carrofx · 3 years
Diccionario Polari
muchxs de nosotrxs conocemos este lenguaje por Louis, que ha echo referencia a este muchas veces, aquí un poquito más sobre eso.
Les recomiendo que investiguen un poco más sobre su uso y su historia, en Google pueden encontrar mucha info.
En este post solo adjuntaré algunas palabras y su traducción al español, en el lenguaje polari hay alrededor de 500 palabras, existe una aplicación en la cual puedes aprender el lenguaje, aquí, además de que existen libros que hablan de el tema. The lost languaje of gay men de Paul Baker que habla de el lenguaje en si y Fantabulosa a dictionary of polari and gay slang de Paul Baker el cual es un diccionario prácticamente.
Debo destacar que el polari no es un idioma, es un lenguaje, por lo mismo este se habla en inglés, algo así como:
Is Bona vada your dolly eek
De este modo palabras que no existan en polari las remplazas en inglés, algo como esto.
Y bueno dicho esto quiero aclarar que el lenguaje, era algo que se transmitiá de boca a boca algo como los gays más viejos enseñándole a los gays jóvenes el lenguaje, y me encantaría seguir con la tradición pero visto que no es fácil saber la traducción de algunas palabras, aquí un listado de algunas, o las más famosas por así decirlo.
bevvy – bebida
bitch – marica mala
blow – dar sexo oral
bona – bueno
camp – amanerado
cod – horrible
cottage – baños plubicos dónde se práctica sexo oral
dish – ano/culo
dolly – bonito
drag – ropas estrafalarias
eek – cara
feely – joven
lally – pierna
lattie – casa
omi – hombre
palone – mujer
omi palone – gay
putting on – lubricar
riah – pelo
trade – hetero curioso
vada – mirar
aqua – agua
bibi – bisexual
ajax – cercano
alamo – que son atractivos
arva – tener sexo
tía nell – escuchar
tía nells – orejas
tía nelly finge – aretes
barney – una pelea
batt, batts, bates – zapatos
bibelot – pequeño
bitania – puta
blag – recoger
negrita – homosexual
buena – bien
bona nochy – buenas noches
cacareo – hablar
capello – sombrero
carsey – inodoro
cartes – pene
charper – buscar
clevie – vagina
golpear – ropa
bacalao – malo
chico dilly – prostituto
dinari – dinero
muñequita – bonito/agradable
famles – manos
fantabulosa – fabuloso
feele – niño/joven
fogus – tabaco
fortuni – hermosa
hongo – anciano/barba
hoofer – bailarín
manky – inútil
medzer – mitad
medzered – dividido
nanti – no
nishta – nada
ogles – ojos
oglefakes – gafas
onk – nariz
tubo parlare
palone omi – lesbiana
riah zhoosher – peluquero
screeve – escribir
yeute – ninguno
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jasonliya · 4 years
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Facial Care & Beauty * The fresh feeling of the oil base is moist but not sticky. * Sexy shadows, blush and lip gloss are bright, subtle illuminators. * Highlight skin tone and facial features. Provides a striking make-up effect, * Provides a healthy look and leaves a beautiful complexion. * Moisturizing texture brings moisture and volume to your cheeks.
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Prince of Two Realms: chapter 3 chapter index ao3 ; ffn
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It was late afternoon.  Inga sat in the castle garden, holding baby Lydia. The sun was pleasant enough, and almost took her mind off of her worries. In her free hand she held the letter she had received a few days ago from Henry. Her older children were playing a short distance away. Inga shifted little Lydia over so she could read the letter in her hand once more. Lydia was hardly a baby any more, and she had started to run around and get into trouble when she wasn’t asleep like right now.   
Inga stared at the date on the letter again.  She hadn’t received a letter yesterday or today, and she couldn’t remember the last time she had gone that long without a letter from Henry. 
September 12th, 1875
Dear Inga,
You’ll be happy to hear that Corona has its fishing rights and the Southern Isles will be able to send their own trains into Corona. Unfortunately, Ambassador Pincar told me that they want to see me once more later this week, and this means I won’t be able to leave tomorrow like they told me last week, but I’ll let you know as soon as I can when I have a definite departure date. I think I should make it back before Aggie’s birthday next week.  I’ll do my best.  
Sorry, I didn’t have a chance to finish this before being called to yet another state dinner. These men don’t make pleasant dinner companions, and I really don’t see what more they need from me that the Ambassador can’t take care of himself.  
I miss you terribly. Tell the children I’ll be back as soon as I can.  I hope Lukas is over his cold by now, and that no one else is sick. Please let me know!
P.S.-- the birthday card Ariana made for me just arrived in the post yesterday, so please tell her I love it.
The letter hadn’t initially bothered Inga. She was a little annoyed that they were keeping him in the Southern Isles a few days longer, but she had written back quickly, assuring him they were all well, and that the cold that Lukas had earlier in the week was already better. She was so used to getting a daily letter from Henry that she decided to save some of what was on her mind for the next letter; there was nothing urgent.  They might be very busy, and if he could get back sooner, all the better.  She shouldn’t worry like this.
“Inga?” her mother called as she walked across the garden to sit down next to Inga.
“Hello,” she replied quietly.
“Did Henry write back already?”
 “No, this is the same letter from earlier this week,” Inga admitted.  “I think something’s wrong.”
“He might just be very busy.” 
“He said everything he needed to do was done.  They’re working him too hard.  I wish his parents would go instead.”
“Well, I guess we just need to wait.”
Inga sighed.  “I’m sorry I missed seeing Frederick off on his new ship yesterday.”
“Lukas was sick, Frederick understands, especially now.”
“I know.”
There was a knock at the door of the embassy bedroom, pulling Inga out of her reverie. Looking up, she realized she had been sitting on the edge of the bed crying. She had no idea where to find a clean handkerchief in this room, so after hearing another knock at the door she wiped her tears with the back of her bare hand.
“Yes?” Inga called out.
