fumojuno · 2 months
(!) Hey, I don't support nazis. I just share images of them I find on the Internet and pair them with unhinged comments
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where the fuck did he get those tits from ?? hello, one squeeze please? himmler said that not me
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lucie-lagarde · 7 months
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Fallen into the Country Humans / Balls verse and I can't get out ! Love all the history stuff I can find in this fandom !
Here's my first contribution !
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heinrichderfinkler · 2 months
Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring
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mikrokosmos · 10 months
Alexandre Desplat - Main Theme to Asteroid City (2023)
Last night I went out to the movies with friends and we saw the new Wes Anderson picture, Asteroid City. This is the first time in a long time that I've seen a film in a theater and I do have a lot to say about the movie and the unique way that it shows the kind of crisis and anxiety that artists have in the creative process. But from the first moment I fell in love with the score by the acclaimed film composer Alexandre Desplat. Just as Anderson uses picturesque scenes and stock characters of Atomic-Age Americana to evoke a nostalgia for this idealized past we can only experience as artificial recreations, So Desplat turn to post-war American music to capture not only an atmosphere of the era but also of the American Sublime. There are only a few moments that his score comes through mixed with retro country western tracks. The opening of this “suite” holds us with a high-pitched note held over a melody in the lower register of the piano. This distinct “Americana” sound feels that way because it is reminiscent of Copland’s orchestral writing. But then the oscillating xylophone and bells brings in a pulse that makes me think of American minimalism with the likes of Steve Reich and Philip Glass. Little wind arpeggios come in to heavily emphasize Philip Glass' style of “minimalism”, which can be heard throughout his scores. And this nod to Glass ends with a long held organ pedal point in the bass, reminding us of his iconic score for Koyaanisqatsi (1982). Then, unexpectedly, the held note which opened the score is revealed to be the opening to the serene and otherworldly prelude to Wagner’s Lohengrin (or at least a short pastiche). Why reference Wagner here? I'm going to guess that this is related to the Wagnerian sound of heroism, triumph, and the sublime all being paired with the reminiscent love for the cowboys of the Old West. And these long held notes, and evoking the repetitive and potentially endless sounds of looping American minimalism come together to create a musical depiction of the American Sublime of endless Horizons and expansive nature and the quiet beauty that places like the Southwest has. I might be reading a lot into it and I don't want to argue that this is what Alexander Desplat had in mind when he decided to write in an American musical style for matching aesthetics, but I think this adds a nice little cherry of a detail on top of an already complicated and multi-layered film.
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nicklloydnow · 4 months
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“Like it or not, we are all psychoanalysts, amateurs of the mysteries of the heart and the undies, deep-sea divers into horrors. Woe to the mind with a transparent abyss!” - Emil Cioran, ‘All Gall is Divided’ (1952)
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ich-hoere-dir-zu · 9 months
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Reichtum ist relativ.
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kaiserrreich · 9 months
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Theodore Roosevelt and Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany sit on horseback at a review of Imperial German troops.
Photographed in 1910
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darklili96 · 8 months
Wer nicht sparen will, muss fühlen
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Fountains on the "Reichsausstellung Schaffendes Volk" (The Reich's Exhibition of a Productive People) of 1937, held in today's North Park district of Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
German vintage postcard
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walkwithursus · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ravenous (1999) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Reich/Toffler (Ravenous) Characters: Reich (Ravenous), Toffler (Ravenous) Additional Tags: Rescue, Near Death Experiences, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Bullying, Survival, Huddling For Warmth, Naked Cuddling, Mutual Pining, Frottage, Dry Humping, Mildly Dubious Consent, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Getting Together, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Near Drowning Summary:
Spring looms nearer now than it did when they’d passed this way before. The integrity of the ice had not been a concern then.
It is now.
