#site spotlight
pickedpiper · 1 year
You sons a bitches didn’t add Zacharie to the sexyman rematch
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You have all forgotten your roots and should be ashamed of yourselves
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miodiodavinci · 2 months
head in hands like "maybe i should have realized this about myself sooner" as i am surrounded by neon flashing signs that Very Clearly Indicate the thing i should have realized about myself sooner
#anyway i'm just mulling about the 'tism skdjfhgljhdfg#thinking about how i've been having a hard time on site with my internship because i struggle to make small talk with my superiors#and everything is uncomfortable and terrible all of the time and i feel so so out of my depth#but talking with my university superior about the methodology of our profession#has me feeling like i'm playing just dance on extreme and i'm nailing every single beat w#like quite literally is like one of those rhythm games where when you get a combo it plays a cool sound effect#and i'm playing so well the sound effects are overlapping and the screen is just an explosion of stars w#so yeah i am. very comfortable talking academics and theory and things but. shit in social situations.#when i don't have that to rely on whoops#anyway it's just another thing on the incredibly long list of things i have building in my mind of#'why i should have realized i'm probably on the spectrum sooner'#the thrilling sequel to 'how did i go 20+ years without realizing i have ADHD' w#(speaking of)#(the way my ADHD has been leaping into the spotlight this week)#(biggest highlight was being jumpscared not once)#(not twice!!)#(but THREE times by food i had bought for myself)#(put down briefly)#(and then forgotten about for upwards of 30 minutes to 5 hours)#(like the other day i bought myself a little pastry on the way home as a congrats for surviving another week)#(and i put it on the table when i came inside)#(but i. forgot i did that. and went like 4 hours without even thinking about it)#(until i got up and left my room and saw the bag and went '! ! ! ! ! ! ! OH MY GO D MY PASTRY NOOOOOOO')#(the adhd and the autism . . . . they are attacking my ass . . . . . )
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vonlipvig · 2 days
people that laugh at the idea that 'ttpd is such a complex, difficult to understand album' are very silly because for one, i don't think this album is hard to understand at all, and i think most swifties would agree with me--it's a great album, with lots of beautiful writing, and when you listen to it you get it--, but then again those people then go and post the asylum lyric with the wikipedia paragraph about her upbringing as a 'gotcha', and i'm like...ok, maybe it is hard to understand for them.
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scorittanius · 8 months
ouuuuuuugh i really need a mannequin head... and some decent quality faux fur... i need to Get More Experience with fursuits now please
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 6 months
Stemwijzer zegt vdd.. Naja laten we dat dan maar doen.
Nou ja, weet je, ik ga niemand vertellen hoe die moet stemmen dat mag iedereen lekker zelf weten, maar gezien de .. en de ‘naja’ krijg ik het idee dat deze vraag meer bedoeld is als kritiek op de stemwijzer en dat je liever geen vvd stemt.
En dat is ook prima! Ik zie de stemwijzer meer als hulpmiddel die vaak bevestigt wat ik al weet, maar soms met partijen komt die ik niet had verwacht. Dit geeft je dan een kans om daar toch eens beter naar te kijken en dan te beslissen of de stemwijzer gelijk had of juist niet. Ik neem het resultaat uit de stemwijzer niet klakkeloos over.
Ik denk wel dat voor mensen die geen idee hebben van politiek de stemwijzer een goede eerste stap kan zijn. (Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat je meest gehate partij bovenaan komt. Ik kan me zo indenken dat als je geen vvd fan bent er ook nog wel minstens 3 andere partijen zijn die je erger vindt.) De stemwijzer kan helpen door je een kleinere verzameling partijen te geven waar je je focus op kunt leggen. En zelfs als ze klakkeloos op de bovenste partij stemmen is dat naar mijn mening beter dan niet stemmen.
Wel denk ik dat de stemwijzer natuurlijk problemen heeft. Soms zijn er stellingen waarbij partijen het oneens lijken te zijn, maar als je naar hun uitleg gaat is het gewoon een gekke verdraaiing van hun woorden. (Ik kreeg een stelling of het aantal tweede kamerleden moest worden verhoogd naar 250. D66 was het oneens want ze wilden minstens 260 kamerleden…) Ook zijn veel stellingen ontkennend gesteld, wat het soms moeilijk maakt te bedenken wat eens en oneens nou betekent, ik vind bijvoorbeeld de stelling ‘de regering moet zich ertegen verzetten dat meer landen lid worden van de Europese Unie’ omslachtig verwoord, ‘uitbreiding van de EU is prima’ geeft hetzelfde idee veel simpeler weer. Daarom is het ook belangrijk om te kijken wat de toelichting van de partijen is, dit kan zowel tijdens het invullen als naderhand om je top partijen te vergelijken. Ik denk dat als je dat doet, de stemwijzer een heel nuttig hulpmiddel kan zijn bij het kiezen van een partij.