“Your Highness?” she heard through the door.  It was James, Henry’s valet.
“Oh, James! Please come in,” she replied, standing up and stepping toward the door.
Henry’s valet walked in.  Even though James was only six years older than she was, he always seemed considerably older. He looked somber this evening, and she had the feeling he had probably already been questioned at least once since Henry disappeared.  He gave a bow as he entered the room, leaving the door slightly open, always one for propriety.
“Your Highness,” he began, “I didn’t realize you would be coming to the Southern Isles.”
“I… I didn’t tell anyone,” she mumbled. “I suppose I’ll have to tell people now.”
“I don’t think so, at least… I assume you wouldn’t have left Arendelle without providing your mother with a plausible cover story. But it’s not up to me whether anyone else finds out that you’re here,” he told her.
Inga nodded, looking away.  James stood silently just inside the door.
“How long have you been here?” she asked, realizing it was a stupid question. He always traveled with Henry.
“I haven’t gone anywhere since I arrived here at the end of the summer,” he reminded her, “but I’m sure you’re wondering, I last saw him September seventeenth.  And, yes, that is nearly a week after your last letter.  It was starting to look like they might be trying to intercept his letters, even the ones that don’t go through the postal service.  And we can’t trust all of the messengers back to Corona, and there have been ongoing problems with the telegraph network,” he informed her.
“Wait, who is trying to intercept letters?  The Southern Isles? I thought Henry was here to sign off on some fishing rights,” she muttered in confusion, half talking to herself.
“Mr. Nilsen will fill you in at dinner, I believe.  He’s told me to trust him, but I believe he has his reasons not to tell me everything he knows.”
“I suppose I should head on to dinner, then,” Inga sniffed, looking at herself in the mirror.  Her eyes were still somewhat red.
“Henry keeps his handkerchiefs in the center top drawer,” James informed her.
Inga opened the drawer and found a handkerchief.  “Thank you, James, we’ll speak more later, I’m sure.”
Lars stood in the front hall of the embassy, examining the portrait of the members of Corona’s royal family hanging on the wall.  He had looked at it a few times in the last week or two since he’d arrived in the Southern Isles.  The elderly King and Queen were seated in the center, with the Crown Princess, her husband, and their children and grandchildren standing around them, looking as if they had been startled by a photographer’s flash. Henry and his oldest son were given obvious extra attention by the court painter, who seemed intent on emphasizing the line of succession more than capturing anyone’s personality. The whole thing looked jarringly formal compared to the other paintings in the embassy.
A gust of wind blew in as John stepped in the front door, closing it quickly behind him, trying not to drip any water from his raincoat as he took it off. 
“All the staff is at least a block away now,” he told Lars. “I told them I had to run back and get my umbrella, and not to wait up. I’m sure they won’t.”
“Excellent, thanks,” Lars nodded, looking back at the painting.  It had been a last minute plan, and John had to act like he was one of the staff enjoying an unexpected night off for just long enough not to raise suspicion. 
“Did James go up to check on Inga?”
“Yes.  And I believe him that he wasn’t expecting her to come here, either.”
John stepped up next to him, looking at the portrait.  “I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier, with all the fuss after we found Inga this afternoon, I did manage to find the port schedule.  Captain Nilsen’s ship is going to be in port two weeks from now for three days, and his next port is Corona.”
“Good, his schedule hasn’t changed since he left New York.”  Lars had nearly forgotten their entire reason for being at the port customs house earlier that day.  He had simply been milling about in the arrival area, waiting for John to come back from the luggage hold where the schedules were posted. He thought he was imagining things when he first saw Inga coming into the building from the ship that had arrived that morning, but she had started speaking just as John had joined him, and there was no doubt that it was her.  John had rushed out to get the carriage ready, and Lars had to think quickly before she got detained, and with no passport, she clearly hadn’t thought through how to answer any of the more difficult questions they might have had for her.
“Do you know if Inga is coming down for dinner?” John asked him.
“I haven’t heard otherwise.”
“What are you planning to tell her tonight?”
“We need to tell her about Ambassador Pincar, at least.  Otherwise, I don’t know.  She seemed… I’d say almost fragile this afternoon, and I don’t trust her judgment in coming here like she did.  Besides, there’s so much we’re not sure about. With the telegraph still down, we don’t know if anyone knows that she’s gone, and we can’t even be sure that Pincar’s message about Henry made it to Corona.  I’d like her to tell us what she knows first, but I’m not about to interrogate her.”  Lars remembered the sixteen-year-old princess he had first met so many years ago, so freely sharing personal anecdotes.  Now that he really needed to find out what was going on, she seemed to quickly turn each question back to him.
“Don’t you think we should tell her about-” John stopped himself when a door opened near the top of the stairs.  Lars didn’t notice that he was holding his breath until he saw James appear at the top of the stairs.
“Sir,” James called down, “if you don’t mind, I’ll be turning in early this evening.”
“Did you eat yet, James?” John called back up. “I’m about to cook dinner.”
“Thank you, but I had something sent up an hour ago before the staff left.  Good night.”
“Good night, then!” Lars called up after him. “You were saying, John?”
“I’ll let you make the final call, but she needs to know that a lot more people than Henry have been caught up in all this.”
Inga found Lars sitting in the dining room, sipping at his drink.  No one else was in the room.
“Good evening,” she greeted him as she walked in.
“I hope you’re feeling refreshed,” he said, sounding much more subdued than he had earlier in the day at the port, but there was an awkward air of formality. “Dinner should be ready in a minute or two.”
“Should we be waiting for anyone else?” she asked him.
“Not right now,” he replied, “John will be joining us for dinner as soon as it’s ready.”
“What about the staff?”
“Everyone has the night off except for James.  We bought tickets for everyone to spend the evening at the Vesterport Gardens.”
“And Ambassador Pincar?”
Lars looked at her.  “Oh, of course you wouldn’t know, I should have thought…  Pincar was last seen a day or two after Henry.  The staff’s stories are distinctly unclear on the details.”
