m00nprincessai · 18 days
Toji Fushiguro
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~He said, "Now hush love, here's your gown. There's the bed, lantern's down." But I don't want to go to sleep; in all my dreams, I drown.~
[Any POV] - Pirate Au
When the dred Pirate Toji Fushiguro stormed Port Kaisen-- you, the govener's only child, were prepared for the worst.
However you cleverly trick his crew by invoking pirate law Parley.
Only now you've come face to face with him, the ghost of the sea and he intends to keep you.
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crocodilenjoyer · 1 month
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trafalgar d “Mother Fucker I Will Kill Us Both” water law
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kdjojo · 1 month
For those that doubted that I can't draw anything but chibis.. I CAN AAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH.
Anyway here's some drawings :3
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legend-had-it · 2 days
i love when gay ppl who watch shonen anime make the characters softer
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yesifuckfryingpans · 5 days
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snowywolf1005 · 5 months
New plans!!!
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ZORO X FEMALE READER (JUST HEADS UP, how about zoro reminds you of his childhood friends, Kuina)
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monkeydluthy · 6 months
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shiro41 · 3 months
Sypnosis: Gojo takes you under the sea.
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The calming waves of the ocean greeted your sight once you stepped out the cabin of your ship, you feel the blazing winds caress the fabric of your clothes and your exposed skin. The sun's rays now gone as the glow of its golden eye's replaced with the silver shine of the moon. The water reflected its light that creates a serene glow to the ocean beneath your ship.
"I knew you'd be here."
You chirped, a smile present on your lips as you looked down the dark waters of the ocean deep. It bubbled with a figure of shining white fins and gills rising to the surface, greeting you with a smirk of its own.
The creature's figure emerged from the waters, presenting you a clear view of its snow locks and midnight claws. His eyes bore into yours with cerulean blue dancing in his eyes, such majestic creature in the waters come and meet you in the darkness with the moon's light illuminating your figures-- similar to Romeo and Juliet's story whom knocked at the balcony from the ground-- but you were on a ship in the middle of nowhere in a wide ocean with this mystery of a creature greeting you at night.
"I thought you'd never come."
You stated, leaning more into the sides of your ship to get a better view of the mermaid below.
"Why shouldn't I? You're the only one that lets me escape my world."
"You technically are still in your world, Prince Gojo."
His reply was a splash of water using his magnificent tail that spreads twice the size of his torso, some droplets hit you in the face that turned your amused face to a frown.
"I want to know more about humans."
"You wan to...? Again? I told you huma-"
"Humans are dangerous, yes. I know."
He interrupted, rolling his cerulean blues to the back of his head as if it ever did move from your point of view. His claws lightly scratched the wooden surface of your boat, whining from below about his curiosity of humans.
"Y'know, someday humans will be the cause of your demise."
"You are one and I'm still alive."
He retorted, snickering at you who gripped the wooden rails of your ship and grit your teeth. The mermaid below annoyed you at the moment, how could such majestic creature be so naive about how dangerous humans are despite the warnings and cautions you gave him.
"Come down, I want to show you things."
He invited, flapping his tail on the ocean waters like an excited dolphin and continued to do so as if convincing you to join him in the water like you can breathe in it similar to air in land.
"Why not?"
"I'll get killed, stupid."
Silence was met excluding the small splashes of water created by waves, until the mermaid whined yet again to the human above.
"No one's gonna murder you as long as I'm there!"
He persuaded.
"I can't breathe underwater."
You let out a chuckle at his sudden realization that humans are not fish and they can't breathe under the thick water, he let out another whine and splashes yet again erupted.
"If you're gonna splash more, my crew will know and they'll capture you, silly fish."
"But you're going to be there so what's the problem?"
"Alright, I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
Waters come and shook your ship, leaving you stumbling back. His sudden reaction surprised you and panic settled in once the realization dawned upon you that your crew woke up. The mermaid frowned below, still waiting for your reply and sent another wave to rock your ship rather aggressively.
This caused you to not only stumble, but fall off the ship--unfortunate enough to slide and slip out the comfort of your home to the cold abyss of the ocean. You ended up letting out a shriek and land on the water that made a splash, engulfing you.
The mermaid was quick to hold onto your figure and drag you down deeper into the blue darkness where cute fishes were asleep and unknown glowing creatures decorate the scary ocean.
"I'll take you home and show you my treasures, Pirate."
