#reasons i say she's more of a ferret than a hamster
soudam-appreciation · 4 years
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Glancing up at him, no discernible notice of Kaz's fear was visible on his face, so Kazuichi assumed he hadn't picked it up. Which was good, since he would probably refuse to go on any more rides if he knew the extent of Kaz's terror. He took a step forward, and Gundham followed suit. Nervously, the two of them made their way to the ferret wheel.
. . .
Gundham had quickly decided he did not like waiting in lines. It was bothersome, and he was already tired and on edge from both being up late and spending time with Souda. Sliding his phone out of his pocket, he checked the time. 10:48. Stifling a yawn, he wondered how his mother had done in putting the other kids to bed. His thoughts were quickly interrupted, however, as Souda nudged him forward. The line had progressed a considerable amount, and Gundham's moments of unawareness were causing quite an annoyance behind them. He shuffled ahead quickly, embarrassment gripping his mind as the mumbles and grumbles of the others in line persisted.
The rest of the wait was painfully uneventful, as most waits are, and Gundham cursed the boredom. It gave his mind too much time to reflect on what he had accidentally done, and the feeling sulked in the back of his mind. Or rather, the front.
The pair's turn to board came far too slowly, but it did roll around. They affirmed that they were, in fact, riding together, and they clambered into the booth. They had once again left the plush (which gundham had decided to name Strawberr-E) in the loose items deposit bin, and Gundham looked on at it wistfully. With a hint of disgust. Only the Gods knew what had been in those bins prior... it was unlikely he would be using it as a pillow tonight.
The attendant came by to check that their door was closed as they went down the line, and then the ride began. Slowly at first, very slowly, then picking up the slightest of speeds. Gundham had his hands on either side of him, each palm pressed firmly against the seat as he leaned slightly forward to look down upon the rest of the event.
They had made one full circuit before Gundham felt Souda's hand brush his, as the ride slowed to a halt near the top. Glancing over, he noticed how pale and fearful he seemed, yet again recalling his fears of nearly everything. Reaching to place his hand on Souda's shoulder, he asked, "Are you feeling alright?"
"Are you certain? You look dreadfully afraid."
Souda turned his head a few inches in Gundham's direction, muttering, "Yeah, I- I'm fine." He snapped his head back to center and reached up with one hand, adjusting his jacket zipper. "I-it's just a little high up, that's- that's all. Just kinda t- tall. Yep, tall."
Sighing, Gundham tentatively reached across his shoulders to offer mild comfort. However, the instant his arm was completely around Souda, he ducked into Gundham's chest, startling him immensely. Reflexively tensing yet again, he held his breath as Souda nestled against him. Breathing deeply and counting to 10 as he had practiced, he very slowly warmed to the unexpected touch.
Glancing down, he noticed Souda's tension easing with his own. He had taken a fistful of Gundham's coat, face completely buried against the soft fabric, his entire body trembling. Gundham wondered just how much he had pretended to be alright with such a ride. He moved his unoccupied hand to place it upon Souda's back, supporting him gently.
After several more long moments that seemed to span entire light-years, Gundham heard Souda whisper softly into the embrace. He pulled back slightly. "Pardon?"
Kazuichi turned his face up to look into Gundham's eyes. He only then seemed to realize how close they were, eyes casting quickly between Gundham's eyes and lips, and his next words came out barely more than a breath. "Thank you."
Gundham felt his cheeks blush powder red with the tingling sensation of Souda's breath on his face, and the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. He didn't catch himself leaning closer until he had already closed nearly an inch, and his breaths became shallow and caught in his throat. He couldn't stop his eyes from flicking between Souda's eyes and lips. It didn't matter if he was caught. It was too late now, right? His heart pounded in his chest like one of those beautifully wretched machines Souda was so fond of, and he became painfully aware of every point where he and Souda were touching at that moment. Seconds stretched like millennia, and his heartbeat in his ears was deafening. The fire enveloped his face and chest and stomach all at once, the pressure becoming far too much for him to bear.
And then Souda took a deep breath, inched ever so slightly closer, and pressed his lips into Gundham's.
He had only needed to move mere centimeters, and the roaring space between them was no more. Their bodies and lips were flush, and Gundham's panicked and firey tension was quickly replaced with the soft warmth of the embrace. Souda's lips were soft on his, gentle at first, flirting with the idea of something more, then firmer, more certain, as Gundham pulled him closer still. The kiss only lasted moments, but the sensation and emotion together were worth more than several galaxies in those breaths.
. . .
Kazuichi knew in his head that it was unlikely either of them were actually good at kissing. Of course, he'd like to think he was, but seeing as he'd never really kissed someone before, he didn't really have a solid point of judgement. He did know, however, that this particular fact didn't really matter. He had just kissed GUNDHAM FREAKING TANAKA. It didn't matter how good they were at it, he was unstoppable!
He leaned back, opening his eyes slowly, only to lock onto Gundham's immediately. The solid pink blush that had frequented his face almost he whole night had returned, but this time he made no love to reach for his scarf. He kept both hands softly on the small of Kaz's back, face hovering inches away, and eyes staring tentatively into his. He couldn't bring himself to break away, the moment felt too raw, too vulnerable.
Kazuichi brushed the back of Gundham's neck with his fingertips and watched as his gaze flicked down, towards the front of the ride. He couldn't keep himself from staring. The glowing Ferris wheel lights illuminated Gundham's pale skin, caressing the curves of his cheek, the scar tissue across his eye, the flowing strands of dual-colored hair that hung in front of his face.
Gundham looked back to Kazuichi, eyes catching his again, and he smiled a timid half smile. Uncertainty was visible throughout all of his features, and Kazuichi grinned.
"You're really pretty."
Surprise raced across Gundham's features. His eyes grew wide, and his gently soft smile dropped into the slightly open-mouthed expression of astonishment.
"I- pardon?"
"I said you're really pretty." His smile, the one that, before, had been excited and rough, was smoothing out into the smile of a man who has at last seen the stars. Kazuichi slowly traced his fingers through the short hair on the back of Gundham's head, trying his hardest to take in every bit of Gundham Tanaka as he sit before him. Their eyes met again, and they leaned closer. Another kiss couldn't hurt, right...?
The ride jolted forward, making the two lose their balance and wobble dramatically. Kazuichi whimpered, and Gundham pulled him in closer, mumbling things like, "It's alright, it's almost over now."
As the ride slowed to a halt, and the attendant came through to open the doors on the cars, Gundham took great care in assisting Kazuichi's exit, which was, once again, wobbly and fearful.
. . .
As their night out drew on, their little excursion lasting for hours yet, they didn't talk very much. They spoke about what to do next, and other such simple things, but it was almost as if nothing had happened on the Ferris wheel. However, if one were to look closely at their further interactions, one would note that something in the foundation had shifted.
Gundham insisted on buying several more food items for Souda, as it was nearly all he could do, and Souda obliged, laughing along. He proceeded to win several more games, though none of the items he would present to his companion would be nearly as powerful as that first hamster plush.
They wandered along through the rows of food trucks on their slow and steady trek back to their cars. Conversation had slowed to a worn-out trickle, and exhaustion was evident upon both of their shoulders. The bright lights had not lost their charm upon Souda, and he still gazed in soft wonder at all the luminous bulbs.
As they exited the event at last , Gundham leveled a final nod at the Ticketmaster, who still sat in his booth. Stepping into the gravel parking lot, Souda asked, "So where's your car?"
"Just straight ahead, one or two rows back." Waving to show exactly where, he watched as Souda followed his gaze.
"Ok, I'm parked all the way over there so I'll walk you to yours first." He jabbed a thumb to the left.
"That sounds reasonable."
Squeezing between several cars became an unforeseen obstacle. He was embarrassed to be too near to Souda, but there weren't many other ways to get by. Still, his face grew slightly redder every time their hands brushed.
They stood beside Gundham's driver door for a moment, Gundham's many small plushies (and Strawberr-E, of course) tucked safely under his arm, and then, the passenger seat. Safety belt and all.
"Thanks for inviting me. I had a lot of fun." Souda's voice was colored by nervousness.
Gundham smiled and corrected him. "I did not invite you, that was serendipitous on Sonia's part."
"Oh yeah." The uncertainty left his voice, and he said, "Do you think she planned for something like their to happen?"
"Who can say? She is certainly a crafty one..."
They stood in silent a moment. Then, unexpectedly, Souda tugged at a fistful of Gundham's scarf as he leaned forward, kissing him again. Blood rushed past Gundham's ears, and he closed his eyes to lean into the kiss, but just like that it was over. Souda was stepping back and waving, exhilarated rose dust coloring his cheeks as he grinned.
"Goodnight, Gundham!" He turned to leave as Gundham stood in pleasantly shocked silence before he could collect himself.
"Goodnight, Sou- Kazuichi!" He turned slightly, obviously startled at the use of his first name, before laughing and waving bigger. Gundham waved back until Kazuichi was completely invisible beyond the rows and rows of cars, before slowly stepping into his own to prepare for the drive home.
Sitting in silence, he noticed his cheeks had begun to hurt. He flipped down the visor to check in the mirror, only to see his own smile. He giggled quietly, the stupid lovesrruck expression on his face giving him another reason for joy. Flipping the visor back up, he leaned as far back as he could in the seat and placed both hands on the steering wheel.
He looked beside him, to the passenger seat, at all the soft critters Kazuichi had won just for him, and he decided he didn't care if the personal items bins were gross. He was definitely going to sleep with Strawberr-E tonight.
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antiquecompass · 4 years
It’d been close to a year since he’d started dating Aidan. A wonderful year. A year that had brought him more joy than he thought possible. But Christmas and Aidan’s birthday on the 27th were looming at him now, along with that one-year anniversary. He had no clue what to get him for either day and this was one time his sisters couldn’t help him.
So he decided to go to Aidan’s sisters, well, one sister in particular.  
The entire Delaney clan had come to Lenox for Thanksgiving. Wen Ning had survived the weekend solely because Aidan made sure he could easily escape to have time to himself. Wen Ning just needed the alone time to recharge before heading back out to be social. The Delaneys were very loud and very affectionate and, honestly, very welcoming. Too welcoming sometimes which is why Wen Ning had a few moments where the room felt too small and too enclosed. And yet, somehow, Aidan or Aisling or Finn or Una were always there to get him to a quiet, empty space. 
He really did love them. All of them. Even the ones he’d just met for the first time this weekend.
He’d just wished they’d all collectively stopped trying to shove food at him. He didn’t have the heart to refuse any of them and was beyond full. He’d never been so thankful that Wen Qing had come to Aidan’s house and personally made sure he had a Wen Qing approved first aid and medicine cabinet. The economy sized bottle of Tums had become his best friend.
Cate was the sibling closest to Aidan in age. The eldest of ten siblings, her oldest daughter was the same age as Finn. She’d been the first of the non-Lenox Delaneys to meet him and of the grown-siblings was the one he’d grown closest to. Cate was going to be the next head of Delaney Detailing and Repair and she knew more about car specs and how to rebuild an engine block from scrap than anyone he’d ever met. 
She was also Aidan’s best friend, and therefore, the logical place to start.
“No clue what to get him for his birthday, right?” she asked as Wen Ning approached her in the finally cleared-out kitchen.
“And Christmas,” he admitted. 
Cate sighed. “Yeah, Aidan’s one of those. ‘Oh, I don’t need anything! Just get me a gift card! Or make a donation in my name!’ assholes.” She shook her head. “Bullshit, I say. Like, yeah, that’s fine for people like Great Aunt Betty who still thinks we’re teenagers, but it’s different when you’re dating the guy.”
“Yes,” Wen Ning agreed. “And I’ve done the donations, and an entire round of gift cards for the station’s favorite restaurants and for the grocery store for their in-house meals. And, of course, I have a collection of little things I’ve bought over the year. Just tiny things that reminded me of him. I figured I’d give him that for our anniversary, but for the other two. I’m at a loss. He doesn’t like fancy watches because he can’t use them for work and they’ll get ruined. He only wears the one cologne, and everyone gives that to him.”
“Guilty,” Cate admitted.
“He just upgraded the tv for this weekend, so that’s out.”
“And he’d have an actual heart attack if you bought him something so pricey,” Cate said.
“And ties, cuff links, those are out. He never wears them. Your mother and the Trio have him covered on loungewear. He doesn’t play video games because that’s not how he spends his free time. Your father is buying him a new Kindle.”
“Yeah, Pop called dibs on that one,” Cate agreed.
“So the only ideas I’m left with are a new Bruins jersey, the throwback ones that just came out, and a new pair of Jordans because he refuses to buy them for himself even though he stares them down every time we’re near a Footlocker.”
Cate pointed at him with a stalk of celery. “Those are both perfect ideas! There you go! Get them before anyone else can. I’ll update the group chat.”
Wen Ning shook his head. “They’re not special enough,” he said.
Cate patted his shoulder. “Look, you’re never going to out-sentimental Aidan when it comes to gifts. I swear to god, he learned how to do that stupid wood engraving just to shows us all up in the gift-giving department. Everyone thinks he’s this sweet little angel, but he’s got a competitive streak a mile wide when it comes to the family.”
Wen Ning had seen it, in person, during game nights. He quite liked it, if he was being completely honest. Aidan’s eyes shone with the thrill of victory, even over something as small as winning at-home Jeopardy!
“And honestly, Ning, he’s stupidly in love with you. Like, you could give him a friggin’ plate of cookies alone and he’d start sending texts to the entire family about how amazing and talented you are. He’ll love anything you give him, so no pressure. Really. He’d hate to think you’re agonizing over it.”
They were kind words, especially from Cate who rivaled his own sister at No Bullshit, but he still couldn’t help but worry. 
“Seriously, you could give him a coupon for Free Hugs and he’d kiss you and thank you and insist the coupon never expired. You. Have. Got. This.”
Wen Ning didn’t like driving the Expedition. It was just <i>too</i> big, but it was the only vehicle that could easily and safely transport the Trio between Aidan, his cousin Chris, and Wen Ning. And it did have the rearview camera, which helped, along with Wen Ning’s supportive group of backseat drivers. 
They all wanted to go shopping for presents, and since Aidan had taken the weekend day shifts, Wen Ning had offered to take the Trio. 
“So, when are you moving in?” Una asked.
“Una, not while he’s driving,” Finn said. “Do you want us all to die?”
“What?” she asked. “He’s always at our house anyway.”
“Yeah, because of us, dumbass,” Finn said.
“Don’t call your sister that,” Wen Ning said, looking at them in the rearview mirror.
“Sorry,” Finn muttered.
“I’m not the one you need to apologize to,” Wen Ning said.
Finn rolled his eyes, but he still turned to Una. “I’m sorry.”
“Whatever,” Una said. “My point stands.”
Aisling remained quiet, but she met his eyes in the rearview mirror and shrugged.
“It’s a little soon,” Wen Ning said. “Maybe if we’re still together in a few years, we’ll talk about it.”
“If?” Aisling asked.
“Years?” Finn followed.
“It’s not something to take lightly,” he explained as he headed towards the mall. “Especially in our situation. We’d need to find a bigger house. We’d need to find a place that allowed cats and hamsters, if we decide to rent instead of own. I need somewhere with a big enough yard or basement for practice. And then there’s all the financial stuff. Rents or mortgages and utilities. Not to mention discussions such as what furniture you keep, give away, or buy.” He gave them a sad smile. “It’s not very romantic, I know.”
“Don’t you love Aidan?” Una asked.
That was enough to make him pull over to the side of the road, put it in park, and turn around to stare at the three of them.
“Of course I do,” he said. “I’ve never loved anyone the way I love your brother, but we both have other obligations and not unending sources of wealth like the Lans or the Jiangs. We have to be a little more cautious.”
Wen Ning didn’t say that he’d been waiting for the other shoe to drop for months. That he was waiting for Aidan to decided that hey, maybe a former pro-athlete and current gym teacher--a Wen--wasn’t the best place to lay his love and affection. 
He also knew if Aidan ever found out he was thinking that he’d see either one or all of the three faces of Aidan he couldn’t stomach: 1) rare anger 2) disappointment and 3) heartbreakingly sad.
But they hadn’t talked about the future, not in any great detail. They hadn’t talked about the reality of combining their lives, even if they were already so intertwined. And Wen Ning really didn’t want to have that conversation via proxy of the Trio. 
“Whenever you decide it’s time, you have our approval,” Aisling said.
“Totally,” Finn agreed.
“And our support,” Una said.
“Thanks, kiddos,” he said. “That means a lot.”
Find your stance. Relax your grip. Notch the arrow. Place your fingers. Draw. Aim. Release. Over and over and over again. Some people had meditation. Some had yoga. Wen Ning had archery. 
The reason he’d invested in this house was because of the large basement, long enough and wide enough for a small in-home range. When he’d bought it, he had no real future in mind. It was just him then. He didn’t even have Mr. Tumnus.
Stance. Grip. Notch. Place. Draw. Aim. Release. Repeat. 
He had a vision of a future now. A husband. Kids. A place for Chris to work on his art. Guest rooms for their family. A backyard range. No dogs, of course. Maybe more cats. Maybe something else like a ferret. 
Stance. Grip. Notch. Place. Draw. Aim. Release. Repeat.
Aidan. His vision for that future was Aidan.
“Hold your fire, Hawkeye.”
