#shut up Addison nobody cares
Am I gonna have to make a power point presentation begging all of you twilight nerds (affectionate) to watch the sandman?!
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crmsnmth · 26 days
September Sky Chapter One, Part 11
"Yep, the absolute slowest suicide ever. Really, what's not going to kill me these days?" I said, letting the cigarette barely dangle from my lips.
"Very true," she replied reaching over and plucking the cigarette from my lips. I expected her to toss it into the street or snuff it out. Instead, she took a couple drags from it, and placed it right back between my lips. Her fingers barely grazed them, but it felt as a whole new galaxy of stars had just formed right below my skin. I could smell her skin and it smelt like watermelon candies. It was enticing.
It seemed to take us less time to walk back to her truck then it did to walk away. But isn't that how it usually works? Time, I mean. It always goes faster when it's headed towards something you dread. And, in a way, I was dreading her driving off. It had been such a long time that I'd done anything like this, and I really had fun with her.
"Thanks for the drinks," she said, opening the door and climbing up into her seat. I shut the door for her and hung onto the window as she rolled it down.
"Any time," I said with a smile. She held up a finger and turned to dig in her bag. I couldn't see what she was searching and had no idea as to what it could be either.
"A-ha!" She exclaimed loudly, and pulled out a black Sharpie marker. She motioned me to give her my hand and I tentatively held it out through the window. When she took it, electricity shot through my hand. She scribbled something on my buzzing skin. When I finally was able to see what she was writing, I couldn't figure it out. Not at first. She had written ten numbers on the top of my hand. Her phone number. I stared at it, wondering how long I could go without washing that hand.
"This was a lot of fun. Call me?" Addison started up her truck. She had turned the music down before we got out earlier, but I was just barely able to catch Blitzkid's 'The Howling' before it was lost to the street sounds.
"Yeah, it really was. For sure, I will," I didn't want to seem too eager. I always heard that turned people off. So I acted nonchalant and sort of careless. But I couldn't fully hide my eagerness. It was there, in full frontal nudity, dancing on my lips.
"See you," she gave me a small wave. I waved back and watched her drive off to wherever she was going next. I waited until I couldn't see her anymore, before I started the short walk home. I felt light. Lighter than I had in a long time. I kept looking down at my hand, staring at the ten digits. I was on clouds.
Nobody was at the apartment when I got there. At least, there was no simulated gunfire coming from Dennis's room, and Tom's room was dark. There was no light under his door. I couldn't tell you what either of them was off doing. 100% separate lives. If it hadn't been for this apartment, I would never have even existed to these two. And they would've never existed to me. It goes both ways I guess.
I headed into my tiny room, threw an Against Me! record on and flopped down onto my bed. I grabbed my laptop and logged onto Facebook right away. I could see Chad was online.
CHAD: What's up?
CHRIS: Not much. Just got home and I'm already bored. Want to load up Dead Island for a while?
CHAD: Give me like an hour or so, than yea, sounds good.
CHRIS: Alright, cool.
I went back to scrolling Facebook, looking at people I couldn't care less about share their lives. Seeing tons of just ranting and whining about every little issue possible. Everybody is a narcissist when they get their own platform to whine from. The soap box officially known as social media had already taken hold of the world.
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christalpepsi · 3 years
a bit for storage
I’m going to post a buncha my grey’s fic! Not everything is connected yet, I just write in bits and pieces. Alex Karev x OC (for now), loosely follows canon, just not izzie. Anyways this is what I got so far: 
TW: depression, suicide, death
Selected bits from S1E1
Finally. Her first day. She was indescribably excited, but anxious thoughts kept invading her mind. She’d worked her ass off for this, and seeing it’s fruition as a residency at Seattle Grace was so rewarding. Well, until Dr. Webber killed the mood. 
“Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play...That's up to you.”
What was this, a gladiator fight? Her brows furrowed, but as she glanced around, everyone was completely serious. Well, fight she would. 
She zoned out, hoping she’d get placed with people she met at the mixer, as Webber started listing the interns and their assigned residents, until her name caught her attention. 
“...Dr. Heather Palmer, Bailey. Dr. Isobel Stevens, Bailey…”
Someone nudged her from behind. 
“Palmer, you got the nazi.” Great.
She didn’t wanna push the envelope on the first day, so she had brushed her curls out and slicked them back into the tightest ballet bun she could without giving herself a headache. 
“You’re gonna be a suck up aren’t you? I can tell. Regular Mrs. Grundy.” Alex, another intern, snorted as she bobby pinned her bangs back. She glared at him, but he missed her stare as his eyes roamed over to Dr. Stevens. 
The other interns muttered amongst themselves as Heather finished tying her shoes, trying to imagine what the “nazi” looked like. A short black woman walked in, and no one paid her much attention until she raised her voice. 
“I have five rules. Memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up, I already hate you, that's not gonna change. Trauma protocol, phone lists, pagers. Nurses will page you, you answer every page at a run. A run, that's rule number two. Your first shift starts now and lasts forty-eight hours. You're interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain, you run labs, write orders, work every second night till you drop and don't complain!”
She rushed out of the locker room at a quick walk, and everyone scrambled to follow her. Slamming open a nearby door, she said flatly, “On call rooms. Attendings hog them, sleep when you can, where you can, which brings me to rule number three, if I'm sleeping, don't wake me, unless your patient is actually dying. Rule number four, the dying patient better not be dead when I get there, not only would you have killed someone, you would have also woke me for no good reason, we clear?”
Silence fell, and Heather and the blonde girl, Izzie, vigorously nodded their heads.
“Um, Dr. Bailey?” Heather said softly.
“Yes,” Bailey said, staring daggers.
“You said there were five rules? That was only four.” Dr. Bailey stared a hole through Heather, chilling her to the bone. Thankfully, Bailey’s pager started beeping. 
“Rule number five. When I move, you move.”
“Nurses are the ones implementing most of our work, dickhead.”
“Whatever. Maybe you should’ve been a nurse then.” Alex grabbed his chart, and sauntered away. 
“Palmer, what is it?”
“Pain, paresthesia, pallor, pulselessness, paralysis. Compartment syndrome.”
“So? Book an OR!” Bailey yelled.
“Oh! Right, booking a plastics OR for a fasciotomy.”
Selected bits from S1E3
Alex stormed into the locker room as Heather and Izzie were changing. “Morning, Dr. Model.”
“Dr. Evil Spawn.” Stevens deadpanned.
“Ooh, nice tat. They airbrush that out for the catalogs?”
“I don't know. What do they do for the 666 on your skull?” Heather snickered, earning a glare from Karev, but effectively shutting him up. As they finished clipping their badges on, Palmer turned to Izzie, lowering her voice a tad.
“Iz, I don’t blame you! If I was hot I would’ve done the same thing.”
“Oh, shut up, you’re so hot.” Izzie retorted.
“I’m not skinny blonde hot.” Heather crossed her arms.
“Whatever, sexy brunette goddess.”
She let out a giggle, pleased to have the complement returned.
“Are you guys gonna make out now, or what?” Alex interrupted. Heather scoffed, leaving the room with Dr. Stevens in tow.
Dr. Palmer’s patient was scheduled for a lap cholecystectomy at 3 that afternoon with gensurg, so she had time to kill. Heading for the locker room to grab her wallet, she overheard a raised voice. Walking in, she saw a crowd had gathered, and Izzie stood in her bra and underwear. 
“Let's study them, shall we? Gather around and check out the booty that put Izzie Stevens through med school. Have you had enough or should I continue? Because I have a few more very interesting tattoos. You want to call me Dr. Model? That's fine. Just remember that while you're sitting on 200 grand of student loans, I'm out of debt.” Izzie yanked her clothes back on and stormed out of the room, nearly knocking Heather over. 
Everyone awkwardly filed out, leaving Alex and Heather staring at each other from across the room. 
“Where do you get off?” She sighed, leaving her wallet still in her locker, and left for the break room empty handed.
Additional Bits That I’m Working In
Sure, he was a whore, but...seeing him with the kids stirred something in her. It freaked her out. He was Alex Karev, Dr. Evil Spawn, cheater, syphilis giver, aloof, uncommitted, but stubborn, calm, steady, yet exhilarating, adroit, wry, and so clever. And so kind. So kind. He held the premie in his arms, a crooked smile on his face, and feeling her gaze, glanced up to meet Heather’s eyes. She lit on fire under that gaze.
“Palmer.” Addison’s voice brought her out of her thoughts, and she turned away, towards the direction of Addison’s call. Alex’s eyes followed her out of the room. 