“Why has there been no news about any of this?  Not even private messages to any of us? Why haven’t I heard anything from Corona? Is this related to the telegraph problems?”
Before Lars had a chance to reply, John came in with the food then sat down at the end of the table. Lars started eating wordlessly.  Looking at her own plate, Inga realized that she was still not feeling like eating, despite feeling much better than she had when she got off the boat.  She spotted some potatoes, and picked at a small portion, and thankfully they smelled very bland.  She gave them a small bite, and hoped that she could get away without eating too much more.
“Did the kitchen staff make dinner before they left for the evening?” Inga asked, hoping to make conversation.
“No, this is my cooking,” John told her.  “Sorry if it’s a bit late, but I waited until everyone here had left before I started.”
“You really don’t trust the staff here, I take it?” she asked while Lars took another bite of food.
John smirked and raised an eyebrow, looking at Lars.
“Not particularly, no,” Lars told her. “I was already suspicious because of the stories I heard from my Academy classmates that I keep in touch with.  As far as any of the staff here knows, John only speaks English, so they don’t think they need to watch what they say around him.  Pretty much everyone is on the payroll of the secret police here.”
“Is it really that bad?  And why doesn’t Corona bring its own staff?”
“First of all, there was no proof before that anything was wrong, and second of all, nobody from Corona wants to stay long enough, unless they’re also making extra money.”
“Can’t Corona pay more?”
“It’s not always about the money,” John told her.  “If it were about money, I’d still be in Arendelle.”
“And about that-” Inga began.
“Everyone was wonderful,” John interrupted before she could ask her question, “and I was just about set for life, so don’t worry about it.  But Lars is right, you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into here.”
“Fine, but… wait! If I’m in such trouble, why bring me to a place with staff you don’t trust?”
Lars and John looked at each other for a moment like they expected the other to speak first.  Part of her wondered if the two of them even knew what it was they were warning her about.  She found herself more exasperated than afraid. 
She reminded herself that at least these two weren’t dismissing her concerns outright like most people in Arendelle. Worse were the ones who would not very subtly suggest that Henry’s extended absence was a personal matter and not something she should mention in public, never willing to tell her which rumor they had heard.  Her mind had gone through so many possibilities about what might have happened to Henry before she even left home, and she wished that Lars would just tell her everything at once.
Finally, Lars broke the silence. “You’ll be safe here,” he said, “but we are curious if someone is going to let it slip that you’re here. But you’re safe, I promise.”
“If you say so,” Inga replied, not feeling completely reassured.
The three sat in silence for a while, with Inga watching the two men eating, moving her food around her plate some more. She couldn’t go home, not just yet, but she had even less idea of what she would do while she was in the Southern Isles than she had had a few hours before.
“Inga, is there anything wrong with the food?” Lars asked. “John had told me that’s one of your favorite things to order at Hudson’s Hearth.”
“Oh,” Inga sighed, looking at her plate and feeling guilty. “I’m sorry, I thought I’d have more of an appetite by now, but I really can’t eat at the moment.”
“Were the seas that rough on your way here?” Lars asked her.
“They weren’t that rough, just remarkably windy,” she answered.
“You don’t need to eat if you don’t want to.  Sea voyages are difficult, trust me, I know. I’m honestly quite impressed at how often you’ve traveled back and forth between Corona and Arendelle by now.”
“Well, yes, it’s… it’s expected.”  Inga didn’t want to think about that for the moment.  She couldn’t think about Henry or the children without feeling overwhelmed right now.
Lars looked over at her and took a deep breath.  “I’m sorry, I know you’re here to find him.”
Inga swallowed, realizing she still hadn’t really learned anything. “So why is he missing?”
“Do you know about the succession crisis here?” Lars asked, his voice firm but tense.
“I have to be honest, I hadn’t really paid attention.  I don’t think I’ve seen anything in the newspapers.” 
Lars laughed.  “Yes, that might mean something if we were talking about Corona, or maybe Arendelle.”
“Even so, the King has thirteen sons. It seems rather ridiculous, doesn’t it?”
“But the Southern Isles follows Salic Law, you know.” 
“Well, yes,” she replied, having had European succession laws drilled into her by more than one tutor. “So only direct male line descendants can inherit.”
“Yes, and the king’s surviving grandchildren are all female.”
Inga looked at Lars pointedly.
“Fine, all his known grandchildren,” Lars grumbled. “You should know that I’d like to keep it that way, being unknown, because quite a lot of the King’s grandsons, legitimate or not, have had a way of meeting peculiar ends.  Most of the officially illegitimate grandchildren are just from unofficial marriages, particularly in the colonies, so they’ve been acknowledged.  A few of them are far enough away that they haven’t had any trouble.”
“Oh, right, they don’t have any rules against legitimized sons inheriting,”  Inga recalled.  She noticed Lars looking at her.  “Yes, I checked once, out of curiosity.  You could have a claim if you wanted.”
“There are quite a few reasons for me not to want that, besides putting myself and my family at risk, not the least of which would be that I’d have to be recognized.  I rather enjoy my anonymity right now.  I know all the diplomats from Corona, I hold legal privileges from Arendelle, and unless I’m in Washington, I can live with my family as an ordinary citizen in America.”
Inga nodded, but then thought about that passport he had produced to get her out of the port terminal quickly earlier that day. 
“Lars, about that- living as an ordinary citizen, that is... are you supposed to be able to get an American passport while working as Arendelle’s ambassador?”
“No, of course not,” Lars answered quickly, “And once you’re back in Arendelle, you can bring that up with the council if you like.  And before you start, I know you saw the money. That was legitimately acquired.  Elizabeth has been investing the money from her dowry, quite successfully, I might add.”
Inga thought for a moment. “I was starting to wonder why you’ve never asked for a raise in your pay all these years.”
