#rebels fanfic
shinbine · 8 months
Hey shinbine and wolfwren stans, my girlfriend @sithsandstardust and I wrote a fanfiction for them and the first few chapters are UP 😘 so if you wanna check it out it would mean the WORLD to us 🥰
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
The Jedi and the Loth Rat (Episode 2)
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Kanan Jarrus x Padawan!Reader
link to Episode 1
Warnings: Canon-typical violence/alien beast killing, beginnings of some fluffy romantic angst, mentions of bodies/weight (with the goal of talking positively about weight gain)
Summary: You, Kanan's young (adult) female padawan, are having a hard time adjusting to your new life aboard the Ghost, particularly when you find out that your master, for whom you have complicated feelings, wants to find another Jedi to teach you (reminder—in this AU, there is nothing romantic between Kanan and Hera)
Word count: 4.5k
You sat on the hard ground, your legs folded, your back straight, in proper form. Your eyes were closed. You breathed in.
       "Focus," Kanan told you, his voice ringing in your ears as if he were speaking to you from inside a cone of glass. You breathed, focusing all of your energy on the ground beneath you. You reached out, feeling without your fingers. You felt the rock, the sand, the dirt, felt through it all to what sat on top of it. You felt as if you were the ground. You could feel blades of grass growing through you. You could feel your own weight, could feel Kanan's weight, could feel his heart beating through his ankles as he sat. You could feel every stone. Slowly, tentatively, you began to channel this energy. You heard the hum of the ever-living Force as you felt the pebbles and stones around you beginning to lift. You smiled.
       "Y/N," you heard Kanan say, and you snapped your eyes open.
       For just a moment, you saw the stones of Lothal floating all around you, enclosing you and Kanan in a cylinder of debris. Then your eyes focused on the sea green irises in front of you, that warm, familiar presence in the Force, and you felt all of the stones drop, felt your connection to the ground and the grass passing out of you. You sighed, annoyed.
       "You're doing great, Y/N. You just need to learn to keep your focus." Kanan smiled encouragingly at you, and you felt the beginnings of sweat begin to prickle under your arms, your face growing hot. You knew the reason you were having a problem with focusing, but you wouldn't admit it, not even to yourself.
       "Did you SEE that? Did you see what Y/N just did?" You heard Sabine yell triumphantly from behind you, where she sat on the Ghost's open ramp. Chopper beeped.
       "Eh," Zeb said reluctantly. "I've seen stuff float before." He stood atop the Ghost's gunner, fixing one of the turning anchors.
       "Don't listen to him," Sabine said to you, running down into the grass, closer to where you and Kanan were sitting. "That was totally insane."
       "Thanks, Sabine," you said, smiling at her and taking the hand she offered to help you up out of your seated position.
       The last two months had been the happiest months you'd had since...since you were small. Since your parents had disappeared. You would never admit it, particularly not to Zeb, but the feeling of being in a crew like this—the feeling of being part of a team, of forming real connections—lit within you a devastating warmth, a fire and energy you hadn't known in years. It was a feeling you knew to fear, because you knew what it meant to have a family, and to lose one. Chopper beeped again from the top of the ramp.
       "Chop says dinner's ready," Kanan translated, standing up and making for the Ghost.
       "Chopper made dinner?" you asked, laughing.
       "Hey, even a Loth weasel could rehydrate Tawl beans," Sabine joked, hooking an arm around your neck.
       "Tawl beans? Great," Zeb said sarcastically, jumping down from the gunner to enter the ship with the rest of the crew.
       "Guess it's time for another supply run soon," Kanan said, pressing the button to raise the ramp once everyone was inside. You made your way to the main hull, sitting around the table with Sabine and Zeb while Chopper, that roguish bundle of wires and metal, pressed the buttons on the rehydrater to pour out helpings of the flavorful, nutrient-rich beans into bowls. As Kanan passed these around, you noticed once again that your helping was the largest by far, larger even than Zeb's. You said nothing. You knew that Kanan had instructed the entire crew to serve you extra food, knew that he had done so with good intentions, but it had been two months. You could admit that you had gained some much-needed weight and muscle since you'd joined the ghost crew. Your days of scavenging being over, you were finally receiving three solid, nutritious meals a day, and you had watched as your body filled in certain places, grew tighter and stronger in others from the daily training exercises Kanan put you through. Still, Kanan's insistence on making sure you had enough to eat, and his cautious, watchful eye, made you feel a little uncomfortable. You worried that maybe he thought you were the weak link—that maybe he saw you only as a child, someone that needed to be cared for, watched. You were not a child, anymore, and you didn't want him to think you were scrawny, or fragile.
       As if sensing your train of thought, Kanan looked at you curiously, and you worked to place a contented-feeling lens over your Force presence, keeping your face inexpressive as you began to eat your Tawl beans with the rest of the crew. Over the past two months, you'd trained almost daily with the illustrious Jedi, and you'd grown very fond of him. A bit too fond, you thought, and you forced the idea out of your brain once again, making sure to keep your Force block heavy. As his padawan, you admired Kanan for so many reasons—his strength, his gentle energy, his empathy, his leadership and care for the rest of the crew. You'd developed a very close bond in friendship with him, and it was this bond that threatened you now. A bond as strong as the one developing between the two of you, master and padawan, meant that Kanan was very sensitive to your changes in energy—your thoughts, feelings. You, in turn, could readily intuit Kanan's changes in mood. Of course, Kanan could not read your thoughts—for this you were very grateful—but he could feel your unease, your fear of failure, your insecurity as you navigated both your training and your adjustment to life within this group of extraordinary individuals. In some ways, it was difficult being so in tune with Kanan. In other ways, ways you wouldn't admit even to yourself, you craved this closeness. You wanted more.
       "We have an incoming transmission," Hera told the crew, coming into the hull from the cockpit. "From Commander Sato." Hera took the only remaining bowl of beans and sat, placing the long-distance comm in the middle of the table. Commander Sato's grainy hologram projected from the small device.
       "Rebels," the commander began, "we are in dire need of your assistance. A fleet departed from the squadron to deliver supplies to the base on Atollon, led by Fulcrum herself, two days ago." The commander paused, clearing his throat. "They never made it to Atollon. We don't know where they are." Sato turned to face Kanan, who lowered his bowl, straightening. "We have no way of tracking them," Sato said, "and we require...special assistance." Kanan nodded.
       "I can't guarantee that we will be able to find them," Kanan said, "but we will do our best."
       "Thank you," the commander replied formally, saluting the Jedi, and then Hera. "Contact us again when you can, Captain Syndulla."
       "We will," Hera told him, before the transmission cut off, and the hologram disappeared.
       "Guess the supply run will have to wait," Zeb said, eyeing his Tawl beans scornfully.
