#plus ultra and queue <3
chifourmi · 1 year
Bon, c'est avec le peu d'énergie que j'ai que je vous partage enfin le bilan de mon voyage au Canada.
Niveau évolution mentale :
- J'ai compris que je suis faite pour voyager. Mais j'aimerais bien essayer d'être vraiment toute seule la prochaine fois.
- Je n'étais plus dans l'ambiance toxique de ma famille donc je n'ai pas crié pendant 3 mois!!! Du coup à côté du stress que j'avais pour les choses de tous les jours, je me sentais quand même plus apaisée là où j'étais.
- Je suis sortie de ma grotte et je me suis rendu compte que le fait de m'être complètement renfermée depuis le covid m'a rendu intolérante aux moindres défauts des gens. Mais du coup le fait de n'être jamais seule m'a aidé à travailler là dessus.
Niveau expériences :
- Déjà entre Québec, Montréal et Ottawa, je préfère Québec.
Québec est tellement safe et cocooning. Les gens sortent tôt et repartent tôt. Tu peux rentrer toute seule en pleine nuit. Il y a plus de nature mais il faut impérativement avoir une voiture. C'est trop galère de faire tout en bus.
Montréal est incroyable. L'ambiance est folle. Y a des lumières partout, des magasins partout. Il y a trop de choses à faire. Dont une expo Barbie gratuite!! (Nan mais c'était vraiment stylé par contre)
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Ottawa est... méga flippant. Y a des sdf DANGEREUX. Ils se trimballent avec des couteaux énormes, certains te poursuivent en tapant des casseroles et en criant, les serveurs sortent de leur resto et te suivent si tu ne leur a pas donné de pourboire?? Et la police est partout mais apparemment elle n'agit pas beaucoup.
- J'ai goûté des tas de spécialités : poutine, pudding chômeur, tourtière, la queue de castor (une dinguerie), la tire d'érable (j'en rafolle), pâté à la viande, tarte au sucre, et j'en oublie sûrement. Je crois que parmi tout ça, mon préféré était la tire d'érable, je vous jure c'est incroyable. Concernant la poutine, j'ai été un peu déçue parce que tout le monde en parlait tellement que je pensais que ça aurait un goût particulier mais c'est assez banal en vrai. Après c'est très "réconfortant" et je comprends qu'ils en rafollent même si c'est pas ULTRA bon. Je ne sais pas si vous comprenez ce que je veux dire? C'est comme les pop corn devant un cinéma, c'est un classique dont tu ne te passes pas.
- J'ai découvert plusieurs artistes québecois. J'ai beaucoup écouté "Les trois accords". Ma chanson préférée d'eux s'appelle "les amoureux qui s'aiment", je la trouve hyper réconfortante :
On a bien rigolé en écoutant "coton ouaté" de "Bleu jeans bleu" :
Et sinon une chanson du folklore Québécois qui va vous rester en tête toute la journée si vous l'écouter :
- Concernant ce qu'on a visité au Québec : on a vu les chutes Montmorency, les chutes de la Chaudière, le vieux-Québec et son marché de Noël Allemand (toujours pas compris pourquoi Allemand), des show de Drag Queen pour la première fois, on a été dans un bar à arcade pour la première fois aussi, le parc Jacques Cartier en automne ET en hiver (c'était vraiment dingue), on a voulu tester le chien de traîneau mais y avait pas assez de neige donc on a juste pu faire coucou aux chiens 🥲, les plaines d'Abraham, le parc du bois de Coulonge, on a été à Lévis en prenant le traversier, on a été dans un bar à jeu de société, on a fait un escape game qu'on a foiré mdr, on a fait du patinage sur une patinoire naturelle, on a vu la rue St-Joseph, on est allées dans une cabane à sucre, on a vu des illuminations dans les bois qui racontaient l'histoire du peuple des Huron-Wendat, on a vu un match de hockey, on a été à l'observatoire de Québec, et sûrement d'autres choses mais je m'en rappelle pas.
Concernant Montréal on a vu la ville souterraine, le plateau Mont-Royal, la pointe à Caillière, le vieux Montréal, le vieux-port, l'oratoire, le musée des Beaux-arts, la Grande Roue, et des rues avec de beelles maisons mais on est restées que 4 jours donc on a pas pu tout voir.
À Ottawa on est restées à l'intérieur la plupart du temps parce qu'on s'est vite rendu compte que ce n'était pas safe et en plus à ce moment là il faisait extrêmement froid. On est quand même allées voir le parlement qui était vachement stylé.
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Depuis que je suis revenue :
- Le jetlag est ultra présent. Je dors de 23h à 1h puis j'arrive à me rendormir seulement vers 5h du mat. J'ai faim en plein milieu de la nuit?? Je n'arrive à rien faire de mes journées pour l'instant....
- J'essaye d'être méga tolérante avec ma famille parce que je ne veux plus être dans cette ambiance de dispute h24.
- Mes chats reviennent dans ma chambre. Apparemment ils l'avaient désertée depuis que j'étais partie 🥺
Je pense que ça résume plutôt bien mon séjour là-bas et ce que j'en retiens!
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halorocks1214 · 2 years
okay i know i can’t shut up but i’ve been talking nonstop w/ my friends about tricolor battles bcuz i really like the mode and i don’t think it needs to get tossed away entirely. this is coming from my pov of losing most of my tricolor battles to scissors tho so i get that i seem biased. ANYWAYS here’s a compiled list of potential balances/reworks that i’ve seen + plus my own ideas/thoughts
1.) the fact that scissors gets less clout in comparison to the defending teams if they won is dumb (it’s something like 3000 for scissors compared to 5000/6000 for the other two, which ??). i think it’s a cool mechanic that the winning team has a harder time securing points, but higher stakes should mean higher rewards! give them more points for winning, give them a pat on the back for defending the ultra signal like the defending teams are given to for attempting to steal it, etc. that’s a very easy way to balance out the lack of winning on the defender’s side of things
2.) why can’t the winning team be given the option to keep doing 4v4 battles? there are team scissors members that say they loved tricolor battles and would happily do them again so it’s not like there will be an epidemic of defenders not wanting to queue for them. heck, even if i get into the defending team next splatfest, i still wanna try it out despite what happened to scissors because it looks like fun. the clout from them gets tossed into the “open” category anyway so why would the defending team still playing 4v4 really matter? also, that comment brings me to my last idea:
3.) i now realize why this wasn’t implemented because it technically is possible for teams to tie, but one thing that i thought would happen was tricolor getting it’s own separate category and getting scored like how splatfests were scored in the first and second game, meaning there was now four points to fight for: popular vote, regular battles, pro battles, and then tricolor. however, like i said, that means two teams could get two points, so it can’t exactly be that, but then why not just give tricolor a pro side as well? five points prevents the potential issue of tying. this option is ranked last tho because there’s probably lots of little ways it wouldn’t work out, but it’s still an option!
tricolor is such a fascinating mode that has spawned a wide variety of responses to it. i think with just a little bit of tweaking it could be the fresh and chaotic addition to splatfests the developers behind splatoon were hoping for. and as always, please sept 9th come faster i wanna play this game again sO BADLY-
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fyeahygocardart · 3 years
Themed-day: Wish Upon a Starstrike Blast
It’s time for the next pack-themed days....and this one’s a Blast.
It’s the ten-year (plus a week, since work got a bit crazy when I was doing the last Queue) anniversary of one of the most infamous packs of the 5Ds Era: Starstrike Blast. Probably its greatest claim-to-fame is the fact that the pack was never reprinted in the TCG (no Unlimited Edition, no Special Edition, etc) and thus making even Rares on the pricier side. A rundown of the pack itself:
1) To get it out of the way: there’s a lot of filler cards. Cards 2-17 (with the exception of Creation Resonator being a nice one-of in Resonators) are not setting the world ablaze. Seriously, imagine pulling an Ultra Rare...and having it be Power Giant rather than the next entry...
2) Arguably one of the greatest Tuner Monsters of all-time and, amusingly enough, with its likely mistranslation predating the origins of the now well-known term by several years: The one-and-only Glow-Up Bulb.
3) The debut of the position-changing Machines: Karakuri
4) Yusei’s and Jack’s respective Signer Dragon upgrades: the cover card Shooting Star Dragon (pictured below) and Red Nova Dragon.
5) Several new Watt Monsters, including probably most notably Watthopper (of Watthopper Lock fame), and a new monster for Ice Barriers with one of my favorite arts of the pack: Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier
6) A bevy of Spell Cards, including Tuning and Heat Wave
7) A card that still strikes fear into any Extra Deck user: Vanity’s Emptiness
8) One of the greatest line-ups of TCG Exclusives that comes to mind, including but not limited to: Skull Meister, Droll and Lock Bird, Psi-Blocker, and Mischief of the Yokai
9) Because I love Skull Servants, I am obligated to mention Wightmare
10) Two Dragunity Synchros, including Dragunity Knight - Gae Dearg and Dragunity Knight - Vajrayana
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(Clustering crystal dreams open the door to a new evolution! Become the path its light shines upon! Accel Synchro! )
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an0nymousghost · 3 years
simblr asks v2
here are my answers! find the questions here.
i wrote soo much ahaha. like however much you think i wrote, i wrote more than that. imo everything i write is gold though
1. are you going to buy the new pack (cottage living) when it comes out? no, it looks really nice but i legit never ever buy packs at launch, especially cause this one is a expansion and it will probably go on sale at some point
2. do you p*rate your dlc or buy it legitimately? buy it legitimately 👌
3. what’s your favorite world? brindleton bay, it gives like seaside cottage vibes. willow creek is good but it’s boring. 
