guillemelgat · 2 years
Yeah as a rom I got to agree with the previous anon in regards to learning our language. The romani people are a closed culture and you don't get to learn our language, our customs or our culture. That is a hard line that needs to be drawn.
Sorry for the late reply but thank you for sending in this message. I fully agree with you—I think I overstepped my boundaries and really didn't do things in the way I should have, and I'm very sorry for that. If you have any concerns about things I've posted specifically, let me know.
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Romani Reading Vocab (2/8)
Some vocabulary that came up when reading a short story:
prashtia - belt
phadjol - break, be broken
karfin - nail, hook
kecil - fasten
pachiv - honor
duto - second
trito - third
sakade - in that way (?)
atunchi - then
jertisarel - forgive
hat - so, well, then, for
hurado - dressed
kade - so (much)
hintova - cart
kezdil - begin
athadol - be deceived
xoxavel - lie
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guillemelgat · 3 years
End of Month Reflection - February
So February is finally at an end, and actually it was a really good month for language study! (Plus this is actually the most posts I’ve made in a month on this blog for the first time in a long while, possibly ever.) I think there are quite a lot of things to reflect on though, so this might be a somewhat rambly post.
I’ve been keeping track of how much time I spend on languages this year because I set goals back in January based on the amount of estimated hours I’d need to move up a CEFR level. That has been really interesting, because I don’t actually have any sense of how much time things take, and tl;dr the time goals are a lot more intense/unachievable than I previously thought. That being said, I think it’s been a really good demonstration to me of how committed and hardworking I really need to be able to make progress. For Romani, I did about 15 hours of work, and for Malayalam about 8. Which was quite a good amount in terms of how I felt about them for having done it, but it really puts the fact that you need several hundred hours to go up a level into perspective.
I did basically finish the challenges, although with Romani I didn’t post them all on here. I think that the Malayalam one was very productive and really got my brain going – my pronunciation improved a bit and also it was just really cool to talk to my dad about it, I could tell that it got his Malayalam brain going again as well. I’m excited to keep working on it, which I feel like is rare for me and Malayalam given my complicated past relationship to learning it. On the other hand, I wasn’t super happy with the Romani challenge. I wasn’t exactly unhappy with it, but I think that the nature of the daily challenges wasn’t enough to make me do the kind of learning I needed. I really liked listening to Radio Romano so I think that’s going to be more of a thing in the future. I also think I’ll try to focus on reading my book, which has a translation to English that on the one hand is helpful but on the other hand is probably sort of keeping me from really pushing my language skills...idk we’ll see. I also feel like I needed to work on rebuilding my vocabulary again, so I’ll work on that more in the future.
All in all, though, it was a successful month and hopefully I can continue to build on that in March!
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guillemelgat · 3 years
February Language Goals
This month I’m going to be working on two of the languages that are my main focus this year, and specifically the two that I’ve spent the least time studying. So this month is probably going to be a lot of work, but I think that it’s a reasonable amount??? For Romani I’m just diving in – I think I have enough of a base that talking to people/using the language isn’t unreasonable to expect at this point. For Malayalam, I’m going to try to build up resources for a core vocabulary, making lists of words I think would be useful and then asking my dad to help translate them. The goal is also to put them up as a Memrise course because there’s currently Absolutely Nothing there for Malayalam.
Main goal: Get used to actively using the language
Finish @therealpolyglot's Level Up Challenge (modified slightly)
Message the discord every day
Things I’ll try to post:
Daily reflection on the challenge
Possibly any vocab that I learn from conversations
Side note but I want to make posts on Romani dialects, however I promise absolutely nothing
Main goal: Build my vocabulary
Make vocab lists for all Temauke themes
Translate "600 Words" list
Things I’ll try to post:
All aforementioned vocab lists
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Okay so I was supposed to learn song lyrics today but instead I made the mistake of trying to understand the Romani lyrics to this song (most of it is in Hungarian btw). Here’s what I ended up with, stuff in green is stuff I’m sure of, [...] means I didn’t understand it, stuff in lime green is stuff I was about 30-50% sure on, and stuff in orange is stuff I just wrote down because I thought I heard it. This was actually really hard, which I guess is good because I feel like I need to be challenged more if I want to get better.
[ ...] shuka shej Avjasta mande [ ...]
Chumidav lake thaj no kamav la murro jilo shej me tuke lav
tu kerdjom shej sako felo te kames shej numa tiro jilo shej tu des mande
chi tehara me khelenav bukja tuki tire shukar jakha mande [...]
