#pop cuture
solybowie · 2 years
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Female pop archery multiverse.
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cultureentertainment66 · 10 months
("Culture Entertainment, Art Fashion")
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swashbucklery · 1 year
i used to run cross country on the road where they filmed the bus scsene that buffy takes to leave sunnydale, before a chunk of the road fell into the ocean (pretty sure they also used it to film the end scene of DEBS) and I used to think about how Buffy was THERE. but your tags about the use of full of grace and that scene and the vibes — it’s been years since I thought about it but it all came rushing back. just. SO good.
There was something so - like, when that show was airing I was a few years younger than Buffy's canonical age, so in a lot of ways she felt like my cool older sister. I remember being like, I'm sure once I'm sixteen I'll also be mature enough to fight demons etc etc.
And now that I'm a grownup, I can look back at the show and both see its problems and see it's strengths. I can also look back at the extra layers that kid-me could not have picked up on - the way that in hindsight, sixteen is so young and one of the horrors of the show is the way that this girl, who is in many ways a kid and actually keeps saying please let me be a kid, is responsible for the entire world. The ways that translates into a metaphor (unintentional, let's not give Mr. W any credit here) for the ways in which girls are socialized and the ways that high-achieving, "strong," "smart" girls are still squeezed through the mold of misogyny and expected to be so much more than just to be enough.
Season 2 was the year I started watching the show and so it'll always be the season that Hits for me because it was the year I really started to get long-form TV and fall in love with characters in the medium. Buffy was my first fandom and the arc, at the time, of Angel turning and then Buffy having to put aside her heartbreak and fix it was. I don't know if it was actually something that hadn't been done before but in terms of what I could access on TV in my world, it was the pinnacle of the art form. I remember writing quotes from Passions in my teenage diary and being like Wow This Show Is So Deep, I Know How To Appreciate Art Now.
This was also, you have to understand/remember, pre-streaming anything. This was the year I learned how to use the record function on my family's VHS player so that I could watch the episodes without waiting for them to play in reruns. This was pre-Napster. If there was a moving song on a show you had to track down the artist, hope they had a CD out, get a ride to the mall to go to your local HMV and then buy the physical disc. This was also the era when there wasn't necessarily 100% crossover pop-cuture wise; if an American artist was Big it made it to Canadian stores but there were a lot of California indie bands that you just couldn't listen to if you didn't live in the US. Sarah McLachlan is Canadian and "Full of Grace" is the last track on Surfacing, which was an album everyone had at the time because "Building A Mystery" and "Adia" were huge on the radio that year. So it was also like - being able to sit with those feelings because I could actually access that song and listen to it again, you know?
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pl9090 · 11 months
The Book of the War: Enemy information
General Partly due to the Timelord's lack of understanding/self awareness. Not a species or faction but an all consuming process. It's, "how" and, "why" are important and matter not the, "what". Maybe has a quick and convenient two part name. Did not create the Frontier in Time. Maybe disgusted by the Celesits like everyone else. Not as close to immortality as the Celestis. Civilised, cultured, and intelligent enough to have an agenda beyond destruction. Prime target: The Caldera, (and thus the Eye of Harmony). (Their destruction will wipeout everything linear). Wins by default if the Timelord's altered the Protocols maybe erasing their own existance.
