#political views
vizrecon · 27 days
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reality-detective · 10 months
I'll leave this 👆 here... Think About It 🤔
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sy5t3merr0r · 2 months
it's crazy to me how people normalize telling others to kill themselves but don't normalize respecting others opinions
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atheists are NOT smarter than people who believe in god and religion. but people who make religion their entire personality and history and use it to justify every bad thing they do or someone else does, IS dumber than the rest of the world
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urbanthreads · 10 months
Fashioning Consciousness: How Hip-Hop Influences Political Thought
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Welcome to our blog, where we explore the intersection of fashion, culture, and social consciousness. In this post, we delve into the captivating relationship between hip-hop and political thought. Hip-hop, as a powerful form of artistic expression, has long served as a platform for artists to voice their political views, shed light on social issues, and challenge the status quo. Join us as we embark on a journey to understand how hip-hop influences political thoughts, shaping conversations, and inspiring change through its influential presence in the fashion world.
A Catalyst for Social Commentary:
Hip-hop has consistently pushed boundaries and sparked conversations about political and social issues. From its early origins in marginalized communities, hip-hop artists have used their platform to shed light on racial inequality, police brutality, economic disparities, and other pressing concerns. Through their lyrics, fashion choices, and overall style, they challenge the status quo and offer a unique perspective on the world.
Artistic Expression as Political Resistance:
Hip-hop culture embodies a spirit of resistance against systemic oppression. Artists often use their music, fashion, and visual imagery to critique existing power structures and advocate for change. Fashion within the hip-hop community becomes a tool for self-expression, allowing individuals to challenge stereotypes, assert their identity, and make powerful political statements.
Hip-Hop Fashion: A Visual Language of Protest:
Hip-hop fashion is not just about style; it is a visual language that communicates political and social messages. From bold graphic tees to statement accessories, hip-hop clothing often incorporates symbols, slogans, and imagery that reflect resistance and activism. Artists and individuals within the hip-hop community use fashion as a means to visually express their political beliefs and ignite conversations.
Influence on Voter Engagement:
Hip-hop's influence extends beyond fashion and music; it has a profound impact on voter engagement and political activism. Artists have used their platforms to encourage voter registration, promote civic participation, and advocate for social justice causes. Hip-hop's connection to political thought has motivated young people, who are often the primary consumers of hip-hop culture, to become more politically aware and active.
The Power of Narratives and Storytelling:
Hip-hop has a unique ability to convey personal narratives and amplify marginalized voices. Artists use storytelling to share their experiences and shed light on the socio-political issues affecting their communities. By humanizing these stories, hip-hop challenges stereotypes and fosters empathy, creating a deeper understanding of the political struggles faced by marginalized populations.
Building Community and Social Movements:
Hip-hop has played a pivotal role in community building and the formation of social movements. Through collaborations, events, and grassroots initiatives, artists and fashion brands within the hip-hop sphere have united communities, amplified voices, and initiated positive change. Hip-hop fashion becomes a symbol of unity, solidarity, and collective action.
Hip-hop's influence on political thought is undeniable. Through fashion, music, and cultural expression, hip-hop artists have become powerful advocates for social and political change. By embracing their platform, they challenge systemic inequalities, amplify marginalized voices, and inspire individuals to question and engage with political issues. Hip-hop fashion serves as a visual medium for political resistance and self-expression, allowing individuals to make bold statements and contribute to the broader conversation surrounding social justice. So, as you explore hip-hop clothing and embrace its unique style, remember the deep-rooted political legacy that accompanies it, and let your fashion choices become a symbol of conscious awareness and a catalyst for positive transformation.
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pogonophobe · 1 year
What are my political views?
I'm kind of apolitical. I never saw a point in affiliating to any particular branch of politics. But the world we live in is chock full of hatred and divisions. If you refuse to take any sides, you run the risk of being proverbially decimated by whoever is pointing the sword in your direction. I mean I don't really like Neo-Nazis or extreme right-wingers, but I don't really like capitalism-hating Commies or left-wing beardo hipsters either. I find someone like Donald Trump as disagreeable as a Commie like Hugo Chavez. Over the years, I have agreed with CENTER-LEFT politics. With a TWIST. I'm a patriotic person and expect everyone to be loyal to their countries. Anyone who betrays their country is someone I wouldn't trust. That means unlike other Center-leftists, I'm definitely not anti-war. Sometimes wars are needed to create lasting peace and order. Imagine how Europe would be today if the Third Reich in Germany wasn't put to an end.