Wen Ning dropped his stance. Aidan?
“Aidan?” he said, turning around in surprise.
Aidan grinned at him, still in his uniform.
“The Trio?” he asked.
Aidan shrugged. “Ma’s staying in town a few extra days. So, mind if I crash here for a bit?”
Wen Ning carefully placed his bow and arrow to the side then bound over to Aidan who laughed and caught him.
It was so rare for them to have time completely to themselves.
“I’m taking this as a yes,” Aidan said.
“Mmmhnn,” Wen Ning hummed into his mouth.
Aidan laughed, carefully walking them over to the old, battered couch.
“So, what’s this I hear about if we’re still together in a few years?”
Wen Ning buried his head in the safe space between Aidan’s neck and shoulder.
“Sweetheart,” Aidan said in his distinctive Southie accent. “You get this deer in the headlights look when I try to talk about the future, so I didn’t want to spook you. But I’m here. For you. For it all. Okay? River deep, mountain high, remember?”
“I remember,” Wen Ning said, Those words and that song, the first time Aidan told him he loved him. “It’s still too soon.”
“I know you think that and I respect it,” Aidan said. “So you take your time. I’ll still be right here. Right next to you.”
“You only have a binder full of listings, don’t you?” Wen Ning asked.
“You can’t prove nothing,” Aidan said. 
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Oi! Welcome to to the dangan imagines circles! I'm excited to see you around! I've got a little request for ya, if you'll choose to accept: some dangan characters getting a new pet! I've for sure like to see Rantaro, Sōda, and Ishimaru. Oh! Kiibo too! Anyone else would be appreciated! Have fun with it!
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Aww! I love animals! It’s also refreshing to see a request with DR1 and SDR2 characters; Ishimaru and Souda are Good Bois™
♣ Mod Junko ♣
Ishimaru, Asahina, Souda, Sonia, Amami and K1-B0 adopting a pet!
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Taka would be the most likely to get a cat. Affectionate, cuddly, but not too high maintenance (plus Mondo likes cats, so he partially got the cat for his best bro too).
We all know Taka has more book smarts than people smarts… He also has more book smarts than animal smarts. Beforehand, he’d spend hours and hours researching the proper ways to take care of a pet, then he’d narrow it down to cats exclusively, then the breed of cat he was considering. A cat is a living, breathing being, Taka knew this, of course. He wanted to make sure his new companion would be safe and happy.
At first, Taka would seem confident in his ability to care for an animal, but once he actually brought it home, the nerves would settle in. What if something happens to it? What if it ended up hating him?
No! He couldn’t think like that! Confidence is key! Besides, he had already done so much research, it was highly unlikely anything would go wrong.
In the end, Taka was a great cat caretaker. A little black tom cat, gentle and calm. He’d follow his owner around, lay on Taka’s lap as he studied. Taka found himself talking to his cat like he was a person on more than one occasion. At first he was embarrassed, but he enjoyed their conversations.
If you can believe it, his cat in a way made Taka lighten up a bit more. Now, he had someone to take care of, something more important than studying. Now, Taka of course was still a study happy teenager, but he had calmed down quite a bit after adopting his new friend. Once again, it goes to show what a furry friend can do for your mental health.
Aoi Asahina
The energetic Hina would of course adopt an equally hyper dog. Someone she could exercise with, have fun with, and someone who would always be able to cheer her up when she was sad.
When it comes to taking care of a pet, or, anything, Hina prefers to trust her gut. How difficult could taking care of a dog really be anyway?
She drug Sakura along when they went to the adoption center. Hina trusted her best friend to help her pick out the perfect companion. They settled on a happy young golden retriever. Hina was so excited to take the dog home that Sakura had to remind her that they needed to buy food, dishes, toys etc. before they could leave.
The first thing Hina did was build her dog its very own dog house. She intended to have it live inside with her, but every dog needed a dog house regardless. Hina’s not as bad of a carpenter as you’d expect. The dog house ended up looking really nice, and her furry companion loved it.
They quickly got into a routine of morning jogs around the neighborhood, 100 laps in the swimming pool (which ended up being around 50 or so since most of the time was spent splashing each other), afternoon squats, push-ups and lunges around the house, evenings spent playing fetch in the park, and nighttime cuddles (with a little rough housing mixed in). There was hardly any downtime, but neither of them minded at all.
Hina loved her dog unconditionally. She was usually a bright and cheery girl, but the amount of sadness she did feel seemed to lessen ever since she adopted her pet. She swore to always love and protect it, no matter the cost!
Kazuichi Souda
Kazuichi’s a little wary around animals, but he’d been wanting to get a bird for some time, so eventually he shrugged off his nerves and bought himself a parrot.
Kazuichi didn’t really want to keep it locked up in a cage, so he let it roam around his garage. It ended up escaping a few times, so he had to swallow his pride and ask Gundham for help. The bright side to asking Gundham for help was that Kazuichi managed to pick up a few tips and tricks. After a few failed attempts, he was able to lure the bird back home himself.
Another reason Kazuichi adopted a pet was to impress Sonia. He knew she liked animals, and maybe having a bird around would get her to think more highly of him. Well, she thought highly of the bird, but her distaste for the mechanic was still there. However, whenever Sonia would stop by to visit the parrot, it would excitedly squawk “Miss Sonia!” and flutter over to the princess to rest on her shoulder. As time went on, Kazuichi would find himself growing more and more attached to his parrot. So much so that he even tried to keep it away from Sonia.
As he tinkered with machines, cars, tools, anything he could take apart, he’d teach his parrot new words and new phrases. It ended up learning some… vulgar language, but it was actually kind of hilarious. Kazuichi would toss a berry up in the air and the parrot would swoop down to catch it in its beak. It’s safe to assume that the bird ended up being smarter than its owner.
Sonia Nevermind
After spending so much time with Gundham and his hamsters Four Dark Devas of Destruction, Sonia decided she wanted a pet of her own. Originally she wanted to get something exciting and exotic, like a tiger or a zebra, but even being a princess, these kinds of animals were hard to come by. Plus they were wild animals, not meant to be kept as pets. So, she decided to compromise, and adopted a chinchilla.
This chinchilla was treated like royalty. It had its own house the length and width of a king sized bed. It was fed its own special food made by its own personal chef (yes, Sonia hired a chef for her chinchilla), and Sonia even bought it cute little sweaters and hats.
She took it everywhere with her. You’d scarcely see Sonia without her chinchilla cradled in her arms or resting on her shoulder. She’d read it stories before bed, and sing it lullabies. It’s fair to say she treated it more like a small child than an animal.
Whenever she had questions, Sonia would consult Gundham for answers. She loved her little friend, she wanted to make sure she was a good parent. She’d bring her chinchilla over to Gundham’s so all of their pets could have play dates.
Eventually Sonia adopted another chinchilla so it wouldn’t be lonely. Her duties as a princess kept her busier than she would have liked, but she still made sure she had time for her beloved pet.
Rantaro Amami
Since Rantaro travels a lot, he wanted a pet who was tough and loyal, a pet he could take with him on adventures. What better companion than a German shepherd?
Having twelve sisters, it should come as no surprise that Rantaro has had his fair share in experiences with animals. He knew how to care for all sorts of animals, from fish to ferrets, lizards to cats and all things furry, feathery or scaly.
Out of everyone, he’d be the most responsible pet owner, despite dragging it along on all of his adventures. With all of the moving around they did, the dog grew very strong. Yet, it was one of the kindest creatures Rantaro had ever seen.
He’d bring it over to his sister’s so they could play with it. It was a big dog, but it was gentle with the girls. Rantaro even said at one point that the dog had wisdom beyond its years, which was true.
Adventuring was fun, but Rantaro was content for the down time they did have. He’d lay in bed and his dog would jump onto the bed with him. No matter how many times he pushed it off, it kept persisting. Eventually Rantaro gave up and let his dog sleep with him at the end of his bed. But he’d always wake up with it laying on top of him.
You think Taka was obsessive with pre adoption research? He has nothing on Kiibo. Kiibo read every book, every article, he even had Miu build him a robotic prototype so he could have practice caring for a living being. What animal did he end up adopting after going to all that trouble? A single betta fish.
But he loved this fish. All those crude insults Kokichi would spew about Kiibo being an emotionless robot? Just spend five minutes with Kiibo as he gushed about his fish and you wouldn’t even consider the possibility that Kiibo didn’t have a heart of some sort.
He would trail his finger on the outside of the tank, and his fish would follow it around. He taught it to jump out of the water to grab a piece of food from in between his fingers.
Once he felt confident enough with his fish care capabilities, Kiibo bought more fish to keep the betta company. Guppies, tetras, mollies and colorful snails inhabited his newfound aquatic empire. He was immensely proud of how well his fish were fairing. He’d boast constantly about how good of a pet owner he was. Miu would always cheer him on, but of course Kokichi called him arrogant and said that taking care of fish wasn’t anything to get all excited about.
But Kiibo didn’t care. He loved his fish more than anything, and that’s all that mattered to him.
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gynandromorph · 5 years
i’ve been thinking way too much about the dead pets littering my childhood timeline today. when i hear somebody say they have a cat who’s been with them since they were a kid, a dog who lasted till a ripe old age, a family member, i can’t relate.
my mom bought a variety of animals over my childhood, for reasons i don’t really get -- fish, ferrets, hamsters, cats, dogs, rabbits, mice, frogs, you know. the works. i don’t know why she got them besides some weird desire to own another living thing. some of them lasted a few years, some of them only lasted weeks, most of them died from starvation or physical trauma that seemed to just mysteriously happen to them overnight or untreated sickness from living in their own filth. when they died she would tell me how much she hated them and how disgusting and hard to care for they’d been. she’d tell me not to ask for another one again this time, even though i’d never ask for this one either, and inevitably another one would end up in the same position.
i don’t like thinking about it a lot because it’s extremely painful to. it feels overwhelming to think about how all the events of this universe could have added up just to have animals locking smaller and more helpless animals in cages and torturing and neglecting them to death for their entire lives. no love, no freedom, no hope, no childhood, just suffering until they couldn’t suffer anymore. even when i remind myself and truly believe that what happened to them wasn’t my fault that happened to them, i still feel the same pain, and i’m starting to realize it might just be some weird mutated version of survivor’s guilt. how was i so different from them? i was just another animal with a slightly bigger cage, still living in the same filth, still enduring the same suffering, just as confused and helpless. even though they couldn’t understand what she said about them, they could still feel the hatred in their life just by how they were treated. the only difference is that i didn’t die, maybe just because my life was considered more valuable than theirs. even though for me it meant more suffering than they had to live through, i wouldn’t say they were lucky for dropping dead from the pain. i feel bad for having escaped the cage they didn’t get to.
still, my mom would brag when one of them lived for a few years instead of a few weeks. this would mean the animal lived a long life, and if you live a long life, it must have been good. you must have been happy. it’s hard to think about how many animals live their full, long lives in squalor and neglect and a hurricane of anger they never earned or reciprocated. i’m reminded of another adult in my childhood (the same one who owes thousands in taxes, actually) who owned 2 zebra finches. she got them as a pair. they lived in a basement, no sunlight, tiny round dirty birdcage, no toys, no enrichment, just simple birdseed and a nasty water dish. i was uncomfortable with how they seemed to have nothing to do all day the few times i saw them and i told her that. those birds lived for about 10 years. one of them got out of the cage one day and they assumed the cat or the large dog they owned got to it. the bird who didn’t get out died a few weeks after the other one disappeared. she brought this up to me solely because she wanted to say they lived for a long time for finches, very proudly. the other one they found when she was moving out, just dead and rotting in the corner of the same basement. i have to wonder what was going on in that bird’s head. did it choose to die? its food was in the same room. and it never even sang so it was never found? i don’t know. they did live for a long time, though. when i was younger i kind of wished they wouldn’t be alive anymore the next time i had to go over just because it was powerfully uncomfortable. i have to wonder if they only suffered for so long because they had each other. birds aren’t supposed to live through so much stress. sometimes it makes me think about maybe i wouldn’t really have survived if all those pets hadn’t died for me, as wild as it sounds. i fell in love with every one of them because they were a beacon of companionship in an otherwise horrible little world even though i knew they’d die too. i don’t really know how i would’ve handled everything if i hadn’t had that companionship, or some comfort to displace my suffering onto -- i only felt bad because the animal felt bad, not because i felt bad... etc. i feel guilt because my love was worthless, in that case. it didn’t save them, probably didn’t even comfort them. love couldn’t unlock the cage for them.
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you-a-southpaw-doll · 5 years
Squeaky Surprise - A Negan One-Shot
Summary: While out on a run, Negan comes a squeaky surprise. Not one to leave this surprise out in the open for the walkers, or other living humans, to find, he quickly scoops it up and takes it home to the Sanctuary. He’s able to keep the surprise a secret for a couple months until one day, you come into his room to ask him a question and find out his secret.
Warning(s): Slightly explicit language. Lots and lots of fluff. Negan’s a total sweetheart in this. He’s also very secretive, but for a very cute reason.
Author’s Note(s): I got the idea to write this after I was laying in bed last night, curled up with my guinea pig (who’s also my ESA) and watching The Walking Dead with my best friend. See...I know JDM is a sucker for animals, and I couldn’t help but wonder what Negan would do if he came across a litter of guinea pig pups. Also, the story is told from Negan’s POV.
Relationship(s): N/A. There really isn’t a romantic relationship in this story.
Characters: Negan. Reader.
Taglist: @negans-network , @thamberlina , @prettyboynegan
Story Time:
 “What the fuck was that?” I muse, quietly and to myself.
I pause, Lucille propped on my shoulder, my head cocked to the side, waiting for that sound again. Within a few seconds, I hear it again. I start walking towards the area where I hear the tiny, quiet-ish sounds coming from. I push the door open with my left hand, keeping my right hand curled tightly ‘round the handle of Lucille, prepared to use her if need be. 
Thankfully, though, I haven’t seen any walkers in several minutes. Not since my men and I cleared the area. The closer I get the sounds, the more I realize that they’re not human. But, they’re not sounds from the walkers, either. And, they don’t exactly sound like any animal I’ve encountered before.
That I know of anyway. I stop in front of a counter as the sounds are louder. I look ‘round my feet, but don’t see anything. That’s when I notice they’re coming from the other side of the counter. I make way my behind it, and look down in the corner, where the glass counter meets the wall at the floor. 
Nestled there, in a pile of shredded papers, a ball of fluff. I kneel down as the sounds get louder. That’s when I notice that they’re not just any sounds, but rather little squeaks and the occasional purr. And, that what I thought was a single ball of fluff, is actually seven little fluff balls.
I smile to myself as I drop down to one knee, place Lucille on the ground beside me, and slowly reach a hand towards the larger of the seven fur balls. The one I very gently pet jerks its head up and looks at me. It doesn’t take me long to realize that the little animals in front of me are not cats, dogs, or your typical pet. 
No. In front of me is an entire litter of baby guinea pig pups.
One of ‘em appears to be the mum, while the other six are actual babies. Tiny ones at that, and they’re busy nursing. I hold my hand in front of the mum, and she hesitantly sniffs my hand. Within a few seconds, she lets out another squeak, and starts to lightly nibble on my finger. 
I can’t help but chuckle. She’s precious. At one point, I feel her little tongue against my skin. It feels weird, but it’s a good weird. Then, she tentatively bites down on my thumb. I jerk my hand back. I shake my hand out, still grinning.
“Fuck. My finger ain’t a carrot, kid.” I say, playfully.
The guinea pig just squeaks in response. I chuckle.
“I’ll be right back.” I say, even though I know that the animal can’t actually respond.
I stand, picking Lucille up in the process, and turn on my heel. I head back outside.
“I need a fuckin’ box!” I demand of my men.
One of ‘em scrambles and grabs one, bringing it to me. As soon as I have it, I head back towards the animals. I kneel down before ‘em, and gently start scooping ‘em up into the box, moving the pile of shredded paper to the bottom of the box for ‘em.
I look ‘round the room I’m in, trying to find anything that would work for these cute little animals I’m now taking ownership of. I sure as fuckin’ shit ain’t leaving ‘em out here to die. They’re too damn precious, and I’ve always been a sucker for animals. 
I prefer ‘em over humans, if I’m gonna be completely honest. Yet, no-one back at the Sanctuary knows how I am ‘bout animals, and I’m ok with that. Looking ‘round the store, I notice that I’m actually in a pet store of all fuckin’ places, and let out a quiet chuckle. 
I place the box with my new little friends in it, on the counter, with Lucille beside it. I walk over to one of the aisles that has hamster, guinea pig, gerbil, and ferret supplies. I grab what looks like a pet carrier and start shoving various pet supplies that I think I might possibly need for ‘em into it. 
I even snag two of the larger cages for the animals. I want ‘em to have the best. Once I have what appears to be a decent amount of stuff, and the pet carrier is full, I zip the top part of it, sling the strap across my chest, grab my girl, and the box.
I tuck it under my arm and head outside to my car. Since I rode by myself, I don’t have to worry ‘bout any of my men asking any unnecessary questions. Not that they should any-fuckin’-way, ‘cause they know better than to question me. I open the passenger side door, set the box in the seat, and the bag full of supplies on the floorboard. 
