clannfearrunt · 9 months
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I unwittingly witnessed the scene of a successful hunt just now….! I didn’t even see the aphid when I was taking these. Third guy is a different individual of whatever these guys are (some kind of ladybug? I will report when I find out)
EDIT: they’re a ladybug in the genus Scymnus, likely S. ferrugatus! Thank you user freakpit (not going to tag you twice in the same post)
EDIT 2: it’s actually probably more likely S. louisianae, ferrugatus lives in Korea lol! Whoops!
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musicandgallery · 1 year
Probably the Scymnus rubromaculatus, a very small black ladybug
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wikimediauncommons · 2 months
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file: Scymnus-impexus-04-fws.jpg
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plinyknowsbest · 2 years
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mostly-history · 5 years
Greek historical records say that Tartessos was located at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River.  It was an important trading partner of the Phoenicians, who established the nearby city of Gades (modern-day Cadiz) in about 1100 BCE. Tartessos' wealth came from its mineral resources, including gold, silver and copper from mines in Andalusia's Rio Tinto area, some of which date back to 3000 BCE.  The anonymous Greek 'Pseudo-Scymnus', who wrote a geography of the ancient world in c. 90 BCE, described Tartessos as a 'famous town', whose riches came from the tin carried by the river from Celtica (the region in central Iberia settled by early Celtic peoples), as well as great quantities of gold and bronze.  Copper and tin were especially valuable commodities during this period.  They were the raw materials for the manufacture of bronze, which was used to make tools, pots and pans, belt buckles and other necessities.  Trading ships from Tartessos may also have discovered the route to the lucrative tin mines in Cornwall in the south-west of Britain. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the most important king of Tartessos was Arganthonios, who ruled from 640 to 550 BCE.  His name means 'king of silver' in ancient Celtic.  Another Greek historian, Strabo (c. 63 BCE – c. 24 CE), tells the story of a lost Greek sailor who was regally entertained by Arganthonois and sent home laden with silver.
The Atlas of Lost Cities: Legendary Cities Rediscovered
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The Cookie Cutter Shark
The cookiecutter shark, also called the cigar shark, is a species of small squaliform shark in the family Dalatiidae. This shark occurs in warm, oceanic waters worldwide, particularly near islands, and has been recorded as deep as 3.7 km.
• It’s had three scientific names: When the shark was discovered in 1824, it was named Tristius brasiliensis, followed by Scymnus brasiliensis, and, finally, its current name, Isistius brasiliensis. The genus name refers to Isis, the Egyptian god of light; the species name refers to one place it's found, off the coast of Brazil.
• Its common name comes from the cookie cutter-like wounds it leaves in its prey. Its shape has also led some to call it the cigar shark. If you prefer to refer to it in another language, though, the Florida Museum of Natural History has you covered: almindelig cookiecutterhaj (Danish), cação luminoso (Portuguese), kleiner leuchthai (German), koekjessnijder (Dutch), squalelet féroce (French), and tiburón cigarro (Spanish) are just a few you could use.
• The name cookiecutter is somewhat misleading—the shark’s bites are actually conical. (Ed Yong at National Geographic suggests that “ice cream scoop shark” might be more accurate.)
• The entire underside of the cookiecutter glows thanks to light-emitting organs in its skin called photophores. Some scientists think the sharks use this bioluminescence to blend in with the moonlight, while a dark, unlit collar around its throat, which resembles a fish, draws its prey up from the bottom. (The sharks are also capable of using the organs to flash like a strobe light.) However, George Burgess, a shark expert at the Florida Museum of Natural History, told Wired that the collar does, in fact, glow, and “suggests that by flashing, the band may help draw would-be predators to the 'business end' of the shark.” Regardless of what’s luring the prey, once it’s close enough, the cookiecutter does a bait and switch and has a meal itself.
• The fish lives at depths of 3200 feet during the day, but migrates vertically at night to feed.
• Speaking of eating: To feed, the shark uses its suctorial lips to suction itself onto its prey. Once it’s attached, the cookiecutter spins its body, using the row of serrated teeth on its lower jaw to remove a plug of flesh—leaving behind a crater-like wound that is 2 inches across and 2.5 inches deep—and dinner is served.
• The sharks typically feed on animals much larger than them, including tuna, stingrays, other sharks (even great whites!), seals, whales, dolphins, and more.
