#sarah agor
pontiobangor · 1 year
AT EICH COED / TREE SENSE yn egino yng ngofodau cyhoeddus Pontio, Bangor y gwanwyn hwn
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Rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi arddangosfa amlddisgyblaethol AT EICH COED / TREE SENSE sy’n archwilio perthynas coed â phobl, bywyd gwyllt a’r amgylchedd ehangach yng ngofodau cyhoeddus Pontio, wedi ei gydlynu gan Pontio ar y cyd â Phrifysgol Bangor a Chanolfan Ecoleg a Hydroleg y DU o fis Mawrth tan fis Mai.
Daw AT EICH COED / TREE SENSE â Pontio a staff ac adrannau Prifysgol Bangor ynghyd, gan dynnu ar arbenigedd academyddion Prifysgol Bangor fel un o brif canolfannau ymchwil ac addysg y DU ar goed, eu cadwraeth a’u gofal. Yn ogystal bydd artistiaid preswyl a chomisiynau yn rhan o’r prosiect fydd yn plethu celf a gwyddoniaeth i gyfleu safbwyntiau amrywiol ar goed drwy amrywiaeth o osodiadau creadigol, gweithdai, sgyrsiau a pherfformiadau.
Bydd yr arddangosfa yn gwahodd ymwelwyr i ystyried coed, megis eu ffurf a’u hamrywiaeth, manteision iechyd coed, eu cyfraniad at ymdeimlad o le, sut y gallent liniaru newid hinsawdd, effeithiau newid hinsawdd arnynt, a sut mae pobl wedi defnyddio coed drwy gydol ein hanes.
Dywedodd Manon Awst, Cydlynydd Creadigol Gofodau Cyhoeddus Celfyddydau Pontio,
“Mae wedi bod yn bleser cydweithio efo'r artistiaid a holl adrannau gwahanol y Brifysgol ar y prosiect yma. Mae'r amrywiaeth o ran ffurf a chynnwys yn siwr o apelio at gynulleidfa eang, a dwi'n edrych ymlaen i bobl weld ffrwyth ein llafur."
Dywedodd John Healy, Athro Gwyddorau Coedwig ym Mhrifysgol Bangor sy’n rhan o’r grŵp arweiniol,
“Yn yr arddangosfa, rydym yn dathlu rôl coed yn ein bywydau o bob safbwynt, o wyddorau coedwigaeth a chadwraeth, i feysydd iechyd a lles, ac i hanes a’r celfyddydau.
Coed sy’n ffurfio strwythur y cynefinoedd a geir mewn coedwigoedd, sef y mannau â’r fioamrywiaeth fwyaf ar y ddaear. Coed fu’r llwyfan ar gyfer hanes esblygiadol primatiaid, ac maent wedi chwarae rhan allweddol yn natblygiad gwareiddiad. Maen nhw’n darparu ar ein cyfer ddeunydd adnewyddadwy ar gyfer lloches, gan gloi carbon yn strwythur pren ein cartrefi a’n ddodrefn. Prifysgol Bangor yw prif ganolfan y Deyrnas Unedig ar gyfer ymchwil ac addysg ym maes coed, a’u cadwraeth a'u rheolaeth. ”  
Cafwyd galwad agored ar gyfer comisiynau ac artistiaid preswyl ar gyfer y prosiect a bydd y gweithiau i’w gweld yng ngofodau cyhoeddus Pontio. Bydd gwaith Anthony Ynohtna ‘Euler’ yn hongian ym mhrif atriwm Pontio, wedi ei greu o styllod pren sy’n ffurfio siâp helics sy’n ein hatgoffa o bresenoldeb a dylanwad dynol ym mhob elfen o’n hamgylchedd ni. Bydd y colectif creadigol Utopias Bach yn eich gwahodd i archwilio perthnasau personol a chymunedol y byd dynol a mwy-na-dynol yn ystod eu preswyliad. Mae’r artist, gof a strategydd sector yr amgylchedd Joe Roberts yn cyflwyno’r darn ‘Pobman ar unwaith a nunlle’n arbennig’ sef cerflun wedi’i selio ar y goeden Ywen olaf ar safle Eglwys Llanfair Garth Branan, yr Eglwys ganoloesol a eisteddai ar dir Prifysgol Bangor. Yn ystod preswyliad Molly Macleod, bydd yn archwilio’r Greddinen Menai prin, rhywogaeth sydd mewn perygl o ddiflannu, ac sydd ond i’w chanfod ar Safle o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig Nant Porth.
Mae’r cyfranwyr o Brifysgol Bangor yn cynnwys Amy Gresham a Heli Gittins (+ Coed Lleol) o’r Ysgol Gwyddorau Naturiol, Amy Monnereau a Lucy Finchett-Maddock o’r Ysgol Hanes, y Gyfraith a Gwyddorau Cymdeithas, Kathryn Davies o’r Ysgol Gwyddorau Eigion / Gardd Fotaneg Treborth, Catherine Walker a Kate Randell o’r Ganolfan Ecoleg a Hydroleg y DU a Caleb Nichols a Briony Collins, Lina Davitt, Judith Samuel, Sarah Pogoda, Zoë Skoulding o’r Ysgol Iaith, Diwylliant a’r Celfyddydau.
Bydd cyflwyniad arbennig ‘For Dom, Bruno & the Amazon’ hefyd, er cof am y newyddiadurwr Dom Phillips a’r arbenigwr brodorol Bruno Pereira gafodd eu llofruddio’r llynedd wrth iddynt ymchwilio yn yr Amazon.