“We live quite comfortably,” he insisted, sounding almost relaxed again, “I suppose Elizabeth would never tell you if we were struggling, but we’re doing quite well.”
“That is nice to know,” Inga acknowledged.  Elizabeth’s letters were nearly always positive, to the point that Inga started to wonder if she was supposed to read between the lines for anything. But she might simply be quite content with her life.
Lars went back to eating, along with John, and Inga took a few more tentative bites of potato, while her thoughts sped ahead of her.
“You still haven’t explained to me what this succession crisis has to do with my husband.”
“We can’t be entirely-” Lars replied. 
“Lars,” John interrupted, “What about what James said?”
“What did James say?” Inga demanded, looking back and forth from John to Lars. She wasn’t sure what sort of information James would have kept from her, and she was tired of Lars in particular appearing so hesitant to tell her anything.  Was it because of that night so many years ago when Lars had encountered her in such a panic after learning about who he really was? Did he expect her to react that way every time she heard unsettling news, simply because she had allowed herself to cry a few hours before in the carriage on the way to the embassy?  
“Did he tell you anything this evening?” Lars asked her.
“Not really, just that Henry was worried about someone intercepting his letters,” Inga replied.
“Well, that’s true,” Lars agreed, “and I suppose James didn’t feel comfortable telling you what he told us, even if you’re probably in more of a position to need to know it.”
“What should I know?”
“A few of the princes are widowers,” Lars began, “and they’re trying to remarry.”
“So?  How does that concern any of us?”
“From what James told us, one of the princes he met with was disappointed because Henry wouldn’t discuss making an introduction to his sister-in-law who just turned eighteen.”
“Wait, what? Sofia?” Inga exclaimed, “Well, of course Henry wouldn’t.  She’s entirely too young.”
“Oh? You think there’s a problem with getting married at eighteen?” Lars asked pointedly.
“No, that’s obviously not what I meant,” Inga mumbled, looking down at her plate again.  “How old is this man? He must be close to sixty.” 
“Well, yes, and one of the older brothers seemed to also be interested.  There are plenty of princesses, though, and they don’t really need to consider your sister, since it would obviously not work either politically or personally.”  Lars stopped speaking, but didn’t look like he was finished saying what there was to say.
“So what does worry you?” Inga demanded.
“There’s no reason to worry about that just yet, and even so-”
“Just yet?”  Inga asked.
“Henry is probably fine,” John said, “and you’re not about to agree to anything like that.”
“Like what?” Inga swallowed hard. “And what do you mean by saying he’s probably fine?”
“The state dinner, a few days before he disappeared, the two princes Henry was sitting with were discussing the advantages of young widows who already have children.  They were rather blunt about it, and according to what James told us, Henry seemed to think they were deliberately discussing women similar to you.”
“Even if…” Inga couldn’t complete her thought, trying to push down the mix of anger and fear washing over her. She swallowed hard.  “I’d never agree to something like that.”
“I’m sure you wouldn’t,” Lars agreed, “but they have something on Arendelle, or at least they think they have something, though I can’t figure out what it is…”
She had to try not to cry right now.  “I think I’ll go to bed now,” she told him.   
“It’s not even eight,” Lars protested.  “Are you sure?”
“I’m not even sure that I should be here,” she snapped, “but I’m pretty sure that I need sleep right now.”
“Sorry, of course,” Lars said, “there’s been a lot today.”
“Fine,” she said, rising from the table.  She began to walk to the door, briefly turning around.  “Good night, then.”
“Oh, and Inga, if you’re feeling up to it, John and I will be going on an errand of sorts tomorrow morning, and you can come with us.”
“Thank you, I think I will,” she told him. 
Inga stared up at the ceiling as she was lying in bed.  The moulding looked like it was trying to be the same as the palace in Corona, but the workmanship was clearly different.  Inga couldn’t quite put her finger on what was different about it, but she was sure that Henry could tell her right away. She wanted to touch him.  She wanted him looking at her, studying every part of her, sketching it out in the notebooks only she got to look at.   
She reached over to the drawer of the nightstand and pulled out his notebook again, slowly leafing through.  She found the page dated with Henry’s birthday.  It was a drawing of her at tea on the balcony in Corona, the day they had met. Had that been his birthday? She hadn’t been aware at the time. Time did funny things.  
Looking a page or two later, she recognized the paper sculpture that Ariana had made for him, or rather, several drawings of it.  It suddenly occurred to her that she hadn’t seen it anywhere in the room.  The first place she checked was in the back of the drawer where the notebook had been, but it was empty, and next the drawer on the other side of the bed, but there was nothing in that side. Sitting in the middle of the bed, she looked around the room again. It was now an obsession, finding this small thing that she’d forgotten about for nearly two months.  She got up and checked the drawer with the handkerchiefs. There was an envelope, not yet sealed.  It was a small drawing of what looked like a carnival ride, “To Ariana” written in the upper corner.
“Mama, why isn’t Papa back yet?” 
“I don’t know, Ariana,” Inga replied, trying not to show any emotion. It had been a week since his last letter.
“He’s usually home by now.  And he hasn’t sent me any drawings,” her daughter observed.
“This does feel like home, doesn’t it?” 
“Well that’s what you always call it here, isn’t it, Mama?”
