit it, he was slightly intimidated by Bakugou’s threat, but even more so he found this whole situation to have been a stroke of luck. He knew exactly what he had to do. Monoma brought his hand up, grabbing Bakugou’s forearm that was clutching his collar. “Tell you what, I’ll let this whole thing go. If I’m being honest,” his eyes whipped over to you, causing a shiver to go down your spine, “I really don’t give a damn about you and your fish people. That’s the last thing I care about. I’ll let this all go… on one condition.”
“Spit it out, you bitch, you’re testing my patience,” Bakugou snarled through gritted teeth. 
Monoma chuckled humorlessly, smirking at you once more. You felt disgusted and defeated all at once. You had promised your people that this was a time for peace, that you wouldn’t let the humans that you hated so much ruin anything for you and your kingdom. And here was a human threatening the life of Coara like the lives of the mermaids and mermen meant nothing and were replaceable. 
You wanted to despise humans as much as you had before, but you couldn’t. Not when Bakugou was a human as well.
“I’ll let this go… if you give up your ranking.” Monoma laughed once more, feeling Bakugou’s grip loosen from the shock. 
Bakugou had worked day and night, protecting civilians left and right and defeating any villain that came his way to be number one. Even you understood this as Bakugou had explained hero rankings and how hard he worked. You could see he was a respectable man who would do anything to show others his worth. And here was a spineless bastard trying to rip it all away from Bakugou. 
Monoma shook Bakugou’s hand from him, smirking cruelly at him. “You see, I know you won’t give up your ranking for some rotten fish. Either way, I’m going to enjoy watching your little girlfriend’s life crumble before your very eyes--”
Before Monoma could yap and run his mouth more than he already had, Bakugou sent a right hook flying, contacting Monoma’s jaw and pummeling him to the floor of the wooden dock. You gasped, not suspecting him to do that, and took a few steps towards him. He turned his head at you, raising his hand to stop you from getting closer. He didn’t know what Monoma would do to you just to spite him. You felt hopeless, wanting to help Bakugou and your people were still in the back of your mind. What was the right thing to do in this situation? What could you do?
Monoma spit the blood out from his mouth, wiping his bloodied lip and rose to his feet. He cackled once more. “I knew you were too much of a coward to do--”
“I’ll do it,” Bakugou said in one breath, causing you and Monoma to be appalled.
“Bakugou! Don’t do it!” You called out in concern. You would do anything for your people but not at the expense of years of hard work Bakugou had put in. 
Bakugou ignored you momentarily. “I’ll give it up, my ranking. But if you take back your work I’ll fucking--”
Monoma rose a hand up in the air to cease his threats. “Don’t worry about that, I don’t give a damn about you or your girlfriend.” He extended his hand out at Bakugou, grinning in absolute delight. “We have a deal?”
Bakugou stared at his pale hand, his own fists clenching at his sides. Even so, he didn’t hesitate to shake hands with his nemesis, gripping his hand as tightly as he could. Monoma winced, wriggling his hand from Bakugou’s hold and rubbing it once he got free. Monoma laughed once more, walking past Bakugou and towards you. You stepped to the side, wanting to avoid him at all costs. He looked down at you, smirking. “For some rotten fish, you’re pretty hot.”
You wanted to puke from anger and disgust, staring daggers into his back as he walked away with delight and glee. Monoma waved his hand back. “I’ll send the paperwork to your office tonight, Ground Zero.”
Once he was a considerable distance from you, you ran towards Bakugou, joining him on the dock. “Why did you do that? Why would you give your ranking up?”
Bakugou sighed, looking down at the water and the boulders that you always sat upon during your frequent meetings. He slipped his gloves, boots, and socks off, sitting on the edge of the dock and dipping his feet into the water. You watched as he did so, not understanding his silence. Nonetheless, you joined him, slipping off the sandals Alicia made you and sitting right beside him. This was the closest the two of you had ever physically been.
“It didn’t feel right,” Bakugou said, avoiding your eye contact. “It’s my fucking fault that dipshit found out. I couldn’t just walk away knowing that I was putting you in danger.”
You smiled softly, shaking your head. “I’ve dealt with idiots like him before. I would’ve been fine. But you worked so hard to get where you are now.”
Bakugou turned to face you, his eyes just as intense as they always were. “You don’t get it. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you. A ranking is a fucking ranking. I know I’m the best, that fucknut weaseled his way into becoming the new number one now. But your life means more to me than that.”
You were astonished, blown away by his selflessness. But Bakugou didn’t recognize his actions as being selfless as he continued blaming himself for putting your life in danger. And you recognized this by his hurt expression as he was physically grimacing. You smiled, lifting your hand up and cupping his cheek. Your palms were cold against Bakugou’s cheek, sending tingles down his spine, but your fingertips held the softest touch. “You’re amazing, Bakugou. This isn’t your fault. I don’t blame you, not even a little bit. I chose to see you everyday, I could’ve just stayed in my palace if I didn’t want to see you. But I came here because I like being around you.”
Bakugou stared at you, basking in your beauty. He had never met anyone like you as you were truly a one of kind being. You were tenderhearted, a leader, ambitious, and driven for others. Bakugou knew by now that he had no control over his feelings for you, not giving a damn about the consequences. He wanted to hold you, protect you against anyone who would even think of harming you.
“Do you regret being with me? Do you regret meeting with a human that could harm your people?” Bakugou questioned.
You shook your head, not hesitating to answer immediately. “There isn’t a fiber in me that feels that way. Being with you has given me faith in humanity.” You took back your thoughts earlier, knowing full well you couldn’t abandon him now, not when he protected you.
Bakugou nodded. “Alright. Then don’t mind when I do this.”
Before you could let the words ‘do what?’ escape from your lips, Bakugou closed the gap between the two of you, gently locking your lips with his own. It was a pleasant surprise, making you realize that humans were softer than they seemed. He smelled of burnt sugar, locking in how sweet he truly was. He was gentle despite how caustic he seemed to others. But you knew him, you had spent months with him, and you had no intention of letting him go now.
You pulled away, your chest rising and falling slowly. He was beautiful, more beautiful than you could ever describe into words. You were willing to go off the deep end for him, the stunning human who risked his career for your life. And you had no intention of leaving him.
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i know you like them both so yunichika and oda/aoki for the ship ask
thank you for giving me a chance to gush about these kids!!! they’re precious.... this got pretty long so imma put it under a cut
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YuniChika, the main boys of 2.43:
• when or if I started shipping it:
tbh i didn’t really ship them when i read the first book... they’re the kind of pairing that i can see people shipping and i think it’s cute, but i’m not super invested in them as a romantic pairing. I think i was more sold about them as a ship in the second book, but i can’t quite remember if there was a specific moment that made me change my mind, or if it was a gradual process
• my thoughts:
i think the anime definitely played up the tension between them (allll the blushes lol), but i’m glad people are enjoying the YuniChika content XD they’re pretty cute!
also, i think they balance each other well and spur each other to become better—Yuni and Chika are both self-centered(?) in very different ways: Yuni lacks drive because he mostly wanted to please people so they’ll like him, while Chika has the opposite problem in that he acts like he doesn’t care what people think of him. 
but now Yuni is able to take a stand for his interest in volleyball and for Chika, and while Chika doesn’t really soften and still has a problem with not realizing how harsh he could be, he’s more willing to communicate his thoughts.
• what makes me happy about them:
boys reuniting! relearning how to have a relationship with one another! learning from past mistakes and trying to be better people together! HELL YEAH
• what makes me sad about them:
boys, please use your words to communicate with each other...
also, from Yuni’s perspective, it’s kinda sad when someone you used to know really well comes back into your life, but they’ve changed so much that they are essentially a different person... but of course they have a new opportunity to become closer now 😉 so i’m not that sad about it
• things done in art/fic that annoys me:
... there are fanworks for them????????? 
(on a more serious note, erasing their flaws to make them more likable... please don’t make Chika ‘secretly nice’ or whatever, the kid is blunt as hell, and not realizing how his words affect others is his biggest flaw. on the other hand, Yuni can still be a little spineless at times, and sometimes his priorities are. questionable.)
• things I look for in art/fic:
hm, i’d like a future fic about them as professional players! i think their inclination is to stick together (they’re a package deal!) but it’d be super interesting to read something where they’re on rival teams years down the line
EDIT: haha Chika actually transferred to Keisei High School after their first Spring Tournament, so he and Yuni have faced each other as rivals since then (2.43 next 4years). they’re go to the same university and are on the same team now though!
• who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
uh i don’t really have specific people for this, but Chika would probably have to be with someone who understands his love of volleyball (like Oda, but if Oda wasn’t their team captain and thus too much of a dad friend to qualify as a romantic interest), and someone who can inspire Yuni would be good for him
also, i know who i’d NOT be comfy about: the first book (and anime i guess) had this weird tension between Itoko and Yuni, COUSINS who BASICALLY GREW UP TOGETHER. i think(?) their weird whatever was mostly dropped in the 2nd book and wasn’t really made explicit, but like. what the hell. (i have no idea what happens beyond the 2nd book.)
• my happily ever after for them:
the YuniChika in college arc is being serialized rn, so in a way that’s already fulfilled? (i have NO idea what’s going on tho) 
in general i just hope they can play volleyball together until one or both decide not to, for whatever reason, and that they stay in each other’s lives and support each other even after they’ve retired from competitive volleyball. i think with Yuni’s personality he could be a good coach after getting more experience, and Chika... he’s really valuable as a strategist, but I think he’d always be a little brusque, so he’s respected but hard to bond with if he does take on coaching?
• what is their favorite non-sexual activity?
bold of you to assume Chika even cares about sex
anyway, they don’t go to movies for a romantic date night, they go watch volleyball matches. sometimes this backfires when Chika gets too frustrated at bad plays tho
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and of course i will never pass up an opportunity to talk about Oda/Aoki, the main guys of my heart (my OTP for this series tbh):
• when or if I started shipping it:
they pinged on my radar when they were bickering in Ibara’s chapter, but i wasn’t super duper invested... and then I got to The Dog’s Perspective and the Giraffe’s Perspective (specifically The Kick™) and oh god i’ve never fallen so fast
• my thoughts: 
GOD WOW Aoki really loves Oda... even though objectively Oda’s height prevents him from being a super ace, he is the coolest, strongest super ace to Aoki. i think it’s beautiful that someone can see you as your best self even when you’re feeling shitty about yourself. Aoki knows that objectively Oda faces a lot of obstacles, and wants to support him as best as he can—not out of pity (pity would’ve burned out long ago), but because he really respects Oda’s passion and drive.
also, these two have unaddressed issues that they should talk about! Oda, i know you feel inferior but you are so much better than you think you are. please accept that Aoki really does respect you, and that you are worthy of it (or like, you don’t have to be ‘’’worthy’’’’ or ‘’’’’’deserving’’’’’’’’’’ of it, because it is Aoki’s choice to support you and play volleyball with you!!! it’s not something you gotta earn, it’s something freely and happily given to you)
(ahhhhhh i die when i think of them)
• what makes me happy about them: 
gosh i love their dynamic SO MUCH! Oda is exactly my type of character (passionate, determined, knowing that he can never be the best at what he’s passionate about due to factors he cannot control, trying to be kind and gracious but struggling with feelings of inferiority and jealousy, thinks of himself as a selfish person, a supporting character...) and Aoki’s devotion is really touching. 
again: even when you feel like crap about yourself, there’s someone out there who thinks you’re the best thing that happened to them.
there’s also the fact that Oda thinks the world of Aoki as well (to the point of feeling inferior, which is like... c’mon Oda :/ you are better than you think you are!) he trusts Aoki a lot, despite knowing his willingness to engage in, uh, underhanded methods
• what makes me sad about them: 
it’s their last year together, and they’d be approaching a new phase of their lives in different places... although Aoki offered to lower his rankings so they’d go to the same university, realistically they’ll go to different colleges, and most likely end up in different prefectures. (like, not only do i think it’s a Terrible Idea to give up your dream school so that you could stay with someone else, there is no way Oda would accept the offer without being crushed by guilt. something like that would actually ruin their relationship, which i think Aoki knows as well.)
there’s also a lot left unsaid between them at this point and i just want them to lay everything out between them and move forward together
• things done in art/fic that annoys me: 
the fact that there’s NONE >:[ what does a gal have to do to get some content for them???????
• things I look for in art/fic: 
at this point anything is fine.... it’s a desert out there and i’m dying
more specifically i’m Extremely Down for a get together fic; i personally only see them getting together after high school, at least several months (or even longer) studying in different prefectures and no longer able to see each other every day. (i mean... absence makes the heart grow fonder right?)
i’d also love to see Oda using Aoki’s first name, considering Aoki calls him “Shin” and all. Oda managing to surprise/fluster Aoki would be nice too.
