theprocast · 10 months
Time danced in relentless motion,
and I watched as chance after chance after chance
slipped through my fingers.
Moments that could have been etched
In our shared history
were instead lost in the abyss of silence.
The words I have been wanting to say
but never have to courage to
remained locked within my soul,
stifling under the weight
of my own indecision and lack of faith.
Faith for what we could have been,
where our love could have gotten us,
and why we always find out our way
to each other's doorstep.
The unspoken truths echoed
in the depths of my being,
a constant reminder of the opportunities—
of you, of us that slipped away.
Regret paints its melancholic strokes
on the canvas of my heart,
for the road not taken will forever haunt me.
Yet, amidst the sorrow,
a flicker of hope remains,
whispering that perhaps, one day,
the universe will conspire
to reunite our paths and grant us
a second chance at the love we left behind.
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Me: nah I'm kinda good at writing, like I do not postpone stuff too much, I've got good ideas and I actually put effort in my grammar.
Also me, trying to write down one fanfiction on google doc: qwertyuiopasdfghjkl
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"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by avoiding it today"
Abraham Lincoln
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nikitaagupta · 3 years
Your shirt is sitting on my chair and I don’t know what to do with it. I can’t wear it because it reminds me too much of you. But I can’t put it away because I don’t want to forget you. I don’t want you to forget me. I don’t know what to do with it.
I still remember the day I stole that shirt. It was our first new years eye together and I was so cold in my dress. You told me not to wear a dress but I wanted to look pretty. I wanted you to feel that you’re fucking lucky to have me. But halfway in the party, I was shivering. So you took me to your room and put on a shirt and then a sweatshirt.
Four years later, I still have your shirt. You are gone but your shirt is here. But I don’t know what to do with it. I want to call you and tell you to take everything back. Take your shirt back and Take your girl back.
Your shirt//nikitaagupta
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lillianofliterature · 3 years
me: okay brain, listen here you little bish, I said we writing today
my adhd: but there’s dust under your furniture and your room suddenly looks very cleanable
me: nO wE cLeAnED mY ROoM YesTERDAY
my adhd: okay well what about YouTube or tumblr, you should check those for the 82nd time today
me: no, no more distractions. IT’S WRITING TIME.
my adhd: but aren’t you hungry all of a sudden even though you just ate? maybe you should go stare at the pantry or look in the fridge for thirty minutes to look for a snack—
me: ...you have a point there
my adhd: —just to come back with nothing.
me: noW HANG ON—
my adhd: and don’t forget to check all the burners and appliances and tidy up the cabinets and counters and do the dishes and take out the trash and you might as well go reorganize the pantry while you’re in there, then maybe do some laundry since your next to the washer. and don’t forget your vitamins by the sink (forgets them anyway). oh and give the dog a bath too. and maybe even rearrange the furniture in the living room?
me: valid *whips out some pen and paper* *takes notes*
my adhd: and then make a post about your adhd instead of writing because of your adhd
me: *forgets notes* you got it, dude
update: I cleaned my room again.
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cherliaposts · 3 years
my moodboards are way better than my story will ever be.
(that if i actually write it, of course)
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igzsatelier · 2 years
I wanna write a oneshot so badly
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thefictionissue · 3 years
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90% of my writing process, everybody. 
What is your toxic writer habit? 
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beabiz · 3 years
I should have been writing my book that has been stopped for two months but I started drawing my characters anyway.
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Queen of Procrastination oh yeah
(The feathers in their heads looked like thorns lol)
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But it's still sad cause I procrastinate something that I really enjoy doing (ಥ‿ಥ)
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aavoidk · 3 years
Note for yourself
Everyday I go: Am I enough? Are my parents proud of me? Am I a good person? Will I achieve all my dreams? Yes,it's exhausting and power consuming. But you know what? It's ok. It's ok to feel. To feel unsatisfied with yourself is quite normal. Push yourself and I promise you'll be the happiest you will ever be. Please stop procrastinating and start getting real work done. Lower your Netflix binge time and start working on that assignment/test. Take care of yourself for me.
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et-peggy · 3 years
I'll be writing and literally say out loud "this will be a short chapter because I'm tired" THEN PULL 1000 MORE WORDS OUT OF THIN AIR. Honestly, why cant I do this at school? It would save me a whole lot of panic attacks over projects.
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theprocast · 8 months
is she lucky because you chose her or is she unlucky for not knowing what happened between us?
s.a., are you able to sleep at night?
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sapphirelycoris · 3 years
Writer rant #1
I find myself not actually completing my fanfics. The time I dedicate to writing gets taken up by falling down a rabbit hole of useless information. I spend way too much time looking at cars and their reviews for 1 line of accuracy and what kind of jobs I can get with a certain degree. 
That’s all for right now.
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lightasthesun · 3 years
Anyone else always having a blast putting a new playlist together?
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nikitaagupta · 3 years
Before I fall asleep, I always think of you. I think of how you scream at me but still apologise. I think of how you love playing with my hair. I think of how you notice when I stay silent. I think of how your hand fits within mine. I think of you. Before you fall asleep, do you think of me?
think of me//nikitaguptaa
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brinawritesblog · 3 years
Is writer's block real!? Help me I want to stop procrastinating!! 🥺
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