Going one extra step, I secure the seatbelt across the box. I’d hate for anything to happen to the little fluffy kids. I place the cages, which are thankfully still in the boxes, in the backseat. Closing the door, I make my way back over to my men, who are finishing loading up the trucks.
“Alright. Let’s fuckin’ head the fuck back home!” I demand.
They all nod and hop in the various vehicles that came out in. I go back over to my car, settle in behind the wheel, and crank the engine. I make sure that Lucille is nestled against my thigh. During the drive back to the Sanctuary, I hear the kiddos making various squeaking noises. 
I smile to myself. The noises they’re making now are different than the ones they were making earlier. I can tell that these are more of a happier type of squeaking as opposed to the fear laced ones I heard earlier. As soon as I drive through the gate of the compound, and stop the car, I’m out, and making my way to the other side.
I sling the pet carrier across my chest once more, scoop the box up under one arm, with Lucille dangling between my fingers of that hand, and grab the cages with my free hand. I look down at the kiddos.
“Alright, y’all. I’m gonna need y’all to be quiet for a few minutes. Ok? Once we get inside, y’all can make all the noise you want. I promise.” I say, soothingly.
The mum lifts her head at me, and I notice her little nose sniffing the air. I grin. She really is fuckin’ cute. I make my way inside and up to my room, leaving my men to deal with the goods we just scavenged. I quickly shut my bedroom door behind me once I’m in my room. 
I don’t need some fucker coming in right now while I get the kiddos set up in their new home. I place everything on my bed before taking my leather jacket off. The kiddos all start squeaking once I set the box down, which has me chuckling. 
I reach in and pet each of ‘em. They’re all really soft to the touch and once they feel my fingers against their backs, their squeaks turn to purrs. I set to the task of getting the cages set up, connecting the two top parts together in a makeshift way. 
I make sure there’s bedding in the bottoms, hay in the side containers, and water from the sink in my bathroom in the water bottles. I open one of the containers of food pellets I picked up and place food in both of the bowls, making sure to put plenty in ‘em. 
I place the connected cages in the corner of the room, by the bookshelves. I set the pet carrier, still full of supplies, on the bottom shelf before I make my way back over to the kiddos. I gently scoop ‘em out one by one and let ‘em crawl all over my lap.
Looking down at ‘em, I realize that they’re all filthy, covered in dirt, dust, and what looks like a little bit of blood. I bite my bottom lip slightly as I cradle all seven of ‘em in my arms and head into my bathroom. Still holding onto ‘em, I kneel in front of my bathtub, and gently place each one in there, closer to the back of the tub. 
Keeping one hand in front of ‘em so they don’t start moving towards the front, I use my free hand to turn the water on, and put the stopper in the drain. I make it’s not too hot and not too cold. I don’t wanna risk burning or freezing ‘em. Once there’s a little less than an inch of water in the bottom of the tub, I turn it off.
I reach for the mum first, and gently wash her off, rinsing the grime and whatnot from her fur. After I’m fairly certain she’s as clean as she can be, I move on to one of the babies, and repeat the process with the six of ‘em. By time I’ve finished washing the last one, the water in the tub has turned a murky red/brown color. 
I pull the stopper out, watching the water drain out. I lean back on my knees, reach up, and grab one of my towels. I take the time to dry each and every one of the six one of the pups and their mother. I wrap ‘em all up in the towel, very carefully, and carry ‘em back to my bed. 
I set ‘em down and just let ‘em do their thing. I sit close to my pillows, so I can take my boots off. Swinging my legs up onto the bed, I place one on either side of the towel, effectively creating a mini area for them to run ‘round in. The box is nestled between my feet, so they won’t be escaping any time soon. 
I watch as four of the pups snuggle up to each other by my right knee. One of the other two curls up next to its mother’s side by my calf. The last little pup starts walking towards my crotch. Once it gets there, it lifts its head, seemingly looking ‘round. It places its little paws on my thigh, and sniffs the air.
I chuckle. I watch as it starts to jump up onto the top of thigh, but struggles. I guess the pups are only a couple weeks old, but I’m not really sure. I place my left hand under the little critter, and help it. It squeaks, happily, once it’s where it wanted to be. 
It pauses and looks ‘round, sniffing and squeaking. I just grin. The little fucker is adorable. It turns its tiny body towards my chest, and starts crawling up my torso. Once it reaches my sternum, it stops and sniffs the air again before it keeps inching closer to my slight beard. 
When it stops again, I gently bring a hand up and run my forefinger along its back. I gently scratch at its lower back, which gets me a purr in response. It turns its head towards me again, and I notice the little white patch that surrounds its right eye. 
Other than that, it’s completely black. While I keep petting this one, I look at its siblings and mother. One of the pups is completely black, whom I name Pluto. Another one is mostly white, with a black patch and an orange patch ‘round its neck, and I name it Saturn.
Two more are mostly orange with little black patches smack dab in the center of their backs; their names are Mars and Mercury. The last pup is half black, a quarter white, and a quarter orange, and I figure its name is Venus. I look at the mother.
Majority of her fur is a dark black, but just behind her right ear is a small, quarter-sized orange patch, and I name her Luna. They all range in a variety of colors, and it’s adorable. I look back to the one that’s now snuggled up to the lower part of my beard. 
It keeps purring as I continue to stroke its back. I decide to name it Lil Fucker. The next day, I head to the library to see if we have any books on guinea pigs. To my surprise, we do, so I snag ‘em and take ‘em back to my room. I use the books as guides to figure out how to take care of the kiddos, and learn anything and everything I can ‘bout the animal.
Over the next few months, I manage to keep ‘em a secret. Every day, I’ll feed ‘em, check on ‘em, and play with ‘em at night. Sometimes, when I need to de-stress, I’ll come up to my room, and get ‘em out and just let ‘em crawl over my chest, or nestle between my legs.
After ‘bout two months, I realize that four of the pups are females, and the other two are males. I disconnect the two cages, so that I can keep ‘em separated. While I wouldn’t mind having more guinea pigs, I know it’s not ideal. Lil Fucker quickly becomes my favorite, and some days, I’ll tuck him in the pocket of my leather jacket, and he’ll just curl up in there and walk ‘round with me as I do what I need to ‘round the Sanctuary.
If he squeaks while we’re out and ‘bout, I just let out a low chuckle, reach my hand into my pocket, and gently pet him. ‘Bout once a week, I go out to the gardens, and collect any of the loose veggies that my people can’t eat, and I give ‘em to the kids.
It doesn’t take long for me to figure that they really love carrots, kale, spinach, apples, oranges, and cucumbers. Sometimes, I go out on runs by myself, and scout of pet stores or other places that have the supplies I need for the kiddos. Which is actually how I meet you ‘bout three months after I found the kids. 
You’re looking ‘round one of the pet stores for supplies for your dog, who you told me is your service puppy. He’s a beautiful German shepherd, and his name is Squalo Toro, which is Italian for Bull Shark, but you just stick to calling him Toro for the most part. 
I find out that you don’t belong to any community, and that it’s just you and Toro. I offer to let you come back to the Sanctuary with me, saying that Toro is more than welcome to tag along. This particular day, the day I come across you, I have Lil Fucker curled up in the pocket of my jacket.
I guess Toro notices ‘cause he won’t stop sniffing me, which has you apologizing, but has me just chuckling. I’m not willing to give up my secret yet, so I don’t tell you I have Lil Fucker with me. I help you get the supplies you need, and then I get what I need for the kiddos. 
Once we’ve gotten all we can, we head back to the Sanctuary. As I’m walking back up to my room, Lil Fucker decides to peek his head out of my pocket. I chuckle as I watch him sniff ‘round, and let out a quiet squeak. You glance at me, curious. 
I just smirk and shrug before reaching my hand back into my pocket to pet Lil Fucker. He nestles back into my pocket once he feels my fingers gently petting him.
After two months of you living at the Sanctuary, I’m chilling on my bed with the kiddos nestled between my legs and Lil Fucker curled up on my chest, ‘bout to doze off, when I hear a gentle knock on my door. I know it’s you. I’ve gotten used to your knocks every day whenever you come by to just talk, which is nice. 
I consider you to be one of, if not my only, friend, aside from the kiddos.
“One second!” I holler.
I scramble ‘round to grab a spare blanket from under my bed. I place it over my legs and the kids, hiding them. I shift Lil Fucker slightly so that he’s hidden too.
“C’mon in.” I say to you through the door.
You slowly open the door, and Toro enters first, with you right behind him. The pair of y’all come and sit down on my bed. You raise an eyebrow at me when you see me lounging on my bed.
“You comfortable there, sunshine?” You tease.
I chuckle. “Mmhhmm. Quite so.”
You laugh. “If you say so. You don’t look quite comfortable.”
I feel one of the kids move between my thighs, and actually start pawing at my crotch. I squirm ‘cause it feels weird. You laugh even more.
“You sure you’re ok there?” You ask again.
I nod. “Just peachy.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I see the blanket shift, and notice that two more of the kids are moving ‘round, and so is the one by my crotch. The movements don’t go unnoticed by you.
You smirk. “Now, sunshine. I know you’re always claiming that you’ve got a big ass dick, but I highly doubt it goes down to your knee…and that it’d be movin’ like that.”
I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows. “Wouldn’t you like to find out?”
You roll your eyes. “In your dreams, sunshine. You know you’re not my type.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Arat would kick my ass if I made a move on her girl.”
You nod your head. “You’re right ‘bout that. So…what are you hidin’?”
Of course, at that moment, Lil Fucker decides to squeak, which has you raising your eyebrow. I feel him move in the scarf, and you let out a cute little gasp.
“You have an animal in your scarf!” You say excitedly.
I glance down slightly and notice that Lil Fucker’s now peeking his head out, and sniffing ‘round. I let out a nervous chuckle.
“Maybe.” I say.
“There’s no maybe ‘bout it, sunshine! I can see it’s little head. Now let me see it! Please!” You plead.
Chuckling, I gently pull the scarf away from my neck, exposing Lil Fucker. He clambers outta the confines of the scarf and makes his way down to the middle of my chest. You get really excited as you glance between him and me.
“Can I pet him?” You ask, hopeful.
I laugh. “Sure.”
You reach forward and pet him. He pads into your outstretched hand and you hold him. I remove the blanket so I can move the one little guinea pig that’s still pawing at my crotch, trying to get up onto my thigh. I realize that it’s Venus, and I chuckle. 
You look up from Lil Fucker and immediately see the other six guinea pigs that are all nestled between my legs. You let out another happy gasp that actually sounds more like a squeal. I chuckle as you look up at me.
“How long have you had ‘em?” You ask, gently rubbing the back of Lil Fucker’s head.
“Hmmm…I’d say ‘bout four months or so now.” I say.
“Awww. Does anyone else know? And, why haven’t you told me ‘bout ‘em ‘fore now?”
I shrug. “No-one else knows. They’ve kinda been my secret.”
“Well, I’d say they’re a well-kept, adorable secret. Do they have names?”
“Mmhhmm. That’s Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Pluto, Luna, and the one you have is Lil Fucker.” I point to each guinea pig, respectively.
“They’re precious! Wait! Did you have one of ‘em when we met?”
I nod. “Lil Fucker was in my pocket.”
“That’s why Toro wouldn’t stop sniffing you, and I knew I wasn’t insane when I heard somethin’ squeak that day.”
I chuckle. “Yep. That was Lil Fucker. He goes almost everywhere with me. He’ll just curl up in my jacket pocket, and go where I go.”
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imsocialshit · 6 years
yes please
Anon you are blessed thank you.
So let’s start with the only one that’s happened more than once. The first time I had it was when I was a little kid, I think I was in preschool or something, and the second was earlier last year. So it was about these two kids who got pets, one got a hamster and the other got a ferret for some reason. Only the hamster kids mom didn’t want him to have a pet so he had to keep it at ferret kids house, but ferret kid didn’t like hamster kid and they only hung out because their mom’s were friends. So ferret kids a huge douche though so he keeps letting his ferret try to eat the hamster, then hamster kid comes over with his mom and finds ferret kid trying to drown the fuckin’ hamster. so he says the only spoken dialogue the whole dream and it’s “Dude you almost killed my hamster!” after he saves the poor thing. The dream’s mostly about them trying to become friends because they have to basically.
Now let’s move on to the weird ones, these I only kinda remember sorry.
So in the first one I was at a friends house following her around the scaffolding around the second floor and she jumped down and ran away telling me to follow her, so I jumped off the roof like any one would and broke my leg. I think that in the dream people just gathered around me staring, it hurt a lot. Like I felt it in my dream. I think the people there were just staring though and that’s the spooky part I’m bleeding on the ground and these guys are all just staring like I’m some kinda animal. When I woke up I was sweating and my ankle felt weird, turned out I’d been laying on it weird.
The second one is largely the same, but I was on a rode trip when it happend. So I’m chasing a friend around she jumps down and runs yelling that I need to hurry up so I jump but this time I land on my arm, it breaks but she helps me up this time. So we go through to a hole in her fence and she just kinda….pushes me through it, but the hole was really small so yeah dreams. So on the other side there’s this weird kinda rocking land going on, like it’s all shaking and I keep falling always on the arm. She gets more and more annoyed and keeps telling me to hurry. I think something was following us maybe? Then there was this really big drop and when I fell I landed on the arm again and it broke, but so did my neck. It hurt like a bitch. This time she ran off without me. When I woke up I was just laying on my arm with my face pressed against our car window. My wrist was like under my entire torso twisted all weird and my neck had a crick in it. I hate those dreams
So yeah those are my weird dreams, other than the ones where I’m in the future doing small things like writing tumblr posts, or eating something. Those are harder to tell though. 
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vacantavern · 4 years
“My best friend is a parakeet” (Original Short horror story)
“Your bird’s stupid.” I turn to see my roommate, Shea, poking her finger between the bars of the bird cage. “Hey, leave her alone, she’s smarter than most of your boyfriends.” I shoot back. The bird in question, who I named Zig, squawks and flaps one wing. “But its strange isn’t it? It doesn’t really act like a bird. Its like it has something wrong in the head. It doesn’t even tweet right.” Shea waggles her finger at Zig.
I sigh and turn back to cooking dinner. She would never understand the bond we share. Zig has been a precious member of my family for the past six months. I remember seeing her through that pet store window; the cute, white and blue speckled parakeet was alone in a small cage at the front of the store. Her head was cocked so far to the side that her beak rested on the top of her wing. It reminded me of an owl. I didn’t even know parakeets could twist their heads that far. Those deep, soulful black eyes bored into me with a sharp intensity that almost moved me to tears. When I looked even closer, I could see small flecks of amber within the ebony voids. I decided then and there that I had to have her. I strode right into the pet shop and to the front desk. Immediately I noticed that for a pet store, it was oddly quiet. I stole glances at the other animals around me as I walked. The one ferret they had was in a large, circular glass enclosure. It sat on its hind legs in the center of the pen, its little arms held away from it’s body as if it was avoiding touching itself. The hamster on my right was hanging upside down on the mesh ceiling of it’s cage.
When I reached the front desk, a younger woman, maybe in her early twenties, greeted me with a larger than life smile. She had an eyepatch covering her left eye, and I wondered what had happened. I inquired about the bird, and if at all possible, her smile grew even wider. She was all teeth and grins as she told me all about how to care for a parakeet. When I told the woman I’d take her, she clapped her hands loudly in excitement before moving away from the register to retrieve her for me. When she strode past me, I noticed her gait was an awkward limp. The thought briefly crossed my mind that she might have some kind of skeletal deformity, and I felt pity for her. After I payed the surprising cheap bill, I left with a new sense of responsibility, along with a lightness I hadn’t felt in over a year.
Getting Zig was the best decision I ever made.
After losing my mother to cancer a year earlier, Zig had been a huge aid in helping me cope. After much research online about how to enrich a parakeet’s life, I waited on her hand and foot, spoiling her as much as possible. I know most people would say that she’s just a bird, but to me, she is a living creature who deserves love just as much, if not more than any human. She is my best friend. She was there for me when no one else was. After mom’s death, all of my human companions looked at me with pity or judgement. With Zig, there was none of that. I could tell her anything and she wouldn’t give me any criticism or harsh treatment. It didn’t matter that she was a little strange. What was normal anyway? Weird and normal are human constructs.
“So, what’s for dinner?” Shea asks, interrupting my reverie as she throws herself down on the couch with a loud exhale. “Meatloaf.” I call back to her. Shea makes a choking sound and kicks her leg up in protest. I ignore her. If she wants something different, then she should go out and buy the groceries for once. Getting a roommate was an unfortunate necessity if I wanted to be able to afford rent in this overpriced hellhole of an apartment. After my previous roommate decided to move in with her boyfriend, I had tried to go it alone for a while. But my wage was just not enough to maintain the apartment. So I put an add in the paper for a new roommate. Shea seemed nice at first. Polite and respectable. That was until she got comfortable and began to show her true selfish, lazy colors.
As we sit down to eat, Zig makes a strange choking sound, similar to the noise Shea made earlier in response to my horrid meatloaf. “Weird bird.” Shea mutters as she picks up a forkful of meat. I smile at Zig. Good job, girl.