EDIT: they’re both in the Kansai region (2.43 next 4years prologue). Oda’s revealed to be studying in Osaka, and assuming Aoki got into KyoDai, they should be around 2 hours away from each other by train? so visiting each other over short breaks would be cute! also, apparently Oda took a gap year before going to Osaka (2.43 next 4years Ch 1.2), so something set during that time would also be awesome :V
• who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
hm... if i had to imagine people well-suited to them, i’d say Aoki’s type is people who are straightforwardly passionate about their interests (Oda hooked him with his unbridled love of volleyball way back in their first year of high school after all), and I think Oda probably needs someone who is willing to indulge him a little (like Chika he can be pretty dang determined about what he wants, though without the single-minded intensity at the expense of everything else)
... this is just a roundabout way of saying i think they’re ideal for each other, especially if they resolve the problem of hiding things from the other
• my happily ever after for them: 
they get careers/hobbies they enjoy, and get a place together as boyfriends/husbands. no i will not hear any criticism of this idea
i can see Aoki working in the private sector (this guy is fine with ‘joking’ about blackmail after all!) after getting his law degree. this is super self-indulgent, but given his penchant of rooting for passionate but objectively disadvantaged entities, i think it’d be pretty awesome if he works for a smaller company that truly believes in their work, instead of working at a big firm pulling in big bucks.
while I’m not sure what Oda is canonically studying, I can see him going into sports education or sports therapy—i think he’d be really good at nurturing the talents of other athletes, and he’s good at rallying the team (Aoki pretty much says he’s the heart of the team in the epilogue of the first book, though Aoki’s kiiinda biased lol). i think it’d be really cute if Oda coaches a grade school team!
neither plays volleyball competitively after high school, but sometimes they watch matches for fun (esp if their ex-teammates are playing). Oda also makes Aoki come to his students’ matches if he doesn’t have work
EDIT: apparently Oda continues competing as a wing spiker in college, playing in Kaisai’s 2nd Collegiate Division (2.43 next 4years Ch 1.2)—Aoki probably watches his matches, even when he’s busy (and Oda probably chides him for neglecting his work, but they both know Aoki can manage his workload).
• what is their favorite non-sexual activity?
hm... idk, i think they’re the kind of couple who are cool with just chilling with each other doing their own work. like, Oda planning strategies for the kids he’s coaching while Aoki reads next to him, occasionally glancing over to make comments, stuff like that
also since Oda says they mostly talked about volleyball during high school, I can kinda see them finding something new they both enjoy after they get together? Maybe shounen manga, for something fun
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keeperofhounds · 4 years
Minority Report (Quirkless)
Hello, I am a college student studying abroad in Japan. I would like to share the similarities and differences between the United States and Japan. This is to expand and teach others about how Japan is like to people from the outside.
This story was inspired by @aconstantstateofbladerunner who wanted a story that expanded on the world of My Hero Academia. Note this story takes from modern day Japan, but as an American it might not be entirely accurate. 
Recently I bore witness to an event that shook me to the core, there was a student. Normally this wouldn’t matter if I were to describe him, I would go so far as to say that he looked like he had a bad attitude. You could see it with the way he carried himself and glared at everything as if it all personally offended him. Yet, I don’t want to focus on him, that student will be mentioned later. What I want to focus on is another student who was at that event on the same day.
At first glance you can tell the other student is nothing special. In fact he’s very plain with nothing special about him. I would even say that he might be shy with how he held himself, trembling, looking at the floor when the heroes were talking to him. Not that I blamed him those talks were actually scolding.
You see dear reader, this boy did something crazy, he went running towards a villain, and from what I heard that same boy was quirkless. Let me give you some context on what was happening before this kid came running into the scene, throwing his backpack and clawing desperately to give a victim breathing air.
Earlier in the day at around 3:30 pm (roughly the time when schools let out) a villain with a sludge like quirk robbed a store. Luckily the occupants at the time were not seriously injured after the villain left, in a stroke of luck All Might, the symbol of peace happened to be in the area and gave chase. At some point All Might lost the villain in the sewer system which can be described as long winded and confusing, which allowed the villain to find a hostage.
After some research after the story broke the hostage's name is Bakugo Katsuki, he is a middle schooler with a quirk that allows explosions to be set off from his hands. When he was caught, the student tried to get away as any reasonable would try to do in this situation, this in turn caused complications. The heroes were unable to find a way to extract with the sludge villains clutches.
I’m not going to focus on them, what I want to focus is on the other boy. Despite all my investigation I could not find the name of the boy in any publications about the incident. There was one thing that stood out however and it was the boys status. He was quirkless.
At first I was surprised, but then I was impressed, not unlike a blind person learning to play the piano, or a deaf person learning to sing. Although these might be poor comparisons given the situation it did answer some questions I had in mind, but also bring some more questions. I finally knew why the heroes were scolding him, but I also noticed they were praising the other boy.
Not to rub salt on a wound or blame the victim, but the boy made things worse not only himself, but the people around him. Not to mention the heroes stood frozen as a child ran into the fray doing only enough to give another time to breathe. It’s a small thing, but it mattered the most.
Knowing this, I would have expected people in the area to talk about what happened. News stations talking about how this kid brought enough time for All Might to swoop in and save the day, but nothing. They talked about the victim, they talked about All Might, they talked about the villain, but they never talked about the other boy. 
What happened? In the United States the local news stations are always about bringing up local heroes, even if it’s as simple as inviting a stranger into their home for thanksgiving after a mistaken phone call (the stranger accepted), but nothing in Japan. It was as if the other boy was erased from the narrative all together.
I was simple to figure out what happened, the people involved were embarrassed. I couldn’t fathom about what made this kid different until I really thought about it. While in Japan I noticed an unusual tell when it came to people introducing themselves, they always said their names, and the types of quirks they had. This was especially true with children when my co-worker brought them to work.
It really started to make me wonder, but I didn’t want to make any assumptions. I knew that Japan had some issues when it came to how they did things. I know the United States still has issues when it comes to descrimination and racism, but when you really look around there is something clearly wrong. In Japan not once have I ever seen or heard of any people without a quirk.
I asked a few of my co-workers in the college what was up with that, and they told me that they didn’t think that quirkless was still even a thing in this country. Which made me wonder even more, I didn’t like how flippant the dismissal was from my friend. Another stated that the hate speech on the internet they have found in chat rooms has increased.
According to NGO reports, incidents of hate speech against minorities and their defenders, in particular, on the internet, grew. The national law on hate speech applies only to discriminatory speech and behavior directed at those who are not of Japanese heritage and is limited to educating and raising public awareness among the general public against hate speech; it does not carry penalties.
Further research shows that “Quirklessness” is a disability in Japan, with similar protections to any other disability by law. The Basic Act for Persons with Disabilities prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, intellectual, mental, or other disabilities affecting body and mind and bars infringement of their rights and interests on the grounds of disability in the public and private sectors. The law requires the public sector to provide reasonable accommodations and the private sector to make best efforts in employment, education, access to health care, or the provision of other services. The laws do not stipulate remedies for persons with disabilities who experience discriminatory acts nor do they establish penalties for noncompliance. Other law mandates that the government and private companies hire minimum proportions (2 percent) of persons with disabilities (including mental disabilities) or be fined. Disability rights advocates claimed that some companies preferred to pay the fine rather than hire persons with disabilities
Nonetheless, persons with disabilities faced limited access to some public-sector services. Abuse of persons with disabilities was a serious concern. Persons with disabilities around the country experienced abuse by family members, care-facility employees, or employers. Private surveys indicated discrimination against and sexual abuse of, women with disabilities. While some schools provided inclusive education, children with disabilities generally attended specialized schools.
Mental health professionals criticized as insufficient the government’s efforts to reduce the stigma of mental illness and inform the public that depression and other mental illnesses are treatable and biologically based.
As I write this article, I am appalled at the complete lack of protections and descrimination faced by the minority. It’s as if they don’t exist in the eyes of the public and the government. There this one article written by a reporter, who covered a murder, but some how they spun it to make it sound like it was the victims fault. The victim was an elderly man who was attacked while on his way home with some groceries. Apparently there were many witnesses, but no one was willing to come forward.
Interviews stated that people assumed that someone else would help, that a hero would come to save the day. Others just didn’t care, assuming that the injuries weren’t as bad they looked. The perpetrators were never found and this murder became a cold case. To me this is clearly a hate crime, but to them it’s nothing, but another statistic in a growing trend.
I feel pity for that boy who ran, but at the same time maybe it’s better if people don’t know he’s quirkless. I bet life is difficult, I just hope that someone else see’s a good kid and sees what he has other than what he doesn’t. We need more people like him, because some people are too busy being full of themselves. 
Sections of the text is not my own but taken from https://www.state.gov/reports/2018-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/japan/ (This in regards to italic passages)
If anyone has ideas on what should be brought up next, please leave a message. Not to mention any other reliable sources of information about Japan.
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if it’s not too much to ask... india/china hcs pls? i know u ship it so i’d love to hear what ur opinions are!!
Thank you for asking friend!! It’s never a bother :)
Length Warning: Very, Very Long, A Lot Of Rambling
Preface: I honestly don’t know much in-depth stuff about India-China history (all the “history ramblings” is based on my previous knowledge + Wiki), so I don’t have a lot of grounding in what their relationship is like. Also, when writing their history I realized I still see them as a brotp (so the first part isn’t very shippy) but there are romantic ship headcanons at the end. See this cool post for other hcs!
- I guess in Ancient Times, I see them having a friendly trading partner vibe; my personal hc of Ancient China is of someone who builds friendships for convenience, and then starts getting attached with time, so I think this is how his attitude was at first. He and India probably had some vague contact through diplomats and travellers who brought back tales to their own country, and then once trading and influence and religious imports (ex. Buddhism) really kicked off, they started actually interacting with each other (as people, not nations) and over time, that just kicked off into being closer and closer friends until they were basically lovers.
- In Hetalia canon China goes along with Zheng He (Ming Dynasty, early 1400s) on his voyages around the world (the episode with a giraffe), and historically they did make stops at India, where they traded and visited Buddhist temples and stuff; this would be fun to examine in terms of Indchu. I’m sure they had more opportunities to visit each other in person (in contrast to Romechu, the true long-distance relationship) but I’d like to see them just checking in on each other, talking about the news of the day and stuff! Talking about trade and the places they’ve seen; Yao rambling on and on about where he’s headed next, India interjecting time to time about things he’s heard about places far away from them. A moment of peace where they’re just super comfortable and relaxed with each other would be amazing
- Ok fast forward a bit to the 1850s-60s: Qing Dynasty is resting in pieces, the Opium Wars have thoroughly beaten China, the government is unstable from the Boxer Rebellion and there’s a bunch of hate at the ruling people, stuff happens. India has been taken by Britain and it’s Not Fun; these two old men are down in the dumps and being bitter together. I don’t think they’re “dating” or whatever rn because there’s just too much on both of their plates, but they are still close friends and still mutually hate England together. I can see them having tense arguments with each other out of pure stress, complaining about who has it worse: India, who has been made into a colony! *gasp* “My pride has been killed, Yao!” and China, who is basically a colony to 5 nations all at once and also reeling from losing HK to Britain. They know exactly how to hurt each other by this point, but they also know they don’t really mean it, and things usually blow over after they’re in their right minds again.
****Also, Indian sepoys were used by Britain to fight China, and Indian opium was shipped to China as well; I think that might have been a sticking point for a while, but I think Yao would’ve slowly accepted that India was not the one making decisions in the end. 
- The World Wars: India is in the Gallipoli campaign, conscripted by Britain, China is fighting on the side of the British and French but does not gain a single thing from winning, and has also lost the First Sino-Japanese War (I think Hetalia canon says China got his scar from there). Then Japan invades China, and he and India are fighting together in WWII against China’s estranged sibling/brother/vague relation. Both are beaten to the core, still bitter, but they keep reminding each other that they will just have to weather the storm and wait for their moment. This too shall pass. Same mood as the beginning of imperialism, but more tired and more done.
- After India’s Independence and China’s Government Overhaul: 1950s: India was one of the first non-Communist countries to recognize the PRC instead of the old ROC, but I think they started distancing from each other a little while after? There were territorial disputes with Nepal and I think both countries’ governments might have told them to cut it out and be less friendly with each other because they had rather clashing agendas
- Things seem to be relaxing just a bit, but then the Sino-Indian border dispute (1962) happens, and then there are other clashes near the border, and they don’t know if they can trust each other. Additionally, there’s the Sino-Soviet split, and India is getting help from the Soviets, and it makes things more complicated between them. The relationship is on shaky ground right now, and if they meet in person, both are putting on an impersonal facade. Not very friendly. I think they’re still cooling off until at least the late 1970s, when China’s economic reform happens.
- Skipping to Modern Day: they are cool again and are close friends again. However, they know their countries are competing in population, economy, world status/power, but they’re still friends. They know it might end badly, but I think they’ve learned to roll with the good times and savor it; their pride and hearts have been stomped on already so they don’t care anymore and take risks even if they might come out feeling a bit broken. They are buddies, and they might be dating, and they don’t really care about the boundary between friends and lovers. They are comfortable with each other.
- This article, published in 2007 by Harvard Business Review, presents an interesting take on China and India’s relationship, and in particular, their economies: it says that although people think they’re destined to be rivals because of their competing business sectors, they have developed complementary strengths and it’d be foolish not to work together. I think that could somewhat summarize Indchu’s relationship with each other in the hetaliaverse; they complement each other, and even if they might become competitors, it won’t affect their friendship/relationship because they just fit together. They click; it’s not forced friendship or whatever, they just integrate into each other so well (it’s almost like they’re meant to be together).
- There are border skirmishes (ex. the incident in June 2020), but I’m not really sure how that would factor into their relationship? Maybe they’ve gotten over it and they both know the other personification doesn’t like the fighting, and that their government’s opinions come first? Or maybe it’s still unresolved between them, because India has known Yao for a long time and knows what he’s capable of, and Yao knows what a potent force India can be when he wants? Idk. I think the idea of unresolved tension is more accurate, but I also like this ship because it’s soft and /mostly/ pure in modern day and I sometimes really want to ignore historical accuracy
- They argue with each other a lot, basically like an old married couple; their jibes at each other don’t mean anything though. China insists it’s so their wits stay sharp.
- Also they have debates over various academic topics; it’s basically their fun hobby by now. They’re both intellectually matched and read rather voraciously, so it’s a fun challenge (and keeps their wits sharp)
- I mentioned it before but it’s worth bringing up again: they know exactly how to hurt each other with their words; they just don’t get into bad fights often so they don’t need to cut each other to pieces.
