#second most useful being atomic chemistry
s1zar · 5 months
I rewatched Owl House.
First season is so average, like they make it by a notebook
Lilith get off the hook too easily
Fucking body swap plot is annoying in anything but Gravity Falls and Adventure Time
Willow and Amity reconciliation is too quick
Titan Trappers are exist only to exist
Who the fuck put this magic door in Titan’s skull and then put Collector Dish there
How did witches have information to tell legends about the Collector?
When Amity and Hunter are cut off from they Evil Pumping Stations they are lost all personality
Belos is boring as fuck. His only character trait is that he is evil, which is laughable for the show that tell us people are complex. That’s why he only will be referred as Evil Dude
Odalia is so stupidly evil that it’s impossible to take seriously
Lumity is not developed further than “Girlfriends” and the only reason why Lunter could be better is because it’s just easier to develop
Luz and Evil Dude’s parallel starts and ends with the fact that they are humans
Evil Dude is an idiot
Collector could be named Plot Device
Raine is very meh. They only personality is that they are hero
Evil Dude is said to be the strongest witch ever, but he almost looses to five teenagers
What was the point of standing against coven system if in the end we have a squad from a fucking RPG game. Character form plants, character for illusions, character for abominations, character for teleportation
Evil Dude have as much super powers as the plot need
Characters have zero reaction of learning they arch enemy story
Evil Dude looses all small glimpses of being an actual character and become villain of the week
Absence of chemistry between Hunter and Willow can cause physical pain
For the Future is one of the most useless things created by a human being
Caleb Wittebane appears for reasons and never affects anything, so he will referred as Fan-service Background
Collector is an insult to God
I hate Collector
“One character hears half of what other character says and is offended by it, only for the audience learn that other character didn’t actually mean what first character thought they mean” plot line is a violation of Geneva Conventions
Evil Dude spending 98% percent of his screen time in finale as giant roaring green blob is a final shot from a shotgun in a head of his characterisation
Luz is Chosen One now. Message of the show is annihilated by Atomic Bomb
Titan is an asshole who assaulted a child because there was no one else to assault
There two villains. One looks like a child, have sparkles in his eyes, and flies and a star with happy face. Second is goopy skinny, rots in real time, have eyes in places that supposed to be without eyes, and he shrieks like an Alien. Who of the two is going to be redeemed?
The moment Evil Dude is dead Boiling Isles is an utopia. If you take this seriously, I don’t feel sad for you, I will laugh at you
Hunter becomes Caleb 2.0, and that’s why you dig up in the fact that you are a clone, my boy. You never know if your actions are actually yours
Evil Dude’s death better than Toffee’s only because this time main antagonist dies by the end of the series
The fact that Owl House doesn’t redeem it’s main antagonist like Steven Universe or have a better ending than SVTFOE is not an argument
Fuck Collector
I could write what I liked but it would be boring
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selfcestmovies · 3 months
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Carol Danvers enjoyed the isolation of long journeys through distant space... at least, for a while. They allowed her to spend time alone and to get to know herself — as a woman, as a hero, as an icon — without the noise or clamor of busy life planet-side.
Did being alone give her a chip on her shoulder? Perhaps, but Carol wasn't one to admit it.
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Carol had thought she'd seen it all, but her next mission would bend the laws of reality in ways that even she hadn't anticipated. A rescue mission near the Duplicus wormhole resulted in a risky flyby far too close to the vortex center. A bombardment of gravitational waves warped her cells down to a molecular level... all said and done, Carol survived. But she had been duplicated at a quantum level.
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She flew back to her ship for an analysis, but the data proved what Carol — both of her — already expected to be true. There were now two Carol Danvers, identical down to the atom, and each with equal claim to her identity.
There was no discernible difference between the clone and the original.
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One Captain Marvel was enough for this universe — having a second bullheaded, cocky, arrogant Captain floating through space was a recipe for disaster. The two Carols hated each other... at least at first, when they felt competitive over their shared identity.
But as the hours passed, Carol saw things to appreciate in her quantum clone. She liked her wit, and her determination. All the best qualities she had admired in herself, she admired in her double, too.
And it was nice finally having someone to talk to. Someone she could trust without limitation.
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And there were more things Carol liked about herself, it soon became clear. She liked her own laugh, and her own smile. She liked seeing her own body from an outsider's perspective. She had a beautiful face, and a dynamite body that made Carol more sexually confused that she had felt her entire life.
Seriously, Carol couldn't take her eyes off the clone. They each caught the other steeling glances and blushing.
Had this other woman been anyone else, Carol might have considered this... a crush, in a way. It had been years since she had felt that type of spark.
But this was herself. The two of her acknowledged the chemistry, but chalked it up to simply self-confidence and a bit of harmless narcissism. Right?
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"Can I be honest with you?" Carol asked.
The other laughed, "I certainly hope so."
She leaned in. "It's nice knowing — like, really knowing — that I'm hot stuff." They were already standing close at this point, but Carol reached a hand to grab the clone and pull her even closer. She ran a hand up her clone's ribs, underneath her tank top, tracing fingers along the bottom of her breast. "Fuck, I can't get over how good we look."
The other Carol just mirrored her actions, indulging in every touch as they smiled in unison.
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They flirted for hours; countless near-kisses and gentle, glancing touches. Carol had never felt this relaxed around another human — if she could even call it that. It felt easy.
It was obvious to both of them what could happen next – and Carol (both of her) knew was no use keeping secrets from herself. They talked about what it might feel like to really kiss and touch each other. They joked about which Carol would take charge, and which Carol would be submissive, given that they'd both want to be the aggressor.
It was all hypothetical, of course. Until it wasn't. The tone grew tense when they both realized what would happen next.
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The first kiss was slow, and deep. Neither held back. They let their lips part and their tongues connect — it was ecstatic for them to finally let their libido loose on another woman after all this time alone.
Carol finally had someone to connect with, at the deepest and most carnal level. Soon, she couldn't get enough.
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cerayanay · 2 years
Loved the Annihilation book, just saw the 2018 movie, and thoughts on the ending. Heavily spoilers, partial ending explanation.
The first moment in the movie I stopped and said “Wait, that makes no sense” is the ending when Lena walks on the beach with the glass trees. Up until this moment I followed with a ‘eldritch cosmic horror being unreality” mindset, but this moment stopped me.
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Because it made no sense to me that there could be any sort of mutation that results in clear, crystalline forms. This movie hammers in that biology is being disfigured, but not non organic forms; we see the old buildings, the boats are practically untouched, old weaponry is usable. So why now with these trees? Minerals don’t have dna to mutate.
But THEN the movies goes on, and Lena is replicated with a green being. And we see the inside of the lighthouse, the underneath with that shimmer black moving WHATEVER, and the creature itself, which is an iridescent green. Then it all makes sense.
Sand is the largest source of silicon in the world, and silicon is the second most abundant element on earth. Sand is also a primary ingredient in glass. Silicon -> Sand -> Glass -> Glass trees.
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This is the best photo I could get of the being underneath the lighthouse, if you’ve seen the movie you know it’s more shimmery, almost liquid, looking identical to the material on the right, which is solid silicon.
Silicon is also used in making computer chips and wafers.
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Silicon wafers have a holding, greenish iridescent shimmer as well, much like the being that tries to relocate Lena at the climax.
Here’s the thing about Silicons atomic properties. Silicon has 4 valence electrons, and if you remember grade school chemistry, an unreactive, stable atom has 8. So silicon is semi stable, but would really like to bond with other atoms to achieve 8 valence electrons. This basic concept is what makes it a good semiconductor, or a material that easily allows electrons to move through it. There’s a lot more technical science that has to do with it I’ll cut out, but some elements are ‘injected’ into silicon to manipulate these properties, creating a system that allows electrons/electricity/energy to very very easily run through it. A very popular choice is phosphorous.
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I couldn’t get photos of the scene, but Oscar Isaac’s human character self immolates with a PHOSPHORUS grenade. When he destroys himself, it’s a contained, rapid fire that does not spread to his surrounding and dies out fairly quickly. But when the creature is then trapped in a phosphorous blast, it doesn’t dissolve, but continuously burns. The burn doesn’t spread to the regular stone of the lighthouse, but absolutely rips through the underground area and being growing on the side of the lighthouse that the movie has us believe is a living creature, apart of the clone, or obviously at least the same substance that one (aka me) might say is silicon.
Here’s one last thing about silicone properties. The material most related to silicon on the periodic table is carbon.
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All known organic life is made of carbon. Period. If it’s alive it’s carbon. Many traits responsible for why carbon makes life possible is shared with other Group 16 elements. Silicon is the closest Group 16 element to carbon. Therefore, it is hypothesized that any non-carbon based life would have to be made of silicon. Many theories and sci-fi stories play with the idea of an alien life being made of silicon is more environments that can accommodate that.
So back to my initial confusion. I was confused as to why the creature, or the shimmer, or whatever force that is responsible for the movie could make clear, crystalline, glass like trees. It’s ability was clearly stated to genetically mutate living things. But I’m arguing that somehow through sci-fi movie reasons, the creature is silicon based life, or become silicon based upon hitting the sand at the beach, then perhaps adapted into carbon based life.
After this scene, when Lena is being interrogated, she is asked ‘Was it carbon based?’ Imma say that is a very, very relevant question, and maybe the entire point of this line of questions. So cool thing the movie did, it all still makes sense.
End credits: the reason we don’t see silicon based life is it would theoretically require an insane amount of energy to sustain. Doesn’t react with this theory but yo it’s a movie they gotta make it work somehow.
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ultfreakme · 1 year
Black Adam is the Supehero film we need
I mean it. A film like Black Adam was sorely needed when it was first announced and still badly needed now during it’s release. It does this thing, that most superhero movies these days don’t do; it takes its characters seriously. It never pokes fun at their names, their suits, their powers. No. These are heroes who are on a mission, and it’s so refreshing seeing a superhero movie that isn’t so insecure about itself. The Rock and the cast are proud of the characters they’re playing, they respect them and that makes all the difference. From the get-go, the confidence and care placed in the source material helps set the tone and immerses the audience. You will love and respect them as much as the writers and cast does.
:read more:
The biggest highlight of the movie to me, is how explicitly critical it was of American Imperialism and the military. It’s prevalent throughout the movie. Khandaq is an African, Arab country invaded and abused by entitled Americans, under the pompous thumbs of their military. The titular characters are all from Khandaq, fighting for their freedom and their rights. Teth-Adam(Black Adam) is a villain only to Americans because he gets in their way. His methods are not pure or benevolent, because his people have been enslaved and used for thousands of years. Of course he’s angry. Of course the people of Khandaq support this man- this god-- who is freeing them from the people who would care even less for their lives. Why should they empathize? Why should they have any mercy when these American assholes have been invading, abusing, killing and restricting their freedom for so long?
And you know what? He’s never condemned for it. The Justice Society of America(JSA) enter thinking they’re in the right, but when they learn what’s up, they admit that they’re wrong.
I did not expect such scathing and overt undressing of how shitty the situation is for countries occupied by the american government but here it is. In a comic book movie.
I say comic book movie because MCU at this point is thinly veiled military propaganda.
The trailer makes you think you know everything but I promise you, you don’t. The promo material shows a very tiny part of what Teth-Adam is about. Teth-Adam’s character is very subtle, he’s not bombastic and he does not verbalize his emotions and thoughts but as you watch the movie, you’ll realize there’s more to him than “I’m no hero” (and that line is not what you think it means, the movie will give you context for why he keeps repeating that).
The JSA are extremely fun, Aldis Hodge and Pierce Brosnan were amazing, they brought such presence and weight to the characters. Noah Centineo and Quintessa Swindell are also wonderful, they have amazing chemistry and the amount of thought they put into their characters was shocking tbh. You can tell what each character is about just based on the way they move (Cyclone’s twirly, light-stepped, often very free. Atom Smasher is extremely awkward, shoulder’s hunched, unsure how to fit into a space). Black Adam’s physicality says so much about his character like y’all, they thought through everything for them.
The civilian characters; Amon and Adrianna are freaking amazing too. Amon is very much the heart of the story, the one who shows JSA and Teth-Adam what being a hero is really about. Maybe not directly, but he represents what a hero’s supposed to be, what their end goal is with all these heroics. Adrianna is who keeps the story centered and human. She’s who reminds these people with god-like powers that this is not about their petty squabbles and fights when there are so many regular people relying on them for help. She keeps them on track.
It was so nice to see the civilian side play as big of a role as the human side.
This is not a cinematic masterpiece. But it’s a darn good movie with an important message, a heartfelt production, amazing effects and acting. You won’t be bored for a single second and you will walk out of it feeling awesome. 