Nature: 1.Destined to oppose the Timelord's due to it. 2.Only understood by the Timelords 400.B.T.W.. 3.The idea that the ware was result of increasing Timelord paranioa makes a certain sense given it. 4.When it became clear the Nne Gallifrey Project was started. Understands the need for diversity, (cutural and military). Coincidence can be mistaken for enemy action, failing to seperate them is paranioa, separating them too widely is underestimating the enemy. Like the Timelords are willing to ignore the fallout until it creates something practical and spectacular. Not motivated by physical or temporal survial/preservation. Recieved no diplomatic overtures due to the Presidency's interference. Knew the Dronid proxy gang war would lead to full scale spiral politic wide military conflict. House Dvora best understands it's reasoning. Represented by a black box, (nothing). Has knowledge of human hisotry and pop culture. Doesn't come from an alternate universe. Tries not to break the laws of physics. (Reps specific or the leadership also being cnsiderate?). Operates on principles the Timelords aren't built to understand/could not be understood without the game logic prompted self awareness. (Applies to the reps to a lesser extent). Interactive propaganda are typical creations: a.Shifts. b.Xenoprediction, (which encourages the perception that being predictable is unpredictable and generates time conflict based philosophical doubts). c."You" diversions propaganda, (which exploits these doubts). Has a remarkable ability to counter all of the Timelord's moves. Was drawn into conceptual warfare by the Timelords. Virulently hated the Timelords during the early War. Has not filled in their, "back time events" of the Battle of the Anvil Stars. Could have a far more devestating impact on history then the Yssgaroth. Turned the War King, (ie: The Master or the War Cheif) a genuine concerned patriot. Circa 1650, (soon after the Tokugawa isolation) the enemy and or it's reps observed The Guantlet from Ainu territory. Maybe less creative then Posthumanity. Assisted by some timetravelling posthumans out of belief and to enable timetravel technology theft. Studied Timelord weaknesses long before the War started. May know that black suns/spheres are a recurring Timelord enemy visual motif. Could impliment the 8th Doctor;s imagined attack from the Riveria Manuscript. Might see the Doctor as just another Timelord. Has almost polymorphous varied life abilities. (Seems to refer to the leadership but could also refer to the rep variety). Somehow linked to the Order/Cult of the White Peacock. May have some association with the colour brown. Hadn't fully manifested itself until after the Battle of Dronid. Erased certain high leveal weapons technologies from Gallifrey's noosphere. Destined to fight the Timelord's because of it's nature.
Leadership Deploys some Anarchitects and creates some Shifts directly. Retro earases crucial method information when necessary. Capable of: a.Temporaly transporting a severed head even with piryon and anti piyron traces) b.Keeping a severed head alive with a honey like substance throughout the entire life of the universe. Described as, "an afront to every scientific dictum in our repitoire". Can infiltrate a Celestis meme mine. (Maybe given the access by allied Celestis?). Appears as an absence in recordings. Like the Timelords can: rewrite the timeline, subtly rearrange the historical metastructure, and send agents when necessary. Can covertly steal a freshly detached limb from Gallifrey before it hits the ground and offer it back to it's original owner before it was removed. Maybe connected to the Timelord's long buiried fear of another enemy emerging. May share charcateristics with the Mal'akh, (ie: Somehow connected to their opposition's collective subconsious, variable forms, and mysterious leadership). Could be to the Timelords what the Mal'akh is to the Grand Families? The High Council and War Council keeps it's identity secret to keep the Timelords scared and motivated. It has a dounder/leader but focusing on them is pointless. Might observe or join in Timelord interrogations via a direct proxy. Didn't start the War to entertain itself. Can kill or absorb people via contact in a bright light. One unrecordable visual form appalled both a Timelord agent and a 1990's Hollywood executive. May want to revive something or someone dead/may consider themselves dead? May have erased the Through the Eye of Eternity episode, "Miss Hiroshima". It's motivation may involve a stolen future. "it's also possible that the War was the result of the increasing paranoia, (this makes a certain sense given the nature of the enemy)", War Predictions, The Book of the War.
Reps Early rep troopers were just as ill equipped, confused, and macroscopic collective colonies of: nanonachines, battle germs, and time measles as their Timelord counterparts. Couldn't defeat Babels unless they were renderedm vunerable from within and even then required numerous suicidal waves. Has always fought against such mass produced forces. Dronid criminal gang was caled, "The Incorporate". Has a fleet stuck in a perpetual fugue attempt to breach Utterlost's realtime. Faught a more conventional space battle at Kaiwar, "The Roar". Regular and perhaps more direct reps used in Praxis interrogations. May need interiabar chart as much as Timelord agents. Are: bled, analysed, have biomass removed but rarely slaughtered by the Faction. Those trapped in the Labyrinth happily formed temporary truces with Timelord agents as their fear of it trumped their hatred.
Technology Allied Celestis supplied specially designed military concepts including anarchitects, (from which they discover Shift creation). Zero Time: articial time form intended for Gravity Spider weapons avoidance, (Timelord trick to make Gravity spiders move effective). Many timetravel methods share an inherent weakness exploitable by Gravity Spiders. Detroyed all but 73 Casts in their failed Gallifrey attack. Timeship eater weapons. It took several suicide attack waves to destroy internally disabeled Babels. May use charged casual nexus chunks in the form of black fifreballs as weapons. May use noosphere weapons to corrupt beings into mindles crazed killers. Theorised to be able to use upper choatic limiter settings and engineer .V.U.E.'s. (.V.U.E. information: crash, corrupt, vanish, and self falsify). Honey like life preserver/extender. Time technology may sound similar to Timelord demat. Temporal observation technology that detects any incursion at tacticaly important sites regardless of size. Nanomachines and germ warfare used during the early war. Can reduce a Type 103 .T.T. capsule to a transparent globe 2/3 full of green sand. Can create an use other, "flavours" of time. Ability to hide something in Gallifrey's sun. Have an eye of Harmony to protect from attacks of ignorance and power timeships.
