#roberta russo
clamarcap · 12 days
Amare et silere
Bianca Maria Meda (c1665 - c1700): Cari musici, mottetto per soprano, 2 violini e basso continuo (da Mottetti a 1, 2, 3 e 4 voci con violini e senza, 1691, n. 1). Roberta Invernizzi, soprano; ensemble Bizzarrie Armoniche, dir. e violoncello Elena Russo. Cari musici, cum grato silentio Voces comprimite, Suspendite sonos, Cantare cessate, Et contemplate dilecte Jesu amores. Non me turbate, no,…
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lospeakerscorner · 10 months
Didattica su misura per religiose straniere
Lo studio curato da Roberta Renella: didattica nell’insegnamento dell’italiano in qualità di lingua seconda a studenti adulti di provenienza straniera PORTICI | CITTÀ METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI – Nella splendida cornice di Villa Fernandes in via Armando Diaz, alla presenza del sindaco, dottor Vincenzo Cuomo e del consigliere regionale, dottor Francesco Iovino, è stato presentato dalla dottoressa…
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blueiskewl · 7 days
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Breathtaking New Frescoes Found at Pompeii
Stunning Roman frescoes have been uncovered by archeologists in Pompeii, the ancient city destroyed by an eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 AD. Experts say the newly discovered frescoes are among the finest ever to emerge at the renowned archeological site.
The works of art line the high walls of what was once a large banquet hall. The walls themselves were painted mostly black, and the figures on the frescoes appear to emerge from the shadows. Site director Dr. Gabriel Zuchtriegel told CBS News partner network BBC News that the dark color was likely used to hide stains from the lamps that lit the hall after the sun went down.
"In the shimmering light, the paintings would have almost come to life," Zuchtriegel said.
Two pieces dominate the hall; one depicts the Greek god Apollo trying to seduce the priestess Cassandra. The second piece shows Prince Paris meeting Helen of Troy.
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About a third of the "lost city" of Pompeii remains obscured by volcanic debris from the eruption almost two millennia ago. As scientists make new finds, they quickly move them to a storeroom to protect them from the elements.
The newly discovered frescoes, however, cannot be moved, so they have been protected with temporary roofing. Plaster glue is also being injected into the walls behind the artwork to stop them from falling down.
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"We have a passion and a deep love for what we're doing, because what we're uncovering and protecting is for the joy also of the generations that come after us," chief restorer Dr. Roberta Prisco told the BBC, adding that the work was very stressful.
The dig site is much bigger than just the banquet hall.
Another fresco recovered from what was once one of Pompeii's grand properties had been on a ceiling, but it was smashed by the eruption that destroyed the city. Archeologists were able to lay out the pieces like a puzzle and recreate landscapes, theatrical masks, and Egyptian characters.
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"This is my favorite discovery in this excavation because it is complex and rare," Dr. Alessandro Russo, co-lead archeologist on the dig, told the BBC. "It is high-quality, for a high-status individual."
In a bakery next to the grand property, the skeletons of two adults and a child were discovered.
Archeologists believe they may have been slaves who were trapped and couldn't flee the eruption, and were killed by falling stones.
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"When we excavate, we wonder what we're looking at," co-lead archeologist Dr. Gennaro Iovino told the BBC. "Much like a theater stage, you have the scenery, the backdrop, and the culprit, which is Mount Vesuvius. The archeologist has to be good at filling in the gaps — telling the story of the missing cast, the families and children, the people who are not there anymore."
The team's discovery was just one of a number of recent revelations from the site, after they found other mythological-themed frescoes in early March and then, just weeks later, a construction site that was being worked on right up until the eruption.
The archeologists said near the end of March that they'd found a home construction project that was frozen in time by the eruption, with materials such as bricks and tools still piled up in the reception area of the home.
By Haley Ott.
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bobbyinthegarden · 11 months
2023 Reading Challenge. Children’s Lit: The Railway Children by E. Nesbit
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Lionel Jeffries 1970 adaptation of The Railway Children was a film that I watched a lot as a kid. Despite this, and despite watching several other adaptations, including a stage production, I never read the book, either when I was a child, or as an adult – until now, that is. I really don’t know why I never read it, it’s just the book I would have loved as a kid.
If you’re unfamiliar with the book, the premise is as follows: three siblings, Roberta (or Bobbie, hey kind of like me!), Peter and Phyllis live in middle-class, suburban London with their kind and adoring parents, one day their father is forced to leave the family for reasons that initially are not disclosed to the children, and consequently, the children and their mother move from London to 'The Three Chimneys', a cottage in Yorkshire, close to the railway. Due to their proximity to the railway and to the train station, the children develop an affinity for trains and the people associated with them (including the station porter Mr Perks, who the children befriend, and The Old Gentleman, a man who frequently travels by train and waves at them). The book is largely episodic, with most of the chapters telling self-contained stories about the children’s many adventures. Despite this quaint-sounding premise, there are references to more mature themes present within the book. The book was published in 1906, but is set the previous year, with the book containing several references to the then-current Russo-Japanese War (indeed, without giving too much away, the reason for the children’s father’s abrupt departure at the beginning of the book is directly related to this).