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guillemelgat · 3 years
So for Day 2 of the challenge, I had to listen to a song and (1) try to transcribe/understand the words on my own, (2) compare them and correct them against the actual words, (3) look up any words I didn’t know, and (4) try to memorize the lyrics. This is the song I picked, unfortunately it’s like more than half in Hungarian, but I did the parts in Romani and I could understand it pretty well! I’ve highlighted in red the parts I couldn’t understand and put the vocab I learned at the bottom! The translation is really bad, corrections welcome 😅
Suno san tu numa shej You are only a dream, girl Kade dur sar le čerhaja As far away as the stars Katar mande shej From me, girl
Kai te rodav aba tut Where I still look for you Nai man pača p’adi phuv I do not have peace on this earth
Andre phirav me e luma I walk out into the world Numa te zhantar e dukha Only that the pain may leave Cerraj mange adi luma This world is just a little to me Na bistrav tut šoha I will never forget you
New Words:
suno - dream
čerhaj - star
pača - peace, rest
šoha - never
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guillemelgat · 3 years
November Language Goals
Okay, I’m going to try my best to get back into language study, especially since I’m not really doing anything else with my life rn, so here are my way too ambitious goals for November:
Malayalam - review vocabulary (Sundays) + do the TL90Days challenge (Tuesdays)
Basque - write a one-page text (Mondays)
Romani - read 1-2 pages (Wednesdays) + write on the Discord (Thursdays)
Tamasheq - make/study flashcards (Fridays) + learn verb conjugations (Saturdays)
I really want to put in time for all of these languages and improve them significantly by the end of the year but I wish I had more time ;;-;; (either way, there’s always 2021 I guess, assuming the world lasts that long), but I’m hoping that if I keep to this schedule I can at least prevent them from slipping any further than they have. Expect sporadic posts, at least ones for Basque and Malayalam, and possibly some Romani or Tamasheq depending on how I’m feeling. And best of luck to all of you in your November language studies!
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 15
Prompt: Learn 5 new words and use them in a sentence.
(I’m pretty behind on these, I’ll possibly try to catch up or possibly just skipped what I missed :/)
tista - quite
Si tista shil ke si o ivend. - It's quite cold because it's the winter
mako - poppy
Ande i bar si yekh mako. - In the garden there's a poppy.
drab - medicine
Murro murtano chi xal pesko drab. - My cat does not eat his medicine.
inkrel - to hold
Inkrav e bukfa. - I hold the book.
kecavo - such
Ashundem kecavi paramicha p'o Radio Romano. - I heard a story like that on Radio Romano.
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 6
Prompt: Read a blog.
I don’t know any blogs so I read the first story in this book (Tusa Ande Akhoren Khelos), which is in Lovari but I could find anything in Kalderash ;-; Anyways at this rate I’m going to end up knowing Lovari but so be it I guess
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 5
Prompt: Listen to Radio Romano.
I’ve actually been listening to Radio Romano every day, the episode I listened to today was about Holocaust Rememberance and some initiatives related to that. I could understand it better because I think this announcer speaks in something closer to Kalderash/Lovari.
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 4
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Photo by LinedPhoto on Unsplash
Here’s my extremely iffy text (you know how I made that post about Romlex...well that was where we were at today so idk if half these words even exist):
Kaki fotografija si Tarantestar. Ande Taranteste si but Rroma kai den-duma ando Amerikani Kalderashitska. Kodo si o dialekto kai sikav. Chi gelem ka Taranteste, numa gelem ka Kanadate, ka Montreal. Si but jiv ande kakja fotografija, thai but kamav o jiv. Vi akathe si but jiv. Numa ande fotografija o jiv perel. Thai-vi si but mobilija. Kamav o jiv maj but katar le mobilijandar.
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Learning Romani is just *Romlex is down* *Romlex refuses to load* *Romlex no longer exists* *ROMLEX IS HERE QUICK LOOK UP THE WORD* *Romlex crashes as soon as you hit search* *Romlex is down* *Romlex is down* *Romlex is do
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 20
Prompt: Write about your day.
yes these posts are completely out of order now
Ages kerdem but buki. Wushtilem rano ando diminyatsa ke but tato sas murre khereste – murro dad bishterdyas te phandavel (?) o phiromasko. No, ramosardem trin lil, yekh sas murre veroste, thai dui sas murre amalinande. Pala kodole, kerdem buki murre traburya tsine. Ando mizmeri, gelem te phirav ka univerziteto. Sas but lungo drom. No, dav-duma vi murra amalinasa vi murre dadesa. Dikhlem televizhono thai akana ramov Rromanes, pa zhav te sovav!
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 16
Prompt: Plan your day.
Ages musai te....
zhav klasate
phirav te kinav thud
sikav Rromani shib
ramov paramicha
ramov lil murre veroske
ginav La memòria de l'arbre
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Romani Reading Vocab (2/15)
(same disclaimer as before but these are basically just my notes so might not be that helpful/understandable)
kereshkedevo - dealer, salesman
keci - how much, this/so much
khas - hay
futeri - feed
kingo - wet, humid
rat - blood
drab - medicine
mindig - always
ushoro - light, easy
karnalo - prickly
kecavo - such
mako - poppy
shukarel - to dry
tista - quite
lufto - outside air
shol - to put
shtalovo - stable (for horses etc.)
shuko - dry
vetrineri - veternarian
acharel - to notice (?)
inkrel - to hold
mishkil - to move
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Level Up Challenge (Romani) - Day 10
Prompt: Learn filler words.
This is a bit late because there’s not exactly lists of filler words in Romani easily available, so I was talking with people on the server I’m on to get their opinions. Here’s the list of filler words they came up with, probably skewed towards American Kalderash:
zhanes, hakyares - you know
znachi - that is (Slavic loanword)
azhuker (tsirra/ekh klipa) - wait (a sec)
chaches? - really?
naj kadja? - right?
apsolutno(?), sar te na - of course (sar te na came off as sarcastic to some people though so potentially use with caution)
mishto, ja ja - okay
gindiv - I think
Let me know if you have any other words/corrections!
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