• They’ve even bitten humans. There have been a couple of cases where the sharks have fed on bodies in the water, and one long distance swimmer, Mike Spaulding, was bitten by a cookiecutter while doing a night swim off the coast of Hawaii. Spaulding later described the circumstances behind the incident to Deep Sea News:
I was swimming along in perfect conditions. The wind kicked up a little and I was hoping that it was a local condition that would disappear. We were on 30 min[ute] feeding schedule. At 8:15 I was trailing the boat by about 80 to 100 yards. The boat captain liked to run ahead and then go out of gear and wait for me to catch up. On the previous feeding stop he complained about not being able to see the Kayak and requested we turn on our emergency light so he could see us better. He also turned on his cabin lights at the same time. Fifteen minutes after we turned on the lights and I had my feeding I started to feel squid bumping into me. I assumed they were squid as they felt soft. I did not like this at all ... After the 4th bump I felt a sharp prick just to the left of my sternum. It was excruciating and I gave a yelp. As soon as that happened I knew I had to get out of the water and the swim was over. I reached the front of the kayak and turned off the light and started climbing into a one person kayak. As I was about to push onto the kayak I felt a hit on my left calf. I ran my finger down my leg and felt a 2.5” by ¾ inch hole where I had been hit. … The lights attracted squid with in turn created a food chain which the cookie cutter shark was a part of.
Still, despite what Shark Night 3D would have had you believe, they’re not a danger to us.
• The shark loses its bottom row of triangular teeth—25 to 31 of them—as a unit, then ingests them, probably for calcium. Cookiecutters also have 30 to 37 tiny teeth on the top jaw.
• The shark was discovered in the 1800s, but no one knew it was responsible for the marks on other sharks until the 1970s. According to Yong, “The first breakthrough came in 1963, when a man called Donald Strasburg noticed that the cookie-cutter shark would shed its saw-like lower teeth as a single unit. … In 1971, Everet Jones discovered small conical plugs of flesh in the stomachs of these sharks. He also noticed that their mobile tongues and large lips allow them to form a vacuum on a smooth surface. It became clear that this tiny animal was wounding some of the ocean’s mightiest residents.”
• Some inanimate objects also have something to fear from cookiecutter attacks: The shark posed a threat to nuclear submarines in the 1970s. Cookiecutters took chunks out of the neoprene-covered sonar domes of several American subs, which caused the sound-transmitting oil to leak and blinded the vehicles. To solve the problem, the domes were covered with fiberglass. Telecommunications and oceanographic research equipment have also been damaged by cookiecutters.
• The shark is small: Males grow to a maximum of 16.5 inches, while females grow to 22 inches.
• Cookiecutters give birth to live young that develop inside egg sacs in the shark’s uterus; the mother gives birth shortly after the baby cookiecutters hatch out of the egg cases.
• Reportedly, a shark's photophores can emit a glow up to three hours after it dies. Creepy!
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Down in the foot of Italy, or more accurately under the instep and facing the blue Ionian sea, in the region of Calabria, lies the Greek city of Sybaris. Sybaris was apparently the earliest of all the Greek colonies in this part of Italy, being founded, according to the statement of Scymnus Chius, as early as B.C. 720. Famed since antiquity for its great wealth and luxury (our expressions “sybarite” and “sybaritic banquet” acknowledge this fact), Sybaris has held the attention of historians and archaeologists for many centuries.
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Founding their city between the Crathis (modern Crati) and Sybaris (modern Coscile) rivers on a vast and fertile coastal plain in northern Calabria, the Sybarites prospered rapidly by agriculture and trade, and grew mightily in numbers.
The city amassed great wealth thanks to its fertile land and busy port. Its inhabitants became famous among the Greeks for their hedonism, feasts, and excesses, to the extent that "sybarite" and "sybaritic" have become bywords for opulence, luxury and outrageous pleasure-seeking.
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Contrary to the policy of many of the Greek states, the citizens also freely admitted settlers of other nations to the rights of citizenship, and the vast population of the city is expressly ascribed in great measure to this cause. (Diod. xii. 9.) The statements transmitted to us of the power and opulence of the city, as well as of the luxurious habits of its inhabitants, have indeed a very fabulous aspect, and are without doubt grossly exaggerated, but there is no reason to reject the main fact that Sybaris had in the sixth century B.C. attained a degree of wealth and power unprecedented among Greek cities, and which excited the admiration of the rest of the Hellenic world.
