thevehszlegacy · 2 years
V'ehsz Legacy: Alliance Era, Main Eight
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Bounty Hunter: Ar'eonis'terrinxx ("Terrin")
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Grand Champion, Outlander, Commander
Chiss - she/her - bi
Powertech - Pyrotech, Shield Tech / Commando - Assault Specialist
SO: Torien Cadera (married)
Children: Atten, Araa, & Anaehr Cadera
Alignment: Gray (formerly dark)
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Jedi Consular: Synnda V'ehsz
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Lead Diplomat, Grand Paladin, Member of the Circle Synnda is, essentially, Terrin's second in command in everything but title
Zabrak - he/him - gay, ace, poly
Shadow - Serenity / Sage - Seer
SO: Koth Vortena, Chakem Vira (dating, polycule)
Children: Niveh'era (adopted)
Students: Nadia Grell & Lina Tophrik (former); Parrakh Djal, Niveh'era, Attros Finn
Alignment: Light
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Imperial Agent: Rediaex'aere'zortiea ("Xaerez")
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Alliance Intelligence Agent, AKA "Nav'erda'tten"
Chiss - he/him, they/them - nonbinary, gay
Sniper - Virulence, Engineering / Operative - Concealment
SO: Theron Shan (married)
Alignment: Gray
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Sith Inquisitor: Qizulth Verryn (Ki'zulthevrynn)
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Darth Nox, Lead Archeologist & Ancient Researcher
Twi'lek - he/him - trans man, aro, ace
Sorcerer - Madness, Lightning / Marauder - Fury
SO: Single, not interested
Children: Niveh'era (adopted)
Apprentices: Ashara Zavros, Xalek (former)
Alignment: Dark
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Sith Warrior: Aaz'n Tarnak
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Lord Wrath, Head of Security, Grand Paladin
Sith Pureblood - she/her - lesbian
Juggernaut - Immortal / Assassin - Darkness
SO: Max Tro (engaged)
Students: Jaesa Wilsaam (former); Deca Iresso
Alignment: Light (leans gray)
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Jedi Knight: Liolana "Leo" Vetiko
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Battlemaster, Grand Paladin, Member of the Circle
Cathar - she/her, they/them - demigirl, bi
Guardian - Defense / Shadow - Kinetic Combat
SO: Ytila'vena (dating)
Students: Kira Carsen (former)
Alignment: Gray (formerly light)
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Trooper: Varrich Tophrik
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Head of Agriculture
Mirialan - he/him - aro, ace
Vanguard - Shield Specialist / Operative - Concealment
SO: Single, not interested
Alignment: Gray (leans dark)
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Smuggler: Jendrush "Jen" Sept
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Voidhound, Privateer
Cathar - he/him - pan
Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting / Mercenary - Arsenal
SO: K'hedif (married)
Children: Jessi & Jeva Toklar-Sept (adopted), Liakige Harren (adopted), Luci & Riza Sept
Alignment: Light
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voidendron · 6 months
It just occurred to me
That only three of my Canon Eight™️ actually survive to see Odessa when the Alliance abandons Odessen
-Terrin was killed, alongside her husband, a few months before the invasion. Thanks to a betrayal from their youngest child.
-Xaerez passes many years before due to health complications brought on by all the crap his body's been through.
-Synnda, to heart complications. He was always quiet about his health, and no one even realized his artificial heart was having issues until it was too late.
-Azan and Leo both meet their ends while defending Odessen from the Sith Empire's invasion.
-Jen survives, and retires on the new world, passing the Star Hopper to Jeva and Riza.
-Varrich's cybernetics keep him alive FAR longer than he should live, keeping him running even as his mind starts shutting down from age long after the Alliance disappears to Odessa.