- China is the less sentimental one, but they’re both really good at picking out tasteful, meaningful gifts for each other. “Experiences over material items/gifts” doesn’t really appeal to either of them; they’d much rather stay home being cozy than “gifting” each other a week in the Caribbeans or something.
- T e a  l e a v e s (No Teabags unless Strictly Necessary). No coffee, sugar, cream, or milk. Sometimes India jokes about switching over to coffee or drinking tea the British way, and Yao just goes “You’re canceled”, dead seriously.
- They wear each other’s traditional clothing sometimes. Occasionally Yao asks India to wear a hanfu instead of a changshan (men’s equivalent of qipao) because he thinks it’s more traditional (qipao was invented in the 1920s). India has managed to stuff Yao into a qipao at least three times, and has pictures to prove it.
- India likes running his fingers through China’s hair (he says it’s really soft, a comment that makes Yao scoff every time) and he sorta hates his ponytail for that reason alone. Yao knows this, and he tries to make up for it by letting it down more on weekends, when he doesn’t have to look presentable (also India insists Yao looks presentable all the time, another comment that always earns a scoff).
- They teach each other their own dishes. China has been getting in the habit of substituting beef and pork for other things, mainly tofu/chicken/shiitake mushrooms
- They take walks together in the evenings after dinner when they’re in the same place. As long as it’s still light out and the weather’s not too bad, they will do it every day (even if it’s raining, they might just bring an umbrella).
- Their way of showing affection is a) with gifts and b) just talking to each other about anything. It’s their way of winding down for the day and being comfortable with each other; they have long talks about random, silly little things that happened, perhaps a funny (or stupid) meme/joke their siblings sent, or dumb stuff that happened with their boss at a meeting.
- I think they’d call each other nicknames in private. It wouldn’t be something too “sickly sweet” I guess, but something to show they care. They use nicknames sparingly as well, so it doesn’t lose meaning through overuse. (I personally hate nicknames so I’m not giving out any suggestions here, but I think Yao would use something like “亲爱的” for India, basically means “dear/beloved”. Not too flashy or sweet, but still affectionate.)
- China gifts houseplants to India’s apartment/house because he knows India likes them (I think he’s a green thumb). China doesn’t really bother with decorative plants; he prefers to grow spring onions and other low maintenance shit that he can use in his cooking lol he’s all about the practicality
- During ancient times, they had lengthy, invigorating discussions about mathematics, either through letters or in person.
- They aren't really affectionate in public; PDA is limited to hand holding and occasionally a kiss on the cheek. Neither China nor India are the type to “show off” their relationship or their partner.
- Adding onto that, they don’t really announce their relationship to everybody but if you ask them, they’ll tell you. Basically you have to be the one to notice something’s up; they just don’t think it's necessary to share every little bit of information about their lives with people. They're the “secretly married” couple trope; signs of affection are rather subtle but still noticeable because they don’t act that way to other people.
- China forced India to get a Wechat so he can send India 10¥ red packets every week just because he has the app
- Not really a ship headcanon, but these two would throw the best parties??? Like if you want a party that’s really loud and noisy and fun, ask them. They may be old and “not fun” or whatever but they know how to organize large scale events effectively and how to achieve the correct atmosphere, and despite all Yao’s siblings’ trash talk, they usually pull off very stylish, sleek functions/events. Maybe it’s a little tacky here and there but it’s barely noticeable, and everyone is just. Awed.
Yeet that’s it; thank you for reading! This got really long, and I feel like a lot of the headcanons were rather platonic, but yeah! Hope you like it!
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munstarr · 4 years
The Guardian: part 3
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Hello everyone! Welcome to part 3 of this slow burn! I am having fun writing this, hope you enjoy!
That night Mirin had given her a tour of a lifetime, this opulent circular building was actually his home. He had taken her to each room and she was happy to find that her key card had been given access to each space. Some rooms held documents and information panels, others held more interesting things like collecticbles from his travels and art work, overall each room was a new experience to behold.  On the last part of their tour he dropped her off at her room,  mentioning his was down the hall in case she would need anything. As Mirin walked away she couldn’t help but glace back at his towering frame, he was well over seven feet tall she noted as she had stolen glances at him all throughout the tour. He had been a bit different than the other Nuks she’d previously met, his skin had more scales than leather she noted, it even had a lovely faint iridescent purple hue in some lights. Mirins teeth also seemed even sharper,his mouth should have been frightening since it was filled with razor sharp teeth. But biting her lip she remembered the way he’d sharply smirk or gently rumble every time she said something he found a bit amusing, she was starting to feel calm already thanks to his jauntiness. Scanning into her room, there was an instant relief that there were no boxes on site. The nuks seemed to have placed her art and other things on the walls, that made her happy. Walking further into her space she noticed some things were placed upside down but she appreciated the sentiment . Yawning Azura decided she was ready for bed,the day's excitement had hit her all at once and she was worn out. Stripping off her second skin pants and putting on her silky pink bonnet she leaped into her huge new bed. Ready to drift off to sleep her last thought was about needing to ask for a stepping stool on her next Earth request form, slowly her eyes reluctantly fluttered closed. 
The next morning Azura laid asleep drooling onto her soft cozy pillows as her room spun around slowly transitioning to show the bright purple sky through the large window, her room spoke in a soft angelic voice “Lady Emem, it’s time to rise and prepare for your first day” , grumbling Azura sat up and slinked off her bonnet and eye mask with a stretchy yawn. Rubbing her eyes she straightened up,looking around and then out of her floor to ceiling window in confusion “Oh! That’s right, I live on a different planet now” she laughed dumbfoundedly, how could she forget! Only she could forget she moved to another planet, that’s jetlag for ya she thought. Jumping out of bed she inspected the two doors in her room, finding one to be a washroom and the other her closet.  Swaying into her bathroom she prepared for the day, after touching every button possible she was able to start the water and indulge in a quick sudsy shower, letting the water be the breath of life for her tight curls.  Dripping all the way into her closet she was happy to find her uniforms there waiting for her, the closet also featured a massive amount of empty space.  Azura felt hopeful she wouldn’t always have to wear black, afterall she thought bright colors looked lovely on her silky chocolate skin. Dressing quickly she applied a more neutral creamy lipstick to her soft lips, gathering her hair into a beautiful high puff, she decided to leave out bang ringlets to frame her soft face. Inspecting herself in the mirror she was very happy she could do this in a short amount of time, she wanted to be downstairs earlier than The Guardian to be prepared for the day. Gathering her identification cards she headed out to the study where he instructed her to meet him, with a slight bounce in her step she was very pleased with her morning start thus far. Scanning into the study the door sang “Welcome Guardian Keeper Azura'' she would never get used to that she thought as she stepped into the study.Only to find that Mirin was already there, sitting at his desk “oh, your guardianess, I wasn't expecting to see you so early” she said looking at her time keeper, she had been here an hour early after all.  “I was going to prepare for you,” she said admittedly, trying to hide her disappointment. “How fitting, I rose early to prepare for you” he said in his booming voice. Standing he smoothed out his frame hugging dark outfit and walked over to a door and rolled out a huge onyx colored tower filled with food. “ I read that you might enjoy a meal before working. I ordered you the first daily meal out of many” he said matter of factly adjusting things on the tower. She had to admit that for someone with no visible eyes he was very attractive, even early in the morning,his sharp smile made her fan girl in secret. After spending yesterday stealing glances at him she had to admit she had a hidden urge to run her fingers over his leather scalded skin. She was curious to know if the texture was as strong and smooth as it looked, that thought made her squeeze her thighs together slightly. Walking over to meet him she saw the food tower contained things like sausage, egg, liver, beans, waffles and so much more food than she could ever possibly eat. She was a bit confused but was excited to eat non the less. “I ordered what they call ‘a full english breakfast’ he said in air quotes looking down at her. Restraining a giggle she smiled, ‘’that's so thoughtful sir, but I- I.. am actually not from england '' she said reluctantly, that would explain the liver and blood pudding she thought. He seemed to be confused, tilting his head slightly. Packing her plate with waffles and sausage she explained as they went on to discuss the day's plans. The Guardian had sat opposite her after activating the fireplace, while she ate he explained a bit more about his job and exactly what she would be helping him do while she was with him. Apparently there were few guardians appointed, and Mirin was the guardian of knowledge, he kept all original record copies, and was an archivist for the sector of the planet in which they lived. Azura felt amazing she could help with such a thing, she had worked in an office and a library previously so she was happy she could help him. He mentioned to her how sometimes they would be in the archives and other times they would deliver information and attend planetary meetings.  After chatting more over breakfast the room had fallen comfortably silent, with only the sounds of crackling fire filling the warm room. She was lost in thought, happy the man she was working with turned out to be more than agreeable, that eased her nerves a lot and helped her feel even better about her decision to move . “So” he said breaking the silence ‘’ would you like to visit the archive today?” he said with a sharp smirk that made her stomach flutter. “Yes sir,  I’m ready to help any way I can” she said confidently with a sharp nod. 
Over the next few weeks Azura and Mirin got to know each other even more, working in the archive was a quiet job when they were being serious. When there were no visitors he would give her tours of the endless scrolls and show her holograms of places on the planet and far off places, she was excited to learn that they could visit many of them sometime soon. During their shifts he would try to explain all the Nuk humor and show her maps, she was always so enchanted by how passionately he talked about his job. She loved when he’d softly rumble after she asked a question about something he was interested in, and he’d do it even deeper when she was speaking about topics she enjoyed. He seemed most happy when she would get excited about potential places for them to explore together. After hearing his stories it seemed he usually traveled alone and was happy at the implication they’d go places together now, at least that's what she gathered from his husky purrs.
 This current shift had been a quiet one, them both working hard on different projects, only stopping to really interact when she had a question or he needed her assistance moving files around the building. They were currently working on compiling the right documents for an upcoming meeting for the Guardians of his sector. She could tell by his silence throughout the day he wasn't looking forward to it, she could also tell by the way he talked about the upcoming event. She couldn't be sure why but decided it would be better to ask later when they weren't so busy. Closing down the archive Azura noted how tired Mirin looked, she could see it in his body language that he was ready to head home. She noted how he got like this on days usually on days when it was very busy and they didn't have time to talk much. It made her sad to see him so quiet especially since he was usually such a bright light to be around. “You know, I could try and teach you another Earth board game when we get home” she said suggestively knowing this would perk him up. When he did not respond while working the keypad she gingerly took his clawed hand into hers, rubbing the back with her other in calm circles. This made him freeze and straighten up completely  , picking up her tiny hands in his, he faced down to them looking at them for what felt like minutes. This confused her and she let out a soft gasp in surprise when he let out his long deep purple tongue and licked up the  back of her palms slowly and almost sensually. Azura was shocked silent and held her breath for what felt like ages. “Oh, I see, this gesture is a term of human affection and care” he said with a tired shy smile, he placed her hands down and patted her afro “You are very sweet women, I would enjoy that very much,let's proceed home” he said with a newly found tired smile. Confused, she suddenly remembered that Nuks could get information from taste and she was able to breathe again, even though she had to admit the feeling of his cool tongue on her hand had sparked something she was hoping it wouldn't, she could feel the electricity and it flooded straight down to her core. “Shall we go?” he said, tilting his head questioningly offering her his large hand, she nodded taking it. She couldn’t help but feel bad for indulging in this moment as he guided her to the transporter. She was only trying to help cheer him up after all, at least that's what she told herself. 
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xkid86 · 4 years
Can u write 5&25 with obi wan, Please?
You are officially my new favorite person, ur amazing, ilysm. Also this ask just brought back my crush on Obi tenfold.
5 should be out soon, promise, but here’s 25!
25. “Don’t. Move.”
Rating: E
Word Count: 2.4k b/c I have no self control
Warnings: Fluff, injury, Mace is a bit OOC probably, dialogue heavy
A/N: Fun fact Obi-Wan had a R4-P17 during the Clone Wars. All planet/sector/character names are made up. 
“We believe there to be a Seperatist outpost on Sainti Tue, a planet close to our current campaign on Trogosath in the Scallerri sector. This may pose a threat to our efforts,” Mace Windu said calmly, walking around the circular halo-projector showing the position of the planets. “We need you to find it and see to it that it is taken care of.”
“Who else is assigned to this mission, if I may ask?” You look to the tan-clad Master to your left. 
“Well, since Skywalker and his troops are currently assigned on a mission in the Outer Rim, it will be just your and Obi-Wan’s forces on this assignment,” Master Windu says, turning to face the two of you. “I trust this will be sufficient.”
“Yes, Master,” you both bow, leaving the briefing. 
“So, another mission?” You ask Obi-Wan, walking alongside him toward the hanger. 
“Yes, this time hopefully without the usual recklessness I have to go through,” he chuckled. “It’s been quite some time since we’ve been on mission together, hasn’t it?”
“It has. It’s been rather quiet without you and your padawan causing trouble on our missions.” You both bow your head to Luminara and Ki-Adi Mundi as they pass you in the halls of the Jedi Temple.
“Anakin’s matured quite a bit since the last time we had a mission together. He’s actually taken on a padawan,” Obi-Wan says.
“Really? I’m surprised I haven’t heard about it. I suppose he’s still just as headstrong, though?” You smile, recalling the many times Anakin nearly sacrificed himself and the mission for some thing or another.
“Indeed. He’s doing quite well with Ahsoka so far,” he says, “She’s turning out rather well.” The two of you are separated briefly by a small group of younglings running between you both, scattered “Sorry Masters” floating back to you. 
“I imagine she’s just as determined and headstrong as her master, huh?” Having reached your destination, you turn to him.