“So who’s going with Dr. Montgomery-Shepard?”
“I will!”
“Palmer, you’re in Peds or OB everyday. I’m putting you in cardio.”
“Damn it.” she muttered. Cristina’s mouth dropped open in offense.
“What? She’s crazy and ungrateful and-turning down cardio?”
“Yang, take her place in OB today.”
“For God’s sake…” Cristina huffed and went to find Addison, leaving Heather with Burke. 
“Hey, Joe! How’s your day been?” Heather hopped up on one of the barstools, trying not to slouch due to lack of back support. 
“Eh, so-so. Whatcha drinking?”
“Hm. I’m not sure,” she turned to her right. “Alex, what am I drinking?”
“We’re off tomorrow. Have some damn tequila, Palmer.” he said with a smirk.
“Don’t mind if I do. Could I get a flight, Joe?”
“Alright! Make sure you don’t die of alcohol poisoning, Dr. Grundy.” Alex jabbed her in the side, making her flinch. She whacked him on the back of the head teasingly. 
“Here ya are, Dr. Palmer.”
“Joe, please, it’s Heather.”
He chuckled, heading down the row as she took her first shot. 
“No chaser? You psycho. That’s pretty hot.”
“Yeah, I know.”
And him. Just standing there, arms crossed, chewing his Extra peppermint gum, not a care in the world. He was leaning against the nurses’ station, and she noted with envy the eyes that weren’t hers staring at him. 
Just laying there, hearing Mere’s bedsprings, Izzie’s rustling, George’s soft snores...she was so alone. She had no reason to be. Full house, friends that cared for her...or did they? It’s not like they went out of their way to make plans outside of work, other than Joe’s, which wasn’t exactly the healthiest of bonding activities. But no one fought for her. She didn’t even fight for herself, and she could feel it again, the sinking. The numbness was settling in again. She stared at the ceiling fan, spinning, spinning, spinning. 
“It’s depression! Just...it hurts all the fucking time, Alex! And I just, file it away, keep myself busy with work, with Joe’s, with you-”
“Oh, so I’m just here to keep you busy, is that it?”
“Isn’t that what you wanted? Just sex?”
“Shut up!” He took a ragged breath. “Please, just leave me alone, Heather.”
She pursed her lips. “If you wanted-I mean I-”
“I asked you to leave.”
Defeated, she met his eyes and turned back down the garden path to her car, careful not to trip in the dark. She wouldn’t be sleeping here tonight. 
Izzie hadn’t moved from the bathroom floor in about 18 hours. Heather was inclined to go lay down with her, but it wasn’t her rotation yet. George was in there keeping her company for now. 
“Who’s next?”
“Meredith. When I tried to kill myself, it was because I saw no way out.” She fiddled with the sheets of Meredith’s bed to be rid of some of the fidgety anxiety. “Just having to be mediocre, feeling I wasn’t important to anybody…” she trailed off, looking in Meredith’s direction. “Mere, you have so much. You have such a gift and I know you don’t want to hear this, but you can’t be so careless. There are people who care about you, people who love-”
“Okay, Palmer, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, I really do, sharing your trauma and all that, but I’m fine. Really. I didn’t try to kill myself, thanks.”
Heather sat there until Meredith raised her eyebrows, a clear order to get out. Turning the corner she ran smack into Karev, whose eyes were haunted. 
“You tried to kill youself?”
“Ha. Yeah, big whoop.” She looked at him witheringly. Her facade fell when they locked eyes and she shrugged. “G’night, Alex.” She sidestepped him, heading to the elevator.
“Okay, but you can see us being endgame right?” Meredith asked again desperately. 
“Mere, I’ve already told you, you and Derek, if you want to make it work, you have to put in the effort! It depends on you two, not some magical twist of fate.”
“God, if he so much as looks at me funny, I’m reporting for sexual harassment.”
“That’s what everyone says before they sleep with him.” Callie said wryly. 
No. Because he had this thing with Rebecca. And she was supposed to be with Ben. But, God was it hard to give him space. 
“Please…” tears shined on his face, and his nose had started to run, “Please, please, please…”
He grabbed her by the back of her neck, forehead to forehead, pleading. “Alex-”
“Please...” She wiped his tears away, but new ones replaced them just as quickly.
“Callie, oh my God! Congratulations!”
“Thank you, Heather! George and I just-did it!’
“Lexie! Wanna work with me today?”
“Oh my gosh, yes!”
Heather pulled her to the side. “Thank God, you’re my favorite. Don’t tell the others.”
He pulled her closer to him, as if that would save her from the water that poured into the elevator, soaking their scrubs through. Their shoes were squelching as they ran to dry land. Except, of course, there wasn’t any. The whole floor was flooded. 
“Oh, God, it’s seeping through my socks.” Heather groaned. 
“I can handle the mess.” Alex said softly. “You know that.”
“But- I’m so much. Alex, Mere thinks she’s all dark and twisty or whatever, but that’s nothing, not to invalidate her but, it’s nothing compared-”
He took her by the sides of the face, eyes open, honest.
“I said, I can handle it. Do you want this?” 
Heather nodded, as a loss for words.
“Then bring it on.”
“Get a crash cart, dammit!” Heather yelled, voice cracking as tears spilled over. She met Alex’s eyes, just as glassy as hers, and he took over compressions.
Her knees buckled. She fell to the floor as if in slow motion. Izzie, first, now George. Not Georgie. Her 007, her Bambi. O’Malley. The pain was constant, unceasing. Because he really was gone. She imagined him, like he should’ve been the next day, new Army uniform, neat buzzcut...her head was too full; it was too much. Her body wouldn’t move, her mind was debilitated-then strong arms grasping her, meeting her here, on the floor.
“He was. George was hit by a fucking bus!” They burst out in laughter, trying to stifle any echos so passersby wouldn’t freak out.
The addition of Mercy West was hell on earth. Even just the loss of Izzie made the workload shoot through the roof.
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asarahworld-writes · 4 years
all i want
Prompt: Be careful what you wish for @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: Z-O-M-B-I-E-S
If she hadn’t had white hair, if monsters didn’t exist, if the moonstone had never fallen to Earth, if she wasn’t a freak dating a zombie…
 “-then maybe you would have the picture perfect lives you want. I wish you could just be happy!” Addison yelled, turning away from her parents and swiping angrily at her watery eyes.  What she needed right now was to get away, to be with Zed, but she knew that leaving at this hour would only make things worse.  She looked at her watch, sighing with exhaustion. She’d see him in about five hours anyway.
 Five hours spent restlessly trying to sleep, scrolling mindlessly on her phone, pacing her room, staring out her window at the full moon as the sky lightened – purples turned pink then orange as the sun rose, bathing the world in daylight.  Six am. Addison got up, shivering as the covers fell away.  She looked down in surprise… she didn’t remember changing into pajamas last night. She looked to see where her clothes from the previous day were...nowhere.  The laundry hamper was filled with monochromatic pastels she hadn’t worn in a month.
 She shook her head and rubbed her eyes.  Shower first, figure this out after.
 Addison let the water flow over her entire body, soaking in the warmth.  She massaged the shampoo into her scalp, rinsed.  She applied conditioner to the ends of her hair, easily combing through its mid-length strands.  She frowned, looking at the hair twined through her fingers.  Blonde.  The exact same shade as her wig.  The same length.  Even the same texture.  Odd…
 She watched the water run clean into the drain and shut it off. Even if she didn’t wear it in public any more, her parents would still be seriously pissed if they found out that she’d ruined her wig by wearing it in the shower.  Maybe it was salvageable.  She reached up to take it off and frowned when she felt herself grab her own hair.  She reached again and again, somehow, managed to miss the wig.  Addison stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around her body as to not drip all over the floor, and walked over to the mirror.  It had fogged during her shower and she rubbed at it with the hand towel.  Blonde. The wig still wouldn’t come off. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, so familiar and yet so strange.  She pulled sharply at the blonde hair and winced in pain.
 Addison reached out as if to touch her reflection, watching as it mimicked her perfectly.  She looked into her own blue eyes, her brown brows, every feature she knew so well and then back to the foreign yet familiar blonde hair.
 There was a soft tap at the door.
 “Addison, dear, you don’t want to be late for school.”
 Dear?  Her parents might use informal pet names for each other, but never with her.
 “Yes, Mom.”  She pulled the blonde hair into a bow at the back of her head, picked up her bag and headed for the kitchen where a bowl of fruit was waiting for her.  She ate without really tasting the food, grabbed her lunch money, and started walking.