-and then....there's Qizulth. Sith rituals, Ashaa rebuilding his body, keeping stubborn hold of a number of spirits.... He won't die. Some speculate he can't die, not from natural means. Three thousand years later, the hermit oracle in Odessa's wilderness scoffs at the stories of the undying Sith (but some with a keen eye notice that the oracle still glances up when Darth Nox is mentioned, or that he smiles just a little at stories of the ancient third Barsen'thor)
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zabrakghoul · 1 year
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@greyias's holiday party 2022 group shots :)
from left to right:
vensys (@villainship)
rediaex'aere'zortiea (@voidendron)
azukni (@oolathurman)
shakka (@oakstar519)
greyias (@greyias)
auicia (me!)
tel'contar (@queen-scribbles)
sass'helios'azuras (@sassheliosazuras)
thanks grey for hosting and thanks everyone for hanging out, i had a lot of fun!!
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swtor--screenshots · 4 years
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cool guys don’t look at explosions /shot
ahhh I finished Xaerez’s class story run
I love him so much ;A;
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voidendron · 10 months
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I've really struggled to draw his face a way that I'm happy with, but I think I've finally got it down so here's my sneaky lad <3
he has. Many. Many. more outfits than these, but these are kinda the "staple" fits he's most often seen in at those points
two versions of the base because once he sorta-retires he's in pretty rough shape
Other AU Refs
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voidendron · 4 months
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here, have an angry Xaerez I. don't actually remember screenshotting where is this from hello.
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voidendron · 6 months
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is Andur/Xaerez/Theron so SO tempting. I started thinking of them again and now they won't leave my mind
slow burn, enemies > allies > lovers, three VERY different backgrounds that they all come from (Theron's whole "raised by a Jedi" thing then being Republic SIS; Xaerez from the Ascendency, then being Imp Intel; Andur as a Zakuulan Exarch and in charge of a Star Fortress) ... UGH WHY
like. it would start as one-sided, Andur with feelings toward Xae since Xae DID practically save him from "going down with his ship" so to speak after his Terrible Guilt for getting the other Exarchs all killed and betraying his world. and just gradually, especially after Xae deals with having his Castellan restraints re-triggered, just. Become A Thing
bc like. Xae saved Andur, so why can't Andur save Xae?? and maybe he Also saves Theron but like. in a Literal sense from something dangerous instead of a "from himself" sense. which just cements things Even More between the three of them????
and also bc Xaerez Will eventually die from complications due to all the shit his body's been through, Theron deserves SOMEONE he can lean on when Xae does die ok
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voidendron · 1 year
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-Agent: Rediaex'aere'zortiea / Xaerez / Cipher Nine
-Consular: Lina Tophrik / Paladin Healer
-Warrior: Aaz'n Tarnak / Lord Wrath
-Knight: Deca Iresso / Paladin
-Knight: Ytila'vena / Aven / Paladin
-Inquisitor: Ehna'dissen / Sith Interrogator
-Smuggler: Fower Vek / Flower / Rediscovery Era Crew
-Hunter: Sored'river'yvest / Driver / Rediscovery Era Crew
-Trooper: Kaiba Felshaad / Inferno Squad CO
(Knight had a two-way tie between Deca and Aven, that's why they're both here)
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voidendron · 1 year
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here's Xaerez's Life Day outfit that he wore for the Ilum shenanigans
I think he kinda hates me for making him wear it ajkdls;sjd
just be happy I let you wear one of your masks, buddy. I almost gave ya the nightlife shades instead
featuring: the Life Day Potato Cannon
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voidendron · 11 months
OC Tag Game
tagged by @raven-of-domain-kwaad - thank you, Raven! 💚💜
tagging @teetertottertales and whoever else wants to do this! (bc most of who I'd have tagged are tagged already haha)
I'll be sticking to SWTOR characters for this, just for consistency
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Favorite OC: Rediaex'aere'zortiea
This was a difficult one, but I think I've got to go with Xaerez. I've really enjoyed developing him over the last few years, and I always enjoy writing fics for him, answering asks, or just doing Certified Oliver Ramblings about him. The way duty contradicts morals for them (A Lot) makes them a lot of fun; I always enjoy thinking "ok, this is what he Wants to do, but this is what he's Going to do" when it comes to the various situations I shove them into whether they Want those situations or not.
