gffa · 2 years
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One of my favorite projects is Taking a Closer Look at the Jedi Order in Star Wars: What They Actually Say And Do In Canon (and word of god commentary) to provide a set of references for what’s actually canon and what’s not, to illustrate and celebrate the Jedi ways that I really love, and to make it easier to write worldbuilding in your fic without you having to read a dozen different books, because I’ve already read them for fun!  Though, I always encourage reading them anyway, get context for yourself, see what you think of it yourself, etc.  But if you want a quicker cheat sheet, then this aims to help! One of the best books for worldbuilding recently was PADAWAN by Kiersten White, a book that I absolutely recommend, not just for the worldbuilding stuff (though, that’s fun, too) but because it was a satisfying, sparkling, delightful story that really gave me a ton of feelings about Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Jedi ways. These snippets will eventually be folded into my bigger meta project (and thus are organized in the same categories), but as a way to promote that I think more people should pick this book up, I’m collating these together for this book specifically and I hope that you find it useful for getting a better picture of what Jedi Padawans were like in the prequels era! (Spoiler alert: They are adorable kidlets but also adorable hellions I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, I want an entire novel about Bolla Ropal and Prie and Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi as Padawans now!!) Topics Covered In This Post: Section 1 - How the Force Works Section 2 - Jedi Culture & Philosophy & Teachings Section 3 - Jedi As a People (aka Jedi younglings are CHAOS GREMLINS) Section 4 - Psychic Space Wizards Doing Psychic Space Wizard Things Section 5 - Jedi Temple (Living Quarters and Dining Halls!) Section 6 - Jedi Outreach and the Bigger Galaxy Now enjoy almost 7k words of Jedi Worldbuilding you can use for your fic writing, if you want!  Write me fiiiiiiiic about the chaos gremlin Padawans, fandom, I’m begging you!
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The Padawans expression emotion all along the gamut just fine:      Obi-Wan gleefully made his way down to the Padawan dining hall. If Padawans weren't busy, they could almost always be found eating. Sure enough, Bolla, Prie, and a few other Padawans he'd known and trained alongside his entire life were gathered around a table. But rather than eating, they were all leaning intently toward Siri Tachi, talking.      Obi-Wan could barely contain his smile as he sat down next to Prie.      "Oh, you're here," Siri said, and her expression re-formed into a worried frown.      "Don't be so excited to see me," Obi-Wan said with a laugh. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Obi-Wan isn’t just passively out of balance in the Padawan novel, he is extremely aware that he’s out of balance, his connection to the Force is wonky because of it, that’s how the Force works, it manifests in a Jedi’s Force abilities when they’re emotionally unbalanced:     Just like Lenahra, he wasn't in balance. Not with himself, not with the Force. For so long he had been afraid of being afraid. Closing himself off to his feelings because of what they might mean, what they might lead to. But closing himself off was doing the opposite of what he hoped. It wasn't about not feeling fear or ambition or anything else he didn't think was right for a Jedi. It was about whether or not he gave those feelings power. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     He could almost laugh. His fear that he wouldn't be able to use the Force to help others was making him close like a fist, tighter and tighter around himself. He didn't trust himself, and because of that, he also didn't trust the Force. If he didn't believe he deserved the Force, then he didn't trust that the Force had chosen him, or that this path was the one he should be on, or that the losses he would go through along the way were natural. Necessary, even. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     With the fear in front of him, honestly acknowledged, Obi-Wan felt himself lightening. At last, all Qui-Gon's admonishments to exist in the present made sense. All Obi-Wan's worries were tied to his past and future, and he couldn't control either of those. Obi-Wan set his fears aside the same way he had moved through this clearing. Respectfully, but purposefully. His fears would always be there, but by looking right at them, he could put them where they belonged instead of constantly hiding from them. He could move toward the trust he needed in himself and in the Force.       It wasn't a destination he could reach with one try. He knew that. Learning this trust would be a journey he'd be on for the rest of his life. But he was ready to start.      For the first time since becoming a Padawan, Obi-Wan let go. He opened his hands, and his heart, and his mind, and he reached out. His shock almost brought him out of the meditation, but he tried to stay present as the waves of connection rushed in. His fears had been like a dam, blocking the flow, and now that they were out of the way, the life of this planet was everywhere.      [....] he was aware of everything. He was floating in a vast current of the Force, connected to it, and through his connection to it, to everything else on Lenahra. That was what had tried to fling his senses further and further out the night before—he had inadvertently been close to connecting with the planet because he hadn't been trying to do it. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Basic Jedi training is to feel things, not control them:      Obi-Wan laughed. "If I knew, I wouldn't be here. Not being calm or focused is exactly why I left." He tried to think of how Qui-Gon instructed him, or how their meditation classes as younglings had gone, back before meditation had become so fraught and aggravating. Back before the things that had felt easy became impossible because he stopped feeling them and started trying to understand them, to control them. [Star Wars: Padawan]
The theme of letting go is one of the intrinsic themes of Star Wars as a whole and specifically to the Force, the entire plot of Padawan hinges on Obi-Wan’s inability to let go, his clinging to the Force (this is what attachment is) and once he resolves that, he is able to connect with the Force again, it’s not just Jedi philosophy (though it is that as well) but literally how the Force works:       That had been Obi-Wan's problem, hadn't it? He had been reaching for the Force to grab hold of it, to cling to it, to try to wring his own destiny from it. Not unlike the way the Lenahrans used the Power. In their minds, it was a tool to be wielded, not a cycle to join. Obi-Wan had been treating the Force in a similar way. He wanted things from it, wanted it to do things for him. Centering himself, always. He was so focused on his own desires and, most destructively, his desperate fear of failure.       Fear of loss, too. The Lenahrans were afraid of losing the Power, of losing the life their parents had chosen for them. And he was afraid of losing his Jedi friends as they drifted apart into the galaxy. Afraid of losing his place in the Temple, in the Force. Afraid of letting go of the familiarity of his past and embracing the unknown future, whatever it would bring to him. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     But it didn't have to be like this. The people here didn't have to be parasites, sucking life from Lenahra and giving nothing back. If they could let go, if they could give up consuming the Power, the planet would sustain them as it sustained everything else. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Obi-Wan wanted to know more about the past. Maybe it would help him decide his future. And it wasn't against his own beliefs [like it was the Lenahrans’]. He was supposed to let go of the past, yes, but also learn from it. That was why the Jedi had such extensive archives, after all. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Obi-Wan understood. Loss was part of growing up. It changed you, but it also stayed with you, shaping you. But he could control how it shaped him. He could stop fearing it, stop resisting it, and instead let it become part of his journey. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     If Force adepts weren't identified and trained young, their connection was haphazard, chaotic. Dangerous even, at times. And in a lot of them it faded, becoming a hum in the background of their lives. Not vital or active. [Star Wars: Padawan]
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Jedi do not forbid personal possessions, most of them seem to not really need more (contrasted against Anakin’s room full of them), but they have them      So instead Obi-Wan trudged to his room. It was small and austere, but a shelf above his bed held a few treasures he had gathered. A rock from Ilum. A flower Siri had once tucked behind his ear as a joke. A shell Prie had given him that was probably from an unspeakably terrifying creature she adored. The spoon from their initiate days that Bolla had for some reason decided was his favorite, so they all made a game of stealing it. Obi-Wan had won, he supposed, since they were no longer younglings.  [Star Wars: Padawan]
    Qui-Gon sat on the simple gray cushion he kept in place of more elaborate seating. He had never added furniture for hosting guests. Obi-Wan always felt like he was somehow intruding, like there really was no place for him in Qui-Gon's life. He knew Siri's master had a table for two in her living quarters where they took most meals together. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Or going back and finding Qui-Gon wasn't there at all, his name already added to the Lost, the Temple Guard ready to arrest Obi-Wan for theft of Temple property and betrayal of the entire Order. He knew they wouldn't do that—it wasn't the Jedi way. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Meditation was the last thing Obi-Wan wanted to do, soaked and still caught somewhere between panic and fury. But given that it was the last thing he wanted to do, it was probably the best thing for him. Many things in the Jedi Order were like that: the less he wanted to do them, the better they were for him. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Meditation is about facing yourself:      Now, with Qui-Gon, [meditation] seemed to be the bulk of [his training]. Obi-Wan couldn't rely on his other skills to compensate. Maybe that was what he hated: meditation laid his weaknesses bare in front of him. There was nothing else to think about, nothing to do but face them.  [Star Wars: Padawan]
