#reylo happily ever after
dyaddu · 3 months
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'Ben...I'm pregnant'
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eagna-eilis · 1 year
if they bring her back, and they SHOULD, they need to GIVE MY GIRL BACK HER SPACE HUSBAND because IT WOULD MEAN A LOT TO US
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mayhemandtrouble · 8 months
Wedding Bells Chapter
Full story with detailed tags of Ao3
The ceremony was scheduled loosely for morning, when gentle rays would be scattered through the leaves of nearby trees. Rey could hear her friends in the courtyard, with Rose taking charge of decorating as though she were tending to a fleet of ships. It was sweet. Last night, after a few drinks, she’d asked Rey if she and Finn ought to come to Naboo. Rey hoped they would.
“Ben, you’re supposed to be leaving!” Rey laughed, coming back to the moment as she felt his strong arms around her from behind.
“In a minute.” Ben smiled, gently coaxing her towards the refresher.
“What’s that?” She nodded towards the thin box while he picked up her brush. She’d suspected he would want to tend her hair himself. It had become a private ritual between them, with Ben allowing himself to care for another and Rey allowed herself to be cared about.
“Open it.” He teased, gently running the brush over his lover’s brown silk hair. Coaxing out every tangle before Ben began to section off slender bits, starting at her crown and working down. 
“Oh… oh Ben.” Rey breathed out slowly as she caught sight of what lay inside the box. Three pieces, to be precise. A bracelet, done in bright, silver metal that seemed to shimmer in the light. Simple enough but with a winding floral vine and embedded pearls for the center of each flower. Beneath were two copies in miniature, omitting the pearls. One for her, one for each of the twins.
“You should have-” Rey tried to turn her head but Ben kept her looking straight in the mirror with gentle pressure of his hands.
“Stay still. Besides,” Ben kissed the back of her neck lightly. It felt like so long ago that he had done this through their connections, trying desperately to win her trust only to break her goodness. “A man gets to decorate his love.”
“Mmm, but you’ll be left out when we all wear them.” She teased, knowing that warm purr in his voice. Ben was happy. That knowledge alone warmed her from the inside out.
“Silly Flower.” Using his teeth, he yanked the sleeve of his right arm down a little. Displaying a matching, if darker toned, piece already on his wrist. Far broader, it lacked the trailing the vine and pearls while keeping the floral images - carved directly into a dark metal so that the lines shone like stars in the night. “I intend to keep you where I can see you, even when I can’t reach you.”
Foolish sentiment, he knew. But even if he had to stay within the walls of Varykino forever, Rey would have to step out. He would not allow their marriage to become a cage for her. It was a trinket to bind the family, and to help him remember why he’d stepped back from the abyss.
When Ben stepped out of their bedroom, it was after drying several sets of happy tears from Rey’s cheeks. No doubt, she would be trying to think of something to present him with in the coming days. That was simply how they were, and he was grateful for it. Once fully into the hall, he noted his Mother lingering in a nearby doorway and smirked.
“Waiting to make a last plea for her sanity? She won’t run fast in her condition.”
“Her sanity is long gone.” Leia snorted, striding over to her son. Between his style and her own, the man was dressed in accordance with his family station. A black tunic, made of a textured weave that drew the light across, with a cape attached at the shoulders in a matte black. More of the same fabric draped across his broad chest as a sash. Trousers in black linen, with a stripe of gun metal silver running down the outside of his legs. A nod to Han’s blood stripes, though Leia knew better than to reference it aloud. 
“Agreed.” His smirk grew, along with the smile lines around his eyes. Leia had spared no expense, where Rey would let her indulge, and one could read the significance of the day in how she dressed. The sides of her hair had been rolled into beautiful ropes of strands, with Grandmother’s silver hairpieces secured along the back of her head. At the base of her neck, the length was braided and curled around itself, interwoven with ribbon that was embroidered with precious metals. Catching the light subtly but beautifully.
“Stand still, or you’ll make me wrinkle your tunic. Rey won’t care, but I will.” Leia fussed, seeming to pull a wide black belt from nowhere and securing it around her son’s waist. Each movement confused him and sent the immense swathes of her draped gown fluttering. She had selected rose colors, with wide silver accents that gathered the material of her sleeves several inches below her wrists. Entirely impractical and entirely wonderful.
“It’s tradition, Ben.” Hushing him with a scolding tone, Leia fastened the belt neatly under his sash. She took only a moment to step back to observe the effect before adding her finishing touch.
Ben looked down when he felt a slight tug at the belt. As his mother’s hands withdrew, with a quiet smile on her face, he stared at what she had left behind. His saber, not as it was when he presented it to her, but how it had been before his fall. She had repaired it, quietly and on her own, removing the crossguard and cleaning the metal where the vents had blown. Now it shone in the morning light and when his ungloved fingers traced it, all he felt was her warmth.
“It’s family tradition for me to outfit you with a sword for your wedding day.”
She spoke quickly and Ben smiled. If that was the story she wished to tell, it was a good one. It was true, technically speaking. He was her heir, the only descendent of the Royal House of Alderaan. And with the Rhindon Sword destroyed along with the planet, something else would have to suffice. Though it certainly didn’t have to be a lightsaber, lovingly restored to the last time he’d been strong with the Light.
“Thank you, Mother.” Ben stooped and kissed her forehead lightly, before he was shooed along so that Leia could help Rey with her veil.
“You look beautiful.” Leia couldn’t help a smile of motherly pride at Rey. She had opted for a dress that was relatively simple, by the current planet’s fashion standards. White satin, whose full skirt flowed in waves along her figure, angled with a shorter hem in the front to display a cream lining to the skirt. A neatly tailored bodice, and the entire thing was modestly accentuated with the pearls, gems and beadwork that they had removed from Padme’s veil. 
“I feel like I’m about to trip and ruin the dress.” Rey scrunched her face in self-deception. She wasn’t wearing heels, plain white flats and she rather felt her ankles were spilling out of them, but still. Rey wasn’t used to formal attire at the best of times.
