#plot twist fruit flies are beautiful
jawadkhanyusufzai · 3 years
English Literature
1. Father of English Novel ---
→ Henry Fielding
2. Father of English Poem--
→ Geoffrey Chaucer
3. Poet of poets ---
→ Edmund Spenser
4. English Epic poet ---
→ John Milton
5. Both a poet and painter ---
→ Blake
6. Famous mock heroic poet in English Literature
→ Alexander Pope
7. The poet of nature in English Literature
→ William Wordsworth
8. Poet of beauty in English Literature ---
→ John Keats
9. Rebel poet in English Literature ---
→ Lord Byron
10. Poet of Skylark and Winds---
→ P.B. Shelley
11. Father of Modern English Literature ---
→ G.B. Shaw
12. Most translated author of the world ---
→ V. I. Lenin
13. Bard of Avon ----
→ William Shakespeare
14. Poet of Love/ Metaphysical Poet---
→ John Donne
15. Father of English Criticism ---
→ John Dryden
16. Father of Romanticism ---
→ Coleridge & Wordsworth
17. The Founder of English Prose---
→ Alfred the Great
18. First Sonneteer in English Literature ---
→ Sir Thomas Wyatt
19. Poet of Supernaturalism / Opium Eater
→ S.T. Coleridge
20. Father of English Tragedy ---
→ Christopher Marlowe
21. Father of English Eassay ---
→ Francis Bacon
22. The Greatest Modern Dramatist ---
→ George Bernard Shaw...
🍁 *What is a round character?*
A round character is a complex and dynamic. In this character improvement and change occurs during the course of work .
🍁 *What is a soliloquy?*
Soliloquy is a device use in drama in which a character speaks to himself or herself (thinking loud) by showing his feelings or thoughts to audience.
🍁 *What is Neo-classicism?*
Neo-classicism is a eighteenth century western movement of art, literature and architecture. They got inspiration from ancient Greece and ancient Rome.
🍁 *What is a mock-epic?*
Mock-epic is a poem in which satire, exaggeration, irony and sarcasm is used to mock the subject or used the epic style for the trivial subject etc.
🍁 *What is a complex plot?*
A complex plot according to Aristotle is that have ‘peripeteia’ (reversal) and ‘anagnorisis’ (denouement) without these is a simple plot.
🍁 *What is interior monologue?*
Interior monologue is the expression of internal thought, feelings and emotions of a character in dramatic or narrative form.
🍁 *What is blank verse?*
Blank verse is a form of poetry that written in iambic pentameter but un-rhymed.
🍁 *What is Art for Arts’ sake?*
“Art for Arts’ sake” is nineteenth century literary movement which gives importance to aesthetic pleasure instead of moral, didactic or utilitarian function of literature.
🍁 *What is Epistolary novel?*
Epistolary novel is a narrated work. In this type of novel the story is narrated through letters sent by the observer or by those who participating in the events. Example: 18th century’s novel ‘Richardson’s Pamela and Clarissa etc.
🍁 *Differentiate between novel and novella.*
Difference between novel and novella is length of the narrative work. Novella is shorter than novel and longer than short story but novel is long narrated work.
🍁 *What is the difference between “Open form poetry” and “Closed form poetry”?*
Close form poetry used the fix pattern of stanza, rhyme and meter etc. For example: sonnet, limerick, haiku and sestina etc. Open form poetry does not use these fix patterns.
🍁 *What is the structure of Spenserian stanza?*
Spenserian stanza consist of nine lines, eight lines are in iambic pentameter and followed by single line in iambic hexameter. The last line is called Alexandrine.
🍁 *Differentiate between ‘Blank verse’ and ‘Free verse’.*
‘Blank verse’ follows the fix meter like iambic pentameter and un-rhymed but ‘Free verse’ is also un-rhymed and does not follow the fix meter.