 Real blonde hair.  Her clothes gone.  Her parents were suddenly much more affectionate.  Addison was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice arriving at school or even opening her locker.  Focus, Addy.  She grabbed her books for first period and looked at her watch.  She’d must have walked faster than usual, class wouldn’t start for fifteen minutes.  However, Zed was usually at the school early, hanging out with the guys or studying/chilling in the safe room.
 She opened the safe room door and called his name.  “Are you here yet?”  Her voice echoed in the empty room and she turned to leave.  The door sealed and she walked down the hall, alone, not noticing that the room wasn’t what she remembered.
 Students filled the hallway and Addison’s heart skipped as her eyes landed on the tall, lanky football star that was her boyfriend. She easily made her way through the crowd, using her short stature to her advantage to get around the other students.
 “Zed,” her voice cracked slightly, betraying her stress, and she froze, looking him over.
 “Um, can I help you?  I really don’t have time for autographs right now, but if you come back during free period I can hook you up.”  With that, he started to push past her.
 Without thinking, Addison grabbed his hand.
 He whipped around, easily breaking her hold.
 “Zed,” Addison looked him over, taking in the pink skin, dark hair, pastels.  “What did you do?”  Her brow furrowed in concern, her hand reaching out to touch his rosy face.
 “Okay, why are you trying to touch me?  Football stars are people too.  Personal space much?”  With that, Zed finally looked down at her, meeting her eyes.  The dark circles perpetually under his eyes were gone, his face was full of colour, his skin even felt warmer.  “Addison.  I thought I told you not to do that in front of people.  You know the deal.  Date the football star, get a bit of the spotlight.”
 “Zed, what are you talking about?  I thought we didn’t care what people thought, remember?  And I thought you were never going to mess with your Z-band again.  What did you do?”  She looked at him, black hair without the slightest tinge of green, skin that didn’t look like he was half-dead, and wearing perfect Seabrook colours.
 “I haven’t done anything I’ve never done before.  But if you’re looking for something different, find yourself a new boyfriend.  I won’t have any trouble replacing you.”
 Addison looked down, not wanting to let this… this person see her cry.  “Where’s your Z-band?”  Addison looked back up to Zed’s face, back to his empty wrist.  She reached for him again, looking for any hint that he was about to lose control.  There was none.  In fact, he still looked far too human.
 “What’s a Z-band?”  He scoffed.
 Addison felt her eyes well with tears and turned to leave, planning on finding Bree, when he caught her arm.
 “If I let you leave like that, it’ll give people the wrong impression.  Let’s go chill in the supply closet for a few minutes.”  Not-Zed, still holding her arm, led her to the Safe Room.  Or at least, what should have been the Safe Room. Instead of bunk beds and rations, the room was filled with cleaning supplies and a small first aid station.
 Addison took a shaky breath, trying to calm herself. “This isn’t right,” she whispered.
 “Really?  No shit it’s not right.  I should be out there with the guys, not stuck in a closet with a mopey girlfriend. I thought you were supposed to be a cheerleader.”
 “Zed,” Addison’s voice cracked, unable to look at the humanized person in front of her.  “This isn’t right.  This isn’t who we are.  This isn’t who you’re supposed to be, something’s happened, something horribly wrong.  But nobody seems to notice…” she couldn’t finish her thought.
 “Notice what?”  He was leaning against the doorframe, tall and dark, and…slightly intimidating.  Who would have thought that Zed would have made a scarier human than monster.
 “Everything’s changed,” she whispered brokenly. Not-Zed said nothing.  “When I woke up this morning, my hair looked like this,” she held it up limply, “all blonde like my old wig.  My parents…it was like something out of a movie.  I come to school early and you’re this…this isn’t you, Zed, not at all.”  She wiped the tears from her eyes before they could fall and continued.  “No matter how much it hurts, my parents are ashamed of me. My hair is an unnatural white color and until now I’ve always worn a wig to keep it hidden.  You’re still the star of the football team, but you’re not human, you’re a zombie.  You… gar-garziga, Zed.  The real Zed.”
 The real Zed, the real Seabrook, her real parents, she just wanted everything to return to normal.  This version of Zed, who apparently was tired of Addison being a clingy and vapid bitch, listened as everything poured out.  The accident at Seabrook Power, the creation of zombies, their first meeting, football, the cheer championships.
 “And all that just ‘changed’ this morning?”  Not-Zed scoffed.  “Things don’t just change overnight because you say ‘I wish’, Addison.  Not even for a cheerleader.”
 “But they did,” Addison whispered, broken.  “This isn’t right, any of it.  This isn’t who we are.”
 “So how did it happen?  I told these floozies I wish you’d just leave me alone, several times a day, and yet that never happens.”
 Whether not-Zed actually cared to know or not was irrelevant. “It was about one a.m.  I had a huge fight with my parents.  I said a bunch of things I knew they hated about me and said that maybe if none of them existed, that they could be happy.  If I had normal hair.  If monsters didn’t exist in this town.  Stuff I said in the heat of the moment.  And somehow, it all came true the next morning.”
 “In your version of the world, monsters exist?”  Not-Zed said incredulously.  “And I’m one of them.”
 They were both quiet for a moment.
 “In your world…Zoey was at the cheer championships last year.” Not-Zed finally looked at her, his eyes hard.  Addison nodded, swallowing hard.
 “She started how monsters finally became accepted in Seabrook. There was only half a squad left and they were falling apart.  Zoey went on stage and started cheering herself.”  Addison smiled at the memory.  “Most of the zombies in attendance joined us onstage and we might not have won the championship for the first time in fifty years, but we were united.”
 Not-Zed didn’t say anything for a long time.  He lifted his head and said hoarsely: “My sister died when she was born, with my mother.  I’ve never told anybody about her before…her name was Zoey.”
 “Zoey is the little sister I never had.  She wants to be a cheerleader more than anything and she loves dogs.  She had a stuffed dog called Zander and at the end of last year, I got her a real dog. A small dog with long white fur she named Puppy.”
 “I don’t know how you found out about Zoey, but this is the dumbest prank anybody’s ever pulled.  Who set you up?”
 “No,” Addison said brokenly.  “Zed, I’m not making any of this up, I swear.  I know Zoey, I love her like she was my own sister.  Monsters are real in Seabrook.  They’re zombies, you’re a zombie.  And we’re… gar-garziga, Zedka.”
 Addison’s heart shattered when he spoke again.
 “Is that gibberish supposed to mean something to me?  We’re through, Addison.”  The finality of his statement hit her in a wave of emotions as he left the closet.
 Addison left school early, telling the nurse she’d gotten her period and felt nauseous.  The nurse agreed to send her home, noting that the walk might do her some good in relieving the symptoms.  Unfortunately, the walk back passed quickly and she was home.
 She let herself in and practically collapsed against the door.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
90 with MC and Rafael. Thank you!!
Thanks for the ask, anon 😉
You can find the prompt list here.
#90-“Can…can you come over?”
Warning: it's fluff, angst and long 😅 also it's kind of based on my raf x mc fic
Author's note: The MC's name is Addison Jones. I usually use different names of the MCs for different pairings :)
Taglist: @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @openheart12 @sekizincimektup @junggoku @ethandaddyramsey @edith-eggs1 @ethanramseysgirl (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list 😊)
"Have a great day babe." Sora said as she kissed him on the lip.
Raf just grinned and kissed her back. "You too Sora. Kick some surgical ass out there, okay?"
"You know it babe." She winked and walked away. Raf watched her walk into the hospital, small smile on his lips.
He was about to leave but his eyes fell on the familiar blonde, sitting on the bench in the ambulance bay, eating a bagel.
"Hey Addy!" He said as he settled in beside her.
"Raf, if you even thing I'm going to give you my Nutella bagel, try again." She said as she continued to scroll through her phone.
"You wound me Addy. You can't even say a normal 'good morning' to me." Raf pouted. She just rolled her eyes and took a big bite of her bagel.
"You are big boy, I think you can deal with a little heartbreak." Raf winced but luckily Addison didn't notice.
It had been three months since she confessed her love for him. He wanted to run to her and say those words back but it was hard. He was afraid of what he had with Addison. The feelings he felt for her, were so intense that it left him dazed and confused.
Sora was his safety net, the one who will always love him irrespective of what happens.
You love Sora not Addy. Rafael chanted it like a mantra, hoping that it would nail into his brain. But, how do you fight off that feeling when the love for a certain person is ingrained into your DNA?