“You won’t. And even if you do, I’ve learned that nothing gets ruined beyond repair.” The older woman chuckled, noting the newly acquired bracelet on Rey’s wrist. She’d had to arrange those for Ben, of course. It had been nothing short of wonderful to see him so particular about each detail of a gift for Rey. “Sit down, let’s get you finished.”
“Should I wear cosmetics?” Eying Leia’s face in the mirror as Rey sat before the vanity, her own features felt plain for the occasion. She rarely contemplated the pigments, but seeing Leia’s perfectly adorned face brought the question back to the surface. She hadn’t expected Leia to pause in unpacking the veil, looking over at Rey for a long moment before answering.
“Do you want to wear them?”
“Maybe… just a little, for today. I don’t have any so could I…” She hesitated. This was the sort of thing one learned with their parents, Rey supposed. If they wanted to use the powders and creams at all, and how to use them. Or with their friends as children and teens. It wasn’t supposed to be something you learned from your husband’s mother on your wedding day.
“Let’s see if you like it.” Leia smiled. It was only a brief walk back to her own room and Leia returned with a large, cream toned case. Upon opening it, Rey swore there were more colors inside than she was aware existed in the entire galaxy. Small pots of barely tinted liquid, tubes of brillant scarlets and sweet pinks, pans of varying sizes and tones - the purpose of each alluded her. 
With absolutely no concern as to if it delayed things, Leia took her time. Showing Rey as her Mother had once taught Leia, with the pair settling on a barely there shade of dusty pink for her lip. A little shimmer on Rey’s eyelids that Leia skillfully blended out and a hint of mascara. The effect was subtle, and Rey found she more enjoyed the time spent with Leia than the impact of the pigments. Sharing a warm smile with her mother-in-law in the reflective glass while Leia settled the veil into place.
Rey had decided to do nothing to damage the family heirloom of generational fabric - leaving the opaque white veil as it was, so that it covered her hair and draped down her back in soft waves, echoing the hem of her dress. What they had done instead was to remove much of the opulence, leaving a scattering of beads along the fabric and having them skillfully placed along the dress. Spread over a much larger surface, they created the impression of having stardust scattered along her clothing. 
“One last thing.” Leia watched Rey turn to admire herself in a long mirror, the moment bittersweet. The poor girl should have her own family here with her, Han would have loved to see this too. Hated ceremonies but loved a party and he’d have been so proud of Ben. Well, she simply had to do the role of four and Leia Organa was used to taking on a challenge.
“Hmmm?” Rey glanced over in confusion, particularly when her mentor produced a thin silver metal belt, presumably from her large sleeves.
“On Alderaan, the Royal Heir would wear a ceremonial sword during their wedding. You’re both my heirs, so I expect you both to look the part.” Leia’s firm words didn’t tolerate objections, her fingers fastening the belt into place just as she had for Ben. Inspecting Rey fastidiously before she clipped an unfamiliar saber hilt to Rey’s new accessory. It was comprised mostly of a metal with an oddly rose gold hue to it, with raised stripes of silver metal down the length and rings at either end. “There. It will serve you well.”
“Leia, this is yours.” Rey’s voice faltered, her fingertips tracing the cool metal reverently. “I can’t…”
“You most certainly can and you will. Better it goes with you than to sit around gathering dust. My fighting days are behind me and I never cared for the thing anyway.” Dismissing every objection Rey could possibly muster with a smile and a shake of her grey head. Music began to float in through the open windows, increasing Leia’s smile. “Let’s get moving, before Ben decides I’ve kidnapped you.”
As Leia took Rey’s arm, there was a sense of correctness to see her saber at Rey’s hip. She wouldn’t tell them the reason she had set it aside, a premonition that her son’s death would be tied to her own path as a Jedi. Everything that they had done to try and circumvent fate for Ben had only made things worse. It was time to trust.
Chewbacca could barely believe what he was witnessing. The smile on Ben’s face was shockingly gentle as he reached out for Rey’s hand. Drawing the bride from Leia’s side to his own, under a small awning that was positively laden with flowers. Rey hadn’t expressed much in the way of wants or preferences, but she’d asked for flowers. So Chewie personally decorated the stupid metal arch himself - only because he could easily reach the top, mind you.
Rey looked stupidly happy as well, gazing up at Ben. They exchanged vows that were similar to the ones Chewie had heard Han and Leia offer each other. The similarity hurt, thinking about how much Han wanted to be there for his son.
The smuggler turned General would plan their missions around making sure they were back in time to take care of Ben. And increasingly, Han simply didn’t go on them anymore - preferring to spend time with his son. It had broken him when Ben rejected them all, broken him in a way that Chewbacca didn’t know Han could be broken. 
They’d gone back out, trying to make believe like nothing was wrong. Like Han’s son simply didn’t exist, was dead, or would be coming back - whatever was easier to process in the moment. Leia buried herself into work with a fervor Chewie had never seen, watching in dismay as his family began to drift further apart.
And then there was that smile. That soft smile that crinkled the skin by Ben’s eyes as he looked down to Rey, promising her a softer forever than he himself had any right to. And despite it all, Chewie wanted to believe it. Hating himself for it, Chewbacca wanted to believe that Han Solo’s son could find a way to be happy in a quiet life with Rey and their children.
If anyone had asked Poe Dameron if he ever planned to raise a glass with Kylo Ren, he would have broken their jaw just for having the nerve. It was hard not to though, when the asshole looked so damn pleased just to stand next to Rey during their little afterparty. 
There were gifts, of course. One doesn’t come to these sorts of things without them, and Leia seemed to be making up for lost time in spoiling the couple - regardless of how many times Rey protested that they simply didn’t need all this. And Kylo had quietly set Rey up in a comfortable chair, bringing her the wrapped parcels one at a time. Poe had seen barghests and hounds with less pathetically obvious devotion. He’d have to stop teasing Finn about being wrapped around Rose’s little finger - Rey barely had time to notice her glass was getting low before Kylo filled it again.
“Not what you expected either?” Finn’s voice was low and to the side. 
“Still hate him.” Poe snorted, lifting his glass and emptying it in a quick swallow.
“Feeling’s mutual.” If anything, watching the domesticity made Finn more angry with the former Supreme Leader. If the leaders of the First Order were capable of such tenderness, where the hell had it been during Finn’s life - when he was only a few letters and numbers without a name. 