You slammed your fist against the mermaid's back, intentionally coming contact with his gills that made him hiss and turn to you who slowly turned blue due to the lack of air. He was quick to notice and created a bubble which he put on your head for you to breathe.
"I hate you, you dumb fish."
"Don't hate me, I'm leading you to my treasure."
As soon as he mentioned treasure, your mood lightened up and your anger soon transitioned to a lighter emotion. Despite you swimming with him, his speed is far faster than yours resulting to him dragging you with his claws lightly pressing onto your sleeves.
"Can you not hurry up!?"
You complained, glaring at the white mermaid who only looked back at you.
"Don't speak much, you'll lose human water faster."
"Human water!?"
"Idiot, it's the water you breathe remember?"
"It's called 'Air' you clownfish!"
The light of the moon slowly disappeared as the mermaid dragged you down deeper to the seemingly unending journey to the deep blue. The creatures became more and more peculiar, ones you never seen in your life and probably doesn't exist in any books written in history.
Soon, he's leading you to a wrecked ship deep down with little to no light and casually grabbed a fish with a light on its head that acted as your lantern in this journey.
"I feel bad for that fish."
"Don't be, Pirate."
You rolled your eyes and continued to get dragged by your enormous fish companion, now opening the door to the wrecked ship, finding it dirty and rather empty than you expected it to be.
"I thought you were going to show me your treasures, Gojo."
"I am! This place is full of gold and human things!"
The mermaid let go of you for a moment and swam excitedly like a seal. His canine teeth showed as he grinned and made a tour as if it were his abode.
"And this is- a hairbrush!"
"That's a fork."
He swam in an excited manner, showing you basic everyday things that fell to the ocean and is found by him-- even plastic which he calls 'death chokers' are present in his collection.
"Look, I appreciate you showing off your collectibles of normal human things but, where's your treasure?"
He blinked, cocking his head to the side.
"Oh! Right this way!"
He swam to the opening of the cabin, quickly grabbing the shiny things randomly scattered in a record speed. You were left in an idle state, waiting for him to come back with the treasures he promised back at the surface.
"Those are shells, Gojo."
His lips form a pout, visibly upset by your reply. His hands grasp your waist in a manner so delicate and gentle before he speeds towards the surface of the ocean blue. You didn't notice the decreasing size of the air bubble he created a few minutes earlier.
"You weren't happy to get shells?"
His eyes that reflected his home glossed, almost as if he's about to cry when you didn't appreciate the treasures he saw that's for you, aren't as valuable as gold.
"...tsk..give me the shell."
You roll your eyes, palm open to receive the pale shell that in turn made his composure bright and happy, almost like a dog getting ready to play fetch. His fin wagged beneath the surface, creating bubbles and splashes while he buried his face in the crook of your neck- almost wiggling himself to you.
"You're so clingy, Gojo!"
You whine, cautious about the gills that creeps up from his neck to his jaw that feels slippery to the touch but is somehow sharp. You knew it was sensitive to touch and you hope you didn't send some kind of electric shock- pleasant or not- to him.
"Please keep the shell, Pirate! Keep!"
He insisted, still not creating distance between the both of you.
"I'd kill you one day, you're aware right?"
"I know you can but you won't!"
A cheeky grin appears, revealing his canines. You weren't informed mermaids have canines, fishes mostly don't have teeth visible in their mouth. Carefully, you pinch the cheeks that's similar to human skin, resulting a small whine from him and a chuckle to erupt from you.
"Whatever you believe, Gojo."
You sold him 3 days later.
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wittybubble · 6 months
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(wish that was me)
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miraiimoon · 6 months
Как они относятся к физическому контакту с другими?🤝
Shanks любит физический контакт. Часто держит Вас за руку или приобнимает за плечи, а ещё целует в голову, так как выше ростом. Правда на своём корабле капитан уж очень сильно распускает руки и оторвать его от себя практически нереально. Команда уже давно привыкла к подобному поведению своего капитана, поэтому не обращает внимания и на просьбы о помощи не отзывается. Шанкс скорее позволит отрезать ему ногу, чем выпустит Вас из объятий. Руку не отдаст, иначе будет неудобно обниматься.