The next morning I sleepily trudge through the house, getting ready for work. Zig squawks loudly and her tongue falls out of her beak, her eyes rolling back into her head, showing the whites. I smile. “Good morning, Zig.” I slide my finger through the bars and pat her small head. A few feathers come away from my touch, revealing the pink skin underneath. Concern fills me. I had been noticing Zig was losing a lot of her feathers lately. Her little body was now decorated with small bald patches. I wondered if she was plucking them out. I read somewhere that when a bird is stressed, they sometimes pluck their own feathers. I would have to look more into that after work. I wave to Zig, and she flaps her wings unevenly, one of her talons gripping her perch at an awkward angle.
Work drags on as usual. My co-workers greet me with large, fake smiles that never fail to sicken me with every passing day. I put in my earphones so I don’t have to listen to their incessant gossip. When I finally open the door to my apartment later that evening, my gaze immediately finds the couch. And then I promptly shut the door again. I let out a frustrated breath and pinch the bridge of my nose. Shea is making out with some guy yet again. The two were so locked together that they didn’t even notice the door opening. We have a rule about bringing boys home. If you did, there was to be no fooling around in the living areas. But Shea seemed to think this rule didn’t apply to her. Sighing deeply, I walk over to the window and give it a loud knock. I hear startled gasps from inside followed by the rustling of clothes. I go to wait in front of the door, my arms crossed over my chest.
A minute later the front door clicks open to reveal a disheveled Shea, smiling guiltily. “Sorry.” She offers, trying to smooth out her tangled hair. I shrug and head inside. It’s not like she would listen to me if I scolded her anyway. I walk quickly to my room, not bothering to even attempt to greet Shea’s guest.
That night sleep eludes me. So I decide to go out to the kitchen and play on my laptop. I research birds and feather plucking, and try to come up with a reason for why she would be stressed, and what I could do to fix it. It upset me that my Zig was so stressed out. After spending another hour down the rabbit hole, I yawn, contemplating trying to sleep again.
As I close my laptop, a sudden, horrid choking and wheezing echoes through the room. “DO NOT WORRY, LITTLE ONE.” A deep, scratchy voice echoes into the room. The sound of it seems to reverberate inside my head. I smile and look up at Zig, who hangs upside down on her perch, her wings crossed over her body like a bat. A thin, clear membrane clings to her body, slicking what is left of her wet feathers down against her body. Her neck seems to be a little longer than normal. It almost looks broken, tilted at an awkward angle. Her beak is stretched open wide to reveal a set of tiny, razor sharp teeth. Her beady little eyes seem wider than usual, the golden flecks more prominent. The two black and amber voids are fixated on me, through me, with great intensity. Just like they did that first day in the pet shop. I look away and pinch the bridge of my nose between my fingers, closing my eyes against the headache starting there. “Thanks, Zig. It’s just so frustrating that she doesn’t care about respecting me or my space.”
“THE OTHER FEMALE IS SELFISH, DESTRUCTIVE, INDULGENT. A STAIN ON THIS WORLD, LIKE MANY OTHERS.” I sigh heavily, pushing back from my chair before walking over to Zig’s cage. “Thanks for trying to make me feel better.” I place my hand against the cold metal bars, hoping she will hear the sincerity in my voice. Her concern warmed me. “YOU MUST REMOVE HER. SHE IS A DETRIMENT TO US.” Zig coughs strangely and flaps one wing. “Don’t worry,” I say. “If she crosses the line, I’ll kick her out.”
“TOO LENIENT, LITTLE ONE. TOO LENIENT. SHE MUST PAY THE PRICE FOR DISHONORING ME.” I softly stroke the gelatinous membrane coating Zig’s wing with the tip of my finger and turn to look at Shea’s door. “Thats going a little too far, Zig. Don’t worry, I have this handled.”
Zig gazes up at me from her upside down position, one glowing amber eye drifting off to look down the hallway towards Shea’s door. “FOR NOW, I SHALL ALLOW YOU TO BE LENIENT. HOWEVER, AS THE TIME FOR ME TO EVOLVE APPROACHES, I SHALL TAKE MATTERS INTO MY OWN HANDS, LITTLE ONE.” I turn from the cage and go to collect my laptop, suddenly feeling exhausted, my headache worsening with the booming of Zig’s voice in my head. As much as I loved talking to her, I needed some rest. “Alright, Zig, I’ll let you handle it if it goes too far.” I head off to bed with a slight smile on my face. Zig always has my back.
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starlightswitch · 4 years
Just Looking
(for Writer’s Month prompt 22, pet shop AU. It’s an AU for the transfers and features Cash, although he’s in lovesick puppy mode-- pun intended-- so not really his silly self. To Naomi’s disappointment of course.)
“Cash! Pay attention!”
Cash spun around and stared at Naomi, who was standing at the counter. The expression on her face made it look at if she had her hands on her hips, or her arms crossed, even though she was doing neither, leaning on the counter with both hands. “Pay attention to what?” he said. “There was only one customer and she left.”
“You can say her name,” said Nicolette, over by the guinea pigs. “We know you know it.”
Cash didn’t like it when they argued, but he preferred that to ganging up on him. “I was talking to a customer. I was paying attention–“ he imitated Naomi’s tone– “to a customer. What’s wrong with that?”
The girls looked at each other and said nothing.
“Since there are no other customers right now, I’m going to check the cat litter supply. It’s Wednesday.” He started toward the back.
To Naomi, but in a loud voice that Cash was obviously supposed to hear, Nicolette said, “It’s hard to call her a customer when she hasn’t bought anything and isn’t going to.”
Cash took one more step, considering ignoring her, and then stopped and turned around. “Other people have come here more than once before they bought a pet.”
“Yeah,” said Naomi. “They come here more than once to see the same pet. Your favorite customer–” and she put a twist on the word that was a not-so-subtle agreement with Nicolette’s point– “sees a different kid of pet every week. Cat, guinea pig, ferret, back to cat, lizard… What was she looking at this week?”
Cash was not cut out for lying. He shook his head and started to turn toward the back again.
“Bunny,” said Nicolette. “Aw, their cute little ears.”
Eyes rolling up to the ceiling, Cash slapped his leg. “So she doesn’t know what kind of pet she wants. She doesn’t have to have her mind made up. Maybe she can’t even get a pet because her parents won’t let her have one so she’s planning it for after she moves out. Why would she come to a pet store if she doesn’t want a pet?” He kept to himself that he might have an idea of why she would come to a pet store if it wasn’t to get a pet. If that was what Naomi and Nicolette were saying, with an attitude, he wanted to hear them say it themselves.
Naomi picked up a pen from the cup and clicked it open and shut a couple of times. “I’m not saying she doesn’t want a pet. I’m saying she’s not going to buy a pet.”
Cash’s eyebrows came down so low he could almost see them. “What?”
“She’s saying she can’t make up her mind,” said Nicolette, moving over to the hamster cages and crouching a little to look at them.
“I said the same thing! What’s wrong with not having her mind made up?”
Naomi clicked the pen a couple more times, slowly. “What I’m saying is I don’t think she’s ever going to make up her mind. I think she has this idea of a perfect pet, and she keeps thinking that the next one she looks into is going to be it. But she’s never going to find a perfect pet because there’s no such thing. She’s going to have to deal with some things she doesn’t like about a pet because that is how life is.”
Cash’s eyes flicked over to Nicolette, but she was still inspecting the small pets, apparently done with the conversation. He looked back to Naomi.
“And yes,” said Naomi. “I think there might be another reason that she comes here all the time. I have noticed that she always shows up on the same day of the week and always talks to the same person. But again.”
“Again what?” said Cash.
“I don’t know that her expectations for a person, or a relationship, are likely to be all that much more realistic than her expectations for a pet.” She dropped the pen into the cup from about six inches above it. It clanged at the bottom and settled against the other pens. “Something to keep in mind.”
Cash did his best to look confused. “Are you comparing me to a pet?”
Naomi sighed. “Yes, that’s what I’m doing. I’m comparing you to a pet.”
“Just hanging out at the pet store,” Nicolette added, addressing it to the rabbits, “waiting for someone to take him home.”
Naomi did a poor job of muffling a laugh.
“Shut up,” said Cash, and went to the back to check on the cat litter.
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anonymouse-thoughts · 5 years
Pets AU: 
...To compile the rambles I subjected Gale to & the ones I restrained myself from spamming so I can torment the void instead of poor sweet Gale
Mari’s a dog person
Adrien’s afraid of dogs
Kagami can be either dog or cat person, leaning more towards latter
If Félix is around he claims to dislike pets in general ( “Why would you willingly bring vermin into your home?” )
Mari ends up with a pissy street cat that has decided to adopt her. Mari pretends not to like having the cat around but secretly does
Chloe likes nontraditional pets that everyone things are weird
Dog ends up with one of the Rich Kids ™ because they’re the ones with yards / staff to take it on walks when they’re busy. Like Mari, the rich kids claim to be annoyed at having to deal with the dog and say they only keep it as a favor to Mari but secretly grow to love it
Alternatively, the dog is gotten when Mari finally gets her own apartment (shared dog-raising with pairing of choice) 
Pet Preferences
THE dog person. Has wanted a dog since she was small. Has not been allowed to have a dog. Will jump a fence to chase after a dog and say hi to it. During night patrols she’ll swing down from the darkness and ask dog owners if she can pet their dogs. Has freaked a few civilians out. After all, no one expects a red-clad, polka dotted teenager to suddenly materialize in front of them, hanging upside down from a yoyo - especially not when said teenager is only supposed to show up to fight superpowered villains. She likes all dogs but loves big dogs. It’s mathematically preferable! You get more dog per dog if you have a big dog. She doesn’t count chihuahuas as dogs. And hairless dogs creep her out. Pugs are on thin ice - she’ll cuddle the ones that have been bred back into having healthy snouts. But she’d willingly die for a puppy of almost any breed. Dogs are admirable and will put others before themselves, though if you hurt them and push them far enough they’ll finally snap at you and good luck getting on their good side again. A dog that has judged you as Bad™ probably has a very good reason for doing so. In this way, stereotypical dog philosophy is very much like her own. Dogs are fun and always ready to go with the flow - given Mari’s impulsive tendencies (ADHD-ish behavior many times), active lifestyle (okay it’s more bc she’s a hectic mess but still), and love for the outdoors (it’s where she gets her best creative ideas), dogs are a match. Amongst the reasons she gives her parents while begging for a dog, she states that she loves cuddling big fluffs (Papas hugs were always her favorites and made her feel safe so her motto for cuddles is the bigger the better + her cat plushie is almost as big as her), she is definitely strong enough to handle a big dog (she carries bags of flour while helping out and probably those huge jugs of milk/cream AND we all know Sabine taught her how to kill defend herself), she has a strong enough personality to get a dog to listen (bc lbr when Mari gets down to business she is a force to be reckoned with), etc etc etc... Add to it that, although a badass, she’s pretty small and how can they not get her a big lovable dog? Right??? Alas, her mom has put down a very firm no. 
Mari instead gets her puppy love by nicely pestering strangers to let her say hi to their floofs. It’s one of the reasons she’s late to class so often, even when she doesn’t sleep in. Prior to being LB she had a slightly better sleep schedule but still got caught up petting dogs in the morning and thus got to class late. Worth it though. 
Local dog owners have started a LB tracking facebook to give a heads up because her random appearances have started to become a bit of a proble- wait, what,,,,, hey wait, no!, what the heck, where did you even come from,,,, there are no buildings to hang from over here, and this is private property,!,, wait no!,!!,,, that’s my dog bring it back!!!,
(She doesn’t actually steal any dogs. She’s very respectful and makes sure to ask if it’s okay to say hi before approaching. She’ll let the dogs sniff at her and then decide if they want to be friends or not. But the fb group’s there because she gets so excited and appears so suddenly that it does freak people out. After she realizes she’s scaring people she tries to get better about making herself known beforehand but with all her training to not be seen + the immediate impulse to snuggle cute puppies she sometimes forgets. )
Reporters have started bringing around dogs to try to get LB to stick around. It works... but she doesn’t answer questions because she’s too busy giving tummy rubs and kissies
Alya is constantly trying to walk dogs / dogsit in hopes of luring LB. Mari is more than happy to join in and help because that means free dog time. Alya is very frustrated that her stakeouts with Mari have never even once ended up with a Ladybug encounter. Mari considers humoring her but that would mean finding an excuse to leave the doggies and then change and then come back only to leave the doggies AGAIN so she could detransform and come back as herself. It was just too much time dog-less.
The people of Paris catch on to LB’s love of dogs and post pictures of their dogs with various “Thank you Ladybug!” posters like dog-shaming but altered to make LB happy. They’ll include things like “Avocado has been inspired by Ladybug to join the fight against Hawkmoth. He even managed to defeat a butterfly today! Granted, it was a regular non-magic one but you gotta start somewhere. #ThanksLB” and post them with a picture of the dumb dog in question 
Telling Chat Noir “I’m more of a dog person ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ” and chuckling as he gets defensive and grumbles about how much better cats are
Chat Noir being annoyed and a little jealous á la Augustus2.0 when LB is showering doggies with love and praise. She definitely heard him mutter bitterly that if the golden retriever puppy was soooooo great then maybe she should have it fight akumas with her and how he was the hero that riSkED HiS LifE for her so he deserved the love and praise
Chat Noir is nervous around big dogs and tries to pretend he isn’t to look cool for LB. He fails. His defense is that THE DOG WEIGHS AS MUCH AS HIM AND COULD FIT HIS HEAD IN ITS MOUTH! HE JUST DOESN’T LIKE BIG DEMON DOGS!! She just rolls her eyes; “Newfoundlands were known as nanny dogs because they’re so gentle and loving, Chat. They’re trained as lifeguards. You’re much more likely to be bit by a Chihuahua or Yorkie.”
“I’m sorry Chat, I’m not into you.” “Not yet ;))” “Mm. Well I plan on having at least one mastiff breed, one shepherd, and one water/snow working breed from the time I move out of my parents’ house until I’m dead. So I guess you’re gonna have to be okay with being around a sum total of 500lbs of dog.”  “...D: ”
Cats whom’s’t’ve’d? She doesn’t hate them... but she’s maybe closer to the dislike end of neutral with regards to them. She’s never been too fond of them because she thinks they’re snobby and they express love by bringing dead icky things. Dogs will just tackle you into a cuddle. She doesn’t like their sharp destructive little claws or tendencies to go after her fashion materials - someone save the yarn! Also the vicious little things end up hurting local wildlife and she much prefers animals that are altruistic like cute fluffy dogs (because paris has to protect the pigeons after all) ((Mr. Pigeon’s rants maayyy have gotten to her at some point)) Besides, even with a cuddly cat you’re still getting less cuddles per pet than you would’ve with a dog simply because dogs are bigger and theres more of them to cuddle. 
Hamsters are cute! ...But kinda boring. And they don’t seem durable enough for her. She’s a little clumsy and chaotic. What if it gets out and gets lost in her clutter and she falls and kills it?! Besides, with her tendency to spiral into the worst possible outcome she’ll worry herself into a panic. 
If she has a parrot screeching near her at the crack of dawn Paris is gonna have a new supervillain because she will be Out For Blood. And unlike Fuckmoth she’d actually be competent.
Reptiles are pretty much the same tier as hamsters and small furry herbivorous mammals for her... maybe slightly below because they’re not fluffy. Still cute though. 
Ferrets are too chaotic even for her. They are not forces she could control. 0-60 and back again in an instant. Besides, are they even legal in Paris? She loves watching videos of them though! 
After enough incidents, her mom has banned her from even mentioning fish in any context outside of dinner. Rip Sashimi, you were around for 13 days but it felt like a bond of 13 years. 
Sheltered all his life so never got to interact with dogs. As a result he’s kinda nervous around them. The big ones especially scare him because they’re big and carnivorous and biG. 
He wasn’t terribly fond of cats before but didn’t have as much of an issue with them because they’re smaller and tend to keep to themselves anyways. Smaller mouths means less space to clamp down with their pointy knife teeth, unlike dogs who have plenty of clamping space. Upon becoming CN likes cats a lot more.
Still though... if he had to pick a pet, it’d probably be a hamster! He can watch it and pet it and then put it back. He can even get a nanny cam to watch it. After all, what is love if not micromanaging every aspect of the subject’s life while keeping a distance and having only minimal interactions or contact? (someone pls hug this boy - after asking him if it’s okay). 
Reptiles are okay. You can also keep them in a glass cage and look and them and maybe poke them now and then. The best kind of relationship. (seriously someone show this child what healthy loving bonds are supposed to be)
Parrots... Well, they have feathers. So unless you want to keep an angry naked toddler with stubby arms and dagger feet screaming through a sharpened megaphone that’s gonna be a No.
Who knows? 
Not I, said the cat.
Idk I kinda like the idea of Chloe with a turtle or hermit crab or something. 
Or maybe a chameleon!
Something quiet and often overlooked. If you peak into the enclosure you wouldn’t even notice it unless someone pointed it out because it seems to blend in. It’s just... unremarkable.
And it doesn’t try to be.
Andre thinks she should have a fancy expensive french dog or special show-quality cat or an imported horse or something. In fact, he may even buy some of these for her because the princess of Paris should have only the best
But Chloe just likes her grouchy turtle/crab/lizard that will only come out to snatch some celery from her and then go back. In fact, if it’s someone other than Chloe giving the veggie (or whatever you give crabs?) treats then they better just leave it in a corner of the cage because the grouch will either refuse to come closer or there will be biting/pinching if it does. 
