#sam would be such an amazing auntie omg
Me: I hope Anje is getting well rested.
We have important things to discuss such as the shade of red on undergrad!Andrew's face when Sam catches him starting at her.
Or how nearly gives Andrew a heart attack by saying that she thinks their ready to welcome someone else to the house.
"Not a baby."
"What? No, a dog!"
Anje was getting well rested but she is currently in the middle of class so did that rest really mean anything in the long run? methinks not
But you bring up very pressing matters, I apologise for only getting to them now! I think Andrew's blushes range from a crimson to perhaps a ruby, depends on how pretty Sam looked that day (but she looks pretty every day)
And Sam would 110% go about suggesting they get a dog in the most choatic ways possible, like being all motherly in the months leading up to her suggestion ("I just want something to look afterrrr" "I could get you a goldfish?" "Don't be smart with me, Andrew") to finally "Babe, don't you think it's time for an addition to our household? *Andrew nearly shits himself* "Uh...I don't know, honey, a child is-" "A CHILD?! I was talking about us getting a dog"
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FATWS Episode 4
I’m finally fucking getting time to watch this thing. 
Dramatic reactions, incoherent ramblings and spoilers under the cut. 
Right off the bat I’m feeling like the only thing I really remember about Episode Three is vaguely not trusting Sharon Carter. I’m really supposed to believe Peggy Carters Niecey, defender of Captain America and dismantler of Hydra really is selling stolen art in Madripoor? Seems fake, but okay. 
Let’s get into it. 
Have I mentioned I love Karli’s freckles? Her hair and her freckles kill me, I never understood people who don’t think freckles are cute. They are actual dots of delightfulness
AYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AYO AYO AYO She is so ridiculously beautiful wtf. I’m shaving my head TOMORROW so I can be half as amazing as her. 
Wait is this a Wakanda flashback? Six years ago... ohhhh look at my goatherder Jesus Bucky, let that baby rest. WHY IS SHE SAYING THE WORDS? LOOK AT HIS EYES PLEASE STOP. This is hurting my soul. Oh god homecoming, and it’s the moment he knew Steve. Oh the tears, I can’t. I CAN’T. “You are free” I’m already crying and it’s been 1.2 minutes. 
Damn right the White Man doesn’t understand anything of their loss and shame. LISTEN TO BUCKY SPEAK WAKANDAN. I LOVE IT. Urgh she’s so beautiful. Her murder strut is impeccable. I’m in love and I’m swoooooooning. 
“It was sweet of you to defend me” Zemo take ten to twenty percent off the top there, This isn’t a date.
Hey, I feel like I don’t love that they refer to Karli as “Karli”. If she was a man, it would be Last Name Basis. “She’s a kid” “she’s a supremacist.” hmmm seeing a parallel between Wanda and Karli and the way they were treated. “She’s a kid?” She’s actually ridiculously powerful but thanks for that. (no Wanda hate here, just pointing it out) 
Uh Zemo, maybe we don’t be the creepy guy in the coat offering children candy. I mean, the tactic worked but you could literally not be creepier right now.  Honestly I don’t know why I’m so surprised he’s keeping the Donya thing from them, duh he’s a villain, but I’m still surprised?? The sugar daddy role got me FOOLED
Sam being the one that understands what it means to be fighting to be on the other side of the “barbed wire fences” is so sad. 
BUCKY’S MAD. Sam has something against head tilts, that’s so funny to me for some reason. I DON’T TRUST SHARON. 
Why do I smell some foreshadowing with Karli’s talk about destroying the shield and how it’s a relic of a bygone era and a symbol of everyone that was left out
“take it easy before it gets weird” SAM. 
John Walker literally looks more sketchy every time we see him. Also, if you can’t say “son, just don’t” and everyone stops in their tracks, you are NOT Captain America. Its worrying me that Battlestar (battleship? lmaoooo) is starting to side with BuckySam because if there’s one thing literally every movie has taught me, it’s that the person who switches sides ends up dead and if I have to watch a POC first be relegated to sidekick and then killed I might actually riot
It’s so good to see Sam being Counselor!Sam. I think that gets so overlooked with him and I think it’s one of the most defining traits of his character. He’s not just a soldier, he’s not just brave, he’s seen the loss and he knows the struggle and he chose to help others through it while also being equally willing to suit back up and save the world. 