"Hello Raf?!! Anybody there?" She knocked his forehead. "Yup nobody. As empty as a coconut." She ruffled his hair, like she used to when they would lie naked in bed. She just wishes to turn back when he was hers, but that won't ever happen.
Addy, he made his choice. He chose Sora, you can do nothing but, respect that..
"Shut up. I have more IQ in my fingers that you have in your brains." He shoved her and Addy laughed. "Keep lying to yourself, superman."
She looked down on her watch and got up. "Ight imma head out. Don't get yourself killed big man."
"Don't stress yourself out too much Addy." He called out, with a huge grin in his face.
It had been three days since their last interaction and Rafael hadn't seen the blonde. He initially brushed it off but when he spoke to Lahela the other day, he got to know she hadn't been coming.
"Hey Sora, have you seen Addy at work?" He asked nonchalantly as he drove her to work after having a late lunch together.
"Huh? No, haven't seen her... Anyways who cares?!" Sora laughed but Raf felt a pinch in his heart, hearing Sora say that to his- Addy.
He just shook his head and stayed quiet. He knew if he brought it up, they would fight.
As she got down from the car she turned towards him. "Don't forget, today's taco Tuesday."
He gave her a tight smile but his mind was wandering off to Addison. He was getting worried about her. He took out his phone and typed a message-
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He put his phone on the seat next to him and pulled out of the curb to his work.
It had been three hours since and she had still not responded. It was quite unlike her. That girl was obsessed with her phone and wouldn't be found dead without it. He had sent a couple of more texts but the lack of response just made him antsy.
So when his phone pinged and he saw her name he immediately unlocked the phone.
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"Addy?" He spoke into the phone.
He heard her clear her throat. "Um hi."
"What's wrong?"
She chuckled dryly. "Nothing... Everything? I don't know..." Her voice cracked at the end.
"You know you can talk to me...right?"
"I- I can't on the phone... Can..can you come over?" She was breathing heavily, as if she was on the verge of crying.
"I'm on my way."
When he entered the penthouse, Sienna looked worried. "Thank God you are here man." Elijah said as he opened the door. "What's wrong? How is she?" Raf asked frantically.
"She hadn't any food today and has been holed up in her room since yesterday."
"What's the date today?"Raf asked.
"18th. Why?"
Holy shit, how could I forget.
He knocked and entered her room, finding Addy on the floor looking at the photo album. She was wearing a 'guns n roses' shirt, which looked way to old and some shorts.
"Hey." She looked up and gave a small smile.
He went and sat down next to her. "Look at this picture." She pointed to a picture in which her twin brother and her were standing in the backyard, making a snowman.
"We were only five, but we had the best snowman on the block. Andrew was always the creative one. Hell, you should have see the cakes he baked and the art on them would be so beautiful that you wouldn't even want to cut it."
Flipping the page, she showed him another photo. He was holding a can whipped cream and Addy was lying asleep. But, the focus of the picture was the gigantic moustache on her face. "Even when he had leukemia, Drew always pulled such pranks on me. God, I was so pissed that day. We had a full blown out food fight in the dorm, which ended in him smelling like stale whipped cream and me having rotten egg smell, coming from my hair. But we always made up. He was my twin. We would always be joined at the hip. He was my ride and die."
She closed the album and tears streamed down her face. Clutching the shirt, which belonged to Andrew she spoke. "I miss him so damn much... It hurts. I thought I would go meet him, but God I couldn't enter go past the gate of the cemetery. It's been 5 years, but I STILL can't see his headstone."
Raf wrapped his arm around her shoulder and squeezed. "I'm not gonna say something like 'it's okay' or 'everything will be fine'. It's not okay and nothing will ever be the same. Just because time had passed, it doesn't mean that it will not hurt. Yes, the pain will gradually decrease but... It's okay to feel. Just reminds us that we are human."
He tucked her blonde hair behind her ear. "It's okay you couldn't go to meet him. Nobody is gonna judge you. People deal with grief differently. You dealt with it by becoming the best doctor in the hospital. And it's the small gestures that matter. You are honouring him with happy memories and I'm pretty sure that he is happy wherever he is."
He got up and walked to the adjacent bathroom and got a damp washcloth with a bowl filled with water. He lifted Addison in his arms and placed her gently on the bed. He kept the photo album on her bedside table.
He gently wiped her tear stained face. The cool cloth, helped her cool down the vortex of emotions in her chest. "Addy, you are the strongest person I've known. And Drew would be proud to see what his sister is doing."
He wiped her neck and her collarbones, where sweat had accumulated. This was nothing sexual. It was just Raf taking care of her.
He dipped the washcloth in the cold water and wrung it. He wiped her arms, his hands brushing the tattoo on the inside of her wrist. It was a simple one. Just the name 'Andrew' inscribed in an infinity sign.
Addison sighed, as her fingers traced the tattoo. Raf got up and walked out of the room to keep the bowl and washcloth. He returned in some time with a plate full of steaming pasta.
"Is that for me?" Addison asked as her stomach grumbled.
"Nope. If you think I'm gonna share my dinner with you, try again." He teased her.
She smacked his bicep and he just laughed out loud. "Yes sweetheart, its for you. Now open your mouth-"
"That's what he said." Addy snickered.
"Get out."
They laughed together as they ate the pasta. After cleaning up, he was just trucking her in, when Addison asked, "Will you stay?" giving him her puppy eyes.
His phone buzzed and he knew it was Sora, complaining about how he didn't make it. He didn't want to go home and have another fight.
"I'm not going anywhere Addy. I'm always here for you." He says as he snuggled into her blankets, feeling her warm petite body, lying on his chest.
Just the way it's always been.
Today is the last day I am taking requests so don't hesitate to drop in an ask 😊
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greekgeek21 · 4 years
The Codependency Competition Ch.7
Hey guys! I'm back. And I'm determined to write until this chapter is long and amazing. Also, do you guys want me to start naming the chapters with actual titles instead of chapter #s? If so, just let me know and I'll do it! Even for just one person! You also need to tell me how long you want this story to be. That way I can plan on what to write. Honestly, I could end this story on this chapter, so... Comment, like, and follow!
Happy reading and stay safe,
your author
P.S. I just reread the last chapter, and I totally cringed at that last part. Sorry if you did, too.
When they woke up the next morning, everything went back to normal. Well, as normal as it can get for two teenage demigods. They woke up, they ate breakfast, they walked to school, and they started class. Nobody mentioned last night's episode. Not even Percy's parents, who most definitely heard her screams. They'd learned that it was best to let Percy and Annabeth work things out on their own, in their own way. Anyway, there weren't any mishaps whatsoever, and that was what worried Annabeth. It felt too silent. Like the calm before the storm. And when Annabeth gets a feeling, she's almost always right.
During lunch is when it happened. The ADHD part of her brain was wondering why it was always lunch that had bad things happen during it.
At her table, Annabeth and her friends were just minding their own business, talking about whatever the newest gossip going around the school was, when tragedy struck. Ok, it wasn't a tragedy, but it was definitely shocking. Annabeth's been spending too much time around Percy; her dramatic side was coming out way too often nowadays.
Percy and his friends sat down at their table. Her friends and her all wore similar shocked expressions, unable to form a coherent sentence.
Last time, it was just Percy, and it wasn't as stare-inducing. Now, Percy and all of his close friends, the popular group, were sitting at the "nerd" table.
Of COURSE everyone was shocked.
"Hey, 'Beth," Percy said, taking a bite of his sandwich.
Annabeth was fully prepared to start ranting about how he knows full well to never use nicknames made out of her full name, but then stopped herself. He was just trying to provoke her. Wow, he wants this competition to end more than she thought. Well, the jokes on him cuz' she's not gonna break.
"Hi..." she answered, faking confusion now that she had figured out what was happening.
Her friend was another story, though. They all turned to her with various emotions displayed on their faces; confusion, anger, surprise, even curiosity. The curious one was Addison, of course. The facial expressions varied between personalities.
"Wha-you ju-huh?" Noah stammered, unable to make sense of what was going on around him.
He, like all of Annabeth's friends, had learned about her hatred for nicknames. Well, they thought it was all types of nicknames, but that wasn't completely true. One person was allowed to give her a nickname, and that person just so happened to be sitting across from them.
"What's going on, guys?" Chloe asked, clearly in one the plan to sabotage all of Annabeth's hard work.