Animals are stinky and not meant to be kept in your home.
Dogs in particular are too big and messy. They will bring in dirt from the outside bc dogs HAVE to be taken out at least once per day. They’re slobbery and lick/drool on you. Their tails knock things over.
If they’re in your home they should be there as an exhibit (though with appropriate cage-space, nutrition, etc). This limits it to fish and maaayyybbee some small reptiles. But, again, there has to be appropriate cage-space and the like for the animals to be in humane conditions so restrictions apply. They may call her the Ice Queen but she’d never act so coldly as to subject an animal to a life of misery.
The only exception to her view on pets might be a cat. After all, they’re sleek and graceful and pretty independent. While they’ll come around for affection they won’t be as overtly desperate for it as dogs are. They’re also less needy - you can leave automated feeders, filter fountains for water, and self-cleaning litter boxes. Yes, a cat could be an acceptable companion if she were forced to have one.
He likes dogs. and cats. snakes are neat. turtles are chill too. parrots..... hmmm, it depends on the bird really. He wouldn’t like a bird that screams through his songs and doesn’t let him practice. But it’d be cool to have a pet companion that also appreciates melodies.
He hates rats/mice though. Little pests mess up boats. And guitars.  
Claims to dislike animals. Appreciates them in pictures and acknowledges the importance of biodiversity but doesn’t like the idea of sharing a home with them. Might consider a snake or turtle because they have pleasing aesthetics, are easy to confine to an area, and don’t really smell. Although he likes looking at snakes he probably wouldnt go out of his way to get one. He just thinks they’re neat.
Will be around the “house-vermin” but only because it makes Mari happy. Actually kinda likes Mari’s pets/any fluffs he takes in at her behest and grows to care for them but he’d never admit it.
 [* = This is Fanon Félix, snarky and Done With Your Shit but also smart and competent and respectful. idk what the show will do to Fé’s character.]
Specific Pets
Dog - Irish Setter   (red silky coat + a black spot on tongue)
How did such a fancy dog end up on the streets?
Just because the human walked in your vicinity does not mean they are trying to be your friend
would be really pretty but covered in soot from time on the streets, making him look like some grimey stray parents wouldn’t want their kids near 
Wants to be your friend!!!!
will follow you around even across busy intersections because Fren!!!!!! 
will go to anyone that calls him, even if it’s a group of teenage jerks that would bully him
his eagerness to approach people to be friends is confused for aggression sometimes
he would follow Menace but he’s no good at stealing food - he stops to try to get pets and then gets shooed and swatted
Loves everyone and wouldn’t hurt a fly! ... Unless you threaten Menace, kids, or the heroes of Paris (he seems to really like LB and CN and often winds up near akumas because that where his spotty friend and weird tail-human friend are!) ((CN is not happy with the four-legged fan))
Seems to bring good luck to those around him, either through some active intervention (biting the bad guy) or by passively existing (distraction on principle of awwww puppy)
He himself, however, seems to have fairly bad luck - a goofy nature and impulse to love leads to him getting stuck in places he shouldn’t be 
Yet, his feline friend is always there to save him by shoving him out of the way of angry taxis to pulling off the chicken wire tangled around him, so maybe he’s got some good luck to himself after all
Hobbies include stalking passerbys and asking for pets but being too musty to be interacted with
Wouldn’t go looking to fight anyone but would step up to help others if someone was being cruel to them... though given his scraggy stature from living on the streets he’d likely get beat up quite a bit during the altercation
Cat - ????cat? c??ca?? cat??t?tt?ct   (black fur; it’s fuzzy but honestly no one can seem to agree on whether it’s short or long. no one seems to think it’s medium though.)
kitten... possibly a couple weeks older than Lucky, or same age
The terror of the alleyways, tormentor of street vendors and pigeons alike
Can’t stop won’t stop
animal control has tried to catch her
food vendors have tried to catch her
cat ladies have tried to catch her
~all have failed~
Fond of only herself, Lucky, and Marinette
Seems to bring bad luck to those around her, leaving havoc and destruction in her wake
She herself, however, seems to have a decent amount of luck - or at least the skill to stay two steps ahead of everyone
Yet, given her self-imposed responsibility for taking care of Lucky and the endless trouble he’s caught up in maybe she has some bad luck after all
Hobbies include stealing food from tourists, stealing food from locals, and stealing food from Mari
Would fight Hawkmoth and win but she’d rather steal sausages
Honorable Mention: One of Gale’s Lovely Fans and a Fellow ‘Non
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            I love being agreed with yay! Newfies were the other ones I was considering but Irish Red Setter seemed more fitting with the ladybug/luck theme.
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jodybouchard9 · 5 years
Have a Pet Chicken, Llama, or Tarantula? Exotic-Pet Sitters Have You Covered
With the holiday season in full swing, many of us will leave home to visit family or fly off on vacation. But if you have pets—particularly more unusual ones like, say, a pot-bellied pig, python, or tarantula—you might be wondering: Where do you find someone who’s willing to keep these creatures fed and happy while you’re away? Anyone? Anyone?
Never fear, the small but growing niche of exotic-pet sitters are all too happy to tackle the challenge.
A whole new breed of pet sitter
Melissa Meyer, a professional pet sitter in Buffalo, NY, has cared for her share of dogs and cats, but has lately found herself caring for horses, chickens, iguanas, and even 4-inch-long African cockroaches.
“They were terrifying to handle,” admits Meyer.
This is hardly the rare request you’d think it is these days. In its 2018 State of the Industry Survey, Pet Sitters International (the world’s largest educational association for professional pet sitters) found a significant uptick in sitters offering their services for more nontraditional pets.
For instance, in the past two years, pet-sitting services for guinea pigs, hamsters, reptiles, and amphibians all increased more than 20%. Meanwhile pet-sitting services for even more “exotic” animals—whatever lies outside the above descriptions (we’d wager roaches fit in this category)—crept up 5%.
One reason for this trend is that a growing number of pet owners, particularly younger ones, may not want the responsibility of a dog or cat, and opt for more low-maintenance options. Case in point: While people typically use Rover.com to find care for their dogs, sitters on the site have looked after lizards, birds, and even shrimp, says Kristin Sandberg, a pet lifestyle expert for Rover.com.
Pet sitter Christi Moore and her clients Ballerina and Happy
Christi Moore
There’s no ‘sit’ in pet-sitting
Christi Moore opened her Paws ‘n Ponies Pet Sitting Services in Central Oregon in 2012. She lives in a large rural area, where nontraditional pets (including livestock) have always been the status quo.
“There are folks out here who only have cats or dogs or birds or a combination thereof, but most of my 100 or so clients have a menagerie, including livestock such as chickens, horses, llamas, and goats as well as traditional small-animal pets,” says Moore. She’s also cared for reptiles, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, and parrots.
But as you might guess if you’ve ever seen any of the  “Dr. Doolittle” flicks, every day’s an adventure when you take over temporary care of another person’s pets.
“No one knows everything about every animal they’re asked to pet-sit,” acknowledges Moore.
For instance, Moore’s had to learn to mimic some macaw behaviors to win over a volatile, cranky bird by the name of Alvin.
“I actually ask his permission to enter his cage before opening the door and sticking my rude human hand in there,” Moore says. “Can’t say that I blame him. I wouldn’t want anyone busting into my home uninvited either.”
Christi Moore wins over the pets in her charge, large and small creatures alike.
Christi Moore
How to find an exotic-pet sitter you trust
Whether you need a reputable sitter for your prize corgi or pet chicken, “make sure you select a true professional,” says Beth Stultz-Hairston, vice president of PSI. Not just someone looking to rake in some cash and a crash pad while ignoring the few creatures requiring care.
Schedule an initial consultation with a potential sitter before booking the service and ask lots of questions. PSI offers an interview checklist, which includes queries you probably haven’t thought of, including “Are you insured and bonded?” and “Can you provide proof of a clear criminal history?”
“You should also inquire about a pet sitter’s experience with your particular type of pet and provide detailed instructions for their care, such as their typical feeding and exercise routine, any dietary restrictions or medications,” adds Stultz-Hairston.
And what if you find a sitter who seems great, but has zero experience with your particular type of dairy cow? Just ask the sitter to do a trial run (or two) before you actually head out of town or off the grid.
How much does a pet sitter cost?
On pet-sitting platforms like Rover, rates are customized, “so service providers don’t have to charge the same amount for a lizard as they would a dog,” says Sandberg.
According to PSI data, the average pet care visit to feed, walk, and/or clean up after a pet (which lasts approximately 36 minutes) costs $19.98. Petsitter.com data show that nontraditional pets are still the ones sitters are least likely to want to care for. Nonetheless, once you do find that special someone, care for a farm animal will run you an average of $19.03 per visit while a gerbil will cost only $12.95. On pet-sitting site Thumbtack, care for a nontraditional pet ranges from $20 to $30 per visit.
Where you live will also affect how much you pay. For instance, a chicken sitter in Portland, OR, costs $15 for a daily visit versus up to $50 in Los Angeles. And obviously, what care your pet requires matters, too. Bathing and dressing your pot-bellied pig every day will likely cost more than, say, tossing a slice of potato into your aquarium every few days.
But the peace of mind you’ll have knowing someone out there is cuddling with your hairless rat while you’re gone? It’s priceless.
The post Have a Pet Chicken, Llama, or Tarantula? Exotic-Pet Sitters Have You Covered appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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pigeonacademic · 7 years
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This beautiful interpretation of the Blights was drawn by @rooby-the-rapscallion , who has magic hands when it comes to art. Let’s break this piece down! 
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Firstly, the face of the big one (which I am assuming is the Papa Blight) Look at that sweet little face! If I had to guess the animal it was based off of , I'd say a ferret or a hamster. One of the things I have never considered for the Blights is their ears, because I had tried different ear designs and they didn't seem to work with them, BUT Rooby over here had the idea of making teeny fluffy ears, and it actually works!!
Note the cheek scruff/pouch. You can see its clearly fluffy, like real small mammal cheeks, and you can see the nose and the mouth and WHISKER LINES. Best of all from what I can see, ever look at a critter and see lumps on the face above their eyes and on their nose? Those are the bony structures of their face, and she remembered that! Look at the nose, look above the eyes and tell me that those aren't part of the facial structure. Speaking of the eyes, LOOK AT THEM! Big and wide, a characteristic of the Blights, and it looks so focused too.
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The neck for this Blight is proportionate, and it has a little chest scruff! Most fuzzy animals I have owned has had a scruff. They LOVE being scratched there, and there's shading and lines to show that its indeed fur.
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Oh my goodness, these glorious archangelic wings. Blights have wings of various sizes, and right here is the biggest pair one can get for it's size!! Look at him in mid-flight, getting ready to land!! You can see he's getting ready to just drop the food and land on his graceful little paws, and with the tips of the feathers, you can see how most of them are pointed in one direction to give the image of the wings in action instead of just being there, and Rooby drew them almost exactly where I think Blights would have their wings jutting out at! The feathers are nicely detailed-not to the point where it pops out from the rest of the body but just enough to give them a sense that those really are feathers.
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Look what he has! He has a fish! This Blight has caught what seems to be a minnow. He’s such a good Blight! Rooby even remembered that they’re omnivorous!! 
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Look at this other Blight- You can see how consistent Rooby keeps her designs for them, making the differences enough to where its not sameface but also you can still recognize that its a part of the same species. She’s got the cheek fluff/jaw, the brows and those cute little ears!! Look at the way her neck slopes gracefully, like an arch on a horse neck, and due to the shading on the eyes, she’s looking upwards at the other Blight instead of just staring off into space. 
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Looking at this from a anatomic point of view, its perfectly reasonable for her back to be up like that for a number of reasons: 
-She could be arching it from looking up
-It could be from how she has her wings
-Its floof
-It’s her back and bone wings
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Beautiful leggies. They remind me of either a cat’s or a rabbit’s leg, the majority of animals have that big curve, and if you can just imagine bones in that, you can see how it’d work for the Blight. Very fuzzy too, great floof detail. You can also see the three toes for the paws!!  You see, the reason why the Blights have legs like these is because they’re also scamperers, they scamper and crawl and run and do all sorts of leg things as well as flying, and these legs were made for scampering! 
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Look at that wing, just like the other in its perfect detail. 
Also, pay attention to the full image of how she has her whole body in relation to the wings. She’s excited or at least paying attention. Okay, you as a human probably have subtle bodily cues when paying attention that you don’t realize. Be aware next time-do your shoulders feel a little strange because you push them back? That’s what’s going on with this Blight right here. 
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Behold, the fluffiest of the fluffs. 
ITS A BABY BLIGHT!! Look at those itty-bitty wings, they can’t fly until they’re a little older, and LOOK AT ITS STUMPY LEGS :D Because of lack of flight they must scamper, and they’re going to be stumpy to support a bumbling baby Blight.
As you notice, Rooby drew it with more floof than the adults-because baby Blights grow a downy coat, and can we PLEASE look at how its looking straight at us, like “hi!” and LOOK AT ITS TWITCHY LIL NOSE!! Big bright eyes, ears are so small, and look at its stance in the grass! It’s pigeon toed for balance!
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kizmetcandy · 7 years
Valentine Flirt Guide
I will add more questions as I go along. 
Correct Answers are in Bold. 
Newly Updated
Do you know what my favorite color is?
A.      Blue
B.      White
C.      Yellow
 If we went on vacation together, where do you think I would take you?
A.      Japan.
B.      The United States
C.      England.
 I have a rather good memory… Do you know what I can remember without any effort?
A.      Birthdays
B.      The periodic table of elements
C.      English irregular verbs
 As you already know, I really like to read. Do you know what type of novels I prefer?
A.      Historical novels
B.      Detective novels
C.      Adventure novels
 You know that I have very difficult relations with my father… But do you remember his name?
A.      Richard
B.      Henry
C.      Francis
 I’m getting more and more attached to my little Birman… Do you remember the name I gave her?
A.      Duchess
B.      White
C.      Carla
 If I tell you we’re going on a trip for the weekend… What activities would we do together?
A.      Movies and a restaurant, classic but romantic.
B.      Visit a city that’s full of History, because immersing in the culture is better when you’re two.
C.      A concert and then a club for a festive moment.
 For me, an ideal relationship is:
A.      Share our passions and hobbies… It’s important that we learn each other.
B.      Have a passionate bond type of relationship: we don’t call it “better half” for no reason.
C.      Make plans: if we don’t make plans for the future, the relationship is worthless.
 Do you remember when we first met? You were all over the place! Tell me one thing you didn’t forget for your registration.
A.      A photo ID.
B.      Enrollment fee.
C.      A photocopy of my last report card.
 There’s a particular quality I appreciate in a girl
A.      Intelligence. 
B.      Altruism
C.      Openness.
 In my family, most of us have allergies… Do you know what I’m allergic to?
A.      To milk
B.      To casts
C.      To pollen
 When you first arrived, you and my sister were feuding. I gave you advice on how to scare her…
A.      You told me she was afraid of spiders
B.      You told me to let her believe that she could be expelled from school.
C.      You told me to give her a box of laxatives.
 I find a girl more elegant when she wears
A.      Stilettos
B.      A pencil skirt
C.      A cute purse
 Since I met you, Melody seems very attached to me… Do you know what I really think of her?
A.      She’s kind of a suck up, but deep down you appreciate her.
B.      She annoys you, so you avoid her as much as possible.
C.      You’re indifferent towards her. You don’t even see her.
I was almost in big trouble when Amber stole those exams… Do you remember why?
A.      The principal accused you of being an accomplice. It’s normal, because she’s your sister.
B.      To seal the exams the key to the teachers’ lounge had to be stolen. And you were the only student who had a spare.
C.      Because you fell asleep even though you were supposed to watch the teachers’ lounge.
I remember when you arrived at the high school… I was even wearing my favorite rock band t-shirt. Do you remember the band’s name?
A.      Winged Skull
B.      Skull and Roses
C.      Gloomy Skull
 There’s something I love eating when I’m spending the day at the beach…
A.      Churros!
B.      Italian Ice Cream!
C.      Donuts!
If I had to choose an artistic workshop… What would it be?
A.      Photography
B.      Painting
C.      Sculpting
 > Actually that’s not entirely true. Sure it’s the right answer. But in episode 29 Castiel says (on his route) he wanted to be in the video workshop. 
Sometimes, when I think of Deborah, I ask myself how I was able to believe all her lies… And that idiotic nickname she gave me…
A.      I remember very well, it was “Kitten”.
B.      I remember very well, it was “Dear”.
C.      I remember really well, it was “Kitty”.
 I love when a girl wears.
A.      Low cut tops.
B.      Bare back tops.
C.      Short Shirts.
 I don’t get along with many people in this high school, that’s not a secret. Although, there’s a girl I have always found cool. If she needs my help, I don’t hesitate.
A.      You’re talking about Violette.
B.      You’re talking about Iris.
C.      You’re talking about Amber.
 The character trait I prefer in a girl:
A.      Openness.
B.      Assurance.
C.      Courage.
 If I tell you I’m taking you somewhere on vacation, where would it be in your opinion?
A.      New York
B.      San Francisco
C.      Las Vegas
 Do you know what my astrology sign is?