Trafalgar D. Water Law не особо тактильный человек. Он с уважением относится к личному пространству других и ждёт того же по отношению к себе. Даже в стенах своей каюты он предпочитает держаться за руки. Крайне редко Ло проявляет что-то большее. Поэтому Вы можете сами брать его за руку и обнимать. Капитан вряд ли сможет отказать Вам. Даже если вы находитесь в обществе. Разве что будет недовольно ворчать, чтобы это поскорее закончилось.
Gojo Satoru буквально живёт физическим контактом. Он понятия не имеет, что такое личное пространство. И если Вам оно важно, то мне жаль, забудьте об этом. Сатору страшно любит любые прикосновения к дорогим ему людям в любое время, в любом месте. А так как таких людей у него практически нет, то и физических прикосновений будет очень много. Он будет держать Вас за руку постоянно, это самое меньшее из зол с которым можно столкнуться. Годжо очень прилипчив в плане объятий и поцелуев. Как только вы оказываетесь вместе, на Вас обрушивается шквал объятий, поцелуев, комплиментов и это всё по кругу, раз так пять, как минимум. Ответьте ему тем же.
Fushiguro Megumi предпочитает физический контакт только когда вы находитесь наедине. В людных местах ведёт себя весьма сдержано и сильно смущается, если Вы берёте его за руку. А вот наедине он более тактильный и нежный. Любит обниматься, гладить Вас по голове и целовать. У Мегуми нет такой сильной потребности в прикосновениях как у его учителя. Он уважает Ваше личное пространство и не станет лезть со своими потребностями в физическом контакте в неподходящее время. Даже если целый день вы провели вдали друг от друга, то сможете насладиться прикосновениями ночью перед и во время сна.
Hakari Kinji весьма спокойно относится к физическому контакту как наедине, так и в обществе. Любит находиться вдвоём в своём клубе, держа Вас рядом с собой. «Держа» в прямом смысле, его ладони путешествуют от плеч до поясницы постоянно. Иногда прилетают шлепки по заднице, но только в качестве поощрения за какие-либо действия с Вашей стороны, которые ему понравились. Находясь же дома наедине, Ваше законное место на коленях у Хакари. Вот нравится ему держать что-то приятное в своих руках.
Takami Keigo (Hawks)   большой любитель прикосновений как случайных, так и намеренных (которые сам же и инициирует). Всегда обнимает Вас не только своими руками, но и крыльями, что даёт дополнительное ощущение защиты и интима, даже если Вы находитесь в многолюдном месте. На улице предпочитает ходить, держась за руки или «обняв» Вас своим крылом. Дома превращается в детёныша коалы и постоянно цепляется за Вас, не отпуская от себя ни на секунду. Даже в туалет отпроситься тяжело. Обнимайте Ястреба всегда в ответ, ему так этого не хватало в детстве.
Katsuki Bakugo может взорваться от Ваших неожиданных прикосновений, особенно если вы находитесь где-то в обществе. Он будет очень смущаться и уворачиваться от физического контакта. Возможно со временем Бакуго немного привыкнет и даже сам начнёт держать Вас за руку вне дома. А дома будет обнимать, хотя скорее щупать или просто гладить. Да, даже такой вспыльчивый молодой человек как Катсуки способен на нежность (по праздникам). В большинстве случаев Вы инициируете любого рода физические прикосновения, поэтому, когда это делает Бакуго, кажется, что настал конец света.
Ino Takuma любит физические прикосновения как давать, так и получать. И его совсем не смущают публичные проявления привязанности. Ино с удовольствием возьмёт Вас за руку на публике, обнимет или поцелует в макушку. И всё это без капли смущения. Дома может сделать тоже самое, если Вы его попросите. Обычно молодой человек просто постоянно обнимает Вас в течении дня, при каждом удобном случае. Это примерно каждые три минуты. Не то чтобы Ино одиноко и грустно без Вас (на самом деле одиноко, но он не скажет этого вслух).
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nutterbuttermother · 2 years
Yuuji: it wasn’t me
YN: uh huh
Yuuji: I swear, I’ll name fingers and point names
YN: oh please do
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jesi555 · 8 months
☆ ─ MY EYES; 100 follower special !
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ᝰ thank you for a hundred followers everyone! this is my first milestone and i'm so grateful for all the love youve shown and ill be working even harder to write more things for you all to enjoy and hopefully hold more events as well! i love each and every one of you and appreciate you so so much! thank you <;33
this event is open to all! PLEASE SPECIFY WHAT FANDOM YOU WOULD LIKE AND ONLY REQUEST MAXIMUM 3. also, if you’re on anon please provide an emoji!