Annabeth narrowed her eyes at her before answering, "Not much. Just talking about how apparently THE Percy Jackson was caught making out with someone behind the school. You?"
She smirked to herself as she looked over at Percy with raised eyebrows. Percy just can't learn that he has no chance of winning, can he?
By the look of his face, Percy was trying to come up with some excuse as to why that rumor was going around. It obviously wasn't true, but he was too caught up in his shock to realize that.
Percy's friends looked over at their friend, silently asking what do we do now? This was NOT part of the plan, but Percy should have known to come with a Plan B when trying to outsmart a daughter of Athena. Ok, maybe not outsmart, but outmaneuver (even that is pretty far fetched, though).
It was quite amusing to a certain grey-eyed girl, really.
"What's wrong, Percy? Cat got your tongue?" Noah asked, not choosing the pass up the opportunity to get some pay-back on the cool kids.
"Shut up, Noah," Annabeth snapped on instinct.
She wasn't able to catch herself before the words had left her mouth. Her other friends were staring at her in shock and Noah looked like he was about to say something he would probably regret later. If anyone had bothered to look over, they would've seen the relief on Percy and his friends' faces. That comment was able to snap Percy out of whatever ADHD stupor he was in, and he was now looking at Annabeth with raised eyebrows and a smirk, almost most to ask, what're going to do now?
And that's when Noah's anger-filled floodgates burst open, "Unbelievable! Why are you protecting them? They're jerks and you know it! You know what they did to me!"
Screw it, Annabeth thought.
"You have no right to say that! You don't even know them! Was it even them who did it to you? Huh?" She yelled back as she stood up, attracting the attention of the entire cafeteria.
Everyone was watching the fight like a tennis match, waiting to see who would lose. Unbeknownst to them, Annabeth never loses.
"No right?! You've barely even TALKED to him! What gives YOU the right to defend them!" Noah screamed back, standing up too and getting in Annabeth's face.
Wow. How oblivious can someone be? If Annabeth is protecting Percy, doesn't that mean they know each other? All of her other friends seemed to come to that conclusion, but apparently Noah was too mad to realize it. Oh, well. Let him get it out. He's probably been holding this in for awhile by the way things have escalated so quickly.
"He's my boyfriend!" Annabeth finally screamed.
The entire cafeteria went silent. So silent that you could hear a pin drop.
Percy didn't seem to know what to do. He just kinda stood there, flabbergasted, like everyone else.
Annabeth was practically radiating pride. She didn't care that she technically lost, all she cared about was Percy. So what if she was wrong ONE TIME. She loved Percy and that was enough for her. Who needs a silly competition when you can have the best boy in the world?
Since he didn't look like he was going to do it, Annabeth took the initiative and walked over to Percy, pulled him down to her, and kissed him. It took Percy a couple seconds to catch on, but when he did, the kiss was one of the most passionate they had ever shared in front of people. The whole world faded away; it was just the two of them.
Yeah, it was one of those kisses.
They only pulled away when people started clapping and wolf-whistling. But even then, Percy still kept an arm around her shoulders while they looked around. Pink tinted both their cheeks in embarrassment, but Percy still had the biggest smile on his face anyone had ever seen. And it wasn't because he had won, it was because he finally had his girlfriend back. Well, ok, maybe a small part of it was because he had just beat Annabeth Chase.
"Wanna get outta here, Chase?" Percy whispered in her ear.
She nodded slightly, and he led her through the crowd that had formed.
Why had a crowd formed? It wasn't some big event! They had just kissed. In front of the whole school. Very passionately. After Annabeth had just screamed that he was her boyfriend. Oh, crap.
They didn't even bother to finish the rest of the school day. Percy just texted Paul to sign them out and then left.
Back in the cafeteria, hundreds of conversations had started up as soon as the couple had left. Percy's friends seemed to try to act like they didn't know anything, but it wasn't working. At least not for everyone. Addison was very perceptive. As soon as Annabeth had made her announcement, everything had clicked. It was so obvious! She had to talk to Annabeth. So she took off after the retreating lovers, trying to figure out if her friend had ever mentioned where she lived.
"Hey, Addison!" Someone called after her when she was in the hallway.
She turned around to find all of Percy's closest friends standing a couple yards away from her. They all had knowing looks on their faces. She figured they already knew about the relationship.
But why would Annabeth tell them when her best friends didn't know yet? Were they even best friends?
"Looking for where she lives?" Mikes asked, referring to Annabeth.
"Yeah, where is it?" Addison said, wondering how they knew, but decided against asking.
The teens shared a look that Addison wasn't able to decipher, but it looked like they were about to share some big secret that would shock anyone into silence. What could be bigger than her best friend hiding an entire relationship from her?
"Percy's," Mike answered.
"'Percy's' what? What do you mean?" Surely he couldn't be saying what she thinks he's saying.
"Percy and Annabeth live together," Chloe cut in, cleanly answering so there was no room for confusion.
It's that serious?! Oh, well. That doesn't matter. I need them to take me to their house right now, she thought.
"Take me there," Addison ordered, not caring that she was ordering around some of the most influential people in the school.
"Sure," Chloe shrugged and started to exit the school, "We need to talk to them, too."
I know this could've been longer, but I thought that I would try and give you guys as many chapters as possible. This one was still a little longer than the last, though. So that's something.
You guys like bossy Addison? Cuz' I definitely do. I didn't even plan on making her character develop throughout the story, but it just did. I went with the flow, just like Percy would.
Oh, and btw, did you guys notice my little comment on Percy being the perfect boy? Fictional characters have completely ruined my standards for boyfriends.
You guys know I have to thank JJ, or nightskywithrainbows, right? Of course you do! But they still deserve WAY MORE than a shoutout, so go read their stories on Ao3! (Their amazing!)
Anyway, comment, like, and follow! Stay safe and happy reading!
– your author
chapter 8 :)
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The Exception (Thomas Hunt x Rachel Fields)
“I think you should know by now that you, my dear, are the exception.”
Her grin widened. “Just wanted to hear you say that.”
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Summary: Rachel and Hunt are going to a Halloween party? Together?!
Day 1 of @rcd-appreciation: Holiday. | Day 1 of @choicesnovemberchallenge: Kiss.
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Rachel Fields
Word Count: ~ 890 words
Notes: I’m so mad I didn’t have a whole lot of time to work on this so it’s not exactly perfect but at least it’s something. And Halloween is kind of a holiday, right? Right?!
❥ Moodyvalentine’s Full Masterlist
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“This was a terrible idea,” Rachel said when Thomas opened the door of the cab for her and she saw the large number of costumed people heading into the building behind him.
“Oh, absolutely,” he agreed and took her hand, helping her out of the car. “All your ideas are.”
She sighed. She had hoped he’d tell her that they would be fine. After all, she’d really been looking forward to tonight. “Maybe we should go back.”
“No.” He looped his arm around her waist to keep her in place. He thought back to when Ryan had invited them to his annual Halloween party and how excited Rachel had been at the prospect of getting to go. “We’ll have to be careful, but we’re staying.”
Her face lit up, though he probably couldn’t see that behind her mask. “Really?”
“Really,” he said and pulled her closer, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. He was reasonably certain that nobody would be able to tell who they were, at least not out here in the dark, but he didn’t intend to test their luck too much so he let go of her and took a step back sooner than either of them wanted him to. “We should get going.”
They walked towards the gates and Rachel cursed herself for her choice of shoes when she saw the path to the building was paved with cobblestone. She should have listened to Thomas and worn the flat boots instead of the ones with stiletto heels, but she was wearing a Catwoman costume, for heaven’s sake! The entire point of that was to look hot. And to mask her face, of course. The latter was, according to Thomas, the more important one. She knew, though, that he most certainly didn’t mind looking at her in her skin-tight catsuit. Not if his expression when she’d shown him her costume earlier that day was anything to go by.
“Is everything all right?” Thomas asked when he noticed her look at the pavement with dread.
She bit her lip. No, she was not going to admit that he’d been right. “Sure, yeah. I’m fine.”
But she wasn’t fine, and he quickly picked up on what the issue was as she struggled to walk, nearly tripping every few feet. He narrowed his eyes, wondering whether she’d planned this. He contemplated ignoring her, but he really didn’t want her to get injured, so he offered her his arm.
She frowned. “No. I said I’m fine. It’s not that far, anyway.”