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popculturebuffet · 8 months
Beetlemania: Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle Volume 7 #1-7 review) (Patreon Review/comissoin for Brotoman.exe)
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Welcome back all you happy beetlemaniacas to beetlemania, my look at the three men to wear the mask.. and at last we've come to the breakout of the bunch, the latest and co-greatest, the one whose movie debut inspired this whole project, Mr. Jaime Reyes.
Out of the three Beetles, Jaime has gotten the most appearnces in other media. His two biggest roles were in Batman Brave and the Bold, where he was one of the most featured guest stars, eventually joining that shows version of the Justice League International, with Ted also getting some apperances. More on that next week. He was the centerpiece of Young Justice's second season, with the reach, the beings behind his armor, being the driving force of that season's plot and from what I can tell he's still been decently featured in later seasons. He's also shown up on smallville , justice league actions and in dc's direct to video teen titans movie before they killed off that universe and yes it still bothers me.
But before we can get into who Jaime is, we have to ask whatever happened to ted kord? Short answer...
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But when have I EVER taken the short route when I can ramble a bit?
So around the mid point of his solo book, Ted joined the Justice League International. This is where I met my boy and where most people met ted, Ted being thrown in there, along with the later addition of Captain Atom, to show off DC's charlton cast.
JLI was a diffrent sort of justice league book. Most of the big 7 weren't avaliable, with Wonder Woman and Superman busy being rebooted, flash now being Wally West who wasn't ready for it, and Hal Jordan and Aquaman
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So with just Batman and Martian Manhunter representing the old guard, writers Keith Giffen and JM Dematis decided to go in a diffrent direction; Make it funny. The comic would be both a sitcom and superhero action with real stakes and status quo changes.. but also batman punching the team's green lantern and ronald regan loving macho dumbass Guy Gardner in the face after Guy challenged the goddamn batman to a one on one fist fight, sans ring.
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Have I mentioned JLI is one of my faviorite comics of all time and something i'm LONG OVEDUE covering in some form? Well I have now.
The book was a hit for most of it's run and a fan faviorite for years and had both a great legacy for ted.. and some cruddy after effects. The good was that it kept him in the public eye for some time: Ted was on the team from the beginning to the end of Giffen and Dematis run and into the 90's, including Death of Superman. He also gained his best friend and comedic other half Booster Gold out of the deal, a janitor who traveled back in time with some future tech to make himself a superhero and promote the shit out of himself and whoever paid him to promote the shit out of them. It left ted a fan faviorite for generations and guaranteed he woudln't be forgotten.
The problem was a LOT of people were idiots about the bok and assumed because it was jokey the characters within were jokes. I mean the team wasn't immune to some pretty.. bleh characterizations: Power Girl was an angry man hating sterotype of a feminist as opposed to being an actual feminist now a days, Animal Man was routinely mocked despite Grant Morrision working wonders and ole billy batson was routinely but of the joke as he was well. a 12 year old in a childs body to us but a childish man to everyone else.
As a result many didn't really think to use ted after. There was an attempt at using the charlton characters that fell flat, but otherwise Ted's only real big run I can think of post justice league was in the pages of Birds of Prey, where he showed up having retired and nursing a massive crush on barbra gordon, so do most people attracted to women , can't blame him. The two had good chemistry but ultimately with the spectre of dick "King of all tush's" grayson looming, Ted never had a shot.
So ted was left off to the side, showing up for jli reunions but otherwise unused... until Infinite Crisis. In a fit of irony that had to be intetional, while it's predecessor brought ted into this world.. the leadup to it's sequel would take him out of it.
And thus we come to countdown to infinite crisis, a one shot leading into four mini series that lead into the event comic infinite crisis. CTIC is infamous to some: it portrays ted as a joke in the superhero community and pretty gruseomly kills off an infinite character. And as someone who hates killing off a b or c list character for the shock.. I think his death absoltuely works and is one of the most tragic and well written deaths in the dc canon and lets Ted go out on a high note.
The diffrence between this and say the slaughter of the freedom fighters or the various titans c-list deaths in the book proper is simple: Weight. Ted's death is given a lot of build up, weight, tragedy and is something that is never forgotten afterwords and has a serious impact on several characters.
So ted finds a conspiracy involving Maxwell Lord, formerlly the comically money hungry benefactor behind the jli now a megalomanical supervillian bent on killing all metahumans and superheroes except himself using the OMACs, a last resort batman built after he found out the justice league mindwiped him.
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The takeaway is ted found out and with booster injured, Babs busy with a lot of shit, and no one taking him seriously, Ted was left to his own.. and sadly as seen above Max beat the shit out of him, tried to flip him and then shot him in the head. But again part of what makes it work.. is that Ted goes out on his own terms. He could've just given up, he knew going in he had no real chance of winning , no idea what he was facing when he did, and no one to back him up.. but he didn't. He didn't give up because that's not who he is. that's not the man who put on this mask. That's not the man dan asked to put on the mask. He began his career trying to stop a threat only one othe rperson knew about.. and ended it the same way. And it was THANKS to his tragic death everyone else was able to unravel things in time. As a result wonder Woman was able to snap the bastards neck before he killed superman, see above gif, and Lord was stopped.
Problem was Brother Eye, the AI Batman built to create and control the omacs was still mostly loose and the omacs copoted by the big bad of infinite crisis, Alexander Luthor, relelated to exactly who you think's.. alternate good counterpart from a mirror universe. Thankfully Ted's devistating loss inspired Booster to do something, so he went back to the future, grabbed as much info as he could, declared "never again" and found the scarab, which had ended up in el paso on the back of one Jaime Reyes and recutied him since he was invisible to brother eye. With a team of other heroes they saved the world from batman's greatest blunder.
The questions remained though. Who WAS this kid wearing the armor? What happened to him after? And how did he feel about the weight now on his shoulders? All important questions abou tot be answered as we dig into the first arc of Jaime's Solo, Shellshocked.
This comic comes from us from Writers John Rogers and Jm. Demattis. JMD of course co wrote jli, while Rogers is a screenwriter whose written a few comics and later would take sole writing credit here for this run and is part of the reason it slaps so much.
We begin with our hero landing in the desert, having no idea what's going on as he's attacked by captain punched in the face himself Guy Gardner, whose response to Jaime putting up a shield to defend himself after Guy shouts at him "WHAT ARE YOU" is
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So an average first meeting with Guy all things considered. We flash back to Jaime's life before he got super armor and had a guy trying to kill him while he looks like he just.. badly wants to go home. The art here by Cully Hamner is fucking awesome and hamner also designed jaime's now iconic outfit, complete with having his mask look similar to a luchadors. It's gorgeous stuff and while Ted had the cool bug eyed goggles and giant ship, Jaime really looks insectoid. while still giving his mask enoough expression.
So in the flashback we meet one of the best parts of the book, Jaime's best friends Paco and Brenda. Paco is a boisterious loudmouth with a heart of gold while Brenda is a type a trying to encourage the other two to study more. Paco has shown up in the brave and the bold but the two don't get adapted much.. including, disapoitningly , for the film , with other characters seeming to take up their rolls instead, paticually Jaime's sister taking paco's roll as she was aged up for the film. I don't hold it against the film makers hard: as much as I miss them I get them trying to both do their own thing and not having room for them, focusing more on his family. Their might be room in sequels, one can hope.
For the comics though I like the two a lot and through every attempted revivival creators have been smart to keep them in it. They both provide a nice shoulder for jamie, Paco being his more fun and games type buddy, while Brenda keeps him grounded. While this type of trio, moderate voice of reason who has to pay referree to a smarty pants and a loudmouth isn't new in fiction, Paco and Brenda feel like real people. Their conversation feels like two real friends arguging with Jamie understandably tired of being their refree.
Things take a turn when Paco is judo throwingly dickish, sniping at Brenda she "thinks she can become a lawyer".. and rightly gets tossed on his ass for it. Brenda also takes akkido.. though the why is heartbreaking as she let's it slip her dad hits her. I also like the diffrence in where the two want to go" Paco dosen't care about school becaues he knows he can't afford college and has to make his own way, while Brenda desperatley hopes to because she has no other option to escape her abuser.. or so she thinks but we'll table that for now. For now Jamie finds the scarab. If your curious HOW Dan's scarab got here, he had it for a while, it seemingly blew up when it reinamainted dan from the dead to fight Ted , and then it somehow ended up on the rock of eternity. Then gods vengance got horny and then got angry and blew it up, and here we are.
We cut back to guy breifly and .. it's more of Jamie getting beaten up as his armor reacts on it's own to pull out canon to defend itself. Then we cut back.. but before we do.. I have to comment on how jarring this is. The scenes themselves aren't bad: the past stuff provides valuable info on who jamie is , his family, his friends, lots of ogod setup and the fight with guy IS necessary: not only is his over the top reaction to the scarab foreshadowing, but it leads to one of the best scenes in the entire series later on when he comes back about a year later.
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It just feels a bit jarring here: even having read infinite crisis it feels incredibly abrubt and entirely unfriendly to anyone who didn't.. and trust me as someone back then who , while not reading this series monthly (that came years later when I finally got the chance via comixology unlimited) was picking up books week to week as a high school dork, not everyone could afford the big event series. I'm not doubting most comic book fans had read this.. but to someone just picking up the trade without knowing what an infinite crisis is, it's a bit of a head flip. They DO explain jamie's time in infinite crisis and fill us in on that stuff, it's just a lot to take in getting into the book wether you know the event or not.
Jamie banters with his kid sister milagro, in the comics as I hinted at earlier only about 4 or 5 versus slightly younger than jamie in the movie. The two banter, his mom tells them not to fight (And she knows because it's tuesday), and he goes to help his dad. It's a nice little scene that helps establish the dynamics: he and his sister fight but in a very natural sibling way (Jamie was annoyed she asked him to help with the remote for the 80th time) and his mom is.. well see above: she's tough but entirely fair.
He then goes to see his dad, and we see a scene tha'ts new to us but feels like ti's happened a thousand times: Jamie's dad's car shop isn't doing well but he refuses to let his son eithe rdrop out to work shifts or even do more with school, just wanting him to be a kid longer. I'ts.. heartbreaking and well done.
We then cut back to the fight. Guy is winning.. but breaks the face of jamie's armor so he sees it's just a kid and REFUSES to keep fighting despite his ring's recommendation. This is a REALLY awesome character moment that shows the duo really get guy. Not a suprise form Dematis obviously, but it still shows h'es not the same asshole he used to be. He's still.. well guy, seen here leaving earth for a tour of duty on oa with his usual grace and dignity
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That comment tells me Batman''s seen that ass before Batman knows an ass that needs a shaving for he is the night.
Guy explains why he went nuts.. for once with an actual reason: the ring went fucking crazy, and wanted to kill the shit out of Jamie, but Guy isn't a killer.. which is a bold faced lie but hey you try telling a kid. Guy says he'll be back.. and isn't seen for a year in publishing time and months in story. Look he has a lot of people to moon and not a lot of time before he was due back on oa, cut him some slack. The one important bombshell though is contrary to previous lore up to this point, the Scarab.. isn't magic. Which isn't a shock to anyone whose seen jamie in anything else, but is still a nice way to drop that bit of retcon. And I do like it: it dosen't horribly contridcit previous stories and if anything Lewis Lovhag made a VERY good case in his blue beetle retrospective for how it all ties together.
So the scarab retracts, Jamie is left naked and in pain and we cut back to the past. The scarab bonds with him and he speaks it's language breifly.
Jamie then walks with Paco and brenda and runs into a strange girl.. a strange girl who turns out to hav eno eyes. While his friends pass it off as jamie starring at .. something else, it's clear he saw something. It's part of the scarabs power set naturally.
So we end the issue with Jamie naked and having no idea what to do next. We pick up exactly from there next issue: jamie is naked and wondering through the desert wondering how the hell he'll explain this to his parents, when we flash back to the past again. Their at school and Jamie once again sees thigns that arne't there. We find out why as it turns out Probe, the girl from earlier's friend has a power that allows him to make people undedticable. Curious about his own powers they want to invite him to join.. but the scarab attacks probe some how and, not knowing it wasn't Jamie's idea, her friend vows revenge. Back in the present, we get a neat scene as Jamie , with no other options rifles through a guys trunk only for a guy to point a rifle at him. The guy in question being white and having a sweet trucker hat, you'd assume he's going to be a dick.. but in a nice subversion and an even nicer random act of kindness.. the guy simply gives Jamie some clothes, offers to call his folks and is just in general a sweetheart. Given the series takes place in texas, el paso to be specific it's just a nice show that not all people are ignorant monsters. Some people will just.. help someone because it's the right thing as they should.