“She’s happy though.” Poe finally spoke, with a begrudging tone and Finn nodded. They didn’t have to like it. They didn’t like it. But for Rey’s sake, they had to support it. At least unless the brat returned to the Kylo Ren that they knew. 
If Rey heard the murmured conversation, she gave no sign of it. The wounds created by the First Order, and by Kylo Ren, were poorly healed and would take time to recover. Meanwhile, the growing children demanded Rey be uncharacteristically selfish. She had to take care of herself, to accept Ben’s doting and for once wasn’t hurrying to run ahead. His fingers sliding over her hair - the precious veil tucked aside for the next generation - felt warm as sunshine.
“Rose, is this…?” Rey couldn’t hold back a shameless giggle as she revealed the box hidden by colorful wrapping paper. The paper itself was wadded into a ball and tossed gently to the ground, where the porgs began to peck at it. Trilling as they bounced and waddled after it while it rolled again.
“Yup! The new mod kit we were talking about before you left. It’s technically for the newer models but I figured we could retrofit it to the Falcon. Plus, I met a guy during one of the last missions - this is one of the deluxe editions. We could use it to program the ship speakers to blast dance music, or lullabies.” Rose’s smile was as wide and infectious as her friend’s. 
Picking out a wedding gift for General Organa’s daughter-in-law and Kylo Ren’s bride had been difficult at first. Nothing seemed good enough for the former, and she kept coming up empty when thinking about the latter. Nothing that was usual seemed to quite fit the bill. Finn, a little surprisingly, was the one who reminded her that the gift was for Rey. After that, it was simple.
Ben admired the way her green eyes lit up, how her smile seemed larger than life. Thinking about her working on the Falcon was strange, uncomfortable. He’d never escape from the damn ship. Sighing in resignation, he shook his head and exchanged the unwrapped parcel for another. Anything to make her happy, keep her laughing. Including biting a raw spot on his cheek to make sure he didn’t say anything that would start a fight and ruin the day for her.
“This one’s from me.” Finn spoke up, quickly crossing the floor with a grin. “Well, from all of us but I came up with the idea.”
“And you’re sure fast to take the credit, buddy.” Poe smirked openly, seemingly indifferent but also sliding in closer to see how she reacted.
The box itself was nondescript, once deprived of its celebratory wrapping and bows. A simple brown gift box, the sort you’d buy at any number of stores throughout the galaxy. Once Rey removed the lid, her lips curved into an amused smile.
“Sand?” Lifting the container, Rey held it up to the light. It was a lovely piece in and of itself, a clear crystal orb with veins of gold, silver and copper running through. Small enough to fit in the palm of her hand and completely sealed, it was filled with sand with just enough empty space that she could watch the grains tumble about.
“From Jakku. So you’ll always have a bit of home.” Her first friend rubbed the back of his neck, watching her eyes. Rey was either going to love this or hate it. Finn was fairly certain she’d love it, but still. It hadn’t exactly been easy to get on short notice but Poe could get his hands on anything with a proper fire under his ass.
“Oh…” Rey’s voice trailed off, cupping the orb with both hands now. Home, her first home. Where she last saw Mother and Father, where she’d been born and they’d protected her from Grandfather. With tears in her eyes, Rey looked up to the three of them. “Thank you… so much.”
“Thank you.”
Every head in the room turned to Ben when he spoke. Apart from his vows, Ben had been exceptionally quiet. Creepily so, to Rey’s three friends. Now, the only two words he’d spoken carried the weight of the world. Especially as he took the gift with such care, making sure to place it on a nearby mantle where it would be safe. 
He couldn’t say he particularly cared for the thing, but Ben well understood the desire for relics of one’s past. Brushing his thumb lightly over the crystal surface, he wondered briefly if her parents would have approved of him. He’d have courted her relentlessly no matter what, but it was oddly warming to think they might have. A pleasant thought to consider as Ben made his way back slowly, watching his newly appointed wife open yet another gift from Mother.
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chele20035 · 1 year
I finished my reylo WIP!!!
You Were Meant For Me is done!! I hope you go read…
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pocketsofdaisy · 3 months
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“I will love you until I am nothing, until I am dust beneath the ground. And wherever you go beyond here, I only ask that the Force lets me go with you.”
⚔️ ✨
finally got around to commissioning another beautiful canonverse artpiece! so here is a scene from the epilogue of my completed fic breaker of chains that the lovely & talented @boomdafunk so graciously crafted—all the tenderness and yearning with the gorgeous backdrop of Naboo is everything a reylo could ask for ��
merci du fond du cœur, Alicia 💕
content tags - • canonverse • post-tlj • morally grey • supreme leader kylo ren • canon-typical violence • dreams and nightmares • enemies to lovers • belligerent sexual tension • mutual pining • heavy angst with happily ever after • trauma healing • love confessions
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tljisthegoat · 6 months
The tragedy of Reylo is knowing how we almost got a Happily Ever After for Star Wars that would usher in a new era for the franchise, but had it ripped away from us. Just like Rey, we all lost something that gave us endless joy, comfort excitement, etc. Something that was going to be so meaningful for both the characters & the audience.
And what did we lose all that for? Nothing NOTHING could justify this betrayal.
The fact that anytime I think of Reylo, I feel such intense longing. Disney better figure out how to save Star Wars cause Reylos have already figured out how to resuscitate this tragic mess of a franchise.
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starpeace · 1 year
i know it must have been tragic for reylos that after several years of being an aggressive attention-seeking fanbase desperately clinging to imagined victimisation, you succeeded in having lucasfilm sideline its characters of colour for your faves to kiss, only for the whole thing to go out like a damp squib, just entirely lifeless, kiss-of-gratitude type behaviour, stone cold dead on the pavement in a fundamentally cowardly and uninteresting movie that few have the energy to even think about. but you could have accepted that and moved on with your life instead of continuing to cling to this shred of identity in the year of our lord 2022 because you apparently don’t have a personality outside of believing you’re persecuted just because people with taste wish you would shut up occasionally about wanting a space fascist to live happily ever after
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short-wooloo · 10 months
the reality reylos live in is so weird
listen to them talk about their precious “kylo lives” au follow ups to ros and they’re always going on and on about how “wonderful” it is that Rey and kylo live happily ever after together (bleagh) in a hetero nuclear family new jedi order, but they never seem to have an answer for why everyone in the universe ignores and lets the mass murdering fascist off the hook
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Title inspired by June Jordan’s poem “Poem for My Love”
As a special way to enjoy some Reylo fanfiction this Valentine’s Day, the Reylo Fanfiction Anthology is hosting a gift fic exchange on AO3!