🍁 *How can you define “Pastoral elegy”?*
Pastoral elegy is a poem about death. In this poem poet expresses his grief for the dead in rural setting or about the shepherds.
🍁 *What is ‘Point of View’?*
‘Point of view’ is an opinion, judgment or attitude on a matter. It may be against are in favor.
🍁 *Define plot.* What are its various elements?
Plot is a logical arrangement of events in a story or play. The exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution are the elements of plot.
🍁 *What is conflict?*
Conflict is a problem or struggle in a story or play. It occurs in rising action, climax and falling action. It creates suspense and excitement in the story or play.
Define black comedy.
Black comedy is a humorous work in which human suffering regards as absurd and funny..
🍁 *What do you mean by Theater of the absurd?*
Theater of the absurd is one kind of drama in which absurdity emphasized and lack realistic and logical structure. For example: “Waiting for Godot” by Samuel Beckett.
🍁*How can you differentiate between flat and round characters?*
A round character is a complex and dynamic. In this character improvement and change occurs during the course of work but flat character are uncomplicated and remains unchanged through the course of work.
🍁 *What was the Oxford movement?*
Oxford movement starts in 1833 and for the revival of Catholic doctrine in Anglican Church. It is against the conventional understanding of the religion.
🍁 *Define Puritanism?*
Puritanism is the religious movement starts in sixteen century and the goal of the movement is to purify the church of England from its Catholic practices.
🍁 *What is Imagism?*
Imagism is a movement of Anglo-American poets started in early nineteenth century in which they emphasize the use of clear images and simple and sharp language.
🍁 *What is meant by Stream of Consciousness?*
Stream of Consciousness is a technique of narration in which the series of thoughts in the mind of the character are presented. “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf is one example.
🍁*What is meant by Gothic Novel?*
Gothic Novel is one type of novel. In this type the cruel passions and supernatural terror is presented. Example: Monastery or Haunted Castle etc.
🍁*What is Metaphysical Poetry?*
Metaphysical poetry is a highly intellectualized poetry with the use of wit, imagery, conceits and paradox etc. It is obscure and rigid. For example: “John Donne’s poetry.
[5/27, 3:58 PM] ‪+92 300 2730009‬: (Solved)M.cqs. ENGLISH LITERATURE ☘🌸🌸👇🙋‍♂🍁🍁🍁🍁
1. Who, among the following poets, was a precursor to Romantic Poetry?
Answer: Robert Burns
2. Which novelists is widely known for his use of the stream-of –consciousness
Answer: James Joyce
3. Which year in the social history of England is associated with the Restoration?
Answer: 1660.
4. Which British dramatist attempted to reform English spelling?
Answer: G.B.Shaw
5. For God’s sake hold your tongue, and let me love
Which poem of Donne begins with these words
Answer: Cannonisation
6. How many pilgrims figure in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales?
Answer: 29
7. In which year was Henry VIII acknowledged the Supreme Head on the Earth of the
English church?
Answer: 1534
8. Identify the tragedy written by Ben Jonson
Answer: Sejanus
9. “…though we cannot make our sun / stand still, yet we will make him run”. Identify
the source of these lines from Marvell.
Answer: To His Coy Mistress
10. Which book of Paradise Lost opens with these lines:
‘Of Man’s first disobedience , and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste
Brought death into the world?
Answer: Book I
11. Who said of Chaucer’s characters: ‘it is sufficient to say, according to the proverb,
that here is God’s plenty?
Answer: Dryden
12. Which poem begins with these lines :
The curfew tolls the knell of parting day
The lowing herd win slowly o’er the lea
The plowman homeward plots his weary way”?
Answer: Elegy written in a Country Churchyard
13. “ To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears”
In which poem of Wordsworth would you come across these lines?
Answer: Ode: Intimations of Immortality
14. Which novel of Joyce begins with these words: “once upon a time and very good time
it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was
coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo….?
Answer: A Portrait of an artist as a Young Man.