Non reps and their technology Breif alliance with former Posthuman War Godess Immaculata Formosii within the first 50 years. Entrusted the President's head to the Order of the Dragon for safe keeping untile the end of time when they'd collect it. Like the Timelords: a.Used the pre anchoring Eremite/House of the Rising Sun Labyrinth for storage and communication but quickly realised how worthless it was and routinely destroys enterances. b.Hired alot of exotic mercenaries during the Lethean Campaign including the Knight Errant who everyone, (likely just the reps on the enmy side) may have been grateful was destroyed. c.Agreed to the Voodoo Charter. d.Is content to ignore small timetravel abuses. Might be allied with The City of the Saved's, "The Sons of Tepes" but this is most likely their wishful thinking.
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traitorsinsalem · 2 years
the sheet amount of sinophobia that white gay ppl in the usa/canada + western europe are willing to spout out in response to homophobia and enforced masculinity is insaaaaane. as if the us and germany and shit don't hold similar misogynistic and homophobic values.
boy scouts? roosevelt's practice of muscular christianity? androgynous male pop stars being censored on tv doesn't cancel out the lgbt citizens of china, especially the thriving gay scene in beijing. old rome and old china have just as much history of homosexuality in real life, visual art, and literature.
government-based and internalized homophobia aren't exclusive to china by any means. what could possibly be going on in your heads to think that canada or england is a gay haven? italy just shut down a bill criminalizing homophobic violence a few months ago, while in 2017 a trans man in china won a gender bias lawsuit against his employer and a woman did the same in 2019, with the courts stating their support for the transgender population in china.
NO nation is perfect right now on this! there's an incredibly complicated nuance to any oppressed group's rights that goes back and forth as governments and people shift in laws and legislation, but also in values. and i will say right now that homophobia is not and never has been an "asian value" on its own. zero reason exists for a white westerner to direct anger and disappointment in cutural and government-backed homophobia to china rather than their own country.
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koreposion · 1 year
Dot Polka! Fashion Icon! Adoring friend, foodie, pop-cuture vulture, and great at kisses
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Reading/Preparation for the week of Oct. 31 - 
Please read the following (reading for M and W), and respond below. Total of 2 responses this week. One below and one for Danielle’s Phase II. 
1. re: The Lupton reading -  Medicine as Culture: Illness, Disease and the Body “Doctors as characters in television dramas have tended to dominate over other professional occupations, and to be shown as more successful, peaceable and fair-minded than most other characters (Gerbner et al., 1981).” Do you think that the representation of illness in television dramas is heading toward a shift in understanding (of the patient, the role of caregivers, ableism, etc)? (link to .pdf in CANVAS)
2. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/cancer-pop-culture-intentionally-brief-possibly-biased-zachary/ - “I do not doubt that Cancer is officially pop culture today.”
How does the discussion of ‘trending’ within and outside of pop cuture relate to topics such as cancer? 
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proudpokemonmama · 8 months
Isabel Goncalves
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[General data]
Isabel Goncalves
Heroine of Ecruteak
Dragon Mother
Eight of august
57 years old
Gender and pronouns:
Female; she, her
Isabel is an elderly woman in her late sixties, pale skin marked with slight wrinkles indicating her age in addition to noticeable gray hair arranged elegantly in a low bun and what stands out most are her heterochromatic eyes, the left one being black. like onyx and the right a blue. She has a fairly average height of 5'4'' (163 cm) and even for her age she still has a slim build.
Usually her dress style adheres to a casual style that still conveys a lot of elegance being mainly blouses, long skirts, jeans or dress pants, shoes and some jewelry pieces such as those made with pearl and light makeup especially her favorite element which is pink lipstick.