Bydd yr arddangosfa yn agor Nos Wener 3ydd o Fawrth am 5.30pm, gyda lansiad yn cynnwys perfformiadau ynghyd â’r gwaith celf ac ymchwil. Bydd rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau wedi'u trefnu dros gyfnod yr arddangosfa, sy’n parhau tan ddiwedd mis Mai gan gynnwys gweithdai i blant, perfformiad barddonol a Noson Ciosg Celf. Ceir rhagor o wybodaeth am yr holl ddigwyddiadau yma: https://www.pontio.co.uk/online/article/AtEichCoed
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virtual-toast · 3 years
Scream Queens VH1 Recap - Season 1 Episode 4
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Once everyone comes back from the grand ballroom, Tanedra is surprised that Marissa went home instead of Michelle, citing Michelle's acting as "not believable, at all. It's godawful." Lindsay also comments that Michelle "thinks she's a better actress than she actually is." Lina claims herself as "one of the better actresses here". Meanwhile Angela voices her frustration that she hasn't yet been to the grand ballroom or received any direct feedback. I guess that's what you get for being average.
The girls meet up with Shawnee for their mini challenge, and guess what? It's horror-comedy week! What could possibly go wrong? The girls have to perform a super lame scene from a black and white horror movie as just a head on a table, with a male model (aka. a terrible actor) as their scene partner. Lindsay correctly points out that you have to play the scene genuinely because the comedy comes from the cheesy dialogue. She basically kills it by committing fully to the seriousness of the scene with just a touch of over-acting. Tanedra, Angela, and Sarah also do well but over-act a little too much. Michelle plays it like an over the top Disney Channel skit while Lina tries to make it a musical and sings all her lines for some reason?? Like honestly they're both so cringe. But you are not prepared for Jessica. Oh lordy. I honestly don't know how in the world she thought her choice would be a good idea, but apparently she did. She plays it like someone making fun of a disabled person. Her speech pattern, mannerisms, everything she does, it's like... words can't even describe it. It's like a train crash that you can't look away from. If you don't believe me, click here.
Anyway, obviously Lindsay wins the guaranteed callback. Later in Homa's class, the girls are introduced to Melissa Cross, a "scream teacher" who ngl is pretty awesome. She gives them a mini lesson on how to scream without hurting their voices, then each girl is challenged to give a specific scream based on a particular scenario suggested by Homa. Everyone does pretty well except for Lina who gets told off for over-acting, and Jessica who gets in trouble basically for back-talking and not taking things seriously. Angela again privately voices her frustration over no direct feedback from Homa.
Later during dinner, some guy dressed as a zombie comes into the house and the girls all run screaming because omg what a funny prank haha. Angela takes an envelope from around his neck containing their scripts, and a note that tells them they will be auditioning for individual roles in a mock comedy-horror movie trailer called Reform School Zombie Squad. Once she's done reading the note, however, the zombie fucking pukes on the ground and it's like... why?? Who has to clean that up? Why was it necessary? Seriously wtf producers. The girls read through the scripts and find that two of the characters have a make out scene, which Michelle and Lina both say they would not be comfortable doing. Angela has a cry about not getting feedback.
At the audition the girls meet James, the scriptwriter Caleb Emerson, and James' brother Sean Gunn (from Gilmore Girls and Guardians of the Galaxy) who will be the girls' co-star. In their one-on-one auditions, Lindsay goes first and kills her audition for Luwina, which Sean says is "pretty good". Angela auditions for Dana and basically just screams the whole time, which James calls "weird". Tanedra auditions for Carrie and kills it, followed by Jessica and Sarah auditioning for the same character and bombing. Michelle auditions for Shannon and does well, and when asked, tells James she wouldn't be comfortable kissing a girl. Lina bombs her audition for Luwina, doing a pseudo-impression of a black person which Sean calls "borderline racist" and "the worst". James asks her TWICE if there's anything she'd have a problem with or any characters she wouldn't be comfortable playing, and she says no. I'm sure that won't come back to bite her later. The cast is announced as follows:
Michelle as Shannon, the slutty prostitute with the "great vagina" (which Lindsay comments was an "obvious choice, basically playing a tackier version of herself")
Jessica as Lisa, the rich girl with a ball gown and tiara
Lindsay as Luwina, the tough girl from the streets
Angela as Vanessa, the cat burglar and one half of the kiss
Lina as Cat, the Catholic school girl gone bad and the other half of the kiss (HAHAHAHA)
Sarah as Dana, the crazy hockey mask girl
Tanedra as Carrie, the surfer chick and leader of the group
Lina of course complains that she was cast as one half of the girl on girl kiss, and then (probably when she realises the grave she's already dug herself) decides that she's just going to "pretend". lol okay girl. That's the least of her problems though, because for some reason she decides on a horrible screaming voice and lots of tongue-wagging and screeching for her character which just does not work in any way, and refuses to drop it even when James specifically and repeatedly tells her to. Sigh.
Everyone else does pretty well in the challenge tbh, taking James' directions well and also working well with Sean, doing some improv etc. Michelle, to her credit, has a hilarious scene which she kills, in which she gets naked in front of Sean's character along with the line, "Review this record, warden. And by record, I mean VAGINA." It's fucking hilarious.
The time has finally arrived, and Angela and Lina are in their bikinis preparing to shoot the kiss in the hot tub. James describes the kiss in graphic detail which finally gets Lina to admit to him that she doesn't want to do it. Angela mentions that Jessica is down to do the kiss instead, so while she gets subbed in, James basically reads the riot act to Lina (politely, bless him). She tries to make excuses and he's like, "I asked Michelle too and she said no", so she finally apologises to him. In her talking head, Lina says she's "not difficult to work with" and "not a diva" which are both blatant lies, and that her acting isn't an issue which I'm like - girl look in a fucking mirror. Meanwhile Jessica and Angela do the make out scene and it's hilarious, with lines such as, "God, this feels so wrong!" and, "But we can't, we're sisters!"
The next day Lina has a go at Sarah out of nowhere about her apparently leaving a mess in the kitchen / living room, even though Sarah says none of the mess is hers. Sarah (correctly) accuses Lina of being insecure about her shitty work during the main challenge. They have a full on screaming bitch fest in each other's faces while most of the other girls basically just watch them lmao. Lindsay reads the list which mentions Michelle is the week's leading lady, and summons only Angela and Lina to the grand ballroom. Michelle bursts into tears because they are her two closest friends in the house.