4. if you use a queue, how many posts per day do you set it as? 3 or 4. i used to do like 12 lmaoo what even was wrong with me
5. do you watch sims on youtube? yes, i watch mainly malixa, oshinsims, and msgryphi
6. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (dream home decorator) those sectional couches look good! but honestly im kinda annoyed because now it’s even harder to have all the items filled in when i place lots from the gallery. like i’m just saying like a lot of builds will use that pack probably and if i don’t get it then i can’t really use builds/save files 
7. how many packs/kits do you own? lemme count
expansion: all - 10/10 game: 5/10 stuff: 9/18 kits: none xo
24/38 - 63%
8. what’s your origin id? is it the same as your url? 🤗 it’s in my title, it’s celeschul. it doesn’t look that nice in my title but i use celeschul in my package files and i’m guessing people search things like, “celeschul penny hair” or something like that in order to find my cc- so i keep it in there so the search results are easier. i do want to change it though..
but no it’s also not the same! well i mean it’s the username i use for cc. my origin id used to be an0nymousghost but i changed it. i wonder if anyone’s taken that one?
9. is your simblr your sideblog or main blog? main blog ✌️ my old blog @stardze​ is a main blog as well.
my old old simblr was a sideblog but it had like 1 follower and it literally a bot so i don’t think that counts. i have a multifandom sideblog though 
10. do you have a cc finds blog? i wish. i was thinking bout it earlier and that would be sooo neat but sometimes i download stuff that doesn’t have a tumblr post attached to it, and also it’s stressful to keep up with so nah
11. are you wcif friendly? yes sir. in fact i bring the trouble of wcifs onto myself but doing them even when nobody asked.
12. what’s your favorite sized household to play with? (ex. 1 sim, 4 sims) gonna have to think on this one, honestly 1 sim is really fun and stuff goes by so fast. doing stuff with astrid when she was on her own, it was much more efficient. 
for families, i haven’t done that in a while actually. 5, 2 parents and 3 kids is cute tho. why did i write this this is honestly such a hard question
13. if you have c&d, do you play with pets? i feel like i haven’t played with cats and dogs in forever. honestly i just have no paitence. noelle fae was supposed to get a cat (there’s a food bowl + cat bed in her house) but when summer vacation started, the amount of time i spent playing ts4 decreased a lot. (this doesn’t really make sense, i have a lot more time. honestly it just has to do with my recent obsession with a certain anime/manga and some other personal thing)
i did random nightmares in may though and i had pets frequently. g5 didn’t because sofia scarlett lived in an apartment, but g2/3/4 had cici, and g1 had all the cats. but that was back in march so it’s been a while.
14. what lifespan do you use? i really want to do aging off but then i feel like it drags on. but aging legit stresses me out, sometimes i just want to sit down and do some cas stuff but i only have 2 hours in real time and there’s like 4 days left till one of my sims’ birthdays. 
15. if you own a lot of packs, how many of them have you actually played through? just so everyone is aware this question was made for me
i feel like eps require a specific save made for testing them out, but the only save i’ve ever made for an ep is noelle fae’s get famous save. 
that is literally a lie - i made a save for island living with one of my 100bc kids, maisie acapella. i did actually post it on tumblr BUT then i deleted all the posts BUT i reblogged them on my alt account BUT i privated my alt account so i honestly forgot about it
i have never played through discover university or watched anyone do it on youtube, i’ve read gerbits’ story about it so i think i’m pretty qualified. i’ve always wanted to do one with periwinkle acapella but i never got around to it
another ep i know nothing about is get to work
i tried doing a eco life playthrough but i hadn’t watched any videos and i was like..what is going on. so i quit lolx d ;;;;; i mentioned it but the whimsy stories legacy was the first time i had played with the eco lifestyle features so technically i think i know what im doing
i got outdoor retreat literally on monday of this week so i haven’t played through it yet. 
jungle adventure i still don’t know what’s going on. i remember last year before i bought the pack i was brainstorming, and wanted to do a ja playthrough with luna and cedar, who are a couple who i did a random legacy with and it was all queued to post when i deleted everything (if you’re wondering why, it’s because my queue was literally 200+ posts). except this time i didn’t save them to my sideblog so i lost them. 
i still havent had a restaurant in dine out 
also never did the vet thing from cats and dogs
i have no idea what that rock climbing thing is from snowy escape but i did most of the other stuff because rn g5
city living i did through psc stage 5 and also it was the first pack i bought anyways
the rest of them are either stuff packs or i ended up playing them through casual gameplay (seasons, parenthood)
16. what do you do as you play sims? (ex. listen to music) i listen to music most of the time, or listen to commentary youtube videos because i am an alpha chad. i also used to talk with my friends on voice call but i don’t do that anymore 🥲
17. which sims challenges have you tried? random legacy, whimsy stories, perfect sim challenge, 100 baby, legacy (just the plain get-to-10-gens one), random nightmares, berry zodiac, astrology legacy, apocalypse
i feel like im forgetting some.. honestly most of the stuff i did before simblr was either 100 baby (i love that challenge) or random saves that lasted for 2 seconds. 
18. do you like the new(ish) hair swatches? nah. 
i do appreciate that most cc hairs have a true (ish) black, thank god! and the fact that the hair update is what inspired me to update and fix a bunch of hairs with different issues is pretty nice. but will i use them? no. 
plus it takes up like 5 gb? depending on how many packs you have.
19. post the latest screenshot you took 📸
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i live in cas
20. what is the cc/ingame hair that looks the most like your own? i think that dream home decorator side part hair looks a lot like my hair. honestly i havent see much like my hair but that one is kinda-? close
21. who is your favorite sim of yours and what is their story? noelle and alari fae i think! 
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link to post
noelle is blonde and has blue-grey eyes. she wears purple contacts pretty often though (because she wants to 😌)
alari has light brown hair that is kinda curly, and she’s got pretty vibrant blue eyes. 
they’re sisters, alari is 3 years older than noelle. noelle was 19 and alari was 22 when they got spotted
they worked as models when they were young adults. their jobs involved dyeing their hair blue/pink, and they would model like clothes and stuff. anyways, they were pretty successful. like not ultra famous but they had enough money to not work for the rest of their lives. 
their modeling group was made of 4 girls, the others were named paisley autumn and they were green and red, respectively. some things are: 
paisley and alari started dating during this 
autumn was a single mother to a little girl named destiny
noelle dated many people during this but never ended up finding the one <3
when their contract ended after like 6 years, paisley and alari went to go live together and noelle decided to get into acting. so thats when get famous playthrough started!
there’s more but basically they’re like oc’s with sims on the side. xoxo
22. if you use cc, are there any cc creators that you have like ALL of their items? this is such a good question! i hoard hair very heavily (my folder is 11gb) i so i have like 97% from most of the popular hair creators. 
i think i had legitimately EVERYTHING from simstrouble though, i went through multiple times to check and i also have all of her retired stuff. 
i have everything from ridgeport i think-? because of the fact that she uploaded all her stuff in one big zip. 
i think that’s it.. for a long time i also had everything by clumsyalienn, but then i ended up deleting it and only keeping my faves. 
and looking at my collection, maybe ah00b? i might be missing a couple but i at least have like 99%.
23. what’s one pack you think is underrated? dine out, it’s laggy af yes but it’s such a nice thing for my sims to do. 
24. what are your favorite sims stories/legacies? melons by gerbits always and forever
this question was inspired by this ask anyways so 
25. if you could change one small thing about ts4, what would it be? most of my suggestions are pretty complex but literally just - when you add tray files, they appear at the top. my life would be so much easier
this took me literal hours to answer
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Good call, but still disappointing no RTX this year either.
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Psychic Ninja build (Theory Build)
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(PsyOps Zed artwork done by David Villegas of West Studios. Created for Riot Games. This wasn’t meant to be a PsyOps Zed build but strangely this artwork works.)
Here’s a post in the not-quite-continual series of “random D&D builds I write at 1 AM and then queue to post at 11:40 because lol Tumblr because I can’t sleep and am waiting for the Worlds livestream to start at 6 AM EST.”
Do you wish that thrown weapon fighting was more viable? Do you think that Barbarians are boring and could use some more damage types? Do you wish that Rogues could be played with Strength instead of Dexterity? Do you think that throwing weapons as a Monk should actually be viable?
Do you want to protect your teammates not through heals or buffs but by intimidating your foes? Do you want to be the dark mysterious edgy character in the party but still play a support? Do you want to play a character who by all accounts is essentially a Monk and has pretty much zero connection to a Barbarian yet is somehow a Barbarian? Or do you just want to play with the Psionics UA stuff like I do?
I present to you: The Psychic Ninja
When distributing stats prioritize Strength, then Constitution, then Dexterity. You need at least a 13 in DEX for this build to work though a 14 would be ideal for a +2 to DEX. Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma are all secondary in this build. (Though if you want to be Chinese Knockoff Shen invest in Wisdom.)
Start off as a Rogue (proficiencies duh) then get to at least level 3 to pick Soul Knife for Psychic Blades. After that go 6 levels into Ancestral Guardian Barbarian for Ancestral Protectors (the main one), Spirit Shield, and an Extra Attack. After that go all the way down Soul Knife until you hit level 14, but this build is honestly done at level 9 which is pretty nice as most campaigns end around level 10 anyways.
Okay so let’s talk about Ancestral Protectors from Ancestral Guardian. First of all: it has NO RANGE LIMITATIONS. (Thanks to Dungeon Dudes for pointing this out to me and no I had a build like this in mind long before seeing this video.) The effects of this ability work as long as you hit the enemy and as long as you’re raging. And let’s talk about its effects: firstly your foes just have disadvantage on anyone other than you. Secondly if they don’t hit you your ally resists the damage! That’s half damage practically for free!
Normally as a Barbarian you’re limited to melee range but that’s where Soul Knife comes in. Boom! 60 foot range! This means that you can sit in the backline while taking half damage and doing +2 on all your attacks and still “tank” for your team.