“Don’t patronize me” stop acting like a damn child. Why is John so twitchy, I don’t like it. OH is he really gonna say “this is easy for you, all this serum running through your veins” as if Bucky had a say in anything about in his life beyond Azzano. 
GET HIM BITCH punch his raggedy ass! 
Oh look at Bucky jumping, Winter Soldier, more like Winter Squirrel PARKOUR. Goddamn Zemo with his gun, oh no look at all that super soldier serum! I mean, you have to commend the guy for never wavering from his path. JOHN WALKER AND THE SERUM! It’s supposed to amplify what’s in your heart?? AND HE SUCKS OH NO. 
The power broker texts her “little girl” that’s so gross. 
“Separate them and kill Captain America” three months ago I would have howled at that line, now I’m like...meh. 
Sam wouldn’t have taken the serum-- not surprising. He’s a good man all by himself. No serum needed. Have you seen those arms? Actual Cannons of Freedom and Justice. “What about bucky” I love that he’s thinking about Bucky. Someone please protect these boys. 
Aw Bucky baby you’re not crazy. It’s funny to see him drink cos he definitely can’t get drunk. It’s the equivalent of some diva drinking a white wine spritzer. 
THERE’S MY WOMEN OH MY GOD I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE EXCITED IN MY LIFE. Do not shake her hand. John Walker, she will bite your hand off. Pointy Sticks, the Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever they want OMG HE TOUCHED HER omg. Look at Zemo sipping his drink LOOKING STRONG JOHN I CANNOT I CANNOT.
“Lets talk about this” Bucky is so calm. Bye bye Zemo. Oh GET it Sam with those fancy moves. 
...what just happened with Bucky’s arm. what just happened. “James” oh man waht does that mean?! Has Wakanda left him? Has he dishonored Them? My brain is moving too fast for this. 
I would like to have a moment of silence for John Walkers ego because he, a White Man (tm) and Solder (tm) and American (tm) just got his shit actually handed to him by a Black woman and he sat there and tried to more her “pointy stick” and couldn’t and then she full on did the shield kick thing while he sat on the ground and looked up at her and you know what? i think that’s very sexy of her, I will be watching this scene on repeat for the next hundred years wtf. 
Also ALSO? This is it. This is the moment where The Man (tm) can’t handle being beat so he goes and does something stupid, this is it, isn’t it? The Man Pain he just can’t tolerate? 
Oh my god Bucky’s face with his arm. I mean, it makes sense his arm would come off but to have himself literally disarmed (get it) in a fight is so... I mean it’s violating in a way, and its almost a betrayal as well but at the same time maaaaaaybe it’s a relief? Maybe its a relief to know he doesn’t always have to be a Soldier, he can take the arm off and just be Bucky?? 
Also I had to pause the show to write about this because my hand cramped up from trying to type too fast ughhh
Back into it 
Whats an El Chapo? Oh wait, I figured it out. 
I love Lemar’s voice. He’s so confident talking about the serum but lets be perfectly honest, Karli Morgenthau and Steve Rogers are basically the same person a hundred years apart. If you don’t think Steve Rogers would have singlehandedly led a revolt against a world government he thought was wrong, you are 100% incorrect. Not that I think he wouldn’t have resorted to bombings etc, but also... that sort of life does awful things to people. 
WHY IS SHE CALLING SARAH. “My world doesn’t matter to America” oh sweetheart, I feel that in my soul. Sarah knows who Sam is. She knows he’s not working for John Walker. This is the first time I’ve been anti-Karli. I know she’s desperate but you don’t threaten someones babies. 
It actually makes me angry to even see Walker carrying the shield like that. I’m aware it’s an overreaction, but your honor, I hate him. 
Don’t make me watch a POC die for some White Man’s story arc, don’t do that. 
Oh. Shit. 
My god do I love watching Bucky fight. Those Kicks of Vengeance will never get old. CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKER use them wings Sam. 
Oh Hoskins is okay. Alright. 
Bucky with the good knives, I LOVE HIM. The fight scenes are always so well coordinated in WS. We see you definitely not killing when you absolutely could. 
...this makes me so mad wtf. We couldn’t have done this journey without pointlessly sacrificing a POC? No? Have to drag that trope out? Gonna make me watch another Black man be killed just so the White Guy can move his story forward. 
oh shit Walker is MAD. 
