#pride music
littlegreenfag · 10 months
Alright, I’m pretty sure we can all agree that Rolling Stone’s list of “LGBTQ+ Anthems” is bullshit. (I think ranking “You Need To Calm Down” over Janet Jackson’s “Together Again” counts as a hate crime.)
But one thing I noticed was a strange lack of pre-Stonewall songs. So, if you’ll allow me, I’d like to show you three of my favorite historical gay anthems.
Das Lila Lied
This song is generally regarded as the first “gay anthem”. It was written by Mischa Spoliansky in 1920. The lyrics (English translation here) mention “lavender love” and being “cut from a different cloth”. And on top of all that, it was dedicated to Magnus Hirschfeld! While we’re on the topic of Spoliansky, here’s another delightful little ditty he wrote about a T4T couple!
Noel Coward’s “Mad About The Boy”
The “boy” in question is rumored to be Douglas Fairbanks Jr, although some theorize that it’s Tyrone Power. I suppose we’ll never know. Either way, it’s a beautifully melancholy song. The original lyrics contain explicit references to unsuccessful conversion therapy attempts. These lyrics were never performed, having been considered too risqué for 1930s polite society.
Of course, I can’t make a list of gay anthems without mentioning this classic. To be honest, the omission of this song is what shocked me the most about the Rolling Stone list! This song was written in 1939 by Yip Harburg and Harold Arlen, and it’s no surprise that our community latched onto this song. The idea of feeling alone, and longing to go to another, more accepting world is a sentiment that still resonates with millions of queer people.
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
Earlier I posted about the intersex antifascist hero Florenci Pla Meseguer, known as "La Pastora".
Here's a song about him: Pastora, by the Catalan folk-rock band Ebri Knight.
Lyrics in Catalan and translation to English:
Al poble sóc la pastora, entre camins i carrers Però enmig de la rosada i els boscos feréstecs sóc una ombra més
In the town I'm the shepherd woman, between paths and streets, But among the dew and the wild forests I'm a shadow like any other
El meu nom sempre canvia entre les veus de la gent Sóc allà on ningú em troba, sóc fort com la flama i lliure com el vent
My name always changes in people's voices I'm there where nobody can find me, I'm strong as a flame and free as the wind
Ja no hi sóc però tremolen les branques Quan em senten llençar trets al cel Ja no hi sóc però neixo cada vespre En cada mirada on brillen els estels
I'm not there anymore but the branches shiver When they hear me shoot at the sky I'm not there anymore but I'm reborn every evening In every glance where the stars shine.
Sóc un ocell sense gàbia, sóc un vaixell sense rumb Bandoler de paraules, pastora de lluites fetes entre el fum
I'm a cageless bird, I'm a courseless ship Bandit of words, shepherd of fights made among the smoke.
Sóc l'alba i la matinada, sóc tots els móns oblidats Sóc les llargues petjades que tornen a viure de l'etern combat
I'm the sunrise and the early morning, I'm all the forgotten worlds I'm the eternal combat's long footsteps that come back to life
Ja no hi sóc però tremolen les branques Quan em senten llençar trets al cel Ja no hi sóc però neixo cada vespre En cada mirada on brillen els estels
I'm not there anymore but the branches shiver When they hear me shoot at the sky I'm not there anymore but I'm reborn every evening In every glance where the stars shine.
Vindran altres guerres, vindran altres anys I els dies de sempre se'ns faran estranys Vindran primaveres, hiverns i tardors Farem noves forces de les velles pors
Other wars will come, other years will come And the old days will become strange Springs, winters and autumns will come We'll make new strengths out of the old fears.
Ja no hi sóc però tremolen les branques Quan em senten llençar trets al cel Ja no hi sóc però neixo cada vespre En cada mirada on brillen els estels
I'm not there anymore but the branches shiver When they hear me shoot at the sky I'm not there anymore but I'm reborn every evening In every glance where the stars shine.
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cyfimusic · 7 months
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CyFi - Own Good Time
06.24.2022 (boy, what an unfortunate release date THAT was)
a wholesome queer anthem for those who are still in the closet and may need a little encouragement about their future
(artwork pic is me at my hometown’s pride celebration in 2021)
This turtle (named Hue) drawn by @Smatterbrain on twitter was the initial inspiration for Own Good Time at a point in my life when I’d only recently figured out my own sexuality. I don’t know if I really saw myself in Hue, but I really wanted to hug him and everyone he represented. I never really had the experience of having to hide who I was, simply because I was effectively unaware of my bisexuality until I was 22. It just hadn’t crossed my mind that I might be anything other than straight until after I finally deconverted from catholicism. But with this song, I wanted to write something for those who HAVE had (and still have) to hide who they are out of fear of being kicked out of their home, shunned by their peers, or even worse.