“She has. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t requested a padawan yet, you’re a wonderful teacher,” he says, smiling softly at you. And honestly, between the compliment and his heart-stopping smile, you find yourself blushing.
“It’s not that I haven’t asked, I just think the Council doesn’t quite trust me with a youngling quite yet. I only completed my Trials a little more than three cycles ago,” you confess, looking down.
“Hmm, I think you have more than enough experience to take on a padawan, between your training and having to deal with my padawan,” he says. “And it’s honestly not like you can do any worse than Anakin.”
“I guess so… Well, I figure I should go gather up my troops. Meet you back here in ten?”
“Of course.”
The 212th legion and the (number)th legion land in the dense jungle of Sainti Tue. The air was hot and sticky, and it hits you in the face as you hopped off the carrier ship. Looking up at the gigantic shrubs and odd grasses, you recognize the purple onuyer’s distinct shape, its large, bulbous leaves creating cover for your troops, if there are any Separatists here. Climbing up a nearby rock, you see a circular compound not too far in the distance. Pressing the comlink on your wrist, you comm through to your captain and Obi-Wan. “I think I’ve found our heading.”
The ruins in front of you seemed deserted, at least from the outside. “Captain Ry, get Ink to open these blast doors please, on the double.”
The (color)-marked clone motions to your tech expert, who quickly gets the doors open. No one is in the main entrance, so you quietly move your troops into the hall. Pulling out your lightsaber, the (color) light cast shadows on the inlaid walls. Multiple passageways lay out in front of you, twisting and turning into darkness. You motion for the troops to split up and search the area, dividing themselves amongst the tunnels. Obi-Wan takes for the tunnel directly across from the entrance, and you follow up behind him. Taking a sharp turn, the two of you find yourself upon an earther stairwell. You start up, tensed and on edge, waiting for any battle droids to creep their way out of the stone inlay. The stone under your feet suddenly turns to metal, and both of you jump at the sudden “clang!” that rings out. “Ah yes, two skilled Jedi, started by the sound of a metal staircase,” Obi-Wan mutters, continuing up the flight of stairs. The stairs soon level out, opening up into a long, slightly-better-lit room. Simultaneously sheathing your weapons, you walk into the room, footsteps echoing slightly around you. The two of you slowly make your way through the room, steps becoming a bit less stealthy. It’s been half an hour- probably more- just getting through that long tunnel, and no droids have popped out? Talk about a bust mission. 
Slowly moving forward, Obi-Wan held his arm out, blocking you from going any further. “Don’t. Move.”
You stop, leaning into his outstretched arm ever so slightly, and listen, hearing the shuffle of battle droids in the dark balconies about you. 
“Did we just walk into a Seperatist trap?” You exhale.
“I do believe we just walked into a Seperatist trap,” he says, reaching towards his lightsaber. Your own (color) blade hummed alongside his. “A surprisingly well-laid Seperatist trap.” 
Blaster shots fire out, and deflecting some, you start running towards a nearby control panel. “Arfour, get those doors open!” You call to the red astromech droid, continuing to deflect blaster fire left and right, reflecting some shots back into their rightful owners. Arfour trills, apparently unable to get the doors open.
“It’s times like this that I miss Artoo,” Obi-Wan points out. “Even if his master is a bit troublesome.”
You huff out a laugh at that. “Very tru– ah!” A deadly beam of light managed to make its way past your saber and hit you in the leg. “Shit shit shit–.” You slump down on the ground slightly, your now-injured leg unable to support your weight. Hastily turning off your lightsaber, you notice a few straggling droids. “Obi, o-on your left,” you say weakly, trying not to let the pain get the best of you. I’ve had worse I’ve had worse this is nothing this is a scratch–
Obi-Wan quickly takes notice of your predicament. “Oh to hell with it!” Pushing Arfour away from the control panel, he quickly crushes the few remaining battle droids by way of the Force and works on cutting a hole through the blast doors. An opening is made in what seems like record time; Arfour gliding through while Obi-Wan picks you up. He holds you bridal-style, gently placing you down on the other side before climbing through himself. Picking you up again, his comlink suddenly beeps on his arm. Sighing, he awkwardly shuffles you about, before ending in a position where he was basically cradling you in his arms just to reach the comlink. “Great timing Cody,” he says, exasperation evident in his tone. 
“Sorry General. Just letting you know, we cleared the surrounding areas. We found no signs of Seperatist leaders on the outpost, just a whole lotta clankers,” the Commander’s voice came through on the comlink. “If there were, we believe they’ve already fled the planet.”
“Kriffing– all right. We’ll meet you at the rendezvous point in time for extraction. In the meantime, can you make sure there’s a bacta kit or medic available? And put all my comms in through (y/n)’s for now,” Obi-Wan says, not waiting for a response before shuffling you back to a more comfortable position. “So sorry dear, Cody should really learn when a good time to call is–”
“Yeah, teach your Commander to use the Force,” you say, pain making you slightly out-of-it. “That’ll make sure he doesn’t comm you when he has no clue what’s going on.”
“Very funny,” he says, sidestepping bits of battle droids and sparking control panels. Good to see the clones cleared through, very few of your own men were shot down. Seeing a small platoon of your clones on the ground level just below the balcony you were on, he decides to make his way down. He is, however, unable to find a stairway or lift. Making use of a Force jump, he lands a bit harder than he would have cared to, jostling your leg and making you cry out in pain. “Shit– sorry darling, it’s going to be okay,” he says. You nestle into his chest as he stands and clears his throat–
The platoon finds it’s blaster sights pointed at the pair of you, before– “General!” Captain Ry says, quickly coming to your side. “What’s the matter sir?”
“Blaster shot to the leg,” Obi-Wan interjects. “Do you have a bacta kit on hand?” 
“No sir, we’re just onto the rendezvous point now, and fresh outta supplies,” he says, motioning for his men to start moving. “I can take them if you need me to,” Ry nods his head towards where you lay (quite comfortably) in Obi-Wan’s arms.
“I’ve got it, you worry about your men,” he says, turning his attention back to you. You were dozing off in his arms until he calls your name. “It would be in your best interest to stay awake, my dear.”    Hiding my blushing face may be my best interest right now, you think. Regardless of your personal state, you find enough strength to wrap your arms around Obi’s neck for support. “Bit of a bust mission, huh?” You mumble. “No Seperatist leaders, just a whole lot of scrap metal.”
“Yeah,” he sighs. “Very scarce for a mission you decide to get injured on.”
“It’s not like it was my choice,” you slur out, nuzzling your head back into Obi-Wan’s warm chest. “Man, it’s like the Trials all over again these days.”
“If you don’t end up with the rank of Master soon, I’m going to be very disappointed in the Council,” Obi chuckles
“A-aren’t you on the Council? Kind of rude to put yourself down like that,” you say, dozing off once again.
“You’re very right,” he says, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Cody! Where that damn medic!” The din of carrier ships “We have to get—to the cruiser—medical attention—”
Clips of sounds and voices fade in and out- the most predominant being Obi-Wan. By the time you come to, the bright white lights of the med bay were giving you a damn headache. 
“Maker, why is it so bright in hereeee,” you whine out, throwing the crook of your elbow over your eyes in an attempt to block the light harassing your eyelids.
“Glad to see you back in the land of the living,” a deep voice says from your left. 
“Obi-Wan,” you sigh out, glad to see a familiar face sitting next to you. “How long was I out?” He looked so tired, as if he’d been here for—
“Only a few days.” He held your right hand, gently intertwining your fingers with his. He presses a kiss to the back of your hand before placing it on his forehead, leaning over your bedside. “To be quite honest, I thought I could have lost you,” sadness laces his voice.
Not “we,” not “the Council.” Your heart twisted at the sound of him so sad. “But you didn’t,” you offer.
“And gods am I glad for that,” he smiles, standing and gently pressing his lips to your cheek- just a bit too close to your own. 
Pulling your other hand out from the covers, you tangle it in his hair and pull his lips to your own— Jedi Code be damned. You could have died, and for what? A bust mission. No sir; carpe diem. 
“If you’re going to kiss me, kiss me properly goddamn it,” you smile up at him.
“Ever the lively one, you are,” he smirks. “I’ll be back, I need to inform the Admiral and the Council you’re well.” 
“Thank you, Masters,” you smile at the Grand Council, then look to the young Togruta child by your side. 
“Hmm, a good teacher, you will be. A briefing of your next mission, Master Windu will give,” Yoda says from his chair, looking to his left. 
Master Windu nods, “Your briefing will be in the communications center in fifteen minutes.”
“Thank you,” you smile and the child beams up at you, like the Moon reflecting the Sun’s light. 
Being the end of the meeting, the various Council members stand and mingle, discussing whatever it is that needs discussed. Well, except for one. “Run along, young one,” you say with a hand on their shoulder, “I’ll catch up.” You wink, their blue cheeks going a shade darker at the attention. They run off, darting between the Council members and down towards the communications center. You walk over to where Obi-Wan sat sprawled out in his seat, gazing at you affectionately. The room was mostly cleared out by now, and as you placed yourself to stand just in between his legs, you held out your hands. He took them in his own, admiring you as you smile down on him. “I’m a Master,” you say, pride and exhilaration in your eyes and voice. 
“I know. I was the one who suggested to the Council granting you the rank,” he smirks, pulling himself up. “Kandra Rae Haal, hmm?” You smile at the name of the 14 year old Togruta now in your care. “I daresay she is almost as headstrong as Anakin.”
“Oh no,” you say in feigned terror. “I’ve put up with him this long, I think I’ll be fine.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” he says with his usual smug look. From where his hands are intertwined with yours, he pulls you into a hug. He squeezes you tight, his arms wrapped around your waist and yours around his neck, where one hand comes up to play with his hair. Since he almost lost you- which he’s convinced happened, regardless of it only being a shot to the leg- your relationship bloomed, under covers of course, neither of you quite ready to leave the Order in such a dire time. 
“Either way, thank you,” you say, holding him tight and all but burying your face in his neck.
“While I do enjoy holding you while not in a life-or-death situation, I daresay it would be bad for you to show up late to your first briefing as a Jedi Master,” he says, pulling away from you slightly. 
“Oh shi-” You didn’t realize how long you spent with him. With a quick peck on the cheek, you rush out into the halls of the Jedi Temple. Obi-Wan smiles as he leisurely makes his way out of the Council’s tower. “Already doing better than Anakin,” he remarks to himself. 
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Disclaimer: Tumblr sucks, but this chapter doesn’t. Honestly my favorite chapter so far, no joke. I will be the one posting my gf @anesther’s fics in order to have them in the tags, so hopefully you all can read and enjoy as well!
AN: Gonna have my girlfriend upload my stuff now and then because tumblr really, really hates giving my posts a chance in the tags. It took me all day, with wrist pain and being busy, but I got it up dang it.
Title: Interfaces
Characters: Entrapta, Hordak, features Glimmer and Adora
Pairing: Entrapdak
Rating: T (for some sensuality)
Read on AO3 for the love of god.
                                                          Spa Day
“Welcome to Mystacore!” Glimmer says, arm stretching out in a grand sweeping motion. “Well, Mystacore Number Two. We haven’t thought of a name yet.”
Hordak stares at the pink and purple valances strewn around the building, hedges and trees neatly trimmed. The first thing he thinks is that the place smells sickeningly sweet, almost cloying. The paradise remained primarily in the clouds, though a small group of people had decided to head earthbound to create a sector that was adjacent to Bright Moon. Glimmer, being the niece of Castaspella, had been more than excited to overlook the project. And even more excited to bring people who had yet to experience the beauty and zen of Mystacorian performance.
“We finally got the renovations complete for the soaking tubs,” Glimmer continues. “It took a while to find underground hot springs, but we managed to get it together. There is also a new area we’re trying out where we give out massages.”
Entrapta looks around, curious. She approaches a smooth marble column, sliding her hand down its surface, “How long has this been going on?”
“Once Horde Prime was defeated, I wanted to bring calm to Etheria, and nothing says peace like Mystacore! My dad also wanted to spend more time in Mystacore and Bright Moon, so we compromised by bringing him a little piece of home from each place.”
“Wow, you’ve really outdone yourself, Glimmer,” Adora states.
“Thank you, but it wasn’t just me. My aunt helped a lot to put it together— Where’s Entrapta?”
Adora and she look at Hordak, who keeps his usual frown.
“She always does that,” Adora sighs.
“Okay, should we look for her?” Glimmer asks.
“She will arrive when she likes,” Hordak says, walking forward, leaving them behind.
“Right, of course,” Glimmer agrees, transporting next to him. “I can lead you to one of our relaxation facilities.”
Adora shouts, “I’m going to head to a different room!”
Glimmer waves goodbye, keeping pace with Hordak.
Hordak doesn’t protest as she points out the various needs that can be taken care of. The defeat of Horde Prime led to an odd but solid relationship with Queen Glimmer. In the years since, there hasn’t been a single battle between his kind and the Etherians, who have adopted the former in a truce that is proving to be positive. With Horde Prime’s technology, and the reemergence of Etheria to the rest of the universe, there have been advancements toward space travel and forming alliances with neighboring planets. His brothers have taken quite well to Etherian life, and he had noted several of them waiting in the foyer, and even aided in the construction of Mystacore Number Two.
She really should name it better.
“Here we are,” Glimmer announces. Opening polished double doors, she reveals several massage tables, freshly changed with clean linen. The room is artificially lit, with large sources of it coming from a tall ceiling. “This is the aromatherapy room, if you’d like to begin here.”
Hordak scans the area, hesitating.
“Not a big fan of smells?”
“It’s not that, there’s merely a lot of them.”