Beyond that? I mean there’s just a lot of general synergies between Barbarian and Rogue. Reckless Attack gives you guaranteed Sneak Attack (which is why you’re maxing Strength instead of Dexterity), Danger Sense plus Evasion means you basically won’t ever get hit by a Fireball (and it really ups the “ultra instinct” ninja flavor of this build), Fast Movement synergizes with Cunning Action (and again makes you feel more like a Monk.) Oh also your Soul Knife features aren’t spells, so you can use them while raging.
There’s so many characters you can make with this! Make an unassuming assassin who leaves no trace, make a bodyguard who disarms you and takes you down with their mind, make an unassuming detective with secret powers to help him on the case, make bumbling idiot whos ancestors pilot him like a meat puppet. Hell make a Warforged and be the weapon!
Other than the fact that you’re playing UA and I have no idea what Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything will do to my sweet Soul Knife boii?
The main thing to mention is that you have no armor and no actual “weapons”, meaning that magic armor and magic weapons are not an option for you. What’s more is that since you’ll be investing in Strength for your knives you likely won’t be investing much in Dexterity for armor. With the best case scenario of +2 to DEX and +5 to CON your AC will be a 17; not horrible but not exactly amazing either. You’ll still have a ton of meat points to soak up damage but even then the healer isn’t going to want to be pumping you with hit die all game.
Your going to have to invest a lot in physical stats which means your mental stats will be rather subpar. You can fix this in roleplay by getting Expertise in the skills that matter but you’ll still get screwed by saving throws.
Spirit Shield only reduces damage by 2d6, and it only has a 30 foot range. It takes your Reaction which could be used for Uncanny Dodge.
And that’s honestly about it. This isn’t a build I’ve tried it’s just something I’m theorycrafting as a cool idea for the Soul Knife subclass. In short I’m tired as hell and am waiting for the Worlds broadcast to start, even though by the time this is posted the stream will be done and I’ll probably be asleep.
Spooky builds still coming no they’re not Seraphine.
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sp00kworm · 4 years
April Rain (Chapter 4)
Ch 1    Ch 2    Ch 3      Ch 5 
Pairing: All Might x Female Reader 
“Alert, this is the Captain of The Silver Lining. We are currently experiencing engine failure just off the coast of Osaka after just departing the port. Our location is…” An explosion cut the recording off as the Captain grunted, grabbing hold of something as the ship was rocked violently, “Scratch that, our engines have just exploded. This is now an emergency situation. Requesting heroes to the scene immediately there is a major threat to life.” The recording crackled again as another explosion rocked the ship. All Might stood in front of the cameras, his eyes following the smoke that was now erupting from the cruise liner, a fire burning up the side of the ship. They’d been informed that some crew and remaining passengers were still trapped on board, and that if they didn’t act soon, then the fire would blow the ship up, killing those who were still trapped on board. The captain was unable to liaise with them much, the radio network only half working, buzzing in and out of working status. The rescue team was on site, trying their best to contain the fires and ensure that heroes could get on board to save those who were remaining. Toshinori hummed, stroking over his chin as he peered at the layout of the cruise ship with critical blue eyes, looking at the markers for where the remaining people on board were gathered. They’d managed to get most into the dining hall of the place, and All Might knew that would be the first place he needed to go.
 It was a vast liner, the rooms extensive and large. It would make anyone else too long to get on board. All Might heard the lead operator call them closer, in his hand a large clipboard filled with paperwork.
“This mission will begin in ten minutes. All Might. You will be first on scene. The speed boat is ready for your departure. Rescue hero teams are on their way to the location as we speak. After the people are evacuated, we will have fire quirk heroes ready to seal the breach and cut off oxygen to the fire. After this we will send in the extinguishing bots to hopefully seal the leaks and get rid of the fire. Failing that we will simply make sure the ship is clear before allowing for a safe, controlled explosion.”
A pen tapped against his clipboard as he stared around at the group of assembled heroes. Yagi peered at the fire quirk heroes. He was disappointed not to see Enji among them. The Hellfire hero would have been ideal to seal the metal together in a blink of an eye. All Might reminded himself that heroes had other commitments…Especially one with the beginnings of a family. The other side of his heart knew that Endeavour had probably refused the request of help in favour of fist fighting a new villain instead from the comfort of his own region. It was a shame, but he couldn’t dictate what other heroes did.
“I will bring them all home safely, sir.” All Might clenched his fist in front of himself, cape pulled close as he stood in front of the group of heroes, “We will all bring them home safely.”
The head operative smiled, pushing up his glasses as he looked at the hero who was now number one in the world, “I have no doubts about that All Might, and the rest of you. We will get those workers and civilians home safe.” He confirmed with a thump to his clipboard. All Might gave a laugh and a smile before following the attendant to where they had stationed the fastest boat to get him to the location first. He clung to the bars as the engine was fired up and peered at the ship in the distance as the bay doors opened.
“Hang on to your cape, All Might. Things are about to get a little bumpy.”
The hero gave a laugh as they were launched out into the choppy water, fingers clinging to the side of the boat as they sped towards the cruise ship.
 He clenched his legs as they neared the cruise ship, legs bent deep at the knees as he waited for them to be close enough to jump.
“Good luck, All Might!” The driver cheered as he leaped from the little speed boat, pulling away far enough that they would not be hurt in case the worst happened, “Contact the team on your com!”
He gave a salute as he rose into the air, blue cape billowing behind him as he rose to the top of the ship and grappled the bars, heaving himself up and onto the top deck with a grunt of effort. The dining room was directly beneath him, two floors down. In the interest of speed, he pulled back his fist and punched, shattering the floor beneath his feet, dropping into the observation deck before repeating the move, smashing a smaller hole to first shout his intentions before giving the wood another great punch, watching the floor give way, revealing the remaining passengers huddled together by tables and empty buffet heaters, cowering and fearing for their lives.
All Might stood from the rubble, raising from his fist on one knee, putting his fists on his waist as he gave a great laugh, cape billowing behind him, golden horns of hair blowing with the ocean breeze, “Everything is fine now…Why?” The people gasped, “Because I am here!” He announced as they rushed towards him, cheering and jeering, exclaiming that they were saved.
 With a smile he raised his hands and his voice, “Now I ask that you listen to me. I will be taking as many as I can at a time to stationed rescue crafts around the ship. I ask that you form an orderly queue. The injured will be taken first!” He watched them thankfully listen and begin to push the elderly, injured and children forwards. The hero bent to hold as many people as he could before launching himself up into the air, clutching the civilians close as he angled himself towards the large rescue ships, landing as calmly as he could before he deposited the people and made the return jump. He continued to jump back and forth, people clutched to his back as he tried to get them out as fast as he could. There were maybe a hundred guests left in the end. All Might sighed as he placed the last of them on the rescue boats before making the return ship with a bright smile on his face. The news helicopter circled, and he ignored the blades slicing the air as he returned to get the remaining crew trapped near the engines, trying to control and put out the raging fires. The hole in the side of the ship was erupting with flames as he twisted in the air and slammed his fist through the metal hull, skidding to a stop inside before he could collide with any machinery. The crew peered at him with open mouths before cheering.
“Quickly, lets get you all out of here!” He ducked to carry the remaining crew to the rescue boat, the smile on his face grazed at the edges from exploding metal and rubble.
 Sunday was your day off from the Café. They’d allowed you to come back finally nearly a month ago now, and it was a relief to be able to be working once more. The place was as busy as always, and the shifts were hard on your feet, but it was what you needed to work in between finding suitable restoration projects which you could work on. You yawned and clicked on the television as you cupped a hot drink between your hands, watching as the news blared to life, the new headline rolling across at the bottom of the screen.
“All Might saves cruise ship in a heroic morning of leaping through the sky!” The caster announced from a helicopter where the camera man zoomed in on All Might flying through the air before shattering through the side of the ship. He appeared a moment later, the crew clinging to his massive form as he launched himself back towards the rescue ships and the heroes ready to help those who were injured. They panned again as he flew through the air in a sudden rush before grappling the breaking edge of the boat against his shoulder, two hands pushing against the metal hull to stop the ship from breaking in two. They recorded as he screamed, trying to hold the ship together as fire heroes rushed to his aid, melting the metal back together with combinations of white-hot fire in great burning columns. The metal bulged and bubbled before water heroes sprayed it down, super cooling the metal to hold the join together.
You smiled at the screen as they watched him let go of the ship, gripping onto the bars with one hand before he pushed himself upwards, flying back towards the shore, the boats following him. The reporter changed as they spoke from the shoreline, praising the hero’s efforts as they began to land. A great booming laugh sounded before the wind picked up and All Might rocketed from the sky, fist pressed to the ground before he stood and pushed his blue cape backwards, posing gallantly in his red costume for the cameras.
“All Might! A moment please?” The reporter asked with a smile towards the camera man. All Might chuckled and ducked to salute the camera, “Well done on your fabulous achievements today! You truly are an inspiration to everyone!”
You smiled at the smile on his face, blue eyes bright as he puffed his chest out further, “Thank you, thank you. I’m doing my job, but rest assured everyone’s support and love keeps me going beyond! Plus Ultra!”
 The reporter laughed before looking at her prompts, “So, now that this is over, what is it you’ll be doing to relax, All Might?” She pushed the microphone underneath Yagi’s chin as he stroked it, thinking on what he was going to be doing.
His eyes widened as he came up with an idea, bright blue glittering as he offered a smile, “Hopefully relaxing after my duties are done, but you can never know when you’ll be needed. Perhaps some gardening if I have the time.” You laughed at his response, sipping your hot drink as you bundled your soft dressing gown around yourself.
“Nothing exciting? No events? How about a special someone to see?” She grinned, pushing the microphone closer to All Might, who looked a little startled by the question.
Yagi reached to the back of his neck and rubbed the fluffy blond hair at the back of his head, “Nothing of the sort, I’m afraid.” He chuckled awkwardly, looking the woman in the eyes as she deflated with his striking down of the question.