Much like other classic children’s literature, one of the major strengths of this book is the children themselves, who all feel so full of life and distinct from one another.
As much as I enjoyed this book, I feel like I don’t have all that much to say about it. It is a classic after all, and highly regarded, definitely worth a read, if you haven’t read it already (regardless of if you’re a child or an adult), and if you have read the book but haven’t watched the 1970 film adaptation then I recommend that as well, as it’s an extremely faithful adaptation that captures the spirit and tone of the book very well.  
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musicaintesta · 1 year
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«Aveva la testa di Antinoo e occhi dalle scintille d'oro. Non somigliava assolutamente a nessuno al mondo. La sua voce mi è rimasta sempre nella memoria. Lo sapevo povero e non si capiva di che vivesse; come artista, nemmeno un'ombra di riconoscimento»
(Anna Achmatova)
“Sono io stesso lo strumento delle potenti forze che nascono e muoiono in me.”
Amedeo Modigliani
L’ultimo romantico”,
lo chiama Corrado Augias nel bel libro uscito nel ’98 (Mondadori).
“Perla e porco” lo chiamava l’inglese Beatrice Hastings, una delle sue amanti più appassionate durante il soggiorno
”Mostro ubriaco” diceva di lui il poeta russo Nikolaj Gumilev.
Era irruente e timido, insicuro e bello, aggressivo, talvolta supponente (gli piaceva declamare Dante),
gelosissimo delle proprie opere al punto da coprire la tela con la mano, quando era all’accademia,
per non far vedere
quello che stava disegnando.
Spesso e volentieri era insopportabile.
Le donne lo amavano.
“Di sicuro vede le cose in modo diverso
da noi” diceva la poetessa Anna Achmatova.
Con i capelli ricci e neri, gli occhi grandi e scuri,
insofferente alle regole ma attento nel vestire (e anche pulitissimo: nei suoi
infiniti traslochi parigini si portava puntualmente dietro la vasca da bagno di zinco), Modigliani incarna ai nostri occhi quell’ideale di
personaggio solitario e frainteso, che nonostante tutto ci piace ancora far coincidere con l’idea di artista puro.
da "La vita di Amedeo Modigliani"di Roberta Chiti
"Noto anche con lo pseudonimo di Dedo, iniziò a dipingere nello studio del pittore livornese Guglielmo Micheli, dove ebbe modo di conoscere Giovanni Fattori e la pittura dei Macchiaioli.
Proseguì la sua formazione artistica a Firenze e a Venezia, ma è a Parigi, dove giunse nel 1906, che l'arte di Modigliani ebbe una svolta radicale avvicinandosi alle avanguardie pittoriche di Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec e Paul Cézanne.
Tra i pittori di Montmartre sviluppò uno stile assolutamente personale e unico. I suoi dipinti pur contemporanei al cubismo esularono dalle regole del movimento, mentre le sue sculture risentirono dell'influenza dell'arte africana e primitiva.
Nel 1917 si tenne la sua prima personale a Parigi, ma la polizia chiuse la mostra per lo scandalo suscitato dai suoi “nudi”.
L'apprezzamento critico per le opere di Modigliani, tuttavia, crebbe notevolmente così come la fama di artista maledetto. La salute cagionevole e gli eccessi di una vita sregolata tra alcol e droghe lo condussero ben presto ad una morte precoce a soli 35 anni.
Una passione che tesse le sue trame nella cornice di un’esorbitante disperazione e di un inestricabile attaccamento reciproco pervaso da una demoniaca inquietudine, quasi morbosità; una relazione incastonata nel labirinto della dedizione perpetua dell’uno nei confronti dell’altra, ma anche imprigionata nelle brame della solitudine; un amore “che condusse ad una morte” nel caso di Jeanne. Il 22 gennaio 1920, Amedeo Modigliani viene colto da un violento attacco di tubercolosi, la malattia che aveva seguito le sue orme per tutta la sua vita, e il 24 gennaio chiude gli occhi per sempre. Jeanne, incinta al nono mese della seconda figlia di Modì, il giorno seguente si butta dal quinto piano della casa dei suoi genitori."
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peonierose · 2 years
The Nanny Affair 2
Girl‘s Night
Chapter 4 - Epilogue
You & I
Book: The Nanny Affair 2
Characters involved: Emma Anderson (F!MC), Sofia Russo, Addison Dalton, Jenny, Sam Dalton (M!MC), Robin Flores, Carter
Rating: Fluff
Words: 2,000+
Author‘s Note: All of the characters belong to Pixelberry. I��m merely borrowing them for sake of this story.