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nhathuocpincare · 2 years
Về Nhà Thuốc PinCare
Nhà thuốc PinCare - chuyên cung cấp sản phẩm điều trị bệnh, chăm sóc sức khỏe uy tín hàng đầu cho mọi nhà. FB : https://www.facebook.com/nhathuocpincare Shopee: https://shopee.vn/nhathuocpincare Call/ Zalo/ Sỉ liên hệ: 0975.222.451 Địa chỉ : Chung cư VP4 Linh Đàm - Hoàng Mai - Hà Nội #nhathuocpincare #chamsocsuckhoe #duocmypham
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Hulloooo @catefrankie tagged me into the alphabet game!
a- age: 24
b- birthplace: capital of NC
c- current time: 1.37pm
d- drink you last had: . . . a second cup of coffee.
e- easiest person to talk to: eh depends on the day
f- favorite song: not good at picking favourites. “Letters” from The Great Comet of 1812 has been a real jam lately though, but it doesn’t make lots of sense out of context. Maybe a Poets of the Fall song? But that’s also in the “real jam lately” territory. Don’t like picking favourites, I grow and change too much.
g- grossest memory: Um . . . pincare with my youngest sister? I dunno
h- horror yes or horror no: hard pass except in Doctor Who.
i- in love?: . . . shut up.
j- jealous of people?: <sigh> only their clothes~
k: apparently there is no K so I’m going to make one up: Keeper, Chaser, Seeker, or Beater? [my answer: Beater if muggle Quidditch, Chaser if magical.]
l- love at first sight or should I walk by again?: Bro why are you walking by and hoping love is gonna hit you I think you’re going about this all wrong
m- middle name: Danger Elizabeth
n- number of siblings: three!
o- one wish: to be settled.
p- person you called last: @coruscanttojerusalem.
q- question you are always asked: “how’s the new job?” great. ^^
r- reason to smile: IT FEELS LIKE FALL
s- song you last sang: Not sure? I definitely mouthed the words to whatever was playing in the grocery store yesterday.
t- time you woke up: alarm went off at 6.28am; I didn’t get out of bed till 7.10. And I was STILL late to work. Ugh.
u- underwear color: ??? I wasn’t paying attention this morning just be glad I’m wearing any ok
v- vacation destination: somewhere with lovely scenery and spotty cell service
w- worst habit: criticising before praising.
x- x-rays: uuuhhh that one time I broke my arm at the elbow.
y- your favorite food: I don’t. . . know? does coffee count?
z- zodiac sign: irrelevant. if you want my birthday just ask, geez.
ok who do I tag... @and-back-to-normal-life, @extremesofmediocrity (give you something to do at work), @meridiangrimm (procrastination?), @semercury, @coruscanttojerusalem (also procrastination?), @sabrinamarceline -- and anyone else who wants to do it. No obligations just funzies and avoiding Real Tasks like eating lunch or working on resumes or stuff . . .
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uphindia-world · 5 years
Tech Mahindra to buy Italian car designer for ₹248 crore
Tech Mahindra to buy Italian car designer for ₹248 crore
Tech Mahindra, along with its parent Mahindra & Mahindra, has signed a deal with Pincar Srl to acquire a controlling stake in Pininfarina SpA, an Italian automotive brand and industrial designer, for about €33.5 million (₹248 crore).
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Formed in 1930, Pininfarina was contracted by brands such as BMW, Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Peugeot, Fiat, GM, Lancia and Maserati. Since 1980, the company has…
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cartofolo · 7 years
Un dialogo
Un'interessante discussione, in privato, in cui non c'è un reale disaccordo anche se così sembra. Tutto nasce da una mia seguente affermazione. Prendiamo del Cloro e del Sodio. Uniti in certe proporzioni si formerà Cloruro di Sodio. E' un fatto stupefacente; da due cose dissimili se ne forma una terza con proprietà completamente diverse dai due elementi che l'hanno generata: un fatto magico. "No." Dice la scienza "è una reazione chimica regolata da leggi ben precise." Già, ma cosa sono queste leggi? La scienza non lo spiega e non lo potrà mai fare perchè esse travalicano l'indagine prettamente scientifica. Entrano di fatto nella categoria dell'esoterico, del non sondabile se non con un atteggiamento che, pur riconoscendo la scienza, ne vede anche i limiti. Qui aiuta la filosofia e tutte quelle ipotesi che non hanno nessun laboratorio; aiuta l'intuizione che è il lampo di un momento irripetibile; serve l'idea della trascendenza che appoggia l'intuizione e allarga la visione d'insieme. Così l'osservatore scopre la realtà per quello che pensa e non per quello che crede.
**************************************************** Mi spiace Cartofolo, ma questa volta l'assunto di partenza e' del tutto errato. "E' un fatto stupefacente; da due cose dissimili se ne forma una terza con proprietà completamente diverse dai due elementi che l'hanno generata: un fatto magico.
"No." Dice la scienza "è una reazione chimica regolata da leggi ben precise." Già, ma cosa sono queste leggi? La scienza non lo spiega e non lo potrà mai fare perchè esse travalicano l'indagine prettamente scientifica." MI spiace ma non ci siamo proprio. La scienza spiega perfettamente quali siano le leggi della natura in gioco in una reazione chimica: il meccanismo con cui si formano i composti chimici e' conosciuto e' noto da secoli oramai: sono i legami chimici tra elementi con diversi elettroni "liberi" che, per motivi energetici, si legano tra loro. In questo caso l'assunto e' totalmente errato e fuorviante. Si vuole contrapporre un argomento all'apparenza scientifico (una reazione chimica) ad un qualcosa di "fideistico", di "spirituale" negando che la scienza possa spiegare questi fenomeni. In realta' l'approccio positivista (come quello a cui fa riferimento l'articolo) e' stato ampiamente superato dalla ricerca scientifica. Semmai e' credere che l'esoterismo sia un campo di indagine fuori dalla portatadel metodo scientifico, ma appannaggio sono di quello fideistico (credere in qualcosa che va al di la di ogni spiegazione logica, creder ein qualcosa di "soprannaturale" ovvero in un qualcosa al di fuori della natura stessa, cio' che non porta mai a spiegazioni ma, per l'appunto, a prendere posizioni dogmatiche e indomostrabili. Proprio quelle posizioni dogmatiche che, l'articolo, erroneamente, attribuisce alla "scienza". ****************************************************