We get one last flashback, as Jamie gets targeted by Probe's friends we get another breif superhero fight with the scarab activating on it's own. Gain it's a bit.. chatoic, but on second read.. it feels a lot more deliberate than it did. The fight not only shows just how dangerous this thing is when left to it's own devices, but even the posse's leader is starting to tell that whatever Jamie is he isn't a baseline metahuman.
Back in the present day, the friendly trucker man who I genuinely wish we see again some day, such a peach talks to Jamie and tries to convince him his parents will be fine. Jamie insists on sneaking in.. and finds a freaked out Milagro in his bed... and sadly for our boy and his poor family.. that isn't the ONLY suprise awaiting our hero.
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It's a hell of a reveal and one that's entirely well done and set up.
To properly explain it I have to get into DC's linewide status quo at the time. Blue Beetle came out in the aftermath of the big event I mentioned, infinite crisis. Heroes lived, a LOT of heroes died, and in the aftermath Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman all stepped away for a bit: Superman was depowered in the final fight of the series, Wonder Woman wanted to reconnect with humanity despite being perfectly connected under any writer who wasn't Geoff Johns, and Batman, after all his paranoid antics leading up to it, decided to take a year off with his adopted sons Dick and Tim. Damien didn't exist yet if you were curious. And so every dc book jumped ahead
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Complete with this nifty Sticker. Every book shifted it's status quo with a year having passed and like any good time skip left questions as to WHY things changed while we weren't looking. One Year Later was my first time skip and to this day is one of the best i've seen in comics. At the time I was reading Teen Titans, which shifted to a whole new roster in the wake of superboys death and a lot of turnover off screen, adding in two of my faviorite titans Ravenger and my boy eddie aka Kid Devil, who I'm bound to cover one of these days. It was really good stuff. Other books had roster changes, massive status quo shifts and all sorts of good stuff and most used it beautifully. It's what gave me a love of time skips and what you can do with that.
Given Jamie didn't come in till Infinite Crisis he wasn't obligated to use the gimmick and looking at his first two issues, they cleverly DIDN'T plaster the sticker on there, as to not give away the twist. There was no way a reader would know this had a one way time jump going in and no way a modern reader will know reading the trade. It also means they didn't HAVE to use it.. but i'm glad they did: Jamie being gone and his family and friends dealing without him leaves a massive gap and seeing how it was before allows us to discover how it is now alongside our boy. Some truly magificent storytelling.
We open issue 3 with..
I'm not kidding... we open with Peacemaker, complete with tatoo's. .talks about dreaming 'Blue dreams".. while casually beating up some guys holding up a convience store. He has a friend in the area he just dosen't know it.. god help him.
Back with Jamie, his mom.. dosen't belivie a word and neither does his dad, thinking it was drugs or something. His mom even calls it "this fairy tale". Now in MOST stories i'd get it: it's a LOT to take in and a lot to believe.
The problem is in the details: when Jamie disappeared.. the world was in danger: robots were swarming the sky, an army of supervillians escaped. There was mass destruction all over the world and an army of superheroes engaged in a massive battle for the fate of it. All of this happening around the EXACT same time Jamie disappears in a world where superheroes are entirely common and have been a fact of life since world war II. It dosen't wreck the story for me, Jamie's mom is fairly practical she probably didn't want to kid herself, I get her not thinking that till now.. but it's still VERY weird that none of them think MAYBE this is true.
So with really no other choice.. Jamie armors up. Which solves the "she thinks you were on drugs problem: but the result.. is one of the most heartbreaking scenes in comics and the one thing I was least looking forward to re-reading this story, a scene that's gotten me EVERY time.
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It hurt to even put that on there. And in a lesser book Bianca's thought wouldn't have any nuance... but as Alberto explains and somehow makes this hurt even MORE
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It's a beautifully heartbreaking segment and part of what makes this time jump work so well: Jamie's disappearnce had a tangible, painful effect. It's an exploration of what just taking ONE person out of the world for that long would do. I also love the end of what I showed you. Alberto explains to his son why Bianca's doing this.. but assures him he's still his boy and this will pass. I also like that they don't just have bianca be evil .. it's simply the SHOCK of all this getting to her, of having to come to the grips with the fact that Jamie is a person.
So he has Jamie go out for a bit, let his mom work through stuff.. though he pointedly dodges Jamie's question about him now walking with a cane. For now Jamie still hasn't gotten a grip on what the suit can do, and tests it, using arm blades and the canon from earlier before popping back naked again. Thankfully this time the Scarab shows it can make him some clothes.
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So Jamie goes looking for his friends.. but both places he tries sputter out: Brenda's moved during the year and Paco isn't at school. Turns out though the Scarab can track anyone Jamie's met, and he acknowledges how creepy that is before heading for the border.
So turns out Paco is WORKING with Damper of the posse, the guy who makes the invisible stuff happen.. but just as their on the bridge here come the men in black, and the MIBS are working for someone named la dama and have cable sized laser rifles. Thankfully before they can blow a hole in paco and damper, Jamie swoops in just in time and blocks it. The MIBs decide "Fuck it this guy wants it big willie style" and attack jamie who struggles to get the scarab NOT to murder them, but manages to take them out then swoops off with Hector since homeland security are you know.. homeland security.
Jamie explains things to hector before stopping on a roof with him.
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It's a touching and MUCH needed bit of cahtarsis. After going through a LOT of shit in the past three issues.. Jamie's finally given a proper welcome home.
Paco also helps with Brenda... turns out things got even WORSE with her dad and the bastard put her in the ICU. As paco brilliantly put it, there apparently really IS a god as a week later he died, and Brenda's beloved great aunt took her in. Paco's still visiting but hasn't told her about the posse. Jamie's reunion with brenda is just as sweet if a bit .. less huggy.
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So we open issue 2 and Jamie is doing his homework. He finds ted doing this without powers cool.. until he gets to the bullet in the brain part. Clearly a bit unnerved he moves on to dan, who at least gives him a clue, the scarab gave dan powers.. but he wonders why it skipped over ted. That's when he gets a visitor on the web: Oracle.
For those who haven't seen this version of her, Oracle is barbra gordon. During the killing joke the joker , wanting to drive Comissioner Gordon to madness, shot barbara. That wouldve been the end in many cases but not liking this one bit, writer John Ostrander turned her into oracle, who works as most superheroes go to help line, paticuarlly the bat family and her own operatives the birds of prey. She TRIES to recruit Jamie: Ted was her friend and this makes it her buisness... but instead of opening with "Ted Kord was my friend I just want to help" or something like that which might not have worked but at least would've softballed you know, hyjacking his monitor, Jamie instead blows up at her, mad the other heroes didn't find him (In her defense they had no way of knowing he was missing as Booster never told them and isn't around due to his fate, revealed in the series covering the missing year 52, not being known at the time this comic was published),. Jamie blasts the screen and tells her to go to hell while Black Canary, who is both barbra's best friend na dmain field operative needles her a bit. She likes Jamie though and it's clear she gets it: to Jamie the superhero community abandoned him, and heroes don't do that, and he simply needs time to process the fact their humans and they fuck up.. and that guy DOSEN'T represent them. Though Babs didn't HELP with that one by saying "if he wanted you dead you'd be dead" which is factually true but dosen't exactly calm down the scared teenager babs.
Anyways Jamie's mom takes him to the doctor where they find nothing. Jamie points out that's a good thing: if he HAD found the scarab, which can retreat into Jamie, there would've been a LOT of questions and possibly the government on their asses. We do see Bianca's come around a bit: after jamie apologizes Bianca tells him he has no need to: it's not her fault and she has to stop thinking that.
We cut to La Dama's place. While Brenda leaves for school, La Dama talks with her minon Diviner... and given he oggles brenda a bit before La Dama just bluntly tells him if he does it again he dies, no metaphors either she just straight up says she'll have him killed. Direct. I like that. But Diviner is an ass, but he's a useful ass so La Dama wants him to test the new beetle, try and break him. See if he's of any use since as far as she knows, the Scarab is still magic.
And reinforcing my point from earlier, Jamie getting back into school.. was incredibly easy. A lot of weird shit happened around the crisis so he just had to fill out a form. It's a great gag and makes perfect since. All Bianca had to do was say he disappeared in a beam of light. Brenda shows up , getting out a half our earlier as naturally having a rich aunt means she can get a nicer school and the three riff like nothing happened. Diviner finds Jamie easily.. but realizes Brenda being there complicates things, so he decides to stage a false flag attack: test jamie with a monster and save her to score points with his boss at the same time.
They go to their old hangout spot we haven't seen before but fair enough, we just met these guys. Jamie asks them point blank: what happened to his dad. Both are shocked no one told him and while Jamie got the cliff notes version, he got hurt at the garage, he knows their not telling him the whole truth.
And shockity shock, they weren't. His dad got shot. Turns out the unreliable guy Jamie was trying to fill in for... was in with drugs and Alberto got shot. Jamie.. blames himself. He was going to get to work summer hours. Thankfully Brenda says fuck that noise..well more don't blame yourself, this isn't a mature readers book.. and in a nice moment Paco.. agrees for once.
It's not hard to see why Jamie's connecting those dots as he lays them out: he disappeared, the cops questioned paco and brenda, her dad nearly beat her to death as a result, Paco joined the posse... but Paco makes it VERY clear it's not his fault.
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It's a brilliant moment that shows for all his bravado.. paco is very EMOTIONALLY intelligent.
Then some groots attack. Well ents but they look grooty enough. Jamie tries to fight them but the scarab won't damage nature. Foreshadowing for later. For now Jamie takes command and points out when it complains there are plenty of trees, tracking where the magic is coming from.
Jamie is able to stop it and it foils Diviner's attempt to seem like a hero.. that and Brenda KNOWING him, knowing he always hits on her aunt, and not trusting him whatsoever. The fact he uses the word "ruffians" to describe jamie and paco dosen't help.
And with this Jamie's full circle knows. It was one of the big word of mouth things I heard in wizard magazine and other places back in the day... and rightfully so. While most teen super hero works have the hero hide it, especially during the 2000's cartoon teen superhero boom that was going on at the time, Blue Beetle.. has everyone find out within issues 3 and 4. Jamie HAS to reveal it to his parents as a result of his missing year and Paco and Brenda learn organically as he has to save both of them in ways that don't feel contrived: Paco was already working with some metahumans and the attack on him introduces la dama.. and makes it a big reveal that this crime boss is Brenda's aunt and guardian, while Diviner was attacking Jamie anyway. It allows jamie's FAMILY to deal with this situation with him instead of him having to hide it and the books better for it.
Am I saying EVERY hero needs to tell their loved ones? no, if you have a godo reason for them to hide it in your story your good. But if there isn't they should know. It's why most 2000's superhero animated shows, while not telling the parents in most, had the friends know at a minimum. It's more intresting to explore how this effects those around them rather than just having them have to hide it.
So the issue ends with Jamie having Paco call on the posse for a meeting.
Issue 5 begins with Jamie waiting for the posse. He ends up instead meeting the Phantom Stranger. For those curious the Phantom Stranger is.. the phantom stranger is...
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I TRIED looking it up but he has no concrete origin. He's a mysteroius man in a trenchcoat and fedora who appears related to magic stuff or to help someone with a critical turning point. For instance brave and the bold had he and the spectre, the horny ghost of god's vengance, wager over wether batman would kill Joe Chill or not. Golly this review is giving me a LOT of ideas for OTHER reviews.
At any rate he says Jamie's not what he thought he was, and then bounces. The posse's rep, Damper the invisible guy from the flashback with probe is ycordial: as long as Jamie dosen't try anything their cool. Turns out Paco is actually really close to him: As he revealed to jamie earlier they aren't into drugs or anything, and as it turns out blocker dude was so upset because one of the other posse members he hurt was his girlfriend who since then has had a baby . And since Paco explained it wasn't a concious decision on Jamie's part, there square for now. He also finds out the stranger was invisible to everyone else and asks the scarab to tell him next time.. and finds out they can't hear the scarab either. Though i'm sure the voices thing went down better as Jamie HAS explained at this point the thing has a mind of it's own. It turns out though a guy working for Diviner is following them.
While that's going on Brenda has lunch with her aunt, who asks her about the boys. She also knows about the Posse though Brenda vouches for Paco, telling them he just hangs out with them. La Dama also wrongly assumes Brenda has a crush on jamie and I like changing this dynamic up: normally in this sort of trio the main character and the girl of the group have the unreseloved romantic tension. Here.. well..
