#probably i'd be happier if i just got a damn xbox but i've never owned one so
tulakhord · 3 years
What gaming setup do you use?
hi anon! well, a lot of my recent gaming has been on my nintendo switch tbh. (breath of the wild, fire emblem 3 houses, hades, spiritfarer, stardew valley, etc.)
other than that, you should absolutely not do what i do, which is to have installed most of yr video games on either a 2013-era windows bootcamp’d imac (needed for a job i no longer work at, and now a very poor gaming machine) or your mac laptop. (macos = not good for gaming and $$$, do not do this.) 
i desperately need to update my gaming desktop to a proper custom build, but the fact of the matter is that there has not been an AAA game to force the issue yet. (mass effect legendary edition may tempt me into it eventually but it’s not gonna be a day one purchase for me, so... also i played the first two entirely on a laptop with a trackpad so my standards, they are low.) 
imo you can generally just start with what you have and then only worry about having a proper setup when yours stops working, but i’m sure others would disagree. most of the games i’ve been playing recently that aren’t on switch run perfectly well on my laptop so, that’s where i’ve been recently. (the sims, baldur’s gate, stardew valley again, crusader kings, frostpunk, divinity original sin, pillars of eternity, etc.) 
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