“Rachel,” he warned, then quickly looked around to see if anyone had heard him say her name. No one had. Or, at least, no one cared. He relaxed a little when he realised that no one had even attempted to speak to him yet even though they’d passed a multitude of people already. They hadn’t recognised him. No wonder! Nobody could have expected Thomas Hunt to be the one hiding behind a Batman costume, not even he himself. It had taken quite a bit of convincing on Rachel’s part to get him to wear it – he looked utterly ridiculous! – but it was the perfect disguise.
She continued walking without his help but not for long. Because soon enough, she did trip. Luckily for her, Thomas had seen it coming and steadied her before she could hurt herself.
“Yes, you’re just fine, aren’t you?” he said, a small smile playing at his lips.
She huffed. ��Shut up.”
“If I recall correctly, I did tell you not to wear these torture devices.”
“I said shut up,” she repeated and looked around. They were dangerously close to the entrance now, surrounded by a large crowd, but Thomas still had his arm wrapped around her waist, pressing her tightly to his body. Her eyes darted to his face, or rather what was visible of it. Which wasn’t a whole lot more than his lips, really, but those were very inviting and so she leaned up to kiss them.
Surprisingly enough, he didn’t protest but kissed her back instead. Until he heard an awfully familiar squeal. Rachel chuckled a little when she felt him frown.
“She’s not going to out us, I promise,” she said before pulling back and turning to the source of the squeal. “Hi Addi.”
“You two are so cute,” her friend said and pulled Rachel into a hug. “And, don’t worry, I’ve got a change of costume for both of you with me in case you guys are found out. Which is highly unlikely, might I add, because your costumes are perfect.”
Thomas cleared his throat. “Ahem. If you’re done praising your own work, Miss Sinclair, I believe we should head inside.”
“Right. I have more guests to greet, anyway,” Addison said. “I’ll see you later.”
Once Addison was gone, Rachel nudged Thomas. “You know you don’t have to be mean all the time, right?”
“I have a reputation to uphold,” he said as they continued on into the building, a safe distance apart from each other. “I can’t have my students thinking I’m going soft.”
Rachel grinned. “Oh yeah? Well, I happen to know that you are soft. Why else would you be here with me?”
“I think you should know by now that you, my dear, are the exception.”
Her grin widened. “Just wanted to hear you say that.”
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Tags: @lilyofchoices​ @trappedinfandoms​ @flyawayboo​ @alleksa16​ @silversparrow02​ @hopelessromantic1352​
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tiaraofsapphires · 7 years
my satellite (shine on me tonight)-Chapter 3
Soooo I’m back with an update (within a week of the most recent update but don’t get used to it lol)
Chapter 3: Convergence
Read on Ao3
Sara couldn’t stifle a laugh, which was an odd thing to do flat on her back with Jaal pressed between her legs.
“You know, I might’ve lied,” she giggled, “You might be able get me pregnant again while I’m still pregnant.”
He rolled his hips in a way that really ought to have been illegal and her laugh turned quickly into a moan.
When Jaal wanted to celebrate, he really did mean celebration. Sara could bet it was only for her sake that he wasn’t shouting and running around the Tempest telling everyone in existence that Sara was pregnant, that he was going to be a father.
This was nice, just the two of them, well, the three of them. There was never enough time for privacy in almost a month. They had to make up for the four days of near-absolute privacy, meaning working double-time and keeping their hands off of each other.
And then there was all that wasted time she spent keeping him at arm's length.
This wasn’t just a celebration, this was a recommitment. And Sara put her whole heart into it.
She hooked her legs around his hips to pull him closer.
He was so good to her, for her. Never selfish, always exploring and finding new ways to make her feel good. She wanted to fall into him.
“Jaal,” she whispered.
He rubbed tiny circles on her hips as he kept her pressed to the mattress. He was doing all the work, looming over her, pumping into her with a constant rhythm.
“You are exquisite,” Jaal said.
He pressed a trail of kisses down her throat until he stopped to tuck his face in the space between her neck and shoulder.
“The mother of my child.”
She smiled at that. It was something she loved hearing and probably would never get tired of hearing.
Her fingers roamed over his back, over the folds in the back of his head. She was rewarded by a jarring thrust, grinding and perfect.
Jaal’s breath washed over her skin, labored. She felt surrounded, all muscle and fragrance.
If what she read on pregnancy—and she did a lot of that in a frantic scramble for information—was correct, there might come a time where hormones would have him at her beck and call for sex. That would be fun. She couldn’t call it revenge, how could it be revenge if they both enjoyed it?
One day, she would be too big for them to have sex like this. It would be like having sex with a watermelon between them.
They would have to improvise. Maybe, he would turn her to her side and press against her back. Her stomach clenched at the idea, drawing a whimper out of her mouth.
She looked up and their eyes met. Jaal’s pupils were blown wide and his cheeks were colored with a blush.
He was beautiful.
Sara braced herself on her arms, leaning up to kiss him. Jaal licked into her mouth, the kiss immediately passionate and filthy.
When Jaal’s hand slipped between them, it was over.
Sara came with a shiver, almost curling forward with it. Jaal fell off the precipice shortly after, his release dripping out of her folds.
He kissed her everywhere he could reach as pulled out. The hand not bracing him over her didn’t leave where it rested on her stomach, like he didn’t want to let go.
“I can see it now.”
Gentle and warm, skimmed over her abdomen.
“Full with child, our child.”
She sighed, satisfied, boneless.
She said, “I love that thought. It’ll take a while, though.”
He chuckled and kissed her forehead.
“The wait will be worth it. Our child will be beautiful, just like you.”
She blushed. She never got used to that, being told she was beautiful.
He eased off of her and flopped next to her.
They were quiet for a while, just listening to each other breathe.
“We have to tell my mothers. And your brother. And the rest of the crew.”
She sighed, drooping against him.
“We do. I just...don’t want to go too quickly with this. SAM said—”
She tucked her face against his chest. There was the fear again, chasing the numbing buzz of her orgasm almost instantly.
“He said that the first 3 months are the most dangerous. It’s only been half a month. It’s why I didn’t tell you right away.”
Yeah, the post-coital bliss disappeared, like it never happened. She wasn’t sure if being super emotional was a symptom of her pregnancy or what. She had assumed it was too early for that sort of thing.
Her mouth turned in a trembling frown, glad her face was still close to his chest so he couldn't see her expression.
“You were—are afraid.”
His hand cupped her chin, pulling her back until he could see her face. She bit her lip and forced down the tears that wanted to spill over. Tears of fear, not happiness.
She laughed with a mirth she didn’t feel.
They were just getting right to the core of this, weren't they?
“I’ve been afraid since SAM told me. There’s no science, no precedence for this. We’re flying blind. We don’t—there’s no certainty that this will work out.”
He sat up to lay on his back, collecting her until she rested on his chest. His arms wrapped around her, like he was an anchor, something constant, something that was never going to leave.
“Have hope, Sara. You are strong. You are the strongest person I know.”
She smiled shakily. SAM had said something similar, but it felt different coming out of Jaal's mouth.
“Our child will live. I know it.”
The words rumbled in his chest, a visceral promise. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“But if you don’t want to tell everyone now, I will respect your wishes.”
“We could tell a few people,” Sara relented hesitantly, “Scott. Your mother Sahuna. Maybe the crew.”
Jaal chuckled, something she felt as much as she heard.
“Once my mothers know, all of Havarl and Aya will know and soon the entire cluster will know. They get very excited about grandchildren.”
She could imagine. Their child was going to be loved. Not just by the Tempest crew, but by an entire family on Jaal’s side.
It was a comforting thought.
“Okay,” she conceded, “How about we give it two weeks. Then we tell everyone.”
His arms squeezed around her.
“Yeah. Together.”
Silence fell again and Sara thought Jaal had fallen asleep before he sniffed with distaste.
“I don’t like the idea of telling those politicians of yours.”
That elicited a grin. He had his opinions of many things, never afraid to tell them plainly to her. He had his opinions on the Nexus leadership, often overlapping with hers.
Sara mused, “Kesh and Kandros are probably the best to tell first on the Nexus. I don’t want to have this conversation with Tann or Addison.”
She shuddered at the idea. Tann would immediately call for a replacement human Pathfinder before the whole the announcement left Sara’s lips and Addison would likely look down on her like she was some irresponsible teenager who got herself knocked up.
Sara was twenty-two—nearly twenty-three—and carried the fate of a fucking star cluster on her shoulders. She wouldn’t stand to be patronized.
Those two could find out via the grapevine for all she cared.
She lifted her head to lightly peck the skin she was lying on before resting again.
“I should tell Lexi, shouldn’t I? Before anyone else. Like, soon, today.”