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I love the art here too. It communciates very well that no , Brenda's not denying she has feelings.. she's just utterly mortified anyone remotely thinks she has feelings that aren't there.
So while the Posse gives jamie ten minutes to talk, Divinier begins his plan, summoning a religious hunchback to do his bidding
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Said hunchback uses harlot a lot and is easily tricked into stealing Damper (Shield guy) and Bonita's baby... and i'm suddenly wishing firefist would come back stupid outfit and all.
It turns out Probe is missing and we find out why while also finding out more about La Damia and the Posse: La Damia was originally just a coyote, someone who helps people from the border in exchange for cash or drug trafficing. Some are more benevloent than others, and ran a whole orginzation of them but has gone up in the world over the time skip.
She's also decided after the crisis she has to step it up hence gathering magical artifacts and metas, collecting them for her own team. And it also turns out Paco was ENTIRELY correct about the posse being good guys and harmless: they run stuff like bingo, smuggling and getting people across the border, but as Paco vouched no drugs or anything serious. They do crime.. but it's only because with no real superhero presence down El Paso way, no one on either side of the border is looking out for the little guy. Paco is one of their non meta guys, used for the more day to day stuff. They also figure Beetle's already being "tested".. before bonita rushes in talking about the hunchback taking her baby and accusing Jamie
We cut back to lunch: La Dama continues to grill Brenda, but Brenda both admits everyone likes jamie and gives the beam of light story: while La Dama dosen't buy it Brenda gives good reason for her loyalty: jamie was there for her when she showed up brused at school from her dad, took her lying about it in stride and simply offered genuine support... and with that La Dama clearly realizes she has an issue as she's targeting her adopted daughter's best friend.
Everyone else gets her calmed down.. and Jamie offers to get her back. It's a nice chekovs gun: since he met them earlier, that means he can track the baby using their combined dna. While one of the posse questions if Jamie's a superhero now Jamie dosen't know about that but says "It's a baby, I can't let anyone hurt a baby". While jamie may not WANT to be a hero and given all the shit it's brought down on his life, no one can possibly blame him... it's moments like this and the stuff mentoind by brenda that show WHY he's a hero. Without a moments hestiation he helps two people using something he really dosen't like simply because a child is in danger and he's the best bug for the job. It's jamie's core feature: his heart> he's just a good kid who loves his family ,friends and tries to do the right thing. That's it. It's why his friends and family are so key to his character: they show off he's human, he jokes, he fights with his sister, he's a normal teen.. but also show he's an honest good kid who does wheaver he can to help them, letting Brenda have an escape from her abusive home, helping his parents however he can, just being there. Jamie Reyes is one of the purest, most lovable heroes in the dc universe and this one moment encpasulates.. all of that.
Jamie fights the hunchback of notre slut shaming but has a problem since you know, he has to also rescue the baby then hold it. He traps the guy under a truck but it barely slows him down. thankfully help arrives: Peacemaker shows up on motorcycle and grabs the baby. Which is badass. but he calls jamie the blue monster.
Jamie is able to easily beat quasimodick though ,as the guy WANTS to die and the scarab drains it clean, despite jamie's wishes.. and as it turns out the news was watching. The whole world now knows there's a new blue beetle.. for better or worse. Something I want to note before we wrap up the arc proper next issue: ther'es a runner that while jamie has great power.. he has NO idea to fight. And I like that. He gets by with his gadgets and such but it creates a nice contrast between the previous two beetles: As we've seen while Dan Garret had powers, he was a brawler, while Ted was an acrobat and used movement as his primary weapon. It creates a nice contrast that jamie really only has his brain, much like ted, and brute force at first: no finnese simply because he hasn't had TIME to learn it yet.
So we come to the finale of our introductory arc, and yes ther'es still another issue to cover after, i'll explain when we get there.
We cut to some time after last issue with Jamie having found La Dama's compound. Turns out he didn't know he could do the tracker thing himself, it's why he had to ask the posse about probe int he first place but now he can it was easy enough. He has Paco stay behind though.. not out of malice or anything but as Jamie rightly points out he's can fly ONE person out if things get dicey. They need an exit stratgey. And when paco worries if Jamie's just trying to protect him..
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Our heroes sneak in.. but turns out La Dama naturally ha senors and their soon spotted. The place itself is.. paradise. A really nice garden, plenty of testing. It's clear while La Dama has been taking kids in.. she isn't stupid enough. I mean she still has grunka lunka dunkity darmed guards, but when the guy in charge talks to them he not only tells them they could've got vistors passes. A fight quickly breaks out as our heroes naturally don't assume the best of these guys and one of them spinner, who can swap powers being a dick to the posse dosen't help. A full fight breaks out whlie outside Paco is chasaed. We cut to La Dama who.. handles things well, simply wanting it calmed down and notably giving Spinner an infraction... more on her later as we cut to her other problem, said car chase as Paco tries not to die, while Jamie takes the head guy out of the dome.. and thus the Phantom Stranger finds what he was looking for. it's a lot at once. All good stuff though.
La Dama arrives and ends this nonsese. She also brings out Probe, who turns out is staying of her own free will. As Stranger, whose now visable to all puts it , it's the finest prison.. one of their own will. He's also here BECAUSE La Dama's been hiding magic people, but she counters it dosen't break rules as she's doing it to keep them safe. Which given every the majority of supervillians are still unionized under the society at this point and the goverment's track records includes "send a guy who was used for experiments because he had a rape and murder charge to deal with the new green lantern and hope he dosen't do somethign serial killery to her girlfriend and oh look what's in kyle rayner's fridge".
So Damper makes an offer; since la dama offers saftey, he promises they'll be safe now El Paso has it's own here: Jamie. and Since jamie has no intent to go anywhere and is a good kid he agrees despite just being volunteered for this. La Dama also agrees: they can come and go as they please
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As you can probably guess, La Dama isn't pleased and has a one on one with Jamie, who recognized her as Brenda's aunt. She knows who he is as like Ted jamie isn't the best at keeping secrets.. in this case the fact the Blue Beetle showed up right after jamie disappeared with a very flimsy explination.. it's too obvious and it's clear earlier she was just trying to get Brenda to tell her. As for why she put in the effort he's a threat.. and she's not wrong: he upended a massive operation of hers simply by doing the right thing and so far dosen't have any idea what the hell he's doing.
But as you can tell by this point La Dama's smart and it's part of why I love this character so much: she's a crime boss and she's defintely doing some shady shit.. but she's not a horrible person. She genuinely cares from brenda and sh'es far from stupid when doing her dealings. She was kind to the various metas instead of imprsoning them and when faced with a superhero.. she simply makes an offer. And not "you need to work for me or else" like say the kingpin would a simple one: keep doing what your doing but don't fuck with my operations in a major way, which also neatly dosen't stop jamie from say stopping a dealer or a robbery or something if it's on her dime and he didn't know it, just stops him from dismantling them, which with his powers he likely could. She's still antagonistic, offering to paint him as a villian in the media if he does.. but Jamie shows he's not afraid: she does this, he'll tell brenda. He's clearly bluffing, La Dama can see it.. but the risk is too great not to agree. Also in case you were wondering if things were a bhit TOO concidental with Brenda's new happy life.. Jamie had the same thought...
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Honestly I like that the crime boss in Jamie's life ISN'T some big kingpin style villian. And I love me some kingpin and his dc equivlent blockbuster. No question. But I like that La Dama.. isn't evil. Ruthless, a criminal and someone more than willing to kill yes, but she's complex: she loves her niece, and while she did kill her dad and it's mildly fucked up she did so given the son of bitch hit her regularly then beat her so bad she had to be hospitlized, I have absolutely no sympathy for him. She did what she had to and the complexites of that including what Brenda will think once she finds out, all nicely add some Drama. La Dama says Jamie won't be able to figure out the scarab without her resouces.. when Peacemaker enters and drops the bombshell.
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And this is PART of why I wanted to cover issue 7: it ends on less of a cliffhanger. That and it ties up some necessary EMOTIONAL loose ends too.
So we open our last issue. Jamie recaps his landing to earth and has taken the Reyes Family, Paco and Brenda to the crater it left, with Alberto having them gather some soil samples his cousin can look at. I .. genuinely dont' think this comes up again.
MIlagro suggests retracing his steps.. but still recoils when her brother tries to touch her. It's painful to see. Peacemaker joins the group and understandably Alberto wonders what the strange man wants with his son. Turns out he got the scarabs database, i.e. the instruction manual and more, beamed into his head on a tour of duty. We get our first flashback to inifnite crisis. We also get a few nice bits: Jamie wonders what monster built brother eye with Bruce deflecting it onto Green Arrow. He also later tells them to say they met superman, it'll go down better.. and when we cut back he has. Well most of them take it okay
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Speaking of Peacemaker , Alberto dosen't trust the strange tatooted man and isn't comforted by Peacemaker casually talking about working off the books during the dominon and qurac wars, both wars Alberto served in. It's both some nice character to find out alberto served, and something that leads to one of the series best moments later, and both of Alberto's tours are some nice dc continuity nods: The Dominon War was the DC crossover event Invasion! , where the earth was invaded by the dominators. It didn't have a ton of impact and I mostly know it for two reasons: there were tie ins at the time in most books , in paticular Wonder Woman, JLI, and Suicide Squad for me personally, and Doom Patrol's next relaunch came out of the event and it'd later be the origin story for Crazy Jane. god I also have to do some doom patrol content at some point. Not enough hours in the day I swear.
We also get Paco and Jamie's thoughts on the la dama thing: While Paco is worried she's Jamie's "nemesis" jamie.. is fine upholding the truce. La Dama has stopped the worst of her actions, could easily have him ground into paste if she wanted as she likely knows someone as powerful at him but with more experince, and is being good to brenda. There's no REASON to shake that hornet's nest for now.
We get the rest of what happened on Brother Eye: Dinah suggests blowing up the bitch, I forgot she'd already met Jamie at this point, and they blow it up.. and as we see it REALLY was accidental: the scarab cloaked itself upon seeing Jon Stewart and then Hal Jordan.. and thus our hearts get broken one last time ... this arc.
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It's one of the best scenes in the whole run and one of the most powerful.. and as I hinted at the main reason WHY I wanted to do this issue. At last, Jamie fully has his family back with him.
As for why he went forward in time it's simple: Brother Eye was already out of synch with time, its's how the scarab could track him since it used similar technology as it's creators, but with Brother Eye busy exploding and everything chaotic Jamie got shifted out of time and phase and thus wound up a year later.
So everything's good right.. except.. peacemaker raises a VERY valuable point as we end on a cliffhanger I CAN live with.
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And we'll get to that some other day as I intend to cover the rest of this series sometime on my own time.
For now though when I finally got to read this run last year.. Blue Beetle became one of my faviorite comics of all time. It was probably easy to tell given i heaped almost nothing but praise on it. It has SOME small growing pains but once we're firmly in the present and everything set the book just keeps going and tells a magnifcent coming of age story. It's not hard to see why DC keeps going back to Jamie or why they thought he could anchor his own movie: He's a wonderful, loveable character with a rich and fleshed out supporting cast. While Ted's death was tragic it paved the way for a book about family, legacy, duty and being who you are versus who people expect you to be. Blue Beetle is a masterpiece and there are trades collecting both halves of John Rogers run out now thanks to the film. Snap them up. This is good stuff and it only gets better. For now though that concludes the main portion of beetlemania, but tune in next week for more beetle as we focus on both boys as they get brave and the bold and we wrap up this retrospective. Thanks for reading.
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hellfirebabe · 2 years
My Heart’s All Aglow {one-shot}
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem reader
Author’s note: i’ve had a really hard time coping with Eddie dying. i haven’t written any fanfiction since the end of 2019, but i felt truly compelled to write for this character. reader is an adult 🤍 feedback is greatly appreciated.
Summary: reader gets high for the first time while hiding out with Eddie (this is set while Eddie is hiding at Reefer Rick’s in volume 1!!)
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings/tags: mention of drugs, marijuana use, language, kissing (while under the effects of marijuana), sexual tension, mutual pining, friends to lovers, reader is described as having hair long enough to braid (in the past, at least)
It was a scent that you had only ever smelled secondhand.
Every morning of your senior year, when your locker neighbor would slam hers shut and walk past you, you would get a whiff. When your brother used to come home past curfew and you would still be awake watching late night sitcoms. At parties and, of course, behind the mall when you used to take breaks during your shifts at Scoops Ahoy, there was always bound to be someone smoking something that smelled a little too musky to be tobacco.