     He had found the balance he had been sent here for, and he was ready to go back. To face his fears of failure, of loss, of inadequacy, and to accept them so he could move forward. "I know. And I'm grateful. But my place is at the Temple. Assuming I'm still welcome there." [Star Wars: Padawan]
     "Well, what are the good leaders like there?"      Obi-Wan thought of Master Yoda. The way he taught by prompting them to find their own answers, never giving them information when they could gain experience for themselves. "They see the best in people, and help them get there." [Star Wars: Padawan]
Jedi are very aware of the physical power they have over people and make a point not to rule because of it, how they could really hurt people if they didn’t guard themselves:      “I didn't have to find the Force. It found me. But that's why Jedi move through the galaxy and don't stay in one place for long. Why we don't rule. Because we do have access to power. And we have to be on constant guard to make certain it doesn't corrupt us. We have rules—so many rules—and structure, and guidance, and still we have to always be alert to ourselves. And the Jedi around us." Obi-Wan thought of Orla Jareni dropping her own studies to help another Jedi. And on the other end of the scale, of Master Dooku walking away from the Order and abandoning his path as a Jedi in favor of ruling on his home planet. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     "The right way isn't always easy," Obi-Wan said, thinking about the Jedi path. How he wanted it to come easily to him as proof that it was right and that he belonged on it. But so often the right thing to do was the most difficult. If he had the chance, he would follow the path the Force put him on for the rest of his life, no matter how hard it was. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Obi-Wan’s goal, as is implied a Jedi ultimate goal, is to be an extension of the Force rather than the other way around:      But when it came to the other aspects of the Force—communing with it, not using it as an extension of himself, like a lightsaber to be wielded, but getting to the point where he was an extension of the Force—well, maybe that was why Qui-Gon didn't bother with him. [Star Wars: Padawan]
The Jedi’s goal is not to be competitive, but even when they are, it’s never punished or yelled at, just that the bigger goal is to be the best Jedi you can uniquely be:      Obi-Wan laughed. "We're not supposed to be competitive. Everyone uses the Force as best suits their abilities." [Star Wars: Padawan]
Which is given context with Obi-Wan’s thoughts of how he’d been competitive and it was something that was looked on positively, that Bolla was trying to help him return to, that Obi-Wan values and doesn’t think should be bad:      Now that he thought about it, though, he'd had fun with Bolla, hadn't he? They had played jokes on each other all the time. Once, Obi-Wan had swapped Bolla's wash cream for Naboo glitterpaste. Bolla had shimmered for days. He almost laughed out loud, remembering it. Bolla was right—Obi-Wan had been competitive. So maybe when Bolla said he was trying to help Obi-Wan lighten up again, he had meant it. Obi-Wan had been so miserable lately, he could only assume miserable intentions from others. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Jedi do not consume the Force, they’re not stealing it, they’re not hurting the Force:      “But I think this whole planet is connected, symbiotic even, and that those things, your so-called Power, are a physical manifestation of its life. You aren't using the Power like Jedi use the Force. You're stealing it. You're consuming it. You're hurting Lenahra and everything on it." [Star Wars: Padawan]
     "I think I can explain it better now. The Power isn't like the Force. The Force isn't something I consume and burn up. It's so much more than just power. It's life. It's connection. It's—it's this." Obi-Wan gestured around the clearing. "It's trying to find the balance, that place between life and death where peace can exist. Being a small part of a great whole." [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Obi-Wan knew that death was simply returning to the Force, but still. He didn't want that for them. Not yet. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Obi-Wan laughed. "Well, then, we merry band of attractive adventurers, let's go see a man about a mine. And may the Force be with us."      "What does that mean?" Audj asked.      "It's something we say to each other, when we're embarking into the unknown. It's what we hope for, always." [Star Wars: Padawan]