Side note: Music inspo can be found here. Also I wanted to say thank you to everyone who takes time out of their buys life to take a moment and read something I wrote. I can’t express how happy that makes me.
Summary: A night of partying is over for the girls. But does that mean a new door opens for a certain other couple?
“I’ll take Addi home, if that’s okay with you,“ I say to Sam while I play with the set of my car keys.
Sam eyes me and comes to his own conclusions but doesn’t voice them aloud.
He nods
“Alright, fine by me. I’ll get everyone else home. It’s been a long night for all of us,“ he sighs and takes another long look at Addi.
Before he can start to walk towards the limousine I shout after him.
“Guess it’s going to be a longer one for you,“ he turns and gives me the finger.
I laugh and a tired smile slips onto Sams face.
As the limousine drives off I search for Addi. My gaze lands on her and I see her standing all by herself shivering. I curse for not thinking of how cold she must be.
I open the car door and gesture for her to get inside.
She hesitates for a second before climbing in. I close the door softly with a click, and go to the other side to get in myself.
I put my seatbelt on and make sure she puts hers on as well. Safety first.
Then I turn the key into the ignition and the car purrs to life.
As I back out of the parking lot of the police station, I try to figure out how to start the conversation when she beats me to the punch.
“Thank you for driving me home,“ she says in a small voice. Gone is the boisterous woman I used to know. Replaced by someone I have to get to know yet.
“Sure thing,“ I nod.
I keep my eyes on the road. There’s not much traffic at this time of day. Or should I say morning? I mean it’s after 6 am.
“Are you warm enough? I saw you shivering earlier. So I put the heat on full blast,“ I try to adjust it.
“Robin it’s fine really. You don’t have to walk around egg shells on me,“ she replies.
I take my eyes off the road for a second to really look at her.
Huh. She seems serious.
“What do you mean?“ I try to act casual.
“I know what you want to ask me,“ she sighs deeply. As if it’s inevitable.
I try to pretend as if I don’t know what she’s talking about.
“I’m giving you a lift home. You said yourself it’s okay. If you’d rather have gone with Sam and the others…“ I don’t finish the sentence.
She gives me a side long glance. I can feel it.
“You’re so full of it. It’s me you’re talking to Rob. I’m still the same Addi,“ she says to me.
“Who’s full of it now?“ I smile at her.
“Maybe you’re right,“ she laughs softly.
“I’m just trying to understand why you’re back,“ I ask the question I wanted to ask her ever since she came back, and knocked at my apartment door all those weeks ago.
She’s looking out the window at the passing streets. The city lights illuminating her beautiful face.
The silence stretches for too long and it becomes awkward.
“Can I ask you to table this conversation for another time? Please Robin…I can’t…I…“ she pleads and I can hear in her voice she means it. We’ll talk about it another day.
I take a deep breath and just nod.
“Not now or ever?“ I ask her.
“Not now. I’ll tell you. I promise,“ she replies in a sleepy voice. She turns on the radio, clearly done with the conversation. Roberta Flacks - the first time is playing on the radio soothing my soul while I keep on driving.
With directions from Addi we reach her place. It’s a little bit out of town, but with a gorgeous landscape, the scent of dew and fir trees reaching us.
I turn off the engine, park the car and get out. As we stand outside her next words stop me in my tracks.
“You want to come inside? For some coffee? I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep tonight, and I’d love it if you’d come inside…“
When I don’t reply instantly, she makes an attempt to get inside, but I put my hand gently on her arm.
“I’d love to come inside I just want to know what you expect,“ I ask in a serious tone.
“Oh my god. I didn’t mean it like that. I just wanted some company that’s all, I didn’t want to be alone tonight…“ or ever hangs suspended in the air. She blushes and tries to turn herself away.
“Addi would you please look at me,“ I ask her and when she does her green eyes sparkle in the dim light from a nearby street light.
“I wasn’t expecting anything in return. I just wanted to make sure the next step we take. That you’re all in and not backing away at the last minute,“ is all I say.
“What’s all this we stuff?“ she asks.
“It’s long overdue don’t you think?“ I ask her playfully.
“I suppose,“ she says in a sassy tone.
We walk inside and up to the third floor. She unlocks the door and we get inside.
It’s a nice place.
It feels homey. I know sounds super cliche, but it’s true. The Daltons house never felt that way. It was more like a museum. One in which you couldn’t touch anything or play inside. You know the one where something could break and you’d get a lecture on how to be more careful. How it’s priceless.
“You’ve got a nice place Addi. It’s certainly different from the Daltons home,“ I remark.
“Their place always felt more like a museum rather than a home,“ she laughs, but it’s an empty laugh, mirroring my prior thoughts.
I nod and as I turn my head I notice for the first time what she’s actually wearing, because she took her coat off.
Damn. That dress it could bring a guy to his knees. As if it was made just for her. It’s a velvet green wrap dress.
She sees where my gaze traveled, and has a wicked glint in her eyes.