Non ho detto che la scienza non spieghi il meccanismo di queste leggi, L... . La chimica e la fisica quantistica le spiegano in molti loro aspetti. Ma non spiegano "cosa" siano queste leggi. Esse sono nate con il Big Bang? Erano in potenza nella singolarità che lo ha preceduto? Si sono formate successivamente? E quale processo le ha indirizzate in questo modo e non in altri? Quello che ho voluto significare è che l'indagine scientifica può spiegare solo i fenomeni e non la loro origine. Questa origine fa parte di un indagine che appartiene alla filosofia e, se si vuole, all'esoterismo. La magia della vita non potrà mai essere ridotta in un laboratorio e camuffata dal sistema scientifico. ***************************************
Mi spiace davvero Cartofolo, ma non e' cosi'. Negli ultimi decenni, proprio grazie alla nuova fisica delle particelle, si e' arrivati a spiegare il motivo e le ragioni profonde delle perche' le leggi fisiche dell'universo sono esattamente quelle che conosciamo e non altre. Queste leggi sono il risultato dell'evoluzione dell'universo primordiale scaturito dal big-bang. Ti invito a leggere ad es, il libro "Oltre la particella di Dio" del premio nobel M. Lederman in collaborazione con Chirstofer Hill (Bollati Boringhieri editore). Il punto focale e' che l'approccio scientifico e' valido sia per quelli che tu chiami "fenomeni" sia per le "origini" . Anzi ! E' proprio dallo studio dei fenomeni fisici (ad esempio le nuove scoperte sulle particelle sub-atomiche, come ad esempio il Bosone di Higgs) che si risale alla spiegazione dell'origine (e quindi della natura profonda) del fenomeno stesso. Mi spiego meglio: la scoperta del Bosone di Higgs (la famigerata particella di Dio appunto) e' stata importantissima in quanto la sua scoperta ha confermato che le teorie circa le leggi della natura (Modello Standard) sono corrette perche' ne prevedevano l'esistenza ma finora non si era ancora riusciti a documentarla. Il fenomi sono appunto le evidenze scientifiche, le origini dei fenomeni sono le leggi profonde della natura ed e' proprio nell'indagine di queste leggi che la scienza si sta' dirigendo. Per quanto riguarda la magia ti dico anche che, in passato, essa era chiamata non magia, ma FIlosofia Naturale che, a mio avviso termine molto piu' azzeccato e significativo..." la vera storia scientifica del nostro retaggio e' piu' ricca di tutte le favole e, nella sua realta', e' piu' misteriosa e bizzarra di tutti i miti" *************************************
Questa volta sono io che non mi trovo d'accordo con te. Jules Henri Poincaré (matematico, fisico e filosofo francese del secolo scorso) ha affermato che "la scienza è costruita di fatti, come una casa è costruita di mattoni; ma un accumulo di fatti non è una scienza di più che un mucchio di mattoni". Non sono un fisico, ma da quello che leggo nelle varie riviste e libri divulgativi, ancora oggi siamo lontani dal poter intravedere una sintesi armonica di questi "fatti". Essi rimangono sparsi, appannaggio delle varie discipline, anche se fondamentalmente si possono racchiudere nella quattro forze fondamentali della natura: - La forza gravitazionale (sappiamo tutti quale sia) - La forza elettromagnetica (tutte le cariche elettriche) - La forza nucleare debole (lavora all'interno degli atomi) - La forza nucleare forte (è quella che tiene insieme protoni e neutroni) Nonostante tutti i tentativi nessuno è ancora riuscito a riunificare queste forze e perciò nessuno è riuscito a fare intravedere il disegno nella sua concretezza. Forse la quantistica ci si sta avvicinando, ma anch'essa è legata a un empirismo che, secondo me, limita eccessivamente il senso di quello che ha scoperto o ipotizzato. Sono convinto che se un giorno si riuscisse in questa unificazione , non solo si unificherebbero le forze fondamentali, ma anche la scienza con la filosofia ed entrambe con il senso della religiosità, insita in ogni uomo. Qualcuno dice che si scoprirebbe Dio. Non credo sia proprio così; piuttosto si aprirebbero dei dibattiti che finalmente potrebbero portare la fisica e la scienza in generale, in direzioni che, oggi, sono impensabili. ******************************************
Cartofolo, perdonami ma il problema e' esattamente questo: tu continui a considerare la scienza (la ricerca scientifica in realta') con un approccio postivista. Lo stesso Poincare' da te citato e' vissunto, appunto, il secolo scorso. Da allora non solo l'approccio della ricerca scientifica e' cambiato, e' molta acqua e' passata sotti i ponti, tanto che lo stesso Pincare' faticherebbe a riconoscere la scienza attuale da quella dei suoi tempi. Infine permettini un altro appunto: la riunificazione delle Leggi fondamentali non e' ancora avvenuta solo perche' in realta', non si riesce ancora a confermare o smentire una delle numerose teorie elaborate in proposito. Ovvero non si e' ancora riusciti (a causa dei limiti dello sviluppo tecnologico dei mezzi di indagine) a trovare un "fenomeno" fisico (ovvero una scoperta) che confermi o smentisca cio'; che gli scienziati hanno esplorato. E dato che la scienz anon e' dogmatica, la famosa Teoria del Tutto e' appunto, ancora allo stadio di ipotesi sperimentale. La scoperta del bosone di Higgs e' un paso importante, ad esempio, verso la comprensione delle leggi profonde della natura **************************************************
Se lo studio scientifico si basa sulle osservazioni sperimentali per risalire alle cause, queste ultime sono ancora solo ipotesi, L... (come hai giustamente scritto). Dunque non sono dati scientifici. Infatti nessuno è riuscito ancora a unificare le quattro leggi fondamentali della fisica. Siamo ancora nella filosofia. ******************************************
Esattamente Cartofolo. Siamo nella filosofia, o se vogliamo chiamarla correttamente, siamo ancora come ho detto nel campo delle ipotesi di lavoro da confermare o smentire, ma questo non vuol dire assolutamente che tali ipotesi siano indimistrabili a priori o che non ci si arrivera' mai e allora bisogna abbandonare l'approccio scientifico per utilizzare quello fideistico ("e' cosi' perche' ci credo !"). Lo stesso Einstein non riteneva corretta la teoria dei quanti (la famosa frase di "Dio che non gioca a dadi") eppure nonostante cio', la teoria dei quanti e' quella che si e' dimostrata corretta e che ci sta' spingendo verso conoscenze e osservazioni di fenomeni che, soltanto pochi decenni fa erano impensabili. Magia? No, Filosofia Naturale appunto.