A.      Aries
B.      Taurus
C.      Leo
 Right now, the most I can consider with a girl is:
A.      Move in with her.
B.      Introduced her to your parents.
C.      Have a long distance relationship.
 I wasn’t really thrilled when we had to act in the play in front of our parents… But there was a play that I particularly disliked more than the others, what was it?
A.      Little Red Riding hood
B.      Alice in Wonderland
C.      Sleeping Beauty
 If there’s something that relaxes me the most after classes, it’s walking my dog. By the way, do you know his breed?
A.      A German Shepherd!
B.      A Rottweiler!
C.      A Beauce Shepherd!
 The entire high school knows that Amber is head over heels for me… Do you know how long it’s been?
A.      Since you were little.
B.      Since middle school.
C.      Since I arrived at Sweet Amoris.
 I don’t know if you’re aware, but I didn’t always have red hear… Before my hair was…
A.      Black
B.      Blond
C.      Blue
One time you thought Lysander was a ghost that was haunting the high school, haha! By the way, after doing some snooping, you found out something about me… Do you remember what it was?
A.      Sometimes, you hide in the basement to smoke.
B.      Sometimes, you isolate yourself to read Lysander’s texts from his notebook.
C.      Sometimes, you go to the basement alone to play the guitar.
If we went on vacation together… Where would we go?
A.      Iceland
B.      Thailand
C.      Ireland
 When I saw you the first time, it was rather funny… You took me for…
A.      A teacher
B.      A ghost
C.      A. thief
 My partner is science class is more and more friendly these days. Do you know who I’m talking about?
A.      It’s Capucine.
B.      It’s Iris.
C.      It’s Peggy.
 You noticed that my style is a bit particular. What kind of style do I have?
A.      You have a gothic style.
B.      You have a steampunk style.
C.      You have a Victorian style.
 I try to be present for my mom as much as possible these days. Do you remember her name?
A.      Gissele
B.      Germaine
C.      Josiane
 If we went to the movies, what kind of movie would I propose we watch?
A.      A romantic drama
B.      An independent film
C.      A period piece
 I’m not really good at taking care of an animal… However there are some I have great affection for. Which are?
A.      Rabbits
B.      Hamsters
C.      Guinea pigs
 What I like a lot in a girl is:
A.      Sincerity
B.      Adventurousness
C.      Ambition
What do I find that’s particularly elegant on a girl?
A.      A floppy necktie
B.      A flowy and flared dress
C.      A vintage purse
 It’s been a while since I last saw Nina… Do you remember when you first met her?
A.      Yes, she was pretending to be the president of your fan club… Only, there’s no fan club!
B.      Yes, she pretended to be your girlfriend.
C.      Yes, she pretended to be your little sister.
 I don’t know if you now this, but I really like theater and particularly the big classics. Can you cite one of my favorite playwrights?
A.      Edmond Rostand
B.      William Shakespeare
C.      Jean Racine
 Do you remember what my blood type is?
A.      O+
B.      AB+
C.      AB-
 You know that I have a tattoo on my back now… What does it represent?
A.      It’s a phrase from your favorite author.
B.      Set of wings.
C.      It’s a tribal tattoo.
 During the art day, I participated in the sculpting workshop. What went through your mind then?
A.      You were really clumsy, haha! It didn’t surprise me.
B.      You were really good for a beginner, it was impressive.
C.      You already bad sculpted outside of school, so you were way better than anyone else. Of course.
An ideal relationship for me would be…
A.      Two soul mates: it may seem like a cliché but if this belief has existed for so long, it’s because it must have some truth to it.
B.      A long term relationship we can only know if we really love someone after years of being with them.
C.      A tortured and absolute love, as in all great tragedies…
I find that I’m rather good at music… Do you remember what instrument I play?
A.      You play the drums
B.      You play guitar
C.      You’re just good at Guitar Hero!
 If I could only bring one object with me to live on a desert island, what would it be in your opinion?
A.      Your cellphone.
B.      A good book.
C.      Your game console.
 The quality I greatly appreciate in a girl is:
A.      Being able to laugh at yourself.
B.      Curiosity.
C.      Perseverance.
 I really like my brother but sometimes he doesn’t make life easy for me… Why?
A.      He often asks that you stay with him.
B.      He steals your clothes.
C.      He’s never there when you need him.  
 Do you know what my astrology sign is?
A.      Scorpio
B.      Libra
C.      Gemini
 You know, I think my mom likes you… Do you remember her name?
A.      Elena
B.      Moira
C.      Victoria
 What do I find hot on a girl?
A.      Glasses
B.      Ripped jeans 
C.      A good girl dress
 I love playing with the ferret I adopted. Do you know its name?
A.      Demon
B.      Link
C.      Rocket
 Since I’ve been at this high school, I’ve become really close to certain guy in class. Do you know who it is?
A.      It’s Nathaniel
B.      It’s Castiel
C.      It’s Kentin
 What area of the high school do I dislike the most?
A.      The garden
B.      The library
C.      Science class
 In your opinion, what’s an ideal weekend I would spend with my girlfriend?
A.      A weekend to geek out and watch movies.
B.      A weekend at the Japan Expo.
C.      A weekend spent visiting Disney studios.
 For me, an ideal relationship would be…
A.      A game of cat and mouse, once we’re certain of how the other feels about us, it gets boring. x
B.      “Carpe Diem”, seize the day and live worry free.
C.      A passionate relationship, when you’re a couple you have to share a maximum of things.
 You’re starting to know me quite well… In love, how am I exactly?
A.      Shy
B.      Forward
C.      Out of it
Do you know what I think about Star Wars?
A.      You think it hasn’t aged well
B.      You’re a fan!
C.      You find it too commercial.
 In your opinion, what do I prefer eating?
A.      Burgers
B.      Pizza
C.      Salad
Since military school, I’ve gotten quite involved in sports! Today, there are two sports I’m involved in, which are they?
A.      Basketball and running.
B.      Soccer and weight lifting.
C.      Swimming and long jump.
 There’s a quality I love in a girl…
A.      Kindness
B.      Spontaneity
C.      Humor
 Do you know who my best friend is?
A.      Alexy
B.      Armin
C.      Nathaniel
 I was so sad to leave you when I left for the military school… Do you remember, I had given you something…
A.      Yes, cookies, like usual.
B.      Yes, a bouquet of flowers, it was super nice!
C.      Yes, a cute teddybear.
 I’m so happy to have gotten rid of my glasses. Do you know what I did so I wouldn’t have to keep wearing them?
A.      You got laser treatment.
B.      You wear contacts.
C.      By wearing glasses your sight was corrected.
 Do you know how the relationship with my father has evolved?
A.      It was difficult at first, but now you’re starting to understand each other better.
B.      You’re very close, but since military school, he’s been distant.
C.      It has never been easy. You thought going to military school would help you get along better, but it’s not the case.
 During the art day, I was put in the sewing workshop. Do you remember what my reaction was?
A.      You were happy. Your mother taught you to sew, so you already had prior knowledge.
B.      You didn’t care. No matter the group, what mattered is that you didn’t have to go to class!
C.      You were upset. It was exactly the group you didn’t want to be in.
 I was kind of all over the place when I came back from military school… I kissed a girl I didn’t like.
A.      I remember… It was Amber.
B.      I remember… It was Melody.
C.      I remember… It was Charlotte.
If I tell you that I’m taking you on a trip for the weekend… What destination would you bet I take you to?
A.      A cozy mountain lodge.
B.      A luxurious and romantic hotel room.
C.      An isolated but comfortable cabin perched up in the trees.
 In your opinion, do I like animals?
A.      No, you’re afraid of them.
B.      Yes, they have a way of bringing out your protective side.
C.      They don’t bother you, but you don’t really want to adopt one.
 For a romantic activity, I would like to try…
A.      Rafting! It’s sporty, but you need to be tightly knit.
B.      A spa. Nothing better than relaxing together.
C.      A night out at the theater. That changes things up a bit.
 How do I imagine an ideal relationship to be like:
A.      Kinetic: you have to share as many things together as possible.
B.      “Run from me and I’ll chase after you, chase after me and I’ll run from you,” It’s not fun to have everything right away.
C.      Carpe diem: Seize the day without any worries.  
 What clothing item I think is super sexy on a girl.
A.      A mini skirt
B.      Tight pants
C.      Wedges
 There’s a guy at the high school I can’t stand… In the beginning, I was even scared of him, even though now it’s no longer the case… Who do you think it is?
A.      Nathaniel
B.      Castiel
C.      Lysander
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naomixmorgan · 7 years
I know i know I know I know, I change characters as much as I change my socks. Sue me. Muse problems is a thing, and the one I have is that I wanna play everyone. You know the usual drill, like, hmu, whatever you feel like. Info on this bby, Willow, under the cut.
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Sexuality: about as straight as a circle. AKA, pansexual. She just appreciates people for who they are, not what parts or pronouns they use. 
I’m sure plenty of you are aware of the dead friend plot J has going on with Sydney, the bandwagon I kinda jumped myself onto because wow I really dig this. Alright, so, Willow is Valerie (the dead girl)’s twin sister. They were identical. Basically looked like mirror images. Except, Willow hasn’t been in town. AKA, she would just barely know anyone here. Why? Because her pretentious dads allowed her to enroll in boarding school. It was the school they both went to as teenagers and wanted at least one of their kids to carry on the legacy. So, the summer going into her freshman year, she was moved. The boarding school was up in New York, and she only came home for holiday things. So, AKA, we’re doing that... Holy shit she had a twin???? WHAAAAT???? kind of thing, yep. 
They travel in the summers, so nope, you probably wouldn’t see her much then. Sometimes during breaks too. 
Willow enjoyed the boarding school, she did, it was a home away from home. But she also loved being with her family. So, it was bittersweet for her. She always looked forward to things like Christmas and so on so she could come home and spend time with her wonderful family. 
She was especially close with Valerie, despite the girls being like night and day. Though, I guess you could say more like yin and yang; they got along so well with each other. Had a bond that one could only possibly have with the person you call your twin. And when she heard her beloved twin sister died, Willow swears part of her died too. She was devastated. Especially since with school and everything going on in New York, she couldn’t make it back for her sister’s funeral. She’s been devastated ever since, but she doesn’t really advertise it. Willow kinda suppresses her emotions about things. 
Here’s where her secret comes in. After her sister died, Willow wanted nothing more than to be home with her family, mourning around the people she loved the most. She wanted to transfer schools, and finish out the year in Spring Lake so she could be with people that made her feel slightly at ease during this rough time. However, as much as she wanted to come home, her dads kept pushing her to stay in the boarding school. Telling her it was good for her, that Valerie wouldn’t want her to change up her life over this, and other excuses. So, desperate times called for desperate measures. When her roommate was caught hiding marijuana in their room, Willow took the fall for it. Knowing the consequences. She was expelled. She hasn’t told her parents that it wasn’t actually her’s, because she knows they’d fight to get her back into her old school. Instead she uses the excuse that it was only once, she wanted to try it for artistic purposes. 
She’s enrolled in Spring Lake’s high school now. 
Willow is a total book worm. She looks to read novels, and even managed to get herself a little job in the local book store. It’s one of her favorite places to be because being in such a serene environment made it so she didn’t think too much about her sister. 
She also sketches from time to time. It’s just a little thing she caught onto when she was younger. She’s entirely self taught, and does it mostly to pass time with doodles and other things. Though part of her wants to teach herself how to watercolor paint. 
Small facts about my little bean. 
She’s mostly a ball of sunshine. Until she gets to know you. Then you can see all her sad parts. 
She’s in love with the poem book Milk & Honey. But, I mean, who isn’t.
Her favorite poet is Allen Ginsberg. 
Her favorite poem by him is obviously America, though she can rattle off way more. 
Her favorite Author is Stephen King. 
Her favorite of his novels is Joyland. Though many hold a special place in her heart. 
She adores the movie The Notebook. Simply because she likes to poke fun at it while she watches it. 
Her real favorite movie is Silence Of The Lambs. For reasons unknown. 
She binge watches Netflix regularly. Often rewatching How To Get Away With Murder; it’s her favorite TV show ;)
She wants to study Criminal Justice when she gets to college. That and english. 
Favorite color is plum purple. 
She has a pet hamster!! His name is Ginsey. I’m sure you can figure out why. If not, feel free to ask about it. 
She also has a ferret. Her name is Bonnie. 
I can keep going???? 
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ezatluba · 4 years
Why the New Coronavirus Affects Some Animals, but Not Others
While the virus seems capable of infecting some pets and wild animals, these cases probably aren’t occurring often
By Katherine J. Wu
APRIL 20, 2020
In just a few months, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has put billions of humans at risk. But as researchers work around the clock to understand SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind the disease, some have begun to worry that countless others may be at stake: animals who could catch the germ from their distant Homo sapiens cousins.
Recent reports of SARS-CoV-2 infecting creatures such as monkeys, dogs, ferrets, domestic cats and even a tiger have raised the possibility that the pathogen could plague other species—including, perhaps, ones already imperiled by other, non-infectious threats.
Though researchers suspect the virus originated in a wild creature such as a bat, they stress that humans remain the virus’ most vulnerable victims, as well as the hosts most likely to spread the disease from place to place. There is also no evidence that animals are passing the pathogen to people, says Jane Sykes, a veterinarian and animal virus researcher at the University of California, Davis. However, studying the creatures this stealthy virus has affected so far could help scientists understand what makes some species—but not others—susceptible.
A useful molecular “key”
Coronaviruses are notoriously indiscriminate infectors. The number of different coronaviruses that exist in the wild number in at least the hundreds, with most likely inhabiting the bodies of bats. On the whole, members of this large family of viruses seem very capable of frequent hops into new species, including humans, making recent detections of SARS-CoV-2 in non-human animals somewhat unsurprising, says Linda Saif, a virologist and animal coronavirus expert at Ohio State University. Already, a commonality in these cases has emerged: the molecular compatibility of the virus with its host.
To infect a cell, a virus must first break in. This encounter typically requires the pathogen to fit itself into a specific molecule, called a receptor, on the surface of its target cell. It’s a bit like a key opening a lock. Not all viral keys will work on a given cell’s lock, but the better the fit, the more easily the virus can gain access.
Unfortunately for humans and our animal relatives, SARS-CoV-2’s key, called spike protein, is a multifunctional tool. It homes in on a cellular lock called ACE2—a blood pressure-regulating protein thought to be universal among vertebrates, the group that includes mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish, says Jim Wellehan, a zoologist and microbiology at the University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine.
Millions of years of evolution have subtly tweaked the shape of ACE2 in each of these lineages. But in domestic cats and several primates, the regions of ACE2 that bind to SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein look nearly or completely identical to the vulnerable human version.
The case in cats
Such molecular similarities may help explain why a cat in Belgium and another in Hong Kong, each under the care of owners who fell ill with COVID-19, reportedly tested positive for the virus in March. During the SARS outbreak that began in 2002, SARS-CoV-1—a similar coronavirus that also uses ACE2 to enter cells (albeit less effectively than SARS-CoV-2)—also hopped from sick humans into domestic felines.
Sykes says these isolated incidents shouldn’t be cause for alarm. Although a recent study in the journal Science corroborated that cats can contract SARS-CoV-2 when experimentally dosed with large amounts of virus, pets probably aren’t getting seriously sick very often in the real world, she says. (If they were, we’d probably know by now.)
The felines most at risk, Sykes says, are probably those in the company of sick owners, who may be exposing their pets to high quantities of viral particles. Even then, infection isn’t a guarantee. Another recent study, which has yet to be published in a peer-reviewed journal, found no evidence of the virus in a group of cats and dogs that had spent several weeks cooped up with several SARS-CoV-2-infected humans. Large surveys in places like Hong Kong, the United States and South Korea have borne out similar results: thousands of pet cats, as well as horses and dogs, tested negative for the new coronavirus. (But another study—also not peer-reviewed—did find antibodies against the virus in some feral felines from Wuhan, China, hinting that the animals may have encountered the pathogen before.)
There’s also no evidence that infected cats can shuttle the virus into humans, Sykes says. And while the researchers behind the new Science study noted that cat-to-cat transmission was possible in confined laboratory spaces, these artificial settings are poor proxies for the natural world, she says. Just because an animal can harbor a virus in its body doesn’t mean it will be good at spreading the pathogen.
Findings in domestic cats don’t always translate into other species, even closely related ones. Earlier this month, a Malayan tiger named Nadia at the Bronx Zoo made headlines when she tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Though the cause remains unclear, zoo personnel suspect an infected keeper unwittingly passed the pathogen to the tiger during routine care, triggering a dry cough and diminished appetite in the big cat. (A handful of other tigers, as well as a trio of lions, seemed slightly ill as well, but weren’t tested.) A vulnerable ACE2 molecule might explain Nadia’s spate of mild symptoms. But more than 10 million years of evolution separate domestic cats from their wild tiger kin—and the two species aren’t always susceptible to the same diseases.
The rest of the equation
A recent mouse study reinforces the importance of ACE2 in the spread of the new virus. These rodents’ version of ACE2 is pretty dissimilar to ours, making them resistant to the new coronavirus; only when genetically engineered to express human ACE2 do mice fall ill. Yet other animals with less human-like variations of ACE2, including dogs and ferrets, can be vulnerable to the new coronavirus without any genetic rejiggering. “ACE2 is not the whole story,” Saif says.