     What would Qui-Gon Jinn do if he were here? Obi-Wan closed his eyes. Qui-Gon was maddening and puzzling, but Obi-Wan could almost hear his voice. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Youngling training is pretty broad in scope, not just one thing or another:      Meditation. Obi-Wan had to figure it out. He had never been bad at it before his trials, but then again, it had been only one small part of his training. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Though, they do have meditation classes as younglings, it’s just not all they do:      He tried to think of how Qui-Gon instructed him, or how their meditation classes as younglings had gone, back before meditation had become so fraught and aggravating. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Reach for the Force with open hands, Qui-Gon told him in his memory of their very first meditation together. Not to grasp or to grab, but to touch. To connect. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Exist in the present, Qui-Gon had said many times, trying to ground Obi-Wan when it was clear Obi-Wan couldn't settle into meditation. Move through the present as the Force moves through you, connecting you to everything. You are one small part of an infinite whole. Find peace and purpose in that.      Obi-Wan certainly couldn't meditate right now, and he doubted there was much peace to be found. He could, however, follow the advice to move through this moment like the Force, connected to everything around him. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     There were many avenues to becoming a Knight that Obi-Wan was sure involved almost no meditation whatsoever. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     He almost laughed as he remembered a game they had played often as initiates: hide-and-sense. They would scatter throughout their clan and training quarters, and one youngling would have to try to sense where they all were—blindfolded. They had thought it was merely a game, but in reality it was careful, crucial training.      Everything had been easier when he was an initiate, when using the Force was the same as playing. As easy as reaching out and expecting to find something, and finding it there simply because he expected it to be.      [....] Trying to remember what playing a game had felt like, Obi-Wan closed his eyes to quiet his mind and focus. It wasn't as easy or as fun as when he had been young, but—there, like warm spots in a chilled room. They were scattered through the ship: three clustered on the far end, one closer, a couple above him somewhere. Six total, seven with the one outside, and— [Star Wars: Padawan]
Sometimes he wondered why Qui-Gon ever took him on as a Padawan. It wasn't required of Jedi Knights. When they did choose an initiate after the Trials, they were always guided by the Force. [Star Wars: Padawan]
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     The Jedi were his only family, the Temple his only home. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Obi-Wan parallels the Lenahra younglings’ connection to family with his own in the Jedi Order, to be with others who understand you:      "We talked about it. We want another planet filled with nature, with lots of water for Shush, Trill, and Whistle. One where we can connect and grow alongside the planet, not in spite of it. Dex thinks he can figure out where the other families ended up settling; it would be nice to be among people who understand where we're coming from. Maybe even find some relatives. Hopefully better ones than Loegrib." She tried to smile, but it didn't quite work. Obi-Wan didn't blame her. It was a loss on top of a devastating betrayal.      As much as Obi-Wan would miss them, he couldn't fault them for wanting to reconnect with others who knew what they had grown up with. The idea of never being among Jedi, not having other Padawans to talk with—and complain to and about—was terribly lonely. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Even though no one here had parents, it was clear they were a family. It made Obi-Wan miss the closeness of his own youngling initiate clan. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     They would continue on as they always had, whether he returned or not. After all, Padawan deaths were rare but not unheard of.  [Star Wars: Padawan]
If a Jedi teacher is no longer available, they’re simply assigned to another Master:      "If Qui-Gon leaves, you'll simply be assigned to another Jedi Master." [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Almost every Padawan made it through to Knighthood, but there were rare exceptions. [Star Wars: Padawan]