       "Who's Fulcrum?" you asked, curious, lowering your bowl to the table.
       Zeb snorted. "That's need to know."
       "Yeah, and we don't even know," Sabine said, looking from Kanan to Hera.
       "Fulcrum is our contact from within the wider galactic rebellion," Hera told you. "Her identity is kept secret for all our sakes." You nodded, narrowing your eyes. You didn’t like secrets.
       "Finish your beans," Kanan told you, getting up to return to his quarters. You scowled. You knew that Kanan watched over you out of care, but he spoke as if he would to a child, and this frustrated you. You reluctantly did as he instructed, finishing the bowl before putting it into the dish refresher and returning to your bunk. Sabine followed you.
       "I don't know about you, but I'm feeling inspired," Sabine said, scoping the walls of the room you shared, looking for blank space that hadn't yet been painted on, drawn on, or colored in some way.
       "I don't share the sentiment," you said, throwing yourself onto your bunk in an irritated silence.
       "What? Why?" Sabine asked you, sitting down on the edge of your bed, situated beneath hers. "Your training is going so well. That rock thing was the coolest—"
       "Training is going fine," you said, cutting her off and massaging your temples. "But Kanan doesn't trust me. He's watching over me like I'm about to break, at any second." You sighed. "And neither does Hera. She won't tell me who Fulcrum is, and I have this weird sense..." you paused, thinking hard, "I have this weird sense about Fulcrum. I'm not sure what it means."
       Sabine put a bracing hand on your arm. "Kanan and Hera trust you fully. I know it's frustrating, the Fulcrum secrecy," Sabine laughed, "but we need to trust Hera, in that respect. At least when it comes to the inner workings of the rebellion." Sabine looked at you and smiled, a bit of a playful smile, and continued. "And Kanan...well, I could say that's just the way that he is, but..." Sabine grinned a bit too widely. You held your breath. "I mean, I don't understand any of that Jedi stuff," she backtracked. "Maybe you should talk to him about it yourself."
       This thought was nerve-wracking, but then again, you were never one to back down from anyone, not even Kanan. You nodded in agreement, standing up.
       "Go easy on him, though," Sabine said, laughing at your expression. She appreciated having another girl on board, a girl close to her age, a girl more temperamental and volatile than Zeb and Chopper combined.
       "I have no idea what you mean," you said, raising your nose in the air, and you left Sabine laughing in your room, striding across the hallway to Kanan's quarters.
       "Come in," you heard him say, before you'd knocked. You knew what Zeb meant. Jedi could be annoying. You pressed the button on the side panel to open the door.
       You found Kanan in a kneeled position, his eyes closed, the holocron open in front of him. Its many pieces floated around, in the middle them a mess of stars, a blurry universe in which you couldn't make out specific shapes.
       "What are you doing with the holocron?" You asked inquisitively, pressing the button to close the door behind you.
       "I'm searching," Kanan responded, keeping his eyes closed. "Searching for Fulcrum."
       This interested you. "The holocron can find people?" You asked, your eyes wide, as you kneeled down on its other side, facing Kanan.
       "Some people," Kanan responded. "The workings of the holocron are illusive...ever-changing. Much like the Force." He opened his eyes, to look at you, and when he did, the holocron snapped back into its shape.
       "Fulcrum is a Jedi Knight. Or, at least, someone who was once a Jedi..." Kanan said. You raised your eyebrows involuntarily. "A Jedi named Ahsoka Tano."
       "Why are you telling me this, if you haven't told Sabine and Zeb?" you asked, genuinely curious.
       "Because I know you're frustrated, Y/N." Your breath stopped in your throat as Kanan spoke. "And I know why." You looked at him, startled. He knew...what? That you wanted him to see you as an equal? That you wanted him to recognize your strength, your resilience? That you wanted him to regard you with less caution, less care, regard you as he would Hera, or Sabine, or Zeb? Perhaps that you wanted him to regard you as more than he would the rest of his crew? That you wanted...you pushed the thoughts again out of your mind, strengthening the mask over your Force presence.
       "I worry that I won't be able to teach you much longer," Kanan continued, and at this, your heart dropped through the floor of the Ghost, to the ground below. "You're growing so strong, so fast...it's difficult. I'm telling you of Ahsoka's existence because I believe she might be a more fitting master for you. I believe she might be able to train you in ways I cannot."
       You listened to his words, clinging to your Force mask, but it was difficult. You felt tears forming behind your eyes, but you willed them not to spill. Not yet. He didn't want to train you. He didn't want to train you because he didn't care for you, at least, not in the way you cared for him. He could never care for you, like that. He wanted to dump you off on some other Jedi. He was sick of having you on his crew, sick of trying to make sure you were strong enough, annoyed at having to watch over you. Your stomach churned, a ball of fire in your throat. You didn't feel you could speak, or else the fire would spill out into your mouth, into your eyes, the tears threatening to flow.
       "Y/N? Are you all right?" Kanan asked, but you would not look at him.
       "Yes," you managed. "I just need to process this." You were amazed at how steady your words sounded, how emotionless, how casual. You'd always had the gift of manipulating your voice. You supposed at least some of your Force abilities might prove useful. "Of course," Kanan said, nodding to you that you may leave, and without a glance back at him, you plunged yourself out of his quarters, walking quickly to the ladder to the lower deck. As you descended to your hiding place, your Force block fell away, and you let the tears fall.
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"Are you sure these are the right coordinates?" Hera asked Kanan, sitting in the pilot's seat, him in the co-pilot's.
       "No," Kanan said honestly, "but it's a lead. There's some kind of Force wrinkle there. We should be ready for anything."
       "Prepare to leave," Hera said over the ship's comms, instructing the rest of her crew into position. Kanan performed his few co-pilot duties as the ship took off, and then sat back, deep in thought.
       He didn't want to have to stop your training. The thought of finding Ahsoka, of leaving you with her, made his mouth go dry, made him want to run from the room. But it was the only way—he'd sensed your frustration at his training, sensed that you knew your abilities far outstripped his. And in almost all ways, they did. While Kanan could teach you what he'd learned of the Force, the Jedi ways of old, your ability to wield it and to harness its power far exceeded his own. You were stronger than even you knew. Kanan had meditated and meditated, and he could see no other alternative—you needed a better teacher than him. You needed someone who could keep up with you.
       "You hanging in, Spectre 1?" Hera asked, looking over at Kanan, whose hands were over his eyes.