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The bull is the symbol of Sybaris and It probably represented the two rivers Krathis and Sybaris to which the plane owed its fertility. The bull was also imprinted on Sybaris' ancient coins.
However, this happy condition of economic prosperity and political supremacy aroused the jealousy of the nearby town of Kroton. Soon the Sybarites got into a conflict with their neighbor Kroton and Sybaris was heavily defeated and completely destroyed in 510 BCE.
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Strabo claims that the Krotoniates diverted the course of the river Crathis to submerge the city.
The ruins of Sybaris became forgotten as they were buried by sediment from the Crati river over time. The ruins were rediscovered and excavated in the 1960s by Donald Freeman Brown. Today they can be found near the modern town of Cassano allo Ionio in the Calabria region, southern Italy. The Archaeological Museum of Sybaris houses important archaeological finds of the area from proto-history to Roman civilization, until the Middle Ages.
Find out more on our Instagram account, @calabria_mediterranea
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mlbigbang · 2 years
January 7 — Compilation
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SCRUMptious Banana Bread by @tbehartoo, art by @emdoddles
Tom Dupain is a rugby prop, lifting and supporting the other players with his strong neck, shoulders, and legs is what he does- who he is. This job is something he knows in his bones: on the pitch or off, he’s the one you want to keep you up. He’s got strong shoulders to carry any weight you care to put on them. He is, quite simply, the one you call. If you need a bookshelf carried down four flights of stairs, you call Tom. If your ball has bounced to the roof of the house, you call Tom. If your boyfriend is acting a little scary and you just want to go home, you call Tom. Tom will get the job done.
When he’s facing off against an opponent that is at least as big as a gorilla at the tryouts for the university rugby team he knows two things: One) This is going to be fun! and Two) He’s finally found another true prop.
Calamity Dusk by @graaythekwami, art by @ayoitsabi and @jangirl83
The Miraculous of the Black Cat was said to hold great power, abilities far beyond the Destruction it granted; and for that reason it had been sought after for centuries, an artifact that people are still seeking to this very day. Nathalie Sancoeur was not one of these people, yet the ring of Destruction ended up on her desk.
She already has plenty of responsibility in her life, from helping run her boss' company to raising his son, and she had no plans on expanding that list. Unfortunately the kwami of the ring seemed to only have two goals in mind: eating cheese, and keeping the ring on her finger. But as long as Plagg is by her side, there will be others after her for the Miraculous.
[GabeNath, Kwami-swap, role-swap AU. Updates Fridays.]
Divine Retribution by @constantconfusion14, art by @pianoplayingpossumart and @thewolfsrunwild
Nino is having a hard enough time as it is coming to terms with the fact that his best friend is Chat Noir. Plagg, however, only sees opportunity. Approached with a chance to work alongside the god of destruction as he seeks nonviolent vindication sounds...morally questionable to Nino, at best.
But working with Adrien's kwami to annoy the hell out of Gabriel Agreste? It's a no-brainer.
What Makes a Hero by meow6296, art by @walcraftart
Marin Dupain-Cheng had a secret. The kind of secret that no one else should know about. In a crowd, he’s like everyone else. But when danger strikes, his city needs him to don his alias of Scymnus and save them all with his partner Chat Noir (who he might be a teeny tiny bit in love with). Sausage-haired foes and unlikely friends emerge in this adventurous rewrite of all things Miraculous.
Disclaimer - All characters are aged up to 16
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Cerise Scymnus
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otaharuo · 4 years
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クロヘリヒメテントウ、Scymnus hoffmanni 、6月14日、名古屋市
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clannfearrunt · 9 months
This is the guy we were actually looking for when I found the Scymnus ladybugs earlier. Lol. Sweeping a flashlight over the leaves made him real obvious.
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dandelionflower · 5 years
Felix Month
Day 5: First aid.
Felix got injured. This wasn’t a new occurrence, as he had taken multiple hits meant for Ladybug since he had accepted his duty as Chat Errant and as Marinette’s guardian. This time, however, was different. He wasn’t in costume.
It had started with getting hit in a game of dodgeball, something he normally excelled at. Then he almost got run over when going to Marinette’s for lunch.
He spent the entire day nearly avoiding death or broken bones. He flopped onto his bed, Plagg flying out of his bag. “Plagg, what’s happening?”