However, you’d never felt drawn to the smell until now — until it was surrounding him in a thick but dissipating cloud. The earthy and woodsy odor was intoxicating — maybe you had a contact high or maybe you just thought his glassy brown eyes and the way his plump lips closed around the tip of the hand-rolled joint were hot.
This was far from the first time that you had noticed Eddie Munson. This was just the most recent, with there being countless times in between the first and latest.
It was the first day of your sophomore year, as well as your first day at Hawkins High, when the two of you were assigned seats next to each other in second period chemistry. You still vividly remembered the teacher’s snide remark about how he hoped this would be the last time Eddie had to take his class— how he gave a sarcastic ha-ha and just stared out the window for the majority of the period, half-hidden by a curtain of thick curls. Despite not saying a word for most of the semester, he was able to distract you without even trying.
Instead of focusing on Mr. Receding Hairline’s lectures on atomic structure and thermodynamics, you’d focus on the faint sound of music that would escape from his headphones. It was normally too muffled for you to make out exactly what was playing, but you could tell it was heavy and harsh and different from what you were used to.
You were always acutely aware of his smell - leather and after shave and occasionally cigarettes (and yes, occasionally weed too, looking back on it) - as well as his ring-clad fingers that you probably glanced at a noticeable amount.
You didn’t want to admit it to yourself at the time, but you looked forward to the class every day, and you felt a pang of disappointment any time that Eddie was absent. The two of you usually only exchanged words when necessary, but his presence was comforting to you nonetheless— and you would have been lying if you had said you didn’t try to edge your chair closer to his on occasion.
You sat on the opposite end of the porch from him, swaying back and forth on a rickety farmhouse style swing and attempting to distract yourself with the weathered copy of The Eyes of the Dragon that you had found on the coffee table of Reefer Rick’s living room.
But the sunset had peaked half an hour ago, and it was now too dark to comfortably read the small print with only the illumination of the full moon. Thus, leaving you to watch Eddie’s nimble fingers roll his second joint of the evening. He was precise in his movements, experienced, quick.
“Remind me to pay Rick back for all of his weed I’ve smoked,” Eddie mumbled before flicking the lighter.
“Hopefully you won’t still be hiding out in his house by the time he finishes his prison stint,” you sighed.
“That’s true,” Eddie exhaled the hit that’d been holding in. “Who knows, at this rate, I might be,” he laughed softly, turning to stare out towards the lake.
“It’s only been two days,” you encouraged meekly.
“Two days and I’m already going fucking stir-crazy,” he shook his head, not looking in your direction. “Nothing to do except eat expired Spaghettios and get five minutes of fresh air after the sun goes down.”
“Sounds better than an entire basketball team of teenage boys knowing where you are and actively trying to kill you,” you shrugged and followed his gaze to the water.
“No, yeah, you’re right,” he looked back at you but quickly re-averted his gaze outwards— a hint of embarrassment on his features.
“I’m sorry,” he continued. “I don’t mean to be ungrateful. I know you and your friends are putting yourselves at risk to help me out.”
“We’re all at risk,” you reminded him. “You didn’t ask for this and it isn’t your fault. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, I guess,” he mumbled half-heartedly. “It’s not all bad, anyway,” his voice perked up. “Not only did I find a quarter ounce of this stale, dry ass bud, but I’ve also got a pretty lady keeping me company,” he turned his head in your direction and you thought you saw him wink— maybe the moonlight was playing tricks on your vision.
“Just trying to make sure no short-dick prick of a jock finds you and drowns you in Lover’s Lake, Munson,” you felt heat flush to your cheeks and you internally cursed yourself for being so easy to fluster. What, like you’ve never been called pretty before?
“You gonna protect me?” Eddie’s tone was light but teasing. He turned his body towards you and leans his back against the porch banister, leather-clad arms crossed over his chest.
“I’ll do what I can,” you smirked at him. “But I make no promises.”
For a long moment, he only stared at you. A look you couldn’t quite decipher, but it made you shiver and you pulled your knit cardigan around you tightly. You hoped he hadn’t noticed, and if he did, he gave no indication.
“Can I ask you a question?” you asked before you could psych yourself out, desperately wanting to break whatever tension was lingering in the air.
“Shoot,” his eyebrows shot up in curiosity.
“How long have you been smoking weed?”
“Since the day I turned thirteen years old,” he answered without skipping a beat. You weren’t sure what you were expecting his answer to be, but it still surprised you.
“What’s it like?” you continued, a bit more apprehensively.
He didn’t laugh, or gawk at you, as you had half expected. Most people’s reaction to finding out you’d never smoked marijuana was one of incredulous disbelief. It was the eighties, after all, everyone has smoked pot.
Instead of teasing or ridiculing, he looked you over once more before joining you where you sat on the swing; blazing joint still pinched between his thumb and forefinger.
“Do you want to see for yourself?”
“Oh, I don’t—I’ve never—” you sputtered.
“No pressure,” Eddie added. “If you don’t want to, that’s just more for me. There’s just no description that I could give you quite like first hand experience.”
You contemplated, staring at what he held out to you in offering.
“Why not?” you conceded, accepting the joint. “The world is probably gonna end soon anyway, right?”
“Fair warning, this is pretty ancient weed, it will definitely choke you up so take it slow at firs-”
But you had already begun to pull in the smoke, inhaling without caution; too quick and too strong.
You felt fire spread through your body— starting in your esophagus and moving quickly to your thorax. It felt as though all of the air had been instantaneously ripped from your lungs. Time froze momentarily before your body began to react in a harsh, violent cough.
Eddie said nothing for a moment, just patted you softly on the back while you steadied your breathing and wiped several tears that were rolling down your cheeks. You passed the joint back to him.
“Christ,” you muttered through one last cough.
“Do you think you’re gonna make it?” His voice was tinted with sarcasm, but the placement of his palm on the small of your back showed genuine concern.
“Yeah,” you nodded, still light-headed. “Is it supposed to be that rough the first time? Or did I handle that extremely poorly? I feel like I was really bad at that—”
A deep, true belly laugh from Eddie cut off your rambling.
“You’re not bad at smoking weed,” he comforted you. “That was a perfectly normal first reaction, I promise. You handled it better than some do. Definitely better than I did the first time.”
“I want to try again.”
Eddie hesitated, then cautiously handed the dwindling joint back to you.
“Slowly,” he reminded you.
You learned your lesson the first time.
You inhaled, this time cautiously. Allowing the smoke to fill your throat at a steady pace. It still burned, but it wasn’t as overpowering as before. This time, you were able to focus on the feeling.
At first, you couldn’t tell if you felt any different at all. Slowly, you released the smoke you’d been holding in and you felt it — a warm glowing inside you. Suddenly, you felt lighter. Lighter than you had in your entire life; as if you weren’t being weighed down by organs and skin and bones.
“Atta girl,” Eddie praised. From your peripheral, you could see him staring at you carefully, gaging your reaction. “How do you feel?”
You turned to face him, realizing just how close the two of you were. Your faces were just inches apart— had it been daylight, you could’ve seen your reflection in his doe eyes.
“Like I’m extremely happy that Robin talked me into staying with you,” you replied quietly, voice barely above a whisper. A side effect you didn’t expect from being high – courage to speak your mind, without anxiety screaming at you that you were being too much, too straight-forward. There was a small voice in the back of your head telling you that you would feel embarrassed for saying that when you woke up sober tomorrow, but right now you weren’t sober and you didn’t care.
It was too dark for you to have known, but Eddie’s normally alabaster cheeks were tinted berry pink from your words.
“It’s my turn to ask you a question now,” Eddie dead-panned, not moving his face away from yours.
“Shoot,” you copied his response from earlier.
“Do you remember that we..” he hesitated, seeming unsure of his words. “-shared a lab table in Mr. Hansen’s chemistry class a few years ago?”
You let out a cackle in disbelief. Did you remember?! Did he really ask if you remembered sitting by him every single day for nearly half a year?
“Of course I remember,” you assured him. “I was always too nervous to talk to you,” you confessed in a smaller voice.
“YOU were nervous?!” He jumped up from where he was sitting. “You were nervous to talk to me?”
“Yes!” you exclaimed like it were the most obvious thing in the world.
He paced the porch for a second, like he’d just received life-changing news and didn’t quite know what to say or do.
“I’m still nervous,” you admitted. “The only reason I’m talking as much as I am now is because I’m stoned, I think.”
“This doesn’t make any sense,” Eddie’s brows furrowed together. He stood in front of you, gaze perplexed. “If you only knew the effect you had on me in that class, you would not have been nervous,” he scoffed, and slowly took his place again beside you.
Instinctively, you scooted closer to him. Your left side now pressed against his right, you could feel the warmth radiate from his body.
“Effect?” Your voice nearly cracked as you probed him to elaborate.
“Yes, effect,” Eddie reiterated. “It’s like I didn’t know how to formulate a sentence around you,” he shook his head in exasperation. “I’d almost work up the nerve to ask you something as simple as what page we were supposed to be on, and then you’d flip your hair over your shoulder and I’d completely lose my train of thought when the smell of your perfume hit me in the face.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. The way you felt years ago was exactly how he had felt, too. The way Old Spice smelled to you was how your perfume smelled to him— what perfume did you wear sophomore year? Wind Song or maybe Diorella?
“—and I thought it was so cool how you could do so many different braids, your hair always looked so pretty,” he continued earnestly.
Oh yeah. The French braids phase. And the Dutch braids phase. And the waterfall braid phase-
“Your nails were painted a different color every week,” he stated matter of factly. “And every time you spoke to me, I’d forget to breathe.”
The world seemed to come to an abrupt pause– like everything outside of this run-down, abandoned cabin in the woods was just static. Your words were caught in your throat. You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. There was not a combination of words that could have conveyed your feelings in that moment.
“Eddie, I.. I..” you stumbled over your words. Your eyes clung to his lips, which were just inches from yours.
Fuck, you were so gone for him.
“I really want to kiss you,” you murmured. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since I was fifteen years old.”
He leaned his head forward ever so slightly, so that his forehead now rested against yours.
“Are you sure it’s not just the weed?” There was a nervous edge to his voice, as if he were scared of the answer.
You gave a soft laugh. “Oh, it’s partially the weed,” you admitted. “But it’s still true. In a few hours, this high will pass, and I will still want to kiss you. I can’t help but think I’ll regret it for a long time, if I don’t.”
“Then you should.”
You didn’t have time to react before his lips were moving in tandem with yours. You weren’t even sure who initiated it— all you knew was that his mouth was on you, his hand on your thigh, your fingers tangled in his hair, and that it was all so much better than you could have imagined it being.
His hand moved from your thigh to the side of your abdomen, pulling you closer to him. You obliged, and he pulled you onto his lap— you straddled him from where he still sat on the swing.
You took it upon yourself to deepen the kiss, swiping your tongue across his bottom lip as if asking for permission to enter; permission that he willingly granted.
Eddie was delicate with you— faintly tracing his fingers up and down your back, every time leaving a trail of what felt like burning embers. Even through your clothes, he lit your skin on fire.
After what could have been ten minutes or an hour, you pulled away for a breath of air. With both of your hands cupping his face, you gazed down at him from your place on his lap in adornment.
He looked disheveled, his pupils blown. He brought his hands to rest at your hips, keeping you in place.
“You mean to tell me that we could have been doing this in between classes if I had just gotten the nutsack to ask you to borrow a pencil years ago?”
“Guess we’ll have to make up for lost time,” you shrugged, pressing another soft but lingering kiss to his lips.
“For a first date we could eat old Chef Boyardee by candlelight?”
And that’s what the rest of the night was— cold ravioli (they almost tasted somewhat edible, thanks to the few hits you took of the last joint that Eddie rolled) and sloppy kisses on a drug dealer’s dusty velvet sofa until sunlight eventually trickled through the cracks of the living room curtains the next morning.
Despite the unnerving uncertainty of the future, the two of you felt nothing but contentment and bliss in each other’s arms.
my masterlist
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thewriterowl · 1 year
Owl, you will agree that we Dinluke fans put the writers and directors of The Mandalorian in a very difficult position 😂
Just think, now they won’t be able to give us them meeting again, because I think that the fandom will just explode like an atomic bomb, because after a five-minute meeting, this couple became, in my opinion, even more popular than obikins, it literally became canon, even after how Din and Cobb Vant in the bar almost had non-verbal sex, and Luke and Din only had to look at each other for a couple of seconds, everyone decided that they were now in love and they were married, Grogu their son and a bunch of little foundling Padawans. I thought about Filoni letting Din and Ahsoka meet twice even though from their first meeting we got a lot of Jedi and Mandalorian content and I think this duo is very important in the series because they have such a rich history, feuds and wars, and I think Ahsoka and Din's second meeting was obviously superfluous, Filoni should have let Din approach Luke to talk about Grogu and it would be a very intense moment, the positions of absolutely two different cults and maybe we could see both the chemistry between them, so and their hostility due to their different positions on kinship ties. But alas, we saw an absolutely raw moment between Ahsoka and Din, and the fact that Luke offered Grogu to choose was left in the dark for Din.
