#really really big respect for both of them
I really enjoy the difference between Aemond the Kinslayer and Brynden Rivers (Bloodraven).
Both of them lost an eye at one point in their lives.
One became a crybaby and a psychopath, spending his entire life raging about the fact that he lost that eye (even though he had it coming). And as proof of his childish mentality, he added a sapphire in that eye’s place, thinking it would make him seem cool. Funnily enough, that missing eye also played a big part in his death. (Just goes to show that Targaryen and Hightower blood don’t mix well).
The other rose above that missing eye. Never tried to cover it up, let it scar and became a symbol of pride for him for his accomplishments in the Blackfyre Rebellions. Bloodraven became a respected Targaryen soldier, Hand of the King and Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch.
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aita/wibta for NOT breaking up with my bf ?
i'm not sure if the title is phrased weirdly, bare with me. my bf and i are both 18, he is cis M & i am FTM (relevant).
My bf and i are both currently in first year uni, both living at home due to high cost of living in our country (also everywhere else lol). We met about halfway through highschool, and were friends for a while before getting together. we are coming up on two years together in a couple months, and have not really had any major bumps in our relationship. we see eachother i would say 1-2x per week, with both of us living at home and being broke it gets a little challenging sometimes but we call most nights and generally we make it work. Also worth noting that I am my bf's first everything, down to his first kiss, while he is not really this for me. this is the longest relationship i have been in (probably because i'm 18 lol), but not at all the first. however, the only "serious" relationship i have had outside of of him, aside from just casual stuff, was very abusive & toxic, so i do sort of see us on equal footing as neither of us has ever been in a normal, functional relationship before.
Now, the issue: while we are both currently living at home, i see this as a very temporary arrangement and something i am counting down the days until i can get out of. while living with my family is not abusive or anything, it is just very straining as i am not very close with them, and also cannot transition while living at home. as previously mentioned i am ftm, and while my mom is tolerant it would just put even more stress on the relationship if i were to start changing physically while living at home or even asking her to use different pronouns for me and is just something i prefer to leave until i'm not 100% reliant on her. that being said my dysphoria causes me very intense depression and without getting too detailed, i don't know how much longer i can take living here and putting off any sort of meaningful transition outside of close/online friends calling me he.
my bf, however, plans to live at home at least until he graduates, which is six years away. i understand that this is a very normal thing, especially culturally (he is middle eastern + muslim, i am white + agnostic), but the issue is that his mother is, among many other things, extremely homophobic. she already hates me for reasons i'm not really sure of (my bf refuses to go into detail, i think to protect me, but i have seen extremely graphic and nasty texts about me by name on his phone and have been told by him that he doesn't even mention me around the house or else she gets extremely upset, though she is always extremely nice to me the few times we have interacted), but anyways, me transitioning while he is still living at home would be essentially putting him in legitimate danger.
my bf does not like to think about this, which i understand. it's hard enough dealing with what i get from my family, and that is absolutely nothing compared to the fact that everyone he knows from his culture/religion beleives he should be dead just because he is gay (i know, as does he, that there are queer muslims. but they do not exist openly in his personal community). but the problem is that anytime i adress to him that the idea of waiting until we are in our mid-twenties for me to even think about transitioning is a really big issue for me he basically refuses to talk about it and just says that "it will work out". on top of the transitioning thing i just generally don't want to be twenty-five (the age he has told me is when he plans to move out) and still having to cancel dates last minute because my boyfriend's mom was in a bad mood and decided he's not allowed to go out tonight. i know this is how life is for many people and they learn to deal with it! and i respect them very much! but it is genuinely my nightmare. i understand why he cannot/does not want to cut himself off from his family, especially since his dad lives overseas and is extremely wealthy so therefore paying his entire tuition out of pocket. i'm just saying it's not a lifestyle that meshes well with my future plans.
this is where the asshole part comes in: my bf genuinely thinks that we are going to spend the rest of our lives together. this started with small comments, things like alluding to the idea of our potential future kids (i love kids and raising my own is genuinely my end goal in life, something he knows just because i am very open about it), or talking about our future apartment/house, but now is basically just a constant conversation in our relationship. i try not to feed into it, but i also feel badly responding to his sweet comment when i point out a house i like on the street about how we'll buy it one day with something about how i don't ever see that happening. i generally just respond neutrally, but i will admit i get caught up in the fantasy sometimes and contribute to it as well.
he is such a lovely guy with a beautiful heart and i do really adore him, and it's not a situation where i don't want to spend the rest of my life with him. to be honest, that's the dream. i love him with everything i have and i would literally do anything for him. the problem is just that when he talks about this future together all i can picture is all the million ways our relationship is doomed to implode.
but we are happy right now, because me moving out of my family home is not something that is going to be possible for another 1-2 years, so none of those issues are something that are going to come up right now. i just forsee them being pretty much impossible obstacles between us and spending the rest of our lives together down the line. but i have this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that even though i want more than anything to be with him forever, the fact that i don't remotely beleive it's something that will actually work out still constitutes as leading him on.
so, am i the asshole for staying with him, because we are happy right now and these issues are not going to be relevant for another 1-2 years, and a solution might somehow present itself in that time? or is the right thing to do to just leave now, and rip off the bandaid?
What are these acronyms?
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five-rivers · 3 days
Cracked Clay Cup Chapter 8
Vlad poured himself a glass of brandy and collapsed into his favorite armchair.  He stared at it for a moment, then tossed it back.  He stared at it some more, then heaved himself up out of the chair and went back to his liquor cabinet.  He took out the vodka and went back to his chair.  
“I just don’t understand what went wrong,” he said, morosely.  “Everything was going so well.  We were bonding over our powers, football…  He liked his room, didn’t he?  He didn’t get bored, did he?”
The Dairy King sighed.  “I think it’s more that you weren’t honest with him, dontcha know?”
“I was honest!” protested Vlad.  He wrestled briefly with the lid of the vodka bottle.  “I didn’t lie to him.”
“You didn’t tell him the whole truth either, Vlad,” said the Dairy King.  “Phantom might just be a boy, but he’s perceptive.  You’ve said so yourself.”
“But he would’ve picked a fight with me if he thought something was wrong!  That’s what he always does.”  He tilted back the bottle.  “That’s what he always does.”
“This isn’t exactly an always situation,” said Dairy King.  “You’d act a bit differently than usual if you lost your memory and then a bunch of strangers started telling you that you’ve got to pick one of them to live with forever, dontcha know?”
“But he should’ve, even if just out of curiosity!  He’s nothing if not curious.  It’s incredible how nosy he is.  If he thought I was hiding something, he would have wanted to know what I was hiding!”
“Mm,” said the Dairy King, retrieving a bottle of Dooley’s from the cabinet.  He poured himself a respectable amount, then cut it further with milk.  
Vlad watched him through half-slitted eyes.  “Unless,” he said, slowly, “he already knew what it was I was hiding.”
The Dairy King took a big gulp of his drink.  
“Did– Did you tell him?” demanded Vlad.  “Why would you do that?”  He didn’t realize he’d gotten to his feet until the Dairy King flew away.  
“I had to!  Think about how he’d feel when he found out, why dontcha?  You think you fought before?  That’d be nothing!  He’d be furious, and rightly.”
“He’d have gotten over it,” said Vlad.  “And he would’ve had these days to balance out those ones.”
“He’d have gotten over it?  Like he got over how you first met?  How you revealed yourself the first time, demanding that he stand aside while you kill his father and imprison him in a box.”
Vlad sat down again and slouched into the chair.  “I wasn’t going to really kill Jack.”
“You sent those vultures after him to beat him up,” said the Dairy King.  “That’s not a good first impression, dontcha know?”
Vlad grumbled.  
“He never did get over it, did he?”
“No,” said Vlad, grudgingly.  
“So.  There ya go.  This way, he doesn’t have anything to get over.”
“But what if he doesn’t pick me?  Us?  I’m the only one who has any idea what it’s like to be a half ghost.  I’m the only one that can really take care of both sides of him.  And picking Jasmine’s all very well and good, but the others?  How can I trust them with him?”“Ah, well, you don’t need to,” said the Dairy King, patting Vlad’s shoulder.  “You just need to trust him, dontcha know?”
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I just found your blog recently, I hope you don't mind that I've been crawling through and liking so many posts. I've always loved Sasuke and never minded Itachi, he was a good villain but it may be saying something that his crimes (while not insignificant) are only rated so highly (from my pov) because he did it all in one night. There are plenty of ninja who did far more heinous things for worse reasons (Orochimaru is a far worse person let alone dangerous villain), so while the big reveal of the plot around Itachi's betrayal was somewhat surprising, it was not exactly "shocking" so much as it felt like it recontectualized things.
I don't really think it makes sense for ss fans to even bring up that "S*kura would never put Sasuke through what Itachi did" considering she was never and would never be in a position to act as Itachi did... but very few ship vs ship arguments are made with "good sense" in mind. (I actually liked her genin arc, she changed from her rather damaging pushy behavior to taking ownership of her own emotions but that then backslid during shippuden... making her once again pushing her own agenda without anyone's input)
I just found your blog recently, I hope you don't mind that I've been crawling through and liking so many posts.
I don't mind that at all. Don't worry about it.
I've always loved Sasuke and never minded Itachi, he was a good villain but it may be saying something that his crimes (while not insignificant) are only rated so highly (from my pov) because he did it all in one night.
I believe it's true but it's also a dreadfully one-dimensional way to look at the situation when a myriad of information is later provided to give context to the whole thing. He's introduced as a cold-blooded killer with zero redeeming qualities, which after the reveal turns out to be more nuanced and layered than we earlier thought. While his actions are still unforgivable, there's so much more to it. So, sticking to what he's shown as initially and refusing to acknowledge anything and everything that follows afterwards isn't how you assess a character or a piece of media in general. It's just looking at his actions and motivations on the face value and refusing to take a deeper look like a petulant child.
There are plenty of ninja who did far more heinous things for worse reasons (Orochimaru is a far worse person let alone dangerous villain), so while the big reveal of the plot around Itachi's betrayal was somewhat surprising, it was not exactly "shocking" so much as it felt like it recontectualized things.
I would not be comparing Itachi with the likes of Orochimaru who was evil and never showed an ounce of remorse.
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He did this. This is creepy as hell. Itachi would never, ever do this.
Now, Itachi's crimes are horrible but there's more to them than just "he followed the orders and killed his clan" and "he traumatized his little brother." People tend to downplay his trauma because he isn't a perfect victim and his reaction to the life he lived deeply affects Sasuke. He's only seen as a perpetrator, when, in truth, he's a perpetrator because he's a victim first. There are lot of things he had to learn and acknowledge, but he never rationalized his crimes.
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Among his many objectives to die at Sasuke's hands one was that he wanted to be punished for his crimes by the person he'd hurt and wronged the most, because of all things, Sasuke didn't deserve to go through any of what he did.
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The guilt he lived with would have been colossal because forcefully prolonging the life so he could be punished for his crimes that weren't even entirely his own fault is a big deal. This is why he's so well received among the audience as well. He doesn't feel entitled to being treated right or with respect. He doesn't think he's worthy of forgiveness or deserves justice.