As a participant, you will offer to write a story of a minimum of 1000 words for someone’s request. You will also be matched with another writer who’ll write a gift fic for you based on your sign up request.
Sign ups open on Friday, December 8, 2023.
Sign ups will close at midnight EST on Sunday, December 17, 2023.
You will receive your recipient’s request by Wednesday, December 20, 2022.
All fics are due at midnight EST on Saturday, February 3rd, 2023 to give us time for any pinch hit assignments, if necessary.
Fics will be anonymously revealed at 12:01 A.M., February 14th, 2023.
Authors will be revealed on Wednesday February 21st, 2023.
Please note that that this is an exchange hosted on AO3. In order to participate, you must have an Archive of Our Own account. For questions on how to join AO3, or any other questions, please email us at [email protected].
Please indicate at least three prompts for a fic you would like to receive when signing up, as well as anything you do not want in your gift fic.  Additionally, we are asking all participants this year to please include their favorite non-Star Wars book and movie in their sign up.
Prompt 1: Years after Rey and Kylo are married and trying to live happily ever after, a new Sith Lord rises.
Prompt 2: Domestic fluff - Rey and Ben/Kylo celebrate a holiday.
Prompt 3: Explicit hand holding
I love when Rey and Kylo banter and spar, but I don’t like outright fighting where they hurt each other. Fluff is fine! I really like when they kiss and makeup.
I do not want a gift fic with the following: Extreme violence, blood and gore.
My favorite non-SW book is Neverwhere and movie is Labyrinth!
Click here to sign up for the exchange!
Click here for more details about how the exchange will work!
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virtie333 · 8 months
Let's talk Damerey.
I ended up being a VERY general fan during the SW sequels. Like...none of the ships bother me. FinnPoe? Fine. Damerey? Fine. Kylo and whomever, sure. I guess. I just want them to live and be happy.
Anyway, when did your Damerey journey start? I think I read at one point they had thought about making Poe and Rey a thing? But I guess the visions of the differing directors didn't allow for it? Did I make that up in my head?
I understand the appeal of that ship as well as FinnPoe or whatever it's called. I mean, it's Poe, so who wouldn't be obsessed lol
Anyway, thoughts?
Also, do you like to stick to Damerey fics for Poe or do you also like xreader with Poe?
Oh, boy. This might take a while.
I can honestly say I've been Damerey a lot longer than I've been a fan of Oscar Isaac. I became Damerey right after The Force Awakens. But here's the thing, I was Reylo, too. What? Okay, let me explain. I love the 'good girl falls for bad boy' trope, but I've always been realistic about it; the bad boy can't be horrible bad and has to become good eventually. I loved the idea of Rey bringing Ben back from the Dark Side, but... what he did to his father (my first love and still the one I compare to all other crushes) is unforgivable. I knew Ben Solo would NOT have a happy ending. Therefore, Rey needed to have her happily ever after with someone else. Finn or Poe? I loved them both, but I do have a thing for pilots, so I chose Poe.
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The Last Jedi only increased my interest in both ships. The connection between Rey and Ben was fascinating. But... that last scene between Rey and Poe? I remember commenting to my brother after our first viewing, "They have to be planning something between them after that! Right?"
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I went into the last movie wondering which way (if either) they were going to take it. I told myself I would be happy with either, and even if Rey chose no one; after all, she doesn't need a man to make her happy. But I am a hopeless romantic. After the first argument between Poe and Rey, where I nudged my brother (who I saw all 3 movies with) and said "They're just like Han and Leia!", I had hopes.
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But... they failed to continue with that bright start. And with the kiss between Ben and Rey at the end, I was pretty much resolved to settle for Reylo. And that was my focus for the first couple of month after the movie. But then something strange happened. A fellow Reylo fan, who had defended the first two movies despite all the hate going on, started bemoaning how 'Rey would never be happy now,' and she 'would never get to have babies,' etc. etc. And that pissed me off. Big Time. She had options, dammit! She could stay single and raise Force sensitive orphans. She had Finn. And of course, she had Poe. So, I wrote Rising, my first fanfic in almost 20 years.
When the pandemic hit, and I ended up working part-time, I decided I needed to continue with this post-movie world I had created. I still had a soft spot for Ben, and it shows up in my early works, but I wanted to make Rey and Poe find their happily ever after. Then something else strange happened. In one of my stories, Kennera, I wrote a scene from Poe's POV. Suddenly, I wanted to know more about the actor who portrayed him. And I found this...
That was that. I was hooked on this man. I started watching everything I could with him in it. And I continued to write Damerey, falling more and more deeply into that ship. Reylo became less and less interesting to me, and now I could care less about it. Damerey is everything to me. And it's been that way for almost three years now. I just freaking love them with everything in me.
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To answer your question about the ship almost becoming canon, yes it almost did. Colin Trevorrow's script The Duel of the Fates almost became the third movie, and it included a lot more Rey/Poe interaction, even a kiss or two. Some say it's why that scene at the end of The Last Jedi was added, to introduce that attraction. But alas, it didn't happen.
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If you had asked me two years ago if I had read any Poe x Reader stories, I would have scoffed at you. I am a reader of novels and I write in the same style and always will, so why would I read that? But... I've read several amazing writers that write in that style since then, and I have become addicted. I know I will never write that way, but I will enjoy others.
I think the fact that I don't write that way is the reason why no one on Tumblr (other than a few trusted friends) ever reads and shares my stuff. It's a bit lonely sometimes, but it is what it is.
Damerey forever!