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fumojuno · 27 days
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who allowed these two to have fat asses FUUUUUUUCCCKKKK
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hansdurrer · 5 months
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Between Santa Cruz do Sul and Sinimbu, Brazil, 16 December 2022
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 6 months
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Bürgergeld nach nur 4 Jahren abgeschafft
AfD Wähler: Schaut nach Italien
Die italienische Regierung unter der Führung der profaschistischen Giorgia Meloni hat, wie im Wahlkampf versprochen, das Bürgergeld faktisch abgeschafft. Die Folgen für die Betroffenen sind krass. Sie hat alle Menschen unter 60 und ohne minderjährige Kinder als "arbeitsfähig" eingestuft. Diese bekommen jetzt bei Arbeitslosigkeit oder Krankheit keine Unterstützung mehr.
Das Bürgergeld (italienisch "reddito di cittadinanza") hatte die Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung 2019 eingeführt, um der Armut in Italien entgegenzuwirken. Die Arbeitslosenquote im Süden des Landes lag 2022 mit 14,6 Prozent fast dreimal so hoch wie im Norden des Landes (5,1 Prozent), berichtet zdf.de.
Was hat das mit der AfD zu tun?
Vor 7 Jahren hatten wir das Wahlprogramm der AfD untersucht ("Bürger" wählen eigenen Totengräber) und festgestellt, dass eigentlich nur Reiche und "idealistische Rechte" freiwillig die AfD wählen dürften, denn wirtschaftlich ist das AfD-Programm von der FDP abgeschrieben.
Staatliche Kindergärten lehnt die AfD eigentlich ab, sie will die Erziehung durch die Mütter fördern.
Kinder sollen früher ins Gefängnis, Strafmündigkeit soll auf zwölf Jahre gesenkt werden.
Staatlichen Eingriffe in die Wirtschaft stören.
Erbschaftssteuer streichen - also die Ungerechtigkeit zwischen Arm und Reich noch weiter vergrößern.
Private Krankenversicherungen statt staatlicher Gleichmacherei.
Und natürlich ist auch die "Freie Fahrt für freie Bürger" - der alte Slogan gegen Tempolimits des ADAC im AfD Wahlprogramm, der aber nur für mehr Autowracks und mehr CO2 sorgt.
Für die weniger begüterten Italiener wäre ein Blick ins Wahlprogramm hilfreich gewesen - und eigentlich noch sehr naheliegend, wenn das Bürgergeld erst 2019 eingeführt wurde - trotzdem haben sie aufgrund populistischer rechter Hetze ihre "Totengräber" gewählt. Wir sind sehr gespannt und leider wenig optimistisch, dass die WählerInnen in Deutschland weiter denken können.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/italien-meloni-buergergeld-abschaffung-100.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3x9 Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8577-20231105-buergergeld-nach-nur-4-jahren-abgeschafft.htm
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nicklloydnow · 7 months
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“You are taking over the rule of the world, and it makes you tremble with fear. For centuries to come, you will murder your friends and will hail as your masters the Führers of all peoples, proletarians and all the Russians. Day after day, week after week, decade after decade, you will praise one master after the other; and at the same time you will not hear the plaints of your babies, the misery of your adolescents, the longings of your men and women, or, if you hear them, you will call them bourgeois individualism. Through the centuries, you will shed blood where life should be protected, and will believe that you will achieve freedom with the help of the hangman; thus, you will find yourself again and again in the same morass. Through the centuries, you will follow the braggarts and will be deaf and blind when LIFE, YOUR LIFE, calls to you. For you are afraid of life, Little Man, deadly afraid. You will murder it, in the belief of doing it for the sake of "socialism," or "the state," or "national honor," or "the glory of God." There is one thing you don't know nor want, to know: That you yourself create all your misery, hour after hour, day after day; that you do not understand your children, that you break their spines before they have had a chance really to develop them; that you steal love; that you are avaricious and crazy for power; that you keep a dog in order also to be a "master." Through the centuries you will miss your way, until you and your like will die the mass death of the general social misery; until the awfulness of your existence will spark in you a first, weak glimmer of insight into yourself. Then, gradually and gropingly, you will learn to look for your friend, the man of love, work and knowledge, will learn to understand and respect him. Then you will begin to understand that the library is more important for your life than the prize-fight; a thoughtful walk in the woods better than parading; healing better than killing; healthy self-confidence better than national consciousness, and modesty better than patriotic and other yelling.