She smiled mischievously before probing again, “Rumour has it you’re seeing someone, All Might, can you confirm or deny that?”
Toshinori back away a step, “I can assure you the only special someone I’m seeing this weekend is my aquarium.” He saluted the camera, “I must be off. Thank you for your continued support!” The camera man watched him walk through the crowd.
 The reporter was back on the screen again after that, the camera only panning back towards the number one hero when he was shooting off into the sky, cape flowing and hair flying as he soared high above to the roof tops of the surrounding skyscrapers. She smiled when the camera turned back to her and moved onto interviewing other heroes who had been involved in the rescue with less invasive and personal questions. With a yawn, you stood up from the sofa and moved through into the kitchen to start on breakfast, pushing some bread into the toaster before your phone buzzed violently in your pocket. The ring tone jingled as you pulled it from your pocket, looking at the screen to see the bright little sunflower emoji next to his name. You smiled as you unlocked the call.
“Yagi, are you really calling me while flying through the air?” You teased as he huffed down the other end.
 “All Might! Please sign my chest!” An excited female fan screamed.
“Ah, I apologise but I must get somewhere! Here, I have signed these papers. You may take one…” The mob screamed as he presumably threw the papers and you heard Yagi huffing as he started to run before wind whipped at the receiver. The wind screeched down the phone before a thump sounded and Yagi muttered down the phone before answering you.
“You have my apologies. I thought I would be alright to make the call in an alley, but I was swamped by fans and… I’m sorry, peach.” He lamented down the phone.
You chuckled at his sorry tone, “Don’t worry, Yagi. I understand and know that you’re a popular hero! There’s nothing to be sorry for, you bone head.”
Yagi sighed with relief.
“But why are you ringing me at ten am on a Sunday, Yagi?” You asked as you turned the kettle on to boil again for another hot drink to go with your breakfast.
 The man stuttered for a moment before clearing his throat, “I apologise for the early call…But I was wondering if you wanted to go out again? I’m clear for the rest of this day, if nothing else urgent comes up…So would you like to come out with me, peach?” He asked as calmly as he could manage.
You smiled at the soft nickname he had taken to calling you and nodded as you pulled your breakfast out of the toaster, “Of course. Should we meet at the tea shop again?” You paused before frowning, “Wait aren’t you in Osaka? How are you going to get back to Tokyo?” You asked curiously.
Yagi laughed boisterously down the phone, “Jumping, of course!”
“Of course? Just how far can you jump…” You asked before he continued.
“Details, details, girl. I promise I will be at the tea shop for lunch time!” He answered. His cape fluttered in the background before he lowered his voice, “I’ll see you then, peach. Stay safe.”
“Stay safe, Yagi.” There was something missing off the end of it for now, but still, your heart warmed with the sentiment as the dial tone sounded and the conversation ended. You reached for the topping for your toast and smiled down at your breakfast.
 The tea shop was empty as always. You waited outside for Yagi to appear and as usual, you gave him a call and laughed at him jumping in the alleyway like a hooligan. The sweater was different today, you observed, as he moved out from the brick and waved with a bright smile. It was a big thing, bright yellow, with a cute print of a little bird on the front, the little creature sat inside an egg with a love heart.
“Hey, how did the morning go?” You asked as you dared to reach for the large hero’s arm, peering up at him with a smile to match his own.
Yagi felt his ears go hot as he reached down to link his hand with your own instead, “Busy is one word for this morning.” He gave a soft yawn before patting his stomach, “I could do with some food, if you want to eat while we’re here?” Yagi opened the little picket fence gate for you as you approached the tea house again.
“I think Miss Kamioka makes some excellent ramen bowls. She gets the eggs from her own chickens. Does that sound good to you?” You asked as you opened the tearoom door and held it open for Yagi to duck inside. His hair caught on the door before he sighed and pulled the bangs downwards, the blond hair hanging over his face as the owner turned to face the two of them.
 “You two again?” She squinted at the doorway, and at the two of you waving at her, “This is the fifth week in a row!” She chirped before turning to get a tea pot and boil some fresh water for the brew you’d been having. Lavender and chamomile tea was a relaxing drink for the two of you.
Yagi gave a great laugh before smiling at her, “Yes, us again!” He joked before letting you ask about food.
“Is there any chance you’re serving food today, Miss Kamioka?” You asked as she poked her head out of the small kitchen.
“I can make the two of your something, of course, of course.” She nodded, “Are you after those egg ramen bowls again, dear?” She asked.
“Yep. You know that yours is my favourite. Uhh, Yagi might want a bit of a larger one, if that’s okay? We’ll just pay for two portions for him.”
The man next to you was about to protest before the lady laughed and nodded, “I’ll bring your tea over in a minute. You know by now where to sit!” Then she left the two of you to get settled and find the large quirk table in the small conservatory.
 “Are you back at work full time now, peach?” Yagi asked as he sipped the tea in his grasp, the two bowls of noodles steaming before him. Miss Kamioka didn’t have a bowl big enough to fit the two servings in, so he was sat with two bowls instead.
You paused eating your noodles to reply, bursting the egg into the hot water and vegetables with a smile, “Full time, except Sundays. We’re closed on Sundays. Its nice to have the money again, and something to do. I’m looking for new projects to be working on though. Nothing has come up yet.” You shrugged as you returned to eating your ramen.
“I’m glad to see you back at work. I was worried.” The hero reached over the table, and you let him take your hand in his huge one, squeezing him back as he smiled and reached for his own food, taking the chop sticks to start pushing the noodles into his mouth. He ate the eggs at the speed of light, popping them into his mouth whole quite happily as the two of you ate and drank tea.
 As you both finished your meals, you watched Yagi move his bowls together, stacking them with your own as he fidgeted in his seat.
“About that interview…I really would like to get some fish for my aquarium.” Yagi looked at you with a smile, “Would you like to come with me to choose some fish?” He asked gently.
“I didn’t think you actually kept fish, I assumed you were fishing for an excuse!” You joked with a laugh, “But sure! I’d love to come and choose some. Where’s the shop?” You asked as you returned to Miss Kamioka to pay your bill. Once again, Yagi pushed your purse away, only to be met with the defiance of paying your half. Once paid, and having said goodbye to the owner, you both headed out into the streets. Yagi took you by the arm once more and took you down the side alley before grappling you into his arms with a laugh.
“Just hold on! I promise you’ll be alright, peach.” He promised gently before stooping low, clenching his legs before he rocketed into the air, flying upwards in a great arc, clutching you close as you gasped in his arms and held on as tightly as you could, to avoid plummeting to your death.
 You only opened your eyes again when you were outside of the fish store, Yagi poking at your waist and hips to coax you to look at where you were. The fish shop was brightly decorated with koi fish on the shop sign.
“We’re here.” He announced as you peaked from his shoulder, up at the shop sign.
“So…” You let him place you on the floor, “Just what kind of thing are we after?” You asked.
“Well I have a tropical tank, but I was thinking something colourful and small. Something that shoals.” He gushed as he pulled his hood down and entered, smiling like a small child as he went.
“Wait won’t they recognise you?” You asked worriedly.
“Don’t worry. They’re friends!” He consoled before walking inside, you following behind him quietly.
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skjaldmo-ulf · 4 years
Coucou, j'espère que tu vas bien ! Petite question du dimanche soir qui pique ma curiosité, as-tu une espèce d'oiseaux préférée (et si oui laquelle) ? Passe une bonne soirée !
Ohlala je crois que c’est une des meilleures questions qu’on m’ait posé jusqu’à maintenant !! Mais aussi la plus compliquée car c’est impossible pour moi de ne citer qu’une seule espèce !! 
Je vais passer en revue une bonne partie du monde aviaire, alors fais toi un petit thé et installe toi confortablement !
Je vais commencer par les rapaces nocturnes parce que de toutes les familles d’oiseaux c’est envers eux que je porte le plus grand intérêt ou en tout cas que j’en sais le plus.
Je les aime vraiment tous, de la petite chouette de tengmalm au grand harfang des neiges, le hibou des marais, la chevêche, etc... mais si je devais choisir je dirais : la chouette effraie des clochers et le hibou grand duc d’europe. J’ai une chouette effraie tatouée sur la jambe alors forcément je ne pouvais pas ne pas la citer ! Je crois que ce qui me la fait aimer un peu plus que les autre c’est son regard impénétrable avec ses yeux noirs (en réalité ils sont marrons trèèès foncés). Et le hibou grand duc c’est tout simplement parce que je le trouve impressionnant ! On peut le trouver assez calme, voire placide. Mais en réalité c’est la version nocturne d’un aigle (c’est pas pour rien que son nom anglais est”eagle owl”). Il est redoutable quand il chasse (et ultra magnifique faut le dire).
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Chez les rapaces diurnes j’en ai également pas mal de préférés ! D’abord il y a la buse de harris, originaire d’amérique du sud et centrale (il existe 2 ou 3 sous-espèces il me semble, mais je ne les connais pas). C’est généralement l’oiseau avec lequel on débute en fauconnerie. Elle me fait penser à un petit phœnix.
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J’aime beaucoup les faucons crécerelles. Leur vol stationnaire est si beau et pour moi c’est vraiment un oiseau emblématique de la campagne. Ils ont l’air si léger (spoiler: ils sont très légers). La version américaine est aussi très jolie ! Et j’espère que je pourrai en faire voler un un jour.