15. In which novel would you come across this line: “Ralph wept for the end of
innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise
friend called Piggy’?
Answer: Lord of the Flies
16. Name the first novel of Dorris Lessing.
Answer: The Grass is Singing (1950)
17. Which novel of D.H.Lawrence ends with these words: “But no, he would not give in.
Turning sharply, he walked towards the city’s gold phosphorescence. His fists were
shut, his mouth set fast. He would not take that direction, to the darkness, to follow
her. He walked towards the family humming, glowing town, quickly.”
Answer: Sons and Lovers.
18. “They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it’s night once
Who makes this observation in Waiting for Godot?
Answer: Pozzo
19. What is the title of the second section of The Waste Land?
Answer: A Game of Chess
20. In which poem of Owen would you come across the following lines?
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
- only the monstrous anger of eth guns.
Only the stuttering rifles’ rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons?
Answer: Anthem for the Doomed Youth
21. Which African American spoke about ‘Double-Consciousness’?
Answer: W.E.B.Du Bois
22. I too, sing America
I am the darker brother
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes”
Whose words are these?
Answer: Langston Hughes
23. Who is the author of Invisible Man?
Answer: Ellison
24. Who wrote In Search of Our Mother’s Gardens?
Answer: Alice Walker
25. Who is the first African American to be named poet laureate of USA?
Answer: Rita Dove
26. You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise
Whose words are these?
Answer: Maya Angelou’s Still I Rise.
27. Who is the young man in Hawthorne’s “My Kinsman, Major Molineux”?
Answer: Robin
28. “In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts: they come back to
us with a certain alienated majesty.”
Answer: Emerson from Self –Reliance
29. What, according to Poe in ‘The Philosophy of Composition’, is the ‘proper length’ of a
Answer: About one Hundred Lines
30. When was Uncle Tom’s Cabin published as a book
Answer: 1852
31. “I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
For what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.”
Answer: Whitman form Song of Myself
32. In which novel do you come across Starbug and Queequeq?
Answer: Moby Dick
33. In which play of Arthur Miller do you come across the line
“A man is not an orange. You can’t eat the fruit and throw the peel away”?
Answer: Death of Salesman (Willy to Howard)
34. Which poem of Elizabeth Bishop begins with these lines:
“The art of losing isn’t hard to master;
So many things seem filled with the intent
So be lost that their loss is no disaster”?
Answer: One Art (first three lines)
35. In which novel would you come across the Shepherdsons and the Grangerfords?
Answer: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
36. Who wrote the essay “The Art of Fiction”?
Answer: James
37. Who wrote ‘The Awakening’?
Answer: Kate Chopin
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littlelovelymemes · 7 years
✰ * º ❛ more popular text posts starters. ❜
‘  plot twist: you let someone in and they don’t fuck you over  ’ ‘  you would not believe bill nye... if ten million Science Guys  ’ ‘  the lack of cuddling i am experiencing right now is upsetting  ’ ‘  why was shrek’s soundtrack so incredible like who sat down and decided that a movie about an ogre would have a beautiful rufus wainwright ballad followed by a smash mouth/eddie murphy cover of i’m a believer and how can i thank them  ’ ‘  i justify my impulses by the fact i’m going to be dead one day and none of it truly matters in the grant scheme of things it’s that “treat yo self” nihilism  ’ ‘  all i do is listen to music really loudly while i walk in circles and daydream :/  ’ ‘  but you are an entire universe and i am a bigger cooler universe where everyone skateboards  ’ ‘  my insecurities have destroyed so many opportunities   ’ ‘  maybe you and i exist together on a different wavelength than the rest of the world. perhaps, we are on a separate frequency.  ’ ‘  will u still love me when im no longer young and ok looking  ’ ‘  ʸᵉᵃʰᶜᵃⁿ ᴵ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵘʰʰʰʰʰʰ some fuckin physical affection  ’ ‘  stop thinking about everything so much, you’re breaking your own heart.  ’ ‘  concept: me traveling the world alone, figuring myself out, taking tons of cute aesthetic pictures, befriending kind strangers, drinking a cup of tea on a cute cafeteria, and trying out things for the first time.  ’ ‘  holy shit thank god vine is gone like can you imagine all the vines about fidget spinners  ’ ‘  me: reads the bad reviews of a book i didn’t like to seek validation  ’ ‘  if you think you’ve hit rock bottom, just remember that my bank once froze my accounts because I bought a healthy ready meal at my local supermarket and they classed it an “uncharacteristic purchase”  ’ ‘  i’m a dumbass and that’s just how it is  ’ ‘  y'all actually seek validation from people that don’t give a fuck about ur feelings??? LMAO bitch me too why are we like this  ’ ‘  special thanks to all the 10 year olds out there for making all those music lyric videos on youtube  ’ ‘  i am so gentle and kind hearted... and stupid  ’ ‘  there she goes again being over dramatic and by she i mean me  ’ ‘  just letting everyone who’s ever told me a secret know that its safe with me (and my mom)  ’ ‘  me n my eyebrows…………we been thru a lot  ’ ‘  i wanna jump off a building and not die just relieve stress by slamming onto the sidewalk and then get up and go get a slurpee or something  ’ ‘  all I want is vintage lingerie and good skin  ’ ‘  nsfw: nobody’s safe from wonderwall  ’ ‘  do you ever wish you could unmeet someone…. like,, we had fun times,, but it’s time for me to wipe my memory Sorry Bud  ’ ‘  date a boy who reads. or better yet date a 37 year old recent divorcee with a highly diversified stock portfolio who’s looking to feel young again and can treat you to what you deserve  ’ ‘  if you knew me in 7th grade i’m sorry  ’ ‘  *cha cha’s real smooth away from academic responsibilities*  ’ ‘  anyone else feel like they’re inherently worth less than everyone else  ’ ‘  be open with your love and loud with your laughter. life is so much brighter when lived genuinely.  ’ ‘  i really wish i could get a refund for all the love i’ve wasted on people like! repay my emotional labour your bill is in the mail  ’ ‘  i’m such a tease. i’ll tell you how bad I want to fuck you and then probably fall asleep.  ’ ‘  i’m crying my best  ’ ‘  i want to be known as someone who’s full of love and radiates light  ’ ‘  i’m in philosophy and were talking about how you can doubt everything’s existence except for your own consciousness and the guy that sits in front of me just turns around tears streaming down his face and goes “i am on so many drugs”  ’ ‘  how fucked up would it be if an astronaut was coming back to earth and everybody hid for a bit  ’ ‘  some kid just skateboarded down my street crying  ’ ‘  do you ever get in an “i don’t know” phase in your life. where you literally don’t have a solid answer to anything. you. just. don’t. know.  ’ ‘  which of the three pillars of modern music is your favourite, burnin’ up by the jonas brothers, beautiful soul by jesse mccartney or lucky by britney spears  ’ ‘  i guess at this point i should just consider dating myself  ’ ‘  there is no doubt in my mind i’m really that bitch  ’ ‘  after you hit 21, you start forgetting your age cause ain’t nothing else to look forward to, besides sweet death.  ’ ‘  why am i not currently in the italian countryside with a fruit plate wearing a light linen dress? unacceptable  ’ ‘  hands are weird because one of them can do absolutely everything without a problem and the other one can’t even hold a spoon  ’ ‘  remember to drink a fucking shit ton of water every miserable day of ur life  ’ ‘  is he………you know…….*makes football throwing motion*….straight?  ’ ‘  mATH, deATH -- wake up america  ’ ‘  does anyone else have a resting bitch face™, but kinda enjoys looking intimidating  ’ ‘  time flies when u take a 2hr depression nap in the middle of the day  ’ ‘  roses are red, i’m going to bed  ’ ‘  u know when ur hairs greasy and it makes u feel so so so bad about urself. and ur entire life. everything is awful bc my hair is greasy  ’ ‘  i’m just so glad the word “ugh” was invented  ’ ‘  just another day of loving with all my heart and believing in the universe  ’ ‘  you know when dogs sit outside with their face turned towards the sun and their eyes closed and they look so relaxed and when you pet them they’re warm? that’s how I want to feel always  ’ ‘  come into bed and listen to the rain with me  ’ ‘  people are so petty and then here i am, me, an angel,   ’ ‘  can someone please be proud of me like fuck i’m trying  ’ ‘  concept: a really nice Italian restaurant but it’s spelled “spagooter” on the menu and the waiters won’t take your order unless you pronounce it like that  ’ ‘  just found out neanderthal passed on the dna for depression and now we know why they stayed in caves and painted horses all fuckin day   ’ ‘  i want kids but i’m scared they’ll blame me if they’re ugly  ’ ‘  does anyone have any tips for not thinking about it  ’ ‘  “what’s a queen without her king?” well, historically, better  ’ ‘  i want something that doesn’t taste like alcohol but has a lot of alcohol in it  ’ ‘  my kink is getting some fuckin sleep  ’ ‘  i’m alive out of spite  ’ ‘  not to vent but: fuck  ’ ‘  i think i accidentally break my own heart a lot  ’ ‘  can’t wait to be balls deep in love  ’ ‘  why are there so many days?? i feel like we just had a whole day yesterday… they don’t stop  ’ ‘  i walked in on my 4 year old nephew sitting alone on his bed eating grapes in the dark and i didn’t even get a chance to say anything before he said “i don’t have answers”  ’ ‘  *adjusts my tinfoil hat* y’all are crazy  ’ ‘  do raccoons have people hands or do we have raccoon hands?  ’ ‘  mark your territory by crying on things  ’ ‘  any size titty is lit  ’ ‘  love lemon trees! i too am bitter but growing  ’ ‘  my only constant is the black hair tie around my wrist. no mans gonna be there for me like this hair tie has. no ones presence is gonna be as reassuring  ’ ‘  me???? tired???? sleepy??? yes constantly  ’ ‘  the box says “four servings” but my heart says one  ’ ‘  the lengths i would go to to both get attention and avoid it….astounding  ’ ‘  i hope everybody is doing their best even tho we’re all doomed  ’ ‘  young adult things: washing your colors with your whites because you don’t care you JUST don’t fucking care  ’ ‘  I just want to help out all the people with no money but i am people with no money  ’ ‘  bricks are just domesticated rocks  ’ ‘  being nice is so easy just do it  ’ ‘  lets start wearing cloaks and swords again. its time  ’ ‘  classes are like a high level dora the explorer episode. person up front asks a question, stares at you blankly for a few seconds, and then answers their own question.  ’ ‘  the average orgasm is 7 seconds. keeping a feral hog in your basement lasts for 5-16 years depending on your ability to care for it. the decision should be clear  ’ ‘  will i ever have my shit together  ’ ‘  i live in a time where a major selling point for food is that it uses “real” ingredients.  ’ ‘  “what the fuck” is an emotion now and its the only one i have  ’ ‘  it’s not a real party until you sneak away to the bathroom to question your existence as you stare at yourself in the mirror haha  ’ ‘  every hard day you make it through makes you one day closer to stranger things season 2  ’ ‘  assert your dominance by calling your friends by their student i.d. number  ’ ‘  i feel like each year has progressively gotten worse since the year of luigi ended  ’ ‘  um that’s u’re* not ur  ’ ‘  i wanna be a villain so I can just saunter everywhere. the heroes are always sprinting, always running. you ever seen darth vader run? hell no. and I ain’t about to either.  ’ ‘  i have nothing to say but will i shut up? No  ’ ‘  i cannot believe another week is like beginning we just finished one  ’
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