“See something you like?“ she asks knowing damn well what she’s doing to me.
“I see a lot of things I like, but I won’t get into that now,“ I say.
“That’s a shame,“ she winks at me.
I reply not looking directly at her.
“We shouldn’t start anything. At least not until you made amends with your family. You owe them that much. Starting something between us right now wouldn’t be fair to either of us,“ I say.
“Are you seriously saying no to free sex?“ she pouts
I drag my hands over my face, my scruff tickling my palm.
“I had feelings for you once Addi. I don’t want to get hurt again,“ is all I’m willing to say regarding that topic.
She has the decency to look ashamed at that.
“Also I would never use your inebriated state against you to sleep with you. When we do. I want you to be fully aware of what is happening. With no regrets in the morning,“ my voice thick with unspoken desire and she gulps audibly at my words.“
She walks over to me and cups my face gently in hers.
“I’m sorry if I ever hurt you. That was never my intention Rob,“ her eyes glisten with images tears.
“I know Addi,“ I sigh and continue taking her small hand in mine “It’s just hard to get over that, and now you’re back and it’s just…“ I trail off.
“Complicated?“ she smiles sadly.
“You could say that again,“ I nod slowly.
“Want to talk about it?“ she asks with understanding in her green eyes.
I’m about to reply when my gaze lands on her glass table with a copy of my tell-all interview with Serena Knight.
“Interesting reading material you’ve got there,“ I say in a conversational tone and tip my chin towards the table.
She turns her head and laughs.
“It is. Did you know you’re the first one to ever call me Addi?“
I look at her in surprise and then I realize what she’s trying to do.
“I see what you did there. Nice try,“ I tease her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,“ she shrugs her shoulders in innocence.
“Right…“ I said slowly.
“Fine, I didn’t want you to think I read it. I wanted you to tell me what happened in your own words,“ she huffs out a breath of air.
I walk towards the sofa and sit down. She follows with a bottle of water and two glasses in her hands. She places both on the glass table and holds one out to me. I grab it and our fingers accidentally touch.
We both spring apart at the same time, each of us blushing and looking away like two teenagers in love for the first time.
She sits next to me and tucks her legs underneath her, and her dress rides up a little.
“So what happened?“ she takes a slow sip, and looks at me over the rim of her glass.
I blow a raspberry and say “It all started with this stupid competition,“ thinking back it was the worst thing dad could’ve done. Honestly.
“That sounds straight out of Mason Seniors handbook,“ she retorts.
“No kidding,“ I laugh bitterly and we both share a knowing look.
“You know what’s sad? We both could never live up to the Dalton’s name,“ she says thoughtfully.
I hesitate but don’t think twice about asking the next question.
“Is that the reason you and Sam were fighting so much?“
She looks into her glass, as if ti holds all the answers to her questions. But then she looks up.
“It’s one of them. At the beginning things were great with Sam, but then Mickey and Mason came along and…“
“And?“ I ask.
“I was sick and tired of the constant media frenzy that we were experiencing on a daily basis. I hated the fact that the twins were so exposed to that life. Sam insisted on hiring Naya, our publicist. We had a fight about that,“ she smacks her lips together.
She just looks at me, and her look silently says are-you-really-this-stupid?
“I wasn’t exactly thrilled that he hired Naya, because I didn’t want to hire a publicist to navigate our personal life. I’m not trying to discredit her work. From a professional standpoint she’s great, but I didn’t like that someone was meddling in our lives and telling me what to do you know?“
“He even hired the same publicist when he and Emma started making their relationship official. If you want to call it that,“ I say.
She closes her eyes and sighs “Really? He hired Naya to help him with Emma? God, Sam is such an idiot sometimes,“ she says.
I almost spill my gulp of water onto the table. After I recover I continue.
“Well things took a different turn, when Emma took a job at Dalton Enterprises working at the lab. I mean she has a degree in chemistry after all, so it came in handy, but Naya and Sam weren’t thrilled that she took the job. Last I heard Naya had lined up some charity work for Emma,“ I say.
Addi winces at my words “Wow, I can’t imagine that conversation between Sam and Emma went over well,“ she acknowledges.
“She was furious about it, but they made up eventually,“ I say.
She nods at that.
“You know Emma broke it off. She stormed away from Sam, telling him she was tired of being treated like a booty call, and that he‘s scared of going public,“ I say.
Addi raises her eyebrows “Good for her. She showed she has a backbone and won’t tolerate his bullshit. I knew I liked her from the start,“ she smiles to herself.
“I pushed him to not let her go. He finally grew a pair and told her what he felt instead of hiding it,“ I take another sip, craving something stronger than water, but since I have to drive back home alcohol is not a good idea. I don’t want to be pulled to the side by the cops for driving under the influence.
She smiles broadly at me, so wide that I give her a side-ways look.
“What? Why are you smiling like that?“ I ask her.