       "Hanging in just fine, Spectre 2." Kanan looked out the viewport at hyperspace as it flashed by. He knew he must let go of his own feelings, knew he must forgo attachments. He thought back over the last few months he'd had with you, how you had grown sturdier, so strong, so healthy, right in front of him. He'd seen you work through and master skills in the Force that had taken him years in mere days. He dwelled for a moment on the memory of your face, triumphant, when you'd opened your eyes to find that you'd floated the entire Ghost up into the air. Your eyes had shown so brightly. You'd been so pleased.
       Kanan rapidly pushed his thoughts and feelings away. He knew what was best for you, knew what was best for your training, and he mustn't let his own feelings get in the way.
       "Coming out of hyperspace in 3...2..." Hera spoke over the comms. The ship emerged, somewhere in deep space, revealing in front of them the form of a freighter that looked as if it had no power.
       "That's Fulcrum's ship," Hera said, looking puzzled.
       "Something's wrong," Kanan said, his Force presence snapping into focus.
       "Prepare to board," Hera said over the comms, hurrying out of the cockpit, Kanan behind her.
       "I'm sensing—" you said to Kanan as the crew ran to get in position at the back of the ship.
       "I know," Kanan replied, understanding that you both had sensed the same disturbance.
       "So we're just willingly walking into danger, no planning, no backup?" You asked, your voice full of snark.
       "Just like we always do!" Hera said brightly. "Chopper, open the gate."
       The ghost crew inched forward onto the freighter. It looked deserted—the lights were out, and except for a flicker and spark here and there, all was quiet. The crew continued through the hallway, looking at each other. They'd all noticed the state of the ship—that panels were broken everywhere, the metals of parts of the wall pulled back, lights broken.
       "Was this the scene of a fight?" You whispered.
       "Not a fight with blasters," Hera whispered back, examining the torn metal on the floors and walls.
       "Not a great sign," Zeb said, a bit too loudly. Before it happened, you and Kanan both turned quickly, watching as the large, clawed creature jumped toward Zeb's back. Kanan, his lightsaber drawn faster than visible to the eye, cut it to pieces, the large growl escaping its lips causing everyone to turn in shock.
       "Gundarks!" Hera shouted, as two more of them ran through the ship's abandoned hallway toward the crew. Kanan saw you draw your lightsaber, thanking his stars that you had found that kyber crystal. He heard blasts from behind him as Sabine, Hera, and Zeb shot at the beasts, Chopper squealing wildly. Though the blasters were able to kill the two monsters, from behind them he heard more rumbling forward.
       "Run!" Zeb yelled, and the crew didn't need telling twice. Kanan brought up the rear, panting, following his crew out of this hallway and into the next.
       "In here!" he heard you yell, and the crew tumbled into a storage closet, Kanan waving the door closed behind him.
       "How in blazes did Gundarks get aboard a ship in deep space?" Sabine squeaked, removing her helmet.
       "That is concerning. But more pressing is the matter of the crew. Are there not any survivors?" Hera asked, looking around at Kanan.
       "And where's Fulcrum?" Zeb asked, Chopper beeping his agreement.
       "It would take more than Gundarks to kill a Jedi," you said, a moment seeming to pass before you'd realized your mistake.
       "A JEDI?!" both Sabine and Zeb yelled.
       "Well, I guess we know Y/N can't keep a secret," Kanan said, looking at you sternly. You squirmed.
       "Whoops?" you said, shrugging. Kanan saw through your innocent mask. You didn't like secrets, he knew.
       "We should split up," Hera said, "and look for survivors. Kanan, you, Sabine, and Chop will search the starboard side of the ship. Y/N, Zeb, and I will search the other side."
       "But—" Kanan started, looking wildly at you, and back to Hera. Kanan noticed you scowl.
       "We need a lightsaber in both groups. They're the most effective weapons against creatures this large," Hera said, her mind always on the tactical advantage.
       "Fine," Kanan said, "let's go."
       The crew crept out of the storage locker.
       "Keep quiet," Sabine said, "Gundarks can hear you before they see you."
       You put up a hand in understanding, and then followed Hera and Zeb down the corridor, Kanan watching you go.
       "I don't know why you worry about her," Sabine said. "She's on her way to becoming our best fighter."
       "Shh," Kanan responded, leading Sabine and Chopper in the other direction. They walked quietly over the first floor, climbing a ladder to the next.
       "So, Fulcrum's a Jedi, eh?" Sabine said, unable to help herself.
       "Not now, Sabine," Kanan responded, trying to keep his senses alert.
       "I just thought, you know—"
       But what Sabine thought was quickly cut off by a growl, so close to her head Chopper squealed and beeped. The blur of the lightsaber illuminated the hallway, completely filled with Gundarks. Sabine started to blast them, but one of the beasts knocked her blaster out of her hand. Kanan worked quickly and tirelessly, defending Sabine and Chopper from the attacks. They kept coming. There were so many of them. Y/N, Kanan thought, a lump in his stomach, and then—
       Two white blades illuminated the hallway from the opposite end. And all Kanan and Sabine could do was watch in amazement as the Togruta flew through the air, swiping her lightsabers quickly, back and forth, back and forth, spinning around until every Gundark was slain.
       "Boy is it good to see you," Kanan said, astounded.
       "Kanan," Ahsoka nodded in recognition.
       "Our friends," Sabine piped up from behind Kanan's shoulder. "We need to find them—"
       "Follow me," Ahsoka said, walking quickly and quietly through the hallway filled with dead beasts. Kanan, Sabine, and Chopper followed.
       "I know what you've come here to ask me, Kanan Jarrus." Ahsoka spoke as she walked, without turning around.
       "You do?" Kanan asked, surprised.
       "I do. But I'm afraid I cannot train the girl."
       Sabine gasped, looking at Kanan. 
       "Ahsoka, you don't understand," Kanan said, catching up to the Togruta and hurrying alongside her. "She's so strong in the Force. I'm worried there isn't much more I can teach her."
       "I sense there is something larger at work here," Ahsoka replied. "But my decision is final. It is the will of the Force. You must be the one to train her."
       Part of Kanan felt disappointed, but, if he were being honest with himself, a larger part of him felt elated. You'd get to stay. You would stay with him, on the Ghost. He wouldn't have to say goodbye to you, after all.
       "If that is your decision," Kanan said respectfully, "then I accept that." The group heard the sound of growls up ahead, and sped up. When they turned the corner, they came upon a familiar scene—you stood guard in front of Hera and Zeb, their blasters broken on the ground, swinging your lightsaber around, killing Gundarks left and right.
       "I guess they didn't need our help after all," Ahsoka said, giving Kanan a knowing look.
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You wiped your brow, the corpse of the last Gundark lying at your feet.
       "Impressive," you heard an unfamiliar voice say. You looked around. There were Kanan, Sabine, and Chopper, and a face you didn't know, though, now that you regarded her, it felt as if you'd seen her face in a dream.