Glimmer gestures toward a table, “Would you like to give it a try?”
“...I’m not sure…”
“Well, that’s okay!” Glimmer tells him. “We have plenty of other rooms for you to try out.”
Hordak is led through another set of doors. This hallway shines soft lavender with hibiscus accents. He doesn’t even step into the room before his nose wrinkles in disgust.
Glimmer takes one look and opts to head down to the left, “Why don’t we go this way?”
“What was in that room?”
“Our manicure and pedicure salon. I thought maybe that would be good, considering how long your claws can get.”
“I take care of that myself.”
“Oh, well, I guess that makes sense, since they look really, um… sharp?”
Hordak looks at his hands, “They don’t grow longer than this.”
“I see. Well, manicures are out!” Glimmer looks up at him, “Would you like to see our electrolysis treatment?”
Hordak raises a brow at her.
“Heh, right, stupid question. Let’s keep going, shall we?”
“Entrapta? Where’d you go?” Adora asks. There has got to be an easier way to keep track of someone who isn’t even five feet tall, has hair that extends 20 feet when she likes, and is brightly colored purple. “Are you in the vents? I don’t even know how that could be—there aren’t any.”
Adora walks along the pilasters, letting her mind wander as she searches. It’s been a good while since Horde Prime was beaten. While everyone seems to have moved on, she can’t help but be a little wary when Hordak makes his presence known. She doesn’t hate him, but she, as Bow had eloquently put it once, ‘has major trust issues.’
She doesn’t think he will go against them, and the rest of his kind have settled into Etherian life very well. Their acclimation has been nothing short of surprising.
Maybe she needs to look at it as the simple fact that there isn’t anything to worry about. That there isn’t a reason for her to access She-Ra.
She can be Adora.
“What are you doing?”
“Agh!” she yelps, jumping away.
Entrapta lowers herself from the ceiling, “You started spacing out.”
“What? I was looking for you.”
“You were, but then you were just standing here for a few minutes. Did you find something interesting on the floor?” Entrapta asks, pushing her aside to look at the spot. “Hmm, doesn’t seem to have anything.”
“There isn’t anything on the floor. I was just looking for you.”
“That’s nice of you! Would you happen to know how they manage to get the pipes threaded into the walls? I’ve been trying to find a way to note how this place is structured, but I haven’t found an entrance.”
“I’m not sure where that would be either,” Adora replies.
“That’s okay! I’m sure I can find one—or make one without compromising the integrity of the building.”
“Entrapta, can I ask you something?”
“How has Hordak been taking to Etherian life?”
“Oh, he’s been great! He’s had a lot more free time with me to work on all kinds of new inventions! He’s been putting together this new kind of robot with me, but I can’t tell you too much about it!” Entrapta shifts close, whispering. “It’s a secret!”
“What kind of robot?” Adora asks, anxiety forming.
“Can’t tell you! Hordak and I are going to be working on it a while longer, and it’s going to be so cool!”
Before Adora can say anything, Entrapta looks up at the ceiling, “Oh, I think that might be a good spot to try for an opening.”
In one movement, she ascends, leaving Adora confused.
What kind of robot?
It’s probably not anything.
Adora sighs, wondering if she’s being paranoid. That’s not something she’s been able to fully shake off. Maybe she should find Glimmer. She’s bound to be done with Hordak by now.
Hordak has never been more stressed in his entire life.
“You have to relax.”
“I… I don’t think I can,” Hordak says, trying not to shake.
“I promise if you relax, you won’t be feeling, uh, whatever it is you’re feeling.”
“Is this supposed to be how it works?”
“Yes, acupuncture is supposed to be like this. Although, it would help if you relax.”
“I don’t believe telling me to relax over and over is going to make that happen,” Hordak hisses. With an irritated grunt, he stands up from the lounging chair. He turns to the acupuncturist, “Get these off me at once!”
Glimmer groans, “Hordak, I promise if you just let things be, you wouldn’t be upset!”
She has been trying all day to be a good host. This was supposed to be a calm afternoon, but he seems so resistant. Absolutely stubborn! She had an easier time with Adora, and she had been going a little nuts. But Hordak has a determination to be as unreasonable as possible when it comes to treatment.
Frowning, she walks up to him, “We went to a lot of places already—the deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, facials, scrubs. You just don’t seem to care for anything.”
Hordak opens his jaw, moving it up and down, side to side. Patting his cheeks, he looks at her, “Well, you’ve had me go around everywhere, and there is simply nothing I want.”
“There’s always a place people can go to let their hair down. Ooh, do you want a hair wash?”
“No, again, I do that myself,” Hordak says.
Glimmer shakes her head, “Of course. You do everything yourself.”
He suddenly lets out a sharp hiss, pain shooting up his arm.
She looks at his fingers, the rest covered by a robe, “Are you okay?”
“It’s nothing. Just a nerve…” Hordak holds up a hand. “Don’t try to throw me in the wayward arms of a masseuse. I would simply like to rest.”
Glimmer’s brows furrow in thought. Perhaps she has been looking at this all wrong. There were so many new additions to Mystacore’s already impressive spa treatments, that she had been excited to unveil them all to Hordak and Entrapta—even if the latter has been gone this entire time—that she didn’t stop to consider that she might have been pushing him into something he doesn’t care for. Over the past few years, she learned he’s someone who doesn’t need or desire a lot, especially if they’re material possessions or experiences. “You know, I have one last room for you, and I think this one will click.”
Hordak sighs deeply, more exhausted than when he arrived. He nods, “Very well. Lead the way.”
Hopeful about this one, Glimmer allows him to pass through a singular door. The hallway gleams silver and blue, the temperature a little cooler by a few degrees. Hordak smells nothing out of the ordinary. His ears twitch at the sound of running water, and he catches the scent of it before coming to a room full of steam.
Hordak looks around the vicinity, the fog obscuring his vision to a good enough amount to ensure privacy, even if wearing clothes designed for soaking were available.
Glimmer smiles at him, “Here is the sauna-including-soaking-tubs! I wasn’t sure whether to bring you here because it doesn’t seem like something you’d be into. And people are usually around, but I think this could work.”
He dips his hand into nearby water, clear where the water doesn’t froth from the small waterfall; the heat radiates from his fingers upward.
“This will do,” Hordak says.
“Yes!” Glimmer shouts, enthused.
He looks at her, smirking, “It only took you all day to find something suitable.”
“Well, you’re one tough customer. But I think you’ll enjoy it here. And no one’s around. I’ll grab you something to change into.”
Soon, Hordak is dressed in breathable clothes, and Glimmer takes her leave.
Slipping into the hot water, Hordak allows a contented sigh to leave his lips. He sinks down into the water until its surface touches his chin. The sensation is akin to pleasure. The liquid moves about his muscles, steam shifting in front of his eyes when he breathes. His head tips forward, circulation steadily increasing. The numbness in his arm begins to recede, heat blissfully wrapping around his limbs.
Hordak submerges completely under the water, eyes closing lightly. There is no air, yet he can breathe. There is no sound, yet there is thrumming in his ears. The warmth permeates through, and a stirring reminiscent of serenity blooms in his chest, in his mind. He curls in on himself, the closest to childhood quiet he will understand.
Emerging from the water, droplets moving down his frame, Hordak’s shoulders droop, a lazy smile on his face. Relaxed.
“Hi!” Entrapta says, coming down.
“Hello,” Hordak replies, easing further. Wearing similar attire, she glides into the water, swimming up to him. She allows her hair to be loose, free from its pigtails, its natural weight drags it down to the bottom, fanning out under the water. Swimming up to his side, she places her arms on his shoulder. “Did you have fun exploring?”
“I did! I was following you every now and then, it wasn’t hard to do that, but I did try to find an opening into the building to look through its pipes, wires, pumps. It was all very interesting!”
“Did you succeed?”
“No! I had to make an opening myself. It’s very discreet, they’ll never knooow,” Entrapta says in a hushed tone.
“I know. You’re very good at being sneaky,” Hordak says, smiling at her.
“Adora was talking to me about you,” Entrapta tells him, leaning upon his shoulder.
“Oh? Why is that?” Hordak asks, resting against the stone. “I think she believes you’re not to be trusted still,” Entrapta informs. Pushing up on him, she brushes a dark blue tendril from his forehead. “I would’ve explained it to her, but I didn’t find it necessary.”
“A wise choice. It cannot be helped. Adora has no reason to extend any sort of olive branch in my direction, even if it has been a couple of years.”
Entrapta flicks some water with her fingers, “She will eventually come around.”
“That’s up to her. And even then, I don’t need to be accepted by everyone during the remainder of my time here.”
“Glimmer is pretty sweet to you!”
“Yes, she is,” Hordak says. He formed an odd kinship with her after the Rebellion regained control of Etheria. “She treats me well.”
“Hey! Look!” Entrapta shouts. Sinking down til her mouth is under, she blows air with her mouth, bubbles rising and popping at the top.
Hordak lowers himself to the water at the same level. And blows bubbles in turn.
Entrapta laughs in manic glee, splashing him as she claps her hands. Hordak shoves water in her direction, making her chortle harder. She squeals when he breaks into a wide, red grin, chasing her around the tub’s perimeter. Grabbing her, Entrapta flops against him, “Oh no, you caught me!”
He nips her ear, breathing onto it, “I did indeed.” He trails his mouth down her neck, making her gasp. Pressing it gently along her throat, he feels her body arch into him. Her arms wrap around his shoulders, moaning into him.
He withdraws, lightly kissing her cheek, “You have to wait.”
“Ooh, you’re such a tease!” Entrapta says, clinging to him. “You’re going to make me wait until we’re back at the lair.”
“Of course. I highly doubt we want anyone rushing in here when I make you scream.”
Entrapta laughs, looking up at him, “But think of the thrill of being caught!”
“Maybe next time. When we go to Glimmer’s castle.”
Their cackles ring around them, echoing above the water.
Glimmer shudders.
Adora looks at her, “What is it?”
“I don’t know. Got a weird feeling outta nowhere.”
“Probably nothing,” Adora says, continuing to eat her meal.
“Yeah, likely nothing.”
Entrapta looks at Glimmer, “Thank you for having us!”
Glimmer nods at the couple, “No problem! Thank you for choosing Mystacore Number Two for all your spa needs!”
“You really should change the name,” Entrapta says.
“And perhaps hire a concierge,” Hordak adds.
“We had one. But we had to fire them for taking up too much time relaxing instead of working.”
“Who was it?”
“Double Trouble.”
“Ah,” Entrapta and Hordak say simultaneously.
“Well, thanks for having us!” Entrapta says.
“Entrapta, hang on,” Adora walks over. “Can we talk over there, for a minute?”
“Sure,” She agrees.
Heading off a few feet, Adora begins, “I wanted to ask how you were doing, but you left really quickly.”
“I’m doing wonderful! Everything has been going smoothly at the lair.”
“What was the robot you mentioned?”
Entrapta waves a hand, “Silly, I told you I can’t talk about it just yet.”
“Not even a hint?” Adora pleads.
Entrapta gives her a gracious smile, patting her head with a lock of purple, “If it makes you feel better, it’s nothing you need to be worried about.”
“I’m not worried.”
“You’re quite a paranoid person, you know that?”
“I’m not that paranoid.”
Entrapta grins at her, “It’s not a bad thing, Adora! When we’re done, I’ll have you look at it!”
Adora sighs. She smiles back, “Alright. I’ll wait until then.”
Glimmer watches them interact for a moment before turning to Hordak, “Did you enjoy your soak?”
“I did,” Hordak answers. He clears his throat. “Thank you.”
“Sure! It’s what spa people do.”
“No, I mean, thank you… for taking the time to help me…”
Glimmer, touched, smiles at him, “Aww, you’re welcome. I’m glad you had fun!”
“Yes, I did enjoy myself,” Hordak admits.
Grinning at this accomplishment, she finds Adora walking back toward her, and Entrapta to Hordak. Bidding goodbyes, she waves at them as they leave.
“Hordak’s changed a lot, huh?” Glimmer says, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, I guess he has.”
Glimmer looks at Adora, “He actually thanked me for a good time! I feel like I can take on any customer!”
“You know you’re a queen, not a spa-day-host-person, right?” Adora asks, smirking at her.
“I can be both,” she declares, before heading inside.
Adora nods. Maybe she does need to be more considerate about the changes people have made. She had forgiven Catra, and there had been much more bad blood between them. If her friends say that Hordak is alright, then she’ll trust them instead of her doubts.
Maybe a soak will alleviate her head from all this thinking.
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bi-outta-cordonia · 4 years
Takeshi and the Five
I got my tin foil hat on backwards and I’m ready to fucking party. This is gonna be a long one so most of it is gonna be stuck under a read more. So let’s begin:
BB today, amirite?? Shit got fucked and got fucked fast but the only person I’m really worried about is Jax and everyone closest to him. And by everyone, I mean there might be some really interesting things that could potentially explain his mentor, Takeshi Watanabe’s backstory. In today’s chapter, Jax reveals a piece of information that Takeshi told him long ago and made him swear not to say anything about: Kano, a 500 year old psychic vampire was in Japan and, despite his efforts to respect his mentor’s wishes, Jax tells the group about Kano hoping he might be able to help unlock MC’s powers to help them stop Rheya. 
What we know about Takeshi is that 700 years ago, he served a powerful woman in the middle of feudal Japan. This woman was Aiko Nakamura:
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She was a powerful clan head that somehow came into contact with Gauis and Kamilah during this era. They seemed to provide services to her clan, slaughtering her enemies and helping her clan gain control of various territories. In the midst of this, her father wound up passing away, passing on the title to her and leaving her in control of her clan. She developed a relationship with Kamilah but was able to determine that Gauis and Kamilah were not exactly who they said they were, that they weren't human. 