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Art by @greysmartwolf
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
I can explain a little of the Reylo love.
I like dark romances. I'm embarassed to admit this, but I enjoyed Twilight from a perspective if Edward was supposed to be creepy, and not that his actions were supposed to be sweet like the author I guess intended. With Reylo, I don't like if it Kylo is redeemed. I like it as a fucked up BDSM relationship that will not end happy. (Usually Rey having to finally kill him). (I hated how it went in canon and that it even happened in canon)
And Reylo isn't my favorite relationship. I actually prefer Finn x Kylo. I wrote but never posted fics where Finn and Kylo were lovers, but then Finn realized the First Order is fucked up and he leaves and Kylo is pissed that his boyfriend just up and left and gets more and more unhinged. Finn is still very much in love with him and feels guilty for joining the rebels but still continues to go against the First Order. It all ends with a final confrontation where Finn regretfully kills Kylo. I never posted it because I was too afraid of the fandom, but that ship is my guilty pleasure.
Anyways, I tend to not enjoy happily ever after. I like deeply unhealthy and dark romances. I don't know how many liked to read the Reylo the way I liked it. But Star Wars was huge and there was so much Reylo fanfiction that it was easy for the ship to stay alive. Most of my ships, the fandom for it dies after about a year or after the story finishes up.
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
Happily Ever After
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/lhHrUCy
by hiddenreylo
Disney parks, daydreams and DILF Ben Solo.
A sequel to See The Light!
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  Words: 259, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Once Upon A Dream
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Kaydel Ko Connix, Rose Tico, Armitage Hux, Phasma (Star Wars), Leia Organa, Han Solo
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, text fic, Social Media, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Parenting, Pregnancy, Reylo Baby, Disneyland, This is just an excuse for more Disney fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/lhHrUCy
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mayhemandtrouble · 8 months
We're Here!, Chapter 29 of Not Giving Up
Full story and detailed tags on A03 Days were surprisingly, almost painfully, peaceful at Varykino. Ben could distract his mind by training his body at least. There was certainly plenty of space in the courtyard - Rey had noticed that her fiance had, surprisingly, not attempted to leave the actual grounds. For now, she chalked it up to wanting to buzz around her like a sandfly. If anything, she wished he’d spend more time training.
It was decidedly more difficult to find things to occupy her time. The first few ones had been easy enough, getting the porgs set up by finding them little nests and teaching them where they could roam. Not that they particularly cared for rules, but they did so enjoy following Rey and Ben around and Rey enjoyed their company.
The Retreat was designed for artists, intellectuals with the sort of schooling Rey never had time to consider let alone dream of. She would have liked to settle in the shade and read, both the Jedi texts and avail herself of the overstuffed library at the Retreat. Two certain little someones made it impossible to sit still for very long, getting restless if Mama didn’t move enough.
“You could just ask me to read to you while you walk.”
Ben’s frustrated voice signaled that she had been caught, and that Ben didn’t approve of her new habit. In an attempt to solve both problems, Rey had taken to walking slowly with a datapad in one hand, the fingers of her other brushing along the wall to keep track of where she was. It… mostly worked.
“That’s embarrassing.” Her nose wrinkled and Rey stuck her tongue out over the top of the datapad. 
“Yes, having your husband read to you is much more embarrassing than waddling around at a snail’s pace while you try to make sure you don’t fall.” Ben snorted, but already conceded the loss. Rey had always been stubborn. Lack of sleep and an overabundance of hormones had made her even more so. Evidently this was business as usual for pregnant people, not that he had much experience with it.
“We’re not actually married yet, remember?” Snipping without any real anger, Rey actually sighed rather contently when Ben reached out to gently run his palms over her belly. 
“If you’d prefer to remain so, I can arrange that. Mother’s high society friends will be scandalized of course. It’s one thing for me to lead the First Order, another entirely to have children outside of marriage.” He teased in delight, savoring how Rey rolled her eyes at him. She was so much fun to play with, especially when her ire was already up for unrelated reasons.
“Speaking of the wedding though, and more importantly, I was sent to fetch you. We have guests.” Ben paused, letting his words hang in the air just long enough to annoy her into raising an eyebrow. “I suppose some of your Resistance friends got noisy. They’ve arrived for the event.”
It was entertaining to watch Rey attempt to scurry. This late in her term, it was adorable to watch her do anything really. The ceremony was happening tomorrow and not a moment too soon in his estimation. His lovely Flower looked as though the children would pop out at any moment.
“Look at this place!” Rose exhaled slowly, taking in the view of Varykino and its majesty. This place had the good grace to be old, not newly built with blood money and full of morally bankrupt assholes like the gambling den Finn had been impressed by. 
“This the kinda place you want?” Her dark skinned lover teased her. Finn was in much better spirits than he could ever recall being in his life. He had not expected to see the end of the war, at least the war as he knew it. It had taken so much from him, his childhood, his youth. And Rose would never truly consider settling when there was work she could be doing. Now, for the first time, he’d caught her looking at small cottages on calmer planets.
“Are you crazy? I need access to a city to make a living.” It was wild, the idea of making a living. Getting up, going to work, coming home to Finn. Resting. Having a normal life. The kind of life her sister would have wanted for them.
“Place is way too good for that asshole.” Poe grumbled, tossing their scant luggage out of the transport. His shoulders were itching, annoyed and entirely unsure how he had let them talk him into this. 
“No argument. General must know what she’s doing though.” Rose sighed, stretching her arms over her head as she stepped out of the transport. It was easy to be happy for Rey, but difficult to reconcile who her friend was happy with. 
“Rose! Finn! Poe!”
There was no mistaking the happy voice, coming from inside the doorway to Varykino. Finn and Rose broke into an immediate trot while Poe delayed. Outside of a few hours in the med bay, he hadn’t spoken to Rey since she’d shot him with lightning. Which had probably been an accident but it was disconcerting all the same. Especially considering who the dumbass was marrying.
Inside, Ben watched the reunion with a touch of jealousy. He knew, intellectually, that they posed no threat to his happiness. Rey would choose him and the children over and over again. And he’d made it his business to ensure that Rey was kept fucked within an inch of her life, though he denied even to himself that a part of it came from wanting to ensure she was too sated to ever seek another. 