       "You must be Ahsoka Tano," you said, smiling, and then your smile wavered. You remembered that Kanan had come here to pass you off.
       "I'm happy to make your acquaintance, Y/N," Ahsoka responded. You wondered how she already knew your name.
       "Ahsoka, how did these Gundarks get aboard?" Hera asked.
       "I'm not sure. It does seem that someone is trying to make our shipment's failure look like an accident," Ahsoka said, surveying the damage. "The crew is hiding in the command center. I've been sneaking around, trying to fix our comms to send a transmission, but—"
       "We found you first," Kanan said triumphantly.
       "Yes, you did," Ahsoka smiled. "With the auxiliary power from your ship, we should be able to make necessary repairs and get these supplies to their destination."
       "I can help with the repairs," Sabine said brightly, looking as if she would like to prove herself useful.
       "Y/N," Kanan said quietly, "we need to talk." You nodded to him, and he led you away from the group, away from the fallen Gundarks, over to a long flight seat situated near a hallway viewport. Kanan sat, and you followed suit. You knew what was coming. You knew he was going to tell you to leave the ghost crew. You knew he was going to tell you goodbye.
       "I'm sorry, Y/N," Kanan said, looking out the viewport at the stars. "I shouldn't have gotten your hopes up. Ahsoka is a very skilled Jedi, far more skilled than I." He turned to look at you, the side of his face illuminated in the blueish light of deep space. He looked cinematic, lit by the stars. He looked like everything you'd already been dreaming of, since the moment you met him. "She believes it is the way of the Force that I train you myself."
       You took this in, watching Kanan's face, the realization of his words hitting you slowly.
       "I won't make this difficult for you, Kanan," you said, looking down at your hands. "You don't have to train me. It's okay."
       "Difficult? What in stars you talking about, Y/N," Kanan said, exhaling through his mouth. You looked up at him, working hard to keep your true feelings out of your Force presence, overwhelmed by the intensity of his gaze.
       "I know you wanted to dump me off on Ahsoka," you said. "I know you wanted someone else to take responsibility for me. But I'm strong enough to look after myself, Kanan. I've been doing it for years. It's okay that you don't want to train me anymore."
       "Blazes, Y/N," Kanan said, looking out at the stars again, smiling in spite of himself. "I didn't want to dump you on Ahsoka. I just wanted you to have the best teacher." He reached out and put his hand on your arm, above your elbow, and your body twitched forward, wanting to be closer to him, wanting him to touch you more.
       "I don't want the best teacher," you said, unable to stop yourself, "I want you." Both of you bathed in those last few words, you shocked at your own admission.
       "I didn't mean it like that," you said, hoping he didn't take it the wrong way, that he didn't take it to mean exactly what you'd truly meant.
       "No, I'm certainly not the best," Kanan said, laughing, stroking your arm up and down. The air left your lungs. "But I will train you, Y/N. As much as I am able."
       Feeling his hand on your arm, his eyes looking into yours, the stars illuminating the two of you, you felt as if your feelings for him were as heavy as the world itself. You were trying hard to hold the world up, but your feelings were growing and growing. You predicted it would only be a matter of time before they grew too heavy, before they fell and flattened you. You worked hard to keep your Force presence clear of this, to communicate only friendship and admiration to Kanan, but you worried that before long your feelings would burst forth like a tidal wave, crushing you both.
Episode 3 is out now!
The Jedi and the Loth Rat Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8
gif credit to @calebdumes
divider credit to @djarrex
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violetjedisylveon · 9 months
Smol Ezra Werewolf AU
New AU! Well, it's part of my whole Loth-Werewolf AU, I just really wanted to start writing the bit with a little puppy Ezra, so, I did that. This takes place ~10 before rebels.
Ao3 link, About The AU
A Secret Guardian (chap 1/prologue maybe?)
Sackaberries and Weird Stormtroopers (chap 2)
Trouble (chap 3)
Coming eventually...
Character Designs:
Wolf Ezra, coming eventually
Kuniya(oc), coming eventually (I'm a busy person alright, got lots of stuff to draw)
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xxlittle0birdxx · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alexsandr Kallus/Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios Characters: Alexsandr Kallus, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s04e15-16 Family Reunion – and Farewell, Post-Star Wars: A New Hope, Rebel Alexsandr Kallus, Difficult Decisions, Rebel Alliance Intelligence (Star Wars), Star Wars Galactic Empire Era, Galactic Empire (Star Wars) Summary:
‘Have you ever done anything that you weren’t proud of in the name of undermining the Empire?’ Zeb only stared at him with blank incomprehension. Of course they had all used methods that wouldn’t pass the smell test as far as honor was concerned. He didn’t particularly like it, but found it necessary evil. Kallus continued to press him. ‘Did you ever question the ethical boundaries of the tactics you’ve used?’
Zeb sat heavily on the edge of the bed. ‘Sometimes,’ he admitted in a low rumble. He had done many things in the Rebellion that felt right in the moment, but in the quiet aftermath, Zeb looked at them askance for the inevitable collateral damage that affected far more people than their initial targets.
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trashy1turtle · 11 months
Yeah, I'm fine
*Types "«character name> x reader" into tumblr search bar*
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mayawakening · 1 month
Kallus: *shaking with excitement*
Sabine: You good there Kal??
Kallus: *vibrating* It's no longer in regulation!!
Sabine: Uh, care to elaborate?
Kallus: *voice cracking from glee* LOOK!!
Kallus: *shakes hair out, points to it* My hair! Its precisely 0.25 inches longer than regulation maximum!!
Sabine: *snickering, remembering her first hairstyle out of regulation* Proud of you man. 😆
NOW WITH A WHOLE FIC!! Thank you so much @heart-of-a-rebel16 @sapphic-loser16!!
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rancidsugar · 26 days
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Fan-art for the fanfic - The Ghost of Our Future
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strige-art · 6 months
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Repainting of a Phil Noto panel from one of the last Star Wars comic.
I'm been asked by a friend to do it with Kanan and Hera instead of Han and Leia.
She wrote a fanfiction about this fanart too!
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aaeeart · 13 days
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when you come up with a Kanan!lives AU and realize you have to write it 😭
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xiema · 25 days
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Rebel Thrawn AU:
Thrawn: Out for another crazy plan
Hera and Ar'alani: "MITTH'RAW'NURUODO!!!!"