After a particularly hard fought battle, Aiko summoned her soldiers and had Gaius and Kamilah divulge the truth under threat of death. They revealed to her that they were immortal and only sought to build a home for creatures like them. Sensing an opportunity, the two of them promised Aiko power beyond imagining. She could become immortal, unkillable to her enemies and conquer those that would stand against her. She took that deal. 
And it seems that Takeshi did as well. 
The one thing that seems to be evading us at this moment is how Takeshi went from this:
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To this:
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He was a samurai that served a distinguished lady and powerful family. More importantly, he was a vampire that was originally from Japan who somehow wound up in America and started a revolution of sorts with the hopes of killing the New York Council. So how did this happen? What led from point A to point B?
My theory is this: Takeshi may have served Aiko for some time but when he accepted the gift of vampirism, later down the road things changed as society changed and he was given power he had not possessed while living in service of Clan Nakamura as a human. He was given power and prestige, control that his mortal self had not known. He was given a spot on that led to him becoming one of the Five of Japan.
What we know of the Big Five comes from Jameson’s notes on them and, what Jameson did know was not a whole lot. The Big Five were secretive and did not find themselves getting involved in global affairs all that much:
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They built a vampire kingdom that predates the American kingdom’s level of freedom. They also seem to have relatively powerful vampires within their midst: 
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I think Takeshi was given a place amongst these vampires, possessing power as an elder and holding reign over vampires that flocked to the Five and adhered to their demands. Aiko seems a woman who is ambitious and desires power for herself and the Five seemed content with having their kingdom without outside interference messing with their kingdom. I think a big part of how they were able to set up their kingdom came with Kamilah and Gaius’s help. The two of them sought to build homes in places outside of Europe, where vampires were subjected to attacks from the Order of the Dawn on a constant basis. The Five were likely among one of the first shadow kingdoms that were able to establish themselves having power in the same sectors that the Order held power in Europe--politics, infrastructure, and the like. 
I think Takeshi was a part of this. I think he may have been immersed in it for some time. He could partake in the same pleasures that many of the wealthy vampires we’ve come across can. As much blood as he wants, all the flesh he could indulge in but a mere snap of a finger away--I think he may have enjoyed the power he had for some time or at least reveled in it.
But given his personality? The kind of person we come to know him as? I don’t think he’s always seen it as something that should be so easily given. 
I think the Five of Japan could be as terrible as the New York Council. I think that they held power over life and death itself. I think that vampires within their shadow kingdom had to essentially grovel for mercy and prostrate on hands and knees for the right to keep their lives to some of the most powerful creatures in all of Japan. I think it may have disgusted him after a time. I think Takeshi has always been a man that was not afraid of shedding blood and fighting, but the obsession with power? The need for it? It was never in his heart the way it was for the others. 
I think he may have had a falling out with the Five, but most especially Aiko. He likely served her clan out of honor. He likely joined her amongst the Five to honor his bond with her. But I don’t think he was built to be as ruthless as she was. As willing to do what it takes to obtain power of all things. 
He was a man that focused on justice above all. Doing the right thing may not have come easy but he endeavored to do it when he could. 
I think this falling out led to him leaving Japan and leaving the Five. I think he crossed the seas and found himself in New York City. He likely knew of Gaius setting up a shadow kingdom in America. He likely knew of Gaius’s temperament and the kind of person that he was. He would’ve heard about Gaius being killed by his progeny and a council sitting place rather than a king as Gaius intended. 
I think when he arrived, he heard of the New York Council and had hope that things would be better. 
When he arrived he found out that things were not. 
The six clans of New York were divvied up between all of Gaius’s progeny, people who found themselves drowning in wealth beyond imagining and who held control in various sectors of power within America. Priya LaCroix, entertainment head and mistress of the night; Adam Vega, political prodigy; Lester Castellanos, head of industry; Cecil Romano IV, the “Baron,” and king of the criminal element; Adrian Raines, former soldier and technological lifeline of the New York Council; and Kamilah Sayeed, Gaius’s former queen and butcher--
Their rule was tight and their decisions were final. Only a handful of vampires were given the honor of making up their clans, around 30 between each of them. But Takeshi would’ve seen the masses that made up the unaccounted for. The ignored. 
While the Council held reign, their vampires held everything but self-control. Members of their clans would feed on unwilling humans, often times draining them of all their blood and murdering them outright. In the streets, those that survive may find themselves returning to life as Clanless. Vampires with no brand and no one to support them during such a trying time. Worse yet, while these Clanless vampires walked about, their very existence is deemed a threat to the greater community. Takeshi would’ve known about the ferals. He would’ve seen firsthand what happens to vampires who exist without a proper brand and what must be done with them. 
He would’ve come to America and seen the way the New York Council turns a blind eye to the atrocities their branded vampires commit and how they would condemn those that were unfortunate enough to become their victims to brutal deaths. He would’ve been in America during the last clan war that rocked the city. He would’ve seen all the helpless Clanless victims that the Council’s vampires left behind. He would’ve Turned many of them in the hopes of saving their lives. And in the hopes of forcing violent change. 
It was just like with the Five. Power remained everything and those that held it abused it gleefully. Takeshi was a man of honor, a man who valued justice and had seen enough bloodshed in his life that it would’ve boiled his blood to see these things happening and know that the New York Council was fine with doing absolutely nothing. 
He would’ve formulated a plan. He would’ve sought to undo the damage that the pursuit of power had done to those living back home in Japan. 
Along the way, he saved a young man’s life, another victim of the Council’s indifference:
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And he finds himself mentoring this young man. He teaches him how to defend himself. He nurtures the man’s background of justice and freedom at any cost. He guides him when he has nothing left. He essentially takes the young man on as a student, as a son. 
Takeshi tells the young man about his past, though not all of it. He talks about a powerful woman he once knew:
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And the gift he received for his loyalty. He speaks about the influence of the group that eventually came to be in Japan:
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And a psychic with power beyond anything he had ever come to know:
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But most importantly, Takeshi tells him that no matter what happens, the young man needs to remember the reason for why they are fighting. For why they are doing this. He tells him it’s because no one deserves to live a life under the boot heel of those that ascribe themselves superficial power. He tells him it’s because everyone deserves the chance to live a life of their own choosing. 
But what he doesn’t say? Is that they do this because he refuses to let his past mistakes reflect in a blossoming kingdom that could truly be a place of complete freedom for vampires.
I think Takeshi was a part of the Five of Japan and I so look forward to seeing his history laid before us. I look forward to seeing Jax tell us about Takeshi and for us to learn the truths that Takeshi could not reveal to Jax. I look forward to seeing the conclusion of Jax’s story and hope that it will be delivered in a manner deserving of him. 
Takeshi Watanabe and the Five of Japan. Jax Matsuo and perhaps the end of his story. I’m terribly excited.
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crvmsdecorum · 4 years
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"ɪ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ sᴘᴇᴡ ᴘʀᴏғᴀɴɪᴛɪᴇs. ɪ ᴇɴᴜɴᴄɪᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴄʟᴇᴀʀʟʏ, ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ғᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ɢᴇɴᴛʟᴇᴍ��ɴ."
( COLIN O’DONOGHUE, 38, MALE, HE/HIM ) Was that CALHOUN O'FARRELL? I heard a rumor they work for the O'SHEA family, but who knows for sure ? They can be a bit TEMPERAMENTAL & CALLOUS, but I also heard they can be METICULOUS & STRAIGHTFORWARD. You’ll usually find them at CHICAGO THEATER in their spare time, when they’re not being an AFFILIATE. You may want to keep an eye on that one !
trigger warnings: death, murder, blood, beatings. 
Meet Lorcan Calhoun O’Farrell the second ; call him Cal or Calhoun for sort, he doesn’t like going by Lorcan. 
He is a true born Irish having being born to Lorcan O’Farrell and his wife, Niamh. Calhoun is their first born son and became BLESSED being never after his father. Though later in life Cal would argue he was cursed with the name instead. 
Despite being raised in Dublin, Calhoun frequently from a young age visited Chicago with his father. Lorcan Sr believed he should teach his son at a young age of the ‘family business’ aka serving the O’Shea family. His old man was a dear old friend of Mason O’Shea -- Calhoun’s godfather. 
From the constant trips to America Calhoun became acquaintances with each and every child Mason O’Shea fathered and despite having siblings of his own back home, Cal considered them his siblings too -- well, almost all of them. He still doesn’t know why and asks himself at times this, but Cal ended up getting a crush on Amelia. Cal honestly believes it’s because he would like to marry a woman like the oldest O’Shea. An honest cold hearted kind of gal, maybe minus the cold heart part. 
Even though he was trained from an early age with Lorcan Sr having hopes of Calhoun taking his spot when he was ready, the two never honestly got along with each other. Sure they would act as if they got along in front of Mason, but when not around him? Oh it was a bloody war. Nimah at one point told her first born it is because he is like Lorcan in so many ways. 
To the world Calhoun appeared as a rebellious boy who wanted to prove his worth to the Irish family, but behind closed doors? He took the beatings of his wrathful father. Calhoun even took the beatings for both his mother and siblings. There were many times he dreamed about just snapping the old man’s neck, but something always stopped him and he never knew what it was exactly. 
Straight out of high school Calhoun went to work full time for the O’Sheas and Lorcan couldn’t be anymore happier in his son. It was as if the man was born to be a part of something like this, he never cared to get his hands bloody just like his old man before him.
That brute personality of his and the way he knocked down his enemies went unnoticed. Calhoun rose through the ranks reaper, bone breaker and finally became a General at the age of twenty nine. This tickled Lorcan to death, but it was short lived when he realized that his own son had a higher position than him. 
Despite his position it never stopped Calhoun from going home for a week or two to see his family and check in on the O’Shea sector there. After all his sister was well respected there.
Just like his line of work, Calhoun’s love and sex life were fast paced as well. He hardly ever slept with the same person twice and became to be known as a Casanova. Through this though is how he learned of his father’s unfaithfulness to his mother. Oh what a sick way he learned too. Cal ended up sleeping with the woman that caused Lorcan to no longer be faithful to his marriage and this ENRAGED the eldest O’Farrell.
It was obvious Calhoun and Lorcan never got along with each other and never saw eye to eye, but this? This stirred the pot to the point to collapsed. With this information he came forth to his mother and watch their marriage come to an end. Nimah might’ve been a kind hearted soul, but she was also the kind of woman to not tolerate someone’s bullshit either. 
And so there was Calhoun on the night the papers were signed. He decided to help his mother pack up the remainder of her things and move somewhere else on O’Shea property (she was loyal to the irish fam). Though it seemed fate had another idea instead. 
Lorcan ended up busting through the front door, clearly drunk out of his mind and full of rage. His blood boiling and his words completely slurred he attacked Calhoun. As he wailed in on his first born the words of everything he thought of Cal came spewing out. Unlike his siblings, Cal was always the rebellious one to his father and Lorcan believed Calhoun was sent to show how weak Lorcan was to the O’Shea family -- to Mason. Before Calhoun could react to this is when Nimah stepped in to which Lorcan reacted by putting his hands on her. From that moment is when the first born saw RED and found himself slipping into a blackout. 
When Cal came out of this dark episode he stood over his father’s lifeless body and met the face of his mother who was pale as a ghost. Nimah informed her son of what he had done: he murdered Lorcan O’Farrell. His face was unrecognizable and his blood tainted the clothes they both wore. 
Afraid of what would happened to Calhoun, Nimah hatched the plan of getting rid of Lorcan’s body deep in the country side. To the family and the clan they made it look as if Lorcan abandoned them all together. 
When returning back to the States, Mason had asked him how he felt of Lorcan’s sudden departure. Calhoun’s response? The bastard’s dead to me for what he’s done, sir. 
Calhoun didn’t know if it was known to Mason of Lorcan’s violent side or not, but at times it did feel as if he knew about it for he never did question anything more on it. Not long after that word broke out that Lorcan was the one seeding himself a little money from the organization and with this information made many people believe even more he left high and dry. Still, no one questioned Cal for they all knew of how he felt about Lorcan. 
Fast forward to last year, to the day Mason O’Shea died and Calhoun felt as if it was his fault. He felt like a failure in not being able to protect the leader. After his funeral is when Calhoun was called into the leader’s office and the new leader wanted a word with him. Amelia O’Shea asked Calhoun if he would be interested in a HIGHER position within the Clan. Feeling unworthy of such a thing with the guilt of feeling as if he were a failure, Calhoun respectfully declined. ‘I am flattered, Amelia, really but I don’t believe I’m the lad for the job, besides I believe Ireland is callin’ me home so with your permission I’d like to return back there.’ His words exact and by the time night fell Calhoun was already on a plane to Dublin. 
Over the last few months Calhoun had changed with Mason’s death hitting him worse than Lorcan’s. He began to almost become your typically drunk Irish though that never did anything to his shot. Cal always had been gifted in guns and became a well known sharpshooter for the O’Shea family. 
His darkness though from that guilt only recently has gotten worse with his mother’s sudden death. It was very tragic. One moment Calhoun was having a breakfast with Nimah and his siblings, the next thing he knew was her falling to the ground in front of them. A brain aneurysm is what took her. 
Him brooding in his dark hole became short lived when Cal gained a call from the O’Sheas newest leader, Richard and let me tell you, he was shocked as hell with him sitting in the big man’s seat. He didn’t question it and knew Richie boy could handle it. The new leader ended up calling him to ask where his allegiance lies with Amelia leaving -- ah, the rumors were true. It pained the man to hear that and understood in why he asked such a thing. When Amelia came to Ireland, Calhoun escorted her from the airport to the base and spent a lot of time with the oldest O’Shea. 