During his fight against Kabuto, his interaction with Sasuke is also quite interesting. He keeps telling Sasuke and Kabuto both he's not worthy of the praises they shower on him. And he actively avoids looking into Sasuke's eyes.
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There are moments he looks in Sasuke's direction, but mostly he avoids looking at him. This is just one example. It's the body language of someone who's heavily guilt-ridden, someone who feels disgusted with himself especially the way he asks both Kabuto and Sasuke to not see him as a good guy.
I don't really think it makes sense for ss fans to even bring up that...
Oh, obviously. She was never placed in the circumstances where she had to make hard choices keeping someone else in mind. Not just that, Itachi did what he did because he wanted to keep Sasuke alive, because the life he'd lived showed him death was the worst thing to happen, so he wanted to protect the person he loved the most from this. When it came to her, though, instead of learning his reasoning, she jumped to the conclusion that Sasuke needed to die. She wanted to do this to "save him from the darkness." Funny, because he was the same boy who'd sacrificed himself to save Naruto's life not too long ago. Who'd wanted to save her life at any cost from Gaara. Who had killed Orochimaru and Itachi - the most dangerous criminals. He'd also freed Orochimaru's prisoners. Considering Konoha was following his trail, the news of this would have reached Konoha too. Despite this, her first response to learning Sasuke falling into darkness was that he should be killed.
I actually liked her genin arc..
Same. I liked those bits. And she was brilliant in Pain arc as well when she saved lives of the wounded Shinobi and civilians, and also during the war arc. But she should have moved on from the person who'd done nothing but brutally humiliate her, reject her. It's not even a character flaw, it's just... Idk what it is.
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Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Fluff Alphabet
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Big thanks to to @scealaiscoite for their SFW Poly Fluff Alphabet for the inspiration here!
a = affection Is anyone more overtly affectionate than the others? You are definitely the most outwardly affectionate. Not in a PDA sense, you just tend to be the most sentimental. You don't initiate physical touch a whole lot, but Alex and Casey both know you are down to cuddle at any time, and they take advantage of it often. Alex is the snugglier of the two, but Casey gets FOMO when you snuggle without her, so she'll jump in, too. b = bed What's the sleeping situation like? California King (no twin bed! no roommates!). Casey on the right, Alex on the left. You are forever the middle spoon because (a) you love it, (b) you're by far the smallest, and (c) both Casey and Alex can feel a bit smothered after a whole night of middle spoon-ing. c = comfort When someone's feeling down, how do the others look after them? When you're down, your self-esteem takes a hard hit, so Alex and Casey do their best to be extra reassuring. When Alex is down, you and Casey do your best to make her feel important and to distract her. Nice clothes, expensive dinner, all your attention all night. When Casey's down, she needs to take a fucking break. The problem is that she never wants to. You and Alex usually have to take her phone and laptop away and force her to relax. Bubble bath, takeout, snuggles, the works.
d = dates What do dates look like? Who usually plans them, and are they individual or a group affair? You take turns planning, but also enjoy the occasional spontaneous date. Everyone is always invited, but not everyone always goes. You have lots of things you like to do all together, like dinner and a movie or a weekend at the beach or a trip to the farmer's market. But there are things you do in pairs, too. For example, you and Alex love classical music, so you've got season tickets to the NY Phil, but Casey's ears would explode if you made her go. Alex will attend a sports event with you and Casey once in a blue moon, but mostly it's just you two. Alex and Casey love dancing, from ballroom to clubbing and everything in between. You are a truly awful dancer and have a really hard time in loud, crowded environments, so you usually send them on their way and enjoy an evening to yourself.
e = events Who drags everyone else to their family's and friends' events? When it comes to family, you do all the dragging. Casey's parents live in the city, so you see them at least a few times a month, and Alex doesn't talk to her dad (her mom died when she was 17). You're very close to your family, and you're the only one who has siblings and nieces and nephews. Christmas at your family's is a given, and Alex and Casey are 100% there for it. But friend events? Those are all Casey. Alex will drag you to one, too, mostly out of obligation, but Casey genuinely enjoys going out and grabbing drinks with friends and will convince you both to go with her sometimes.
f = fights Are fights something that happen often? How are they resolved? Of course you fight. Everyone fights. But the fights are usually civil and logical and respectful. You've got twice as many relationships to maintain in a triad, so direct communication is a priority for you all. Casey and Alex have had to learn how to tone down their "lawyer-ness" during arguments, though. At first, they'd sometimes fight you so hard–like they were in court–that they'd end up making you cry. They always felt awful and backpedaled real quick. They're a lot gentler with conflicts now.
g - getting together How did you all get together? Alex and Casey met at work, a slow-burn career romance. By the time you came along, they'd already been together for several years. They'd discussed polyamory before and, while neither was necessarily opposed, neither one of them had anyone else they wanted to date either. So it was very much a we'll cross that bridge when we come to it situation. They came to the bridge when you moved to the city and joined Casey's rec softball league. It was Casey who fell for you first, Casey who started inviting you out to lunch with her and Alex after softball games, Casey who cautiously, gently asked Alex how she'd feel about her dating you. To which Alex said, Yeah, of course, if it'll make you happy. But I think I kind of want to date her, too. Can we all date? Do you think she'd be into that? It turns out that, yes, you were into that.
h = hobbies Do any of you share hobbies or passions? How do you include your other partner(s) in them? There's a foundational understanding between you that you don't all have to enjoy the same things. You and Alex share a deep love of reading and often spend evenings on the couch reading together, snuggled up against Casey as she plays video games or watches sports. You and Casey play softball together, and you love watching sports–baseball, basketball, football, you name it. Alex will watch with you, but she's mostly in it for the game day snacks you make. And obviously Casey and Alex have a whole career/calling in common, so they talk about that a lot, but they always try to make sure you're included in the conversation, and make sure to explain patiently when you have questions.
i = in sickness and in health When someone is sick, who's the caretaker and who's the germaphobe? Who's resistant to being taken care of? It depends on what kind of sick. If puking is involved, Alex and Casey are on their own. You are out of there, probably staying in a hotel, leaving soup deliveries outside the door with a mask on. Any other kind of sickness, and you absolutely dote on them. Casey eats this up. She is a pitiful sick person. Alex, on the other hand, will keep going until she literally can't anymore. And even then she'll tell you she's fine, and you have to force her to rest and take it easy. You can't exactly talk, you're pretty resistant to being taken care of, too. But that's mostly because Casey and Alex have important jobs to do, and you don't want to distract them.
j = joker Who's got the best sense of humor? Do you all like to tease and banter? You are by far the funniest of the three of you. You love making Alex and Casey laugh. It's one of the highlights of your life. Their jobs are so serious; they can tend to be on the serious side, too. So you make it your mission to brighten their days. That being said, there's a lot of good-natured teasing and insulting that happens on a regular basis. Casey calls you asshole more than she calls you anything else, probably. Alex has a razor sharp wit which is mostly funny, but every once in a while she'll toe the line between funny and mean. She can immediately tell when she's taken it too far, though, and is quick to make it up to you.
k = knowing Who can read their partners like a book? Is there anyone who has their walls up, even around their partners? By nature of being incredibly intuitive, you are the best at reading emotions. The problem is that you can usually tell what they're feeling but not why or who it's related to, so you almost always think it's somehow your fault. You're working on that one in therapy. Oddly, you're probably also the hardest to read. You have walls up, though they're slowly coming down. And Casey and Alex can have tunnel vision when it comes to work, so sometimes they miss things. Of the two of them, Casey is the more open with her emotions. Alex is open with anger and anger only. She's working very hard on being open with her other feelings, too.
l = lavish Is there anyone who really likes to lavish and show off their partners? How do the others react to it? Alex. Alex all the way. She's proud of herself, proud of the work she does, and proud of having not one but two stunning girlfriends. She dresses you and Casey up to the nines in clothes it would have taken you years to afford. When she walks into a room with you in a tailored Valentino suit on one arm and Casey in a designer gown on the other, she just knows everyone's jealous that she's living the best of both worlds. Since neither you nor Casey came from money, you both had a hard time with Alex's generosity at first, but you came to accept that showing you off is just Alex's way of telling you how proud she is of you and how happy she is that you're hers.
m = memories Is anyone more on the sentimental side? You, 100%. Although Casey and Alex have their moments, too. But you're the one who packs lunches with little loves notes. You're the one who surprises them with flowers at work, who cooks their favorite dinner because you know they had a bad day. You'll pick up that book that Alex wants so bad, but doesn't have time to go get. You'll record the Giants game instead of watching it while Casey's at work because you know she'd rather watch it together later. Of course, they do sweet things for you, too. Like Alex asking you to read your favorite book to her because she wants to read it with you. Or Casey organizing a game night with the SVU folks at your house, because she knows you want to hang out with them, too, you're just much more comfortable at home. You all have your moments, but they'd both agree that sentimentality just comes so, so naturally to you. It's a gift.
n = nights What's the nighttime routine like when you're all together? You are a big, big fan of parallel play so, even though you usually like to quietly read a book before bed, you want to do it wherever Alex and Casey are. Alex spends an eternity in the bathroom on her skin care routine before putting on the softest, most luxurious pajamas. She fixes herself a cup of peppermint tea and curls up next to you with her own book. Casey always has "more work to do," but she'll go through case files while you and Alex read. Or she'll finish the newspaper if she didn't get to that morning. She always has a gigantic, messy collection of file folders, old newspapers, and half-full glasses of water on her nightstand. You almost always fall asleep first, and they don't stay up too much longer because "you're just so adorable" and "I can't pay attention when you look that snug-able!"
o = open How open are you with one another? Very. You don't keep secrets. You don't tell lies. When you first got together, Alex suggested you all lay down "relationship rules." Those were two of the biggest. It sometimes takes longer for you to open up about what you're feeling, but they've learned that it doesn't really have anything to do with how much you trust them, it's just how you process things.
p = PDA What's PDA like with them? Is there anyone who loves it? Anyone who hates it? Alex would full-on make out with you in public, but she knows that's not a good look for someone in her position. Also, you and Casey do not like PDA. Casey will kiss you on the cheek or put a hand on the small of your back at a party, but that's it. You might hold their hands, but you won't do anything else in front of others. Alex won't either unless she feels like someone's infringing on her territory (her territory being you and Casey). Then she gets really possessive and is not afraid to show people that you're hers.
q = quiet Who prefers to spend their time out and about, and who likes to spend it at home? Casey is the most social of you. She loves going out with you or going out with friends. Alex is kind of in the middle. She's very, very good with people and socializes quite a bit, but often out of political obligation (to grease the wheels, so to speak, and make connections) rather than for fun. You are a hardcore homebody. You'll go out with them because you love them, but you're always very excited when you all decide on a night in.