Another influential factor in cross-species transmission is probably proximity. Even if a creature’s molecular makeup isn’t perfectly compatible with the pathogen, frequent exposures to humans harboring the coronavirus could eventually sicken a small percentage of the population.
This scenario may be what has played out in dogs, who seem to be poor hosts for the new coronavirus, according to the recent Science study. Some 470 million canines are kept as pets, and almost none appear to have caught SARS-CoV-2 naturally: So far, only two pups—a Pomeranian and a German shepherd, both in Hong Kong—have tested positive for the pathogen.
Ferrets present a curious case as well. While their ACE2 receptors don’t seem to be a perfect fit for the new coronavirus, the germ can take hold in their lungs. Researchers have known for decades that the airways of these weasel-like mammals make them susceptible to several infectious respiratory illnesses that affect humans, including the flu and the original SARS, Saif says. SARS-CoV-2, another lung-loving microbe, is no exception. Stricken with the germ, ferrets come down with fevers and coughs, helping spread the pathogen when in close contact.
Still, anatomical similarities can’t fully explain why viruses find success in certain mammals. Guinea pig airways, for example, also bear some resemblance to ours, but these rodents don’t always experience disease like we do. That leaves the full story of ferrets’ odd viral vulnerabilities somewhat mysterious, Saif says. Perhaps the ferret immune system is easily duped by the virus and struggles to purge the pathogens early on during infection.
Our closest companions
With these preliminary findings in hand, pet owners worldwide are understandably worried about their furry family members. Sykes encourages them not to fear contagion and instead foster solidarity with our animal kin.
“It’s important we emphasize that human-to-human transmission is what’s driving this pandemic,” she says. “People need to be enjoying the human-animal bond, rather than thinking about abandoning their pets.”
Still, Sykes and other experts advise caution around pets, especially for owners who have reason to suspect they’ve been infected with the new coronavirus. The CDC recommends treating cats and dogs as you would any other family member: self-isolating for the duration of an illness to avoid the spread of disease. Pet owners should also try to ensure their furred companions comply with physical distancing measures as much as possible, Saif adds, which means keeping them indoors and limiting contact with people and animals outside their own households.
Keeping wild animals wild
A handful of studies have begun to survey other species for susceptibility to the new coronavirus. So far, the virus appears capable of infecting bats—the suspected original animal source of the pathogen—as well as golden Syrian hamsters, but struggles to replicate in the bodies of chickens, pigs and ducks.
With more than 6,000 species of mammals inhabiting the globe, these lists are by no means comprehensive. But researchers are unlikely to get answers about other animals until they test them directly, says Smita Iyer, a virologist and immunologist at the University of California, Davis. “With new viruses like these, you just don’t know what you don’t know.”
Nevertheless, researchers have begun to take precautions against the possibility that the virus will move not from animals into humans, but the other way around. “The major vector [of disease] is us,” says Wellehan, who interacts with several mammalian species including bats in his work. “I don’t see them as a threat. I see them as potential victims.”
Should humans accidentally carry SARS-CoV-2 back into the wild, the effects could be catastrophic, especially if a threatened or endangered species contracted severe disease. Concerns about our vulnerable great ape cousins, who harbor coronavirus-friendly versions of ACE2 on their cells, have already prompted conservation sites and parks to shutter.
Zoos that house wild cousins of species already shown to be vulnerable are also adopting new safety measures. At the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, keepers are donning extra protective equipment and practicing extensive physical distancing around primates, felids (the group that includes wild cats such as tigers, lions and cheetahs) and mustelids (relatives of ferrets, such as otters). Also being monitored are animals such as civets, the small, cat-like mammals that played a crucial role in the SARS outbreak nearly two decades ago.
Guarding these species from infection isn’t an easy process, says Don Neiffer, the National Zoo’s chief veterinarian. Amidst a pandemic, resources are limited, he says, and some of the changes have been especially difficult for active species that spend a lot of their time engaging in play with keepers. However, Neiffer stresses, these measures are in place to maximize protection for as many species as possible for the duration of the outbreak.
By keeping wild animals safe, we’re also protecting ourselves. Even if most other animals don’t experience severe forms of COVID-19, Saif says, they could quietly harbor the pathogen in their bodies. The virus might then be poised to reenter the human population in the future, sparking another devastating outbreak.
The breadth of the SARS-CoV-2’s evolutionary reach should be an eye-opener, Iyer says. Cross-species transmissions happen in all directions: animal to animal; animal to human; and human to animal. These jumps brought us the pandemic in the first place, she says, and should be a cautionary tale for people as they continue to encroach on and destroy the world’s wild spaces.
“We might want to start with the basics” and respect the territory of our neighbors out in nature, Iyer says. “There’s a reason they’re called ‘wild’ animals.”
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voiceferret · 6 years
15 things you should know before using a type of ferret
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It's easy in love, a cage full of pet bag down and ferrets young looks. In recent decades, the popularity of these animals have experienced a massive boom, has become increasingly common throughout the United States home. In fact, they are now the cat, the third largest after the dog of the most popular pets. In 1996, the Government studied estimate that more than 800,000 ferrets as pets around the country, and since the number has grown, no doubt.
Unlike cats, dogs, most people do not know much about how to care for them or ferrets. Many people just do not care about how they have required the preparation. Therefore, if you have been considering such a beautiful - and sometimes just stupid - animals, here are 15 facts each potential ferret owners need to know before taking the plunge.
1. Ferrets are not wild animals. Although ferrets can last only 20 years or less become a pet " cool," the fact is that humans and ferrets have coexisted for thousands of years. Ferrets were first domesticated over 2,500 years ago, but not as a pet - like a cat or a dog early, animals ferrets work, rabbits or hunting for pest control near field or food stores.
This misunderstanding may confuse the ferret's domesticated ferret dry black-legged people, wild, native animals western the United States a danger, although related, these animals are completely different species, they bear much resemblance to each other domestic cats do Wildcat.
After so many centuries of living side by side by side with humans, ferrets cannot survive by themselves in; they'd rather be with their families in the village, anyway nature.
2. Ferrets are not rodents, either. It is easy to see how someone could mistake a ferret rodent family but had been removed from predators weasel ferrets. Shocking Truth - at least for pet lovers pocket - is that these animals are domesticated as an efficient way to eliminate rodents, such as domestic cats machine. Therefore, if set to rabbits, rats, hamsters or mice, ferrets cannot be an excellent addition to animals of the family.
3. Ferrets are very social animals and strong bond with their families. So if the family does not get along with pets, this is a big no - the biggest mistake when buying a ferret is assuming you are not attached to their owners like a dog or a cat can be the person to make a deal to renounce them. In fact, ferrets link with the life of its people. When you adopt a ferret, you must be willing to make a lifelong commitment to your new pet.
Because ferrets are social animals, and they do two or three best sets. The only ferret will require more time and energy from non-friends he or she has left the company during the day while their people go ferret owner. Be careful, however: the ferret property can be addictive!
4. Well, you may not be able to train ferret sit, stay or return. But Ferrets are brilliant animals that can be your name when you call response - and more reliable than others. Another benefit is that ferrets are usually very easy to miss the train. They naturally try to use the bathroom around the corner; it is usually only a small cedar box or newspaper pellets in the corner of their cages from the other end of the food it was enough to get them started.
Like dogs, ferrets genuinely want to please your man - you can even teach some tricks. But, like cats, they always try to push the envelope and see what the end is that you can escape.
5. Ferrets are not aggressive for humans. Although it seems that everyone has heard of the family as ferrets or a hostile horror story of human evil, nothing is further from the truth. Ferrets are playful and friendly, are incredibly safe, pets, unless they have been injured or abused. They are often able to cats, dogs, and peaceful coexistence also.
That said, sometimes very young ferrets like to play hard, and play could drown their human companions. As a puppy or kitten, which is the natural way to interact with each other. Ferrets have a very thick skin so it will not hurt another ferret can bite human suffering. Again, this is a ferret can be trained not to engage in behavior that most ferrets grow their close contact with as they grow.
6. Ferrets can not live your life in a cage. Many people buy ferrets like getting gerbils or guinea pigs - they can stay in his cage most of the time and just get out once, for a period to play, it is convenient. The fact is that ferrets need more freedom to move, play and exercise. They are very high maintenance, take 3-4 hours supervised playtime every day.
Some people let their ferrets roam freely like a dog or a cat, but I do not recommend it. First, ferrets tend to feel tired after 1-2 hours of play and sleep, anyway, so you probably do not appreciate the extra freedom. It is also difficult to completely uncover proof your home - even just a room. It is safe and healthy when they are; they do not play with you in a cage.
Just bear in mind: If you do not let your ferret play often enough, he or she will begin to feel frustrated and put into action. I've seen ferrets overthrow food dishes, water bottles on the wall are torn, filthy cages all, even littering, they can not make their energy more efficiently. If you do not have a couple of hours, a day dedicated to the Hurons
7. ferrets must be spayed or neutered healthy life, a happy life. Unlike a dog or a cat, ferrets must be spayed or neutered unless you plan to breed them. Otherwise at risk of serious health problems. More likely to fight with other animals in the house, if not complete female ferret race eventually dies - yes, literally. For these reasons, it is difficult to buy American ferrets have not been spayed or neutered - stores more animals and breeders future owners only sell after surgery.
8. Ferrets are not dirty animals. In fact, ferrets are very clean animals. They will develop naturally use a litter box if you offer a habit, who are constantly scouring kept clean. Now, it is true; ferrets can have a unique natural aroma - more men than women. Most ferrets have the strongest scent glands produce or neutered neutral during the retreat, but their natural aroma still needs some time to adjust. I think the dog is smelliest - I do not even like dogs.
And you can take steps to reduce odors at home ferret surprisingly regularly bathe your ferret is not one of them. Wash with a ferret shampoo temporarily remove its natural odor - until your body into overdrive to rebuild their scent recognition. Then your pet will have a worse smell a few days ago. Instead, clean litter box and bed linen ferret regular cleaning are that you can take to make the most of your home smell like the best way ferrets.
9. Ferrets are very affectionate but do not show the way a cat or dog does. If a ferret is not sleeping or eating, you could bounce walls. Ferrets are affectionate animals, but most of them are too excited to sit and snuggle men live. Must be exceptional circumstances. The ferrets exist but are difficult to find.
Warning: Even cuddliest ferret still want to spend more time with you playing better than Snuggle. Instead, they show their love for you, trying to get to play. They can steal things out of your hands, so to fight, to the feet, follow around your house to get his attention, even trying to get after them in the room. It will take some time to figure out what games and toys Ferret favorite. Once you have four different ferrets, it never ceases to be different in the way the personality and preferences of each very surprised ferret.
10. Ferrets love to get into trouble! Or the old saying, " Curiosity killed the cat?" This is precisely the right number of ferrets. When they are out, they need constant supervision to ensure no slip - or inside - furniture, appliances such as ovens and refrigerators behind gum or rubber bands and other objects that could cause potentially fatal intestinal obstruction.
Often asleep piles of clothes falling, under furniture, and even your bedding to snuggle - so, if the house has been exceptionally quiet and ferreted does not answer your call, be very careful where you step. Anywhere until you find your furry friend, let them nap safely back into their cages do not sit.
More often than not, their habits ferret not be dangerous, incredibly annoying. Some ferrets every dirty sock in the house, which hides under the bed much is stolen. Even I have one that has been hit the laundry basket. Another toilet paper tube ferret can steal your obsession bathroom trash. If not sound as possible with grace, wit, and sense of humor to handle the situation, ferrets are not suitable for your pet.
11. ferrets can significantly prolong survival. Most live from anywhere from five to seven years, but no healthy ferrets chronic diseases - more on that later - can live up to 10, 11 or even 12 years. Are you ready to make that kind of commitment? You have to be prepared to spend at least five years of caring and sharing your life with a ferret if you decide to use. If this seems too long, consider other small pets - or an adult, ferrets over a local rescue.
12. Ferrets are delicate animals, which must be handled carefully. Ferrets originated in northern Europe, and therefore, although it can handle reasonably low temperatures fairly well, not suited to summer temperatures in many parts of the United States. Which you can get easily dehydrated because they have sweat glands, who are uncomfortable with the temperature of about 80 degrees. Ferrets can become severe thermal stresses and temperatures higher than 85 degrees higher mortality. Consider the local climate - and how much you're willing to spend on air conditioning - before bringing home a ferret.
There are other health risks when you have a ferret to take into account. Some human influenza virus and bacterial infections and can pass between ferrets. If you are sick, you need or have friends or relatives to care for your pet for a few days. Otherwise, you should wash your hands thoroughly before treatment Ferret - Avoid contact with him or her as possible.
Even if you do not have a dog. The virus can hit the ground, or a dog is picked up and can put the disease back home without realizing away from home. The virus in ferrets vaccinated 100% fatal, so stay on the safe side, and with your veterinarian about getting the vaccine.
13. It is not easy to find a good veterinarian for exotic animals. The sad truth is that most veterinary offices equipped to handle only dogs and cats. Even veterinarians who say they are willing to ferret may not know much about their unique health needs. Before we promised that if you want to get a ferret, you should do for yourself, study your local options. Find online for comment. Ferret owners were connecting the local community and the request for proposals. Call the vet's office, asking if ferrets. If they say yes, ask for details - trying to figure out how much of a particular veterinarian to treat ferrets where they learn, if they have any of their ferrets and how long they have been practicing.
Then, once you find a vet who knows what they are doing, keep looking. Always keep in case your sick leave plan or veterinary primary backing vacation. What options exist for the emergency vet in your area to understand, but you're here because you never know when you will have to reach a problem at night or on weekends.
14. Ferrets can not even legally occupy your area. Some countries and regions of the United States for a variety of reasons a complete ban on ferrets. Ferrets can not be imported into Australia if - it makes sense once you realize how many problems they have had with non-native invasive species. In New Zealand, wild weasel, ferret breeding hybrids intended to control the rabbit population in the 1870s, the destruction of wild populations.
In the United States, ferrets prohibited from Hawaii and Puerto Rico, due to concerns about the possible spread of rabies. I think this is a realistic concern, considering that most ferrets have been disinfected, but the law is the law - in California, ferrets, pet ferret escape because breeding could undermine the concern banned the local ecosystem. Limit New York City and Washington, DC. Some states, like Rhode Island, allow ferrets only with a permit. Always check your local laws before using ferret his heart set - do not want to take your pet away from you, euthanasia or lack of treatment due to local laws.
In this sense, most states require for ferrets, have to be the same way dogs and cats vaccination against rabies. Make sure that complies with local laws with you even ferrets are legal in your area.
15. Last but not least, the ferret property could end in tragedy. Ferrets are my favorite in the world of animals. I would like to have all of them as pets. I like his quirky personality, who are looking for new and interesting ways to create mischief habits, his sudden surprise with his passion for life is contagious. So while I do not want to employ people from one of these wonderful pets discouraged, it is not a big drawback has profound potential pet parents need to know.
Unfortunately, ferrets are not very healthy animals. Chronic illnesses and cancer, including lymph nodes, adrenal disease, pancreatic cancer, and even heart disease are high. Tend to be expensive; there is always pressure from the owners and their furry companions.
When pain is necessary for the potential emotional care of sick animals to be prepared, you must be willing to pay for expensive vet bills economically - potentially more than $ 1,000 - when the older ferret is introduced. Do not take the ferret, if you know you can not emotionally handle pets very sick or elderly economic possibilities.
That said, with Ferrets are very useful, but these animals can provide a loyal, loving companion for many years. If your furry friend insisted bad when you're not ready, you are so committed to checking your pet in his later years, congratulations regularly. His way is the best pet ferrets females may want to prepare very well.
See also:
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theemmataylor · 6 years
A Frozen Medley || Sebastian, Gaston, Emma, Evelyn, Alaric, and the Mikaelson Brothers
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI
Sebastian left Gaston with Elijah, went to collapse the tents, then returned.
Nudging his brother in the ribs, Kol's face showed only an ounce of concern, though it boiled deep in his blood. "Just. Fucking. Listen. Something's wrong."
Once was one thing. Emma could stay strong through the first one. But now, laying there, terrified and actually shaking, she started crying. It was quiet enough until she sniffled and Alaric wrapped an arm around her. "We'll get out of here. We're okay."
"Okay. So someone fucking with equipment I get. Care to explain the sun trick?" Sebastian muttered.
When the panels failed to work again, Elijah swore and ripped the battery out of one. "Don't touch the fence," he called out, although he doubted either Gaston or Sebastian would. Gaston had just gone to climb up onto the tower. Stripping and splicing wires as quickly as he could, his hands bare now, Elijah wired the fence directly to a battery. He left the circuit incomplete until he'd wrapped tape around the wire. Heart in his throat but hands steady, he connected it.
Sparks flashed and the wires hummed -- and the fence started ticking again.
Elijah lifted the battery and set it in the nest of the panel. "With even the most minor solar augmentation, each battery should have lasted two full weeks on its own. Like this -- perhaps thirty-six hours at best. We have four batteries. I can make a hand-crank generator for the fence or I can attempt to repair the satellite phone next."
"It looked beyond repair," Gaston said, hearing every word crisp and clear.
Elijah nodded. "There's one more option. There are twelve personal emergency indicating radio beacons. Just one of them should be enough to get help to us, and will operate for... well, it's got to be twenty-degrees colder than what they were tested for by now, so I'll estimate their lifespan of each to be eight hours.