“Well… it’s the week of Friday the thirteenth, so your luck will be really bad. Black cat and all. Knowing your Ladybug is helping you a lot, a few of my kittens have broken bones on these weeks.”
“So, what do I do?”
“Not die, for a start. I can help as much as I can, and the more time you spend with your Ladybug will keep you from dying. But you need to do one extra thing…”
“Take care of Adrien, he had the black cat so there might still be some effects.” Plagg’s ears drooped slightly at the mention of his former holder.
“Fine, but the minute he gets all high and mighty, I’ll use him as a human shield.”
Adrien went nearly two days without injury. Felix went three, he walked Marinette to and from school, which had a positive effect on his experiences.
Then, on the fourth day, Marinette was sick. With no Ladybug to lessen the effects of Friday the thirteenth on Adrien and Felix, there was a situation which landed them in the nurses office. Kim had tried to impress Chloe in science by mixing random chemicals in no particular order. Felix had tried to stop him and Adrien was his lab partner. Needless to say, not even Plagg could have caused more damage.
“Huh, this is odd, your wounds don’t seem to be healing. I’ll go get some better salve.” The nurse left, likely to check the internet.
“Plagg,” Felix whispered into his bag, “what’s going on?”
“Wait, Plagg?” Adrien’s head snapped up. “You’re Chat Errant?”
“Yes, and you’re Chat Noir.” Felix snapped, not ready for the sunshine boy’s ignorance. “Now Plagg, what’s happening?”
“You haven’t been around Ladybug enough, her protection is waning. I’ll get Tikki, she’s great at magical first aid.” He zoomed off, going straight through the wall.
“So you’re the one who took my miraculous.” Adrien crossed his arms, a cold look on his face.
“No, I’m the one who got your miraculous, this guardian was likely the one who took it.”
“Well, I don’t care who took it, I want it back.” He held out his hand for the miraculous. “My lady surely misses me.”
“Whether or not she misses you isn’t the question, you’re not worthy of it anymore, you abused your privilege, so you lost it.” Felix couldn’t believe the audacity of the sunny haired boy.
“You can’t keep me from my lady! We’re soulmates!”
“If that we’re true, you would have respected her more, let her have her own say. But you didn’t, so you lost the miraculous. I got it.”
“But, but, my lady…”
“‘Your Lady’ needed someone to respect her as a teammate, not a potential girlfriend.”
“You can’t take her from me, we’re made for each other. If you try I’ll, I’ll…”
“You’ll do what?”
“I’ll take Marinette from you,” he smirked, “you take my Lady, I’ll take Marinette.”
You fool, Marinette and your so-called lady are one and the same. You call her your lady but she’s not just a lady; she’s an angel. She’s sweet and caring in class, willing to give up anything. As a hero, she’s a force to be reckoned with, powerful and determined. She’s an angel in every way, a celestial goddess. Felix fumed.
Adrien took his silence as fear, and smiled wider. “I’ll do it, you take my crush, I’ll take yours.”
“Fine, do it.” Felix muttered. “She’s her own person, if she doesn’t choose me, that’s how she feels and I can’t change that. But even if she does, I’ll still be the black cat, and I’ll still be a better one than you.”
Adrien looked like he was about to leap onto Felix, when Tikki and Plagg came in. “Hi boys! I’m here to fix you both up.” She lightly touched her paws to Felix’s head, tapping and rubbing it whilst humming a little tune. She moved onto Adrien, who had been glaring at Felix the entire time. Felix gave Adrien a grin, letting him know that his opinion and plans weren’t going to shake him or make him give up his miraculous.
“Alright, that’s the best first aid I can do. See you, Plagg.”
“Bye, Surgarcube!”
As soon as Tikki had left, the nurse returned. “Ok, I think I know what to do… oh! You’re fine now, I guess you can go back to class.”
“Thank you, miss.”
“Now, as you know, Marinette isn’t here today. Who would like to bring her the work to her.”
Adrien’s hand jolted up, as Felix rose with his usual patience. Alya was ecstatic, Nino was starteled and Lila was fuming.
“Well, I saw Adrien’s hand first, so you can take Marinette’s work to her.”
Adrien beamed, shooting a triumphant glare at Felix. Felix rolled his eyes. Is everything a competition with him?
Later, after Felix had finished all his homework, his phone buzzed.