r = romantic Is anyone a bit of a sap for their partners? You. So, so you. You just truly can't believe you lucked out with these two gorgeous, strong, confident, crazy smart women. Oddly enough, both Alex and Casey tend to be more affectionate with you than they are with one another. It's not that they love each other less, but you've got a couple of theories as to why they're just a little more romantic with you. (1) You're much, much smaller than them. Like a full 10 inches shorter. So they sometimes baby you a bit. They think you're very cute. You both love and hate it. (2) They were together first, and then kind of simultaneously fell for you, so you sometimes think they see you as collectively theirs, tag-teaming to take care of you and love you. You don't mind. They're collectively yours, too. (3) You're more sentimental than either of them, so it's easier for them to be sentimental with you than with one another. But, all in all, there's plenty of romance to go around.
s = sharing Is there anyone who's particularly territorial of their partners? ALEX. Very possessive of both of you. Casey's pretty damn possessive of you, too. Less so of Alex, but that's probably because she knows nobody fucks with Alex. You are the least territorial, mostly because you're just glad to be there. It doesn't leave a whole lot of room for jealousy. Just as Alex and Casey did before you came along, you all have an open understanding that if someone else were to come along–for any of you–you'd be okay with one of you pursuing a relationship with someone else, too. But it seems unlikely. You're all deeply content with things as they are now and don't really see yourselves bringing anyone else in.
t = terms of endearment Nicknames! What are the nicknames!? Alex uses honey or my love. Casey uses sweetheart and honey and sometimes baby. You mostly use lovely, which drives both of them wild, and also honey on occasion.
u = urge Who's the most impulsive? And who reins them back in? None of you are very impulsive. You think things through before acting. But of the three of you, Alex is probably the one who lets her emotions get the best of her, which can sometimes get her into hot water. Both Casey's and Alex's emotions (and impulses to do something brave and stupid) run high during hard cases. Thankfully, you're usually there to talk them out of it.
v = vacations How do vacations go? And where do you travel? You do vacations big. Alex has a lot of money, and you all love traveling. Alex considers it her absolute joy to make you and Casey's travel dreams come true, because she knows you didn't grow up with the kind of money to make them happen. She whisks you away on far-flung vacations as often as she can. An even bigger test of her love: she'll go camping with you because Casey loves it so much. But only with the highest end camping gear. And she will not touch a fish or a fishing pole, but she'll sit in a chair and read with you while you and Casey go fishing. Your favorite vacation so far? A surprise holiday trip to Soneva Jani in the Maldives. You'd always wanted to go to the Maldives, but it was very much a pipe dream. Alex packed for you, and you had no idea where you were going until you boarded the connecting flight to Malé. You were so excited you cried a little. When you stepped into your overwater bungalow, you just couldn't contain your excitement, running around the building, staring out at the crystal blue water, and kissing Casey and Alex over and over again, saying "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!"
w = worthy How are insecurities handled? Are any of you more self-conscious than the others? You're the most self-conscious. Casey and Alex are just so conventionally beautiful and successful and confident. They're smart, powerful, career-driven women and you're... a dorky, tiny, androgynous little work-from-home ad copywriter. Sometimes it's hard to know what they see in you. Alex is almost never insecure because she's cocky as fuck. Unless she screws up at work, and then she needs a lot of reassurance. Casey is insecure in that she's never able to live up to her own standards, so you have to remind her often that she doesn't need to be perfect and she's doing great. Insecurities in your home are always met with love and reassurance, never annoyance or frustration.
x = xoxo Who checks up on their partners a lot when they're apart? Do they call or text? Casey. She'll call to check up on you at least once a day. If you're out of town, she calls you at night, too, right before bed, on speakerphone with her and Alex (or vice versa, if Alex is out of town). Alex misses you, too, but she's more likely to text sporadically throughout the day. You text or call when you see something funny or something that reminds you of them.
y = yearn Who misses their partners the most, even just throughout the day? You really like your alone time, so you miss them but you really like having your space (working from home is great for this). But Casey and Alex miss you. Because you're home so often, when you're not home–out with friends, spending the weekend at your parents', etc.–they almost don't know what to do with themselves. Bonus POV: The Group Chat Casey: babe when are you coming home 😢 💔 😭 💌 😫 Alex: my love I need you here in my arms You: omg chill you guys i've been gone for like 2 hours! Casey: yeah 2 hours 2 long
z = zealous Who was especially eager in pursuit of the relationship? Was anyone more reserved? When it was just Alex and Casey, Alex made the first move. With you, it was Casey who came after you the hardest. Alex was a bit more reserved because she didn't want to make you feel like you had to date her, too. She wanted to be sure that you knew if you just wanted to date Casey and not her, that was okay. but she really did want you. She was trying so hard to be respectful that you eventually had to ask her out. Alex, can we go out sometime? Yeah, I'll see when Casey's free. No, I meant... just me and you. I mean, obviously Casey can come, too, if she wants, but... I'd like to take you out if you'll let me.
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Hey bbg 🤪😊😊😊😍😍 can you do a hantengu (all of them) x the classical fem!maid reader? 🥺🥺🥺
Reader is a maid in their mansion and the demons are disguising themselves (modern times) as muzan finds that damn lily. They have a business meeting at their home with some perv who makes comments abt them and the main four oopsie doodle him kill 🥰🥰. It's a yandere and a bit of spicy 😍😍
Of course pookie here you go, just as a forewarning I don’t really do yandere as I’m not too comfortable writing such. (I think I forgot to write that in my request rules but I will update it soon) but for now I will try my best. Anyway on with the request.
The sound of small footsteps swiftly made their way through the corridors or the large scale mansion, they belonged to none other then Zohakuten as he made his way to the main meeting room and trailing no less then three steps behind him was the beloved maid of the manor (y/n). All seven members of the manor loved their darling maid from the moment she rang the doorbell looking for a job, she found it odd that they would always request her presence during the meetings but she was also smart enough to not question her bosses.
Both people stood before the door to the meeting room and (y/n) quickly moved to open it for the young master, his eyes flickering to her nodding in a quiet thanks. She had known the people of the manor long enough to discern what they actually ment from certain looks and body language, the boy simply always looked angry and was indeed thankful. She nodded back at him and followed close behind, shutting the door as she went and stood guard beside the door as she watched Zohakuten take his seat at the table thus beginning the meeting.
(Y/N)’s POV
I tried my best to pay attention to the meeting but part of me believes they were using complicated words so that I wouldn’t understand what they were talking about. Anyway I had other things to worry about like what I was going to cook for dinner and more importantly the looks that their business partner was giving me. I carefully flicked my gaze to the others in the room, trying to discern what they were thinking about, it seems that Aizetsu, Hantengu and Sekido were doing the majority of the talking while the others watched on in boredom. I watched as Zohakuten and Urami caught the guy staring at me on multiple occasions, coughing into their hands to get his attention, both looked equally as pissed everytime they caught him and it was clear that his not so subtle comments about me and my body were grating on everyone nerves. Even Hantengu, as meek and nervous as he was, was beginning to furrow his brows at the man. At long last the meeting was over and I was quickly allowed to leave the room, I wasn’t going to be told twice, bowing before leaving the room as quickly but respectively as possible.
Zohakuten’s POV
We all watched as our beloved (y/n) scurried out of the room, it was obvious that she was disturbed by the disgusting looks and words that this scoundrel has befallen her. The moment she was out of the room he started again, proclaiming that we were lucky to have such a gorgeous girl as our maid and if he had her, he would have taken her innocence by now. Sekido and Urami gripped the table in anger at his words while Urogi and Karaku’s faces held an uncommon frown. The silence in the room that followed was palpable as the man began to realise that no one was agreeing with him. He let out an awkward chuckle before trying to excuse himself only to be quickly blocked by Urami who had shot up out of his seat and blocked the door. The disgusting cretin backed up into Sekido who grabbed his arms and held them behind his back as Urami instructed the four young boys to dispose of the man before he, Hantengu and I left the room in search of our beloved maid.
(Y/N)’s POV
I finished cooking tonights dinner as I put the big pot to simmer and backed away, wiping my brow and jumping slightly as a hand grasped the sleeve of my maid dress. Looking down, I see Zohakuten looking as angry as usual but there are more furrows in his brow and they look intentional which means he truly is angry. “Young master whatever has gotten you in such a fluster?” I kept my tone soft, like that of an older sister as Zohakuten lets out a sneer (visibly not aimed at me) before responding. “That filthy man and his words did not go unnoticed by any of us, to see you so uncomfortable, it angers my soul. The others are equally angered and those four are taking care of that filth so you don’t have to worry anymore.” As he spoke, I felt another hand grip the opposite sleeve of my dress, I needn’t look down to see who it was as the shaking of the hand told me that it was Hantengu. “H-His words were horrible and that look in his eyes…. Truly disgusting.” He managed to eep out as i bought my hand up to stroke his head, trying to comfort him. My body tensed slightly as another pair of hands snuck their way around my waist as a rather large head rested atop mine, Urami had made his presence known as Zohakuten backed off to walk away, not before placing a small kiss to my forehead after some reaching upwards. Now having my other arm fully free, I pull Hantegu fully into my embrace unintentionally pushing his face into my chest. He lets out a small eep and I let him go, thinking i was suffocating him somehow, I feel a hard kiss on top of my head as Urami backed away, taking Hantengu with him as I was left alone in the kitchen.
It wasn’t long before multiple sets of hurried feet were heard through the corridors as four figures ran through the kitchen door, all four of the boys in varying states of bloody. I didn’t have time to react as the chipper of the four, Urogi, flung himself at me and wrapped his arms around me as he pulled me into his embrace. Peppering my face with kisses, he mumbled how they got rid of that nasty man and I would be safe once more before feeling another body slide up behind my own, cheekily pressing their groin against the flush of my ass. Karaku murmured in my ear as Aizetsu took my hand, peppering kisses up and down my arm while Sekido stood off to the side as if waiting for his turn, I held my other hand out to him as he took it, moving himself towards me in a slightly aggressive manner before planting his lips against my neck, kissing up and down as if he was trying to get rid of his anger and stress. Not long after this, the four boys begrudgingly peeled themselves away from me as they each placed a kiss to my lips in varying stages of aggression before stalking off to do whatever. Leaving me with a blush on my face as I giggle to myself and turn back to the dinner.
Sorry if this wasn’t as spicy as you wanted, you asked for slightly spicy so I didn’t really do much but I will deffo be doing more spicy shit as I continue to write
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frownyalfred · 3 hours
thank YOU for not minding me shoving thoughts abt coral room!!
And i love jason as SUCH an unconventional omega, but SO highly sought after!
i wonder if some families just assume hes gay and into other omegas, and try to have their eligible omegas seduce him
I love talking about omega Jason, he's so fascinating to me. He's clearly the product of both Bruce and Lex's parenting styles. But he's also his own person! He's strong and unique in different ways from them too.
That would be really funny if they were omegaphobic like that (kind of like an in-universe microaggression) and assumed since he was a large masculine omega that meant he was gay. But really, he's attracted to alphas! And he ends up becoming friends with all the omegas the various families throw his way, because he needs support and instruction on how all of this works.
When Jason meets an alpha who's respectful but still meets his eyes, who doesn't care about if he's too big or too strong, that's the alpha for him.
