#she then proceeded to he plain to my boss that ‘well my husbamd was diagnosed with cancer earlier this month so I’m a bit on edge’
This woman came in and complained that the belt on the check stand was ‘too wet’, after throwing a fit last night about it not having been sanitized before she put her stuff down.
(after she ignored me asking her to wait a minute so I could sanitize it)
I bite my tongue and told her I was sorry but I didn’t have time to wipe it down completely.
(again, because she blatantly ignored me while also rolling her eyes at me and threw her stuff on the belt)
She then proceeded to bitch to my boss about it and on top of it all whine that I didn’t tell her ‘have a good rest of your night:)’ like I tell everyone else and that I just handed her a roll of paper towels when she asked ‘well what am I supposed to do now that my groceries are wet?!’
I just walked off the moment I was finished and told my coworker to switch with me until she left and put up a display for him.
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