Verder zou ik mensen aanraden om na te gaan wat ze nou zelf belangrijk vinden en op basis daarvan de verkiezingsprogramma’s te vergelijken en een beslissing te maken.
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grahamcarmen · 1 year
redcrackleweek Day 2: Slice of life
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wizarding-world-rp · 2 years
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Common People - queer post(ish) potter AU
"There is no way I am viciously cutting into this newt! What happened to honoring a living thing after its death?" He thought he heard something about that. So, what if he would gladly have cut into a squid? These people didn't need to know that now. - Rhych Greenthorn, Eye of WHAT?
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skyfcx · 2 years
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littlegalerion · 2 years
Mother and Daughter
Wrote this piece, because I find myself wanting to write little snippets of moments from my characters’ lives. This one however quickly made me wish I had it in me to do that “Greymoor Rewritten” project, but now revised as a totally new concept as Caafire being the hero of the story, not Trechire. 
Warnings: Piece involves Self Harm, and Heavy Subjects
Trechire couldn’t remember the last time she’d been to her Villa, but she knew that she hated it more than anything in her entire life. This little castle, a prize given to her by the Psijics for helping them save Tamriel, always sat empty. There were furnishings here and there, enough to sustain someone living within the isolated confines, but not enough to make it truly look like a home. Honestly, the place felt more like a graveyard to Trechire, and the castle itself was her own tomb, always waiting to welcome her back. 
For the past six or seven months, she’d lived in Rimmen, in the warm and lively Hall of the Lunar Champion. She’d worked her ass off to make it a home, every last aspect of it, until even a grim, old imperial bastard agreed it was quite lovely. Now only Hughe remained there, “keeping the hall ready for its mistress’ return”. Trechire hadn’t had the heart to tell him the truth. She hoped he’d eventually forgive her, if they ever saw each other again. There was a fair chance her time in Tamriel was over. 
It certainly felt that way. Just the thought of returning to the mortal world made the wolf inside her bristle. Instantly a thousand possibilities of what could happen, who could be lost, what had happened and how it could have been worse, all flashed through her mind, leaving her with a searing headache. Each time, she’d put a hand to her middle. Four months along now, but it felt like time was slipping between her fingers. 
Though this place felt like death to her, it was the only truly safe place for Trechire’s third child. They wouldn’t be given away to a better life due to a wicked father’s sin, or taken from her by the very same man and killed, only a week spent in her arms… No, this child would be free from Tamriel’s sick sense of fate. Her enemies could come and try, but their bones would decorate her tomb for her child to laugh at as they grew older. If anything tried to breach Artaeum’s isolation, Trechire, not to mention all of the Psijics, would know within a heartbeat. Nothing could surprise her here. 
That’s what she had thought, until Trechire heard footsteps approaching her. 
She bolted up from where she had been kneeling, taking in the scents around her. The last thing she needed was a forced transformation- it wouldn’t hurt the baby, but it certainly felt uncomfortable to her. 
Salt water’s musty smell drenched her senses, as it mixed with the freshwater of her little estate overhead from a waterfall cascading down into the stolen ocean water. Trechire had been kneeling to her memorials, a place tucked away from prying eyes, down steep stairs and hidden under the waterfall. Here she could mourn in peace, even if Valsirenn or Celarus decided to visit. They knew to patiently wait for her within the castle itself. This was neither of them. 
To Trechire’s surprise, she caught the scent of her mother approaching. 
Sure enough, Caafire came walking down the steps, looking unsettled. The magic Artaeum naturally radiated must have been affecting her. Caafire’s own body was filled with too much magika, which seemed to recharge or multiply at nerve wracking speeds. In order to keep it from combusting into raw, untempered chaos, the mer had always been forced to keep arcane ruins burned into her body, and even then, her features could constantly change. One day she could be a small altmer woman with long, soft hair who looked like a farmer's wife. The next day, she could be a well muscled man with a beard that would have taken years to grow out. Caafire’s preference was to remain biologically a woman, but allow the magika in her to shift her outward appearance to that of a well toned man, with thick scruff dominating the bottom of her face, eyes narrowed and transfixed on whatever her mind was set on that day. The duality seemed to sate the overflowing magika, so it was as close to being stable as she could be. 