Fuck he just-- he just murdered someone with Steve’s shield. he just MURDERED SOMEONE WITH THE SHIELD AND EVERYONE WAS WATCHING. 
And look at him, he feels no remorse. He feels perfectly justified. He is DARING them to say something to him. He is America (tm) brutally silencing protests and rebellions and taking his own issues out on people he feels disrespect him and you can’t tell him he’s wrong because he can justify every drop of blood by making it about how he felt “they beat me and they weren’t even super soldiers. they disobeyed me. they should have listened to me. they killed my friend.”
I keep hearing preserum Steve saying “I don’t like bullies” and then imagining him beating the shit out of Walker. 
...That visual of the shield with blood on it... it’s so... shocking isn’t even the right word. Horrifying. Its horrifying.  
I don’t even know what to say. 
This episode was a whiplash. The writers of this series need to be commended. Also the stunt men and the fight choreographers. Fucking kudos, and now I need a stiff drink and a good cry because this episode took it OUT of me. 
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storyofsammy · 7 years
18: A Birthday and New Beginnings🎉🎈🚼
It’s 7:00am and Sammy is in the kitchen making breakfast. David comes and hugs her from behind. “Happy Birthday sweetheart.”, said David. “Oh thank you!”, Sammy replied. “I hope you’re excited about today because I have such big plans for you.”, David said. “Well, I have to work.”, Sam laughs. “Well I know that, we both have to work.”, replied David. Sammy fixes up a plate of chocolate chip waffles and some bacon. While she is making plates David making glasses of orange juice. Sammy makes her way to the couch with the plates. “Oh this smells so good!”, said David. “I know. I love the smell of chocolate early in the morning.”, Sam said. Both Sam and David sit down and enjoy their breakfast before heading down to ABC.
Few minutes later, David heads down the hall to his apartment to get ready for work and Sam hops in the shower. Sam washing down her body, the hot water steaming around her body and fogging up the mirror. As she goes to soap off her body she reaches to her vagina to rinse off soap and then she starts to feel something. She looks at her hand and sees some blood. She immediately turns off the shower to see what’s happening. As she reaches for the towel she begins to feel some pain near her lower abdomen and lower back. “Ahhhhhhhh!”, cried Sam. She slowly stepping out of the shower and sitting on the toilet. As she starts to pull herself together she’s feel herself as her water starts to break. Sam is sitting on the toilet heading into labor. She can’t stop urinating to try to get up and get the phone to call for help. “Oh my god oh my god.”, Sammy kept repeating to herself.
“Sam are you about ready to go?”, David yells as he’s coming back inside her apartment. “David!!! I need you!!!”, Sam yells from the bathroom. David quickly runs to the bathroom to see her on the toilet. “What’s wrong?”, David asks. “My water just broke!”, Sam replies. David is standing in shock while Sam is struggling to get up. “David, I think I’m in labor, I think it’s time.”, Sammy is saying. David begins to panic while he tries to figure out what to do. He goes over to try to help Sammy up and get her into the bedroom. “Ow ow ow, David!”, she yells in pain. “Okay okay okay, I got you!”, he says while helping her onto the bed. “Call for help!”, Sammy yells. David calls 911 as he is comforting Sam. “The labor just started, I was in the shower and saw blood, and then I felt pain and then my water broke.”, Sammy was explaining to David as he was explaining to the paramedics. Sammy tries to get up to put on some clothes to be ready to go when the paramedics arrived. “Sam Sam!”, David says. He rushes over to help her try to get dressed. “I can’t put on no pants.”, Sam said. The 2 struggle to get her dressed.
The pain of Sam’s labor was intensifying every 10 minutes. Sammy is in the living room and laying down on the couch trying to get relief but nothing is working. “Ohhhhhhh oh my god oh my god David!!!!!”, she’s yelling. “I’m here I’m here!”, he said. “Just take slow deep breaths, just like what you practiced at class.” David was helping Sam take deep breaths for the contractions. After every other 10 minutes the pain gets worse and Sam panics. “Oh what is taking them so long?”, Sam cries. “They’ll be here, they’re coming!”, David said. “Oh my god, I think I need to push!!!”, she yells while holding her stomach. “No no no!! Just keep breathing and hold on!”, David was saying while freaking out. Sammy continues to wallow in deep agony from the contractions, then there’s a knock at the door. David opens the door and it’s the paramedics. “Oh thank goodness!”, said David. Sammy quickly grabs hold to one of the EMT’s while the contractions were coming. “Okay m'am! Listen to me, we’re gonna get you to the hospital, okay. I just need to relax for me.”, told the EMT. David helps the EMT’s get Sam onto the gurney. David is holding her hand and helping her relax. “It’s okay, I’m here.”, said David. “Everything’s gonna be okay.” The EMT’s exit the apartment complex and load them onto the ambulance. Just then David’s mom and sister were stopping by to visit them. “What’s going on?”, asked Becky. “Sam is having the baby!”, said David. “Oh my gosh, really?”, asked his mom. “Yes we’re on the way to the hospital, I’ll meet you there!”, he said. Everyone loads up and takes off to the hospital.