There's not really much to be said about this episode's judgement to be honest. Angela gets called out for being really average and fading into the background. Meanwhile the judges go all in on Lina for not only lying about the kiss and stalling production, but also for her terrible performance. Lina gets the axe, and even in her exit talking head, insists it's not because of her acting. Bye, you delusional asshole!
Stay tuned for Season 1 Episode 5!
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moviesandmania · 5 years
Remote Viewing - USA, 2018
Remote Viewing – USA, 2018
‘You never know who is watching’
Remote Viewing is a 2018 American science fiction horror feature film directed by Stuart Paul (Nun’s Deadly Confession; Heaven & Hell). The SP Releasing production stars Sarah Agor, Karoly Bieganowski, Andrea Corscadden, Tim Dax, Tony Gilbert and Paul Issac.
A son and his friends follow his father’s vision that he saw through “remote viewing”. His father…
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deep-dive · 2 years
2021 year-end
albums/eps: Arca - Kick ii–iiiii Biosphere - Angel's Flight Car Culture - Dead Rock CFCF - memoryland Chief Keef - 4NEM Croatian Amor & Scandinavian Star - Spring Snow d'Eon - Rhododendron Danny L Harle - Harlecore Dean Blunt - Black Metal 2 dj lostboi - UNTITLED DJ Sprinkles - Gayest Tits & Greyest Shits: 1998-2017 12-Inches & One-Offs Doss - 4 New Hit Songs Eiko Ishibashi - Drive My Car OST Erika de Casier - Sensational EXAEL - Flowered Knife Shadows Grouper - Shade Instupendo - Love Power A-Z Jessy Lanza - DJ-Kicks Kid Smpl - Heaven Junk Koreless - Agor Lana Del Rey - Chemtrails Over the Country Club Macy Rodman - Unbelievable Animals Malibu - One Life : four remixes Mica Levi - Blue Alibi MMM - On the Edge MPU101 - MPU101 Pan Daijing - Jade Pauline Anna Strom - Angel Tears in Sunlight PinkPantheress - to hell with it Provoker - Body Jumper Saint Etienne - I've Been Trying to Tell You Sky H1 - Azure Sleigh Bells - Texis ssaliva & Dida - Bricol Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine - A Beginner's Mind Team Rockit - Bahamut Zero Tinashe - 333 Tirzah - Colourgrade Tori Amos - Ocean to Ocean Turnstile - GLOW ON TWICE - Taste of Love Vanessa Amara - Music for Acoustic Instruments & Feedback Xiu Xiu - OH NO Young Thug - Punk Yves Tumor - The Asymptotical World 7038634357 - Permanest
songs: Alaska Reid - Mermaid Tears (A. G. Club Mix) Arca - Ripples Arca - Lost Woman Found Azealia Banks - Fuck Him All Night Bad Gyal - Pussy Car Culture - You (ft. Great Skin) CFCF - End—Curve of Forgetting CFCF - Night/Home/Day/Work Charli XCX - Don't Think Twice Chief Keef - Bitch Where Croatian Amor & Scandinavian Star - Compass Danny L Harle - All Night Doss - Puppy Doss - Strawberry DV-i - Resonance Eiko Ishibashi - We'll Live Through the Long, Long Days, and Through the Long Nights (Oto) Erika de Casier - Friendly Erika de Casier - Polite (Natal’s latenitemix) Goodnight - In My Mind Grouper - Kelso (Blue sky) Helium - Try Me Instupendo - Be U Jazmine Sullivan - The Other Side Jessie Ware - Hot N Heavy Klein - hope dealers Koreless - White Picket Fence + Act(S) Lana Del Rey - Dark But Just a Game Low - More Macy Rodman - Rock 'N' Roll Gay Guy Magdalena Bay - Dawning of the Season Men I Trust - Oh Dove Mica Levi - Blue Shit MPU101 - M185-2SYS1M Normani - Wild Side (ft. Cardi B) Octo Octa - Find Your Way Home Oli XL - Go Oli Go! Peggy Gou - I Go PinkPantheress - Last valentines PinkPantheress - Take Me Home Provoker - Voice Enable Zero Sally Shapiro - Fading Away Schacke - Protect Me from What I Want Sewerslvt - Goodbye Shygirl - Siren (Basement Jaxx Cruise Mix) Sky H1 - Topaz Sleigh Bells - Knowing ssaliva & Dida - Marching Plushies Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine - Back to Oz Team Rockit - Bingo (d'Eon Remix) Tinashe - Let Me Down Slowly Tori Amos - Speaking With Trees Turnstile - ENDLESS TWICE - Conversation Utada Hikaru - One Last Kiss Young Thug - Die Slow (with Strick) Yves Tumor - Jackie 7038634357 - Centerline
films: Annette (Leos Carax) Baby Anger (Caroline Poggi, Jonathan Vinel) Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven) The Card Counter (Paul Schrader) Cliff Walkers (Yi-Mou Zhang) Drive My Car (Ryusuke Hamaguchi) Dune (Denis Villeneuve) Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time (Hideaki Anno) How to With John Wilson S2 (John Wilson) Licorice Pizza (Paul Thomas Anderson) The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wahowski) Memoria (Apichatpong Weerasethakul) Old (M. Night Shyamalan) The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion) The Scary of Sixty First (Dasha Nekrasova) Search Party S4 (Charles Rodgers, Sarah-Violet Bliss) Survivor S41 Titane (Julia Ducournau) Venom: Let There Be Carnage (Andy Serkis) We're All Going to the World's Fair (Jane Schoenbrun) Wife of a Spy (Kiyoshi Kurosawa) Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy (Ryusuke Hamaguchi) Why Did We Like Elfen Lied? (hazel) Worlds (Isaac Goes)
games: Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy Bravely Default II Death's Door Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knight Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Fuga: Melodies of Steel The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Metroid Dread NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... Resident Evil Village Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Shin Megami Tensei V Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
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agrimscythe · 6 years
Review: Demon Protocol (2018)
#moviereview: #DemonProtocol (2018) #horror
© Late in Life Productions, 2018. Synopsis: After an exorcism goes horribly wrong a team from a shadowy religious order must determine who among them the demon has possessed, or all their lives are forfeit. Review: Before I go in depth about my thoughts on Demon Protocol, I feel it is necessary to state that my issues with this film are not because it lacks funding, equipment, etc. I try not to…
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katiemai22 · 7 years
WTF (2017)
Plot: 3 Years after a murderous vigilante kills all of her friends, Rachel goes on a vacation with her new friends to a secluded cabin in the woods, where there is no phone signal. What could possibly go wrong? Director: Peter Herro Starring: Perez Hilton, Ana Dela Cruz, Andrea Hunt, Sarah Agor. I have no idea why I subject myself to such terrible films when I know they’re going to be terrible.…
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flashfuckingflesh · 7 years
OMG, It's Evil! Like, "WTF!" review!