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archiveikemen · 7 hours
Ellis Twilight Main Story: Chapter 2
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
Ellis: Sorry for the wait, Jude.
Jude: … Ah?
Jude stared at Ellis in disbelief for a moment when he noticed that he had brought me along, but he surprisingly said nothing about it.
Kate: I’ll be accompanying you as the fairytale keeper. I look forward to working with you!
Jude: … Tch.
Jude clicked his tongue at Ellis as though to say “cut the crap”, completely ignoring my existence.
Ellis: I submitted the declaration for today’s shipment last night.
Jude: Of course you did. I’ll cut your pay if it’s not received first thing in the morning.
(Besides working for Crown, they also have work to do at the trading company… they must be very busy.)
To avoid getting in their way, I walked behind Jude and Ellis while silently observing them.
Based on my observations—,
Jude was the boss of a trading company named “Raven” which dealt with both domestic and international business, it also had branches in other countries.
They held their negotiation meetings in the VIP rooms at London’s biggest department stores, and their goods inspections were conducted at London’s pier…
Time seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye while I was following them throughout the day.
Their work ethics, however…
Jude: No making new deals until all debts are settled.
Jude: Of course there will be consequences for failing to pay your debts. If your debts are too much for you, you’ll pay for them even if you have to cough up blood.
Jude was sharp and a good speaker; he commanded respect from his business partners, was subjected to envy from his rivals, and his employees admired him.
Ellis: Okay, I’ll handle the rest.
Ellis: It’s easy to make mistakes in these documents. Let me know if there’s anything you don’t understand; I’ll teach you and we’ll correct them together.
Ellis was well-liked by others because of his gentle demeanour and thoughtfulness wherever he went.
(The two of them are polar opposites of each other.)
As we went on with our day, it was soon nearly noon on Big Ben.
Jude: You don’t need to come with me to the main office. There’s no knowing what people will say if they see an extra person.
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Ellis: Mm, got it.
Kate: Thank you for letting me come along with you today.
Jude: … Heh, I look forward to hearing you say that the next time you come.
(What does that mean…?)
I tilted my head in confusion at his words.
Jude: You brought her, so you clean up after her. This has nothing to do with me.
Ellis: Yeah… I will.
(… Ellis seems to know what he meant.)
Jude walked way without so much as another look at me, and Ellis turned to me.
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Ellis: You must be tired. Sorry for dragging you everywhere.
Kate: No, I’m not tired at all! I have lots of stamina because of my previous job as a postwoman.
Ellis: I see, that’s good. … Well then, while we’re here…
Ellis: Can you come with me for a little bit?
I was asked to stay for a while longer, and—
(W-Why are we here…!?)
We arrived at the post office I used to work at.
Ellis turned to look back at me when he noticed me hesitating at the entrance.
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Ellis: What’s the matter?
(That’s what I really want to ask him right now…)
Kate: I know a lot of people here because this used to be my workplace… is it really okay for me to have interactions with them before my one month is up?
Ellis: Victor said that there are no restrictions on your activities apart from going outside alone, so I guess this is fine?
I blinked in surprise at his casual response.
(That’s not something I’m in the position to decide… is this REALLY acceptable?)
Ellis: I have some mail to send out. I’ll handle the procedures myself, go ahead and do whatever you want while you wait for me.
Kate: Okay…
Ellis made his way to the counter, leaving me behind at the entrance.
(I wonder what would happen if I asked someone I know for help and leaked classified information…)
I couldn't conceal my confusion at my suspiciously relaxed “surveillance”.
(At least… this means that Ellis trusts me to not do that, I guess?)
(If classified information is leaked, they’ll get rid of everyone who knows about it, including myself…)
— “Do we kill her?”
I suddenly remembered those words he said so casually and shook my head in a panic, when…
Coworker with Braids: Kate!?
Kate: Ah.
Coworker with Braids: It really is you, Kate! Everyone, Kate is here!
The other coworkers heard them and immediately gathered around.
Red-Haired Coworker: Kate~ why did you suddenly start working at the palace? What’s going on?
Coworker with Black Eyes: We were so worried about you.
(Even though they’re this worried about me because I suddenly stopped coming to work…)
(I can’t tell them the real reason for my absence. Not now.)
(I don't even know if I’ll come back in one piece after a month.)
I pushed my anxiety aside, not wanting to make them worry more.
Kate: I’m doing well. I still don't really understand what's going on because today’s only my first day of work, but I’ll definitely figure it out.
Coworker with Braids: I mean, it’s THE Kate who can turn any complaining customer into a good one; I’m sure you’ll be fine, wherever you are.
Red-Haired Coworker: We were at a loss and felt so lonely after you disappeared so suddenly…
Kate: I’m… really sorry about that. The situation is beyond my control.
Coworker with Braids: I guess you can’t really refuse orders from the palace.
Coworker with Black Eyes: We’ll always have your back, Kate.
Red-Haired Coworker: Hey, take this!
Red-Haired Coworker: We bought these together and wanted to pass them to you if you happened to drop by. Glad we could!
Kate: Eeh… you guys bought this many things?
Various presents were piled up in my arms.
There was a blanket, cookies from my favourite shop… so much that I was afraid I would drop the items if I moved.
Ellis: Let me help you carry them.
Ellis appeared next to me and took over the items.
All my coworkers simultaneously turned their eyes towards Ellis immediately.
Coworker with Braids: Wait a second… who is THIS!? Is he Kate’s boyfriend!?
Red-Haired Coworker: Oh I know him! He’s that scary businessman’s bodyguard!
The situation went into chaos like a hornet’s nest being disturbed.
Coworker with Braids: Kate, you must give us a good explanation of your relationship with this handsome man!
Kate: Uhh… we met at the palace yesterday because of work. We have a purely professional relationship.
Coworker with Braids: Hmm, you two seem way closer than that.
Red-Haired Coworker: So suspicious…!
Kate: Hey… calm down, you guys…
Ellis took over the remaining items in my arms while I tried to calm my coworkers down.
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Ellis: I caused quite a commotion… sorry. I’ll wait for you outside.
Kate: Ah… I’m sorry too! I’ll be quick.
Ellis: Take your time :)
I watched as Ellis nodded politely at everyone before leaving the post office.
(I made him worry…)
Coworker with Braids: So you got married before returning to work, huh…
Red-Haired Coworker: Congratulations.
Kate: I’ve been saying, that’s not true…!
— In the end, the commotion was resolved when our supervisor said “please, let’s leave it at that”.
I bid my coworkers farewell and stepped outside to meet Ellis who was leaning against a lampost with my gifts in hand, waiting for me.
(He looks like a work of art even from a distance.)
His refined physique and long, slender legs made him stand out.
Kate: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Ellis: Nope, not at all. … You could've stayed to chat more if you liked.
Kate: It’s fine! Umm, about the rude things my coworkers said earlier on…
The jokes about him being my boyfriend when we had a purely professional relationship might have made him uncomfortable.
(I have to make it up to him somehow… ah, I know.)
Kate: There’s a shop nearby that has delicious baguettes. Please let me treat you to something there as an apology.
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Ellis: …
Ellis stared hard at me, looking like he just made a realisation.
Ellis: I think I get why you received so many gifts now.
Kate: Huh…?
Carrying the large bag of gifts from my coworkers in his hands, Ellis took a step closer to me…
He leaned in, his face so close to mine that our foreheads almost touched.
Ellis: You don't have to treat me, but I’m curious about your recommendation.
(... Ellis is still a mystery to me.)
However, there was no doubt that his kindness had found its way into my heart.
As proof of that, our conversation during our second meal together went more smoothly compared to the one we had over breakfast—.
Kate: Oh… it’s already gotten this late.
It was almost sunset when we left the shop.
Ellis: … We should hurry and return to the castle.
Ellis muttered in a low voice while staring at the streets getting dark.
It was my first time hearing that urgency in his voice, and I realised how overly lighthearted I was being.
(Perhaps he has plans for tonight, and yet I kept him outside for so long.)
Kate: We can save some time if we take the shortcut through this alley.
Using the navigation skills I got from working as a postwoman, I walked into a narrow alley.
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Ellis: Ah…
Ellis: … It’ll be okay if we’re together, I guess.
We hurriedly made our way through the dimly lit alley where the sunlight didn't shine, and we were only a little more away from reaching a well-lit street.
Man in Hunting Hat: …
Suddenly, a man appeared and blocked our path. I instinctively tried to pass him by moving to the side, but—
The man extended a foot, stopping me from leaving.
I sensed that something was off and turned around to see two more men emerging from behind.
Man in Hunting Hat: You’re Jude Jazza’s woman?
Kate: No, you’re mistaken… who are you people?
Man in Hunting Hat: We’ll confirm if you’re telling the truth later. Capture her.
The three men drew their knives and attacked.
(Wha- What!?)
Ellis: Kate, hold onto these for a minute.
Kate: Whoa…!
I was handed the bag of gifts from my coworkers in the middle of the chaotic situation and Ellis deflected their leader’s attack with a black dagger.
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Ellis: This might get a little scary, but it’ll be over soon.
While I stood there at a loss for words, Ellis did as he said and swiftly knocked the men out.
He only used his dagger to counter their weapons, and relied mainly on his long limbs to handle them.
Ellis: … Done.
Ellis lined the unconscious men along the side of the path and gave each of their heads a light tap like a finishing touch—
Their wrists instantly stuck together, almost like they were in prayer.
Kate: Amazing…! How did you do that?
Ellis: I can bind people’s wrists like this by touching their heads.
(Now I remember…)
— “Cursed people” possess special abilities ordinary people don’t.
I recalled what Roger once said to me.
Kate: I see… so, this is your special ability?
Ellis: Yup. That's right. It’s convenient for such situations when you don’t have rope.
With a satisfied smile, Ellis effortlessly took over the bag of gifts again.
Ellis: Jude tends to get many people holding grudges against him, so he often gets attacked like what just happened.
Ellis: It’s unusual for him to have a woman with him, so those guys must have misunderstood you for his lover.
(Grudges… I see.)
Somehow or other, I realised that this happened because I followed them to work during the day.
(To think being attacked like this has become a routine, working for a trading company must be hard.)
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Ellis: … Sorry.
Kate: You don’t have to apologise! Thank you very much for protecting me, Ellis.
Ellis frowned slightly and shook his head.
Ellis: To be honest, I saw this coming. I knew something like this would happen if I brought you outside with us.
Ellis: But… you looked disheartened when I said I was going to work today.
Ellis: I made the selfish decision to take you along. … I’m sorry for that.
He said it was selfish of him, but I knew very well that everything he did was for my sake.
(Breakfast, telling me about all the members of Crown, taking me with him to work…)
(Even our trip to the post office could’ve been for me.)
Kate: I was happy throughout the day, so… you really don’t have to apologise.
I smiled to express my appreciation for Ellis’ kindness.
Ellis: … Okay. Glad to hear that.
Ellis lips curled into a warm smile — much like the last ray of sunlight cast by the setting sun…
Maybe it was because of the approaching twilight, but there was a strange troubling feeling that caused a stir in my chest.