He didn’t begrudge her their friendships. Ben didn’t even mind that they took her time, occupied her mind when a twisted part of him wanted Rey to think only of him. What he struggled with was her smile, how she embraced the others so freely, shining that warmth he coveted for himself. Ben braced himself on a railing, well aware that he was playing a rather cliche role as he watched his love from a distance.
“I would ask if you’re about to cause trouble. Except that I didn’t inform them where she is.”
Mother’s voice carried a light scolding and Ben smirked a little, loosening his grip on the stone.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re referencing, Mother.”
“You never have before, so I don’t expect you to start now.” She huffed, coming to stand by her son. A little smile gracing her features as she watched Poe awkwardly walk towards Rey. The four would sort things out between themselves, given time. Their bonds were simply too strong to tolerate division for long. “She’s happy to see them.”
“That’s what matters.” Ben glanced down at his Mother, entirely unsurprised she had figured him out. His last attempt to surprise Rey had ended in having to tell her about her lineage. This one was, blessedly, going according to plan.
 Bathed in the glow of a beautiful sunset, Rey was the picture of a delighted mother and bride-to-be. With Ben under strict orders not to come close, she was showing off the veil they’d adjusted to suit her own taste, along with the little mobiles she’d fashioned to hang over the cribs. Small models of ships and planets, suspended on wire and brightly colored. Two of the three porgs were waddling, investigating the new items and the visitors, while the third was settled on Rey’s lap - taking a nap.
“I don’t really know what babies ought to have and the HoloNet threads get so confusing and angry.” Rey confessed with a sheepish laugh to Finn, watching as he dangled one of her creations from his strong fingers.
“Everything on the HoloNet gets angry.” Rose snorted, tracing her finger lightly down the edge of the veil. “I can’t believe you get to use the General’s Mother’s veil though.”
“It’s just nice to have something with family history.” It was so soothing to see her friends going through the wedding regalia and baby things. This is what people are supposed to have when they are starting a new chapter, a family to celebrate with.
“You did a great job, Rey. You gonna make some more of these? Could probably sell them at that market you were talking about.” Finn grinned over at her. She was happy and that set him more at ease. It helped that the asshole hadn’t been spotted yet, but he’d never seen Rey looking so well. So minor points in the jerk’s favor.
“Oh, that’s a great idea-”
Whatever Rose had been about to say was cut off by one Poe Dameron stalking across from the other side of the courtyard and slamming a brightly colored drink down on the table beside Rey. He had a matching one in his hand, the kind that have you wobbling in your steps before you even get to the bottom.
“Poe…. I’m pregnant.” Rey arched her eyebrows, glancing at the beverage and the look of grim determination on his face.
“I made it without booze.” Poe didn’t so much sit down as he collapsed into a nearby chair, taking a quick drink from his glass. The alcohol missing from her glass had gone into his own. “Look, we gotta talk about you shooting me with lighting and that’s the sorta thing that requires a drink.”
“We literally went over and agreed not to.” Rose groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Rey, I’m so sorry.”
“Poe, knock it off.” Finn rose quickly and, while he set down the mobile with care, the hand that squeezed his friend’s shoulder was tight. They all wanted answers about what happened that day but they had also all said to wait until after the high risk pregnancy was successfully completed!
“Look, I’m sorry but Rey… I gotta know. Is that some shit he taught you? What kinda path is he taking you down?” 
Poe’s eyes seemed to burn through her and Rey looked down at her lap, her left hand stroking slowly over the twins. Ben wouldn’t be so much as annoyed with her if she cast the blame at his feet to hide her parentage. Leia likely wouldn’t raise an eyebrow. And it wasn’t as though Ben hadn’t taught her a few tricks. It wouldn’t be such a lie to say that she learned it from him. Only it didn’t feel right, the words sitting like dusty bricks in her mouth and refusing to come out.
“No. I… That… Poe, that was an accident…”
“No shit, but where did you learn it? What the hell happened to you while you were with him?” Concern and anger mixed together. He shouldn’t have let her leave, Leia’s plan or not. Poe should have put his foot down and insisted Rey go somewhere safer, have more guards or just stay there where they knew she was protected. 
“I… it… it’s sort of… genetic? We used the time to investigate and… I come from a line strong with the Dark Side of the Force. So…” Rey swallowed, finally picking up the drink that Poe provided and holding it in both hands. Rotating the cool glass slowly as she summarized to the bits that seemed relevant. 
There was a meaningful pause as they all let the new information stink in. Neither of the three knew much of the Force, their rising concern was for their friend, not the balance of the Galaxy.
“What the fuck does that even mean?” Poe sighed, leaning back now that Finn finally released his grip. 
“It means it’s not our business.” Finn growled a little. Rey was dealing with enough. If the woman was a traitor to the Resistance, Leia wouldn’t be here.
“I’m related to the Emperor. Believe me, I’m not happy about it and don’t go talking about it.” Rey sighed, raising the glass and finishing it in one go. Rather wishing that the overly sweet mixture actually had the burn that would help ease this moment from her mind.
“You’re one of us.” Rose was the first to speak, standing up and grabbing Poe’s glass from him before he could get wasted and say something even stupider. Pouring it out over the railing while shooting Poe an angry look, she continued. “Some of us just need to figure out how to express themselves without being assholes.”
“Tactful’s not my strong point.” Poe conceded, mumbling as he dropped his head onto his hand - supported by the table - while he tried to sort through the information he’d just been given. It sorta explained a lot, the woman was strong as hell and exceedingly quick-witted. Maybe accounted for her shitty taste in partners as well. 
“We’ve got you.” Finn moved to squeeze Rey’s shoulder, a much more gentle and supportive gesture. “Sides, there’s a ton of us who didn’t get a say in being connected to that bullshit.”
Rey started to protest then swallowed the words. She had chosen not to go into detail but their origins were sadly similar. Finn’s parents might have loved him, they might not have. They might be dead, they might be alive. The First Order had plucked her friend from whatever life he’d had before at the tender age of three. He struggled with many of the same questions, only phrased a little differently.