She didn’t actually move to do so and Jaal didn’t move where his hands wrapped around her. In fact, they tightened a bit more.
“Yes. But, later. You are tired, my love, and I wish to hold you for a few more hours.”
She slept, not realizing how tired she was until she rested in Jaal’s arms.
After waking up and showering, Sara went to the med-bay. People saw her go in, but there was no reason for anyone on the Tempest except for Jaal to think anything out of the ordinary of it.
A check-up, a psych-eval. They could hypothesize all they wanted.
Needless to say, Sara was nervous. The whole doctor-patient confidentiality thing made it so it was unethical for Lexi to say anything outside of the med-bay walls. But she had no idea how the asari was going to react to the news.
She found the doctor alone, poring over one report or another, and let the door close behind her.
“Hey, Doc. Can I talk to you for a moment?”
Lexi, accommodating as always, set down her datapad and turned her full attention to Sara.
“Of course. What can I help you with?”
Sara shifted where she stood.
“You know a while ago I asked you about a stomach bug?”
Lexi didn’t need to look at a datapad to remember. She only had a handful of patients and a good memory. She could probably recall every injury Sara ever had.
“A stomach virus, yes. Are you still having issues?”
Nerves, again. Heartrate increasing, even as SAM tried to prevent a panic attack.
“Um. It’s sort of related. I—never was sick to my stomach. I had SAM alter your scans and my biology to make it look like I had a virus.”
Sara watched as anger reached Lexi's eyes, almost instantly.
“You what?”
Fuck, Sara really should’ve seen that coming.
There was no stopping the asari doctor now. She was on a roll.
“Do you know how dangerous that is? I could've prescribed a drug you didn't need!”
Sara opened her mouth again, only for Lexi to barrel on.
“So, now SAM can make it look like you’re sick? He could make you look like you’re well and nobody would be the wiser. That’s dangerous and irresponsible.”
Boy, did Sara regret ever opening her mouth.
“Can I at least tell you why I did so in the first place?” Sara asked.
Lexi crossed her arms, the picture of discontentment.
“Do tell. It better be good.”
Best be out with it.
“I’m pregnant.”
Oh boy, that got Lexi to shut her mouth, with anger morphing to shock with such speed it was almost funny.
“You’re what!?”
Sara winced.
“Holy shit, keep it down! I don’t want the entire fucking ship to know, alright?”
Lexi was in her personal space almost immediately, shock turned to utter glee. Sara recoiled a bit.
“Does Jaal know? Oh, Goddess, this is amazing. Unprecedented.”
“Just you and Jaal and SAM know. I was planning on announcing it to more people, family, the rest of the crew, the Nexus, in a couple weeks. So, don’t say anything to anyone, okay?”
Lexi was clearly offended by that.
“Of course, I won’t say anything! What kind of doctor do you take me for?”
Sara held up her hands placatingly.
“Alright. I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.”
Now, there were four who knew. Eventually the whole cluster would know. A pregnant Pathfinder would be prime gossip.
“Do you know how far along you are?”
She reached for her datapad and started tapping away, probably making a file for the child.
“SAM told me sixteen days ago when the—the fetus implanted, or whatever.”
Lexi nodded.
“Tack on maybe a week between conception and implantation. Scans will tell me more.”
There were a hundred more questions that Lexi could ask, and all of them were in a tangle in her mouth. That much was clear. It was funny to watch, Sara supposed.
“Scans, huh? This doesn’t mean I’m suddenly your guinea pig for the foreseeable future,” Sara said.
“Oh, yes it does.”
Lexi spoke over Sara’s groan, “As the Tempest doctor, I have a prerogative to keep you, and now your child, alive. And that means you, Sara Ryder, are staying right here until I can finish my tests.”
Sara put on a pout, more for show than anything else. But there was little heat to it. As long as nothing Lexi did required hurting
They were in there for two hours.
Lexi didn’t call any red-flags, said the heartbeat was strong, that structures were forming along roughly how they ought to be.
“In a week, we’ll do a karyotype. Just to make sure,” Lexi advised, at the close of their meeting.
Sara nodded. She didn’t really have a choice but to agree.
Sara, for a moment, wished Jaal was human so that it wasn’t really necessary for all the poking and prodding and worrying.
But then she started trying to imagine what their child would look like—perhaps pink-purple skin and her eyes—and figured that it would be worth it in the end.
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damagedmontgomery · 6 years
The Beginning Of The End
Who → Juliette Montgomery
When → Night of the ferry crash
Where → All over. A bar, an alley, a drug dealer’s apartment
Notes → Self Para.
Triggers → Drugs/drug abuse, alcohol/alcohol abuse
Juliette had been teetering on the edge for weeks. After that one slip one night at the bar, she was always feeling those cravings. She wanted alcohol, she wanted drugs. The cravings made her skin crawl every single day. Finding out about the ferry boat crashing was all she could take.
She never thought she would have feelings for someone, but it happened. She finally allowed herself to be happy with another person, and then that person ended up getting hurt in the crash. It seemed like the universe was trying to tell her something. She didn’t know what, but she knew whatever it was, it wasn’t good.
The blonde knew she should be grateful that nobody in her family was hurt. They were safe, and that was great, but it wasn’t enough for her to feel okay. Having one person she cared about being hurt was too much to handle. 
Being able to see Mia was good for her. She needed to see her and know she was alive and she got to do that. Once she knew Mia was stable, however, Juliette went straight to the bar. She chose to walk at least, she knew she would be drunk, so taking her sister’s car there seemed like a bad idea. There was no question in her mind about whether it was the right or wrong thing to do. She was going to drink, because she knew that it was going to make her feel better... or just feel less.
She sat there for a couple of hours, getting through several drinks before she called it a night. She walked out of the bar and sighed. She wasn’t going to go home yet. She didn’t want to go home under the influence, she was pretty sure Addison would kill her if she saw her like that. She knew where she wanted to go, so be began to walk, the cool night time air blowing slightly against her face.
As she rounded the corner to the dimly lit alley, she sighed. This was a path she had been on time and time again. Spotting the person she was looking for, she braced herself for their interaction. “Well, look who it is. Juliette Montgomery,” he said. “It’s been a while, baby.” 
She shook her head. “I’m not your baby, asshole,” she told him. The blonde shoved her hands into her pockets. She wad of rolled up cash in her pocket was big, she was planning a large score. Not for all at once, but at least by purchasing a lot in one go there’d be less suspicion. She wouldn’t be coming back late all the time, less trips out to have to see this guy. Now she could have what she needed right there in her room.
“Sure you are. Always have been,” he replied, winking at her. There had been nights of desperation. Nights after college when she relapsed, where she was broke and couldn’t dig up enough money to pay for the drugs. So she had made him a few trades. “You certainly showed me differently before, remember?”
Juliette sighed. “Shut the fuck up, Jonah. You got the good shit or not?” she asked, staring the older man down as she crossed her arms. She wasn’t there to make small talk, or have him bother her about their previous encounters. He was a creep, there was no doubt about it, but he never failed to provide her with what she asked for.
“Depends on what you’re looking for,” he said. “Haven’t seen you ‘round here much. Cheatin’ on me with another dealer?” he asked teasingly. “Or have you just been living the boring life these days?”
“After my stint behind bars, I stayed sober. It’s been a few months now,” she admitted, not counting the few drinks she had at the bar the one night. “But I’m over that. I’m sick and tired of this sober shit. It fucking sucks,” she muttered. “You know what I want, Jonah. You’ve known me long enough to know what I’m after.”
“I always knew my favorite little cokehead would come crawling back to me,” he said. “You got cash this time or are we arranging an alternative form of payment?” She knew what he was getting at.
“I’ve got cash,” she hissed. “I’m never doing that with you again.” Juliette reached into her pocket, pulling out the large wad of money. “Your rates still the same?” When he nodded, she handed the money over to him, and he handed her several baggies filled with cocaine. 
The blonde was going to leave after that, tuning out his attempts to keep talking to her. She wasn’t interested. Or at least, she didn’t think she was until he suggested getting high with him. She didn’t see too much harm in that, so she turned around. His apartment was only a minute or so away from the alley, so she agreed, following him there. 
Sitting by his desk with a baggie in her hand, and a beer, a dollar bill, and her credit card just slightly off to the side, she licked her lips. She went ahead and opened the baggie, pouring out some of the white powder. There was a chance to turn back as she set herself up, but she wasn’t going to. She didn’t want to turn back. A few minutes later, she held the rolled up bill to her nose, snorting one of the lines of cocaine.