I am sure that in the history of the Mandalorians, a moment of trial between these two cults is definitely needed, so that they fight together and cover each other's backs, and then declare an eternal alliance. But only if this is a duet of Luke and Din, then I think that even the most radical homophobes will say that these two are in love with each other and should get married so that Grogu already has two dads 🙏🏻✨✨
Multiple apologies for the delay in this! Been trying to catch up on my asks but it's been busy!
LucasFilm needs to hire someone from the Dinluke community (cough) we will know how to really get this show rocking...by letting Grogu have two dads who are so in love and are having a great time just being married and going around the galaxy making friends and doing side quests as one dad decides if he wants to be a king.
They can help Tatooine and Boba (And Boba's new husband Cobb) get things settled. They can have vacation home on Nevarro. They can see if Mandalore is poisoned. They can build a school.
All the good, romantic things where nothing bad happens ever.
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Astronomers capture most detailed images yet of radiation region in Orionʻs 'sword' Astronomers using the W. M. Keck Observatory on Hawaiʻi Island have captured from Maunakea the most detailed and complete images ever taken of the zone where the famed constellation of Orion gets zapped with ultraviolet (UV) radiation from massive young stars. This irradiated neutral zone, called a Photo-Dissociation Region (PDR), is located in the Orion Bar within the Orion Nebula, an active star-forming site found in the middle of the "sword" hanging from Orion's "belt." When viewed with the naked eye, the nebula is often mistaken for one of the stars in the constellation; when viewed with a telescope, the photogenic nebula is seen as a glowing gaseous stellar nursery located 1,350 light years from Earth. "It was thrilling being the first, together with my colleagues of the 'PDRs4All' James Webb Space Telescope team, to see the sharpest images of the Orion Bar ever taken in the near infrared," said Carlos Alvarez, a staff astronomer at Keck Observatory and co-author of the study. Because the Orion Nebula is the closest massive star formation region to us and may be similar to the environment in which our solar system was born, studying its PDR—the area that's heated by starlight—is an ideal place to find clues as to how stars and planets are created. "Observing photo-dissociation regions is like looking into our past," said Emilie Habart, an Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale associate professor at Paris-Saclay University and lead author of a paper on this study. "These regions are important because they allow us to understand how young stars influence the gas and dust cloud they are born in, particularly sites where stars, like the sun, form." The study has been accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, and is available in preprint format on arXiv.org. These pathfinder observations have assisted in the planning of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Early Release Science (ERS) program PDRs4All: Radiative feedback of massive stars (ID1288). The PDRs4All program is described in a Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific paper by Berné, Habart, Peeters et al. (2022). Methodology To probe Orion's PDR, the PDRs4All team used Keck Observatory's second generation Near-Infrared Camera (NIRC2) in combination with the Keck II telescope's adaptive optics system. They successfully imaged the region with such extreme detail, the researchers were able to spatially resolve and distinguish the Orion Bar's different substructures—such as ridges, filaments, globules, and proplyds (externally illuminated photoevaporating disks around young stars)—that formed as starlight blasted and sculpted the nebula's mixture of gas and dust. "Never before have we been able to observe at a small scale how interstellar matter structures depend on their environments, particularly how planetary systems could form in environments strongly irradiated by massive stars," said Habart. "This may allow us to better understand the heritage of the interstellar medium in planetary systems, namely our origins." Massive young stars emit large quantities of UV radiation that affect the physics and chemistry of their local environment; how this surge of energy the stars inject into their native cloud impacts and shapes star formation is not yet well known. The new Keck Observatory images of the Orion Bar will help deepen astronomers' understanding of this process because they reveal in detail where gas in its PDR changes from hot ionized gas, to warm atomic, to cold molecular gas. Mapping this conversion is important because the dense, cold molecular gas is the fuel needed for star formation. What's next These new observations from Keck Observatory have informed plans for JWST observations of the Orion Bar, which is among JWST's targets and is expected to be observed in the coming weeks. "One of the most exciting aspects of this work is seeing Keck play a fundamental role in the JWST era," said Alvarez. "JWST will be able to dive deeper into the Orion Bar and other PDRs, and Keck will be instrumental in validating JWST's early science results. Together, the two telescopes can provide unique insight into the characteristics of the gas and chemical composition of PDRs, which will help us understand the nature of these fascinating star-blasted regions."
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How to read:
The level before must be satisfied to qualify for the next.
1. Elementary Reading
Keep a notepad on hand for all words you do not recognise. Be sure all is within your grasp w application of effort.
2. Inspectional Reading
Look at the author’s sales pitch even give it a try
There are two sub-types of inspectional reading/watching:
Systematic skimming for books— This is meant to be a quick check of the book by (1) reading the preface; (2) studying the table of contents; (3) checking the index; and (4) reading the inside jacket. This should give you sufficient knowledge to understand the chapters in the book, pivotal to the author’s argument. Dip in here and there, but never with more than a paragraph or two. Skimming helps you reach to a decision point: Does this book deserve more of my time and attention? If not, you put it down.
Systematic skimming for videos: Skim the transcript first, The skim should be very quick and give you the gist of what the video is about. You should be looking at the title, thumbnails, pictures, and first few seconds of the video.
Superficial reading— This is when you just read. Don’t ponder the argument, don’t look things up, don’t write in the margins. If you don’t understand something, move on. What you gain from this quick read will help you later when you go back and put more effort into reading. Same with videos go ahead and watch once sit back. You now come to another decision point. Now that you have a better understanding of the book’s contents and its structure, do you want to understand more than the gist?
Sometimes that’s all we want or need. But sometimes we want more. Sometimes we want to understand. We cannot decide if a work is good or bad at this level- only relevant to our frames or not.
3. Analytical Reading
Analytical reading is a thorough reading, properly digesting the material taking advantage of slow methodical.
At this point, you start to engage your mind and dig into the work required to understand what’s being said. [The blog I stole this from) highly recommends you use marginalia to converse with the author.
There are four rules to Analytical Reading
Classify the book according to kind and subject matter.
State what the whole book is about with the utmost brevity.
Enumerate its major parts in their order and relation, and outline these parts as you have outlined the whole.
Define the problem or problems the author is trying to solve.
You’ll probably notice that while those sound pretty easy, they involve a lot of work. Luckily the inspectional reading you’ve already done has primed you for this.
After an inspectional read, you will understand the book and the author’s views.
But that doesn’t mean you’ll understand the broader subject. To do that, you need to use comparative reading to synthesize knowledge from several books on the same subject.
For videos, review
the questions you will be assigned to answer (a good habit to use in reading, too!). This pre-viewing strategy will
help you know what to look and listen for as you watch the video. Because some videos move quickly
and contain a lot of information, it will help you a lot if you know what to listen for.
The second time, pause the video each time you find an answer so you can write the answer down. Keep
in mind that when you watch the video, it is a good idea to write down any vocab you read or hear that is
unfamiliar to you.
4. Syntopical Reading
This is also known as comparative reading, and it represents the most demanding and difficult reading of all. Syntopical Reading involves reading many books on the same subject and comparing and contrasting ideas, vocabulary, and arguments.
This task is undertaken by identifying relevant passages, translating the terminology, framing and ordering the questions that need answering, defining the issues, and having a conversation with the responses.
The goal is not to achieve an overall understanding of any particular book, but rather to understand the subject and develop a deep fluency.
This is all about identifying and filling in your knowledge gaps.
There are five steps to syntopical reading:
Finding the Relevant Passages — You need to find the right books and then the passages that are most relevant to filling your needs. So the first step is an inspectional reading of all the works that you have identified as relevant.
Bringing the Author to Terms — In analytical reading, you must identify the keywords and how they are used by the author. This is fairly straightforward. The process becomes more complicated now as each author has probably used different terms and concepts to frame their argument. Now the onus is on you to establish the terms. Rather than using the author’s language, you must use your own. In short, this is an exercise in translation and synthesis.
Getting the Questions Clear — Rather than focus on the problems the author is trying to solve, you need to focus on the questions that you want answered. Just as we must establish our own terminology, so too must we establish our own propositions by shedding light on our problems to which the authors provide answers. It’s important to frame the questions in such a way that all or most of the authors can be interpreted as providing answers. Sometimes we might not get an answer to our questions because they might not have been seen as questions by the authors.
After skimming the video transcript on Khan and watching it for key ideas and content, you’ll think about and answer
some bigger picture questions that will help reinforce why this video is important to what you are learning,
and how it connects to other content you’ve studied.
Defining the Issues — If you’ve asked a clear question to which there are multiple answers then an issue has been defined. Opposing answers, now translated into your terms, must be ordered in relation to one another. Understanding multiple perspectives within an issue helps you form an intelligent opinion.
Analyzing the Discussion — It’s presumptuous to expect we’ll find a single unchallenged truth to any of our questions. Our answer is the conflict of opposing answers. The value is the discussion you have with these authors. You can now have an informed opinion.
-Becoming a Demanding Reader-
Reading is all about asking the right questions in the right order and seeking answers.
There are four main questions you need to ask of every book:
What is this book about?
What is being said in detail, and how?
Is this book true in whole or in part?
What of it?
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textribe · 3 months
Difference between Aluminium or Aluminum?
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Aluminium and Aluminum may seem like a case of British versus American English preferences, but there's more to these variations than meets the eye. Both terms refer to a silvery-white, nonmagnetic metal used extensively in products ranging from household foil to aerospace components. However, the difference in spelling reflects broader historical, linguistic, and cultural nuances. This article delves into the specifics of each term, exploring their definitions, origins, pronunciations, and uses in sentences. By comparing aluminium and aluminum directly, we aim to provide a clear understanding of when and how to use each term correctly. Quick Facts Table AspectAluminiumAluminumSpellingBritish EnglishAmerican EnglishPronunciation/ˌaljʊˈmɪniəm//əˈluːmɪnəm/OriginNamed in 1808, standardized in late 19th centuryPopularized in the United States in the 20th centuryUsagePreferred in UK, Commonwealth, and most of the worldPredominantly used in the United States Difference Between “Aluminium” and “Aluminum” Definition of Aluminium Aluminium, with the chemical symbol Al and atomic number 13, is a lightweight, durable metal known for its corrosion resistance and ability to conduct electricity. It is the third most abundant element in the Earth's crust and is obtained primarily from bauxite ore. Aluminium is used in a wide range of applications, including transportation, packaging, construction, and electrical industries. Definition of Aluminum Aluminum is the American English spelling for the same element. It shares the same properties and applications as aluminium, reflecting the versatility and importance of this metal in modern technology and industry. The difference in spelling has no bearing on the physical or chemical properties of the element. Origin of Aluminium The term "aluminium" was first proposed by Sir Humphry Davy in the early 19th century. He initially named the element "alumium" in 1807, before changing it to "aluminium" to align with the naming conventions of other elements like sodium and potassium. This spelling was later adopted in Britain and other countries, following the standard set by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Origin of Aluminum The spelling "aluminum" was popularized in the United States following the influence of American chemists and the Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa), founded in 1888. The simpler spelling was easier to pronounce and gradually became the standard in American English. Despite efforts by some to standardize the spelling internationally, "aluminum" remains prevalent in the United States. Pronunciation - Aluminium: Pronounced as /ˌaljʊˈmɪniəm/, with the stress on the penultimate syllable. - Aluminum: Pronounced as /əˈluːmɪnəm/, with the stress on the second syllable. Comparing Aluminium and Aluminum The primary difference between "aluminium" and "aluminum" lies in their spelling and regional usage. Both terms describe the same element, with no distinction in their scientific or industrial applications. The choice between them often depends on the writer's or speaker's location, with "aluminium" being preferred in British English and "aluminum" in American English. This distinction is a perfect example of how language evolves and diverges, especially in a scientific context. Usage in Sentences with Explanations Use of Aluminium in Sentences - The aircraft's body is made of aluminium due to its lightweight and durable properties. - Aluminium foil is a kitchen staple for preserving food and cooking. - Recycling aluminium cans saves a significant amount of energy compared to producing new ones. - The artist used aluminium sheets as a medium for her metal sculptures. - Aluminium production is a major industry in some countries, contributing to their economy. Use of Aluminum in Sentences - Aluminum siding is popular in the US for its durability and low maintenance. - The new electric car features an aluminum frame to reduce weight. - An aluminum bat is often preferred by players for its lighter weight and faster swing speed. - Aluminum wiring was common in residential electrical systems during the 1960s and 1970s. - Aluminum oxide is used as an abrasive in sandpaper and polishing compounds. Conclusion Whether you prefer "aluminium" or "aluminum," it's clear that this element plays a crucial role in our daily lives and technological advancements. The choice of spelling largely depends on regional preferences, with no impact on the element's significance in various industries. Understanding the history and nuances behind these terms enriches our appreciation for the language of science and its global diversity. Commonly Asked Questions - Is there a difference in the physical properties between aluminium and aluminum? - No, "aluminium" and "aluminum" refer to the same element and share identical physical and chemical properties. - Why are there two different spellings for the same element? - The difference in spelling reflects the historical development of the English language in different regions, particularly between British and American English. - Can I use "aluminium" and "aluminum" interchangeably? - Yes, but it's best to be consistent with the regional spelling preference of your audience. Read the full article
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Better Cryo-EM: Key Improvement to Nobel Prize-Winning Technology - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/better-cryo-em-key-improvement-to-nobel-prize-winning-technology-technology-org/
Better Cryo-EM: Key Improvement to Nobel Prize-Winning Technology - Technology Org
The scientists who received the 2017 Nobel Prize in chemistry were honored for their development of a technique called cryo-electron microscopy, or cryo-EM. The technology was revolutionary because it enabled scientists to see the atomic structure of biological molecules in high resolution.