Perhaps shared experience of being alone was why he was so protective of her, Finn mused. They’d met on both the worst and best day of his life, during his escape from the First Order. Rey had never cared that he used to be a Stormtrooper and he sure as hell didn’t care who she happened to share some DNA with.
“Thanks.” Rey squeezed Finn’s hand, drawing comfort in the warmth there. He and Chewie were the first constant good things in her life.
“Whelp.” Poe exhaled, finally lifting his gaze back to Rey. “You, ah… need someone to run any last minute errands? Flowers or… something?”
Trying to help, however awkwardly, was a way for Poe to apologize and a step towards acceptance. That it was Poe fucking Dameron offering to go buy wedding flowers just made it hilariously endearing. Rose and Rey met each other’s gaze and, slowly but steadily, dissolved into a mutual fit of giggles that didn’t end for the better part of ten minutes. Poe would endure floral themed teasing for the rest of the night.
Ben’s pre-event preparations were much quieter but no less soothing. He had hung their clothing for the ceremony so that each garment would be accessible and in the correct order to be worn. Where she had the veil, however, he didn’t know. Rey didn’t want him to see how it had been changed before the ceremony. It seemed pointless, but he obliged her.
When Rey went to dress, she would find a thin box, tied with a black ribbon, set down next to her hairbrush as a quiet wedding day gift. She would protest later, saying he ought to have told her so that she could get something for him. But she would smile for him and that was all he wanted.
In the fading light, he stepped out on a small, more private balcony with two bottles of very expensive ale. If Ben strained, he could occasionally catch laughter from the other side of the Retreat. He settled his large frame on the wide stone railing and leaned back against a pillar. Above his head, flowering vines draped as though deliberately placed to create a romantic effect. They’d probably been carefully cultivated to do just that, he mused.
What was odd to him was not his lack of company, but the lack of whispers in his mind. Certainly, Ben would have expected to feel the Dark Side pulling at him tonight. With Rey’s friends here, he was alone. His Father wasn’t here to offer advice on making a marriage work, and that was Ben’s own fault. Chewbacca wouldn’t be stopping by with a drink, and there wouldn’t be any embarrassing stories about how toddler Ben had gotten Chewie so sticky the poor Wookie had to be shaved. He was alone, the end product of his own choices. Surely there was no better time to torture him.
Ben pried the tops off both bottles with a practiced hand. Alderaanian ale was extremely difficult to get ahold of, what with the main producer having been destroyed by his Grandfather. For better or for worse, depending on how much of a beer snob one was, the rich grains had already been exported and there were a few specialty companies catering to a niche market. Mostly Alderaanian families whose survival had been luck, happening to be off-planet for whatever reason, rich business types and drink enthusiasts.
“Wish you were here, Dad.” He whispered into the growing darkness, setting one of the bottles on the far side of the ledge before Ben took a slow drink from his bottle.
“He’d remind you that drinking alone is dangerous.”
“One’s for him.” Ben wasn’t surprised to hear his mother’s voice though he hadn’t been expecting it. “I thought you were with Rey.”
“They see me as the General, to one degree or another. I’m more concerned about being your Mother right now.” Leaning her cane against the railing, Leia’s hand gently cupped her son’s face. Tracing her finger along a hint of scruff. “You need to shave.”
“Rey likes a little stubble.” She wasn’t wrong though. He’d shave neatly before the ceremony though why Ben couldn’t just say that, he didn’t know. Exhaling slowly, he looked down at the bottle in his hands.
“I’m so proud of you.”
Her words were quiet and cruelly sincere, causing Ben to duck his head. How dare she. How could she possibly say such a thing. When she, of all people, knew his sins and the measure of his failures. Had he not single-handedly destroyed their family? He’d murdered Father, driven Uncle to exile first then death. Mother had been spaced in an attack he’d led, personally.
Leia’s touch drew his features upwards again, and her smile was tender. Her wonderful boy had fallen so far, nearly drowning in corruption and darkness. Yet he came back, came back and was adding to the galaxy. It would never erase what was done but all the same. Ben was back, fighting the Darkness. Her thumb caressed his cheek, catching a bead of moisture in the dim light.
“Mother… why…”
His voice broke on the question but he didn’t need to continue. Leia’s arms wrapped around him, pulling Ben into the embrace he hadn’t felt in so long. Worn fingers soothed gently through his hair while her own heart shattered into pieces around them. The why was the many hundreds, thousands of questions they had all suffered.
“We failed you Ben, but we never stopped loving you. Never.” He smelled of the same soaps as when he was a teen. Cocky and convinced he knew everything one moment, frightened of the Darkness that swirled around him in the next one.
The ale bottle slipped from his fingers, creating a mess several floors below for the poor groundskeeper. Ben couldn’t bring himself to care, burying his head into his Mother’s shoulder and grasping tightly to her petite frame. He was not the sort of person that people loved. Kylo Ren had no right to expect affection or comfort.
“It’s all right, Ben. Ssh, it’s all right.” Leia rubbed her hand between his shoulder blades as Ben’s shoulders began to shake, soothing him slowly as she had so many times in the past. When things had felt both a great deal simpler and a great deal worse. Humming him a familiar lullabye as Ben wept in quiet shudders.
There was a great deal to cry over and Ben wasn’t sure where his pain started and regret for his actions began. Only that everything blended together and that his Mother still felt so safe, with a scent of delicate flowers and gentle touch.
“I’m sorry.” She deserved a better apology, something formal and drawn out. The sort of thing that would be carved into a statue’s plaque - commemorating Han’s legacy and Ren’s defeat. All he could give her were two broken words, his voice wracked with tears.
“I know.” Leia buried her head into his dark curls, her own shoulders trembling with unshed tears. Words would not bring Han back, or the millions of lives that had been snuffed out. Yet let the galaxy hate her, she would protect her son. Pulling back slightly, Leia cradled his face in her hands. “We’re so sorry. Your Father and I. We are both so sorry.”
He couldn’t remember seeing his Mother cry. Not like this. She had shed poignant tears during speeches, and he could remember her crying at the memorials for her own parents. This was a deeper wound, one that seemed it might carve the woman in two. It physically hurt Ben to see the pain in her eyes and so he buried back against her shoulder. Letting them both have the comfort of the only other living Skywalker.