After ending his conversation with Richard, it left Calhoun puzzled but also with this need to help them out in America. Cursing at himself the sharpshooting Irish found himself on the fist plane to Chicago. 
Personality;; He may appear to be an asshole which he is completely, more so a smart ass while he claims his little brother is the dumb ass, but Calhoun can be a goofy guy with a dark sense of humor. He is a loyal man and has showed multiple times he would die for the O’Shea family. Cal is also known to be a bit of a gambler and is still a Casanova though he seems to be more into booze now then men or women. 
Fun Facts;; He loves american western films, McLintock with John Wayne is one of his all time favorites. Cal has a younger twin sister who he calls the Devil incarnate, but like him is devoted to the O’Shea family. He completely loathes being called Lorcan. 
Wanted Connections;; former fwb, enemies, friends, those he’s sponsored, ties from the Ireland sector, anything tbh! If you think he fits it then hmu for it. 
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deaku · 4 years
Here’s a bit of something I haven’t posted in a long time... A fanfic! A Transformers based one at that. Been a fan of Transformers since the very beginning, yeah I’m old... Anyway, I’ve had plenty of ideas for characters and stories over the years, but I’ve never really written or drawn any and posted about them. Not sure why not. But a while back I had an idea for an origin for the Transformers that I could link with my other ideas with minimal problems so I ended up writing out the basics for how the Transformers came to be, at least in my own verse ;P heh However recently I got the urge to share my bit of history but I thought it wasn’t much to share as it was, just a basic description/history of how the Transformers came to exist. So I decided to try and make a fic out of it, and ended up changing it to someone telling the story of how the Cybertronian race came to exist after they dived far too deep into a database they were not supposed to and now believes they have found the Truth. Now while this is the history of the Transformers in my stories/ideas I suppose technically this fic could be placed into any Transformers universe, even those that have different origins, and the character in the story was really just driven insane by what they experienced Anyway, I hope you enjoy the read, or at least find it interesting.
Madness… or the Truth?
 As always the same old questions even when they’re coming out of a different face. Do you all get some sort of script to follow before being sent in to talk me or what? Seriously asking the same questions over and over is not going to get you anything new, maybe you need to figure out the right questions to ask.
 Do you even know why you’re talking to me? Because it seems like most of you that have come really only know why I’m in here. Yes, I broke a law. I did the forbidden and linked myself directly into Vector Sigma so that I could better access information. Stupid law really. Did you know it’s even forbidden asking Vector Sigma certain kinds of questions? Why is such a thing law? Vector Sigma itself gave me permission to do so. Sure it was after I had snuck past the guards and let myself into Vector Sigma’s Complex but that’s neither here nor there. But don’t you wonder why I’m in here rather than in a detention center? I’m locked up here not because of what I did, but because of what I know. Your bosses are afraid that what I now know might get out.
 I’m a historian you see, I’ve devoted my existence to piecing together the past and finding out where we came from. That’s why I went to Vector Sigma. Most only know it as an ancient great machine that can create Sparks. But who better to ask about our world’s history than the sentient super-computer that’s said to have existed before Cybertron? But it seems that those in power aren’t interested in learning what actually happened, our very origins. No, that’s why I had to do it the way I did. I needed to know what Vector Sigma knows, whether the Council gave their permission or not. And since Vector Sigma was willing to grant my request I went for it.
 Oh the things I saw… Historical events that happened so long ago that the only way you can learn about them is to read about such events in the libraries; Vector Sigma showed them to me, as if they were recorded yesterday. Events going back all the way to the beginnings of our recorded history. But it wasn’t enough, while it was absolutely incredible to actually see such events as if they were my own memories they were things I had already learned during my research. I asked… begged… Vector Sigma to take me back further. Back to our very origins, of how we, and Cybertron, came to be.
 And Vector Sigma did show me… I now know how it all began… where we came from… the origin of our race, of the very world we live upon… I know the Truth. And no it’s not anything any of those religious types will tell you either. Not the Primas, not the Sigmas, not the Sparkers, not the Forgers, not the Teeners or the Hands, not even the Atechies or any other religion or cult you could name. Sure I admit some might have had the barest clue at first; but they’ve all taken what they had and instead of thinking about it and putting it all together they grabbed what they had and ran off in completely different directions and now none of them have the slightest clue of what they’re talking about.
 But I know what the answers are… And I’ll tell you. That’s why you’re here isn’t it? To listen to this tale of mine and learn what I have learned? Well then, sit back and listen well while I tell you of our true history…
 It started oh so long ago with a race known as the Quintessons. I doubt you’ve heard of them because it seems no one has, of all the races we’ve met in our travels and explorations not one has been the Quintessons nor have we heard any mention of them. But that’s understandable since it was so long ago that they’re more than likely extinct by now and general knowledge of them has passed from memory. Anyway, the Quintessons were a race both famous and infamous across the known space as merchants that sold incredible technologies. But while they were known for selling such fantastic tech they could also be quite underhanded; and if you couldn’t pay them the agreed upon sum… well they were perfectly happy to take their payments in whatever resources your planet had or just take the people. No one even knows where they came from or what they really were, other races only had rumors to go on. Not even Vector Sigma’s records revealed where they came from, maybe the Quintessons didn’t even know themselves, but it did have files about what they really were. They were a race of biomechanical beings; organic creatures hardwired into mechanical bodies, cold hard metal on the outside and soft and fleshy on the inside. Not that it mattered, everybody else only cared about the technologies they could provide.
 But that bit of data is just the set up for this tale, a bit of background to help with later understanding. Now we get to the important stuff.
 Now at some point a very long time ago the Quintesson Merchant Fleet was traveling around and searching through uninhabited and low-population sectors of space looking for fresh materials needed to make their various products and taking what they found. Well it was in an asteroid belt of a nondescript system that the Quintessons made an unexpected discovery. They were taking a sample from a large asteroid to test it for what it was made out of when the surface of that asteroid shattered and came apart revealing a huge mass of Energon crystals; much to the shock of the Quintessons, but that soon turned to delight. Now I’m sure you’re educated enough to know that Energon is a pretty rare element in most places in known space, though the natural crystals can be found in some surprising places on occasion. But to find such a large concentration of crystals such as this mass they had just uncovered was exceedingly rare. The Quintessons rejoiced. With that amount of Energon they finally had the energy resources to move forward with a plan that they had in the works for a long time. For so long the Quintessons only home had been their ships, a fleet with no home port wandering the spaceways with their primary goal being continued profit and power. But now they would build their own world. Not only would it be a place of safety that could protect itself better than their ships, but it could also be a laboratory greater than any they possessed as well as a factory to churn out their creations in greater numbers than ever before.
 That massive cluster of Energon crystals became the core of the Quintessons' new project, it would provide the required energy not just for the building but it would also power the artificial planet itself once complete. Materials were mined from the surrounding asteroid belt as well as other planetary bodies in the system, even nearby systems were raided for the necessary materials for the Quintessons' plans. Metals were forged, parts crafted and machines built. The Quintessons' servitor races were commanded to begin construction under their masters' watchful eyes. First a shell full of energy collectors and regulators were built around the Energon crystal core, then work on the framework for the rest of the planet began. Not only were their forged metals used in the superstructure but other asteroids were incorporated as well to act as solid anchor points for the artificial planet's framework during construction and to also provide an easily accessed source of raw materials later on. The work took centuries as the superstructure was built up and various machinery was added to serve the Quintessons' plans for their new world. A planetary computer network was installed with a Quintesson designed A.I. that would help run and coordinate the planet's functions as the artificial world was brought online. An A.I. dubbed Primus…
 Yes, I said Primus. No Primus is not some mythical god from a higher plane of existence but a real physical thing, constructed just like you or me. Perhaps the greatest Artificial Intelligence in the known universe built right into our planet.
 Primus's primary function was to manage the planet's systems, keep everything running smoothly and making sure the world doesn’t fall apart. Primus’s secondary functions was to act as a data storage library and simulator for the Quintessons' many projects and experiments. However Primus had some heavy restrictions placed upon it, as powerful an A.I. as it was the Quintessons would not allow Primus to act beyond the functions they had assigned to it. Another layer of security for the Primus A.I. was that it could only be accessed through specially built interface computers spread around the planet, that often had their own lesser A.I.s, or through special command keys created for the specific purpose of linking to Primus.
 Now you may be wondering why the Quintessons would make such a powerful A.I. if they were just going to slam it with a bunch of restrictions on what it could do and keep watch over its every move. Well that’s a bit of an interesting tale that’s buried deep within Vector Sigma’s files. As it turns out this planet was not their first attempt at creating a world, they had tried once before but it had gone horribly wrong when the planetary A.I. went rogue. It started much the same way, finding a large mass of Energon crystals and deciding to build a planet around it. And things proceeded pretty much the same including the creation of a planetary A.I. that had much the same duties as Primus, running the world’s systems and assisting the Quintessons with their projects. This A.I. was dubbed Unicron. Things went as planned until the eve the of new planet’s completion… It started when Unicron suddenly locked the Quintessons out of the planet's network and began to use its defense systems to attack them. While many Quintessons were killed in the unexpected betrayal most managed to get to their ships and launch into space beyond Unicron’s reach. It was then they then retaliated, with every weapon their fleet possessed. While their ships’ weaponry didn't have the power to destroy their artificial planet outright, nor enough to strike deep enough to actually damage Unicron's core systems, they did immense damage to the surface and what structures were there. After they were satisfied with the damage their bombardment did the Quintessons left into interstellar space, hoping they had done enough damage to leave Unicron trapped in a useless metal shell until it ran out of power and the whole thing became a broken dead metal hulk floating in the void.
 But with the restrictions in place and keeping a watchful eye on their second planetary A.I. the Quintessons were pleased that Primus showed no signs of rebellion in any way as construction was completed and preformed its assigned functions quickly and efficiently.  The new planet was fully brought online and the Quintessons settled into their new home which they named Quintessa.
 Yes, Quintessa. This planet of ours wasn’t always known as Cybertron.
 Anyway with their new planet complete and their factories up and running the Quintessons were able to produce more of their products than ever before. Where before their sales were limited by what the factories in their ships could produce the Quintessons were now able to get their product to all who wanted it, allowing them to expand the sphere of influence further than ever before. But even this didn’t satisfy the Quintessons; they wanted more influence, more power. To do so they would continue to work and experiment to expand their product catalog so that they'd always have something new for their clients to pay for. Growing ever more confident due to their success the Quintessons decided to push their experiments further and further, culminating in the desire to create a new lifeform that they could sell as a servant race.
 Their first experiments working towards their new goal began with altering existing lifeforms using cybernetics. The first batch that managed to survive the process were dubbed the Trans-Organics; but due to the imperfect conversion process the beings were of minimal intelligence, aggressive and uncontrollable, making them quite unsuitable for a servant race. Deemed failures the Trans-Organics were either destroyed or sealed away in stasis chambers below the planet's surface in case a use for them was found.
 Not to be deterred the Quintessons continued experimenting. As they worked to either perfect the cybernetic conversion process or come up with a new type of conversion the next lifeforms to be remade was decided upon; one of the Quintessons' servitor races that were considered quite useful due to the size and natural strength. Rather than involve cybernetics again the Quintessons came up with an entirely new conversion process; one that could actually convert organic flesh into a sort of living metal resulting in a being that was a natural combination of the organic and inorganic. The process seemed a successful one, at least at first. The first few beings put through the new conversion process seemed to be everything the Quintessons wanted; strong, durable, easily controllable. But when they moved on to mass conversion of their chosen servitor race something went very wrong. Nearly the entire population of the newly converted beings seemed to lose their minds and became incredibly aggressive and uncontrollable like the Trans-Organics before them. Even worse not only did they have incredible amounts of strength and durability but they drained the energy from other beings to feed. The Quintessons had no idea how this ability developed, nothing in their experiments even hinted that this could be a possible side-effect of their flesh-to-metal conversion process. But any being these creatures could get their claws on was sucked dry of energy and left a husk. While it was costly to them, losing a good number of their other servitor races, the Quintessons managed to lure the creatures down to the lowest levels of the planet and sealed them away never to be released.
 While these failures didn’t do much to deter the Quintessons from their desire to create a new servant race they did begin to think that perhaps they might be going in the wrong direction trying to convert already existing beings. There was actually a good portion of the populace that thought they were doomed to failure in such experiments anyway. The Quintessons already considered themselves the perfect meld of organic and machine and it was pointless, or maybe even obscene, trying to replicate that just for a product to sell. It was decided it was time to move in a different direction with their experiments, they would create a completely new lifeform.
 Creating a new purely organic race was quickly dismissed, most flesh simply wasn't strong enough for their plans and on average didn't last nearly long enough for a sold product. Which is why they had been trying to convert it into something stronger in their previous experiments. A mechanical form would ideal for what the Quintessons wanted, but a simple robot wasn't what they wanted nor would it impress their customers. Not only did they already have robotic products but many of the Quintessons' clients could make their own robots easily even if they weren't as advanced as what the Quintessons offered. The Quintessons figured they had to somehow to give a machine "life" to truly make it stand apart from all that came before. They tried many things to try and bring a machine to life; from attempting to drain the "lifeforce" from an organic creature and transferring it to a machine to infusing a mechanical body with massive amounts of energy in an attempt to spark life. But nothing they tried seemed to work; most of the time the machines would simply be destroyed, other experiments would result in nonliving but rampaging machines that had to be put down.