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ᝰ APPEARANCE MATCHUPS :: send me an ask with the following to see 3 characters you’d look best with!
your picture/picrew/description of your appearance.
any specific attributes of your appearance.
any one of these fandoms: jjk, one piece, kny, haikyuu, nana, one punch man, bnha.
gender preference
send in your requests here
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TAGS - @roronoaswifey, @euphofic, @sukisukiskitty, @sunarintarotea. I literally have no other moot L 👎
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꩜ 2023 all rights belong to jesi555 on tumblr. thank u so so much for reading!! reblogs are always appreciated !!
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itshermocrates · 7 months
Of sapphires and pearls
["A Prince's shadow" side story featuring Satosugu in a Medieval-like setting]
You can read this without having read the main story!! And there's absolutely nothing explicit but there will be mentions of: sexual abuse, non-con, underage sex, child (sexual) abuse, prostitution, violence... So please be careful.
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Satoru Gojo was born to trade with those who came from the other side of the sea. He was the heir to one of the most powerful families in the entire kingdom, and only the King could compete in wealth with the Gojo clan.
He was taught from a very early age to negotiate, to barge, persuade and outsmart anyone who could offer the family a good deal, or even access to the Far West Seas. He learned to use his words like small pieces of an intricate magic spell, and use them always accompanied by careful movements of his own body.
At times, using his words wasn't enough, and tilting his head with a slight pout on his lips was not as efficient as it should have been. He was still learning and quite young the first time this happened. But he was smart enough to know how things could turn out for him from then on if he repeated the same mistake ever again.
His skin still felt itchy when Satoru met the boy, a merchant's son with big dreams and a soft voice. He could soothe the black and blue still marking his body with no more than a few words.
He was not afraid of the power he held in between his fingers, and he did not stare at him in disgust when Satoru showed him his eyes for the first time.
That had been the most common reaction, an unsettling peek of what had to be a curse. Even if it was considered a gift by most elders in the Gojo family. He had been honored with the eyes of those who had brought greatness to their family after all.
The boy had been curious, mesmerized, even, but his mind quickly wandered to other questions, much more mundane and unexpected.
"They are beautiful… But, Satoru…" They never used titles, and the sweet little lord was very grateful for that. "Isn't the light too strong? Are you not hurt?"
Satoru freezed. He was hurt, but no one ever stopped to think about that. Not even his own family. His eyes had been described as divine, heavenly, even, they consumed every thought of those who had been privileged enough to see them.
The blue flooded their senses, and Satoru stopped being Satoru, stopped being a boy, and turned into something else. A strange creature everyone wanted to observe with overeager eyes. He was often treated as no more than an exotic beast, and yet, this sweet boy, son of a mediocre merchant, seemed to be genuinely worried about him.
How could Satoru prevent his heart from falling in love with him?
As the young Lord grew up, he learned all the ways a man could be convinced, turning his body into a vessel for any possible fantasy. In return, he only asked his family for one thing, to be able to share his knowledge with the boy of soft voice and big dreams.
Of course, Satoru did everything in his power to hide the most shameful aspects of his duties, the things he had to do to achieve some of his most ambitious goals. He didn’t know if he could stand the disappointment in the other boy’s eyes, and he feared that perhaps he could no longer look at him the way he did if he knew how he surrendered his body to all types of greedy men.
He was his friend, after all, his only friend. The only one he had ever been allowed to keep. He would rather die than lose him.
He was his only joy, and with him, he could simply forget about everything and imagine themselves crossing the sea insearch of new treasures to discover, new foods and even new colors!
“Satoruu…” His laugh twisted the sounds that formed his name in the most beautiful way. He could hear them all day without ever growing bored of them. “How could you find new colors? There can’t be new colors!”
“Why?! I’m telling you, we will never know! Not until we travel there.”
“Then we should go, Satoru.”
“Yes, sure. There’s no need for us to stay here to negotiate with the people from the Far West, we could visit them ourselves.”
“Are you serious?” He didn’t believe his words.
“Of course I am, don’t you want to go? Don’t tell me you are scared now, Satoru…”
Even if the other boy wanted to tease him, the young Lord was too excited, too happy, to feel even the slightest annoyance. And in his caramel eyes there was nothing but love to offer him.
Satoru crawled over the sand and threw himself over the boy, hugging him as if only that could stop him from disappearing.