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J’ai envie de citer la harpie féroce parce que fuck, look at this gorgeous
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On va passer aux vautours. Ce qui me rend triste, c’est quand je passe devant une volière avec des vautours et qu’au même moment des gens passent et disent qu’ils sont moches :( Moi je les trouve magnifique, et en plus ils ont vraiment ds capacités assez oufs comparées à d’autres espèces. Savais-tu que c’est chez les vautours que le sens de l’odorat est le plus développé (chez les oiseaux) ? Et celui qui a l’odorat le plus développé c’est le vautour urubu à tête rouge ! (photo du milieu) J’adore ce petit vautour (même si celui que j’ai côtoyé au parc avait un sale petit caractère ahah), il a vraiment un look assez hors norme. Il y a aussi le vautour moine dont j’aime beaucoup le look (photo de droite). Il est présent en France mais moins que le vautour fauve. Et mon préféré de tous les vautours, c’est le gypaète barbu. C’est un oiseau qui avait disparu de France à un moment il me semble. Quand j’étais petite, je suis partie en classe de neige à la montagne et on avait visité un petit musée. Je me rappelle, on nous avait présenté le gypaète et expliqué qu’en France il n’y en avait plus et qu’il était très menacé. Et aujourd’hui, où je pars chaque été en vacances, il y a 2 couples qui nichent. C’est pas magnifique ?
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Le martin pêcheur, c’est un peu mon graal à prendre en photo. J’ai pu en observer à plusieurs reprises et parfois de très près, mais je n’ai jamais réussi à tirer une photo correct ! Il a des couleurs extraordinaires. C’est un tout petit oiseau mais ce que les gens ignorent parfois, c’est qu’il a des cousins dans d’autres pays à l’autre bout du monde qui sont beaucoup plus gros ! Par exemple les kookaburras, j’adore leur cris, j’ai vraiment envie de pouvoir m’occuper de cette espèce un jour !
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Le bec en sabot du nil. Juste, on dirait un dinosaure. J’adore. 10/10.
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Pendant mes balades, je vois souvent des pics épeiches. J’aime beaucoup cet oiseaux et les petits motifs sur ses plumes, et il a un cri tout doux.
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Parmi les petits oiseaux, il y en a tellement que j’aime. Ça risque de devenir long si je les cite tous, alors en voici quelques une: la sittelle torchepot, la mésange à longue queue, le pinson des arbres et le chardonneret élégant.
(mais je dois rajouter aussi les mésanges charbonnières et mésanges bleues qui viennent rendre visite tous les jours dans mon jardin)
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Et pour finir venons aux perruches et perroquets ! :) Je ne m’y connais pas très bien en psittacidae. Il y a une multitude d’espères que j’ai encore à découvrir. Mais à choisir en premier, les inséparables de fisher :) (en même temps j’ai les 2 plus adorables petits bébés)
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Je trouve également les conures soleils extrêmement jolies !! Peut-être un jour il y en aura chez moi, mais c’est pas le même investissement de temps que mes 2 petites perruches, et pas du tout le même comportement (les conures sont en quelque sorte des minis perroquets)
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Et j’ai envie de finir avec avec le cacatoès banksien. Pour être honnête je ne connais absolument rien de cette espère hormis qu’il vit en australie, mais son plumage est juste incroyable.
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taisniere · 5 years
Besoin d’exister...
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C'est con ça.
J'ai envie d'exister, d'exister pleinement. Tout le monde désire exister. Les thérianthropes aussi. Etre qui l'on est, vivre, se comporter ainsi, s'exprimer comme ça, être nous même...n'importe où, quant on le désire, quand on en a besoin, quand c'est juste notre nature d'être qui s'exprime. Cela en nous respectant et respectant les autres.
Nous sommes cet animal.
Comme disent les autres "Nous nous prenons pour des animaux". C'est stupide, n'est-ce pas ? Je suis même persuadée que 2-3 ont souri en lisant ça. Un sourire narquois, désolé ou dubitatif. Exister en tant que bestiole, aussi stupide que cela le parait, devrait être notre quotidien. Pas juste "agir comme un animal" mais "l'Etre". Pas "imiter une bestiole" juste se permettre d'être tel que l'on est. Oui. Pour vous expliquer en quelques mots, les thérianthropes s'identifient réellement et durablement en tant qu'animaux. Ils sont leur animal. Ce n'est pas une entité extérieur, c'est juste eux-même. C'est un fait, aussi débile que tu peux l'imaginer. Et non, nous ne cherchons pas à renifler le derrière des passants ou uriner à même le sol... Car être thérianthrope, c'est aussi être humain avant tout. Aujourd'hui, nous n'avons pas encore réellement d'études à ce sujet mais ce ressentis est là, présent, tout le temps. Que cela soit de nature psychologique, neurologique, du à de l’ésotérisme ou de la réincarnation, notre façon de vivre est là, réelle. On s'en fout du pourquoi et du comment. C'est là. Il n'est pas palpable ni "prouvable" mais il est en nous. Tout doux, tout chaud. Nous sommes honnêtes avec nous même. Se mentir et dire que l'on est un loup-tigre-dragon blanc aux yeux bleus qui tire des lasers n'est pas considéré comme thérian. Ce n'est pas du rôle play, un point c'est tout. L'animal qui nous définie représente notre comportement, nos attitudes mais surtout notre façon de nous percevoir, souvent depuis la petite enfance. Il y a autant de façon de vivre son animalité que d'être thérian. Ce n'est pas un choix, c'est là depuis toujours. On ne devient pas thérianthrope du jour au lendemain. Ce n'est pas une mode également. C'est ce que l'on est. 
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Est-ce bizarre ?
Très possiblement.
Est-ce Illégitime ?
Tant que cela reste réel pour nous même, cela nous suffit. Etre nous même nous procure du bien être, on est heureux et la vie est belle. Certains mentent peut-être, d'autres absolument pas. Vous n'êtes pas dans notre peau. Personne n'est dans la peau que quelqu'un d'autre. Personne ne peut affirmer "tu mens" ou "tu dis la vérité", c'est dans la tête, dans le cœur. Nous n'avons rien à justifier. Nous n'avons pas de moyens pour le prouver et nous n'avons aucune raison d'exagérer nos ressentis. Il faut juste nous croire et l'accepter. Rien de plus. Parfois, certains peuvent vouloir couiner, grogner, fêler pour exprimer un mal-être, ronronner de plaisir, glousser joyeusement, faire le dos rond lorsqu'ils ont peur, hérisser leurs poils, éviter le regard direct droit dans les yeux. D'autres non. Mais dans tout les cas, nous ne le faisons pas. Pourtant, il nous serait naturel de planter nos griffes et nos dents là où nous le pouvons, goûter à tout ou encore même taper du pied pour imiter le battement d'une queue invisible. Juste parce que cela est agréable et nous fait exister. Notre corps physique est bien là, notre identité nous donne la sensation d'être également cet animal non-humain. Rien de réellement biologique. Tout est en nous. Shift, dysphorie et membres fantômes -ou non-, c'est comme ça que certains fonctionnent, c'est tout cela qui peut nous procurer du bien. Etre nous même. 
Etre l'animal.
Il est logique que nous n'ayons pas cette liberté d'exister pleinement. Par exemple, il y a la norme, la honte, la gène, le jugement de l'autre. Nous sommes pas encore prêt. Sur le web, nous passons déjà pour des dégénérés -triste monde-... Nous faire connaître au grand jour nous rendra juste encore plus ridicules aux yeux de l'humanité. Je ne peux que l'admettre. Ce n'est pas le bon moment. Encore aujourd'hui, j'ai pu lire des article -sur des blogs- moqueurs de personnes n'appréciant pas les individus alter-humains. "Cringe Otherkin" ou même "Anti-Kin". Surtout dû aux très nombreux fluffy-kikoo-dark qui restent parmi nous. Et aussi fou que cela puisse paraître, je suis -parfois- d'accord avec eux. Il n'est pas toujours évident de prendre un peu de recul et de voir autrement une situation. Je les comprend, malheureusement. Il ne suffit que de prendre des pincettes et de décortiquer tout ça. Car, après tout, nous n'existons même pas. Je n'existe pas. En réalité, l'identité thérian passe pour un simple jeu. Une identité que l'on présente comme un trophée. Cette sensation d'être unique ou intéressant. Donner une image fabuleuse de sois-même. Etre un lion végétal à pois verts. Etre un Tortank qui crache du feu. Vouloir que tout les projecteurs soient braqués sur soi. Etre un individu fantastique qui mérite tout l'attention ? Non. Tu ne l'es pas, tu n'es pas spécial. Tu n'as pas 976534567890 kintypes ultra stylés de ouf. Tu n'es pas tout les personnages de Harry Potter et toutes les déesses de la Grèce Antique à la fois. Ce sont ces jeunes (souvent nouveaux dans la communauté) qui parlent le plus fort et qui détériorent la vision que les gens ont de nous même. Suite à cela, nos ressentis étranges sont perçus comme illégitimes. Encore plus qu'avant...
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Entre temps, ne pouvons pas nous permettre cette identification en tant un animal ou de faire tout ce que l'on ressens car nous ne sommes pas réels aux yeux de la société. Nous ne pouvons même pas partager notre quotidien et échanger sur la toile.
je ne dis pas que nous méritons une Pride, un drapeau qui nous soit propre ou même reconnaissance de l'état avec des remboursements pour "réassignation d'espèce". Absolument pas !
C'est juste que c'est si frustrant de ne jamais être pris au sérieux... Nous voulons exister sans être noyés par la haine et les incompréhensions. Nous voulons être animal, réellement, ne plus faire semblant. Nous devons faire semblant, sans cesse. Ceux qui brandissent leur animalité comme un don du ciel détruisent notre identité.  Nous voulons juste être acceptés ainsi, peu importe l'avis de l'autre, car c'est ce que l'on est. Pas être connus du monde entier, surtout ne PAS passer à la télévision (encore moins sur "Tellement Vrai"), juste ne plus être -en permanence- stigmatisés et pointés du doigts. Les thérianthropes sont parfois comparés au "groupe social le plus moqué du web" (voir le journal en ligne "Le Monde"). Mais dans mon cœur, j'ai envie d'hurler du plus profond de mes entrailles "Je suis un animal, tolérez moi ainsi, je fonctionne comme ça", pas pour le prouver mais pour affirmer ce que je suis, que je suis bien là, vivante. Faire savoir que les personnes-animales existent réellement.