“You’re such a teddy bear. Deep down you’re such a good guy, the woman who snags you away will be so lucky,“ her gaze wistful.
I snort and she nudges me with her shoulder playfully and accidentally spills water on my jeans.
I jump back from the sofa.
“Oh no I’m sorry. God I’m such a klutz,“ she says and gets a towel from the kitchen to dab away the water, but I take it from her and try to do it myself.
She tries holding back her laughter.
“You look like you peed yourself,“ she says between laughs.
“Look at you, being all funny,“ I retort.
“You should see your face right now,“ she laughs even harder.
I roll my eyes, but when she stops laughing realizes how close we are standing to each other. We stare into each others eyes, a hair breath apart. Her mouth opened and form an o, and she stares at my lips, but then she takes a step step back. Not willing to go any further. I understand it, but still I would’ve loved it if we shared at least one kiss, but I won’t push her. I know firsthand that if you push someone, you make them bolt into the other direction.
I hand her back her kitchen towel, and she takes it from me.
“I should probably go, it’s late and….“ Trying to walk out of her apartment, but finding myself unwilling to go just yet.
She grips my arm
“Or you could stay? I have a spare bedroom you can use,“ she offers.
I’m feeling torn between staying and going.
Going home would be the sensible thing to do, but when have I been sensible when it comes to Addi? Never actually.
She still stares unabashedly at me.
I gnaw on the inside of my cheek.
“If it’s not too much trouble I’d like to take you up on the offer,“ I ask.
She smiles brightly.
“I wouldn’t have offered otherwise Rob,“ she begins walking to the spare bedroom and I follow quietly behind her.
She opens the door and it reveals a room, painted in a soft blue shade. White curtains, a soft light blue carpet swallowing my footsteps.
The dark iron of the bed sticking out, covered by a dark blue duvet.
It looks so inviting. I’d just like to lay in it and watch Netflix and eat pizza.
“You look like you’re going to ask the bed to marry you,“ she snickers.
“You’re actually not far off,“ I reply.
She walks to the cupboard painted in white and gets out an old shirt of mine. It was from a concert. The picture of the band almost faded from too many times of being washed.
She hands it to me, almost shyly.
I take it, but before she lets go I take her hand.
“You had it? All this time?“ I ask her wonderment laced in my tone.
She nods.
“I slept in it. It comforted me,“ she admits and stares at it.
“You should keep it,“ I cover her hand around the shirt and she just stares at me.
“But what will you wear to sleep? It’s cold, I don’t want you to freeze,“ she walks back to the cupboard and rummages inside, coming up empty-handed.
“It’s fine Addi. I’ve slept without a shirt before,“ I say as I take off my shirt to prove I don’t feel cold, but my skin betrays me by breaking out in goosebumps.
“You might want to tell that to your skin,“ she gestures to my exposed upper body.
“Nothing escapes your gaze does it?“ I chuckle.
She shakes her head, while looking me up and down.
“Trust me I’m drinking all this in,“ she says.
With that she bids me goodnight, and closes the door.
I can hear her soft feet padding to the other bedroom until she closes the door.
I get into bed and it smells like vanilla. Kind of like her, which makes it even harder to find sleep, but soon my eyelids droop and I fall asleep, wishing for Addi to lie next to me.
After some time I feel soft hair in my face. Trying to get it out of my face I hear a soft sigh, and realize Addi snuck inside and is covering me almost with her whole body. Wearing nothing but my old shirt. I smile and tuck her closer into me.
Never have I ever felt better than right here, right now.
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eightysix-baby · 1 year
💌? Please 💚💚
hey sam 💚 ! things I associate with you ...
Characters/people ( some of these are cause we’ve talked about them before others you just kind of remind me of lol ) Jake "Hangman" Seresin,  Sirius black,  Richie Tozier,Spike,Bucky barnes ,Loki, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw,  the Tenth doctor,Ethan Hunt ,Lestat de Lioncourt ,Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Tony stark, General Kirigan,Billy Russo,Penelope Garcia,valkyrie, Wanda Maximoff,eggsy unwin,Velma Dinkley, lewis nixon (I know your not in the hbo war fandom anymore but I still associate you with him)Jesper Fahey, nancy downs,stu macher,randy meeks,erik lehnsherr,michelle and pickforrd -dazed and confused,michelle jones,severen,david the lost boy,dallas winston,John Bender, charlie dalton,roberta now and then Peter Parker,Harry Osborn , Rupert Giles, Glen Powell,Miles Teller,Sam Reid,Lewis Pullman,Ben Barnes,Bill Hader,Sebastian Stan,David Tennant,Alexander Skarsgård,Tom Cruise,Zendaya,Tessa Thompson,Hilary Duff
Film/tv : Dazed and Confused,Top Gun: Maverick,It,Harry potter,IWTV, Mission Impossible ,Doctor Who , Charmed, Criminal Minds,Marvel,BTVS, alien franchise  , Doctor who,Scooby doo,The Picture of Dorian Gray, Repo! The Genetic Opera,The Craft,Fox and the Hound,adventures in babysitting , grease 2 
other things : nirvana,  maneskin, queen ,My Chemical Romance,Sharks,Snakes,Black,Green, Orange,Marine Biology ,Cryptozoology,,loch ness monster,vampires,halloween/ fall season, all things horror/spooky,Seattle and london , rainy weather, 90s grunge/punk music and aesthetic, late night car rides listening to music, flannels, Hawaiian shirts and graphic tees, football, green bay packers and tons of other things !