"Moran, can you look for a small red plastic case -- the size of a shoebox? They'll be inside it. We were going to distribute them this morning. I'm going to start working on that generator."
Nik smacked his hand against a bar. "What about the bloody sun, Elijah? When is it rising?"
"By all indications, Niklaus, it isn't. Alaric, Kol. We found a hare's foot atop one of the fence posts. If either of you knows any -- significance it might hold, by all means. Please tell us." He sounded vaguely irritated, but mostly calm -- a bit hurried, but in a way that spoke more of impatience to get to somewhere pleasant rather than any actual fear.
Still with his arm around Emma who had at least started to calm, Alaric racked his brain for everything he knew about a rabbit's foot. "As far as North American lore goes, the rabbit, or hare's foot is only supposed to be a sign of good luck. But there are so many stipulations about how you should extract the foot. Like it should be done from the left hind foot. But not just the left hind foot it should be done on a cemetery, and not just the left hind foot taken in a cemetery, it should be done... and different legends contradict once another, but it should be done on a full moon, or a new moon, or Friday the 13th or when it's raining. But it's all hoodoo stuff. There are some reports that it was taken from a shapeshifting witches foot. But back in the 90s they were kind of a major craze. You could find keychain rabbit's feet, both genuine and synthetic just about anywhere." It felt strange to him to be yelling out this lore when he couldn't see anything. But, at the same time, it made sense that Moran might be taking precautions from snipers. "I can't imagine it would be considered good luck if it was taken in the wrong way. And I... can't imagine that there is any cemetery around here."
Finally he fell quiet, thinking, relieved that he had finally started to hear the ticking of the fence again. But the sun not rising... it didn't make any damn sense. This trip was cursed.
Sebastian went to find the radios and was so thoroughly livid at opening the case to find them all burned and melted inside their unscathed case that he threw one across the open space, hearing it crash against the ground.
At this point, their only hope was Montparnasse. Because without a radio, Sebastian couldn't call. But, at the same time, if whatever was doing this to them could stop the fucking sun, there was a good chance they could fake a call to assure people that they were okay.
He returned to Elijah. "Can you make your hand crank generator reach you in the cage? I can't afford to cover you all night. Eventually something is going to attack and I need you behind those bars."
All day, Elijah thought. It's morning now... Even though it didn't look like morning. He considered Moran's question even while already going through gear boxes and tearing out what he'd need, and he nodded.
"I need to build it out here, I'll need the space, but once it's done, yes. I can make it reach the cage and operate it from there."
"So what happens next?" Nik asked, muffled as he was, and he put an arm around Emma as well. "Do we... how long until we're overdue?"
"Alaric? You set the overdue check-in date with the office, didn't you? How much time do we have?" Elijah asked, although he was thinking something else entirely. He was thinking, Now we start walking because either way, we die, and it makes sense to at least try to get people to safety. He was laying out the equipment he intended to take parts from and he finally sat down in the middle of it, multi-tool in hand, and started working.
"Three days. That way we're checking in twice a week. I checked in once we were set up yesterday. So... today is day one."
Mentally, Sebastian was unknowingly disagreeing with Elijah. Because Montparnasse would send someone before then. And he would send someone to the last place Sebastian had had a signal from.
The sniper shifted weight. His leg ached in the most annoying way.
Through all of this, Kol kept quiet. Overly so. He barely breathed. Completely tense and trying to hear out beyond their camp.
Emma, however, grumbled and then sat up. "I need my notebook. I'm not getting out of here alive empty handed."
"Kol," Elijah called, while he worked, "Will you do something for me while you're in there?"
"What is it?" He asked finally, sighing.
"Emma mentioned her notebook. Can you help everyone in there make a little mental list of everything they need if we have to evacuate? We'll likely be just fine. Whatever's happening, we'll handle it. And obviously, staying in place will be our first choice -- but should that become impossible, everyone has a few necessities they must be able to bring out, no doubt. Help figure out what those things are? Talk it over."
He shot Sebastian a quick do not take this task away from them look. For one thing, Elijah knew it was important. For another, he wanted them at least marginally busy with something in there, anything -- even if it annoyed the hell out of them. The last thing he wanted anyone doing was fixating too hard on looking or listening -- it was far too easy to hypnotize oneself with fear.
Alaric, actually, kind of took over for Kol, asking Emma if there was anything else she needed. Then asked Nik which cameras he couldn't leave behind. And finally made a mental list for himself. Kol had one thing on his list.
Sebastian remained quiet as Elijah worked. He wore the glasses. Saw nothing. Fuck. "Anything? How is your gut?" he called up to Gaston. "Instincts. What are they telling you?"
"That -- the situation isn't dire yet, just more complicated than we know." LeFevre sounded somewhat frustrated. He glanced down at Elijah's progress, but the truth was he didn't have the faintest idea how to do what Elijah was doing, so he couldn't try to hurry him along. He looked back out, continuing his slow circles. "I don't feel like we're about to be attacked -- but also like getting out of this mess will be much harder than it should be. Which. Is saying something."
Sebastian moved to dig through one of his packs, screwing a scope onto his rifle and then signaled up to Gaston to trade him. "Check on the cage," he said quietly when they were on equal footing. "They've been closed off since they woke up. You... are more reassuring than I am."
Sebastian climbed up, eyes constantly searching. This darkness was unnerving. And it would cause them to struggle with the cold far more than otherwise.
"Mikaelson. Make sure you're taking care of your hands. Don't get fucking frostbite. We're going nowhere fast, and for now the fence is working."
Elijah nodded to show that he understood, but he had no intention of stopping yet. Once his hands got cold he'd put his gloves back on to warm up, but until then, he wanted to keep going. His body was warm enough that his hands didn't feel much more than a chill yet.
As for Gaston, he went and crouched near the cage and knocked on the bar once. "Ahoy in there. I don't suppose anyone remembered to pack in a bit of food for you hamsters?"
"Hamsters?" Nik snorted and put his nose against Emma's hair. "Hamsters," he muttered again.
Emma giggled, though that felt weird in that situation and nudged Niklaus with her elbow. "Can I be a gerbil instead? Obviously they're cuter."
"If we're going to be foul beasts," Nik muttered, "I'll be a ferret, thank you."
"A gerbil, a ferret... Alaric, Kol? How are you? Is anyone hungry? We may need to leave you in here for a bit to be sure that you really are safe while we figure out what's going on, but there's no reason anyone needs to starve or go thirsty."
"Water would be great," Ric replied.
"I have a couple things of beef jerky in my pocket. But nothing much." Emma pulled out a couple of the small, vacuum sealed packages and offered them to each of the guys, including Gaston.
Kol denied the offer. "How long until we're out of here. What's happening with the emergency call radios?"
Gaston shook his head at Emma. "Thank you, though. I'll go get some water. Unfortunately, neither the emergency radio nor the EPIRBs are working. Elijah's building a generator now, so that once the batteries for the fence are exhausted, we'll still have protection.
"In about an hour, we'll do a bathroom break, since I know none of you had the chance yet. Can you all hold it that long?"
Nik huffed at Gaston and took one of the jerky packets with a quiet thank-you to Emma, and a soft little nudge to her shoulder. "You make it sound like a field trip, LeFevre."
"Technically," Gaston said, sounding quiet and amused, "it is."
The group nodded and seemed oddly quiet and happy, if a little concerned, with their situation.
"So who is making out on the back of the bus. That's what happens on field trips, right?" Emma teased.
"Considering Elijah is out there, thus denying Alaric the privilege," Nik said, as Gaston walked away, "and Gaston is also out there, thus denying you the privilege, I'm afraid we'll have to get a bit more creative. Why?" Even in the dark under their sleeping bags, his smirk could be heard. "Are you offering?"
Elijah glanced up at Gaston as the man picked up the insulated thermos from yesterday. He brought it and a few cups over to the cage and had Nik open the door -- it only opened from the inside -- just long enough to pass it in to him, then Gaston went back to watching, guarding....
And his hackles went up.
He didn't know what it was, but something had just changed. Even Elijah abruptly stopped what he was doing, pulled his mittens on, then froze in place for a moment before quickly getting up and moving.
Gaston didn't ask if Moran had felt it. He was sure the man did. He turned, rifle up, searching, and ignored Elijah as the man climbed over to the cage and hopped up on top of it almost silently --
And then the wolf appeared.
The wolf.
It came seemingly out of nowhere, trotting up to stop only twenty feet from their fence. It stared up at Moran with a look that almost seemed regretful, tail down and swishing slowly, little spots of blood darkening the snow anywhere it stepped.
"I knew I was going to regret letting you live," Sebastian growled from his perch, gun aimed. But this one was sent in injured. Another distraction. Something to draw his aim and waste his ammunition? "Tell the rest of them to come out. Whoever you're with. Save us all the fucking time."
"Who are they..."
Ric put a finger to his lips to shush Emma. "Something's happening."
"What do you want?"
The wolf took another step closer, but its front leg collapsed under it and it just slid to the ground. Gaston had his back to it and didn't see, too busy watching the directions the wolf might be distracting them from -- and he stayed quiet, although he heard the animal fall.
With an almost pitiful yelp of pain, the wolf managed to get back to its feet. It swayed unsteadily, eyes still staring up at Moran's.
"Fuck," Sebastian muttered and moved to the end of his platform and lowered to hang off the edge, then dropped down so he was beside the injured wolf. "Well?"
Elijah had watched warily as Sebastian left the protective circle of the electric fence. He was tense and ready to go to his aid if need be, although he reminded himself again of Moran's words and held still for now.
As for Gaston, he looked at Moran as often as he could, but he still worked on keeping the area clear. He didn't like this. He didn't like this at all. That, he was almost certain, was the same wolf they had let live -- but how could it possibly have run so far in such a short time? They hadn't even been here twenty-four hours.
The wolf pulled its lips back and snarled weakly at Sebastian, then lowered its head once as if it intended to lunge any moment.
Sebastian had taken aim. "You know you won't live through the attack," he grumbled, as if talking to a stubborn toddler. "You might get a good bite in, sure. But you're injured, and my man here behind me will shoot you without hesitation. So how about you be a good pup and go back home."
The wolf licked its lips, whimpered again, and looked up at him imploringly, despite then growling again. It took another small step forward, eyeing Sebastian's gun, every movement hesitant -- as if it wanted to be anywhere but here.
The gunman watched with reservation. This was twice now he was letting this pup live. Lucky dog. His eyes followed the actions, confused as to why it hadn't attacked, uncertain about what it wanted. Maybe it just wanted to die. Eventually he grit his teeth and took a step back. "This is a waste of time," he grumbled, backing carefully toward his perch again.
As he moved back towards the protection of the fence, the wolf snarled once more. It shook its head several times, tensed, sprang --
And fell dead on the snow not five feet from their fence, when a bullet tore through its skull.
He wasn't mentally questioning Gaston. Sebastian would have done the same thing, perhaps sooner if it had been Gaston back here. But why did the wolf come all the way out here. Why had it told him no. Something was wrong with their camp? Perhaps. He huffed.
"Stay here with them. I need to check our alarm markers. The ones that were disabled. Mikaelson, stay in the cage until I get back. Gaston shouldn't have to watch two points. It's a half mile there and back. Which direction were the footprints, the marker you found earlier? I'll be gone less than ten minutes."
Niklaus opened the cage door and Elijah obediently dropped down inside, then shut and locked it.
"Those three were the only ones I saw before coming back," Gaston said and indicated the direction. "They all have prints around them -- but no prints leading to the next one." Be careful. Please.
"I'm going to look at all three. Give me fifteen minutes." Then accept me for dead. "LeFevre," Sebastian stepped closer so that Gaston and nobody else could hear him. "My contact that I spoke with yesterday was expecting for me to turn on the satellite phone at least once a day just so he could make sure I was alive. By tomorrow if he still hasn't heard from us, he will send someone. I... have to believe that. His name is Montparnasse. Don't... let him bother looking for me if I don't return. There will be no sense."
Sebastian lowered his thermal goggles on, nodded at Gaston, and then moved in the direction of the markers indicated at a quick run. Whatever was fucking with them, he wanted to end this.
As Sebastian ran back out of the protective fence, Gaston couldn't help but wonder at just how readily the man endangered himself for them. Lesser men would have just considered their contract over and ended the entire association one way or another. There were ways to make sure no evidence could be left behind out here, with so many predators, and the two of them together would absolutely have been able to make it back alive, somehow -- or, at the very least, they'd stand a chance. Moran, though, Moran never seemed to consider it, and that goodness under his ferocity meant everything to Gaston.
That, he knew, was why he would so willingly die for Moran, if it came to it.
The footprints around the markers were definitely human and bare. They looked a little too large to be Emma's, although not by much. As Gaston had said, there were no prints leading from marker to marker -- just rings of prints around each once, as if the person had simply materialized at each.
At the third marker, a white hare sat on the snow, calmly watching Moran approach.
When he saw the animal, the first thing he did was check for the missing foot. He'd already spoken to a wolf today, why not a hare too? The effort of words filled his lungs but he fell short, standing at some distance from the hare, waiting to see if it didn't just scamper off. Waiting for the eyes to meet his, for the intelligence that those wolves had.
Somebody here had to have fucking answers.
The rabbit stared at him for a moment before it walked forward. It didn't hop, it walked on all four feet, moving more like a cat, moving straight towards him. It began yawning as it drew closer, revealing its long, curved teeth.
Sebastian lifted his rifle and this image of himself and... himself? -- another man who looked more like a clone -- fighting evil rabbits in a garden, came to his mind.
Weird. When had he had that dream?
Seb growled in frustration. "How many of you fucking animals are going to make me waste my ammunition for the hell of it?" He flipped his gun and struck hard, likely breaking half the body and pinning it to the ground. "What is wrong with the fucking circle?"
The rabbit shrieked for an instant and its back legs kicked as it died -- and then a man behind him giggled. A man who left no footprints on the snow. He looked like he might have been an Inuit and was certainly dressed the part, but the long gray-white locks around his face were matted with blood and his teeth turned slowly in his mouth as he bared them at Sebastian.
Gaston, watching, did not seem to see anything alarming.
The man hissed at Moran and ducked down, then splayed all of his fingers out and began twirling them in surprisingly graceful circles -- and each tooth in his mouth continued twisting, rotating, and dripping blood from the damage roots.
Sebastian had lifted his rifle, taking aim, but stayed his shot for just a moment. His stare narrowed and he seemed to snarl in response. "You Evry, by any chance?"
The man giggled and hissed and his eyes turned milky white. The dead rabbit started spreading out, flattening and stretching over the ground, skin and bones tearing, and the man laughed and began to point his right hand at Moran.
With a frustrated huff, Sebastian again lifted his gun, making sure that this wasn't just some mirage and that he wasn't facing directly at the camp, he shifted his stance just a little, watching as the man watched him, and then fired his shot, directly to his forehead.
The man split apart around the bullet and it passed harmlessly through him. He shrieked with laughter and resumed his slow point -- before staring at something just behind Moran, wide-eyed and surprised. The rabbit ceased spreading over the ground and the man's teeth froze in their place before he hissed and covered his face with an arm. The arm became a wing and then he rushed away, a white bird quickly disappearing against the snowy earth it flew so low over.
And, behind Moran, long tail thrashing, was a creature that looked perfectly at home here, yet did not belong in the slightest.
A snow leopard.
If any of them have let harm come to Emma, Evelyn thought, watching the hunter with wary eyes, I'll eat them all. She would gladly have come for Emma's sake alone -- Evelyn was rather fond of the girl's brother, even if she had yet to truly spend much time with the sister -- but could not have said no to the request given her even if she'd wanted to.
Now, tense and praying not to be the next killed animal, she hoped this was all worth it.
"For fuck's sake," he growled, lifting his gun instantly, though something in this cat's eyes made him pause. "Apparently I'm feeling generous today, giving everybody the chance to prove that you can comprehend anything I'm saying. It's Montparnasse's fault," he muttered the last part more to himself. "This is what happens when he tells me to expect guests."
But more than anything, he had just wasted a bullet. He wouldn't waste two.
"Are you going to bare sharp, curved, fucking spinning teeth at me too? I'm real damn tired of all the abnormal shit. I just want to get these civilians back to safety." Seb still seemed to be talking to himself, though he was staring at the cat.
The Great Cat.
These creatures he respected.
"I need them to live."
When Sebastian went off on his strange, brief tirade, the snow leopard sat back with a look of surprise and her ears back, tail wrapped around her feet. Her violet eyes tracked his every movement, but when he said he needed them to live, she got up and walked over to him, not an ounce of threat in any movement, and brushed her shoulder against his leg before looking over at the camp, then up at him with question.
"Elijah," Gaston said.
"Yes?" Elijah looked up from under the tarps and sleeping bags, not that he could see anything.
"Is there such a thing as a... fluffy.... long-tailed... spotted... white... arctic cat?"
"....no. There are snow leopards, of course, but they're--"
"Are they dangerous?"
"Quite, they'll hunt humans from time to time and are stronger than they look. Why?"
"Oh. No reason." Harm Moran and I will end you.
"What did he shoot, did you see?"
"White bird. Flew too close to him."
"Oh." Elijah was puzzled.
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