Tu existes réellement.
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Souvent pour les neuroatypiques, parfois les autistes, la norme semble illogique. Combiné à l'alter-humanité, certains veulent donner des petits coups de nez, léchouilles et mordillements d'affection au même rang que les couples qui s'embrassent en publique devant tout le monde. Parfois, il est agréable de porter une fausse queue et de sentir son balancement contre ses jambes. Ces pulsions étranges de vouloir régurgiter sa nourriture ou allaiter ses petits (nous ne le faisons pas !) qui viennent nous chatouiller l'esprit. C'est beaucoup moins glorieux que de vouloir hurler à la lune ou de chasser en meute. Alors oui, quoi que l'on puisse dire, la dysphorie existe. Je suis dysphorique en permanence. Non, nos pouvoirs magiques ne nous manquent pas. Non, nos capacités incroyables et talents astraux ne nous manquent pas. Non, notre dysphorie n'est pas celle des individus transgenres et non-binaires. Il peut même être naturel de lécher ou de mordre ses vêtements pour atténuer le stress et de sentir cette odeurs humides qui nous rassure. Dégouttant, n'est-ce pas ? Mais c'est la réalité. Marre des tabous. Un chat est un chat. Shifter ne signifie pas toujours grogner ou montrer les crocs. Shifter peut être aussi dû à la peur, la queue entre les jambes, couinant stupidement. Une situation de joie où l'on bat des bras de manière absurde pour montrer son contentement et imiter l'envole d'un oiseau. C'est ainsi, la thérianthropie n'est pas un monde puissant et incroyable.
Nous sommes des animaux.  Tout les humains sont des animaux.
Nous sommes des animaux non-humains en PLUS de notre humanité. Nous vivons une animalité similaire à celle de l'animal qui nous caractérise (bien entendu, nous sommes pas dans la tête de ces dits animaux). Nous sommes l'animal littéral mais avec une once de métaphore. Nous pouvons être l'animal tactile, vivant, minutieux, doux... Rêver de liberté et de sauvagerie romancée. Mais nous sommes aussi l'animal qui peut uriner, marquer les siens, renifler bruyamment. Tout n'est pas toujours super cool ou valorisant. Nous ne sommes pas ces êtres stéréotypés tel des loups protecteurs ou des hiboux qui sont sages. L'animalité est à prendre également au premier degré, pas juste les fantasmes.
Petite parenthèse : je ne dis pas par là que l'animal s'oppose à l'humanité : les animaux ont également une culture et sont bien plus "''humains"'' que ce que l'on ne l'imagine. 
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Bref, il est logique pour nous de ne pas se comporter de manière trop étrange dans la rue ou en publique. Nous savons nous maîtriser, comme tout le monde. Nous avons un cerveau humain et la capacité à raisonner aussi bien que n'importe qui. Foutre le bordel est aussi mal vu dans la communauté thérian que dans n'importe qu'elle autre communauté. La violence n'a aucun lien avec la thérianthropie et en aura jamais. Une personne violente est très mal perçue sur les groupes et forums de personnes-animaux !
Cela est inconcevable !
Etre animal, c'est aussi, parfois, ce sentiments d'être aliéné, dans une cages. Certains camarades, parfois Aspies ou épileptiques, ne supportent pas les sons et lumières trop puissantes, ni la foule. Parfois, notre sensibilité animale peut s'associer avec nos difficultés, nos neuroatypies ou maladies. C'est comme ça. Car il n'est pas normal de toujours devoir faire semblant de ne pas exister à cause d'une poignée de crétins. Et on s'en branle si c'est une maladie de merde, un truc qui cloche dans notre cerveau ou je ne sais encore quelle pathologie. Je veux exister, nous voulons exister. Exister car ce que nous vivons est réel. Ni un jeu, ni une phase. C'est notre identité. Je ne me compare pas DU TOUT à la communauté LGBT, je n'affirme pas que nos souffrances sont similaires ou valables. De même pour les individus qui vivent des neuroatypies, maladies ou encore du racisme au quotidien. Je ne nous met pas à la même échelle. Je ne veux VRAIMENT PAS une marche de fierté otherkin (et je ne suis pas désolée). Je veux tout simplement expliquer que notre étrange façon de nous considérer n'est ni une mauvaise blague, ni une moqueries vis-à-vis des oppressions systémiques. Je veux que notre animalité soit réellement comprise et étudiée, pas pour en faire un phénomène de mode -bien au contraire- mais montrer que nous ne vivons pas un délire d'adolescent. Nous voulons juste exister doucement, loin des railleries et des regards jugeurs des personnes qui ne comprennent pas notre identité... Et loin des posers qui détruisent et ternissent le regarde extérieur que l'on porte sur notre communauté... 
Merci de m'avoir comprise.
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6 notes · View notes
zrbillings · 4 years
Pokemon Sword & Shield - Review
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So it’s been a long time since I’ve reviewed anything (years in fact) and since video reviews take such an exorbitant amount of time and COPPA has made Youtube this very scary place right now; I figured why not do what I know and write a review.
So with that out of the way, let's talk about Pokemon Sword & Shield. These games appear to be super devicieve you’re either in #gamefreaklied #bringbackthenationaldex camp or you’re a ‘defender’. I find that I have a bit of a unique perspective on the game so I wanted to share my thoughts. I’ve just completed Pokemon Sword, and just so you out there in internet land know my qualifications because to Pokemon fans that seems they only real way to justify having a different opinion.
I was born in ‘91
Pokemon Blue was my literal first GB game.
If point 2 wasn’t enough I collected everything Pokemon and grew up watching the show, often playing the games while I did.
I’ve completed the National Dex
I’ve completed the Kanto Dex like 3x over.
And I’ve played various other spin-off games i.e. Colosseum, Stadium, Gale of Darkness, Trozie? Trozae?
And if you couldn’t put it together I’ve played through nearly every mainline game the only exceptions being. Alpha Sapphire, Diamond, Fire Red, Let’s Go Pikachu, Sun, Ultra Moon. Basically at some point if I owned one version that’s all I needed.
Okay! So with all that out of the way, let’s talk about these games. Plain and simple if you just want to know if it is actually bad, no it’s not, it’s good, one could argue great, I wouldn’t, but you could. If you like Pokemon, get over the National Dex and “It ShOuLD LoOk BEtTeR” and play it, it’s fun it’s Pokemon with some new gimmicks. 3 out of 5 I guess if you want to be critical. Okay so for the rest of you, the ones who are more critical and want to know what SUCKS, and what ROCKS. Keep in mind going forward I’m not addressing the whole stupid delemma of cut Pokemon or graphics, at least not in depth, you want to talk that crap just @ me I’ve got the time. So graphically it is undoubtedly the best looking in the series you literally cannot argue that, should it look better? Well, I don’t know, I think to expect it to makes you look stupid no matter what reasoning you want to bring to the table. Pokemon has literally NEVER shown interest in pushing graphics, they’ve almost never made massive leaps forward, the amount of times they have can be counted on one had, so to have expected more that’s on you, not them. I find them to be gorgeous, yeah there’s things here and there that could be better, but if you go looking for a problem in anything you’ll find it, you could find ugly stuff in Skyrim too, or even Final Fantasy 15. Characters are definitely more expressive than they’ve ever been, the towns are stunning and I feel unlike some of the more recent games definitely come off as more memorable even if you can’t name them, you can instantly picture them. Animations, while I totally agree should be better, shouldn’t have been expected to be more than they are, again this is Gamefreak they literally improve at a snail’s pace justified or not. That being said, while Pokemon aren’t particularly animated in battle, the game overall is the most animated in the series, and here’s why. Again characters are far more expressive, and are constantly moving even in battles when a Pokemon attacks the trainer makes an action, you have overworld Pokemon, you have each and every Pokemon able to do a handful of different animations in Pokemon Camp. You have the world itself that is filled with movement i.e. NPCs, scenery here and there, a good example being the town Ballonlea the Fairy-Type gym location in case the name doesn’t sound familiar. So yes while the animations aren’t particularly impressive, I would say they’re still the best in the series AS A WHOLE (can’t believe I need to specify that). The big draw of this game is the open are called The Wild, this is sort of what people who hate these games wanted an entire game to be like, but better. And I think while they could be bigger, they feel the right size in correlation to the size of the rest of the map, there’s plenty to explore and it is genuinely fun to roam around in especially online. That being said, the game definitely (at least for me) chugs a bit while online, but I wouldn’t say it ruined the experience at all for me. It was so cool to see other players setting up camps and running around, I will say however that while these things are cool, they could have been developed further. You can’t interact with these players if you engage with one they just give you a stock response and then hand you some sort of cooking item, which okay getting cooking items this way fantastic! But why not let trainers customize their greetings? A little especially while in camps? There’s just more they could have done here, I can understand not wanting to create a system where interacting with someone dead stops them in place in order to trade or whatever, that could get really annoying. But I find, there’s not enough here that really push this feeling of a shared space, like why not have brought back Secret Bases again? And had your friend’s bases show up that way if you did want to hang out and chat (through the terrible Nintendo App, or whatever superior option) you could! Like can you imagine? Instead of just having to camp outside and hang out with friends having like your own space to hang out, battle, trade. You could have made this space like an area where if you interact with a trainer a menu for those sort of things could be triggered. The Wilds overall are fun and they’re cool to explore for new Pokemon, I just feel they could have been experimented a little more with. I won’t prattle on any further, but just saying I’d love to see Gamefreak take this and push it harder next game. As an ending note I do fine the placement of The Wilds fine, at first it looks odd, but once you start playing given it’s function it makes sense, I think if the whole game were The Wilds like some people desperately want, you’d run into a lot more problems, with things like trainer placement, and how to limit progression, not saying it can’t be done, just that we’re a ways off from anything like that happening yet. I will say this though (sorry last thing I swear) I DO NOT like how the progression system of The Wilds works, the moment you enter it you can explore 90% of it, which fine, EXCEPT! The problem becomes that while you can explore nearly every nook and cranny of it you can only catch Pokemon in designated areas because if a Pokemon is over a certain level and you don’t have enough badges you just straight up can’t catch it. Which okay I can understand, but then I SHOULDN’T EVEN BE ALLOWED THERE! For example (and why I’m bringing this up) there is an area