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Interprete: Claudio Baglioni
Etichetta: CBS
Catalogo: 466135-1
Data di pubblicazione: 16 Novembre 1990
Matrici: CI CBS 466135 1-1L/2L/3L/4L
Supporto:vinile 33 giri
Tipo audio: Stereo
Dimensioni: 30 cm.
Facciate: 4
Note: Sottotitolo: Un mondo uomo sotto un cielo mago / Fotografia di Guido Harari / Registrato a "Real World Bath Westside" (Londra), "Town House" (Londra), "Grande Armée" (Parigi), "Forum" (Roma), "Pick Up" (Reggio Emilia), "Studio Emme" (Firenze), "Easy Records" (Roma), "Heaven" (Rimini) e "Great Linford" (Milton Keynes) / Copertina a busta con speciale poster contenente su un lato la riproduzione di un lungo manoscritto dello stesso Baglioni e sull'altro una combinazione di foto e disegni. Non sono presenti i testi delle canzoni / Pubblicato anche in uno speciale cofanetto con il codice 466135-0 / Distribuito da CBS Dischi S.p.A.
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Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Simon Clark (piano) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Pino Palladino (basso) , Phil Palmer (chitarra) , David Rhodes (chitarra) , Celso Valli (tastiera)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Pino Daniele (voce) , Pino Daniele (chitarra) , Paolo Gianolio (chitarra) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Pino Palladino (basso)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Marcello Bono (ghironda) , Paolo Gianolio (chitarra) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Pino Palladino (basso) , Frank Ricotti (percussioni) , Celso Valli (tastiera)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Pierre Dutour (fiati) , Richard Galliano (fisarmonica) , Michael Gaucher (fiati) , Paolo Gianolio (chitarra) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Antoine Russo (fiati) , Celso Valli (direzione fiati) , Celso Valli (tastiera)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Manu Katche (percussioni) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Mia Martini (voce) , Pino Palladino (basso) , Danilo Rea (piano)
Lato B
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Nick Glennie Smith (tastiera) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Phil Palmer (chitarra) , Celso Valli (tastiera)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Rossella Corsi (coro) , Danny Cummings (percussioni) , Cesare De Natale (coro) , Susan Duncan Smith (coro) , Paolo Gianolio (chitarra) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Roberta Longhi (coro) , Livio Macoratti (coro) , Paola Massari (coro) , Claudio Mattone (coro) , Matteo Montanari (coro) , Piero Montanari (coro) , Franco Novaro (coro) , Pino Palladino (basso) , Danilo Rea (coro) , Massimiliano Savaiano (coro) , Walter Savelli (coro)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Paco De Lucia (chitarra) , Paolo Gianolio (chitarra) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Pino Palladino (basso) , Unione dei Musicisti di Roma (orchestra di archi e mandolini) , Celso Valli (tastiera) , Celso Valli (direzione archi e mandolini)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Steve Ferrone (batteria) , Tony Levin (basso) , Celso Valli (tastiere)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Danny Cummings (percussioni) , Isobel Griffiths Brass and Woodwind (fiati) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Danny Thompson (contrabbasso) , Celso Valli (direzione fiati)
Lato C
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Paolo Gianolio (chitarra) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Pino Palladino (basso) , Frank Ricotti (percussioni) , Celso Valli (tastiera)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Paolo Gianolio (chitarra) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Tony Levin (basso) , Celso Valli (tastiera)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Steve Ferrone (batteria) , Richard Galliano (fisarmonica) , Nick Glennie Smith (tastiera) , Tony Levin (basso) , Hossam Ramzy (percussioni) , Celso Valli (tastiera)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Danny Cummings (percussioni) , John Giblin (basso) , Nick Glennie Smith (tastiera) , Charlie Morgan (batteria) , Youssou N'Dour (voci) , Celso Valli (tastiera)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Steve Ferrone (batteria) , Paolo Gianolio (chitarra) , Tony Levin (basso) , Walter Savelli (pianoforte) , Celso Valli (tastiera)
Lato D
