deepdarkspaceblog · 2 years
'Podkayne of Mars' - Ultimately a Bit Unsatisfying.
‘Podkayne of Mars’ – Ultimately a Bit Unsatisfying.
Podkayne of Mars (1963) by Robert A. Heinlein was published near the beginning of great social upheaval in the United States. Protests for the rights of African-Americans, women, and minorities was changing the way people thought and acted not only in the United States but around the world. Heinlein seems to have taken some of this on when writing Podkayne of Mars. The story opens with the…
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70sscifiart · 2 years
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Peter Elson
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leomacgivena · 10 months
Podkayne PodkayneさんはTwitterを使っています
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l-e-morgan-author · 4 months
Just read Podkayne of Mars, Robert Heinlein. It's a reread, and I rate it three stars; Heinlein's usual excellence, but the pacing felt off and the ending was executed worse than I'm used to getting from him, though some of his endings can land a bit weirdly. It felt just as inexplicable as the first time I read it. Follow my Goodreads to see what else I'm up to! I plan to reread Narnia next, in company with @anchored-trident and a few others. I need to squeeze in Goodnight Mister Tom (Michelle Magorian) somewhere in the next week or so as well. I've never read it before, but a friend strongly recommended it, and lent it to me, a while back, and I still haven't read it. I like the typesetting, though. Pleasing to read. (In common with a lot of pulp scifi, too. Most of the ways people print ERB, for instance, are pleasant to read.) (I may be a slight formatting nerd.)
Poddy was not on my list of books to read this year. xD Nor is the other Heinlein I plan to reread soon, The Puppet Masters.
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reportsofawartime · 9 months
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Podkayne Podkayne
これらを合計すると、近年のような低インフレ、超低金利の世界に戻ることができないのは明らかだ。J.P.モルガン・アセット・マネジメント(ロンドン)のグローバル・マーケット・ストラテジスト、ギンバー氏は、「我々はこれまで豊富な資源が支配していた世界から、資源不足が支配する世界へと移行しつつある。今後5年から10年の間に、経済世界は大きく様変わりする可能性がある。過去の実績を将来の指針として使用することは、われわれが常に警告していることだが、今は特にそうだ」と言う。 インフレの復活は、投資家を過去30年間の世界とは異なる世界に置くことになる。これは課題と機会を生み出し、より積極的に運用されるポートフォリオの必要性を示唆している。 従来、インフレヘッジには金と不動産やコモディティなどの現物資産が最適とされてきた。少なくとも金には、数千年にわたる価値の保存としての実績がある。しかし、イエローメタルは収益を生まず、その価格も不安定だ。現物資産は魅力的に見えるかもしれないが、歴史が示すように、インフレ期にはリターンが悪くなることもある、とキング氏は指摘する。
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
     Modern Classics Summarized: Stranger In A Strange Land    
Once during a long move that involved driving up and down the I-5 corridor in the late ‘90′s, my partner at the time wanted me to pick a sampling of 20th century Classic Science Fiction, so he could better understand the history of the field.  (He liked science Fiction and fantasy, but he grew up with the mass market paperbacks of the ‘70′s and ‘80′s, whereas I was exposed to a much broader range through my father.)
We did okay with folks like Bradbury and Silverberg  (They have their issues, but still are readable), but he insisted we tackle Asimov.  I tried to talk him out of it.  I didn’t know about the rapes yet at this point, but his short fiction, non-fiction, and essays were way better than his long form fiction where stiff writing and a refusal to even attempt to characterize women as whole people really make it tough going, but Skye thought he should at least read Foundation because it got referenced a lot.  It... did not go over well.
He asked for Heinlein next.
Me: Are you sure?  I mean really, really sure?
He was sure.  I picked this one on the grounds that there were things in there still referenced in the culture at the time, and really, they are pretty much all offensive in the same ways to one degree or another.  (I remember as a tween wanting to hit the author after I read Podkayne of Mars ).
At least I had an amusing time watching Skye’s face as he took in how utterly fucked up and gross the whole thing was. 
As bad as the summary makes it sound, the book is so much worse.  For years after all one of us would have to say was “Erect Nipples,” in response to something sexist and poorly written, and the other would either crack up or nod knowingly depending on context.
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earhartsease · 2 years
I'm having very weird Feelings about a Robert Heinlein novel I read as a kid - it's called Podkayne of Mars, and it's (as far as I can remember) the only juvenilia book he wrote with a female protagonist
and I just found out that his publisher made him change the ending, because in his original version, Podkayne dies at the end - and this trans egg is very shaken by that
it's a pretty cringe story in lots of ways, he had some very awful attitudes towards women (and queer people, and poc) but it meant something to egg me and it hurt a lot to find out he couldn't even let his one girl protag live
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The Iternerary
What follows is the tentative library for the next book reviews.
Disc: not all of these books may be explicitly pulp fiction. I, for one, do not care.
Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
Podkayne of Mars - Robert Heinlein
Lady Chatterley's Lover - D. H. Lawrence
Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert Heinlein
HOPSCOTCH - Brian Garfield
Stardance - Spider and Jeanne Robinson
Texas on the Rocks - Daniel de la Cruz
The Dancer from Atlantis - Poul Anderson
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey
The Wonder War - Lawrence M. Janifer
I sing the body electric - Ray Bradbury
The Great Train Robbery - Michael Crichton
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vtgscifi · 1 year
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source bluemelodybooks Robert A. Heinlein PODKAYNE OF MARS BOok 1978 Vtg Robert A Heinlein Book SCI FI
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lesbianraggedyanne · 2 years
UHM hey i also love 50s scifi what ones do you like and if you’re interested could i maybe dmmm you to talk abt it b’c i have no one to talk abt this with
oh!! I really like issac asimov, ray bradbury, robert heinlein, kurt vonnegut, and similar authors. some of my favorite books are stuff like Needle by Hal Clement and Podkayne of Mars by Robert Heinlein.
btw by 50s scifi I more mean 20th century sci fi... my main focus was on the midcentury books when I was younger, but I like stuff all the way back to the 40s and up to the 90s hehe. I also like some modern sci fi, but there's smth abt the specific assumptions of people who made predictions about our current time and decided to write them down in a story... reading astro boy scratches that same itch, though in a very different way than american authors. funny enough, there's some modern YA sci fi that like... tries to fit the vibe? but doesn't. it's too "clean", almost
oh, I also adore like, the sci fi film of the era, I'm currently obsessed with the original Twilight Zone, grew up on it. technically it's more general speculative fiction, but it's definitely got strong sci fi elements in certain stories! star trek is also an obsession of mine, though it's obviously been ongoing and reflected a lot more timeframes than just the original series
oh oh oh if anyone wants recs... "They're Made of Meat" by Terry Bisson is a great short story, 90s based but has the Vibe. I also recommend Needle, as mentioned above. Also Timothy Zahn has worked on a lot of Star Wars movies but I like his original work, the Dragon and Thief series. Oh, and Tomorrow's Children, an anthology edited by Issac Asimov, has some of my favorites too.
(disclaimer: this is not a general definition of specifically "50s sci fi", it's just what I got ahold of as a kid and ended up defining as such bc of the Vibes being similar to what I was told was 50s sci fi. it's a very broad and inaccurate definition, oops)
but yea u can DM me!! but i am busy w classwork rn and tend to get distracted from convos often, be warned
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tara-of-helium · 3 years
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Podkayne of Mars. Robert A. Heinlein, 1963.
Back text reads: "Tomorrow's answer to the anti-missile-missile
An interplanetary bombshell
who rocked the constellations when she invaded the
Venus Hilton
and attacked the
mighty mechanical men
with a strange, overpowering blast
of highly explosive
Sex Appeal.
A cenTERRIFICal tale of two planets by the mastermind of Science Fiction Robert Heinlein"
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moonzerotwo · 7 years
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Podkayne of Mars - Peter Elson
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talweg-wolves · 4 years
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70sscifiart · 6 years
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Uncredited, 1970
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reportsofawartime · 9 months
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Podkayne Podkayne
インフレの巨人が目覚めた。物価上昇が続く理由 どのインフレ指標を使っても、米国の物価上昇はこの1年で急激に減速した。しかし、Fedがインフレ率を目標の2%に近づけた今、このまま低水準が続くと考えるのは間違いかもしれない。 それどころか、物価を上昇させる強力な力が数多く存在し、中央銀行のインフレ抑制努力にも限界があるため、インフレはここ数十年来、より持続的な脅威となる可能性が高い。歴史はまた、価格の乱高下は例外ではなく、むしろ普通であることを示唆している。 「50歳未満で新興国市場に住んだことがない人は、インフレを実際に経験したことがありません」とロンドンのHSBCの元チーフエコノミストで、イェール大学出版局から5月に出版された著書『We Need to Talk About Inflation』の著者であるスティーブン・D・キング氏は言う。 「1970年代の教訓のひとつは、インフレ率が下がり始めて気が緩むと、いつの間にかまた上昇するということだ。5%から3%へ、そして6%、4%へ、また7.5%へと。下がったからといって、それがずっと続くわけではない。」 パウエル議長が、今日のインフレの戦いでリラックスしていると非難する人はいないだろう。しかし、パウエル議長や他の中央銀行総裁は、長期的に経済活力を抑制するような金利水準に金利を維持できないことを知っている。確かに、高金利は低く安定したインフレを生み出すだろうが、それは墓場の安定であり、誰も望んでいない。 https://barrons.com/articles/the-inflation-giant-has-awakened-why-price-growth-will-persist-bf407706…より
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dorkadroit · 7 years
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new dress
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