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“They told me you were dead” Vivian rasped, glaring hard at the man before her. Though ice filled her words, her eyes swam with unbridled grief. How, she thought desperately. How can this be possible? She still remembered that day; the chaos that followed an explosive ambush, her mother and father barking orders over the noise, Azazel whisking her away to safety while her caretaker, her only real friend in the world, ran to the other side the moment they broke into her childhood home. Vivian grit her teeth; the cold, crystalline shards swirling around her fingers sharpened like daggers.
“I spent ten years believing you were dead,” she said, unable to keep the quiver from her voice this time. “And now I find you’re alive and well? With him, of all people!”
The older man, this scruffy, wayward remnant of a life long past opened his mouth to reply; she wasn’t about to give him that courtesy. Not anymore.
“I was just a girl,” she cried, and as she did the ache in her chest spilled out across her face. “I was a girl, and I needed my father.” Why, she added silently, unable to speak it aloud. Why did you leave me all alone?
That one AU where the Ice Queen discovers Erik is still alive…💔
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starkastichotmess · 2 years
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@hamadaxfighter asked: 🤗 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’d like to meet irl? 😀 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’ve met irl before? 💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc?
💌 munday asks! [ meme - accepting ]
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🤗 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’d like to meet irl?
So many!! Honestly, for being as introverted as I am (as well as having social anxiety to astronomical levels), the amount of "this is my person and I must cuddle them constantly if they want to cuddle!" is astounding. Just to name a few off the top of my head (which I'm doing before coffee, so I'm not going to be able to list everyone even if I try because brain is only running at like 12% right now): @canspotatimeagent/@the-captains-table/@secondchancesmagneto, @smokedanced/@dutyworn/@dochaes/@waywardfeathered, @lovepurposed/@hopepurposed, @theresastargirl, @spxnglr, and you.
😀 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’ve met irl before?
Umm... I've met so many of my online friends in general at this point that I can't remember who's in the rpc and who isn't... xD But it's been years since I've seen anyone in person regardless, though it was much easier when I lived near Boston and New York City than where I'm currently living (being that I live in the middle of nowhere to the extent that we can't even get delivery here).
💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc?
You know those moments where you just vibe with someone, and it's like you've been best friends all your lives, even though you only just met? I've had the luck to encounter that several times over the last few years through the rpc, which is pretty amazing to even experience once, much less multiple times.
Also, finding people who are willing to take the whole canon divergence with Tony without batting an eye because, y'know, I don't want to subject myself to the trauma that is E.ndg.ame and most everyone's been really cool about it is definitely worth noting, because canon divergence isn't always easy to deal with when it comes to really popular canon characters, especially within certain fandoms.
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rileymcdaniels · 2 years
As Riley begins to unpack her belongings and get settled into her new home, she wonders if she should feel guilty for not missing Charles more.
She does miss him, of course. He is her friend and guardian. He's family, despite their lack of blood relation. But she knows he will be incalculably happy in the libraries and universities of the Ottoman Empire for the next several months. And she is looking forward to an adventure of her own. A change of scenery may be mundane to some, but she looks forward to exploring and becoming familiar with this part of the world.
She puts away her last articles of clothing, and, satisfied with that amount of unpacking for the moment, she leaves her room and begins to explore the house.
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immortaljackal · 2 years
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@the-captains-table || verse moldboards moodboards
Racing On The Thunder - Let Chaos Storm Layla Jacquel x Ororo Munroe
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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
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deitysmuses · 3 years
❛ they’re right to fear me. ❜ Gwen to Wanda
“They are idiots...and so are you for saying that.” Wanda scolded firmly, looking down at her younger half sister. She was still perplexed by how her father had sired Gwen and how she was so uncomparably stronger than any other of their siblings and mutants. “You are only feared if you are not understood.” She added with a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“You must be assertive but make an effort to show your true intentions; that you wish to help mankind not harm.” Wanda advised, giving her sister a smile and stroking her cheek. “All of our siblings have been feared at one point, even myself. Papa especially. But then again...he had a horrible temper.” The last statement a teasing joke at their father’s expense.
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anderwhohn · 3 years
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@secondchancesmagneto​ ( Erik ) || stabby murder elf time!
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It was just her luck, really. Barely manage to escape one hellhole, only for her ship to crash land halfway across the universe, and if she were to guess by the look of the place, this planet was still decades, if not centuries, from interstellar spaceflight.
And while it doesn’t come to a surprise that the crash drew the attention of some of the locals, what does surprise her is just how quickly she finds herself fighting for her life from the shems in black suits with matching black, unmarked vehicles. Not that they stand much of a chance between her superior guns and her skill with blades.
Once all but one of the suits is dead, she’s managed to grab their apparent leader, her knife poised over his throat as she growls out something in her native tongue before slitting his throat and letting his body fall to ground to join the rest.
Dark brown eyes lift at the sound of approaching footsteps, her teeth bared in a wordless aggressive warning, shifting her grip on her knife in preparation of continuing to fight. But seeing the armour this one wears brings her pause, and she doublechecks the readouts on her wrist tool to make sure her translator implant is still functional now that it’s had time to reboot from the crash.
