#refused to listen to ricky and understand where he was coming from. or she'd put him down like you said!
retvenkos · 3 years
I agree with everything you said. Ricky is going to realize that Gina knows what he's going through a TON better than Nini. I see Ricky REALLY trying this season. They made him look like a douche last season and i hated it. I hated the way they always frame poor nini as the victim when she spent maybe 8 consecutive episodes putting him down and yelling at him. Gina has been the constant since she showed up. I hope Nini regrets going to that school. He deserves much better
Hot takes! I love it.
I agree that in season one they chose to frame Ricky in a really.... interesting light. We were supposed to root for him while sympathizing with Nini’s plight, and it mostly left a bad taste in my mouth. Eventually the problem is “solved” when Nini realizes what Ricky was going through, but did it get solved? I disagree. 
I really thought they were going to use that crossroads to let the Rini storyline end and pick up with the Gina x Ricky plot line instead. But then they didn’t. Here’s to hoping that season two does them justice.
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