You think the goal justifies the means, even the vile means. You are wrong: The goal is in the path on which you arrive at it. Every step of today is your life of tomorrow. No great goal can be reached by vile means. That you have proven in every social revolution. The vileness or inhumanity of the path to the goal makes you vile or inhuman, and the goal unattainable.
"But how, then, shall I reach my goal of Christian love, of socialism, of the American constitution?" Your Christian love, your socialism, your American constitution lie in what you do every day, what you think every hour, in how you embrace your mate and how you experience your child, in how you look at your work as YOUR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, in how you avoid becoming like the suppressor of your life.
But you, Little Man, misuse the freedoms given you in the constitution in order to overthrow it, instead of making it take root in everyday life.
I saw you as a German refugee misuse Swedish hospitality. At that time, you were a would-be Führer of all the suppressed people on earth. You remember the Swedish institution of smörgasbord? Many foods and delicacies are spread out, and it is left to the guest what and how much he will take. To you, this institution was new and alien; you could not understand how one can trust human decency. You told me with malicious joy how you did not eat all day in order to gorge yourself on the free food in the evening.
"I have starved as a child," you say. I know, Little Man, for I have seen you starve, and I know what hunger is. But you don't know that you perpetuate the hunger of your children a million times when you steal smörgasbord, you would-be savior of all the hungry. There are certain things one just does not do: such as stealing silver spoons, or the woman, or smörgasbord in a hospitable home. After the German catastrophe, I found you half-starved in a park. You told me that the "Red Help" of your party had refused to help you because you could not show your party membership, having lost your party book. Your Führers of all the hungry distinguish red, white and black hungry people. But we know only one starving organism. This is the way you are in small matters.
And this is the way you are in big matters:
You set out to abolish the exploitation of the capitalist era and the disdain for human life, and to get recognition of your rights. For there was, a hundred years ago, exploitation and contempt for human life, and thanklessness. But there also was respect for great achievements, and loyalty for the giver of great things, and recognition of gifts. And what have you done, Little Man?
Wherever you enthroned your own little Führers, the exploitation of your strength is more acute than a hundred years ago, the disdain for your life is more brutal, and there is no recognition of your rights at all. And where you are still trying to enthrone your own Führers, every respect for achievement has disappeared and been replaced by stealing the fruits of the hard work done by your great friends. You don't know what recognition of a gift is, for you think you would no longer be a free American or Russian or Chinese, if you were to respect and recognize things. What you set out to destroy flourishes more vigorously than ever; and what you should safeguard and protect like your own life you have destroyed. Loyalty you consider "sentimentality" or a "petty-bourgeois habit," respect for achievement slavish boot-licking. You do not see that you are boot-licking where you should be irreverent and that you are ungrateful where you should be loyal.
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You stand on your head and you believe yourself dancing into the realm of freedom. You will wake up from your nightmare, Little Man, finding yourself helplessly lying on the ground. For you steal where you are being given, and you give where you are being robbed. You confuse the right to free speech and to criticism with irresponsible talk and poor jokes. You want to criticize but you don't want to be criticized, and for this reason you get torn apart. You always want to attack without exposing yourself to attack. That's why you always shoot from ambush.
"Police! Police! Is his passport in order? Is he really a Doctor of Medicine? His name is not in WHO IS WHO, and the Medical Association fights him."
The police won't help here, Little Man. They can catch thieves and can regulate traffic, but they cannot get freedom for you. You have destroyed your freedom yourself, and go on destroying it, with an inexorable consistency. Before the first "World War," there were no passports in international travel; you could travel wherever you wished. The war for "freedom and peace" brought the passport controls, and they stuck to you like lice. When you wanted to travel some 300 kilometers in Europe, you first had to ask for permission in the consulates of some 10 different nations. And so it still is, years after the termination of the second war to end all wars. And so it will remain after the third and nth war to end all wars.” (p. 76 - 81)
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shluhogon228 · 2 years
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coinscollector77 · 7 months
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