localmutantlesbian · 4 years
Differences Between Mutations
So my Giant Masterpost of Mutations has gained some traction, and because I'm a total nerd I'd like to talk about why certain mutations are categorized as their own thing, why some mutations are considered sub-sects of another, and why some mutations aren't differentiated.
Why isn't Reicinokinesis (the ability to self-combust and then reconstruct one's self) not considered a sub-category of Regenerative Healing?
While you could of course categorize it under Regenerative Healing, the reason I didn't is because the focus with Reicinokinesis is more on the blowing up part. With healing, it's not so much what is done to you as how your body reacts, while in this case it's your body literally combusting and reassembling.
Why aren't Photokinesis or Magnekinesis listed as sub categories of Electromagnekinesis?
Technically neither magnekinesis nor photokinesis are represented on the electromagnetic spectrum ("but Iri" i hear you say, "isn't photokinesis control over the visible light spectrum?" well, im so glad you asked, imaginary person. we used to think it was! but studies show photokinetics actually draw from heat, UV light, and the visible light spectrum when using their mutation!) so I count them as seperate. But they do function similarly.
What is the difference between Bio-Picnokinesis (also known as Intagiblity) and Picnokinesis?
Intangiblity is focused soley on organic matter, while picnokinesis either incorporates both organic and inorganic, or simply inorganic matter.
Why isn't Inclinkinesis (shape-shifting) seperated into animal and humanoid categories?
Imma be real with you: I do not have a good answer for this. For some reason we usually just lump all shapeshifters together. Why? Idk ask Hank McCoy bro
Why are Vitakinesis, Toxikinesis, and Nosokinesis all seperate categories? Aren't they basically the same thing?
This is similar to the whole Reicinokinesis/Regen Healing thing. It's all about where you place your focus. So while a vitakinetic can cause someone to become sick, they do it by decreasing/disrupting life systems, while a nosokinetic would be interacting specifically with the processes that make someone sick (disease, etc). Likewise with toxikinetics vs. nosokinetics. It's less about the end result and more about how they got there.
Aren't all psonic (e.g Hypnokinesis, Mnemokinesis, Oneirokinesis, etc) a form of telepathy?
I mean....yes? Kinda? I would say the reason for the difference is telepathy is thought of (heh) as manipulate of conscious thought, while other psonic mutations manipulate different brain functions. Also the fact that most mutants with these mutations wouldn't be thrilled to be called knock-off telepaths lol
Are there specific kinds of atmokinesis?
To put it simply: yes! True weather-specific atmokinesis is fairly rare; most people who find they can only control rain or tornados for example find that with practice that control extends to all weather phenomena. But there are definitely mutants who can manipulate certain kinds of weather exclusively.
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localmutantlesbian · 4 years
Examples of Mutations: a companion piece to Iridescent's Giant Masterpost of Mutations
Sometimes it's difficult to comprehend how certain mutations work, or you just want to see who has the same abilities as you! I've tried my hardest to use real mutants as examples, but there are some fictional people on this list. See my tags for more details
Atmokinesis: Storm
Umbrakinesis: Cloak
Telekinesis: Cable
Atmokinesis: The Phoenix/Phoenix Force
Pyrokinesis: ....Pyro..
Hydrokinesis: Loa
Telepathy: No-Girl
Mnemokinesis: Professor X
Cryokinesis: Iceman
Element Mimicry: Riptide- air mimicry
Chlorokinesis: Krakoa
Florakinesis: Marisol Guerra
Dendrokinesis: Black Tom Cassidy
Photokinesis: Jubilee
Ergokinesis: Gambit
Seismocracy: Quake (Agents of Shield)
Magnekinesis: Magneto, naturally
Picnokinesis: Big Bertha
Omnilingualism: Cypher
Sensopathy: Sabertooth
Reicinokinesis: Tucker Shockley (Agents of Shield)
Multiple Limbs: Clover! @genosha-girls
MotoSpatiokinesis: Blink
Idemekinesis: Multiple Man
Wings: Angel
Super Strength: Beast
Benzikinesis: Veil/Madeline Berry
Aerokinesis: Wind Dancer/Sofia Mantega
Iliokinesis: Gloriana/Meggan Puceanu
Sonokinesis: Banshee
Electrokinesis: Surge/Noriko Ashita
Geokinesis: Avalanche
Inclinkinesis: Mystique 👑
Somakinesis: Tommy Morison
Hypnokinesis: Emma Frost
Oneirokinesis: our very own Ilargia, @just-a-pink-mutant
Nosokinesis: Ink
Tychokinesis: Domino
Enhanced Cognition: David Alleyne/Prodigy
Gyrokinesis: Legion/ Zero G. Priestly
Bio-picnokinesis: Kitty Pryde
Biokinesis: Apocalypse
Myokinesis: Gentle/Nezhno Abidemi
Hemokinesis: Hama (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Chonoeftikoskinesis: Maggot
Dermakinesis: Skin
Osteokinesis: Marrow
Prehensile Tail: Nightcrawler
Chloroidiokinesis: Anole
Pathokinesis: Daken
Amokinesis: Siryn/Theresa Cassidy
Phobikinesis: Dani Moonstar
Vitakinesis: Elixer
Toxikinesis: Viper
Technokinesis: Forge
Electromagnekinesis: me! Iridescent, your local mutant lesbian 🌈
Calokinesis: Sunspot
Chromokinesis: Dazzler (Dazzler's powers are complicated, and can be categorized as sonokinesis, photokinesis, and/or chromokinesis!)
Fournos Mikrokymatonkinesis: Firestar
Radiofonokinesis: Muti/Xabbu Sulaweyo
Invisibility: Cipher
Teleportation: Lila Cheney
Life-Force Absorption: Rogue
Regenerative Healing: Wolverine
Chronokinesis: Timeslip/Rita Patel
Chronoportation: the lovely Ghost @justmutantproblems
Precognition: Robin Hinton/The Seer (Agents of Shield)
Super Speed: Quicksilver
Hypnosis: Blind Faith/Alexi Garnoff
Plasmokinesis: Boom Boom
Fraxikinesis: Ash/Mark Helfrich
Flight and Levitation: Angel Salvadore
Koniokinesis: Dust
Thiriokinesis: Nature Girl
Avikinesis: Nina Gurzsky/Anya Eisenhardt
Erponkinesis: Kabuto (Naruto)
Volukinesis: Red Wasp/Petra Laskov
Ferrokinesis: Crystal
Aurokinesis: Rita Repulsa (Power Rangers)
Argentokinesis: Mercury (technically not silver but similar)
Ferrikinesis: Polaris
Essokinesis: Scarlet Witch
Flyrokinesis: Skids/Sally Blevins
Nemakinesis: Skein/Sybil Dvorak
Hallucikinesis: Jason Stryker
Odynokinesis: Jack Ryder/The Creeper (DC Comics)
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