Why do my drawing always looks better before coloring🥲
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
The Jedi and the Loth Rat (Episode 1)
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Kanan Jarrus x Padawan!Reader
Warnings: canon-typical violence, mentions of hunger/small body types (she's a street rat! she's going to thicken up soon)
Summary: This is a Star Wars Rebels AU where you, a young (over 18) female, are the street orphan discovered by the ghost crew on Lothal. The romance stuff will develop in later episodes—this one just sets up the premise. Some of these will loosely follow Rebels plots, but most will not. Also, in this AU there is nothing romantic between Hera and Kanan, and Hera is a lesbian lol (as much as I love Kanera, I also love the idea of her having queer vibes). Real talk, I wrote this because I wanted to read it. It's my own fun little innocent fantasy, and I hope you enjoy it. If you stick around until Episodes 3, 4, and 5...there's quite a bit of fluffy romantic angst coming your way :)
Word count: 4.4k
The sun shone down on you as you breathed in the fresh air of Lothal. You felt the hum of life beneath you, perched as you were, hidden on the roof of one of the homes in the outskirts of Capital City. You listened to snippets of conversation, closing your eyes, hearing the distant sounds of Loth-cats rummaging through garbage bins, feeling the vibrations created by the speeders transporting morning shipments. The hunger gnawed at your insides, but you didn't mind. You were used to it by now, the aching pangs pulling your torso apart, your tongue salivating from the thirst you had grown all too familiar with.
       "You need a permit to sell here," you heard a deep, monotone voice say below. "New imperial rules."
       You crouched, hiding, hanging your head over the side of the roof to peer at the spectacle below. Three imperial generals surrounded the street vendor, and you identified the one who spoke as the same one now hoisting a basket of fruit into his arms.
       "These now belong to us," the general said, greedily taking a piece of fruit in his hand and biting into it, the juice slopping down his uniform.
       "But—you can't—" the street vendor protested, looking at his crop mournfully.
       "Oh, we can," one of the other imperials said, picking up a piece of fruit and examining it. You'd seen enough. Descending from your perch into the adjacent alley, you walked forward, keeping your head down.
       "Hey, mister, spare a yogan?" you asked, pretending to accidentally bump into the imperial.
       "Get out of here, Loth rat!" the general said, pushing you off him with revulsion.
       "Sorry, sorry sir," you said, feigning remorse as you scampered away, back into the alley, out of earshot. Raising the comm unit you'd just stolen off the imperial officer to your mouth with a grin, you pressed the broadcast button. "All officers to the main square immediately," you said into the comm, throwing your voice into a lower register. You had a particular talent for manipulating the sounds that came out of your mouth. "This is a code red!"
       "I guess it's your lucky day, Lothal scum," you heard the imperial say from the square. You peeked around the side of a building and watched as the officer dropped the large basket of fruit, taking one regretful look at it before hurrying away with his associates.
       You rushed forward to help the older vendor, who was reaching for his fruit.
       "Hey, what are you doing?" the vendor asked, watching you pocket several yogans. You waved the stolen comm in his face, smirking at his look of surprise and awe.
       "A Loth rat's gotta eat," you said, and with that, you inconspicuously dropped the comm unit into a passing speeder, running back to the alley to climb to your safe perch above the city.
       Looking down at Lothal, you took your first bite of fruit. The feeling of the sweetness and the moisture touching your tongue was both heaven and agony, the feeling of the quench combining with the burn of your out-of-practice salivary glands. You finished the fruit quickly, your stomach feeling almost satisfied, your body feeling energized. Abruptly, a current rocked through your body. You straightened. It was as if you had been pulled up by an invisible string, as if every muscle in your whole body had twitched at the same time. You felt an odd quiet that didn't fit your surroundings. You tried to listen for sounds on the wind, but heard only one—the sound of someone breathing. The string pulled your head to look to your right, and beneath you, in the square, you saw a man standing very still, as if he were waiting for something. You watched him, confused by this feeling, this tug you felt in your body. As you looked, you felt before it happened that he was about to turn around, and you quickly dropped to your stomach, peering out over the side of the roof's railing.
You stopped breathing. He was tall, older than you by a good few years, but still in many ways a young man, his brown hair pulled back into a small ponytail at the nape of his neck. His eyes were the color of the sea in clouds, green with a hint of blue. His face was beautiful, but it wasn't any of these features that gave you pause. Looking at this stranger's face gave you the oddest feeling. It was as if this was a face you were intimately familiar with, as if your body, your psyche knew this man, but your mind had forgotten. You saw him looking around, wondering how he had felt your stare on the back of his head. You watched as he turned to a passerby and tapped his leg twice.
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Kanan, being well-versed in the ways of the Force, felt an odd current in the air as he walked the streets of Lothal, getting into position. The sensation made him cautious, but not fearful—this was a routine mission, after all, and he'd faced far worse threats than a few stormtroopers guarding a shipment of weapons. Still, as he waited for the imperials to move, waited to send his signal, he felt different. He breathed in deeply, allowing the Force to guide him, and suddenly, as he stood at the street corner, everything went quiet.
       All Kanan could hear was the sound of his own breath. He felt a presence behind him, a presence in the Force that seemed almost to be reaching out to him, calling his name. He turned, suspicious, and though in his mind he thought he felt movement, he saw nothing. He looked across the rooftops of the city, and felt as if there were someone sitting behind one of the pillars, calling to him. Whether friend or foe, he didn't know. But this was impossible—no unfamiliar presence had reached out to him through the Force since...
       He pushed the thought from his mind. He needed to focus on the mission. Sensing that the stormtroopers had begun their trek with the shipment, Kanan signaled to Sabine, who signaled to Zeb. They were in position. Sabine dropped the explosive casually, walking away as the device decimated the first group of troopers. On cue, Kanan jumped into a speeder, blocking off the second group with the shipment, using his blaster to shoot the stormtroopers from their seats.
       Just then, out of nowhere, Kanan saw a girl jumping down from the rooftops, swiftly and gracefully, moving as if she slowed the air around her. Kanan sucked in his breath in surprise. The girl, who looked to be around Sabine's age, was thin, rugged-looking, and dirty. Though it seemed that she was severely underfed, her wiry muscles stood out in the Lothal sun as she adeptly hopped aboard one of the speeder bikes abandoned by the unconscious troopers. She looked up at him and smiled, a mischievous grin, and Kanan, though his mind was still on the mission, lost himself for a moment. It wasn't just that the girl's face was striking, wasn't just that he felt captivated, watching her—it was as if the universe itself had been leading him to this very moment, the moment when he would look upon the face of this girl. It felt as if he were, finally, after all these years, coming home.
       "Thanks for these!" the girl said impishly, her grin widening as she sped away with one of the crates.
       "Blasts, who was that?" Kanan heard Zeb yell through the comm.
       "No...idea," Kanan replied, quickly gathering the rest of the crates in the shipment into the speeders. "But I'm going to find out." He waited for Sabine to jump into the other speeder.
       "Get these to Hera!" Kanan told Sabine, before taking off after the girl.