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confessinbouthanson · 2 years
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“ Everyone loves to reflect on Hanson's political beliefs but I don't think they are all what they seem. I believe they are all registered Republicans and Zac and Isaac are probably pretty conservative but I don't think Taylor and his family are. When I saw them in concert in 2017, Taylor ABSOLUTELY yelled out "FUCK DONALD TRUMP" during a song. And then when Joe Biden won last year, Natalie shared a picture of the inauguration with very positive stickers (I think it was God Bless America with stars).They may be Republicans, but I think they lean Democrat. “
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wanderingmind867 · 1 year
I recently learned that there's a difference between social chance and cultural change, and that fact has made it much easier to blend my personal beliefs with my Political Beliefs.
A chart I found said that social change is about acceptance/tolerance of new things (or simply change to society's values and beliefs). Whereas the chart says that cultural change is about changes to how people live their lives.
I liked this chart, because it allows me to explain my beliefs in a way even I can understand: I'm socially progressive, but culturally conservative (using the definitions I gave above).
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kaushaldoda · 2 years
The Political Attitudes of Indian Youth!
India is a democracy, as we are all aware. India has the most youth in the world today. A youth group is a class made up of students between the ages of 14 and 40. The largest population in this age group is now found in India. This group of people is the strongest both physically and psychologically, those who exert every effort to advance their families as well as the nation. The youth is India’s strength.
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The youth are crucial in shaping the nation. Any nation’s youth can help it become beautiful in the future. The youth of today are receiving enough job prospects, but tragically, despite their extensive education, they are daily neglecting their obligations to the nation and their families.
The majority of the literature demonstrates trends of youth being lured into politics along caste, ethnic, and/or religious lines. As a result of politics, caste, ethnicity, and religion have not only become more significant as indicators of identity among young people but they have also been reconfigured. Young people negotiate and revaluate the implications of their caste, religious, and ethnic identities during the process of political mobilization.
Early political exposure boosts political interest
Studies demonstrate that respondents’ political interest rises when they are informed about and exposed to politics. In comparison to young people who reported not having taken part in any democratic processes at the school or college level, the trend indicates that young people who have participated in democratic processes, such as elections in school or college, are more knowledgeable about India’s political processes and are probably more interested in politics.
A similar pattern was observed when young people reported knowing someone who had been involved in politics.
In comparison to 39% of respondents who did not engage in school or college elections but claimed political interest, 50% of respondents who took part in political campaigns or elections in those settings expressed a positive interest in politics.
Our country needs them to tackle the majority of our problems. Youth in India have the ability to overcome the many problems the country is currently facing. All they require is a chance to prove themselves. Youth have the ability to bring people from different ethnic groups together.
We should remember that we are all one and not let our minor differences keep us apart. Additionally, there is a lot of criminality going on. Husbands that are violent against their wives are killing them. Businesses and homes are being broken into. There must be an end to all of this crime and violence. Again, youth has the power to influence change in the nation.
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somerandomg33k · 18 days
Well, that happened.
I just unfollowed a "friend" recently. This friend was emotional because a big streamer they looked up to, who they raided a while ago got reported for hate speech as she was reading bible scripture. My 'friend' said, "I hate that people are harassed and dog piled just for having a difference of opinion. So what the big streamer I looked up to has some 'conservative' political views."
Now, my ears perk up at the use of 'conservative' political views. Because my friend tolerates a lot of things. I don't know if they know what a bigot is. Or if bigotry is just "a difference of opinion." They have a friend that is a total bigot. But my 'friend' wants to "agree to disagree." They the Darth Vadar problem of "I see the good in him."