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“You don’t look like you’re with them,” she observes, her sharp gaze studying him quickly, and while she seems to relax just a fraction at that realisation, she’s clearly on guard for another attack. “Identify yourself, shem.”
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vortexparadox · 3 years
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rules: bold what consistently applies, italicise situational
does your muse, while fighting …
fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / strike first / provoke easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly and, or apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade / prefer a gun / prefer to use their ability / prefer a bow / prefer a shield / prefer a pole arm / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells / prefer their fists / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians / strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / use improvisation / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls ) / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing / would succumb slowly.
tagged by: @wwxnka​ 😘💕
tagging: @secondchancesmagneto​​, @brxssknuckld​, @moonwoken​ (Francis and/or Dean), @dochaes​, & anyone else who wants to do the thing!
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niralamba · 4 years
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thanks for tagging me @muthur9000, I find you an incredible person!!!💜💜💜
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ok) list of 5 things that make me happy
1. my  "carrying-away-the-roof"s hobby (you can watch it here), which makes me forget about all the world around me 
2. books that make you forget about that people are supposed to sleep at night 
3. great movies that make you want to live 
4. chat with my friends on the net 
5. travel (although this is still banned for an indefinite period)
I welcome the first 10 people from my notifications: @fassylovely  @secondchancesmagneto @mrsfustuff  @hellfre  @asaucerfulbabybearsmusings  @imaginaryboyfriendcollection  @lemousquetaire @jackyjango @xcziel​  @monstaamack 
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Gently, Erik put his arm around Charles’ shoulders and tugged him closer. “Can I see your arm?” he asked softly, his other hand outstretched. “Please?”
When the other man pulled him in, relief washed over Charles in waves. He knew it would, that was in part why he’d sought Erik out to begin with. He needed–still needed to feel something more than distress and frustration and the Xavier family’s irreparable disappointment. He wasn’t beyond help; Erik proved it to him time and again and the more they worked at it the more Charles realized maybe…just maybe he wasn’t the problem anymore. Maybe he hadn’t been for a long time…
He nodded again, laying his forearm down in Erik’s hand.
I found this gif and it reminded me of the above RP💔
Poor Charles…may you never feel this low again😢
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James: Whoa, man—I don’t want any trouble
Erik: You asked for trouble the moment you started infantilizing Charles. Leave us now.
James: Hold on, we can talk about this—
*Metal objects in the room start to shake*
Charles: Erik…
James: …nah, you know what? It’s fine. I’m fine…see you later, dad.
Erik: 😤 Charles, are you alright?
Charles: yes🥺thank you, Erik…but must you b…be so direct with him?
Erik: If I wasn’t direct, he’d try to take you away from me. You know that☹️
Charles: You’re right…I do
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@secondchancesmagneto @missgreentelepath @the-renegade-child-of-time @rileymcdaniels
Has it really been seven years???
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Charles, is it ever weird seeing Erik with X? X, what about the reverse?
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"U-uuh...well, s-sort of, at first. You must underst-tttand, I'm not...I-I mean I've...changed a lot, you know, over the years...a-and put Erik through so much just to accomodate my...my needs now...
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"And s-s-ssuddenly, there's this younger, better version of myself in our lives, and even though I-I knew there was more to X than that, obviously, I-I-I lived with him in my head for years but I...I couldn't help worry, you know? X seemed so...mmh...and I'm....
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"...aaaaah we...we're alright now though, so there's no--no need to dwell on the p-past. X is f-far more than he app-p-p--seems to be on the surface and I...I've actually learned a lot about myself in help-helping him adjust. It's not easy, you know, f-fending for yourself out in the world. I can't imagine how frightened he was at first..."
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Wanda - Vivian - Peter
Another Maximoff/Lehnsherr sibling edit because I like how they look together and also imagining these three growing up in the same household cracks me up😆such strong, chaotic personalities!
@secondchancesmagneto @deitysmuses
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//I wanna make more collages for our RP universes but I don’t know what. If you have any suggestions/want a collage from me, let me know! We have so many beautiful, fun and/or complicated relationships 💖
@secondchancesmagneto @missgreentelepath @the-renegade-child-of-time @rileymcdaniels
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Vivian - Peter - Wanda
Erik Lehnsherr’s biological children. They look like they could be related, right?
Anyway, this is technically more of an XMCU edit than Second Chances. I don’t personally consider the Rogue Cut canon, but if you do, then Wanda does exist within the movie universe (kind of hoping for confirmation in MoM but we’ll see…)
As for Vivian, a younger sister is shown in DoFP and isn’t mentioned by name😌how do we know she isn’t a variant of the Ice Queen-to-be?
I didn’t include Gwen because again, more of a movie edit and also while she is a Lehnsherr by blood, the circumstances surrounding her birth were…unusual to say the least🤣
@secondchancesmagneto @deitysmuses
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Guys look, it’s James😂😭
@secondchancesmagneto @the-renegade-child-of-time @missgreentelepath
Now I need to track down the other members of this ‘Wicked’ Universe
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