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Riccardo Baglioni (voce) , Ida Baldi (coro) , Paolo Gianolio (chitarra) , Teresita Lastoria (voce) , Oreste Lionello (voce) , Paola Massari (coro) , Phil Palmer (chitarra solista) , Mario Pescetelli (voce) , Silvia Saleppico (voce) , Walter Savelli (coro) , Celso Valli (tastiera) , Celso Valli (programmazione ritmica)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Claudio Baglioni (tastiera)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Paolo Gianolio (chitarra) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Didier Lockwood (violino) , London Symphony Orchestra (fiati) , Pino Palladino (basso) , Hossam Ramzy (percussioni) , Frank Ricotti (percussioni) , Unione dei Musicisti di Roma (flauti) , Celso Valli (direzione flauti) , Celso Valli (tastiera)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Danny Cummings (percussioni) , Paolo Gianolio (chitarra) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Pino Palladino (basso) , Unione dei Musicisti di Roma (orchestra d'archi oboe e fagotto) , Celso Valli (tastiera) , Celso Valli (direzione archi oboe e fagotto)
Autori: Claudio Baglioni Musicisti: Paolo Gianolio (chitarra) , Manu Katche (batteria) , Pino Palladino (basso) , Frank Ricotti (percussioni) , Celso Valli (tastiera)
Celso Valli
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what-u-com · 2 months
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Aiuti a Kiev, speaker Camera Usa: "Repubblicani non voteranno legge" | Biden: "Si voti immediatamente"
La guerra in Ucraina giunge al giorno 721. Il ministero dell’Interno russo ha inserito la premier estone Kaja Kallas nella lista dei ricercati, per “azioni ostili contro la Russia e contro la sua memoria storica”. Una corte d’appello militare russa ha condannato a 5 anni di reclusione il sociologo Boris Kagarlitsky, contrario alla guerra in Ucraina. La presidente del Parlamento europeo, Roberta…
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infosannio · 10 months
Giovedì 6 luglio 2023, Real Orto Botanico di Napoli a Brividi d’Estate 2023 debutta "Signora Odissea"
Al Real Orto Botanico di Napoli, nell’ambito della ventiduesima edizione di Brividi d’Estate, rassegna organizzata da Il Pozzo e il Pendolo Teatro di Napoli, debutta giovedì 6 luglio, alle ore 21, Signora Odissea di e con Titti Nuzzolese e Roberta Misticone. La produzione è Im/perfetta Teatro. La rassegna, nata da un’idea di Annamaria Russo, ospita un racconto che tutto il mondo conosce. Una…
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inveterade · 10 months
HQ traz a história de Carlo Acutis, o ciberapóstolo da Eucaristia
A PAULUS Editora lança a obra em quadrinhos “Carlo Acutis – um santo jovem”, escrito por Camille W. de Prévaux, com tradução de Tiago Risi Leme, ilustrações e cores por Fabrizio Russo e Roberta Pusceddu. A obra integra a coleção “Percursos” e fala de Carlo Acutis ao mostrar os principais acontecimentos da vida do jovem de Deus, da infância à adolescência. No início do enredo, a ilustração traz o…
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months
Kosovo, per la prima volta una leader è intervenuta nella sessione plenaria del Parlamento Europeo
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Kosovo, per la prima volta una leader è intervenuta nella sessione plenaria del Parlamento Europeo   Un lungo discorso appassionato, che ha toccato molti punti di contatto tra l’Unione Europea e il Paese balcanico che più sostiene l’adesione all’Ue, nonostante le recenti tensioni che mettono Pristina di fronte al rischio concreto di sanzioni internazionali. La presidente del Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, è intervenuta alla sessione plenaria del Parlamento Europeo, la prima leader nella storia del giovane Stato europeo a rivolgersi agli eurodeputati nell’emiciclo a Strasburgo. “Oggi il Kosovo è libero, è indipendente, è un faro di democrazia", ha aperto il suo discorso Osmani, prendendo parola dopo l’incoraggiamento da parte della presidente dell’Eurocamera, Roberta Metsola: “Conosco i suoi sforzi per la de-escalation e la stabilità nella regione”. Un intervento iniziato con il ricordo del Premio Sakharov 1998 consegnato dal Parlamento Ue al primo presidente del Kosovo, Ibrahim Rugova (prima che il Paese dichiarasse l’indipendenza nel 2008): “Voglio ringraziarvi dell’incommensurabile e continuo contributo che questa istituzione ha dato alla nostra libertà, democrazia e indipendenza”, ha affermato Osmani, chiedendo agli eurodeputati di “rimanere saldamente al fianco” del Paese più favorevole all’Ue, con “oltre il 90 per cento della nostra popolazione esprime il desiderio intransigente di entrare a far parte di queste istituzioni. Esattamente sei mesi fa Pristina ha fatto richiesta di diventare Paese candidato e il nostro avanzamento verso l’adesione fungerebbe da catalizzatore per la pace e la riconciliazione in una regione in cui le forze maligne hanno storicamente e continuano a seminare divisioni”. Così come dimostrato dall’ingresso di Slovenia e Croazia nell’Ue, o da Albania, Macedonia del Nord e Montenegro nella Nato, “l’integrazione della nostra regione non è solo di primaria importanza, ma ha anche un significato strategico". Per la presidente Osmani, “è