Infatti, L... . La natura ha un'unica origine. I piani diversi sono aspetti di un'indagine che tende all'unificazione. Quando l'avremo trovata potremo dire che la scienza ha scoperto la causa. Per ora non è così. Quindi il mio assunto rimane valido: la scienza non sa cosa sono queste leggi. ****************************************
Mi spiace Cartofolo, ma continui a confondere l'assenza di prove con la certezza dell'inconoscibilita' delle leggi. Come giustamente affermi, la natura e' unica e unica e' la sua origine. Origine che stiamo esplorando e arrivando a conoscere appunto, tramite l'approccio scientifico. "Io so di non sapere" . E' questo che spinge alla conoscenza e all'evoluzione. *********************************
Non ho detto che la legge non è conoscibile, L... . Dico che non lo può essere con il sistema scientifico che attualmente viene usato. Così come il sistema della meccanica classica non poteva trovare quello che è stato scoperto con la fisica quantistica. Per ora rimaniamo nel campo delle ipotesi e quindi nella filosofia.
Vedi Cartofolo secondo me e' proprio questo il problema: usare in modo dogmatico un "approccio" anziche' l'altro. Quindi stiamo parlando di un problema metodologico, che pero' e' un "falso" problema. Il metodo scientifico e' basato sull'ipotesi che non c'e' nulla di inconoscibile e che tutto puo' essere oggetto di ricerca. Si potrebbe dire che l'oggetto e l'obiettivo dell'indagine scientifica sia la Conoscenza delle Leggi della Natura e la loro spiegazione. Quindi fin qui nulla di diverso dalle metodologie chiamiamole "esoteriche". Non a caso l'origine dei due metodi e' la stessa, ma continuiamo il discorso. Come giungere a questa Conoscenza? Il metodo scientifico prevede che si debba iniziare dall'osservazione della natura e dei suoi fenomeni. Indagando la natura e i suoi fenomi appunto, si puo' giungere alla sua spiegazione e quindi al "perche' " delle cose. E anche fin qui nulla di diverso rispetto alle metodologie "esoteriche" (alchimia, magia (intesa nel senso di Filosofia Naturale appunto, etc etc). Il metodo scientifico poi procede con la verifica delle ipotesi e delle possibili spiegazioni dei fenomeni osservati. Ovvero cerca di confermare o smentire una data possibile "teoria" scientifica. E fin qui ancora nessuna ddifferenza con i metodi tradizionali (prendete per esempio la meditazione. Non e' forse cercare di confermare gli assunti esoterici dedotti dall'indagine sulla spiritualita' dell'uomo? La differenza tra il metodo scientifico e quello, diciamo a grandi linee (ma non in modo corretto) "esoterico" sta' nel fatto che il metodo scientifico se non trova evidenze sperimentali a favore di una teoria, o meglio ancora, se ne trova altre che ne smentiscano gli assunti fondamentali, abbandona quella teoria per cercarne un'altra migliore. Ecco quindi che la scienza e' a-dogmatica. Purtroppo (e lo dico con profondo rammarico) molte delle scuole "esoteriche" (di nuovo uso il temrine esoterico nello stesso modo in cui uso quello di scienza, ovvero a livello generale diciamo) e' quello di non riuscire ad andare oltre la propria infallibilita'. Ecco quindi che l'esoterismo scivola nel dogmatismo ("deve essere per forza cosi', non c'e' altro verso") che imbriglia la spontanea ricerca delle "risposte fondamentali" in un apparato rigido e fossilizzato, che ne tempo degenera nelle religioni. In realta' il metodo scientifico (che era anche quello esoterico) e' quello corretto perche', basandosi sul dubbio e sulla voglia continua di dar risposte alle domande su cio' che non conosciamo. l "Io so di non sapere" appunto che genera Conoscenza e che permette all'uomo di trovare le risposte alle domande fondamentali dell'esistenza. La Conoscenza genera Consapevolezza. Il dogmatismo genera ignoranza.
In fondo siamo d'accordo anche se non sembra. ;)
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ambiencemalls · 7 years
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#DoGoodWithAmbience You wanna make a difference? Then we have got something that you are looking for. Ambience malls and Pincare.in have joined hands in a unique way to make a change for betterment. Just walk in to @ambiencemalls #Gurgaon, log into Pincare.in & check-in on Facebook, and we would donate to a cause on your behalf! Here's the link to check in - http://pincare.in/ #Pincare #Charity #delhi #delhite #delhiite #delhites #delhincr #delhi_gram #delhidiaries #delhigram #gurgaon #gurgaoncity #gurgaongram #gurgaontimes #gurgaonlife (at Ambience Mall, Gurgaon)
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youngstersid-blog · 7 years
Chip Karya Anak Bangsa Jadi Otak Kartu Pintar
Chip Karya Anak Bangsa Jadi Otak Kartu Pintar
PT Xirka Silicon Technology meluncurkan chipset karya anak bangsa, SCard XCT136. Chipset terbaru ini akan disematkan pada kartu pintar untuk kartu mahasiswa. (more…)
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yuksekovahaber · 5 years
Bihar û Pincar
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edheartsbuses-blog · 7 years
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“Everyday I try and tell myself, ‘It’s just like the bus, but on water,’ but it’s not the same. It just isn’t.” - Ed Pincar
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carrofx · 3 years
Análisis • sunflowers vol.6 • (desde mi perspectiva Larrie)
No contaría este post como una teoría, sino que más bien como un punto de vista para que tú armes tu propia perspectiva de la canción, aclaro, este es solo mi punto de vista.