Upon returning to my room, I opened the bag of gifts from my coworkers.
“We’re concerned about you, Kate”
“Feel free to contact us anytime.”
The kind words in the letter from them made my heart feel warm.
(The only reason why I could receive these from them… was because Ellis took me to the post office.)
The joy I felt at that moment was all thanks to Ellis’ efforts to make me happy.
I’ve stepped foot into a different world.
For one month, there’s no going back to my original daily life—
It felt like he was telling the frightened me that “everything will be alright”.
(I now feel more confident about surviving this one month than I did this morning.)
(All the more so with Ellis by my side.)
— And so, I welcomed the next morning with a renewed sense of determination.
Victor: I heard about it, Kate. You were attacked by Jude’s business rivals yesterday?
Kate: Ah, yes. But I remained unharmed, thanks to Ellis.
Victor: That’s a relief to know, but… Miss Kate, if your safety is put at risk before the end of the contract’s one-month term—
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Victor: — Crown’s confidential information will also be at risk of being leaked! Am I right to say that?
Ellis: Yeah.
Jude: … I have a bad feeling about this.
Victor responded to Jude’s obviously displeasured tone with a broad smile…
Victor: For that reason, Jude and Ellis, I’d like for both of you to take up the role of Kate’s bodyguards!
Jude: Ah?
Ellis: … Bodyguards? :0
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sevensoulmates · 20 hours
As always it's a delight to get to read your posts and meta, it's just as satisfactory and fun as it is watching the show. You're just awesome ❤️
You know after watching the last episode (and now that we know little bit more about Marisol) it made me feel really sorry for her, because I just know she'll be collateral damage while Eddie figures himself out and that's just so sad. And I wasn't really sure why those comments Eddie made about him/Marisol when they encountered Buck and Tommy at the restaurant and after having sex with her made me feel so uncomfortable, but then you pointed it out and I was like yeah that was kinda like locker room talk, Eddie was overcompensating here like trying to be a big macho man and that's why it felt so weird.
I'm baffled about Eddie's situation the most because I'm sure it's gonna be hell for him for a while since he will have to work through a lot of issues to finally be at peace with himself. And until stated otherwise my headcanon is the same as yours. I'm sure he is a gay repressed man (and not no get into the gay Eddie vs demisexual  Eddie discourse but I'm sure he may be both) I grew up in a Mexican household, I was raised catholic and although I wasn't in the army my dad was and he raised me and my siblings with an iron fist. So Eddie's background/storyline has always hit too close to home for me. I'm just dreading all the issues he's going to have to face.
Which brings me to this. To show his coming out arc and make it into completion do you think they will have to show us more about his childhood and upbringing, not just having Eddie talking about it but to have scenes like we did with Buck's childhood?
And why do you think the scene about Buck apologizing to Eddie for hurting him at the basketball court had to happen off screen?
Btw thanks for always replying to my questions.
Hi there!!! No problem!!! You always have super interesting questions to ask, so I am always delighted to answer them!
We all know how Eddie feels about "performance". I just feel like why would Eddie feel like the performance stops once he's actually made it past the dating phase and into the relationship phase? Maybe the external pressure from others is off (none of his family or the firefam questioning him, etc) but in order to KEEP the relationship, it really would require MORE performing.
It's fascinating to me, because we don't see Eddie acting this way with Shannon. You could make some arguments that their relationship was pretty fractured from the get-go and we didn't really see their dating/"honeymoon" phase but even when they were ~slightly~ back together in season 2b, Eddie wasn't acting like that with Shannon. Even when they were sleeping together, he wasn't. The most he did was make a couple of cringe comments about his "dashing good looks" or something, but that was more poking fun at himself. Even when Eddie was telling Buck about how "sex complicates things" with Shannon, he wasn't out here smirking or making comments about how good it feels to finally get some after two years of (apparent) celibacy. Say what you want about their relationship, but at least Eddie respected Shannon enough as a person to not start speaking about her that way. Their relationship was far too serious for that.
With Ana, it was so incredibly hard to watch because even though the storyline ITSELF wasn't about sex, a lot of their scenes had that edge to it? Like the sex-scene fake out in season 4, "grade me on a curve", "you really like to see me dressed up" "and the other thing" it was so ODD and FORCED. At the time of s4/5 airing you could maybe chalk it up to Eddie overcorrecting since it's his first real relationship after Shannon, but then he goes and does the same thing with Marisol which now makes it a pattern.
Once it clicked in my brain that the reason his relationships with women feel so fake is that he is literally putting on a show of hyper-heterosexuality (idk if that's a real term or not but roll with me here) it all made sense. I think seeing him "in a relationship" with Marisol for real was the final puzzle piece to seal this deal for me.
His extreme performances with these women, combined with their purposeful lack of development into full characters, all points to the fact that none of these relationships are going to work out. Eddie is not going to be able to actually settle down with his "endgame" partner until he actually finds someone he can be his true, real self with and "doesn't have to pretend with them" ;)
Is it bad that I actually enjoyed getting to know Marisol a little? Putting aside the actress, Marisol, the character, is interesting, because we're actually getting to know her a little bit more, far more than we got to with Ana. But I find both of these love interests fascinating in one mutual way: the fact that they put up with Eddie. Like I think about other characters and if they would've been okay being treated by their partners the way Eddie treats his girlfriends and I'm like.....hell no!
Oddly enough the only person I could see putting up with it was Buck before he finally started realizing that he doesn't have to be in a relationship with someone just because they want him. Only someone who also has deep insecurities, abandonment issues, and a general lack of self-respect would put up with Eddie's BS to his girlfriends. That's not to say that Eddie's a horrible person or abuses his partners or anything, but it's basically indisputable that he does not ever put in any emotional work to actually create meaningful relationships with his girlfriends. So why were Ana and now Marisol, so willing to accept that?
Ana resisted the break-up even though she could feel Eddie's whole heart wasn't in it. She was willing to keep trying in a dead relationship just in the hopes that something would work out. The same goes for Marisol. Idk about you, but if I was in a relationship with a man for going on 4-6 months and he knew NOTHING about me? I'd feel unloved, uncared for, and unappreciated, and I'd LEAVE.
We know that Marisol was scared of Eddie rejecting her or fetishizing her and that's why she didn't tell him about the nun thing, and I understand her reasoning and fear there. But gworlie, what else do we know about you? Can Eddie name a single hobby you have outside of loving Jesus and DIYing houses? Does Eddie even know your last name? It really makes me think that Marisol is unfortunately the type to just let things like this slide in the hopes that some man will accept her, any man. Since they rarely do because of the nun thing. And boy, do I understand that feeling, but that's NOT real love. I bet you anything once we get to the Eddiemarisol breakup she's gonna be very similar to Ana in that she knew Eddie's heart wasn't fully in it, but she just didn't want to be alone again.
I think that like attracts like, and Eddie's clutching onto this relationship for the same reason Marisol's clutching onto this relationship: because it's easier than being alone and being judged for it.
This is a tangent but I also want to point out that one thing that Eddie found uncomfortable about Marisol being a nun was the fact that nuns used to be his teachers....but was Ana also not a teacher? Just because she wasn't a nun, doesn't mean she couldn't have also been in a position of power that Eddie could've found uncomfortable. I find it interesting that even though Marisol's not a teacher, the show found a way to connect her to teachers and therefore to Ana.
As for Eddie's coming out arc, while I don't think it's entirely a necessity to have flashbacks to how he grew up, I certainly think it would help a lot of people who can't read between the lines if they had some. I especially would like to see scenes of young him + Shannon. Maybe seeing how the pressure from his family and church led him to believe men have to be a certain way, potentially microaggressions about being lgbt that he might've seen from his family/church (I don't necessarily mean full-on homophobia but possibly like little ways in which he was shown that there was no other "acceptable" option from his church other than heterosexuality. I think seeing scenes of how he and Shannon got together could be enlightening too, how their community reacted to them getting pregnant, etc. I think all of this, combined with a mirrored storyline in the present (similar to Buck Begins) would really drive home the point the show is trying to make, especially if they can finally be overt about Eddie's queerness. BUT all of this can still be done present day without the need for flashbacks either. I just think it would be a way to make the storytelling more rich and to spell it out more obviously for the people in the back.
As for Buck apologizing to Eddie for the basketball scene...I would've liked to see it too, but at the end of the day, it's like Ryan said in his interview...Eddie was always going to forgive Buck because he loves him to his core, because he knew Buck didn't come at it from a place of truly wanting to hurt Eddie. All of it was a manifestation of Buck's own issues, and by this point (especially after the lawsuit arc and the deadbrother arc) Eddie is aware of that. We did see plenty of scenes where Buck was scolded and demonstrated he was aware his actions were shitty, and Eddie probably assumed that letting Buck stew in his own guilt was atonement enough. And so I think likely the writers felt that in the end, the sentiment got across. Separately--given all the switcheroo stuff that happened with 7x04 and 7x05, I wouldn't be surprised if there WAS an apology scene and it got cut for time.
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chenfordsource · 3 months
It can’t just be me who thinks that it’s too soon for chenford to have a baby- as well as getting married..
Like there is a lot of fans out there who says “omg I hope they have a baby in s6” but like if you think about it they’ve only been together for like 7-8months.. Lucy’s only just starting her career and Tim has started metro- and everything with Aaron it’s not the best time.
Obviously I would like them to get married and have kids but maybe in s7 IF they make one 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Oh man, I haven't seen this take yet! Obviously I know people are obsessed with giving them fictional babies but I didn't realize it was something people were actually expecting for S6. 😅
Meanwhile I'm over here with my little goal of them moving in together by the end of the season (if that), haha! Two types of people, I suppose.
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batcavescolony · 7 months
S5 E12 (911 first watch through)
I can't get the idea of a Ghost Whisper/911 crossover where Melinda Gordon is in Boston (idk, finding antiques) at the same time Maddie is there for therapy. A young ghost follows Melinda but isn't doing anything but watching over her. She asks him if he needs help, and he's even more confused because his sister has never seen him before! Eventually he gets that she's not his sister, and as nice as it sounds, Daniel doesn't want to crossover yet. He's got a job to do (looking after his siblings) but he does need some help finding Maddie. Maddie and Melinda ignore the fact that they look exactly alike but talk about their paramedic and firefighter boyfriends. Daniel doesn't want Maddie to worry more, so Melinda doesn't tell her he's there, but she does give Maddie her card in case she's in Grandview or needs some antiques.