tempo di decisioni coraggiose, non di passi a metà, il Kosovo e i Paesi democratici dei Balcani Occidentali meritano di meglio”. D’altra parte “non ci allontaneremo mai dal nostro percorso euro-atlantico”, è la promessa della leader kosovara. A proposito di integrazione europea, la numero uno del Kosovo si è voluta soffermare sul fatto che il Parlamento Europeo “ha lottato insieme a noi per la causa della liberalizzazione dei visti, fino al voto decisivo dello scorso 18 aprile: “Ha dato ai giovani brillanti e ambiziosi del mio Paese la possibilità di prosperare proprio come i loro coetanei in tutta l’Unione”. Come ricordato dalla presidente dell’Eurocamera Metsola, “è stato un percorso irto di ostacoli, ma insieme possiamo essere orgogliosi che dal primo gennaio 2024 ci sarà questa libertà di movimento”. E poi, proprio come i Ventisette, il Kosovo è particolarmente vicino all’Ucraina nella sua lotta di resistenza contro l’esercito russo: “Il 24 febbraio 2022 è stato un giorno buio per l’Europa e per noi è stato un ricordo rivissuto, a cui speravamo di non assistere mai più”, ha puntualizzato la presidente Osmani. Ecco perché “siamo stati il primo Paese della nostra regione a imporre sanzioni alla Russia” e sono state portate avanti diverse iniziative a sostegno di Kiev: “Dall’addestramento degli ucraini allo sminamento, dal lavoro per sostenere i sopravvissuti alle violenze sessuali, fino a un programma dedicato per sostenere i giornalisti ucraini per continuare a raccontare la verità”. Per quanto riguarda le tensione nel Nord del KosovoPeter Stano, portavoce dell'Alto rappresentante Ue, Josep Borrell, afferma  "Nonostante i nostri ripetuti appelli, il primo ministro del Kosovo, Albin Kurti, ha finora fallito nell'intraprendere passi decisivi per ridurre le tensioni" nel Nord del Kosovo. "Il piano in cinque punti illustrato nella lettera all'Alto rappresentante Ue, Josep Borrell, non affronta in maniera adeguata alcuni degli elementi fondamentali che hanno provocato l'ultima crisi. Mentre il lavoro diplomatico continua, l'Ue ha preparato delle proposte di misure con effetto immediato", precisando che tali misure non rappresentano però sanzioni contro il Kosovo.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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mardelivros · 1 year
Parlamento europeu reconhece o Holodomor como genocídio do povo ucraniano nos anos 1930
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Na quinta-feira, 15, o Parlamento Europeu reconheceu o Holodomor (a morte de milhões de pessoas por fome causada, há 90 anos, pela União Soviética na Ucrânia) como genocídio. Chamada de "o celeiro da Europa" pela fertilidade de seus solos negros, a Ucrânia perdeu de quatro a oito milhões de habitantes na grande fome de 1932-1933, em um cenário de coletivização de terras orquestrada, segundo historiadores, por Stalin para reprimir todo e qualquer desejo nacionalista e separatista no país, então uma república soviética. A Ucrânia faz campanha há anos para que o Holodomor seja oficialmente reconhecido como genocídio, um conceito cunhado durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. "Felicito o Parlamento Europeu pelo reconhecimento do Holodomor como um genocídio do povo ucraniano", escreveu o presidente ucraniano Volodymyr Zelesnky no Twitter após o anúncio da decisão da União Europeia. "Estou grato à presidente Roberta Metsola", escreveu ele no tweet, "aos eurodeputados e a toda a Europa unida por esta importante e justa decisão", "espero um ulterior reconhecimento do Holodomor como um genocídio por parte de todos os países civilizados do mundo". Num texto votado quase por unanimidade (507 votos a favor, 12 votos contra e 17 abstenções), os eurodeputados reunidos em Estrasburgo consideram que o Holodomor (extermínio pela fome, em ucraniano) foi cometido "pelo regime soviético com a intenção de destruir um grupo de pessoas impondo deliberadamente condições de vida que conduzem inexoravelmente à sua aniquilação física". "Os atuais crimes russos na Ucrânia são uma reminiscência do passado", insistiu em um comunicado de imprensa o Parlamento Europeu, que na quarta-feira em Estrasburgo entregou seu Prêmio Sakharov para a Liberdade de Pensamento ao povo ucraniano, que luta contra a invasão da Rússia. A Rússia nega categoricamente tal classificação, argumentando que a grande fome que assolou a União Soviética no início dos anos 1930 causou não apenas vítimas ucranianas, mas também russas, cazaques, alemães do Volga e membros de outros povos. A Alemanha, que em novembro também reconheceu o Holodomor como genocídio, foi acusada por Moscou de "demonizar" a Rússia. Read the full article
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enkeynetwork · 1 year
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rodadecuia · 1 year
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