“Satoru, you are covered in sand! Get off!”
“I don’t want to!”
It wasn’t uncommon for them to spend hours on the beach, swimming or simply exploring the coast and the little caves carved by the sea. It was not rare either to be touchy, especially for Satoru, who could only find comfort in him. It could seem ridiculous, but the Lord only knew what it felt to be happy, to be at ease, when he was by this low merchant’s side.
The other boy chuckled, embracing the body above his own for a few seconds. Satoru melted against his touch, feeling his heart beating slower and steadier as his senses were filled with him. Then the young merchant rolled over the sand, flipping them over with a quick movement to mercilessly tickle the Lord.
“You should stop complaining about sand making your skin feel itchy if you keep acting this careless, Satoru.”
The Lord wailed, unable to contain a laugh that resonated within his ribcage as he struggled to escape from beneath the other boy.
“No! Wait! S-stop! No, no, no, no…”
It was useless. He was sitting over Satoru’s thighs, and while one hand resumed the torture, the other had captured his wrist in a strong hold, nailing it to the ground right next to his head.
“Stop, please! I s-surrender! I surrendeeer…”
The merchant wore a big smile on his face when he leaned forward, placing his now free hand on the other side of the Lord’s head. They stared at each other for what it seemed to be ages, lost in the other’s features. Eyes, smile, nose, lips, heavy breaths…
“I would go all over the world with you, Suguru.”
He hadn’t recovered from their little fight yet, and his voice had sounded much softer than expected. But not less true.
Without even thinking about what he was doing, Satoru raised his hand to cup Suguru’s cheek, caressing his skin with slow motions as he allowed himself to be consumed by a gaze filled with warmth, and love.
The kisses that came afterwards, the touches and praises, the promises, it all came naturally for them. And as years passed by, their bond only seemed to grow stronger and deeper. They were happy, things were going great for them in every way, and they had started to discreetly build their own ship.
They wanted to explore the seas, know the cities they oftenly traded with, learn about their cultures and see for themselves what the world had to offer. They had so many plans, so many dreams, and soon they could finally sail together, heading to those lands they had only ever dared to fantasize about. 
Everything was possible for the young Lord and his dearest merchant, or, at least, it seemed to be until that fatal day. When Suguru discovered what Satoru had to do behind the scenes sometimes to get the deals his family pushed him to secure, something inside of him changed. He loved Satoru, he still did, but he couldn’t believe the joy in his eyes to be real when he looked at Suguru, now knowing the price he had to pay for it.
Knowing the prison Satoru had been forced to grow up in, and all the things he had to sacrifice to keep him by his side.
Suguru didn’t have the heart to tell him that he knew, to make him aware of how his mind would drift to the most horrible places, disgusting scenarios where Satoru always ended up humiliated and in pain. He couldn’t see the world in the same way anymore, and specially, he couldn’t see nobility in the same way.
He didn’t blame Satoru, but now there was a certain sadness in his eyes when he looked at him. And the rest of them, all the other noble men and women, they all were scum. They were the reason Satoru had to go through a living hell in the first place.
All of them, with their pompous clothes and expensive jewels, with their stupid protocols, designed only to boost their gluttonous egos. They were all fucking rotten inside, and didn’t deserve the privileges they had been granted.
Now he knew that, and he despised the fact that he had ever wanted to be like them, to be part of that insidious group. It made him feel sick, and he couldn’t stand to see Satoru walking side by side with those greedy bastards. Because of this, he started to miss meetings, important evenings filled with negotiations and business proposals. He couldn’t do it.
Satoru worried, of course, but he trusted him so much he never even questioned his excuses. He was also pretty easy to distract, his mere presence seemed enough to make him lose his focus and devote himself only to him.
Suguru didn’t know if he could be there for much longer, and as doubts started to consume every waking thought, his dreams turned into nightmares and he found himself on the verge of collapse. Then, a very unfortunate conversation reached his ears, and he simply stopped caring about holding back.
“You must try it, my Lord. He wailed like one of those cheap whore fishermen pay for near the harbor.”
“Yes, he’s a nasty one.”
“Those eyes of his made him appear all pure and flawless, when he’s just as depraved as they can be, is he not?”
“Oh, yes, indeed. And his hole? He’s such a tight fit, you must try it, my Lord. It’s almost as if you were fucking a virgin!”