Though this mysterious young thief had a head start, Kanan knew his speeder was faster than the speeder bike of a stormtrooper, and once he saw the familiar route the bike in front of him followed, he pulled off onto a shortcut.
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You sped away from the city, gleeful at the day's haul, your wrists pushing at the handlebar controls of the speeder bike, willing it to go faster. You didn't think you were being pursued, but you could never be too careful, and you wanted to get this crate hidden as soon as you could. You thought of everything you'd be able to buy with the credits this steal would earn you on the black market—a whole feast, new boots, maybe even your own speeder, depending on what was in these crates—but suddenly, unexpectedly, your vision was blocked by a figure, fast approaching in your path.
       "Aghh," you let slip as you clumsily skidded to a stop, your quick reflexes saving you from crashing into the figure standing by his speeder. You looked at the man in front of you, feeling, finally, a twinge of fear.
       "I believe that belongs to me," the man from the square said, his brown hair and sea green eyes overwhelming you for a moment as you took in the sight of him.
       "Hey, I stole this. It was mine first," you told him defiantly, setting your lip in a stubborn pout. He reacted to the sound of your voice, his features softening for a moment, but brushed it off quickly, composing his face into a glare. This confused you, but you stood your ground. "Must be pretty valuable, if you came all this way after me."
       "It's not about who has something first," the man said, laughing, "but about who has it last." Suddenly, you had no idea how, but suddenly your crate had moved from the back of your speeder bike, and was hovering in front of this man.
       "Look, buddy, I don't know who you—" the sound of blasts behind you cut off your words, as you turned to see two tie-fighters shooting at you. You took advantage of the distraction and jumped toward the crate, pushing it with your weight as you tried to run away from the blasts.
       "Are you seriously going to try to run away from tie-fighters on foot?" the man asked, watching you, exasperated, as he fired his blaster at the incoming ships. "Spectre 2, I need a pick up. Ties in pursuit."
       "Copy that," said a voice through the comm link in the man's hand. You yanked at the crate, trying still to pull it away from him, but he was too quick for you. He jumped over the crate, jumped higher than most people were able, and landed in your path, putting his hands on the other side of the crate, lowering his face to meet yours, grinning in victory.
       "This. is. MINE." You argued obstinately, growing pink in the face with effort as you pushed. Unfortunately, you hadn't had anything to eat but fruit in days, and you felt your muscles strain, the lack of protein weakening them. The ties had come back around. The ground shook with more blasts.
       "I suggest you come with me," the man said, holding the crate against your efforts with ease. "If you want to live."
       You heard the sound of missile hitting metal, the explosion above you almost knocking you off your feet. The man grabbed you by the arm, keeping you upright. One of the tie-fighters had been destroyed—you could see it crashing to the ground in front of you—but by what? By whom?
The large, unfamiliar ship sped into view from behind you, the sound deafening. It lowered in front of you, and you put your hands over your head.
       "Jump!" the man yelled back to you, jumping onto the opening ramp of the ship, lowered for him to enter. You turned back, running for the crate as the ship began to rise into the air.
       "Leave the crate, you'll never make it!" The man yelled again, and you heard fear in his voice. You were determined. Allowing the crate to hover in your arms, you ran and leapt, higher than most humans were capable, and thrust the crate onto the rising ramp, clinging to it for dear life.
       "Woah," the man said, surprised, reaching around the crate to grab onto your hand and pull you to safety.
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Kanan pulled you onto the ship, your thin frame sturdier and tougher than he had expected. Much like your personality, he thought, laughing to himself. Hearing you speak had solidified the odd pull he'd felt in the Force when he'd first looked at you. Your voice was musical, yes, but more than that, Kanan felt your speech ring with a power he'd only known in a previous life, when he was surrounded by force-wielding warriors. When you spoke, you commanded more than the sound of your airways. It was thrilling, and confusing to him. He wasn't sure what it meant, this Force tug he felt from you. He wanted to find out.
Kanan looked you over, collapsed on the floor next to you, taking in your size, your obvious lack of care, lack of nutrients, lack of a safe place to sleep, to bathe. Where had you come from? How had you bested him during the mission? How had you jumped so high? He was unwilling to form to any conclusions as of yet. You looked so small, so weak, and yet you had already done more than enough to prove that appearances can be deceiving.
       "I'm Kanan, Kanan Jarrus," he said, reaching out his hand to shake yours. You sat, huffing, glancing at him warily, looking suspiciously at your surroundings. "And this is the Ghost," Kanan continued, still holding his hand out in front of you, daring you to rebuff him after he had just saved your life.
       "I'm Y/N," you responded, reluctantly taking his hand to shake. The moment your palms touched, you both felt within you that odd quiet, that hum, that feeling of thread pulling you toward one another. Kanan quickly pulled his hand back from yours.
       "Kanan, who's the stray?" Zeb asked, rubbing his hand behind his neck, looking at you with a judgmental expression.
       "Kanan, what's that stench?" you countered, looking the Lasat in the eyes, the tiniest of smirks glancing over your mouth. Kanan couldn't help but laugh at your expression.
       "Are you saying I stink?" Zeb asked with a growl.
       "I don’t see any other smelly Lasats in here," you replied, casually looking around the ship's main hull.
       "I think I like this one," Sabine said, coming into the hull behind Zeb. "Kanan, can we keep her?"
       "Guys, this is Y/N," Kanan replied, smiling at your bemused look. "She so very kindly helped me acquire the rest of OUR shipment from the imperials." You glared at him, looking between Kanan, Zeb, Sabine, and the crate, as if trying to decide if you could take all three of them. Kanan laughed again.
       "Well, Y/N, we are grateful for your service," Hera said, walking into the hull behind Chopper. "I'm Hera. The captain of this ship." Hera turned to the others. "We're safely in hyperspace."
       "Hyperspace?!" you shrieked, looking around you wildly, like you were trying to find an exit. "Wait, you need to take me back to Lothal."
       "We will," Hera said, taking in this reaction with curious eyes. "We just have to leave the system first, and come back when they won't be expecting us." Chopper beeped.
       "Yeah, Chop, she does look like she could use a bath," Zeb said, laughing. "Bit bold, to comment on my odor."
       Kanan waited, expecting another snarky reply, but it didn't come. Where'd you gone? "Y/N?" he asked, turning to see your back as you walked toward the cockpit.
       "Hey, not so fast," Hera said, rushing after you. Kanan followed.
       They found you at the cockpit's entrance, standing behind the captain's seat, your hands on the headrest, gazing with wonder at the flashing blue lights in front of you out of the viewport. Kanan stopped behind Hera, watching.
       "It's just," you said, unable to take your eyes away from the viewport. "I've never been to space."
       Hera looked at Kanan, and he saw concern flit across her eyes.