Nette 🌺: Hey can you come over? I need help with the homework. Not contagious btw.
Fe 😾: On my way
The minute he arrived, he knew Marinette was a mess. She kept turning and turning. Tikki flew up to him eyes wide, “I don’t know what happened! You need to help!”
“Marinette.” She wasn’t listening. “Nette. Marinette. Netta!”
“Felix.” She gasped. “Adrien. Homework. Flirt. Confused.”
“Marinette, take deep breaths.” He watched as she slowly calmed down. “Now, what exactly happened?”
“Adrien came with my work, said he’d explain it to me. It was like he was flirting the whole time, though. I didn’t stutter at all. I’m really confused, I still don’t know what to do on the worksheet.”
“I can help with the worksheet. As for Adrien, it’s possible that you’re becoming more comfortable around him. You are friends, after all.”
“I’m not so sure about that anymore…” Marinette whispered, eyes trained on her feet.
“I mean, he values Lila’s feelings over mine, said he was in my corner and just hung me out to dry. She threatened me in the bathroom and I’m not allowed to say anything. And the rest of the class never believed me when I said she was lying. Just a simple fact check would do. I know Jagged Stone! But the minute someone new comes along with a better story, I’m forgotten.” She was weeping now, falling on her knees.
“Nette…” Felix couldn’t believe this. Marinette was the most loyal person he had ever met, almost to the point of foolishness.
“And the worst part? I can’t even get upset about it! They’d say I’m overreacting. Or I’d get akumatized, not that that matters, as long as Lila doesn’t. She threatened me in the bathroom and I almost got akumatized, but could I say anything? No, I might get her akumatized and that doesn’t solve anything.”
Felix stayed silent as she raged, only speaking when she had finished. “Marinette, I’m not going to be much help with this crisis, except for meditation and calming techniques, but I’ll help you with homework and lend you a shoulder.”
“Okay…” her voice wavered as she walked up the stairs.
Tikki flew up again. “Thank you.”
Felix gave a weak smile. “You’ll talk to her?” At her nod, he continued. “I need you to do me a favor, give her the idea that she might not have a crush on Adrien anymore.”
“Okay, anything for my Scymnus.” She grinned.
“Thank you, Tikki.” He sighed. “I would give up anything that Adrien and I never needed first aid, and Marinette was spared this trouble.”
“Good thing you’re her black cat, then.”
He smiled fondly. “I suppose so.”
He heard the footsteps of Marinette coming down and saw Tikki zip off to a hiding place, Plagg close behind. He saw Marinette offer a tiny smile and he gave one in return. He would help his angel, his Netta, in anyway he could, even if it was merely with homework.
(He did allow himself a moment of triumph at the fact that Adrien’s attempt to “steal” Marinette failed miserably.)
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 years
What Makes a Hero
What Makes a Hero by meow6296
Marin Dupain-Cheng had a secret. The kind of secret that no one else should know about. In a crowd, he's like everyone else. But when danger strikes, his city needs him to don his alias of Scymnus and save them all with his partner Chat Noir (who he might be a teeny tiny bit in love with). Sausage-haired foes and unlikely friends emerge in this adventurous rewrite of all things Miraculous.
Disclaimer - All characters are aged up to 16
Words: 7259, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Luka Couffaine, Chloé Bourgeois, Kagami Tsurugi, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Lila Rossi
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Male Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Reverse Crush, Lila Rossi Lies, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Nathalie Sancoeur Redemption, Identity Reveal, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36266266
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bakhriev-dzhamshed · 3 years
Волосатая божья коровка Этот живой корень картошки на ножках — редкий вид личинок божьей коровки вида Scymnus larva. Длинные нити служат для защиты от муравьев и других хищников. https://www.instagram.com/p/CTbUw_gi_ZR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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washimbembe · 4 years
I found a couple of these tiny little bugs crawling around under my dogs’ food bowls. I haven’t been able to definitely identify them, but they might be scymnus bicolor larva, and the little white spines are made of wax! How cool is that? 
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coolbugsifindinlife · 4 years
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Scymnus sp.
Scymnus is a genus of tiny dark brown lady beetles. In some species, the tips of wing covers are light yellow-brown. Other species are all black, all brown, or black with a variety of brown marking patterns. These insects are generally called ladybugs or lady beetles. Lady beetles are predators as both a larva and adult.
Found 5/3/20
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