“Why Uncle?”
“Because he was Luke Skywalker.” Leia laughed darkly through her tears. She’d had such perfect faith in her brother. Han had been doubtful and she should have listened. But even he had trusted Luke. All three of them trusted each other almost blindly, but what can one expect? They had pulled each other out of so many situations that were simply impossible. At some point, one simply starts to expect miracles.
“And if the Legend can’t redeem the boy, kill him.” Ben eased back slowly, looking up at his Mother with self-hatred in his eyes. How many nights had he wondered if Uncle had been right. He was Luke Skywalker after all.
“Never.” Leia nearly hissed in her admance, brushing tears from his face. She had nearly killed Luke herself. A part of her still wished she had, or had let Han. Perhaps then Ben would have felt safe. “That was never the plan and we were never all right with what happened that night. We didn’t know how to help you afterwards, but it doesn’t mean what your Uncle did was right.”
He closed his eyes and tried to remember exactly what his parents had said then. There had been a lot of fighting between them all. Father had been so outwardly furious at Uncle but Ben internalized it. After all, it wouldn’t have been a problem if he wasn’t a monster. The memories seemed to be distorted, as though viewing a painting through ripped gauze and broken lenses. Oddly indifferent to the idea, Ben wondered for a moment if Snoke had been toying with his perception of events even then. It wasn’t as though the bastard had ever attempted to be impartial.
“How long will you stay after tomorrow?” Ben spoke after a long silence, brushing the last of the moisture away with the back of his hand. If he was being honest with himself, he didn’t want her to leave anytime soon. They had a great deal to discuss between them but Ben couldn’t manage more than a little at a time. If he was being honest with himself. “Rey would appreciate help with the twins.”
“Until you’re all well-settled. However long that takes.” Leia promised with a squeeze of his hands and, for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, Ben believed his Mother. Full story and detailed tags on A03
0 notes
bluetiefling · 1 year
i agree, 'cosmic connection' really is *such* corporate bs. it's obvious there was a meeting with everyone involved and they were given instructions on what to say. before they started using that line even the other actors in the cast were talking about how Halbrand and Galadriel were flirting. but either way, cosmic tension/connection just sounds insanely non-platonic in my opinion so ... joke's on them.
I remember the way the other supporting cast were openly talking about the flirting and have to assume amazon forgot to give them the memo. And yeah basically as soon as I noticed multiple people involved using identical "cosmic" phrasing, that's when I realized what was going on. It's annoying - idk why they're walking on eggshells so much - but it's the same playbook studios have used before when dealing with a very popular IP with a reactionary fanbase. Like whatever your feelings on reylo that was another case where the studio could never just Admit or Commit to what they're doing because reasons.
There's a rumor they started the 'second' big rewrite for season 2 recently (the first rewrite having been done back in april/may). And this second one is based on Amazon's feedback (based on Amazon's observation of audience feedback). I feel like it's a pretty safe bet they're going tell the team to lean in on what was popular because they've done that before with their other prime shows. It's not going to mean making haladriel get together and live happily ever after lol but I'll be happy to keep getting the kind of ship-baity content that translates into the excited social media engagement the studio desperately wants more of.
"but either way, cosmic tension/connection just sounds insanely non-platonic in my opinion"
A lot of the spin M and C and multiple writers have done is basically "it's not romance it's [insert very romantic description about soulmates and shit here]". M even said it's a deeper and more than anything Galadriel's ever felt, which made me wish some enterprising journalist would've asked a follow up question like "damn what's Celeborn gonna think about that" lmao.
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pocketsofdaisy · 1 year
Tumblr media
the world would divide us | reylo fic | E | modern au
Read on AO3 | • Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5 • Chapter 6
☀️ summer vacation ⛰️ small town 💌 friends to lovers ❤️‍🩹 second chance romance 🎓 alt timeline between high school & college 💅🏼 popular rey x outsider ben ❤️ heavy angst with happily ever after
Rey goes home—first time in a long time—to discover her friends’ latest tradition: a ‘summertime crawl’ through their town’s entertainment spots. Some things changed. Others never will. But running into the once outcast Ben Solo (who definitely changed) will dig up an old teenage heartbreak that tore them apart.
or: During her summer break, Rey runs into Ben (aka: the high school senior she secretly lost her virginity to.)
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tljisthegoat · 7 months
How I'd make Rey's movie basically a soft reboot for Star Wars.
Dark Rey is the best future for Rey's character imo.
After TROS, she's been left with nothing & her desire to see Ben again will consume her.
When she saw his future, she saw her own death & Ben's smile, but she didn't see him being ripped away from her. This leads to her purposely turning to the dark side. Making her the first character in canon to let herself turn in order to achieve her goal.
It's like if Anakin knew the trappings of the dark side but was able to control it without Palpatine's manipulation.
Rey would use Kylo's lightsaber so she could feel closer to Ben. She'd keep Luke, Leia & Anakin's lightsabers on The Millennium Falcon. She becomes an enemy of The Rebellion.
She'd pull a Palpatine and control both sides of the conflict in order to cause imbalance in The Force. She'd go by Rey.
Rey creates new temples for light side & dark side force users. She wouldn't be able to train them just like Luke barely trained her. Both light & dark side students would honor Luke's teachings and his sacrifice for the galaxy.
Rey would tell her students to join The Rebellion after she left them to start her new journey. This would give them a fresh start.
Rey finds Kreia in Vader's old castle on Mustafar.
Rey teams up with Kreia to find Ben but doesn't want to see The Force die unless it's necessary to save Ben.
Rey learns that The Force can be reborn infinitely as it can't permanently die due to being an integral part of the universe. Kreia knows this as well.
Kreia tells Rey about the love story of Darth Revan & Bastilla Shan.
Rey finally reunites with Ben Solo, and they get their happily ever after.
This would lead to many things from Old Canon/Legends coming back into New Canon/Disney Canon.
Reylo would be the new leads for the future of Star Wars (as they should've been if Disney wasn't braindead morons)
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