It would take a lot to bring her back to Artaeum, for these medical reasons as well as personal ones. But as she descended the stairs, and saw her daughter looking up at her, the seasoned battlemaster’s resolve spiked. She closed the distance, offering out her arms. 
“I knew you’d be here,” Caafire mused quietly, and embraced Trechire tightly.
Trechire didn’t responded, but fought back an onslaught of tears. 
“When I was sick or hurt, I didn’t want anyone to see me either,” Caafire mumbled. “I found the most secluded cave, far around the rocky parts of this island, swimming through what I really shouldn’t have chanced, just to cry in that cave where nobody could hear me.” She kissed the top of Trechire’s head. “But it’s alright to cry- we shouldn’t have felt the need to hide it.”
At that, Trechire lost it and fell into a wailing fit. Her body trembled, her grabbing onto her mother as she rocked back and forth. No doubt it’d bring on a panic attack, so even after the cries subsided, she’d be unable to talk but just sit and shake, holding onto Caafire like a three year old. 
“You’re smart,” Caafire soothed, making them both sit down on the cold stone pathway, and rocking with Trechire. “Your baby will be safe here.”
For a while, they just sat like this, Trechire wailing, Caafire silently crying with her, as they rocked. Who knows how long it lasted exactly, as time is so complicated on Artaeum. Nonetheless, it outlasted every last tear they had to give, and Trechire found herself no longer shaking, not even from her mental sickness. 
“I-I can’t loose t-this one,” Trechire croaked, breath hitching. 
“No, you can’t,” Caafire agreed, and withdrew to look her daughter in the face. Both their eyes were red, and the memory of a young, newborn Sunnabela being stolen away to his death reflected in them. “You won’t.”
Trechire paused, mouthing something, obviously wanting to speak but something was holding her back. 
“What is it?” Caafire asked quietly, comfortingly rubbing up and down Trechire’s arms. “You can speak.”
The moment hung heavy in the air, but Trechire shook her head, and looked as if she’d fallen a bit further into her misery. 
“You can tell me,” Caafire assured her. “No more secrets- that’s what we all agreed on.” She sighed, and kept rubbing Trechire’s arms in an attempt to ground her. “You’re just like your father, though. We made that agreement and he still keeps his secrets. Because he thinks it’ll protect us all in the long run, be it from a physical enemy or just emotional damage.”
Trechire only coughed, an attempt to cry again but she was spent, despite her body protesting. 
“Trechire,” Caafire prompted gently, and held her chin to make her daughter look at her. “You can tell me. No one will be in danger or hurt, not here. Nobody can hear us. And I have thick skin.”
“...Su-S-S-Su-Sunnabela w-wasn’t the f-first,” Trechire stuttered, starting to breathe quickly, body trembling and twitching. Her mother rubbed her arms again, staving off the attack. 
“What do you mean?” Caafire inquired, confused, and dreading the answer, as the grief on Trechire’s face only cut deeper. 
“I-I had o-one before…” Trechire explained, wheezing now as she spoke. “I-I h-had a-a-anot-ther b-boy.” She started shaking hard now, rocking once again as she tried to cry but nothing came. “T-The Fa-F-Fath-her wa-waa-waas…” Trechire couldn’t finish, shaking her head and going to claw at her face, but Caafire grabbed her hands and held them down. “G-Gave hi-hi-him a-away!’ Trechire screamed, trying to yank her hands free. “H-He c-couldn’t f-find him! I-I COULDN’T LE-LET HIM! N-NEC-CRO-CRO-CRO-RO-” She coughed, choking on the word. “NE-NECROMANCER! LY-LYING NEC-CROMA-MANCER!” 
She truly couldn’t speak anymore, and the memory of her firstborn in her arms, only for a minute after delivery, all blurry from the pain and fear of her first birth, it all summoned a sorrow from depths Trechire wasn’t aware she even had. She cried again, fresh tears returning, but she wondered if these were made from her blood itself. They were hot, slicing down her face and stinging her skin, making it impossible to see.
Caafire said nothing, but held Trechire close again, encouraging her daughter to claw at her mother’s skin and not her own. She was dumbfounded, horrified, and infuriated all at once. Caafire thought back to Sunnabela, how she had tracked and mutilated a few of the accomplices to the kidnapper. It hadn’t been enough for her. Her grandson’s death could never be forgiven or forgotten. Now…now… now there were two to avenge, and how long had her daughter bled from this and the culprit gone unpunished? 