OMG, It’s Evil! Like, “WTF!” review!
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Unable to escape her past, Rachel’s unforgettable terrors stem from being the center of a grisly mass murder that involved the death of all her close friends whom were all vacationing at a secluded cabin in the woods. Years later, Rachel, still haunted by the frozen and bloodied faces of her dead friends, reluctantly decides upon attending a spring break getaway with a group of new, still very…
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Wtf! Official Trailer (2017) starring Callie Ott, Sarah Agor and Andrea Hunt. Trailer for Wtf!, starring Callie Ott, Sarah Agor and Andrea Hunt. Three years ago, twenty-two-year-old girl-next-door Rachel barely survived a brutal massacre that left her friends in pieces.
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hatingwithfears · 2 years
75- Soshi Takada- Floating Mountains
74- Lionmilk- I Hope You Are Well
73- Elori Saxl- The Blue of Distance
72- Geneva Skeen- Turning of The Day
71- Ryley Walker- Course in Fable
70- Shirley Collins- Crowlink
69- Big Brave- Vital
68- Turnstile- Glow On
67- Yu Su- Yellow River Blue
66- Sarah Mary Chadwick- Me and Ennui are Friends Baby
65- Sons of Kemet- Black to The Future
64- Dr. Lonnie Smith- Breathe
63- Lost Girls- Menneskekollektivet
62- Darkside- Spiral
61- Daniel Aged- You are Protected by Silent Light
60- Little Simz- Sometimes I Might be Introvert
59- Eli Keszler- Icons+
58- Zenjungle & Valiska- Years From Now
57- Marianne Faithful & Warren Ellis- She Walks in Beauty
56- Moin- Moot!
55- Murcof- The Alias Sessions
54- Pino Palladino, Blake Mills- Notes With Attachments
53- Decoherence- System I
52- Gojira- Fortitude
51- Bill Orcutt, Chris Corsano- Made Out of Sound
50- Dry Cleaning- New Long Leg
49- Sloppy Jane- Madison
48- Mogwai- As The Love Continues
47- Madlib- Sound Ancestors
46- Paul McCartney- McCartney III Reimagined
45- Deafheaven- Infinite Granite
44- BadBadNotGood- Talk Memory
43- Koreless- Agor
42- Brian Wilson- At My Piano
41- Nik Bartsch- Entendre
40- John McLaughlin- Liberation Time
39- Geese- Projector
38- Nadja- Luminous Rot
37- Full of Hell- Garden of Burning Apparitions
36- Cassandra Jenkins- An Overview on Phenomenal Nature
35- Shackleton- Departing Like Rivers
34- Parannoul- To See The Next Part of The Dream
33- Yasmin Williams- Urban Driftwood
32- Nala Sinephro- Space 1.8
31- Dylan Carlson, Lori Goldston- Feral Angel
30- Jessica Pavone- Lull
29- Portico Quartet- Monument
28- Foxing- Draw Down The Moon
27- Mira Calix- Absent Origin
26- Arca- Kick ii-iiiii
25- Matt Sweeney, Bonnie Prince Billy- Superwolves
24- Bo Burnham- Inside (The Songs)
23- Sven Wunder- Natura Morta
22- William Parker- Trencadis
21- Tyler The Creator - Call Me if You Get Lost
20- Elbow- Flying Dream I
19- Charolette Greve- Sediments We Move
18- Lingua Ignota- Sinner Get Ready
17- William Doyle- Great Spans of Muddy Time
16- Lambchop- Showtunes
15- Mason Lindal- Kissing Rosy in The Rain
14- Mdou Moctar- Afrique Victime
13- The Body- I’ve Seen All I Need To See
12- Ches Smith and We All Break- Path of Seven Colors
11- Jaubi- Nafs at Peace
10- Real Loud- Real Loud
9- Lucy Dacus- Home Video
8- Julien Baker- Little Oblivions
7- Irreversible Entanglements- Open The Gates
6- The World is a Beautiful Place and I am No Longer Afraid to Die- Illusory Walls
5- Stephen Wilson- The Future Bites
4- The Antlers- Green To Gold
3- Pharaoh Sanders, Floating Points and The London Symphony Orchestra- Promises
2- Low- Hey What
1- Nick Cave & Warren Ellis- Carnage
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virtual-toast · 3 years
Scream Queens VH1 recap - Season 1 Episode 3
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The girls come back from the grand ballroom and everyone’s generally happy and/or unsurprised that Kylah went home. Michelle says that her odds of winning have “skyrocketed up”. The others talk about their feedback, everyone congratulates Lindsay on her win, and Lina complains about how the judges read her for her shitty attitude - there are some great shots of Tanedra rolling her eyes and mouthing “It’s the truth, asshole!” behind Lina’s back.