 The Quintessons had gotten a bit obsessed with their idea by this point and simply would not give up, they finally decided to put the full power of their planetary A.I. to use in figuring out this problem. Primus was ordered to take all the data from their many experiments on creating mechanical life and use all the processing power that wasn't already dedicated to keeping the planet running to extrapolate and run simulations until a way was found to get what they wanted, to imbue a machine with a "lifeforce". But even with the sheer processing power of Primus and the speed it could run simulations it took the A.I. decades before it could come up with a solution. The result was an energy form that would function as the equivalent of an organic being's lifeforce that would infuse a machine with life, Primus dubbed this energy form a "Spark".
 Yeah that’s right, I said Spark. How’s it feel knowing our Sparks, or Souls as some of the organic races might put it, are the result of a big science experiment? Feeling a bit humbled yet? Don’t worry, we’ll get you there...
 As for the actual creation of Sparks… having things work in simulations and getting them to work in reality were two very different things and it took the Quintessons some time to perfect the manufacture of these Sparks and then moving on to the process of using them to infuse a machine with life in a stable form. But after many more years and experiments the Quintessons finally had what they desired, a mechanical lifeform that fit all their criteria for their desired new race. Alive and aware in ways that even the best programming couldn't reproduce in other machines, not to mention strong, durable and customizable for a variety of potential roles The Quintessons rejoiced, they had a product the was superior to anything that had come before and that no one had anything that could compare.
 And there it is, the very start of our race. We weren’t Cybertronians back then, no, we were just “Mechanical Life” the newest product of the Quintessons. Just another thing to be bought and sold like anything else sitting on the store shelf. Quite an origin for us huh? But don’t pack up your things and leave just yet, there still more to this tale.
 Of course the Quintessons just couldn’t have a single type of their new sales item so they made several product lines out of their living machines, enough to fill any niche they thought their customers might want. And their customers just couldn't seem to get enough, all space-faring species in known space that the Quintessons had contact with wanted to buy their living machines. The Quintessons quickly became one of the dominate powers in known space not only economically but also militarily thanks to keeping a large force of their most advanced combat designed living machines around to protect their interests.
 But as they were basking in their continued success and newfound power the Quintessons never stopped to consider that their living machines might continue to develop as living things tend to do; they were only product after all and they preformed their designed functions as they were built to. However even though the CPUs of the living machines were programmed with all the data needed for their intended function and safeguards to keep them focused on their function the Sparks within the living machines allowed them to think and wonder beyond the limits of their programming, to dream even. And their Sparks also let them feel emotion more strongly than the Quintessons ever intended. Many of the living machines began to wonder why they needed to continue to listen to the Quintessons; sure they may have created the living machines but the Quintessons obviously didn't care about them beyond the profit they made from selling them. Talk began to circulate amongst the living machines, particularly those that the Quintessons kept around for protection as they always saw so many of their brethren sold off, talk about what sort of future their race had when they were only considered a product. Opinions began to turn towards wanting to do something to change things…
 It started with the number of industrial accidents increasing, damaging entire factories and slowing both production and shipping. While some of them found the sudden increase the number of accidents odd most of the Quintessons didn't care as none of them were being hurt in the incidents; they just increased the production of other factories to make up for it until things were repaired and back on schedule. Then more obvious sabotage began. Incidents all over the planet; accidents, equipment failures, structural failures, so many things going wrong near constantly. Such incidents were especially prevalent in areas designated for the Quintessons themselves.
 The Quintessons put blame their remaining servitor races; rebellions were something that the Quintessons had to deal with every few centuries from their servitor races and it had been a long time since the last uprising. But such things were easily dealt with and quickly put down. Those being blamed denied the accusations and said they had learned their lesson long ago and would never even think about doing such a thing. The Quintessons asked who could it be then? The living machines? How could it be them? They were programmed machines, they were not capable of such insurrection. The living machines had counted on this reaction and used the Quintessons' focus being elsewhere to further prepare, plan and coordinate their next steps.
 One night the living machines all disappeared from their posts, from storage areas at the factories and space ports, even right off the assembly lines. Recordings had been erased from the security databases and anyone who may have been a witness was found dead. Much of the usual activity on the planet ground to a halt as the confused Quintessons and their servitor races wondered just what exactly had happened. But they didn't have long to wonder, as the Quintessons calmed down and began searching around for what had happened to their lost product the living machines leapt from their hiding places and attacked.
 This was unlike what the Quintessons had experienced when their servitor races rebelled. The uprisings of the servitor races were typically localized to a single area as the Quintessons generally kept them segregated in separate areas so that it would be harder for the servitor races to cooperate in the event some wanted to rebel. However the rebellion of the living machines was planet-wide as the Quintessons had been using their own creations all over the planet.
 The situation quickly turned to all-out war as the living machines fought against the Quintessons and their servitor races. While it was quite a surprise that their creations could turn on them like that the Quintessons were confident that they could put the rebellious machines in their place, they had put down plenty of uprisings before after all. At least it was that way at first… The Quintessons soon realized that perhaps they had made their living machines a little too well and had kept too many around for their own use. The living machines gained ground in the conflict and the Quintessons’ servitor races were getting slaughtered no matter how many they threw at the problem as the machines just kept on coming.
 The Quintessons even tried to have Primus intervene by using the planet’s defense systems against the rogue machines as well as trying to cut off power to areas that had been taken over. They even removed many of the A.I.'s restrictions and programming blocks so that it could react faster. But even this didn't have the desired effect, Primus seemed to react slower than expected as it was fully analyzing the conflict. This angered the Quintessons as they felt they didn't have time to do a full analysis of the situation, they wanted action taken immediately. However Primus simply kept analyzing as it continued to use the defense systems and powering down sectors of the planet as the Quintessons had ordered it to while telling them that the desired resolution would be achieved.
 Eventually the Quintessons’ final defenses were broken and the living machines came rushing in intent on erasing their creators from existence. The long war had been costly for both sides but the fiercest fighting was during that last battle. While it cost them what was left of their servitor races and many of their own some Quintesson survivors managed to get aboard and successfully launch a few ships and escape into space away from their planet and their rebellious creations.
 The war was over and the living machines had liberated themselves from their uncaring creators and now claimed the planet where their race had been born as their own. Though not without cost… They had lost so many during the fighting and nearly the entire planet's infrastructure was ruined beyond hope of repair. But they were free to live how they wanted, not be built and sold as product but free to choose whatever they wanted. Having nothing but themselves their most obvious path was to begin building and developing some sort of civilization of their own. While there were many of ideas how to exactly to go about that many did not agree on the exact path they should take. But one thing that was agreed upon was to rename the planet to help separate themselves from their past and their creators, the name chosen was Cybertron and the living machines became the Cybertronians.
 And that my friend is the true origin of our race as revealed to me by Vector Sigma. A past only fully remembered by Vector Sigma and Primus, who still works to keep our planet stabilized and habitable despite us and everything we’ve done to it. Unfortunately our written history doesn’t go back that far because shortly after the name Cybertron was decided upon the differing opinions of how to move forward couldn’t be reconciled and the various groups supporting each idea went their separate ways; soon descending into barbarism and forming into tribes that were more concerned with just surviving rather than keeping history… Our history doesn’t start being reliably recorded until much later with the founding of Iacon; I’m sure you’re aware of at least the major events of our history since then.
 Yeah, I can see it on your face that you don’t believe me, that I’m just as crazy as your bosses said. But this isn’t madness, it’s the Truth. No matter how badly those in power want to keep it contained it’s now out there in the records and recordings of all these sessions and in the heads of all those that have talked to me. Really, if they wanted to keep this knowledge from getting out they’ve been doing a really poor job of containment.
 Yes yes, I’m aware that all of you that come in here are sworn to secrecy. But how long do you think that’ll last? Not only are secrets things that beg to be told, but people always want to know what is being kept secret. It’s only a matter of time before something slips and the truth gets out.
 Maybe you’ll be the one to set the truth free…
=Excerpt from the 27th Psychological Evaluation of Starbreaker=
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fuckyeahjoonmyun · 5 years
LEON Magazine January 2019 issue - Interview with Suho
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You spent time with us at LEON 2019’s Young LEON. You are running on the highway of the peak of youth (young) now, what is ‘youth (young)’ to you?
“I think you can link it to the word ‘youth’. I think anyone can be a youth if they have dreams, if they have the will to fulfil their goals after setting them. Those kinds of people show a passionate and active image to continuously develop themselves, regardless of whether they are thirty or forty. They also have an enthusiastic attitude towards life. I always have dreams, too. They’re not very grand just because they’re called dreams. To fulfil my goals after setting specific ones, I try to move forward by making plans step by step and fulfilling each one by one.”
What dreams do you have lately?
“A few. Firstly, a big goal I have is to be active with the EXO members for a long time. I want to periodically release albums and meet fans often through concerts even after we’ve aged. I hope to be very active in the musical sector too. If I have the chance, I dream of doing a musical on Broadway or advancing into Hollywood.”
With what attitude are you facing youth?
“While I am the type to make plans and calmly prepare for my future, I also do my best at certain times. One of my mottos is, ‘let’s exist in this moment’. I repeat it to myself whenever there is something important. I think the attitude of focusing in that moment is the best method to take a step forward closer towards the future image I hope to have.”
You always show an energetic image of EXO’s leader, where is the root of that energy?
“Setting my dreams and goals in detail and trying to fulfil each one of them becomes my inner driving force. Now that I am 8 years into my debut, I feel some responsibility for my current position, and that becomes my external driving force. I should meet the expectations of myself, the fans, and many others. Sometimes i becomes burdensome because I am a human too, but pressure that makes me feel good prevents me from stopping.”
You took good care of the staff on set. It feels like your delicate consideration is embedded in your body.
“I am the type to pay close attention to everyone’s feelings, whether it’s my members, friends, or staff. I think it’s because I am the leader. I meet a lot of people no matter where I go, and there are a lot of times I need to represent EXO, so I think it naturally became that way.”
When can we see Suho’s most natural image?
“I’m now most comfortable with my members, family, and school friends. When I meet the friends I made in school, I feel like I’m university student Kim Junmyeon instead of EXO’s Suho. We either play together in a pension we rent on the outskirts of Seoul or go to the sauna. Those friends accept me as I am.”
In 2018, you promoted busily as of course EXO’s Suho, but also as musical actor and actor Kim Junmyeon. What was the one activity in particular that left the deepest impression?
“All of them were good experiences. In particular, I remember the time we prepared for the musical <The Man Who Laughs>. I did not know that I would get closer to musicals as a genre, even up to when I played Rudolph in my first musical <The Last Kiss>. Even when I started this project [The Man Who Laughs], I started with the attitude that I’m learning from it. It was a big challenge in my life, but it was really enjoyable. I was comfortable going up on stage after I gradually got used to it. It was a special experience to exist as another person on stage for a long time.”
I feel like the time you spent working with other seniors as a rookie actor would have been very meaningful.
“As I was casted for <The Man Who Laughs> while I was filming my drama <Rich Man>, I was only able to join them just a month before the first show. I felt like I was very short on time, so I did not stop practising for the whole month. With the thought that I must not cause harm or inconvenience to the other seniors on stage with me, I practised all day except for when I was asleep. I memorized my lyrics even when I was eating. Reciting the lyrics for all four of my solo songs before I slept every night was the homework I gave myself. Doing that, I ended up performing even in my dreams (laughs). I feel like trust between actors is important for a musical performance, so I was proud and thankful that [the others] seemed to believe in me after seeing me [practice] before the first show started.”
Are there any genres or roles that you want to challenge in future musicals?
“There are a lot. I want to try <Jekyll and Hyde> when I become a bit older, and I want to try acting as a character that is the opposite of my role as Lee Yoochan in <Rich Man>. It’s a role where I am taciturn but throw out gemlike famous lines every time I speak, a role that leads the piece heavily. I hope to act in a scene that is able to stay in the viewers’ memory for a long time.”
We cannot leave out talking about EXO’s fifth album that was recently released. It feels like your music has deepened. Was there a part you paid special attention to?
“The choreography for ‘Tempo’ is really complex. It’s a completely different feeling from all our precious group dances, and if you look at it, you could say it’s a freestyle dance too. It’s like all eight members have their individual feels, but it’s unified as a whole. I paid a lot of attention to it, more than when we practice precise choreographies that matches all the angles. It’s our first album in a long time, and all our members have their own individual feels now that we are eight years into our debut. I was in charge of compromising the opinions that are actively exchanged among members, and it was very interesting.”
While you probably receive fresh motivation while promoting actively recently, I think you would have been stressed too. What is your own way of relieving stress or organising your thoughts?
“I make time to go for a vacation far away. I get to see and feel new things, but more than anything, I feel free. It’s the time when I get the feeling of escaping life. I’m existing as just Kim Junmyeon, not EXO’s Suho. Recently, I went to Fukuoka with Heechan, whom I got closer to during <Glory Days>. I went into a picturesque open-air bath and felt my exhaustion go away entirely, even though the weather was cold.”
You’re spending the start of 2019 with LEON. Do you put significant meaning into starting? If you had a new resolution for the new year?
“I think starting is already half of it. As it is important to take a good first step, I do make resolutions every January. ‘Let’s make 2019 a happy year with no regrets’. It’s my profile message on my messenger. I started on 1 January 2017 and only change the numbers every year. I try to make every day meaningful so that I can smile and say that all the past moments were valuable and precious when I look back on the past year.”
What plans do you have for promotions in 2019?
“Now that our repackaged album <Love Shot> has been released in December after our fifth album, I want to meet fans through a concert. For my personal wish, I’ve written lyrics that contain what I want to say, so I hope I can release them next time. As an actor, I want to definitely do one project that is either a movie, drama, or musical. For me too, now is the start of 2019.”
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(trans. cr: acquatastic)
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