An electron microscope image of scaffolds attached to the protein KRAS (background). The left circle highlights one imaging scaffold, the second displays the 3D structure of the imaging scaffold bound to KRAS, and the third shows a close-up of KRAS attached to the cancer drug AMG510. Image credit: Roger Castells-Graells/UCLA
But cryo-EM still had a catch: It was only effective for imaging large molecules.
Now, UCLA biochemists, working with pharmaceutical industry scientists, have developed a solution that will make it possible for cryo-EM to acquire high-quality images of smaller protein molecules, too. The scientists engineered a 20 nanometer, cube-shaped protein structure, called a scaffold, with rigid tripod-like protrusions that hold the small proteins in place.
The scaffold can be digitally removed from the Cryo-EM picture when the imaging is being processed, leaving a composite 3D image of just the small protein scientists are analyzing.
Small and medium-sized proteins are a hot point for research on potential new drugs that might one day be used to fight some of the most intractable human illnesses. The advance, which was tested on a protein that scientists are studying for its possible use in cancer treatments, can be customized for almost any small protein.
A series of cryo-EM images. The greyscale photos represent 2D projections of multiple views of the imaging scaffold attached to a target protein; the color image illustrates the 3D reconstruction derived from 2D projections. Image credit: Roger Castells-Graells/UCLA
Researchers expect that expanding cryo-EM’s imaging capabilities will help them identify specific locations on proteins that they can target for therapeutic purposes.
A paper about the new research is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
In cryo-EM, scientists use a cryo-electron microscope to send a beam of electrons through frozen samples of material, leaving behind an image of the thousands of molecules — such as proteins — in the sample. The molecules are imaged exactly as they lie in the sample, producing thousands of 2D photographs of the molecule taken from different angles.
Computer processing reconciles all of those Cryo-EM photographs to formulate a correct 3D image — separating the background, grouping images with similar orientations together and generating a high-resolution, 3D image of a single molecule.
But when it comes to imaging the smallest protein molecules, their tiny size makes it impossible to ascertain their orientations in the images, which results in relatively low-resolution images.
In previous studies, scientists attempted to solve the problem by attaching small molecules to larger scaffolds, but those experiments demonstrated that if the small molecules were attached too flexibly, they would protrude from the scaffold at different angles and orientations — which would still produce blurry images.
“The images are blurry because the computer can’t create a distinct composite image when it can’t determine the orientations accurately,” said Todd Yeates, a UCLA distinguished professor emeritus of biochemistry, interim director of the UCLA–Department of Energy Institute for Genomics and Proteomics and the paper’s corresponding author.
In the new study, the scaffold created by the scientists has tripod-shaped protrusions that capture the proteins and hold them firmly in place, which yielded the higher-resolution images they were aiming for.
“Attaching the small molecules rigidly to larger scaffolds creates particles that are large enough to be imaged, and which all have precisely the same 3D shape,” Yeates said. “And from there, the process works as usual to construct the high-resolution 3D image.”
Roger Castells-Graells, a UCLA postdoctoral researcher and the study’s lead author, said the scientists first tried another shape for the scaffold before landing on the version with tripod-shaped protrusions.
“At first we used one ‘stick’ pointing outward and that didn’t work as well,” he said. “The new scaffold has protrusions that point toward each other in triplets — like tripods — that hold the protein firmly.”
The researchers tested their scaffold by attempting to create images of a protein called KRAS.
KRAS encourages cells to proliferate and is involved in about 25% of human cancers; it’s of particular interest to pharmaceutical researchers because identifying specific locations on the protein that are related to its cancer-causing abilities could help scientists design drugs that neutralize activity at those locations — which could be one path toward treating cancer.
Using cryo-EM and the scaffold they developed, the UCLA-led team was able to observe the atomic structure of KRAS attached to a drug molecule that is being studied as part of a potential treatment for lung cancer.
Their work proved that the new scaffolded cryo-EM approach can illuminate how drug molecules bind with and inhibit cellular proteins like KRAS, and could help guide the development of more effective drugs.
The potential applications for the new advance don’t stop with cancer drugs, Castells-Graells said.
“Our scaffold is modular and can be assembled in any configuration to capture and hold all kinds of small protein molecules,” he said.
The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Energy and was a collaboration with scientists from Astra-Zeneca, whose team was led by Chris Phillips, and Gandeeva Therapeutics, whose team was led by Sriram Subramaniam.
UCLA has filed a patent on the new technology, and Yeates, Castells-Graells and colleagues have started a new company, AvimerBio, to help develop new commercial applications using the new methods, in collaboration with leading pharmaceutical companies.
Source: UCLA
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schoolmykidsparenting · 10 months
The Periodic Table of Elements: Names and Symbols of the Building Blocks of Matter
The periodic table of elements is a fundamental tool in the world of chemistry. It organizes all known chemical elements based on their atomic number, electron configurations, and recurring chemical properties. With a staggering variety of elements, each having unique names and symbols, the periodic table provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the building blocks of matter. In this article, we will explore the significance of the periodic table and delve into the names and symbols associated with these essential elements.
Hydrogen (H): At the very beginning of the periodic table, we find hydrogen (H). It is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. Hydrogen plays a vital role in numerous chemical reactions and is often used as a fuel source or in the production of ammonia.
Helium (He): Helium (He) is the second element on the periodic table. It is known for being a noble gas and is most commonly associated with its use in filling balloons. Helium is also used in cryogenics and as a shielding gas in arc welding.
Carbon (C): Carbon (C) is an essential element for life as we know it. It is present in all organic compounds and forms the basis of countless biomolecules. Carbon is versatile, forming strong bonds and exhibiting a wide range of chemical behaviors.
Oxygen (O): Oxygen (O) is a vital element for supporting life. It is essential for respiration and combustion processes. Oxygen is found in the Earth's atmosphere and is widely used in various industrial applications, including steel production and medical therapies.
Nitrogen (N): Nitrogen (N) is a nonmetallic element that makes up the majority of Earth's atmosphere. It plays a crucial role in the formation of proteins, nucleic acids, and many other biological molecules. Nitrogen is also used in the production of fertilizers and explosives.
Sodium (Na): Sodium (Na) is a highly reactive metal that is essential for various physiological functions in living organisms. It is commonly found in table salt (sodium chloride) and is used in the manufacturing of numerous chemicals, soaps, and detergents.
Iron (Fe): Iron (Fe) is a transition metal known for its strength and magnetic properties. It is an essential component of hemoglobin, the protein responsible for transporting oxygen in our blood. Iron is widely used in construction, manufacturing, and the production of steel.
Gold (Au): Gold (Au) is a precious metal highly valued for its beauty and scarcity. It has been used in jewelry and currency for thousands of years. Gold is also a critical component in electronics, dentistry, and various industrial applications.
Uranium (U): Uranium (U) is a radioactive element that has important applications in nuclear power generation. It is used as a fuel in nuclear reactors and has significant implications for both energy production and nuclear weapons.
Zinc (Zn): Zinc (Zn) is a transition metal that plays a vital role in numerous biological processes. It is essential for immune function, wound healing, and the synthesis of DNA. Zinc is also widely used in the production of alloys, batteries, and as a protective coating for iron and steel.
Conclusion: The periodic table of elements encompasses a vast array of substances that form the basis of matter. The names and symbols associated with each element provide a standardized and universal language for chemists and scientists worldwide. Understanding the periodic table of elements with names and symbols is crucial for studying chemistry and unlocking the mysteries of the natural world. By exploring the names and symbols of the elements mentioned in this article, we gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity and significance of these building blocks of matter
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tixersdotcom · 1 year
Sony Liv's original series, "Rocket Boys," was released on February 4, 2022. It is a fantastic web series that focuses on the journey of a historical event: India's first rocket launch on November 21, 1963. Directed by Abhay Pannu, "Rocket Boys" established the father of nuclear science in India, Dr. Homi Bhabha, and the father of Indian space research, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, in a remarkable fashion. We have heard or read stories about them, but most of us are still unaware of the nitty-gritty of their contributions and the mindset behind their inventions. The West has been making movies and series about their inventors and scientists very often, but in India, there are only a few projects about our country's inventors and scientists. Luckily, this series exists, and it is one of the best projects in terms of cinematography, long and descriptive shots, background score, and brilliant performances by the stellar cast. If you still haven't watched "Rocket Boys" yet, it is highly recommended. Now that we know the second season is set to be released, here's a recap of the first season of "Rocket Boys." Spoilers Ahead 'Rocket Boys' Season 1: Recap "Rocket Boys" is a historical drama series that tells a tale about how two physicists, Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhaba (Jim Sarbh) and Dr. Vikram Sarabhai (Ishwak Singh), contributed to India's first rocket launch in a remote village called Thumba in Thiruvananthapuram in 1963. The first five minutes of episode 1 are just amazing and set the tone very well. We see the introduction of the iconic characters of Homi Bhabha and Vikram Sarabhai. After a conflict between the leads over whether they should make an atom bomb or not, we go back in time and witness the start of their backstory, which sets its premise in the 1940s. How the lead characters are affected by the world war while studying abroad has been showcased very realistically. After they came back to India, they witnessed the freedom struggle going on and felt the immense tension of the serious situation. The shocking aspect is that, as a scientist, a calm environment is needed to work on something, but with so much going on, they have to indulge themselves in being a part of it. We see in the first episode that Vikram is doing experiments with rockets in Cambridge, then he comes back home, and his family supports his decision to send him to Bangalore to work under Dr. C.V. Raman. The first episode is about the coming together of Homi Bhabha and Vikram Sarabhai and showcasing how the freedom struggle becomes a part of their lives. The ending of the first episode marks removing the union's flag and the putting of the Indian flag up, which gives the viewers of this show an amazing experience. The second episode, however, brings a different tone, and there are many funny segments that people might not anticipate from a series of this nature. The chemistry between Jim Sarbh and Ishwak Singh is just delightful to watch. We get introduced to the love interests of both characters. The drama is very much needed to show the depths of the characters, and there is a certain depth portrayed in the relationships that allow individual characters to hold onto their unique identities. The scenes of the unit getting shut down and the leads having to raise money for it, and the struggle they face in overcoming their hardships make the show very realistic. However, the constant parallel being drawn between both individuals' ideologies ends in conflict between the leads, and they part ways. The first two episodes establish different mindsets and ideologies for the leads, while the third episode of "Rocket Boys" focuses on the individual growth of the lead characters. For Homi Bhabha, we get a backstory and understand what his dreams and motivations are. Also, we see that his dream has come true, but he can never show that to his father. On the other hand, Vikram is dealing with love; he wants to convince Mrinalini (Regina Cassandra) but is struggling with that because of the constantly growing tension.