There are a variety of roles within the Jedi Order and a Padawan’s area of study reflects that as well:      Prie's master worked extensively with animals, was known for it across the galaxy. If a planet was having issues with fauna, they requested him. Prie was a great fit as his Padawan. She had an intuitive way with creatures and an endless thirst for knowledge.      Their friend Jape had a brilliant grasp of astrophysics, which paired him perfectly with his more scholarly Jedi Master. Even Bolla, who had often struggled as an initiate, seemed thrilled with his new duties as a Padawan. He and his master spent much of their time in the Archives, researching. Bolla was never happier than when he had a holocron in his hands. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Obi-Wan, in addition to the other languages he learns, is learning binary:      Obi-Wan was still getting the gist of binary, but from what he could tell, the droid was ready to go. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     When he arrived, he skirted the edges of the extensive [Archives] rooms. He didn't want to attract the attention of Jocasta Nu or any of the other librarians. They'd all be more than eager and willing to help him, but he wanted to do this on his own. And he definitely didn't want to see Bolla.      Fortunately, there was no sign of the other Padawan, and all the librarians were occupied with a group of younglings. The younglings watched, rapt, as Jocasta Nu taught them how to navigate the labyrinthine shelves. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     He'd never been alone. The entire Temple was filled with mentors, teachers, helpers. There had been one time as a youngling when he had gotten sick. He still remembered the comfort of the Temple nurses, gently caring for him and bossing the droids around. It had felt nice to have nothing to do but get better, and to have capable, patient, caring adults there to make sure it happened. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     "Don't talk about it as if you understand! You have no idea what it's been like for us. You've been taken care of your whole life."      "You're right," Obi-Wan said. "I have. And I didn't have to find the Force. It found me.” [Star Wars: Padawan]
     The same liquid Obi-Wan was soaked in flew out of Bolla's mouth, streaming down his scaled green chin as he laughed so hard he couldn't contain it. His fingertips were still suctioned to his own bowl of steaming—and decidedly demon-squid-free—supper.      "Ow," Bolla said, trying not to spill his bowl as he wiped under his mouth. "The spices in this soup hurt my skin!"      Obi-Wan's hands clenched into fists. Pain spiked through his raw and throbbing wrist. "Hot soup also hurts when it splashes all over you while a demon squid tries to inject you with poison!" [Star Wars: Padawan]
     He used the forms to move himself through the waiting creatures. It was hard not to get distracted by success as the creatures around them shifted aside without a noise or a threat, but Obi-Wan had plenty of practice doing his forms when things were chaotic. Though usually that chaos came in the form of other Padawan learners, as opposed to lots of animals with lots of teeth.      Then again, Padawans had teeth, too. They just didn't go to them as their first line of attack and defense. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Siri nodded. She and Obi-Wan had been close growing up, and he missed that closeness now. He missed all of them, really. They had been a merry band of brats, as Yaddle had once muttered under her breath during a particularly raucous lesson. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Obi-Wan does not miss a beat when trolling younglings, he absolutely has done this on a regular basis all his life:       "Oh, it absolutely is. Your horns will rot, and rockmites will burrow in and set up a nest. Isn't that right, Obi-Wan?"      Obi-Wan blinked in surprise. "Oh, yes. It's a hopeless situation for a warrior like yourself, once rockmites settle in. All you are then is living quarters, and they're terrible tenants. Always making too much noise and keeping you up at night, never cleaning up after themselves. Not to mention the noise of them chewing, chewing, chewing away on your horns." [Star Wars: Padawan]
Obi-Wan acts like this all the time, just casually “yah holding a live bomb helps negotations”:      "The impact might set [this bomb] off and hurt some animals. When we get on the other ship, we can figure out how to disarm it, or find someone who knows. Besides, if all else fails, nothing like holding a bomb to help speed along negotiations." [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Once, his creche had snuck into the lower sections of the Temple where the more aquatically inclined Jedi and younglings spent their time in vast pools. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Even Bolla would be welcome. Obi-Wan wouldn't ask a gobbler to eat him. Maybe he'd ask one to scare him, though. Just a little. [Star Wars: Padawan]
      Mem actually laughed aloud at that, and it cut right through the tension, like a lightsaber through a block of cheese. Bolla had done that once to see if it would toast the cheese. All it had done was make a mess. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Obi-Wan answered, distracted as he watched the younglings finish eating and then begin an elaborate game of keep-away with the last piece of fruit. Was he imagining things, or did they all seem to be more coordinated than normal, leaping and twisting and flipping through the air in ways he had seen only among Temple younglings? [Star Wars: Padawan]