2 Hours Later….
“Push Sammy Push! This is the last push!”, yelled Dr.Sara. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”, Sammy yells as she gives a final huge push and squeezing David’s hand. Suddenly the loud cry of the new baby begins. “You did it Samantha! You did it! She’s here!”, said Dr.Sara. David hugs Sam tightly. “We have a baby!”, David said while hugging her. Sam was crying and so was David. Dr. Sara gently hands over Sam’s new baby daughter and puts her on her chest. “Congratulations!”, Sara said. Samantha and David looked with awe and amazement at their brand new baby girl. “Oh my gosh!, I cannot believe that I just had a baby!”, Sam cries. “Yep. We have a baby!”, David said. Both of them continue to enjoy the very first few minutes of their new baby.
Few minutes after the birth, David walks out to the lobby to find his mom and sister waiting. Becky and his mother run quickly up to him. “She did it, it’s a girl!”, said David. “Awwwwwww! Congratulations honey!”, said David’s mom. All of them gather around for group hug. Then suddenly they hear the running heels of Cora. “I’m sorry! Did I miss anything, what’s going on?”, asked Cora. “Sam had the baby.”, said David. “Omg, really? You’re kidding me?”, Cora asked. “No! We have a baby!”, said David. Cora gives David a big bear hug. “I am so happy for you two!!!”, said Cora. Everyone gathers around hugging David on finally becoming a dad.
David returns back to Sammy’s room. “How you feeling?”, he asks kissing her forehead. “I’m so glad that’s over, the pain!”, said Sam. She hugs David so tightly. “Oh David you don’t how much I love you.”, said Sam. “Oh I think I do.”, said David. The nurse walks in with their baby in the nursery bed. “Your baby is the most beautiful we’ve ever seen Ms.Riley.”, said the nurse. David gently picks up their new baby and holds her. “Um, Dr.Sara would like to know if you have already picked out a name for her.”, the nurse asks. “Oh well, do we have a name for our baby?”, David asks Sam. “I think we do!”, said Sam. He sits down next to her holding the baby. “Her name is Ithaca Rose!” Sam looks up at David. “What do you think?”, she asks. “I think that’s beautiful!”, replied David. “Ithaca Rose Muir!” “That is such a beautiful name!” said the nurse. “I’ll go let them know and congrats on the new baby!” “Thank you so much!”, said Sam.
Samantha and David continues to embrace the presence of little Ithaca. Becky, his mom and Cora knock to come inside. “Wow! She’s so gorgeous.”, whispered Cora. “Say hi, to Ithaca Rose!”, said Sam. “Oh my goodness that is so pretty!”, said Becky. Sam and David let Momma Muir hold little Ithaca. “She’s so perfect and so precious.”, said Momma Muir. “I finally have a granddaughter from my baby boy.” Mom then passes Ithaca to Becky. “Wow she is just a miracle! “Hello Ithaca, I’m so glad to be your auntie!”, said Becky. David was taking pictures of his mom and Becky holding Ithaca. Then Cora holds her next. “Wow she’s light! And she is just beautiful, I’m so happy for you!”, said Cora. David takes a pictures of Cora and Sammy with Ithaca together.
Cora hands Ithaca back to Sam. “Samantha, we are so happy for you and David! Congratulations!”, said Momma Muir. “Awww I couldn’t have done it without all of you!”, said Sam. “Let’s get a picture of the new young parents!”, said Cora. David’s mom, Becky and Cora all pull out their phones and takes pictures of David and Sammy and little Ithaca. This was the most wonderful present Samantha received for her birthday. Her dream of finally becoming a mother has finally come true. Welcome to the world Baby Ithaca.🚺🚼💖🎈🎉
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