       "We'll get you home. Your parents must be worried sick," Hera said in a calming tone. At this, you turned around to face them.
       "I don't have parents," you replied, your face impassive. "And I'm older than I look." Kanan watched emotions cross your face, and felt you mask them through the Force, blocking him out. "But I would appreciate the ride home," you continued.
       Kanan hadn't felt someone so young wield the Force as you did since...since the time of many Jedi. He didn't know what to make of it.
       "We'll return soon," he said. But there's something I want to see, first, he thought.
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You sat in the ship's lower deck, arms folded around your knees. It wasn't that you were hiding from the Ghost's crew—you trusted them, at least as far as not attacking you went—but you were so used to being on your own that being in their constant company made you anxious. You closed your eyes, trying to calm yourself, reminding yourself that you'd be back home on Lothal soon.
       Yeah, you thought bitterly, hungry and alone.
       As you dwelled in your unhappiness, the supernatural quiet came over you again. This time, you heard no breathing, but rather, a sound like a swinging, an electric kind of sound, coming from above you. You stood up, wanting to follow the sound, to follow the direction you felt in your gut.
       Climbing the ladder and making sure no one was around, you followed the feeling to a closed door. You wanted to knock, but thought better of it. Somehow, some way, you knew no one was inside. You pressed the button to open the door and entered what seemed to be sleeping quarters. Kanan's sleeping quarters, you intuited, and this thought made you apprehensive. The last thing you wanted was for this striking and intimidating man to find you snooping around his bedroom. Still, the pull of the thread pushed you forward, and you closed the door quietly behind you.
       The first thing you noticed was how clean the room was—how few possessions there were. It didn't look like anyone slept here on a regular basis. There were no signs of personality, no trinkets, no photos littering the walls. This confused you. Still, the string tugged you toward a drawer underneath the bunk, and you pulled it open hastily.
       Inside the drawer you found two objects. The first was long, cylindrical, and as you took it into your hands, you felt inside you a feeling of wind. Of pressure against your insides. A feeling of hope. Mesmerized, you knew instinctively to press the button near the top, and to your amazement, a long, blue light beam cut through the middle of the cabin. This was a laser sword. A lightsaber. The weapon of a Jedi, you thought.
       You had heard of the Jedi, of course. Your parents had told you childhood bedtime stories about the great warriors of old who once kept peace and order in the galaxy. You learned from them that Jedi were brave fighters, and also mystics, philosophers in life and battle. Was Kanan such a warrior? But the Jedi were thought to be extinct, years ago. Surely Kanan wasn't old enough to be one. You felt yourself blush at this thought, and you pushed it aside quickly. You swung the lightsaber around, and heard the swishing sound you'd felt earlier. You pressed the button again, and the blue beam faded.
       The second object was square, hard, and you took this up in your hands, confused as to what it was. It didn't look to have any seams to open, but you knew it wasn't just a trinket, not here, in this spot, next to the weapon of a Jedi Knight. You pulled on it, pleaded with it, but it remained hard, immobile. Frustrated, you held it in your hands and closed your eyes, breathing deeply.
       You felt the movement before it happened. The square object broke apart, and before you'd opened your eyes, you heard a voice.
       This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Your eyes opened in surprise, seeing the hologram figure rising from the pieces of the square object, now floating and orbiting each other. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. 
       You felt that it would happen before it did, and you moved quickly to conceal the lightsaber in your boot, tripping and sending the pieces of the mystery object back into itself, back into an imperfect square shape. The door opened.
       "What are you doing in here?" Kanan asked as he stepped into the room. He spoke as if he didn't need an answer. His voice was calm, serene.
       "I—" you blushed, not knowing what to tell him, embarrassment overpowering you at being caught in his chambers, looking through his things. He waited for you to continue, his calm in great contrast to your sputtering.
       "I know this is going to sound crazy, but—it's like that thing wanted me to open it," you said, gesturing toward the object. Kanan nodded, his face politely curious. You looked down, avoiding his gaze.
       "That's called a holocron," Kanan told you, still standing causally in the door, his presence exuding calm.
       "Oh," you replied, still embarrassed. A loaded silence passed between the two of you, and though you had no explanation for it, you felt as if you and Kanan were communicating, as if you were conversing without words.
       "What happened to your parents?" Kanan asked, speaking aloud. You reminded yourself that mindreading was impossible—you must need sleep. You shook your head to clear the delusion.
       "I don't know," you told him honestly, looking at the floor.
       "How long have they been..." Kanan tried to ask, trailing off.
       "I've been on my own since I was seven," you answered, still looking at your feet, a bit of defiance entering your voice. You knew how to take care of yourself. You'd been doing it almost your whole life.
"Well, we've arrived back at Lothal," Kanan said. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but as you waited, he only reached out his hand for the holocron. You gave it to him. "We can drop you outside the city, if you'd like." You nodded, your cheeks still burning. Kanan reached out with his other hand, offering you a large package filled with freeze-dried Yala meat and dehydrated bread. You took it, your eyes widening. You hadn't ever had this much food in your possession all at once. Not since you were small, and someone else fed you. You breathed deeply.
       "Thank you," you told him, looking him in the eye. He nodded. "On the southeastern side, if possible," you said quietly.
       "Of course."
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You walked back to your abandoned communications tower, alone, feeling dejected, hopeless, and confused. You were used to being on your own. While on the Ghost, you had felt on edge, the unfamiliar closing in around you. But now that you were back in a familiar place—now that you were walking through the grass of Lothal, and climbing back into your tower, back into the life you knew—you felt as if something had changed. You pulled yourself up from the ladder, opening the door to the interior of the tower and taking in the familiar surroundings: your trinkets, your drawings, random value-less objects you had collected over your years as an orphan. A Loth rat, you corrected in your head. Suddenly, it all felt meaningless to you, the objects having lost their charm, their power. You kneeled and pulled the lightsaber out of your boot. You sensed the presence immediately, but somehow, you weren't afraid. It was as if you knew he would come.
       "What's the Force?" you asked without turning back to regard him, as Kanan Jarrus stepped through the door behind you.
       "The Force is the collective nature of all things," Kanan replied. "It is everywhere. It binds everything together. It gives all of us life. It strikes a balance. And it's very strong with you, Y/N."
       You nodded, understanding, but only a little, as you turned to face him.
       "Why are you here?" you asked, looking up into his sea green eyes.
       "To give you a choice," Kanan said. "You've taken something that belongs to me." He gestured to the lightsaber in your hand, and you blushed again, but held his gaze fiercely. "If you'd like, you can keep it, and stay here, letting it become one of your dusty souvenirs," he said, looking around at your collection. "Or, you can give it back, come join our crew—our family—and I can teach you the ways of the Force." Your mouth parted open in shock at this offer. You'd been alone for so long. You couldn't comprehend what he was offering, what it might mean for you, and for your future.