     He could treat this like a game, though the potential bomb in his pouch did make the stakes rather higher than they had been at the Temple, when all he faced was Siri's teasing and Prie's transparent attempts to cheat. She hated games so much.      Now that he thought about it, though, he'd had fun with Bolla, hadn't he? They had played jokes on each other all the time. Once, Obi-Wan had swapped Bolla's wash cream for Naboo glitterpaste. Bolla had shimmered for days. He almost laughed out loud, remembering it. Bolla was right—Obi-Wan had been competitive. [Star Wars: Padawan]
    His confidence that everything was going to be okay was disappearing faster than dessert in an initiate dining hall. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     "We keep our door open to my old master Dooku. Sometimes paths diverge, and he is walking a different one than the rest of us. But he is still welcome. If we cut off everyone whose choices differ from our own, we would stagnate and cease to learn, cease to grow. We must let people choose their path, and let them go as they see fit, but always leave a door open for them to return. Despite what others may call them, no one is ever truly lost. There is always hope in the Force.” [Star Wars: Padawan]
     If anything, Qui-Gon spoke of his old master with respect and admiration.      "He's here often enough," Siri said, folding her arms. "He still meets with the Council on occasion. Just because he's no longer on it—"      "No longer a Jedi," Bolla interjected.      "—doesn't mean he's not welcome here. [Star Wars: Padawan]
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     Now that Obi-Wan wasn't braced for attack, he realized he didn't sense any threat from the gobbler. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Anger surrounded that wound and that ship. Anger and fear, two things Lenahra had never had to feel before sentient life landed here.      That anger and fear pulsed up with roiling darkness from the wound. It broke Obi-Wan's heart, tracing that pain as it spread out into the land around it, poisoning the trees, corrupting the gobblers, agitating the avalanches. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     His stomach roiled, head spinning. He took a staggering step away from them and the ship. That sense of wrongness had picked up, thrumming through him, setting every nerve on edge. "Can you feel that?" he asked.      Audj ripped the cloth away from her head tendrils. "Do you sense her?" [Star Wars: Padawan]
Jedi can sense other (likely active) Force-users:       And why, with so many Force users around him, could Obi-Wan not sense them the way he could sense Master Qui-Gon or the other Padawans? And what was that terrible low humming just outside his hearing that he could feel in his teeth? [Star Wars: Padawan]
Obi-Wan is confused why they can’t sense things empathically/psychically if they’re using the Force, and it’s a running theme, showing that Force use pretty much almost always automatically comes with being psychic:      Zae-Brii settled next to Obi-Wan again, turning to look at him. "You seem conflicted," they said softly.      "Can you sense that?" Obi-Wan propped himself up on an elbow, excited. "You can feel my emotional state? So you are using the Force in more than just—" [Star Wars: Padawan]
    "The Force is more than just physically sensing things. It can help you sense moods, calm emotions, connect with—well, almost anything." Obi-Wan was struggling to explain. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Obi-Wan smashed his hands over his ears, but he could still hear the screaming. He could feel it, like needles in his entire body. "Stop!" he shouted. "Something's wrong!"      [....] Obi-Wan could barely think straight. It was a wonder he was still standing. How were any of them functioning? And how could they not feel that whatever was happening was bad?      [....] Whatever his friends had done, it had hurt...the cave? The water? The roots? The planet? Obi-Wan had no idea. But it was hurting, and Obi-Wan was hurting, too. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     He changed out of his dirty clothes, trying and failing not to mentally curse Bolla. Then he washed and wrapped his wrist. All the initiates and Padawan learners had tidy little burn kits, designed to soothe minor burns from lightsaber learning errors. He hadn't used his in so long, but he was glad to have it now. The gel instantly soothed his inflamed skin. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Apparently lightsaber practice with Padawans can get pretty chaotic:      Obi-Wan had plenty of practice doing his forms when things were chaotic. Though usually that chaos came in the form of other Padawan learners, as opposed to lots of animals with lots of teeth. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     He had lost his clan, his Padawan friends were all busy, and the most important bond he had was supposed to be with a Jedi who couldn't even bother to show up when he promised he would. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Jedi younglings have strong bonds with each other, such that Obi-Wan mentally compares them to the family on Lenahra.  He misses that connection multiple times over the course of the novel and not once says he shouldn’t, it’s always with the context that he should feel more connected to people as a Jedi:      Being a Padawan was so unexpectedly lonely. He wasn't connected to Qui-Gon, and he didn't feel connected to the Force, and all his friends were tied to other people more than they'd ever be tied to him again. Becoming a Padawan had always been his goal—the most important step toward his final destiny as a Jedi Knight—so why did it feel so much like a loss?      Maybe that was why he was dreading leaving Lenahra. He wasn't part of this crew the same way he had been part of his youngling clan, but for a while it had almost felt like he was. [Star Wars: Padawan]