My eyes, want you More than a melody
Mis ojos, te desean más que ha una melodía
Al inicio la letra comienza con sunflower/girasol y para aclarar un girasol es una flor, para mí cuando dice "sunflower" no habla de la flor en si, sino que se refiere a una persona en especifico, a esta persona la llama de está manera o hace referencia a su apodo. Cómo tal a esta persona no le dice sunflower sino que podría ser "Sun/Sol", Sun–flower. Ademas de que en español la traducción literal de la palabra "sunflower" es flor de sol.
Sabemos por este vídeo que así es como le dice louis a Harry, y no me sorprendería que fuera un apodo mutuo y así también le diga Harry a Louis. Así que para resumir cuando dice "sunflower" está hablando de una persona, por ejemplo:
Mis ojos te desean más que ha una melodía
Let me inside
Wish I could get yo know you
Keep it sweet in your memory
I was just tongue-tide
Déjame entrar
Desearía poder conocerte
Los girasoles
Mantienen los recuerdos dulces
Yo estaba cohibido
Para interpretar esta parte, debemos tener en cuenta el título de la canción, sunflower vol.6 investigando un poco me di cuenta de que el siclo de vida de un girasol se divide en 6 partes .
Se siembra la semilla
Germinación de la semilla
Crecimiento de la plantula
Después de saber está información y escuchar la canción, me dí cuenta de que se centra en el punto número 3 (crecimiento de la plantula) la parte en la que dice "Let me inside" "Wish I could get yo know you" hace referencia a esperar que esté "girasol" florezca, Harry está esperando a que esta persona se abra y sea honesto con sus sentimientos, Harry desea poder conocer lo que realmente piensa esta persona.
"sunflowers sometimes keep it sweet in your memory" "I was just tongue-tide" en esta parte habla de como los girasoles/louis mantienen los recuerdos dulces o bellos y hacen olvidar cuando él estaba "cohibido"
Cohibido: significa impedir que una persona se sienta, se comporte o se exprese con libertad o naturalidad.
I don't wanna make you feel bad
But I've been tryning hard not talk to you
Sunflower (sunflower, sunflower)
No quiero hacerte sentir mal
Pero he estado tratando con todas mis fuerzas de no hablarte
Girasol (girasol, girasol)
Harry intenta no hablar con esta persona, de alguna manera se siente enojado de que el girasol/louis no pueda expresarse libremente , se siente frustrado al saber que su girasol sigue cohibido.
I couldn't want you any more
Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor
I couldn't want you any more tonight (tonight, tonight, tonight)
No podría quererte más
Te beso en la cocina como si fuera una pista de baile
No podría quererte más está noche (está noche, está noche, está noche)
Todo esto es un conflicto que pasa en la mente de Harry, tan solo imagínense esta escena, Harry está cocinando y llega louis frustrado, cansado, se siente mal de no poder ser el y Harry se compadece de Louis ambos se sienten mal, Harry por fin decide que es imposible no hablarle a louis así que deja todo lo que está haciendo para besar a louis ya que no tiene remedio, el solo ama a Louis y no puede evitarlo.
Wondering headshake
Tired eyes are the death of me
Mouthful of toothpaste
Before I hoy to know you
Preguntándome sacudiendo la cabeza
Los ojos cansados van a causar mi muerte
Mi boca llena de pasta dental
Antes de conocerte
Cinseramente está es mi parte favorita de toda la canción, aquí soy capaz de imaginé la escena por completo, imaginen esto:
Louis Fetus despertando por la mañana tayandose los ojos para comenzar a abrirlos poco a poco, se dirije al lavabo para cepillarse los dientes y un Harry Fetus presenciando esa hermosa escena con una cara de enamorado enorme. Y ahí es cuando Harry se da cuenta de que apesar de que ninguno de los dos puede ser honesto en cuanto a sus sentimientos, por miedo a ser rechazados por el otro, Harry sabe que está enamorado incluso antes de conocer lo que siente Louis por el.
(saltemos una parte para no hacer tan largo esto)
Your flowers just die
Plant new seeds in the melody
Let me inside, i wanna get to know you
Tus flores Acaban de morir
Planta semillas nuevas en la melodía
Déjame entrar quiero conocerte
Esta parte puede ser una clara referencia a el punto número 5,6 y 1 (marchitamiento ,rebrote ,se planta una nueva semilla) aquí básicamente se habla de eras, así que Harry espera a que la era en la que louis está cohibido termine, para después plantar una nueva semilla/comenzar de nuevo, y que vuelva a crecer, pero está vez ya no estar cohibido.
En conclusión, para mí sunflower es una canción en la que Harry le pide a Louis abrirse y ser honesto con el, una canción en la que Harry nos dice que está demasiado enamorado de Louis como para dejarlo o siquiera enojarse con el, además de que siento que Harry y Louis solucionan sus problemas a besos Lol :)
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ambiencemalls · 7 years
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#DoGoodWithAmbience It's all about doing good, and this is the easiest way you could do something really good for someone! With a click of a button you get to support a cause you believe in. Walk into @ambiencemalls #Gurgaon and check-in on Facebook by logging onto Pincare.in, and we'll take care of the rest, by donating to the particular cause/NGO of your choice. #Pincare #Charity
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ambiencemalls · 7 years
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#DoGoodWithAmbience It's never too late to do something good. All you got to do is, just walk into Ambience Mall and check-in on Facebook by logging onto Pincare.in. When you check-in, you'll get to choose a cause you believe in, and then we will donate to them on your behalf. #Pincare #DoGood #delhi #delhite #delhiite #delhites #delhincr #newdelhi #delhigram (at Ambience Mall, Vasant Kunj)
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yuksekovahaber · 5 years
Bihar û Pincar
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edheartsbuses-blog · 7 years
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“The announcement of when the bus is arriving is like having sweet nothings whispered in my ear.” - Ed Pincar
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