       "It's up to you to decide," Kanan said, and with that, he turned away and descended the ladder, leaving you alone.
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Kanan Jarrus sat on the Ghost's open ramp, looking out in the direction of your communication tower, deep in thought. He knew that his life was forever changed—that something, maybe the will of the Force, had rippled in his life, that meeting you was no coincidence. Still, he didn't have any confidence in you, in what you would choose. You, a skinny, scrappy orphan, only just an adult, stealing and scavenging to eat, to survive. He didn't know how long you'd been alone, or how long you'd been fighting for the simplest necessities on this occupied planet.
       "Well, she passed the test," Hera said from behind him. "She opened the holocron." Kanan turned to regard his friend.
       "She did," Kanan replied. "And now we wait."
       "She'll come." Hera smiled down at Kanan, a knowing sparkle in her eye, and he felt his face growing hot, his stomach turning. He was thankful that she was not Force sensitive enough to know what he was thinking right then. He didn't want to admit it even to himself.
       "How do you know?" Kanan asked genuinely.
       "Because I can see her coming," Hera replied with a laugh.
       Kanan stood up on the ramp and turned to see your figure walking through the haze rising from the long grass. He ran out to meet you, and you saw him, stopping in front of him, holding his lightsaber out in front of you. He smiled, took it, and put his hand on your shoulder. His Padawan you now would be.
LINK TO Episode 2 :)
The Jedi and the Loth Rat Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8
gif credit to @foxtrovert
dividers by @djarrex
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violetjedisylveon · 9 months
A Secret Guardian
Summary: Kuniya(oc) weighs the pros and cons of looking after a young, orphaned and recently abandoned Ezra Bridger.
Word count: 750
Warnings: mentions of death, abandonment, betrayal.
A/N: If you haven't read stuff from my Loth-Werewolf AU, I suggest looking at this post for an explination of how it works. But quick summary, Loth-Wolves can change into a bipedal, humoid form and Ezra's mom is one of them. His dad is still just a human. So fluffy puppy Ezra!
Rebels Loth-werewolf AU link here.
Kuniya supposed xe could have just left the pup alone.
He wasn't part of xyr pack, even if he was part of the larger clan-pack, and he seemed to be handling himself just fine.
His father's species gave him a degree of safety he wouldn't have otherwise. To all others, he was just a human Loth Werewolf.
Sure there were rumors about his mother never going full human and what that could mean, but they had been easily brushed aside with her injury and the statement of that sort of transformation being too rough on her "human" body. Her sellout purple eyes were equally easy to explain away with some distant non-human ancestor.
Kuniya snickered, Mira had always been brilliantly clever, masterfully stealthy and impossibly strong willed. Or stubborn.
Maybe a little too stubborn. Xe thought.
It was her stubbornness not to abandon the settlers and come back to the safety of the pack that led her to her current fate. Arrested and taken away and most likely dead.
That stubbornness had orphaned her son.
She easily could have done the same, or even better work if she had left that cursed, noise, rancid smelling city. She could have turned her husband, the human would walk through lava for her, and raised her pup without issue with the safety of a pack, could have given him the support and family he needed. Loths didn't do well in small numbers.
Hell, Mira frequently visited even though she supposedly lived in the city with her husband.
Loths needed other Loths.
But, xe knew the clan-pack leaders had stopped questioning Mira's decisions long ago.
And it wasn't like xe was biologically related, (xe was as far from the pup as one could be without being from an entirely different clan) and therefore more obligated to take the pup in. Xe certainly wouldn't be expected to care for the pup themself, at barely fourteen, xe wasn't old enough yet.
So Kuniya could totally leave the pup and wait til some of his actual family came and claimed him. He had met them before and liked them well enough.
They would certainly do far better than the settler Mira had entrusted her son with. The filthy rodian had turned tail and ran straight to the Empire first chance he got.
The pup's pack would come for him.
It was fine.
The pup would be fine.
So why do I keep coming back?
Kuniya of course, knew the enormous risk of trotting into a city as a wolf in broad daylight, and while the blank slate-ness of humans made it easy for xyr to pass for one, xyr eyes and other less human features would give them away. Yet here xe was, crouching on the roofs with only a hooded cloak to hide them, risking everything to obsessively watch over a pup that wasn't even part of their pack.
To the rest of the galaxy, and most importantly, to the Empire, true Loth-Wolves were extinct. It was important to keep it that way while the species recovered and guarded their homeworld. And xe was risking it for this one pup.
Kuniya hadn't even been particularly close to Mira. Her son was hardly an acquaintance to xyr.
Xe felt that pesky tug towards the child again, the signal he unknowingly gave off. Since his birth he had been suspected of being gifted, all of them had some gift, others had it stronger. He was strong, growing stronger with age. Less controlled too. He was painting a target on his back by existing.
Kuniya knew there was more than that compelling xyr to watch over this pup, to take care of something so small and fragile that had been abandoned. To protect him.
Xe knew the pup's situation reminded xyr of xyr own.
To be young and have your parents stripped from you was something xe wasn't sure one could recover from. Though alone for a bit, xe had been quickly reunited with xyr pack, the wound scarred neatly. This pup had been alone for longer and betrayed. If xe didn't do something, that scar wouldn't heal properly.
And that was why xe was watching over this pup, just to keep an eye on him until he was found by his family and taken to safety, away from the leering eyes and taunts of those other than them.
And if that part of the pack was too busy or unable to provide for another pup, well, Kuniya certainly wouldn't mind having a little brother.
Damn, I really like giving traumatized children less than stable caregivers.
Anyway, what do you think of this?
I am very excited to see how this story developes and goes and for once, I have a concrete end goal in mind. So I know where it's going I just gotta take it there.
Which is exciting!
Imma draw puppy Ezra soonish and Kuniya and then probably both of them together being little shits.
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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everafterwhat · 1 month
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You all chose for Raven to talk to Cerise! She agreed to join Raven on her quest to find a happily ever after! Raven didn’t really think all the way through her plan and now they’re stuck…
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webtrinsic1122 · 10 months
Can we all agree Hera Syndulla is gorgeous and probably the luckiest girl in the galaxy and she damn well knows it.
This beautiful Twi’lek legit had a man, a Jedi, the love of her fucking life, tell her the worst thing in the galaxy about being blinded is that he could no longer see her face.
Legit if that ever happened to me- I’d never be insecure or anything ever again. I’d damn well grow a god complex and I legit thought I already had one.
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rayslittlekitten · 5 months
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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire - Official Trailer
Charlie Hunnam as Kai
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