When Juliette left, everything was a little fuzzy, but she felt good. It was a feeling she had experienced so many times before, and it was almost comforting. But despite all of that, she knew that home wasn’t exactly a great place to go. It wasn’t that late, and surely her siblings would be awake. She wasn’t sure where she was going to end up, so she wandered around to wherever her feet would take her.
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talia-suskauer · 7 years
Once Again - Part Four
Well. Here is the 4th part of Once Again :) The next part will be up once it’s written which I’m sure is going to be soon, so keep your eyes open for that.  I think this part is good though, and hopefully you all enjoy it! -Megan
Previous parts: one | two | three
“Hey.. How are things?”
“Good. Everyone here is doing well. I miss you, and Henry misses you too. How are things going for you?”
“That’s actually why I called.. I need to tell you something.”
“What’s going on?”
Amelia gripped the phone in her hand tightly. She swallowed hard, going quiet for a moment.
“I.. I uh.. I’m pregnant,” she said.
“Oh my god, Amelia! That’s great. Are you guys excited?”
“Addie..” Amelia said softly, her voice cracking.
“What’s wrong?” Addison asked from the other end of the phone.
“The baby, she..” Amelia sobbed softly. “She’s anencephalic. I’m having another baby with anencephaly,” she choked out.
“I’m so sorry.. What do you need me to do?” Addison asked. “Anything you need, just tell me, alright? Jake and I love you, you know that.”
“If I need you, either of you, for anything.. I’ll let you know.” Amelia replied. “Addie, everything is just falling apart. I can barely look at Owen. We barely spend time around each other anymore. It’s been weeks since the last time we shared a bed. He tried to two weeks ago but I just.. got up and slept on the couch. It’s just too hard. It’s too hard knowing that I gave him hope by getting pregnant and now it’s going to be taken away from him,” she whispered.
“Amelia, you know it’s not your fault. And things happen. Getting pregnant is the first step but there’s no guarantee that it’ll even be viable. There is no guarantee that a baby will make it to term. I’m sure Owen knows that. He needs time to process and grieve. Don’t you remember how you pushed us all away when you were pregnant last time?”
“You mean the same way I’m doing to everyone now?”
“So it’s not just Owen being distant?”
“What do you expect me to do, Addison? I’m going through this again and he doesn’t even realize that’s what happened the first time. I’m going through this surrounded by people who have no idea how to talk to me. And Owen.. I feel so many things about this. It’s just easier to handle this alone than with him. Ryan was dead when I found out about my son. This time, the father of my child is alive, and I don’t know how to handle what he feels as well as trying to avoid my own feelings.”
“Hold on,” Addison said. “Even after you took off a few months ago you still never told him that your son had anencephaly? I though you had considered telling him.”
“I couldn’t do it, Addie. I was going to tell him, but I wasn’t ready. I don’t know if I’m ever going to be ready.”
“You need to tell him,” Addison told her. “Look, I’ve got to go get started on dinner, but I want you to talk to Owen about it. He’s hurting too Amelia, let him in. Stop trying to push away what you feel, it’s not healthy.”
“Yeah, we’ll see,” Amelia replied.
“Don’t forget, just let me know if you need anything,” she said. “Or Jake. We’re here for you,” Addison told her. “I love you, Amelia. Try to stay strong. Make sure you take care of yourself. I’ll talk to you soon,” she said to Amelia.
“Love you too Addie. Give Henry some love for me.”
Amelia ended the call and frowned. She thought back to the ultrasound with Arizona. Arizona was great, and so were all the other doctors who could possibly care for her in the hospital, but she didn’t want any of them. Nobody in Seattle knew her the way her friends back in LA knew her.
She quickly dialed a different number. She knew who she needed to talk to. It rang a few times before the other person picked up.
“Didn’t you just get off the phone with my wife?” Jake asked with a chuckle.
“I have a really big favor I need to ask. I don’t even know if it can be done, but I need to ask anyway.”
That night, as Amelia sat awake in bed, she couldn’t help looking over at the empty space next to her. She could hear the television on in the living room. She snuggled under the blankets and closed her eyes, trying to get some sleep. She opened her eyes back up a few moments alter and she groaned softly. She rubbed her growing belly gently before getting out of bed.
She wasn’t entirely sure if what she was doing was a good idea, but she knew that it was what she needed to do to be able to sleep. She needed sleep desperately, she was bordering on being zombie-like that’s how exhausted she was lately.
Amelia trudged over to the bedroom door and opened it, standing in the doorway with one hand resting on the door frame. Owen looked over from the couch, peeling his eyes away from whatever he was watching on the television.
“Is everything okay?” he asked her.
“Yeah, everything is fine,” she replied. “I don’t.. I don’t really know what to do to make things any less crappy between us. But I thought I’d put it out there that you can come to the bedroom. You don’t have to sleep out here,” she told him. “Just don’t touch me.”
She shrugged, leaving the bedroom door open as she made her way back over to the bed. She wasn’t sure whether or not he was actually going to join her or not. She waited five minutes, and there was no sign of Owen coming in. A few more minutes passed, and Amelia decided to stop staring at the door. She rolled onto her side, facing the wall on her side of the bed.
Amelia felt numb, empty. Every emotion she had inside of her was being shoved away. She tucked an arm under her pillow and tried to find a comfortable position. She heard the television get shut off, and she closed her eyes. A few moments later she heard the bedroom door close and felt a dip in the mattress. She sat up slightly, turning her head to view the spot in the bed next to her. Owen was facing the door, and was doing as she asked by refraining from touching her.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
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You’re gonna look ME phil-Dwyer-STAN-account in the eyes and call me fake?!?! @the-golden-onion we fight at dawn 😤
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Okay so we’ve established that criticizing twilight because of sparkly vampires is the weakest critique. There are so many actual big reasons to criticize it.
But have you considered the point that I literally like shiny rocks more than I like men. I literally collect crystals. And I don’t want to encourage the stereotype that women are just obsessed with shiny things. But I genuinely love crystals so much. And this is not an Edward appreciation post but I see Bella’s point. If I saw someone made out of diamond I’d be like “oooh pretty 😍” too.
Like have you seen men? Sparkly rocks are an improvement.
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Pardon if this has been done before, but every god damn day I think about how in the books Emmett had curly hair.
In real life Kellen Lutz has really nice curly hair. Ex:
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And yet we were robbed and given this awful hair style
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It’s such a bad haircut. It really doesn’t do anything for him and I really can’t wrap my head around it. It’s not like his character had short straight hair in the books.
At least in Breaking Dawn his hair is MUCH better, but it’s more wavy than curly.
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I just really think we were robbed of seeing Emmett with his full curl potential.
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Okay so you saw the countdown on smeyers website? Maybe you feel like you should reread the books before whatever the countdown leads to. Well . . .
I am not informing you that you can find free full text versions of all the twilight books online. I’m not stating that you can read them on websites without having to download anything. I am not saying that you don’t have to download anything and that I haven’t gotten a virus so it’s probably safe. I am not suggesting that you read those for free if you’ve been wanting to read twilight but can’t afford it. I’m not saying that you should keep your money instead of supporting smeyer. I am not saying that if you do want to spend money consider donating money, supplies, etc. to reservations (who are less likely to receive donations of extra face masks for the hospitals and stuff like that). And I am definitely not telling you to do all these things and that I can help you find the free versions if you pm me.
Also keep in mind that a lot of reservations are closed to outsiders right now. Edit: a few people (thank you if you were one of them!!!) informed me that the quileuete tribe is still raising money for their move to higher ground! Here is the link ! Also donate to tribes that might be local to your area! I just figured it might be nice to take money we would’ve given smeyer and give it to people who have had their histories rewritten and been portrayed in a racist way by smeyer.
Disclaimer: At the end of the day it’s your money! You can choose to spend it or not to spend it however you want!! I don’t want to pressure anyone or make them feel bad! You want to donate? Awesome! You don’t want to donate? Totally chill I’m sure you have reasons behind that! You want to buy the books? Great! You want to pirate them/check them out at a library? Do it! I can’t make any decisions for you, nor do I want to. All I can do is tell you about the different options you have 💖
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Me looking at all the cool twilight blogs that speak out against racism and wanting to be their friend but being too shy to actually reach out to them
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Today was a very sad hard day but drinking tea out of an Alistair mug that @kaquiche made for me(look at how talented she is!!!) makes me feel like everything is going to be okay
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