where you must cross a bridge to get into the next section of the lands, cool I think this is great it visually queues us, “hey this is a different section so logically the Pokemon will be stronger here.” The problem! Is while we in theory can piece this together literally nothing stops us from crossing, the reason this bothers me is because on the literal otherside of the bridge is I SHIT YOU NOT a MF Snorlax! Just chillin, doesn’t wander just stands there, while okay this is a great reference to other games. WHY WOULD YOU NOT! Just put him sleeping on the bridge like in every other game in this scenario, it bars the pass and players don’t waste their time exploring an area before they can get the most out of it. Plus! This game rewards you special Acorn Balls at each Gym, if you don’t know what these are they were in Gold and Silver they’re special Pokeballs that in this game are one of a kind that have awesome effects, the one I want to reference specifically here is the Heavy Ball which works better the heavier a Pokemon is i.e. “this ball was invented for catching Snorlax.” So it baffles me how Gamefreak didn’t do something like the last Gym before you’re able to wake up Snorlax and pass the bridge allows you to get a Heavy Ball thusly not only letting you finally progress into this new area, but also gives you an item as a sort of reward. Wow, sorry moving on. I find where this game really misses the mark is the story and the characters, outside Hop (who is insufferable early on) are really bland and sort of lackluster. I feel like this is a bigger thing to be upset about than animations and Pokemon count. Hop is one of the only rivals to truly go through a character arch which is amazing! He goes from this arrogant, insufferable, condescending, ass, to someone who just wants to be the best, but doesn’t act like he already is, he knows where he’s at and strives to be more. This huge development really, really shows how poor the rest of the cast is, the professor this time is boring, not even a professor really at least not like were used to. The champion is fine, but lacks any real charisma like the game wants you to believe he has. The other rival Bede is...under utilized? Like he comes around and it’s like, “finally! Gary Oak 2.0!” and he just sort of disappears about half way through the game and then pops up at the end. I’m not going to go through the whole cast, but everyone is more or less this same sort of doesn’t bring much to the table. As dumb as Team Yell are I actually like that they’re not the evil baddies of the game, they’re not even Team Skull level, they’re just kind of a bit of inconsiderate fanboys, they work well as a level progression block? System? Their use for impeding your progress until you’ve done the right thing works well is what I’m saying. The big thing with this game is it really lacks an evil team, it’s like The Aether Foundation all over again, except infinitely worse, while The Aether Foundation sort of slowly unravels at some point, the ‘evil team’ or in this case just two baddies, kind of feels like it comes completely out of left field and only happens because Gamefreak wanted a cool way to introduce the legendaries. It just felt super random and unsatisfying and that the motivations really didn’t make sense and happens right in the middle of the Pokemon League so it kills all momentum, and any tension the league did have. Which is another thing the league is shit, it’s bad, the idea is really good, it’s inspired by the show it feels like a proper tournament, but since you can heal and swap out Pokemon between each match there is 0 tension, and since the story just decides to interrupt it, it just doesn’t feel satisfying. Beating the champion doesn’t feel like an accomplishment because you’ve already beaten the big baddie just before him, and all the other trainers before him in two different sessions, it doesn’t feel like you went through this gauntlet of really tough trainers to reach him and prove yourself, it feels like no matter what you were always going to beat him, the game did literally everything it could to make sure you beat him! I felt fucking bad beating him, because it was so easy, I literally gave him a handicap, I used 0 healing items and beat him with two Pokemon to spare and that was also because I gave him another handicap where I didn’t switch out once I threw out a Pokemon! Gyms are back, but they kind of feel like they belong in Sun and Moon because you have to do ‘missions’ before each one before you face the leader which is fine, but I personally could have done without them, for the most part they're just glorified obstacle courses. I guess they feel like the same old stuff, but I think it’s the nature in which they’re handled that actually bother me and less of having to do them myself. I think in a way given how this Pokemon League is set up it would have made more sense to just completely do away with them, maybe put something else there in its place. The gym leaders are all really colorful and actually really well designed, they all have their own very defined personalities which is cool, It would have been cool to have actually seen more of them somehow. The last thing I’ll talk about as this review is already overly long is Dynamaxing. It’s fine, I will say that if it were up to me I would have changed how it’s handled, I think the raid battles are great, they’re really fun they make grinding for levels a fucking joke and I love it, it helps you find really cool Pokemon and strong Pokemon for your team it makes Online feel like there are actually other trainers out there in the world taking on this gym challenge besides just you, it’s cool, but I feel outside of the raids there really pointless. Each Gym Leader uses it always with their last Pokemon, and it never feels like it matters so long as you Dynamax yours at the same time and have type advantage it’ll feel like KO-ing any other old Pokemon except it’s big af.If it were me I would have changed it to Mega Evolutions, because they actually feel like they matter and then they could have introduced new megas and I’ll do you one even better! What about when after you beat the Gym leader they gave you the same kind of mega stone that they used! Maybe in place of TMs, or in conjunction with them rather than them giving you Gym uniforms you’re never going to wear. That’s more short and sweet two cents on the Dynamax system, it’s great for raids pointless for everything else. Kind of like the clothing in this game, and that’s all I’ll say about the clothing that and I think the uniform thing was dumb and should have only been used for the Pokemon League rather than every single Gym battle. And that’s it! That’s my very thorough review of Pokemon Sword & Shield. Like I said at the beginning, these games are fun no doubt, but they definitely aren’t even in the top 5. I think there’s a lot of wasted potential or cooler directions they could have taken these. There are definitely cool things like the different gyms for the two versions, The Wilds are fun to hang out in and run around, the new Pokemon are actually really cool, I love that they added more regional variants and not just for Kanto Pokemon, the towns are very visually memorable. But outside that, I’m kind of hard-pressed to think of much else, I can’t speak on the post-game either, but it doesn’t seem like there’s any if at all. This game simultaneously feels like the largest Pokemon game to date as well as one of the smallest.
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PLUS ULTRA! What a powerful month this was, just like the previous two! And the season also ended quite powerful with a great cliffhanger for the fourth in the next year!
Now, the next two months are mainly posted out of a queue that build itself during the course of this season with posts that I either thought didn’t really hit as good as I thought or were either made with an already used screenshot or with one from a previous episode or season. But now is their time to shine and all I got to do is to make the birthday posts in October and November~
Long story short, coming now to the Top 10 posts to celebrate the ending of another great BNHA season!
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#1: Togata-senpai is full of wisdom (364 notes)
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#2: According to the gathered evidence, no (319 notes)
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#3: POWER! (292 notes)
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#4: License exam didn’t went well for our boy Inasa (287 notes)
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#5: Relationship goals (276 notes)
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#6: Dabi must know (261 notes)
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#7: Burn level: Todoroki Shoto (258 notes)
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#8: More like Level 50 if you ask me (256 notes)
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#9: A+ character developement, Bakugou (243 notes)
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#10: You know, for science (238 notes)
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qanvast · 5 years
Read This Ultimate Homeowner's Guide If You Are Renovating
Here's our very own 'Guide to End All Renovation Guides'.
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Most first-time owners would describe home renovations as daunting, complicated, and costly – but really, that's only true if you jump in unprepared. Equip yourself with the necessary knowledge by checking out our simple, but detailed renovation guides (and resources) that break down every stage of the renovation process, from start to finish!
Before Collecting Your Keys
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How exciting! At this point, you’re probably shopping around for a flat or eagerly waiting for your BTO queue ticket. Or, perhaps you aren't.
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Budgeting For Your Renovation
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Choosing The Right Interior Designer
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After Collecting Your Keys
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Planning Out Your Space
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Buying Furniture & Fittings...
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Now that you’ve got the basic done, it’s time to spruce up the rest of your space with snazzy furniture and accessories.
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And Electronics & Appliances
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No modern home today is complete without the basic appliances to help us with our daily tasks! From washing machines, cooking hobs to fans and smart devices, choose the best products that balance function, form (and energy efficiency) at the right price.
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Start Your Renovation Journey
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                                      Interior Firm: Jubilee Interior
If you are collecting your keys soon, drop us a quote request and we’ll recommend you five interior firms that suit your style preferences and budget needs, for free!
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About Qanvast: Create a space you love today with Singapore’s first mobile platform. Qanvast (pronounced as ‘canvas’) connects homeowners to trusted home professionals. Browse for reviews, renovation prices and portfolios from interior designer firms in Singapore at your fingertips!