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Newest OC: Fower Vek
I believe it's Fower ("Flower"), from the Rediscovery Era crew! Like Farsc, she's a professor - they worked together at a university on Coruscant, so that's how Farsc ended up going to her to get her on the crew and in on a little grand theft auto to steal the Star Hopper from a museum oops. She's an astronomer and cartographer, so makes sure the crew doesn't get lost while they search for where the Alliance disappeared to all those thousands of years ago. I like to think she's an ancestor to Lina and Varrich.
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Oldest OC: Synnda V'ehsz
I have many OCs much older than Synnda, but in keeping it to SWTOR, he was my very first. ...Probably not surprising, considering my legacy name haha - although he was named after my legacy, instead of the other way around. I did (and still kinda do) self-project a lot onto him, but I've developed him a lot over the years and he's very dear to me. I've got a Synnda clone on just about every server if that says anything - including 2 versions of him on Star Forge alone.
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Meanest OC: Ehna'dissen
Ehna, hands down. (Commander!Varrich comes in close, however) She's an interrogator, and enjoys holding power over others. It's because of her that Xaerez's Castellan restraints get re-triggered. Because of her Synnda eventually loses his life. Because of her that the Cadera siblings nearly tear each other apart as she watched on. She's absolutely horrible, she knows she's horrible, and she thinks it's all just a fun game that she's winning.
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Softest OC: Parrakh Djal
He just wants to be a healer, help others when he can. His life had an unfortunate start, but he finds his place as one of Synnda's students.
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Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Anaehr Cadera
The youngest of Terrin and Torian's kids, Anaehr was already distant from his older siblings who were less than a year apart. He distances himself from his family as he grows jealous and angry of his siblings' success, makes terrible mistakes for it, but stands his ground and refuses to feel guilt for the actions that make him Dar'manda. He doesn't let anyone get close to him; his anger becomes numbness, and he becomes a cold and hateful man.
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Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Jen Sept
My Voidhound. Need I say more? ajksl;djaskld Jen is. A lot. He can walk into a trap, know he's walking into a trap, and continue to walk in with zero plan anyway. It's....a good thing he has Risha and Kitty to steer him in the right direction, or this cat man probably would have gotten himself killed a long time ago.
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Smartest OC: Kitty
While Synnda and Qizulth are both extremely intelligent, their knowledge is a lot more limited to their interests. Kitty? He learned to survive during over a decade on the run after sneaking out of the academy on Korriban. Medicine, cultures, languages, mechanics, history--chances are if you ask him something, he can at the very least point you in the direction of getting the right answer even if he doesn't know it himself. Good thing, too: Marrying the Voidhound means someone needs to have the braincell or they're doomed.
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Horniest OC: Jen Sept
Jen again! He kinda just. Slept his way through the galaxy until he met Kitty. And now that they're together, Jen likes to experiment in bed, and sometimes they'll bring in a third for the night, too. With Jen having so much power in the underworld, it works Mighty Well for getting other bosses to cooperate with him.
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OC You'd Bang: Aaz'n Tarnak or Lina Tophrik
I like strong women OKAY don't look at me
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OC You'd be Friends With IRL: Kidak Hess
He's just a very gentle person, and the thing about him is he Knows How To Be Friends With Introverts Without Being Overwhelming. He's totally chill to just be in someone's company without needing to be Doing Things. He's happy to talk about his own interests for hours, but at the same time he'd be happy to listen to someone else ramble about theirs while he he just soaked up everything they said. He'd just be really nice company, and the exact type of person I'd love to hang out with.