Interestingly, the parallel going on between both characters and how both of them are inspiring each other is beautifully captured. We all know how cruel and devastating the incident of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was, and at the beginning of episode 4, we see snippets from the incident. Unfortunately, Homi lost his father and went into a depression, from which he he couldn't come out, and he found himself lost in his own world. Later, we see the scenes from Indian Independence Day, the night of August 15, 1947. As the nation advances, the characters are also advancing: Homi wants to work on atomic energy, and Vikram wants to work at the Textile Institute. In this episode, we get to know more about Raza (Dibyendu Bhattacharya) and his backstory and realize why he gets jealous of the leads all the time. One of the most beautiful things about the series is that we get to see the other side of independence. We have seen how it is always shown from the perspective of the freedom fighters struggling for independence and achieving it, but in this episode, we see how it feels from the common people's perspective and also from the scientists' perspective. The episode ends with a massive introduction to the character of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (Arjun Radhakrishnan). The fifth episode of "Rocket Boys" is called "The Outsider," which is very interesting as it can be many people. It can be Raza, or it can be the reporter who comes to Raza, who is a spy for the C.I.A. The outsider can also be Vikram because he is trying to bring technology to the textile industry and is the odd one out. Politics in India is something that gets in the way of every good aspect, and in this series, we also see a lot of politics going on and what the scientists have to do, which is not easy for them to handle. We see a wonderful performance by Saba Azad in episode 5. Although the main focus of this series is the buildup to making and launching the first rocket, it can be felt by the end of episode 5 that the main topic does get diverted. It Is very interesting to see how the drama in the series plays a massive role in the development of the lead characters. By the time we reach episode 6, we will have witnessed some hard-core politics. Now, between the scientists themselves, there is always this dilemma that science needs time and money to make something or create something that will help even after a long period of time. Interestingly, Abhay Pannu establishes a brilliant segment that shows a parallel for both Homi and Vikram. For Homi, it's about spending time building the nuclear reactor, and for Vikram, it's the mill workers who are not happy that machines are coming and taking up their jobs. It Is undeniable that the main focus of the show gets drifted away in the first 6 episodes, but luckily, episode 7 of "Rocket Boys" marks a comeback of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam enters the picture and helps him get back on track with making the rocket. We see the nuclear reactor is ready, but unfortunately, something goes wrong, and they have to rebuild it. The end of episode 7 takes us back to the starting point of episode 1, which establishes the conflict over whether to build the atom bomb or not. 'Rocket Boys' Season 1: Ending - Physicists Who Inspired An Entire Nation The final episode of "Rocket Boys" brings a thriller angle to the storyline. The C.I.A. agent and the conspiracy serve really well to establish a different aspect of this series. This episode also marks the historical event of the rocket launch and shows how the characters felt after putting in the effort and surviving through conspiracies and politics. However, the end of this episode is a bit absurd, as it ends with Prosenjit Dey (Namit Das) explaining an unknown event and a conspiracy theory to Vishwesh Mathur (K.C. Shankar). The Intelligence agencies of the United States never wanted India to hold nuclear power. After Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru gave the green signal to Dr. Homi Bhabha, the conflict between India and other nations started to take a serious shape.
Raza is established as a villainous character in this series, and his actions and leaks within the entire system caused the death of one of the greatest physicists of India, Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhaba. "Rocket Boys" is definitely one of the most exciting Indian web series that will be released in 2022. The lead characters, Jim Sarbh and Ishwak Singh delivered powerful performances, which make this show worth binge-watching. Season 2 of "Rocket Boys" is being released on March 16, 2023, on Sony liv, and I assume by watching the trailer that it is definitely going to be exciting for the viewers of this series.
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bedlomo · 2 years
Entropy is
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In 1948, Bell Labs scientist Claude Shannon developed similar statistical concepts of measuring microscopic uncertainty and multiplicity to the problem of random losses of information in telecommunication signals. He thereby introduced the concept of statistical disorder and probability distributions into a new field of thermodynamics, called statistical mechanics, and found the link between the microscopic interactions, which fluctuate about an average configuration, to the macroscopically observable behavior, in form of a simple logarithmic law, with a proportionality constant, the Boltzmann constant, that has become one of the defining universal constants for the modern International System of Units (SI). Entropy is central to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy of isolated systems left to spontaneous evolution cannot decrease with time, as they always arrive at a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, where the entropy is highest.Īustrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann explained entropy as the measure of the number of possible microscopic arrangements or states of individual atoms and molecules of a system that comply with the macroscopic condition of the system. Ī consequence of entropy is that certain processes are irreversible or impossible, aside from the requirement of not violating the conservation of energy, the latter being expressed in the first law of thermodynamics. Referring to microscopic constitution and structure, in 1862, Clausius interpreted the concept as meaning disgregation. He initially described it as transformation-content, in German Verwandlungsinhalt, and later coined the term entropy from a Greek word for transformation. In 1865, German physicist Rudolf Clausius, one of the leading founders of the field of thermodynamics, defined it as the quotient of an infinitesimal amount of heat to the instantaneous temperature. The thermodynamic concept was referred to by Scottish scientist and engineer Macquorn Rankine in 1850 with the names thermodynamic function and heat-potential. It has found far-ranging applications in chemistry and physics, in biological systems and their relation to life, in cosmology, economics, sociology, weather science, climate change, and information systems including the transmission of information in telecommunication. The term and the concept are used in diverse fields, from classical thermodynamics, where it was first recognized, to the microscopic description of nature in statistical physics, and to the principles of information theory. Entropy is a scientific concept as well as a measurable physical property that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty.
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rachaelmac · 2 years
Following on from my research boards I wanted to set out a bit of a mind map and see what comes to mind. most of the elements coming out of the mind map where to do with natural sources I think this was due to the nature of the collab be regarding sustainability. Also coming out of the mind map was to do with trend setting, being a step ahead and innovative. Below I done a little more research on a few of the key words that I am going to take forward.
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During my mind map I highlighted the word Atom. Pangaia is a science based fashion brand. This draw me to the different symbols you would find. I started to do a little research on different symbols.
An atom is the basic building block of chemistry. It is the smallest unit into which matter can be divided without the release of electrically charged particles. It also is the smallest unit of matter that has the characteristic properties of a chemical element
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Overall the whole idea behind sustainable fashion it is to help with the impact we have on the plant. Sustainable Fashion Reduces CO2 & Other Greenhouse Gases Emission. Fast fashion has a huge carbon footprint resulting from material creation, manufacturing, transportation, and even textile waste decomposing in landfills. I am drawing to trying to incorporate the colour of shape of the plant in my design.
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Above I sketched out some initial ideas for both of my concepts before I took it into digital. I want to concentrate more around shapes in my designs.
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Above I took what I had sketched out into digital. I selected a few different fonts that liked. I defiantly wanted to make each of them different rather than the same. I was drawn most to the first pairing and the fact the send was italic. Then I create the symbol for an atom. Playing around with the placement of the symbol and the text. Next I added in a little colour to see what I liked. I did revert back to the Primark blue but it just didn't feel right in this instance. Out off all the  logos I definitely liked the placement of the second top on the right but I did like the idea of adding in green and purple of the symbol.
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After previously exploring using a symbol of an atom in the logo I wanted to look at developing it more. Firstly I wanted it to be cohesive throughout the journey from the brand logo to the shop fit. As my design inspiration for the shoplift included some 3D elements and wanted the atom so resemble this also. Above a played around with the size and different fonts.
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Above are my first sketches for the send concept. For this concept I wanted to try and concentrate on the idea of a circle. The circle is the symbol of the earth. 
Before going into digital I was keen to do a little more research of other brands of graphic posters that has tried to incorporate earth. Below are some of the images I was drawn to the most. All of the below are different but have captured the message the are trying to convey. I really liked the work done for the cop26 and as it was done in Glasgow I done a little more research on it.
The identity centres around an image of a globe. The planet is identifiable with its forms of green and blue. The continents and oceans have been given a swirling effect like to marbling. 
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“Right from the off, it was clear that if we did use an Earth image, we had to avoid showing one particular continent over another – no one country can be either at the fore, or to blame,” Michael says.
That led to many discussions about the world being “in flux” and “how the climate crisis crossed every border” he continues, and experiments which abstracted recognisable imagery of the planet. “The end result (after a lot of experimentation) is clearly earth-like, yet slightly other-worldly,”
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After my research on cop 26 I was keen to give something a go to try and create the same effect. With acrylic paint I started to pout it onto some card in different areas and direction. I then got my hair dryer put it on a low and slow heat for the paint to spread and mesh together.
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I then selected my favourite to take forward.
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After I had given it time to dry I then scanned it into my computer so that I could take it into photoshop and have a play around with the colours. After playing around with the hue and saturation I came out with the final outcome. I was really happy with out it turned out. it was a play on colour and how the colours intertwined gave a real sense of the earths surface.
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Next it was time to try and incorporate what would become my print into some of my digital sketches. After merging the print into some of the sketches I started so see how it could come together. The print was very playful and even though I had played around with some of the typography it still didn't feel like it had all some together. so I still had a little work to do.
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Below I started to look for some brand logos that had a more hand written feel. Something that felt more organic and in line with what I was trying to create and could have a better use of visual language I was trying to achieve. I was sent this account of a brand on instagram. I loved how raw this came across. The use on the different thickness of the lines also interested me.
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Below I started to play around with writing out Pangaia in different ways. I first started my a black line pen then went onto using a black marker and finally trying out some hand drawn paint. When I got to using paint it wasn't the easiest to use and had to use some different sized brushed to get the outcome I was looking for.
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After deciding on the final painted lettering I took it into digital. 
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My final design outcome was a merge between raw and digital design. The idea behind the logo was inspired by the carbon foot print created on earth. I wanted to incorporate the earth tones and the rawness throughout my design. Overall I am happy with how it has came out and it merges the brand collaboration and the steps being being to create a better carbon foot print in fashion.
www.itsnicethat.com. (n.d.). Behind the Cop26 brand identity with Johnson Banks, as it takes centre stage at the global conference. [online] Available at: https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/johnson-banks-cop-26-identity-graphic-design-091121.
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teeforhee · 3 years
okay so because of u know the whole ~pandemic~ thing, exams are being done differently this year and the way my specific mathematics teacher is doing it is by having us sit two full assessments and then taking the higher grade of the two and calling that our grade. so we've just got the estimated marks back for the first one, could go up or down by about 3~, a bit more than 3%, and the next one is in about a week and uhhhh. well. to out this plainly my overall score was 91% on the first assessment so. well. I'm wondering if I should ask my teacher to use the second assessment periods as study periods for my other classes where I'm getting way less or if I should be trying extra hard to reach 97% or something.
#mostly just happy that i don't have to take this class again i can do the harder one next year. i think i would actually drop out from#boredom if i had to take this one again. might be nice to figure out why the fuck indicies work Like That but otherwise#my teacher was really worried that I'd have to take this class again bcus i wouldnt pass or wouldn't pass well cos u know#my dad died and i took like 3 months to become nocturnal and contemplate existential anxieties in the woods and didnt do any classwork#for that time so i missed a lot but less than i wouldve missed any other year since a lot of that was catchup for lockdown stuff#overall? I've been SUPER lucky. cant wait to do harder shit next year tho. I JUST REALLY LOVE CIRCLES AND INFINITY OKAY.#watching vihart at age 7 really did rewire my brain permenantly. thank you my liege for my most useful special interest.#second most useful being atomic chemistry#gd..... cries thinking about atoms.....#hello my name is griffin my special interests are science and abstract mathematics. i was diagnosed at 15. wuushshdjwishdbdnuahdhs#i say atomic chemistry cause that makes me INSANE with joy but its really all chemistry. more absteact stuff than practical but#I love knowing facts too. i love rules most but actual specific facts and examples are cool too. so it's really All Chemistry just atomic#stuff is my favourite. sorry for uhhh All This I just <3 feel bad talking about liking academia. it works for my brain!! rote learning and#tests and abstracts and lectures w/notetaking work for my brain!! im just lucky and autistic but still most of my friends are nd in ways#that make academia Not Work At All. which makes it like#mean and rude to go to my friends being failed by the system and say FUCK YES GOT 91% SCIENCE IS SO GOOD#i spent like 4 hours infodumping to someone about science and quadratics and trig n shit and honestly didnt realise how much#i had in my head about this until i got to explain it to an outsider. i feel like i know Nothing but then i can talk for hours abt it#u wanna hear me go wacky insane ask me about uprising as an abuse allegory or about anything chemistry#I mean i really dont!! know anything!! im in highschool i know less than the basics!!! but i lovee the basics so much it makes my heart hurt#thank u for reading. All This ahdgsgjdhegsjjdbshsjhd#microdosing on socialising by making a very long rambly tumblr post#mine#school tw#tw school#ask to tag im SO sorry for bragging i just needed to Talk abt it
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