So I want to know who 'my friend' raided and what was this streamer's 'conservative' views. She was doing bible readings when she was flagged for "hate speech." So I found the streamer, when I went to her social media, Twitter, and only like 5 or 6 tweets of scrolling down, she tweeted, "What am I known for? Saying f*ggot" …… And that is not just a one-time thing. She is proud of using the word. She is proud of being a bigot. She seems to be pro Gamer Gate 2. And this is one of the streamers my "friend" looks up to. I don't think my 'friend' is a bigot. But clearly, has no problem what so ever with bigotry. "It is just a difference of opinion." "Can we just focus on the things we share in common and not the things we disagree with."
I was thinking of ghosting my 'friend' for some time now. They wanted to stream Hogwart's Legacy on Twitch to "stand up to the bullies." But also because they actually wanted to play the game. They are a fan of Dave Chappelle and was emotional over folks "trying to cancel him." They felt that Gina Carano was unfairly fired. Or "She got cancelled and that is wrong." I didn't trust my 'friend's' judgement.
And I should have left a long time ago. This was kind of the final straw. I was going to unfollow this 'friend' if they did stream Hogwart's Legacy. But this is good enough. My 'friend' also complained about 'wokeness' in the MCU. Has at least one friend that is a bigot. And someone in their server said to me, "There are only 2 genders," when everyone in the server knows I am Non-binary. And that person wasn't kicked from the Discord server because of that.
I stayed longer than I should because of some kind of networking possibilities on Twitch.
I was also hoping to make a difference in that community with my radical politics and being the raging Anarcho-Syndicalist that I am. But I quickly figured out that maybe like only two people could be swayed. And I can interact with them in other communities. So even if I was doing my political agitation, it was going to be a lot of work for very little gain.
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sofiaflorina2021 · 1 month
Do I Care About Politics?
You care or don't care about politics, it still influences your life. Back to each individual, but my advice is that you need to learn about politics, you need to have political knowledge so that you won't be fooled later especially by those politicians.
I care about politics but I don't really show it. Although mainly because I avoid conflict, especially with my friends, I also don't want to be 'wrongly' affiliated with a particular ideology or political movement.
With this there will be people who will call me a coward and I have no problem with that. If on an international scale, it is better to buy time for some conflicts than to start a third world war.
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tatumthetruth · 2 months
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Quite a few people think that freedom of speech gives them the right to saw whatever they want to whoever they want. People who think this are often if not always guilty of bullying, harassment, verbal abuse, verbal assault, and making threats. Freedom of speech is strictly political, it doesn't mean you're allowed to say "I hope you die, you're a burden to my life" to some random citizen. To access links below, copy the text then paste in the search bar of a new tab.
Main source; https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/what-does
Additional sources; https://www.csusm.edu/freespeech/definitions/free-speech.html#:~:text=Freedom%20of%20speech%20is%20the,%2C%20performs%2C%20protests%20and%20more.
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miku-0139 · 2 months
Random rant and political view
I don't know why but I watch political news like sports fans do football. It's just that were I live (Bulgaria) there's a lot of stuff happening lately, there's an increase in propaganda and murder,and a decrease in faith of politics and the government. Even one time,I was watching the political news with my mom and we saw,live,that one politician jumped on the other and they started fighting,if you know how rabbits fight then that's how they fought. And I'm not lying. And Boyko Borisov,is also actually one of the biggest mobsters in Bulgaria, which my mom just told me out of nowhere.
{If you have a request for me, don't be scared to ask. I won't discriminate!😁}
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lilyminer · 2 months
I got a love-hate relationship with the normalized political beliefs here on tumblr cuz . . . I greatly underestimated how well mentioning my strong opinions on the police system would go down with my irl friends.
Like, we talk about police in a negative light on here so casually I forgot most ppl in my suburban little town are not ready to scream ACAB from the rooftops. Like yeah, I’m sure your uncle Billy Joe is great I’m more commenting on the police industrial complex I thought this was required reading my dude.
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lett-them-eatt-cake · 3 months
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How have your political views changed over time? No , because I don’t think I have any political views ,which may be wrong but I am not identified my views. Take Care! Smile Always! Stay Happy and Healthy! Pray!
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