The next morning’s mini challenge sees the girls pretending to be chased by a killer and ultimately jumping out a second storey window. They’re taught how to do the basic jump with a stunt woman and coordinator, and then go for it. Everyone does pretty average to be honest, Michelle way over acts, Marissa gets in her own way once again, and to her credit Lina actually does the jump despite being afraid of heights. Tanedra is the only one who really fully commits acting wise, and not only that but she does a FLIP out the window and, I mean, it’s obvious who the best one is. Jessica, who up to this point was super excited to jump, now decides she’s afraid of heights and has a full on crying emotional meltdown before saying it was all part of the acting?? Okay girl. Clearly, Tanedra wins the guaranteed callback.
The girls are awarded a night out at a local club, because what could go wrong?? They get dressed up and go out for drinks. Things quickly go off the rails with many girls getting super drunk. Several of the girls criticise Michelle’s over acting but for some reason she decides to only snap back at Sarah, who proceeds to have a cry about it. Meanwhile Lina says some racist shit about Tanedra so they have their own little fight going on. They get on the bus to go home and Angela is crying in Lina’s lap and literally NOBODY KNOWS WHY. Meanwhile Jessica goes in on Sarah for getting drunk, so Sarah calls her fat, so Jessica calls her an ugly Jew. And the whole cast is just like WHAAAAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING.
After all this has gone on, for some reason the producers thought it’d be a good idea to fake a bus breakdown and scare the girls with Billy the Puppet from Saw, because omg what a funny prank haha. Shawnee gets on the bus along with the guy dressed as Billy and gives the girls info about their director’s challenge, but honestly they’re all drunk and they’ve literally just had that verbal stoush so do you really think they’re taking any of this on board?? And while they’re looking at their scripts Lindsay says something about how it’s exciting to have a real scene and Jessica LITERALLY SHUSHES HER - TWICE. What is wrong with this girl ahhhh
The next day the girls go to Homa’s class and Scott and Katie, the stunt coordinator and stunt woman from the mini challenge, are there to teach them some fighting combat for screen. They get taught how to punch, stab, take hits etc. Then they all get paired up to have a go at the scene from the director’s challenge. Jessica gets called out for being crazy, Michelle and Sarah for over acting, and Marissa for being in her head. Lina and Tanedra get paired up together because of course they do. Lina says some more racist shit in her talking head, and also “accidentally” hits Tanedra on purpose. But because Tanedra is the fucking best she keeps her cool and does her job.
The girls go to the director’s challenge and they have to do a scene where they wake up in a creepy lair, are confronted by the killer, and then fight him off. They’re getting bloodied up by the makeup team and in her talking head, Lina literally says, “We look like crack whores. In Inglewood.” Like DUDE JUST STOP TALKING YOU RACIST POS. Anyway.
Jessica goes up and she’s like... far away?? She’s in some sort of headspace and she literally just looks even crazier than ever, like she can snap at any moment. And honestly it comes across in her performance. Marissa bombs completely because she can’t get out of her own head. Michelle goes WAY over the top and James describes her as “frantic”, while the other girls laugh behind the scenes because her wide-stance scream of rage looks like what Angela calls a “power dump” and it’s honestly hilarious. The best part is that Michelle thinks that she killed it and goes backstage with her arms in the air, and the rest of the girls literally laugh in her face. As fucking awful as Lina is, she kills the challenge. Everyone else does okay, and then Sarah gets up and just completely bombs, which is unlike her as she’s been so consistent up to this point. Unlike Michelle, Sarah knows she fucked up, too.
The next day, Tanedra reads the list which summons Sarah, Jessica, Michelle, Marissa, and Lina to the grand ballroom. When they get there, Sarah is pulled forward and told that her director’s challenge was the worst in the group, but she had done so well otherwise that she still gets a callback, and the judges warn her not to let her emotions get the best of her. Lina gets leading lady because she killed the director’s challenge (and she was smart enough to keep her racist bullshit away from the judges smh). Jessica once again gets called out for acting crazy and told to calm down, but gets a callback. The bottom 2 is Michelle and Marissa, because honestly they both sucked this week, and Marissa gets the axe.
Stay tuned for Season 1 Episode 4!
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moviesandmania · 3 years
DEMON PROTOCOL (2018) Reviews and overview
DEMON PROTOCOL (2018) Reviews and overview
‘Evil must be contained!’
Demon Protocol is a 2018 American horror film about a ghost exorcism that goes wrong causing one of those present to be possessed! But whom?
Written, produced and directed by Kelly Parks – making his feature debut – the Late in Life Productions movie stars Gary Graham, Bethany Regan, Caroline Amiguet, Matt Bradford, Sarah Agor, Tim Baran, David Gerrold, Christina…
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theseventhhex · 6 years
Blue Hawaii Live Review
Raphaelle Standell-Preston & Alex Cowan
Photo by Sarah O' Driscoll
Performer: Blue Hawaii
Date: 22nd November 2017
Venue: Supersonic, Paris
Review by: Hilary Bunker
Can we turn down the lights? It's about to get dirty. Really, really dirty. She was talking about the bass of course. By “she” I mean Raphaelle Standell-Preston, otherwise referred to as Ra, the pipes behind this musical collaboration that is Blue Hawaii…
In the dark, humid, hipster club, the Supersonic, with neons cracking overhead, Parisians braved the cold Wednesday night to check out Blue Hawaii, who are showcasing their striking new album on a European tour.
"Agor", the other half of the Montreal duo, and no stranger to Berlin's DJ scene, was wearing a backwards Burberry hat and a striped t-shirt that would make anyone else look… well…. bad. He still somehow oozed cool. Ra on the other hand stood understated, humble and giggly, microphone in hand alongside the small, but über eager crowd.
Opening with long orchestral chords, the crowd hushed as Agor slowly brings up the beat, Ra’s breathy voice adding melody and character in a way that is fully her own.
The second song, ‘Versus Game’, was where Ra really came into her own, as I still harboured a few doubts as to her vocal skills. No longer. Each song built in intensity of both beat and voice; somehow she makes random noises sound good.