Isabel is very calm, kind, laid back and charismatic in addition to being very motherly, always being a friendly shoulder for those in need, especially the younger ones (as an example between Hop's age and most gym leaders who are close to the age of Kelly). She also has a sixth sense and is very instinctive because of her motherly side, knowing when someone is feeling overwhelmed and trying to hide it by pretending everything is fine (having a daughter who is a pop idol helped her experience this).
She is also very modest and polite, especially with more experienced people or someone older than her or culture from other regions and other people's opinion as it is influenced by the Johntonian customs that founded her education, especially in moral questions that were passed on to her niece who raised as her own daughter.
Also influenced by her Johtonian upbringing, Isabel is very zealous about her relationships, be they friendships, family relationships or romantic; a trait she inherited from her parents and that Isabel taught to her daughter. She can also be quite resolute despite her laid back way of relating to people most of the time because when someone is being reckless (especially Kelly when younger) towards her loved ones or the local culture, entire cities or regions (she's a cutural and folklore nerd, well like mother, like daughter).
While many see her as a caring mother, that doesn't mean she doesn't know yhe need of the discipline and Kelly is testament to this by having her fair share of scolding her mother gave her throughout her life when she got into trouble or recklessly exposed herself to dangerous situations unnecessary.
One aspect that Kelly inherited from her mother is being quite spiteful and Isabel is much more spiteful than her daughter can be when her trust is betrayed, being much worse when someone she loves is hurt which turns her into something that a furious beast that some of Kelly's friends testify that it's not a pretty sight to behold (Emmet is the major witness as he saw Isabel nearly beat up a man when she heard of the incident in the subway car when a scoundrel tried to grop Kelly who was returning from a part time job).
[Personal information]
Nationality and citizenship:
Ecruteak City, Johto Region (formerly, birthplace )
Nimbasa City , Unova Region (formerly)
Motostoke, Galar Region (current)
Isabel was born and raised in the city of Ecruteak in Johto, her mother was born in Ecruteak having been the city's gym leader for years and was part of the world-renowned Inagawa clan for being the holder of one of the largest business networks in various pokémon industries. From Pokemon battle district management to traditional SPAs and teahouses heavily based on Ecruteak teahouses.
Her father was originally from Kanto and had moved to Ecruteak as a teenager and took an interest in traditional apricorn Poké Ball crafting, eventually being accepted as an apprentice to an artisan in the city and taking up the position as an artisan asfter his master retirement.
Eventually the two met living a love story and the fruit of the union were blessed with Isabel and her younger brother, eventually Isabel ended up going on a pokémon journey at the age of ten with Dante the Honchkrow who at the time was a murkrow that she rescued her from a group of bullies when she was five.
During her journey she had her fair share of adventures, challenges, and unspeakable encounters with people and pokémon as she traveled through the regions of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova. She decided to interrupt her journey in the Unova region in order to return to her studies to become a Pokemon therapist after seeing how some Pokemon who suffered from the cruelty of humanity's minority needed someone she could help.
Returning to Ecruteak she studied hard and her efforts were rewarded when she received a letter from a prestigious university in Unova offering a scholarship and even though it was a big change in her life she took all the risks. Arceus seemed to bless her soul, she gained numerous merits and recognition both academic and professional allowing her to live permanently in Unova.
But due to family issues, custody of Kelly was transferred to her who was furious that her brother had done something so horrendous to her niece that she might not have survived due to so much neglect. Isabel who had been willing to accept custody of Kelly, raised her as her own daughter even with the challenges of being a single mother she was able to raise her to be someone different than the girl's parents were.
Life had been amazing, while Kelly was away on her journey and on a normal day at work one of the pokémon that were patients at the clinic where Isabel worked went crazy and became violent. Several damages were done, including Isabel being badly injured and due to the poison of that pokémon's blow reaching her spinal cord and having relatively damaged the nervous system, it caused sequels that affected her motor coordination.
Eventually Isabel received therapy, but unfortunately the sequels made it impossible for her to continue working as a therapist and she had to retire. But there was another concern that Isabel was having difficulty taking care of her own pokémon and by law passed in several regions besides Unova, in case the trainer has limitations that lead to harmful stress to their own health and at the same time the neglect of the care of their pokémon they must be taken into custody by the authorities and sent to shelters.
Fortunately Kelly was old enough by law in Unova parameters to step up and take responsibility for the custody of her mother's pokémon and with that none of them were taken from Isabel's possession.