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     He loved the Temple, now that he was away from it and might not ever get to go back. He loved the pools, the underground rooms, the secret passageways he and his creche mates found, only to realize later they weren't secret at all. He loved the training rooms, loved sparring, loved the exhilaration triggered by the hum of the little droids that shot him until he learned to deflect with his lightsaber. He loved the Archives, loved visiting them and seeing the galaxy spread out, contained, knowable. Right there for them to learn about, right there for them to know how to help. An answer to every question. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Obi-Wan gleefully made his way down to the Padawan dining hall. If Padawans weren't busy, they could almost always be found eating. [Star Wars: Padawan]
    Once, his creche had snuck into the lower sections of the Temple where the more aquatically inclined Jedi and younglings spent their time in vast pools. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Obi-Wan followed Qui-Gon out of the Padawan dining hall. They left the lower sections with their vast training rooms and various living areas, then wound their way up toward the gardens Qui-Gon favored. Obi-Wan liked them, as well. Or at least he used to, before they became the location of his most consistent training failures. Now even the fresh scent of a green space triggered a spike of anxiety.      In a quiet corner of the luscious and sprawling gardens, surrounded by vivid orange blossoms and the sound of unseen water, Qui-Gon sat on the floor. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     Qui-Gon sat on the simple gray cushion he kept in place of more elaborate seating. He had never added furniture for hosting guests. Obi-Wan always felt like he was somehow intruding, like there really was no place for him in Qui-Gon's life. He knew Siri's master had a table for two in her living quarters where they took most meals together, and Prie's had insisted on a Padawan room right next to his own so they could have easier access to each other when studying together. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     All around him were the small noises of other bodies sleeping. It wasn't that keeping him awake—if anything, it was comforting, a reminder of his days bunking with creche mates instead of sleeping alone in his Padawan quarters. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     "They don't post guards in the kitchen," Prie snapped. She continued, her voice kind in the most horrifying way as she tried to be supportive. [Star Wars: Padawan]
The Jedi Temple has a variety of foods and spices, there’s always something unusual to try:      Obi-Wan looked in the container. Did they really eat only this? The fruit wasn't terrible, but it was stringy and fibrous. Too much longer here and he'd even be willing to risk tentacles to get some variety. With so many different species living at the Temple, there was always something unusual to try. "Have you ever had anything to eat besides this fruit?"      "It's food," Mem said, scowling at him from behind the container. She always kept something between them.      "Yes, I know, but there are other types of food. Varieties. Textures and flavors and spices and a million ways to prepare them all." [Star Wars: Padawan]
     His confidence that everything was going to be okay was disappearing faster than dessert in an initiate dining hall. [Star Wars: Padawan]
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     Now that Obi-Wan wasn't braced for attack, he realized he didn't sense any threat from the gobbler. He deactivated his saber and hooked it onto his belt, then put one tentative hand on the gobbler's exposed belly. It kicked three legs in the air, twitching them, and made a low rumbling sound that was all satisfaction and no anger. [Star Wars: Padawan]
     "Hello, friends," he said, reaching out a hand. Several little avalanche creatures rolled up, popping out of their tight rolls and nuzzling his extended palm. A gobbler settled on the ground next to him with a sigh, closing its eyes in peaceful rest. The pitcher plants' antennae danced in the air, and even the worms seemed to sway in a rhythm that was, once again, either extremely cute or deeply unnerving. Several flying creatures, small and fragile, broke free from their hiding places among the trees and landed in the clearing, rubbing themselves on the outsides of the pitcher plants and gathering spores they would carry to the trees.      One even settled on Obi-Wan's shoulder, singing high notes in his ear. Obi-Wan whistled back. The gobbler opened one eye, giving a surly huff of air.      "Oh, sorry, were you trying to sleep?" Obi-Wan laughed, patting it on its scaled head. [Star Wars: Padawan]