For an hour the thriving and dirty beats barely stopped, with extensive button twiddling, pushing and looping to give that electropop build that the two have become known for. The music is definitely their own but influences from dark house elements, Kavinsky-esque undertones all the way to 90’s instrumentals resonate in their tracks.
It seemed the coolest cats and their core Montreal following had come out, eyes closed, swaying, jumping. Parisian crowds have a reputation for their aversion to dancing. Not last night. Stiffness was nowhere to be seen, as the intimate crowd of no more than 100 people danced, tranced and danced some more.
Blue Hawaii's songs are long, and I have to admit a couple times they lost me. But there was enough melody and bass line to keep me coming back, and to engage even the most reluctant electropop fan.
Finishing the set with the excellent "Try To Be", the duo say their goodbyes, and with a moment's hesitation... Ra returns to the microphone - "So we don’t have any other songs … but we can try and jam?". Crowd cheers like they’re at a football match… "But it might suck", Ra adds, “Sometimes jamming is really, really bad, but if you are ok with that... let's go!"
It didn't suck.
This duo is made for the live stage. This much is obvious from their interaction with the crowd, but also with each other. They had fun, we had fun. This group will surprise you. Go see them live and be ready to get lost in great beats and a harmonious voice. Above all, pray that they run out of songs and jam.
Blue Hawaii - “Versus Game”
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tasksweekly · 7 years
Tumblr media
There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 220+ faceclaims with freckles categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaim with freckles. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by a freckled artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Note: If you’re using this masterlist for casting purposes please do further research before casting any of the following, it was difficult finding sources for most of these and don’t know if they’re ethnically or nationally Turkish. Many thanks.
We haven’t included those in THIS masterlist by @lazyresources so combined there are 220 facecalims!
Sissy Spacek (67) - actress and singer.
Dana Delany (61) - actress,, producer, presenter, and activist.
Sade (58) Nigerian (Yoruba), British - singer.
Mariska Hargitay (53) - actress.
Stacey Williams (49) - fashion model.
Alicia Coppola (49) - actress.
Jennifer Garner (45) - actress.
Julianne Nicholson (45) - actress.
Alyson Hannigan (43) - actress.
Neve Campbell (43) - actress.
Kate Moss (43) - model.
Amber Valletta (43) - model and actress.
Eva Longoria (42) Mexican (Spanish, Indigenous/Mayan, and African) - actress, producer, director, activist and businesswoman.
Kari Byron (42) - television host and artist.
Amy Smart (41) - actress and former fashion model.
Melissa Joan Hart (41) - actress, voice actress, director, producer, singer, fashion designer, and businesswoman.
Anna Friel (40) - actress.
Shakira (40) Lebanese / Colombian, including Italian/Sicilian, Spanish [Catalan, Castilian], possibly other - singer, songwriter, dancer, and record producer.
Jessica Chastain (40) - actress and film producer.
Annie Wersching (40) - actress.
Jennifer Hall (39) - actress.
Andrea Navedo (39) Puerto Rican - actress.
Jennifer Morrison (38) - actress, singer, producer, and director.
Angela Lindvall (38) - actress.
Michaela Maurerová (37) - actress.
Erin Cahill (37) - actress.
Vica Kerekes (36) - actress.
Gisele Bündchen (36) - model.
Bryce Dallas Howard (36) - actress, director, producer, and writer.
Meghan Markle (35) African-American / White -   actress, humanitarian, and activist.
Sienna Miller (35) - actress, model, and fashion designer.  
Diora Baird (34) - actress and former model.
Danielle Gamba (34) - model, dancer, and former NFL Cheerleader.
Natalie Britton (32) - actress.
Sarah Agor (32) - actress.
Anne Vyalitsyna (31) - model.
Michelle Trachtenberg (31) - actress.
Nicola Roberts (31) - recording artist, fashion designer, and songwriter.
Katrina Law (31) Taiwanese, German, Italian - actress.
Devin Kelley (31) - actress.
Caity Lotz (30) - actress, dancer, martial artist practitioner, singer, and model.
Katie Leclerc (30) - actress.
Kesha (30) - singer, songwriter, and rapper.
Virginia Petrucci (30) - actress.
Rose Leslie (30) 1/8th Mexican - actress.
Zoe Sloane (29) - actress.
Kristýna Kolocová (29) - beach volleyball player.
Blake Lively (29) - actress.
Karen Gillan (29) - actress and director.
Alia Shawkat (28) 50% Iraqi 25% Norwegian 12.5% Irish 12.5% Italian - actress.
Zoë Kravitz (28) 37.5% African-American 12.5% Afro-Bahamian 50% Ashkenazi Jewish - actress, singer, and model.
Gabriela Soukalová (27) - biathlete.
Adwoa Aboah (25) Ghanaian-British - model.
Binx Walton (21) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Natalie Westling (20) - model.
Faye Reagan (?) - pornographic film actress.
Mia Sollis (?) - pornographic film actress.
JoJo (26) - singer, songwriter, and actress.
Meaghan Martin (25) - actress and singer.
Karle Warren (25) - actress.
Saoirse Ronan (23) - actress.
Laura Gwyneth Butler (born in 1997) - model.
Alexandra Porfirova (?) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Jamillah McWhorter (?) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Amit Freidman (?) - model.
Scarlett Fay (?) - pornographic film actress.
Adele Jacques (?) - actress.
Kim Blair (?) - actress.
Caroline Ford (?) - actress.
Ryann Shane (?) - actress.
Sarah Newswanger (?) - actress.
Juliet Oldfield (?) - actress.
Miyamoto Ayana (?) Japanese.
Damian Lewis (46) - actor.
David Tennant (46) - actor.
Jesse Williams (35) African-American, possibly Seminole Native American / White - actor, model, and activist.
Adam Wylie (33) - singer, musical performer, and voice actor.
Bob Morley (32) Filipino / White - actor.
Jay Hayden (30) - actor.