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Voir l’Aquarius - 26/07/2018
« Fuocoammare - Par-délà Lampedusa ». Quand Ludovic a vu ce film documentaire, il a envoyé le jour même sa candidature auprès d’SOS Méditerranée, l’association qui affrète l'Aquarius. Ludovic est maintenant un des marins sauveteurs à bord de l’Aquarius. L’Aquarius est bloqué au Port de Marseille depuis un mois, à cause du durcissement de la politique européenne. Dans le même temps, Médecins SansFrontières estime à 600 le nombre de personnes qui se sont noyées en Méditerranée. 600 personnes, noyées. Ludovic nous a fait visiter le bateau hier. Premiers sentiments. On rentre le coeur un peu lourd sur ce bateau. On sent déjà que c’est un bateau qui a beaucoup d’histoires à raconter. Des histoires tristes... mais heureuses à la fois, malgré tout. Ludovic nous raconte d’abord le contexte. Les gens viennent en Libye en croyant que c’est mieux que chez eux. Ils y sont torturés, violés, mis en esclavage… ces gens sont prêts à tout pour fuir cet enfer. Puis on leur ment : « Tu vois ces lumières de l’autre côté de la rivière ? C’est l’Europe. Si tu pars ce soir, tu y seras avant le lever du soleil ». Ces lumières, au large des côtes Libyennes, ce sont des plateformes pétrolières. Et cette « rivière », c’est la mer Méditerranée. On les entasse dans des embarcations de fortunes, à tel point que les enfants sont tenus en l’air pour ne pas être étouffés. Ceux qui au dernier moment ne veulent plus monter, monteront malgré tout. A coup de barre à mine dans les tibias. On met suffisamment d’essence dans le moteur du bateau pour qu’ils sortent des eaux libyennes, puis le reste de l’essence à leurs pieds. Les émanations font perdre connaissance à certains, le mélange d’eau salé et d’essence provoque des brûlures. Puis une fois les eaux libyennes passées et l’essence consommée, le bateau se laisse emporter par la mer… L’Aquarius intervient à ce moment là, si par chance il a pu localiser le radeau. Les gens sont lavés, on leur donne des habits propres, on les nourrit (avec des barres ultra-vitaminées) les blessés (fractures dûes aux coups de barre à mine, étouffements, insolations, brûlures, noyades, traces de viol) sont soignés par MSF, également présente sur l’Aquarius, les corps sans vie sont hissés à bord. A bord, ça reste de la survie. Les gens sont entassés sur les ponts. Il faut faire 3 heures de queue pour aller aux toilettes, autant pour manger, et rester 3, 4, ou 5 jours au soleil sous 40 degrés avant de trouver un Port qui veuille bien les accueillir. Les femmes et les enfants disposent d'une salle à l’intérieur, à l’ombre, mais sont également entassés, têtes bêches. On voit des mères donner le sein d’un côté et vomir de l’autre. Six bébés sont nés, dans ces conditions. Dont un pendant que sa maman montait à bord, sur l’échelle de l'Aquarius... Mais ces gens-là sont sauvés. Et petit à petit, des scènes de vie apparaissent à bord de l’Aquarius. Les enfants, « shootés » par les barres ultra-vitaminés, courent partout en sortant de la douche, tout nus avec de la mousse sur la tête. Ils dessinent, rigolent. Demandent des framboises à la place des pommes. A la fin, malgré tout l’horreur qu’ils ont pu vivre, c’est la Vie qui gagne. L’Europe finance les « garde côtes » libyens, qui sont armés et font des vagues à l’approche des embarcations, puis les ramènent en Libye, « dans l’enfer ». Il ne faut pas attendre d’aide du côté des politiques européens, en tout cas à court terme. Mais nous on peut agir, maintenant. L’Aquarius, c’est 30.000 vies sauvées. Il doit repartir en mer le 1er août. Il faut soutenir ce petit bout d’Humanité. https://don.sosmediterranee.org/b/mon-don – à Marseille.
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A Privas le 17 avril 2022
   Direction l’Ardèche et Privas pour disputer une nouvelle épreuve du calendrier cyclosportif avec cette Coironnaise, une épreuve trop longtemps absente des calendriers et qui a été relancée pour découvrir ou redécouvrir le bassin privadois et le plateau du Coiron. 3 parcours sont proposés pour 55km, 75km et 115km sous un temps absolument magnifique ; ciel bleu azur sans nuages même s’il faudra parfois composer avec un peu de vent !
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      Je fais de nouveau équipe avec Clément Cambier pour le trajet et bien qu’en plein centre-ville le lieu de départ ne pose pas de problème ; stationnement facile et dossards vite récupérés, nous voilà prêt pour le grand parcours où l’on espère la même réussite qu’à la Corima (voir plus pourquoi pas ?) même si à la vue de la start liste cela semble compliqué d’autant que nous apercevons de redoutables adversaires sur la ligne qui n’étaient pas sur la liste des inscrits à l’image de Tim Alleman ou Damien Poncet pour ne citer qu’eux.
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      9h le départ fictif est donné pour sortir de Privas direction Alissas sur 6 bons km où le départ réel est donné au pied de la montée de Rochessauve (8,63km @ 5,6%). Régis Chabert lance la 1ere attaque bien vite ramener à la raison sous l’impulsion de Renaud Blanc ou moi-même en 1ere ligne. Un autre coureur tente sa chance et tandis qu’on ne semble pas bien nombreux à vouloir rouler derrière je décide d’attaquer ; rapidement revenu sur l’homme de tête je n’ai pas trop le temps de prendre de l’avance que Tim à déjà réagit. Aussitôt revenu il relance et imprime un gros tempo jusqu’au sommet, souvent autour des 6w/kg la sélection s’opère rapidement et nous voilà une petite quinzaine au sommet où ça ne se relève pas avec le triathlète Mathis Margirier qui s’échappe. La longue descente qui suit jusqu’à St-Jean-le-Centenier est ultra rapide : pas spécialement technique il faut s’employer et écraser les pédales pour ne pas sauter ; sur le bas je cède quelques longueurs avant de revenir au prix de quelques relances au sprint avec Clément dans ma roue.
Pas de temps mort sur ce parcours où l’on enchaine avec la côte de Mirabel (4.1km @ 5.7%) : juste avant 3 hommes sortent dont Benjamin Buchetet et Clément ; si Clément se relève vite les 2 autres poursuivent pendant que nous reprenons un rythme plus raisonnable sur un bon tempo. Après une nouvelle partie « mal plate » la montée de Darbres (4.8km @ 5.7%) se profile ; malgré 2-3 accélérations notre groupe ne perdra qu’un élément et un coureur attaque au sommet pour faire la descente : je n’avais rien noté de particulier ici sur le parcours mais la route est une catastrophe : étroite et légèrement bosselée avec surtout une bande de gravillons au centre tout le long… et ça va vite ; en queue de groupe je ne joue pas longtemps et suis Geoffrey Lucat qui cède mètre par mètre : sur le bas un virage mal négocié me faire perdre le contact avec mon compagnon d’infortune et m’oblige à un long effort pour récoler difficilement ; à 2 on est encore loin du reste du groupe qui a explosé : il faut encore de long instants à bloc pour récoler à St Privat pile au moment où nous abordons la longue montée sur Sarasset (enchaînement de petites montées / plats / descentes sur plus de 20km).
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      Alors que 5 ou 6 gars sont à l’avant Clément prend les choses en main et impose un gros rythme ; ça ne rigole pas et on revient sur les fuyards ; légère temporisation avant que Clément attaque ; personne n’y va, certain imprimant le tempo ; l’écart reste faible un moment avant de tourner à l’avantage de mon jeune co-équipier d’entrainement ! Il va prendre jusqu’à une bonne minute et ça s’interroge dans le groupe, Damien pensant que ça pourrait aller au bout pour lui. Effectivement ça ne roule pas très fort, beaucoup (dont moi) restant dans les roues, il faut attendre le final de cette montée de Sarasset où les 3,3 derniers kms à 6.1% vont faire mal ; Tim prend les choses en main et fait des dégâts ; Jonas Vercouter lâche en premier imiter par Nicolas Reculeau un peu plus loin puis c’est mon tour ; je résiste tant bien que mal mais paie les nombreux efforts précédents ; en vue du sommet il ne me manque pas grand-chose mais le vent défavorable me condamne définitivement alors que je vois au loin le groupe qui reprend Clément juste au sommet.
Il reste alors 25km et un top 10 à aller chercher ; pensant être 9eme (10 en fait) je tente de maintenir un bon rythme pour garder mes poursuivants à distance : le parcours est encore exigeant avec une nouvelle montée au col de l’Escrinet et même plus haut en empruntant une petite route de crêtes qui fait bien mal au pattes : si je maintien un bon tempo dans les bosses, je suis un peu moins efficace sur les faux plat même si je ne vois toujours personne derrière moi ; un dernier « talus » nous fait franchir le col du Benas : il reste alors les 10 derniers kms descendants que je pensais finir seul mais Jonas est revenu comme une balle : on fait la descente ensemble et il me battra pour le sprint de la 10eme place. Quelques minutes plus tôt Mathis Margirier s’imposait 40’’ devant Damien Poncet beau 2eme. Geoffrey Lucat remporte le sprint du petit groupe de 5 arrivant pour la 3eme place 1 minute plus tard, Clément finit 9eme payant son offensive en fin de course.
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      Finalement une belle épreuve avec un parcours très exigeant et un gros niveau présent sur cette première. Si cette 11eme place (2eme des 40-49 ans) me laisse peu de regrets, c’est avec une certaine frustration que je termine cette course n’ayant pu défendre mes chances là où je le voulais. Déjà dans le dur pour tenir les roues dans la fin de la descente de Rochessauve, celle de Darbres m’aura coutée très cher avec pas loin de 10’ de chasse en mode CLM et des relances en sprintant… Ce sera le seul bémol de cette cyclo ; une descente gravillonneuse de la sorte n’est pas très raisonnable en termes de sécurité quand on sait que beaucoup « débranche le cerveau », aussi l’arrivée au final de cette descente du Benas n’est pas très convaincante non plus ; certes la descente n’était pas dangereuse mais ce n’est pas très courant d’arriver de la sorte. Des petits axes de réflexion pour améliorer la prochaine car pour le reste tout était parfait !
https://www.lacoironnaise.fr/ ou en cliquant sur ce lien
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spoonpart9 · 2 years
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Technical Pro RX45BT Home Theater Receiver 1000w Amplifier Bluetooth, USB
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