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voidendron · 3 months
I've been struggling to draw lately, but
in a bit of a shippy mood, so help me out with an idea out of the many I've had lately but haven't touched? 👀 (with very little context on the mental image I have for these, to try and avoid swaying it aksl;jdd)
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voidendron · 7 months
lie to my face
Whumptober 2023 Day 9: “Learning everything ain’t what it seems, that’s the thing about these days.” Polaroid | Mistaken Identity | "You're a liar." Star Wars: The Old Republic Warnings: None Characters: Rediaex'aere'zortiea "Xaerez" (Cipher Nine, he/they (he/him still at this point), Chiss), Ikaruv'eir'ansc "Veira" (Sith Apprentice, they/them, Chiss)
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Most Sith didn’t give Cipher Nine a second glance—most didn’t even realize who he was. He was good, that way. At keeping under the radar, being unnoticed even by the Sith he was meant to work under, from time-to-time. Even Darth Arkous, all those months ago, had struggled to track him down; even Lana, and Marr, had had a hard time keeping track of him as everything started to happen with the Revanites.
He sneaked right past the noses of those meant to watch. Spoke with a silver tongue that made others none the wiser. Was oft waved off as an insignificant sniper, when not making it obvious that he was actually Intelligence.
Xaerez found the yes of a young apprentice—Veira was their name—on him, that day. As he stood, going over patrol routes sent to his personal datapad; the apprentice watched from afar as their master lingered near the conference table away from the camp’s center, receiving a debrief from Darth Marr and Satele Shan alongside a few other Sith and Jedi. It was something about spirits, his hearing implants picked up. Doors, switches—whatever it was, from what he caught, they’d need the Force to activate it to get into one of the temples. Hence why Xaerez, the Champion, and Havoc Squad weren’t part of the conversation.
It was during that debrief that he caught the apprentice eyeing him.
It wasn’t the first time the same one had glared at him. But it…well, it wasn’t an angry glare. It was a thoughtful one, like the kid recognized him from somewhere but couldn’t place where from.
And it was when that meeting ended, and the Barsen’thor and Wrath ended up the ones chosen to get into the temple while another group watched their backs, that the apprentice approached him—as he’d expected they might.
Lord Xandosc’s apprentice, he knew. A part of Lord Azan’s power base that she would often call on when her status as Wrath (and tendency to brute force a situation) wasn’t quite enough to get a job done. He also knew the kid was a spitfire, prone to lashing out—and was Chiss. From what Xaerez had read in their files while getting an understanding of Azan and her allies, the kid had been sent away from Csilla as an infant when their Force-sensitivity was discovered, and ended up raised by a rather prestigious Sith couple.
They’d certainly found a place for themself.
“Uh, hello?” the apprentice asked. Their voice was slightly muffled behind a cloth mask that covered the lower half of their face.
Xaerez stood at a straighter parade rest. “My lord.”
They didn’t say anything, for a while. Instead, giving the agent a once-over; Xaerez did the same. He had to wonder why the kid’s hair was gray, only a few locks of what must have been their original black remaining; they were just a teenager. Curious.
“Lord Wrath calls you Cipher Nine. Is that really your name?” They sounded credulous; he didn’t blame them.
“Yes.” What more could he say? Veira was one of Azan’s trusted allies; there was little he could do to hide that part of his identity from the kid if she’d already told them.
“Don’t you have a name name?”
To his quirked brow, the apprentice snorted and waved him off. “Right, right. Top secret spy stuff, got it.”
Maybe once upon a time, that would have pulled a laugh from the agent. Maybe in his younger days, when he was but Veira’s own age, hanging with delinquents on Csilla and slicing into systems he shouldn’t have.
Veira was quiet for another few moments, and Xaerez took that as a chance to glance back down at his datapad.
That is, until the apprentice opened their mouth again.
“I’ve seen you in a dream before.”
His hand hovered over the screen as his eyes flicked back up at them. Had he heard that right?
And then they were laughing as they brushed a manicured hand through their grayed hair.