Higashide Masahiro (29) Japanese - actor and model.
Calum Worthy (26) - actor.
Diego Barrueco (26) - model.
Stephen Joffe (25) - actor.
Josh Hutcherson (24) - actor.
Adam Hicks (24) - actor, tapper, singer, and songwriter.
Adam Taylor Gordon (23) - actor.
Gabriel Basso (22) - actor.
Austin MacDonald (21) - actor.
Dylan Riley Snyder (20) - actor.
Zane Huett (20) - actor.
Dylan Minnette (20) - actor.
Jae Head (20) - actor.
Grayson Russell (19) - actor.
Justin Tinucci (18) - actor.
Elijah Nelson (18) - actor.
Tucker Albrizzi (17) - actor.
Shane Cambria (16) - actor.
George Hard (?) stated as biracial - model.
Johnny Harrington (?) - model.
Linus Wordemann (?) - model.
Kim Wonjung (?) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Mat Lachance (?) - model.
Jester White (?) - model.
Devon Usher (?) - model.
Simonas Pham (?) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Naleye Junior Dolmans (?) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Jake Cassar (?) - model.
Tom Webb (?) - model.
Wynston Shannon (?) - model.
Calin Sitar (?) - model.
Victor Ross (?) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Skyler James Sandak (?) - actor.
Bodhi Schulz (?) - actor.
Johannes Ibelherr (?) - model.
Peter Badenhop (?) - model.
Rodrigo Calazans (?) - model.
Adam Lee (?) - model.
Davi Vath (?) - model.
Florian Van Bael (?) - model.
Ismaelpeter Casillas Nelson (?) - actor.
Buck Angel (44) film producer.
Taylor O'Keefe (?) - Youtuber.
Casil McArthur (?)
Use @ ur own discretion:
Eddie Redmayne
Emma Stone
Colton Haynes
41 notes · View notes
gaeilge101 · 7 years
Irish Translation of Names
Here are the Irish equivalents of some common English names. Many names can be translated on the basis of meaning. Irish names were often "translated" into English with names that had no etymological connection, but which sounded similar or had similar meanings.
Aaron — Árón  — [AW rone]
Abigail — Abigeál — [AHB i gyal]
Adam — Ádhamh / Ádam — [AW hav / AW dum]
Adrian — Aidrean — [Ah dree an]
Agatha — Agata — [AH gah ta]
Agnes — Aignéis / Úna — [AG neysh / OO na]
Alan — Ailín — [AH leen]
Alexander — Alsander / Alastar — [AHL sun dur / AHL uh stur]
Albert — Ailbhe — [AHL vyeh]
Alice / Allison / Alicia — Ailís / Ailíse — [AY leesh / AY leesha]
Anastasia — Annstas / Stéise — [ON stas / SHTAY sha]
Andrew — Aindréas / Aindriú / Aindreas — [AHN dray is / AHN dryu / AH dras]
Angela — Aingeal — [AHN gel]
Ann / Hannah — Ánna / Áine — [AW na / AW nyeh]
Anthony — Antoin / Antóin / Antain(e) — [AHN tun / AHN toe in / AHN tan (eh)]
Augustine — Aghaistín / Aibhistin — [AH steen / AH stin]
Barbara — Bairbre / Baibín — [BAR breh / BA been]
Barnabas — Brion — [BREE un]
Bartholemew — Parthalán — [PAR ha lawn]
Basil — Breasal — [BRA sul]
Bernard — Bearnárd / Brion — [BAR nawrd / BREE un]
Blanche — Fionnait / Blinne — [FYUN it / BLIN yeh]
Carina — Cairenn — [CAR in]
Catherine — Cáitlín / Caitrín / Cáitriona — [KOYT hleen / KOYT hreen / koyt HREE uh na]
Charles — Searlas / Calbhach / Cathal — [SHAR lis / KAL vakh / KAH hul]
Charlotte / Carla / Caroline / Carol — Searlait — [SHAR lit]
Christina / Christine / Krista — Crístíona — [KREE shtee uh na]
Christopher — Criostoir — [KREEST er]
Cecilia — Síle — [SHEE la]
Columba — Colm — [CULL im]
Daisy — Nóinín / Nóra — [NOE neen / NOE ra]
Daniel — Daniél / Domhnall / Dónal — [DAHN yale / DOE nal]
David — Daibhí / Daibhead — [DAH vee / DAH vid]
Dennis — Donnchadh / Donnacha — [DUN a kha]
Dominic — Damhnaic / Damhlaic / Doiminic — [DAV un ak / DAV uh lak / DUH min ik]
Dorothy — Dairinn — [DAHR in]
Edmund — Éamonn — [Éamann AY mon]
Edward — Eadbhárd — [AYD vard]
Eleanor / Helen — Eileanóra / Eileanór / Aileanóra — [El un OR a / el un OR / al un OR a]
Elizabeth / Isabel — Eilís / Sibéal — [AY leesh / shi BALE]
Emily — Eimíle — [EM ee la]
Eric — Eiric — [EH rik]
Ernest / Ernie — Earnán —  [ARN nawn]
Esther / Hester — Eistir / Aislinn / Aisling — [ESH ter / ASH leeng]
Eugene — Aodh / Eoghan — [EE OH in]
Eva / Eve — Eábha / Aoife — [AW va / YAW va / EE fa / WEE fa]
Evelyn — Eibhlín / Aibhilín — [ei LEEN / AHV i leen]
Felix — Felic / Feidhlim — [FEL ik / FEL im]
Flora — Bláthnaid / Blánaid — [BLAW nid]
Frances / Francis — Proinséas / Proinsias — [PRAHN shis]