My partner first tried to come out when he was 16, and he was basically shunned back into the closet. I didn’t know him until shortly before his successful egg-cracking at age 20, but I wish I could’ve gone back in time and reassured him that he was gonna make it. In addition to my partner, Chasten Buttigieg is another person I had in mind while writing this song, specifically his younger self. His and Pete Buttigieg’s presence during the 2020 presidential race was a very helpful part of my figuring out who I actually was. In 2019 during a CNN town hall, Pete Buttigieg said “there is no right or wrong way to be gay” at a time when I really needed to hear it. (I literally had my first kiss with a cis guy like 10 days later lol) In my journey of self-discovery, he helped me realize that I didn’t have to change a thing about myself. I could simply exist as a man who happens to be bisexual.
This song feels a little more necessary these days with all the anti-queer bullshit flying around, especially the shit targeted at literal kids who just want to exist.
Your own good time is good enough, don’t let the bigots win. I’m glad you’re here!
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Please give me gay music
I'm going to have a pride party and I need song recommendations
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iamthesineater · 2 years
This is my pride playlist if anyone wants to listen to some LGBTQIA music. I don't know a whole lot about most of the artist so I'm sorry if anyone in here is problematic. I just wanted something fun and queer to listen to at work.
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novainthevoid · 2 years
Never Been in Love by Will Jay is aro culture. Tho, its only for those of us who never feel romantic attraction tbh
Oh heck yeah. This is a bop. Thanks so much!
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itsdarlingbitch · 10 months
Stream The Heart And The Bone by Darling Fitch on Spotify <3
The Heart And The Bone combines cold, wind-swept instrumentation and intimately rough vocals in a bittersweet electronic ballad of resilience and survival. Dedicated to transgender people in the United States who are fighting against growing social and legal repression, The Heart And The Bone offers an embrace to anyone who has felt the loneliness and desperation of being an “outcast” and has clung to the beauty of life, against the odds.
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cantstayawaycani · 10 months
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justplainsimon · 11 months
Give me as many lgbt album recs for pride that you can think of
Gay artists, Gay albums
(Preferably no pop)
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thrill-kill-kult · 6 months
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chrissy-kaos · 3 months
Would you be down to come chill and listen to music with me?
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gabbymolly · 7 days
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Reblog if you've never had fun with a trans before, and you will love to
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the-fear · 11 months
For Aromantic Visibility Day, I want to share my respect and praise for:
aros, arospecs, aros who rarely/weakly feel romantic attraction, aros whose romantic attraction grows or fades, aros whose romantic attraction spikes or fluctuates,
aros who previously felt romantic attraction but no longer do (for no reason, for nebulous reasons, or for specific reasons such as trauma), aros who never felt romantic attraction and never will, aros who may feel romantic attraction in the future, aros who look back on their “crushes” and realised those feeling weren’t romantic at all
aros who desire a romantic relationship, aros who don’t, aros who are indifferent, aros who are completely averse or repulsed
aros who feel romantic attraction only to fictional characters, aros who only feel romantic attraction to themselves
aros in romantic relationships, aros in non romantic relationships, aros who are nonpartnering, aros who are polyamorous, aros who use relationship anarchy to define their relationships
aros who enjoy the idea of romantic relationships but would not have one themselves, aros who do not want their romantic attraction reciprocated, aros who do not feel romantic attraction until someone else feels it first
aros who enjoy reading about romantic relationships, aros who write romantic relationships, aros who wish they could find anything other than romantic relationships in media
aros who are allosexual, aros who are neutral on sexual attraction, aros who don’t factor in their sexual attraction, aros who are ace or acespec, aros who are aplatonic or aplspec, aros who are anattractional, aros who are aspec in a multitude of different ways
aros who are loveless, heartless, lovequeer, amatopunk, voidpunk and several other “punks” relating to their stances on the idea of romantic attraction and love
you are all amazing people and you are not “broken” or “wrong” for not conforming to society’s amatonormative values. You are you, unique and marvellous, and that is what matters
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jerzwriter · 10 months
History Was Just Made...
Alex Newell is the first non-binary actor to win the Tony for Best Actor!
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queersourglue · 2 years
Fruity Songs and Songs About Fruit 🍑
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justanotherteenager14 · 5 months
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You will be my girl, my girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my world, my world, my world, my world
Your will be my girl❤️
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