Obi-Wan makes friends with a whole ass planet:      A piece of the cliff rock beneath the droid shot upward, launching the droid in the most beautiful arc Obi-Wan had ever seen, straight over his head and down into oblivion.      The Force really had been guiding him exactly where he needed to be for Lenahra to use its terrifying power. "Just a reminder," Obi-Wan said, kneeling and patting the rocks beneath him, "that I am your friend." [Star Wars: Padawan]
     "Before I helped you, everything here was ambivalent toward me. Friendly, even. Because I wasn't stealing from the planet, or harming it. It only ever tried to attack me when I was with one of you." [Star Wars: Padawan]
     He peered around the corner and caught sight of a tall black-cloaked frame and a head of elegant silver hair disappearing through a doorway. Whoever he was, that man knew a lot of the Temple's history. Maybe he was a senator. Politicians weren't common sights in the Temple but weren't unheard of. [Star Wars: Padawan]
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peskywastaken · 6 months
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Here's some art of Eridan and Azazel
Aren't they so cute? And I'll need to draw something of Eridan meeting Az's dad, it was a hilarious interaction
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mendely · 1 year
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lcasr · 1 year
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⚠️ De même qu'un #muscle qui ne #travaille pas s'atrophie, un #être #humain qui ne #prie pas est pauvre #spirituellement 🙏🙏🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgd3xiiMqd4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Or ces gens-là veulent qu'on prie Pour eux. Leur voeu n'est-il pas vain ? Ou c'est que je n'ai rien compris ?
Dante (La Divine Comédie)
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esidwaya · 2 years
Rupture collective de jeûne : la jeunesse du CDP prie pour la réconciliation
Rupture collective de jeûne : la jeunesse du CDP prie pour la réconciliation
La jeunesse du Congrès pour la démocratie et le progrès (CDP) a organisé, le mardi 26 avril 2022, au siège du parti à Ouagadougou, une rupture collective de jeûne. Le mois de Ramadan tire vers sa fin et les cérémonies de rupture collective de jeûne se multiplient. La jeunesse du Congrès pour la démocratie et le progrès (CDP) qui n’a pas aussi voulu rester en marge a organisé la sienne, le mardi…
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priellan · 4 months
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My art for the Vashwood Big Bang, created for Bohemienne's fic Thorns of Memory! This was incredibly fun to make, thanks to everyone for the opportunity!
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so I'm reading the Padawan novel and I realised:
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The Jedi who was killed by Cad Bane in season 2 of the Clone Wars was one of Obi-Wan’s childhood friends.
... adding this to the ever-expanding list of "people Obi-Wan cared about who died horribly"
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a-room-of-my-own · 4 months
Merci pour ton honnêteté intellectuelle vis-à-vis d'Israël et du conflit. Ça change agréablement. Non mais j'ai carrément lu hier "il faut boycotter les commerces tenus par des juifs et les entreprises qui embauchent des juifs". J'étais estomaquée. On se croirait revenus dans les années 40!!! Hallucinant. Ça me fait très peur tout ça. Les gens gobent hyper facilement n'importe quelle sottise antisémite. C'est à croire que toute cette haine n'attendait que ça pour s'exprimer librement : une "bonne" excuse... C'est la guerre et ils sont dans le camp des "méchants", alors allons-y, quoi!
Oui c’est exactement ça. L’antisémitisme c’est vieux comme vouloir mettre les hérétiques au bûcher, le feu couve perpétuellement.
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figurecollection · 1 year
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Azusa Nakano Prize Figure by Taito, from K-ON!
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gffa · 2 years
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thifiell · 1 month
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cto10121 · 8 months
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jules-and-company · 2 months
(tumblr fait un peu n’imp avec l’ordre des vidéos donc : partie 2)
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philoursmars · 11 months
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Je reviens ENCORE une fois à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 55800 photos (environ).  On est en 2017 et comme ce blog est né en 2017, j’arriverai donc au bout de cette présentation.
Avec Christine, on avait décidé de partir de Pau vers Vichel en Auvergne par les petites routes. Nous voici enfin aux environs de Vichel.
Le charmant village médiéval d’Usson. L’église romane Saint-Maurice avec des reliquaires, d’anciens prie-Dieu...
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