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apotelesmaa · 4 months
My fave thing about the WxS dynamic is that emu/rui/miku are always like tsukasaaaa it’s 3pm it’s time to make you do incredibly dangerous and life threatening stunts!!! & tsukasa is just like ok 😔 into the cannon I go 😔 while nene (arguably the most normal and sane person in WxS who could easily put a stop to this) is like yeah see you later idiot. Bye. (Not looking up from whatever game she’s playing)
#project sekai#i think tsukasa and nene should have mlm/wlw hostility. they’re friends nene just thinks he’s a dumbass.#kaito comes back to the sekai and everything is on fire. lives have been lost.#rui and emu planning some truly heinous things to put tsukasa through and nene is just like 😐👍🏻 sure#he’ll be fine & it’s like enrichment to him if you don’t launch your tsukasa out of a cannon once a week he has too much energy#and will start yelling at random passerbys that he’s gonna be a big star one day#rui 🤝 emu: torturing their good friend tenma tsukasa for funsies#i love the convos tsukasa has with them both where he’s like you want me to do WHAT (does it anyways) he’s so funny…#my favorite little group of clowns… the silliest geese…#i also think this is why kaito is the vocaloid most associated w WxS because they need a responsible person and that will not be miku.#in general their dynamic as a group fascinated me but like also their individual dynamics…#emu is the first person to try really hard to be nene’s friend. nene is teaching emu to sing.#tsukasa and rui being the weirdo wombo combo at their school and rui thinking tsukasa has star power#rui and nene being childhood friends who drifted apart & rui building the nene robot…#rui and emu being so so so attatched to wxs even if their friends want to move on & enabling each other’s insanity…#emu seeing tsukasa fail his audition and being like I Want That One :) and he grows to really respect and care abt her… ough I love them#nene and tsukasa getting past their beef and becoming friends…
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littledreamling · 1 year
Free fic idea for anyone who's seen both The Old Guard and The Sandman: When Andy and co all have a dream about a man with brown hair and tanned skin, a tweed jacket, a sign for a University in London, and a pint of beer, their immediate thought is that it's way to soon to have another immortal on their hands. They have just settled in with Nile and the banishment of Booker is still fresh in their minds. But they have a job to do, so they eventually find their newest member walking across campus, surrounded by a gaggle of students, laughing at their enthusiasm and answering all of their questions. He doesn't seem to be injured, either physically nor mentally, which is... surprising? Worrying? Usually they only dream about their newest members after their first death, but this man doesn't look like someone who's experienced a death at all. Oh well, there's a first for everything.
When they confront him later, in his office, it's immediately evident that the man, one Dr. Gadling, has never seen them before in his life, not even in dreams, which is even more surprising. Even more worrying. And then it comes out that he's been alive for 600 years and suddenly the Old Guard Immortals have no fucking idea what they're dealing with. Why haven't they dreamed of him before? While they're discussing this amongst themselves, in full view and earshot of Hob, he starts to put the pieces together and asks which night, specifically, they all had a dream of him. Upon hearing their answer, he can't help but to double over in laughter because on that particular night, he and his husband Dream had engaged in a rather... enthusiastic bout of lovemaking and his beloved has a bad habit of invading the dreams of others with images of his beloved.
Anyway, I think Joe would absolutely love Hob and they'd spend hours gushing about their lifelong companions and their shared love for life and everything it has to offer. Maye Hob would be able to offer insight on the Booker situation and maybe they'd all be able to help each other stay safe in a world of technology and constant surveillance. Maybe the Old Guard Immortals could loan their friend Copley and his services to Hob. I think Hob would immediately adopt Nile as his daughter, especially with her own father out of the picture and his own children long gone. I also think Hob would just be ecstatic to find other immortal humans to spend time with, to talk to, who actually understand who he is and what he's going through. He might not be exactly like them (though he's going to drill both Death and Dream for answers, especially since it seems like they both worked together to create the system of immortality that the Old Guard Immortals are a part of) but they have enough shared experiences that he still immediately feels a kinship with them
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wereh0gz · 6 months
I'm definitely not the only queer person who's kinda wary of Christian ppl they encounter online right?
Like I see a profile that clearly states they're Christian and they post like Bible verses and shit and I'm just. Hoping they're not queerphobic. Or saying some dumbass shit like "hate the sin love the sinner" or whatever while pretending that's not queerphobic
If they're interacting with me first it's pretty safe to assume they're not gonna be like that bc I'm very obviously queer (🏳️‍🌈 + pronouns in bio) but if it's someone who hasn't interacted with me at all I kind of instinctively avoid interacting with them out of fear of them being that way. Y'know
#ramblings#i think it's bc even tho i've never been religious and my family isn't like a super uptight christian family#i have encountered a preacher who was homophobic and transphobic before#he's puerto rican too which just makes me disappointed in my people tbh#i grew up surrounded by a lot of accepting ppl both within and outside of the family#as well as a couple gay/trans ppl#i was always taught that that's just the way some ppl are and that we should respect that#even if we didn't fully understand everything and weren't up to date with the latest most accepted terminology and stuff#ppl were just respectful and let others be themselves#so it's extremely hard for me to understand why other ppl would be queerphobic#i mean. i kinda get it. it what they were taught growing up. just how i was taught to be accepting and respectful#but why ppl would continue to teach that to their kids and perpetuate queerphobia is really what i don't get#like. accepting that ppl different from you exist and that's ok isn't going to kill you#maybe learn abt the world from other sources besides the bible and try to see different perspectives#instead of shutting yourself off to just one way of thinking and hurting ppl in the process#anyways. i think it's also bc i've seen too many really religious ppl on the internet who are also queerphobic#and they have these big platforms of ppl who support them and share their views#and like. i shouldn't generalize. but they paint an ugly image of christians in general#also like. christians throughout history don't have the cleanest track record#but i know a lot of christians nowadays aren't like that. in fact i'm willing to say most aren't#but still it's like. better be safe than sorry y'know#idk man
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fluffypichu876 · 5 months
DMC bosses ranked by difficulty
Alright, I have finally finished it. My tierlist ranking the bosses from every DMC game based on their difficulty! (except for DMC2 and the reboot. I haven't played the latter, and DMC2 is not worth replaying xD)
The list is mainly based on my personal experience with each game on DMD (and the difficulties below it). Here it is!
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You might have noticed that the DMC5 Dante bossfight is not there. That's because it's been a while since I last played as Vergil, and I don't remember the finer details of that fight. If I had to place him somewhere based on my flimsy memory though, he'd probably be next to his DMC4 fight.
Replaying these worderful games and making this list while I did so was lots of fun! If you'd like to make your own tierlist, feel free to ask me for the link on Tiermaker! (I'll add the link on the post if demand is high) But like I said above, it lacks the DMC2 and DmC bosses, so if needed, you'll have to add these yourself.
I also wrote down my thoughts on each boss down below, alongside some advice for the bossfights! It ended up a bit longer than I expected, though xD
(very long text below!)
My thoughts on each boss, from easiest (low tier) to hardest (top tier):
- Tier 1: Too easy
Mundus 3 (DMC1): He can barely even attack you. Just spam Ifrit and activate DT to finish him quickly.
The Savior (DMC4): You don't need much skill to fight this boss. Use Trickster to easily avoid his punches. If you're impatient like me and would like to end this boring boss as quickly as possible, use Distorted Real Impacts on his chest crytal once it's possible.
Phantom 2 (DMC1): This fight is optional and can be skipped by entering any door in the hallways. But even if you decide to fight him, just parry his fireball attack a few times, which isn't too hard to do once you get the timing.
Dante 1 (DMC4): He's a tutorial boss. Naturally, it's not very difficult. On DMD, he feels more like a little taste of Dante 2, but even so it's a pretty chill battle.
Qliphoth Roots (DMC5): This game's tutorial boss (Urizen doesn't count). As expected, it's a pretty chill fight. There's plenty of room to dodge the roots and they're pretty slow when attacking.
Doppelganger (DMC3): This boss is very easy. Doppelganger only attacks you if you're right beside him, which is rare unless you actively try to be near him (he also has a ranged attack but it's very easy to dodge). Use multi-hit attacks like Prop or Revolver to quickly activate the lamps in the room. Time it right to stun Doppelganger for a little while. If the whole room is lit, the boss will be stunned for a pretty long time, so feel free to bully him :)
- Tier 2: Not that bad
Containment Room (DMC4): One of the worst bossfights ever made. Despite that, it's (thankfully) not that difficult. Well-timed Snatches and Busters will quickly destroy the screen and kill a few Gladius. Keep your eyes open and ears sharp for the Gladius's strikes and for the electricity on the ground.
Griffon (DMC5): The first familiar to be fought in Mission 18. Griffon is not that threatening when he's fighting alone. He can be stunned very easily with either Kalina Ann, and Round Robin, his scariest move (for me at least), is only used immediately after he recovers from a Stalemate. His Double Check can get in the way during Nightmare's bossfight, but relocating out of its way (or staying on ground/jump-cancelling depending on its height) should help avoid it.
Shadow (DMC5): The second familiar you'll fight in M18. The big kitty is generally stronger than Griffon, but just as easy to stun with the Kalina Ann(s). Hedgehog is a very scary move, with plenty of range and lots of damage potential. Like Griffon's RR, however, Shadow will only use it once, immediately after it recovers from a Stalemate, so keep an eye for that. During Nightmare's bossfight, Hedgehog should be your main worry, but pay attention on Shadow's position to not be hit by its longer range attacks.
Sanctus (DMC4): This pathetic easy bossfight somehow manages to get on my skin and annoy me to no end as soon as I take a single hit. This cowardly old man protects himself with a magic shield, and once you break it, he will begin to run away like a scared chicken. And worse yet, if you don't damage him enough, HE WILL JUST CONJURE HIS SHIELD AGAIN. Ugh. The fight gets easier once he activates The Savior, since countering his punch with the Buster will skip the shieldless phase and allow you to beat Sanctus up to your heart's content :)
Gilgamesh (DMC5): This big thing made of demonic metal is an absolute slug to take down, but it's not a very challenging battle. Just pray you don't make too many mistakes or you'll have to fight it aaalll over again :D
Lady (DMC3): Originally, I wanted to rank Lady on Tier 1, but although you can easily cheese her fight with Quicksilver, you might (for some reason) want to fight her without it. Still, I recommend you do it. This fight can get a little annoying.
Sanctus Diabolica (DMC4): The same as his first fight, but EVEN MORE ANNOYING. His final attack with the Sparda becomes an actual threat on higher difficulties, so do your best to get the Buster timing right so you don't have to fight him again.
Gigapede (DMC3): This boss will only give you trouble if you're trying to get an SS mission rank. Other than that, just enter DT to help you tank any projectiles you can't dodge.
Hell Vanguard (DMC3): The Vanguard is a normal enemy, and one of the tougher ones, but when it fights alone it's not much of a threat. Dodging and parrying its scythe is very easy, and its teleport attacks can be easily dodged by either jumping, rolling/dashing, or (if you're brave) by blocking through Royal Guard.
Berial (DMC4): The first real boss in DMC4, and considering the record of previous DMC games, he's a very easy one. His sword swipes are quite predictable, and he doesn't deal that much damage, even on DMD. He's sightly harder to fight as Dante because he may counter attacks the same way he would try to counter Nero's Buster, meaning you have to pay a bit more attention.
Bael (DMC4): The big frog is pretty slow and quite vulnerable to attacks, so taking him down shouldn't be much trouble. The Rusalka can get a little more annoying, since they are faster and more agile, but they are pretty predictable. Breaking the ice in his back for a Buster opportunity is the only troublesome thing in this fight, especially on DMD.
Dagon (DMC4): Basically the same as Bael, with a few small differences.