It was with that laugh that Xaerez’s breath caught in his throat. They sounded exactly like—
“Why did you…” They hummed, as if they were…trying to find their words. “You’re the one who killed my uh… My birth parents.” They didn’t look angry, merely curious; it didn’t put Xaerez any more at ease. “…Why?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know who you’re talking about,” he answered oh, so carefully. “I’ve had a very long career.” Surely it was just a coincidence. A coincidence, that they had Xaanehz’s laugh. A coincidence, that he finally noticed the look in their eyes—and that they looked just like Ullem’s did, just with the addition of artful wings and shadow.
“You’re a liar.” The apprentice had stepped close, their curiosity falling away to irritation. If it wasn’t for the mask they wore, Xaerez was certain he would have felt their breath on his face. “I can sense it. You know exactly who I’m talking about. Don’t you, Agent?”
It took everything he had not to step back. “...What did you see, in your dream?” he asked instead. He had to know, if his suspicion was right.
And as they described it, Xaerez had to swallow the anxiety rising in his throat. A type of anxiety, that he hadn’t felt in a very, very long time—he couldn’t let them sense it.
An assassin, they said. Their parents, and who they assumed were their grandparents, sniped from afar before they even knew what hit them. A beautiful manor on Alderaan. The sound of waterfalls, and Thranta, the anxious breathing of their killer as boots crunched over snow.
“I saw your face,” they ended with. “So...why?”
Lies came so easily to him, even as nausea bubbled in the pit of his stomach. “It was an order,” he said. His voice was too even for the way he felt. “I don’t remember the details—” an eidetic memory made that a blatant lie, but the kid didn’t know that, “—only that they forged various sensitive files to hide your existence. In doing so, they put an entire system at risk.” How much of that was actually the lie he fabricated, he wondered, and how much was far closer to the truth than he’d ever realized?
“They…” Their gaze cut to the side, as if they were warring with themself over how to go about the information. “They died protecting me from stupid Ascendancy laws?” Everyone knew how most Chiss viewed the Force. That made Xaerez’s job easier, if the kid figured that part out for themself. It was less time for him to have to linger on the realization that his sister’s baby—that little Unarhem—was very much alive and standing mere inches in front of him, that she’d lied so convincingly about him dying from the sickness he’d been born with. It was less time for him to have to linger on the memory of seeing her face for the last time through the scope of a rifle.
“I’m afraid so.”
Then their hand was on his jacket, shoving him into the stones behind him with enough force that he couldn’t hide his grimace, nor the way his datapad slipped from his hands to fall into the grass at their feet.
“And you just…agreed to do it?”
If he hadn’t, someone else would have. He couldn’t let another handle it, couldn’t run the risk of Xaanehz, or her husband, or their parents, suffering at the hands of another. The way he’d done it was quick, painless. He couldn’t have stomached it had it been handled any differently.
But instead, he only nodded—and was grateful for the mask that he wore. For the way it shrouded his eyes behind tinted transparisteel; shrouded, the way he bit his lip behind the sturdy metal. “I was doing my job.”
Their fist tightened against his lapel, the leather against manicured nails making an unpleasant noise for his hearing implants. If it weren’t for the fact that they both wore masks, their noses would have practically been touching.
“You’re hiding something.”
“With all due respect, my lord. You didn’t know them—”
“No, but maybe I could have figured some more shit out.” They shoved him again; Xaerez hissed between his teeth when the back of his head cracked against the stone. “I’ve had this dream over and over—why?! What are you lying to me about?!”
Resisting the urge to reach a hand up to feel for any blood on the back of his head, he instead brought his hands up non-threateningly. He knew—maybe even better than the apprentice did—that if Veira decided to attack him, he wouldn’t stand a chance in defending himself. Melee combat wasn’t exactly something he was good at, especially not with his damned foot being as bad as it was.
He racked his brain for something to smooth Veira anger, something he could offer that wouldn’t put his own hide at risk.
“I know what your name was. Before your parents took you in.”