Frederick — Feardorcha — [far DUR a kha]
Gabriel — Gaibrial — [GAH breel / GAH bryul]
Geoffrey / Jeffrey — Seafraid / Seathrun — [SHEH frid / SHEH hrun]
Geraldine — Geraroidín — [GER ar jeen]
Gerald — Gearalt — [GER alt]
Gerard — Gearoid / Gearard — [GER id / GER ard]
George — Seoirse — [SHOR sa]
Gertrude — Gráinne — [GRAWN yeh]
Grace — Gráinne — [GRAWN yeh]
Gregory — Gréagóir / Greagoir — [GRAY agore]
Harry — Annraoi / Anraí — [ON ree]
Helen — Léan / Léana — [LAY in / LAY in a]
Henry — Annraoi / Anraí — [ON ree]
Herbert — Hoireabard — [HUR uh burd]
Honora — Onóra / Nóra — [uh NO ra / NO ra]
Hugh — Úga / Aodh / Uisdean / Eoghan — [OO ga / EE / ISH jen / OH in]
Irving — Éireamhón — [AY ra vone]
Isaac — Íosac — [EE suk]
Isabel / Isabella — Isibéal / Sibéal — [ISH bale / shi BALE]
Jacob / James — Séamus / Séamas — [SHEH mus]
Jean / Jane — Síne / Sinéad — [SHEE na / shi NADE]
Joan — Siobhán / Siún — [shi VAWN / SHOO in]
John — Seán / Eóin — [SHAWN / OH n]
Jonathan — Ionatán / Seonac — [YO na tawn / SHON ak]
Joseph — Seosamh — [SHO sav]
Josephine — Seosaimhín — [SHO sa veen]
Judith / Judy — Iúidít / Síle / Siobhán — [YOO deet / SHEE la / shih VAWN]
Julia / Gillian — Iúile — [YOO eel yeh]
Kate / Katie / Kathy — Cáit / Cáitín — [KAWTCH / CAWTCH een]
Laurence — Labhrás — [LOW raws / LAWV raws]
Leo / Leon — León — [LEE own]
Lily — Líle — [LEE leh]
Louis / Lewis — Alaois / Alabhaois / Lughaidh — [ALL eesh / ALL a veesh / LOO ee]
Louise / Louisa — Aloisia — [ALL wee sha]
Luke — Lúcás — [LOO caws]
Madeleine — Madailéin — [MAH da lane]
Magnus — Mánus — [MAW nus]
Margaret — Mairéad / Maighread — [mar ADE]
Mark / Marcel — Marcas / Marcus / Mairsial — [MAR cas / MAR shal]
Martha — Marta — [MAR ta]
Martin — Mairtín — [MAR steen]
Matthew — Maitiu / Máta — [MA tcheeu / MAW ta]
Maurice — Muiris — [MWEE rish]
Megan / Maggie / Peggy / Meg — Peig / Peigí — [PEG / PEG ee]
Michael — Mícheál — [MEE hawl]
Molly — Mallaidh — [MAH lee]
Monica — Moncha — [MUN uh kha]
Morgan — Murchadh — [MUR uh kha]
Nancy — Nainsí — [NAN shee]
Nicholas — Cóilín / Nicolás / Aonghas — [CO ileen / NIC uh laws / AYN ghus]
Nigel — Niall — [NEE ul]
Noah — Nóe / Naoise — [NO eh / NEESH a]
Noel / Noelle — Nollaig — [NULL ig]
Oliver — Oilibhéar — [ULL i vare]
Patrick — Pádraig / Padraic — [PAW drig / PORE ik]
Patricia — Pádraigín — [PAW drig een / PORE ick een]
Peter — Piaras — [PADTH ur / PEEA ras]
Paul — Pól — [POLE]
Paula — Póilín — [PO eeleen]
Penelope / Penny — Fionnuala / Fionnghuala — [finn YOU uh la / finn OO la]
Phillip — Pilib — [PILL ib]
Rachel — Ráichéal — [RAW shale]
Ralph — Rádhulbh — [RAW ulv]
Raymond — Réamann — [RAY man]
Regina / Gina — Ríonach / Riona — [REE uh nakh / REE uh na]
Richard — Risteard — [RISH taird]
Robert — Roibeard — [RUB erd]
Roderick — Ruairí — [ROO a ree]
Roger — Ruairí — [ROO a ree]
Rose — Róisín — [RO sheen]
Roland — Rodhlann — [RUH lan]
Samuel — Somhairle — [SO uhr lyeh]
Sarah / Sara — Sorcha / Saraid — [SUR a kha / SAWR id]
Simon — Síomón — [SHEE mone]
Solomon — Solamh — [SUL uv]
Sophia / Sophie — Sadhbh — [SIVE]
Stephen — Stíofán / Stiana — [SHTEE fawn / SHTEE uh na]
Susan — Siui / Sosaidh / Súsanna — [SHU ee / SUS ee / SOO suh na]
Theobald — Tiobóid — [TEE bohd]
Theodore — Téodóir — [TAY uh dore]
Thomas — Tomás — [tuh MAWS]
Theresa — Tóireasa / Treasa — [TOR ish a / TRA sa]
Timothy — Tadhg / Tomaltach — [TYG / TOM ul takh]
Victor — Buadhach — [BOO akh]
Vincent — Uinsean — [In shan]
Vivian / Viviane / Vivienne — Bébhinn — [BAY vin]
Walter — Ualtar / Uaitár — [UL tur / IT awr]
William — Uilliam / Liam — [ILL ee um / LEE um]
Winifred — Úna — [OO na]
Mary / Maureen / Molly — Máire / Máirín / Mallaidh — [MAW ra / MOY ra / MAW eereen / MAH lee]
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iomichaels · 5 years
Movies: Remote Viewing (2018)
Movies: Remote Viewing (2018)
– Movie for mobile in best quality 3gp and mp4 format. Also stream Remote Viewing on your mobile, tablets and ipads
Plot: A group of misfit filmmakers document their experiments with remote viewing; the alleged paranormal ability to perceive remote or hidden targets by using extrasensory perception.
Source: fzmovies Runtime: 91 min Release Date: 04 Dec 2018 Starcast: Sarah Agor, Karoly…
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