Echidna (DMC4): Echidna's attacks are highly telegraphed and can be easily avoided once you learn their signals. She is a bit tougher when you fight as Dante, since he lacks the huge damage from the Buster opportunities and can't approach her as quickly without Snatch. Overall, a fun but not very challenging fight.
Nevan (DMC3): Just listen to her voice lines and dodging everything she throws at you becomes very easy. Be careful about two things though: 1 - Once her vulnerability phase ends, she'll try to engulf you in darkness for some decent damage. 2 - Her kissing attack. She'll only use it at the very end of the battle, but if she catches you, (I think) the only way to escape is by activating DT on the spot.
Nelo Angelo 1 (DMC1): Nelo Angelo looks intimidating, but on his first fight, he isn't very threatening. He has few sword combos, is not very aggressive, and only has one (easy to dodge) ranged attack. He can block you but Ifrit's charged attacks easily break his guard.
Artemis (DMC5): This boss was a lot easier than I expected. Her laser attacks are easy to dodge and her other projectiles can be shot rather quickly, allowing you more mobility on the arena (when playing as Nero). The only threating thing in this fight is Artemis's scream attack, which she performs whenever you stay too close to her. It can be a bit difficult to predict, but it's nothing that Gerbera can't dodge.
Vergil 1 (DMC3): Like in DMC1, Vergil's first encounter isn't very difficult. He only uses his slower attacks and can't go into DT. Dodge his swipes and immediately punish them, temporarely locking Vergil into a sort of "stunned" state. The Summoned Swords will likely catch you off-guard when you play on DMD for the first time, but you'll get used to them in no time.
Goliath (DMC5): DMC5's true first boss, and a pretty good one at that! But a first boss is a first boss, and unless you're Phantom or Cerberus, your fight is probably gonna be easy. Like Berial, Goliath's attacks are very telegraphed, as they are meant to teach you how to dodge. His long range attacks add a bit more difficulty, and on DMD this boss can hit pretty hard, so you have to pay close attention to his body language.
Nidhogg (DMC5): Nidhogg is more annoying than he is difficult. Playing as V is kind of a mixed bag: not many players adapt to his playstyle, myself included, and that certainly doesn't help in this battle. Nidhogg's fight consists of beating three (sometimes four) targets at the same time. If you defeat all of the three worms in the back, Nidhogg will fall down completely vulnerable. It's the best way to fight him, but doing this can be a little hard, since the worms revive pretty quickly.
Elder Geryon Knight (DMC5): A very lenient boss that could have been much more difficult. This was probably done on purpose, since playing as V takes time to adapt to. Your main worry when fighting this boss is to keep Griffon and Shadow alive. This can be difficult since they tend to stay next to their target to attack, and the Knight is full of strong area attacks. Summoning Nightmare helps a lot, since it can cause plenty of damage alongside reviving V's pets.
Mundus 1 (DMC1): For some reason, this fight changes the game's genre from hack-n'-slash to space shooter. Always found that weird. But anyways, Mundus 1 is not really difficult when you learn that all of his attacks track you. Knowing this, just fly around in circles and you're mostly safe. The one exception is the laser beam attack, but that can be avoided with Vortex's I-frames.
Urizen 1 (DMC5): The first (obligatory) Urizen fight is all about memorizing his patterns. His magic attacks always follow a very predictable pattern, and once you known enough about them, the boss gets pretty easy. Pro tip: Mid-air Gerbera parries the fireball attacks really well. Just be careful with your timing.
Nightmare 1 (DMC1): This boss is extremely predictable and its attacks are pretty easy to dodge. If you observe its behavior, you will learn how to manipulate the core it exposes for you to attack (extremely helpful to avoid red cores). The only annoying thing here is its sludge-jaw attack that forces you to fight a previous boss.
Nightmare 2 (DMC1): Pretty much the same as the first fight.
Jester 1 (DMC3): This is the only mandatory Jester fight in the game, and it's kinda easy. The spheres only follow three possible patterns, and they are pretty easy to dodge. Blocking them with Royal Guard is a bit trickier, but certainly not impossible. If you want a free opportunity to bully Jester, just shoot Kalina Ann at him about three times while he's taunting and invulnerable to damage. If done correctly, he'll get "tired" and do nothing against you. This is also true for all of his other fights.
- Tier 3: Difficult but manageable
Leviathan's Heart (DMC3): If you know how to crowd control, this fight shouldn't be a problem. The way I fight this boss is: Spam A&R's Aerial Cross on the right lung, using well-timed Enemy Steps and Air Hikes to remain in the air. Once the heart opens, stand in the middle of the arena and use Royal Guard to block at least two of the red lasers. After that, use a DT Explosion, a Release, and a few more melee strikes for great damage. Rinse and repeat until the fight ends.
Cavaliere Angelo (DMC5): Although Mr. Cavaliere takes a lot from Nelo Angelo's and Credo Angelo's bossfights, I feel like he has the easiest battle between them. There are so many options to counter him, completely trivializing some aspects of the fight. His sword swipes aren't that difficult to dodge, and they can be parried very easily with multi-hit attacks like Revolver or Light Blow. Royal Guard can take time to get used to, but if you're good with it, the fight becomes even easier. I dunno, maybe I had less trouble with this guy because of my previous experience with all the Angelos, but difficult fight or not, this boss will always be a hell lot of fun to fight.
Malphas (DMC5): I really don't like fighting this chicken, but thankfully the bossfight is not terribly difficult. The key is to Enemy Step and Jump Cancel like crazy to stay in the air, allowing you to automatically dodge the majority of Malphas' attacks. Keep an eye for a few spells, though, like the aerial spikes one. When the chicken goes crazy, don't follow the game's advice (unless you really know what you're doing) and dodge every attack with precision. Punch Line allows you to hit the bird safely during this phase. Once it gets tired resume the fight like normal.
Phantom 1 (DMC1): Ah yes, Phantom 1, only the first boss and already this far into the list. What makes this boss difficult is the armor protecting him. That, and he is quite aggressive, always attacking you at any opportunity. Supposedly, the best way to fight him is by jumping on his back and attacking the weak, unarmored spot. I've never managed to make it work though, so I just learned how to dodge and parry his attacks (probably the worst way to fight him xD). Pro tip: Using Stinger on Phantom's mouth while he charges the fireball attack will immediately stun him.
Urizen 2 (DMC5): The second obligatory Urizen fight, and a significant step up in difficulty. Urizen's tentacle attacks have huge hitboxes, and they remind me of Arkham's fight a little too much for comfort… You can dodge them just fine with the wise usage of Trickster, but Royal Guard is just as good. He'll also occasionally summon his crystal to protect himself and cast his magic attacks. Thankfully, SDT does more than enough damage to break the crystal in a matter of seconds. Basically, to suceed in this fight, learn how to properly dodge/block his physical attacks and preserve your SDT for the crystal (or use Quadruple S if possible). Pro tip: Whenever Urizen uses his shockwave attack ("What an eyesore."), you can use RG to stay in place. But a better technique is to first Royal Block the shockwave and then spam the Block button, performing a chain of Royal Blocks and charging your DT like crazy. This should work on all of Urizen's fights (I've only done it on M17 though).
King Cerberus (DMC5): King Cerberus is one of the most fun bosses in the game, but he can be rather difficult to beat, especially because of his huge healthpool, which causes your mistakes to add up considerably as the boss takes plenty of punishment before going down. Learn how to avoid all of his attacks and you should be fine. They aren't too bad to dodge with the default dodge or Trickster, but I recommend using Royal Guard for Release's damage potential, so that the fight doesn't drag on for too long.
Urizen 3 (DMC5): The hardest Urizen fight for sure. The first phase isn't too bad: be careful with Urizen's melee attacks (he mostly kicks the ground, so stay in the air to automatically avoid most of his blows) and pay attention to the ocassional magic attack he may use. The second phase spices things up: He begins to use more magic attacks (such as the annoying purple swords) and becomes more aggressive. But the third phase is where things get real: Urizen begins to summon lasers everywhere, restricting your movement on land, and starts to use some nasty melee attacks that destroy your healthbar with little effort. That one spike attack in particular… So basically, to defeat M17 Urizen, try to fight him mid-air, and keep a good eye on his magic attacks. Take the advantage whenever he falls down to his knees and deal as much damage as possible (Real Impact is recommended). Also, Trickster is your best friend.
Nightmare (DMC5): One of the toughest bosses in this game. By itself, Nightmare is a big, powerful opponent, but it's not fighting alone. Griffon and Shadow are also after your blood. Defeating these two won't help much, since they just revive at full health anyway, so keep your focus on Nightmare itself. Don't drop your watch on the other two familiars, however, and try to not activate their Stalemate accidentally, since that could mean an unwanted Round Robin/Hedgehog to your face. Nightmare will occasionally retreat to heal Griffon and Shadow back to full health. Use this short opportunity to deal as much damage as possible (again, Real Impact is recommended). Pro tip: Before even fighting this boss, make sure to destroy the three hidden Qliphoth roots in the level. Why? Nightmare can use the purple magic spots in the arena to heal about half of its health back, and that sure isn't fun. Destroying the roots will destroy these spots. It will also bring three breakable pillars inside the arena. Trick Nightmare into breaking these to free plenty of green orbs, restoring a big ammount of your healthbar.
Phantom 3 (DMC1): Very similar to Phantom 1. He now has more health and can use a new meteor attack when he has about 1/4 of his health left. This fight can drag on for a bit, so if you're impatient like me, just lure Phantom into jumping and breaking the glass below him, triggering a cutscene and instantly ending the fight.
Cerberus (DMC3): Oh boy, another tough first boss rip hell vanguard i guess. Cerberus can be problematic because his attacks are fast, have big hitboxes, and have barely any tell (especially when he's half health and below). To beat him, you have to play safe and constantly pay attention to his body language. Royal Guard helps a lot in dealing with his fastest attacks (for example, the stupid lunge attack). Pro tip: break the ice in one of his paws, then release a full-charge DT explosion. Cerberus will then fall for a while, completely vulnerable to damage.
Nelo Angelo 2 (DMC1): Nelo uses some new tricks in this fight, such as his unparriable Ifrit-like combo. He is also more aggressive. I'm not sure of this, but it seems that only Nelo 2 and 3 can try to counter you during his block stance, so watch out for that. Other than that, not much changes. Also, the arena has two green orbs in it, which makes the fight a little easier.
Griffon 2 (DMC1): If you don't have a good strategy, this boss is going to be a pain. The arena is small and Griffon spends most of his time flying out of range while his lightning attacks try to fry you, and when he does come down, you have little opportunity to safely attack him. The best strategy I found was to first destroy the bird-kite thing he creates with a well-timed Rolling Blaze, and then, once he comes down, use fully charged Meteors to drain his health away (be wary of the lightning, though).
Griffon 1 (DMC1): This fight is optional if you're on New Game+, since you don't need to re-obtain Ifrit to open the exit door. Griffon alternates between two phases: one in which he flies and summons plenty of lightning, and one in which he lands on the ground to fight you face-to-face. The best strategy here is to grenade-roll while he flies to both dodge the lightning and charge your DT. Once he lands, keep spamming full-charged Meteors at a good distance. Repeat the process until he's dead.