Their laughs echoed in his mind like notes of an old instrument no longer of use to any musician. It was noise, discordant sounds trapped inside his skull until those filthy words were the only thing he could hear or think about.
He killed them. He killed them all right where they had disrespected Satoru Gojo, an error they wouldn’t commit ever again. And once the blood was spilled for the first time, it only felt easier to make it pour out of new bodies when Suguru found other noblemen that had boldly stated their interest in the young Lord.
Crimson stained his hands and clothes again, and again, and again. He didn’t count the corpses he left behind, but he was sure all of those men had forced themselves upon Satoru, or, at least, were waiting for their chance to.
The trail of blood he was leaving behind was growing out of hand, and while he didn’t have any reason to stop, he didn’t want Satoru to witness his execution. He didn’t want Satoru to sacrifice himself even more to save him. He knew very well it would have been impossible, too many important families had lost their firstborn sons because of him, and those twisted creatures would turn the world upside down before letting him go.
He had to run away, and what could possibly be better than the very ship they had been building together to do so?
It was a beautiful cog they had commissioned to the best shipyard on their side of the sea, a gift for themselves with splendid sails and a name yet to be decided. Suguru took a few things to carry with him, hired the first few men he found in the harbor and prepared himself for departure.
All those years living in the fortress with Satoru didn’t feel real when he stared at the castle from the ship deck. They were more like a dream he had refused to wake up from, stretching the fantasy way too much in hopes of turning it into something more than the delusions of a low merchant’s son. It was not his place, and he felt sorry for Satoru, for leaving him behind, but it was the best. For both of them.
He didn’t want a life of fear for Satoru. He didn’t want to turn the young Lord into a runaway, an exotic bandit with a colossal bounty on his head and a very known name. They would never let him go. Satoru Gojo was one of their own, and they would never allow him to be something else.
He didn’t want him to give up on all the things he enjoyed as a nobleman either. All the privileges, luxuries and most importantly, the peace of knowing he would always have a roof above his head and a good meal waiting for at the table. Despite everything, Satoru liked his life as a nobleman, the comforts, the events, the tournaments, the arts… He loved to be surrounded by people who wanted to be just like him, to be him, and he loved to outsmart people twice his age and equally rich.
Even if he sometimes lost catastrophically, Satoru loved to play their game. He could see it in his eyes. And if there was someone truly worthy of a title, that would be him. Suguru wished everyone was a bit more like him, and a bit less like beasts blinded by their own urges and twisted desires.
He turned his back on the fortress, ready to leave it all behind, despite the heaviness in his heart.
The young Lord called his name in a desperate cry, running across the harbor to get as close to the ship as he could. When the merchant turned again, it was to see Satoru’s expression, heartbroken and breathless, visibly shaking even from that distance.
He tried his best to keep his emotions at bay, but he had never seen Satoru like that.
“Is it true?! Did you kill those men?”
It was just a matter of seconds before the ship left the realm for good.
“I killed no man, Satoru. Those were no better than any wild animal royals like to hunt for fun.”
“Then it is true? Why?! Why did you do it, Suguru?! What did they even…”
The answer presented itself before his very eyes. He knew Satoru would be smart enough to figure it out, but he was not prepared to see the utter shame in his eyes as he watched Suguru sail away from him.
He opened his mouth, but not a single sound came out of it, and before it was too late to say goodbye, Suguru gathered the strength he needed to speak to him one last time.
“I wish things were different, Satoru, but my place is not by your side, and we shouldn’t have pretended otherwise.”
The Lord fell to his knees with tears running down his cheeks. That would be the last thing Suguru would ever see of him. 
Some time after that, reports of a ship ruled by a ruthless pirate would arrive at Satoru's desk. A crew with a notorious preference for luxurious cargo meant to please noblemen of all over the kingdom. There was little information about their captain or where they could be selling the stolen goods, however, multiple witnesses had been able to see the cog’s name.
He could feel his heart on his throat, choking him as if it wanted to kill its host, when written in messy handwriting, Satoru read  The Honored One.
If you want to read more of this Au, I highly encourage you to check the main story in here. Chapter 2 is still in the making but I can tell you that Satoru will make a special appereance in there too~ I hope you liked it!
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greeniegreengreen · 1 year
Anything you guys would like to read in a chap?? :]
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mouseymuse3d · 5 months
All my products are 20% off until Dec. 10th with the code 23HOLIDAYS !
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