The pause they gave was all the answer he needed; that should suffice nicely.
“Nearu’narhe’maal—Unarhem. From the Nearu and Rediaex families.” No one knew his full name, he knew. Offering his family’s name didn’t matter, not anymore, not now that anyone who might have known them knew they were all dead.
He could hear Veira take a breath—
Then they grumbled under their breath when their master called to them from across the camp.
One last shove—Xaerez barely held his head forward enough that it wouldn’t hit the stone again—and the apprentice stormed off with one last, “We’re not done,” thrown over their shoulder.
He took a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, tipping his head back against the cool rock behind him as he squeezed his eyes shut, just for a moment.
So…Unarhem was alive.
Unarhem, who he’d attended a funeral for. Who he’d known was so incredibly ill after being born. Who he’d known (or, thought he’d known) couldn’t have survived with how weak h—they, were.
And he thought he was good at keeping his identity buried.
What a damned discovery…
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voidendron · 2 years
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Pride edits for my legacy's Main Eight™ 💞💞💞
Xaerez, he/they (Agent): nonbinary, gay Qizulth, he/him (Inquisitor): trans man, aro/ace Leo, she/they (Knight): demigirl, bi Synnda, he/him (Consular): gay, ace, poly Aaz'n, she/her (Warrior): lesbian Terrin, she/her (Bounty Hunter): bi Jen, he/him (Smuggler): pan Varrich, he/him (Trooper): aro/ace
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voidendron · 10 months
I've been doing a bit of backstory reworking behind-the-scenes
and ended up retconning that Xaerez is related to Aven. It just...didn't work like I wanted it to, their ages were making it awkward to work with, with the history I wanted them both to have
I think it was down to the fact that I wanted Aven and Leo to be in a relationship, which made the age between her and Xaerez hard to figure out. He is older than her, but I didn't want him to be that much older than her, but I also didn't want him and his sister to have a huge age gap, either.
So it came down to removing that completely from Aven's history, so she's no longer related to him
but I knew I still wanted Xaerez to have a living niece/nephew, even if it wouldn't end up being Aven in the end.
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For Aven, her backstory has been Completely reworked. She grew up in the Ascendency, but discovered her Force sensitivity as a teenager, so was outcast. She was scared and alone, but her Master eventually found her and recruited her to the Jedi.
Everything else from there is the same, though; she still becomes a Tython Temple guard, still ends up gathering Padawans to get them to safety on Ossus, and still meets and starts a relationship with Leo. She's just not related to Xaerez anymore.
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...which is where Veira comes in.
They're the child of Xaerez's older sister and her husband. Their Force sensitivity was discovered within days of their birth, so Xaanehz and her spouse sent their infant away, claiming the child hadn't survived. It was a believable lie, as Veira was incredibly weak and struggled to even eat even after three days. Xaanehz may not have been as skilled as her brother at forging information, but she was able to do enough to cover their tracks without drawing any questions.
Not really knowing what the deal with the Sith was, as the Ascendancy had only barely been in contact by that point, Veira was sent to them since Xaanehz felt like they were limited on options.
Their clan, core, and family name were all changed to distance them from their birth family, and they were taken into the care of a young Sith family, where they would learn Imperial rule and tradition.
They know they're adopted, of course, but they feel more connected to their Human parents than their Chiss blood.
They don't know their birth parents were murdered--by their mother's own brother, at that. They're bitter about being sent away as a baby, seeing the Ascendancy in ill light.
I'm considering having them become a Darth, but I'm not sure about a fitting name, yet.
I'm undecided how/if Veira and Xaerez (and Terrin, a cousin, for that matter) will discover their connection. But... Hm.
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voidendron · 1 year
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THAT was tedious :((((
the relic hunt missions sucked, but the parkour to get to the datacron itself was fun
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voidendron · 1 year
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fuck it we're doin it akjl;sdjakld
they'll be divided first into origin stories, then the winners of each will go for a final round
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