Griffon 3 (DMC1): Here, the strategy above still applies, which is good because this fight can't be skipped. Griffon 3 fights a lot like Griffon 1, so if you're used to that fight, this shouldn't be too problematic. Once Griffon has lost about a third of his health, he will fly very high and be immune to all your attacks. You'll have to use the teleporters in the arena to climb up to the upper floor, which is a pain to do because Griffon keeps spamming his lightning attacks and you're unable to see them until it's too late. Once you manage to get there, shoot with the Grenade Gun and Griffon should go straight down. From now on, the fight is a lot easier. Repeat the Meteor spamming until it's over.
Agnus Angelo (DMC4): The only bossfight in this game that is actually easier when you are controlling Dante (at least for me). What makes Agnus such an annoying boss is the fact that he constantly spawns enemies such as Gladius, Basilisks, and Cutlasses (the fish don't stay in the battle though). These being Buster-gimmick enemies, you'd expect Nero to have a easy time, right? Well, that surely wasn't the experience for me. Nero's Buster animations are kind of long, which means, for example, that you could get a hold of a Gladius, get locked in placed for a second or two, and take a dumb hit from another Gladius, from a Basilisk, or from Agnus himself before even throwing the stupid living sword. Dante's Coyote-A, on the other hand, does Buster's job just as well and way more quickly, thanks to its speed, little endlag, and great stagger ability. God. Other than that, Agnus himself isn't much of a threat. He just flies around using very slow attacks.
Arkham (DMC3): Here he is, the worst bossfight in the history of DMC games. I could give an entire essay on why, but I will make this quick. The first phase is not so bad. I recommend jumping to dodge his badly telegraphed attacks. To deal with the Legions (the fish he summons), use Kalina Ann's blast alongside a few jumps to avoid unnecessary damage. For the second phase, keep holding R1 + forward and spam Spiral and Kalina Ann. Doing this will cause Vergil to spam Rapid Slash (his best attack in this fight). Stop shooting when Arkham becomes red and time your jumps to safely avoid the eel-projectile thingies. With enough patience, this bastard will finally go down.
Credo Angelo (DMC4): Credo's fight is visibly inspired by Nelo Angelo's, and that alone makes him a formidable opponent. For most of the bossfight, Credo's combo attacks will be rather easy to avoid, since he is quite polite and will give good enough warning of his next movement. You can also Buster his spear for generous damage (this can be a bit hard to time, though). However, once he reaches about 1/4 of his health, Credo will get quite frustrated, and much more aggressive. His combos are now faster, stronger, and much less predictable. He can also now use Summoned Swords (not as threatning as Vergil's, thankfully). In conclusion, fight him like you would fight Nelo Angelo or Vergil and you should come out on top!
Vergil 2 (DMC3): This is where Vergil spices up his battle style by a lot. He has Beowulf equipped and can now use his Devil Trigger, which greatly increases his damage, defense, and speed. It also slowly heals him for as long as it's active. He's still pretty manageable though. Pay attention and dodge his attacks with precision. Use your own Devil Trigger to try and knock Vergil out of his DT, otherwise, he'll just heal a lot of health back.
Vergil (DMC5): Mr. Vergil is back, and as expected, he is quite the tough boss, one of the hardest ones in this game, for sure. During the main story, you actually fight two different Vergils: the M19 Verge and the M20 one. They're mostly the same, but with a few, significant differences. M19 Vergil fights a lot like he did in DMC3, except in a much slower pace. His attacks are generally slower and easier to punish, and he gives you plenty of breathing room between attacks. Just don't take risks and strike at the correct moment to beat him rather easily. That is, during the first phase at least. Once his health reaches 2/3 or below, he will enter SDT and become much more agile and aggressive. Like in DMC3, DT Vergil has superarmor and high defense, as well as health regeneration, and unlike that game, it will not go away through the player's input, so attacking Vergil during this state is not a very good idea. SDT will only go away once Vergil finishes his flying divebomb attack, which can be interrupted earlier through certain means (Royal Release is my personal favorite). Once Vergil reaches 1/3 of health, he will summon Doppelganger to assist him. The spectral demon dies pretty quickly, though, so focus your attacks on it. Overall, if you're already used with Vergil's previous bossfights, this one shouldn't be too much trouble. Focus on dodging/blocking his attacks and find the best ways to punish them. M20 Vergil is a little different in certain aspects: his "stunned" state lasts very little, but he can now enter a "super stunned" state that allows Nero to shred his healthbar with a Buster. His SDT lasts much longer, but it no longer has superarmor, and he will only heal a small ammount of health the instant he activates SDT. Continue to fight him like you would in M19, just don't forget to Buster him when the opportunity arises! Pro tip: Break-age Buster Arm does insane damage, trust me.
Dante 2 (DMC4): As Nero, at least, this bossfight can vary between mildly challenging and very challenging. This, of course, depending on how you tackle the fight. I, for myself, went for the somewhat cowardly strategy of just abusing Snatch and Buster. It's quite simple really, just wait for Dante to enter endlag and go for a nice Snatch, and quickly Buster before he breaks out of it. This should work for good damage for the majority of times. If you try to be more stylish, though, Dante can get problematic, since he perfectly reads your every move, meaning, if you're not careful, you aren't landing a single hit on him.
Jester 2 (DMC3): This fight won't differ from the first one until Jester has half his health left. Once this happens, he'll summon a huge living ball, making it more difficult to damage the clown. But the biggest problem is that, once the ball is summoned, Jester will become more aggressive and add new elements to his basic sphere attacks, making them much harder to avoid. The best advice I can give is to try to damage him as much as possible before he enters this phase.
Nightmare 3 (DMC1): Once again, Nightmare refuses to change its moveset, but don't commemorate yet. If you weren't careful on the last two fights, its cores might be glowing red, which means it will take a lot less damage from your attacks. You can still beat it like this, but it's going to take a while. Once it reaches a third of its health, Trish will show up. Don't worry though, all she does is use a very slow lightning attack. But what pisses me off about this boss is that once you "kill" it, it doesn't actually die and enters a desperation phase. Here, it's pretty much impossible to attack the core up close without taking huge damage. Air Raid is probably the best way to deal with it.
Geryon (DMC3): Geryon is a big test of patience, and dear god I have none of it. Swordmaster is the best style here, since Real Impact + Tornado deals plenty of damage to the horse. If used right, you can kind of get Geryon stuck in a loop by hitting him just after he recovers from falling down.
- Tier 4: Pretty tough
Damned Chessboard (DMC3): This bossfight is a matter of learning Royal Guard. If you taunt and perfectly block the Damned Queen, and use the Gauge to Release on the King, the fight becomes much easier. But without Royal Guard, this is one of the worst fights in the whole game. Pro tip: use the I-Frames from a jump or a dodge-roll to make blocking the Queen easier and safer.
Beowulf (DMC3): Beowulf has plenty of health, so it kinda becomes an endurance match on DMD. The only reason I put him on Tier 4 instead of 3 is his second "phase" (when he's between 1/3 and 2/3 of his health), in which he just runs around spamming Volcano and lowering down cages. There's barely any opportunity to safely strike him during this. If you can manage to Just Release on Beowulf's eye, he'll take a lot of damage, greatly shortening the fight. Pro tip: don't shoot any guns at him on the third "phase". If you do he's very likely to use the dreaded feather attack.
Jester 3 (DMC3): Pretty much the same as Jester 2, except now he takes even longer to die. You're gonna have to endure that second phase for a little longer now. Getting good RNG helps a lot.
Agni & Rudra (DMC3): For some reason I have a lot of trouble with this boss, mostly because I suck at dealing with two bosses at the same time. But anyways, the best way to fight these guys is through Cerberus, more specifically through Revolver. This attack parries their sword strikes with ease. Once a brother has been parried 4 times, he'll lose the body and take more damage from your attacks (great opportunity to release DT explosion and the Royal Gauge) before he gets back up again. Royal Guard is a great complement in this fight, blocking anything that Revolver can't. Try to balance your strikes to kill both brothers at about the same time, because fighting only one body with both swords gets pretty problematic. Overall, I think most players would put Agni & Rudra on a lower tier, but I died a lot before I got the hang of it so…
Mundus 2 (DMC1): The Prince of Darkness lives up to his reputation as one of the hardest final bosses possibly ever made. Even so, I still wouldn't put him on a higher tier. This guy only gives you trouble until you memorize all of his attack patterns. Once you do that, he's not much of a problem. On lower difficulties, jumping on the flying platforms and slashing him with the Sparda while on DT is the fastest way to kill him. But on DMD, you will probably want to take it safe and attack him from long-range with Round Trip and the Sparda's DT shots. Pro tip: Kill the lava dragon that Mundus occasionally summons to restore a generous amount of your health.
- Tier 5: REALLY hard
Nelo Angelo 3 (DMC1): Most DMC fans seem to agree that Nightmare 3 and Mundus 2 are the hardest bosses this game has to offer, but I disagree. Sure, these two are challenging, but they're extremely predictable, and once you get their pattern, it becomes pretty easy. Nelo Angelo 3 is not like that. This man is very aggressive and will not let you boss around him. He will guard your attacks and constantly try to counter them. His summoned swords can be a nightmare if you don't learn how to dodge/destroy them. You can stagger him, but it doesn't last very long. And finally, the camera just sucks. This was the most troublesome boss in all of DMC1 for me, but even so, I think he's the most well-designed one in the entire game. It's a pretty fun fight!
- Tier 6: May God help you
Vergil 3 (DMC3): The best consolation I can give you is that, once you beat this boss, everything else looks much easier in comparison. Vergil 3 is THE hardest boss in this whole franchise. In fact, I created Tier 6 before starting DMC3 DMD already thinking that he would probably be the only one here. There's a lot happening in this fight, but the biggest reason Vergil 3 is so tough is what I call his desperation phase. Once he has 1/3 of his health left, Vergil will go absolutely insane, and begin to frequently use Super Devil Trigger and Judgement Cut End. The first one is a variation of normal DT, in which Vergil either spams Helm Breaker or uses his Yamato-Helm Breaker-Stinger combo. On DMD he is guaranteed to mix in Summoned Swords. Unlike normal DT, Vergil cannot be knocked out of Super DT. You'll have to dodge everything he throws at you until he gets tired. Judgement Cut End is a series of normal Judgement Cuts that follow three possible patterns. The problem is, only one of these patterns can be consistently dodged. The others are almost pure RNG. But the absolute cherry on top is that both Super DT and JCE heal Vergil, meaning that in the final moments of the fight you have to take every single opportunity you can to damage Vergil, otherwise he just heals everything back (especially if you get the unlucky scenario where he just spams JCE to his heart's content). Oh god. So yeah, Vergil 3 is a great boss, but Jesus Christ they didn't have to make it so damn difficult on the last 1/3 of the fight.
If you read all of this, thanks for listening to my rambling xD.
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sysig · 4 months
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