Eventually Kelly managed to make her career as a pop idol and singer prosper after signing an important contract with the biggest record label in Galar and one of the biggest in the world and this led to her moving with her daughter to Motostoke in Galar.
Maternal uncle
Maternal aunt
Maternal grandparents
Paternal grandparents
Younger brother
Kelly Goncalves (niece, adoptive daughter)
Alika Kanahele (cousin)
Aillina Kanahele (cousin)
Shiori Imagawa (cousin)
Other relationships:
Melony (best friend)
Opal (best friend)
[Affiliations and occupations]
Pokemon trainer
Pokemon Therapist (formerly, current retired)
Isabel is the one who stimulated Kelly's taste in music, since the pop idol's mother is very fond of jazz and classical music;
She used to be known as the heroine of Ecruteak because she was a karate expert since childhood and no bully dared to cause trouble;
In addition to being known as the heroine of Ecruteak, Isabel is also known as the dragon mother by family and close friends for being like a magnet for dragon-type pokémon;
Another fact of receiving this someone is that with her maternal aura it made even dragon-type individuals with more stubborn or short-tempered personalities become calmer and less stubborn;
Another thing that justifies it is that even Dragon-type Pokémon that are naturally affectionate simply break out of their Poké Balls to gain Isabel's affection when they feel her calm and loving presence;
(Raihan almost had a heart attack when he saw Goodra just breaking out of her pokéball and walking straight up to Isabel who was coming back from a medical appointment and hugging her out of nowhere and he spent almost half an hour apologizing but Isabel didn't mind at all being covered in the dragon-type's goo);
Even with the sequels Isabel still manages to do most daily activities that are not extremely physically exhausting;
What the consequences of the accident most affected was her mobility, so she has difficulties walking as she did before the accident, needing the help of a cane;
Isabel's favorite hobby is gardening and she loves growing bonsai trees.
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chasenews · 2 years
Unique Robert Smith-owned Guitar Customised by Gorillaz' Jamie Hewlett & Damon Albarn Stars in Bonhams Pop X Cuture Sale
Unique Robert Smith-owned Guitar Customised by Gorillaz’ Jamie Hewlett & Damon Albarn Stars in Bonhams Pop X Cuture Sale
• The one-of-a-kind guitar, owned by Robert Smith, was used by The Cure frontman whilst performing on stage with Gorillaz in 2021• The guitar is signed by Robert Smith, and specially customized by Gorillaz co-founders Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn• All proceeds will go to the charity EarthPercent, founded by Brian Eno London – Bonhams is to offer a unique customised guitar owned by Robert Smith…
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nyvongifted · 2 years
Suup my name is Nyvon( nayvon) and this is my first time to be on black twinks I followed yall hands on , cute, pretty boiz, younger mack daddy nigga boyz I also post da section to so when I text y'all bozo to chat just#tag me at (1 Nyvongifted// tumblr2) my simular #me @my other profile // tumblr// untitled// and want to also yall guys to be My type of. // black twink men //
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awomanfirstpoems · 2 years
Fasting: can serve food or not in public?
Fasting: can serve food or not in public?
Fasting: can serve food or not in public? Fasting month- can eat or not in public? It is fasting month now. Some local eatery owners were distressed having to police Muslim patrons in Ramadan. In a multi-cutural society here, some dark Chinese look more like Malays or Indians, Eurasians, and vice versa! Who dares to pop that rude ‘question’! I had experienced a patient asking a question to…
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About Me: 
ENFP | Taurus ☀️ | Scorpio🌙 | Aquarius ⬆️ Fashion | Beauty | Pop Culture | Girl Power Vintage Nostalgia | 90s | 2000s 💖✌
Instagram.com/TheSecretDiaryofa90sGirl 💖
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ohyeahpop · 5 years
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Pre-fame Madonna circa 1977
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nicknackmovies · 3 years
As this year comes to a close, so does this magical X-Men franchise as we know it, can't wait to see what Marvel does with this property, but let us all remember all the good the X-Men movies did for the super hero genre
Full Episode
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toruandmidori · 4 years
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Yule Love It! 
Scrooged inspired Christmas designs available on t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, stickers totes and more! Now available to buy in store. Links below. 
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redbullwin · 3 years
bestiesss if you are her for the wanted and dont wanna see my f1shitpost follow my side blog right nowwww!!! go go follow @jaybeers
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