A chilling thought popped into her head. Though she hated to provoke her daughter further, Caafire shakily asked, “Trechire… Was it him? Was…Was this necromancer… Was he the one who took Sunnabela?”
Trechire cried harder, almost shrieking, but nodded furiously as she rocked. 
For all this time, Caafire and Vanus had thought their grandchild’s kidnapping and death was the result of the Galerion name sowing countless enemies. Those involved had all been necromancers, and one had even bore a symbol of the Worm Cult. 
But no. This was revenge, pure malice towards their daughter, when a fatal strike had already been dealt by the vermin. 
“Before I leave,” Caafire whispered into Trechire’s ear, “you’re going to tell me the necromancer’s name, where you left my first born grandchild, and all of this is going to end… Once and for all.” 
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thewheelrp · 11 months
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The Wheel Character Spotlight Name: Rui Qiao Faction: Death Eaters Occupation: Magical Surgeon
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art · 22 days
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Meet the Artist: @camberdraws
Hello! My name is Camber (any pronouns), and I’m a mixed media illustrator located in the southwestern United States. I love drawing everything, but I have a special interest in depicting strange creatures and environments, often accompanied by abstract imagery and mark-making. Professionally, I’ve worked creating concept art and 2D assets for museum exhibits, but currently, I am engaged full-time as a software developer and make standalone illustrations in my free time. I’ve been posting art on Tumblr since I was a teenager, and the site has been very welcoming towards my work to this very day!
Pleased to meet you, Camber! Below are some art pieces they have picked out for you all.
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For more of Camber’s work, check out their Tumblr, @camberdraws! Check out their Creator Spotlight interview here.
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One of the best things about tumblr is it teaches people to be anonymous. I saw a post with a screenshot of an article and it read: "Personal brand is dead. Gen Z would rather be anonymous"
Or something like that, and yeah, it's a good thing. People who grow up on this site aren't going to turn out an attention seeker because they'll learn quickly that no one cares about a sqaubble they had where they twist themselves into a good guy. And even get called out, at times.
This site has a spotlight, and no one wants it on them.
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herpsandbirds · 2 months
Hello! Since March 8th is International Women’s Day, I was wondering if you might share with us some females from various species? (Since the more vibrant males tend to get the spotlight lol)
International Women’s Day!!!
Yes yes yes! With many animals, the females are more impressively large or more colorful than the males. Let's have a look at some impressive and amazing females...
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(Southern) Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus), female, family Boidae, Ecuador
With many snakes, the females get to be much larger than the males. Female Anacondas grow to be the heaviest snakes in the world, as up to 97.5 kg (214 lb 15 oz).
Though reports have claimed that Green Anacondas can grow up to over 30 ft long, the longest ever ACTUALLY measured was about 19 ft. long.
photograph by Alejandro Arteaga Advance Wildlife Education
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Brahminy Blindsnake aka Flowerpot Snake (Indotyphlops braminus), family Typhlopidae, found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world
This snake is native to somewhere along the Indian Ocean, possibly somewhere in SE Asia or coastal Africa.
The fossorial (burrowing) snake feeds mainly on the larvae, pupae, and eggs of ants and termites.
All known specimens of this snake have been female. They reproduce through parthenogenesis (asexually).
photograph via: UGA Coastal Ecology Lab
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Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius), female, family Scolopacidae, order Charadriiformes, near Barrow, Alaska, USA
Female Phalaropes are larger and more colorful than the males. They court the males and defend the nest site. The males incubate the eggs, and raise the chicks.
photograph by Mark A. Chappell
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Sonoran Spotted Whiptail (Aspidoscelis sonorae), females, family Teiidae, Arizona
This is another all female parthenogentic species.
There are other closely relates species, other whiptails and racerunners, that are also all female populations. Some of them are completely parthenogenic, and some combine parthenogenesis with sexual input from closely related species or populations nearby.
photograph by Tom Brennan
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photograph by Forrest Fanning
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photograph by Giuseppe Mazza
Asian Yellow-spotted Climbing Toad (Rentapia hosii), females, family Bufonidae, found in SE Asia
The females of this species are large, gorgeous, ornate frogs, while the males are much smaller and much less colorful.
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wizarding-world-rp · 2 years
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Common People - queer post potter roleplay
The little goat leapt down the stairs and found an interesting bag awaiting him on the floor. He stuck his head into it. It was full of paper. Delicious. Guy pulled out a length of parchment, a textbook, another length of parchment, and busied himself with chewing something which had a great deal of writing on it. Hopefully, it wasn't someone's homework. - Guy the Goat, fire drill!
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